Fli-l Tampa, 5525 W- Grey Street. Tampa. FL. 3360?! June 2t], 2-016 'I'o 1whom it may concern: 1 am writing concerning requests received pursuant to Florida?s Sunshine Act for records and information pertaining to the investigation efthe shooting at the Pulse in Orlando on June 12, 11:! ti. The Federal Bureau of investigation has a strong interest in protecting such inlet-[nation and records from public disclosure until such time as the risks associated with their disclosure have expired- As you know, this is an active, on-geing investigation being conducted by the FBI- The FBI considers information obtained from state and local law enforcement agencies in furtherance of its investigation tn he. evidence, or potential evidence the FHF is concerned that public disclosure ol'suel'i records or in Formation at this time will adversely affect our ability to effective];- investigate the shooting and bring the matter to resolution; could cndan ger the safety of witnesses, law enforcement o?'loers, and ether individuals 1who have participated in or are otherwise connected with the investigaliun; and risks unduly prejudieing arty pn?iseeulitms that may reault li'um the investigation. [nfonnation pertaining to pending law enforcement investigations is routinely protected ii-nm disclosure by federal law under Freedom of information Act (?Fill-dim] Exemption Titan} so that the investigations can proceed 1without hindrance. See 5 U.S.C. ?552?hltilt?ilI l[protecting records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes where disclosure would adversely affect a pending investigation]. Such in fennelion is similarly protected under Florida?s Sunshine Law. which exempts from publie disclosure "active Criminal investigative inlien'natioll-" lies FLA. I . 19.7ltelti). See also eer'vre-rn Hench v. Bac?elrl'. 524 543.211 1 35, I (Fla. Dist- Ct. App. 1W4) a criminal justice agency transfers protected infon'nation to another erirninaljustice agency. the information retains its exempt The FBI, therefore, requests that you direct requesters seeking records or information pertaining to the investigation to the FBI to request such inl'nn?nalion. We further ask that you immediately notify the of any request your agency receives pursuant to Florida?s Sunshine Law or any equivalent law, or ether judicial. legislative or administrative process, for rec-eats or int'ennetien pertaining to the FBI's active. err-going investigation so that the PET earl scels to prevent disclosure through appropriate channels, as necessary- Finally, to the extent your agency is obligated to respond to a request under Florida?s Sunshine Law for records and information pertaining to the FBi?s pending investigation. including information that your agency has provided to the in furtherance of our investigation, we request you withhold the records pursuant to l?lJl and any other applicable esemption to help ensureihet the FBI's investigation can proceed unimpeded. ?ea/M f'aul Wysopal SpeCia] Agent in Charge Federal Bureau of Investigation