VALLEY FORGE CORPORATION June 30, 2009 Honorable Ronald Buckwalter United States District Court United States Courthouse 601Market Street, Room 14614 Philadelphia, PA 19106 Dear Judge Buckwaltcr: I was born, raised, educated and married in Philadelphia. In 1970, alter working for six year: at Merrill I founded a private investment company. Over four decades. Valley Forge Investment Corporation, its principals and its clients have owned and managed many businesses, hotels and shepping centers in the Greater Philadelphia area. i?m writing to the court on behalf of former state Senator Vincent J. Fumo, a man who has demonstrated his kindness to me. my family and my business associates for more than 25 years. Whenever I sought his assistance. the senator responded graciously, urgently and unconditionally. Five years ago, former Philadelphia City Controller Torn Gets, a lifelong friend and associate. fell and injured his brain. After undergoing life-saving emergency surgery. Tom was sent to a physical rehabilitation center for intensive motor?skills therapy. Unfortunately, long before Tom could complete the therapy his doctors had ordered, his health insurance company informed his wife that it no longer would pay for his care at the center. We called Senator Fume. Within hours. the insmance company told Tom's wife that it would pay the rehabilitation bills until Torn had reacquired the motor skills he needed to continue his life with dignity. Senator umo also helped in ways that were less dramatic but no less far reaching. About 12 years ago, he introduced us to administrators who managed an equity pool funded by building trades union pension plans. As a result. we formed a partnership with the equity pool and raised approximately $20 million to renovate two of our hotels: the Crown: Plaza in King of Prussia and the Embassy Suites in Chesterhrook. Senator Furno enabled our partnership to create dozens of high?paid construction jobs for the union members and secure hundreds of permanent service jobs for our hotel emplo yees. 120 8 Warner Road 0 Built-:- zoo - King of Prussia. 19406-2920! trialling Adore-es Pf). Em: 8:3? 0 mail-3'; Fizvrqe. Forins-plvan'a 13182-0837 Elephonaz matey-2400 PM ism-25443666 01c; . ?Ehree yea?s aga, we {If am? i?vestment camp .- .. {Ema}? mfg-2m it; Shasta: {333131; was-Wif?miele??icity fit: {Emma days; A?arl? - 3' Tn??ifmus-caistb?th?ei??ffii; $3 I gistmm gr?biem an?saigi hawmii?, ?wail; (32? ii,? sis??mii??h?iaia?g mg?fisai?d ?zg pm?akam; ?E?hm gm: gs: gawk. fag: m2: attics intmdaced a aew gra?uc?: A enue~w??ghted index would create u?jiie gamma fund. managars haci 36%? ?sh credibility fer ?he new index, we Gun: and mamge its assets successfully. re-vmue- weighted i?dgx. We knew the rev tremendeus ?value fer investers, but mast imam Sf anything bike it. in 012161? :3 estah needad is land at East was ?res?gioas ace We asked Smatsr Fume far ?52} Casey. The ireasurer?s staff ev po?f?iias. p. He intreduced 113 is then-State Traasurer Robert aiuatad the praduct and mitimat?ly included it in me 01? 16d :0 oiher clients and created eight mew jabs? These were mpressive faats, and in listing same cf the bi fear overiooking caun?ess smali kindnegses he: lavished over the years an cans?memsg ?ends and Wages. Thousands 0f psapia Earn 3.31 waiks. 0f life: have askad Sanath Emma them with small grablamsg As faras I always .. things Senator Ema did, 1 mpanywi?ih my @3333; 3mm; . ??fighi?- ham; :2 {m Gf My {m?g gm?wg, amgigyws ma}, mai? {egi?i? mam}? ?ih?i? i?giamas 21%: whigzh Semisgg Eigmiiy 333$ his m?mma mg: :33 3% 21%: ad: ?23? g?ikmg 123:: mam T??rg Em? gai?i? Ewwewr; if: fspaaiimg ?25: awf?y, E: m?g ih? gma way {22?an $2226; Eggazzse ygu hgi? ih? gmamrfg {mum in gm? ?a??sy if 313$ 39;: wig 3,32. Ehg- gas? he hag gag}; mag ggas: Ehrae'?wa?as? - Si??f?i?g this; magma iggismg fix Swag? ??ma Einca?iiyg R?a?m? gram ghaizmaz: WIS