wt: #9943! UR). Ur ENEKUT Wm rt /1 OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Under the authority of Public Law 95-91 DOE Organization Act and PL 102-486 Energy Policy Act 1992 I. PROJECT TITLE "Demonstration of a Coal-based Transport 2. INSTRUMENT TYPE Gasifier? [3 GRANT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT 3. RECIPIENT (Name. address, zip code} 4. INSTRUMENT NO. 5. AMENDMENT NO. Southern Company Services. Inc. A004 600 North 13'? Street PO. Box 2641 Birmingham, AL 35291 6. BUDGET PERIOD 7. PROJECT 7f08 8. RECIPIENT PROJECT DIRECTOR (Name, phone and Smart) IO. TYPE OF AWARD new ECONTINUATION C1 RENEWAL 9. RECIPIENT BUSINESS OFFICER (Name. phone and E-mail) El REVISION CI INCREMENTAL FUNDING 1t. DOE PROJECT OFFICER (Name. address, phone and E?malt) Nation at Energy Technology Laboratory ATTN: Diane R. Madden. MIS 922-3420 626 Cochrane Mitt Road, P. O. Box 10940 Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0940 (412)386-5931 Diane.Medden@nett.doe.gov 13. RECIPIENT TYPE 12. DOE AWARD ADMINISTRATOR (Name, address, phone and EvmaII) National Energy Technology Laboratory ATTN: K. Robbins, MIS 921.107 626 Cochrans Road, P. O. Box 10940 Pittsburgh. PA 15236-0940 (412)336-5430 Brittley.Robbins@neti.dee.gov FOR PROFIT Ci INDIVIDUAL ORGANIZATION LOCAL GOVT CI INSTITUTION OF CI OTHER NONPROFIT CORPORATION CI PARTNERSHIP CI SOLE OTHER (Specie HIGHER EDUCATION ORGANIZATION PROPRIETOR STATE INDIAN TRIBAL CI HOSPITAL 15. EMPLOYER ID. NUMBER a. b. DUNS: 137519547 14. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATIONS DATA: 1S. BUDGET AND FUNDING a. CURRENT BUDGET PERIOD INFORMATION b. CUMULATIVE DOE OBLIGATIONS (I) DOE Fonds Obttgated This Action 5 (1) This Budget Period 3 0 (2) DOE Funds Authorized for Carry Over 50.00 St (Tatar ofrrnes am and (3) DOE Funds Previoust Obligaied in this Budget Periods .I (4) DOE Share of Totat Approved Budget 270.2? 5?373 Prior Budget Perlods 253,386,111 (5) Reciptent Share of Totat Approved Budget 0: . 55. 22 (6) Total Approved Budget $17572. Project Period to Date 243,386,111 are! of?nes M1) and . 17. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Looms-Doe FUNDS TO Franc: 29 (DOE: ?293l750,000 Recipient: (This Is the current estimated cost or the Ergo-of:- Ismnoruaforo_mise 0 award nor an authorization to expeno' (ones in {hrs amount.) 18. AWARD AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS This awardtagreement consists of this form plus the foiidwing: a. Spaciat terms and conditions. - b. Appticabte program regulations (specify) (Date) . o. DOE Assistance Regulations. 10 OFR Pan and if the award Is for research and to a university or non-profit, the Research Terms a Conditions and the DOE Agency Speci?c Requirements at It not ovrbfardi I lie d. DOE and Southern Campany Services (SOS) agree that 308?s application dated June 16, 2004, as amended by continuation application dated January 2007 and site retooallon applications dated 2(1412008 and 3r14rzooe, has been approved by DOE and Is Incorporated Into the agreement. a. National Policy Assurances to Be Incorporated as Award Terms in effect on date of award 19. REMARKS Seo?continuatlon pages. 20. EVIDENCE OF RECIPIENT ACCEPTANCE . 21. AW BY IREDACTEDI .. 3 (Signature ofAuihorized Recipient omelet} {Date} (Signature) (Oats) I Richard D. Ronus {Name} {Name} JRE DACTI: Contracting Officer I (750w {nae} TAELE OP CONTENTS SECTION II - SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ..4 2.1 PREVAILINO REGULATIONS (SEPT 2994) ..4 2.2 ORDER OP PRECEDENCE (AUG 2991) ..4 2.9 DEFINITIONS (MAR 2992) ..4 2.4 SUSSTANTIAL INVOLVEMENT BETWEEN DOE AND THE RECIPIENT (MAR 2992) -4 2.9 BUDGET PERIODS AND ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS ..s 2.9 RESERVED ..9 2.7 COST OVSRRUNS ..9 2.9 ALLOWABLE PRE-AVVARD COSTS (MAR 1999) ..9 2.9 COST SHARING (MAR 2992) 2.19 PAYMENT PROCEDURES THROUGH THE AUTOMATED STANDARD APPLICATION FOR PAYMENTS (ASAP) SYSTEM (OCT 2994) "7 2.19 CONTINUATION APPLICATION AND FLINOINC ..9 2.12 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSITION ..9 2.13 REAL PROPERTY - .9 2.14 PECERALLY OWNED PROPERTY (GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED) - NONE (JAN 1999) ..9 2.19 KEY PERSONNEL ..9 2.19 PROJECT SITE AND ACCESS -19 2.17 PAPERVVORN REDUCTION COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS (SEPT 2992) ..19 2.19 PUELIC ACCESS TO INFORMATION (APR 2999) .. I9 2.19 COMPLIANCE WITH SUY AMERICAN ACT (OCT 2994) .. :9 2.29 NOTICE REGARDING THE PURCHASE OP EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCTS A SENSE OF CONGRESS (OCT 2994) ..19 2.21 LOSDYINC RESTRICTIONS (OCT 2994) .. I9 2.22 NOTICE REGARDING IINALLOWASLE COSTS AND LOSEYING ACTIVITIES (NOV 1999). I9 2.23 REPORTING (NOV 1999) .. II 2.24 RECIPIENT PRESS RELEASES (APR 1999) .. I I 2.29 PUBLICATION OP RESULTSIACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEMENT (MAR II 2.29 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (NEPA) REQUIREMENTS ..11 2.27 ENVIRONMENTAL. SAFETY 9 HEALTH (OCT 2993) .12 2.29 I HAZARDOUS WASTES MANIFESTS AND LABELS (MAR 2999) .. I2 2.29 PERMITS AND LICENSES .. :2 2.39 INSURANCE ..12 2.91 LIMITATION OP DOE LIABILITY (MAR 2992) ..12 2.32 TERMINATION (MAR 2992) .13 2.93 RECORDS RETENTION. ACCESS, AND DISCLOSURE (MAR 2992) .13 2.34 SEVERADILITY (MAR 2992) .. I3 2.35 PERFORMANCE OP VYORK IN THE UNITED STATES (AUG 2993) 13 2.99 RESERVED .14 2.97 ANNUAL INDIRECT COST PROPOSAL AND RECONCILIATION (OCT 2994) .. I4 2.39 CONDITIONS ON AWARD .. I4 2.99 OF ELINDS ..14 SECTION .INTELLECTUAI. PROPERTY PROVISIONS ..19 3.1 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROVISIONS (FOR-PROFIT RED) (JAN 2994) .. I9 3.2 CONFIDENTIAL. BUSINESS INPORMATION (JAN 2994) .. I9 3.9 92.222-1AUTHORI2ATION AND CONSENT (JUL 1999) ALTERNATE 1994) 16 9.4 92227-2 NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE REGARDING PATENT AND COPYRIG HT INFRINGEMENT (AUG 1999) .. IS 9.9 52227.3 PATENTINDEMNITY (APR 1994) ..17 2 3.0 952.227-9 REFUND OF ROYALTIES (FEB 1995) ..17 3.7 PATENT RIGHTS (LARGE BUSINESS FIRMS) - NO WAIVER (OCT 2003) ..13 3.0 RIGHTS IN DATA - PROGRAMS COVERED UNDER SPECIAL DATA STATUTES (OCT 3.9 LIMITED RIGHTS DATA (JAN 2004) .. 31 3.10 RESTRICTED COMPUTER SOFTWARE (JAN 2004) .. 32 3.11 PROTECTED DATA (JAN 2004) ..33 3.12 AVAILABILITY OF CONTRACT AND OTHER DATA (DEC 2003) .. 34 3.13 COMMERICIALIZATION OF DEMONSTRATION TECHNOLOGY. (DEC 2003) ..34 3.14 52227-23 RIGHTS To PROPOSAL DATA (TECHNICAL). (JUN 1907) .35 SECTION IV - LIST OF ATTACHMENTS ..37 ATTACHMENT A - STATMENT OF PROJECT ATTACHMENT - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE REPORTING CHECKLIST ..- ..54 ATTACHMENT 0 BUDGET PACEIS) ..07 ATTACHMENT - AMENDED AND RESTATED REPAYMENT AGREEMENT ..72 The purpose of this amendment is to acknowledge a relocation of the Project site from Orlando, Florida to Kemper County, Mississippi and to matte certain changes associated with that relocation, including the addition of 002 capture and compression. On and after the date of Amendment A004. the Cooperative Agreement is as follows: . SECTION ll - SPECIAL TERMS AND 2.1 Prevailing Regulatiggs (SEPT 2004] As indicated on the face page, Block 180, this award is subject to the DOE Assistance Regulations of Title 10, Code of Federai Regulations. Part 600. This set of regulations may be found in most major libraries or on the World Wide Web at: 2.2 7 Order of Precedence (AUG 20011 in the event of any inconsistency among the provisions of this agreement, the inconsistency shalt be received by giving precedence as foliows: applicable public laws; 10 CFR Part 600; the special terms and conditions: and other documents, exhibits and attachments. 2.3 Definitions WAR 2002) ?Cooperative Agreement" means this agreement between the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and the Recipient, DOE instrument number and any subsequent amendments. ?Recipient? or ?Participant? means Southern Company Services, Inc. and its successors and assigns. "Repayment Agreement" means the agreement made by Southern Company Services. lnc.; Kellogg Brown Root, Inc: and DOE in DOE Cooperative Agreement Number DE-FCZB-OSNT42391 on January 30. 2006, as amended and restated on May 2, 2007 andagaln on December 5. 2008, to repay the DOE share of costs paid under this Cooperative Agreement. The Repayment Agreement is agreement number ?United States" means the United States of America and its 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any possession or trust territory of the United States. 2.4 Substantial involvement Between DOE and the Recipient 2902) Recipient Role The Recipient shall be responsible for all aSpects of Project performance as set forth in the Statement of Project Objectives. Ali services. personnel, facilities. equipment, materials. and suppiies shail be furnished by the Recipient, unless otherwise specified under this Cooperative Agreement. The Recipient Project Director shall serve as its authodzed representative for the technical elements of all work to be performed under this Cooperative Agreement. The Recipient Business Officer shall serve as its authorized representative for administrative elements dealing with the Cooperative Agreement. DOE Role DOE shalt monitor the Recipient?s progress in performing the Project and shait have a substantial role in Project decision making. The DOE Contracting Officer is the only Government Representative authorized to accept the reports and other deliverabies the Recipient is required to provide under this Cooperative Agreement. The DOE Project Officer (same as Contracting Of?cer's Representative) shalt have the authority to comment on those technical reports. plans, and other technical information the Recipient is required to submit to DOE for review and comment. (0) 2.5 The DOE Project Of?cer shall have the authority to Issue written technical advice which suggests redirecting the Project work by changing the emphasis among different tasks), or pursuing specific lines of inquiry likely to assist in accomplishing the Statement of Project Objectives. The DOE Project Officer is not authorized to issue, and the Recipient must not follow, any technical advice which constitutes work which is not within the scope of the Statement of Project Objectives; which in any manner causes an increase or decrease in the total estimated cost or in the time required for performance of the Project; which has the effect of changing any of the terms or conditions of the Cooperative Agreement; or which interferes with the Recipient's right to perform the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Cooperative Agreement. No Government Obligation to Third Parties In connection with the performance of the Project, the Government shalt have no obligation or responsibility to any contractor, subcontractor or other person who Is not a party to this Cooperative Agreement. The foregoing limitation shall apply notwithstanding the Contracting Officer's prior approval of or consent to any contract aWarded by the Recipient. The Recipient shaii be responsible, without recourse to DOE, except for amounts DOE is otherwise obligated to pay pursuant to the provisions of this Cooperative Agreement for the resolution and satisfaction of ail pro-award protests. contract administration issues, and contract disputes arising out of contracts awarded by the Recipient for acquisitions related to the Project. Budget Perigds and Estimated Project Costs Bugget Periods The project period of this Cooperative Agreement is divided into Project budget periods for funding purposes. We The Project is divided Into major categories of work project definition. design, construction. demonstration, etc.) called phases for project management planning and control. Additionaily, sub- phases have been established to distinguish between work completed at the Orlando site and work proposed for the Kemper County site. The phases and sub-phases are aligned to specific budget periods and correSpond to specific tasks in the Statement of Project Objectives. The delineation of phases is identi?ed in the next section under Total Estimated Project Costs. Totai Estimated DOE and the Recipient shall share in allowable direct and indirect project costs, on an invoice by invoice basis, in the percentages up to the amounts shown below: TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $1,622,905.779 Bgdget Period 1 - Phase 1 Erojeci Definition DOE Share 9.285.033 50% Recipient Share 9,285,033 50% $18,570,066 Budgg; Period 2g Phase Dejgiied Design {Qriangq FL) and Phase il.a Construction Orlando FL DOE Share $14,248,983 45.0% Recipient Share 55.0% $31,684,407 Budget Period 2b - - Phase lib Detailed Design (gemper Coungg. Phase - Construction [Kemger qunty. MS) (sublegt to Article 2.38. Conditions on Award]; and Ehase Iy Demonstration - (subiect to Article 2.38. Conditions on Award and Article 2.39. Withholding of Funds) DOE Share 270,215,984 17.2% Recipient Share 82.8% $1 .306 Total Pro ect DOE Share 293350.000 18.1% Recipient Share 81.9% $1 (0) Budget Revisions The Recipient may re?budget funds within a total approved budget, subject to the prior approval requirements of 10 CFR 600.315. Additional Funds The Recipient shall immediately notify the Contracting Officer in writing whenever it becomes apparent that the costs of completing that portion of the Project to be performed during a Budget Period exceeds the Total Approved Budget. Such written notice shall. at a minimum, set forth (1) a detailed explanation of the magnitude and factors causing the cost overrun and (2) the Recipient?s proposed plan to fund the increased cost. 2.8 RESEREED 2.7 Cost Overruns The estimated DOE cost-share set forth in Section 2.5 is the maximum amount permitted bylaw. The Government shall not share in any additional cost overruns. Therefore, Southern Company Services, Inc. shall be responsible for at! further cost overruns that may occur in order to complete the Project in accordance with the Statement of Project Objectives contained in the Cooperative Agreement. 2.8 Allowable Ere-award Costs 1999) '{he Recipient is entitled to reimbursement by DOE of its share of pre~award costs in the amount not to exceed $7,200,670. per the pro-award cost authorization letter to Recipient from DOE dated December 20. 2004. These costs are limited to work associated with performance of work detailed in Recipient?s letter of December 16. 2004, incurred during the period starting on January 3. 2005 through the effective start date of this award (Block 7, DOE 4600.1). 2.9 Cost Sharing (MAR 2902) in order to be recognized as allowable cost sharing. a cost must be otherwise allowable in accordance with the applicabie Federal cost principles and DOE Regulations (10 CFR 600.313) governing cost sharing. Cost sharing may be in various forms or combinations. including. but not limited to. cash outlays and ln-kind contributions. All allowable Project costs, whether ln-cash or in-kind, shall be shared by DOE when such costs are incurred by applying the share ratios set forth in the Cooperative Agreement. Provided below is a non-exclusive list of costs that are unaliowabie as Project costs and cost sharing: - Costs Incurred in negotiating a Cooperative Agreement with DOE are not aliowable as direct charges to the Project. 0 Allowable costs under past, present, or future Federal Government contracts, grants or Cooperative Agreements may not be charged against this Cooperative Agreement. Likewise. the Recipient may not charge costs allowable under this ProjectI including any portion of its cost share to the Federal Government under any other contracts, grants, or Cooperative Agreements. 0 Only the operating costs directly associated with the proposed work effort (is, incremental costs distinct from the daily operational costs) may be recognized as allowable costs for cost- sharing purposes if adequately supported and properly documented. DOE will not share in the acquisition costs of any fuel other than coal. under this Clean Coal Power initiative. unless prior written approval is obtained from the DOE Contracting Officer. The cost of natural gas for flare operation and gasifler start-up and commissioning is, however, an allowable cost and includes natural gas for initial and subsequent startups. The DOE share of natural gas cost for Budget Period 2b shall not exceed $7,468,046. 0 Previously expended research or development costs are unaliowabie. DOE shall not accept valuation for property sold. transferred. exchanged. or manipulated in any way to acquire a new basis for depreciation purposes or to establish a fair use value in circumstances that would amount to a transaction for the purpose of the Cooperative Agreement. - - interest on borrowings (however represented) and other financial costs such as bond discounts, cost of financing and refinancing capital (net worth plus long-term liabilities). are unallowabie Project costs. This includes interest on funds borrowed for construction. it DOE will not share in both the direct cost and depreciation on the same item. Depreciation is not allowable for cost sharing on any item charged to the Project as a direct cost. For example, DOE will cost share the direct cost on equipment or facilities purchased or constructed for the Project; but, will not also cost share the depreciation. The value of patents and data contributed to the Project is unaiiowable. Facilities capital cost of money shall be an unaliowable cost on ail real property or equipment acquired by or on behalf of the Recipient in connection with the performance of the Project. . Forgone tees, forgone profits, orforgone revenues as well as replacement power costs are not allowable costs. 0 Fee or profit paid to any member of the proposing team having a substantial and direct interest in the commercialization of the demonstration technology is unailowabie. Competitive subcontracts, where a preposing team member is selected for award of a subcontract, placed with the prior written consent of the Contracting Officer and subcontracts for routine supplies and services are not covered by this prohibition. 0 Business losses are unallowable. NOTE: See Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) 31.2 for the complete Cost Principles and Procedures applicable to Commercial Organizations. 2.10 Payment Procedures *Reimbursemegt Through the Automated Standa[d Application for Payments (ASAP) System (OCT 2004! (0) 2.11 Method of Payment. Payment will be made by reimbursement through the Department of Treasury's ASAP system. Requesting Reimbursement. Requests for reimbursements must be made through the ASAP system. Your requests for reimbursement should coincide with your normal billing pattern, but not more frequently than every two weeks. Each request must be limited to the amount of disbursements made for the federal share of direct project costs and the proportionate share of allowable indirect costs incurred during that biillng period. Adjusting payment requests for available cash. You must disburse any funds that are available from repayments to and interest earned en a revolving fund. program income, rebates. refunds, contract settlements, audit recoveries, credits, discounts. and interest earned on any of those funds before requesting additional cash payments from DOE. Payments. Ail payments are made by electronic funds transfer to the bank account identified on the ASAP Bank information Form that you ?ied with the U.S. Department of Treasury. invoice documentation shalt include the following information: Name and address of recipientlvendor. Invoice date. (3) Award number. (4) Project Billing Cost Report: Detailed breakdown on the expenses showing Travel and Living Expenses. Direct Materials, Outside Services, Direct Labor. Overheadleringe Benefits less cost shares. This is shown for the current period and cumulative. (5) DOE Allowable Overhead Calculations: Showing the labor. allowable and unaliowabie overheads. - (8) Name (where practicable), title, phone number and complete mailing address of responsible official to whom payment is to be sent (must be the same as that in the contractor in a proper notice of assignment). (7) Name (where practicable), title, phone number and complete mailing address of the person to be notified in the event of a defective invoice. . (8) Total charges for the month by Work Order Sub: Total charges. labor dollars. labor hours, overheads. employee expenses. outside services. resource usage, and other expenses. (9) Current month 808 billing that summarizes expenses on the Project. Continuation Agpiigatlon and Funding Continuation Application. A continuation application is a non-competitive application for an additional budget period within a previously approved Project period. At least 90 days before the end of each budget period. you must submit to the DOE Project Officer identified in Block 11 and the DOE Award Administrator identified in Block 12 of the Notice of Financial Assistance Award your continuation application, which includes the following information: 1. A report on your progress towards meeting the objectives of the Project. including any signi?cant findings, conclusions, or developments, and an estimate of any unobilgated balances remaining at the end of the budget period. If the remaining unobligated balance is estimated to exceed 20 percent-of the funds avaiiabie for the budget period. explain why the excess funds have not been obligated and how they will be used in the next budget period. 2. A detailed budget and supporting justification for the upcoming budget period if additional funds are requested. a reduction of funds is anticipated. or a budget for the upcoming budget period was not approved at the time of award. 3. A description of your plans for the conduct of the Project during the upcoming budget period. if there are changes from the DOE approved application. Continuation Funding. Continuation funding is contingent on availability of funds; (2)satisfactory progress towards meeting the Statement of Project Objectives; (3) submittat of required reports; and (4) compliance with the terms and conditions of the award. to) The continuation application shall be submitted an the DOE Forrn 424A. Technical and budgetary information supperting the continuation application shall be provided in accordance with 10 CFR 600.26. Forms for submission of continuation applications can be found at 2.12 Property Management and Disposition Equipment procured under this award to the Recipient will be installed at the premises of Mississippi Power Company (Teaming Member, subcontractor and host site to the Project) (hereinafter referred to as the ?hosting entity?). Such hosting entity is the owner of the facility at which the Project is to be performed and wilt lake title to the procured equipment. Such title vesting in the hosting entity will not void ability to share financial benefit from any property disposition. Title to all real property, equipment and supplies (excluding Government-furnished property) acquired by or on behalf of the hosting entity in connection with performance of the Project shall vest upon acquisition and completion of the Project in the above referenced hosting entity. The hosting entity shalt make such property available for use in the Project. During the period of the Cooperative Agreement. the hosting entity may, with the DOE Contracting Of?Cer's prior approval, encumber its title to or dispose of such property. Should said property be sold during the Project period, DOE shall share In the sale proceeds at DOE's overall project cost-share ratio. After completion of the demonstration period the hosting entity retains unconditional title and has no further obligation to DOE with respect to the property. The Contracting Of?cer grants consent for the purchase of equipment, fuels, materials, and services consistent with Recipient?s application. The cost of disposal of the Demonstration Facility is an allowable cost only if proposed and included in the cost estimate for DemonstrationlOperatlons. The use. management, and disposition of all government-furnished property shall be governed by 10 CFR 600.320 thru 600.324. 2.13 . Real Pronerty - None (JAN 1999} No land is anticipated to be procured under this award. 2.14 Federally Owned Property (GovernmenttFurnished) - [gone (JAN 1999} it is not anticipated that any Government-furnished property will be provided under this award. 2.15 Key Personnel Personnel considered to be essential and key to the work being performed hereunder are specified below: NAME TITLE TELEPHONE COMPANY KBR 808 $08 808 MP0 The personnel specified In this clause are considered to be essential to the Project. Before removing or replacing any key personnel, the Recipient shall notify the Contracting Officer reasonably in advance and shall submit justification (including proposed substitutions) in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the impact on the project. No key persomnel may be substituted without the Contracting Officer's approval. Such approval shall be obtained in advance of the substitution, except that the Contracting Officer may ratify a substitution which, because of exigent circumstances, was made before the Recipient could request andlor obtain the Contracting Officer?s approval. 2.16 Pro ect tean cce The Project shall be performed principally at the Mississippi Power Company site in Kemper County, MS. At the request of the DOE Contracting Officer or the COR, the Recipient shall provide Government officials and interested members of the public as determined by DOE with access to the Project site(s) to observe project operations at reasonable times, with reasonable limitations on the number of people during each visit. and subject to Compliance with applicable site safety and security requirements. 2.1? Paperwork Reduction Cooperatlve Agreements (SEPT 2002} The award is subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of i980 as implemented by the Office of Management and Budget rules, "Controlling Paperwork Burdens on the Public,? published at 5 CFR1320. The Recipient shall submit any proposed sponsored information collection to the person identi?ed on the DOE 4600.1 (Award Face Page, Block 12). The proposal shall be submitted at least 120 clays prior to the intended date of information collection. DOE will seek the requisite approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and will notify the Recipient of the disposition of the request. 2.18 Public Agcess to Information (APR 2000! The Freedom of information Act. as amended. and the DOE implementing regulations (10 CFR 1004) require DOE to release certain documents and records regarding awards to any person who provides a written request. The intended use of the information will not be a criterion fer release. 2.19 Compliance with Buy American Act (OCT 2004! in accepting this award, the Recipient agrees to comply with sections 2 through 4 of the Act of March 3, 1933 (41 U.S.C. 10a~10c, popularly known as the "Buy American Act?). The Recipient should review the provisions of the Act to ensure that expenditures made under this award are in accordance with it. 2.20 Notige Regarding the Purchase of American-Made Equipment and Products Sense of Congress (OCT 2004) It Is the sense of the Congress that. to the greatest extent practicable, all equipment and products purchased with funds made available under this award should be American-made. 2.21 Lobbying Restrictions (OCT 2004! By accepting funds under this award. Recipient agrees that none of the funds obligated on the award shall be made available for any activity or the publication or distribution of literature that In any way tends to promote public support or opposition to any legislative proposal on which Congressional action is not complete. This restricii0n is in addition to those prescribed elsewhere in statute and regulation. 2.22 Notice Regarding Ungllowabte Costs and Lobbying Activities (NQV 199?j Recipients of financial assistance are cautioned to carefully review the allowable cost and other provisions applicable to expenditures under their particular award instruments. If financial assistance funds are spent for purposes or in amounts lncooststent with the allowable cost or any other provisions governing expenditures in an it) award instrument, the government may pursue a number of remedies against the Recipient, including in appropriate circumstances, recovery of such funds, termination of the award, suspension or debarment of the Recipient from future awards, and criminal prosecution for false statements. Particular care should be taken by the Recipient to comply with the provisions prohibiting the expenditure of funds for lobbying and related activities. Financial assistance awards may be used to describe and promote the understanding of scientific and technical sepects of specific energy technologies, but not to encourage or support political activities such as the collection and dissemination of information rotated to potential, planned or pending legislation. 2.23 Re ortln Failure to comply with the reporting requirements contained in this award will be considered a material noncompliance with the terms of the award. Noncompliance may result in a withholding of future payments, suspension or termination of the current award, and withholding of future awards. A willful faiiure to perform, a history of failure to perform, or of unsatisfactory performance of this andlor other financial assistance awards, may also result in a debarment action to preclude future awards by Federal agencies. 2.24 Recipient Press Releases 1998) The DOE policy and procedure on planned press releases requires that all Recipient press releases be reviewed and approved by DOE prior to issuance. Therefore, the Recipient shall, at feast ten (1 0) days prior to the planned issue date, submit a draft copy to the Contracting Officer of any planned press releases related to work performed under this award. The Contracting Of?cer wilt then obtain necessary reviews and clearances and provide the Recipient with the results of such reviews prior to the planned issue date. 2.25 Publication 9f Statemgnt (MAR 2004] Publications, as well as reports prepared under this award shail contain the following acknowledgment statement: "This was prepared with the support of the U5. Department of Energy, under Award Number However, any opinions, findings, conciusions, or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily re?ect the views of the 2.28 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) You are restricted from taking any action using Federal funds that would have an adverse effect on the environment or limit the choice of reasonable aiternatlves prior to DOE providing either a NEPA clearance or a final NEPA decision regarding this Project. DOE shall not share in any Project cost for the Kamper County, MS Project unless and until DOE issues a Record of Decision approving the Project. This restriction does not preclude the Recipient from completing activities associated with Phase of Budget Period 2b.at the Recipient's expense reference the Statement of Project Objectives. Parties agree that all Phase lib costs shall be absorbed by the Recipient. Allowable Phase lilb costs of Budget Period 2b incurred by the Recipient for the Kemper County, MS Project prior to the issuance of a Record of Decision (ROD) are not subject to reimbursement by DOE until after the issuance of an ROD approving the Project. Prior to the completion and issuance of the ROD, DOE agrees to discuss with the Recipient any proposed conditions and requirements that may be included in the ROD it DOE approves the proposed action. While DOE intends to avoid surprise or undue hardship for the Recipient, DOE retains sole discretion on whether to include in the ROD any conditions and requirements. if DOE approves in the ROD the proposed action subject to specific conditions, limitations. mitigation requirements, andlor monitoring requirements, the Recipient agrees to: a) abide by the conditions, limitations. mitigation requirements, and/or monitoring requirements specified in the it aw Ni MM b) negotiate changes to the project schedule. costs, andfor scope as necessary to effect the requirements or conditions in the c) aiiow authorized representatives the right to visit the site and facilities at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice to verify oompiiance with any conditions and requirements in the and d) submit data or otherwise meet specified reporting requirements that may be in the ROD. if the Recipient ?nds the conditions and requirements to be unacceptable. the Recipient reserves the right withdraw from the Project upon written notice to DOE, as prescribed under 10 CFR 2.27 Environmental, Safety 8: Health 20031 The recipient must compiy with appiicabie Federai. State, and [coat environmental, safety and health laws and regulations for work performed under this award; 2.28 Hazardous Wastes Manifests and Labels 30031 The Recipient shalt not identity, on wastes manifests or container labels or otherwise. DOE or NETL as the owner or generator of hazardous wastes without written permission, signed by either the NETL Director or both the NETL ContractingOfticer and the NETL Division Director, unless expresstyand specificaliy permitted by the award. 2.29 I Permits and LicenSes Within sixty (60) days of the award date (identified In Block 21 on the face page) of amendment A004 to this Cooperative Agreement. the Recipient shait submit to the DOE Project Officer a iist of approvals that. in the Recipient's opinion, shalt be required to complete the work under this award. The iist shall inctude the topic of the approval being sought, the approving authority, and the expected submittailapprovai schedule. The DOE Project Of?cer shall be notified as specific items are added or removed from the list and processed through their approvai cycles. The Recipient agrees to include this oiause in first-tier subcontracts and agrees to enforce the terms of this clause. 2.30 Insurance is) Within 120 days of the award date (identified in Block 21 on the face page) of amendment A004 to this Cooperative Agreement. the Recipient must submit to DOE an updated risk management plan for this Project. The insurance requirements on the part of the Recipient for this Project shall be as set forth in its submitted pian. Such pian must be approved by a letter from the DOE Contracting Officer. The Recipient shall provide evidence that DOE has been named as an additional insured on the appropriate policies. indemnity The Recipient shaii indemnify the Government and its of?cers. agents, or employees for any and all including litigation expenses and attorneys? fees, arising from suits. actions. or ciaims of any character for death. bodily injury. or toes of or damage to property or to the environment. resulting from the fault or negiigence of the Recipient in performing the Project under this Cooperative Agreement. 2.31 Limitation of DOE Liability 2002! Awards under this part are subject to the requirement that the maximum DOE obitgetion to the recipient is the amount shown in the Notice of Financial Assistance Award as the amount of DOE funds obligated. DOE shalt 12 not be obligated to make any additional. supplemental, continuation. renewal or other awards for the same or any other purpose. 2.32 Termination (MAR 2002) The Cooperative Agreement may be terminated in accordance with 10 CFR 600.351. 2.33 Records Retention. Access, and (MAR 2002] Period of Retentigg The Recipient shall retain all financial and performance records, supporting documents, statistical records. and other records of the Recipient which are required to be retained by the terms of this Cooperative Agreement. and any other records the Recipient reasonably considers to be pertinent to this Cdoperative Agreement. The period of required retention shall be from the date each such record is created or received by the Recipient until three years after one of the following dates. whichever is latest: the expiration date of this Cooperative Agreement; the date the Recipient's final expenditure report is submitted to or if this Cooperative Agreement is terminated in its entirety. the effective date of the termination. if any claim, litigation. negotiation. investigation. audit, or other action involving the records starts before the expiration of the three-year retention period. the Recipient shall retain the records until-such action is completed and all related issues are resolved, or until the end of the three- year retention period. whichever is later. Authorized Cgpies Copies made by microfilm. photocopying, or similar methods may be substituted for original records. Records originally created by computer may be retained on an electronic medium. provided such medium is "read only? or is protected in such a manner that the electronic record can be authenticated as an original record. (0) Access to Records Subject to any legitimate claims of AttorneinIIent Privilege as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, DOE and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their authorized representatives, shall have the right of access to any books, documents, papers. or other records (including those on electronic media) which are pertinent to this Cooperative Agreement. The purpose of such access is limited to the makingof audits. examinations. excerpts. and transcripts. The right of access described in this paragraph shall last as long as the Recipient retains records which are pertinent to this Cooperative Agreement. Restrictions on Public Disclosure The Federal Freedom of information Act 5 USC Section 552 does not apply to records the Recipient is required to retain by the terms of this Cooperative Agreement to the extent that the records are not also In the possession of the Government. Unless otherwise required by law or a court of competent jurisdiction, the Recipient shall not be required to disclose such records to the public. 2.34 Sev rabili MAR 2002 it a court of competentjurisdiction or the DOE Financial Assistance Appeals Board determines that any part of this Copperative Agreement is invalid. void. unenforceable. or inconsistent with any applicable Federal statute or regulation, such part shall be deemed to have been amended or deleted to conform to such determination. 2.35 of Work in the United States (AUG 20031 The Recipient agrees that at least 75% of the direct labor cost for the project (including subcontractor labor) will 13 be incurred in the United States unless the Recipient can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the DOE that the United States economic interest will be better served through a greater percentage of work performed outside the United States. 2.36 RESERVED 2.37 Annual indirect Cost Proposal Reconciliation (OCT 2004) In accordance with the applicable cost principles, Recipient must submit an annual indirect cost proposal, reconciled to Recipient's financial statements. within six months after the close of each fiscal year, unless Recipient has negotiated a predetermined or fixed indirect rate(s), or ?xed amount for indirect or facilities and administration costs. Recipient should submit its annual indirect cost propose! directly to the cognizant agency for negotiating and approving indirect costs. if DOE is the cognizant agency, send your proposal to the Cognizant Department of Energy Of?ce (000). It Recipient does not have a cognizant agency or if Recipient does not know the DOE CDO, contact the DOE Award Administrator identified in Block 12 of the Notice of Financial Assistance Award. 2.38 Conditions on Award The Recipient is not authorized to proceed into Phase of Budget Period 2b without prior DOE approval. (3) Estimated Cost of Award The estimated cost of the award is based on the Recipient's revised budget application dated February 2008 and reflects estimated costs available at that time. The Recipient agrees that all costs expended in Phase lib of Budget Period 2b will be absorbed by Recipient. DOE agrees to share costs in Phase lilb of Budget Period 2b upon Recipient?s submission and DOE's approval of an updated detailed cost breakdown for Phase lltb. agreement to share costs in Phase of Budget Period 2b is subject to the conditions of this Article and to DOE receiving a detalied breakdown of the expected project costs for Phase IV at teast 90 days before the scheduled and of Phase illb. DOE will review each detailed cost breakdown and will provide 803 with any comments on such detailed cost breakdown within ninety (90) days of receipt thereof. in the event that DOE disputes the aliewabtlity of particular cost items in the detailed cost breakdown, 808 and DOE will conduct discussions to resolve any such issues. if issues on particular cost items cannot be resolved, SOS wilt have the option of proceeding with the Project without seeking DOE funding for any such particular cost items. 2.39 Withhgiding of Funds (A) The parties agree that $25.000.000 (twenty-five million dollars) of the DOE?obligated funds will be deterred for payment during Phase of Budget Period 2b (the Demonstration Phase) in the manner set forth in items and below. (1) During Phase it! of the Project. Reclpientwili submit invoices to DOE in the normal course of business as provided under the cooperative agreement. and DOE will reimburse Recipient for allowable costs in the manner provided under the cooperative agreement. (2) Each year during Phase IV of the Project, DOE will have the right to withhold up to $1,500,000 (one mlilion five hundred thousand dollars) if Recipient fails to submit to DOE all of the required reports for that year as defined by the cooperative agreement. (3) Once DOE has paid to Recipient $283,750,000 mlilloc seven-hundred?tifty thousand dollars) in DOE funds, DOE wilt disburse the remaining funds for allowable costs earned and invoiced by Recipient as follows: $5,000,000 upon Recipient's submission of complete final deitverables, including the Patent Certification and the Final Scientific/Technical Report. (to) $5,000,000 upon DOE's acceptance of Recipient's Final ScientificlTeohnical Report. DOE shalt have 60 days after receipt of the Finat Scientificri?echnicet Report (or any revised versions) to provide Recipient with comments andlor conounence. Upon receipt of comments. the Recipient shall have 60 days to revise the Fina! Scientificl?l'echnioat Report and resubmit it to DOE (if necessary). Should DOE not provide comments within the 60 days period, the Final Scientifici't?echnical Report shall be deemed to be accepted and the remaining funds will be disbursed. SECTION PROPERTY PROVISIONS 3.1 Intellectual Pm};er Provisions (JAN 2094] I The patent and technical data ciauses Included in this section apply to this award. As used In these applicable clauses, the term "Patent Counsel" refers to the following point of contact: intellectual Property Law Division U.S. Department of Energy Chicago Operations Office 9800 South Cass Avenue Argonne, iL 60439 In reading these provisions, any reference to ?contractor? shall mean "recipient". and any reference to ?contract? or ?subcontract? shall mean ?award? or ?sub-award". The Recipient shall include intellectual property clauses in any sub-award in accordance with requirements of the clauses in this section and of 10 CFR Parts 600.136 or 600.325 as appropriate. 3.2 Confidential Business Information (JAN 20041 Information represented to the Department as being confidential business information. and which does not include ?Technical Data" as that term is defined in the ?Rights in Data" clause in this agreement. shall be sub- mitted as an attachment to the required reports and wilt be withheld from disclosure outside the U.S. Government to the extent permitted by law. Such attachment and each page therein shall be stamped with the following legend and no other: CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS INFORMATION The Recipient considers the material furnished herein to contain confidential business information which is to be withheld from disclosure outside the U.S. Government to the extent permitted by law. 3.3 52.2274 Authorization and Consent (JUL 1995! - Alternate IIAPR 19?41 The Government authorizes and consents to all use and manufacture of any invention described in and covered by a United States patent in the performance of this contract or any subcontract at any tier. The Contractor agrees to Include, and require inclusion of, this clause, suitably modified to identify the parties, in all subcontracts at any tier for supplies or services (Including construction, architect-engineer services. and materials. supplies. models. samples, and design or testing services expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold); however. omission of this clause from any subcontract, including those at or below the simplified acquisition threshold. does not affect this authorization and consent. 3.4 . 52.227-2 Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement (AUG 1&961 The Contractor shait report to the Contracting Officer. and in reasonable written detail, each notice or claim of patent or copyright infringement based on the performance of this contract of which the Contractor has knowledge. In the event of any claim or suit against the Government on account of any alleged patent or copyright infringement arising out of the performance of this contractor out of the use of any supplies furnished or work or services performed under this contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the Government. when requested by the Contracting OfficerI ail evidence and information in possession of the Contractor pertaining to such suit or claim. Such evidence and Information shall be furnished at the expense of the Government except where the Contractor has agreed to indemnify the Government. t6 (0) 3.5 3.6 (9) The Contractor agrees to include. and require inclusion of, this ciause in all subcontracts at any tier for supplies er services (including construction and architect-engineer subcontracts and those for materiai, supplies, models. samptes, or design or testing services) expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold at FAR 2.101. ?2.227-3 Patent Indemnity 1984} The Contractor shall indemnify the Government and its officers. agents. and empioyees against liability. including costs, for infringement of any United States patent (except a patent issued upon anappiication that is now or may hereafter be withheid from issue pursuant to a Secrecy Order under 35 0.8.0. 181) arising cut of the manufacture or delivery of supplies, the performance of services, or the construction, alteration, modification, or repair of real property (hereinafter referred to as ?construction work?) under this contractdisposal by or for the account of the Government of such supplies or construction work. This indemnity shalt not apply unless the Contractor shalt have been informed as soon as practicable by the Government of the suit or action alleging such infringement and shall have been given such opportunity as is afforded by applicable iaws, rules, or regulations to participate in its defense. Further, this indemnity shalt not apply to - An infringement resulting from compiiance with Specific written instructions of the Contracting Officer directing a change in the suppiies to be delivered or in the materials or equipment to be used, or directing a manner of performance of the contract not normaliy used by the Contractor; (2) An infringement resulting from addition to or change in suppiies or components furnished or construction work performed that was made subsequent to delivery or performance: or (3) A ciaimed infringement that is unreasonably settied without the consent of the Contractor. unless required by final decree of a court of competent jurisdiction. 952.227-9 Refund of Royalties QFEB 19951 The contract price includes certain amounts for royalties payable by the Contractor or subcontractors or both. which amounts have been reported to the Contracting Officer. The term "royalties" as used in this clause refers to any costs or charges in the nature of royalties, iicense fees. patent or license amortization costs, or the like, for the use of or for rights in patents and patent apptications in connection with performing this contract or any subcontract here-under. The term also tnciudes any costs or charges associated with the access to. use of. or other right pertaining to data that is represented to be proprietary and is related to the performance of this contract or the copying of such data or data that is copyrighted. The Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer. before ?nal payment underthis contract. a statement of royalties paid or required to be paid in connection with performing this contract and subcontracts hereunder together with the reasons. The Contractor will be compensated for royalties reported under paragraph of this clause. only to the extent that such royalties were included in the contract price and are determined by the Contracting Officer to be property chargeable to the Government and atlocable to the contract. To the extent that any royalties that are included in the contract price are not, in fact. paid by the Contractor or are determined by the Contracting Officer not to be property chargeable to the government and aliocabie to the contract. the centract price shalt be reduced. Repayment or credit to the Government shall be made as the Contracting Officer directs. The approval by DOE of any individual payments or royalties shall not prevent the Government from contesting at any time the enforceability, validity. scope of. or title to, any patent or the proprietary nature of data pursuant to which a royalty or other payment is to be or has been made. If, at any time within 3 years after tine! payment under this contract. the Contractor for any reason is relieved in whole or in part from the payment of the royalties included in the final contract price as adjusted pursuant to paragraph of this clause. the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer of that fact and shall reimburse the Government in a corresponding amount. The substance of this clause. including this paragraph (f)I shalt be inciuded in any subcontract in which the amount of royatties reported during negotiation of the subcontract exceeds $250. Patent Rights (Large Business Firms) - Ne Waiver (OCT 2003) De?nitions to) DOE patent waiver regulations. as used in this clause, means the Department of Energy patent waiver regulations in effect on the date of award. See 10 CFR Part ?84. invention, as used in this clause, means any invention or discovery which is or may be patentable or otherwise protectable under title 35 of the United States Code or any novel variety of plant that is or may be protectabte under the Plant Variety Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 2321, et seq). Patent Counsel, as used in this clause, means the Department of Energy Patent Counsel assisting the awarding activity. Subject invention. as used in this clause, means any invention of the Recipient conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under this agreement. Allocations of Principal Rights (1) Assignment to the Government. The Recipient agrees to assign to the Government the entire right, title. and interest throughout the world in and to each subject invention, except to the extent that rights are retained by the Recipient under subparagraph and paragraph of this clause. (2) Greater rights determinations. The Recipient. or an employee-Inventor after consultation with the Recipient. may request greater rights than the nonexclusive license in the foreign patent rights provided in paragraph of this clause on identified inventions in accordance with the DOE patent waiver regulation. Each determination of greater rights under this agreement shall be subject to paragraph of this clause, unless otherwise provided in the greater rights determination, and to the reservations and conditions deemed to be appropriate by the Secretary of Energy or designee. Minimum Rights Acquired by the Government With respect to each subject invention to which the Department of Energy grants the Recipient principal or exclusive rights, the Recipient agrees to grant to the Government: A nonexclusive. nontransferabie, irrevocable. paid?up license to practice or have practiced each subject invention throughout the world by or on behalf of the Government of the United States (including any Government agency); "march-in rights? as set forth in 3? CFR 401 preference for us. industry as set forth in 37 CFR periodic reports upon request, no more frequently than annually, on the utilization or intent of utilization of a subject invention in a manner consistent with 35 U.S.C. 202(c)(5): and such Government rights in any instrument transferring rights in a subject invention. - Minimum Rights to the Recipient The Recipient is hereby granted a revocable. nonexclusive, royalty-free iicense in each patent application filed in any country on a subject invention and any resulting patent in which the Government obtains title, unless the Recipient fails to disciose the subject invention within the times specified in subparagraph of this clause. The Recipient's license extends to its domestic subsidiaries and af?liates, if any, within the corporate structure of which the Recipient is a part and includes the right to grant subiicenses of the same scope to the extent the Recipient was legally (2) obligated to do so at the time the agreement was awarded. The license is transferable oniywith the approval of DOE except when transferred to the successor of that part of the Recipient's business to which the invention pertains. The Recipient may request the right to acquire patent rights to a subject invention in any foreign country where the Government has elected not to secure such rights, subject to the minimum rights acquired by the Government similar to paragraph of this clause. Such request must be made in writing to the Patent Counsel as part of the disclosure required by subparagraph of this clause. with a copy to the DOE Contracting Officer. DOE approval, if given. will be based on a determination that this would best serve the national interest. invention identification. Disclosures, and Reports (1) (2) (3) (4) The Recipient shall establish and maintain active and effective procedures to assure that subject inventions are identified and disclosed to Recipient personnel responsible for patent matters within 6 months of conception andior first actual reduction to practice. whichever occurs first in the performance of work under this agreement. These procedures shalt include the maintenance of laboratory notebooks or equivalent'records and other records as are reasonably necessary to document the conception andior the first actual reduction to practice of subject inventions. and records that show that the procedures for identifying and disclosing the inventions are followed. Upon request, the Recipient shall furnish the Contracting Officer a description of such procedures for evaluation and for determination as to their effectiveness. The Recipient shall disclose each subject invention to the DOE Patent Counsel with a copy to the Contracting Officer within 2 months after the inventor discloses it in writing to Recipient personnel responsible for patent matters or, it earlier. within 6 months after the Recipient becomes aware that a subject invention has been made. but in any event before any on sale, public use, or publication of such invention known to the Recipient. The disclosure to DOE shalt be in the form of a written report and shall identify the agreement under which the invention was made and the inventor(s). it snail be sufficiently complete in technical detail to convey a clear understanding. to the extent known at the time of the disclosure. of the nature, purpose, operation. and physical. chemical. biological, or electrical characteristics of the invention. The disclosure shall also identify any publication, on safe, or public use of the invention and whether a manuscript describing the invention has been submitted for publication and, if so. whether it has been accepted for publication at the time of disclosure. in addition. after disclosure to DOE, the Recipient shall notify Patent Counsel of the acceptance of any manuscript describing the invention for publication or of any on sale or public use planned by the Recipient. The report should also include any request for a greater rights determination in accordance with subparagraph of this clause. When an invention is disclosed to DOE under this paragraph, it shall be deemed to have been made in the manner specified in Sections (ajlt) and of42 0.3.0. 5908. unless the Recipient contends in writing at the time the invention is disclosed that it was not so made. The Recipient shall furnish the Contracting Officer a final report. within 3 months after completion of the work listing alt subject inventions or containing a statement that there were no such inventions, and listing all sub~awardsicontraots at any tier containing a patent rights clause or containing a statement that there were no such sub-awards/contracts. The Recipient agrees to require. by written agreement. its employees. other than clerical and non- technicai employees. to disclose in writing to personnel identified as responsible for the administration of patent matters and in a format suggested by the Recipient each subject invention made under sub-awardicontract in order that the Recipient can comply with the disclosure provisions of paragraph of this clause. and to execute all papers necessary to tile patent applications on subject inventions and to establish the Government's rights in the subject inventions. This disclosure format should require. as a minimum. the information required by subparagraph of this clause. 19 (5) The Recipient agrees. subject to FAR 27.3020): that the Government may duplicate and disclose subject invention disciosures and all other reports and papers furnished or required to be furnished pursuant to this clause. Examination of Records Relating to inventions The Contracting Officer or any authorized representative shall, until 3 years after finai payment under this agreement. have the right to examine any books (including laboratory notebooks), records. and documents of the Recipient relating to the conception or first actuat reduction to practice of inventions in the same field of technoiogy as the work under this agreement to determine whethen? Any such inventions are subject inventions; (it) The Recipient has established and maintains the procedures required by subparagraphs and (4) of this clause; . The Recipient and its inventors have complied with the procedures. (2) if the Contracting Officer teams of an unreported Recipient invention which the Contracting Officer believes may be a subject invention, the Recipient may be required to disclose the invention to DOE for a determination of ownership rights. (3) Any examination of records under this paragraph will be subject to appropriate conditions to protect the confidentiality of the information involved. (9) Sub-AwerdiContract (1) The recipient shalt Include the clause PATENT (SMALL BUSINESS FIRMS AND NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS) (suitably modi?ed to identify the parties) in sub- regardless of tier, for experimentai, developmental, demonstration. or research to be performed by a small business firm or domestic nonpro?t organization. exceptwhere the work of the sub-award/contract is subject to an Exceptional Circumstances Determination by DOE. in all other regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental, demonstration, or research work, the Recipient shalt include this cieuse (suitany modified to identify the parties), or an atternate clause as directed by the contracting officer. The Recipient snail not, as part of the consideration for awarding the sub-awerdlcontract, obtain rights in the sub- subject inventions. (2) In the event of a refusat by a prospective sub-reclpientlcontractcr to accept such a stance the Recipient: Shall submit a written notice to the Contracting Officer setting forth the sub- reci?plentfcontractor's reasons for such refusal and other pertinent information that may expedite disposition of the matter; and. (ii) Shall not proceed with such sub-award/contract without the written authorization of the Contracting Officer. (3) in the case of sub-awards/contracts at any tier, DOE. the sub-recipientfcontractor, and Recipient agree that the mutual obligations of the parties created by this clause constitute a contract between the sub~reclptenifcontractcr and DOE with respect to those matters covered by this clause. (4) The Recipient shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing upon the award of any sub- award/contract at any tier containing a patent rights clause by identifying the sub- recipientlcontractor. the applicable patent rights clause. the work to be performed under the sub- and the dates of award and estimated completion. Upon request of the Contracting Officer, the Recipient shall furnish a copy of such sub-awardlcontract, and. no more frequently than 20 annualiy, a listing of the sub-awards/contracts that have been awarded. (5) The Recipient shall identify att subject Inventions of a subvecipientlcontractor of which it acquires knowledge in the performance of this agreement and shall notify the Patent Counsel, with a copy to the contracting of?cer, upon identification of the inventions. Atomic Energy (1) No cteim for pecuniary award of compensation under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, shalt be asserted with respect to any invention or discovery made or conceived in the course of or under this agreement. (2) Except as?otherwise authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the Recipient will obtain patent agreements to effectuate the provisions of subparagraph of this clause from all persons who perform any part of the work under this agreement, except non-technical personnel, such as clerical empioyees and manuai iaborers. (5) Publication It is recognized that during the course of the work under this agreement, the Recipient or Its employees may from time to time desire to retease or publish information regarding scientific or technical developments conceived or ?rst actually reduced to practice in the course of or under this agreement. in order that public disclosure of such information will not adversely affect the patent interests of DOE or the Recipient, patent approval for reiease of publication shalt be secured from Patent Counsel prior to any such release or pubiication. Forfeiture of Rights in Unreported Subject invention (1) The Recipient shall forfeit and assign to the Government, at the request of the Secretary of Energy or designee, rights in any subject invention which the Recipient fails to report to Patent Counsel within six months after the time the Recipient: Files-or causes to be filed a United States or foreign patent application thereon; or (it) Submits the final repert required by subparagraph of this clause, whichever is later. (2) However, the Recipient shall not forfeit rights in a subject invention it, within the time specified [mach?paragraph of this ciause, the Recipient: Prepares a written decision based upon a review of the record that the invention was neither conceived nor first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under the agreement and delivers the decision to Patent Counsel, with a copy to the Contracting Officer, or (ii) Contending that the invention is not a subject invention, the Recipient nevertheless discloses the invention and all facts pertinent to this contention to the Patent Counsel. with a copy of the Contracting Officer; or Establishes that the failure to disclose did not result from the Recipient's fault or negligence. (3) Pending written assignment of the patent application and patents on a subject invention determined by the Secretary of Energy or designee to be forfeited (such determination to be a final decision under the Disputes clause of this agreement), the Recipient shalt be deemed to hold the invention and the patent applications and patents pertaining thereto in trust for the Government. The forfeiture provision of this paragraph (1) shall be in addition to and shail not supersede other rights and remedies which the Government may have with respect to subject Inventions. 2] 3.8 Rights in Data - Programs Covered Under Special Data Statutes [901? 20031 Definitions Computer Data Bases. as used in this clause, means a collection of data in a form capable of. and for the purpose of. being stored in. processed. and operated on by a computer. The term does not include computer software. Computer software, as used in this clause, means computer programs which are data comprising a series of instructions. rules. routines. or statements. regardless of the media in which recorded. that allow or cause a computer to perform a specific operation or series of operations and (ii) data comprising source code listings. design details, algorithms, processes, ?ow charts, formulae and related material that would enable the computer program to be produced, created or compiled. The term does not include computer data bases. Data. as used in this clause, means recorded information, regardless of form or the media on which it may be recorded. The term includes technical data and computer software. The term does not include information incidental to administration, such as ?nancial. administrative. cost or pricing or management information. Form, fit. and function data, as used in this clause. means data relating to items, components, or processes that are sufficient to enable physical and functional interchangeability as well as data identifying source, size. configuration. mating and attachment characteristics, functional characteristics. and performance requirements except that for computer software it means date identifying source, functional characteristics, and performance requirements but specifically excludes the source code, algorithm. process, formulae, and flow charts of the software. Limited rights data, as used in this clause. means data (other than computer software) developed at private expense that embody trade secrets or are commercial or ?nancial and confidential or privileged. Restricted computer software, as used in this clause, means computer software developed at private expense and that is a trade secret; is commercial or ?nancial and confidential or privileged; or is published copyrighted computer software; including modifications of such computer software. Protected data, as used in this clause, means technical data or commercial or financial data first produced in the performance of the award which, if it had been obtained from and first produced by a non-federal party, would be a trade secret or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential under the meaning of 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) and which data is marked as being protected data by a party to the award. Protected rights, as used in this clause, mean the rights in protected data set forth in the Protected Rights Notice of paragraph (9) of this clause. Technical data, as used in this clause, means that data which are of a scientific or technical nature. Technical data does not include computer software, but does include manuals and instructional materials and technical data formatted as a computer data base. Unlimited rights. as used in this clause, means the right of the Government to use, disclose. reproduce. prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public. and perform publicly and display publicly. in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others to do so. Allocation of Rights (1) Except as provided in paragraph of this clause regarding copyright. the Government shall have unlimited rights in - 22 (2) Copyright (1 (2) - Data specificaliy identified in this agreement as data to be delivered without restriction; (ii) Form. tit, and function data delivered under this agreement: (Iii) Data delivered under this agreement (except for restricted computer software) that constitute manuals or Instructional and training material for installation, operation. or routine maintenance and repair of items, components, or processes detivered or furnished for use under this agreement; and (iv) All other data delivered under this agreement unless provided otherwise for protected data in accordance with paragraph (9) of this ciause or for limited rights data or restricted computer software in accordance with paragraph of this clause. The Recipient shall have the right to Protect rights in protected data delivered under this agreement in the manner and to the extent provided in paragraph (9) of this ctause; (it) Withhold from delivery those data which are limited rights data or restricted computer software to the extent provided in paragraph of this stance; Substantiate use of, add. or correct protected rights or copyrights notices and to take other appropriate action, in accordance with paragraph of this stones; and (iv) Estabtish claim to copyright subsisting in data first produced in the performance of this agreement to the extent provided in subparagraph of this ciause. Data first produced in the performance of this agreement. Except as otherwise specificatly provided in this agreement. the Recipient may establish, without the prior approve! of the Contracting Officer, ctaim to copyright subsisting in any data first produced in the performance of this agreement. if claim to copyright is made, the Recipient shall affix the applicable copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402 and acknowledgment of Government sponsorship (lnctuding agreement number) to the data when such data are delivered to the Government, as well as when the data are published or deposited for registration as a published work in the U.S. Copyright Office. For such copyrighted data, inctudtng computer software, the Recipient grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid?up nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide ticense to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and dispiay publicly, by or on behalf of the Government, for alt such data. Data not first produced in the performance of this agreement. The Recipient shall not, without prior written permission of the Contracting Of?cer, incorporate in data detlvered under this agreement any data that are not first produced in the performance of this agreement and that contain the copyright notice of t? U.S.C. 401 or 402, unless the Recipient identifies such data and grants to the Government, or acquires on its behait, a license of the same scope as set forth in subparagraph of this clause: provided, however, that it such data are computer software, the Government shall acquire a copyright license as set forth in subparagraph of this clause it included in this agreement or as otherwise may be provided in a collateral agreement incorporated or made a part of this agreement. Removat of copyright notices. The Government agrees not to remove any copyright notices placed on data pursuant to this paragraph and to include such notices on alt reproductions of the data. Release. Publication and Use of Data 23 (1) The Recipient shall have the right to use, release to others, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced or specifically used by the Recipient in the performance of this contract. except to the extent such data may be subject to the Federal export control or national security laws or regulations. or unless otherwise provided in this paragraph of this clause or expressly set forth in this contract. (2) The Recipient agrees that to the extent it receives or is given access to data necessary for the performance of this agreement which contain restrictive markings, the Recipient shalt treat the data in accordance with such markings unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the Contracting Of?cer. to) Unauthorized Marking of Data (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this agreement concerning inspection or acceptance. if any data delivered under this agreement are marked with the notices specified in subparagraph or of this clause and use of such is not authorized by this clause. or if such data bears any other restrictive or limiting markings not authorized by this agreement, the Contracting Officer may at any time either return the data to the Recipient or cancel or ignore the markings. However. the following procedures shall apply prior to canceling or ignoring the markings. (ii) The Contracting Officer shall make written inquiry to the Recipient affording the Recipient 30 days from receipt of the inquiry to provide written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings; if the Recipient fails to respond or fails to provide written justi?cation to substantiate the prepriety of the markings within the 30-day period (or a longer time not exceeding 90 days approved in writing by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown), the Government shall have the right to cancel or ignore the markings at anytime after said period and the data will no longer be made subject to any disclosure prohibitions. if the Recipient provides written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings within the period satin subdivision of this clause. the Contracting Officer shall consider such written justification and determine whether or not the markings are to be cancelled or ignored. if the Contracting Officer determines that the markings are authorized, the Recipient shall be so notified in writing. If the Contracting Officer determines, with concurrence of the head of the contracting activity, that the markings are not authorized, the Contracting Officer shall furnish the Recipient a written determination,'which determination shall become the final agency decision regarding the appropriateness of the markings unless the Recipient ?les suit in a court of competentjurisdiclion within 90 days of receipt of the Contracting Officer?s decision. The Government shall continue to abide by the markings under this subdivision until final resolution of the matter either by the Contracting Of?cer's determination become final (in which instance the Government shall thereafter have the right to cancel or ignore the markings at any time and the data will no longer be made subject to any disclosure prohibitions). or by final disposition of the matter by court decision if suit is ?ied. (2) The time limits in the procedures set forth in subparagraph of this clause may be modified in accordance with agency regulations implementing the Freedom of information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) if necessary to respond to a request thereunder. Omitted or incorrect Markings (1) Data delivered to the Government without either the limited rights or restricted rights notice as 24 authorized by paragraph (9) of this clause, or the cepyright notice required by paragraph of this clause. shail be deemed to have been furnished with unilmiied rights, and the Government assumes no for the disclosure. use, or reproduction of such data. However. to the extent the data has not been disctosed without restriction outside the Government, the Recipient may request, within 6 months (or a tonger time approved by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown) after deiivery of such data. permission to have notices pieced on qualifying data at the Recipient?s expense, and the Contracting Officer may agree to do so if the Recipient - identifies the data to which the omitted notice is to be applied; (ii) Demonstrates that the omission of the notice was inadvertent; Establishes that the use of the proposed notice is authorized; and (iv) Acknowledges that the Government has no liability with respect to the disciosure. use, or reproduction of any such data made prior to the addition of the notice or resuiting from the omission of the notice. (2) The Contracting Officer may also: Permit correction at the Recipient's expense of Incorrect notices if the Recipient identifies the data on which correction of the notice is to be made, and demonstrates that the correct notice is authorized: or Correct any incorrect notices. (9) Rights to Protected Date (1) The Recipient may, with the concurrence of DOE, claim and mark as protected date, any data first produced in the performance of this award that would have been treated as a trade secret it developed at private expense. Any such ciairned "protected data" will be cteariy marked with the following Protected Rights Notice, and will be treated in accordance with such Notice. subject to the provisions of paragraphs and of this clause. PROTECTED RIGHTS NOTICE These protected data were produced under Agreement Number DE-FCQG-DBNT42391 with the U.S. Department of Energy and may not be published, disseminated. or disclosed to others outside the Government until five years after the compietion of the Demonstration Phase. unless express written authorization is obtained from the recipient. Upon expiration of the period of protection set forth in this Notice, the Government shalt have unlimited rights in this data. This Notice shalt be marked on any reproduction of this date, in whole or in part. (End of notice). (2) Any each marked Protected Data may be disclosed under obligations of confidentiality for the following purposes: For evaluation purposes under the restriction that the "Protected Data? be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed; (it) To subcontractors or other team members performing work under the Government's Clean Coal Power initiative program of which this award is a part, for information or use in connection with the work performed under their activity! and under the restriction that the Protected Data be retained in con?dence and not be further disclosed; or 25 As otherwise allowed in this agreement, use by the Government or others on its behalf to the extent necessary to enable the Government to complete the Statement of Project Objectives (Attachment A) of this agreement. (3) The obligations of confidentiality and restrictions on publication and dissemination shall and for any Protected Data: At the end of the protected period; (it) If the data becomes publicly known or available from other sources without a breach of the obligation of confidentiality with respect to the Protected Data; if the same data is independently developed by someone who did not have access to the Protected Data and such data is made available without obligations of confidentiality: or . (iv) lithe Recipient disseminates or authorizes another to disseminate such data without obligations of confidentiality. - . However. the Recipient agrees that the following types of data are not considered to be protected and shall be provided to the Government when required by this award without any claim that the data are Protected Data. The parties agree that notwithstanding the following lists of types of data, nothing precludes the Government from seeking delivery of additional data in accordance with this award, or from making pubticiy available additional non-protected data, nor does the following list constitute any admission by the Government that technical data not on the list is Protected Data. RIGHTS DATA Design 26 2? (5) The Government?s sole obligation with respect to any protected data shall be as set forth in this paragraph. (in) Protection of Limited Rights Data (1) When data other than that listed in subparagraphs and of this ciause are speci?ed to be delivered under this agreement and such data quality as either limited rights data or restricted computer software. the Recipient. if the Recipient desires to continue protection of such data. shall withhold such data and not furnish them to the Government under this agreement. As a condition to this withholding the Recipient shaii identify the data being withheld and furnish form, tit, and function data in lieu thereof. (2) Notwithstanding subparagraph of this ciause, the agreement may identify and specify the delivery of iimited rights data, or the Contracting Officer may require by written requestthe delivery of limited rights data that has been withheld or would otherwise be withhoidable. 'if delivery of such data is so required. the Recipient may affix the following "Limited Rights Notice" to the data and the Government witl thereafter treat the data, in accordance with such Notice: LIMITED RIGHTS NOTICE 23 These data are submitted with limited rights under Government Agreement Number 06NT42391. These data may be reproduced and used by the Government with the express limitation that they will not. without written permission of the Recipient. be used for purposes of manufacture nor disclosed outside the Government: except that the Government may disclose these data outside the Government for the following purposes, if any, provided that the Government makes such disclosure subject to prohibition against further use and disclosure: (1) Use (except for manufacture) by Federal support services contractors within the scope of their contracts; . (2) This "limited rights data" may be disclosed for evaluation purposes under the restriction that the "limited rights data? be retained in con?dence and not be further disclosed; (3) This ?limited rights data" may be disclosed to other contractors participating in the Government?s program of which this Recipient Is a part for information or use (except for manufacture) in connection with the work performed under their awards and under the restriction that the "limited rights data" be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed; (4) This "limited rights data" may be used by the Government or others on its behalf for emergency repair or overhaul work under the restriction that the "iimited rights data? be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed; . (6) Release to a foreign government, or instrumentality thereof. as the interests of the United States Government may require. for information or evaluation, or for emergency repair or overhaul work by such government. This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this data in whole or in part; and (6) As otherwise ailcwed in this agreement, use by the Government or others on its behalf to the extent necessary to enable the Government to complete the Statement of Project Objectives (Attachment A) of this agreement. This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of these data, in whole or in part. (End of notice) Notwithstanding subparagraph of this clause, the agreement may identify and specifythe delivery of restricted computer software, or the Contracting Officer may require by written request the delivery of restricted computer software that has been withheld or would otherwise be withhoidabie. if delivery of such computer software is so required. the Recipient may affix the following "Restricted Rights Notice" to the computer software and the Government wilt thereafter treat the computer software, subject to paragraphs and of this clause. in accordance with the Notice. RIGHTS NOTICE This computer software is submitted with restricted rights under Government Agreement Number DE- it may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed by the Government except as provided in paragraph of this Notice or as otherwise expressly stated in the agreement. This computer software may be (1) Used or copied for use in or with the computer or computers for which it was acquired, including use at any Government installation to which such computer or computers may be transferred: (2) Used or copied for use in a backup computer if any computer for which it was acquired is 29 inoperative; (3) Reproduced for safekeeping (archives) or backup purposes: (4) Modified, adapted, or combined with other cbmputer software, provided that the modi?ed, combined, or adapted portions of the derivative software are made subject to the same restricted rights; (5) Disclosed to and reproduced for use by support service Contractors in accordance with subparagraph through (4) of this clause, provided the Government makes such disciosureor reproduction subject to these restricted rights; (6) Used or copied for use in or transferred to a replacement computer; and (7) As otherwise allowed in this agreement, use by the Government or others on its behalf to the extent necessary to enabie the Government to ccmpiete the Statement of Project Objectives (Attachment A) of this agreement. (0) Notwithstanding the foregoing, it this computer software is published copyrighted computer software, it is iicensed to the Government, without disclosure prohibitions, with the minimum rights set forth in paragraph of this clause. Any other rights or limitations regarding the use, duplication, or disclosure of this computer software are to be expressly stated, in, or incorporated in. the agreement. to) This Notice shalt be marked on any reproduction of this computer software, in whole or in part. (End of notice} (it) Where it is impractical to include the Restricted Rights Notice on restricted computer software, the foiiowlng short-form Notice may be used in lieu thereof: RESTRICTED RIGHTS Use, reproduction. or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in Agreement Number DE-FCZG- 06NT42391 with Southern Company Services, inc. (End of notice) if restricted computer software is delivered with the copyright notice of 17 401, it will be presumed to be published copyrighted computer sofhvare licensed to the government without prohibitions, with the minimum rights set forth in paragraph of this clause, unless the Recipient includes the following statement with such copyright notice: ?Unpublished -- rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.? Sub-awardIContract The Recipient has the responsibility to obtain from its sub~recipientsicontractors all data and rights therein necessary to fulfiil the Recipient?s obligations to the Government under this agreement. if a sub- recipient/contractor refuses to accept terms affording the Government such rights, the Recipient shall bring such refusal to the attention of the Contracting Officer and not proceed with sub- awardlcontract award without further authorization. (1) Additional Data Requirements in addition to the data specified eisewhere in this agreement to be delivered. the Contracting Officer may, at anytime during agreement performance or within a period of 3 years after acceptance of all items to be 30 3.9 deiivered under this agreement, order any data first produced or specifically used lnthe performance of this agreement. This clause is applicable to all data ordered under this subparagraph. Nothing contained in this subparagraph shall require the Recipient to deliver any data the withhoiding of which is authorized by this ciause or data which are specificalty identified in this agreement as not subject to this clause. When data are to be delivered under this subparagraph, the Recipient will be compensated for converting the data into the prescribed form, for reproduction, and for delivery. The Recipient agrees, except as may be otherwise specified in this agreement for specific data items iisted as not subject to this paragraph, that the Contracting Of?cer or an authorized representative may, up to three years after acceptance of all items to be delivered under this contract, inspect atthe Recipient?s facility any data withheld pursuant to paragraph of this ciause. for purposes of verifying the Recipient?s assertion pertaining to the limited rights or restricted rights status of the data or for evaluating work performance. Where the Recipient whose data are to be inspected demonstrates to the Contracting Officer that there would be a possible conflict of interest it the inspection were made by a particuiar representative, the Contracting Officer shall designate an alternate inspector. Limited Rights Data (JAN 2004! The limited rights data subject to the "Rights in Data" clause in this award are listed beiow. This listing otdata, which are asserted by the Recipient to be limited rights data, does not constitute an admission by the Government that the data is in fact limited rights data. RIGHTS DATA Design Operations It a patent is issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office or the patent of?ce of anyforetgn country based on any information asserted to be limited rights data, the Government wilt no longer treat any data contained in such issued patent as itrnited rights data. in addition, if any information asserted to be limited rights data results in or becomes a Subject invention, as that term is defined in the patent rights ciause of this 31 agreement, the Government wilt only treat such data as limited rights data until the Recipient has filed its initiai patent appiication. - The Recipient shatl not introduce or utilize any itmited rights data not identified in paragraph (1) above in the performance of the award without the expressed written permission of the Contracting Officer. 3.10 Restricted Com titer Software JAN 2004 The restricted computer software subject to the provisions of the ?Rights in Data" clause in this agreement are listed below. This list of software programs, which are asserted by the Recipient to be restricted computer software, does not constitute an admission by the Government that the software is in fact restricted computer software. RESTRICTED COMPUTER SOFTWARE 32 The Recipient shall not introduce or utilize any restricted computer software not identi?ed above without advance written notification of the.Contrecting Officer. - 3.11 Protected Data (JAE 20041 The following is a listing of data anticipated to be generated under this award that the Recipient expects will qualify as ?Protected Data." as that term is de?ned in the ?Rights in Data" clause in this award. Incorporating this listing of data into this agreement does not constitute a guarantee by the Government that the data will in fact qualify for this designation. PROTECTED DATA 33 If a patent is issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office or the patent of?ce of any foreign country based on any information asserted to be Protected Date, the Government will no longer treat any data contained in such issued patent as Protected Data. in addition, If any information asserted to be Protected Data results in or becomes a Subject Invention, as that term is de?ned in the patent rights clause of this agreement, the Government wiil only treat such data as Protected Data until the Recipient has filed its initial patent application. 3.12 Avaitabllit of centre and other EC 2003 The Participant will, for the entire period of Participant's participation in the project at the Facility (including operation of the Facility) and for three years thereafter, whether or not under a Government Cooperative Agreement. keep and maintain all technicai data. including limited rights data and data obtained from subcontractors and licensors, necessary to construct andior operate the Facility, and all data including business and ?nancial data necessary to evaluate the technical and economic operation of the Facility. During the entire period of construction and/or operation of the Facility, regardless of whether the Government participates past Design, the Participant shall permit the Government and its representative the right to inspect at the Facility any data kept and maintained pursuant to this paragraph. 3.13 gommercializatiog of Demonstration (DEQ 2003i 34 3.14 52227-23 Rightg to Progosa! Data 1987] 3S Proposal dated June 10, 2004 Except for data contained on pages 72, 73, 74, 75; Appendix to, 11, 12. 13; Appendix - Appendix 1; Appendix the Project Narrative, it is agreed that as a condition of award of this contract, and notwithstanding the conditions of any notice appearing thereon, the Government shall have unlimited rights (as defined in the ?Rights in Data - General" or the ?Rights in Data Programs Covered Under Speciai Data Statutes" clause contained in this contract) in and to the technical data contained in the Project Narrative portion of the proposal dated June 10, 2004. Ail other parts of the proposal are considered to be Limited Rights Data containing sensitive business information and corporate trade secrets of the Recipient and/or of certain subcontractors. Request to change site from Orlando, Florida to Kemper County, Mississippi (February 2008): Except for data contained on the 4 cover letters (dated February 12. 2008, February 11, 2008, February 11, 2008 and February 8, 2008, respectively) and pages the Site Change Request dated February, 2008, it is agreed that as a condition of award of this contract, and notwithstanding the conditions of any notice appearing thereon, the Government shail have unlimited rights (as defined in the ?Rights in Data - General" or the ?Rights in Data Programs Covered Under Special Data Statutes" clause contained in this contract) in and to the technical data contained in the Site Change Request portion of the proposal dated February, 2008. Ali other submittals associated with the Site Change Request under this award are considered to be Limited Rights Data containing sensitive business information and corporate trade secrets of the Recipient andfor of certain subcontractors and thus are subject to the restrictions established by the agreement. 36 SECTION IV - t=t_ST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A -- Statement of Project Objectives Attachment - Reporting Requirements Attachment Budget Page(s) Attachment Amended and Restated Repayment Agreement A STATEMENT OF PROJECT OBJECTIVES As of Amendment A004 DEMONSTRATION OF A COAL-BASED TRANSPORT Originally this demonstration project was to be conducted at the Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) Stanton Energy Center near Orlando, Florida; however, due to unforeseen circumstances the project demonstration was terminated at the Orlando facility in November 2007. in December 2007, Southern Company requested that the project be relocated to the Kemper County site in Mississippi. After performing a due diligence review of the site relocation request, DOE approved the request. As a result, the Statement of Project Objectives was modified to reflect the activities that were performed for the Orlando site and the activities which will be performed for the Kemper County site. Where Budget Periods and Phases overlap on work performed at both demonstration sites, the designation of refers to the Orlando site and the designation of refers to the Mississippi site. Statement of Pro ecg Objectives for Activities Associated with the Orlando Site A. Project Summary (as proposed for the Orlando demonstration site) Southern Company Services, inc. (808), in a team effort with Southern Power Company Orlando Gasiflcaiion, LLC (SPCOG), Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC), and Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR), will design, construct, and operate a coal-based 285-MW integrated Gaslficatlon Combined Cycle ([600) power plant to demonstrate Transport Reactor Integrated Gasliication (TRIGW) combined cycle technology. The TRICTM plant, to be located at the Stanton Energy Center near Orlando in Orange County, Florida, will have two main islands: a Gasificatlon Island and a Combined Cycle island. The Gasification island will use air-blown transport gasi?er technology to generate syngas from U.S. coal Powder River Basin coal). The syngas, cleaned In the Gasificatlon island, would be used for fueling the Combined Cycle island - - a new combined cycle power generating facility - - planned for installation in 2010 by OUC and SPCOG. Except for the incremental items required for syngas operation, the Combined Cycle Island, which includes a gas turbine, heat recovery steam generator, and a steam turbine, will be built without DOE funds whereas the Gasificatlon island, which includes the fuel handling, Transport Gasifier (TC), syngas clean up system, and ash handling would bojointly owned by SPCOG and OUC and would be cost shared by DOE. A key performance target for the TRIGW plant is to achieve 80% availability without the use of a spare gasitication train. in addition to demonstrating a gasitication system with potential efficiency, capital cost, and operating cost advantages, this technology holds substantial potential for demonstrating the usability of abundant low~rank coals in an advanced power generation system. The project also demonstrates advanced technologies for particulate removal using high temperature-high pressure ?lters, mercury removal, and operation of a sulfur removal system for syngas cleanup. Prior to the decision to terminate the demonstration at the Orlando site, the project had initiated tasks in the following three phases: Project Definition, (ll) Detailed Design, and (ill) Construction. B. Project Objectives (as proposed for the Orlando demonstration site) The overall objective of the project is to design, construct, and operate a Transport Gasifier based advanced integrated gasification combined cycle power plant that uses U.S. coal to generate 285-MW (net) electricity. The sub-objectives of the project include: To design, build, and operate a slate~ofllhe-ert coal Gaslfication Island utilizing KBR Transport Gasl?er technology and integrate it with a Combined Cycle island. 2. To design, construct, and operate an advanced cleanup system that includes a sulfur removal system, high temperature - high pressure particulate filter (HTHP) system. selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and a 38 mercury removal system. 3. To demonstrate high availability. high thermal efficiency, low cost. and tow emissions of the TRIGTM electricity generation system in commercial operating mode. 4. To develop an effective commercialization strategy to accelerate the technology penetration in the U.S. and international markets. 5. Through reports and conference presentations. disseminate information on the development ofthe technology. The information reported should include plant efficiency. environmental status. and cost successes for ready replication into commercial practice. C. Project Phases The demonstration project was to be conducted in four phases; however, since the demonstration at the Orlando site was terminated during Budget Period 23. only the first three phases were initiated. Phase Ila and Phase illa were initiated but not completed: Phase l. Project Definition (Budget Period 1): This phase includes front-end engineering design. environmental permitting activities. simulated syngas combustion tests. and NEPA Record of Decision. Phase activities include: Verification of funding and schedule commitment by and OUC for the Combined Cycle Island and its schedule match with that of the Gasiflcation island. Completion of NEPA Record of Decision and scheduled site permitting activities. Phase ila. Detailed Design (Budget Period 2a): This phase includes detailed design engineering. equipment procurement, and continuing environmental permitting activities. Phase Ilia. Construction (Budget Period 2a): This phase includes Gasitication island construction. installation. commissioning, startup. integration with the Combined Cycle island. and continued engineering and environmental activities. D. Work Statement 808, the Cooperative Agreement Recipient. in collaboration with the other principal Project Team members, namely SPCOG, OUC, and KER. shall: i. Provide all services. materials. labor. and management necessary for the design. construction. installation, startup. and demonstration of a coal-based 285-MW plant at the Stanton Energy Center. near Orlando. Florida. ii. Obtain all necessary licenses. permits. and agreements. lii. Develop ail detailed plant engineering and design drawings, equipment lists, plant layouts. detailed equipment specifications. construction specifications. bid packages, bid reviews, piping and instrumentation diagrams (P840). plant controls. instrumentation. and associated software. and other activities for the construction. installation. startup. operation. data collection. and data evaluation of the demonstration plant. - iv. Perform all site preparation. civil engineering and utilities. buildings. enclosures. site support, and other site services. v. Perform system integration of the Gasifier island with the Combined Cycle island for electricity generation and commercial dispatch. vi. Prepare and deliver to DOE all reports related to the management, budget. and control of the project as described in the Cooperative Agreement. 39 vii. Produce and deliver- to DOE all conference records. technical reports. topical reports. and informational reports as listed in the Copperative Agreement. Closeout activities associated with the Orlando site, following the decision by OUC and SPCOG on November 14. 2007 to terminate the Gasi?cation Island portion of the Orlando facility. The details are given below. 1.0 Project Definition (Phase I) The tasks in this phase include completing a detailed project management plan. ?nancial plan. environmental information volume. NEPA requirements. and front-end engineering design. The major subcontracts shall be awarded. The major technology components shall be finalized and the process design of the plant shall be completed. . Task 1.1 Project Management A detailed Project Management Plan shall be developed encompassing the four project phases. For each phase. the scope. cost. and schedule baselines shall be developed. The organizational structure for project implementation and technology commercialization shall be elaborated. The statements of work and procurement packages shall be developed for major subcontracts including Operations and Maintenance environmentaliN EPA support, design. and turbine testing. The design documents shall also address the fuel supply arrangements. electricity and toy-product sale. plant emissions. waste disposal. and safety issues. The project management shall include the following business functions to support the project: development and/or application of appropriate cost accounting. preperty management. procurement methods. and human resources guidelines to meet all Federal. State. and local regulations and standards. Methodologies shall be developed to track cost and scheduling activities throughout the project. The other activities shall include monitoring of actual cost against budgeted cash flows. tracking material costs. tracking progress based on labor- hours. and tracking cost and schedule variances on a beats for the total project. and updating the project schedule. A checklist of the sequential activities shall be prepared from the project schedule. The project schedule diagram shall indicate the mandatory and external dependencies. important milestones. decision points. and budget periods. A Financing Plan shall be developed that includes finalizing all financial commitments by the managements of the Southern Company and the OUC pertaining to the non-DOE cost share for all four phases of the project and the combined cycle system. The project costs and corresponding sources of funds shall be documented for each phase. Deliverabies Deiiverabies marked will be available for inspection on~siie by DOE and deliverables marked (D) will be delivered to DOE. Notwithstanding designation of a deliverable as DOE may call for delivery of the item pursuant to the provisions of the cooperative agreement. Formal Project Management Reports listed in the Federal Assistance Reporting checklist. (D) Project Management Plan encompassing: Project Team and Structure (D). (it) Technical Baseline (involving preliminary plans of design. construction. and demonstration/tests; process overview and block diagram; outline of the total concept from fuel receipt to electricity sale). (D) Cost Baseline. (D) (iv) Schedule Baseline (D). Communications Plan (D). (vi) Management and Control Procedures (1). (vii) Work Breakdown Structure at the same level as cost information. except combined cycle (D) Technical Risk Management Plan and (ix) Final Major Subcontracts (I). Task 1.2 EnvironmentaliNEPA Requirements 40 This task prepares an Environmental information Volume documentation for obtaining environmental permitting for the sitelproject, and supports preparation of an Environmental impact Statement for making a Record of Decision per the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirement. This subtask shall collect and document the data required to obtain appropriate environmental permits to construct and operate the demonstration plant on an ongoing basis. These permits shall be obtained from appropriate Federal. State. and local regulatory agencies. The following activities shall be performed. 1.2.1 Prepare an Environmental information Volume in accordance with NETL guidance. The shall contain a detailed description of the environmental aspects and projected impacts of the project and shall meet the information needs of the NEPA 1.2.2 Prepare an Environmental Compliance Plan (ECP) to implement an environmental monitoring and reporting strategy and to meet DOE reporting requirements. The strategy shall include plans for submitting a quality assuranceiquatity control (QNQC) plan and a pollution prevention plan conducting environmental monitoring. a Hazardous Substance Plan and Hazardous Waste Report. and submitting environmental status reports. 1.2.3 Prepare an Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP). which specifies the location, duration. frequency. and substances to be monitored to evaluate air, water, and land resources. as well as waste production. The EMP shall consider requirements for compliance monitoring, and NEPA-reiated monitoring. Deliverables Environmental permitting. data and milestones EIV and related NEPA?supporting documentation an Environmental Compliance Plan and an Environmental Monitoring Plan (D) Task 1.3 Front End Engineering and Design initially a conceptual design of the project shall be performed. This shall involve an overview of all design aspects of plant (both Gasification island and the Combined Cycle island) and the basis of the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) activities. The major equipment list for the Gasi?cation Island and the Combined Cycle Island shalt be separately identified. The FEED shalt involve complete process design and about 30 percent of the total engineering design. This task shall include developing the basis for process design and the information necessary to support environmental permitting and NEPA. Cold-?ow modeling shalt be Included for finalizing the designs of the transport gasifier mixing zone. the cyclone. and the disengager. The process design of the gasification island shall be completed and integrated with the combined cycle system. The major technology components shall be selected including gasification, sulfur removal, particulate removal. and mercury removal systems. The basis for this selection shall be documented. The major sections to be addressed include: fuel delivery and handling. (ii) transport gasifier, syngas cleanup. (iv) water treatment. combined cycle equipment, (vi) ash handling. and (vii) balance of plant. The project site shall be characterized with regard to topography, and soils to obtain the necessary data for designing layout and foundations of structures and buildings comprising the power plant, solids and water handling systems. and waste disposal. Deliverabies 3) Conceptual Design Report. This report shall present an overview of all design aspects plant (both Gasliication Island and the Combined Cycle island) and the basis of the FEED activities. The major equipment list for the Gasiftcation island (D) and Combined Cycle island shall be separately identified b) Front End Engineering and Design Report. This report shall encompass: specific technical objectives (D), 41 overall design basis (0), summary ?as designed? heat and material balances (critical components, Gasification island, and the complete TRIGTM plant (0) detailed heat and material balance (I), process flow diagrams (PFD) (D), process specification sheets (I), site interfaces (D), gas turbine syngas combustion test report equipment (D) and instrument lists (I), all safety reviews including Hazop updated project schedule (0), controls documentation and support (D), technical specifications for procurement of all long lead (greater than 12 months) items quotations on all major equipment design drawings, detailed construction plan (I), topographic site map, soils report, site plan, and site and plant water balance report. The design basis, process specifications, material and energy balances, and ?ow diagrams shall be included in the report separately for the Gasitlcation Island, each of its sections, and each equipment. Task 1.4 Long Lead Equipment Vendor Selection and Engineering in this task, the long lead items and qualified vendors shall be identified and the necessary engineering shall be initiated. For critical path items, a detailed schedule for design. procurement, fabrication, delivery, structure construction, installation, and checkout testing shalt be prepared. (invoices against this task will not be accepted until after completion of NEPA ROD). Deiiverabies The long teed equipment report and detailed schedules of critical path items (D) 2.0 Detailed Design (Phase lie) The detailed design shall develop the information and documentation necessary to construct and operate the demonstration plant. In this phase, all detailed design packages, bid speci?cations, and engineering drawings of the plant'shall be developed. This task shall develop complete facility design documents required for installation and operation of the Gesification island, including commissioning and startup. The design documentation shall re?ect the 'as-buiit? conditions upon completion of construction. The design shall include a test plan development for measuring the performance of the TRIGTM plant from efficiency and emissions perspective under different operating conditions alternate sub bituminous coal test, temperature and pressure, part load. ramp-up, shutdown), and corresponding data analysis methodologies. 2.1 Project Management The Project Team shall perform all project management activities planning, tracking, executing, controlling, and communicating) necessary to meet technical, cost, and schedule goals per the Cooperative Agreement. The technical, cost, and schedule information shall be updated. The environmental permitting and compliance management efforts shall continue during this phase. Dellverables Formal Project Management Reports listed in the Federal Assistance Reporting checklist (D). 2.2 Major Engineering Tasks The major subiasks include structural steel and concrete, architectural, mechanical design, electrical design. instrumentation and controls. equipment procurement packages, construction bid packages, and integration of the Gasification island with the Combined Cycle island, 2.2.1 Structural Steel and Concrete: This suhtask shall include all civil. structural, and geotechnical engineering associated with the design of the facility, including 3-D computer modeling of the process structures. 2.2.2 Architectural: This subtask shall include the design of all buildings and facilities including the administration 42 building, mechanical shop, and warehouse. 2.2.3 Mechanical: This subtask includes the following: mechanical design of all equipment including the development 'of fabrication drawings and specifications for procurement, (ii) piping layout, stress analysis, and support design, generation of isometric drawings for all piping and definition of the piping and valve specifications for procurement. and, site service systems including fire protection, water supplies, sewage, and plant air. 2.2.4 Electrical Design: This subtask includes the following: development of the single-line configuration to determine the electrical distribution throughout the facility, (ii) development of plans for electrical grounding, lighting. cable trays. and conduit, (ill) design of the station service and plant communication systems, (iv) development of interconnection wiring diagrams for all the equipment, programmable logic controllers. and the integrated control system 008), design and procurement speci?cations for the motor control centers. 2.2.5 Instrumentation and Controls: This subtask includes the following: configuration of the Southern Company standard plant data archiving system, (ii) instrument sizing, specification, and selection, instrument location drawings and installation details, (iv) instrument loop drawings, control schematics, logic diagrams, and interlock logic diagrams, control configuration, (vi) performance management configuration programming. 2.2.6 Construction Bid Packages: This subtask includes all engineering activity needed to prepare construction bid packages. This work includes assembly of plans, drawings, and speci?cations for the construction bid packages. it also includes developing a list of qualified bidders for each package, issuing each package to qualified bidders, evaluating construction bids, and preparing requisitions and purchase orders for award of construction contracts. 2.2.7 Procurement: This subtask includes the development of bid inquiry packages, bid evaluation, selection and procurement for all equipment, bulk materials, and services for the Gasttication island. 2.2.53. integration with Combined Cycle island: This task shall address the design and schedule related activities for the process integration of the gasificatlon island with the Combined Cycle island. The major equipment in the Combined Cycle island shall include a gas turbine, a heat recovery steam generator (includes Selective Catalytic Reduction), condenser, and a steam turbine. 3.0 Construction (Phase tile) The tasks in this phase include construction, installation, commissioning, and startup, and the remaining engineering and environmental compliance support. - 3.1 Project Management The Project Team shall perform all project management activities planning, tracking, executing, controlling, and communicating) necessary to assure technical, cost, and schedule goals per the Cooperative Agreement. The technical, cost, and schedule information shall be updated. The environmental compliance efforts shall continue during this phase. Deliverables Format Project Management Reports listed in the Federal Assistance Reporting checklist (D). 3.2 Site Preparation The selected site shall be developed for installation of structures via grading and excavations, machinery and equipment foundations, and building and service facility foundations. 43 3.3 Plant Construction The Project Team shall erect the demonstration plant and all related support systems and facilities. This task includes all equipment. materials. labor. and supervision required to install the foundations. process structures, buildings, bulks for the facility, and balanced-plant utilities including: lndirects Site, General Steam Generation Area Turbine and Generation Area Fuel Facilities Plant Water Systems Electrical Distribution and Switchyard Plant Instrumentation and Controls Other Gasification Facilities Gastfication Building Other GasificatlonFeedstocks Storage and Handling Feedstock Prep Gasifioation Gaslitcetion Ash RemovallRecycle Syngas Treatment Syngas Cooiinngeat Recovery Host Plant interconnections 3.4 Commissioning and Starlth The Project Team shall prepare commissioning and startup/test plans. procedures, and schedules for the systems and components to be tested. Detailed test requirements and acceptance criteria shall be provided for all advanced equipment to be operated during the commissioning period. During this period most of the equipment acceptance tests shalt be completed per the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Performance Test Code (PTO) procedures, modi?ed for local. seasonal weather conditions as necessary. The Project Team shall address all preparations necessary for operating the demonstration plant including. but not limited to, the types of sample analyses necessary to evaluate component and system performance. methods of collecting. reducing. and analyzing data from various components. and, methods for storage and retrievai of raw and re?ned performance data. E. Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist The Recipient shall provide reports in accordance with the enclosed Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist and the instructions accompanying the Checklist. F. Topical Reports In addition to reports listed in the Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist, the Recipient shall submit the following to the Government Contracting Officer's Representative (COR). Note that the following are not to be submitted through the official NETL document control system. The due dates of the Topical Reports will be determined by'the COR in discussions with the Recipient. These reports will be submitted as a draft until reviewed and approved by the COR. i. Conceptual Design Report it. Front End Engineering Design Report G. Briefings and Technical Presentations 44 The Recipient shalt prepare detailed briefings for presentation to the Government Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) at a NETL site or at a different location as designated by the Government COR. The briefings Shall be given by the Recipient to expiain the plans, progress. and resnits of the project effort. 1. Progress Review and Planning Meetings (every six months) ii. Project Kick-off Meeting (soon after the award) Conceptual Design Review Meeting (before beginning FEED) iv. Front End Engineering Design Review Meeting (end of Phase 1) v. Conference Participations H. Status Reports Prolggt management Meetings Weekly or as-needed project management meetings (either via phone conference with minutes, weblnet meetings, or face-to-iace) will occur to discuss progress. issues. accomplishments, deiiverables, milestones. the work plan, press inquiries. upcoming events, etc. Once a monthI typically iinked with invoice submission or cash advance request, the Recipient shall include in its emaii update current value management data as foilows: Labor Performance indicator Schedule Performance Indicator Planned Value and Actual Cost should be reported for the current reporting month and cumulative forthe project along with Estimate to Completion (ETC). Expanded-to-Date (ETD). and Estimate at Completion (EAC). The projected planned and estimated cost for the upcoming reporting month should be assessed. DOE shalt have inspection rights to the project manaement systems and data used to produce standard project progress reporting. Schedule (Gantt Chart) The Participant shall maintain a Gantt Chart and report on the project progress through updates to the Gantt Chart as part of the Quarterly Technical Progress Report required by the Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist, DOE Form 4600.2. Statement of Protect obigctives for Activities Associated with the Kemger Cou nty Site A. Project Summary I Southern Company Services, Inc. (808), in a team effort with Mississippi Power Company (MP0). and Keilogg Brown Root LLC (KER), will design, construct. and operate a coal-based Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle power plant to demonstrate Transport integrated Gasification (TRIGW) combined cycle technology with 002 capture and compression. The plant, to be located at an undeveloped, ligniie-mine mouth site in Kemper County. Mississippi, will have two main islands: 3 island and a Combined Cycle Island. The island wiil use air-blown transport gasifier technology to generate syngas from US. coal Mississippi Lignite). The syngas, cleaned in the Gasi?cation Island, wiil be used for fueling the Combined cycle island. The Island will include two Transport (TG) each with its own fuel handling and ash handling systems. The Combined Cycle island will Include two gas turbines each with its own heat recovery steam generator. both feeding a single steam turbine. A key performance target for the TRIGW plant is to achieve 80% without the use of a spare train. in addition to demonstrating a first-of-askind gasifioation system with potential efficiency, capital cost, and operating cost advantages. this technology holds substantial pctentlat for demonstrating the 115