cTs00t12 Page I oI3 Penn$rlvania Deparhnenl of Environmental Proteclion lnvestigation RePort complaint lnformatlon EP NC Rgnl OfiWilliamsport ld: Related Complnt Complnt ld: 315355 lrunicipality: Sweden Tolvnship Entered By: Sour@: Date Received: Abbrv DescdPtion: Long Oescriptlon: RUTH E PRIESIER Phone Call Potter County: ER Related (Y/N): N Date Acknowledgod: - o9t2412015 Afror tlours lnd(Y/N): comDlainant lntomaton Company: Seq No: Namo: o{uaili I Address: Confidenilal ffllii" Yes rr,on"' Hom€ Phone: I V. 1. 1 health issues due to possible water contamination Comptaint rec'd by Tera Tokaz (Mansfeld Offce - O&G): Complainant contacted JKLM this morning to report that he de\eloped stomach problems {dianhea and nausea) last elening. The Complainant has not reported any change in his v!€tor supply. JKL[, then conlacted lhe Deparlment to repod the c;ll. JKL[.' has scheduled to sample the water supply this afremoon Sile Location: Ext - E(t: - 0912412015 11:07 AM OP EN _S OU RC E Date/Tim€ Receiv€d: None Responriblo Parlv lnformation Name: Home Phone: company Name: Add16ssi Municipalit: ,aa" a"a*n" ar" 2217 CHERRY SPRINGS ROAD Couders port, PA 16915 Wo*Phon6: 267-71A-7568 Mobile Phone: - Pe.mlt#: County: ResDon$ lnlormalion Priority: Program: Complaint Type: Date Resp Assigned: 2 Oil & Gas Water Supply Date Response Due: Dale Fir* Re6ponse: Date Resolved: Date Refened: Refurred To: Comments: 10/08/2015 lnspec{or: 0912412015 :"'*u IERRA L TOKAM Supervisoa: MATTHEW R NUSS clsoo1 l2 Pennrylvania Departm€nt of Environmental Protection lnvestigation Report lnvestioatlon lnfomalion Date lnvestr Asigned: lnspector: eFACTS lnspection ld: lnvestigation Oe.crlption: Date lnvedgated: 09t24t2015 .TERRA L TOKAM gl23l1* Violation(Y/N): lnvestigationld: - Type: Phone Call No 327413 The Complainant de\,etoped stomach ploblems (diafihea and nausea) and contacted the Emergency Room at Charjes Cole lvemodal Hospital. Eme€ency Room personnel suggested that the Complainant monitor his condition and to contact his famijy doctor in the moming. The Complainant also said he had an "of'taste in his mouth. V. 1. 1 9124h5: The next moming, the Complainant contacted JKLIV and made them aware of his symptoms. JKLM notifed the Department at 1107 hours and provded the Complainant's name, address and phone number That afiemoon, Penn E&R lisited the Complainant's residence and collected samples fom the water supply; they later reported to lhe Department that the water had appeared clear ln addition, Penn E&R collected samples from the stream on tho Complainant's property that runs parallel to North Ho ow Road, The stream is used as a water source icr the Complainant's ho6es. Penn E8R also pro\,ided bottled water to the Complainant. Department rep€sentati\e, Tera Tokaz, contacted the Complainant and scheduled to sample the water supply on 9/2t15. Ms. Tokaa ofercd the Complainant contact infrrmation for the Department of Health; howe\€r, the Complainant declined. OP EN _S OU RC E 9125h5: Department representati\€s, Terra Tokaz and Etlie Niies, conducted a site Vsit to collect samples and monitor br methane. The \,\iell was obsened prior to conducting purgingr'sampling. -The well was ddtled in 1978 or 1979 by Coudersport Well Drilling- the Complalnant betie\,es the well depth is 90 100'; he was unsure of any other well detaits. The well is located approximately 100' w€st of the .esidence and was equipped with a sanitary \ €llcap- - The well headspace was monitored for methane at 1243 hours (pre+urge) firr methane; no methane ff LEL delections were made, The waler sLtpply \€s , then purged from a basement sink with the aerator remo\ed ftofi 1246 1301 hours, The water appeared clear. No bubbles or efienescence were obse^ed and no odor was noted. I\ronilodng \ ias compleled during the purg€ and no LEL or melhane readings were detected. Samples \ /ere collected fom the pressure tank br the followjngr SAC 946 (251 9$70), methane (671 ), MBAS (672), VoADw (673), SV-DW (675), and WsoLA (677). Tdp btanks tor the VOADW (674) and SV-DW (676) samptes we.e co ected fom 1020 1025 hours al th€ Mansfeld DEP ofice. Organic-fee w6ter pro\ided by the DEP laboratory $€s utilized lor the blank samptes. The headspace was monitored again at 1341 hours bllowing sampting; no LEL or methane - detections were noted. The water supply is treated with a sediment filter. The Complainant stated lhat he changes the flter approximately once per month. The Complainant conlracted Seewald Laboratory to collect a preddtt sample on t29l15. the results show that the water supply meets ddnking water standards. The water supply is used for domestic purposes and sen€s one person. ln the winter, the Complainanl utilizes a frost-free hydrant at lhe bam to provde Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protecllon lnvestigatlon RePort water cTs001t2 3 ol3 frr his horses. The Complainant has li\ed at the rosidence since the home was constructed in 1979 complainant stating that on samples fom the water collected Septembor 25, 2015, the Departmont laboratory in Depadment's to the lv€re submitted supply. The samples included, were the samples reports icr Ihe analytical for analysis. Hanijburg the with intepreting the complainant assist that wll documents well a; as sample results. Additionally, tables were enclosed summatizing the results of samples collected Irom the water supply by the Depadment with V. 1. 1 11t'l2}15t A letter was mailed to the comparison to applicable standards. t/8/2016: 'Ihe complainant was contacted Va phone; the DEP offered to re sample the \,!6ter supply, but the complainant declined and stated the no furth€r testing \r€s necessary. Determination This complaint does not meet tho cdteria ftr presumption in accodance with soction S3218 of 58 Pa.C.S. SS32O1-3274 (relating to De\€lopment) (2012 Oil and Gas Act"); the 2,500 frot distance and 12 month time frame ha\e not beon met, and no pollution was obsened related to natural gas activty dudng the DEP'S in\estigation. The operator is not presumed liable al this time No parameters tested exceeded any DEP lvlcl and furthermore the rcsults were OP EN _S OU RC E consistent with pr+ddll results. A\ailable evdence collected dudng this in\estigation does not indicate this water supply has been impacted by oil and gas drilling aciility. lt is recommended that tho DEP issue a letter of nonjmpact. - Case Closed - * I\,4RN End of Report -* ffi P,:^rll*{!Y-?,I:i,?,* . Re: - Water Supply Request for Investigation 3 1 53 5 5 58 Pa- C.S'$ 32l tDetennination - Further Investigation Needed Sweden Township, Potter CountY Dear N&.I -The Departrnent begarl its investigation V. 1. 1 November 6, 2015 at the above referenced address Based on jnJormaiion 24,2015 September received on ('wato Supply")-notl"i iiresponse to;complaint investigation ii necessary by the Deparhrent to determjne whether fie water supply ittu;r.r"a to'a!i", a.lteratiorL or has been aflecteal as a result of;il and gas activities including but not limited to the drilting person or entity responsible the determine operation of an oil or gas w€lland, ifaffected, to ofyour water supply weil loc'rted OP EN _S OU RC E On September 25, 2015, the Depattrnent collected samples ftom youriater supply The samples were subiniited to lhe ieparbrent's labomtory in Hanisburg for analysis The amlltical reports for the samples Please see the are includd as weil as documents that will assist you with interpreting ihe sample results. vrith your by the Departnent water supply ftom enctosed tabies for the results of samples collect€d comparison to applicable standards. Upon completion, we will notiry you ofthe results ofthe investigation and any Depaftnent regarding your Water Supply. irther detemination by the PleasecontactTen.aTokarzat5T0-662-0835ifyouhaveanyquestionsabouttheDeParid€nt'scontinuing investigation of your Water Supply. Sincerely, anQ/\/*"'" Matthew Nuss Water Quality Specialist Supervisor District Oil ad Gas Operations Enclosures: Fact Sheet Sample Results Sample Results Tabies Tena Tokarz David Engle Sharon Stehbacher Complaint File #3 153 55 600 Galeway Dnve l Dislrjd oiland Gas Ope6lions MaFfeld, PA 16933 570 662 0330 lww.depreb.slale pa us Table 1. Laboratory Analytical Results MCL 2519-610,611,672 & 671 5.48'7 (Incn) * Denotes PriEary MCL No Standard No Standard 4atrganese <0.01 0.05 larium 0.064 9/2sn0l5 0.06 S trontium Ilalcium t4.4 0.07 138 :DS t2 V. 1. 1 DEP Sample Results in mg^ unless otherwise not€d. *2 No Standard 500 No Standard No Standad iodium lhloride 8.808 :larilness 59 No Statrdard 7.0 DH units 6.5-8.5 185.40 pmhos/cm No Standard 30.0 N" St"rd*d Potassium 1.145 No Standard Sulfate 11.28 250 6_ 3o gf! f,B 5 j e33a E. :=;9!9: i:aoq d AT d 3; g S eY; l+ ai1 i :' f5fall e ;r F +=Eli 6Xi I di Hel :f, sel s z 16{ ; o I!:o+ 0= * e o tr 6' g . i ;9 a >q <; 1 Fl Eil 3 f;ft ;41 s9t "ft sel 3;l l 9. 3al a 9d 6 9+ 3dl OP EN _S OU RC E 6; P EP]iJ 9A Eg 9q I gEI sl4t ,X?=q:r; o cSeS se€ Eor6Egi q6s--.;6 3 ;; 5EE& i: I 3A s; g3 ,-: i ^- V. 1. 1 xo ;. - - : -q -x :' @:. :. :. a F . N 3 F o EI s 3 d !l 9. f l I 93 l53!e: 1A2Z2O15 A4:1o:04 NELAP - accr€dited bY DEP Bureau ot Laboratories ' Harrisburg P.O. Box 1457 2575 lnterstate Drivo Harrlsburg, PA 17105.1467 Contact Phone Number: \7 171 NJ DEP - Laboratory Number: PA059 PA DEP LAP - DEP Lab lD:22'00223 346'7200 Analytlcal Report For OilAnd D,t€Collect€d: 09/25/201501:18:00PM safiple lD: Sampl. Collector: Teffe Dat6 L 09/2812015 County: Pofier o2015007373 Statel Sweden TwP fFaclllly/Pelmlt lDr Labsampl.lD: Tokaz R@lvod: irunlcip.llty: lilgmt PE N_ SO UR CE - Nam€ of GE6 V. 1. 1 w Dale of -10$21852 Faclllty: REESE HOLLOW Flx lD: 793930 118 2HU Sub-Faclllty:105-21852 Namer REESE HOLLOW 118 2HU - Samplo lvledlumr Grcund Wate. Sample Medlum TyPe: Water Locatlon: Pressure tank Rsason: Complalnt PTOIECT: NOTINDICATED Sulte: SV-DW M€trlx: wat€r FIXID:1170110 g 3 F 3 € oo I V. 1. 1 _olf! a i; d 6q s .- n! s li; OP EN _S OU RC E <; 6 +; g l I g3 I _9 9. 6 9. 3 ! OilAnd Gas lMgmt Date Collected: 09125/2015 0118:00 PM Sanple lD: o2a15oaf373 PE N_ SO UR CE V. 1. 1 - OilAnd Gas I Date Collected: 09/25/2015 lD: 01:'18:00 PM O2015007373 PE N_ SO UR CE V. 1. 1 Sahple tD: ORGANICS LABORATORY OUALIFIERS U- hd 6tes anarysis was perlormed for rhe .ompound b! r ir was not detecred The sampte quanttat on I mir s reported. J - lnd cales an estimated valLe betow rhe quantilar on timii, bul above rhe method detect or imil. N lndicates presumplve evidence ota compound. B Thisilag is used when rhe ahalle is tound in ihe assocaled bank as wet asththesampte. E lhis ilag identifes compounds whose concentrallons exceed the caiibraton range oI the inslrumenl tor thal spe.dic analys (e.9. pesticides, lrtazines, pCBs eic) a X s. This uag identlies the average oi m! tipl€ resllts lrom mlltiple anatyses, or the average ofthe averages ot duatcolLmn analysis methods. Non targel anayles co-e ute wirh compoufd. tde.rincalion Lnabte to be confirhed. lssue: 1OIa1l2A15 04.97:49 DEP qureau of Laboratorles P.O- Box 1467 2575 lnterslate Drlve Harrisblrg, PA 17105'1467 contact Phone Numlrer: 17 NELAP - accredlt€d bY NJ DEP. Laboratory Numb€r: PA059 ' Harrisburg 171 il oep Lap - oeP ruu to, zz'oozzs 346'7200 Analytlcal RePort For Dete Sample lD: - Name of Sample Collactedr 09/2sl2015 01:08:00 PM Lab Sample lo: O2015007371 coll.ctor: Tera L Tokaz Dat Rec.lved: V. 1. 1 w Date of 09/282015 J_ Fa6illly/Pelmll -lD:-105_21852 PE N_ SO UR CE Munlclpality: sweden TwP FIX lD: 793930 FIX lD: 1170110 Facltlty: REESE HOLLOW 118 2HU Sub-Faclllly: 105-21852 N6mo: REESE HOLLOW 118 2HU Sample ilodlum: S.mple Mediud TYPe: NOTINDICATED Suite: METH Oit And GaE Mgmt Sample lD: Dare Collected: 09/2512015 01:03:00 PM Lab Sampl6 lD: O2015007371 Sample Commonl: Pueed water supptv irom pre6sure lank lrom 1246 - j 3Oj h6. V. 1. 1 Appearance: Warer appeared c ear. No bubbtes or efietuescen@ noted, No U- PE N_ SO UR CE ORGANICS LASORATORY OUALIF]ERS lndietes analysiswss perfomed for the compound blt t was noi detecled. The sampte quanlitalion imil rs reponed. J - lndicatesan estimated vatu6, betow tne quanlitation timir, butabove rhe merhod detecUon limil. N - lndicales presumprive evidence ofa compoLnd, B -This flag is used when rhe anatyt€ is lound in lhe associaled btank as we[ E as n the sampte. This uag identiiies cohpounds whose concentrarions exceed rhe ca ibration range of th€ inslrumenl for thal specrfr ana (e.q pest,crdes. rnazrnes. pCBs. 6ic) o, This flag identifies thd averago X. Non-target Fs oI muluple resllts lrom multiple analyses, or the averag€ olthe averages of duat cotumn ana ysis methods. a.alyt6s co,etlle with compound. tdenlitcation unable lo b6 connrmed lssue: 1O:2A2O15 o4:A4:24 NELAP - accredlted bY DEP Bureau of Laboratories - Harrlsburg P.o. Box 1467 2575 lnterstate Drlv€ NJ DEP - Laboratory Numb€r: PA059 PA DEP LAP - DEP LAb ID: 22.00223 V. 1. 1 w Oat€ of Harrlsburg, PA 17105'1467 Contact Phone Number: 17 17 1 346'7200 analytlcal Report For Dit.collocted: lD: Namo -ofsample 02015007374 o9/25l2015 10:25:00Al\/ Colleclor: Tora LTokaz Date R.6eivod: 09/28/201 5 MunlclpalltY: Sweden TwP - Faclllty/P€rmlt lD: 105-21 852 PE N_ SO UR CE Samplo Facility: REESE HOLLOW 118 2HU Sub.Faclllty: 105_21852 Name: REESE HOLLOW 118 2HU sampte Medlum: safiple Medlum TYPe: lrlp blank collected at lhe DEP oilice NOT INDICATED Flx lD: 793930 FIX lD: 1170110 : 3 l! l t: a3 V. 1. 1 ;e 6. e6 g g !6_ ;i 9A OP EN _S OU RC E >9 <; :T do 3 a. c g l 9 F q s. 3 ! OilAnd Gas Nlgmi Datecollected: 09/25/2015 10:25:00AM Lab samPle lD: O2015007374 V. 1. 1 I PE N_ SO UR CE Sample tD: OilAnd Gas Mqmt Sampre tD: Oat6 Collecled: 09/2512015 10:25:00 AM Lab Sample lD; O2015007374 PE N_ SO UR CE V. 1. 1 - ORGANICS LABORATORY OUALIFIERS _ U '- lndicates analysis was performed for th€ @mpoond bul il was not detecl€d. The samp e quantitarion imit is reporled_ lnor.ares an esrirdted vat-e, betos th€ qLant larrc- nit, br t rbove rhe nelhoo dpre.tion N- lndi€tes presumplve evtdenceola compolnd. tirr. B -This nag is used whenlh€ anatyle istound tn the associated btank as wet as in the sampte. E _ This t ag ldenlilies compou nds whose concentrations exceed the calibration ange of the nstrumenl ior thar specif c anatys s. {e Q g pesticides triaznes, pCBs, eac) This flag ldenlifes the average ol mu tiple results lrom muli ple anatyses, or the average of lhe av€rages or duat @tumn anatys s melhods. X - Non-target analyles co-etltewilh compound. tdentitic€lion unable to be conlirmed. lssue: 1olA2n)15 O4:0a:29 DEP Bureau of Laboratories P.O. Box 1467 _ NELAP - accrcdlted bY Hanisburg NJ DEP - Laboratory Number: PA059 PA DEP LAP . DEP Lab lD: 22'00223 2575 lnlerstate Drive Harrisburg, PA 17105'1467 Contact Phone Numbsr: (t 171 346'7200 Analytlcal RePort For DateCollected: 09/251201501:20:00 PM Sampte lD: Lab sample lD: o2015007366 Nam. -ol sample collector: PE N_ SO UR CE 0912812015 - Fsclllty/Permlt lD: 105-21852 Faclllty: REESE HoLLoW 118 2HU Sub-Faclllty: 105_21852 Name: REESE HOLLOW 118 2HU Sample €.lluml Sample Medium TYPe: NOT INDICATED Sulte: V. 1. 1 w Date of Flx lDi 793930 FIX lDr 1170110 g g 9 3 .};"- 3 I 9!tf u tf : V. 1. 1 ;6E d i; g g I m6 E!14 d 9g OP EN _S OU RC E l9 9; 3 3 g: I L ! 9 OilAnd Gas Mqmt Date Collecled: O9/25l2015 samplelD: 0l 20:00 PM Lab Sample lD: 02015007366 PE N_ SO UR CE V. 1. 1 - Olt And Sampte tD: I cas ttgmt Dat€ Collected: 09/2512015 01:20:00 Pl\, LabS.mpl6lD: O2015007366 q.h€-zuue tNr nandard S6mplew.sin ac.epiable condition when r;cefu€d byltie Laio€iory. any excop ons ar€ noled inthe;pod. T6! Up€dhyay, Tech.t@t Dr6ctor, Bu/6€u of Labo€ro.i€s V. 1. 1 'denoles rests that the tabor€6ry is not accrcJir6d tff " Laborarory is accredlred by N!NELAP, paEmeter not oftered by pA LAp ORGANICS LABORATORY OUALIFIERS U - lndic€tes analysis was pertormed for the @mpolrnd but iiwas not detecied. Tho ssmpto quantitation timit is eported. J- lndicalesan estimatedvatue, berow he quanttafl;n timit, but sbove the method d€tec on timit. N- lndi€tes pr€sumptiv€ evidonce of a compound. B - This tlag is used wh6n the anatyte is round tn theassoctated E ' Thislag ldenlilies compounds \ hce btankaswe as inrh3 sempte. concentrations gxceed the cattb€lton Enge ot iie tnsnrJment for that specific analysis. (e.g pesticldes, klazines, pCBs, 6tc) the avorage or mulllple rosults from mLrltlple analyses, or lh€ average of the av€rag€s otduatcotumn anatysis merhods. PE N_ SO UR CE a _ This flas idsnlifies X - Non-targel anatytes co-eiut€ with compound, tdentification unabte io b€ contirmed, lssue: DEP Bureau of P.O. Box 1467 1010112015 04:09:12 NELAP . accredlted bY bboratories ' Harrisburg NJ DEP - Laboratory Numbor: PA059 PA DEP LAP ' DEP LAb ID:22.00223 2575 lnterstate Drive Harrisburg, PA 17105.1467 Contact Phone Numter: 17 171 V. 1. 1 w Date ot 346'7200 Analytical Report For OllAnd Gas Mgmt DateColle.red:09/251201501:06:00PM lI Namo of Sampl. D.t Colleclor: T€na L LabSamplelD:12015026569 Tokaz Receiv€d: 09/2812015 Counly: Pott$ Munlclpallty: Sweden Facllity/Pormlt lD: state: TwP PE N_ SO UR CE sample lD: -105-21s52 FIXID: 793930 Faclllty: REESE HOLLow 118 2HU Sub-Facilltyl 10t21852 Name: REESE HoLLOW 116 2HU ' Sample Modlum: Ground Water Sample llredlum TYPer Water L6cation: PressLrre iank R€ason: Complainl ProJect NOT INDICATED Slandard Anlyslsr 200 Matrlx: Water FIX lO: 1170110 OllAndGl5 ilgmt Ssmple lD: I Date Collocted: 0g/25l2015 01:06:00 PM Lab96mplelD: 12015026569 Aample Commonr PuEod wster supptyfrom p€ssuE tank rrom 1246 - 13Ot hls. 38260 " METHYLENE BLUE ACTIVE SUBSTANCE Conment.' Tims No bubbtes or €fiorve€s€nce noted. No <0.20 t\,tG/L Ltmit For Tesr Exceedod ide"ijted V. 1. 1 apperrance: watff appeaBd cl€ar. @130D01511:24AM MIMCNULry Si/15510 C rcsulls of lh€ analys-gs prcvld€d in thls laboElory r€port et", Unt€ss oth€rwi€€ not6d, lhE €sulls p€s€nted on this laboEiory repod m€at -l"te o"ty to lh€ *"pt"(") z(J{rs I Nl stands.d. S€mple was h a@eptablo condiiion when re@ived by ths Latjolatory. Any o(ceprioB arE noied in ihe repi.i. - 06notes l66tsthst the taboElory is not a6Bdll6d tor Laboralory is accrgd ed by NjNELAP, paEm€Fr nor ofiercd by pA LAp T.he ho " Up€dhy€y, r€chnl;at Dtr€ctq, Bursau or Laborarodes PE N_ SO UR CE Iaru allBquhm€nts ot lssue: 1\l12l2o15 04:06:00 DEP gureau of Laboratorles P.O. Box 1467 NELAP - accredlled bY ' Harrisburg NJ DEP ' Laboratory Number: PA059 PA DEP LAP 'DEP Lab lD;22'00223 2575 lnter8tate Drlve Harrisburg, PA 17105-1467 Contact Phono Number: 17 171 316'7200 Analllcal RePort For N DateColl.cted: I ame of sample collector: T€ra D6t. Recelv.d: L O9/25l2015 10:20:00AM Lab sampts lD: O2015007367 Tokaz 09/281201 5 lvluniclpallty: Sweden T$P --105-21852 Faclllty/Pemit lDr -- PE N_ SO UR CE Sample tD: V. 1. 1 w Date of FIX lD: 793930 Faclllty: REESE HoLLow 118 2HU sub-Faclllty: 105-21852 Name: REESE HOLLOW 118 zHU sample Msdium: S.mple Medlum lYPe: Trlpblankcollecled at lhe DEP otlice NOT INDICATED Sull€: FIXID:1170110 3 o_ l I 33 : V. 1. 1 i; 9o 3t a39 >9 l o-' -@F o-€ g @ V. 1. 1 Y s jR:*d:33 99 6 -d+.qs3g{4"g 1 d1 1 1E * cenSEo;=q lDO.ii:eadd 5 o'> € x 3 sd .t d 6 6 a d 3 3 Ig d l