Case File Diary Sheet Nashville Area Of?ce I Occupational Barr-1?- and Henl'lh . . Establishment Name: VA KINGSTON Case File Number: 3?0; I Phone #2 History check completed; quali?ed for 10% reduction: El Yes No I CSHO ID I EISA Quali?ed: Yes No I Establishment Information Veri?ed: El Yes Ins ection: Faralz' Comlaint Re erral LEP NEP SST U-Tenn Other .- SIGNIFICANT EVENT or ACTION Inspection Date: Contest Date: DATE INITIALS Case Assigned by: AD AAD Self Referral ?ew/u C?mcdel Mme I {1.366 . d? - ?24?e?t? Cenediayiceai. fubv?wmai ibbr (/%Gie e?l' ?lw? enq?mfaJ @Mmijkm . c, . I. INT . and (fr ?ne-I - -- riff ADDITIONAL OSHA FORM NUMBERS: 36? 170- aiikkrm~?x?mi mu Fix? Ev . Tennessee Valley Authority, 400 West Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902-1499 November 19, 2009 1 i 2-. OSHA Nashville Area Office William R. Cochran, Area Director 51 Century Boulevard . . Suite 340 Nashville, Tennessee 37214 Dear Bill: In response to your request, I am enclosing the Accident Report on the July 20, 2009 fatal injury to Larry LaCroix, an employee of WW. Transport, Inc. Sharing this report with you is not considered a public release, and TVA does not waive any privileges under the deliberative process of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In accordance with standard FOIA procedure, if you receive a FOIA request for this report, please refer the request to TVA so that we may respond directly to the requester. Sincerely, . To P. Lucas Manager Corporate Safety Enclosure Printed on recycled paper U. S. Department of Lab Occupational Safety and Health Administration Notice of Alleged Safety or Health Hazards Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:05pm Complaint Number 202046892 -EStainshment Name TVA - Kingston Site Address 714 Swan Pond Road, Harriman, TN 37748 Site Phone 10365) 717-2023 [Site FAX Mailing Address 714 Swan Pon Road, Harriman, TN 37748 Mail Phone.[ (865) 7122023 M311 FAX Management Of?cial Tommy Lucas Telephone Type of Business Owe-whip Primary sic 4911 [Primary Nate's 221112 LOCATION. Describe bne?y the hazard(s)wh1ch you believe ex1st. Include the approxmate number of employeeseitppsedgto or threatened by eachhazard. Specify the particular budding or worksite where-the alleged violation exists. DESCRIPTION: 1. Employees are over-exposed to radiation. 2. Employees are over-exposed to arsenic. 3. Employees are working with out respirators. LOCATION: Coal Spill WOZ) Page 2 TVA - Kingston Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:05pm Complaint Nr. 202046892 Has this condition bee-n brought to the attention of: Please Indi cate Your Desire: The Unders1gned- believes that a violation-of an Occupational Safety or Health standard exists which is a job safety or health hazard at the establishment named on this form. Do NOT reveal my name to the Employer D. Other Complainant Name Address(StreeteCityStateZip) Signature Date If you are an authorized representative of employees affected by this complaint, please state the name of the organization that you represent and your title: Formality -- Non Formal Migrant Farmworker Camp? -- Health-Other Organization Name: Your Title: .. - Identi?cation Reporting ID 0420100 'PreviOus Activity 0 Opt. Number Establishment Name Change? Site Address Change? Employer ID City Code - Caunty DYes Code 1060 145 Receipt Received By Send Date: 02/11/09 Supervis?Orts) Assign-ed Information Cl Yes El No Time: AM PM Industry D. Federal Agency: 1551 TVA-DIV OF POWER SYSTEMS OWnership ComplaIn-t Evaluated By Subject/Severity Evaluation Is this a Valid Complaint? -- Yes Transfer Date S?n?d Letter Type Date LetterSent Date ReSpOnse Due D1. Noti?cation t0 Employer Without Certified Committee - No 02/11/09 03/01/09 Inspection ReceiVed Type ate Letter Evaluation Abatement Letter Received Date CbmpI-aint Inspection Planned? If Yes, Priority: If No, Reason: Action Transfer To (Name) Transfer To Category Strategic In itiatives National Emphasis Local Emphasis Optional Information Type ID Value Close Complaint COMMENT 7/02) U.S. Department Of Labor OccupationalSafety and Health Administration Nashville Area Office 51 Century Blvd, Suite 340 Nashville, TN 37214 Telephone: 615-232-3803 Facsimile: 615-232-3827. Reply to the Attention of: Area Director February 11, 2009 TVA Kingston 714 Swan Pond Road Harriman, TN 37748 Dear Mr. Lucas: On 02?11-09, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) received a report of alleged hazardous working conditions and/or violations of 29 CFR Part 1960 citable program elements in your workplace at the ash clean up) Kingston Plant. The Specific nature of the report involves: 1.Employees are over-exposed to radiation. 2.Employees are over?exposed to arsenic. 3.Employees are working with out respirators. OSHA has decided not to conduct an inspection in response to this report. However, since allegations of the violation of standards have been made, you should investigate the alleged violation(s). Department of Labor regulation 29 CFR 1960.28 requires that your inspection be conducted within 3 working days for potentially serious conditions and within 20 working days for other-than?serious hazards. Any necessary correction(s) should be made within 30 calendar days after completion of the inspection. If correction(s) cannot be made within 30 calendar days, please provide me with a detailed abatement plan. Your plan should include: (1) All steps taken and the dates of such action to achieve compliance during the prescribed abatement period. (2) The specific additional abatement time estimated to achieve compliance. (3) The reasons such additional time is necessary, including the unavailability of professional or technical personnel or of materials and equipment, or because necessary construction or alteration of facilities cannot be completed by the original abatement date. (4) Interim steps being taken to safeguard the employees against the cited violation(s) during the abatement period. Since the complainant has requested to remain anonymous, please advise me in writing, within 30 calendar days after completion of inspection, of your finding(s) and of any action you have taken. Your response should be detailed, stating specifically what corrective action(s), if any, were taken. If it is determined that, based on the report, no violation(s) exist and an inspection will not be conducted, please notify me in writing within 15 calendar days of receipt of this letter. We have notified the complainant that the complaint has been forwarded to you for action, and, if the violation(s) are not corrected, to notify us. We will forward a copy of your report to the complainant. You should enclose any supporting documentation on the action(s) taken, such as monitoring results, new equipment orders, or photograph(s) of corrected condition. If we do not receive a response from you within 30 calendar days, indicating that appropriate action has been taken or that no violation(s) exist, an OSHA inspection may be scheduled. If you have any questions or need assistance concerning this matter, please contact our office. Sincerely 2 v1 (Lew William R. Cochran Area Director Enclosure (b) (7) (C), (b) (7)(B) (b) (7)(C), (b) (7)(B) (b) (7)(C), (b) (7)(B) (b) (7)(C), (b) (7)(B) (b) (7)(C), (b) (7)(B) I am a(n) Other: person%20who%20cares Do NOT reveal my name to my employer. Complainant Name: Complainant Telephone Number: Complainant Mailing Address Complainant Email: Complainant Organization Name: Complainant Title: CASE FILE DIARY SHEET COMPANY NAME: TELEPHONE NUMBER: INSPECTION NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: EMPLOYER REP: EMPLOYEE REP: Informal COnference Date Time CSHO noti?ed Union noti?ed CONTEST DATE: ABATED: PAID: CLOSED: DATE ACTION INITIAL Opened InSpection 234?? r? n! (?tf?fii? I i E. LU L. 3124 I aw .w 0380.13 SJH U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health A mistration Inspection Report Mon Aug 8, 2011 10:293m ID Assignment Nr. CSHO I-D Supervisor 11) Inspection Nr. Opt. Insip. Nr. 0420100 0 D5445 301512539 11-40 Establishment [Jacobs Site TVA Kingston Ash Recovery Project Site Site Address Harriman, TN 37748 Phone FAX Mailing Mail Mail Address Phone FAX Continuing Employer ID Corp Ownership A. Private Sector City i1060 County/[145 Legal Entity Previous Activity (State Only) I Related Activity Type Number Satisfied Type Number Satisfied Employed in Establishment 15 Advance Notice? No category H. Health Covered By InspeCti?ofn 15 union? Yes Frisian SIC 1542 Controlled By Employer 500 Walkarijuiid? No ise?ond-arjy 31c IntervieWed?? Yes Inspected Inspection Type H. Programmed Planned Reason No Inspec?on Scope of Inspection A. Comprehensive Inspection Classification Strategic Initiatives COMMERCIAL CONSTR National Emphasis Local Emphasis FEDCONST FEDERAL CONSTRUCTION Anticipatory Warrant Served? No Denial Date Date ReEiitered Date ReDenied ReE'nter'ed Anticipatory Subpoena Served? No Entry 03/01/11 jFi'r'st' Closing" Confetence 08/02/11 Opening Cfotljferen'ce 08/01/11 IS?Cond Conference Walkaround 08/01/11 Exit I 08/02/11 Days 0111 Site 2 'Case Closed No Citations Issued Type ID Optional Information 01 301512539 Signature Date 1754/ 6/93) U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health A nistration Inspection Narrative Mon Aug 8, 2011 10:298m Inspection Nr. 301512539 Opt. Case Number 11-40 Establishment Name lJacobs Legal Entity Type of Business [Construction Project Citation Mailing Addresses organiZQd' Employee Groups Authorized-Employee Representatives Employer Representatives contacited Name Ina: Function [Walk Around? John Price Safety I Other Persons Contacted I Entry 08/01/11 First Closing Conference 08/02/11 Opening Conference 08/01/11 second Closing COnference W'alkaround 08/01/11 B141: 08/02/11 Case (210838381 Penalty Reduction Factors Size 0 (3000 Faith 0 1 History 0 lFollowup Inspection? 1 [Reason Coverage Comments Signature Accompanied By Date ?ll/K 6f93) HEALTH NARRATIVE Inspection Number 301512539 COVERAGE INFORMATION This Heath inspection was a comprehensive inspection resulting from program planned inspection based on the LEP for Federal Construction sites. This project is part of the response to an ash spill that occurred on December 22, 2008. Ongoing efforts to clean up ash and recon?gure the site to prevent future occurrences are underway. Jacobs is the General Contractor for the ash clean-up NATURE AND SCOPE Check Applicable Boxes and Explain Findings: El Complaint Item Referral Item El Accident Investigation Summary Findings LEP El Planned Inspection NATURE AND SCOPE UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES (Mark and explain all that apply:) None Denial of entry (see denial memo) Delays in conducting the inspection Strikes Jurisdictional Issues Trade Secrets Other Comments: OPENING CONFERENCE NOTES: On 8/1/1 l, credentials were presented, introductions made, and an initial opening conference was held with Mr. Jack Howard (Project Manager). The CSHO explained the purpose and scope of the inspection. The CSHO explained the inspection procedures and gathered employer information. Any questions concerning the inspection were answered. All requirements for the Opening conference were complied with. WALKAROUND Jacobs required that the CSHOs go through a site safety orientation before touring the site. Jacobs is the General Contractor, TVA Civil Projects has staff augmented employees from GUBMK and they are operating heavy equipment and building the riverbank rock buttress, Geocon is working on the Perimeter Wall Stabilization (about 75 feet deep), RSI is doing environmental river sampling, and is doing other monitoring, There are about 280 union employees at the site an 500 total employees. The heavy equipment operators were in air conditioned cabs, isolated from dust and heat. This is a Hazwoper site. IH sampling is conducted 1-3 times per week. Noise dosimetry has been conducted. Dan Felzene is the Jacobs onsite. No citations recommended. EVALUATION OF EMPLOYERS OVERALL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM Construction Industry: Yes No Accident Prevention Program Yes El No Written El Yes No Copy Attached Evaluation of Safety and Health Program (0 Nonexistent 1 Inadequate 2 Average 3 Above Average) Written Program Communication to Employees Enforcement Safety Training Program 2 Health Training Program El Accident investigation Performed El Preventative Action Taken Comments: The safety program was reviewed at the site and found to be in compliance. CLOSING CONFERENCE NOTES: An initial closing conference was conducted with Mr. Jack Howard (Project Manager) and John Price (Jacobs Safety) at the completion of the walkaround. All requirements for the closing conference were complied with. Were any unusual circumstances encountered such as, but not limited to, abatement problems, expected contest and/or negative employer attitude? If yes, explain below. I: Yes No Closing Conference Checklist as appropriate) No Violations Observed El Gave Copy Employer Rights Reviewed Hazards Standards El Discuss Employer Rights/Obligations Encouraged Informal Conference Offered Abatement Assistance El Discussed Consultation Programs El Employer/Employee Questionares Closing Conference Held with Employee Representative El Jointly Separately Signature Date Accompanied By TOP @g 4. WM I 73m 4%074/2 - ?50 1241) 17.9 may th/?grurQ Men/457 11/924} [lg/(Lol/ 4 1? - {9!0Ca/1 L1ng 75/ 4g 43; 17mg f?/ck wqu C/v Cuf/ ?geck (94451411? - J??y?z?wl? 2% m5 Gama -- 10w? (MW act IQSI MM ?aw/g 02570 FE 94:56 El; $00 {05:1 55 Jul/k Jam/k ?ab-447M?? Aw ?zz/4:7 (cf) Miran me a far 7?7" I W?fg? 4??75? 096? 704% f7? W2 47/0/21me y?ivga? I, A f7907 60W: c101. Ik/x (amnion/??! Sip 5% 07qu quwcyw sil-e "(filial/M? 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