Case Document 14-15 Filed 05/10/16 Page 1 of 4 PageID 298 EXHIBIT 14 OFFICEOF at law p: B. WINE ATTORNEY Mark L. Miller i 514 W. Liberty Street (502) 595-2300 First Assistant Louisville. Kentucky 40202?2887 (502)595?2340 Fax (502) 5956214 L, . u. . VICTIM IMPACT STATEMENT Ma(%mi ES Me'z?ri3e41: Defendants: C7 (eggr? LMQI lq (33.5% ?on. 13? L92 1 g-g (0 Charge(s): Prosecutor: 9h QFA El 3 Date Of Sentencing: bi I Time'of Sentencing: 0" Date submitted: Submitted by: Your prompt cooperation in completing and returning this form is important. This statement will be made available to the court and the Parole Board so that your comments and concerns can be considered by the Judge and/or the Parole-Board members prior to the imposition of sentence or release from the penitentiary. If you cannot return this form to the prosecutor, you may mail or email this information to the address above. Restitution may be ordered as a part of the disposition in settling this case or as a condition of parole. It will be necessary for you to provide to the prosecutor copies of all records necessary to support the injuries and losses described below. 1) Did the crime result in physical injury? . 0 If yes, please describe the injury sustained: Case Document 14-15 Filed 05/10/16 Page 3 of 4 PageID 300 Was medical attention required? If yes, please describe the nature of the treatment as well as the expenses incurred: Were any of the above expenses covered by insurance? If so, how much? 2) Has this crime had a impact on you? Wm Ifyes,pleaseexplain: film ?lie WW igam Li Wei .wl 3) Has this crime effected the lifestyle of you or your family? W15 If?yes,pleasenexplain: HQ WU U6 bi; Dyeing?6 g: Case Document 14-15 Filed 05/10/16 Page 4 of 4 PageID 301 4) . Has this crime resulted in any damage, loss or destruction of property? Wm If so, please list and indicate the value of the property: M. EMA Mill) DAMN 65110000 Were any of the items recovered? Were any of these items covered by insurance? 5) Has this crime effected your employment? If yes, please explain: 6. If you have any additional information please feel free to attach it to this form. (ie; Recommended sentence). alibi/M Wot AMme ibW'Wa Wm ngm?uwe?mwhw rm. new album) aha Magma! (awed 054% Wi?m mm Us (Revised 6-17?14)