NON DESIGNATE D SE NTIN EL EVENT REVIEW FORM - 2013 l'm w ld: 1/NilOIJ l ttiJ., I I· · · te \ II" · v l.tJ!a l dnd r.lcdccal Record Form~ 512,~1113 Date uf E\'cnt 12-Feh- /J l'alit•nt NanH· Ureen, KI'I~J' Jnmatc II> 1524-15ti Tu ~ Day of WN•I; !'>it•· Nnm•· Sih•ll lh·t:iml Facilill· Tocln~··s l ,,,,,. t \>IIIII)' A dull u,·t,·nttull t'clll,·r YOSO(. w•.,, Jail IS-i\pt -13 1lli: Birth D alr Custntly 11ntr 27 2 1 - ~ loy-85 20-LJ.-,·-1~ . 11 pt• ur En•nt l ! u~· :--pccll'd ·-·--· m:urological impa inm:nt Date -- -- -- ------ II uth,·r: ------- - - - -- ,, . - I '6--:2----.,~_ J d.71J± __ l' hys idan Rt•\'it' \\ Tntcldu!! ~ih· \h clir:o l llot,·r tur Hni ;·~ .!liJ!Il!l!·'' \h·tliral Hjct clut lh>in1 ' ·''· \:11111': Sl C ~t;H.,s <<"111pletccJ Ewllrmns~ry SEC Rev Cl'l I ~1 //,,, (Jua!t tr l mplul ,' lllefll clut. w lt.'lllll CONFIDENTIAL t S\·nlim I f. H·nl ( cunlni lh.' \' lh·\h'" .~rn linrll~ lfll l ·I Cum. ('ul IJ. t ll.lhlld. ~ 11 ) SEC~nce Cil\! ~<;;_ fln~l R CVIQI'/ ~ Qlli1. Se&nn_eQ 5/28/13 5/7/131lA onjul.•ntwl Ollrl fil tJinll'cl h)• ft·~aiJII'I\'IIt'Mf! m m curdaiiCt.' wlfh Statt~ / 1e.·r Ut' \'WH L(m .t CORIZON003364 Exhibit 65 - Page 1 of 27 Dec'l of JTD osto\l?y. 2. 2013o 8:49AMx .... ~ No. 7532 hn6 oount:y P. 6~oo21oo., CGRIZON" 1;& /3 THIS i!am llsl complote I!!!'ltHI~Jill PROQ~Sl! ; TrMsfol eulnm~ry a ccur~le Conllnu~Uon ol """' lmp!emonlod All~ch if ~ MonJ~I I.IISSIIIO D On-slle delivery ~ 0 D m- D 0 lJ D D 0 [J 0 D D 0 D 0 Cl 0 (B""' D 0 0 0 D l:r II.J• D tJ 0 ~ D [:J COMM!;I-IYS I FlllOitlGS /1/h 'JJLW~f-'Oflt~V D [J 0 0 tY' It(/ rn ~ D D 0 ·rypall Norrotlvo Summary (lnotucreruentlllod orou no•drng eorrt•d 4 ovontt) SMO C.:Rie(Jory: Q1 fllb,/.--;.,( ),/.. Lnetr 0 ~ 03 t11(}_ ~ 4i#, ,/Jtx RMO Cllteuory: Q I .8/Mz!Ji,, II {J 2 Q3 1/!I_J Plrst MD/DO nltl"l Dalu Lhnt ' Flrol MD/DO fr)ltla l Silo Mo(IIOftl Olrootor Reglonnl Moll leal Director Fax Complelell Form to: Brentwood (Jail) 0'77·729·1063 ,.,.,J.&::o Ot~!tu lod s "'Ml fl•n t n•vr!u rotn> Sl. louis (OOC) OOB·016.J11J7G Rh~Uil J•Mit'r 1, ~Ota CONFIDENTIAL O C:!Oil ho~n,lr:c. lO l l AU riJI Ll , ., .,.,.~.J CORIZON003365 Exhibit 65 - Page 2 of 27 Dec'l of JTD ...... lano oounty IJo. 7532 To: Pack boards. The RMD anu RCSM should be notlflod of tho scheduled train ins and Its completion by nil required staff. 2. Effective Immediately all chart entries must be signed I llmerga lacerations to scalp. Green responding to simple questions but not llllproprlate. Roported being ''paralyzed" but moving all extremities. Also reported not being able to hear KW because "ears poralyzed". o Deputy log Indicates Green cros~ed his own legs while lying on floor. o KW reports c-splne wos non-tender on exam • 11:15 After being "cleared" by KW patient transported to segregt~tion by wheelchair I believe It was at this point that his head wounds were sutured In Medical Clinic Order for neuro check q 1-2 hour l'er KW yorb ~ l report sbe all!l temporary HSA (VIcki) indfcilted Green needed to be trilnsported t o bosp lto ~ They were told by deputy he would be relea5ed shortly and would get a courtesy drop-off at t1ospital. IIIrt.', cc'pymg, Uil tfll~tiiWn ot thh t•mml ;,, error, ph'tHt! nCJtijy thr semh•r by 1!. plyiny tn tid" t'NHIII, tlu·n Jcletino it and th ~ rt•ply frum your muilhvA UH" IS Jil v lolntt-tl IJ yt;u hllve ' '-''"<''\'<. il 1 From: Andersen, Briana Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 6:'1 1 AM To: Hilggard, Rebekah Subject: FW: Patient/Inmate - Kelly Green, Site - Lane Co. Jai l, DOl - 2/12/2013 P l e.1 ~" sec Brill's e111Jil below. Should v;c request that the si te report this a ~ a Non Designil ted event ? 13ria n.J Andersen, J.D. A ~s oci ;o te l'atient Sject: Patient/Inmate- Kelly Green, Site - Lane Co. Jail, DO! · 2/12/2013 I urlier this week, we r eceived a letter from iln attorn ey reJ.lresenting this inmate. I he attorney stiltes in his lett er 1ha t his client '\ truck his head while 111aking an in-custody court appearance" and that he is now pernt cll lently p en was brought to the nrr dir.alu nit at the jai l for cvalrro~tron and trea tment. Later o n !I rat sam e d<~y , he was se nt to th e emergency room for care. He appnre ntly w il~ fPtrnd to havr a fract ured neck. Per SLi rwontla, this w,1s not report ed as a se ntinel event by the site . Would this be an eve nt the S[ Committee should review? Or sh ould we instead pro ceed with requesting n PLI review given the apparen t severity of the injury ~ u sta ined by Mr. Gr een? Britt W. Herron Sr. litigation Manager I PL Claims Department Office: 1115-660-6826 Cell: GIS-519·0186 rax: GI S-309-9402 Em~ll: hfJ\l her r ot~CO IIWtl h,dlth. com 105 Westpar k D11vc I Suite 200 I Brentwood, TN 37027 ~~-~"'' · ·<~· · i 7 rl!.!l_rt-. 11th ··om u1 ul r . .• , •:trt,nn 1e ' t I •n1 ,,• . ,.,e tl w C 0\ 1 II) I \ 1'1.\LI'I \''lOTI : : 'I hi\ curail aud all) ulladtrn<' lll~ llHI) h<·nonfitl~utial anti pmtt·ch-tl h~ ln:al pril'ik~~ ··· II .' 1111 :r r •· no t I he inii' IHil'll r,•ri pil·nl. h e allan: th:rl ;ur~ tli ~ l'l oM II'l', copying. dislrihutiun ur u~c nf lh•· •·- mail or au~ al lad ofill' Ill " pi u hibilt·tl. I r )'1111 h:t\ (' n·n·il l'U thi' l'lllail in (' 1'1'111', pkil\1' IIOtify "' inHIIl'tlialt.:l)' h~- n· pl~ iu g to thl· ' l' lltlco· anti tlcll-linl! I hi ~ cop)' and l h•· r<'pl) lm111 ~our ~)'\ ll' lll . Thank yon fur ~o11r conp..ratiun. From: Herron, Britt Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 3:57 PM To: Hodge, Schuronda Subject: RE: Patient/Inmate - Kelly Green, Site - Lane Co. Jail, DOl- 2/12/2013 01<,1y i lra11i<~. I will chPck with the· HSA to see whil t In• cnn tell me. Britt W. Herron Sr. Liticatlon Manager I PL Claims Department 1-'rom: Hodge, Schuronda Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 3:56 PM To: Herron, Britt Subject: RE: Patient/Inmate - Kelly Green, Site- Lane Co. Jail, 001- 2/12/2013 https:·1\\'L'hmai\\'a/?a{:-= ltcm&t= IPM.Notc&iu= Rgt\t\t\1\C 'MxdC%2b. .. CONFIDENTIAL 4/8/20 13 CORIZON003375 Exhibit 65 - Page 12 of 27 Dec'l of JTD C~Rl.ZON. " . .T.n~ Nw.oi;_~~ <'-.L"· <• ..:1c.u-r_,l.,.f.~fj---L.Lu~c-~ . .. 1\LJ...SrtR.l'ROBLI:M LIST m') ){[DJ. •: All,_, lioruc# _ t:_S2t/956' /I_, I [)JL:0::~1£ -?"~ I tu --zl5 I ')fuoul! I I' ISp'*l>'"-'do \ CHJ'.. ONiC CIJ'.£ I I Dm ~ DilSl>olli I -- 1 ) --i Di•r,zmu Dol.'l- I I 7 t 9 - < 10 5 l) 6 l2 XKMJ'OJ'..AJ:J' (SJro,..l1em:) PJ'.OBLEMS ~ Diagrosis Da!r. I I I 2 s ) 9 < 10 s 11 6 I Dagn:>sil Da!r. 7 l2 IN'l..a:E AND PJ:RIO])JC BJ! Tl1 ASSE!;SMENT' Dm llcl:l' MEDJC/J. RESTFJCTIONS ~ I mltmr&J~Wlm ~ ' 1 I iJ li, ) ( 4 s s 6 ~ Date RMd IV.svH CXR Date (If lndioalr.alb Da!t ic.D!Ul ru ~~:..-:1) 7 2 8 ) 9 < 10 l 11 ( ll lMMUNJ:l.A:.CJONS I ! D•tc I - lm.rmmi.r:otiau : J 'i ! ~ I Cmnw:nb ! I ~ ? ) I l ( l 6 CONFIDENTIAL I CORIZON003376 Exhibit 65 - Page 13 of 27 Dec'l of JTD Sr\~'etlu- rvw.~·IJ-t/65 UMALE 0 FEMALE SEX KD ' -...:...:;P' y I ALIAS riSITID JC'J-4lf50 !\JAM OPM lnleko Refused? l.losl Recenllnearcoratlon: 0 t;ono Woon? DYes~ II avo you ov~r beon locarccraled here? DYes ONo lnmale Tr~nsfer? OVos ONo II yes, re(Ords r~fled? Primary Care Provider: \!{~ 6 --:r~-ef\ INTAKE RECEIVING AND SCREENING LANE COUNTY JAIL DATE ~ uJ~-~t-ek 1'0.-r d-vc: !--- ptlj 0 Nona Namo: CRITICAL OBSERVATION UrgenVEmorgoot Medical Referral 0 Yes -~o Indica!!on 0 S6vera rn;vry 0 ure Throalenngllnoss 0 U~nlrollad Bklooing 0 Sa1·ere Pain 0 Head lrauma wtMeolal Slai\Js Change OO!her RosponsivontJSS Orion!ed To DYes ONo OAJ!/1 Person o Vo!bal SUmuJus Placo DYes ONO o PalniJI SUmutus o Yes Time ONo 0 Unrospons~;e Ooscriba flosponslveness Llobllity Restrictions OVes 0 Oetormity o Arr.pur.aron ~0 0 Other OCast OSp'"nl UrgenVEmergent Security Referral OYes~o 0 Uncooperative 0 Threaten'ng 0 Other UrgenVEmergenl Menlall!eaflh Referral OYosONo Reason o AClive ttaruclnaC~ns o Activa Da'lJS!ons 0 Activef1 Sulddat OOiher Physical Alds 0 Parap!jat - -- lf'li1lal • _ _ Reclleck' _ _ Recheck' _ _ -- Jn:tial finger SUck Peak Flow -- _ _ Rfchocl<' - -'al lll'1'al Rechecil • _ _ Hoc~~· IDSTORY Recent Medlcallfospl!allzatlons (wilhln go d.sys) aves ONo Uyes, do!cribe Recent Mafor Surgical tustory (within 90 days) o Yes ONo 0 Bro'n Surgal'f 0 Heart Surgery 0 Abdominal Surgsl'f 0 Olher Forna!e Hlslory ,fj(_NJA Date ol lasl Menslrwl Period? Aro you eutrenL'y pregnant? OY ON PrCjjMncy Test Rosull Cl Pos 0 Neg Fingers~ck Rew!t (U pregnancy lest Positive) Have )OU de!ivorcd, had a miscarriage, or abortion In ~.a pasll2 l'll!o~s? OY ON Presoandos Funerm Last Pregnancy? 0 Ma)bO I Don't Know 0 Schedu:ed 0/i!A Promaruro Aborfuns last abortion? LMng !'RE-ADMISSION MEDICATIONS NAI.IE DOSE i\\>i \t'{{, iS'il..\ ~ .J 0 I I SIG [J ROUTE Ct. r - Gvor a lransp!ant? DYes ONo Ol., r>'-<.•,{(l'-u {. · ..... ' [J ch •t< ,t :·l;c/ VERIFIED ! jCLii1<~fliW1 1! ;.L 0 a 0 I; 0 ALLERGIES - oo you havo •nv allergies (food, medfcallon, envlronmonlatj? o V~s o :-:o t __A_LL_E-RG-V---f-R-E_A_CT-IO_N_T_Y_P_E-(H_I~-·e-s,_n_aa_h_, I l l I I t:J See AU ached Form S_O_D_, A - n-a-ph-ylax-Is_,-Sh-oek-)t -- -A-L-LE_R_O_V_ _-+-R-EA_C_T_IO_N_TY _P _E_(_ICI_ve_s_,R-a-sh_, S_O_D_,A-n-a-ph_y_l3x-ls_,-Sh-o-ck-) , Pogo t cf 3 CONFIDENTIAL !>20!0 • Prkcn Hea~h ~f\·fces, rr.c. · .All R'ghls Reser~ed. €0 112.3-908C6 CORIZON003377 Exhibit 65 - Page 14 of 27 Dec'l of JTD r- 1\LCOHOL USE Oo )'OU drink olcohcl? TOBACCO USE aves SUBSTANCE/DRUG USE Oo ~u usa drugs? 0 Yes Ot.'o a CUrren! a F01mer 0 Never Do )'OU useiojet!ab'o drugs? OYes Ut.'o Lasl uso ol V~;ecteb:e drugs? Ho.·1onen? How much? lasl uso? Amo~nl? _ _ packs/day _ _ _ 0 Hx olvO:\ 0 Hero!n llrmloog? 0 Hx of wilhdrawal 0 NarcotX:s Oo you smolss DYes ONo Pers1slent Co~ogh > 21Yeeks 0 Yes ONo Curren ITB medicaLion? OYesONo OYes ONo Current LTBI merf<:afonf D Yos 0 No N!Qhl Sweals OYes ONo Coughing Blood Fover DYas ONo Weak!Tired DYos ONo Plant PPO Novfl 0 Y8S ONo II no, Rea Eon LocaL'on? OLFA OAFA Oalo Plant~ _ _ _ Plantc(s lni"!als _ _ CHRONIC ILLNESSES Asthma Do you havo DYes ONo How long? LasI episode of shortness of brcalh? _ _ _ f:R m:t in las I90 days? OYos D No lyu, when? Hospl~li1ation IIIIas Iyear? DYes ONo Wyes, when? Evor Intubated? DYes DNo H~s. when? Cuuently on storo.'(fs? rea%flow D Yes DNo ( Angina? aves DYos S!ents? lleart AHaclr? DYes Bypass Surgerr? DYes CHf? DYes Heart valve reptaceiN!nt? 0 Yes ONo ONo DNo ONo ONo ONo Dale of cn;et: Alrial Fibriilation? Pacemaker? lntom2t Dof,bri'tator? Endocard.'Cs? Blood clot in1\.ogs or legs? Arc )OU talclr.g Warfarin, Coumad·n. or Jantovon? OYesDNo OYesONo OYesDNo OYesONo 0 Yes D No 0 YesD No Disease Have IOU ever had a: CVA (S~oko)? DYes When was last? Wilh!n past year? DYos TIA (Milli.S!ro~o)? 0 Yes l'lhon was la1t? \''n pasl year? DYes ONo ONo Ofl:o DNo Commants last episo300. ask tho to:k;11lng Nausea? DYes DYes Olo.'o Vonil'llg? DYes DYes a No Excesstle lh'tst? DYes DYes DNo Urlno Ketones 11 t>Cau.J Epllepsy/Solzure Havo you ever had a seizure or cc·nVU'.sion? l as I Solzuro? Frequency greater than once a month? T11o or moro antlconwlsanls? DYes Olio Oaslrolnteellnal Have you ever been Ilea led tor problems 11ith slomach cr bowe:S? Havo you over vomited b!ood? Ever had dark, b!Jck s!oo!s from b:Oed'ng? Havo )'OU over been lo!d )'CU have clrrh~~:S? DYes DYos DYos OYos Canctt Have you over had ~ncar? DYes Olio Co IW correnL'y have e<~ncer? OYesONo 0 l111ktlo.m Aro you currenlly being lrcated lor cancer? 0 Yes 0 No Olio ONo ONo D/1/o Frequency? lasl? Lasr? fr~uency'l Cctm1enls - ( ) ( I Qf(o UNo Olio --- Hyperlenslon Havo you over had h~h b!ood pressure or hypertens!on? 0 Yes Olio How long? Are you wrrenltf laking medlcalion(s)? Ccreb!ovoscu~t Cardiovascular Obeaso (ask eoch quesllon) Have you ever had any ollhe foUOI'!J prob'cms v.ilh your hca~: - Dlalytls Aro \'tUClllrenl~/ on dlaiys's? D Yes Di':o Aro )'CU re~lving )'OUr diatJdS kealmcrJs? 0 Yes D :O.:o Type? 0 Hemod'a:ys:s 0 Peri:oneal Number ol ~mes per week? _ _ __ I I OYes Olio DYes ONo DYes ONo Ccm.r:enls Comments COPO/Emphysoma Do I'CU have COPO or emph;seml? 0 Yes Olio 02 dependant'! DYes ONo { Peak Flow i I I I ' l asI dia ~Jzed? ·--~--~~------------------~~~:=:----~=====-------~--------------------~ • Other Curtent Slgnltlcantl.tedlcal Conditions: Pa~e 2 ~~ J CONFIDENTIAL Referral Needed' 0 Yes 02010 • Priseo ttral:h Serlocos, rnc. ·All R'ghts Aesr 60lt 2J·90eco DNo A~''· 121~9 CORIZO N003378 Exhibit 65 - Page 15 of 27 Dec'l of JTD MENTAL HEALTH Do you have a history ol a menial hea~h diwrdet? Ha'/11 vou been diagnose/.(-> LUb ,Q;:c-t'"d I~" .;.ell "(--;;, (f;,.t.\--rt~e::l FJ"~2illi..' (4(.'"7 ... (I~ OIQ/?t~I.U. d tl(f__~ _ Vv\t"\-f>cii '~Jl~ ~1"\clf~vr:. d rr~ 1J il?t"'-.ti t-1-.··,,, (.J \ ~,. }}iiA.) l t>. ch u:r+- rt''7i ···f-·(-li;J (i\ l~c1 . /.,..').. ~)tit. . l<.:-') ~VCL-J \1..-.:{(fv\'Ct: u ,,{ l't-·l .J"--« l t'.li ~Oot~t .1l{lv J.e.~ ...... ' ',L\J ~.ov.+ rf.o LJ.... t't ff- r(-;.,1:-~ ~ b\..~·1 l t..,~ , ·tl-h/.lt '"- t\l~(i.'{.' /Jt7i {, ;(} ' Cl-~ L'v~7~>l, r/-... JJt.--ttz,,I'A~ "':;- e.· lx_~t~·· -brt:.M{'Ji•'b: 1..'[.> --o I (C.. ·-- I 60112 3·90006 CORIZON003379 Exhibit 65 - Page 16 of 27 Dec'l of JTD C~RIZON. . General Consent to Medical ~ ..:rvices PA11ENT INFORMATION I Patient Nou1e: Dale of Birth: I I I II I SSN: CONSENT TO TRBA1'MENT I do hereby authorize my health care provider to provide me with gener2l clinical and emergency care. My health care provider, mental health and dental staff wilt use clinical and patient management technique:s that are reasonable, necessmy and advisable. Separate informed consent will be required for specific procedures. In the event that a staff member is exposed to my blood or other bodily fluids, r agree to have my blood dra\'vn and tested for Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C vims (HCV), and the human immunodeficiency vilus (IllY). I understand that this testing would be done in 11 confidential manner, and would be made available Ot\lY to the person (and physician responsible) who was exposed. CONSENT FOR USE & D!SG'I.OSTIRE OF HEALTH TNFORJ'r/ATION I understand that, by signing this consent fonn, I am giving my consent to the use and disclosure of my protected health information as described on the Notice of Privacy Practices to cany out treatment, payment activities and health care operations. I ~I SIGNATURE I I Signature: I I Printed: ! I I I I I Dale i AM/PM Time INTER VIEWER I I Sigllaturc Dale Punttd/Stemped f1mc I I lI ~ A&VI>M I :/N~ COf..IT7O'Or Jftrnir Mood/Affect (check all that apply): 0 0 Other: _ ___ __ ~-·-QGood Appetite: OPoor .,0Ynir 0Good Stable affect/unremmkable & mood congruent rtl.J'lnt 1/(J(I(IJJ! ·0 En thymic Mood 0 Dysphoric Mood 00lher: Speech (check all that apply): 0 Unremarkable OOther: 6J:D 0 l'rossured G(J,y~ 0 0Expansive -- Loud Jih.oft spoken [LJ'Difficult to intcmtpt ., 0Months Name{priol CONFIDENTIAL CORIZON003386 Exhibit 65 - Page 23 of 27 Dec'l of JTD · .Cf~RIZON Mental Health Progress Note I· ! . .. t Mf ~IJ..k'T1 hunale Name: GM~J )(&UH Today's Date: I Jlacllily Name: J /3 //~ Current Medications (all): ~rrs PS'tctlo1iC F&ffvMS, .!!:t.rr t5 /l.tSlovC4ikY f?<;JJT~'I JIL · Current Suicidal Ideation: ~o 0Yes: Plan of Action: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ Current Homicidal Ideation: _92No QYes: Plan of Action: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 0Additional notes on reverse. Cognitive FIUlctioning: 0 No gross cognitive deficits apparent ,g,Diminished ability to concentrate nearly everyday (cite objectil·e information to support, i.e. decline in work or school performance):....:----'0-'-N-'-IWJ -:.=..:... Wc...JJ_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Oother Findings: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ 6SSESSMENT QStable QMininlallmprovement QModeratelmprovement OUnchanged from last FlU ()Ofuer:_________________________ _ ______ _ ___________________ ___ Diagnosis: P/o Ps<-''-''t,.,_:;-""!>'------Observed Offender Reported Thought Content: Cognitive Functioning: Normal 0 Pressured ri1l Difficult to Interrupt ~~~ OOther: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ c:J 0 Perseverative Circumstantial 0 Tangential QJJ-oosely associated ,@::Fragmented ~Flight of ideas 0 Auditory hallucinations 0 Other: lJJ\'IWI'j 011J6)'v '7( . Y <}1 Current suicide ideation, threats, behavior, or plan §}_ Current self-Injurious ideation, threats, behavior, or plan Delusional ideation @~ Psychotic symptoms ftJ~ Agitation, anxiety, or tension ~-:-. Depressive symptoms ~) Deterioration in appearance, self-care or hygiene• Disoriented to person, place, time, and situation Uncooperative with assessment Other. _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ 0 l 0 PJ 0 N 0 0 0 ~ ~~ 0 CONFIDENTIAL N .©- 0 0 0 0 ~~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 fo Check all that apply: on suicide watch status Remove from suicide watch status & initiate step down procedures 0 I to other MH Services: - -- - - -- - -- 0 ,....,.,rAnr .. -'•·~-"-- 0 Y _Q 0 0 ~ , !-._f.> IIJ..;r- pr,,), ).t"· I ':\('1 I:,_:_.; ;;; fjj _ ;/.i!J.. ,~t'\6;;;{] (6_1/Jtlp,t, JIFfb ~ Co!'JCfLbl f' \.J~V- ) ~ ~~a!:> - F1f!.Sf . 0 ' Unless reslrlctions due lo suiclde wa tdl airy referral D Behavior management plan developed 0 No current lntervention/recommendalion Indicated 0 Other. CORIZON003388 Exhibit 65 - Page 25 of 27 Dec'l of JTD '(- - - 1.15~ ; { () .LV_!.,WW.A.'-'L""l..l.., \.....J'.L...hJ .L..1."- 0 z"'Tl 0 Foctlity :":>.-~:: _l (- 0.... ( r~ !.c<::ti~r.: m lnm~e N>me: r,. ... ~'~'""""-"io~- ~\'l.'\\ \ 1..-- )> r v 1 fl - ~-l>.:r.::?' ~ <;-<1 ~"~' YL'-J .L'-J.....:.,>JC), + L V J "" L \ l \ - ; DEMOGRAPHICS -l z ">f(";,~ :-, \!"""'~~ ~ (:;\ Y af'\ 1--o ~- A- - --...-.. -'-----\ \ .A\ jo;~.Alx r ( C=l f?'l fmm_~tion· 'DOCl/'trfENTAT!ON DATE TC-.1E DESCRIBE CURRENT CONDmON: Al-J'Y VERBAL HEALTH CO'Ml'Lr\INTS ,e,__'N SfGl\I FiCA.J.""'T AS STATED BY INMATE PHYS!CAL FD!D0:GS Awake, Sle<, Agitated, Talkative, Hostile O.K .. Hamn Dc:lTesscd. Vervi)uict. Etc. r; l.-5. (J 1 1 I _--:-,;1 .\ 2. \COO ,.,..,...., • ' \ """\ ( ·•• .!21/1-hG-- - · r~~ };, II "2-• ('-, ~ou \/ 2-Ji3 • h:.··· \(_ ~""-. i7.'\ ~ .. O,. ,_J? CM. 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I 0 2011 Corizon ~ Inc · - •l~;thl~ re"S.t:rvcxJ Exhibit 65 - Page 26 of 27 Dec'l of JTD FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SY SN Insurance - - - -- - - Emergency Room Referral PHS PRE·CERT # Onto: From: (Rofouing Pllys'clartllnstilul!on) snell SUe Nome: To: CCon•ultlnn Phvslcl&n/Addrossl lnmato's Name: CORlZON 105 Weslpar:{ Dr . Suite 2CG Brentwood, TN 37027 Min: Clal111s Depl. DO NOT inform pusoners ci datetlime of re•,isits or impending hospitalizalion. Inmate's 1.0. II ER PHYSICIANS: If llospltal admiss•on is recom· mended. please nol i~/ PHS beforehand . Dolo of Birth: Social Security # Wrillen by: U R Authll T Financial Responsibility Slgnlncant Findings, Including Tests Done: Diagnosis: Ordors/Recommendallons: M.D. Signature CORIZON70062 CONFIDE NTIAL Date (While · lloallh Record Copy, Yellow - Physician Copy) CORIZO N003390 Exhibit 65 - Page 27 of 27 Dec'l of JTD