PRODUCTION i 07 International Gold Gymnastics 1415 Timberlane Road #501 Tallahassee, FL 32812 Kathy Kelly SA Gymnastics 201 8. Capitol Suite 800 lN 46225 Dear Kathy: Here is the information you requested. The original tax was sent to Loree in October. i am not sure when everything else was sent. Hope you find this useful. As i mentioned on the phone, i personally would hate to ruin a person?s career, but it sometimes is necessary, guess. The only other option would be to place a warning with the pro number so as to red flag potential trouble have always been a strong believer in giving people a second chance; however, when it comes to their potential safetym-both physically and mentaliymeeoond chances are difficult to give. Unfortunately, i had given Mr. McCabe a second chance when Mr. Dickey of Gymnastics World had called me to tell me about his incident with him. After confronting him (in May, lbeiieve) i really had hoped that would take care of it. Thanks for keeping us informed of your progrese and results. Sincerely, Jan Giunipero PRODUCTION Intemational Gold Gymnastics 1415 ?I?imbetlane Road #501 Tallahassee, FL 32312 Kathy Kelly USA Gymnastics 201 S. Capitol Suite 301 IN 46225 Dear Kathy: I would like to express some serious concerns that I have with USA Gymnastics. Last October we had a coach by the name of Bill McCabe. After a possibility of a sexual harassment charge and a permanent injunction by the judge to stay away ?'om his ?victim,? USA Gymnastics was given all of the material that had been discovered. about -Mr. McCabe. I feel sure that you remember the stories which we relayed to you. I'Iowevet, i did not issue a grievance because I felt the information you had would be enough. Apparently it was not. This past-weekend I saw Mr. McCabe coaching at a TOPS clinic here in Tallahassee. This is the first time I have seen him since he left the and I couldn?t believe my eyes. I couldn?t believe my reaction eitherw-I literally felt sick to my stomach to think he would even be touching these girls. I know that he is still coaching in Georgia as his ?followers? are still convinced I schetned the entire thing. Trust me, I only wish I had. Maybe Mr. McCabe is a good coach, but his history certainly does not merit his continuation of coaching. Parents from the Tallahassee area are appalled that USA Gymnastics has not revoked his professional membership. It makes us wonder who else is out there with similar histories that any of our children could come across. Is this the kind of organization you wish to run? Ifthere is any other incident similar in nature, who is to blame? The gym. who unknowingly hires someone like Mr. McCabe or USA Gymnastics who knew about him and did nothing? Please advise me of SA Gymnastics intention with matters such as this and with this matter in particular. I will pass on this information to my parents and personnel of the other Tallahassee gyms. Thank you, 0? ,atci an Giunipero Owner 108 It 'r 0 Ame 7 [m/b m) W74 We, Mfi (MN mceucew/g 3/(gw Mgerwewwj 0w cw a fledf 7 weed Mae (away, We, flew) a, may 7%a/z" /uL mm @5625? (W777 jaw 1' (14/7211 5 . A, 5% 73%] iwfi'z/ MD Q14 4/ Mfle [id/"5m 19/" (My, a,ngch 24117 AOW. 7%MQ/au, 7%2, fl/mad-m am; . 4n). [Lny 9/0 pit/0 Mao/M" [mm 7/22 77m mm, $445536? . M;ng on $712230 fl); magi?) mu Wm/prau. 0/ Mimi (5/0 fl M74 M77624 12 719, cMc/md flaw/r may/Ma? fie mmee of 7%24 /m7' p/ flwafi ac/c/ [Mg/m hm flaw/w 62 N/w gig/[JV] 75/01) J'w/sz/w 7'0 1% 91 av {m Mai/'6 mam (24 a Wwfi may? Mme /7616/ 46%) a/ [gag/4'. AL WW7 Mad/be /a "12, MM, . UCer 61/ 77% 79/>>sz of 77m - 123 1 33 0 5'6 figfiymaafln axe/M fan? 00m J/c Aland/f c/ Amway yaw/4M W0 May% 746% -- (Qe [97 Gm > (Mu/fl 542/ fla/zflaflw (my. Wm Man W157 $51474 May a) 7'0 MW fig aha/m; . 0/ jMew/m/ Mom, flue/hm /%Lcy2: 1' 007A 197 KMW fl zw/ew) Ail/cg A 9a a; (0W5 Wad/(Kw. 7%55/ a, flay/ya, gm for/WM y/fl, My 066%0 . mastic-7 World RECEIVED I I - mm .. Dan Dickey - . ?aw a. I tin; Teiephg?e I . '2 a 15939.01d US 41 . - . mm??m?g 20:94 ?18 444 Ft. My?mngIa. Kathy Kelly 2301 3. Capitol Sl?i?a? ?3 00 - 'Ilndianapolis; IN 46225 Dsar?Kia'thy, I just-spoke with Tim Rand a "Bill Macaw; who was just terminated from. International Gold in Tallahassee, As. yea may alm'ady'kngw he W213, release-61' fOr making sexual advames a?d stalking a. Wh?g had been Wkai'ng. out at. 1:116 as a cheerleader. Ill-ave also spoken owner- abOuti?ti'he 'simati 0115. i111. askc'd- his. to. 31131116 0111? {1111313215311}: exp eriemce?wi?th McCalbe?i; . He wofked at our Cape. CbraLschooiin and NOV. of. 9.396 He Was hind-as a team 0363 as well as mmbling/Chearleadihg 0021011., Everything went along ?ne mtil (me revenng I received-a phone call ??om a staff member stating that MCCab?e had. been Speaking with the. of?oa an ager's b?oy?imd; Apparently he was bragging about? fiche fact that he had one ofthe 15 yr old Cheerleadsr? in he: Undsl?wear and said he theulgmhe Wb?ld her velyis?ob?o 011mm: Me I immediatsly 'droye' te'th? and ?rendGab?e011211163130? an?cifdld-himsto get out cof tawn i?mmedi arc?51ya which he did; A130 ?fmn d1 out later that-the. .hadfmad?e ?05 gem rof ?le team gyma's?is and mm bragged about sleeping w?iih gymnas?s 311 other. =ie-I?L1bs7hc had worked aft- Nothing happened 'agai?f .011 thismatter Imt'i13th? USAG-Ieirbl 9/161 state Tampa; 1m Seasoh when I. saWMcCaibe cm 1:11.61 ?eet USAG 0111 working formtornatiOIm'I Gold, I wasn?t 100% sure" at the iime if it was him 301. called;th the owner to verify. Obviously 'if.-Was MoCa?b? andl mined J'Tafnand 1:6lafed. her; .I will leaf-Voii. up to Jan ?to fill you in on that: Situation. . .My-foolings ore-"this, no iodividual shoit?ii be allowed 1501mm- With o?hilch'on or teenagers under any ,oii?oumst-ancos: if there is? oven: a hint of'a problem. To allow this Boom bag to continue working within" the gymnasticzcomlmiiy would beasteo?ible ifosulicto .311 of "tho omers. and coaches who have worked so hard to build up the ropujiafion T?is guy is? theexactreasonmhy parent's o?f?young: girl's Toomo into 0111? facilities} and roguest a fomale. coach or teaohor; Bl my opinion this person has no-lzigh?c to Weifk with Chii'dre? toad. shouldbe- locket-3d in. a. (5:2;ng before someone-is- raped, A13 for as we know MoC-a?bo may have ahead)! hurt young people" in my community or yours. '1 am upset' with myself-ovoi?ihis matter homage Wish their was something. 1" Gourd ihaivo? done to stop Mo'Cabo'lsoonor; unfattunatoiy when Igppko with Timho Said- the jaw db-esh?t allows? to do anything without- a formal cam-pom iiva a patent which I did "not ham-371821.36 lei: m?o? know what else I I can. do to helpe- Sin-Gordy, Da?Dioko?y i. USAG 0112: i