Case 2:16-cv-03474-DSF-JPR Document 42-2 Filed 07/14/16 Page 2 of 21 Page ID #:311 Number: Admrinistrative Procedure ffim 505 Effective: Supersedes: 515106 Page: 1 of2Q Subject: USE OF FACILITIES AND EQUIPMEN"I 1.0. PURPOSE: To establish the policies and procedures gyoverning the use of Univeru;ity and non-University facilities, equipment, services, and amplifirsd sound. 2.Q. ORGANIZATIONSi AFFE.]TED: 2.1. All University units;, including auxilirary organizations. 2.2. All recogni:zed University affiliated rcrganizations. 2.3. Off-campus groups or individuals. 3.0I. REEERENCES: 3.1. lntegrated ,California State University Administrative Manual (IOSUAM), Section 5000, Policy Manual for (]ontracting and lrrocurement. 3.2. Education (lode, Sections 89035. €t9036, 89048. 89700, 897211. 89721(o), 89046 and 89901. 3.3. Los Angeles Munir:ipal Code (LAM0), Sections 41.32, 41.57, 115.01, and 15.02. 3.4. Office of thr; Chanr:ellor Executive Order 669 : Leases. 3.5. Otfice of the Chant:ellor Executive Order 1069 - Risk Manaoennent and Public Safetv. 3.6. California Sitate Univetsitv, Los Anoreles (Cal State LA). Facultv. Handbook. 3.7. Cal State.LA Admir:tglgflygPIggeglufe 01.9 - Use of Alcoholic Eleveraqes on Campus. 3.8. Cal State LA Admiriistrative Procedure 402, Parkino and Traffic; Reoulations. 1 3.9. ' Cal State LA Admirristrative Policv P007, Time. Place. and Manner of Free Expression. 3.10. Collecjive Eiargainirrq Aqreements - Unit 1-Article 6 & 7; Units 2, 5, 7 & 9-Article 5; Unit 3-Article 6; Unit 4-lrrticle 8, Unit 6-4rticle 7; Unit 8-Article 5; as rJetailed in the respective l\rticle in the Agreement in effect at the time. Exhibit A-3 Case 2:16-cv-03474-DSF-JPR Document 42-2 Filed 07/14/16 Page 3 of 21 Page ID #:312 Itlumber: 505 Itage: 4.0. 2 of 20 POLICY: Un iversity Facilitties 4.1. Use - Univ'ersity facilities are provided primarily for the purpose of conducting instructional programs, but may be, used for events of an educational nature and closely reliated to the mission of the University. Time, place, and manner of noninstructional evenlis and activities srhall be determined by the Llniversity in accordance with r,elevant statutes, policies and procedures. Use of University facilities is normerlly granted in the following order: 4.2. 4.1.1. The regu,lar University instructional program and relal.ed administrative activities 4.1.2. The broad University academic program, e.9., drama and musical programri, intercollegiate meets and activities, extended education programri and other programs that are an integral part of the instructional program. 4.1.3. Activities not directly relatred to the academic progranr, but sponsored by University recognized organizations and intended primarily for a campus audience, 4.1.4. Events concerned with pnlfessional, cultural, or recreational phases of campus life. 4.1.5. University co-sponsored activities. 4.1.6. Activities sponsored by oflicampus organizations. Except wherre otherwise noted, these procedures apply to Univrarsity facilities. Non-University facllities such as ther University-Student Union, l'{arriet and Charles Luckman l:ine Arts Complerx (Luckman), Golden Eagle building, University {itudent Housing, Los Angeles County High Schoolfor the Arts (LACHSA), Marc and Eva Stern Math and Science School (MATSS) and the Anna Bing Arnolcl Child Oare Center may have policies and procedures that, while complementary to University policy, are separate. The Luckman 4.3. Use - The L.uckmarr is a performing and visual arts faciliiy. Scheduling priority is for the performing and visual arts. I{eceptions in the Luckman (3allery are possible as long as;there is no confllict with the Lucknnan exhibition schedule. Receptions in the Oallery are deterrnined on a case-by-case basis depending on availability of the sl)ace, staffing, and resources. The Luckman Theatre is not availabrle for graduation ceremonies, conferences, conventions, or meetings. Exceptions to this policy are events of University significance, as detrirmined by the President. Exhibit A-4 Case 2:16-cv-03474-DSF-JPR Document 42-2 Filed 07/14/16 Page 4 of 21 Page ID #:313 Number: 505 Page: 3 of20 Use of thre Luckrnan is normally glranted in the following ordelr: 4.3.1. The Lucllman's regular performance 4.3.2. season. Rentals. 4.3.3. Performing and visual arts events produced by the University. Amplified Sound 4.4. While music, sperakers, festivals ilnd other such activities contribute to the quality of campus life, uriversity facilities and equipment may not be, used as a venue for activities that unreasonably disrupt the academic rnission of thp University or the quiet enjoyment of student housing or residential ilreas adjac;ent to the Universitlr. 4.5, Events with amplified sound may he held in locatklns that will not interfere with instructiorr or sturJy or unreasonallly disrupt student housing and residential areas adjracent to the University. Such events sharll be permillted during the hours of 112:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. arnd 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. and limited to one (1) event per day anC two (2) per week. 4.6. Amplified sound is prohibited at times or in any manner that is likely to unreasoniably disturb the use of classrooms, the Liibrary, or other University and non-Univelrsity facilities, including but not limited to student housing and residential areas adjacent to the Llniversity. Exceptions to this policy may be made on ia case-by-case basis. T'hese exceptions shall be linnited to Universitywide evenrts such as commencement, convocation, and other similar type events. 4.6.1. Amplified Sound Permit rerquests may not be approved in areas adjacent to student housing during {'inals periods in observance of University Student Housing's quiet hclurs. 4.7. Scheduling of sperce for amplified sound events will not be penmitted if such a performanrce would disrupt or pre-empt another preiviously scheduled event or function. 4.8. 5.0. The use of limitecl amplified sound for speeches, d,ebates and other educational activities nnay be iallowed in main traffic areas. DEFINITIONS: 5.1. Administrertive Fe,=_- A7.5o/o fee, based on all costs which are invoiced, or $50, whichever is grealer, will be chargr::d to all lease aE;reements. 5.2 Amplified lSound - lncludes, but is not limited to, bands, bull horns, microphones, CD players, amplifiers, DVD/TV sertups, cassette drecks and DJ systems including radio stertion promotions. 5.3. Auxiliarv C)roanizartiOns - Any entity which operates a commeroial service for the benefit of the Unir,'ersity on the cannpus or other property of Cerl State LA. Any Exhibit A-5 Case 2:16-cv-03474-DSF-JPR Document 42-2 Filed 07/14/16 Page 5 of 21 Page ID #:314 Itlumber: 505 l,age: 4 of 20 entity whose goverrning instrument provides in subs;tance that its purpose is to promote and assist Cal State LA, or to receive gifts, property and funds to be used for the benefit of such campLts or any person or organizertions having an official relationshi;r therewith; and iany of its directors, governors or trustees are either apppjnted or nominated by, or subject to, approval of arr official of Cal State l#dlor sele'cted, ex-officio from membership of the student body or faculty or the a'dKrinistratrve staff of such oampus (Educatircn Code S 89901 (c) & (d)). Current recognized auxiliary organizations are: the Cal State LA University Auxiliary Siervices, Inc.; the Univensity-Student Union; Associated Students, Inc.; and the Cal State LA Foundation. 5.4. Calendar of Evenlg - A computer-generated calendar of all non-instructional activities schedulerd on campus marintained by the Office of Communications and Public Afferirs. Th,e calendar describes each event lby date, stetrt and end times, location, event typ'e and title, estimated attendance, and sponsior. 5.5. Campus Orrqanizations - All University departments and auxilietry organizations, as well as University recognized faculty, staff, studernt, alumni, and developmernVsupprort organ izations. 5.6. Charqes - University facility rental, Nflaintenance, Upkeep and llepairs (MUR), parking fees, labor charges, and aciministrative fees; shall be clrarged for all associated facilities and equipment according to ther Rates & Oharges Schedule for University Facilities, Equipment and Services (Appendix 8.11.) authorized by code and plolicy arrd reviewed and approved by the President. These charges and rates are subject to change without prior notice. 5.7. Charqebac;k - An irterdepartmentall charge issued for the cost ,of work or services provided. 5.8. Co-sponsored Evernt - Events initiarted and coordinated by Unil'ersity departments or reoognized student organizations, Outside entities involved shall be requirecl to sigrr a Lease by Canrpus President (l\ppendix 8.4.) prepared by the Facilitiers Use ()oordinator and provide a ceriificilte of insuriance as detailed in Section 9.Cf 1. of thrs Agreement. 5.9. Deposit - The Univ'ersity may require a deposit of up to 100o/o a'f the estimated charges from individuals or groups requesting use of facilities or equipment. 510. Emplovee tSrqanizations - Representatives of employee organizations may use University facilities as outlined in the respective Collective Bargaining Agreements. 5.11. Equipment Charqeg - Charges ass