luly 22, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Conlacl: Larry Abitz Office of the County Executive Office (920) 832-1684 OUTAGAMIE EXEC STATEMENT 0N GOODLAND PROPERTY VOTE Nelson Mme: board resolution APPLETON County Executive Nelson lssued Ihe followlng statement today, regarding Wednesday night's County board vole on Resolution 28.201547; "In ligll of new information on Wednesday lhal a company mleresled using lhe property lo Create about loo new Jobs, would nol be prudent lo support tlus leglslallon. Therefore I am vetulng Rcsoluuon 28 2016-17, "Wednesday mg", Ihe County board made adifl'leult deotsmn Supervisors carefully renewed the Information and wcighed lhelr voles soberly, I Ihank [ham for [hall lhoughlful dellberallon and look forward to working lhem on this and other matlers