From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 10:03 AM T0: (6) Subject: Re: Google Cambridge visit Running a tad iate (traffic) -- there in 5?8. Apoiogies. FromSent: MOnday, November 12, 2012 04:30 AM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton rote? George Ivanov Subject: Re: Google Cambridge visit Hi David, Friday works; We got a big block free in the middie of the day, so why don't you pick a convenient time. We?re at 5 Cambridge Center, and Googie reception is on the 4th floor. Jon On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Thanks, Johanna. Jon, great to make your acquaintance. Word on the Googie street is that you are THE person to discus these issues, and in a fortuitous coincidence, i find myseif in Cambridge iate next week. Hoping we couid have an informai that if you?re free perhaps Friday? Let me know it you have some time. Happy to swing by your office; i?ii be mobiie. Cheers, R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy The \Vhite House Pi? W. I bb= From: Johanna Shelton [maiito Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 6:08 PM To: Edeiman, R. David; Jon Orwant Cc: George Ivanov Subject: Google Cambridge visit From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 3:03 PM To: George Ivanov Subject: RE: Follow?Up to Today's Meeting George, A pleasure meeting you, and thanks for coming yesterday, My information, should you need me, is below. Appreciate the invite have a meeting i can?t miss across the street, but i?ll be at the next one! By the way, as i navigate your office what are the issues on which you principally focus? Cheers, David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy The 1?White House P154909 (909 From: George Ivanov [maiit Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 5:45 PM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: Foilow?Up to Today's Meeting Hello David, Thank you for hosting the discussion earlier today and please feel free to reach me on my di rect line [am- or ceil for any follow?up information or other questions you might have. Aiso, i wanted to invite you to an informal tech policy happy hour that is happening later this week, which wiil feature folk 3 invoived in the internet Poiicy space from the public sector, private sector, and non -profit communities. This is not a Googie sponsored event, but at least a few of us are planning to attend. What: Tech Policy Happy Hour When: Weds Nov 14 5:30pm Where: Local 16 16th St. Sincerely, George George ivanov Policy Analyst Googie inc, $101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 6:16 PM To: (6) Cc: Kalil, Thomas Johanna Shelton (6) Subject: Thanks from the WH Dear Saiat?, On behaif of the White House team, I wanted to thank you for your time (and apologize for the extra time at the gate) yesterday. As you could teii, YouTube?s work is of interest across the entire enterprise here from the National Security Staff to the Office of Science and Technoiogy Policy, the Nationai Economic Councii to the Office of Management and Budget, we were all very pleased to have the chance to engage with you on such a diverse set of issues. i wanted to specificaliy note that OSTP would be delighted to work with you on ways in which online video content could help advance Presidential priorities, such as STEM education, Grand Challenges, and high -speed networking. You can reach Tom a ma? As other matters come up as well, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or others on the internet Poiicy team. Until then, i hOpe you have a safe trip back to Caiifornia, and I look forward to ee you again soon hopefully next time in Mountain View? Ali the best, -David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy The. W'hite House peeve b) 6) litre-)2 (6) From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:27 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Thanks for yesterday?s Iohanna, It was my pieasure. Even we rareiy get the chance to have those perspectives in the room iet alone at that level and discuss I hope that Salar enjoyed his time (and his awards banquet!) and i look forward to keeping in touch with him and the team into the future. That reminds me: as our principals? schedules are getting very tight with Fiscai Cliff, do you anticipate any other senior ieadership DC swings between now and the new year? Cheers, -David From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 11:57 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Thanks for yesterday's David thanks again for all your effort for yesterday's meetings - especially Salar's meeting. From my perspective, it was fascinating to have all those folks in one place! Let me know if there is any followup on your end - and have fun at MIT. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:04 PM To: (In) (6) Subject: Re: Where is the 2pm patent mtg? Come on up, see youi [13] From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: TuesdayJr November 13, 2012 12:30 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Where is the 2pm patent mtg? Room Thanks From: Ed elman, R. David- Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 1:54 PM I To: Johanna Shelton Cc: Palfrey, Quentin Subject: RE: Where is the 2pm patent mtg? Sorry went into spam box. EEO See you soon, Thanks -David From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 12:30 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Where is the 2pm patent mtg? Room Thanks From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 11:16 AM TO: (6) Subject: Re: quick question Tentativelv: Me Tom OSTP Andrew Cedar (NSS Dir for Giobai Engagement} Victoria Espinel Possibiv: Todd Park Possibiv: Jason Furman or Greg Nefson, NEC Also, Vivian be in touch momentariiy, as she needs some ciarification on your clearance info .Thanks! From: Johanna Sheiton [mailt Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 09:57 AM To: Edeimanlr R. David Subject: quick question do you know who on your end wiil be at the 3pm YouTube meeting? Johanna Sheiton Senior Policy Counsei Google inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd FE Washington, DC 20005 Googie Voice Egg? ?Emma? ?4 33. $5 :E?ifm?ay doi:10.1 016/1.neuron.201 2.06.006 Please cite this article in press as: Alivisatos et al., The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics, Neuron (2012}. Neuron Tabie 1. Outstanding Questions in Neuroscience for Which Emergent Functions! Properties Gouid Be Key Are there; Circuit'iattractors? What is-i-tihe functionaIiCOnnecti-vity diag What detailed computations take place: aliy?? I of a circuit? What waistline, multiple, tong?arise interactions that underlie cognitive functions and behavior? 3" How computations longsrahge interactions influence each other? What paths-of. information Do alteiffatiVe path-i prod similai?ioutputs? Whenith "brain "forgan'izes" itself or ?reorg nizes? itself- after an injury, When-in moriesiar transferredi?from onie?ibrain re. pa?mmiithang?if igi What design principles can begdiscernedisin how is thereujan underiying..fonctional arch to the-itirain?s What are. the tmetunctional underpinnings: of perception. recog conscidiisness, and subconscious prob??ses? duality-handrailth to- activity nefain and I I sitter what: the global effects on activity? :21: to anoint-i {aver time-,fihow do activity .rain tu notion s? on, emotion, understanding, 5 nanosystems for fundamental investigaw tions in the life sciences, medicine, engi- neering, and envirOnmentai applications; capabilities for storage and manipulation of massive data sets; and development of biologically inspired, computational devices. As in the Human Genome Project, where every dollar invested in the U8. generated $141 in the economy (Battelle, 201 1), technological and computing in no? vations developed in the course of the BAM project will provide eCOnomic benefits, potentially leading to the emer- gence of entirely new industries and commercial ventures. If the Genome Project was ?arguably the single most influential investment to have been made in modern science? (Batteiie. 2011), the SAM Project, we believe, will have comparable ramifications. Finally, we should not underestimate the repercussions that such a project could have for education. The proposed activities are broadly interdisciplinary and will lead to the training of a new generation of scientists and the opening up of new strategies for evaluating peda? gogical effectiveness. A Call! for a Community Effort To succeed, the SAM Project needs two critical components: strong leadership from funding agencies and scientific administrators, and the recruitment of a large coalition of interdisciplinary scientists. We believe that neuroscience is ready for a large-scale functional mapping of the entire brain circuitry and that such mapping will directly address the emergent level of their function, shining much?needed light into the ?impenetrable jungles? of the brain. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This collaboration arose from a workshop held at Chicheley Hall, the Kavli Royal Society Interna- tional Centre, supported by The Kain Foundation. the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, and the Allen Institute for Brain Science. We also thank A.8. Chiang, K. Deisseroth, 8. Fraser. 0. Koch, E. Marder. O. Painter, H. Park. D. Peterka, S. Seung, A. 8iapas, A. ToIias, and X. Zhuang? participants ata smaller, subsequent Kain Futures Symposium, where initial ideas were jointly refined. We acknowledge support from the DOE (A.P.A.), (G.M.C.), NIH and the Mathers Foundation and Fondation pour la Recherche et I?Enseignement 8uperieur. Paris and the Keck Foundation and NEI (RY). REFERENCES Battelle. (2011}. Economic impact of the human genome project. In Bock. D.D., Lee, W.C., Keriin, A.M., Andermann. M.L., Hood, 6., Wetzel, A.W., Yurgenson. 8., 80ucy. Kim. H8. and Fleid, RC. (2011). Nature 471, 177?182. Chiang, A.S., Lin. C.Y., Chuang. C.C.. Chang. H.M., Hsieh, C.H., Yeh, C.W., Shih, CT, Wu, .J.J., Wang, G.T., Chen. Y.C., et al. (2011). Curr. Biol. 27, 1?11. Gossart, H., Aronov, D., and Yuste, R. (2003}. Nature 423. 283?288. Du, J., RiedeI-Kruse, Nawroth, .J.C., Roukes, Laurent, (5., and Masmanidis, 8.0. (2009}. J. Neurophysiol. 101, 1671?1678. Grienberger, (3., and Konnerth, A. (2012). Neuron 73, 862-885. Helmchen, F., Konnerth, A. and Yuste, R. (2011}. Imaging in Neuroscience: a Laboratory Manual (Cold Spring Harbor, New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press}. Mochalin. V.N.. Shenderova, 0., Ho, D.. and Gogotsi, Y. (2012}. Nat. Nanotechnol. 7, 11?23. Peterka, 0.8., Takahashi, H., and Yuste, R. (2011). Neuron 69, 9-21. Ramon Cajal. 8. (1923}. Flecuerdos de mi vida: Historia de mi labor cienti'tica (Madrid: Alianza Editorial}. White, .J.G., Southgate, E.. Thomson, .J.N., and Brenner, 8. (1986}. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Biol. Sci. 314, 1?340. Yuste, R. (2011). Imaging (Cold Spring Harbor, New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press}. Yuste. H., and Katz. LC. (1991). Neuron 6, 333?344. Yuste. H., McLean, .J.M.. Vogelstein, J., and Panin- ski, L. (2011). Cold Spring Harb. Protoc. 2011, 935-989. Neuron 74, June 21, 2012 ?2012 Eisevier inc. 5 NEURON 11170 doll 0.1016/j.neuron.2012.06.006 Please cite this article in press as: Alivlsatos et al., The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectornics. Neuron (2012), deep into brain circuits, could be per- formed. These would first be achieved with massively multiplexed nanoprobes, later complemented by novel wireless approaches. But which circuits should be worked on, and in which order? We envision parallel efforts on several different pre- parations?progressing from recon- structing the activity of small, simple circuits to more complicated, larger ones. For example, in the short term (5 years), one could reconstruct the activity of a series of small circuits, all less than 70,000 neurons, from model organisms. C. elegans is the only com- plete connectome (302 neurons and ?,000 connections) (White et al., 1986), and all of its neurons could be imaged simultaneously with twovphoton imaging and genetic calcium indicators. In addi? tion, one could reconstruct the entire activity pattern of a discrete region of the Drosophila brain, such as the medulla, with ~15,000 neurons. The Drosophila connectome is currently 20% complete at the mesoscale (Chiang et al., 2011), and could be finalized within three years. Finally, for vertebrate circuits, short?term goals could include imaging the activity of all the ganglion cells in a mouse retina (~50,000 neurons), the mitral cells in the mouse olfactory bulb or a mouse neocortical brain slice (~40,000, optically accessible neurons). For midterm goals (10 years), one could image the entire Drosophila brain (135,000 neurons), the CNS of the zebra fish million neurons), or an entire mouse retina or hippocampus, all under a million neurons. One could also recon- struct the activity of a cortical area in a wild?type mouse or in mouse disease models. Finally, it would be also inter~ esting to consider mapping the cortex of the Etruscan shrew, the smallest known mammal, with only a million neurOns. For a long?term goal (15 years), we would expect that technological develop- ments will enable the reconstruction of the neuronal activity of the entire neo- cortex of an awake mouse, and proceed toward primates. We do not exclude the extension of the SAM Project to humans, and if this project is to be applicable to clinical research or practice, its special challenges are worth addressing early. Potential options for a human BAM Project include wireless electronics, safely and transiently introducing engi- neered Cells to make tight (transient) junc- tions with neurons for recording and possibly programmable stimulation, or a combination of these approaches. Computational Analysis and Modeling Our stated goal of recording every spike from every neuron raises the specter of a data deluge, so development of proactive strategies for data reduction, manage? ment, and analysis are important. To estimate data storage capacities required for the BAM we consider the anatomical connectome. Bock et al. (2011) have reconstructed 1,500 cell bodies with 1 1013 pixels (Bock et al., 2011). By analogy we can estimate that 7 106 mouse cortical cells would require ~5 1015 bytes. This is less data than the current global genome image data. Some might argue that analogies to genomics are limited in that brain activity is of much higher dimensionality than linear geno- mics sequences. But high-dimensional, dynamic transcriptome, immunome, and whole-body analyses are increasingly enabled by plummeting costs. Brains are complex dynamical systems with operations on a very wide range of timescales, from milliseconds to years. Brain activity maps, like the broader omics and systems biology paradigms, will need (1) combinatorics, (2) the state dependence of interactions between neurons, and (3) neuronal biophysics, which are extremely varied, adapted, and complex. We envision the creation of large data banks where the complete record of activity of entire neural circuits could be freely downloadable. This could spur a revolution in computational neuro? science, since the analysis and modeling of a neural circuit will be possible, for the first time, with a comprehensive set of data. As the Human Genome Project generated a new field of inquiry (?Geno~ mics?), the generation of these compre? hensive data sets could enable the creation of novel fields of neuroscience. bate Access and Ethical Considerations We feel strongly that an effort such as the BAM Project should be squarely put in the public domain. Because it will require 4 Neuron 74, June 21, 2012 @2012 Elsevier lnc. NEUHON 11170 Neuron large-scale coordination between many participants and the information will benefit mankind in many ways, it makes sense for this project to be run as a public enterprise with unrestricted access to its resulting data. There are potential ethical ramifications of the BAM Project that will arise if this technology moves as swiftly as genomics has in the last years. These include issues of mind?control, discrimination, health disparities, unintended short- and long? term toxicities, and other consequences. Well in advance, the scientific community must be proactive, engaging diverse sets of stakeholders and the lay public early and thoughtfully. Outcomes and Anticipated Benefits The BAM Project will generate a host of scientific, medical, technological, educa- tional, and economic benefits to society. indeed, the widespread effect of this research underscores the need for it to be controlled by the public." in terms of anticipated scienti?c benefits, the generation of a complete functional description of circuits will be invaluable to address many outstanding questions in neuroscience for which emergent functional properties could be key (f able 1). Together, answers to these questions can open the doors to deci? phering the neural code, or to disproving the existence of a neural code altogether, as well as unlocking the possibility of reverse?engineering neural circuits. In addition to promoting basic research, we anticipate that the BAM Project will have medical benefits, including novel and sensitive assays for brain diseases. diagnostic tools, validation of novel biomarkers for mental disease, testable hypotheses for pathophysiology of brain diseases in animal models, and develop ment of novel devices and strategies for ?ne control brain stimulation to rebalance diseased circuits. Not least, we might expect novel understanding and theraw pies for diseases such as schizophrenia and autism. Many technological breakthroughs are b0und to arise from the SAM Project, as it is positioned at the convergence of biotechnology and nanotechnology. These new technologies could include optical techniques to image in sensitive, miniature, and intelligent Please cite this article in press as: Alivisatos et al., The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics. Neuron (2012), Neuron ?(witexlble PCB 3 Figure 2. Nanoprobes, Wireless, and Biology Technologies for the BAM Project (Left) Silicon nanoprobe arrays (after Du et al., 2009). (A) Flip?chip assembly scheme forconnecting the silicon devices with printed circuit boards. micro? graph of the rear section of a SO?ttm?thick shaft array showing the multilayer stacked structure. Adjacent layers have a spacing of 100 pm. which is set by the thickness of the flexible cabie. (0) Side view of the SO-um-thick shaft array showing that the shafts are stress balanced and are abie to retain approximateiy constant relative spacing. (Right) bioiogy approaches. (D) A voltage sensitive calcium channei influences the error rate of an engineered DNA polymerase. marks sites of mismatch between in the template strand (lower) and new copy strand. Note scaie of the various devices and cells. with large fields of view, engineered point spread functions and adaptive optics corrections of scattering distortions, light-field cameras to reconstruct signals emanating in 3D, and, finally, advances in computational optics and smart algorithms that use prior information of the sample. A combination of many of these novel methods may allow simulta? neous 3D imaging of neurons located in many different focal planes in an awake animal. Finally, fibers and endo- scopes allow imaging deeper structures, such as the hippocampus, albeit with some invasiveness. Large-Some Electrical Recordings with Nanoprobes Electricai recording neuronal activity is now becoming possible on a massively paraltei scale by harnessing novel devel? opments in silicon-based nanoprobes (Figure 2). Silicon-based neural probes with several dozen electrodes are already available commercially; it is now feasible to record from dozens of sites per silicon neural probe, densely, at a pitch of tens of cm (Du et al., 2009). Stacking of two-dimensional multishank arrays into three-dimensional probe arrays would provide the potential for hundreds of thousands of recording sites. There are technical hurdles to be surmounted, but when the technology is perfected, recording from many thousands of neurons is conceivable with advanced spike-sorting algorithms. The holy grail wili be to record from millions of elec- trodes, keeping the same bandwidth, reducing the electrode pitch down to distances of ~15 pm, and increas- ing the probe length to cortical dimen- sions of several centimeters. This will require significant innovation in systems engineering: Wireless and Biology Approaches We also envision techniques for wireless, noninvasive readout of the activity of neuronal populations (Figure 2). These might include wireless electronic circuits based on silicon very large-scale integra- tion (VLSI), biological compo- nents, or their hybrids. it is easy to underestimate the potential of today?s microelectronic technology, and we think that it will ultimately become feasible to deploy small wireless microcircuits, un- tethered in living brains, for direct moni- toring of neuronal activity, although there are significant technological challenges. As an alternative to silicon biology might provide an interw set of novel techniques to enable noninvasive recording of activity (Fig? ure 2). This could be considered a wireless option, albeit a radically different one. For example, DNA polymerases could be used as spike sensors since their error rates are dependent on cation concentra- tion. Prechosen DNA molecules could be to record patterns of errors corresponding to the patterns of spikes in each cell, encoded as calcium-induced errors, Serving as a ?ticker?tape" record ofthe activity of the neuron. The capability of DNA for dense information storage is quite remarkable. in principie, a 5-ttm- diameter cell could hold at least 6 billion base pairs of DNA, which could encode 7 days of spiking data at 100 Hz with 1OU-fold redundancy. A 3AM Froject Roadmap and Choice of Species We envision that, for any given circuit, the reconstruction of activity might proceed in three steps. First, initial mapping could be done using calcium imaging with spiking reconstruction carried out at 100 Hz. This couid be performed with improve- ments to existing methods. The second step would involve voltage imaging of action potentials (and subthreshold elec- trical activity), and one could ideally measure action potentials with a temporal resolution of 1 kHz. These first two steps could be carried out in 3D yet they would be limited to superficial structures mm deep). In a third step, similar reconstruc? tions of neuronal activity, but penetrating Neuron 74. June 21, 2012 @2012 Elsevier inc. 3 NEURON 11170 Please cite this article in press as: Alivlsatos et al., The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectornics, Neuron (2012}, Figure 1. Calcium imaging of Neuronal Activity (A) Living brain slice from primary visual cortex of a mouse stained with the calcium indicator fura?2 AM. More than a thousand neurons are labeled and can be imaged with atwo-photon microscope. From Yuste et ai. (2011), (B) The calcium concentration in the some of a neuron (bottom) faithfully tracks the electrical firing pattern of the cell (top). From Smetters et al. (1999). Reconstructed ?raster plot" of the spontaneous spiking activity of 754 cells from a similar experiment. From Cossart et al., 2003. illnesses like schizophrenia and autism, which have been resistant to traditional, single-cell level analyses, could poten? tially be transformed by their consider? ation as emergent?level pathologies. The Brain Activity Map as the Functional Connection-re To elucidate emergent levels of neural circuit function, we propose to record every actiOn potential from every neuron . within a circuit?a task we believe is feasible. These comprehensive measure- ments must be carried out over time? scales on which behavioral output, or mental states, occur. Such recordings could represent a complete functional description of a neural circuit: a Brain Activity Map (BAM). This mapping will transcend the ?structural connectome,? the static anatomical map of a circuit. Instead, we propose the dynamical mapping of the ?functional connectome,? the patterns and sequences of neuronal firing by all neurons. Correlating this firing activity, both with the connectivity of the circuit and with its functional or behavioral output, including manipulation of those circuits, could enable the under- standing of neuronal codes and their regulation of behavior and mental states. This emergent level of understanding could also enable accurate diagnosis and restoration of normal patterns of activity to injured or diseased brains, foster the development of broader bio? medical and environmental applications, and potentially generate a host of associ- ated economic benefits. \uquan 300? 3660 Time (ms) imaging Every Spike from Every Neuron To achieve this vision, one clearly needs to develop novel technologies. To date, it has not been possible to reconstruct the full activity patterns of even a single region of the brain. While imaging tech- nologies like or MEG can capture whole?brain activity patterns, these tech? niques lack single-cell specificity and the requisite temporal resolution to permit detection of the neuronal firing patterns. To preserve single?cell information while recording the activity of complete circuits, vigorous efforts be launched to massively upscale the capabilities of both imaging and nanoprobe sensing. Over the last two decades, neuro? scientists have made transformational advances in techniques to monitor the activity of neuronal ensembles, in vitro and in vivo. Optical techniques are mini- mally invasive and can provide great spatial and temporal flexibility, have single?cell resolution, and can be applied to living preparations, even awake behav? ing ones (Helmchen et al., 2011). Calcium imaging can measure the multineuronal activity of a circuit (Yuste and Katz, 1991) (Figure 1), and despite a limited time reso? lution, this technique can partially recon? struct firing patterns of large ,000) populations of neurons in vitro or in vivo (Grienberger and Konnerth, 2012). Calcium imaging, while useful, can only approximate the real functional signals of neurons, and it is preferable to capture the complete activity of a circuit by voltage imaging (Peterka et al., 2011). Current 2 Neuron 74, June 21, 2012 @201 2 EISevier In c. NEURON11170 1 4000 Neuron 7?00 300 15% Cell number - 100 methods for voltage imaging in vertebrate circuits, however, cannot capture action potentials at a large?scale with single- cell resolution. Novel voltage sens0rs with better signal?to?noise, less photo? damage, and faster temporal resolution are needed. Continued improvements are being made in voltage indicators, and particularly promising are nanopar? ticles, small inorganic compounds that have large absorption and highly efficient emission. These are robust during extended illumination and can be very sensitive to the external electric ?eld. Zero-dimensional nanoparticles, quantum dots, could be directly used to measure voltage in neurons. Other nanoparticles, such as nanodiamonds (Mochalin et al., 2012), may provide an even higher sensitivity to magnetic and electric fields. In addition, by acting as ?antennas? for light, nanoparticles can greatly enhance optical signals emitted by more traditional voltage reporters. But regardless of the method chosen for imaging neuronal activity, to capture all spikes from all neurons, one needs to increase the number of imaged neurons and extend the depth of the imaged tissue. A variety of recent ad- vancements in optical hardware and computational approaches could over- come these challenges (Yuste, 2011). Novel methods include powerful light sources for two-photon excitation of deep tissue, faster scanning strategies, scanless approaches using spatio-light- modulators to ?bathe? the sample with light, high-numerical aperture objectives Please cite this article in press as: Alivisatos et al., The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge oi Functional Connectomics, Neuron (2012), Neuron The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics A. Paul Alivisatos,1 Miyoung Chun,2 George M. Church,3 Ralph J. Greenspan,4 Michael L. Fioukes,5 and Rafael Yuste6?* 1Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley 2The Kain Foundation 3Department of Genetics and Institute, Harvard Medical School 4Kain Institute for Brain and Mind, UCSD 5Physics, Applied Physics, Bioengineering and The Kain Nanoscience Institute, Caltech 5HHMI, Department Biological Sciences, Kain Institute for Brain Science, Columbia University *Correspondence: l0.1016/j.neuron.2012.06.006 The function of neural circuits is an emergent property arising from the coordinated activity of large numbers of neurons. To capture this, we propose iaunching a iarge?scale, internationai public effort, the Brain Activity Map Proiect, aimed at reconstructing the fuil record of neural activity across complete neural circuits. This technologicai chaiienge couid prove to be an invaiuabie step toward understanding fundamental and path- ological brain processes. "The behavior of large and com? plex aggregates of elementary particles, it turns out, is not to be understood in terms of a simple extrapolation of the properties of a few particles. instead, at each level of complexity entirely new proper- ties appear.? ?More is Different, P.W. Anderson ?New directions in science are launched by new tools much more often than by new concepts. The effect of a concept-driven revolu- tion is to explain old things in new ways. The effect of a tool-driven reVolution is to discover new things that have to be explained.? imagined Worlds, Freeman Dyson Emergent properties of Brain Circuits Understanding how the brain works is arguably one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Although there have been piecemeal efforts to explain how different brain regions operate, no general theory of brain function is univer- sally accepted. Afundamental underlying limitation is our ignorance of the brain?s microcircuitry, the synaptic connections contained within any given brain area, which Cajal referred to as "impenetrable jungles where many investigators have lost themselves? (Ramon Cajal, 1923). To explore these jungles, neuroscientists have traditionally relied on electrodes that sample brain activity only very sparselyufrom one to a few neurons within a given region. However, neural circuits can involve millions of neurons, so it is probable that neuronal ensembles operate at a multineuronal level of organi- zation, one that will be invisible from single neuron recordings, just as it would be pointless to view an HDTV program by looking at a just a few pixels on a screen. Neural circuit function is therefore likely to be emergent?that is, it could arise from complex interactions among constit- uents. This hypothesis is supported by the well-documented recurrent and distrib- uted architecture of connections in the CNS. Indeed, individual neurons generally make and receive synaptic contacts from thousands of other neurons. ln distributed circuits, the larger the connec- tivity matrix, the greater the redundancy within the network and the less important each neuron is. Despite these anatomical facts, neurophysiological studies con- tin ue to gravitate toward detailed descrip- tions of the stable f9ature selectivity of individual neurons, a natural conse- quence of single-electrode recordings. However, given their distributed connec- tions and their plasticity, neurons are likely to be subject to continuous, dynam? ical rearrangements, participating at different times in different ensembles. Because of this, measuring emergent functional states, such as dynamical attractors, could be more useful to char- acterize the functional properties of a circuit than recording receptive field responses from individuai cells. Indeed, in some instances where large?scale population monitoring of neuronal ensem- bles has been possible, emergent circuit states have not been predictable from individual cell responses. Emergent?level problems are not unique to neuroscience. Breakthroughs in understanding complex systems in other fields have come from shifting the focus to the emergent level. Examples include statistical mechanics, nonequi? librlum thermodynamics, many?body physics, and quantum physics. Emer- gent?level analysis has led to rich branches of science describing novel states of matter involving correlated parti- cles, such as magnetism, superconduc? tivity, superfluidity, quantum Hall effects, and macrosc0pic quantum coherence. In biological sciences, the sequencing of genomes and the ability to simulta- neously measure genome-wide expres- sion patterns enable emergent models of gene regulation, developmental control, and disease states with enhanced predic- tive accuracy. We believe similar emergent-level rich- ness is in store for circuit neuroscience. An emergent level of analysis appears to us crucial for understanding brain circuits. Likewise, the pathOphysiology of mental Neuron 74, June 21, 2012 ?2012 Eisevier inc. 1 NEURON 11170 mm Egg? mammaww ?g ?wwmm? mm. magma? 3% ?mmf?mm am?mf .3 .. $me Egg ?mam mgmmaw?mm 3w mm??mwm mam gamma.? mm?mm mm,? wamgmw mg?. mg mg.? g?m? aw ?g.?ng Em @mm? gm ?mammgm?ww mg" ?gmmammg ng?gxm Wm mgr?. g? am ?mam ume MWmmeim ?m??mm ?g m3 gm mm .33 mm?mm gm xx. mam. - ??wmm?wk Research community in neuroscience, nanoscience, biology, and optogenetics Brain Activity Map (see attached article in Neuron) Maker Education Initiative hundreds of thousands of skill ed volunteers Every Child a Maker Neal Stephenson?s ?Young Lady?s Illustrated Primer? Terraform Mars. A bottom?up solution to a huge social problem online organizing for online activism like 100,000 Homes Campaign From: Will Patrick [mailt Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 2:36 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Cc: Astro Teller; Megan Smith Subject: Ag idea moonshot summit? Hi Tom, First - congrats on the re-election! I wanted to follow up with you on a few things (1) Regina Dugan mentioned that you might know of a moonshot around growing ag products much more densely. Is that case? If so, that sounds pretty interesting to us - a possible Solve for talk? (2) i believe you delayed the 'grand challenge summit' until after the election. Let us know how we can help with that. (3) We?re super happy to have you out here for Solve for 2013 - we'll be following up with registration details in a couple weeks. As reminder the event is Feb 6?8 (save the date is below). Cheers, Will From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 10:03 AM To: Vint Cerf Subject: E-mail to Google Attachments: bam-neuron.pdf Kalil! fhomas AI . . Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 7:13 PM To: 'Will Patrick' Cc: Astro Teller; Megan Smith; Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: RE: Ag idea moonshot summit? Dear team: At least 3 ways in which Google could help and we are happy to brainstorm with you on these. 1. Have an exciting Grand Challenge to announce in March 2013 that is even more awesome than a self - driving car, AI that recognize cats using unsupervised machine learning, or Project Glass. Have a promo ted/Curated YouTube ?Grand Challenges? channel. This could include descriptions of big problems in energy, water, health, education, exploration, fundamental science, emerging technologies; vignettes of teams that are pursuing grand challenges. Go al would be to increase grand challenge thinking among general public, students, entrepreneurs, investors, etc. Google-wide brainstorming. If you could call anyone and ask them to embrace a grand challenge who would you call and what would you ask them to do? E.g. Department of Energy SunShot - solar cheaper than coal Elon Musk/SpaceX want to die on Mars, but not on impact.? Humanity as multi-planetary species. DARPA New York to LA in 1 minutes, 100 year Starship. Neil Gerslienfeld, Replicator Qualcornm Tricorder prize Pronutria 10x production in protein production/acre on non -arable land Acuitus raise the wages of someone w/o a college degree by $20,000 in less than 4 months MOOC Movement K-20 curriculum available in major languages for free From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 6:08 PM To: Edelman, R. David; Jon Orwant Cc: George Ivanov Subject: Google Cambridge visit David - per our conversation, I wanted to connect you to Jon Orwant, a longtime Googie engineering manager in Cambridge. I hope you two can find a convenient time late next week for you to swing by our Cambridge office and talk to Jon about some of the work his team does. Have a great trip to beantowni From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 7:57 PM To: Jon Orwant Subject: RE: Google Cambridge visit Jon, Fantastic, Shaii we say 10:003m Friday? Cheers, ?David From: Jon Orwant [mailt Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 4:30 AM To: Edel man, R. David - Cc: Johanna Shelton; George Ivanov Subject: Re: Google Cambridge visit Hi David, Friday works; We got a big biock free in the middle of the day, so why don't you pick a convenient time. We?re at 5 Cambridge Center, and Google reception is on the 4th floor. Jon On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Thanks, Johanna. Jon, great to make your acquaintance. Word on the Googie street is that you are THE person to discuss these issues, and in a fortuitous coincidence, i find yself in Cambridge iate next week. Hoping we could have an informal chat if you?re free - perhaps Friday? Let me know if you have sometime. Happy to swing by your office; l?ll be mobile. Cheers, R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy he White House pom I mm 6) Advance Market Commitments, milestone payments, and ?pay for success? bonds. Under the AMERICA COMPETES legislation, all agencies have the authority to support prizes ofup to $50 million. Recruit individuals that can play a leadership role on these issues to the federal government. Increase the availability of government information and encouraging developers to create applications that add value to this data. Health Data Initiative has been highly success?Jl, and US CTO Todd Park is replicating this model in other areas such as energy, education, and public safety. Issue a ?call to action? to companies and philanthropists to increase their investments in these areas. The Administration has been success?il in using its convening authority to develop high?impact multi?sector collaborations in areas such as high -growth entrepreneurship (Startup America Partnership), ?12 education (Change the Equation), and preparing and recruiting 100,000 STEM teachers (lOOkinlO). Identify legal and regulatory barriers to the adoption of IT ?enabled solutions, such as the current interplay between student ?nancial aid, accreditation of institutions of higher education, and assessment based on student credit ?hours. Serve as an ?early adopter? of a technology. 7. Encouraging behavior change: Researchers are beginning to develop online service that promote behavior change. For example, ARPA has Sponsored the deveIOpment of a video game that encourages peOple to save money on their electricity bill. Personalization: Researchers and ?rms are developing software and online services that are personalized to the needs, background, interests and skill levels of individuals. Combinatorial innovation: IT is benefitting ?om what Google chief economist Hal Varian calls ?combinatorial innovation? the innovation that arises from novel combinations of different technological building blocks. Entrepreneurs new mix and match hundreds of different technologies and capabilities to address particular market niches, such as cloud computing, mobile devices social media, machine learning, online marketplaces, simulation, data visualization, question ?answering, and platforms for mass collaboration. These capabilities also provide a rich palette for improving the human condition in new and creative ways. Role for the federal government One issue is Whether there is an appropriate role for the government in promoting the development, evaluation and widespread use of IT applications that solve societal probl ems. Some might argue that private sector investment will be sufficient to develop the applications described above. Clearly, the government should not act without understanding what products and services are commercially available; what the private sector is willing to invest in; and whether there are market failures. Appropriate roles for the government might include: Sponsor rigorous evaluation of IT -enab1ed solutions to determine whether they are effective, and if so, whether they are cost ?effective relative to other interventions as measured?by outcome per dollar. The Institute for Education Sciences has ?inded some evaluation of commercially?available educational software, for example. Fund that is designed to increase the contribution that IT can make in addressing a particular societ a1 challenge. For example, support of the Education Dominance pro gram may have demonstrated that it is possible to reduce the time required to acquire a technical skill from years to months, and to dramatically increase the wages of workers with a high?school degree. The Administration has proposed funding for a for Education? as part of its FY13 budget request. Use ?pull? mechanisms in which the government establishes a goal and provides funding to the team that can achieve the goal. Examples of this pull mechanism include prizes, Youth Entrepreneurship: Students should be able not just to get a job but to create jobs. Online learning could help give more young people the knowledge and skills they need to launch their own business. Potential bene?ts of IT -enabled solutions Below are some examples of the potential bene?ts of IT?enabled services. 1. Marginal cost zero. The marginal cost of making software or digital content and services available to more people is essentially zero. This is why online customers can serve 80 million customers or how a small non?profit like Khan Academy can deliver instructional videos and problem sets to 6 million people. This is in stark contrast to traditional social services, whose cost increases linearly with the number of people served. However, an IT?enabled solution might have a high ?xed cost needed to develop the online service or software. 2. Ability to create an engaging and compelling experience. For example, good game developers can keep users riveted for hours at a time, and offer an increasingly dif?cult set of challenges that keep users in the ?sweet spot? between being bored and frustrated. 3. Continuous improvement: The productivity of most public sector services is ?at or negative. Researchers and entrepreneurs have ideas for developing online services that get better the more people use them by conducting many low ?cost experiments to discover what works; and collect, analyze and act on the data that can be generated online. For example, CMU has developed online courses that collect data from students and use the data to provide feedback to students, teachers, and course designers. 4. Anytime, anywhere: Mobile devices allow individuals to access digital content at a time, place and pace that is convenient for them. This might be particularly important for an adult who is trying to upgrade their skills while balancing the competing demands of work and family. 5. Mass collaboration: The Internet allows people with shared interests to accomplish things that would be impossible for individuals. For example, Wikipedians have created an online with almost 4 million English articles. 6. Online organizing for of?ine participation: Several non?pro?ts Such as Kaboom (helping communities build safe playgrounds) have been able to accelerate their adoption of their model by creating detailed online playbooks and recruiting volunteers. Currently, there are 28 million Americans (many of whom are African ?Americans, Hispanics, or immigrants) who are unbanked a nd 44 million are underbanked. Healthcare: The Administration has already made a large investment in health information technology and electronic medical records, with over $25 in ARRA funding. However, there are many other health IT applications, such as using wearable sensors to improve the management of chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, and congestive health failure. Education: The research community and a growing number of ed tech entrepreneurs have ideas for how technology might transform teaching and learning. For example, Sal Khan has developed 3,000 educational videos that have been watched half a billion times . Some schools are ??ipping? the classroom by having students watch the videos at home and do their homework during school where they can get help from their teachers and peers. Other researchers believe that they can use to huge amount of data that is generated by online learning to personalize education to the needs of an individual student; and more rapidly disc over optimal learning pathways to help students master challenging concepts in core academic subjects. The Administration has propose increasing the Department of Education?s ability to support related to learning technology. People with Disabilities: Information and communications technologies have the potential to improve the independence, quality of life, and employability of eople with disabilities. However, many information technologies and online services have not been designed to be accessible. Researchers in the ?eld of accessible IT have proposed developing technologies that automatically translate online content so that it is accessible for people with disabilities. School Readiness: There are large differences in school readiness between children from rich and poor households. For example, there are 198 age -appropriate books per household in Beverly Hills and 0.4 in Watts. There may be a combination of technologies g. low ?cost tablet computers, e-books, learning games, speech technology) that could reduce the gap in school readiness between children ?om rich and poor households, and that would encourage more interaction between low-income children and their caregiver. Workforce DeveZOpment: Average wages of non-college educated adult males have declined since 1980. Evaluation of the Department of Labor?s workforce develOpment programs has concluded that they increase wages by $1,800. Early results ?om a DARPA program called ?Education Dominance? suggests that it may be poss ible to develop advanced training technologies that deliver better results. DARPA sponsored the development of a digital tutor that is allowing new Navy recruits to outperform IT experts that have been wi th the Navy for 5 Or more years. VA is likely to support a pilot project to determine whether use of this digital tutor could dramatically increase the wages an employment of recent veterans by allowing them to get a high-paying job in IT systems administration and troubleshooting. Draft June 25, 2012 Summary: This memo argues that the application of information and communications technologies could be playing a larger role in meeting the domestic policy priorities of the Administration. Although IT is not a ?silver bullet? for solving the societal challenges faced by the United States, it can be a power?il tool. Under some circumstances, it may be able to deliver results at lower costs than traditional social services. The Administration should consider launching an initiative in this area as part of the FY14 budget process. Examples of IT applications that could help address societal challenges Adult literacy: The Of?ce of Naval Research has supported research to develop and evaluate ?reading tutors? because some recruits 'en ter the Navy with low levels of literacy. One evaluation showed that it was possible to increase reading level skill by two grade levels in under 40 hours for Navy recruits that were reading at under the 8 th grade level. Further development and evaluation of adult literacy software could help the 90 million adults that have inadequate literacy skills. Chz'Zdhood obesity: Currently, more than 16.9 percent of children and adolescents are obese. Childhood obesity increases the risks of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, etc. Technology may be able to play a role in reducing childhood obesity. For example, a social enterprise supported by the Omidyar Network developed an onli ne rewards program for young teens, powered by their physical activity. A randomized controlled trial showed that teens with Zamzee move around 30 percent more, the equivalent of nearly an extra marathon per month. Other studies have shown that ?exergame s? do not impact levels of physical activity, however. College Sebastian Thrun, a former Stan ford professor, developed an online course in Arti?cial Intelligence that 23,000 students completed. He taught more students AI than all of the other AI professors put together, and reported a marginal cost of $1 per additional student. He has launched a start-up called Udacity that is currently offering 11 courses for free, although they are charging for certi?cation which involves taking a test. He believes he can offer a master?s degree for $100. Although online instruction is certainly not a substitute for all aspects of a residential college, it can expand access to skills that have a value in the marketplace, and help address college afford ability. There is an important role for policy in enabling online learning because it may require changes in policy in areas such as competency ?based assessment, accreditation of institutions of higher education, ?nancial aid policy, and transfer of credits from online to traditional universities. z'nanciaz Inclusion: Mobile ?nancial services such as M-PESA have allowed 15 million Kenyans to transfer money with a text message, and one ?third of Kenya?s GDP now ?ows over USAID and Citibank have just launched a collaboration to provide mobile financial services to more people in deveIOping countries. The Administration should explore whether mobile ?nancial services could reduce the number of unbanked and underbanked in the US. Our troops ?ght unconstrained by costly and dangerous oil supply lines, powered in the ?eld by hyper?ef?cient solar cells, batteries, and fuel cells Small business/entrepreneurship Cities in all 50 states use ?smart permitting? to allow entrepreneurs to start a business in a day Students can play a multi?player game that gives them the skills they need to start their own business. Students that successfully complete the game are twice as likely to get ?nancing and to ultimately launch a rapidly growing business. College graduates choose to join innovative startups in greater numbers than those who go to work in ?nance or consulting Startups have seamless access to government data, government-funded innovations, and government contracts Space We make Mars habitable using advanced biotechnology, self?replicating robotic factories, and an interplanetary Internet Suborbital flight is as unremarkable as the shuttle and US. companies are regularly and reliably transporting crew into low?Earth orbit We have the capability to detect and de?ect planet?killing asteroids We can do human missions to Mars in months instead of years We can predict major storms and natural disasters in time to alert and move the at-risk pOpulation Money made through utilization of near?Space capabilities (long?duration, near-Space platforms, satellite servicing, propellant depots, space tourism, biomedical pharmaceutical products) exceeds launch costs by a factor of 10 We have initiated interstellar robotic exploration TraHSportation Self-driving cars reduce traf?c fatalities by 80 percent, while freeing up our commute time for work, leisure, or a nap Thomas Kaiil, prepared remarks at the information Technology and innovation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC We put the tools to design and make just about anything g. 3-D printers, TechShops, Maker Sheds, FabLabs) at the ?ngertips of every child We create the foundation for a ?bio ?economy? that allows us to make dozens of chemicals without petroleum Teams of workers and robots allow American companies to beat the ?China price? for many manufactured products Nanotechnology Atomically precise manufacturing allows us to create materials that are stronger than steel and a fraction of the weight National Security American soldiers have dozens of ?superpowers?, including: - X?ray Vision and the ability to see around corners - Spiderrnan?s ability to climb up walls (a number of researchers have been looking at developing nanofibers that mimic the skin of a gecko) - The ability to command dozens of robots including flying robots the size of dragon? ?ies - An exoskeleton that allows them to lift a truck I A light?weight vest that stops armor?piercing bullets - The ability to fight for a week without sleep Accelerated healing Iof battle?field wounds - A cloak of invisibility - The ability to incapacitate a large angry crowd without casualties We can detect any IED from a distance of greater than 100 meters Monitoring for nuclear security is so capable that the US and its partner nations can track (either cooperatively or non?cooperatively) the status of weapons-usable nuclear material and related activities at any location in the world Thomas Kaiil, prepared remarks at the information Technology and innovation Foundation, Aprii12, 2012, Washington, DC We accelerate the availability of vaccines for AIDS, TB, and malaria by 10-20 years diseases which kill 6 million people every year People with prosthetic legs climb mountains and people with prosthetic arms play the piano We inexpensively and accurately detect dozens of diseases with a breath, at saliva sample, or a drop of blood Replacement cartilage is available and safe for treatment of osteoarthritis of knees and hips. People no longer need expensive and painful operations to replace worn joints, and older people can continue to exercise and be independent Patients can access all of their medical records, get quick responses from providers to questions, and make their own appointments on line Errors in patient care in hOSpitals have been reduced to 10% of their current rate Information Technology ?Do what I mean? computing allows us to program computers and direct software agents using conversational English Real-time speech translation allows us to talk to or chat with anyone in any language Smart homes empower seniors to live independently for another 5- 10 years We extend Moore?s Law (doubling computing power every 12 -18 months) for decades to come, enabling us to put a supercomputer on a wrist-watch Cyberspace has an ?immune system? that rapidly and effectively responded to cyber -attacks, worms, and viruses High??delity holographic video?conferencing dramatically reduces the need for air travel - Manufacturing The US leads the world in producing batteries for electric vehicles, next generation lighting, solar cells, next generation heat pumps, blades and generators for wind machines US ?rms de?ne the state of the art in the next generation of manufacturing methods (bioprocessing, separations at room temperature, waste-free fabrication) We reduce the time required to design, build and test manufactured products by a factor of 5, while dramatically increasing the number of product designers and entrepreneurs who make things Thomas Kalil, prepared remarks at the information Technology and innovation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC Every child has access to educational software as effective as a personal tutor and as engaging as the best video game A digital tutor allows recent high school graduates to gain the skills and an industry-recognized certi?cate they need to increase their income by 50 ?100 percent in 4 months Individuals can ?nd online education and training materials tailored to their exact needs quickly and easily Environment Microbes or nanotechnology lower the cost and time required to clean up waste by 50 percent Millions of cell-phones with sensors that cost under a dollar help create a real? time ?dashboard? for the planet Industry and university researchers create green substitutes for dozens of the most toxic chemicals All 10 million+ species on the planet are catalogued in a DNA library, enabling the developing of new products such as life?saving drugs Green chemists can create plastics competitive at the commodity scale that require less energy to produce and, after serving their purpose, rapidly biodegrade to non-toxic materials Health Patients and healthcare providers have the technology, techniques and incentives to reduce the costs of managing major chronic diseases such as diabetes (or preventing them to begin with) by one-third Patient information available where it?s needed, -in the form it?s needed, wherever it?s needed and safeguarded against misuse. Doctors and patients have access to automated analysis of potential mistakes such as drug interactions. Smart anti?cancer therapeutics deliver drugs only to tumors, leaving healthy cells untouched We can sequence the entire human genome in under an hour, delivering rapid personalized medicine Regenerative medicine routinely replaces damaged tissues or organs 7 ending the agonizing wait for an organ transplant or repairing spinal cord injuries We create therapies and vaccines for diseases in months, not years Thomas Kalil, prepared remarks at the information Technology and Innovation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC WHAT Clean Energy Solar cells compete with coal and natural gas generation before the end of the decade Building energy use is cut in half within a decade Buildings and industries continuously monitor performance, diagnose problems, and summon repair crews before problems become serious Meters provide continuous detailed information about the energy consumption of every device and provide users information only when and where it can be useful Utilities can make as much money saving a kilowatt hour as generating a kilowatt hour The equivalent of Saudi Arabia?s oil production is replaced by biomass Nuclear reactors are safe, affordable, and easy to site almost anywhere Electric vehicles travel for 300 miles, and ??lling up? with electrons is cheaper than gasoline at $3 a gallon We make 10 high-volume products that are ?carbon-negative? turning carbon dioxide into a valuable raw material as opposed to pollution Business travel miles are cut in half by the use of virtual presence technologies Non?food crop can be used to produce liquid fuels, electricity, animal feed products, and industrial materials anywhere in the country, tailored for each local area We can eliminate radioactive waste from nuclear power generation Deep water wind farms on our coasts and great lakes that compete with coal and natural gas Strong, lightweight materials now used only by NASA and the military cheap enough to use for cars, trucks, and wind machines Education and?Training A $100 e-reader can read a child 10,000 stories in the voice of their favorite celebrity, dramatically reducing the gap in vocabulary size between children from rich and poor households Thomas Kalil, prepared remarks at the information Technology and innovation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC can rapidly become science fact. That is why I am delighted that Neal Stephenson and other science fiction writers have started a project called to depict future worlds in which Big Stuff Gets Done. We used to say, ?I?ll believe it when I see it.? But increasing 1y it is the case that, ?I?ll see it when I believe it.? In conclusion, I ask you: What Grand Challenges do you believe deserve more attention? I encourage you to share your feedback and ideas with me and via email to What Grand Challenges are you motivated to work towards? Thank you. Thomas Kalil, prepared remarks at the lnformatian Technology and innovation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC Companies: More companies could identify a Grand Challenge they can contribute to. IBM has driven advances in computing and AI by beating Kasporov at chess and Ken Jennings at Je0pardy. Google has recruited Sebastian Thrun, the Stanford researcher who won Grand Challenge competition for unmanned vehicles, and is making signi?cant investments in self?driving cars. Additional companies and philanthropists are getting involved by sponsoring a major incentive prize. Progressive Insurance, for example, sponsored the $10 million Automotive Prize for the teams that could build a car that gets the equivalent of 100 miles per gallon. We will hear today from Rick Valencia about how Qualcomm is sponsoring a $10 million Tricorder Prize to develop a portable wireless device that can monitor and diagnose a broad range of health conditions. Larger companies could also partner with start?ups that are pursuing ambitious goals by serving as early customers and providing capital, mentoring, and milestone-based payments. Investors: Some venture capitalists are investing in startups that are pursuing Grand Challenges. The Founders Fund, for example, is focused on ?smart people solving different science and engineering challenges,? such as lowering the cost of space launch costs by a factor of ten; dramatically reducing the time, cost, and uncertainty associated with the drug development process; and machine intelligence that can replicate components of human intelligence. Flagship Ventures is investing in a startup called Essentient, which has stated that its technology could provide enough protein for everyone on the planet in an area the size of Rhode Island. Financial innovations could also increase the extent to which institutional investors could help address Grand Challenges. Andrew Lo and his colleagues at the MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering have developed a proposal for a $5 - $15 billion cancer mega?fund that they believe would generate attractive returns for pension funds and life insurance companies and would signi?cantly increase the capital available to ?nd cures and better treatments for cancer. The ?eld of ?impact investing? is creating Opportunities for investors to back ?rms and social enterprises that can generate both ?nancial and social returns. America ?s storytellers: Media companies and America?s storytelle rs could help elevate the role that Grand Challenges and innovators play in our culture. Dean Kamen observed that in a free society, you get what you celebrate. How many Americans can name a living scientist or engineer? What could Hollywood and our creative talent to do help make engineers and entrepreneurs the rock stars of the 21 st century? We should also recognize the important role played by science ?ction. There are many instances in which science ?ction from Arthur C. Clarke?s communications satellites to the Star Trek replicator, to the user interface in the Minority Report has inspired scientists and engineers. Things that may seem like science ?ction one day like a cloak of invisibility or a tricorder Thomas Kalil, prepared remarks at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC There is a huge gap between the potential of learning science and technology and what we actually observe in the classroom and the workplace. One of the reasons for this is that we invest less than 0.2 percent of K-12 expenditures on That is why the Administration is committed to creating a DARPA for the Department of Education. And it is why we announced the creation of a League of Innovative Schools a coalition of school districts and virtual high schools that plan to use their purchasing power to encourage learning technologies that signi?cantly improve student performance. What are the elements of an ?all hands on deck? approach to Grand Challenges? In closing, I want to offer some suggestions on what President Obama calls an ?all hands on deck? approach to the identi?cation and pursuit of Grand Challenges might look like. This is important because many of these challenges will undoubtedly require collaborations that Span sectors, industries, disciplines, and boundaries. I would like you to imagine a world in which more individuals and institutions are involved in pursuing or supporting a Grand Challenge and a world in which these challenges play a more prominent role in our culture and in our public discourse. This summer, the Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy will convene a White House event to celebrate and honor individuals and organizations that have embraced a Grand Challenge and to inspire more people to do so. We see important roles for many different types of organizations. Govemm enr agencies: In the same way that the Department of Energy is pursuing SunShot to make solar energy cheaper than coal and DARPA is deve10ping prosthetics that might allow a veteran that has lost his arms to play the piano again, more agencies could be explicit about setting ambitious and important Grand Challenge goals and then convening funding and private sector commitments to work towards those goals. Governments can also collaborate on international Grand Challenges particularly as they relate to global development, global health, and global public goods. Philanthropists and foundations Philanthropists and foundations could organize some of their giving around Grand Challenges. The Gates Foundation is ?nding Grand Challenges in. Global Health, such as vaccines that do not require refrigeration and a single crop that provides all of the nutrients needed for a healthy diet. Research universities: Some universities such as Duke and USC have joined with the National Academy of Engineering to launch the Grand Challenge Scholars Program. This program enables engineering students to organize their coursework, research, service, international studies, and experiential learning around a Grand Challenge. Universities could extend these programs to interdisciplinary teams of students from all disciplines and emphasize ambitious Grand Challenges in their capital campaigns. Thomas Kalil, prepared remarks at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC bring new eXpertise to bear on important problems, strengthen the ?social contract? between science and society, and inSpire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to work on hard and important problems. Also, as various technologies such as bio, info, and nanotechnology become more and more powerful the question ?what should we do? is arguably as or more important than ?what can we do.? This is not primarily a technical question, it is a question that relies on imagination, creativity, values, and our individual and shared views on how we de?ne progress. What are some Grand Challenges that deserve more attention? Although a growing number of organizations are beginning to embrace ambitious goals, there are many Grand Challenges that deserve more attention relative to their importance. For example, what if we could use advances in learning science and technology to dramatically improve education and training? DARPA and the Navy are collaborating on a program called Education Dominance, whose goal is to allow military personnel to acquire a new technical skill in months, not years. Preliminary evaluation of the program by the institute for Defense Analysis suggests that they may have succeeded in develOping a digital tutor for IT systems administration that is as effective as a personal tutor. After using the digital tutor for a few months, new Navy recruits are outperforming Navy IT experts with 5?7 years of experience on real-world trouble tickets. if these results are con?rmed, and if they can be replicated for academic subjects such as 8 th grade math and additional technical skills that are valued by employers, this would be a game- changer. Researchers are exploring other approaches as well, such as online courses that get better the more students use them. By instrumenting the learning environment, we can provide more rapid feedback to learners, teachers, course designers, and learning scientists. Researchers can also create a virtual learning laboratory with hundreds of thousands of participants. As Opposed to having theoretical debates about the best way to teach a given subject like fractions, we can conduct many low-cost fast experiments, in the same way that Internet companies use comparisons to continuously improve their services. We also have an exciting opportunity to give every child the ability to become a Maker and to have the experience of designing and building something that they ?nd personally meaningful to them. As information technology has evolved-from the mainframe, to the personal computer, to the computer that fits in your pocket, new technologies such as printing, low cost machine tools, and open-source hardware are enabling personal fabrication. These tools and interaction with the Maker community could signi?cantly increase the number of students who get interested in STEM. Thomas Kalil, prepared remarks at the information Technology and lnnavation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC of gas, all while averaging 100 with two people on board. NASA further leveraged taxpayer dollars, by partnering with the CAFE Foundation, which invested over $1 million in rigorous evaluation and publicity extending the impact of the prize. The high?profile demonstration of safe, low?emission technologies may spark a new electric airplane industry. Incentive prizes are one of several powerful tools for working towards a Grand Challenge. 1 will address more mechanisms for contributing to a Grand Challenge later in my remarks. Attributes and Bene?ts of Grand Challenges As President Kennedy observed, ?By defining our goal more clearly, by making it seem more manageable and less remote, we can help all peoples to see it, to draw hope from it, and to move irresistibly towards it.? Although there is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes a Grand Challenge, 1 want to focus on Grand Challenges that have the following attributes. First, they can have a major impact in domains such as health, energy, sustainability, education, economic opportunity, national security, or human exploration. Second, they are ambitious but achievable. Proposing to end scarcity in ?ve years is certainly ambitious, but it is not achievable. As Arthur Sulzberger put it, believe in an Open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.? Third, Grand Challenges are compelling and intrinsically motivating. They should capture the public?s imagination. Many people should be willing to devote a good chunk of their career to the pursuit of one of these goals. Fourth, Grand Challenges have a ?Goldilocks? level of speci?city and focus. ?Improving the human condition? is not a Grand Challenge because it does not provide enough guidance for what to do next. One of the virtues of a goal like ?landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth? is that it is clear whether it has been achieved. Grand Challenges should have measurable targets for success and timing of completion. On the other hand, a Grand Challenge that is too narrowly de?ned may assume a particular technical solution and reduce the opportunity for new approaches. Finally, Grand Challenges can help drive and harness innovation and advances in science and technology. I certainly do not want to argue that technology is going to solve all of our problems. But it can be a powerful tool, particularly when combined with social, ?nancial, policy, institutional, and business model innovations. The identification and pursuit of Grand Challenges has a number of bene?ts. Grand Challenges can catalyze innovations that foster economic growth and job creation, spur the formation of multidisciplinary teams of researchers, encourage multi?sector collaborations, Thomas Kalil, prepared remarks at the information Technology and innovation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC an initiative to make electric vehicles as affordable and convenient to own as today?s gasoline? powered vehicles. USAID and its partners have launched several Grand Challenges for Development, including ?Saving Lives at Birth designed to improve maternal and newborn health during the critical 48 hour period after birth by increasing access to primary health care for pregnant women and newborns by at least 50% and ?All Children Reading? which seeks to dramatically increase the number of children in low-income countries who leave primary school with basic reading skills. DARPA and NASA are supporting a study of a lOO-Year Starship to understand what it would take from an organizational, technical, sociological, and ethical perSpective to send humans to another star. As one of many tools to address Grand Challenges, the Administration is also encouraging agencies to increase their use of incentive prizes to set and meet ambitious goals. Incentive prizes have a long history of catalyzing breakthroughs. In 1714, the British government offered a prize of ?20,000 to the person-who found a way to accurately determine a ship?s longitude. Charles Lindbergh won the $25,000 Orteig prize for making the ?rst nonstop ?ight from New York to Paris. In recent years, the use of incentive prizes for open innovation by the private sector and philanthropies has increased dramatically as companies and donors have come to understand the power of this tool. Incentive prizes work as one tool to address Grand Challenges because they shine a Spotlight on an ambitious goal without having to predict which team or approach is most likely to succeed. Incentive prizes help us each beyond the ?usual suSpects? to increase the numb er of minds tackling a problem, bringing out-of-discipline perspectives to bear and iHSpiring risk?taking by offering a level playing ?eld. The recent Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup Challenge, supported by judging assistance from the National Oceanic and AtmOSpheric Administration and the Department of the Interior, set out a target of doubling today?s standard for oil recovery by mechanical cleanup systems. After more than 350 organizations expressed interest in competing, 10 ?nalist teams demonstrated their systems in 54,000 gallons of oil at an Interior Department test facility. Seven of those teams exceeded the industry?s previous best oil recovery rate in testing, and the winner almost quadrupled that standard with 4,670 gallons per minute oil recovery rate at 89.5% ef?ciency, an astounding feat given that teams had less than 6 months to develop and re?ne their systems. Another recent prize was Green Flight Challenge that called upon aviation innovators to build and demonstrate a super-fuel ef?cient full-scale aircraft. The cash prize purse of $1.65 million offered by NASA attracted 14 teams, which collectively invested more than $6 million. In a historic achievement, the two winning teams exceeded the performance requirements by nearly a factor of two, ?ying more than 200 miles on the energy equivalent of just half a gallon Thomas alii, prepared remarks at the Information Technology and innovation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC The Grand Challenges of the 21 st Century Prepared remarks of Tom Kalil at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation April 12, 2012 Washington, DC Good morning. Today 1 am going to be talking about Grand Challenges ambitious yet achievable goals that capture the public?s imagination and that require innovation and breakthroughs in science and technology to achieve. Some historical examples of Grand Challenges are President Kennedy?s call to put a man on the. moon or the Human Genome Project. More recently, we have seen decentralized, bottom?up efforts as well. Jimmy Wales de?ned the mission of Wikipedia as giving ?freely the sum of the world?s knowledge to every single person on the planet in the language of their choice.? Today Wikipedia has almost 20 million articles in 282 languages and 365 million readers. I want to explore the following questions: 0 What role do Grand Challenges play in President Obama?s innovation strategy? I What are the attributes of a Grand Challenge, and why are Grand Challenges important? I What are some examples of Grand Challenges that deserve more attention? 0 How could we signi?cantly increase the number of individuals and institutions that are involved in identifying and pursuing Grand Challenges? The Role of Grand Challenges in President Obama?s Strategy for American Innovation President Obama?s Strategy for American Innovation has three elements: investing in the building blocks of long-term economic growth such as education, and infrastructure; creating the environment for private sector investment; and harnessing innovation to address national priorities in areas such as health, energy, and education. One component of the President?s national innovation strategy calls for the pursuit of Grand Challenges, but the strategy supports many other approaches as well. For example, support for curiosity?driven research is critical, both because expanding the frontiers of human knowledge is an end in itself, and because it leads to bene?ts that we could never have predicted. Studying the bioluminescence of jelly?sh doesnot sound very practical, but it led to the discovery of green ?uorescent protein, a key tool in biological imaging. A number of agencies are supporting Grand Challenges related to their missions. The Department of Energy, for example, is backing several Clean Energy Grand Challenges, including ?SunShot? an initiative to make solar energy as cheap as coal, and Evegywhere? Thomas Kohl, prepared remarks at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, April 12, 2012, Washington, DC My team {which has grown since we last taiked] covers research to riding (Kei Koizumi); Startup America (Doug Rand}, STEM education, the Maker Movement, and next generation teaming technologies(i273 2% I BIG DATA "The ?lturlof computing is hot just big iron. ItMarchi29th5? agencies anhnouhce S200 millibn in. garage-law?? . thVestmeh'ts Big-Data veracity) arm National RObOticsInitiative (NRI) T?'reizoViduals arid mu gmanufaCturing, Exploration, discovery, agriculture,security?g?zaw?aaz?wm mm? ?$36 a: 51:6 mm wig; JXW?sxmm 9 "TiMaterials Genome Initiative Goal: Decrease the ti'me-to-market by 50 0/ "To help businesses develop, and deploy new materials twice as fast, we ?re launching whatwe call the Materials Genome Initiative. The invention of "silicon 7 circuits and lithium ion batteries";- made computers and iPods and iPad's' possible, but: it took {years jito get; those-"technologies "from the drawing fboarciito theginarlget'place; we Can do faste?3_ 055m, Carnegie Mellon Unit/e? :Ma?sr?ais East?er in: aim-xi Easessz #3 President Obama?s Innovation Strategy a 21:15; Source: max-1whitehousegev Examples of Tools (2) EllcOurage or direct an agency to achieve aparticullar goal - ?D??isimis: dispute res?lutiOii' .. - approach vision di?ftributed . 113W Examplesof T0018 (1) i . - AuthcritatiV?. statements of national pbli?y (Executive orders, . . .. Policy Directives; agenda ?is__etting Policy entrepreneurs .- motivated individuals or Small teams Can do much [i0 drawattention to policy inneVative - selutions,buildcoelitions ef Sapporterg; secure . aetiori.? [Mintromfand 209.]: I Outlineof Talk 2? What [is Policy 5 canuse ?,Examplespflini?at??sfro team 1 i i fcould'hlicy s?hools hem PO 1i Cy Entrepreneurship for . I. cience, Technology an; Innovation - Sicw?? Ei'ciibb?ii?i?oi?ii Sent from my iPhone From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 9:47 AM To: Vint Cerf Subject: RE: Obama: innovation, entrepreneurship,jobs program Attachments: Dear Vint: No one person covers all of these issues, but we all collaborate to make sure that the key issues get covered. Todd Park and his team are focused on the Presidential innovation fellows, Open Data in health, energy, public safety, education, etc., Open Government, digital inclusion, the application of lT to stop human trafficking, electronic health records, etc. Tom Power works on spectrum management and telecom/lnternet policy more broadly. My team (which has grown since we last talked) covers research funding (Kei Koizumi); Startup America (Doug Rand), STEM education, the Maker Movement, and next generation learn ing technologies(l1,000) populations of neurons in vitro or in vivo (Grienberger and Konnerth, 2012). Calcium imaging, while useful, can only approximate the real functional signals of neurons, and it is preferable to capture the complete activity of a circuit by voltage imaging (Peterka et al., 2011). Current 2 Neuron 74, June 21, 2012 ?2012 Eisevier Inc. NEUHON 11170 Neuron 700 i 1000 or fura-2 AM. More than a thousand neurons are labeled and can be king activity of 754 cells from a similar experiment. From Cossart et al., 2003. methods for voltage imaging in vertebrate circuits, however, cannot cathre action potentials at a large~scale with single- cell resolution. Novel voltage sensors with better signal?to-noise, less photo- damage, and faster temporal resolution are needed. Continued improvements are being made in voltage indicators, and partiCularly promising are nanopar? ticles, small inorganic compounds that have large absorption and highly efficient emission. These are robust during extended illumination and can be very sensitive to the external electric field. Zero-dimensional nanoparticles, quantum dots, could be directly used to measure voltage in neurons. Other nanoparticles, such as nanodiamonds (Mochalin et al., 2012), may provide an even higher sensitivity to magnetic and electric fields. in addition, by acting as ?antennas? for light, nanoparticles can greatly enhance optical signals emitted by more traditional voltage reporters. But regardless of the method chosen for imaging neuronal activity, to capture all Spikes from all neurons, One needs to\ increase the number of imaged neurons and extend the depth of the imaged tissue. A variety of recent ad- vancements in optical hardware and computational approaches could over- come these challenges (Yuste, 2011). Novel methods include powerful light sources for two-photon excitation of deep tissue, faster scanning strategies, scanless approaches using spatio~light~ modulators to ?bathe? the sample with light, high?numerical aperture objectives Please cite this article in press as: Alivisatos et al., The Brain Activi ty Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics, Neuron (2012}, Neuron The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics A. Paul Alivisatos,1 Miyoung Chun,2 George M. Church,3 Ralph J. Greenspan,4 Michael L. Ftoukes,5 and Rafael Yusteer" 1ll/laterials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Department of Chemistry, 2The Kain Foundati0n 3Department of Genetics and Institute, Harvard Medical School 4Kavli institute for Brain and Mind. UCSD 5Physics, Applied Physics, Bioengineering and The Kain Nanoscience Institute, Caitech Department Biological Sciences, Kavli institute for Brain Science, Columbia University *Correspondence: 10.1018/j.neuron.2012.06.006 University of CalifOrnia, Berkeley The function of neural circuits is an emergent property arising from the coordinated activity of large numbers of neurons. To capture this, we propose launching a large-scale, international public effort, the Brain Activity Map Project, aimed at reconstructing the full record of neurai activity across compiete neural circuits. This technologicai challenge could prove to be an invaiuable step toward understanding fundamentai and path- ological brain processes. ?The behavior of large and com- plex aggregates of elementary particles, it turns out, is not to be understood in terms of a simple extrapolation of the prOperties of a few particles. instead. at each level of complexity entirely new proper- ties appear." ?More is Different, P.W. Anderson ?New directions in science are launched by new tools much more often than by new concepts. The effect of a concept-driven revolu- tion is to explain old things in new ways. The effect of a tool-driven revolution is to discover new things that have to be explained.? - imagined Worlds, Freeman Dyson Emergent Properties of Brain Circuits Understanding how the brain works is arguably one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. Although there have been piecemeal efforts to explain how different brain regions operate, no general theory of brain function is univeru sally accepted. Afundamental underlying limitation is our ignorance of the brain?s microcircuitry, the synaptic connections contained within any given brain area. which Cajal referred to as ?impenetrable jungles where many investigators have lost themselves? (Ramon Cajai, 1923). To explore these jungles, neuroscientists have traditionally relied on electrodes that sample brain activity only very soarselyufrom one to a few neurons within a given region. However, neural circuits can involve millions of neurons, so it is probable that neuronal ensembles operate at a multineuronal level of organi- zation, one that will be invisible from single neuron recordings, just as it would be pointless to view an HDTV program by looking at a just a few pixels on a screen. Neural circuit function is therefore likely to be emergent?that is, it could arise from complex interactions among constit- uents. This hypothesis is supported by the well-documented recurrent and distrib? uted architecture of connections in the CNS. Indeed, individual neurons generally make and receive synaptic contacts from thousands of other neurons. In distributed circuits, the larger the connec- tivity matrix, the greater the redundancy within the network and the less important each neuron is. Despite these anatomical facts, neurophysiological studies con- tinue to gravitate toward detailed descrip- tions of the stable feature selectivity of individual neurons, a natural conse- quence of single-electrode recordings. However, given their distributed connec? tions and their plasticity, neurons are likely to be subject to continuous, dynam- ical rearrangements, participating at different times in different ensembles. Because of this, measuring emergent functional states, such as dynamical attractors, could be more useful to char- acterize the functional prOperties of a circuit than recording receptive field responses from individual cells. indeed, in some instances where large-scale population monitoring of neuronal ensem- bles has been possible, emergent circuit states have not been predictable from individual cell responses. Emergent-level problems are not unique to neuroscience. Breakthroughs in understanding complex systems in other fields have come from shifting the focus to the emergent level. Exampies include statistical mechanics, nonequi- Iibrium thermodynamics, many-body physics, and quantum physics. Emer- gent-level analysis has led to rich branches of science describing novel states of matter involving correlated parti- cles, such as magnetism, superconduc- tivity, superfluidity, quantum Hall effects, and macroscopic quantum coherence. In biological sciences, the sequencing of genomes and the ability to simulta- neously meaSure genome-wide eXpres? sion patterns enable emergent models of gene regulation, developmental control, and disease states with enhanced predic? tive accuracy. We believe similar emergent~ievel rich- ness is in store for circuit neuroscience. An emergent level of analysis appears to us crucial for understanding brain circuits. Likewise, the pathophysiology of mental Neuron 74, June 21, 2012 @2012 Elsevier inc. 1 NEURON 11170 15- . Emf?ig?gmiiy a?mw? 333:3 imjm?iwu?gmmg MW magg??f? magma? mg; mm ig?i?fi??fy 25.13% mg ?cim mar XL 92:39: awn: a: 5mm: grwg} mmumr migaagmmam a?zg? arm-{mag mtg? .?rxsimiga mzi?s?s?z?mg gata?w gag-"2% 'E?ggi?gmi?gy ?aa?g?mw $53 {gag-gag? $3352 35% mg: figmm? mw?gg yam :23, :3 ?miti?z m??stmw?m sim- - Qim?maim ?mm ?w?ifz?i-szr? (Sm-rm 935m 13mm is? 333.5?: Samara. "??abzamy m- a ?3 i3 gr?day E?w??'?miar?y $33 1313'? i3: {Emai?gz g'?g?mmsm mfg-{235: {iir?m??f a?m?ag {?zz/1mm igzgz?ay gmmamw Terraform Mars. A bottom-up solution to a huge social problem online organizing for online activism like 100,000 Homes Campaign From: Will Patrick [mailt Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 2:36 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Cc: Astro Teller; Megan Smith Subject: Ag idea moonshot summit? Hi Tom, First congrats on the re-eleotionl I wanted to follow up with you on a few things (1) Regina Dugan mentioned that you might know of a moonshot arou nd growing ag products much more densely. Is that case? if so, that sounds pretty interesting to us - a possible Solve for talk? (2) I believe you delayed the 'grand challenge summit' until after the election. Let us know how we can help with that. (3) We?re super happy to have you out here for Solve for 2013 - we'll be following up with registration details in a couple weeks. As reminder the event is Feb 6-8 (save the date is below). Cheers, Will From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 7:13 PM To: Will Patrick Cc: Astro Teller; Megan Smith; Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: RE: Ag idea moonshot summit? - Attachments: bam-neuronpdic Dear team: At least 3 ways in which Goo gle could help and we are happy to brainstorm with you on these. 1. Have an exciting Grand Challenge to announce in March 2013 that is even more awesome than a self - driving car, AI that recognize cats using unsupervised machine learning, or Project Glass. 2. Have a promoted/curated YouTube ?Grand Challenges? channel. This could include descriptions of big problems in energy, water, health, education, exploration, fundamental science, emerging technologies; vignettes of teams that are pursuing grand challenges. Goal would be to increase grand challenge thinking among generalpublic, students, entrepreneurs, investors, etc. 3. Google-wide brainstorming. - If you could call anyone and ask them to embrace a grand challenge who would you call and what would you ask them to do? E. g. Department of Energy SunShot solar cheaper than coal Elon Musk/SpaceX want to die on Mars, but not on impact.? Humanity as multi-planetary species. DARPA New York to LA in 1 minutes, 100 year Starship. Neil Gershenfeld, Replicator Qualcomm Tricorder prize Pronutria 10x production in protein production/acre on non -arable land Acuitus raise the wages of someone w/o a college degree by $20,000 in less than 4 months MOOC Movement K-20 curriculum available in major languages for free Research community in neuroscience, nanoscience, biology, and optogenetics Brain Activity Map (see attached article in Neuron) Maker Education Initiative hundreds of thousands of skilled volunteers Every Child a Maker Neal Stephenson?s ?Young Lady?s Illustrated Primer? Best, Vivian From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Friday!r November 09, 2012 12:36 PM To: Park, Todd Cc: Graubardlr Vivian; Johanna Shelton; Abbi Tatton Subject: Online Video Discussion with SVP of YouTube Hi Todd, I hope you are doing well. We were wondering if you and your colleagues might have some time next Tuesday (11/13) to meet with Salar Kamangar. Google's Senior Vice President of YouTube to discuss the rapid growth of the YouTube video platform globally and the developer/content tools that it currently provides to individuals, organizations, and businesses. Sincerely, George George lvaoov Policy Analyst Googie inc, 110?? New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 George lvanov Policy Aoaiystl Google inc, 170?? New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 4:36 PM To: George Ivanov; Grau bard, Vivian Cc: Johanna Shelton; Abbi Tatton Subject: I RE: Online Video Discussion with SVP of YouTube Attachments: Copy of WAVES_20_Excel_Template_V1 8 9_Anderson.xls Thanks, George and Johanna! i?rn attaching the WAVES form; piease fill out for attendees and return to me, ideally by C08 today. Thanks, David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy The ?White House at (m @3163) bb: (202 (6) male? From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 4:31 PM To: Graubard, Vivian Cc: Park, Todd; Johanna Shelton; Abbi Tatton; Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Online Video Discussion with SVP of YouTube +David Hello Vivian, Yes, we reached out to David for the same meeting and we look fonivard to seeing all of you at 3:00 pm on Tuesday. We will try to get our clearance information to you asap. Sincerely, George On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 4:03 PM. Graubard, Vivian wrote: Hi George, I spoke with David Edeiman on our team and it seems that they were also hoping to scheduie a meeting with him, so we?re going to doubie up and make this one meeting on the 13 ?h from 3?4 (a time recommended by Salar to David), is this correct? Cc: "Graubard, Vivian" Johanna Shelton Em? Abbi Tatton Hi Todd, I hope you are doing well. We were wondering if you and your colleagues might have some time next Tuesday (11/13) to meet with Salar Kamangar, Google?s Senior Vice President of YouTube to discuss the rapid growth of the YouTube video platform globally and the developer/content tools that it currently provides to individuals, organizations, and businesses. Sincerely, George George Evanov Policy Analyst (Boogie inc, 1301 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 Johanna Shelton Senior Poiicy Counsel (Boogie inc. New York Ave NW, 2nd Ft Washington, BC 200055 Googie Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google inc, 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 [Em- Googie Voice From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 4:01 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Online Video Discussion with SVP of YouTube Johanna, Fantastic. i?m aiso coordinating with Vivian and Todd, so we?ll want to talk among other things about the great work we?ve done together to combat chitd expioitation. i?ii get back to you with the full list of attendees. Cheers, ?rD From: Johanna Shelton 6 5 Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 2:40 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Online Video DiscussiOn with SVP of YouTube here's my understanding of the lineup: 2pm Tues 11/13 - patent conversation with you, Que ntin, me, Google counsel Matthew Bye (i will send bio in another email) 3pm Tues 11/13 - YouTube CEO discussion with Salar Kamangar (other Googlers will include me, George ivanov, Abbi Tatton) Bio for Salar: Salar Kamangar SVP of YouTube and Video Goggle Inc. Saiar Kamangar is in charge of running day -to-day operations at YouTube. Previously, he was Vice President of Product Management for Googie's advertising and monetization products, including the AdWords program, which he defined with a small eng ineering team. Today, AdWords is the foundation for Googie?s syndication on partner sites and serves as the engine that drives Googie?s revenue. Prior to that, Saiar created the company?s first business plan and was responsible for its iegai and finance fu nctions. Kamangar, born in Tehran?Iran in 1977, earned his Bachelor?s degree in Bioiogical Sciences with honors from Stanford University. On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 12:40 PM, Johanna Shelton wrote: see below want to chat quickly today. iet me know when you are available to talk this afternoon. thanks! Forwarded message From: George Ivanov Date: Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 12:35 PM Subject: Online Video Discussion with SVP of YouTube To From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 1:10 PM To: Johanna Shelton (5) Subject: Correction: 2pm? R. David Edelman Senior Advisoz? for Internet Policy The White House ph: (902 (Em bb: (202 (6) (6) From: Ed elman, R. David Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 1:09 PM To: Johanna Shelton (6) Subject: Chat at 3? Johanna, Got your message are you free at 3pm to chat? -rD R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy The \Vhite House ph: (202 I be (m ?axo? Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl washington, DC 20005 (6) A Google Voice (6) . online ads for counterfeit goods and prevent the misuse and abuse of trademarks on the Internet,? the companies said in a joint emailed statement. Google, which runs the world?s largest search engine, sells advertisers the rights to use certain words or phrases as keywords for paid ads on its site. The so ?called sponsored links direct users to the advertisers? websites. Keyword Bids Advertisers bid what they?ll pay Google for each click on an ad triggered by the keyword. The highest bid and other factors determine whether the keywords can be used. Mountain View, California ?based Google derives most of its revenue from ad sales. Rosetta, based in Arlington, Virginia, had said in its appellate brief that it was ?entitled to its day in court before a properly instructed jury.? Google said in its brief that ?each time Rosetta Stone informed Google that a particular advertiser was selling counterfeit Rosetta Stone products, Google took action including removing the advertisement.? Google rose $3.24 to 678.39 at 1:04 pm. New York time in Nasdaq Stock Market trading (GOOG). Rosetta Stone declined (RST) 3 cents to $11.42 on the New York Stock Exchange. The case is Rosetta Stone v. Google, 09 ?00736, US. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria). The appeal is Rosett a Stone v. Google, 10-2007, US. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (Richmond, Virginia). To contact the reporter on this story: Don Jeffrey in New York at dj To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Hytha Johanna Shelton From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 1:34 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Rosetta Stone Agrees to Drop Google Trademark Suit David I wanted to make you aware of this development. Please let me know if you have any questions. Johanna Businessweek story here ?ieemeerg News Rosetta Stone Agrees to Drop Google Trademark Suit By Don Jeffrey on October 2012 Rosetta Stone Inc. (RST), a maker of language ?learning software, agreed to drop a lawsuit it brought against Google Inc. (GOOG) for selling its trademarks to other companies for search ?engine advertising. The companies agreed that all claims in the infringement case will be dismissed, according to a ?ling today in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. No terms were given with the stipulation of voluntary dismissal. osetta Stone had claimed the keywords were being sold to competitors and counterfeiters. US. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee ruled in 2010 that the sale of Rosetta?s trademarked phrases as keywords wouldn?t confuse consumers. The US. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in April overturned part of that ruling and sent the case back to the lower court. - ?Google and Rosetta Stone have agreed to dismiss the three -year?old trademark infringement lawsuit between them and to meaningfully collaborate to combat From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 5:48 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Rosetta Stone Agrees to Drop Google Trademark Suit Thanks! Talk soon. From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 5:47 PM Subject: RE: Rosetta Stone Agrees to DrOp Google Trademark Suit Sure - I will check schedules On Non, 2012 5:35 PM, "Edelman, R. David? m? wrote: Thanks, Johanna. Good to know, and appreciate the heads up. Also, major developments (as you obviously saw) last Friday on DNT. Could we have a follow?up conversation late next week? Do you and the MV team have any time on Wednesday or ~thursday? Cheers, ~Dayid R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy National Economic Council The White House Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd 1 Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee ruled in 2010 that the sale of Rosetta?s trademarked phrases as keywords wouldn?t confuse consumers. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in April overturned part of that ruling and sent the. case back to the lower ourt. ?Google and Rosetta Stone have agreed to dismiss the three trademark infringement lawsuit between them and to meaningfully collaborate to combat online ads for counterfeit goods and prevent the misuse and abuse of trademarks on the Internet,? the companies said in a joint e-mailed statement. Google, which runs the world?s largest search engine, sells advertisers the rights to use certain words or phrases as keywords for paid ads on its site. The so -called sponsored links direct users to the a dvertisers? websites. Keyword Bids Advertisers bid what they?ll pay Google for each click on an ad triggered by the keyword. The highest bid and other factors determine whether the keywords can be used. Mountain View, California~based Google?derives most ofits revenue from ad sales. Rosetta, based in Arlington, Virginia, had said in its appellate brief that it was ?entitled to its day in court before a properly instructed jury.? Google said in its brief that ?each time Rosetta Stone informed GOogle that a particular advertiser was selling counterfeit Rosetta Stone products, Google took action including removing the advertisement.? Google rose $3.24 to $678.39 at 1:04 pm. New York time in Nasdaq Stock Market trading (GOOG). Rosetta Stone declined (RST) 3 cents to $11.42 on the New York Stock Exchange. I The case is Rosetta Stone v. Google, 09 ?00736, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria). The appeal is Rosetta Stone v. Google, 10 ?2007, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (Richmond, Virginia). To contact the reporter on this story: Don Jeffrey in New York at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Hytha 2 ?71.6 From: Edeiman, R. David Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 5:35 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Rosetta Stone Agrees to Drop Google Trademark Suit Thanks, iohanna. Good to know, and appreciate the heads -up. Also, major deveiopments (as you obviously saw) iast Friday on DNT. Could we have a foiiow?up conversation late next week? Do you and the MV team have any time on Wednesday or Thursday? Cheers, wDavid R. David .Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Poiicy National Economic Council The White House pix (202 i bb= (202 From: Johanna Shelton [maiit Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 1:34 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Rosetta Stone Agrees to Drop Google Trademark Suit David I wanted to make you aware of this development. Please let me know if you have any questions. a Johanna Businessweek story here ?toomharg News - Rosetta Stone Agrees to Drop Google Trademark Suit By Don Jeffrey on October 3t. 2032 Rosetta Stone Inc. (RST), a maker of language ?learning software, agreed to drop a lawsuit it brought against GoogleInc. (GOOG) for selling its trademarks to other companies for search ?engine advertising. The companies agreed that all claims in the infringement ase will be dismissed, according to a ?ling today in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. No terms were given with the stipulation of voluntary dismissal. Rosetta Stone had claimed the keywords were being sold to competitors and counterfeiters. 1 David - per our conversation, I wanted to connect you to Jon Orwant, a longtime Google engineering manager in Cambridge. I hope you two can find a convenient time late next week for you to swing by our Cambridge of?ce and talk to Jon about some of the work his team does. Have a great trip to beantown! From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 10:14 AM T0: (5) Subject: Re: Google Cambridge visit Here -- in your lobby and badged. EdEIman? RI . Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 10:03 AM To: Subject: Re: Google Cambridge visit Running a tad late (traffic) there in 5-8. Apoiogies. From: Jon Orwant [maii I I Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 04:30 AM To; Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton George Ivanov @15? Subject: Re: Google Cambridge visit Hi David, Friday works; i've got a big block free in the middle of the day, so why don't you pick a convenient time. We're at 5 Cambridge Center, and Google reception is on the 4th fl00r. Jon On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Thanks, iohanna. Jon, great to make your acquaintance. Word on the Googie street is that you are THE person to discuss these issues, and in a fortuitous coincidence, i find myself in ambridge iate next week. Hoping we couid have an informal chat if you?re free - perhaps Friday? Let me know if you have some time. Happy to swing by your office; i?il be mobiie. Cheers, R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy 1 The W?liit?e ouse ph= I new b) (6) From: Johanna Shelton [mail 0 Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 6:08 PM To: Edelman, R. David; Jon Orwant Cc: George Ivanov Subject: Google Cambridge visit Oavid - per our conversation. I wanted to connect you to Jon Orwant, a longtime Google engineering manager in Cambridge. 1 hope you two can find a convenient time late next week for you to swing by our Cambridge office and talk to Jon about some of the work his team does. Have a great trip to beantown! From: Edelman, R. David Sent: 'Tuesday, November 20, 2012 6:23 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Ross Johanna rD? A strong point ?i may be ieaving myseif on Friday afternoon. l?m supposed to be in a meeting that goes until 11:30, but bet 1 can sneak out. 11 at Teaism would be good, since it?s faster to get infout of than my of?ce. -rD FrOm: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 5:26 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? hey - Ross can do Fri mid-day but he can't do a full lunch (he leaves that night for Dubai) - does 11am work for you? or what would be best time mid-day? On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Possibilities: Tuesday, 9am; 1pm; 5pm Friday, 9am; lunch. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy The ?White House ph= I hem?(oxe- (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice (616?. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 7:15 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Ross Johanna rD? it works for you. -rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 6:54 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? is 11:30 better than 11? On Tue, Nov 20,2012 at 6:22 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: A strong point may be ieaving myseif on Friday afternoon. i?m supposed to be in a meeting that goes untii 11:30, but I bet can sneak out. 11 at Teaism wouid be good, since it"s faster to get in/out of than my office. ?rD From: Johanna Shelton [maiito Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 5:26 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? hey - Ross can do Fri mid-day but he can't do a full lunch (he leaves that night for Dubai) - does 11am work for you? or what would be best time mid-day? On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Possibilities: Tuesday, 9am; 1pm; 5pm Friday, 9am; lunch. -rD R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy The \Vl'iite House pix I bh: (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 [131(3- Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 m- Google Voice From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:25 PM T03 (6) Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? See you then! Shaken {mam . Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 07:23 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? great - let's go with 11:30 at Teaism. On Tue, Nov 20,2012 at 7:15 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: it works for you. ~rD From: Johanna Shelton {mailto Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 6:54 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? is 1 1 :30 better than 11? On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 6:22 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: A strong point ?i may be ieaving myseif on Friday afternoon. I?m supposed to be in a meeting that goes until 11:30, but I bet can sneak out. 11 at Teaism wouid be good, since it?s faster to get infout of than my office. ?rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 5:26 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? hey - Ross can do Fri mid-day but he can't do a full lunch (he leaves that night for Dubai) - does 11am work for you? or what would be best time mid-day? On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Possibilities: Tuesday, 9am; 1pm; 5pm Friday, 9am; lunch. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy The W?liite House pin ibb= maxe? Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 EDIE- Googie Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Googie Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Wa'shington, DC 20005 Google Voice 916?. From: Edel man, R. David Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:06 PM T03 (6) Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? Perfect. From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:05 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? great it will be me and Ross On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 9:24 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: See you then! [mailto. . . .. .. . Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 07:23 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? great - let's go with 11:30 at Teaism. On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 7:15 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: it works for you. -rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 6:54 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? is 11:30 better than 11?? On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 6:22 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: A strong point - I may be leaving myself on Friday afternoon: I?m supposed to be in a meeting that goes untit 11:30, but i bet I can sneak out. 11 at Teaism would be good, since it?s faster to get inIout of than my office. 1 From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 5:26 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? hey - Ross can do Fri mid-day but he can't do a full lunch (he leaves that night for Dubai) does 11am work for you? or what would be best time mid-day? On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Possibilities: Tuesday, 9am; 1pm; 5pm Friday, 9am; lunch. -rD R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Intemet Policy The \thite House ph: (W bb: (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 @316- Google Voice 916?. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 mg- Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW,'2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice (1316?. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 [[316- Google Voice (616?. From: Mielke, Dawn M. Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 10:06 AM To: 'Megan Stull? Subject: RE: Information re Attendees of 1126-12 Meeting with Tom Power Please save the form in excet format, I was not abie to open it From: Megan Stull [mailt Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 5:19 PM To: Mielke, Dawn Power, Tom Cc: Milo Medin; Johanna Shelton; Belvia Sharp Subject: Information re Attendees of 11-26-12 Meeting with Tom Power Dear Dawn, Here is the information that was requested of the attendees for Monday's meeting with Tom Power. Please let us know if you have questions (especially because the spreadsheet when I pened it earlier had mysteriously made me four years younger). Thanks, Megan Megan Anne Stull Associate Corporate Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Avenue NW. Second Floor Washington, DC 20005 Work: [ano- E-mailz From: Ed el man, R. David Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 5:21 PM To: Johanna Shelton; George Ivanov Subject: RE: Ross Johanna rD? DearJohanna, l?m terribly sorry to hear that. We?ll miss you, but I?ll be there on Friday. i return from Dubai on Wednesday of next week; i?d like to touch base then, if you?re back, to compare notes on what we? re hearing from our respective WCIT teams. Regards, David From: Johanna SheitOn [mailt Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 3:09 PM To: Edelman, R. David; George Ivanov Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? I David i have a family emergency and will need to attend a funeral on Friday so iwantecl to let you know that George lvanov (copied) will accompany Ross and meet with you at 11:30 at Teaism on Friday. good luck the next 2 weeks! don't sell out the Internet (literally)! On Tue, Nov 20. 2012 at 10:06 PM, Edeiman, R. Davi wrote: Perfect. Frdm?Oh?nna Sh?ltonw?nto . . . . Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 10:05 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? great - it will be me and Ross On Tue, Nov 20,2012 at 9:24 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: See you then! From: JOhanna Shelton. [manta .. . . . . . .. .. Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 07:23 PM To: Edel man, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? great - let?s go with 11:30 at Teaism. On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 7:15 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: it works for you. -rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 6:54 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? is 11:30 betterthan 11'? On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 6:22 PM, Edeiman, R. David wrote: A strong point may be leaving myseif on Friday afternoon. l?m supposed to bend a meeting that goes until 11:30, but i bet can sneak out. 11 at Teaism woutd be good, since it"s faster to get ing?out of than my office. From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 5:26 To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Ross Johanna rD? hey - Ross can do Fri mid-day but he can't do a full lunch (he leaves that night for Dubai) - does 11am work for you? or what would be best time mid-day? On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:36 PM, Edeiman. R. David wrote: Possibilities: Tuesday, 9am; 1pm; 5pm Friday, 9am; lunch. R. David Edelman Senior Adviser Internet Policy The W'hite House pin WW [oxe? Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 W- Google Voice (316?- Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 [(313- Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington. DC 20005 mg- Google Voice [131(3_- Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 m- Google Voice From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 11:33 AM To: Subject: On my way There in 5 From: Ed eiman, R. David Sent: Tuesday! November 20, 2012 1:37 PM To: Johanna Shelton (6) Subject: Ross Johanna rD? Possibilities: Tuesday, 9am; 1pm; 5pm Friday, 9am; lunch. -rD R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy 1 The White House m- bb= (209 (6 From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 10:02 AM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: Forbes on and Leaked ITU top staff document Johanna, Since Google is mentioned by name several times here, I thought you should see if you haven't already. It may be worth examining the ITU documents in the original as well, if they?re still up. Best, -rD R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy The White House ph: (202 I bb: (202 (6) [laxr_ by Larry Contributor UN Agency's Leaked Playbook: Panic, Chaos over Anti -Internet Treaty The Telecommunications Union, the UN agency at the center of a firestorm over new efforts to regulate the Internet, is preparing a social media campaign to target what it expects will be fierce opposition to a revised telephone treaty being decided next month at a secret conference in Dubai. That?s according to a key ITU internal planning docum that appeared Saturday on the website which has been posting a steady stream of documents leading up to the conference. Even as ITU officials accelerate increasingly clumsy efforts to deflect the wrath of Internet users over next month?s World Conference on International Telecommunications, more documents leaking out ahead of the meeting continue to expose the agency?s misstatements. The WCIT conference will consider revisions to a 1988 known as the International Telecommunications Regulations. At the meeting, 193 member nations consider dozens of proposed amendments, including several that would bring the Internet under jurisdiction and substantially change the architecture and governance of the Internet. Other proposals would, if adopted, give countries including and UN sanctioned -authority to monitor and censor incoming and outgoing Internet traf?c under the guise of improving "security." The newly-lea ked document is the agend a for an Senior nagementl> Retreat? held in Geneva in September. It includes a detailed report on resistance to WCIT and the agency?s plans to 1 counter criticism of its secretive processes. It also includes links and passwords for presentations given by outside public relations and advertising executives from leading global agencies. (The passwords were still active as of Nov. 24th.) The document, marked ?confidential,? suggests senior officials have become both paranoid and panicked over growing outrage over both the form and substance of the upcoming negotiations. Material included with the agenda paints a pathetic picture of th e150 year-old UN agency struggling to defend itself from attacks by what the agency believes is a "well-financed and well-organized campaign originating in the whose goal is to ?discredit the and The two?day meeting also featured leading edia consultants invited to help the agency formulate a strategy to avoid the kind of global outrage that mortally -you-thought- a secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement treaty earlier this year, and which did in copyright -really-stopped-sopa- and?why/> known as SOPA and in the Us. in January. Both ACTA and the US copyright bills ere widely expected to pass with little opposition until internet users organized physical and virtual protests that caught lawmakers by surprise. According to the internal document, the agency had already launched what it calls a "counter -campaign??a media blitz the agency plans to expand in light of what the sees as the likely event of significant hostility to the revised treaty after the conference. Following the meeting, the says, the counter -campaign will focus on ways to ?mitigate he risk? of an ?intensive anti -ratification campaign in [the US and. Western Europe], based on the so -ca led lack of Openness of the process, resulting in a signi?cant number of countries refusing to ratify the new iTRs.? A Crisis of the lTU?s Own Making The "so-called lack of openness? has little to do with growing outrage over WCIT. The real objections to the conference have more to do with substance than the secrecy of the negotiations. First and foremost, there is strong opposition within the US and EU delegations to expanding the jurisdiction over IP networks in any form. (The current do not extend to the lnternet.) Globally, concern is also growing over increasingly direct efforts by some national governments to hijack the confer ence into mandating changes to the engineering -driven, multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance that relies on non - governmental international organizations such as the internet Society, ICANN, and the W3C. These changes are seen as preludes to future restrictions on content and users implemented through the reengineering of key resources. In response to early proposals along these lines, Congress unanimously passed a joint resolution over the summer internet-not-take-it-over/> the US delegation, led by Ambassador. Terry Kramer, to reject any extension of the lTU?s authority to internet matters, or to allow member states to use the conference to advance longstanding anti - lnternet agendas. Last week, the EU debated a sternly -worded ?2012- O499&format=XML&ianguage=EN> urging its members likewise to resist Internet -related proposals. Also last week, Google launched its own urging users to take direct action against the WCIT. ?Some governments want to use a closed -door meeting in December to increase censorship and regulate the lnternet,? the company said. ?Some proposals could permit governments to censor legitimate speech or even allow them to cut off Internet access.? 2 The ITU has refused to take such criticism seriously, and continues instead to stonewall. In a Nov. 23 blog post, the agency attacked the Google campaign by name, insisting absurdly that the agency?s secret proceedings are ?completely because all 193 voting nations have access to the proceedings. (Non -voting private entities, which also have access to conference documents, can join the ITU at a cost that starts at around $20,000 a yea On Saturday, likewise, an ITU spokesperson once again rejected claims that any m/blogs/hillicon affecting-the-internet> so far submitted for consideration could have any effect on cens orship or reducing free speech in some member nations. The spokesperson also flatly denied that any proposals do or could deal with regulation of the Internet or its underlying engineering. ?There?s nothing that?s coming up in this conference that touche on Internet governance or proposes changing the current mandate of the organizations that run the lnternet,? the spokesperson told The Hill. ITU Secretary-General Hamadoun Toure?, likewise, has said repeatedly that the WCIT has nothing to do with Int ernet governance, and that it specifically will not address multi -sta keholder management of protocols, domain names, addresses, or other engineering resources. in a recent op-ed published by -of-itu?un-should-internet- for example, Tour? wrote, ?To be clear, the conference will not examine management of critical Internet resources such as domain ames and IP addresses. These functions are already performed by ICANN and regional Internet registries.? in a Nov. 15th blog post, the agency again assured critics that "there have not been any proposals calling for a change from the bottom -up multi-sta keholder model of Internet governance to an ITU?controlled model.? (emphasis original) Yet as I reported last a leaked November 13th proposal from the Russian Federation to the ITU Specifically adds a new section to the treaty dealing with Internet governance, and would if adopted transfer some it not all of authority over domain names, Internet addresses and other key resources to national governments under the auspices of the ITU. A direct contradiction of ITU assurances, the Russian proposal was only the most direct and aggressive of severa leaked amendments from countries and non -voting private ITU members that would explicitly change the architecture and governance of the Internet. (Many though by no means all of these have been posted to the site, maintai ned by Jerry Brito and Eli Dourado, researchers at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.) Preparing for the Worst??and Causing it at the Same Time The ITU is well aware of these preposals, yet continues to deny their existence. Now we know why. The agency?s clumsy efforts at misdirection and outright misstatements follow precisely the media playbook discussed at the September senior management retreat. At the meeting, the ITU considered responses to six possible outcomes for the upcoming WCI conference, including ?Consensus on a treaty that is substantively different from the existing ITRs, perhaps with reservations from some OECD 3 countries regarding specific articles.? (The OECD is an economic development organizatio that includes the US and much of Western Europe.) But the agency?s senior management acknowledges in the document that a consensus scenario "seems unlikely given the positions taken by the Those ?positions,? according to the document, were expres sed through a "well-financed and well-organized campaign? that was determined to "discredit the and WCIT, so at to minimize the chances that new could affect the existing flow of funds for Internet traffic.? The is referring specifically to roposals i first reported on in -1009_3-57449375- from a trade group of Eur0pean telephone companies known as ETNO proposed radical changes to the that would andate new Internet traffic transit arrangements in which content providers would pay tolls and taxes to local ISPs (many still run by natiOnal governments) to reach local users who requested their content. I The ETNO plan was widely seen as a desperation ove by over-reguiated European ISPs to subsidize their networks on the backs of high-volume content providers including YouTu be, Netflix, and other video sites, most of which are headquartered outside the EU. But by requiring content providers to pay loca lly-set tolls to satisfy information requests by their own users, the plan would have signaled the end of Internet growth in much of the developing In Europe earlier this month, sources told me that the ETNO proposal had yet to find a sponsor among the European member nations. But versions of similar Internet tax plans have since appeared in amendments offered by some African and Arab countries. These governments hope content taxes can somehow replace lost revenue from declining international long distance traffic, where rates were set artificially high, leading to rampant corruption. According to the leaked document, the believes that the anti -ETNO campaign got out of hand, unintentionally leading public advocacy groups on the left and the right to begin "attacking the and WCIT for being insufficiently open and transparent.? Without identifying the US -based ?lobbying group" behind what it acknowledges to be growing negative media coverage, the agency goes on to say that "the Sponsors? of the campaign ?did not realize that the attacks directed against WCIT would turn into gen eral attacks on the as a whole.? The internal document says that ?[t]he lobbying group that initiated the campaign has probably lost control of it and regrets the intensity of the attacks against the In response to the anti-WCIT ?campaign,? acco rding to the September retreat?s preparatory materials, the ITU reluctantly launched a ?counter-campaign,? which the agency believes r?has been fairly successful outside the US and somewhat successful even in the where "some of the statements made to enigrate and WCIT are so extreme that they were easy to challenge and rebut.? Going forward, the focused at its meeting on the possibility ofan "intensive anti -ratification campaign in OECD countries, based on the so -called lack of openness of th WCIT process, resulting in a signi?cant number of countries refusing to ratify the new lTRs.? The ITU calls this possibility ?the so -called ACTA scenario,? referring to sometimes violent protests against the secret ACTA /technology-16999497> that took place this year. To develop the next phase of its ?counter -campaign,? the hosted speakers from leading PR and advertising agencies to advise them on the use of social media. For example, Matthias Lufkens, Head of Digit al Strategy for global public relations firm Burson-Marsteller, gave a presentation on how his agency helped the World Economic Forum leverage tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr to fend off ?occupy? -style protests that occurred both physically in Davos and on the Internet. ?There is a risk that [the ACTA scenario] will happen, but our communication campaign can mitigate this,? the internal document says. Fighting Fire with Tweets But the is deluding itself if its senior management actually believes the current "counter-campaign? has in any way been ?successful.? Opposition to WCIT has ramped up since the September retreat, and it is by no means limited to the US and other OECD countries. lndeed, many countries in the developing world now recognize the ETNO proposal as one that would leave them cut off from most Internet traffic, and resent the lTU?s implicit endorsement of the plan. (Even as late as September, the internal document characterized the sending party tax innocuously as ?who pa ys how much to whom to move traf?c? and sniffed that any objection to proposals implied that "developing countries are unable to understand what is in their interests?) The hostile response by Internet users to leaked anti -lnternet proposals at WCIT is no mystery. Nor is it the result of a vast conspiracy against the ITU. The launch of Google?s campaign, which comes nearly three months after the retreat confidently predicted it had stemmed the tide of negative ?press,? is further evidence th at the and its media consultants have completely misread the response to WCIT from users notjust in the US. but around the instead, as its media playbook advises, the ITU continues to - google-campaign-an-itu-view/> that only the agency?s remarkable foresight in prior efforts at international telephone regulation ?paved the way for today?s information and communications technologies.? The document encourages ITU spokespeople to deflect media questions from secrecy, taxes and censorship and say instead that ?[t]he revised ITRs have the exciting potential to pave the way for a broadband revol ution in the let century.? In a particularly ham -fisted example, the title of Dr. Tour??s recent op ?ed in Wired was changed a few days after it appeared from Must Regulate the lnternet? to We Seek to Bring Internet to All,? presumably at the ITU ?s request. (Contrary tojournalistic convention, Wired?s editors made the change without noting or explaining it.) Of course no one but the ITU believes such inanities. Indeed, the leaked agenda and supporting materials for its recent senior management retreat suggests even the agency?s senior staff is having trouble keeping a straight face. in fact, the has been caught utterly flat -footed by the response to its Internet power grab. The agency is now straining to paint itself as an innocent victim of negative press intended for other targets. But whether caused by its own greed or incompetence, the agency deserves the backlash that continues to grow against its efforts to expand its authority and reassert its relevance in the digital age ?even ifdoing so comes at the cost of internet freedom fo some or all users. indeed, the leaked internal document makes clear that the agency fundamentally misunderstands the resistance of Internet users to an enhanced UN role in 'lnternet governance, and to proposals that would give repressive governments increased political cover to slow or silence the free flow of information under the guise of implementing a UN treaty. lt isn?t the lack of transparency, in other words, that has outraged users. lt?s the terrible ideas the agency is at pains 0 keep secret within its sometimes-complicit national membership. 5 Here?s the unvarnished truth, which no PR agency can help the agency talk, tweet, or prevaricate their way around: The commercial Internet emerged and matured entirely since the treaty was last eviewed. it devel0ped in spite of the ITRs, not because ofthem. - There is a familiar pattern here of ambitious regulators who have no expertise and little experience with the Internet proclaiming themselves its benevolent dictators, only to find the peas ants revolting before the coup has even started. The ITU is no different than the sponsors of ACTA, SOPA, PIPA, and other attempts at regulating the lnternet, its content, or its ,users by governments large and small. Like the media lobbyists who continue to see the successful fight to kill SOPA and PIPA as a proxy war waged solely by Google and other Internet companies, the ITU simply can?t accept the reality that Internet users have become their own best advocates. Without prodding, they readily work to gether to defend a com mon _?sense faith in self-governance for engineering resources and an unshakable belief in a free marketplace of ideas, the cornerstones of the Internet?s success. The UN is just the latest would -be savior that believes itself the only solution to governance problems that are largely non-existent. And they are being aided and abetted in this delusion by national governments and others who are determined to turn off the free flow of information hoWever they ca n, whether through legal or technologiCal means, or both. The only things broken on the Web have been broken by governments. As the continued fumbling makes ever - clearer, the UN is ill -suited to play any role in the continued development of the digital economy. And the are no place to deal with real or imagined internet issues. No one but the lTU?s management and their client governments could ever think otherwise. Fortunately for internet users, setting up a Twitter feed and loading a Facebook page with lectures on the agency?s patronizing sense of noblesse oblige isn?t going to change that reality one bit. Internet users already know that. The ITU and its media consultants will learn it soon enough. That is, assuming its senior bureaucrats stop telling themselves consoling fairy tales at retreats in the Swiss long enough for reality to set in. With the WCIT meeting only a few weeks away, who knows whatwill leak out next? Follow me on Twitter to find out. - From: Edeiman, R. David Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 1:44 PM To: Subject: My co ntact details Ross, Great seeing you today. My contact details are below I?ll have the BB with me on the ground. Please don?t hesitate to reach out, and see you in Dubai. Cheers, ~rD R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy 1 The W?hite House ph=aaxo-Ibb=uaxo- [ca-o? From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 3:06 PM To: Ross LaJeu nesse Subject: Automatic reply: You're Invited: White House Holiday Tour I will be on of?cial travel through Wednesday. Please pardon any delay in reply. Digitally yours, -Automated R. David Edelman From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 7:57 AM To: Subject: In case you haven't yet seen ?internet?freedom From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 3:34 PM T0: (6) Subject: Re: You're Invited: White House Holiday Tour Absolutely! From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailt Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 03:05 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Y0u?re Invited: White H0use Holiday Tour hi david thanks so much for this invitation! not to be ajerk about it, but any chance i could bring my 4 year old goddaughter along -- she is actually a huge fan of the president and his daughters (not sure how that happens with a 4 year old) and would love to visit their home thanks ross On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:24 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: THE WHITE HOUSE Washington Dear Friends, Every holiday season, the White House becomes a winter wonderland of holiday decorations, with over a dozen Christmas trees and all other manner of festive trimming. The East Wing, the White House?s more formal section with such features as the Green, Red, Blue, East, and Diplomatic Reception Rooms, is a particular sig ht to behold. It is my pleasure to invite you to join us this holiday season to be my guest for a tour of the East Wing?s Holiday Decorations. As long as there is availability, spouses and children are welcome as well. We are presently working on possible dates for the tour, and will have a ?nal list of options next Wednesday. They will take place in the range of Dec. 12 -22, and I will endeavor to have at least two options available. Ifyou are interested in attending during that timefrarne (wit hout commitment and so that we can place the initial request), please ?ll out the attached form for all guests. and replying to this email. with it attached. Unfortunately I cannot register without this information in full, but will hope?illy return word with multiple dates, depending on the group?s size. Notes in?lling our the attached: - Please note that the Date of Birth MUST be entered in the format MM - Citizens, please leave the ?Social Security Number" field blank. - Please consult the second TAB of the spreadsheet for the two - etter code for your country of birth. Early though it may be, I wish you a warm holiday season, and look forward to seeing you in the coming weeks. All the very best, -David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy The \Vhite House ph: i [taro? Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and international Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forWard the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank yo u. From: Holdren, John P. Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 5:53 PM To: Vint Cerf Subject: RE: wednesday fiscal cliff call Thanks, Vint. think the call went well. P. HOLDREN, Assistant to the President for Science and Technoiogy and Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy Execvtive Office of the President of the United States emai (1315?. direct phon EXQ- assistant Karrie Pitze From: Vint Cerf [mailt Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 9:58 AM To: Holdren, John P. Subject: wednesday ?scal cliff call John. 1 can't make it (speaking engagement in LA area) but I am glad you are doing this. vint From: Ed eiman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 7:54 AM To: Johanna Shelton (6) Ross LaJeunesse (6) Subject: FW: Blog} United Behing the Free Flow of Information Johanna, Ross, Thought you and the team may be interested in the below. er Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 7:52 AM Subject: Blog] United Behing the Free Flow of Information 1/united United Behind the Free Flow of Information 83;: Michaei Daniei, it. David Eoeintan and Torn Power December it, 2032 men are set Across his Administration, President Obama has taken bold steps advancing a digital environment that rewards innovation and empowers individuals the world over. These ideas, and the policies that support them, are cornerstones of America?s economy. But the benefits from this approach extend weii beyond the United States; they are equain important to the sociai and economic wellbeing of internet users across the giobe. This is why the United States is strongly repr esented at the WOrld Conference On lnternationai Telecommunications treaty conference in Dubai this month, where over 100 delegates from the pubiic sector, private sector, and civit society are joining with our international partners to ensure the future of global, interoperabie telecommunications networks. Several White House officials were on hand for the Conferences opening days, where the hosts in the United Arab Emirates welcomed delegates and took some positive steps to address concerns the Conference be accessibie to those outside its halls. As a crossroads in the interconnected global economy, Dubai is a naturai venue to bring together the diversity of voices and views at the . From the start, the US. position has been ciear: the CIT should be about updating a public teiecommunications treaty to re?ect today?s marketmbased realities not a new venue to create reguiations on the internet, private networks, or the data fiowing across them. Today, over 85 percent of the world has a ccess to mobiie phones because of modern, competitive marketpiaces. And while much is left to be done connecting more to this digitai future, the solution is not counterproductive reguiation at the nations! or international levei. By supporting principies that expand teiecornrnunications infrastructure to underserved and developing populations, the can play a vatuabie role in ensuring technological innovation continues for the benefit of ail. But we shouid not confuse telecommunications infrastructure with the information that traverses it. The globai consensus for a free and cpen internet is overwheirning. Miitions in the United States and around the world have already added their 1 voices to this conversation, and their position is clear: they do not ant the to govern the internet or iegitimize more state control over online content. Our Administration couid not agree more and will not support a treaty that sets that kind of precedent. That position unites our Administration, industry, civil so ciety, both parties and houses of Congress, and stakeholders around the world. Communications technologies and the internet are essentiat to economic growth and giobai prosperity. The world deserves a WCIT outcome that delivers more connectivity without undue regulations. The United States wilt remain a fierce advocate for those principles at the Conference, and beyond. Michael Daniei is Special Assistant to the President and Cybersecuriiy Coordinator; R. David Edeiman is Senior Advisor for internet Policy; and Tom Power is US. Deputy Chief Technoiogy Officer for Teiecommunications From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4:54 PM To: Ross LaJeunesse Subject: RE: dubai update Ross, Thanks for the heads-up. have, aiong with USG seniors, twice today. I?ve also reviewed the Chairman?s ?compromise? draft, and concur it?s still full of unsavories and way over rediines. i?d offer that Terry knows what he? 5 doing to the extent that it?s important he negotiate in good faith, and see if agreement is possible. However, he fuiiy recognizes the Grand Canyon guif between the two positions, and i have yet to see (at least in the last 8 hours) a deviation fro his acceptance that we are not there and can?t accept what?s currently on the table. I hOpe that industry on the ground is reinforcing that view, as i?d assume they are. lfthere are clear indications otherwise, let me know. But right now, I think we? re ail piacing a cautious bit of faith in his understanding of the big pictu re. Keep me posted. -rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailt Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4:47 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: dubai update hi david have you spoken to terry recently? i think he's trying to do the right thing, but my read is that others at state dept are interested in reaching a deal - there are some problematic things being considered now, including a proposal that openiy discusses the need to foster internet growth and the iTU's role in doing that. it starts on page 23 of DOCUMENY. just to give you a sense of the crap that is flyi ng at us. we actually had a discussion in the delegation about this, when i had expected the reaction to be "no i think kramer?s worried that EU wants a deal and will split, and he's worried about optics of US being one of only a few to not sign. please keep myfingerprints off this, but given our mutual interest in this working out well for the FOSS Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and international Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 5:14 PM To: Ross LaJeunesse Subject: RE: dubai update Thanks. Not wasted time at ali. it?s appropriate that you continue to voice your views to the as he enters this crucial time. From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailt Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4:59 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: dubai update sounds smart. i am working on the same assumptions that you are, but given tonight's del discussion on the internet proposal, i'd ratherfeel tomorrow thati had spoken up unnecessarily, than be in a position where i'm regrettin having stayed silent - On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 1:54 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Ross, Thanks for the heads?up. i have, along with USG seniors, twice today. i?ve also reviewed the Chairman?s ?compromise? draft, and concur it?s still full of unsavories and way over rediines. I?d offer that Terry knows what he?s doing to the extent that it?s important he negotiate in good faith, and see if agreement is possibie. However, be fully recognizes the Grand Canyon ~like gulf between the two positions, and i have yet to see (at least in the last 8 hours) a deviation from his acceptance that we are not there and can?t accept what?s currently on the table. 1 hope that industry on the ground is reinforcing that view, as i?d assume they are- if there are ciear indications otherwise, let me know. But right now, I think we?re all placing a cautious bit of faith in his understanding of the big picture. Keep me posted. ?rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4:47 PM To: Edelrnan, R. David Subject: dubai update hi david have you spoken to terry recently? i think he's trying to do the right thing, but my read is that others at state dept are interested in reaching a deal there are some problematic things being considered now, including a proposal that openly discusses the need to foster internet growth and th lTU's role in doing that. it starts on page 23 of DOCUMENT. just to give you a sense of the crap that is flying at us. we actually had a discussion in the delegation about this, when i had expected the reaction to be "no i think kramer's worried that EU wants a deal and will split, and he's worried about optics of US being one of only a few to not sign. please keep my fingerprints off this, but given our mutual interest in this working out well for the FOSS Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and international Relations Googie Inc. This email may be confidential andlor. privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and international Relations Google lnc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. hank you. 2 From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 1:48 PM To: Ross LaJeunesse [im? Subject: Indications understand that Eric personally called Secretary Clinton?s office, which was an impressive show of force. I?d be curious to know his reaction to the conversation. More importantly though, I think weknow your quick gut: is there anything that?s happened in the last eight hours that suggests we?re getting closer, rather than father to agreement on a treaty with which the USDEL can live, and a "consensus" to which the US. simply cannot, in your View, sign on? Finally, what do you assess to be the community of states that would join us in admitting no consensus and wrapping this up? Always good to hear other perspectives. -rD R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy ph: (202 (5) From: Edelman, R. David - Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 4:44 PM To: Ross LaJeunesse Subject: RE: ITU vote to include internet proposal in treaty Just read. The worid test. This treaty now has no legitimacy. From: Ross LaJeunesse [maiit Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 4:43 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: ITU vote to include internet proposal in treaty Just happened. ITU insists it wasn?t a vote, but it was. We lost. From: Edeiman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 5:15 PM To: Ross LaJeu nesse Subject: RE: ITU vote to include internet proposal in treaty If it wasn?t a vote, then it?s not in there? mean, 1 read the transcript. Sounds to me like it?s in, thus sealing the fate. What?s your take? er From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailt Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 4:43 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: ITU vote to include internet proposal in treaty Just happened. ITU insists it wasn't a vote, but it was. We lost. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 5:18 PM To: Ross LaJeunesse Subject: RE: ITU vote to include internet prOposal in treaty Okay. Vote 2 vote. Legitimacy gone. From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailt Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 5:17 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: ITU vote to include internet proposal in treaty it's in. it was a vote even if the insists it wasn't. countries put up their voting signs and the chairman said the proposal was adopted as a result of the majority in the room agreeing with it. On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 2:15 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: if it wasn?t a vote, then it?s not in there? i mean, i read the transcript. Sounds to me iike it?s in, thus sealing the fate. What?s yourtake? From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 4:43 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: ITU'vote to inciude internet proposal in treaty Just happened. ITU insists it wasn ?t a vote, but it was. We lost. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and international Reiations Googie inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. if you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 3:04 PM To: Cc: Will Patrick Subject: White House phone call on Industrial Internet Dear Sebastian: We are going to organize a phone call on the week of January 7 ?h with a small group of companies in lT IBM, Cisco, Google) and industrial (GE, Boeing, GM) to discuss what some have been calling the industrial Internet. ifthere is interest in proceeding, we will organize a larger and more inclusive set of meetings to define the goals of a national effort. The goal of the call is to explore whether there is interest in government ~industry-university collaboration to ensu re US leadership in this area and to address issues such as cybersecurity, standards, longer -term research, etc. One of the hypotheses that is driving the interests of some companies in working together is that there may be an "Industrial Internet stack? that would address the needs of many sectors, and in that in the absence of a broader industry conversation, individual companies may reinvent the wheel and develop non ?interoperable solutions. is this something that Google would be interested in particip ating in, and would you feel comfortable representing Google? The point person at GE is Bill Ruh. See internet.pdf for a paper they?ve written on the topic. I realize this is not a new idea. Marc Weiser from Xerox PARC started talking about ubiquitous computing in 1988 and people have also been discussing the internet of things and Machine to Machine communication for a while. But i do think it would be to EXplore whether government -ind ustry-university collaboration would advance the ball. All the best, Torn From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 10:35 AM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: my direc (5) Am going into a but will call in 20 From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 10:31 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: my direc m' thanks! Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 m- Google Voice From: Edel man, R. David Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 1:51 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: thanks I?m glad. But we need to ensure the Euros are 100% locked down. From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 1:50 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: thanks for the update this morning - very helpful on my end. we just saw the latest deveIOpments and people here are relieved (somewhat). Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 4:56 AM (6) Subject: Re: White House phone call on Industrial Internet Thanks ifoilowed up with Vint. From: Sebastian Thrun i i ?i Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 02:41 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Cc: Win Patrick [ox_AstroTeHer [ox_Vint Cerf {oxe? Megan Smith Subject: Re: White House phone call on Industrial Internet Tom Vint Cerf would be the logical person to talk to. Cc'ing him, Best Sebastian On Thu, Dec 13,2012 at 12:04 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. m? wrote: Dear Sebastian: We are going to organize a phone call on the week of January 7 with a small group of companies in IT IBM, Cisco, Google) and indu strial (GE, Boeing, GM) to discuss what some have been calling the Industrial Internet. If there is interest in proceeding, we will organize a larger and more inclusive set of meetings to de?ne the goals of a national effort. The goal of the call is to explore whether there is interest in government ?industry?university collaboration to ensure US leadership in this area and to address issues such as cybersecurity, standards, longer ?term research, etc. One of the hypotheses that is driving the interests of some companies in working together is that there may be an ?Industrial Internet stack? that would address the needs of many sectors, and in that in the absence of a broader industry conversation, individual companies may reinvent the wheel and develop non?interoperable solutions. Is this something that Google would be interested in participating in, and would you feel comfortable representing Google? The point person at GE is Bill Ruh. See Internetpdf for a paper they?ve written on the topic. I realize this is not a new idea. Marc Weiser from Xerox PARC started talking about ubiquitous computing in 1988 and peOple have also been discussing the Internet of things and Machine to Machine communication for a while. But I do think it would be to explore whether government -industry?university collaboration would advance the ball. All the best, Torn From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 7:56 AM T0: (6) Subject: Stats, not Calc Dear Hal: Tim O'Reilly told me about your conversation on this. I?m in violent agreement with this. The question is - who would need to do what to make progress on this? For example, NSF has worked with the CS community to overhaul the AP curriculum. We started a conversation with the College Board about a portfolio -based Engineering Design course. Thanks! Tom From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 4:53 AM T01 (6) (6) (6) Subject: Re: industrial internet Dear Vint: That?s great! We don?t have a date - but will be in touch when we do. We are shooting for the week of Jan 7th. Looking forwa rd to working together. Best, Torn From: Wit Cerf Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 11:42 PM To: Kalil, Thomas Carla LaFever Subject: industrial internet Tom, I will try to get on the call - have an all day board meeting that day, Jan 7; how long is the call and when does it start? vint From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 9:56 AM To: Ross LaJeunesse (6) Subject: Confirmed Mon (tomorrow!) 11am WH East Wing Tour Importance: High Dear Ross, With apologies for the short notice, the Visitor?s Office just informed me you?ve been confirmed for the East Wing Holiday Tour at liar-n tomorrow, Monday, . December; The tour is self?guided, so you can set your own pace; typically, it takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. No further RSVP is required, so please simply arrive at 11am with the guests you submitted to me, and [Us in hand. Additional information from the Visitor?s Office is below. Enjoy! Please arrive on time to the Southeast Gate at Alexander Hamilton Place and East Executive Avenue, right off of 15th Street and Street with Photo?ID. Small bags and cameras are permitted, but please do not bring any of the following: Food or beverages, tobacco products, personal grooming items (Le. makeup, lotion, etc.) Strollers Any pointed objects Aerosol containers Guns, ammunition, ?reworks, electric stun guns, mace, artial arts weapons/ devices, or knives of any size. There is no place at the White House to check a large bag or a prohibited item. If it is raining, umbrellas are permitted. All visitors age 18 years of age or older will need to present photo identi?cat ion with information matching the name previously submitted for clearance. Individuals without acceptable identi?cation or whose identi?cation does not exactly match the name or data cleared for entry may be denied entry. Acceptable forms of ID include: Valid Government issued United States? drivers license Valid Government issued United States? identi?cation card Valid United States or other of?cial government issued passports Valid United States State Department ID For foreign nationals, only VALID passports are accepted No foreign?issued state IDs, foreign ?issued driver?s licenses, expired passports, or other forms of identi?cation will be accepted. United States Secret Service of?cers are posted in every room to pro vide historical information about the room and the White House. Please feel free to ask them questions. \White House tours are subject to last minute changes or cancellations. You will be noti?ed by email if your tour is changed or cancelled. Your guests may call the White House Vlsitors Of?ce 24 ?h0ur information line a (6) for the most current information about White House touts. On behalf of President and Mrs. Obama, we hope you enjoy your visit to the White House. R. David Edelmzm Senior Ad visor for Internet Policy ph: (202 (6 bb:(209 From: - Edelman, R. David Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:21 AM To: Ross LaJeunesse Subject: RE: Confirmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH East Wing Tour Ross, So sorry to hear that. Let?s get together this week and do a post huddle. l?d Eike to hear your thoughts on what worked, what didn?t, and where to go from here. And let me just say what? 5 been said a thousand times: thank you for you and your team?s tireiess efforts - even amidst adversity within our own ranks on behalf of the U.S. and the free Internet. Cheers, -rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailt Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:17 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Con?rmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH East Wing Tour hi david, thanks so much for arranging this for us, but unfortunately we won't be able to make it. i did the very unusual thing of not checking my email on sunday, a small attempt to heal post -WCIT trauma, so just getting this now. hope you're doing well and hope our paths cross again soon FOSS On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Dear Ross, With apologies for the short notice, the Visitor?s Office just informed me you?ve been con?rmed for the East Wing Holiday Tour at 11211131? itamorrow, Mia-ghday, December The tour is self- guided, so you can set your own pace; typically, it takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. No further RSVP is required, so please simply arrive at 1 1am with the guests you submitted to me, and IDs in hand. Additional information from the Visitor?s Of?ce is below. Enjoy! Please arrive on time to the Southeast Gate at Alexander Hamilton Place and East Executive Avenue, right off of 15th Street and Street with Photo ID. Small bags and cameras are permitted, but please do not ring any of the following: Food or beverages, tobacco products, personal grooming items makeup, lotion, etc.) Strollers Any pointed objects Aerosol containers Guns, ammunition, ?reworks, electric stun guns, mace, martial arts weapons devices, or knives of any size. There is no place at the White House to check a large bag or a prohibited item. If it is raining, umbrellas are permitted. All visitors age 18 years of age or older will need to present photo identi?cation ith information matching the name previously submitted for clearance. Individuals without acceptable identi?cation or whose identi?cation does not exactly match the name or data cleared for entry may be denied entry. Acceptable forms of ID include: Valid Government issued United States? drivers license Valid Government issued United States? identi?cation card Valid United States or other of?cial government issued passports Valid United States State Department ID For foreign nationals, only VALID passports are accepted No foreign-issued state IDs, foreign ?issued driver?s licenses, expired passports, or other forms of identi?cation will be accepted. United States Secret Service of?cers are posted in every room to provide historical information about the room and the White House. Please feel free to ask them questions. White House tours are subject to last minute changes or cancellations. You will be noti?ed by email if your tour is changed or cancelled. Your guests may call the White House Visitors Office 24 ?hour information line at 202-450 7041 for the most current information about White House tours. On behalf of President and Mrs. Obama, we hope you enjoy your visit to the White House. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy rm 1 Mr Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google lnc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 11:32 AM To: Ross LaJeunesse Subject: RE: Confirmed Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH East Wing Tour Great. Will do. What do you mean by engaging. You mean a larger hotwash of Or engaging on a broader range of internet and internet governance issues? art) From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailt Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 11:30 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Con?rmed Mon (tomorrow!) llam - WH East Wing Tour here you go if you do skip town, let me know as much in advance as possible, ok? also, do you have thoughts now on the best wa of google engaging? i've got an office fult of revved -up folks in DC who are looking to engage. messages, etc. they'll have their own thoughts and we'll start figuring it out at a meeting tomorrow, but if you have thoughts now, shoot them over so i an include in the tomorrow, thanks On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Edeiman, R. David wrote: Ross, Let?s put Thursday afternoon (item) on the books, and pro vided haven?t skipped town to work remotely from SF, we?ll do it. if you can fill out the attached, I?ll put you in the system, and we can meet in my office. Cheers, ?rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:26 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Confirmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH EastWing Tour sure thing -- am sure your schedule is a dog, but could meet tomorrow after 4.00pm or hursday after 3.30pm; friday is fairly free so could meet anytime after 10.00am -- let me know if any of those work On Mon, Dec17, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Edeiman, R. David wrote: Ross, So sorry to hear that. Let?s get together this week and do a post huddle. l?d iike to hear your thoughts on what worked, what didn?t, and where to go from here. And let me just say what? 5 been said a thousand times: thank you for you and your tea m?s tireless efforts even amidst adversity within our own ranks on behalf of the US and the free lnternet. Cheers, -rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Monday!r December 17, 2012 9:17 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Con?rmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH East Wing Tour hi david, thanks so much for arranging this for us, but unfortunately we won't be able to make it. i did the very unusual thing of not Checking my email on sunday, a small attempt to heal post trauma, so just getting this now. hepe you?re doing well and hope our paths cross again soon ["055 On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Dear Ross, With apologies for the short notice, the Visitor?s Of?ce just informed me you?ve been con?rmed for the East Wing Holiday Tour at 113m tidmorrow, Monday, December? 17th. The tour is self?guided, so you can set your own pace; typically, it takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. No ?irther RSVP is required, so please Simply arrive at 11am with the guests you submitted to me, and IDs in hand. Additional information from the Visitor?s Of?ce is below. Enjoy! Please arrive on time to the Southeast Gate at Alexander Hamilton Place and East Executive Avenue, right off of 15th Street and Street with Photo ID. Small bags and cameras are permitted, but please do not bring any of the following: Food or beverages, tobacco products, personal grooming items makeup, lotion, etc.) Strollers Any pointed objects Aerosol containers I Guns, ammunition, ?reworks, electric stun guns, mace, martial arts weapons/ devices, or knives of any size. There is no place at the White House to check a large bag or a prohibited item. If it is raining, umbrellas are permitted. All visitors age 18 years of age or older will need to present photo identi?cation with information matching the name previously submitted for clearance. Individuals without acceptable identi?cation or whose identi?cation does not exactly match the name or data cleared for entry may be denied entry. Acceptable forms of ID include: Valid Government issued United States? drivers license Valid Government issued United States? identi?cation card Valid United States or other of?cial gover nment issued passports Valid United States State Department ID For foreign nationals, only VALID passports are accepted No foreign?issued state IDs, foreign ~issued driver?s licenses, expired passports, or other forms of identi?cation will be accepted. United States Secret Service of?cers are posted in every room to provide historical information about the room and the White House. Please feel free to ask them questions. White House tours are subject to last minute changes or cancellations. You will be noti?ed by email if your tour is changed or cancelled. Your guests may call the White House Visitors Of?ce 24 -hour information line at 202-456? 7041 for the most current information about White Hou se tours. 3 On behalf of President and Mrs. Obama, we hope you enjoy your Visit to the White House. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy pin reg?[em hemme- Ross LaJeunesse Globai Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email. may be confidential and/or privileged. if you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and international Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. if you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 11:24 AM To: Ross LaJeunesse Subject: RE: Confirmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH East Wing Tour Attachments: Blank WAVES Ross, Let?s put Thursday afternoon (4pm) on the books, and provided i haven?t skipped town to work remotely from SF, we?ii do it. if you can fit! out the attached, i?ll put you in the system, and we can meet in my office. Cheers, ~rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [maiit Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:26 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Con?rmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH East Wing TOur sure thing -- am sure your schedule is a dog, but could meet tomorrow after 4.00pm or thursday after 3.30pm; friday is fairly free so could meet anytime after 10.00am -- let me know if any of those work On Mon, Dec ?17, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Ross, So sorry to hear that. Let?s get together this week and do a post huddle. l?d like to hear your thoughts on what worked, what didn?t, and where to go from here. And let me just say what?s been said a thousand times: hank you for you and your team?s tireless efforts even amidst adversity within our own ranks on behehc of the US. and the free internet. Cheers, -rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [maiito Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:17 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Con?rmed Mon (tomorrow!) llam - WH East Wing T0ur hi david, thanks so much for arranging this for us, but unfortunately we won?t be able to make it. i did the very unusual thing of not checking my email on sunday, a small attempt to heal post trauma, so just getting this now. hope you're doing well and hope our paths cross again soon FOSS On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Edeiman, R. David wrote: Dear Ross, With apologies for the short notice, the Visitor?s Of?ce just informed me you?ve been con?rmed for the East Wing Holiday Tour at 11am tomorrow,- Monday, December. 17 The tour is self-guided, so you can set your own pace; typically, it takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. No further RSVP is required, so please simply arrch at lam with the guests you submitted to me, and le in hand. Additional information from the Visitor?s Of?ce is below. Enjoy! Please arrive on time to the Southeast Gate at Alexander Hamilton Place and East Executive Avenue, right off of 15th Street and Street with Photo ID. Small bags and cameras are permitted, but please do not bring any of the following: Food or beverages, tobacco products, personal grooming items makeup, lotion, etc.) Strollers Any pointed objects Aerosol containers Guns, ammunition, fireworks, electric stun guns, mace, martial arts weapons devices, or knives of any size. There is no place at the White House to check a large bag or a prohibited item. If it is raining, umbrellas are permitted. All visitors age 18 years of age or older will need to present photo identi?cation with information matching the name previously submitted for clearance. Individuals Without acceptable identi?cation or whose identi?cation does not exactly match the name or data cleared for entry may be denied entry. Acceptable forms of ID include: Valid Government issued United States? drivers license Valid Government issued United States? identification card Valid United States or other of?cial government issued passports Valid United States State Department ID For foreign nationals, only VALID passports are accepted No foreign-issued State IDs, foreign ?issued driver?s licenses, expired passports, or other forms of identi?cation will be accepted. United States Secret Service of?cers are posted in every room to provide historical information about the room and the White House. Please feel free to ask them questions. White House tours are subject to last minute changes or caHCellations. You will be noti?ed by email if your tour is changed or cancelled. Your guests may call the White House Visitors Office 24 ?hour information line at 202456- 7041 for the most current information about White House tours. On behalf of President and Mrs. Obama, we hope you enjoy your visit to the White House. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy at bb= Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and international Relations Google inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google lnc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not toward the email to others, delete all copies/attach ments, and inform the sende of the error. Thank you. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 3:01 PM To: Ross LaJeunesse Subject: RE: Invitation: WCIT Reception Thursday Can you do 3:30 4:15pm on Th? Also, i?m hoping that the del meeting wili resolve questions about ?how to discuss? the issue - Iet me know if it doesn?t and we need to pay more attention to it. Art) From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailt Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 8:03 AM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: Re: Invitation: WCIT Reception - Thursday still want to meet at 4pm before this? On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 9:06 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: THE WHITE HOUSE Washington The Of?ce of Science Technology Policy, National Security Staff, and National Economic Council invite members of the US. Delegation to the World Conference on International Telecommunications to an informal reception in their honor. 1 Thursday, December 20th, 4:30 p.m. 6:00p.m. The Indian Treaty R0 om Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building To RSVP, please complete the attachedform in its entirety and in the formats designated, and send no later than Tuesday, 5pm to Business attire. Invitation is non?iransferrable. Admittance only with RS VP. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor- for Internet Policy Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relati ons Google Inc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 6:15 PM To: Ross LaJeu nesse Subject: RE: Invitation: WCIT Reception Thursday Attachments: Blank WAVES fo rm.x!s Please flit this out and send to Dawn, cc?d above. Will be in my of?ce, EEOBSQE. Enter 17th and State Pl., aka NY Ave. Thanks, -rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailt Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 4:06 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Invitation: WCIT Reception - Thursday yes. :s-a'e'you at 3.30 Where do i go for themtg?? thank-S on: magician: 13, Ed-elman, R. David? we; cats. amide 3:30. a 3th? Also, i?m hoping that the del meeting will resolve questions about ?how to discuss? the issue let me know if it doesn?t and we need to pay more attention to it. -rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 8:03 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Invitation: WCIT Reception Thursday still want to meet at 4pm before this? On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 9:06 PM, Edelman, R. David [[916? wrote: 1 THE WHITE HOUSE Washington The Of?ce of Science Technology Policy, National Security Staff, and National Economic Council invite members of the US. Delegation to the World Conference on International Telecommunications to an informal reception in their honor. Thursday, December 20th, 4:30 p.m. - 6:00p.m. The Indian Treaty Room Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building 0 RSVP, please complete the attachedform in its entirety and in theformats designated, and send no later than uesdav, 5pm to: Business attire. Invitation is non?transferrable. Admittance only with RS VP. R. David Edelmau Senior Advisor for Internet Policy Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be con?dential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all cepieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. hank you. From: Edelman, R- David Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 12:20 PM To: Johanna Shelton (6) Subject: 5min on E0 Do you have 5min in the next 1.5h rs to talk Are you the point on it, or if not, with whoever is? Thanks! -rD R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy ph:(202 bb:(202 (6) From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 1:43 PM To: (6) Holdren, John P. Subject: Re: 30th Anniversary of the Operational Launch of the Internet DearVint: i suspect that the President's remarks wiil be of a more generei nature - but let me see if there is any other way for us to recognize this important anniversary. Best, Tom From: Vint Cerf 1 Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 12:01 PM To: Kalil, Thomas Holdren, John P. Subject: 30th Anniversary of the Operational Launch of the Internet John, Tom, Jan 1, 2013 marks the 30th anniversary of the operational launch of the Internet. On that day, all the computers on the AR PAN ET converted to the protocols that lie at the heart of the Internet. The other two networks that formed the nascent Internet (a mobile packet radio network and a packet satellite network linking the US and Europe) had already been converted in 1982. Do you suppose this milestone might be of interest to the President in his New Year?s day remarks? vint From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Monday? December 31, 2012 4:27 PM To: Astro Teller Cc: Mielke, Dawn M. Subject: RE: Registration for Solve for Dear Astro: Happy New Year! AR my travel needs to be approved by our General Counsel. Is there someone Dawn can work with to get the relevant info? Thanks! Tom From: Astro Teller [mailt Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 1:21 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Registration for Solve for Hey Tom, Can you take a moment and register Thanks! - Astro From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:04 PM To: Johanna Shelton [Em? Subject: Release Johanna, I hear big news coming out momentarily. Do you have the release and any accompanying materials from Googie?s side? Obviously, lots of interest here at the WH. Thanks, David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy ph; (202 mi 1 bb: (202 From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:25 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: FTC action l?m watching the webcast now. Thanks for the links! From: Johanna Shelton [m ilt Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:25 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: FT action Please let me know if you have any questions - Our blog post: 3/01lthe Our commitment letter: content/untrusted dec2012.pdf Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 [(313- Google Voice (1316?- From: Ed elman, R. David Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:50 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: FTC action Thanks; seems pretty straightforward for now. Appreciate the source materials. From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:33 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: action let me know if you have any questions On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: i?m watching the webcast now. Thanks for the links! From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:25 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: action Please let me know if you have any questions - Our blog post: Our commitment letter: oontent/untrusted de02012.pdf Johanna Shelton Senior Poiicy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 m- Google Voice (1316?. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 [[316- Google Voice From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 11:51 AM To: Astro Teller m_ Cc: Subject: RE: Google Solve for Dear Astro: The President has scheduled his SOTU for the week after Solve for X, which unfortunately means will be chained to my desk. if you would be open to this, i could see if Cristin Dorgelo, who is Assistant Director for Grand Challenges, would be able to participate. Sorry about this and thanks so much for the invitation. All the best, Tom From: Erin Hughes [mailt Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 10:19 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Google Solve for Hello, i am contacting You from Google Solve for in regards to your accommodations and travel in February. You stated on your registration form that you have restrictions; would like to clarify with you what specifically your restrictions are for. Will you need to stay at a different hotel then the group is staying at? We can provide another hotel if needed. The registration form also indicated you will be arranging your own travel. Can you send me yourf light itinerary for February?s meeting in San Martin when available? We would like to document arrival and departure times for check in and out at the hotel. Finally, I would like to confirm with you that you are all set with ground transportation to and rom the airport. Thank you for your time. Let me know if you have any questions. Arrival Day: - Wednesday, February 6, 2013 Departure Day: Friday, February 8, 2013 Hotel: CordeValle Resort One CordeValle Club Drive San Martin, CA 95046 Thank you, ERIN HUGHES MEETING 0? rimras- i F: Kma? ?1000 Town Center, Suite 570, South?etd, Ml 480?5 USA From: Dorgeio, Cristin Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 9:33 PM To: Subject: Solve for Hi Kathy: Tom Kalil (White House Deputy Director for Policy), who was confirmed to attend Solve for X, will unfortunately be unable to attend the event and has asked that attend in his stead. if it is okay that fill in for him, what do i need to know about attendance/registration? Many thanks, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President [(316- [El_ Twitter: @WhiteHouseOSTP From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:32 PM To: Kathy Cooper Subject: RE: Solve for Thanks Kathy, will do. is there anything i should know about travel arrangements logistics? Appreciate your help, Cristin From: Kathy Cooper [mailt Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:27 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Cristin, Thanks for reaching out - we would love to have you at Solve for Please reglster here at your earliest convenience. I've also given you access to our 2013 Solve for event website, so you should be able to ?nd it here. Please let me know if that isn't working for some reason, and I will investigate. I look forward to meeting you soon! Kathy On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Hi Kathy: Tom Kalil (White House Deputy Director for Policy), who was con?rmed to atte nd Solve for X, will unfortunately be unable to attend the event and has asked that I attend in his stead. If it is okay that I ?ll in for him, what do I need to know abOut attendance/registration? Many thanks, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President (6) . gov/ostp/blog Twitter: @WhiteHouseOSTP - From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:20 PM To: Kathy Cooper Subject: RE: Solve for Hi Kathy: I do n?t seem to be able to get into event website (i?m getting an "access forbidden? message when go to this link: Thanks for your help! Cristin From: Kathy Cooper [mailt Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:27 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Hi Cristin, Thanks for reaching out - we would love to have you at Solve for Please register here at your earliest convenience. I've also given you access to our 2013 Solve for event website, so you should be able to find it here. Please let me know if that isn't working for some reason, and I will investigate. I look forward to meeting you soon! Kathy On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Hi Kathy: Torn Kalil (White House Deputy DirectOr for Policy), who was con?rmed to attend Solve for X, will unfortunately be unable to attend the event and has asked that I attend in his stead. If it is okay that I ?ll in for him, what do I need to know about attendance/registration? Many thanks, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Of?ce of the President (13) (6) . (6) . Twitter: @WhiteHo From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:28 PM To: Kathy Cooper Subject: RE: Solve for Sure do i191_; Thanks, Cristin From: Kathy Cooper [mailt Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:26 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Hi Cristin, Do you happen to have a Google account? If so, please let me know what it is - we've been seeing some site access error with non -Goog e accounts. If you do not have an account, please let me know and I'll figure out another way for you to access the site. Thank you! Kathy On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Hi Kathy: ldon?t seem to be able to get into event website (l?m getting an ?a ccess forbidden" message when i go to this link: l. Thanks for your heipi Cristin From: Kathy Cooper [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:27 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Hi Cristin, Thanks for reaching out - we would love to have you at Solve for Please register here at your earliest convenience. I've also given you access to our 2013 Solve for event website, so you should be able to find it here. Please let me know if that isn't working for some reason, and I will investigate. I look forward to meeting you soon! Kathy On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Hi Kathy: Tom Kalil (White House Deputy Director for Policy), who was con?rmed to attend Solve for X, will unfortunately be unable to attend the event and has asked hat I attend in his stead. If it is okay that I ?ll in for him, what do I need to know abOut attendance/registration? Many thanks, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Of?ce of the President (6) . (6) whitehousegov/ostp lblog Twitter: @WhiteHouseOSTP From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:37 PM To: Kathy Cooper Subject: RE: Solve for Thanks for your heip Kathyi i?ve got access. (And no worries re: me on the site.) From: Kathy Cooper [mailt Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:30 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: for Great! Thanks for the quick reply. You should now have access with that address. I also wanted to note: you'll be added to the Website today or tomorrow at the latest. You're not quite there yet because we haven?t updated it since we received your registr ation, but you'll be added! From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 5:47 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: RE: Rosetta Stone Agrees to Drop Google Trademark Suit Sure I will check schedules On Nov 2, 2012 5:35 PM, "Edelman, R. David" (6) wrote: Thanks, Johanna. Good to know, and appreciate the heads up. Also, major deveiopments (as you obviousiv saw) last Friday on ONT. Could we have a foiiow-up conversation iate next week? Do you and the MV team have any time on Wednesday or Thursday? Cheers, ?David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy National Economic Council The W?llitc House ph= I (b (6 From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 1:34 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Rosetta Stone Agrees to Drop Google Trademark Suit David I wanted to make you aware of this development. Please let me know if you have any questions. - Johanna Businessweek story here ?ioomberg wears Rosetta Stone Agrees to Drop Google Trademark Suit By Don Jeffrey on October 31, 2012 Rosetta Stone Inc. (RST), a maker of language -learning software, agreed to drop a lawsuit it brought against Google Inc. (GOOG) for selling its trademarks to other companies for search?engine advertising. The companies agreed that all claims in'the infringement ase will be dismissed, according to a ?ling today in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. No terms were given with the stipulation of voluntary dismissal. Rosetta Stone had claimed the keywords were being sold to competitors and counterfeiters. U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee ruled in 2010 that the sale of Rosetta?s trademarked phrases as keywords wouldn?t confuse consumers. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in April overturned part of that ruling and sent the case back to the lower ourt. ?Google and Rosetta Stone have agreed to dismiss the three -year-old trademark infringement lawsuit between them and to meaningfully collaborate to comb at online ads for counterfeit goods and prevent the misuse and abuse of trademarks on the Internet,? the companies said in a joint -mailed statement. Google, which runs the world?s largest search engine, sells advertisers the rights to use certain words or phrases as keywords for paid ads on its site. The so ?called sponsored links direct users to the a dvertisers? websites. Keyword Bids Advertisers bid what they?ll pay Google for each click on an ad triggered by the keyword. The highest bid and other factors determine whether the keywords can be used. Mountain View, California ~based Google derives most of its revenue from ad sales. Rosetta, based in Arlington, Virginia, had said in its appellate brief that it was ?entitled to its day in court before a properly instructed jury.? Google said in its brief that ?each time Rosetta Stone informed Google that a particular advertiser was selling counterfeit Rosetta Stone products, Google took action including removing the advertisement.? Google rose $3.24 to $678.39 at 1:04 pm. New York time?in Nasdaq Stock Market trading (GOOG). Rosetta Stone declined 3 cents to $11.42 on the New York Stock Exchange. The case is Rosetta Stone v. Google, 09 -?0073 6, US. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria). The appeal is Rosetta Stone v. Google, 10 -2007, US. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (Richmond, Virginia). To contact the reporter on this story: Don Jeffrey in New York at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Hytha Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Ginny Hunt Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 3:48 PM To: Phillips, Macon Cc: Forde, Brian; Elmer, Stacy; Edeiman, R. David - Park, Todd; bellis Subject: Re: Looking for POC for GooglePeopleFinder and other apps/systems for response to Sandy Brad Ellis, Crisis Product Manager who should be able to help best Ginny On Mon. Nov 5, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Phillips, Macon wrote: Looping Ginny who may know folks. From: , Brian orde Date: Monday, November 5, 2012 10:34 AM To= "Elmer, Stacy" BOP [calo? "Ede-Imam R- David" "Sivak, Bean (oxa? (oxa? m_ Cc: rata? ram? [taxo? roxa_ Todd Park Subject: Re: Looking for POC for GooglePeopleFinder and other apps/systems for response to Sandy Would you be able to make the intro to the people finder group at google? Thanks! Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 10:22 AM To: Forde, Brian; Phillips, Macon; Edelma n, R. David; 'Sivak, Bryan {ox_ Sanboml Frank [ox_ Cc: mo? ?Luriel Nicole Thurs and lO- 1pm Friday. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anu rag Acharya wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday Eastern/103m Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be a (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at l2: l8 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Sorry. i am on vacation. How about Tuesday? i am open from 1 -3. From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02 :46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 20l3 at l2z46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let me know some times that would. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week oprrii 1 St?r" Best Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: repository for federaiiy funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent a ccess mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long -term stewardship. As the lead for Goo gle Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. 1 have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. I am heping this is of interest. I would be appy to Visit or join a conversation. cheers, anura From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 12:13 PM To: ?Anurag Acharya' Subject: RE: repository for federally funded research articles Fantastic. 1 wili discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We are juggling a number of presentations. How is next week looking for you? From: Anurag Acharya [mailt Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally fUnded research articles Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to speak to the interagency group - to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our proposal in detail. You had mentioned that the group meets on thursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, the following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved from LA to Palo A lto - which makes for a long TODO list, as Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be good to cover in the presentation. cheers, anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sounds good. I will be a (6) more On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: How about tomorrow at 530pm Eastern? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles 1 Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Paci?c/ 1pm Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 10am -2pm Paci?c would work Mon->Thurs and 10- 1pm Friday. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/ 10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be at (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. an a rag On Fri, Mar29, 2013 at 12: 18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Sorry. i am on vacation. How about Tuesday? I am open from 3. From: Anurag Acharya [mailto [(315? Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. Cheers, anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya ma? wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let me know some times that would. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week of April 1 Best, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are include in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long ?term stewardship. As the lead for Google Scholar, I have worked with publ ishers and libraries worldwide. I have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation. cheers, anur ag From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 8:25 AM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan; Garg, Kumar Cc: FN-WHO-Innovation Subject: Re: checking in on STEM Corps Kumar. NSF is on board. i?m on spring break but Kumar can participate in any calls you setup. . . . Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 08:14 AM To Cc: Kalil, Thomas A. FN-WHO-Innovation Subject: checking in on STEM Corps Jacquelline, Hi there. I trust all is well. Its been a few weeks since we met in NYC, but wondering if you might have time either today or tomorrow for a quick check -in call on STEM Corps? We have been working with CNCS on innovative models for funding this effort consistent with the vision/parameters that you shared in New York. It would be good to spend a few minutes talking through the basic framework for your feedback and discuss next steps. Additionally, we have a fast approaching and very exciting Opportunity to give this effort a big lift and would like to work with you/your team to capitalize. s there a time that works for you to connect with us? best, Jonathan From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 11:56 AM To: Charlie Hale Subject: RE: head of self?driving car in DC April 10th Hi Charlie, Sorry for the delay getting back to you! Was trying to figure out my own schedule, as i?m traveling back to SF on Thursday of next week. But it does look like be here on the 10 and would love to see Chris. l?li see if can put! together our SDC group, but my guess is since it?s out ~of~vband schedule~wise, we may not be able to get them together this time around. Do you have a sense of the open windows on his schedule? Cheers, ~rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 2:50 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: head of self-driving car in DC April 10th Hi David, I just wanted to let you know that the head of the self ~driving car project (Chris Urmson) is going to be in DC for a meeting on April 10th. If your schedule allows for it, I?m sure he?d love to either meet with y0u or brief your interagency committee if that would be of interest. Take care, Charlie On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Here in the lobby (bldg 43, correct?) From: sent: Thursdayr January 31, 2013 06:08 pM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Great. I'm at 1875 Charleston Ave and the lobby is in the back of the building where the parking lot is located. We can grab coffee, walk across campus and meet the rest of the team at 10. On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Sure, why not? Let's do 9:30. GiVe me the address and building number, and I'll see you in the lobby. . From: Charlie Hale Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 01 :22 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Great! If you'd like to come at 9: 15-9:30 then you and I can grab coffee orl can show you around campus a bit, and then we can head to the building where we?ll be meeting with the team. Sound good? On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:47 AlVl, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Charlie, That?s fantastic, thank you. Actually, yes, would if I?m going to be writing policy on the technology, makes sense to see it in action. 10 and 10:30am is fine, and could even do a bit earlier (9:30 or 9:45) if there is appetite to go a bit more in?depth, as certainly would be interested. Let me know the coordinates and who might beioining, and looking forward to it. Cheers, -rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 11:15 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Hi David, I heard back ??om a few of the team leads and we'd 10V to have you down on Friday morning. Would you be interested in getting a demo in the car? We'd be happy to take you out for a ride if you have time. Also what time works best for you? I was thinking we could meet with some folks at 10:00, talk for abo ut 30 minutes and then get a demo around 10:30. What do you think? Looking forward to it! ?Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Fantastic, thanks, Charlie! From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:52 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sure! Mountain View on Friday morning works well. I emailed the team so I'll get back to you as soon as I have some times nailed down. On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: I?ll actually already be down south that morning/afternoon, so MV is probably best, no? ~rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:17 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sounds great! Would you like to meet in the Google SF of?ce and we can video conference with anyone from the chauffeur team, or meet in Mountain View? -Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Thanks, Sarah! Charlie, great to chat earlier, One note per our prior discussion: it?s looking like morning/ore ?lunch on Friday is preferable to afternoon, if possible. Cheers, -David R. David Edelmau Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy 1 The W'hite House WW I bum rams? From: Sarah Price [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:39 PM To: Edelman, R. David; hale Subject: Visit for Thurs/Fri Hi David, I want to introduce you to Charlie Hale. Charlie works on public policy for Glass and self ?driving cars, and would love to meet when you are in town. He's copied on this email, and you can also call him at (6) Best, arah Charlie Hale Googlc Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) . Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale I Goo gle Public Policy (13) (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) . Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 4:04 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: call today? Just rang. Will be around this afternoon when not underground. ?rD From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:35 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: call today? have a time?sensitive matter. i?m on my cell (6) thanks much Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (D) (6) From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 4:44 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: call today? Okay. I?m about to go into another meeting, but wilt free up in about 30. Which comrades? From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 4:44 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: cail today? am still on a call with some of your will call you back shortly On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Just rang. Will be around this afternoon when not underground. -rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:35 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: call today? have a time-sensitive matter. i'm on my cell (6) thanks much Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 5:00 PM - To: ?Johanna Shelton' Subject: RE: call today? Good people! Okay give me a ring when done. Cya! From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 04:44 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelrnan, R. David Subject: Re: call today? IPEC On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Edelrnan, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Okay. l?m about to go into another meeting, but wiil free up in about 30. Which comrades? From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Friday, April 05?r 2013 4:44 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: call today? am still on a call with some of your comrades. .. will call you back shortly On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Just rang. Will be around this afternoon when not underground. From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:35 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: call today? have a time?sensitive matter. i'm on my cell (6) thanks much Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (5) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Goo gle Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice . From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 1:34 PM To: George Ivanov Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Expansion of Google Fiber to Austin, TX. George, Thanks for the update! Very exciting news for you all, Looking forward to seeing more as it rolls out. Cheers, -rD From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 1:19 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Expansion of Google Fiber to Austin, TX. Hi David, Today, we announced the expansion of the Google Fiber program to Austin, TX. When we were originally choosing where to bring Fiber, Austin had one of the most enthusiastic responses (which you can see in this mag). Their city leaders have worked hard to make this possible, and we are looking forward to seeing the bene?ts that this network will bring to Austin, where we plan to start connecting homes in mid-2014. Austin provided great infrastructure and a business -friendly environment in which to deploy service. As with any deployment, policies around permittin and rights?of?way mattered, and the city leadership moved with efficiency to work with us. Of course, there's still more that federal, state, and local governments can do to make it easy for broadband providers to access existing infrastructure such as conduits and utility poles (which, according to the FCC, can amount to 20% of total buildout costs). You can ?nd more information in the blog post thatjust went live. Please let me know if ou have any ques?ons. Sincerely, George George lvanov Policy Anatyst 1 Google inc. 1 101 Yerk Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 . From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Monday, April 08? 2013 5:57 PM To: Johanna Shelton (6) Subject: So? What happened? Edge of my R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy direct: (202 [1315] I toplimfm (6 From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 11:01 PM To: Charlie Hale; Christopher Urmson; Gina Mariko Rosales; George Ivanov; Sarah Fisher Cc: Edelman, R. David Subject: RE: meeting in DC on April 10th Charlie, I realize that in my travel shuffle, we weren?t able to get this together. My sincere apoiogies to you and the rest of the team Chris, sorry i missed you this time around! I?m pulling some more foil-(s together this week to move to our next phase of consideration on seif -driving cars, perhaps we might schedule a conference call in the next coupie of weeks to touch base on the conversations you?ve been having, and what you see as top priorities for the likes of us government ?types? All the best, David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy The ?White House direct: (202 5 topline: (202 (6) From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:09 PM To: Edelman, R. David; Christopher Urmson; Gina Manko Rosales; George Ivanov; Sarah Fisher Subject: meeting in DC on April 10th Hi David, Glad to hear you'lI have time to meet with Chris. I'll let him speak to his schedule and Gina can help arrange a time that works best for the two of you. He'lI be speaking on a paneI in the Rayburn building from ~11230 -1:30. Also including my colleagues Sarah and George who will be supporting him while he?s in town. Thanks, Charlie On Apr 5, 2013 8:56 AM, "Edelman, R. David? (6) wrote: Hi Chariie, Sorry for the delay getting ack to you! Was trying to figure out my own schedule, as i?m traveiing hack to SF on Thursday of next week. But it does look like i?ll be here on the 10 th, and wouid love to see Chris. I?li see if can pull together our SDC group, but my guess is since it?s out-of?band scheduie-wise, we may not be able to get them together this time around. Do you have a sense of the open windows on his schedule? Cheers, -rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 2:50 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: head of self?driving car in DC April 10th Hi David, I just wanted to let you know that the head of the self -driving car project (Chris Urmson) is going to be in DC for a meeting on April 10th. If your schedule allows for it, I'm sure he'd love to either meet with you or brief your interagency committee if that would be of interest. Take care, Charlie Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) A Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 10:40 AM T0: (6) Subject: Invitation to 3rd White House Science Fair Dear Sergey: I hope this email finds you well. I enjoyed participating in this year? Solve for gathering and hope to see you and others from the Solve for community at the PRIZE Visioneering meeting next week. In the meantime, I have a near - term invitation to share with On behalf of the White House, I wanted to reach out to ee if you might be interested in joining us next Monday, April 22'? for the 3rd White House Science Fair. The event is a perennial favorite of the President and an inspiring convening of some of the most talented High School Science, Engineering, and Technology students from across the Nation. Selected students will have an Opportunity to demonstrate their utting-edge experiments for special guests and an online audience. At the event, you would be part of the audience for the President?s remarks and would informally meet and greet with the students and with our partner organizations. The data of this event has not yet been shared publicly. The exact time of the event is still being set, but it will either take place in early afternoon or late morning and will be a couple of hours in duration. For information on last year?s White House Science fair, here are two links, including a video that will give you an idea of the impressive students this event attracts: house-science-fair Let me know if you?re available and interested in pa rticipating.? All best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President lim- From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:26 PM To: (in) (6) Subject: Invitation to the 3rd White House Science Fair on 4/22 Attachments; Dear Sergey: On behalf of the White House, it is my great pleasure to invite you to the White House Science Fair, a celebration of the student participants of various science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) competitions from all over the country. The event will take place on Monday, April 22nd, at the White House. The White House Science Fair is a key commitment in the President?s Educate to innovate campaign to inspire more girls and boys to excel in STEM subjects. As the President has noted, "Ifyou win the NCAA championship, you come to the White House. Well, if you're a young person and you produce the best experiment or design, the best hardware or software, you ought to be recognized for that achievement, too.? In order to attend, please RSVP by 10 AM EDT tomorrow, April 2013, to me a and include all of the information in the attached spreadsheet for a required security check. Details DATE: Monday, April 22?, 2013 TIMING: 12:45 PM EDT (gates open at 12:30 PM event will end by 3:45 PM EDT) LOCATION: The White House, Washington DC. (Additional information will be made available to confirmed attendees later in the week) We hope to see you on April 22 and appreciate your understanding about the short notice. Best wishes, Cristin Cristin Dorgeio Assistant Director for Grand Chailenges Office of Science and Technoiogy Policy Executive Office of the President From: Ross LaJeunesse (6) Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:17 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Confirmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am WH East Wing Tour hi david, thanks so much for arranging this for us, but unfortunately we won't be able to make it. i did the very unusual thing of not checking my email on sunday, a small attempt to heal post trauma, so just getting this now. hope you're doing well and hope our paths cross again soon On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Dear Ross, With apologies for the short notice, the Visitor?s Of?ce just informed me you?ve been con?rmed for the East Wing Holiday Tour at llam tomorrow,_3Monda_y, December 17th. The tour is self-guided, so you can set your own pace; typically, it takes between 3 and 45 minutes to complete. No further RSVP is required, so please simply arrive at 11am with the guests you submitted to me, and IDs in hand. Additional information ?om the Visitor?s Of?ce is below. Enjoy! Please arrive on time to the Southeast Gate at Alexander Hamilton Place and East Executive Avenue, right off of 15th Street and Street with Photo ID. Small bags and cameras are permitted, but please do not bring any of the following: Food or beverages, tobacco products, personal grooming items (Le. makeup, lotion, etc.) Strollers Any pointed objects Aerosol containers Guns, ammunition, ?reworks, electric stun guns, mace, martial arts \veapons/ devices, or knives of any size. There is no place at the White House to check a large bag or a prohibited item. If it is raining, umbrellas are permitted. All visitors age 18 years of age or older will need to present photo identi?cation with information matching the name previously submitted for clearance. lndivid uals without acceptable identi?cation or whose identi?cation does not exactly match the name or data cleared for entry may be denied entry. Acceptable forms of ID include: Valid Government issued United States? drivers license Valid Government issued United States? identi?cation card Valid United States or other of?cial government issued passports Valid United States State Department ID For foreign nationals, only VALID passports are accepted No foreign-issued state IDs, foreign?issued driver?s licenses, expired passports, or other forms of identi?cation will be accepted. United States Secret Service of?cers are posted in every room to provide historical information about the room and the White House. Please feel free to ask them questions. White House tours are subject to last minute changes or cancellations. You will be noti?ed by email if your tour is changed or cancelled. Your guests may call the White House Visitors Of?ce 24 -hour information line at 202456? 7041 for the most current information about White House tours. On behalf of President and Mrs. Obama, we hope you enjoy yOur visit to the White House. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy ii: 202 hi): 202 . Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential an dlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: - Ross LaJeunesse (6) Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:26 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Confirmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am WH East Wing Tour sure thing am sure your schedule is a dog, but could meet tomorrow after 4.00pm or thursday after 3.30pm; friday is fairly free so could meet anytime after 10.00am - iet me know if any of those work On Mon, Dec 17,2012 at 9:20 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Ross, So sorry to hear that. Let?s get together this week and do a post huddle. I?d like to hear your thoughts on what worked, what didn?t, and where to go from here. And let me just say what?s been said a thousand times: thank you for you and your team?s tireless efforts even amidst adversity within our own ranks on behalf of the U.S. and the free internet. Cheers, ~rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:17 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Con?rmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am WH East Wing hi david, thanks so much for arranging this for us, but unfortunately we won't be able to make it. i did the very unusual thing of not checking my email on sunday, a small attempt to heal post-WCIT trauma, so just getting this now. hepe you?re doing well and hope our paths cross again soon FOSS On Sun, Dec 16,2012 at 9:55 AM, Edeiman, R. David wrote: 1 Dear Ross, With apologies for the short notice, the Visitor?s Of?ce just informed me you?ve been con?rmed for the East Wing Holiday Tour at .Mondayif?cember The tour is self-guided, so you can set your own pace; typically, it takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. No ?irther RSVP is required, so please simply arrive at 11am with the guests you submitted to me, and IDs in hand. Additional information from the Visitor?s Of?ce is below. Enjoy! Please arrive on time to the Southeast Gate at Alexander Hamilton Place and East Executive Avenue, right off of 15th Street and Street with Photo ID. Small bags and cameras are permitted, but please do not bring any of the following: Food or beverages, tobacco products, personal grooming items (Le. makeup, lotion, etc.) Strollers Any pointed objects Aerosol containers Guns, ammunition, ?reworks, electric stun guns, mace, martial arts weapons devices, or knives of any size. There is no place at the White House to check a large bag or a prohibited item. If it is raining, umbrellas are permitted. All visitors age 18 years of age or older will need to present photo identi?cation with information matching the name previously submitted for clearance. Individuals Without acceptable identi?cation or whose identi?cation does not exactly match the name or data cleared for entry ay be denied entry. Acceptable forms of ID include: Valid Government issued United States? drivers license Valid Government issued United States? identi?cation card Valid United States or other of?cial government issued passports Valid United States State Department 1D For foreign nationals, only VALID passports are accepted No foreign~issued state IDs, foreign ~issued driver?s licenses, expired passports, or other forms of identi?cation will be. accepted. United States Secret Service of?cers are posted in every room to provide historical information about the room and the White House. Please feel free to ask them questions. I White House tours are subject to last minute changes or cancellations. You will be noti?ed by ema ii if your tour is 2 changed or cancelled. Your guests may call the White House Visitors Of?ce 24 -hour information line at 202-456- 7041 for the most current information about White House tours. On behalf of President and Mrs. Obama, we hope you enjoy your visit to the White House. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Poiicy pix WW Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the err or. Thank you. From: Ross LaJeunesse Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 11:30 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Confirmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH East Wing Tour Attachments: WH here you go -- if you do skip town, let me know as much in advance as possible, ok? also, do you have thoughts now on the best way of google engaging? i've got an office full of revved -up folks in DC who are looking to engage. messages, etc. they'll have their own thoughts and we'll start figuring it out at a meeting tomorrow, but if you have thoughts now, shoot them over so i can include in the tomorrow, thanks On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Ross, Let?s put Thursday afternoon (4pm) on the books, and provided i haven?t skipped town to work remotely from SF, we?ll do it. if you can fill out the attached, i?ll out you in the system, and we can meet in my office. Cheers, -rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9: 26 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Confirmed Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH EastWing Tour sure thing -- am sure your schedule is a dog, but could meet tomorrow after 4.00pm or thursday after 3.30pm; friday is fairly free so could meet anytime afte 10.00am -- let me know if any of those work On Mon, Dec 17,2012 at 9:20 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: 1 Ross, So sorry to hear that. Let?s get together this week and do a post -WCET huddle. i?d like to hear your thoughts on what worked, what didn?t, and where to go from here. And let me just say what?s been said a thousand times: thank you for you and your team?s tireless efforts even amidst adversity within our own ranks on behalf of the U5. and the free Internet. Cheers, -rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:17 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Con?rmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH East Wing Tour hi david, thanks so much for arranging this for us, but unfortunately we won't be able to make it. i did the very unusual thing of not checking my email on sunday. a small attempt to heal post -WCIT trauma, so just getting this now. hope you?re doing well and hope our paths cross again soon FOSS On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Dear Ross, With apologies for the short notice, the Visitor?s Of?ce just informed me you?ve been con?rmed for the East Wing Holiday Tour at 11am tomorrow, Monday, Decem ber 2157?. The tOur is self?guided, so you can set your own pace; typically, it takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. No further RSVP is required, so please simply arrive at 11am with the guests yOu submitted to me, and IDs in hand. Additional information ?om the Visitor?s Of?ce is below. Enjoy! Please arrive on time to the Southeast Gate at Alexander Hamilton Place and East Executive Avenue, right off of 15th Street and Street with Photo ID. Small bags and cameras are permitte d, but please do not bring any of the following: Food or beverages, tobacco products, personal grooming items (Le. makeup, lotion, etc.) Strollers Any pointed objects Aerosol containers Guns, ammunition, ?reworks, electric tun guns, mace, martial arts weapons/devices, or knives of any size. There is no place at the White House to check a large bag or a prohibited item. If it is raining, umbrellas are permitted. All visitors age 18 years of age or older will need to present photo identi?cation with information matching the name previously submitted for clearance. Individuals Without acceptable identi?cation or Whose identi?cation does not exactly match the name or data cleared for entry may be denied entry. Acceptable form 5 of ID include: Valid Government issued United States? drivers license Valid Government issued United States? identi?cation card Valid United States or other of?cial government issued passports Valid United States State Departme nt ID For foreign nationals, only VALID passports are accepted No foreign-issued state IDs, foreign ?issued driver?s licenses, expired passports, or other forms of identi?cation will be accepted. United States Secret Service of?cers are posted in every room to provide historical informationabout the room and the White House. Please feel free to ask them questions. White House tours are subject to last minute changes or cancellations. You will be notified by email if your tour is changed or cancelled. Your guests may call the White House Visitors Office 24 ?hour information line at 202?456? 7041 for the most current information about White House tours. On behalf of President and Mrs. Obama, we hope you njoy your visit to the White House. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy an more: I hamm- Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be con?dential andlor privileged. if you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google lnc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If yo are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not fomrard the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Ross LaJeunesse (6) Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 11:35 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Confirmed Mon (tomorrow!) 11am WH East Wing Tour we're getting bombarded for requests for media, to debrief civil society, to do on the hill i'm working with DC team for a strategy of how to characterize WCIT (victory, loss or a less manichean spin) and what that, in turn, means moving forward On Mon, Dec 17,2012 at 11:31 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Great. Will do. What do you mean by engaging. You mean a larger hotwash of 0r engaging on a broader range of Internet and internet governance issues? ~rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 11:30 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Confirmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am WH East Wing Tour here you go if you do skip town, let me know as much in advance as possible, ok? also, do you have thoughts now on the best way of google engaging? i've got an office full of revved-up folks in DC who are looking to engage. messages, etc. they?ll have their own thoughts and we?ll start figuring it out at a meeting tomorrow, but if you have thoughts now, shoot them over so i can include in the tomorrow, thanks On Mon, Dec17, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Ross, Let?s put Thursday afternoon (Arum) on the books, and provided 5 haven?t skipped town to work remoteiy from SF, we?ll do it. if you can fill out the attached, put you in the system, and we can meet in my office. Cheers, ~rD From: Ross LaJeUnesse [maiito Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:26 AM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: Re: Confirmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 1?lam - WH EastWing Tour sure thing -- am sure your schedule is a dog. but could meet tomorrow after 4.00pm or thursday after 3.30pm; friday is fairly free so could meet anytime after 10.00am -- let me know if any of those work On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Ross, So sorry to hear that. Let?s get together this week and do a post huddle. i?d like to hear your thoughts on what worked, what didn?t, and where to go from here. And let me just say what?s been said a thousand times; thank you for you and your team?s tireless efforts even amidst adversity within our own ranks on behalf of the US. and the free internet. Cheers, -rD From: Ross LaJeunesse [maiito Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:17 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Con?rmed - Mon (tomorrow!) 11am - WH East Wing Tour hi david, thanks so much for arranging this for us, but unfortunately we won't be able to make it. i did the very unusual thing of not checking my email on sunday. a small attempt to heal post -WCIT trauma, sojust getting this now. hope you're doing well and hope our paths cross again soon FOSS On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Dear Ross, With apologies for the short notice, the Visitor?s Of?ce just informed me you?ve been con?rmed for the East Wing Holiday Tour at llam tomorrow, Monday, December Um; The tour is self?guided, so you can set your own pace; typically, it takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. No further RSVP is required, so please simply arrive at 11am with the guests you submitted to me, and IDs in hand. Additional information from the Visitor?s Of?ce is below. Enjoy! Please arrive on time to the Southeast Gate at Alexander Hamilton Place and East Executive Avenue, right off of 15th Street and Street with Photo ID. Small bags and cameras are permitted, but please do not bring any of the following: Food or beverages, tobacco products, personal grooming items (Le. makeup, lotion, etc.) Strollers Any pointed objects Aerosol containers Guns, ammunition, ?reworks, electric stun guns, mace, martial arts weapons devices, or knives of any size. There is no place at the White House to check a large bag or a prohibited item. If it is raining, umbrelias are permitted. All visitors age 18 years of age or older will need to present photo identi?c ation with information matching the name previously submitted for clearance. Individuals without acceptable identi?cation or whose identi?cation does not exactly match the name or data cleared for entry may be denied entry. Acceptable forms of ID include - Valid Government issued United States? drivers license Valid Government issued United States? identi?cation card Valid United States or other of?cial government issued passports Valid United States State Department ID For foreign nationals, only VALID passports are accepted No foreign-issued state IDs, foreign -issued driver?s licenses, expired passports, or other forms of identi?cation will be accepted; United States Secret Service of?cers are posted in every room to rovide historical information about the room and the White House. Please feel free to ask them questions. White House tours are subject to last minute changes or cancellations. You will be noti?ed by email if your tour is changed or cancelled. Your guests may call the White House Visitors Office 24 ?hour information line at 202?456? 7041 for the most current information about White House tours. On behalf of President and Mrs. Obama, we hope you enjoy your visit to the White House. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for internet Policy pin I Mr Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Googie Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient. please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attach ments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 2:27 PM To: ?Anurag Acharya' - Subject: RE: repository for federally funded research articles Hey there, Just tried to call. Let me know when you are free. Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailt Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:50 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: today, 10:30am-12t30pm and 3-5pm would work; tomorrow, 9-10, noon?5pm. all times paci?c. anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanks. Do you have time for a quick chat later today or tomorrow? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 5:49 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: checking chance to discuss possible dates for a presentation with the group? I have some possible family travel coming up in mid -late May, nailing this down would elp us scheduling? wise. Thanks. anura On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Fantastic. will discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We are juggling a number of presentations. Hi Mike: any idea which dates would work? I will be in Toronto on 22 -23 Speaking at the annual conference of library consortia, so coming over to DC would be easier that week than others. cheers, anurag How is next week looking for you? Mornings 9am-1pm Paci?c would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm ?3pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3-5pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anurag i From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM I To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally fu nded research articles Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to speak to the interagency group - to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our proposal in detail. You had mentioned that the group meets on thursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, the following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved ??om LA to . Palo Alto which makes for a long TODO list, as Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be good to cover in the i presentation. cheers, anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: 3 I Sounds good. I will be a (6) . amrrag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: How about tomorrow at 530pm Eastern? g, From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded res earch articles Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 10am -2pm Paci?c would work Mon ->Thurs and 10? Friday. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday Eastern/10am Paci?c would work for me. Ifyou would prefer to call, I will be a (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (5) wrote: f: Sorry. I am on vacation. How about Tuesday? I am open from 3: -3. From: Anurag ACharya [mailto .. .. . Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, I anurag On Tue, Mar 26,2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (5) wrote; 5 - Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let 1 me know some times that would. cheers, anurag 5 On Fri, Mar 22,2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week oprri i 15?? Best, - Mike i From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM - To: Stebbins, Michael]. - Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by federal agencies! i One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly i available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a I repository would also help ensure archiv al access and long?term stewardship. As the lead for Google Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries? worldwide. I have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to Visit or join a conversation. cheers, anurag From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:45 AM To: 'Anurag Acharya' Subject: RE: repository for federally funded research articles Thanks. Do you have time for a quick chat later today or tomorrow? From: Anurag Acharya [mailt Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 5:49 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: checking chance to discuss possible dates for a presentation with the group? I have some possible family travel coming up in mid ?late May, nailing this down would help us scheduling wise. Thanks. anurag On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote; On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael] (6) wrote: Fantastic. i wiil discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We are juggling a number of presentations. Hi Mike: any idea which dates would work? I will be in Toronto on 22 -23 speaking at the annual conference of library consortia, so coming over to DC would be easier that week than others. cheers, anurag - How is next week looking for yo u? Mornings 9am?1pm Paci?c would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm ?3pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3?5pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anurag From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM T0: Stebbins, Michael]. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would lik to take you up on the offer to speak to the interagency group to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our proposal in detail. You had mentioned that'the group meets on thursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, he following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved ?om LA to Palo Alto - which makes for a long TODO list, as would be 300d to Chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be goo to cover in the presentation. cheers, anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sounds good. I will be a (6) ansrag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: How about tomorrow at 530pm Eastern? 3 From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM i To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Anytime after 10am Paci?c/ 1pm Eastern - would work for me this week. Next week, 10am -2pm Paci?c would work Mon->Thurs and 10?1pm Friday. cheers, anurag 1 On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/10am Paci?c would work for me. Ifyou would prefer to call, I will be a (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Sorry. lam on vacation. How about Tuesday? I am open from 1 -3. 5 From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let me know seme times that would. cheers, anura On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week of April 1 St? Best, From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly - available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent a ccess mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long ?term stewardship. As the lead for Google Scholar, have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. 1 have also worked i with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. . i: I am hoping this is of interest. I would be appy to visit or join a conversation. cheers, . anurag From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Wednesday, April 24,2013 2:41 PM To: Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Great. Talk to you soon. From: Anurag Acharya [mailt Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 02:38 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles In 5 mins? I will be a (6) (conf room direct number). If that doesn?t work, my cell number i anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Hey there, Just tried to call. Let me know when you are free. Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:50 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: today, 10:30am-12130pm and 3~5pm would work; tomorrow, 9-10, noon?5pm. all times pacific. anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanks. Do you have time for a quick chat later today or tomorrow? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 5:49 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: checking chance to discuss possible dates for a presentation witht he group? I have some possible family travel coming up in mid -late May, nailing this down would help us scheduling - wise. Thanks. anurag On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Fantastic. i will discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We are juggling a number of presentations. Hi Mike: any idea which dates would work? I will be in Toronto on 22 ?23 speaking at the annual conference of library consortia, s0 coming over to DC would be easier that week than others. cheers, anura i How is next week looking for you? Mornings 9am-1pm Paci?c would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm -3pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3-5pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anuxag From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM T0: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to speak to the interagency group - to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our proposal in detail. You had mentioned that the group meets on thursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, the following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved from LA to Palo Alto - which makes for a long TODO list, as Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be good to cover in the presentation. 9 cheers, anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: I Sounds good. I will be a (6) anura On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: How about tomorrow at 530pm Eastern? . From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Paci?c/ Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 10am -2pm Paci?c would work Mon?>Thurs and lO-lpm Friday. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/ 10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be at (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. anon-:3; On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Sorry. lam on vacation. How about Tuesday? am open from 1 From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Em? Sent: Friday, March 29,. 2013 02:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Achalya (6) wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, 1 et me know some times that would. cheers, anurag 5 On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanks Anurag, 3 Do you have time to talk again on the week of April 1 St? Best 3 Mike - From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these art icles are included in a publicly - available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long ~terrn stewardship. As the lead for Goo gle Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. I have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding reposit ories for federally funded research articles. I I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation. . cheers, . anurag From: - Ross LaJeunesse Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 8:03 AM - To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Invitation: WCIT Reception - Thursday still want to meet at 4pm before this? On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 9:06 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: THE WHITE HOUSE Washington The Of?ce of Science Technology Policy, National Security Staff, and National Economic Council invite members of the US. Delegation to the World Conference on International Telecommunications to an informal reception in their honor. Thursday, December 20th, 4:30 p.m. - 6:00p.m. The Indian Treaty Room Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building T0 RSVP, piease compiete the attached form in its entirety and in the formats designated and send no later than uesdav. 5pm to (6) Business attire. Invitation is non?transferrable. Admittance only with RS VP. R. David Edelman Senior Aclvisor for Internet Policy Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Ross LaJeunesse (6) Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 4:06 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Invitation: WCIT Reception - Thursday yes, see you at 3.30 -- where do i go for the mtg? thanks On Tue, Dec 18,2012 at 3:00 PM, Edelman. R. David wrote: Can you do 3:30 4:15pm on Th? Aiso, i?m hoping that the del meeting wit! resoive questions about ?how to discuss? the issue iet me know if it doesn?t and we need to pay more attention to it, art) From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 8:03 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Invitation: WCIT Reception - Thursday still want to meet at 4pm before this? On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 9:06 PM, Edeiman, R. David wrote: THE WHITE HOUSE Washington 1 The Of?ce of Science Technology Policy, National Security Staff, and National Economic Council invite members oft/1e U.S. Delegation to the World Conference on International Telecommunications to an informal reception in their honor. Thursday, December 20th, 4:30 pm. - 6:00p.m. The Indian Treaty Room Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building 0 RS VP, please complete the attached form in its entirety'and in the formats designated and send no later than Tuesday, 5pm to (6) Business attire. Invitation is non?transferrable. Admittance only with RS VP. R. David Edelman Senior AdViSor for internet Policy Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and international Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all capieslattachments, and inform the sen der of the error. Thank you. From: Sent To: Cc: Subject: Hi Adria ne- Aparna Sridhar (6) Wednesday, December 19, 2012 4:08 PM Lapointe, Adriane Mielke, Dawn Edelman, R. David Re: Immediate Attention: WAVES Info Needed I'm writing to confirm that I have no middle name. Thanks Aparna Sent from mobile On Dec 19, 2012, at 3:52 PM, "Lapointe, Adriane" wrote: Hello, all. Just to make sure you get in tomorrow: If you have no middle initial, can you please confirm that? If you provided only a middle initial, please provide your full name. When you respond, please copy everyone on the cc line above. Thanks! Adnane Betsy Broder Marilyn Cade Brown Edward Black Aparna Sridhar Jackie Ruff Adriane Lapointe office: (20 bb: (202 (6) From: Astro Teller (6) Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 1:21 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Registration for Solve for Hey Tom, Can you take a moment and register Thanks! - Astro From: Vint Cerf (6) Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 12:02 PM To: Kalil, Thomas Holdren, John P. Subject: 30th Anniversary of the Operational Launch of the Internet John, Tom, Jan 1, 2013 marks the 30th anniversary of the operational launch of the Internet. On that day, all the computers on the ARPANET converted to the protocols that lie at the heart of the Internet. The other two networks that formed the nascent Internet (a mobile packet radio network and a packet satellite network linking the US and Europe) had already been converted in 1982. Do you suppose this milestone might be of interest to the President in his New Year's day remarks? vint From: Vint Cerf Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 1:45 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Cc: Holdren, John P. Subject: Re: 30th Anniversary of the Operational Launch of the Internet many thanks. On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. wrote: Dear Vint: i suspect that the President?s remarks wili be of a more generai nature but iet me see if there is any other way for us to recognize this important anniversary. Best Tom From: Vint Cerf [mailto Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 12:01 PM To: Kalil, Thomas Holdren, John P. Subject: 30th Anniversary of the Operational Launch of the Internet John, Torn, Jan 1, 2013 marks the 30th anniversary of the Operational launch of the Internet. On that day, all the computers on the ARPAN ET converted to the protocols that lie at the heart of the internet. The other two networks that formed the nascent Internet (a mobile packet radio network and a packet satellite network linking he US and Europe) had already been converted in 1982. Do you suppose this miiestone might be of interest to the President in his New Year's day remarks? vint From: Sent To: Subject: Vint Cerf (6) Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:39 AM Alec Ross; Ari Schwartz; bruce andrews; francisco sanchez; Jane Lute; Larry Strickiing; mark weatherford; Sapiro, Miriam; pat gallagher; Philip Verveer; Rich O?Lear; Kalil, Thomas A. Fwd: eg update Forwarded message From: Bremmer, Ian Date: Thu, Dec 27,2012 at 9:17 AM Subject: eg update To: Vinton Cerf rero? dear vint, on january 7th, we'll be putting out our annual "t0p risks" report for 2013. and so between Christmas and the new year, it?s a good time to look back over the past year and see how we did. if you'd like to keep score, click here for the original 2012 report: (we like to keep it up on our website all year, helps to keep everybody honest). the big story from the past year is not the risks but the red herrings. everyone thought 2012 was going to be a story of big transitions--with the united states, china, russia and france leading the way with big changes in leadership. and as it turned out, none of them mattered. the united states went from obama and a divided congress and a divided congress. china had nine incremental reformers ruling by consensus on the politburo standing now have seven, committed to much the same policy. russia?s leadership shifted places, but governing went from putin nothing to see there. and even in ?ance, where an angela?merkel?supported nikolas sarkozy reelection bid was brought down by ?ancois hollande and the socialist party, policy hasn?t moved much?-certainly not with regard to the eurozone (where hollande remains just as committed as his predecessor) and, at least to date, not so much on economic reform. indeed, the one election that ended up mattering the most hadn't been scheduled back in january a sweeping victory for shinzo abe and his liberal democratic party is likely to have a much greater impact on domestic economic and foreign policy than any of the other contests this year. so much for that. despite about eight covers from the ecOnomist that showed the euro in various states of implosion/explosion, the eurozone breakup (and even its ugly stepsister, "grexit") was nothing of the sOrt. it?s been by no means an easy year in europe, with record unemployment on a continent that slipped back into recession. but with chancellor merkel boasting approval ratings approaching 70% and a strong european central bank led by mario monti, support for tighter eurozone integration has been unwavering. the bet to make in 2012 was ?rmly against euro meltdown. hope you joined us in that. and the much vaunted china hard landing? in 2012 that seemed to worry just about everybody but beijing. chinese leadership held ?rm to their state -centric economic growth model, resisted international pressure for further, faster "opening up,? and eschewed massive subsidy. the economy duly slowed on the back of lower international demand, but a hard landing was never remotely in the cards. and china now stands poised to break 8% again for 2014 too. if there?s a problem, it's with what happens when china keeps growing and doesn?t start fundamentally reforming its economic and political m0del--that?s a growing risk for china as it manages changing domestic expectations as well as an increasingly hostile international environment. in short, for the big stories, it was a year of kicking the can down the road. the americans, the europeans, and the chinese all avoided big trouble (presuming we?re right about this whole ?scal cliff debacle "we?re still expecting a just as equally avoided breakthrough. looking at the biggest macro issues, 2012 was decidedly meh. looking at the t0p political risks, we opened the report claiming that 2012 represented the end of the 9/11 era. much as it pains me to say it, i suspect we'll look back at the newtown school massacre as the event that brought an end to the "war on terror?; with gun control and related domestic challenges eclipsing terrorism as the foremost security issue for the united states. the trend has been much broader than that, of course. we expected geopolitics would move away from international security issues and be consumed more with domestic and economic trends. that?s certainly been the case. the united states is out of iraq, and growing governance trouble ??and going to lead the americans (or anyone else) to return. afghanistan is steadily deteriorating, while (and in part because) the united states plans for imminent exit. that's led to 2 - exceptionally little criticism of the obama administration, and didn't even make speaking points in the presidential election foreign policy debate. libya drove headlines because of the attacks on the american consulate in benghazi, but mostly as a mechanism to derail susan rice?s secretary of state bid, not to suggest the united states should be doing any more in libya. - and on syria? russian foreign minister sergey lavrov suggested this weekend that the west was praying that his country and china continued their opposition to they had no plans for removing assad and/or otherwise resolving the crisis themselves. the united states is a growing part of a ?zero world: carrying a lighter footprint, Spending much less time talking about international security and the war on terror (an irony given that al qaeda, though still a shell of its former self, strengthened somewhat in 2012). other countries --russia, china, qatar, saudi arabia--are starting to call the united states out on it, while steering clear of leadership challenges themselves. from the other side, we also said "politics was moving markets as never before.? i'd argue this is the single biggest takeaway since the 2008 ?nancial crisis -states are playing a far greater role in the international marketplace. that's necessarily slowing growth, lea ding to more inefficiency and volatility. in part it's because of the growing role of emerging markets (and china in particular) in the world economy; in part it's deveIOped governments? reaction to the ?nancial crisis; in part it?s geopolitical creative destruction/the g? zero/and the new age of metternich. but we de?nitely got there in 2012. click here for a great piece on this last week from freeland in the new york times. to do a quick "round the world" -?the middle east and the "g?zero" was probably the most obvious call for 2012 (and not going away anytime soon). syria has become the poster child for the new world order, but regional tension especially sectarian con?ict causing greater internal instability in a host of countries, and expanding proxy war in the region ?has become a key trend. regional con?ict in asia has picked up as well, with the american "pivot" to asia meeting increa singly headlong against a more assertive china, especially around security issues in the east and south china sea. that?s had by far the greatest market impact on china?japan tensions, but it's been an issue of growing economic concern across southeast asi a as leading to a faster than expected opening up of 3 myanmar. egypt has actually fared a little better than expected. risks were on the money, but newly elected president mohammed morsi has managed a combination of hardball and shrewd politics??sidelining and antagonizing secular opposition while keeping strong support of his muslim brotherhood working well with the military. morsi may not have many friends outside of egypt, but all sorts of international players are rooting for him, given egypt's regional importance and how badly the rest of the middle east is going. all of this means that israel is trying to sit tight; turkey is closely engaged with egypt diplomatically; while the saudis, qataris, americans and the imf are all reac hing out to provide economic support. there are still plenty of things that can go badly wrong, and morsi has created more than his share of enemies. but egypt could've been worse. elections in venezuela returned a strong victory for the ailing hugo chavez, but only more uncertainty for an economy he's in no position to improve. those risks are continuing to play out. the political situation in pakistan has continued to deteriorate, with growing violence and assassinations of political leaders, and no prospect for stability in governance soon. the geopolitics aren?t as explosive: the af?pak problems haven't impacted india-pakistan relations in a meaningful brought in china. and if anything, the us withdrawal from afghanistan may help normalize us ?pakistan relations (as they help to set expectations more reliably). it's not making headlines (in line with 'the end of the 9/1 1 era' heightening us focus on domestic affairs), but that shouldn't make us sit more easily with the outcomes. populism has mark ed an unfortunate year for south africa, where governance has taken a backseat to political in?ghting in the african national congress (anc), following months of strikes, corruption scandals, and growing disaffection from the country's poor. the biggest miss of the year was north korea, where not only did we have a transition without signi?cant bumps along the way, but the new 28?year~old kim jong un has actually presided over a transition that, so far, has been surprisingly stable and possibly even benign. there's been more transparency and less incendiary rhetoric. even provocative moves (like a recent missile launch) have been planned to limit the prospect of escalation. i clearly expected-Worse from the most totalitarian regime in the world. thankfully, it didn't happen. and with that, ihope you are having a lovely holiday break. i 4 shall duly look forward to sending you next year's "top risks", with suitable attendant all starts january 7th. a very merry Christmas and happy new year to you, ian From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 10:23 AM To: 'Anurag Acharya' Subject: RE: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Anurag, The USDA has two buildings on Independence avenue. We will be in the south building, 1400 independence Ave SW and 12th Street SW right near to the Smithsonian Metro Stop (independence Ave Exit). The Room Number is 3109 {on the 3rd Floor). Will you be able to share your slides later today so I can distribute them to those people who will be joining us by phone? Kind Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailt 6) Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael]. Subject: Re: repositmy for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: I do need to know Where the meeting w0u1d be held Would be hard to attend/present I tried searching for the meeting online, no luck. Would appreciate a quick note. Thanks. anurag On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: could you send me the address for this week's meeting? You had mentioned USDA. Would that mean the National Agricultural Library or some place else with in the Beltsville campus? arnu?ag On Wed, Apr 24,2013 at 11:41 AM, Stebbins, Michael]. (6) wrote: Great. Talk to you soon. From: Anurag Achaiya [?g-lanto Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 02:38 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles In 5 mins? I will be a (6) (conf room direct number). If that doesn't work, my cell number is 3 anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Hey there, Just tried to call. Let me know when you are free. Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:50 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: today, 10:30am-12:30pm and 3?5pm would work; tomorrow, 9?10, noon?5pm. all times paci?c. anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote?: Thanks. Do you have time for a quick chat Eater today or tomorrow? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 5:49 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: checking chance to discuss possible dates for a presentation with the group? I have some possible family travel coming up in mid -late May, nailing this down would help us scheduling? wise. Thanks. anurag On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Fantastic. discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We are juggling a number of presentations. Hi Mike: any idea which dates would work? I will be in Toronto on 22 -23 Speaking at the annual conference of library consortia, s0 coming over to DC would be easier that week than others. cheers, anurag How is next week looking foryou? Mornings 9am?1pm Paci?c would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm ?3pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3-5pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anurag From: Anurag Acharya [mailto - Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. i Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to speak to the interagency group - to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our prop osal in detail. You had mentioned that the group meets on thursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, the 3 following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved from LA to - Palo Alto - which makes for a long TODO list, as Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be good to cover in the 3 presentation. Cheers, - anurag 5 On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: I 5 Sounds good. l'will be a (6) . 313'} urag? On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: How about tomorrow at Eastern? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Paci?c/1pm Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 10am ?2pm Paci?c would work Mon->Thurs and 10? 1pm Friday. .cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick reSponse! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be at (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at Stebbins, MiehaelJ. (6) wrote: i Sorry. lam on vacation. How about Tuesday? i am open from 1 From: Anurag ACharya [mailto . . . .. .. . . Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM - To: Stebbiris, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: . Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let me know some times that would. . . cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: I Thanks Anurag, 5 Do you have time to taik again on the week of April 1 st? - Best, 1- 3 Mike - From: Anurag Acharya [mailto - Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. 3 Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of th policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long -term stewardship. As the lead for Google Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. I have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommend ations/proposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a 00nversati0n. cheers, anurag From: Astro Teller (6) Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 4:42 PM To: Kalil, Thomas Will Patrick; Kathy Cooper Cc: Mielke, Dawn M. Subject: Re: Registration for Solve for Hi Thomas, Sorry for the delay. Will and/or Kathy can help with this. Cheers! A On Mon, Dec 31,2012 at 1:27 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. wrote: Dear Astro: Happy New Year! All my travei needs to be approved by our General Counsel. ls there someone Dawn can work with to get the relevant info? Thanks! Tom From: Astro Teller [mailto Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 1:21 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Registration for Solve for Hey Tom, Can you take a moment and register wai?w Thanksi - Astro - Astro From: Kathy Cooper (6) Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 4:56 PM To: Astro Teller Cc: Kalil, Thomas Will Patrick; Mielke, Dawn M. Subject: Re: Registration for Solve for Hi Thomas and Dawn, Thank you for registering! Our travel representatives will be in touch shortly to help with your travel arrangements. Happy New Year, Kathy On Wed, Jan 2. 2013 at 1:41 PM. Astro Teller wrote: Hi Thomas, Sorry for the delay. Will and/or Kathy can help with this. Cheers! A On Mon. Dec 31, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. wrote: Dear Astro: Happy New Yearl All my travel needs to be approved by our General Counsel. Es there someone Dawn can work with to get the relevant tnfo? Thanks! Tom From: Astra Teller [mailto Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 1:21 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A Subject: Registration for Solve for Hey Tom, Can you take a moment and register ism)? Thanks! - Astro -- Astra From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 11:47 AM To: George Ivanov Subject: FW: Public Access: Public Comment meetings, May 14-17, 2013 Federal Register notice Attachments: FR 2013?10298.pdf From: Friedlander, Amy [m_ailt_m? Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 9:57 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Gutmann, Myron Gabriel, Clifford Jackson, Lisa Plimpton, Suzanne H. Subject: Pubiic Access: Public Comment meetings, May 14-17, 2013 Federal Register notice Dear Michael, The Federal Register notice is attached. Do you want to circulate it to both groups with a note asking people to let us know if there are corrections to be mad so that we publish a correction in the Thanka Amy Ana-murmuth momma-qu- :me.mvl0? 25484 Federal Register/ Vol. 78, No. Bil/Wednesday, May 1, 2013/Notices for any appropriate cooperation with LSC or other entity authorized to receive such cooperation. The proposed change to the grant assurance requires recipients to provide the notification to staff and volunteers in writing. Grant Assurance #17 requires LSC recipients to maintain all records pertaining to the grant and supporting documents sufficient for LSC to audit those records. The proposed change to the grant assurance requires recipients to follow the record retention requirements provided in Appendix II of the Accounting Guide for LSC Recipients [2010 Edition]. The proposed LSC grant assurances for calendar year 2014 funding, in redline format indicating the proposed changes to the current 2013 Grant Assurances,? are at Han? sites/olefault/files/Granfs Re erenceMoteriois/ZOI 4 GrontAssurances-Proposed. :1de Interested parties are requested to provide comments concerning the proposed grant assurances for 2014 grant awards within a period of thirty [30] days from the date of publication of this notice. Dated: April 25, 2013. A. Jennings, Vice President for Grants Management. Doc. 2013?10243 Filed am] BILLING CODE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Advisory Committee for Engineering; Notice of Meeting; Correction This document corrects a notice that was published in the Federal Register on April 24, 2013 on page 24239. The subject heading of the document should read as follows: Advisory Committee for Computer and Information Science and Engineering, #1115; Notice of Meeting All other information in the April 24, 2013 notice remains the same. Dated: April 25, 2013. Susanne Bolton, Committee Man agem ent Officer. Doc. 201340197 Filed am} BILLING coDE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Public Access to Federally Supported Research and Development Data and Publications: Two Planning Meetings AGENCIES: National Science Foundation, Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Technical Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Defense, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department for Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Centers for Dis ease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, United States Food and Drug Administration, United States Geological Survey, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Transportation, Department of Veterans Affairs, Environmental Protection Agency, Institute of Museum and Library Services, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Smithsonian Institution, United States Agency for International Development. ACTION: Notice of Open Meetings. SUMMARY: This notice announces meetings organized by the National Science Foundation with the cooperation of other agencies [listed above]. DATES: May 14, 2013, 9 a.m.?5 May 15,2013, 9 a.m.w12 May 16, 2013, 9 a.m.?5 May 17,2013, 9 a.m.?12 p.m. ADDRESSES: Auditorium, NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2 101 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 201418 [filing] CurrentProiects/DBASSE 082378] FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Myron Gutmann, National Science Foundation, Directorate for Social. Behavioral and Economic Sciences, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230. Phone [703] 292?8700, fax [703] 292?9803; Dr. Clifford]. Gabriel, National Science Foundation, Office ofthe Director, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230. Phone [703] 292?8002, fax [703] 292?? 9232. The most current information concerning these meetings can be found on the Web site: fitted] CurrentProiects/DBASSE 0823 78 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Purpose of the Meetings: To seek broad input from concerned stakeholder groups concerning issues related to expanding public access to the results of Federally funded including peer- reviewed journal articles and digital scientific data, as part of the planning process called for in the Memorandum on Expanding Public Access to the Results of Federally Funded Research, released by the Office of Science and Technology Policy on February 22, 2013 (Section Summary: On behalf of a group of agencies, the National Academy of Sciences has organized 2 two-day meetings, one on public and a second on data, to allow members of the public and representatives of concerned stakeholder groups and communities to voice their concerns about issues related to public access to the results Federally funded and thus to allow agencies which are covered by the February 22, 2013 memorandum and others which are complying with its terms voluntarily to consider these views as the agencies develop their respective plans, which are due to OSTP on August 22, 2013. Public Participation: The meetings are open to the public. However, registration is required through the Web Transcript: A transcript of the meetings and written comments will be nosted to the Web site within 60 days: ittp tes.nati0nalacademies. orgg} DBASSE/CurrentProiectsZ DBASSE 082378 Issued in Washington, DC on April 26, 2013. Suzanne Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, National Science 0 an da ti on . Doc. 2013?10298 Filed 4?30?13: 8:45 am] BILLING CODE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket NO.: 40-8452; License Amendment for Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Bear Creek Facility, Converse County, Wyoming AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact; issuance. SUMMARY: The US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is considering the issuance of a license amendment to Source Materials License issued to Anadarko Petroleum Corporation or the licensee] to authorize alternate concentration limits at its point of compliance wells and the deletion of License Condition No. 47 for its Bear Creek Uranium Mill facility in Converse County, Wyoming. The NRC has prepared an environmental assessment for this proposed action in accordance with its regulations. Based From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 12:12 PM TO: (6) Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Fantastic. Feel free to caii me if you get iost [lam? There be two presentations tomorrow, one from you and one from Mike Carroll on licensing. If it's alright with you, Mike wiil go first. Can you also bring your presentation on a USB key? Best, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [maiit Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 12:06 PM To: Stebbins, Michaei J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articies Hi Mike: thanks! I used to live close to their beltsville campus when was at UMD, didn't know about USDA buildings near the mall. I will send you my slides tonight. See you tomorrow. anurag On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Hi Anurag, The USDA has two buildings on independence avenue. We will be in the south building, 1400 independence Ave SW and 12th Street SW right near to the Smithsonian Metro Stop (independence Exit). The Room Number is 3109 (on the 3rd Floor). Wiil you be abie to share your slides later today so I can distribute them to those peeple who will be joining us by phone? Kind Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailt Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: I do need to know where the meeting would be held Would be hard to attend/present I tried searching for the meeting online, no luck. Would appreciate a quick note. Thanks. anurag On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: could you send me the address for this week's meeting? You had mentioned USDA. W0uld that mean the National Agricultural Library or some place else with in the Beltsville ampus? azmrag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Great. Talk to you soon. From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 02:38 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles In 5 mins? I will be a (6) (conf room direct number). If that doesn't work, my cell number is anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Hey there, Just tried to call. Let me know when you are free. Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:50 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally ?rnded research articles Hi Mike: today, 10:30am?l2130pm and 3?5pm would work; tomorrow, 9- 10, noon?5pm. all times paci?c. anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Thanks. Do you have time for a quick chat Eater today or tomorrow? From: Anurag Acharya [mailt Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 5:49 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: checking chance discuss possible dates for a presentation with the group? I have some possible family travel coming up in mid ?late May, nailing this down would help us scheduling - wise. Thanks. anurag On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Fantastic. 1 will discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We arejuggiing a number of presentations, Hi Mike: any idea which dates would work? I will be in Toronto on 22 ?23 speaking at the annual conference of library consortia, so coming over to DC would be easier that week than others. cheers, anurag Howis next weeklooking foryou? Mornings 9am-1pm Paci?c would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm ?3pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3-5pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anurag i From: Anurag Acharya [mailto m? Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM To: Stebbins, Michael]. 5 Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles i Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to speak to the i interagency group - to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our proposal in detail. 3 You had mentioned that the group meets on thursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, the following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved from LA to Palo Alto - which makes for a long TODO list, as Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be good to cover in the - presentation. cheers, anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sounds good. I will be a (6) anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael (6) wrote: How about tomorrow at 530pm Eastern? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto (6 Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after _10am Pacific/ 1 pm Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 10am ?2pm Paci?c would work Mon ->Thurs and lO-lpm Friday. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be a (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: . Sorry. I am on vacation. How about Tuesday? I am open from 1 -3. I Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. 5 Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles 5 Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, anurag - On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let - me know some times that would. cheers, I anurag On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week of April 1 St? Best, Mike i 5 From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, MiChae' 3- Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles ?inded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly :5 available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long ?term stewaYdShiP- As the lead for Google Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. I ave also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally ?mded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation. Q3 cheers, anurag From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:34 AM T03 (6) Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Thanks! From: Anurag Acharya [maiit m? Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 11:22 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: My presentation is attached. see you soon. anurag On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 6:47 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Any chance you can send your presentation now? i would like to distribute them in an hou or 50. Best Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto I Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 01:27 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: I will send you the slides tomorrow morning. My ?ight in was delayed and there is a bit of work that I still need to do on the talk/ BTW, David Lipman mentioned he would like to attend my presentation. cheers, anurag On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Stebbins, Michael]. wrote: Hi Anurag, The USDA has two buiidings on independence avenue. We will be in the south buiiding, 1400 Independ ence Ave SW and 12th Street SW right near to the Smithsonian Metro Stop (?ndependence Ave Exit). The Room Number is 3109 (on the 3rd Floor). Wilt you be able to share your slides iater today so I can distribute them to those peopie who will be joining us by phone? Kind Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: I do need to know where the meeting would be held Would be hard to attend/present Itried searching for the meeting online, no luck. Would appreciate a quick note. Thanks. anurag On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Anurag A charya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: could you send me the address for this week's meeting? You had mentioned USDA. Would that mean the National Agricultural Library or some place else with in the Belt sville campus? aiiurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Great. Talk to you soon. From: .. .. . . Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 02:38 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles In 5 mins? I will be a (6) (conf room direct number). If that doesn't work, my cell number is anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Hey there, Just tried to call. Let me know when you are free. Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:50 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: today, 10:30am-12z30pm and 3?5pm would work; tomorrow, 9?10, noon-5pm. all times pacific. anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) I wrote: Thanks. Do you have time 1for a quick chat later today or tomorrow? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: MOnday, April 15, 2013 5:49 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: checking chance to discuss possible dates for a presentation with the group? I have some possible family travel coming up in mid ?late May, nailing this down would help us scheduling - wise. Thanks. anurag On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at l2:4l PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Fantastic. 1 will discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We are juggling a number of presentations. Hi Mike: any idea which dates would work? I will be in Toronto on 22 ~23 speaking at the annual conference of library consortia, so coming over to DC would be easier that week than others. cheers, anurag - How is next week looking for you? Mornings 9am?1pm Pacific would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm ?3 pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3-5 pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anurag 3 From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM T0: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally ?lnded research articles 3 Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to Speak to the interagency group to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our proposal in detail. You had mentioned that the group meets on thursdays. Would April 25th Thur sday work? If not, the 5 following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved from LA to Palo Alto which makes for a long TODO list, as - Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discu ss what would be good to cover in the presentation. cheers, anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sounds goodlwill bea (6) enurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013at3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: How about tomorrow at Eastern? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto 3; Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded artiCleS Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 103m -2pm Pacific would work Mon->Thurs and 10? 1 pm Friday. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick reSponse! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be at (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Sorry. lam on vacation. How about Tuesday? I am open from 1 3. 5 From: Anurag Acharya [mailto m? I Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles 3 Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. - cheers, anurag 5 On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let i me know some times that would. - 5 cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebb ins, Michael J. wrote: Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week of April 1 Best, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael]. Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing pu blic access to research articles funded by i i federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long ?term stewardship. AS the lead for GOOgle Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. I have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexin their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation. cheers, anurag From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 9:47 AM T0: (6) Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Any chance you can send your presentation now? I would like to distribute them in an hour or so. Best, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailt Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 01:27 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: I will send you the slides tomorrow morning. My ?ight in was delayed and there is a bit of work that I still need to do on the talk/ BTW, David Lipman mentioned he would like to atten my presentation. cheers, anurag On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Hi Anurag, The USDA has two buildings on lndependen ce avenue. We will be in the south building, 1400 Independence Ave SW and 12th Street SW right near to the Smithsonian Metro Stop (independence Ave Exit). The Room Number is 3109 (on the 3rd Floor). WilE you be able to share your slides later today so I ca distribute them to those people who be joining us by phone? Kind Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. I Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: I do need to know where the meeting would be held Would be hard to attend/present I tried searching for the meeting online, no luck. Would appreciate a quick note. Than ks. anura On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: could you send me the address for this week's meeting? You had mentioned USDA. Would that mean the National Agricultural Library or some place else with in the Beltsville campus? ansrag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Great. Talk to you soon. From: Anurag ACharya [manto .. .. .. .. .. Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 02:38 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles In 5 mins? I will be a (6) (confroom direct number). Ifthat doesn't work, my cell number is anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Hey there, Just tried to call. Let me know when you are free. Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:50 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: today, 10:30am?12:30pm and 3?5pm would work; tomorrow, 9-10, noon?5pm. all times paci?c. anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Thanks. Do you have time for a quick chat later today or tomorrow? From: Anurag Acharya [m ailt Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 5:49 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: checking chance discuss possible dates for a presentation with the group? I have some possible family travel coming up in mid -1ate May, nailing this down would help us scheduling - wise. Thanks. anurag On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Fantastic. Ewii! discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We are juggling a number of presentations. Hi Mike: any idea which dates would work? I will be in Toronto on 22 -23 speaking at the annual conference of library consortia, so coming over to DC would be easier that week than others. cheers, anurag How is next week looking for you? I Mornings 9am-1pm Pacific would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm -3pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3-5pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anurag From: Anurag Acharya [mailto . Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM - To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles in Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to speak to the i interagency group to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our proposal in detail. I You had mentioned that the group meets on thursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, the following thursday (May 2nd)?1 was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved from LA to Palo Alto - which makes for a long TODO list, as 2 Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be good to cover in 'the presentation. I cheers, anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sounds good. I will be a (6) anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael]. wrote: How about tomorrow at 530pm Eastern? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM To: Stebbins, Michael]. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Paci?c/ 1pm Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 10am-2pm Paci?c would work Mon->Thurs and 10?1prn Friday. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday Eastern/ 10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be a (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. anurag; On Fri, Mar 29,2013 at 12: 18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Sorry. i am on vacation. How about Tuesday? I am open from 1 e3. _From:Anurag ACharya [mailto . Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM I To: Stebbins, Michael J. . Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles I 5 Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. - cheers, 1 anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let me know some times that would. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: i Thanks Anurag, 5 Do you have time to talk again on the week of April 1 5t? Best, Mike . From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM i . To: Stebbins, Michael J. 3 - Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by i federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long ?term stewardship. As the lead for Google Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. I ave also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/preposals regarding repositories for federally ?inded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation. cheers, anurag From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 12:18 PM T0: (6) Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Thanks! From: Anurag Acharya [mailt Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 12:16 PM To: Stebbins, Michael 3. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 9:11 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Fantastic. Feel free to call me if you get iost. [Exa- The re will be two presentations to morrow, one from you and one from Mike Carroll on licensing. If it's alright with you, Mike will go first. Sure, no problem. Can you also bring your presentation on a USB key? Will do. anurag Best, Mike From: mug Acharya [manta w" Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 12:06 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: thanks! I used to live close to their beltsV ille campus when I was at UMD, didn't know about USDA buildings near the mall. I will send you my slides tonight. See you tomorrow. anura On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Hi Anurag, The USDA has two buildings on Independence avenue. We will he in the south building, 1400 independence Ave SW and 12th Street SW right near to the Smithsonian Metro Stop (independence Ave Exit). The Room Number is 3109 (on the 3rd Floor). Wit! you be able to share your slides later today so i can distribute them to those people who will be joining us by phone? Kind Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles - Hi Mike: I do need to know where the meeting would be held Would be hard to attend/present I tried searching for the meeting online, no luck. Would appreciate a quick note. Thanks. anurag On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Anurag Acha rya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: could you send 'me the address for this week's meeting? You had mentioned USDA. Would that mean the National Agricultural Library or some place else with in the Beltsvi lle campus? an?ur On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Great. Talk to you soon. From: Anurag Acharya [maiito m? Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 02:38 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles In 5 mins? I will be a (6) (conf room direct number). If that doesn?t work, my cell number is anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Hey there, Just tried to call. Let me know when you are free. Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:50 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: today, 10:30am?12:30pm and 3-5pm would work; tomorrow, 9-10, noon-5pm. all times paci?c. 3 anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanks. Do you have time for a quick chat Eater today or tomorrow? From: Anurag Acharya [maiito Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 5:49 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: checking chance to discuss possible dates for a presentation with the group? I have some possible family travel coming up in mid -1ate May, nailing this down would help us scheduling - wise. Thanks. anurag On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Fantastic. discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We are juggling a numbe of presentations. Hi Mike: any idea which dates would work? I will be in Toronto on 22 -23 speaking at the annual conference of library consortia, so coming over to DC would be easier that week than others. cheers, anurag 5 How is next week iooki ng for you? Mornings 9am-1pm Paci?c would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm ~3pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3-5pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anura From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM i T0: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles - Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to speak to the interagency group - to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our proposal in detail. 3 You had mentioned that the group meets on thursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, the I following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved from LA to Palo Alto - which makes for a long TODO list, aS always-"- Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be good to cover in the 3 presentation. anurag I cheers, On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sounds good. Iwill be a (6) i anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at3221 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: How about tomorrow a 530pm Eastern? 3 From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. i Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Paci?c/l pm Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 103m -2pm Paci?c would work Mon->Thurs and 10- 1pm Friday. cheers, .l anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/ 10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be at 650 450~ 1634. If it would be easier for 1116 to call, let me know the number to call. anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Sorry. 1 am on vacation. How about Tuesday? I am open from 1 -3. I From: Anurag Acharya [mailto ?gm? Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. 3 cheers, 5 anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya m? wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let me know some times that would. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 22,2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week of April 1 St? Best, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM 5. To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: repository for federally funded research articles I Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are include in a publicly '2 available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long -term stewardship. 3 As the lead for Goo gle Scholar, I have worked with publ ishers and libraries worldwide. I have also worked 5 with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my 5 experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation. cheers, anurag From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 6:29 PM To: George Iva nov Subject: RE: Quick Call Later This Week George, Thanks, would be my pleasure, though this week is siammed, What?re the topics? Will taik to my team about what can open up, -rD From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 4:45 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Quick Call Later This Week Hi David, Thank you for taking the time to meet with everyone earlier to day. If you have some time later this week, we should catch up with a quick call to discuss a number of Speci?c areas of interest. Friday is wide open for me but let me know which day/time might work best for you. Sincerely, George George lvanov Policy Analyst Googie Inc. 101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) (6) From: JOhanna ShElton Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:25 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Release just sent you our stuff here is FTC release FTC press release: On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Johanna, I hear-big news coming out momentarily. Do you have the release and any accompanying materials from Google?s side? Obviously, lots of interest here at the WH. Thanks, ?David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Policy pin i Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:25 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: FTC action Please let me know if you have any questions - Our biog post: Our commitment letter: content/untrusted de02012.odf Johanna Shelton Senior Policy CounSel Googie inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 [[315- Googie Voice From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 11:47 PM To: George Ivanov Subject: RE: Quick Call Later This Week George, How?s tomorrow late afternoon? Things are a bit fiuid right now, but give me a sense of your timing and fl? ring when I?m not across the street. ~rD . From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:54 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Quick Call Later This Week Thank you David. I'm primarily interested in discussing privacy and law enforcement issues. Sincerely, George 011 Tue, May 7, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: George, Thanks, wouid be my pleasure, though this week is slammed. What?re the topics? Will talk to my team about what can open up. ~rD From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 4:45 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Quick Call Later This Week Hi David, Thank you for taking the time to meet with everyone earlier today. If you have some time later this week, we should catch up with a quick call to discuss a number of speci?c areas of interest. Friday is wide open for me but let me know which day/time might work best for you. Sincerely, George George ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. '1 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) George Evaoov 'Poiicy Analyst 1 Google inc. 1101 New York Ave- NW Washi.11gton._ DC 20005 (6) From: JOhanna Shelton Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:33 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: FTC action let me know if you have any questions On Thu, Jan 3. 2013 at 1:25 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: l?m watching the webcast now. Thanks for the links! From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 1:25 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: FTC action Please let me know if you have any questions Our blog post: -fed Our commitment letter: content/untrusted dec2012.pdf Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 @16- Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 10:47 AM . (6) Subject: White House Hangout on Grand Challenges Hi Sebastian! On May 16 next week, the White House will host a Google Hangout to discuss Grand Challenges, ambitious goals on a national or global scale that capture the imagination and demand advances in innovation and breakthroughs in science and technology. Grand Challenges are an important element of President Obama?s Strategy for American innovation. As a leader in this area, we?d like to invite you to participate in our Google Hangout via remote webcam. In particular, we?d like you to focus on Google?s work on th self-driving car. Administration participants include Tom Kalil and me. Logistically, we?ll need you for no more than 45 minutes on May 16 m, sometime in the early afternoon EDT (looking to go on air for 35?45 minutes?exact time TBD). if you are willing to participate and have time on the 16 th, all you?ll need is a laptop or desktop computer, a webcam, and an internet connection. And ifyou have a logistical/technical point of contact in your office, please connect them with us. (For reference, here?s a White House hangout we did recently on the Maker Movement.) Can you let me know by Monday if you are availabl that afternoon and interested in participating? If so, awesome! If not, I?ll reach out to Astro Teller of Google[x1, unless there is someone else at Google you?d recommend. Thanks! Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and TechnOIOgy Policy Executive Office of the President From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 3:52 PM To: Laura Nelson Cc: Sergio Gandara Subject: RE: White House Hangout on Grand Challenges Great! We?re looking at either 1 PM or 2 PM EDT, and Hi get back to you soon with a final time and more details. Best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President From: Laura Nelson [mailt Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:21 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Sergio Gandara Subject: Re: White House Hangout on Grand Challenges Hi Cristin, I would be happy to help set this up! Sebastian would be happy to attend via Google Hangout on Thursday 5/16. Could you let me know what time frame we are looking at? alter 1 pm 4pm EDT would work, an Sebastian could also do 11am 2pm EDT and earlier. Please let me know what time w0uld work best, and I can help coordinate. Thanks and looking forward to hearing back from you. Laura Nelson I Udacity I 0 (6) I (I3) (6) I (6) More about Udacity: U'dacity 1 Forbes New York Times Wired On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 7:57 AM, Sebastian Thrun (6) wrote: -- Forwarded message From: "Dorgelo, Cristin" Date: May 10,2013 7:46 AM Subject: White House Hangout on Grand Challenges T03 00) (6) [131(9? Cc: Hi Sebastian! On May 16 next week, the White House will host a Goo gle Hangout to discuss Grand Challenges, ambitious goals on a national or global scale that capture the imagination and demand advances in innovation and breakthroughs in science and technology. Grand Challenges are an important element of President Obama?s Strategy for American Innovation. As a leader in this area, we?d like to invite you to participate in our Google Hangout via remote webcam. In particular, we?d like you to focus on Google?s work on the self -driving car. Administration participants include Tom Kalil and me. Logistically, we?ll need you for no more than 45 minutes on May 16 1h, sometime in the early afternoon EDT (looking to go on air for 35 -45 minutes?Fexact time TBD). If you are willing to participate and have time on the 16?, all you?ll need is a laptop or desktop computer, a webcam and an intemet connection. And if you have a lo gistical/technical point of contact in your office, please connect them with us. (For reference, here?s a White House hangout we did recently on the Maker Movement.) Can you let me know by Monday if you are available that afternoon and interested in participating? lf so, awesome! If not, I?ll reach out to Astro Teller of Google[x], unless there is someone else at Google you?d recommend. Thanks! Cristin Cristin Borgeio Assistant Director for Grand Chaiicnges Of?ce oi?Science and Technoiogy Policy Executive Of?ce of the President From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 4:48 PM To: 'George Ivanov' Subject: RE: Quick Call Later This Week George, Sorry, was pulled across the street most of the afternoon. Should we plan to chat over the weekend, or early next week? From: George lvanov Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 08:28 AM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelrnan, R. David Subject: RE: Quick Call Later This Week Hi David, The late afternoon is wide open for me from 3 You can reach me on my desk line a (6) or on my cell phone a (6) Thank you. Sincerely, George On May 8, 2013 11:46 PM, "Edelrnan, R. David" wrote: George, How?s tomorrow late a?ernoon? Things are a bit ?uid right now, but give me a sense of your timing and I?ll ring when I?m not across the street. From: George lvanov [mailt Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:54 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Quick Call Later This Week Thank you David. l'm primarily interested in discussing privacy a nd law enforcement issues. Sincerely, George On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: George, Thanks, would be my pleasure, though this week is slammed. What?re the topics? Will talk to my team about what can open up. From: George lvanov [mailto (6) Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 4: 45 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Quick Call Later This Week Hi David, Thank you for taking the time to meet with everyone earlier today. If you have some time later this week, we should catch up with a quick call to discuss a umber of speci?c areas of interest. Friday is wide open for me but let me know which day/time might work best for you. Sincerely, George -- GeOrge lvanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Googlie Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) From: Edeiman, R. David Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 To: George Ivanov Subject: RE: Quick Call Later This Week George, Will there be muitipie on the iine? if not pleasejust ring me directiy, as I may be mobiie, ~rD R. David EdeIman Senior Adviser for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy direct: (202 5 I 5 From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 11:10 AM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: Re: Quick Cali Later This Week Great. We can use the following dial-in informatio (6) (Conference Code: 7327891852). Sincerely, George On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: 33:30 on Monday. Speak then From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 04:52 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelrnan, R. David Subject: Re: Quick Call Later This Week Hi David, No problem. Any time on Monday from 1 1 ?1 or 3?4 would work. Have a good weekend! Sincerely, George On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: 1 George, Sorry, was pulled across the street most of the afternoon. Should we plan to chat over the weekend, or early next week? Message?--?? From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 08:28 AM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: RE: Quick Call Later This Week Hi David, The late afternoon is wide open for me from 3 You can reach me on my desk line a (6) or on my cell phone a (6) Thank you. Sincerely, George On May 8, 2013 11:46 PM, "Edelman, R. David" wrote: George, How?s tomorrow late afternoon? Things are a bit ?uid right now, but give me a sense 0 your timing and I?ll ring when I?m not across the street. From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:54 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Quick Call Later This Week Thank you David. I'm primarily interested in discussing privacy and law enforcement issues. Sincerely, George On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Edehnan, R. David wrote: George, Thanks, would be my pleasure, though this week is slammed. What?re the topics? Will talk to my team about what can open up. From: George Ivanov [mailto (6) Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 4:45 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Quick Call Later This Week Hi David, Thank you for taking the time to meet with everyone-earlier today. If you have so me time later this week, we should catch up with a quick call to discuss a number of speci?c areas of interest. Friday is wide open for me but let me know which day/time might work best for you. Sincerely, George George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) (6) George lvanov Policy Analyst 1 Goegle 1:10. 1 101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 . George lveeov Policy Analyst I Google lne. 1102. New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (1919?. From: Sent To: Subject: Vint Cerf (6) I Monday, January 07, 2013 8:15 AM Alec Ross; Ari Schwartz; bruce andrews; francisco sanchez; Jane Lute; Larry Strickling; mark weatherford; Sapiro, Miriam; pat gallagher; Philip 1. Verveer; Rich O'Lear; Kalil, Thomas A. Fwd: eg update top risks 2013 Forwarded message From: Bremmer, Ian (13) (6) Date: Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 8:04 AM Subject: eg update top risks 2013 To: Vinton Cerf (6) dear vint, it?s 2013. we've made it. for those of us watching ?orn the united states, the last few days of 2012 (to say nothing of the ?rst couple of this year) were touch and go. but here we a re. political risk has entered our vocabulary. whether staring over the ?scal cliff, battling the eurozone crisis, trying to pro?t from a rising china, or taking cover from the middle east; around the world, politics has come to dominate market outcomes. geoeconomics now sits alongside geopolitics in matters of war, peace, and prosperity. economic statecra? is a key component of global foreign policy. state capitalism is a principal challenge to the free market. that's been increasingly true for the la st four years because of the way perceptions of political risk have spread across the developed world. since the ?nancial crisis, what did or didn't happen in washington has had an outsized impact on market outcomes. so too the reaction of european govern ments and pan-european political institutions to a crippling, systemic eurozone crisis. we've seen a succession of ?ve governments injapan digging out, ?rst from the recession and then from the largest-scale natural disaster the world has seen in decades. in responding to the worst economic slowdown since the great depression, it's no surprise that political risk has come to the fore. dramatic government action was called for, and global markets moved to price in the resulting uncertainty. but looking to 2013, political risk in the developed world is now 1 overstated. despite the chaos in congress -?which we'll surely see much more of in the coming year--concems about the ?scal cliff in the united states have been overplayed. so too the fragmentation of the eurozone. and the impact of continued zero growth in japan. the takeaway: the world's advanced industrialized democracies are much more resilient than feared, and their dOWnside risk is "bounded." indeed, in the aftermath of a major crisis, most are eve "anti??agile." when i started eurasia group in 1998, we focused on emerging markets. my de?nition of emerging markets served just as well as a business plan: "those countries where politics matters at least as much as economics to market outcomes." that de?nition has seemed quaint with the eurozone in crisis and us credit ratings downgraded. but it?s still the case. indeed, it's more important now than ever before. for the past ?ve years, emerging markets have accounted for two -thirds of the world's growth. by 2020, that number is expected to grow to 75%. the heightened political risk resulting from that change would be a primary challenge even in a geopolitically stable context of us-led globalization. but in a g-zero world with an absence of global leadership and geopolitics very much "in play," everyone will face more volatility. that's going to prove a much bigger problem for emerging markets than the developed world. in 2013, the ?rst true post -?nancial crisis year, we'll start to see that more clearly. and so the top risk this year is: 1 emerging markets: not less risky for the past four years, we've been uncritically thank?il for the emerging markets. set against what seemed like crippled developed countries, emerging market growth kept trade moving, commodities prices afloat, and offered attractive investment opportunities. but in a tougher overall growth environment where the us economy looks like a better bet and the potential for explosive risk in the eurozone goes aWay, concerns over emerging markets and their future will again receive closer attention. emerging markets will have much more volatility and instability than the advanced industrial democracies. some still make good (if not safe) bets for the same reasons they have in the paSt--outsized growth potential makes "tail risk" more acceptable, but the era of emerging market abundance is ?nished. so in 2013, it's critical to understand that emerging market doWHside differs wildly from country to country, and in many of them, in marked contrast to developed markets, 2 that risk is "unbounded." that means we have to stop treating emerging markets (to say nothing of the increasingly suspect BRICs) as an asset class for outsized growth and instead consider which developing country gov ernments have enough political capital to remain on track toward a more advanced stage of development. in that context, it's worth breaking down emerging markets into three broad categories: a - becoming developed. these are governments with the tools to respond effectively to domestic and international challenges and continue to put policies in place that make investment more attractive over time, reducing the chances of sudden crises. many emerging markets in latin america are in this basket. in part, that's a structural advantage: the lack of geOpolitical turmoil in the region and the ability of many latin american governments to "pivot" in a more fragmented globalization environment. but it's also a result of the work of three leaders who enter 2013 wit signi?cant political capital: post-lula, brazil?s dilma rousseff; post-uribe, colombia's juan manuel santos; and, the most exciting story, post ?calderon, mexico?s enrique pena nieto --one of the only leaders in the emerging market space willing and able to advance structural economic reforms. in the middle east, despite the domestic struggle over a new constitution and turmoil along its borders, turkey ?ts in this category, thanks in part to many years of structural reform as part of an en membership bid that will never be realized. a few gulf states, oman and (especially) the united arab emirates, have worked hard to diversify their economies and belong in this group. in asia, south korea and the long -lagging malaysia and philippines, the latter two now on track to seriously improve broad economic policy (and the philippines starting to ?nally tackle pervasive corruption), get the nod. given a sudden economic shock, none of these markets has the stability or resilience of the united states, japan, or ev en the european economies. but they're getting closer, and all look set to solidly perform in 2013 and beyond. 5 still emerging?4nd problematically so. these are countries with upside, but dramatically greater volatility than is generally understood--the result of lower levels of political stability (and/or unwillingness to accept domestic political risk) combined with stronger economic headwinds. a few countries that have looked particularly good in past years make this list. india is an important example, with signi?cant long?term structural advantages but an extremely troubled political reform environment --more on this with risk indonesia, for several years considered a star among emerging markets, now deserves considerably more caution. there, president susilo bambang yudhoyono?s political capital has 3 been steadily eroding ahead of upcoming elections, and prospects for credible economic reform have stalled. many of the larger middle east economies, egypt and iraq in particular, also ?t here. both countries have enormous potential but far more downside, given growing social discontent and political violence and a structurally troubled political environment. longer term, even much more stable countries like saudi arabia belong in this category. th ailand belongs here thanks to poor existing governance against the backdrop of troubled and uncertain succession. in peru, ollanta humala has been effective in a high-growth environment, but the risk of a return to serious p0pulism and nationalism as life gets more dif?cult is larger than most appreciate. south africa, where leadership has deteriorated steadily at every step from mandela, is part of this group. in 2013, we are likely to see the rise ofeconomic pOpulism and a decidedly negative trajectory for the country (more on that with risk then there's china, where doubling down on the present development model to safeguard stability makes us more con?dent on domestic economic growth ?-but far more worried that foreign companies and investors wo n't bene?t from it. the investment environment will remain opaque and more oriented toward bene?ting domestic players, as china's relative power balance vis?a-vis international actors becomes more apparent. uncertainty over china?s short - to medium- term trajectory is an order of magnitude greater than that of any other major global economy. - backslidi'ng. these are essentially "submerging markets," countries that are both under ?performing and generating unacceptable levels of political risk. absent effective governance and facing signi?cant economic challenges, thCSe markets don?t deserve the bene?ts they draw from being lumped in the emerging market category?~and should be ?agged accordingly. the most notable of these countries is russia, where opportunities are diminishing on pretty much every front but strategic resource development. president vladimir putin?s popularity is starting to wane, but there's no change in his hold on power nor any willingness to reconsider his statist, highly centralized, and staggeringly corrupt approach to economic deve10pment. external relations are becoming more challenging with both europe and the united states, and capital ?ight continues apace. it's not just hard to consider russia a it's hard to justi?ably categorize it as a truly emerging market. ditto many previ0usly hailed "frontier" markets, where political risk has destroyed the credibility of governments and created much more downside. pakistan ?ts this description, with high?level political assassinations and an increasingly unstable government drawing less international aid and political interest. so too ukraine, with poor governance, no imf deal, and nowhere else to turn but russia. much of north africa belongs here?-algeria and post?qaddafi libya, in particular. and the increasingly marginal players in latin america ??venezuela, a petrostate that's teetering along with Chavez's health, and argentina, with a government unwilling to improve the domestic economic or political environment. when china becomes the world?s largest economy, we'll likely stop using the term emerging markets altogether. but until then, it's worth understanding that we're no longer talking about a de?nable asset class. a number of these countries will contribute the bulk of the world's political risk in 2013. 2 china vs information take a serious look at china and the risks come faster than you can process: labor scarcity, pensions, inef?ciency of state owned enterprises, con?icts in the east and south china 3 eas, clean water availability, clean air, food and commodity scarcity (and prices). take your pick, there's more than enough to worry about. none of these are new. more importantly, none of them are imminent threats to stability. as the chinese government has shown?-very effectively for more than three decades -?they can manage a wide range of risks for longer than we think. except one. the ?ow of information. cyberspace is the most effective venue for the sudden exposure of personal information?-whether forced or accidental. in recent months, we've seen more and more examples of this. in the united states, nobody enjoys the privacy they used to. not new york residents with gun licenses having their addresses published after the newtown tragedy; not ever larger numbers of leaders (cia director david petraeus, federal prosecutors in louisiana, and a host of congressmen) suddenly ousted following scandals that broke online; not facebook ceo mark zuckerberg's sister randi when her private family photos got posted publicly. in the deve10ped world, that's an annoyance, but the same trend in china has far more serious implications. in a chinese economy that's increasingly information driven, a larger, 5 better educated middle class needs access to the internet as part of their work expects it as part of their daily life. some of that information is directly undermining the political legitimacy of china's t0p leaders. maintaining the dominant voice in communications and information ?ows--and limiting online and of?ine information channels beyond the state --remains one of the most iinportant political tools that the chinese communist party holds. the leadership is unaccustomed to seeing its dirty laundry online, and completely unprepared for the pub lic accountability this new trend demands. in particular, the sudden transparency of china's t0p military and civilian leaders' personal and family wealth and how they wield their power poses a grave danger, one they're prepared to take extraordinary measures to manage. the widening popular discord in hong kong is a good example ofwhere beijing is headed with its contradictory approaches to information and economics; the chances of a sharper deterioration of public con?dence in government will grow sharply in that city in 2013, as hong kong becomes a liability rather than an asset for beijing. the reaction of the chinese leadership to this threat is changing. for well over a decade, response 1.0 was the great firewall of china. while that continues to be a part of beijing's strategy (with a renewed effort to tackle firewall evasion tactics and the national people's congress just last week passing legislation that would force all internet users to register their names??to better allow government tracking), the government has given up on the idea that sensitive information will somehow be kept away from its citizens. with nearly half of china's population online, and almost 400 million microblogging and social messaging on weibo (china?s twitter), the chinese government has lost that battle. instead, china vs information 2.0 means working to be the loudest voice-and to steer the conversation. that's leading to two different policy approaches by the chinese government, both of which have signi?cant downside implications. first, consolidation at the top and, relatedly, more risk-averse behavior. if there's one thing the chinese government has done during the current leadership transition, it's been to consolidate the leadership because they're most concerned with keeping the elite on a single page. it means slow progress on economic reform and bleak expectations for political reform, ensuring instead that the top leaders Speak consistently with one voice. the biggest threat perceived by the chinese government is an unorthodoxy that brings trouble ?om outside. and so we expect an abundance of policy caution from beijing in 2013. second, there is nationalism. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. the chinese leadership can't control the online discourse, so they need to be the loudest voice online ?-and channel emotionally charged discussions into areas that are less threatening to beijing. from the chinese government's perspective, who should be to blame when the chinese population gets upset? others. familiar domestic "enemies" like tibetans and uighurs will see some of the scapegoating, but we'll also see a signi?cant increase in hostility toward expatriates. anti-us sentiment in china and beijing's willingness to take on regional battles, eSpecially with japan, are on the rise. this threat will likely grow in coming months. if the government feels it's starting to truly lose the struggle to contain and shape information flows, they'll react with more crackdown, more arrests, and tighter control of the web. that's negative for the economy and a disaster for china's international image and "peace?il developmen approach to policy??isolating china further from other countries. the most likely near-term impact is a doubling down on existing policy and sharper nationalism in the region and more broadly. china's rise??a godsend for the markets during the ?nancial crisis-~increasingly drives con?ict in the post -?nancial crisis period. that con?ict is likely to see a signi?cant spike in 2013. 3 - arab summer it was barely more than a year ago that we were talking hope?illy about an arab spring. middle east dictators were facing a wave of domestic dissent; international observers wondered whether it could be that the "end of history" from eastern europe and the former soviet union would come to the middle east. that has morphed not into "arab winter, where dictators rebound and consolidate power, but a long, hot, arab summer??with radicalized movements, sectarian and islamist, playing a much more important role. rising tensions over iran's confrontation with israel and the west are signi?cant enough to merit their own top risk. but beyond iran, the middle east is now plagued with various overlapping tensions: sectarianism, especially an increasingly violent confrontation between sunni and shia both within and between countries; rising extremism, especially the resurgence of sunni extremism in the form of jihadist and al qaeda-related groups; regional great power tensions, as the traditional western powers, espe cially the united states, remain mainly on the sidelines and new actors jostle for 7 in?uence; and continued political tension and the lack of economic progress in the states that were at the forefront of the "arab spring." at the epicenter of this cauldro lies syria where peaceful protests against president bashar a1 -assad evolved last year into a bloody civil war that has since become a proxy war engaging the region?s shia powers ??iran and lebanese hizbullah??on the one side, and sunni powers--turkey, saudi arabia and qatar??on the other. in the west, the syrian civil war is often cast as a humanitarian crisis, but in risk terms, the signi?cance of syria is less in its humanitarian dimension than its geopolitical implications. syria has become a magnet for jihadists after bin laden's successor, ayman al-zawahiri, declared jihad against the assad regime?-the ?rst government thus designated that was not a close american ally. tehran's decision to double down on its support for assad upped the regional sta kes, especially given the increasing willingness of the regime to use airpower against (largely sunni) civilian centers. the hope in the west was that the syrian regime would crumble, split, or seek a negotiated settlement. none of that has happened, and the west is now caught between its unwillingness to get more deeply involved and its lack of an alternative strategy to address the crisis. heading into 2013, syria's descent into chaos is spreading insecurity into iraq, jordan, and turkey, and threatens unhinge the greater levant. rising sunni militancy in syria is spilling over into iraq?s sunni triangle, and syria has again become the entry?point for foreign jihadists, challenging both the shia-dominated government in baghdad and the country's sunni political establishment. less obvious but equally challenging for iraqi stability and for the overall regional map is the emergence of a de?facto kurdish mini-zone in northern syria, whose impact is now felt across kurdish communities in turkey, iraq and iran. (reminder: the kurds were the only major group not to get their own state after the ottoman empire collapsed at the end of world war in iraq, the kurdish regional government is becoming more aggressive in promoting its energy development agenda against the wishes of baghdad, and will seek to take political advantage should syria's sunni?shia proxy war spread into iraq. in response to all this, iraqi prime minister al-maliki is leaning further toward iran in his constant tight -rope walk between tehran, the regional sunni powers, and washington. this will further antagonize the saudis and turks. in a region where shia -sunni tension cannot be contained, a uni?ed and stable iraq becomes less and less likely. in north africa, new regimes are having a di f?cult time consolidating and establishing a new political identity that can accommodate the challenging mix of deepening islamism, pressing economic demands, and a disturbing lack of strong political leadership. libya is the most negative face of this dynamic, where qadda?'s most lasting legacy appears to be institutional destruction so deep that restoring even basic security and legitimacy has not proven possible. in its absence, radical elements are providing basic security and fragmented governance in many areas of the country. in egypt, the story is more mixed, especially at the political level, where the media continues to label every political challenge a regime crisis. but at some point president mohamed morsi will have to pay much more attention to egypt's economy if the muslim brotherhood is to consolidate its support. the country's foreign reserves and currency have plummeted, tourism remains stalled in the face of constant political maneuvering, and negotiations for a much -needed $4.8 billion imf loan have dragged on due to the constitutional crisis." ineffective rule could easily swing towards greater populism and governance by the lowest common very hard to see a win for the moderate secular "revolution" here. 4 - washington politics 2013 should be a year for reform progress and renewed economic dynamism in the united states. structurally, the us is on the brink ofbig upside developments-?a domestic energy revolution that will reduce domestic production costs and improve the trade balance, the potential for major transpaci?c and transatlantic trade agreements, a rebounding housing sector, and a business community that is emerging from the ?nancial crisis in strong condition. moreover, president obama should be at the height of his political capital after winning re-election in november, and republicans should have much more freedom to compromise than after the 2010 electoral repudiation of the president and his party which led to gridlock in the past two years. but every silver lining has a dark cloud, and dysfunctional american politics will weigh on both the economic recovery and the president's legislative agenda. we are not predicting a politically induced new recession, let alone a major ?nancial crisis. but political uncertainty over corporate taxes and a series of noisy brinkmanship episodes will generate a modest but real drag on growth. the fiscal cliff was averted, but the process by which the deal was reached casts a long shadow over hopes that the election 9 might create a more conducive environment for cooperation centered on president obama and house speaker john boehner. the model of vice president joe biden and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell reaching a one ?minute?to?midnight deal and then steamrolling it through the house of representatives does not bode well for legislative politics this year. the cliff deal looks like the latest of a series of small, tactical legislative victories for the president ??getting hundreds of billions in new revenue with virtually no spending cuts in return--that he has been unable to turn to larger strategic advantage. push will come to shove pretty quickly with the conjunction in late february of the debt ceiling limit, the end of the sequestration extension, and the need for a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown. obama has said he will refuse to negotiate over the debt ceiling, while republicans see this series of decisions as their best chance to extract the entitlement reform and discretionary spending cuts that they failed to win in the ?scal cliff endgame. the politics of the ?scal cliff strengthened obama's hand, since republicans did not want to take the blame for higher taxes for all americans. the politics of the debt ceiling will not be so favorable for him. markets generally discipline political actors who fail to solve problems or push ?scal problems to the brink. but in the united states, bond market pressure for ?scal consolidation and equity market pressure to support growth are now close to irrelevant considerations in the political process. bond market pressure is absent because the united states remains a relative investment safe haven, and the recent ease with which obama and boehner walked away from broader de?cit reduction demonstrated the "safe haven curse." therefore, politicians have little reason to agree to take the pain on the de?cit reduction side. washington is also suffering from the "procrastinator's curse." with all four major brinkmanship events in the past ?ve years ending in agreements (tarp, shutdown, debt limit, ?scal cliff), markets have been "trained" to reserve judgment until the end, minimizing one feedback mechanism that would otherwise force washington to agree to deals more swi?ly. media attention has focused like a laser on house republicans and their responsibility for washington's dysfunction, but only the president can shi? the politics of ?scal policy. obama could change the political dynamic in his state of the union address by presenting a new bipartisan pitch for a big ?scal compromise. but the bar for engaging a restive set of house republicans has been raised considerably, and we see little 10 indication that obama will take this opportunity. 5 - - japan, israel and britain there are three current global trends that matter most: china is rising, the middle east is exploding, and europe is n1uddling through. set against a g?zero backdrop, the structural losers of these trends are the JlBs, countries impacted most directly and problematically by changes now underway in the geopolitical order. these countries ?nd themselves in very similar positions -for three reasons. 1) their special relationships with the united states no longer carry quite the importance, or centrality, that they used to. 2) they sit just outside the major geopolitical changes underway-and have few available means of playing a constructive role in them. 3) key domestic constraints in all three countries (political, social, historic, and otherwise) make it particularly dif?cult for these countries to respond effectively to the challenges posed by these changes. japan faces a much tougher relationship with china, one that's far more dif?cult to navigate than other countries in asia. unlike other asian countries, where chin a's leaders believe that the power balance (and the presence of chinese minorities) bene?ts them suf?ciently to allow for an incremental strategy, japan is too big for that. further, japan doesn?t have as much importance for china to be concerned about the potential downside--china no longer needs japan's investment dollars because it can get much the same technology from south korea and taiwan. accordingly, china is increasingly prepared to provoke. with the new japanese election, the potential for japan to give the chinese ?n?ther excuse to lash out is high. dangerous ge0political con?ict is on the horizon in 2013 (also see risk and japan has little capacity to avoid it. great britain is damned if they do and damned if they don't with the european union. if they stay in, they will become more marginalized as the eurogroup plays a larger role, they are increasingly "takers" on a bunch of regulatory issues. if they don't, they face a europe that will be increasingly heading in a very different direction in terms of economic and regulatory models. great britain?s "best of both worlds" with europe will become unsustainable --britain won?t necessarily exit (certainly not this year), but its decision to remain at the margins of the continent and its changes will prove economically problematic. I israel faces the erosion of moderation and increasing tension between shia and sunni extremists, who will compete for in?uence. the countries they could historically work the most 11 closely with in the region?~egypt and jordan??are now under tremendous domestic strain and are likely to become at best problematic occasional colleagues, at worst directly antagonistic. turkey hasn't experienced the same domestic turmoil, but prime minister recep tayyip erdogan sees advantage in being ahead of the crowd and has turned against the israelis, and the traditional alliance with the united states buys them less than it used to. the good news: they have signi?cant military/ security and intelligence advantages. but that's increasingly the only good news they're seeing. given all the trouble, it's a critical time for the israelis to get truly serious on resolving the palestinian con?ict. but with domestic political trends in israel moving the country in the other direction, that's implausible. 6 - europe the risks generated by the european ?nancial crisis were substantially lowered when, in late summer, german chancellor angela merkel rejected the hardline approach of the german bundesbank leadership and endorsed eur0pean centra 1 bank president mario draghi's commitment to buy the bonds of ailing eurozone countries. the merkel -draghi axis looks set to endure and puts a strong ?oor under europe's crisis by substantially diminishing the possibility of currency convertibility. but as we?ve been saying for two years now, the eurozone is headed for neither break ?up nor resolution, and in 2013, the risks shift from threat of ?nancial crisis to a loss of momentum in creating the institutional and policy frameworks for a redesigned euro zone. the weak economic outlook and the politics of crisis ??ghting will remain sources of uncertainty and risk in 2013. simultaneously, euro-skepticism is on the rise, and resistance to reforms is increasing given the protracted period of austerity in the absence of prospects for an economic turnaround. big compromises will be needed to make further progress toward banking union, ?scal union, and an integrated policy framework. the ecb's ?oor under the crisis creates a negative incentive, given that in the absence of strong market pressure member states will be tempted to slow the pace of integration that compromise their sovereignty. beyond these general issues and the continuing turbulence in greece, the biggest speci?c challenges for the eurozone i 2013 are tied up with the italian and german elections, both of which carry important implications for the eurozone's trajectory, though for different reasons. in italy, the primary risk stems from an inconclusive general election result--a fragmented parliament, with anti-austerity 12 populist parties acquiring a large number of seats and the new government struggling to provide political stability. reaching consensus on unpopular economic reforms will be challenging, raising the risk of market volatility and higher ?nancing costs. in this context, the government could seek a precautionary program from the european stability mechanism (esm), the member states' own ?rewall instrument. this would allow the ecb to purchase italian debt in the secondary mark et provided the government signs up to and meets a number of economic reform commitments. this is where the ecb's instrument would be challenged: if the government does not meet its reform commitments, three difficult choices would face the ecb: i) either the bank would insist on the adoption of additional ?scal measures, further undermining growth; ii) the ecb would continue to buy bonds, even if targets are not met, undermining its own credibility and encouraging moral hazard in italy and elsewhere or ii i) the ecb would stop purchasing bonds, deepening the crisis in italy and the wider eurozone at the time when both are most vulnerable. in germany, the risks around the election do not stem from the outcome per se: it is widely expected that merkel will revail and the status quo german strategy of incrementally ?ghting the crisis will continue. rather, the risk is that in the run -up to elections, crisis management will be put on hold as the merkel government delays decisions that could hurt her popularit y. most at risk here are moves that would allow for the direct recapitalization of eurozone banks and the building of an ambitious ?scal and banking union. the pre -election context will also make day-to-day crisis management more dif?cult. for example, in a scenario where italy (or another country) does not meet reform commitments, it would be more complicated for chancellor merkel to support continued ecb bond?buying, given the german public insistence that any ?nancing of peripheral countries be contingent on strong conditionality. having said this, the underlying political support for the eurozone remains strong across government and the public. the bottom line is that until europe ?nds a formula for restoring economic growth more broadly, the risks around the eurozone cannot be put in the rear -view mirror. we're not quite there in 2013. 7 - east asian geopolitics geopolitical risk will continue growing in east asia in 2013 in a new, and potentially more dangerous, way. for the past decade, the main drivers of regional risk have been north korea?s nuclear provocations and tensions around the status of taiwan. these issues were well-de?ned, and risks were offset 13 by regional commercial integration and shared economic growth. the good news is that nort korea and taiwan no longer loom as major sources oftension. north korea has been somewhat less provocative, but at least as importantly, cooperation among other regional actors --along with the united states ??on how to manage pyongyang has actually deepened considerably, lowering the risk of an escalation scenario. and while taiwan's long -term status remains uncertain, there is now a stable bargaining environment between beijing and the ruling kuomintang in taipei. but broader regional relations have bec ome more tense recently as a more nationalistic china has veered sharply away from its "charm offensive" approach to southeast asia, while simultaneously becoming more assertive in northeast asia; and the united states has renewed its strategic and economic commitment to the region, giving oxygen to the hedging strategies of many regional states seeking closer ties with the united states. this in turn has led to another round of "the us is out to keep china down" thinking in beijing, and growing tensions between the world's two most important powers. at risk here is the decades -long pattern of east asia as a zone where positive?sum commerce and economics trumps zero - sum geo?political tension. assertive nationalism from beijing ??most prominent in the form of raising long-standing expansive maritime claims to a chinese "core engendered a tipping point in how the region is viewing china's rise, with a deep unease displacing optimism and generating a parallel, if more defensive, nationalism in most of the other states of the region. for the asia-pacific region broadly, at the core of china?s appeal has been the belief that china?s economic dynamism creates opportunities for its neighbors as well. the new conventional wisdom across much of the regio is that the era of a cooperative, dynamic and non ?assertive china is over and that the regime they now face will be less dynamic economically (even as china's growth continues, the economic relations will become less positive -sum) and more assertive regionally. the ?rst serious signs of regional ge0political tensions moving into the economic/commercial sphere was the government inspired attacks on japanese businesses in a number of chinese cities last fall, as tensions around the senkaku/diaoyu islands escalated. chinese officials told other countries not to worry, that the "anger" would be directed only at japanese ?rms and products, which was probably not very reassuring to many. given the huge internal challenges they face as they seek to 14 consolidate power, china's new leaders --president xi jinping and premier li keqiang-are unlikely to adOpt a less assertive regional stance. it will be virtuallyimpossible for them to yield on territorial or diplomatic disputes early in their tenure. but the dilemma for china is that its in?exibility on such issues--including those currently ?aring up in both the south and east china seas--compels some of its neighbors to take more forceful positions against beijing and seek closer strategic engagement with the united states. the chinese have yet to acknowledge this seCurity dilemma, let alone address it, instead insisting that sharper regional tensions are arising solely from the us pivot. consequently, there's a high likelihood that this dilemma will come into even sharper relief in 2013. if beijing faces a foreign policy test, xi will have a strong incentive to demonstrate his foreign policy mettle and avoid being seen as capitulating to outside interests. that dynamic suggests less chance of compromise from asia's emerging strategic powerhouse and heightened risk throughout the region. more nationalist policies are also expected ?om japan. the country will become more assertive in its policy postures as a new liberal democratic party (ldp) government pursues a more nationalist bent. new prime minister shinzo abe has already pledged to strengthen japan's defense capabilities and to solidify japanese control of the senkaku -diaoyu islands. beijing will see such a move as confrontational, and it will herald another period of heightened tension in the japan -china relationship. in southeast asia, vietnam and the philippines are likely to continue to test beijing over territorial issues, driven by their perception of us backing and their sense that china will not ultimately push toward an actual military con?ontation. in the meantime, both countries are deepening their own security tics not just with the united states, but with australia and japan as well. in this context, the lack of effective east asian regional organizations to mitigate security tensions will become increasingly apparent. while some will want asean to play this role in southeast asia, beijing continues to insist on a bilateral approach to territorial and security issues and has enough in?uence with cambodia and laos to prevent any uni?ed asean stance. the united states will have to balance the need to reassure its ?iends and allies with the need to avoid a continued deterioration in relations with beijing. don't expect a new equilibrium on these tough issues this year. 8 - iran 15 it never fails, we give a speech and we get the question ?-when is the united states or, failing that, israel going to bomb iran? it's very unlikely, especially in 2013. the more militarist pronouncements of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other israeli leaders are less a signal of israeli willingness to attack than an exertion of maximum diplomatic and economic pressure on iran and an effort to get the united states "gradually pregnant" in its willingness to use the military option. but a war-wary america led by a president skeptical of the israeli prime minister ensures there will be many steps between "taking containment off the table? and actually going to war. so the risk of military strikes this year triggered by progress in iran's nuclear program is less than most observers believe. the iranian government is not on the verge of a viable "breakout path" based on available data and is unlikely to dash toward a bomb this year. netanyaliu will almost certainly be re -elected next month and will continue to highlight the iranian threat, but will be loath to initiate an attack without evidence of some kind of technical breakthrough or a move by iran to "sprint to the finish" by expelling inspectors. there is a signi?cant iran risk; it's just not the one people are thinking about. we're likely to see a sharp escalation in the shadow war between iran and israel and the united states cycle of mutual killings, cyber ?attacks, and proxy battles ?-that has been ongoing for several years. this shadow war has the potential to rattle markets and put upward pressure on oil prices (though in a generally more bearish overall energy environment--see red herrings), and could lead iran, feeling especially vulnerable given the deterioration in syria that we mentioned in the "arab summer," toward more aggressive action and tit?for?tat escalation. it's not hard to see how we get ?om here to there. the early months of 2013 will likely see a round of intense negotiations between iran and the west, but unless iran's supreme leader ali khamenei sharply recalculates iran?s options (unlikely but not impossible, particularly given the timing of the upcoming iranian presidential elections), these talks will fail and by spring we will again ee intensifying sanctions. those sanctions are already biting --over a million barrels of oil production have been taken off line from sales and tough banking restrictions. against the backdrop of economic mismanagement and sanctions, iran?s currency has virtually collapsed. as new sanctions are put in place, efforts to sabotage the iranian nuclear program will also escalate. pressure will 16 intensify on iran's leadership to do something in reSponse, both to rally domestic support and to project an image of strength. the combination of continuing iranian resolve on the nuclear program and internal political and economic weakness will likely lead iran to escalate its side of the shadow war. the chance of miscalculation and over -reaction on both sides would then rise. a success?il plot similar to the october 201 1 plan to assassinate the saudi ambassador to the united states by bombing a restaurant in washington would provoke swift and lethal retaliation by the united states. an episode like the 2008 swarming of us naval ships in the gulf by iranian revolutionary guards' "fast boats? could equally spark a Sharp escalation. so despite our contrarian view that 2013 is not going to be the "year of decision" on the basis of the status of the iranian nuclear program, the escalating shadow war will keep tensions high and investors on edge. 9 - india india in 2013 will be one ofthe prime examples ofthe intrusion of political factors into what had been until recently seen as a long-term economic success story. we have all read articles about how, with the looming long -term structural slowing of China's economy, india was poised to become the world?s next "growth uber alles? country. not so fast. a landslide re-election in 2009 enabled the congress party coalition to rule without the encumbrance of the communist party, which congress often blamed for holding back reform. markets surged, and expectations rose for a new round of fundamental reforms. after all, the architect of indian reform, manmohan singh, was now in control, and could claim both the con?dence of?party leader sonia gandhi and the commitment of a large group of savvy technocrats ready and willing to push the reformist boundaries. large -scale reforms-- to mining, energy, land acquisition, tax regimes, ?nancing instruments and more -were to boost economic growth toward a l0% trajectory. but while india sustained generally substantial growth rates, the tough political choices on reform were continually left for the next parliamentary session, and the bre akthrough to higher growth was not achieved. instead, corruption issues tainted the government, coalition partners proved to be less compliant than expected and, most importantly, the anti -reform elements within congress showed that they still had consider able political clout and in?uence with the "ruling family.? in 20 3, the ability of the government to implement robust 17 economic policies will decline even further, perpetuating india's I?stalling or falling" outlook. as general elections draw closer, political Opportunism and obstructionism will increase. any support for reform from the ?ckle regional parties that hold the balance of power in parliament will likely wane. these parties will distance themselves from the unpOpular, corruption?tainted congress, increase the powers of the state governments they control vis-a?vis new delhi and position themselves as kingmakers in the post-election landscape. congress?s appetite to push for any reforms will diminish as it goes into full?blown campaigning mode. for its part, the Opposition will remain obstructionist, especially given that it will be politically consumed by ?guring out who should lead the party in the upcoming election battle. these trends will be exacerbated if the election is held early (before the end of 2013). poor policymaking will extend to ?scal policy, where any meaningful ?scal consolidation in 2013 is unlikely. the government could seek to boost its support in the rural areas through an agricultural loan waiver program traditional indian election-year gimmick. even more problematic for long?term ?scal balance would be a national food security bill that sonia gandhi sees as a key vote ?winning plank for congress. this could increase india?s food subsidy spending by the equivalent of 2% of gdp. populist pressures and india's fractious political environment virtually guarantee that the government will not deliver on its 2012 budget promise to reduce total subsidy spending to 2% of gdp. continued pro?igacy heightens the looming risk of a sovereign ratings downgrade to "junk" status, though the government will seek to accomplish just enough on the reform and ?scal ?onts to forestall a downgrade, which heightens india's ?scal troubles by raising the government's borrowing costs. it would also precipitate a fall -off in fdi in?ows and a likely out?ow of foreign portfolio inflows, which in turn would put downward pressure on the rupee. in the best of circumstances, the political context for economic reform might improve following the elections. but, at this point, the more likely outcome is that india's policymaking environment becomes even more dif?cult as the poll is expected to return a more fractious and divided parliament, generating a weak ruling coalition without the political support for a strong reformist push. 10 - south africa sub?saharan a??ica, more than any other region, epitomizes the paradox of the shift in economic dynamism to the emerging 18 markets and the signi?cant increase in political risk. in aggregate growth terms, africa looks to be on a trajectory to continue its recent positive performance. middle classes are rising, and more countries are headed on higher growth trajectories. but investor beware, in africa?s two largest and most s0phisticated economies--south africa and nigeria-?the outlook is much less rosy. for nigeria, the outlook for 2013 is pretty steady, if negative; and it did not make the top risks list. but south africa, which we included in our 2012's top risks, again makes the grade, as the trends we correctly highlighted last year appear even more ominous for 2013. the ruling anc's recent party conference saw the consolidation of power by president jacob zuma and the replacement of party vice president kgalema motlanthe with labor -leader- turned?capitalist cyril ramaphosa. while appearing to signal a more pro -business tilt, this will almost certainly not be the case. the ranks of reformist and "conciliationists" within the anc leadership continue to thin, shrinking the party's "broad church" and deepening its reliance on patronage politics. perhaps more signi?cant than the ramaphosa appointment was the fact that former ?nance minister trevor manuel, the anc's most internationally respected policymaker, chose not to remain on the party's 80-member executive committee. as for ramaphosa, he is one of the richest and most prominent of those politically connected black south africans who have taken advantage of black economic empowerment deals and whose success has undermined the credibility of the anc by highlighting the problems of corruption and inequality. in fact, the political trends emerging in south africa are all heading in the same direction--more populism as a strategy by the anc to maintain its base among the urban and rural poor. while the policy platform that came out of the national c0nference is quite balanced, it is hard to see real movement on non-p0pulist measures such as loosening the country's strict labor regulations, modernizing the education system, and rationalizing state spending, especially at the local level. rather, the anc consensus around greater state intervention in 'strategic industries' (mining, mining-related manufacturing) will become policy. look for higher mining taxes and the speeding up of. already signi?cant efforts to exert political in?uence over the entire sector. the party will look to shore up support ahead of 2014 elections via social spending, public sector employment and more aggressive land reform policies. we expect social unrest to deepen in 2013. coming retrenchments in mining will almost certainly spur another bout of labor unrest following 2012's violent confrontations between miners and the police, and the mining sector has always been in a leading role in 19 south africa's trade union politics. the de mise of the once- dominant national union of miners because of its inability to defend miners? interests will lead the national cosatu federation to become even more assertive, making other sectors more vulnerable to the mining precedent. social and political unrest could spread beyond the labor terrain. we expect continuing 'service delivery protests' in areas. more signi?cant is the risk of political violence as losers in the anc factional battles ponder next steps and opposition parties and the anc begin to prepare for national elections in 2014. all this will add spending pressures on the anc government and sap any reform momentum. south a??ica still has many institutional and we are not predicting a fundamental political crisis, but the country is headed along a path that gives little reason for optimism. red herrings 1 - geopolitics of energy the middle east is exploding. any time you?ve heard that in the past 30 years, it meant that energy prices were going up. political risk has been more linked with oil prices than any other market area in the world in the post ?war era. but most of the middle east risk in the coming year isn't about energy producers; it's about everywhere else. syria, jordan, lebanon. israel/palestine. the iran risk is there, but lower than the markets think. and while iraq is becoming a much more serious investment risk, for 2013, most of it doesn't impact oil production. add to this the energy revolution coming from the western hemisphere??unprecedented amounts of unconventional gas and oil coming from the united states, as well as exploitation of canada's oil sands, and offshore brazil and mexico also coming on line. looking ahead, new fossil fuels are increasingly coming from the developed world and ore stable developing countries. that?s a boon for the western hemisphere, and it's helpful for global consumers writ large. that?s not great news for poorly governed resource -rich countries like russia and venezuela, which really need high energy prices to keep a?oat. it also creates a new nearer ?term middle east risk??saudi arabia versus an (iran-in?uenced) iraq, both competing for tighter market share in energy and unwilling to produce less and bene?t its neighbor. but for the headlines around ge0political risk Spiking energy prices, 2013 isn?t the year to get overly concerned. 2 - global protectionism 20 since the ?nancial crisis hit in 2008, we've been hearing a constant refrain about the impending rise of protectionism, and the threat it poses to the global economy and globalization. in the annual meetings of the g20, virtually the Only issue on which there has remained a strong consensus among the leaders is the looming threat of protectionism and the need to ensure that this risk is not realized! but maybe the g20 can afford to agree on protectionism because there's less threat here than meets the eye. over the past ?ve years, protectionist measures have been'rare and relatively small-scale. there has been a lot of talk by the brazilians about the fed's series of quantitative easing measures as protectionism, for example, but that gets the story very wrong. quantitative easing may have put some downward pressure on the dollar (but not much), but the goal was certainly not trade ~re1ated. looking at 2013, the trend is actually going the other way. in fact, we're seeing a quickening of competitive trade liberalization efforts, as the european union ??in the face of bleak economic forecasts and efforts by the united states and others to push toward ?n a1 agreement on a framework for a trans?paci?c partnership (tpp) --is generating a strong internal consensus on the need for a new major transatlantic economic cooperation package. so far, washington has pushed back on brussels, not wanting to dilute efforts around tpp. but if hits any significant roadblocks this year, washington policymakers could very well open negotiations with the european union, creating competitive pressures and enhancing american leverage with both sides. in any event, we could very well see two giant trade deals over the next couple of years that, taken together, provide an alternative pathway forward for trade liberalization in the face of the endless negotiations around the wto's stalled doha round. if so, it would be one of the biggest and most creative examples of what coalitions of the willing can accomplish in the g?zero world. 3 - radicalism in the developed world the gap between rich and poor continues to grow, particularly in the united states. austerity is biting in europe. and japan looks toward a third lost decade. surely class warfare will trigger significant instability across the developed world? no. for much the same reason that emerging markets are the top risk this year, it's the underlying stability of adva nced industrial democracies that will come through in 2013. the 21 european periphery has been through three years of crushing austerity?-the sorts of measures that aren't remotely feasible in emerging markets and would shake many of their political institutions to the core. in some cases, with governments effectively appointed by european institutions (italy, greece), with record level unemployment, and a recession (in the case of greece, a depression). and the impact? demonstrations, expanded support for fringe parties (the uk independence party, some anti?immigrant parties in a few european states, fringe groups like the pirate party in germany and the ?ve star movement in italy). but nothing that threatens the viability of the governments or the governing process. there has been scarce little violence and very little social dislocation. in the united states, the rich/poor divide is greater than it's been at any point since the great depression. we?ve seen the statistics: the top 1% ofamerican households 0 34.5% of us wealth (75% for the top 10% of earners); compared to 1% for the bottom half of american earners. from 1979 to 2007, the top 1% of households doubled their share of pretax income while the share of the bottom 80% fell. but priorities of the united states can be ?ckle ??the debt, health care, gun control. wealth redistribution? not a priority. and the american population is hardly prepared to revolt over it. the tea party movement has elements of nativism, but has been largely subsumed by the republican party. and the occupy wall street movement? pretty much out of steam. a return to improved economic growth levels is only going to help, even as the gap between rich and poor continues to widen. and japan? two lost decades, going on three. no rowth, but that has less near-term impact on personal well-being given that japan?s population is declining. elections had low turnout, particularly among the youth. that?s worrisome in terms of engagement. but there?s no movement toward radicalism. japan has the potential for big demonstrations on the nuclear issue and, worryingly, on china. but that?s about it. longer term, if none of these issues is addressed, they'll surely become more serious. that will hit the european periphery before anyplace else--and so we?ll be hearing more about whether or not there?s truly a 1?return to growth? strategy on the continent. for the united states and japan, it?s a matter of more than a decade. for 2013, this isn?t a risk. it?s a herring. 4 eurOpean separatism there are very real separatist pressures building in catalonia and in scotland, and national unity remains fragile in belgium. but there is almost no chance that any of these issues grows into an actual crisis in 2013. 22 catalonia will take the ?rst steps toward holding a referendum, but a vote is unlikely until 2014, and a new ?scal deal with madrid could even contain the push for self - determination. following regional elections last year, a new center-left coalition was created to push for a referendum in the next two years. however, the coalition is not uni?ed on economics with the center supporting austerity, while the left remains fundamentally opposed. this tension could have implications for negotiations that will take place over the referendum. cat alan premier artur mas will push aggressively for the referendum to maintain the stability of the coalition. but Spanish prime minister mariano rajoy might give mas some economic concessions in separate negotiations over ?Jnding regional autonomy in order to divide the catalan coalition. a better ?scal deal would help mas save face and could eventually put off a referendum. 2013 will see growing debates around the effects of independence of scotland from the united kingdom, which will generate considerable noise. but scotland's referendum will not happen until 20l4. in terms of the eventual outcome of the vote, polls show that most scots actually oppose a 'yes' vote, fearing tough negotiations over defense and oil revenues, among other issues. moreover, a independent scotland could be forced to reapply for en membership and move toward euro adoption, both of which are highly unpopular. in belgium, the rise of the separatist new ?emish alliance (n va) will make negotiations on further devolution and ?na nces dif?cult, but even an eventual collapse of talks won't lead to the partition of the country. the victory of the -va in local elections puts the federal government under pressure. two of the three ?emish parties present in the six party federal government--the liberal open and the christian democrats to deliver a credible alternative to the separatists in order to quell public demands for separation. therefore, the belgian government will face important challenges to its unity, but the next real challenge for the territorial integrity of the country will be the federal election scheduled in 20l4. - north korea just can't know what's happening. looking at north korea this year, that's really the case. we've had a fa irly sudden leadership transition in the world?s most totalitarian state, under massive economic pressure, with an untested 28 - year?old now running the country. so far, very surprisingly, 23 it's gone well. indeed, it?s probably gone better than anyone would have dared presumed??in his ?rst year of power, kim jong un has presided over a regime that?s a bit more transparent, a bit more balanced, and barring a few early purges, a bit more stable. even when the north koreans tested an advanced rocket last month--the sort of thing that would have set off all the alarm warnings in previous years-?it was a smaller deal given the way they conducted themselves internationally: with less belligerent propaganda, talking in advance with china and Singapore, making clear what was coming and when. then, offering a public address for the new year, kim said his country was seeking economic development and so he hoped to "remove confrontations between the north and south.? 24 From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 4:48 PM To: Laura Nelson Cc: Sergio Gandara Subject: RE: White House Hangout on Grand Challenges Hi Laura: just a heads up that we?re leaning towards 2 ?2:45 PM EDT on Thursday. addition to taiking about the seif driving car, it would be great to hear from Sebastian about Googie [xi and Googie Giass to the extent he can hit on those additionai topics as weii (if there is a chance he could have Google Glass to wear for some or a it of the session, that wouid be great tool). If not, no worries. Tom wilt moderate the discussion. Wilt send confirmed time by tomorrow AM. Thanksi Cristin From: Laura Nelson [mailt Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:21 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Sergio Gandara Subject: Re: White House HanQOut on Grand Challenges Hi Cristin, I would be happy to help set this up! Sebastian would be happy to attend Via Google Hangout on Thursday 5/16. Could you let me know what time frame we are looking at? after 1pm 4pm EDT would work, and Sebastian could also do 1 lam 2pm EDT and earlier. Please let me know what time would work best, and I can help coordinate. Thanks and looking forward to hearing back from you. Laura Nelson I Udacity I (6) I (6) I (6) More about Udacity: Udacity Forbes New York Times Wired On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 7:57 AM, Sebastian Thrun (6) wrote: Forwarded message From: "Dorgelo, Cristin" Date: May 10, 2013 7:46 AM Subject: White House Hangout on Grand Challenges T03 (D) (6) (6) Cc: - Hi Sebastian! On May 16 next week, the White House will host a Google Hangout to discuss Grand Challenges, ambitious goals on a national or global scale that capture the imagination and demand advances in innovation and breakthroughs in science and technology. Grand Challenges are an important element of President Obama?s Strategy for American Innovation. As a leader in this area, we?d like to invite you to participate in our Google Hangout via remote webcam. In particular, we?d like you to focus on Google?s work on he self-driving car. Administration participants include Tom Kalil and me. Logistically, we?ll need you for no more than 45 minutes on May 16 1h, sometime in the early afternoon EDT (looking to go on air for 35 ?45 minutes?-exact time TBD). If you are willing to participate and have time on the 16th, all you?ll need is a laptop or desktop computer, a webcam, and an internet connection. And if you have a lo gistical/technical point of contact in your office, please connect them with us. (For reference, here?s a White House hangout we did recently on the Maker Movement.) Can you let me know by Monday if you are available that afternoon and interested in participating? If so, awesome! Ifnot, I?ll reach out to Astro Teller of Google[x], unless there is someone else at Google you?d recommend. Thanks! Cristin Cristin Dargeio Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Of? cc of the President From: Sent: To: Subject: Vint Cerf (6) Monday, January 07, 2013 9:13 AM Alec Ross; Ari Schwartz; bruce andrews; trancisco sanchez; Jane Lute; Larry Strickling; mark weatherford; Sapiro, Miriam; pat gallagher; Philip Verveer; Rich O'Lear; Kalil, Thomas A. Fwd: eg update top risks 2013: 2 of 2 Forwarded message From: Bremmer, Ian Date: Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 9:02 AM Subject: eg update top risks 2013: 2 of2 To: Vinton Cerf (6) dear vint, it seems one risk went unnoticed here at eg -?the top risks report broke through the character count that our system can handle. below is the ?nal risk in its entirety, and our sign -off. sincere - north korea just can't know what's happening. looking at north korea this year, that's really the case. we've had a fairly sudden leadership transition in the world's most totalitarian state, under massive economic pressure, with an untested 28 - year?old now running the country. so far, very surprisingly, it's gone well. indeed, it's probably gone better than anyone would have dared presumed-?in his ?rst year of power, kim jong un has presided over a regime that's a bit more transparent, a bit more balanced, and barring a few early purges, a bit more stable. - even when the north koreans tested an advanced'rocket last month??the sort of thing that would have set off all the alarm warnings in previous years??it was a smaller deal given the way they conducted themselves internationally: with less belligerent propaganda, talking in advance with china and singapore, making clear what was coming and when. then, offering a public address for the new year, kim said his country was seeking economic development and so he hoped to "remove confrontations between the north and south.? how has the unknown and untested kim managed to pull that off? is he sincere? can he continue? we honestly don't know. and neither does anybody else. it's almost impossible to assess whether north korea is becoming more stable and, if it is, whether that now means the south koreans, in particular, can start resting a bit more easily. everything about the north korean system tells you it's a perilous bet as a country--but what causes trouble and when? we'd like to say it's not worth losing sleep over. that's not quite true. but at the same time, working harder to assess what- exactly is going bump in the night doesn't feel very purposeful. sorry. that's what we're thinking about 2013. over the coming two weeks, we'll be sending longer pieces and organizing conference calls on each of these risks. we hope you'll join us for a conference call with an overview of all the risks this morning at 10am, and we would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the report -?please send over a note with whatever you're thinking. and ?nally, our warmest appreciation for the eurasia group community. it's been 15 years (I) since we appeared on the map. to say that perceptions of political risk have changed dramatically in that time seems an understatement indeed. our deep thanks to you for contributing to that change. with very best wishes for the new year, ian and david p.s. david and i have also put tog ether a podcast surrounding some of our top risks-feel free to check it out: com/us/no dcast/eurasia ~group_? Dodcasts/id559516201 From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 6:07 PM To: 'George Ivanov' Subject: RE: Quick Call Later This Week 3?330 on Monday. Speak then ??-??Original From: George Ivanov Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 04:52 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Quick Call Later This Week Hi David, No problem. Any time on Monday from 11?1 or 3?4 would work. Have a good weekend! Sincerely, George On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Edelrnan, R. David wrote: George, Sorry, was pulled across the street most of the afternoon. Should we plan to chat over the weekend, or early next week? From: George Ivanov Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 08:28 AM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelrnan, R. David Subject: RE: Quick Call Later This Week Hi David, The late afternoon is wide open for me ?om 3 -6. You can reach me on my desk line a (6) or on my cell phone a (6) Thank you. Sincerely, George On May 8, 2013 11:46 PM, "Edelman, R. David? (is) (6) wrote: George, How?s tomorrow late afternoon? Things are a bit ?uid right now, but give me a sense of your timing and I ?11 ring when I?m not across the street. From: George lvanov [mailto (6) Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 1:54 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Quick Call Later This Week Thank you David. I'm primarily interested in discussing privacy and law enforcement issues. Sincerely, George On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: George, Thanks, would be my pleasure, though this week is slammed. What?re the topics? Will talk to my team about what can Open up. From: George Ivanov [mailt (6) Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 4:45 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Quick Call Later This Week Hi David, Thank you for taking the time to meet with everyone earlier today. If you have so me time later this week, we should catch up with a quick call to discuss a number of speci?c areas of interest. Friday is wide open for me but let me know which day/time might work best for you. Sincerely, George George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 [El_ (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 [131(9? (6) George lvanov Policy Analyst i Google lac. 110}. New York Ave Washington. DC 20005 (1316?. (6) From: Sent To: Su bject: Google, CAP 81 ELLE (6) Wednesday, January 09, 2013 12:37 PM Edelman, R. David Google, the Center for American Progress and ELLE invite you to an Inaugural Brunch Mr. David Edelman Tl?ltis event has been platmed to comply with applicable ethics rules to enable Iz't?ambers of Congress arzcl. crinrgressienal staff to attend. Stricter rules may apply to certain executive branch employees and strategies:le of?cials Executive branch empleyces and state/local officials are encouraged t1} contact their designated agency ethics officials for guidance. lfyou wish to pay Google for our attendance, or if you have any questions, please swam-ma m? received the "Geogle, CAP S: 33.- Llsii inaugural Brunch" invitation lmcause you are in e. {Boogie 01? have attended. Geog] 8 events in the past. If you 110 longer wish to receive information regartli mg the Gaogle, CAP 8: ELLE Inaugural Brunch? please enter your email address here $20353 Ema, ?5.63m: View; {7.32 gzai'zgfa, From: Sent: To: Subject: Vint Cerf (6) Wednesday, January 09, 2013 2:45 PM Alec Ross; Ari Schwartz; bruce andrews; francisco sanchez; Jane Lute; Larry Strickling; mark weatherford; Sapiro, Miriam; pat gallagher; Philip LVerveer; Rich O'Lear; Kalil, Thomas A. Fwd: Eurasia Group Note CHINA: Economic risks skew more toward overheating in 2013 Forwarded message From: consonery, Nicholas me? Date: Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 1:16 PM Subject: Eurasia Group Note CHINA: Economic risks skew more toward overheating in 2013 To: Vinton Cerf (6) I u. I CHINA: Economic risks skew more toward overheating in 2013 9 January 2013 12:49 PM EST The Chinese government is dedicated to maintaining stable economic growth in 2013 and has the policy tools to do so. But policymakers are conscious of debt and in?ation risks and they are likely to avoid using those policy tools too aggressively this year. - That said, risk skews more toward overheating rather than an unexpected slowdown, especially in early 2013 given the new leadership's interest in protecting growth. ?Mam?- ?1 China?s new party leadership, which formally assumes of?ce in March, will be eager to achieve a positive economic story in 2013. That would build on a moderate uptick in growth over the ?nal months of last year. This would bolster Party and public con?dence in President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang and allow them to solidify domestic support. The result wi 11 be that China's new leaders are focused on economic stability?and political consolidation more than on comprehensive reform initiatives during their ?rst year in of?ce (See Eurasia Group Outlook - CHINA: New leaders, same [Jam 1 The politics of continuing reform). Beijing has adequate policy tools to achieve this positive growth story in the year ahead. Credit supply is one lever, but the primary driver of incremental new growth will be government spending on infrastructure, industrial policy, and social welfare. Spending across the board will be guided by the 12th Five Year Plan (FYP). With 2013 marking the third of the plan's ?ve years, policymakers will work to make progress, especially with respect to targets that are high on the political radar or those for which progress has been more limited (See Eurasia Group Note - CHINA: Economic work conference to presage a growth stability focus in 2013). For example, incoming Premier Li Keqiang's strong public commitment to promoting urbanization will result in particularly heavy outlays for infrastructure and affordable housing deve10pment in the year ah ead. New spending on industrial policy will also be a major focus this year --the FYP promises $1.5tn of government outlays on seven emerging industries by 2015. Recent indications from of?cials suggest that China's biggest state banks have outstanding loans closer to $150bn for these industries, suggesting they have ample space to ramp up those levels in the year ahead. On the social welfare side, spending will increase on state healthcare and pension ?inds. And a long ?debated reform of income distribution is likely to be announced in the ?rst half of the year. The rami?cations of these measures on near?term growth will be limited. But they re?ect a structural reality that Beijing is becoming less interested in economic growth per se, and more in the sustainable and equitable distribution of growth. That shift will characterize at least the ?rst few years of China's new administration. Global economy There are risks to the stability of the Chinese economy in 2013, however. And these risks skew more toward overheating and in?ation than toward a slowdown. The biggest is China's potential overreaction to persistent weakness in the global economy. The pace of recovery globally has been frustratingly slow and many in Beijing maintain a largely pessimist ic view on the prospects for global growth. There is strong skepticism in partiCular about Washington's ability to engineer any kind of meaning?il response to economic weakness in the US or to address the country's widening ?scal de?cit. These concerns could drive an overreaction by the Chinese government. Given the central government's manageable ?scal de?cit and control of the banking sector, Beijing has the policy maneuverability to respond robustly to renewed indications of a domestic slowdown. Wit a? young and untested administration in need of a positive domestic economic story, policy would tilt more strongly toward the growth side if global economic risk heightens in 2013. But a rejuvenated approach could reignite in?ation and ebt concerns in China, sullying the econOmy's medium ~term outlook. Real estate Beijing could also miscalculate on two domestic issues this year, creating home-grown economic headaches and forcing the government to respond with more growth promotion steps in other areas. The ?rst is on the real estate sector. Domestic real estate investors and developers hope that the broad -based residential pricing rebound of recent months can be sustained. The risk is that a continued uptick in prices results in more peculative activity by developers and investors, leading prices even higher. That would be positive for China's near-term growth story. But public pressures surrounding housing prices have grown dramatically in recent years, and incoming Premier Li Keqia ng has publicly associated himself with attempts to control the market. A renewed bout of speculation could therefore lead Beijing to double down on investment restrictions, more likely later this year, and on a city -by?city basis rather than nationwide. If not managed appropriately those steps could threaten to usher in another period of stagnation in the real estate market and a slowdown in domestic investment activity. Beijing would have to offset that with new spending 0n infrastructure or industry. Financial system Systemic ?nancial risk is also on the rise in China. In recent weeks Beijing has signaled it will seek to do more to control the proliferation of wealth management products at banks in 2013. But despite these signals, many market participants in the Chinese ?nancial sector believe that 2013 will mark a year where more off?balance sheet ?nancial products proliferate, fueled by investor demand in light of pervasive distrust in the equity markets and real estate investment restrictions. An intervention by Beijing to control such products more concertedly might reduce systemic risk. But doing so could also remove capital that is currently being used to ?nance new corporate and perhaps even local government investments. That too might force Beijing to respond with a more robust credit expansion through traditional bank lending channels to shore up available capital for the ecOnomy. Happy to discuss, Nicholas Consonery Analyst, Asia Tel (6) Email 2013 Eurasia Group. All rights reserved. This material was produced by Eurasia Group for use by the recipient. This is intended as general background research and is not intended to constitute advice on any particular commercial investment or trade matter or issue and should not be relied upon for such purposes. It is not to be made available to any person other than the recipient. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retri eval system, or 3 transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior consent of Eurasia Group. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:13 AM To: George Ivanoxr - Google m_ Subject: FW: Google George, Per below: Alex has been my very committed, knowledgeable, and technology -passionate intern at the NEC this spring. Would it be alright for me to ~intro you, and would you be able to chat with him further about your experience at Google He?s interested in working with you all. Thanks, ?rD From: Alex Krivit Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 8:53 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Google I looked a couple of days ago at the Google in DC employment page and noticed that there was an opening for a Public Policy and Government Affairs Research Analyst. I was very interested in exploring this opportunity as it would be a way for me to continue to research, explore and be involved in many of the policy areas I?ve come to work on as a member of your NEC team. I remember meeting, if only very brie?y, George Ivanov from their team at the EU cloud meeting we had last week. I was wondering if you could send him a quick note to see if he or someone on his team would mind sitting down with me to discuss this position. Thank you, Alex Krivit Sent from Mailbox for iPhone From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:24 AM To: George Ivanov Cc: Alex Krivit (Intern) Krivit, Alex (Intern) Subject: RE: FW: Google Thanks, George. Connecting you now. Appreciate your time. From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:24 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: FW: Google Hi David, Yes, I would be happy to chat with Alex about my experience here and the application process. Sincerely, George On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 9: 12 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: George, Per below: Aiex has been my very committed, knowledgeable, and technology npassionate intern at the NEC this spring. Would it be airight for me to ~intro you, and would you be able to chat with him further about your experience at Googie 0.0? He?s interested in working with you aii. Thanka -rD From: Alex Krivit [mailto Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 8:53 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Google I looked a couple of days ago at the Google in DC employment page and noticed that there was an opening for a Public Policy and Government Affairs Research AnaIyst. I was very interested in exploring this opportunity as it would be a way for me to continue to researc h, explore and be involved in many of the policy areas I?ve come to work on as a member of your NEC team. I remember meeting, if only very brie?y, George Ivanov from their team at the EU cloud meeting we had last week. I was wondering if you could send him a quick note to see if he or someone on his team would mind sitting down with me to discuss this position. Thank you, Alex Krivit Sent from Mailbox for iPhone George lvanov I?olicy Analyst i Google "inc. '1 101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, May 15,2013 3:02 PM To: Laura Nelson Cc: Sergio Gandara Subject: RE: Logistics: White House Grand Challenges Hangout Hi Laura: Tom will ask Sebastian to describe the grand challenge he?s pursuing (we?d iike to focus on self -driving cars, but if he?d like to use "democratizing education? as an additional example, that?s great too). Another question Tom will likely ask Sebastian beyond asking about Sebastian?s work on self driving cars is ?What is the importance of moonshots (such as to advance sellt ?ciriving ca That is certainly Google ~related, but something we hope Sebastian can provide his own opinion on as weli (his answer doesn?t have to be about Googie And it is definitely OK if we skip Google Glass if that is outside of Sebastian?s area of focus. Otherwise, expect the discussion to be relatively casual and 1lre enform between the participants. One note: if he doesn?t already have a Google+ account associated with one of the email addresses below, you might want to set that up before tomorrow?s log min time. Best, ristin From: Laura Nelson [mailt Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 2:52 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Sergio Gandara Subject: Re: Logistics: White House Grand Challenges Hangout Hi Cristin, Great, thanks for sending! Here is my cell just in case (6) Sebastian's email addresses are gmail, so we should be ok there (isknow the questions that will be asked? Seba stian will be able to talk about the self?driving cars, but I?m not sure about Google it or Google Glass. He is talking to someone in Google about whether or not he can talk about the other subjects. here is Sergio ?om Google. He can help facilitate approval inside ofGoogle. It would help to get more context around the questions that will be brought up during the hangout, if you have those available. Thanks for your help! Laura Nelson IUdacity I (6) I (6) I (5) More about Udacity: Udacitv 1 Forbes 3 New York. Times Wired On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Tom, Rob, Sebastian, and Matt: We're so glad you can join our White House Google+ Hangout on Thursday, May 16 th. Below is some useful information to make sure you look and sounds good during thelive event. Tips for Participants - Find a very quiet place for the hangout even small background noises can be distracting for other participants and viewers. The location should be well ?lit, and you may consider an interesting background or props that you can discuss. - Ensure that you only have the Google+ hangout Open in one screen if, for example, you have whitehousegov/live open or mitubecom/whitehouse open, you will create a feedback loop that will create an echo in the hangout. - Double check your internet connection is stable prior to the hangout. - Frame the camera shot so that your eyes rest at approximately the top 1/3 of the screen. - Email me (Cristin a m? with a cell number where you (or a staffer) can be reached in case we run into any issues. For your reference, my cell is Technical Requirements - Google+ account (you can sign up for free with any gmail email address) - A computer with good internet connection, working audio, and a video camera - Headphones that can be plugged into the computer in case of audio feedback issues Thursday?s Schedule 1:30 p.m. EDT Kori Schulman will email a unique Hangout link to YOU. As soon as YOU receive the link, please click on the link to join the hangout (this can be YOU or a staffer). This is important to enable us to troubleshoot any tech issues and make sure everyone looks and sounds good. Note: If YOU are logged into Google+, YOU will automatically join the hangout when YOU click the link distributed. This is a private link for participants, and should not be shared. For viewing, YOU co encourage people to tune?in at and at 2 2:00 p.m. EDT The Google+ Hangout will switch to LIVE and will be streamed on the White House Goog1e+ page and on WhiteHouse. gov. RUN 0F SHOW: Start time 2:00 p.m. EDT Tom Cristin: Welcome brief overview (2 minutes) Tom introduces each participant Each participant says hello, glad to be here with a quick 1 sentence intro (?rst and last name, org/title, location) Tom will ask participants questions. Participants respond, and may engage in a dialogue. This is a conversational format, so feel free to add comments and input throughout. Tom will invite participants to engage in discussion and ask each other (including Tom/Cristin) questions. Given time, Tom will ask participants to each respond to a closing question. Tom will thank everyone who participated an may note that members of the administration will continue the dialogue with citizens through the Google+ hangout medium. End time: 2:45 p.m. EDT Let me know if you have any questions! Best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Of?ce ofthe President {[3113? From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 3:09 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Cc: Larson, Phillip P. m? Subject: Thursday 2 PM EDT: White House Hangout: Grand Challenges Tom, Rob, Sebastian, and Matt: Thank you for agreeing to participate in this Thursday?s White House Hangout on Grand Challenges the ?rst in a new ongoing series of White House Hangouts called ?We the Geeks? that will explore topics like Grand Challen ges, commercial space exploration, STEM education, science ?ction becoming science fact, and more! A few notes for you: a Time: We?EDT. We?d ask that you (or your designated representative) leg in to the hangout (more instructions coming soon on how to do that!) 15 minutes prior, at 1:45 PM EDT, in order to test the audio ?video connection. 0 Spread the word! We?ve posted a White House Blog promoting this We the Geeks Hangout. Link and full copy below. Please amplify through your own networks and on Twitter, you can use hashtag #WeTheGeeks and a link to this blog post. Format: This will be a casual and engaging discussion moderated by Tom Kalil If you have any questions about format/content, you can take a look at this Hangout we did on the Maker Movement or drop me an email or call or eel role? - Background: I?ve attached a backgrounder on the White House Grand Challenges initiative in case it is use?il background information for you. Any questions? Again, really appreciate your willingness to participate. This should be a very ?m and engaging discussion! All best, Cristin -out~we-geeks Hanging out with ?We the Geeks? Posted by Cristin Dorgelo on May id, 2013 at 02:35 PM EDT Note: Watch the ?rst We the Geeks" Hangout on Thursday, May 16, at 2:00 pm. EDT on WhiteHouse. gov and on the White House Googie+ gage. You can join the conversation on Twitter With the hashtag #WeTheGeeks. On May 16th, the White House is kicking off "We the Geeks,? a new series of Google+ Hangouts to highlight the future of science, technology, and innovation here in the United States . Topics such as commercial space exploration, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, turning science ?ction to science fact, and others will be discussed wit it Administration of? cials and key private sector COntn?butors. The first We the Geeks Hangout will focus on Grand Challenges, ambitious goals on a national or global scale that capture the imagination and demand advances in innovation and breakthroughs in science and technology. Grand Challenges are an important element of President Obama's Strategy for American innovation. On April 2nd, the President called on companies, research universities, foundations, and philanthropists to join with him in identifying and pursuing the Grand Challenges of the 215 century. An example of a pa st Grand Challenge was the sequencing of the entire human genome that, according to one recent study, has contributed to the U.S. economy more than $140 for every $1 investe by the Federal government. President Obama just announced the Initiative, a bold new research effort to revol utionize our understanding of the human mind and uncover new ways to treat, prevent, and cure brain disorders like Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury. The Department of Energy is leading the way in Clean Energy Grand Challenges with SunShot, an initiative to make solar energy as cheap as coal, and EV Everywhere, an initiative announced by President Obama to make electric vehicles as affordable and convenient to own as today?s gasoline ?powered vehicles. The Obama Administration supports the identification and pursuit of Grand Challenges because the approach can: ohelp solve important economic and societal problems; oserve as a "North Star" for high -impact, multi-discipiinary collaborations among government, industry, universities. non- pro?ts, and philanthropists; -create a foundation for industries and jobs of the future; ocapture public imagination and increase support for public policies that foster science, technology, and innovation; and oinspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. in addition to Federal investments, there are a growing number of companies, foundations, philanthropists, and research universities that are interested in pursuing Grand Chailenges. During this Thursday?s We the Geeks Hangout, l?ll join White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy's Deputy Director for Technology and innovation Torn Kalil and an extraordinary panel of innovators from around the country to discuss the eiernerlts of an ?all ands on deck" effort to pursue Grand Challenges. Participants include: ?Matt Grob, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Of?cer, Qualcomrn Technologies, inc., to discuss the Quaicomm Tricorder and other bold research initiatives at Qualcomm oRob High, Feilow, Vice President, and Chief Technology Of?cer, Watson Soiutions, to discuss what?s next for Watson and the field of cognitive computing Latharn, recent graduate from Duke University with a degree in engineering and participant in the Nationai Academy of Engineering Grand Chaiienge Scholars Program oSebastian Thrun, a research professor at Stanford, a Google Feilow, and a co ?fou nder of Udacity, to discuss Google?s car and Google So tune in Thursday, May 16, at 2:00 pm. EDT on and on the White House page, as we begin a new series of future-focused Hangouts from the White House. Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Polio): Executive Office ofth President imm- From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2013 11:40 AM To: Laura Nelson Cc: Sergio Gandara Subject: RE: Logistics: White House Grand Challenges Hangout Audience: This is open to the general pubiic, and has been promoted broadiy via social media to wide network of White House stakeholders (you can foliow aiong at From: Laura Nelson [mailt Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 7:20 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Laura Nelson; Sergio Gandara Subject: Re: Logistim: White House Grand Challenges Hangout Hi Cristin, Great, thanks for letting me know. That should be ok. Sebastian will be sure to let you know i there is something that he cannot talk about. Can you also let me know who the audience will be? Thanks! Laura Nelson I Udacity I 0 (6) I (6) I (6) More about Udacity: Udacity i Forbes New York Times Wired On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Hi Laura: Torn will ask Sebastian to describe the grand chailenge he?s pursuing (we?d like to focus on seif ~driving cars, but if he?d like to use "democratizing education? as an additionai example, that?s great too). Another question Torn wiil likely ask Sebastian beyond asking about Sebastian?s work on self ~driving cars is ?What is the importance of moonshots (such as to advance self -driving cars)?? That is certainly (Boogie ~reiated, but something we hope Sebastian can provide his own opinion on as weil (his answer doesn?t have to be about Google And it is definitely OK if we skip Google Glass if that is outside of Sebastian?s are a of focus. Otherwise, expect the discussion to be relatively casual and free -form between the participants. One note: If he doesn? already have a Google+ account associated with one of the email addresses below, you might want to set that up before tomorrow?s log -in time. Best, Cristin From: Laura Nelson [mailto Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 2:52 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Sergio Gandara Subject: Re: Logistics: White House Grand Challenges Hangout Hi Cristin, Great, thanks for sending! Here is my cell just in case: (6) Sebastian's email addresses are gmail, so we should be ok there [Exaknow the questions that will be asked? Sebastian will be able to talk about the self -driving cars, but I?m not sure about Google or Google Glass. He is talking to someone in Google about whether or not he can talk about the other subjects. here is Sergio ?om Goo gle. He can help facilitate approval inside of Google. It would help to get more context around the questions that will be brought up during the hangout, if you have those available. Thanks for your help! Laura Nelson I Udacity More about Udacity: Udacity Forbes New York Times Wired On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Tom, Rob, Sebastian, and Matt: We're so glad you can join our White House GOOgle+ Hangout on Thursday, May 16 th. Below is some useful information to make sure you look and sounds good during thelive event. Tips for Participants - Find a very quiet place for the hangout even small background noises can be distracting for other participants and viewers. The location should be well-lit, and you may consider an interesting backgrOund or props that you can discuss. - Ensure that you only have the Google+ hangout open in one screen if, for example, you have open or mtubecom/whitehouse open, you will create a feedback loop that will create an echo in the hangout. - Double check your internet connection is stable prior to the hangout . - Frame the camera shot so that your eyes rest at approximately the top 1/3 of the screen. - Email me (Cristin a (6) with a cell number where you (or a staffer) can be reached in case we run into any issues. For your reference, my cell is (6) Technical Requirements - Google+ account (you can sign up for free with any gmail email address) - A computer with good internet connection, we rking audio, and a video camera - Headphones that can be plugged into the computer in case of audio feedback issues Thursday?s Schedule 1:30 p.m. EDT Kori Schulman will email a unique Hangout link to YOU. As soon as YOU receive the link, please click on the link to join the hangout (this can be YOU or a staffer). This is important to enable us to troubleshoot any tech issues and make sure everyone looks and sounds good. Note: are logged into G00gle+, YOU will automaticallyjoin the hangout when YOU click the link distributed This is a private linkfor participants, and should not be Shared. For viewing, YOU can encourage peOple to tune?in at WHgov/Iive and at whitehouse 2:00 p.m. EDT The Goog1e+ Hangout will switch to LIVE and will be streamed on the White House Google+ page and on RUN OF SHOW: Start time 2:00 p.m. EDT Tom Cristin: Welcome brief overview (2 minutes) Torn introduces each participant Each participant says hello, glad to be here with a'quick sentence intro (?rst and last name, org/title, location) Torn will ask participants questions. Participants respond, and may engage in a dialogue. This is a conversational format, so feel free to add comments and input throughout. Tom will invite participants to engage in discussion and ask each other (including Tom/Cristin) questions. Given time, Tom will ask participants to each respond to a closing question. Tom will thank everyone who participated and may note that members of the administration will continue the dialogue with citizens through the Goo gle+ hangout medium. End time: 2:45 p.m. EDT Let me know if you have any questions! Best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Of?ce of the President. [131(63- Hm? From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 3:09 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Cc: Larson: Phillip P- (dale? Subject: Thursday 2 PM EDT: White House Hangout: Grand Challenges Tom, Rob, Sebastian, and Matt: Thank you for agreeing to participate in this Thursday?s White House Hangout on Grand Challenges the ?rst in a new ongoing series of White House Hangouts called ?We the Geeks? that will explore topics like Grand Challenges, commercial space exploration, STEM education, science ?ction becoming science fact, and more! A few notes for you: . Time: We?EDT. We?d ask that you (or your designated representative) log in to the hangout (more instructions coming soon on how to do that!) 15 minutes prior, at 1:45 PM EDT, in order to test the audio -video connection. 5 0 Spread the word! We?ve posted a White House Blog promoting this We the Geeks Hangout. Link and full copy below. Please amplify through your networks and on Twitter, you can use hashtag #WeTheGeeks and a link to this blog post. - Format: This will be a casual and engaging discussion moderated by Tom Kalil If you have any questions about format/content, you can take a look at this Hangout we did on the Maker Movement or drop me an email or call me?. or eel taxe- Background: I?ve attached a backgrounder on the White House Grand Challenges initiative in case it is useful background information for you. Any questions? Again, really appreciate your willingness to participate. This should be a very fun and engaging discussion! All best, Cristin 3/05/14/hanging -out-we-geeks Hanging out with ?We the Geeks? Posted by Cristin Dorgelo on May 14, 2013 at 02:35 PM EDT Note: Watch the fist 'We the Geeks" Hangout on Thursday, May 1 6, at 2:00 pm. EDT on WhiteHouse. gov and on the White House Goo te+ a a. You can join the conversation on Twitter With the hashtag #We TheGeeks. On May 16th, the White House is kicking off "We the Geeks," a new series of Google+ Hangouts to highiight the future of science, technology, and innovation here in the United States. Topics such as commercial space exploration, science. technoiogy, engineering, and math (STEM) education, turning science fiction to science fact, and others wiit be discussed wit it Administration of?ciais and key private sector contributors. The first We the Geeks Hangout will focus on Grand Chatienges, ambitious goats on a national or global scale that capture the imagination and demand advances in innovation and breakthroughs in science and technology. Grand Challenges are an important element of President Obama?s Strategy for American innovation. On April 2nd, the President cailed on companies, research universities, foundations, and philanthropists to join with him in identifying and pursuing the Grand Challenges of the 213 century. An example of a past Grand Challenge was the sequencing of the entire human genome that. according to one recent study, has contributed to the US. economy more than $1 40 for every $1 invested by the Federal government. President Obama just announced the initiative, a bold new research effort to revolutionize our understanding of the human mind and uncover new ways to treat, prevent, and cure brain disorders like Alzheimer?s, schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury. The Department of Energy is leading the way in Clean Energy Grand Challenges with SunShot, an initiative to make solar energy as cheap as coal, and EV Everywhere, an initiative announced by President Obama to make electric vehicles as affordable and convenient to own as today?s gasoline ?powered vehicles. The Obama Administration supports the identification and pursuit of Grand Challenges because the approach can: - help solve important economic and societal problem s; aserve as a "North Star" for high -impact, multi-disciplinary collaborations among government, industry, universities, non- pro?ts, and philanthropists; acreate a foundation for industries and jobs of the future; .capture public imagination and increase support for public policies that foster science, technology, and innovation; and .inspire the next generation of sci entists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. ln addition to Federal investments, there are a growing number of companies, foundations, philanthropists, and research universities that are interested in pursuing Grand Challenges. During this Thursday's We the Ge eks i-iangout, i?ii join White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy's Deputy Director for Technology and innovation Tom Kalil and an extraordinary panel of innovators from around the country to discuss the elements of an "all hands on deck? effort pursue Grand Challenges. Participants include: oMatt Grob, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Of?cer, Qualcomm Technologies, lnc., to discuss the Qualcomm Tricorder and other bold research initiatives at Qualcomm .Rob High, Fellow, Vice President, and Chief Technology Of?cer, Watson Solutions, to discuss what?s next for Watson and the ?eld of cognitive computing Latham, recent graduate from Duke University with a degree in engineering and participant in the National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenge Scholars Program oSebastian Thrun, a research professor at Stanford, a Googie Fellow, and a co ?founder of Udacity, to discuss Google's seif?dn?ving car and Googie 80 tune in Thursday, May ?16, at 2:80 pm. EDT on WhiteHousegov and on the White House page, as we begin a new series of future -focused Hangouts from the White House. Cr?istin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Exccutivc Of?ce ofthe '??rcsidcn? {[513- m? From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 8:44 AM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Software patent followup 1pm Thursday? From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 7:29 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup Thurs anytime is great. Fri may be tougher 1 1am? On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Sure -- later this week is better. How are Thu or Fri? Message--?-- From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 02:07 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup any time this week to talk patents? _On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Johanna Shelton (6) wrote: David - do you have some Open times next week for us to come and discuss software patent issues? it would probably be me and our patent policy person in DC (Suzanne Michel). let me know what works well for you thanks Senior Policy Caramel {.Eioogie inc: I. Hi}. New York. Ave- Zrid Fl Wa Si} in gran, if} (I 2000:": (6) . Geogle yin (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Goo gle Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 (6) _Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 (5) GOOgle Voice From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 4:51 PM To: 'Johanna Shelton' Subject: RE: Software patent followup Sure -- later this week is better. How are Thu or Fri? From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 02:07 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edehnan, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup any time this week to talk patents? On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Johanna Shelton (6) wrote: David - do you have some Open times next week for us to come and discuss software patent issues? it would probably be me and our patent policy person in DC (Suzanne Michel). let me know what works well for you thanks! Johanna She Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. i 1m New York. Ave 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20805 (6) Goggle "v?oiee (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice 3319?? From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:59 AM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Software patent followup Attachments: Blank WAVES 2.0.xls Great. Please complete and return to me. Thanks. From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:58 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup done lock it in iwill bring Suzanne Michel. On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Edelrnan, R. David wrote: 1pm Thursday? From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 7:29 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup Thurs anytime is great. Fri may be tougher - 11am? On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Edelman, R. David [Em? wrote: Sure later this week is better. How are Thu or Fri? Message-m? From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 02:07 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup any time this week to talk patents? On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Johanna Shelton (6) wrote: David - do you have some open times next week for us to come and discuss software patent issues? it would probably be me and our patent policy person in DC (Suzanne Michel). let me know what works well for you thanks! Johanna Shelton Seoior Policy Couizsel Google inc. 1. New York 32361 {53.1 Washington, DC 200% (6) (Eoogle Voice (6) - Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice From: Edeiman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 9:18 AM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Software patent followup I can drag in a chair or find a room, no worries. From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 6:56 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup one of us can stand Alex is a young guy but he's been working hard so i?d love to let him come if at all possible. On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 6:40 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Ah damn now I have to ?nd another room. Will circle back if I can. My of?ce seats two guests 1 fear. Message?m- From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 06:39 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup we added one more on our end - me, Suzanne Michel and Alex Long. here is security info see you Thurs at 1 On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Great. Please complete and return to me. Thanks. From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:58 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup done - lock it in - i will bring Suzanne Michel. On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: 1pm Thursday? From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 7:29 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup Thurs anytime is great. Fri may be tougher - 11am? On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Sure later this week is better. How are Thu or Fri? From: Johanna Shelton m? Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 02:07 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup any time this week to talk patents? On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Johanna Shelton [Em? wrote: David do you have some open times next week for us to come and discuss software patent issues? it would probably be me and our patent policy person in DC (Suzanne Michel). let me know what works well for you 2 thanks! Johanna Shelf" Senior l3olicy Counsel. Google Inc, 110} New York Ave 3nd ?92 Washington} 300033 (6) Google oice . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) A Google Voice . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice (6) - Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice (1916?. Johanna She1ton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice [1316? From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 6:41 PM To: ?Johanna Shelton' Subject: RE: Software patent followup Ah damn now I have to ?nd another room. Will circle back if I can. My of?ce seats two guests I fear. Message??--? From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 06:39 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelrnan, R. David Subject: Re: So?ware patent followup we added one more on our end - me, Suzanne Michel and Alex Long. here is security info see you Thurs at 1 On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 10:58 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Great. Please complete and return to me. Thanks. From: Johanna Shelton [maiito sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:58 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: So?ware patent followup done lock it in iwill bring Suzanne Michel. On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: 1pm Thursday? From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 7:29 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup Thurs anytime is great. Fri may be tougher 11am? On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Sure -- later this week is better. How are Thu or Fri? From: Johanna Shelton [mm? Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 02:07 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelnian, R. David Subject: Re: Software patent followup any time this week to talk patents? On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Johanna Shelton (6) wrote: David do you have so me open times next week for us to come and discuss software patent issues? it would probably be me and our patent policy person in DC (Suzanne Michel). let me know what works well for you thanks! .lohanna Shelter: Senier Pulley Counsel (Ergiogle inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl ?v?fashington, DC 20005 Google Voice . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Goo gle Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) ,Google Voice . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Goo gle Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 12:07 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: request Google General C0unse Thanks, will flag. Fram; Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 11:58 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Fwd: request - Google General Counsel see below for last minute request from Kent -- Forwarded message From: Johanna Shelton Date: Thu, May 23, 2013 at 1157 AM Subject: request Google General Counsel To: "Schumer, Jessica Google's General Counsel Kent Walker will be in DC next week (Tues May 28th and Wed May 29th), and was wondering if Jason had time to sit down brie?y to discuss some developments and idea to address patent quality issues. Does Mr. Furman have any availability next Tues or Wed for a brief meeting? thank much - johanna lobe a na Sire he a. Senior Policy Counsel Google incl 2 10} New York airs-re 2nd Wa shi'ngtozn 2%{305 (6) Google Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 12:47 PM To: (6) Cc: Nelson, Greg Subject: Urgent - meet with head of White House National Economic Council? Dear Sebastian: Thanks again for doing the Google Hangout on Grand Challenges that was lots of Apologies for the last minute request, but are you available to meet with Gene Sperling next Tuesday afternoon (May 28th) in downtown San Francisco? Gene is the head of the White House National Economic Council, and is very interested in MOOCs and the role that they can play in expanding access to higher education. I?m sure he would also be interested in your work for Google and self -driving cars. His schedule is ?uid, but it looks like 2:30 4:30 will be available. I am copying Greg Nelson Gene?s chief of staff. All the best, Tom From: - Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:11 PM To: Johanna Shelton Cc: Miller, Jason Subject: RE: manufacturing inshoring contact Johanna, My pleasure. Thanks for sharing your views. I?m adding Jason Miller, who is our manufacturing guru. He wanted to follow up with some questions and request for paper. Hopefuliy you can connect this afternoon. Thanks, David From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:27 PM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: manufacturing inshoring contact great to see you today - many thanks for helping make that happen. Kent found it a very useful meeting. when you get a chance, let me know who to reach out to re our manufacturing announcements and later follow up. thanks! Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Astro Teller (6) Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 5:11 PM To: Kalil, Thomas Will Patrick; Kathy Cooper; Megan Smith Cc: Subject: Re: Google Solve for Hi Tom, I?ve very sorry we won't be able to have you there but we would be very happy to have Cristin in your place. Please have her contact Will or Kathy to get registered and for travel details. Hepefully we can have you next year! I A On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Dear Astro: The President has scheduled his SOTU for the week after Solve for X, which unfortunately means I will be chained to my desk. If you would be open to this, I could see if Cristin Dorgelo, who is Assistant Director for Grand Challenges, would be able to participate. Sorry about this and thanks so much. for the invitation. All the best, Tom From: Erin Hughes [mailto Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 10:19 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Google Solve for Hello, I am contacting you from Google Solve for in regards to your accommodations and travel in February. You stated on your registration form that you have restrictions; I would like to clarify with you hat speci?cally your restrictions are for. Will you need to stay at a different hotel then the group is staying at? We can provide another hotel if needed. The registration form also indicated you will be arranging your own travel. Can you send me your ?ight itinerary for February?s meeting in San Martin when available? We would like to document arrival and departure times for check in and out at the hotel. Finally, I would like to con?rm with you that you are all set with ground transportation to and fr om the airport. Thank you for your time. Let me know if you have any questions. Arrival Day: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 Departure Day: Friday, February 8, 2013 Hotel: CordeValle Resort One CordeValle Club Drive San Martin, CA 95046 Thank you, ERIN HUGHES Rm. 1000 Town Center. Suite 570, South?eld, MI 48075 USA I wwlbaglobalcom Astro From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 8:17 PM To: Johanna Shelton [Im? Cc: Schumer, Jessica E. Subject: Follow-up w} Kent Johanna, Thanks for organizing the meeting with Kent last week. Jason and I would like to follow up with him via phone on our conversation, perhaps sometime tomorrow late evening Eastern time or (alternatively) Tuesday morning. Could we get your help with that? Cczing Jess, who can help with Jason?s schedule as well. Thanks -DaWd R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy The White House (202 role- 1 topiine=(202 role- 1 mo? From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 9:53 PM To: 'Johanna Shelton? Cc: ?Pamela Howell' Subject: RE: Follow-up w/ Kent Thanks, Johanna! For timing, Monday would de?nitely be preferable, if he is free. From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 09:36 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David; Pamela Howell Cc: Schumer, Jessica E. Subject: Re: Follow-up w/ Kent absolutely - adding Pam. Pam, what works for Kent late Monday or early Tuesday? On Sun, Jun 2013 at 8:16 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: hanna, Thanks for organizing the meeting with Kent last week. Jason and I would like to follow up wi th him Via phone on our conversation, perhaps sometime tomorrow late evening Eastern time or (alternatively) Tuesday morning. Could we get your help with that? Cczing Jess, who can help with Jason?s schedule as well. Thanks, ?David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy 1 The White House direct I toplim 202 maxe? Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice [1916?? From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 10:28 PM To: Pamela Howell Cc: Johanna Shelton; Schumer, Jessica E. Subject: RE: FollOw-up w/ Kent Looping Jess, though likely after 6 given what i know about our schedules tomorrow. TBC. Thanks Pam! ?rD From: Pamela Howell [mailt Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 10:00 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Follow-up w/ Kent Hello! Would sometime in the 4:3 0 -7pm ET range work for Monday? Thanks, Pam On Jun 2, 2013 6:52 PM, "Edelrnan, R..David? wrote: Thanks, Johanna! For timing, Monday would de?nitely be preferable, if he is ?ee. -?-?-Original Message-?-?- From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 09:36 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David; Pamela Howell Cc: Schumer, Jessica E. Subject: Re: Follow-up w/ Kent absolutely - adding Pam. Pam, what works for Kent late Monday or early Tuesday? On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 8:16 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Johanna, Thanks for organizing the meeting with Kent last Week. Jason and I would like to follow up with him via phone on our conversation, perhaps sometime tomorrow late evening Eastern time or (alternatively) Tuesday morning. Could we get your help with that? 1 Cc:ing Jess, who can help with Jason?s schedule as well. Thanks, -David R. David Edelman Senior AdviSor for Internet, Innovatiori, and Privacy The White House I towinemmn Imo? Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) . From: Kathy Cooper (6) Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:27 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Hi Cristin, Thanks for reaching out - we would love to have you at Solve for Please register here at your earliest convenience I?ve also given you access to our 2013 Solve for event website, so you should be able to ?nd it here. Please let me know if that isn't working for some reason, and I will investigate. I look forward to meeting you soon! Kathy On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Hi Kathy: Tom Kalil (White House Deputy Director for Polic who was con?rmed to attend Solve for X, will unfortunately be unable to attend the event and has asked that] attend in his stead. If it is okay that I ?ll in for him, what do I need to know about attendance/registration? Many thanks, Cr ist in Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Of?ce of the President (5) . (6) gow?ostp/blog Twitter: @WhiteHouseOSTP From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 2:59 PM To: Johanna Shelton (6) Subject: Google Statements Importance: High Do you have a roundup of Kent?s and/or others? statements on the release today? Compiling for our team. Thanks! R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy direct: (902 tophnei (202 From: Ed elman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 9:23 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: coverage Thanks! I was particularly looking for Google?s own statements saw a quote from Kent by it was excerpted in most of the stories. Do you have the full quote/release? From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 9:21 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: coverage here's what we compiled hope it's useful. let me know if you want anything else. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Ed elman, R. David . Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 9:34 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: coverage Fantastic, must have been lost in the shuffle. We had the excerpt, which was great as well. Thanks! From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 9:33 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: coverage here is the full quote - Kent Walker, Google?s senior vice president and general counsel: "The White House proposals will help stem the rising tide of patent troll lawsuits. We welcome the Administration's steps to improve patent quality and prevent liti gation abuse, and we look forward to working with leaders from both parties on further legislative improvements that are critical to economic growth." On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Johanna Shelton (6) wrote: sure sent it to you earlier. will resend On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 9:23 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Thanks! I was particularly looki ng for Google?s own statements saw a quote from Kent by it was excerpted in most of the stories, Do you have the full ouotefrelease? From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 9:21 PM To: Edelma n, R. David Subject: coverage here?s what we compiled - hope it?s useful. let me know if you want anything else. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) I Goo gle Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice From: Kathy Cooper (6) Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:19 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Hi Cristin, The registration form will ask if you'd like any help with travel arrangements - if so, we have ?a travel agency that can help you book the travel. Does that answer your question? Please let me know if any additional information would be helpful. Kathy On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Thanks Kathy, will do. Is there anything I should know about travel arrangements logistics? Appreciate your help, Cristin From: Kathy Cooper [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:27 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Hi Cristin, Thanks for reaching out - we would love to have you at Solve for Please register here at your earliest convenience. I've also given you access to our 2013 Solve for event website, so you should be able to ?nd it here. Please let me know if that isn't working for some reason, and I will investigate. I look forward to meeting you soon! Kathy On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Hi Kathy: Tom Kalil (White House Deputy Director for Policy), who was con?rmed to attend Solve for X, will unfortunately be unable to attend the event and has asked that I attend in his stead. If it is okay that I ?ll in for him, what do I need to know about attendance/registration? Many thanks, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Of?ce of the President . . aov/ostp/blog Twitter: @WhiteHouseOSTP From: Michael Terrell (6) Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 3:39 PM To: Sinai, Nick Cc: Mielke, Dawn M. Subject: Re: Google to work with Energy Foundation to promote intelligent energy use That would be great. Sometime between 4:00 ~5200pm is best for me. On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Sinai, Nick (6) wrote: Should we put something on the calendar on Jan 28+? Dawn can help find a time From: Michael Terrell [mailto Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 12:45 PM To: Sinai, Nick Subject: Re: Google to work with Energy Foundation to promote intelligent energy use Wow, congratsii Beautiful. Now I know for sure you aren?t getting any sleep. On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Sinai, Nick (6) wrote: From: Michael Terrell [mailto Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 12:42 PM To: Sinai, Nick Subject: Re: Google to work with Energy Foundation to promote intelligent energy use On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Sinai, Nick (6) wrote: Sorry about that! Two are quite a From: Michael Terrell [mailto Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:14 PM To: Sinai, Nick Subject: Re: Google to work with Energy Foundation to promote intelligen energy use Hey, I've been trying to get in touch We should de?nitely talk when you are back, much to discuss. Very excited about this grant. Let me know when you are back in the of?ce. Hope you are getting some sleep. On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 6:21 PM, Sinai, Nick (6) wrote: Congrats! Looking forward to engaging on this when I?m back from paternity leave From: Michael Terrell [mailto Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 9:47 AM To: Michael Terrell Subject: Google to work with Energy Foundation to promote intelligent energy use Dear colleague - I wanted to make sure you saw this announcement today from Goo gle (see below). We are giving a grant to the Energy Foundation to support more intelligent use of energy. The grant will establish a campaign to support policies that make the gr id more robust and ef?cient by Optimizing real - time energy management in homes and supporting open energy markets. We hope this effort will help to catalyze change and unleash innovation in homes and businesses. I would be happy to answer any question you might have and to discuss ways to work together to move these issues forward. Best, Michael Saving a path to intelligent energy use 1114;131613830 AM One of the best parts a bout working at Google is the chance to use the Internet and digital technology to help us all manage energy better. We?ve seen big changes in recent years to the way we watch TV, use phones, read and listen to music, yet how we use electricity hasn?t changed much in decades. What if instead of a monthiy bill we had access to more real -time and actionable information about our electricity consumption? What if our appliances, air conditioners, and lights adjusted automatically to use energy more ef?ciently and save money? If we did this in every home it would help improve the reliability of the grid and save billions of dollars. Technology like smart meters and programmable thermostats make it possible to do this today. The challenge is that the rules governing electricity distribution were written for last century?s grid. That's why Googlecrg is giving a grant to the Energy Foundation to support policy reforms that will lead to more intelligent energy use. The effort will focus on three fundamental areas: 0 Smarter electricity rates that encourage consumers to be more ef?cient, shift their electricity use to times when it's cheap er and produce their own on-site energy; 0 Access to electricity markets for consumers and other businesses so they can be compensated for cutting energy use at key times; and Open data policies that give customers access to their own energy data, which they can use or share with third parties they select, promoting better energy management tools a nd services. These policy reforms, coupled with the new technologies now being deployed on a large scale, can empower consumers to make smarter energy choices, improve real-time management of the electricity grid, and help facilitate more renewable energy all while lowering overall costs. We hepe this grant will help catalyze change and look forward to seeing progress in the years to come. Posted by Michael Terrell, Senior Policy Counsel, Energy Sustainability Michael Terrell i Senior Policy Counsel Google inc. 5 (6) (6) Michael. Terrell Senior Poiicy Closest-ti Google Inc. (6) (6) 3 Michael Terrell Senior 'Pglicy'Counsel (Eooglt: Inc. (6) (6) Michael Terrell 1 Senior Policy Counsel} Googlw Inc. 1 (6) (6) Michael. "li?crrell 3 Senior Policy Counsel 5 (Boogie Inc. 1 (6) (6) From: Kathy Cooper (6) I Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:26 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Hi Cristin, Do you happen to have a Google account? If so, please let me know what it is - we've been seeing some site access error with non -_Google accounts. If you do not have an account, please let me know and I'll figure out another way for you to access the site. Thank you! Kathy On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Hi Kathy: idon?t seem to be able to get into event website (I?m getting an "access forbidden? message when i go to this link: Thanks for your heip! Cristin From: Kathy Cooper [mailto Sent: Tuesday]r January 15, 2013 12:27 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Hi Cristin, Thanks for reaching out we would love to have you at Solve for Please register here at your earliest convenience. I've also given you access to our 2013 Solve for event website, so you should be able to find it here. Please let me know if that isn't working for some reason, and I will investigate. I look forward to meeting you soon! Kathy On Mon, Jan l4, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Hi Kathy: Tom Kalil (White House Deputy Director for Policy), who was con?rmed to attend Solve for X, will unfortunately be unable to attend the event and has asked that I attend in his stead. If it is okay that I fill in for him, what do I need to know a bout attendance/ registration? Many thanks, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President . . gov/ostp/blog Twitter: @WhiteHouseOSTP From: Kathy Cooper Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:30 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Great! Thanks for the quick reply. You should now have access with that address. I also wanted to note: you'll be added to the website today or tomorrow at the latest. You're not quite there yet because we haven't updated it since we received your registration, but you'll be added! From: Kathy Cooper (to) (6) Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:52 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Great On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Thanks for your help Kathy! i?ve got access. {And no worries re: me on the site.) From: Kathy Cooper [mailto Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 7:30 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Great! Thanks for the quick reply. You should now have access with that address. I also wanted to note: you'll be added to the website today or tomorrow at the latest. You're not quite there yet because we haven't updated it since we received your registration, but you'll be added! - From; Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 5:35 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Fwd: Google Inauguration Brunch Attachments: Google Inauguration Brunch Invitationpdf hey there - we don't have many rsvp's from OSTP or NEC let me know if you or anyone else wants to come. heard you had a nice talk with Justin. (this is a PDF version of invite since our other one may not be making it through filters etc) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. I 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) {33$ Cmf?f far AM?rz-existiai: F?mgmsa? 322d ELLE invite 3m; to an Inaugural Emmi} - 1- . - .1 I "ibis wmi has hem planmd ta camply wi?h appiicabla athits rules; it: enabie memharg (if Congress and seia?fi it: M?m?d, Strider rules may apply :0 certain wemtiw branch armpiayms mid stamz?EQ-cal a?iz?als. E?zacutive branch amgloyeea and giataflomf a?iciais are encauraged mniact ?their desigmte? ?g?ncy whim of?-ciais for guidan m. if you wish to my Googla-for your or if gnu have an}! que?iana, gimm- wrzimft 1.1.5 at Yaw receiwd the? "Snugie, E54 ELLE ?naugura! Brunch" invitatimr?z becaum you am invoived En ?ue: ?oogie c-Qmmur?ty haw: a?wded ?-Q-ogie ?vani? in the pas-i. vau no Ianger wigh to rmeive in?mrmatim3 ??oogier CAP ?e ELLE lnaugurai Brunch" M93542 entm your @mail midress; hare. From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 12:37 PM T0: (6) cc: (6) Subject: Champions of Change Hi George, I wanted to reach out to you to see if you might be able to help us get in touch with one of your colleagues Rebecca Moore? She is Manager of Google Earth Outreach at Google, and the lead from Google on the Google Timelapse Project. We tried to reach Ms. Moore by email and phone to share with her that she has been nominated as a Champion of Change on Open Science! The Champions of Change program was created as a part of President Obama?s Winning the Future initiative. Each week, the White House Champions of Change program highlights individuals, businesses, and organizations whose extraordinary stories and accomplishments positively impact our communities. The upcoming Champions of Change on Open Science will recognize outstanding ind ividuals, organizations, or research projects promoting and using open scientific data to dramatically accelerate breakthroughs and create new businesses. In order to process Ms. Moore?s nomination, we need to get some additional information. Would you be able to help us get in touch with her directly? Or if you could share the best email address and phone number to contact her at that would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and help on this. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you,Mike From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2013 9:51 PM To: . 'Ross Laleunesse' Subject: RE: NYT piece Thanks, Ross. - From: Ross LaJeunesse Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 12:28 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Sepulveda, Daniel Painter, Christopher Baer, Daniel Edelman, R. David Subject: NYT piece hey guys i don't normally send articles around and i'm sure you've already read it, but wanted to be sure you saw this in the NYT: China?s Economic Empire although it doesn?t address the internet or internet governance directly, it articulates many of the same arguments we've been making about china?s rapidly evolving role in the world, including its "soft power" (although i would argue "hard power" is a more appropriate term) on a wide range of economic and policy issues. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender the error. Thank you. From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 10:34 AM To: George Ivanov (6) Subject: FW: Champions of Change From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Monday,June 10, 2013 12:37 PM To: Cc (taxo? Subject: Champions of Change Hi George, I wanted to reach out to you to see if you might be able to help us get in touch with one of your colleagues Rebecca Moore? She is Manager of Google Earth Outreach at Google, and the lead from Google on the Google Timelapse Project. We tried to reach Ms. Moore by email and phone to share with her that she has been nominated as a Champion of Change on Open Science! The Champions of Change program was created as a part of President Obama?s Winning the Future initiative. Each week, the White House Champions of Change program highlights individuals, businesses, and organizations whose extraordinary stories and accomplishments positively impact our communities. The upcoming Champions of Change on Open Science will recognize outstanding individuals, organization 5, or research projects promoting and using open scientific data to dramatically accelerate breakthroughs and create new businesses. in order to process Ms. Moore?s nomination, we need to get some additional information. Would you be able to help us get in touch with her directly? Or if you could share the best email address and phone number to contact her at that would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and help on this. We iook forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you,Mike From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 3:41 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Google open letter re FISA transparency Thanks, Johanna, for the heads ?up. From: Johanna Shelton [magm? Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:40 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Google open letter re FISA tranSparency David - Attached please ?nd a letter that Google has just sent to the and FBI. As the letter indicates, we intend to make this open letter public. Please let me know if you have any questions - i can be reached a (6) - Johanna Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice (6) From: Hal Varian (6) Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:38 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: undergrad statistics resource for non-majors Hey, Tom, what are your plans. I'm going to be at Google DC, Feb 12 ?13. there on Feb 12? Want to come to a group dinner From: Hal Varian Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 1:39 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non?majors Sure, that will work. On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. wrote: Dear Hat: Feb 12th is SOTU, so we are usua?y busy then. Coffee on Feb Best, Tom From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:38 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A Subject: undergrad statistics resource for non -majors Hey, Torn, what are your plans. I?m going to be at Google DC, Feb 12 ?13. Want to come to a group dinner there on Feb 12? From: Hal Varian (6) Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 3:53 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for nOn-majors On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 6:48 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Great. How about 8 am at Caribou Coffee - 3.71th and Penn. My cell phone i [131(5)? That's 5 AM California time, can we do it later? I think we will end up moving the dinner due to the SOTU, thanks for alerting me on that. Two economic ideas i am having trouble econciling that maybe you can straighten out for me. The Robert Gordon View iT revolution not that big a deal relative to the previous industrial revolutions (we?d all trade our iPad for indoor plumbing) maybe increases in GPO/capita from 17 50 2000 were a one time event My grandfather told me that I'when I was born people got around on horses, but I lived to see men walk on the moon." That's a lot ofprogress in 70 years! I would agree with Gordon that the period from 1870 -1970 had huge technological progress, so perhaps we suffer? by comparison. On the other hand, TV and the Internet have probably had a larger impact on peoples? lives around the world than the moon landing. - Race Against the Machine advances in machine lea rning, iT, robotics etc. are such a big deal that share of GDP going to labor could decline significantly My View on this is that we will just have more leisure. The workweek has fallen from 72 hours a week to 37 hours a week in 200 years, so I expect thi will continue. I'll send you my Churchill Club video when it is ready. From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 1:39 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non ~majors Sure, that will work. On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. wrote: Dear Hat: Feb 12m is SOTU, so we are usuaity busy then. Coffee on Feb 13th? Best, Tom From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:38 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: undergrad statistics resource for non-majors Hey) Tom, What are your plans' 1'1? gOing to be at Google DC, Feb 12 ?13. Want to come to a group dinner there on Feb 12? From: Hal Varian (6) Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 5:18 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non-majors 7 AM body time? 1 should be able to communicate after a few cups of coffee. What metro stop? On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: How about 10 am on the ?13th is that siightiy more civilized? From: Hal Varian [mailto @919? Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 1:39 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non?majors Sure, that will work. On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Dear Hal: Feb 12th is SOTU, so we are usuai?y busy th en. Coffee on Feb 13*? Best, Tom From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:38 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: undergrad statistics resource for non -majors ://Www.dartmouth. Hey, Tom, what are your plans. I'm going -13. Want to come to a group dinner there on Feb 12? From: Hal Varian (5) Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 5:25 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non?majors That?s the same metro as Google, so should be easy. My cell i (6) On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Sounds good. See you at Caribou 1?th and Penn. Near Farragut West - 17? Street exit. My ceHi m? From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 5:18 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non -majors 7 AM body time? I should be able to communicate after a few cups of coffee. What metro stop? On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: How about that more From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 1:39 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non -majors Sure, that will work. On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. wrote: Dear Ha}: {:eb 12th is SOTU, so we are usually busy then. Coffee on Feb 13th? Best, Tom From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:38 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: undergrad statistics resource for non ?majors edu/~chanc Hey, Torn, what are your plans. I'm going to be at Google DC, Feb 12 ?l3. Want to come to a group dinner there on Feb 12? From: Vint Cerf (6) Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 11:29 PM To: Kalil, Thomas Holdren, John P. Subject: Possible video or written communication from the President? John, Tom, I have become involved as a major sponsor of a two day workshop on innovation and jobs. The principle point is to explore how best to harness innovation to create new businesses and the jobs that go with them. It?s a small, invitation?only affair, March 18-19 at SRI International (Curt Carlson is also a steering committee member). Knowing that innovation is an important theme for the President, I wonder whether it is possible to have a brief letter of encouragement for this group to pursue this work or, even better, a brief video, ?'om the President? I know this is an over?the?top request so I won't be disappointed if it isn't possible. thanks - h0pe to cross paths with you when I return from India at end of January. I hope that processing of my appointment to the NSB will happen before the next meeting Feb 20th. best wishes for the New Year! vint From: Vint Cerf (6) Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 10:19 AM To: Kalil, Thomas David Nordfors Cc: Holdren, John Evans, Bess Subject: Re: Possible video or written communication from the President? david nordfors is the co -organizer. I am copying him. Vint On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 9:07 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Dear Vi nt: We can try! is there someone that Bess can work with on the details? Best, Tom From: Vint Cerf [mailto Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 11:29 PM To: Kalil, Thomas Holdren, John P. Subject: Possible video or written communication from the President? John, Tom, I have become involved as a major sponsor of a two day workshop on innovation and jobs. The principle point is to explore how best to harness innovation to create new businesses and the jobs that go with them. It's a small, invitation-only affair, March 18?19 at SRI International (Curt Carlson is also a steering committee member). Knowing that innovation is an important theme for the President, I wonder whether it is possible to ha ve a brief letter of encouragement for this group to pursue this work or, even better, a brief Video, from the President? I know this is an over?the?top request so I won't be disappointed if it isn't possible. thanks - hope to cross paths with you when I return from India at end of January. I hope that processing of my appointment to the NSB will happen before the next meeting Feb 20th. best wishes for the New Year! Vint From: Kathy Cooper Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 5:12 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for event website Yikes - sorry about that! Glad you're all set On Wed, an 23, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Hi Kathy: You managed to get me access to the Solve for website last week using my Google account, so i think I?m all set. Best, Cristin From: Kathy Cooper [mailto Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 12:56 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Solve for event website Dear Cristln, I'd like to share the 2013 Solve for event website with you, but due to the site's privacy settings, the site can only be shared with Google accounts that have been whitelisted. Do you happen to have a Google account that I could give access to? Many thanks, Kathy From: Kathy Cooper (6) Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 12:56 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Solve for event website Dear Cristin,r I'd like to share the 2013 Solve for event website with you, but due to the site's privacy settings,r the site can only be shared with Google accounts that have been whitelisted. Do you happen to have a Google account that I could give access to? Many thanks, Kathy From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 12:59 PM T0: (6) Subject: Time to talk Dear Rebecca, Do you have a moment to talk today? Regards, Mike Michael Stebbins, Assistant DirectOr White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Ph .dov From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 3:02 PM Subject: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Attachments: LastName_FirstName.xls Dear Ms. Moore, Congratulations! You have been selected by The White House as an Open Science Champion of Change! As part of the Champions of Change program, the White House regularly recognizes individuals and groups who are making positive change in their communities. The Open Science Champions event will honor outstanding people, organizations, and research promoting and using open scientific data and publications to a ccelerate progress and improve our world. You were selected because of your tremendous work and leadership, and we hope to honor you at an event at The White House on Thursday, June 20, 2013. This event will feature you and the other Open Science Champi ons of Change. You will have the opportunity to talk about your work and the challenges and opportunities you have encountered on a panel. In conjunction with the event, your biography and a blog post will also be featured on the White House website. In order to accept your nomination to be a White House Champion of Change, please submit the following information - By Friday, June 14, 2013: 0 Security information for each of your guests using the attached template. Piease note that you can bring up to 5 guests. - 0 Short (3-5 sentences) biography describing who you are and the work for which you are being honored. For examples piease visit: Headshot from your shoulders up with as plain ofa background as possible. Please do not use a cropped photograph. 0 Name as you would like it listed. This is the name we currently have listed fo you. Please let us know if you would like to be listed differently: - Rebecca Moore a By Monday, June 17, 2013: 0 Blog post (4-6 paragraphs) about your contributions to Open Science that to be posted on the White House blog. Please note that your blog post ay be edited for clarity or brevity. Here is an example: Additional information: EVENT DETAILS: - The event will take place on Thursday, June 20, 2013 from 1:00 -3:00pm EDT in the South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB), The White House. Please plan to arrive at the White House complex no later than 1 hour before the event on June 20 via the Southwest Gate at 17th St NW and State Place NW, across from the Corcoran Gallery. You will need to present valid government -issued photo ID. Foreign nationals, including permanent residents, must bring a passport. Once you have passed through EEOB security, proceed to the South Court Auditorium. Attire is business/business casual. - You may invite 5 guests to attend this event. A noted above, please submit their security information using the attached spreadsheet by Friday, June 14. - Please note that the White House is not able to cover any of your travel or lodging costs for this event. However, we are happy to help you identify nearby public transportation and lodging options. PRESS NOTIFICATIONS: - Please do not share news of your nomination with members of the press. You may share this information informally with your friends and family. The White House will issue a press release and a list of all Champions of Change prior to the event. After that release has been issued, we will email you a copy of the release and you may share your news with others in your network. CONFERENCE CALL: - We will host a conference call on later this week to review logistical information about the event, as well as background on the Champions of Change Program, and answer any questions you may have. If your organization or company has PR or Communications staff interested in helping to promote your trip to DC, please have them join you on the call. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Anjelika Deogirikar directly at Congratulations on being selected as an Open Science Champion of Change! Sincerely, The White House Champions of Change program and the White ouse Office of Science and Technology Policy Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Plim- From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 3:24 PM (6) Subject: Holdren Memo public access memo 2013.pdf Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Office of Science and TechnoIOQy Poiicy Ph (6) From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 7:47 PM To: 'George Ivanov' Subject: RE: Google Maker Camp 2013 Hangout Invitation Hi George: Sure, i'd be pleased to participate. Can 'we chat next week? Best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy EXecutive Office of the President . Message?--?? From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 12:03 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Google Maker Camp 2013 Hangout Invitation Hi Cristin, We wanted to let you know about a program that we will be launching next month to get teens interested and involved in science and technology. Google is offerin Maker Camp, a free online summer camp on Google+, which includes six weeks of making, building, experimenting, wrecking, and DIY fun. We'll make 30 awesome projects with the editors at MAKE magazine, go on ?virtual ?eld trips? to exciting places, and hear about some inspirational jobs . Last summer, more than a million campers joined Maker Camp to hangout and create projects like rocket cars, glow ?in- the?dark candy, homemade electric circuitry, and stop -motion films. Campers went on virtual field trips to the NASA Robotics Lab, Walt Disney Imagineering, National Geographic, CERN, and other cool places via live video hangouts. See that Maker Camp featured in this wragwug video and write-ups in Wired. Fox News, Enqadqet and quaOm. This summer, we?d like Maker Camp to inspire even more teens. The program wi ll run from July 8th through August 16th. it?s free and Open to all. We?re also signing up libraries, camps, and civic centers to host local Maker Camp activities, giving young people a place to gather and build together. We were wondering if you would be interested in being featured as a guest in one of the Maker Camp Hangouts this summer, to brie?y discuss the innovative and unique work that you do at the White House. Please let me know If this is something that might be of interest and I can set a quick call with our internal team to run through logistical questions/concerns. Sincerely, George George Ivanov Policy Analyst i Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 7:57 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Self-Driving Cars let's talk tomorrow - i'm intrigued! On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Ede1man, R. David wrote: Hey Johanna, Here?s an off-the-wall one: Who does se1f?driving cars in your shop? I?d like to have someone on my team work with them to set up a meeting/brie?ng between our team on the issue and yours. It?s someone in which we have a fair amount of interest (which, I swear, pre -dates CBS and Davos). Cheers, R. David Edelman Senior Adviser to 1? Internet Policy The \Vhite House at I Mr Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) - From: Sarah Price (6) Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:39 PM To: Edelman, R. David; hale Subject: Visit for Thurs/Fri Hi David, I I want to introduce you to Charlie Hale. Charlie works on public policy for Glass and self -driving cars, and would love to meet when you are in town. He's copied on this email, and you can also call him a (6) Best, arah From: Charlie Hale Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:46 PM To: Sarah Price Cc: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/ Fri Hey David! I'd love to get together when you're in town. Feel free to give me a call Whenever you have a minute. Take care, ?Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Sarah Price (6) wrote: Hi David, I want to introduce you to Charlie Hale. ChaIlie works on public policy for Glass and self -driving cars, and would love to meet when you are in town. He's copied on this email, and you can also call him at (6) Best, arah Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (in) (6) From: Charlie Hale (5) Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:17 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sounds great! Would you like to meet in the Google SF of?ce and we can video conference with anyone from the chauffeur team, or meet in Mountain View? -Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Thanks, Sarah! Chariie, great to chat earlier. One note per our prior discussion: it?s looking like morning/ere ~iunch on Friday is preferable to afternoon, if possible. Cheers, -David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy 1 The W?hite House pl]: w_ haw (6) From: Sarah Price [maiito Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:39 PM To: Ede! man, R. David; hale Subject: Visit for Thurs/Fri Hi David, I want to introduce you to Charlie Hale. Charlie works on public policy for Glass and self -driving cars, and would love to meet when you are in town. e's copied on this email, and you can also call him at (6) Best, Sarah Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) From: Charlie Hale Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:52 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sure! Mountain View on Friday morning works well. I emailed the team so I'll get back to you as soon as I have some times nailed down. On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: I?ii actuaily already be dOWn south that morning/afternoon, so MV is probany best, no? -rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:17 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs] Fri Sounds great! Would you like to meet in the Google SF of?ce and we can video conference with anyone from the chauffeur team, or meet in Mountain View? -Char1ie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Thanks, Sarah! Chariie, great to chat ea riier. One note per our prior discussion: it?s looking like morning/[are ? unch on Friday is preferable to afternoon, if possible. Cheers, {David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy The Vv?hite House WW I ham [131_ From: Sarah Price [mailto b) 6 Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:39 PM To: Edelman,r David; hale Subject: Visit for Thurs/ Fri Hi David, I want to introduce you to Charlie Hale. Charlie works on public policy for Glass and self -driving cars, and would love to meet when you are in town. He's copied on this email, and you can also call him at (6) Best, Sarah Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) From: Stebbins, Michael]. _Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 11:13 AM To: 'Rebecca Moore' Subject: RE: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Hi Rebecca, How are you doing on a potential announceable at the event? Best, Mike From: Rebecca Moore [mailt Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 1:48 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. . Subject: Re: Cengratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Thanks very much Michael! More soon, Rebecca Rehecca axiom-i: a 600qu Earth Engine 8: Earth Outreach (6) Boogie On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear Ms. Moore, Congratulations! You have been selected by The White House as an Open Science Champion of Change! As part of the Champions of Change program, the White House regularly recognizes individuals and groups who are making positive change in their communities. The Open Science Champions event will honor I outstanding people, organizations, and research promoting and using open scienti?c data and publications to accelerate progress and improve our world. You were selected because of your tremendous work and leadership, and we hope to honor you at an event at The White House on Thursday, June 20, 2013. This event will feature you and the other Open Science Champions of Change. You will have the opportunity to talk about your work and the challenges and opportunities you have encountered on a panel. In conjunction with the event, your biography and a blog post will also be featured on the White House website. In order to accept your nomination to be a White House Champion of Change, please submit the following information (6) By Friday, June 14, 2013: 0 Security information for each of your guests using the attached template. Please note that you can bring up to 5 guests. 0 Short (3?5 sentences) biography describing who you are and the work for which you are being honored. For examples please visit: Headshot ?om your shoulders up with as plain of a background as possible. Please do not use a cropped photograph. 0 Name as you would like it listed. This is the name we currently have listed for you. Please let us know if you would like to be listed differently: - Rebecca Moore a By Monday, June 17. 2013: 0 Blog post (4?6 paragraphs) about your contributions to Open Science that to be posted on the White House blog. Please note that your blog post may be edited for clarity or brevity. Here is an example: gov/ blo 91201 3/ 0 5/ 1 7/ mission -possible -tackling-mobilitv? Additional Information: EVENT DETAILS: - The event will take place on Thursday, June 20, 2013 from 1:00 -3:00pm EDT in the South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building (EEOB), The White House. Please plan to arrive at the White House complex no later than 1 hour before the event on June 20 via the Southwest 2 Gate at 17th St NW and State Place NW, across from the Corcoran Gallery. You will need to present valid government-issued photo ID. Foreign nationals, including permanent residents, must bring a paSSport. Once you have passed through EEOB security, proceed to the South Court Auditorium. Attire is business/business casual. - You may invite 5 guests to attend this event. As noted above, please submit their security information using the attached Spreadsheet by Friday, June 14. GING: Please note that the White House is not able to cover any of your travel or lodging costs for this event. However, we are happy to help you identify nearby public transportation and lodging Options. PRESS NOTIFICATIONS: Please do not share news of your nomination with members of the press. You may share this information informally with your friends and family. The White House will issue a press release and a list of all Champions of Change prior to the event. A?e that release has been issued, we will email you a copy of the release and you may share your news with others in your network. CONFERENCE CALL: - We will host a conference call on later this week to review logistical information about the event as well as background on the Champions of Change Program, and answer any questions you may have. If your organization or company has PR or Communications staff interested in helping to promote your trip to DC, please have them join you on the call. If you have any ?nther questions, please feel free to contact Anjelika Deogirikar directly at (6) . 0 Congratulations on being selected as an Open Science Champion of Change! Sincerely, The White House Champions of Change program and the White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Ph (D) (6) From: Charlie Hale (6) Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 11:15 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Hi David, I heard back from a few of the team leads and we'd love to have you down on Friday morning. Would you be interested in getting a demo in the car? We'd be happy to take you out for a ride if you have time. Also what time works best for you? I was thinking we could meet with some folks at 10:00, talk for about 30 minutes and then get a demo around 10:30. What do you think? Looking forward to it! -Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Edelman, R. David (13) (6) wrote: Fantastic, thanks, Chariie! From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:52 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sure! Mountain View on Friday morning works well. I emailed the team so I'll get back to you as soon as I have some times nailed down. On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: actuain already be down south that morning/afternoon, so MV is probabiy best, no? ?rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:17 PM To: Edelma n, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sounds great! Would you like to meet in the Google SF office and we can Video conference with anyone from the chauffeur team, or meet in Mountain View? -Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Thanks, Sarah! Chariie, great to chat eariier. One note per our prior discussion: it?s looking like morning/[ore Junch on Friday is preferable to afternoon, if possibie. Cheers, ?David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, InnoVation, and Privacy The W?hite House ph: hem From: Sarah Price [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:39 PM To: Edelman, R. David; haie Subject: Visit for Thurs] Fri Hi David, I want to introduce you to Charlie Hale. Charlie works on public p0 licy for Glass and self-driving cars, and would love to meet when you are in town. He's copied on this email, and you can also call him at (6) Best, Sarah Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) A Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 1:13 PM To: 'Rebecca Moore' Subject: RE: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Great! Todd is also an AMAZING speaker. From: Rebecca Moore [mailt Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 1:07 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: RE: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Hey Michael, working on it. Potentially some ideas later today. Glad to hear that Holdren will be opening the event. On Jun 14, 2013 8:12 AM, "Stebbins, Michael wrote: Hi Rebecca, How are you doing on a potential announceable at the event? Best, Mike From: Rebecca Moore [mailto Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 1:48 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Thanks very much Michael! More soon, Rebecca Reheeca sateen: 3 Earth Engine Earth Outreach (6) (Beagle On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear Ms. Moore, Congratulations! You have been selected by The White House as an Open Science Champion of Change! As part of the Champions of Change program, the White House regularly recognizes individuals and groups who are making positive change in their communities. The Open Science Champions event will honor outstanding people, organizations, and research promoting and using Open scienti?c data and publications to accelerate progress and improve our world. You were selected because of your tremendous work and leadership, and we hope to honor you at an event at The White House on Thursday, June 20, 2013. This event will feature you and the other Open Science Champions of Change. You will have the Opportunity to talk about your work and the challenges and opportunities you have encountered on a panel. In conjunction with the event, your biography and a blog post will also be featured on the White House website. In order to accept your nomination to be a White House Champion of Change, please submit the following information (6) By Friday, June 14, 2013: 0 Security information for each of your guests using the attached template. Please note that you can bring up to 5 guests. 0 Short (3?5 sentences) biography describing who you are and the work for which you are being honored. For examples please visit: Headshot from your shoulders up with as plain of a background as possible. Please do not use a cropped photograph. 0 Name as you would like it listed. This is the name we currently have listed for you. Please let us know if you would like to be listed differently: - Rebecca Moore a By Monday, June 112013: 0 Blog post (4?6 paragraphs) about your contributions to Open Science that to be posted on the White House blog. Please note that your blog post may be edited for clarity or brevity. Here is an example: 7/mission -possible?tackling?mobility- Additional Information: EVENT DETAILS: - The event will take place on Thursday, June 20, 2013 from 1:00 -3:00pm EDT in the South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building (EEOB), The White House. Please plan to arrive at the White House complex no later than 1 hour before the event on June 20 via the Southwest Gate at 17th St NW and State Place NW, across from the Corcoran Gallery. You will need to present valid government-issued photo ID. Foreign nationals, including permanent residents, must bring a passport. Once you have passed through EEOB security, proceed to the South Court Auditorium. Attire is business/ business casual. 0 You may invite 5 guests to attend this event. As noted above, please submit their security information using the attached spreadsheet by Friday, June 14. - Please note that the White House is not able to cover any of your travel or lodging costs for this event. However, we are happy to help you identify nearby public tranSportation and lodging options. PRESS NOTIFICATIONS: - Please do not share news of your nomination with members of the press. You may share this information informally with your friends and family. The White House will issue a press release and a list of all Champions of Change prior to the event. After that elease has been issued, we will email you a copy of the release and you may share your news with others in your network. CONFERENCE CALL: a We will host a conference call on later this week to review logistical information about the event, as wel as background on the Champions of Change Program, and answer any questions you may have. If your organization or company has PR or Communications staff interested in helping to promote your trip to DC, please have them join you on the call. If you have any ?irther questions, please feel ?ee to contact Anjelika Deogirikar directly at (5) . 0 (6) Congratulations on being selected as an Open Science Champion of Change! Sincerely, The White House Champions of Change program and the White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy (6) From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 3:47 PM To: 'Rebecca Moore'; Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern) Cc: George Ivanov; Nate Tyler Subject: RE: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Absolutely. Thanks! George and Nate, Would you like to come to the event and reception? Regards. Mike From: Rebecca Moore [maiit Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 3:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Deogirikar, Anjeiika (Intern) Cc: George Ivanov; Nate Tyler Subject: Re: CongratulatiOns! Open Science Champion of Change Dear Michael and Anjelika, Thanks again for this award a great honor. I wanted to connect you to George Ivanov and Nate Tyler of Google - George is on our public policy team in DC (I believe you know him, Michael) and Nate Tyler heads up our PR for all-things-Geo at Google. They will be handling everything related to the PR and cross - promotion of this announcement/event that you mentioned on this morning's call. So would you please use them as your points of contact on this, including sending them the embargo'd press release etc when that is ready next week? Also it would be helpful if you included them on all communication that you?ll be sending me over the next week, related to this event. Thanks very much, Rebecca Rebccea l?v?loore i Gooqie Earth Engine 81 Earth Outreach (6) Goggle On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear Ms. Moore, Congratulations! You have been selected by The White House as an Open Science Champion of Change! As part of the Champions of Change program, the White House regularly recognizes individuals and groups who are making positive change in their communities. The Open Science Champions event will honor outstanding people, organizations, and research promoting and using open scienti?c data and publications to accelerate progress and improve our world. I You were selected because of your tremendous work and leadership, and we hope to honor you at an event at The White House on Thursday, June 20, 2013. This event will feature you and the other Open Science Champions of Change. You will have the opportunity to talk about your work and the challenges and opportunities you have encountered on a panel. In conjunction with the event, your biography and a blog post will also be featured on the White House website. In order to accept your nomination to be a White House Champion of Change, please submit the following information By Friday, June 14, 2013: 0 Security information for each of your guests using the attached template. Please note that you. can bring up to 5 guests. 0 Short (3-5 sentences) biography describing who you are and the work for which you are being honored. For examples please visit: Headshot from your shoulders up with as plain of a background as possible. Please do not use a cropped photograph. 0 Name as you would like it listed. This is the name we currently have listed for you. Please let us know if you would like to be listed differently: - Rebecca Moore - By Monday, June 17, 2013: 0 Blog post (4?6 paragraphs) about your contributions to Open Science that to be posted on the White House blo g. Please note that your blog post may be edited for clarity or brevity. Here is an example: httoz? gov/blo g/ 20 1 3/0 5/ 7/ mission ~possible-tacklingwmobility: Additional Information: EVENT DETAILS: - The event will take place on Thursday, June 20, 2013 from 1:00 ?3:00pm EDT in the South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building (EEOB), The White House. Please plan to arrive at the White House complex no later than 1 hour before the event on June 20 via the Southwest Gate at 17th St NW and State Place NW, across ?orn the CorcOran Gallery. You will need to present valid government-issued photo ID. Foreign nationals, including permanent residents, must bring a paSSport. Once you have passed through EEOB security, proceed to the South Court Auditorium. Attire is business/business casual. You may invite 5 guests to attend this event. As noted above, please submit their security information using the attached spreadsheet by Friday, June 14. Please note that the White House is not able to cover any of your travel or lodging costs for this event. However, we are happy to help you identify nearby public transportation and lodging options. PRESS NOTIFICATIONS: Please do not share news of your nomination with members of the press. You may share this information informally with your friends and family. The White House will issue a press release and a list of all Champions of Change prior to the event. Afte that release has been issued, we will email you a copy of the release and you may share your news with others in your network. CONFERENCE CALL: 0 We will host a conference call on later this week to review logistical information about the event as well as background on the Champions of Change Program, and answer any questions you may have. If your organization or company has PR or Communications staff interested in helping to promote your trip to DC, please have them join you on the call. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Anjelika Deogirikar directly at (6) -0 (6) Congratulations on being selected as an Open Science Champion of Change! Sincerely, The White House Champions of Change program and the White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Ph (D) (6) From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 3:57 PM To: 'George Ivanov' Cc: Rebecca Moore; Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern); Nate Tyler; Michele Weslander-Quaid Subject: RE: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Excellent! See you there. From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 3:57 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. . Cc: Rebecca Moore; Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern); Nate Tyler; Michele Weslander -Quaid Subject: Re: Cengratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Hello Michael, I will be joining Rebecca at the event next week along with several other attendees clearance info attached). Thank you for your help. Sincerely, George On Fri, Jun I4, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Absolutely. Thanks! George and Nate, Would you like to come to the event and reception? Regards. Mike I From: Rebecca Moore [mailto Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 3:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern) Cc: George Ivanov; Nate Tyler Subject: Re: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Dear Michael and Anjelika, Thanks again for this award a great honor. I wanted to connect you to George Ivanov and Nate Tyler of Google - George is on our public poliCy team in DC (I believe you know him, Michael) and Nate er heads up our PR for all?things-Geo at Google. They will be handling everything related to the PR and cross - promotion of this announcement/event that you mentioned on this morning's call. So would you please use them as your points of contact on th is, including sending them the embargo?d press release etc when that is ready next week? Also it would be helpful if you included them on all communication that you'll be sending me over the next week, related to this event. Thanks very much, Rebecca Rebecca i?vieore Gooqle Earth Enofne 4% Earth Outreach (6) i {Beagle On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear Ms. Moore, Congratulations! You have been selected by The White House as an Open Science Champion of Change! 2 As part of the Champions of Change program, the White House regularly recOgnizes individuals and groups who are making positive change in their communities. The Open Science Champions event will honor outstanding people, organizations, and research prom oting and using open scienti?c data and publications to accelerate progress and improve our world. You were selected because of your tremendous work and leadership, and we hope to honor you at an event at The White House on Thursday, June 20, 2013. This event will feature you and the other Open Science Champions of Change. You will have the opportunity to talk about your work and the challenges and opportunities you have encountered on a panel. In conjunction with the event, your biography and a blog 0st will also be featured on the White House website. In order to accept your nomination to be a White House Champion of Change, please submit the following informationt By Friday, June 14, 2013: 0 Security information for each of your guests using the attached template. Please note that you can bring up to 5 guests. 0 Short (3-5 sentences) biography describing who you are and the work for which you are being honored. For examples please visit: Headshot from your shoulders up with as plain of a bac kground as possible. Please do not use a cropped photograph. 0 Name as you would like it listed. This is the name we currently have listed for you. Please let us know if you would like to be listed differently: - Rebecca Moore a By Monday, June 17.. 2013: 0 Blog post (4?6 paragraphs) about your contributions to Open Science that to be posted on the White House blog. Please note that your blog post may be edited for clarity or brevity. Here is an example: -create-saferhco Additional Information: EVENT DETAILS: The event will take place on Thursday, June 20, 2013 from 1:00 -3:00pm EDT in the South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building (EEOB), The White House. Please plan to arrive at the White House complex no later than 1 hour before the event on June 20 via the Southwest Gate at 17th St NW and State Place NW, across from the Corcoran Gallery. You will need to present valid government-issued photo ID. Foreign nationals, including permanent resid ents, must bring a passport. Once you have passed through EEOB security, proceed to the South Court Auditorium. Attire is business/business casual. - You may invite 5 guests to attend this event. As noted above, please submit their security informa tion using the attached spreadsheet by Friday, June 14. LODGIN G: Please note that the White House is not able to cover any of your travel or lodging costs for this event. However, we are happy to help you identify nearby public transport ation and lodging options. PRESS NOTIFICATIONS: Please do not share news of your nomination with members of the press. You may share this information informally with your friends and family. The White House will issue a press release and a lis of all Champions ofChange prior to the event. After that release has been issued, we will email you a copy ofthe release and you may share your news with others in your network. CONFERENCE CALL: 0 We will host a conference call on later this week to review logistical information about the event, as well as background on the Champions of Change Program, and answer any questions you may have. If your organization or company has PR or Communications staff interested in helping to promote your tri to DC, please have them join you on the call. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Anjelika Deogirikar directly at (6) - 0 (6) Congratulations on being selected as an Open Science Champion of Change! Sincerely, The White House Champions of Change program and the White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Ph (6) George Ivanov PoliCy Analyst I Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 8:30 AM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: transparency reports Thanks From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 7:54 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: tranSpa rency reports our latest public comment - let me know if you have any questions "We have always believed that it's important to differentiate between different types of government requests. We already publish criminal requests separately from National Security Letters. Lumping the two categories together would be a step back for users. Our request to the government is clear: to be able to publish aggregate numbers of national security requests, including FISA discIOsures, separately." and some coverage NY Times: Gooqie Calis US. Data Request Disclosures a Step Backward for Users The Verge: Gooqle opts out of disciosure deal made by Facebook and Microsoft, calts it 'a step back for users;? Twitter agrees WSJ: Facebook. Microsoft Disclose Government Data Requests, But Gooqie Bal ks All Things D: Twitter Backs Goodie. Says Facebook Made Mistake In Data Disclosure Deal With Feds Engadget: Goodie. Twitter push to reveal number of secret FISA requests separately Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 11:16 AM To: 'Rebecca Moore' Subject: RE: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Hi Rebecca, Do you think you?ll have some thing to if it is the "intention." to do something without details, that's totally ?ne for this type of event. I am happy to chat if you like. Thanks, Mike Sent with Good --?--Original From: Rebecca Moore Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 10:37 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern) Cc: Nate Tyler; George Ivanov; Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change All, Here is the info you requested. Headshot is attached. Name: Rebecca Moore Bio: Rebecca Moore is an Engineering Manager at Google, where she initiated and leads the development of Earth Engine, a new technology platform that puts an unprecedented amount of satellite imagery online for the first time and enables scientists to conduct global ?scale monitoring and measurement of chan ges in the earth?s environment. Rebecca also conceived and leads the Google Earth Outreach program, which supports nonpro?ts, communities and indigenous peoples around the world in applying Google's mappin tools to the world's pressing problems in areas such as environmental conservation, human rights and cultural preservation. Rebecca received a bachelor?s degree with honors from Brown University in Arti?cial Intelligence and a master's degree from Stanford University. Her personal work using Google Earth was instrumental in stopping the logging of more than a thousand acres of redwoods in her Santa Cruz Mountain community . If this is too long, feel free to drop the last sentence ("Her per sonal That work establishes my "street cred" when we meet with environmental nonpro?ts, but is less essential in the context of Open Science. best regards, Rebeooa Rotate-eon, Moore Gooale Earth Engine 8% Earth Outreach (6) (Boogie On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Deogirikar, Anjeiika (Intern) (6) wrote: Heilo Rebecca, i took forward to weicoming you and your here next week! I just wanted to foliow?up with you on the other items we are hoping you might be able to share with us today. i iook torwa rd to hearing back from you on these items. Short (3-5 sentences) biography describing who you are and the work for which you are being honored. For examples please Visit: Headshot from your Shoulders up with as plain of a background as possible. Piease do not use a cropped photograph. Name as you wouid iike it listed. This is the name we cu rrentiy have listed for you. Piease iet us know if you wouid iike to be listed diffe re ntiy (Please nate that the additian of professional degrees is a personal preference, and some of the Champions are including this information as part of their name): 0 Rebecca Moore in the meantime, piease do not hesitate to reach out to me with any additional questions! Thank you, Anjeiika From: Rebecca Meme [mailto Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 3:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Deogin?kar, Anjeiika (Intern) Cc: George Ivanoy; Nate Tyler Subject: Re: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Dear Michael and Anjelika, Thanks again for this award a great honor. I wanted to connect you to George Ivanov and Nate Tyler of Google - George is on our public policy team in DC (I believe you know him, Michael) and Nate Tyler heads up our PR for all-things-Geo at Google. They will be handling everything related to the PR and cross - promotion of this announcement/event that you mentioned on this morning's call. So would you please use them as your points of contact on this, including sending the the embargo?d press release etc when that is ready next week? Also it would be helpful if you included them on all communication that you'll be sending me over the next week, related to this event. Thanks very much, Rebecca Moore i Gooqle Earth Enqine 8: Earth Outreach (6) i (Boogie On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear Ms. Moore, Congratulations! You have been selected by The White Hou se as an Open Science Champion of Change! As part of the Champions of Change program, the White House regularly recognizes individuals and groups who are making positive change in their communities. The Open Science Champions event will honor outstanding people, organizations, and research promoting and using open scienti?c data and publications to accelerate progress and improve our world. You were selected because of your tremendous work and leadership, and hope to honor you at an event at The White House on Thursday, June 20, 2013. This event will feature you and the other Open Science Champions of Change. You will have the opportunity to talk about your work and the challenges and opportunities you have encountered on a panel. In conjunction with the event, your biography and a blog post will also be featured on the White House website. In order to accept your nomination to be a White House Champion of Change, please submit the following information By Friday, June 14.. 2013: 0 Security information for each of your guests using the attached template. Please note that you can bring up to 5 guests. 0 Short (3-5 sentences) biography describing who you are and the work for which you are being honored. For examples please visit: Headshot ?om your shoulders upwith as plain of a background as possible. Please do not use a cropped photograph. 0 Name as you would like it listed. This is the name we currently have listed for you. Please let us know if you would like to be listed differently: - Rebecca Moore By Mondav, June 17.. 2013: 0 Blog post (4?6 paragraphs) about your contributions to Open Science that to be posted on the White House blog. Please note that your blo post may be edited for clarity or brevity. Here is an example: -possible?tackling?mobilitv? ?crcatc?safer?co Additional Information: EVENT DETAILS: - The event will take place on Thursday, June 20, 2013 from 1:00 -3:00pm EDT in the South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building (EEOB), The White House. Please plan to arrive at the White House complex no later than 1 hour before the event on June 20 via the Southwest 4 Gate at 17th St NW and State Place NW, across from the Corcoran Gallery. You will need to present valid government?issued photo ID. Foreign nationals, including permanent residents, must bring a passport. Once you have passed through EEOB security, proceed to the South Court Auditorium. Attire is business/business casual. - You may invite 5 guests to attend this event. As noted above, please submit their security information using the attached spreadsheet by Friday, June 14. LODGING: Please note that the White House is not able to cover any of your travel or lodging costs for this event. However, we are happy to help you identify nearby public transportation and lodging options. PRESS NOTIFICATIONS: - Please do not share news of your nomination with members of the press. You may share this information informally with your friends and family. The White House will issue a press release and a list of all Champions of Change prior to the event. After that elease has been issued, we will email you a c0py of the release and you may share your news with others in your network. CONFERENCE CALL: - We will host a conference call on later this week to review logistical information about the event, as wel as background on the Champions of Change Program, and answer any questions you may have. If your organization or company has PR or Communications staff interested in helping to promote your trip to DC, please have them join you on the call. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Anjelika Deogirikar directly at (6) . 0 (6) Congratulations on being selected as an Open Science ChampiOn of Change! Sincerely, The White House Champions of Change program and the White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Ph (D) (6) From: Johanna Shelton (6) I Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 5:04 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Fwd: Google Germany requests Attachments: Biden Germany visit info.pdf As the attached onevpager explains, US Internet companies are having some issues with Germany that we believe VP Biden should be aware of. Among the issues: Ancillary copyright expansion - see background here and press stories here and here. Note that newspapers have been in a steady 25 ~year decline which the Internet didn't really change. And Google sends 4 billion clicks a month to news sites which we hope they can innovate with and monetize. - Privacy regulations - we continue to face issues in Germany that we don't face elsewhere, and are challenged by the existence of 17 privacy DPAs see article here We would appreciate any mention the VP can make of the particular regulatory issues facing the US Internet industry. we're also happy to do any calls or meetings for more backgroun d. Many thanks Johanna. Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google inc. 1. New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washingtong IX: 20005 Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice Re Vice President Biden?s upcoming visit to Germany Chancellor Merkel?s approach to tech: Chancellor Merkei holds a in Physics and is genuinely enthusiastic when it comes to science and technology. For example, she initiated a yearly iT-Summit back in 2005 as a top-level gathering of policy-makers and industry, and launched a forward-looking strategy in November 2010. Most recently, she has shown great interest in the growing start-up scene in Berlin and has invited a group of entrepreneurs to her office to see how the government can further support start-up innovators. Environment for the tech industry in Germany: Although the German government prides itself in supporting the ICT sector, this is not followed through in terms ofthe policies actually applied. She would be Open to understanding the US experiences in how the Internet drives economic growth and how policy-makers can best support a successful start-up culture, particularly removing regulatory hurdles for online services. Embracing the potential of the ICT Industry in Germany: Encourage the Chancellor to further push for a positive view and acceptance of the Internet yet carefully point to existing deficiencies to highlight the room for improvement. By many metrics, Germany is falling behind in the Internet race. According to a recent by the Boston Consulting Group, the web only accounted forthree percent of German GDP last year and BCG expects it to reach only 4 percent by 2016 - a ?gure that would put powerful Germany behind Mexico. Also in a recent Web index - a world wide measure of the Web?s growth, utility and impact on peepie and nations - Germany came in on rank 16 of 61 countries. Regarding Internet policy, the Germans ranked only 23rd place. With great universities, adequate capital available, the policy agenda to address this needs to focus on micro regulatory issues, in particular privacy and balanced cOpyright, to avoid leading global players, start-ups and investors to look elsewhere. Examples of regulatory initiatives with a potential to hinder Internet-driven growth in Germany: COpyright: The promise to modernize the copyright regime has been reduced to a debate about the Ancillary Copyright a special new provision designed supposedly to help news papers but that will in practice interfere with all normal expectations of users and innovators in Germany. This is a major concern of US Internet companies, who may be forced to alter their business models or avoid providing certain services in Germany. 0 EU Data Protection Regulation: The German Interior Ministry plays an important role in the discussion on how to modernize and adapt privacy regulation in the internet age. 3 key points that are essential to the Internet industry: 0 Opportunity to harmonize the oversight of Data Protection Authorities with the one-stop-shop principle seems especially apt when thinking about the difficult environment in Germany that tech companies need to adapt to with 17 different DPAs. Recognizing a subset category of personal data would maintain legal protection while giving data controllers and data subjects more certainty about their rights and obligations. 0 The rules on consent raise the burdens in a disproportionate way and would increase the amount of information collected and erode citizen con?dence. From: . Dorgeio, Cristin Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 8:44 PM To: Subject: Accepted: Invitation: White House/Google Maker Camp Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:30pm 1:55pm (6) From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 2:52 PM To: George Ivanov; Lorraine Yurshansky; Tom Critchlow Subject: RE: Google Maker Camp 2013 Hangout Invitation How about talking at 1:30 PM EDT on Wednesday? Best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Chaiienges Office of Science and Technoiogy Policy Executive Office of the President From: George Ivanov [maiit Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 9:35 AM To: Dorgeio, Cristin; Lorraine Yurshansky; Tom Critchiow Subject: Re: Googie Maker Camp 2013 Hangout Invitation +Lorraine, Tom Hi Cristin, That sounds great. Would you have some time for a quick call next Monday(l:00, 1:30, 2:30, 4:00 or 4:30)? Sincerely, George On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Hi George: Sure, I'd be pleased to participate. Can we chat next week? Best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Of?ce of the President (6) . (6) From: George Ivanov Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 12:03 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Google Maker Camp 2013 Hangout Invitation Hi Cristin, We wanted to let you know about a program that we will be launching next month to get teens interested and involved in science and technology. Google is offering Maker Camp, a free online summer camp on Google+, which includes six weeks of making, building, experimenting, wrecking, and DIY fun. We'll make 30 awesome projects with the editors at MAKE magazine, go on ?virtual ?eld trips" to exciting places, and hear about some inspirational jobs. Last summer, more than a million campers joined Maker Camp to hangout and create projects like rocket cars, glow -in- the-dark candy, homemade electric circuitry, and stop -motion films. Campers went on virtual field trips to the NASA Robotics Lab, Walt Disney lmagineering, National Geographic, CERN, and other cool places via live video hangouts. See that Maker Camp featured in this wrag-ug video and write-ups in Wired. Fox News, Enoadoet and GidaOm. This summer, we?d like Maker Camp to inspire even more teens. The program will run from July 8th through August 16th. It?s free and open to all. We?re also signing up libraries, camps, and civic centers to host local Maker Camp activities, giving young people a place to gather and build together. We were wondering if you would be interested in being featured as a guest in one of the Maker Camp Hangouts this summer, to brie?y discuss the innovative and unique work that you do at the White House. Please let me know If this is something that might be of interest and I can set up a quick call with our internal team to run through logistical questions/concerns. Sincerely, George George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (5) George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (D) (6) . (6) From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 10:33 AM 703 (6) Subject: RE: Congratulations! Open Science Champion ofChange any news? We need to nail down announcements ASAP. Sent with Good Message??--? From: Rebecca Moore (6) Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 01:25 PM Eastern Standard Time To: George Ivanov Cc: Stebbins, Michael Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern); Nate Tyler; Michele Weslander ?Quaid Subject: Re: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Hi all, I have one more guest to ?ll out our complement of ?ve my cousin, Maria Hodermarsky, on the faculty at NYU. I've updated the spreadsheet with her seCurity info, please see attached. I hope this is still possible - would you please con?rm - thanks. best, Rebecca Rebeca-a afieere Earth Engine a Earth Outreach (6) Geagie On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 12:56 PM, George Ivanov (6) wrote: Hello Michael, I will be joining Rebecca at the event next week along with sever al other attendees (full clearance info attached). Thank you for your help. Sincerely, George On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Absolutely. Thanks! George and Nate, Would you like to come to the event and reception? Regards. Mike From: Rebecca Moore [mailto Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 3:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern) Cc: George Ivanov; Nate Tyler Subject: Re: Congratulations! Open Science Champion of Change Dear Michael and Anjelika, Thanks again for this award a great honor. I wanted to connect you to George Ivanov and Nate Tyler of Google George is on our public policy team in DC (I believe you know him, Michael) and Nate Tyler heads up our PR for all-things?Geo at Google. They will be handling everything related to the and cross- promotion of this announcement/event that you mentioned on this morning's call. So would you please use them as your points of contact on this, including sending them the embargo?d press release etc when that is ready next week? Also it would be helpful if you included them on all communicat ion that you'll be sending me over the next week, related to this event. Thanks very much, Rebecca tits-ahead}. Mime Earth Enqine Earth Outreach (6) Google On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear Ms. Moore, Congratulations! You have been selected by The White House as an Open Science Champion of Ch ange! As part of the Champions of Change program, the White House regularly recognizes individuals and groups who are making positive change in their communities. The Open Science Champions event will honor outstanding people, organizations, and research promoting and using open scienti?c data and publications to accelerate progress and improve our world. You were selected because of your tremendous work and leadership, and we hope to honor you at an event at The White House on Thursday, June 20, 2013. This event will feature you and the other Open Science Champions of Change. You will have the opportunity to talk about your work and the challenges and opportunities you have encountered on a panel. In conjunction with the event, your biography and a blo post will also be featured on the White House website. In order to accept your nomination to be a White House Champion of Change, please submit the following information (6) By Friday. June 14. 2013: 0 Security information for each of your guests using the attached template. Please note that you can bring up to 5 guests. 0 Short (3-5 sentences) biography describing who you are and the work for which you are being honored. For examples please visit: ns. 0 Headshot ?om your shoulders up with as plain of a background as possible. Please do not use a cropped photograph. 0 Name as you would like it listed. This is the name we currently have listed for you. Please let us know if you would like to be listed differently: - Rebecca Moore 0 By Mondav, June 17, 2013: 0 Blog post (4?6 paragraphs) about your contributions to Open Science that to be posted on the . White House blOg. Please note that your blog post may be edited for clarity or brevity. Here is an example: gov/blog/ZO 1 3/0 5/ 7/ mission ~00 ssible-tackling?mobility- safetv-and?environmental?co ncerns -create?safer?co Additional Information: EVENT DETAILS: . The event will take place on Thursday, June 20, 2013 from 1:00 ?3:00pm EDT in the South Court Auditorium, Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building (EEOB), The White House. Please plan to arrive at the White House complex no later than 1 hour before the event on June 20 via the Southwest Gate at 17th St NW and State Place NW, across from the Corcoran Gallery. You will need to present valid government?issued photo ID. Foreign nationals, including permanent residents, must bring a passport. Once you have passed through EEOB security, proceed to the South Court Auditorium. Att ire is business/business casual. You may invite 5 guests to attend this event. As noted above, please submit their security information using the attached spreadsheet by Friday, June 14. - Please note that the White House is not able to cover any of your travel or lodging costs for this event. However, we are happy to help you identify nearby public tranSportation and lodging options. PRESS NOTIFICATIONS: Please do not share news of your nomination with member of the press. You may share this information informally with your friends and family. The White House will issue a press release and a list of all Champions of Change prior to the event. After that release has been issued, we will email you a copy of the release and you may share your news with others in your network. CONFERENCE CALL: 0 We will host a conference call on later this week to review logistical information about the event, as well as background on the Champions of Change Program, and answer any questions you may have. If your organization or company has PR or Communications staff interested in helping to promote your trip to DC, please have them join you on the call. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Anj elika Deogirikar directly at (6) . 0 (6) Congratulations on being selected as an Open Science Champion of Change! Sincerely, The White House Champions of Change program and the White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Of?ce ofScience and Technology Policy Ph (D) (6) George. I mm} Policy AnaZySt i (Beagle "Eric. 1 10} NEW York." Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (5) - (6) From: Charlie Hale Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 6:09 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Great. I?m at 1875 Charleston Ave and the lobby is in the back of the building where the parking lot is located. We can grab coffee, walk across campus and meet the rest of the team at 10. - On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Sure, why not? Let's do 9:30. Give me the address and building number, and I'll see you in the lobby. Message From: Charlie Hale Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 01:22 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Great! Ifyou'd like to come at 9:15 -9:30 then you and I can grab coffe orI can show you around campus a bit, and then we can head to the building where we'll be meeting with the team. Sound good? On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Charlie, That?s fantastic, thank you. Actuatly, yes, i wouid if i?m going to be writing poiicy on the technology, makes sense to see it in action. 10 and 10:30am is fine, and couid even do a bit eariier (9:30 or 9:451i fthere is appetite to go a bit more in-depth, as certainly would be interested. Let me know the coordinates and who might be joining, and looking forward to it. Cheers, -rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 11:15 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Hi David, I heard back from a few of the team leads and we'd love to have you down on Friday morning. Would you be interested in getting a demo in the car? We'd be happy to take you out for a ride if you have time. Also what time works best for you? I was thinking we could meet with some folks at 10:00, talk for abOut 30 minutes and then get a demo around 10:30. What do you think? Looking forward to it! -Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Edelman, R. David (13) (6) wrote: Fantastic, thanks, Chariie! From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:52 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sure! Mountain View on Friday morning works well. I emailed the team so I?ll get back to ou as soon as I have some times nailed down. On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: I?ll actually already be down south that morningXaftemoon, so MV is probabe best, no? urD From: Charlie Hale [maiito Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:17 PM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sounds great! Would you like to meet in the Google SF of?ce and we can video conference with anyone from the chauffeur team, or meet in Mountain View? -Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Thanks, Sarah! Chariie, great to chat ea riier. One note per our prior discussion: it?s looking iike morning/[are -iuneh on Friday is preferable to afternoon, if possibie. Cheers, -David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy The White House phi I (6) From: Sarah Price [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:39 PM To: Edeiman, R. David; haie Subject: Visit for Thurs/Fri Hi David, I want to introduce you to Charlie Hale. Charlie works on public policy for Glass and self ?driving cars, and would love to meet when you are in town. He's copied on this email, and you can also call him at (6) Best, Sarah Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) From: Charlie Hale Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 1:22 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Great! If you'd like to come at 9:15?9:30 then you and I can grab coffee or I can you around campus a bit, and then we can head to the building where we'll be meeting with the team. Sound good? On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Charlie, That?s fantastic, thank you. Actually, yes, 1 would if I?m going to be writing policy on the technology, makes sense to see it in action. 10 and 10:30am is fine, and could even do a bit earlier (9:30 or 9:45) if there is appetite to go a bit more inadepth, as 1 certainly would be interested. Let me know the coordinates and who might be joining, and looking forward to it. Cheers, -rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 11:15 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Hi David, I heard back ?om a few ofthe team leads and we?d love to have you down on Friday morning. Would you be interested in getting a demo in the car? We'd be happy to take you out for a ride if you have time. 1 Also what time works best for you? I was thinking we could meet with some folks at 10:00, talk for about 30 minutes and then get a demo around 10:30. What do you think? Looking forward to it! -Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Fantastic, thanks, Chariie! From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:52 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sure! Mountain View on Friday morning works well. I emailed the team so I'll get back to you as soon as I have some times nailed down. On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: t?ii actuaiiy already be down south that morning/afternoon, 50 MV is probably best, no? art) From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:17 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sounds great! Would you like to meet in the Goo gle SF of?ce and we can video conference with anyone from the chauffeur team, or meet in Mountain View? -Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Thanks, Sarah! Charlie, great to chat eariier. One note per our prior discussion: it?s looking iike mo on Friday is preferabie to afternoon, if possible. Cheers, David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy I The W?hite House pin I Mr (6 From: Sarah Price [maiito Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:39 PM To: Edelman, R. David; hale Subject: Visit for Thurs/ Fri Hi David, I want to introduce you to Charlie Hale. Charlie works on public policy for Glass and self ?driving cars, and would love to meet when you are in town. He's copied on this email, and you can also call him at (6) Best, Sarah Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) A Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) . Charlie Hale I Google Public Policy (6) From: . David Estrada (6) Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 1:41 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: my contact info Hi David. I was just in the meeting with you abOut the Chauffeur program. Great meeting you. Feel free to reach out to me directly anytime. mobile David David Estrada Google[x] Legal Director 03) (6) PRIVILEGE AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message may contain privileged and con?dential information. If you have received this mess age in error, please notify the sender by return email and then delete the message. Please do not copy or disclose the contents ofthis message. Thank you. From: David Estrada (6) Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 11:44 AM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: RE: my contact info Sounds good, David. We'll coordinate internally and set something up with you. On Feb 4, 2013 7:45 AM, "Edelman, R. David" (6) wrote: David, Thanks so much for tak?ng the time on Friday it was great meeting you, and appreciated your insights into how we can work towards this vision. i?il definiteiy want to keep my team in reguiar touch on this; please iet me know the next time you or the team will be in D.C., i?d Eove to have you come in and speak with my group. We may even want to convene a conference cait in the nearer future. Cheers, From: David Estrada [maiito Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 1:41 PM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: my contact info Hi David. I was just in the meeting with you about the Chauffeur program. Great meeting you. Feel free to reach out to me directly anytime. mobile (6) David David Estrada G00gle[x] Legal Director (6) PRIVILEGE AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message may contain privileged and confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender by return email and then delete the message. Please do not copy or disclose the co ntents of ihis message. Thank you. From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 10:34 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Catching Up Hi David, Do you have some time for a quick call tomorrow or on Friday? Sincerely, George George Ivanov Policy Anaiyst Googic Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20095 (6) . (6) From: George Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 11:15 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Catching Up How does 02/20 look on your calendar for ME. Swing Coffee House (1702 Sincerely, George On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Sure, actuaii now?s ood as I?m about to in meetin for the next several hours. Give me a ring. 8 R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy The \Vl'rite House ph: I WW From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 10:34 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Catching Up Hi David, Do you have some time for a quick call tomorrow or on Friday? Sincerely, George Geerge Ivanov Policy A?aiyst inc. '1 102} New York Ave NW Washij?gton, DC 20005 (6) . (6) George Ivanov Policy Anaiys?t Googie Inc. 10} New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 . From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 10:01 AM To: Kyle Morison; George Ivanov; Lorraine Yurshansky; Tom Critchlow Subject: RE: Maker Camp Hangout in July Attachments: Event Information Form.pdf Thanks! I?ll bounce this off of our digital strategy NASA comms teams here. i?ve attached the form need compieted 81 returned to me. We have an initial preference for 7/15, BTW, due to some communications activities later in the week. Cristin From: Kyle Monson [mailt Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:28 PM To: Dorgeio, Cristin; George Ivanov; Lorraine Yurshansky; Tom Critchlow Subject: Maker Ca mp Hangout in July Hi Cristin, based on our conversation today, here's our re commendation for the Maker Camp Hangout in July. Very excited about this opportunity! The Asteroid Challenge: Calling All Young Makers A 45-minute Hangout with Cristin Dorgelo during Maker Camp's "Create the Future" week. July 15th or 17th, early afternoon (ideally 2pm Eastern) Basic Idea: Cristin explains the Asteroid Challenge to a live audience of young Maker Campers, with a show -and- tell session where she shows off a chunk of asteroid and some NASA hardware. Could also include video footage or teaser video for Asteroid Challenge or Grand Challenges. Make will supply an interested group of participants for the Hangout, along with any Cristin's team might suggest. Cristin also shares info about the Grand Challenges program, her own background, and how makers can get involved in big ideas. Ideally, Cristin also has a simple, space -related project to build with the kids, so she?s doing something with her hands while chatting. We'll come up With some possibilities. We?ll also tease the ?Field Trip Friday" to NASA Ames ?SpaceShop? later that week. Teaser Campaign Kicks off a few days in advance: We?ll challenge the campers to post their own asteroid ideas to Maker Camp's Google+ be photos, illustrations, GlFs, videos. The best lmost popular ideas will get shared with Cristin on the Hangout. We Ii Creativa Lab IE . .. . I EXECUTIVE GP THE PRESESENT (?315?ng AND TECHNOLQGY POUCY wasezwemrz. or: 205302 EVENT INFORMATION Instructions: Event Sponsor: Please provide the information requested and return to the staff member for processing. ation 2. The sponsor is: A 501(c)(3) non-pro?t organization (please include proof of status in reply message such as link to website) A registered lobbying organization Associated with a foreign government An association with a multi-national organization El Other (explain) A 3. Expected number 0f attendees. 4. What type of organizations (Le. government, non-pro?t, academia, etc.) and attendees staffers, CEO, eneral f?er/SES etc ill be resent at meetin? 5. Is the event a fundraiserthis event open to the press? Yes No If yes, answer: a. Which media outlets have been invited? address fphone for the eent?s pubic affairs contact 7. Will the event be recorded or webcast? El Yes No 8. Will presentation materials be publicly distributed? Yes El No pawerpoint slides will be posted online, etc.) 9. Have you invited any other OSTP staff member to the event? El Yes El No If yes, please list their names and titles: Pers completing this form 10. What is the event fee for all attendees? Name: a? The event fee is The event is free for ttendes CI The event is free for all speakers Title 8? organization: CI The event is free for all government attendees From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 5:41 PM To: (6) (6) - (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) (5) (6) (6) (6) (6) Cc: Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern) Subject: RE: Thank you? All, I would like to further express our sincere thanks to you all for being so amazing yesterday and for the incredible work that you are doing to open science every day. We sincerely hope you will keep in touch with us and let us know how we might be able to work together in the future. Kind Regards, Mike From: Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern) Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 5:20 PM Cc: Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern); Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Thank you!! Dear Open Science Champions of Change, Thank you so much for coming yesterday to the White House! really enjoyed meeting all of you, your families your friends and colleagues who came out to support you for this honor. wanted to share with you that we have just published a blog post of the amazing day and it includes a factsheet to the incredible announcements that several of you made yesterday too! Thank you for being awesome and for extraordinary impact you are making in the world! As Todd Park said "may the force of open science be with you!? Hi be in touch with you to let you know when your b og posts are up and when the video of the event is available on YouTube! Thank you, Anjelika Useful links: ii OSTP Blog post of the event - Fact Sheet ii Press release - Champions short bios From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 1:34 PM To: 'Rebecca Moore' Cc: Allison Lieber Subject: RE: need photo of me presenting I see your problem. Let me see what i can do in the next two hours. Thanks, From: Rebecca Moore Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 1:32 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Allison Lieber Subject: need photo of me presenting Michael - the format on goo gle internal page is portrait - i.e. vertical. attached is the lowres screengrab we are currently using. a as 5a: a :a can you give us high-res image like this asap? thanks! Rebecca Ra?mcca .l?v?loorc Gooqle Earth Enaine Earth Outreach (6) {Beagle Forwarded message From: Rachel Durfee (6) Date: Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 9:54 AM Subject: Re: Folder ofPhotos from Today To: Matthew Lockwood (6) Ce: Rebecca Moore (6) Allison Lieber (6) George Ivanov (5) This is up! I think we could use a sharper photo -- can somebody send? Let me know if you need any other changes made. Best, Rachel On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Matthew Lockwood (6) wrote: - others rachel we'll get this up ?rst thing tomorrow -- we have a good pic and will link to your blo I On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 7:33 PM, Rebecca Moore (6) wrote: Can I get write access to this folder? In the meantime, I've attached a couple of screengrabs ??Om White House website, where (at least right now) they are featuring my blog post on the Champions of Change home pag - nice! Rebecca Rehecea Home 600qu Earth Enaine Earth Outreach (6) 1 {Boogie On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Allison Lieber (6) wrote: All the photos taken during the event are here Thanks! Allison Lieber Google Earth Outreach Program Manager (6) Matt I Lockwood (6) (6) Rama: Durfee i (3mm: Communications Public Affairs I (Boogie 1 Emaii km? From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 2:37 PM To: Deogirikar, Anjelika (Intern) Subject: RE: Photos from the Open Science Champions of Change Thanks Anjelika. Rebecca, 1 hope these suit your needs. Congrats again! Taik to you soon. Best, Mike Ded?irikarl. .. Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 2:30 PM To Cc: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Photos from the Open Science Champions of Change Heiio Rebecca, Attached please find four photos of you from the Champions of Change event on Open Science! Thanks so much, Anjelika . From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 3:30 PM To: 'Allison Lieber' Subject: FW: Photos from the Open Science Champions of Change Attachments: - - Version 2.JPG Here you Deogirikar, Anj'eiika (Internjm Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 2:30 PM To Cc: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Photos from the Open Science Champions of Change Hello Rebecca, Attached please find four photos of you from the Champions of Change event on Open Science! Thanks so much, Anjelika Edam?th RR "1 I From: Jose Dona?Sepulveda (6) Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 3:30 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Solve for Invoice Hi Cristin, Thank you for participating in Solve for X, we hope you enjoy it! Per relevant gift rules we are providing you with the invoice below covering food+beverages+swag for this event. If you require an invoice for anything else please let me know. Regards. -Jose Jose Ramon chIa?Sepulveda Ethics and Compliance INVOICE BILLED TO: Cristin Dorgelo White House SEND PAYMENT Jose Ramon Dyo a~Sepulveda TO: 1101 New York Avenue, NW Second Floor Washington. DC. 20005 InvoiceNum ber InvoiceDate Terms QUANTITY Note: Please make checks payable to Google Inc. Questions concerning this invoice? calm 1 . .. .. i 1290-00 . From: Will Patrick (D) (6) Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 3:19 PM To: Babak Parviz (6) Kevin Dowling; Aaron Zinman; (6) Megan Smith; Neai Stephenson; Carl Malamud; Anthony Sutera; Andreas Raptopouios; Daphne Preuss; Mike Cheiky; Peter Diamandis; Omri Drory; Doriano Pougaza; Xaviere Masson,? Juan Enriquez; Molly S. Shoichet; Steve Jurvetson; Anna Patterson;jack hidary; Astro Teller; Coleman, Catherine G. Sebastian Thrun; Kalii, Thomas Hiroaki Kitano; Hermann Hauser; Adrien Treuiile; Ramanathan Guha; Mir Imran; Nicholas Negroponte; David Berry, Lisa Gansky,? Privahini Bradoo; Mercy Njima; Eric Brewer; Hal Varian; Ruth Gerson; Richard DeVaul; Johann Schleier-Smith; Mary Lou Jepsen; David Edwards Cc: Kathy Cooper; Karishma Shah; Merci Niebres,? Tara Vega; Lisa Jiang; Obi Felten; Jay Nancarrow,? Courtney Hohne Subject: Solve for - Update from Class of 2012 and website 2.0 beta Attachments: Class of 2012 Update. - Hello Solve for Class of 2012! Hope everyone is doing well. We are reaching out because as the next Solve for group - Class of 2013 is about to meet, we are thinking of you. As the event comes together, we have three fun things to share this week: First, please ?nd the ?Solve for Class of 2012? attached, which has terri?c updates from so many of you. The news is awesome thanks everyone who had time to send something! Second, we are in quiet launch this week on our website 2.0 we will blog about next week (Feb 11), but wanted to share it with you early here?s a list of what?s new just below please join the moonshot community. Third, here?s a short 3 min video we made recently about Moonshot Thinkinq. Thanks again for sending updates please send us any feedback on the website (including any bugs you come acrossi). Check in again next week when some of the videos from 2013 are up on the site. We look forward to ongoing collaboration with all of you! Thank you for continuing to inspire us to think bigger and crazier. Cheers, Will SolveforX 2.0 Website Update: (will of?cially launch Feb 11) . We have added community features: Please come create a pro?le I declare you and join the onllne moonshot thinking community. Now anyone with web access can submit, watch, rate and share moonshots. Wu 1 . s. We?ve added some great partner teammates. MIT Technology Review, Focus Forward Films, TED, PRIZE, Singularity University, ASU These groups all have events and programs where moonshot thinking happens they are submitting relevant moonshot proposals from those programs to wwsolveforxcom and many will encourge and amplify Moonshot Thinking as a meme through their own events. Come watch, rate, share some of the great moonshots they have suggested to all of - Solve for 2013 is happening this week - talks will be up next week. We've curated a Wnole new group of moonshot proposals (they have a lot to live up to!) -- and we will start posting 2013 talks next week starting Monday Feb 11. Our team is growing. Astro Megan are still our fearless leaders and co -hosts/ co-creators. I serve as the Moonshot Curator, Kathy Cooper is our web/marketing lead and event producer, and Karishma Shah is leading our partnership efforts. Everyone is part-time on the project and eager to move their area forward. ASU CSI Emerge conference invite - From February 28 to March 2, Arizona State University?s Center for Science and the Imagination is hosting their second annual Emerge event which gathers together artists, engineers, scientists, science ?ction writers, etc. to redesign the future and think about how our interactions with technology will change and shape that future. Last year?s event had Neal Stephenson, Stewart Brand, Sherry Turkle, and others. As part of the Solve for 2012 class, you are cordially invited to attend. Solve for will be on the ground doing some special programming brainstorming exploration session style) at the event and ifanyone else is interested in attending or collaborating with Emerge or Solve for X, please contact Ed Finn, the director of Center for Science and Imagination, a (6) and/or Karishma Shah a (6) Image not avai1ab1e for this document, ID: 0.7.3759.13244.1 From: Sent: To: Su bj ect: Vint Certc (6) Thursday, February 07, 2013 8:03 AM Alec Ross; Ari Schwartz; bruce andrews; francisco sanchez; Jane Lute; Larry Strickling; mark weatherford; Sapiro, Miriam; pat gallagher; Philip Verveer; Rich O'Lear; Kalil, Thomas A. Fwd: Eurasia Group Note - MIDDLE EAST: Support for the Muslim Brotherhood triggers rift in Gulf Cooperation Council Forwarded message From: Kamel, Ayham Date: Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 8:01 AM Subject: Eurasia Group Note - MIDDLE EAST: Support for the Muslim Brotherhood triggers rift in Gulf Cooperation Council To: Vinton Cerf (6) MIDDLE EAST: Support for the Muslim Brotherhood triggers rift in Gulf Cooperation Council 7 February 2013 07:23 AM EST - The region's post-Arab Spring Sunni alliance between Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar is splintering. Qatar's extensive and growing ?nancial and political support for the Muslim Brotherhood has caused a schism with other GCC nations. Most GCC states believe Qatar's policies are undermining their internal security and the alliance?s national security priorities in Egypt, Syria, and JordanThe post-Arab Spring accommodation between Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey is collapsing because of longstanding concerns over Qatari suppor for the Muslim Brotherhood and the failure to advance common objectives, particularly in Syria. DeSpite clear differences in the three governments? responses to events in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, common interests in Syria, not least the desire to counter Iran's in?uence in the region, helped create an 1 unlikely and now short-lived alliance of convenience. The failure to bring about regime change in Syria and, more importantly, the reassertion of national priorities has brought the accommodation to an end. Turkey's initial desire to play an active role in the Arab Spring has receded, Saudi Arabian fear of the Muslim Brotherhood has intensi?ed, and an increased Qatari determination to pursue its agenda with little coordination with other countries have all contributed to this realignment. Critically, unrestrained Qatari support for the Muslim Brotherhood has deepened the rift between Doha and its counterparts in the GCC. Regimes in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Kuwait have long been unhappy by Qatari support for the organization. Their views have become stronger as events are leading them increasingly to see the Muslim Brotherhood as an imminent domestic threat to their regimes. While the UAE's leaders perceive this threat to be more immediate and concrete than its Saudi and Kuwaiti counterparts, the core concern is identical. Gulf allies believe that the Brotherhood is exploiting wider calls for democratic change across the region to try to seize power in the oil -rich monarchies of the Gulf. Emboldened by the Arab Spring and supported by their allies in Egypt, branches of the Brotherhood in the UAE and Kuwait are challenging the political order. In Kuwait, the Muslim Brotherhood -dominated opposition has called for structural changes in the political system. ikewise, the Muslim Brotherhood-af?liated Islah movement in the UAE calls for a new political system that allows for free elections. As a result, Qatar's stance in support of the MB represents a growing challenge to other GCC regimes. Qatar's role in supporting the Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria, and Jordan has also undermined the alliance's core national security interests across the region. In Egypt, other Gulf states want to use ?nancial pressure to restrict the Muslim Brotherhood's power and its ability to establish itself as dominant regional player. Bypassing its GCC allies, Qatar has prOvided extensive loans to the Egyptian government. Egypt?s small steps toward rapprochement with Iran have also sparked resentment in Gulf capitals which believe that the Brotherhood would have found it more dif?cult to pursue such policies without Qatari ?nancial and political support. Many Gulf capitals believe that without strong Qatari support, Egypt would not have been able to invite Ahmadinejad to attend the Islamic summit, the ?rst visit of its kind in 30 years. In the palaces of Riyadh, Qatari policy is perceived to be nothing less than meddling in Saudi Arabia's backyard. In addition, in Syria, Qatar is abandoning efforts to coordinate polices with Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The fate of Syria is strategic to these countries, which oppose Qatar?s exclusive support of rebel groups closely af?liated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Both countries recognize that the Brotherhood has signi?cant support within Syrian society but do not want to see Bashar a1 Assad replaced by such a government, fearing that the Muslim Brotherhood could establish strategic and territorial continuity across Syria and Jordan. Finally, Gulf States are alarmed by Qatar?s inclination to igno re traditional powers in the region. The al Thani family has repeatedly challenged Saudi 2 Arabia and its role in setting policy in the GCC. More importantly, of?cials in Riyadh feel that Qatar continuously bypasses other Gulf countries in its interactions with Washington. Happy to discuss, Ayham Kamel Analyst, Middle East Tel: mm. 2013 Eurasia Group. All rights reserved. This material was produced by Eurasia Group for use by the recipient. This is intended as general background research and is not intended to constitute advice on any particular commercial investment or trade matter or issue and should not be relied upon for such purposes. It is not to be made available to any person other than the recipient. No part of this publication may be reproduced, tored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior consent of Eurasia Group. From: Ross LaJeunesse Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 12:44 PM To: Edelman, R. David; Maho Takahata Subject: Re: White House Internet Policy Meeting, 2/8 1PM hi there david -- hope 2013 is going well for you so far. would have loved to join this, but am at HQ in california and unable to participate! 1?0 SS On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 9:08 AM, FN m? wrote: Dear Mr Ross Lajeunesse: On behalf of R. David Edelman, White House Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy, I would like to invite you to the first in a series of small-group conversations about structuring the USO -industry in Internet policymaking post?WCIT. The meeting will take place tomorrow, Friday the 8th, in the Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building (17th St and State P1). The meeting will begin at 1PM in room 460. Please bring government issued identi?cation and note that it may take up to 15 minutes for security processing. To RSVP, please return the attache WAVES form by today. We look forward to meeting with you. Regards, Alex Krivit Internet Policy Team National Economic Council Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 8:49 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: ConnectED Device meeting in Hey Johanna, lwanted to get in touch as I?m planning a visit out to the Bay Area for mid ?this month as a follow~up to the President?s ConnectED initiative, which you may have read about. In Mooresville on June he committed to transforming American schools by wiring nearly all to next -generation fiber optic and wireless Internet, and getting digital devices and educational software into the hands of students across the country. (More info below; as you can tel I, this is a major, legacy item for the Administration and on which we?re focused at all levels.) I was hoping to enlist your help setting up a meeting in MV with the hardware, i.e. Nexus and Chromebook teams, as well as whoever leads your educational or institutional sales operation. My goal would be to walk them through the President?s challenge (which they can read about in advance], the potential opportunity, and hear about what Google might be able to offer in this space over the timeline POTUS laid out. Logistically, I am looking at some availability in the morning or afternoon of the 17 th, as I?ll already be in the area (speaking at Stanford around 11am) . Would welcome your thoughts, and happy to hop on the phone to talk it through. Thanks in advance! Cheers, -David Some ConnectED links to explain the initiative and our thinking: From the launch event in Mooresville, NC: [Video of President?s speech in Mooresville, [Transcript of speech] From the WH Blog: [Sperling, Munoz] [Edelman, Rodriguez] President are Obama vieirs studeot prejects created on laptops Idlilijring a tour at ooresville Middle School in Mooresville, .C., June 6, 2013. (Of?cial White Home Photo by Pete Souza) R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Inno vation, and Privacy The House direct: (202 (5 (b (6 303$ 33 Eggs? .. ?b?mwnn?mwmai,x253: From: George Iva nov Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 2:24 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Catching Up Works for me. See you then. On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 8:40 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: 20th in the afternoon is From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 11:15 AM To: Edelnian, R. David Subject: Re: Catching Up How does 02/20 look on your calendar for ME. Swing Coffee House (1702 Sincerely, George On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Sure, actuaily, how?s good as I?m about to go in meetings for the next several hours . Give me a ring. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy I The White House p11: 1 tub: 1 From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 10:34 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Catching Up Hi David, Do you have some time for a quick call tomorrow or on Friday? incerely, George George lvamv Poiicy Analyst 1 Googie inc. 1 101 New York. Ave NW Waghingtozi, DC 20005 (6) George Ivamv Eh?icy Anaiy'sz Google Inc. 1 101 New York. Ave NW Washizigten, DC 20005 Gecrge Ivanov Po'licy Anaiyst Goggle Inc. 110} New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 12:25 AM To: 'Johanna Shelton'; ?George Ivanov' Subject: RE: ConnectED Device meeting in Great, thanks, Johanna! George, appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you. --??-Original From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 11:19 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David; George Ivanov Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in George as he works with these teams frequently Great! We will make it happen. I am on vacation this week in Oregon (it is so nice out here) but George and I will see what will work on our end and be back in touch. On Jul 1, 2013 5:48 PM, "Edelman, R. David" wrote: Hey Johanna, I wanted to get in touch as I?m planning a visit out to the Bay Area for mid "this month as a follow-up to the President?s ConnectED initiative, which you may have read about. In Mooresville on June 6th, he committed to transforming American schools by wiring nearly all to next -generation ?ber optic and wireless Internet, and getting digital devices and educational software into the hands of students across the country. (More info below; as you can tell, this is a major, legacy item for the Administration and on which we?re focused at all levels.) I was hoping to enlist your help setting up a meeting in MV with the hardware, i.e. Nexus and Chromebook teams, as well as whoever leads your educational or institutional sales Opera tion. My goal would be to walk them through the President?s challenge (which they can read about in advance), the potential opportunity, and hear about what Google might be able to offer in this space over the timeline POTUS laid out. Logistically, I am looking at some availability in the morning or afternoon of the 17th, as I?ll already be in the area (speaking at Stanford around 11am) . Would welcome your thoughts, and happy to hop on the phone to talk it through. I 1 Thanks in advance! Cheers, ?David Some ConnectED links to explain the initiative and our thinking: From the launch event in Mooresville, NC: ?and?video/video/20 1 3/ 06/ 06/ preside nt -obama- sneaks?technology?schools [Video of President?s Speech in Mooresville, go v/the ~press?office/20 1 3/ 06/ 06/remarks mooresville-ne [Transcript of speech] From the WH B102: 3/06/06/bringing [Sperling, Munoz] 3/06/0 6/what-connected use. 950 v/blo g/ 20 1 3/06/ I 4/Growing [Edelman, Rodriguez] President Barack Obama views student projects created on laptops during a tour at Mooresvilie Middle School in Mooresviile, .C., June 6. 2033* (Of?cial White House Photo by Pete Souza) R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation. and Privacy The White House directw I tOPIine=W I (we may From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 5:24 PM To: George Ivanov Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi George, Thanks for looking into it. I should be at Stanford from 10:30ish until perhaps 1. So morning or afternoon. i may also be back down on the if that's immensely better, though my timing is a bit tighter that day. All the best, ~David From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 5:03 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, Thanks for reaching out. I'm currently checking the availability of different team leads for that day. What times would currently work for you on the 17th? Sincerely, George On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Great, thanks, Johanna! George, appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you. From: Johanna Shelton (5) Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 1 1:19 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David; George Ivanov Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in George as he works with these teams frequently Great! We will make it happen. I am on vacation this week in Oregon (it is so nice out ere) but George and I will see what will work on our end and be back in touch. On Jul 1, 2013 5:48 PM, "Edelman, R. David" (S) wrote: Hey Johanna, I wanted to get in touch as I?m planning a visit out to the Bay Area for mid ?this month as a follow-up to the President?s ConnectED initiative, which you may have read about. In Mooresville on June 6th, he committed to transforming American schools by wiring nearly all to next-generation ?ber optic and wireless Internet, and getting digital devices and educational software into the hands of students across the country. (More info below; as you can tell, this is a major, legacy item for the Administration and on which we ?r focused at all levels.) I was hoping to enlist your help setting up a meeting in MV with the hardware, i.e. Nexus and Chromebook teams, as well as whoever leads your educational or institutional sales Operation . My goal would be to walk them through the President?s challenge (which they can read about in advance), the potential opportunity, and hear about what Google might be able to offer in this space over the timeline POTUS laid out. Logistically, I am looking at some availability in the morning or afternoon of the 17th, as I?ll already be in the area (speaking at Stanford around 11am). Would welcome your thoughts,-and happy to hop on the phone to talk it through. Thanks in advance! Cheers, ?David Some ConnectED links to explain the initiative and our thinking: From the launch event in Mooresville, NC: govtnhotos ~and-video/video/201 3/ 06/06/president ?obama?speaks?techno logy?schools [Video of President?s speech in Mooresville, :/ ?Dress-officex20 1 3/06/06/remarks mooresville-nc [Transcript of speech] From the WH 8109,: [Sperling, Munoz] ~connected [Edelman, Rodriguez] President Baraok Obama views student projects created on laptops during a tour at Mooresville Middle School in Mooresvilie, June 6, 2013. (Of?ciai White House Photo by Pete Souza) R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet. Innovation, and Privacy 1 The W?hite House amach I topline:(b) 5 [1316? George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (5) . (5) ei?k?if?, . rxixgrxax . . 6.8.. xxsumw ?axyzi??y?yx 323$ Examma?a?g??u? From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 12:25 PM To: George Iva nov Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi George, Hope you had a great hoEiday. in case this was lost in the shuffle, just circling back in the hopes of?nalizing those meetings, as my team is trying to fix my calendar before I depart on travel Wednesday. Let me know ifl can be of heip w/r/t logistics. Many thanks for your help! Cheers, ~David From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 5:03 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ComectED Device meeting in Hi David, Thanks for reaching out. I'm currently checking the availability of different team leads for that day. What times would currently work for you on the 17th? Sincerely, George On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Edelman, R. David (5) wrote: Great, thanks, Johanna! George, appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you. From: Johanna Shelton (5) Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 11:19 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David; George Ivanov Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in George as he works with these teams frequently Great! We will make it happen. I am on vacation this week in Oregon (it is so nice out here) but George and I will see what will work on our end and be back in touch. 1 On Jul 1, 2013 5:48 PM, "Edelman, R. David" wrote: Hey Johanna, I wanted to get in touch as I?m planning a Visit out to the Bay Area for mid -this month as a follow?up to the President?s ConnectED initiative, which you may have read about. In Mooresville on June 6th, he committed to transforming American schools by wiring nearly all to next -generation ?ber optic and wireless Internet, and getting digital devices and educational software into the hands of students across the co untry. (More info below; as you can tell, this is a major, legacy item for the Administration and on which we?re focused at all levels.) I was hoping to enlist your help setting up a meeting in MV with the hardware, i.e. Nexus and Chromebook teams, as well as whoever leads your educational or institutional sales operation . My goal would be to walk them through the President?s challenge (which they can read about in advance), the potential opportunity, and hear about what Google might be able to offer in this space over the timeline POTUS laid out. Logistically, I am looking at some availability in the morning or afternoon of the 17 as I?ll already be in the area (speaking at Stanford around 11am). Would welcome your thoughts, and happy to hop on the phone to talk it through. Thanks in advance! Cheers, -David Some ConnectED links to explain the initiative and our thinking: From the launch event in Mooresville, NC: .whitehouse. gov/photos -and?video/video/ 20 3 06/ 06/president -obama-speaks-techno lo gv? schools [Video of President?s speech in Mooresville, htto grow the -nress?of?ce/20 3/ 06/ 06/remarks -oresident-mooresville -middle?schoo inooresville?nc [Transcript of speech] From the WH Blog: digital?age [Sperling, Munoz] ?eonnected g/2013/06/ 14/ Growing [Edelman, Rodriguez] President Baraek Obama Views student projects created on laptops during a tour at Mooresvilfe Middle School in Mooresville. N.C., June- 6, 2013. (Of?cia! White House Photo by Pete Souza) R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy The W?hite House directwm- I topiinerm I George Ivanov Policy Analyst Goo gle Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (5) From: Megan Smith Sent: Monday, February 11; 2013 12:10 PM To: Will Patrick Cc: Babak Parviz Kevin Dowling; Aaron Zinman; Neal Stephenson; Carl Malamud; Anthony Sutera; Andreas Raptopoulos; Daphne Preuss; Mike Cheiky. Peter Diamandis; Omri Drory; Doriano Pougaza; Xaviere Masson; Juan Enriquez; Molly S. Shoichet; Steve Jurvetson; Anna Patterson;jack hidary; Astro Teller; Coleman, Catherine G. Sebastian Thrun; Kalil; Thomas Hiroaki Kitano; Hermann Hauser; Adrien Treuille; Ramanathan Guha; Mir Imran; Nicholas Negroponte; David Berry; Lisa Gansky; Privahini Bradoo; Mercy Njima; Eric Brewer; Hal Varian; Ruth Gerson; Richard DeVaul; Johann Schleier-Smith; Mary Lou Jepsen; David Edwards; Kathy C00per; Karishma Shah; Merci Niebres; Tara Vega; Lisa Jiang; Obi Felten; Jay Nancarrow; Courtney Hohne Subject: Re: Solve for - Update from Class of 2012 and SolveforXcom website 2.0 beta Hi SolveForXers 2012, Hope all is well with everyone. Quick update from here -- we just hosted the Solve for Event Class of 2013 - - many of the 18 talks are up already on SolveforXcom and more will post today. We also launched the updated Solvet?orXcom website today -- adding community participation (community pro?les-share-rate?etc and anyone can submit moonshots now (including some great partners added)). Here's the blog post today for the launch and the Moonshot Thinking video (3mins). Help us get the word out about #SolveforX and come join (?ll-in?your-short-pro?le) on the updated and declare your x. -- Megan, Astro and the host team Solve for X: Celebrating moonshot thinkingmioin us and declare your February 1 1., 2013 Last week we hosted our .2013 Solve for X. event. where we gathered 50 experienced entrepreneurs, innovators and scientists from around the world, who are taking on that address a huge problem, suggest a radical solution that could work, and use some form of breakthrough technology to make it happen. We heard 18 technology moonshot proposals, which you can watch on SoiveforXcom. Make sure to catch Danielle Pong, whose creativity, courage and. pe rsistence shine through as she describes her potentially game changing idea for renewable energy storage. Take a look at Peter Diamandis and Eric Anderson describing their new asteroid. mining company, Planetary Resources ??exactly the kind of?moonshot thinking that Solve for was created to celebrate. Watch jFIaminia Catteruccia suggest an ingenious shift in our approach to stopping the spread of Malaria, and check out Keith Black?s proposal to diagnose Alzheimer's 20 years before any appear using a test that could be included. in a routine exam. a} use. video: Solve for X: Moonshot 'lf?hinking Supporting innovators in process, as they take risks and dream big One of the reasons we created Solve for was to provide a collaborative forum to celebrate and help innovators who are to the process of attempting to bring radically innovative solutions to realitywattempting moonshots. Moonshots aim to make something 10x better, not just l0 percent. We need many more of us to take on and support moonshots if we are to solve the seemingly intractable problems we face in the world. To do that, we need. to better celebrate the audacity attire attempt itsetf?at the start and. in process. Today we celebrate our greatest and most famous innovators alter their success especially those "who overcame extreme hurdles and intense skepticism on their path to taking in oonshots that solved huge problems. We don?t advocate for stopping this practice in any way but we must also get better at supporting courageous innovators and their teams who take substantial risks to change the status quo as they begin and while they?re acting -- without the security of knowing if the moonshot will work. (For more, read Astro?s piece on inoonshot thinking today in Today we?re launching some updated. features on SolveF orX.con.1, a forum to encourage and amplify inoonshot drinking and collaboration. We invite innovators everywhere- to use Solveli?orXcom to promote and support one another, and we encourage everyone to join in, bring your passion and ingenuity, and think big. A fin-rim to encourage and ompi?p?t monastic: thinking and collaboration - Submit moonshots: Whether it?s an early idea. son'iething you?re already working on, a proposal you?d like to see others work on, or a moonshot idea from someone eLse that you?d like to promote, we?d like to hear from you- please submit those inoonshot videos. Read more about what quali?es as a In oonshot. Join and declare your X: We?ve added community areas and we hope you will ioin and create a pro?le declaring your . Your r" is something you are passionate about working on or solving in the world lik learning access or robotics or climate change or raising happy kids. You can watch. share and rate moonshots. Search to find inconshot proposals that match your interests and join the innovation conversation. - Check out even more moonshot ideas: Several new partners have joined Solve for to amplify moonshot ideas, including PRIZE, GE FOCUS TED, MIT Technology Review, Singularity University, and Center for Science and the Imagination. Talks from their events and programs that are aligned with the moonshot ethos huge problem, radical solution, breakthrough technology) are now cross~linked and hosted on SolveforXcom. Some ofo ur favorites are The invisible Bicycle Helmet, The Music Man. Solar Roadways, Bio-Integrated Electronics ,Simple Designs, Slingshot and Gulf Oil Cleanup X. PRIEZE Winning Team Vor w'l?ek. Take a moment to watch-them! Our vision for Solve for is that it becomes a forum where technology-?based moonshot thinking is practiced, celebrated and amplified by all of us. We invite you to come collaborate with us at forXcom. Posted by Megan. Smith and Astro Teller, of Solve for On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 12:19 PM, Will Patrick (D) (5) wrote: Hello Solve for Class of 2012! Hope everyone is doing well. We are reaching out because as the next Solve for group - Class of 2013 - is about to meet, we are thinking of you. As the event comes together, we have three fun things to share this week: First, please ?nd the ?Solve for Class of 2012? attached, which has terrific updates from so many of you. The news is awesome thanks everyone who had time to send something! Second, we are in quiet launch this week on our website 2.0 we will blog about next week (Feb 11), but wanted to share it with you early -- here?s a list of what?s new just below please join the moonshot community. Third, here's a short 3 min video we made recently about Moonshot Thinking. Thanks again for sending updates please send us any feedback on the website (including any bugs you come acrossl). Check in again next week when some of the videos from 2013 are up on the site. We look forward to ongoing collaboration with all of you! Thank you for continuing to inspire us to think bigger and crazier. Cheers, Will SolveforX 2.0 Website Update: (will of?cially launch Feb 11) . We have added community features: Please come create a profile I declare you and join the online moonshot thinking community. Now anyone with web access can submit, watch, rate and share moonshots. . We?ve added some great partner teammates. Technology Review, Focus Forward Films, TED, PRIZE, Singularity University, ASU These groups all have events and programs where moonshot thinking happens -- they are submitting relevant moonshot proposals from those programs to and many will encourge and amplify Moonshot Thinking as a meme through their own events. Come watch, rate, share some of the great moonshots they have suggested to all of . Solve for 2013 is happening this week - talks will be up next week. We?ve curated a whole new group of moonshot proposals (they have a lot to live up to!) and we will start posting 2013 talks next week starting Monday Feb 11. . Our team is growing. Astro Megan are still our fearless leaders and co-hostsI co-creators. serve as the Moonshot Curator, Kathy Cooper is our webimarketing lead and event producer, and Karishma Shah is leading our partnership efforts. Everyone is part?time on the project and eager to move their area forward. . ASU CSI Emerge conference invite - From February 28 to March 2, Arizona State University?s Center for Science and the imagination is hosting their second annual Emerge event which gathers together artists, engineers, scientists, science fiction writers, etc. to redesign the future and think about how our interactions with technology will change and shape that future. Last year?s event had Neal Stephenson, Stewart Brand, Sherry Turkle, and others. As part of the Solve for 2012 class, you are cordially invited to attend. Solve for will be on the ground doing some special programming brainstorming exploration session 3 style) at the event and if anyone else is interested in attending or collaborating with Emerge or Solve for X, please contact Ed Finn, the director of ASU's Center for Science and imagination, a (5) and/or Karishma Shah a (5) From: Ross LaJeunesse Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 1:50 PM To: Edelman, R. David; Maho Takahata Subject: Re: White House Internet Policy Meeting, 2/8 1PM so sorry that this fell through the cracks, rD. was in calif with our ceo in an all -hands-on-deck sorta situation. hope we can participate and be helpful to you moving forward? actually, i'm hoping to talk to you later this week if you have ten minutes? increasingly alarmed at state dept's approach to the post -WCIT challenges we're facing. thanks TOSS On Feb 7, 2013 1:20 PM, "Edelman, R. David? wrote: Ross, No worries would you like to send an alternate? -r0 From: Ross LaJeunesse [maiito Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 12:44 PM To: Edeiman, R. David; Maho Takahata 5 Subject: Re: White House Internet Policy Meeting, 2/8 1PM hi there david hope 2013 is going well for yo so far. would have loved to join this, but am at HQ in califomia and unable to participate! IOSS On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 9:08 AM, (5) wrote: Dear Mr Ross Lajeunesse: On behalf of R. David Edelman, White House Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy, 1 would like to invite you to the ?rst in a series of small-group conversations about structuring the USG ?industry in Internet policymaking post?WCIT. The meeting will take plaCe tomorrow, Friday the 8th, in the Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building (17th St and State P1). The meeting will begin at 1PM in room 460. Please bring government issued identi?cation and note that it may take up to 15 minutes for security processing. To RSVP, please return the attached WAVES form by today. We look forward to meeting with you. Regards, Alex KriVit Internet Policy Team National Economic Council Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copies/attach ments, and inform the sen der of the error. Thank you. From: Ross LaJeunesse (5) Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 3:00 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc Subject: Re: White House Internet Policy Meeting, 2/8 1PM sure thing, thanks. i'll call you at 9am tomorrow -- best number? On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Ross, No worries, it happens on this busy topic! Hope aii?s wet! back in MV. Would be happy to chat -- i?m on the West Coast (south though] Th-Fri, so it may be best to chat before logistics become hairy. Perhaps via phone tomorrow at 9am? -rD Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 01:49 PM To: Edelman, R. David; Maho Takahata Subject: Re: White House Internet Policy Meeting, 2/8 1PM so sorry that this fell through the cracks, rD. was in calif with our ceo in an all -hands?on-deck sorta situation. hope we can participate and be helpful to you moving forward? actually, i'm hoping to talk to you later this week if you have ten minutes? increasingly alarmed at state dept?s approach to the post -WCIT challenges we're facing. thanks r0 ss On Feb 7, 2013 1:20 PM, "Edelman, R. David? wrote: Ross, No worries -- wouid you iike to send an alternate? ~rD mFrom: Ross LaJ'eunesse Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 12:44 PM To: Edelman, R. David; Maho Takahata 1 Subject: Re: White House Internet Policy Meeting, 2/8 1PM hi there david hope 2013 is going well for you so far. would have loved to join this, but am at HQ in california and unable to participate! 1055 On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 9:08 AM, FN (6) wrote: Dear Mr Ross Lajeunesse: On behalf of R. David Edelman, White House Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy, I would like to invite you to the ?rst in a series of small -group conversations about structuring the USO -industry in Internet policymakng post-WCIT. The meeting will take place tomorrow, Friday the 8th, in the Eisenhower Executive Of?ce Building (17th St and State P1). The meeting will begin at 1PM in room 460. Please bring government issued identi?cation and note that it may take up to 15 minutes for security processing. To RSVP, please return the attached WAVES form by today. We look forward to meeting with you. Regards, Alex Krivit Internet Policy Team National Economic Council .Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be con?dential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all cepieslattachments, and inform the sen der of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be con?dential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Sent To: Cc: Subject: Class of2013: Will Patrick Monday, February 11, 2013 6:39 PM Andras Forgacs; Shawn Douglas; Prashant K. Jain; Peter Diamandis; Steve Jurvetson Ehsan Afshari; Austen Heinz; Mir Imran; Catteruccia; Dr Flaminia; Anna Patterson; Padmasree Warrior (pwarrior); Chase, Charles; Vinocl Khosla; Catherine Mohr; Jeff Surrna; Geena Davis; O?Sullivan, Meghan; Nicholas Negroponte; Molly Morse; Marc Andreessen (6) (6) Dorgelo; Cristin (6) Karishma Shah; Cady Coleman; Natalie Jeremijenko; (6) Wael Ghonim; Bill Gross (6) Black; Keith; L., Regina Dugan; Cathy Zoi; Yoky matsuoka; Hermann Hauser; Rob Nail; Sergey Brin Megan Smith; Obi Felten; Astro Teller; Kathy Cooper; Will Patrick; Rodney Brooks Class of 2013: Thanks for everything What an amazing three days. Thank you so much for joining us and being a part of our community. I feel very lucky to spend a portion of my day job helping to put this group together. As a young person, I feeI awed by your intelligence passion and inspired to do ever bigger and crazier things. Thank you for that! A few things I wanted to share with you. 1. We announced the 2013 event and our new website partnerships this morning on the of?cial Google blog (which includes the ?moonshot thinking' video). 2. We literally just pushed (most) of the talks public. Here are the links: 0 Astro Megan Open Solve for [will be Peter Eric on asteroid mining introduction Rodney on american manufacturing Shawn on Targeted Therapeutics Charles on compact ?lSlOIl Danielle on economical energy storage Andras on sustainable, scalable meat Keith on Alzheimer's diagnostics Serge): on taking inoonshots the vaIue of failing Geena on gender inequality in media Austen on democratizing creation Flaminia on maIaria eradication Prashant on optical computing on solar cheaper than natural gas on inflatable robotics Molly on replacing plastic Ehsan on low?cost terahertz Jeff on municipal waste to energy - Natalie on xDrones Steve Jurvetson on the tech?accelerated rich poor gap [will be here] 1 3. We've started getting some press coverage (TechCrunch, Verge, Mashable). We'd love your help with creating more buzz buzz buzz. For social media, try using #solveforx. If your company organization would like to do any press, feel free to utiliz the blog post as a starting point. I can also put you in touch with our comms team here at Google[x]. 4. Check out Astro's op-ed in Wired. We're looking for feedback! We?ll send out a feedback form in the next couple days. 6. We?re already searching for the next batch of moonshots for 2014. What did we miss? Who should we be talking to? What moonshot idea should be be represented on our stage? U1 Finally, the biggest outcomes of 2012 came from the relationships created at the event I expect this year to be no different. Everyone who attended is on this email; don't be a stranger! Reach out to your fellow participants and continue the dialogue. Of course, you're more than welcome to reach out to me and anyone else on the Goog1e[x] team (see cc?d list) for any reason. Talk soon! Cheers, Will (on behalf of Astro, Megan and the rest of the crew) From: Ed elman, R. David Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 2:04 PM To: George Ivanov Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi George, George, i did, thanks, ihOpe you did as well, That?s great, I look forward to it. Hi hold 2 ?3pm. One question: can you help me understand the difference between the Google for Education team, and the hardware engineering team making the product caiis on Nexus/Chromebook generally? I imagine that the discussion may get in the weeds a bit on the devi ce specifics, and i was hoping that i might be able to have a chance to meet with the latter, or integrate them into the overall meeting unless they are aiready! Appreciate your help. Ali the best, -David From: George Ivanov [maiit Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 1:53 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, I hope that you had a good 4th of July weekend. Our Google for Education team is happy to meet with you in Mountain View on Wednesday the 17th and it looks like 2 ?3 pm Paci?c/56 pm Eastern might be the best time for everyone. I'm still coordinating individual attendees but I will have more information as we get closer to th meeting. Thank you. Sincerely, George On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Hi George, Hope you had a great hoiiday. in case this was lost in the shuffle, just circling back in the hopes of finalizing those meetings, as my team is trying to fix my calendar before I depart on travel Wednesday. Let me know if! can be of help w/r/r logistics. Many thanks for your help! - Cheers, -David From: George Ivanov [mailto m_ Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 5:03 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in I Hi David, Thanks for reaching out. I?m currently checking the availability of different team leads for that day. What times. would currently work for you on the 17th? Sincerely, George On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Great, thanks, Johanna! George, appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you. From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 11:19 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David; George Ivanov Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in George as he works with these teams ??equently Great! We will make it happen. I am on vacation this week in Oregon (it is so nice out here) but George and I will see what will work on our end and be back in touch. On Jul 1, 2013 5:48 PM, "Edelman, R. David" (D) (6) wrote: Hey Johanna, I wanted to get in touch as I?m planning a visit out to the Bay Area for mid -this month as a follow ?up to the President?s ConnectED initiative, which you may have read about. In Mooresville on June 611?, he committed to transforming American schools by wiring nearly all to next -generation fiber optic and wireless Internet, and getting digital devices and educational software into the hands of students across the country. (More info below; as you can tell, this is a major, legacy item for the Administration and on which we?re focused at all levels.) I was hoping to enlist your help setting up a meeting in MV with the hardware, i.e. Nexus and Chromebook teams, as well as whoever leads your educational or institutional sales Operation . My goal would be to walk them through the President?s challenge (which they can read about in advance), the potential opportunity, and hear about what Google might be able to offer in this sp ace over the timeline POTUS laid out. Logistically, I am looking at some availability in the morning or afternoon of the 17 as I?ll already be in the area (Speaking at Stanford around llam). Would welcome your thoughts, and happy to hop on the phone to talk it through. Thanks in advance! Cheers, -David Some ConnectED links to explain the initiative and our thinking: From the launch event in Mooresville, NC: gov/photos [Video of President?s speech in Mooresville, 3 htto mooresville-nc [Transcript of speech] - From the WH 8102; Munoz] [Edelman, Rodriguez] President Barack Obama views student projects created on laptops during a tour at Mooresvilie Middte Schooi in Mooresvii le. N.C., June 6, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy I The White House directzw_ I topiine:w (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 . George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 ME s?gtx aifu?xfuxmn .Lm. ?ggazx?zz a??xzs?wawuu . ?xinmuvmwun 5. soia?zm. From: Ross LaJeunesse (6) Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:02 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Fwd: For Edelman Attachments: IGF l? hey rD thanks for the time this morning. con?rming as mentioned, heroes of WTPF as far as we're concerned: bill smith and NTIA hemmerlein in particular you know this, but we're really concerned that we spend 2013 battling the ITU on its home turf at the expense of focusing on access in the developing world, and on ?xing the multi ?stakeholder groups, IGF ?rst among them. att'd is a letter on that; you were already odd but i'm sure that happens a lot and wanted to be sure you saw it. later ross Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be con?dential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all capieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. UN STATES C?ijli??i?l R311 RNATIQNAL 31.3333?; E33 Peter M. Robinson President CEO February 11, 2013 The Honorable Esther Brimmer The Honorable Lawrence E. Strickling Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary International Organization Affairs Communications and Information U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of Commerce Washington, DC Washington, DC Dear Secretary Brimmer and Secretary Strickling: Not a day goes by that we are not reminded of the extraordinary power of the Internet to generate and advance business growth, innovation, creativity, exchange of knowledge, and economic development throughout the world. The United States has consistently maintained a policy supporting multi-stakeholder dialogue on Internet governance matters. Members of the United States Council for International Business (USCIB), an organization of more than 300 US?based global companies, professional services ?rms, and business associations from every sector of the economy, believe strongly that a safe and secure Internet is critical for all sectors of the economy to fully reap the bene?ts of this technological miracle. The ongoing global debate on Internet governance issues has highlighted the importance of innovative global multiustakeholder institutions, such as the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). We are committed to maintaining and growing business support for the IGF through ?nancial contributions, active participation, and other in?kind support. The IGF has been supported by voluntary contributions from a diverse group of stakeholders over its seven-year existence. Now is the time for businesses, governments, and others to demonstrate their commitment to, and support for, the IGF. Toward this end, USCIB is reaching out to you at this critical juncture to urge U.S. government ?nancial support for the IGF. We believe this support should at least match the contributions of other donor countries, as noted below, and that the U.S. government should consider challenging other governments to match these contributions. The IGF is a cornerstone of U.S. Internet policy. Such support would go a long way toward enhancing the credibility of U.S. advocacy for this model global forum, which provides a platform for debate among all Internet stakeholders, promotes access to the Internet, and demonstrates how to further harness its bene?ts while addressing the challenges it poses. Such debates in the IGF and similar fora are critical for the continued health of the digital society and economy. It also would be appropriate for the U.S. government to consider a long-term IGF strategy, which would include an annual or even multi-year commitment to funding it. We invite you to consider the following: Value of IGF Multi?stakeholder Model -- Since its creation by a UN conference in 2005, the IGF has served as an indispensable forum for consultation among multiple stakeholders from government, business, civil society, the technical community, and academia on various aspects of Internet governance. It has served as an essential space for the exchange of best practices, policy approaches, technical expertise, and experience among these stakeholder groups. The ?exibility, transparency, and inclusiveness of the multi? stakeholder model, in fact, have enabled the Internet to ?ourish as a platform for business and economic development free of the stifling in?uence of inter-governmental regulation. Indeed, the U.S. Congress recognized this last year when members of both parties and both houses approved a resolution urging the 32:12 :?ssenae of the {Eternal Easiness Leadership as the At?iats cf: New york, arr interns-timier Chamber at Grammars-e {Kim psi Qrganisation ?at Emn?nyem ii?ii? Stuntman and laminar?): Constantine- ranks; to are. cans wmmriseitxerg Atlas Cam-at System preservation and enhancement of the multi-stakeholder model for Internet governance. This forum requires adequate resources to be able to fully reach its potential and meet the expectations of the global community. Outreach to Developing Countries One important element of promoting successful IGFs is ensuring participation from and relevance to emerging economies and stakeholders. With an adequately funded IGF, engagement of stakeholders from developing countries in the IGF and the global multi-stakeholder debate and the development of sound Internet policies benefits all. Strengthening the Model - Increased engagement by developing countries in the IGF also will serve to strengthen the global multi-stakeholder model and keep the Internet free from unnecessary regulation. At the December 2012 meeting in Dubai of the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), we witnessed growing support within the developing world for bringing governance of the Internet more under the familiar purview of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The views of many of these countries were shaped by their lack of direct experience in the IGF. As you know, the US. Government declined to sign the Final Acts on grounds that a treaty conference is not the appropriate venue to address policies related to the Internet. Failure to adequately increase engagement of developing countries may result in a tipping of the balance in favor of ITU regulation of the Internet, compromising the dynamism that is the essence of the digital economy to the benefit of no one. IGF Budgetary Strictures For the past six years, the IGF has Operated on a shoe-string budget. In view of these limitations, the United NatiOns formed a Trust Fund Project to help underwrite the IGF Secretariat?s staffing needs, operations, and capacity-building initiatives. We are updating our records related to the operating budget, but note that last year total contributions from governments, the private sector,'and non? profit groups amounted to $855,834 -- $210,000 of which was donated by US business and a non-profit entity. In 2013, pledged funds amounted to approximately $536,702, nearly all coming from the EurOpean Union ($148,458) and the governments of the Netherlands and Finland ($40,766 and $262,640, respectively). This amount still is less than what the IGF needs to hire a new Executive Director, support the operations of the small Secretariat staff, and expand capacitynbuilding objectives. The US. Government is noticeably absent from this list of donors. In this regard, we call to your attention a joint hearing on February 5, 2013 of the House Energy and Commerce and Foreign Affairs Committees. This hearing featured an important colloquy between Members and witnesses, including Federal Communications Commissioner Robert McDowell, Ambassador David Gross, and representatives from civil society and the technical community, on the merits of US. government financial support for the IGF. To conclude, we are keenly sensitive to the current budget climate. Nevertheless, we feel that the US. Government has the capability to provide meaningful support to the IGF and, and in turn, to help safeguard the future of the multi-stakeholder model for debate on global Internet governance that both business and government recognize is critical to digital prosperity throughout the world. Sincerely, @g Peter M. Robinson Ambassador David Gross President and CEO Chairman, 1CT Policy Committee United States Council for International Business United States Council for International Business cc: Fiona Alexander Robyn Disselkoen R. David Edelman Liesyl Franz Christopher Painter John Spilsbury From: . Edelman, R. David Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 2:58 PM To: George Ivanov Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: ConnectED Device meeting in George, Sounds like you hit the nail right on the head? if it?s the same team that met with LEAD, you?ve definitely assembied the right folks. Will throw together some points by week?s end, as requested. Thanks, 40 From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 2:45 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, This is a cross??anctional team under engineering research that handles oth internal and external education efforts, across content, software, and hardware. I am pulling together the same group that supplied feedback to the LEAD Commission last year and will be able to speak about a number of different GOOgle efforts that tie in with the ConnectED initiative. It would be help?il if you could provide us with any additional information that might be available relating to the "Educational Devices for Students" portion of the ConnectED fact sheet. Sincerely, George On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Hi George, George, I did, thanks. I hope you did as wet]. That?s great, I look forward to it. I?ll hold 2 -3pm. One question: can you help me understand the difference between the Google for Education team, and the hardware engineering team making the product calls on Nexusthromebook generally? i imagine that the discussion may get in the weeds a bit on the de vice specifics, and i was hoping that I might be able to have a chance to meet with the latter, or integrate them into the overall meeting unless they are already! Appreciate your help. All the best, ~David From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 1:53 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, I hope that you had a good 4th of July weekend. Our Google for Education team is happy to meet with you in Mountain View on Wednesday the 17th and it looks like 2 -3 pm Paci?c/5?6 pm Eastern might be the best time for everyone. I'm still coordinating individual attendees but I will have more information as we get closer to the meeting. Thank you. Sincerely, George On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Hi George, Hope you had a great hoiiday. in case this was lost in the shuffle, just circling back in the hopes of finalizing those meetings, as my team is trying to fix my calendar before I dapart on travel Wednesday. Let me know ifl can be of help w/r/t logistics. Many thanks for veer help! Cheers, ?David From: George Ivanov [mailto m? Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 5:03 PM To: Edelrnan, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, Thanks for reaching out. I?m currently checking the availability of different team leads for that day. What times would currently work for you on the 17th? Sincerely, George On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Edelrnan, R. David wrote: Great, thanks, Johanna! George, appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you. From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 11:19 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David; George Ivanov Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in George as he works with these teams frequently Great! We will make it happen. I am on vacation this week in Oregon (it is so nice out here) but George and I will see what will work on our end and be back in touch. On Jul 1, 2013 5:48 PM, "Edelman, R. David" (6) wrote: Hey Johanna, I wanted to get in touch as I?m planning a visit out to the Bay Area for mid -this month as a follow-up to the President?s ConnectED initiative, which you may have read about. In Mooresville on June 6th, he committed to transforming American schools by wiring nearly all to next -generation ?ber optic and wireless Internet, and getting digital devices and educational software into the ands of students across the country. (More info below; as you can tell, this is a major, legacy item for the Administration and on which we?re focused at all levels.) I was hoping to enlist your help setting up a meeting in MV with the hardware, i.e. Ne xus and Chromebook teams, as well as whoever leads your educational or institutional sales operation . My goal would be to walk them through the President?s challenge (which they can read about in advance), the potential opportunity, and hear about what Go ogle might be able to offer in this space over the timeline POTUS laid out. Logistically, I am looking at some availability in the morning or afternoon of the 17th, as [?11 already be in the area (speaking at Stanford around 11am). Would welcome your thoughts, and happy to hop on the phone to talk it through. Thanks in advance! Cheers, -David Some ConnectED links to explain the initiative and our thinking: From the launch event in Mooresville, NC: gov/photos ?and?video/video/201 3/06/06/oresident ?obama-sneaks-teehnoio air-schools [Video ofPresident?s sp eech in Mooresville, 1 3/ 0 6/ 06/ remarks [Transcript of speech] From the WH Biog: [Sperling Munoz] http:/l gov/bio 2/20 1 3/ 06/ 06/what -connected go V/blo 3/20 1 3/06/ 1 4/ Growing -Bioartisan- Support-for?ConnectED [Edelman, Rodriguez] President Barack Obama views student projects created on laptops during a tour at Mooresvill 3 Middle Sehoot in Mooresville, N.C., June 6. 2013. (Of?cial White House Photo by Pete Souza) R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet. Innovation. and Privacy The White House 5 directm 1 toplinezm I b) 6) George IvanoV Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) i ?319% ?g From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:11 AM To: Kyle MonsOn Cc: George Ivanov, Tom Critchlow; Lorraine Yurshansky; WORLEY, LAUREN B. Phi Subject: RE: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hi Kyle and team: I?ve copied Sarah Becky Ramsey and Lauren Worley from NASA Comms and Phil Larson who works on the space portfolio here at White House OSTP. We? re all super excited about the Maker Camp Hangout about the Asteroid Grand Challenge and Grand Challenges more broadly. Updates: 1) We?re good with the 19th but would like to lock in specific timing. What time of day would you propose free after noon 2) We?d like to have Jenn Gustetic, Prizes and Challenges Program Executive, join me for the hangout. Jenn?s fantastic, and can give more detail on the Asteroid Challenge, while I can give the broader context for Grand Challenges more generally. Given that, should we get a call set to plan details of the hangout? NASA: What other questions do you have for Google at this point? Also, NASA, you might want to brainstorm any visual props that we could have on hand. By the way,if you want any background on the Asteroid Grand Challenge or Asteroids, see: geeks-asteroids This is going to be great? Cristin From: Kyle Monson [maiit Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 2:32 AM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: George Ivanov; Tom Critchlow; Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hi Cristin, thanks so much for getting back to us. Question for you: we?re taking a Hangout Field Trip to NASA Ames SpaceShOp on Friday the chance that date would work for you? That way, we can have an epic NASA White House space day at Maker Camp. It'd be really cool, and give us a bit more time to get the review done. But let us know if the date change messes things up on your end and we'll go back to the 15th. Thanks Kyle On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Hi ail: 50 sorry that i haven? gotten back to you yet, it?s been super hectic with the 4 ?h ofjuiy holiday thrown in and a few big events. But review has continued to move forward over here. We?re leaning towards doing this from NASA HQ and teaming me with a cool NASA person, likely the iead on the Asteroid Grand Chaiienge. i expect to be able to ioop you in with NASA comma to con? rm things tonight or tomorrow. Till soon Cristin From: George Ivanoy [maiito Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 10:05 AM To: Dorgeio, Cristin Cc: Tom Critchiow; Kyle Monson; Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hello Cristin, Just refreshing this thread ahead of everyone's vacations. At this stage, July 15th still looks great on our end and we are looking to ?nalize the schedule for that week. In addition, have you received any feedback from the Of?ce of Digital Strategy or NASA comms? We would be happy to provide them with any a dditional information that might be needed. Thank you for your help and we look forward to hearing from you soon. incere 1y, George On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Tom Critchlow (6) wrote: Hi Cristin, Apologies for the delay. I wasn't able to use the submit feature in the PDF but please see attached form with our reSponses. Thanks to On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Thanks! I?ll bounce this off of our digital strategy NASA comms teams here. i I?ve attached the form I?ll need completed returned to me. We have an initiai preference for 7/15, BTW, due tosome communications activities later in the week. Cristin 5 From: Kyle Monson [mailto Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:28 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin; George Ivanov; Lorraine Yurshansky; Tom Critchlow Subject: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hi Cristin, based on our conversation today, here's our recommendation for the Maker Camp Hangout in July. Very excited about this opportunity! The Asteroid Challenge: Calling All Young Makers A 45-minute Hangout with Cristin Dorgelo during Maker Camp's "Create the Future" week. July 15th or 17th, early afternoon (ideally 2pm Eastern) Basic Idea: Cristin explains the Asteroid Challenge to a live audience of young Maker Campers, with a show - and?tell session where she shows off a chunk of asteroid and some NASA hardware. Could also include video footage or teaser video for Asteroid Challenge or Grand Challenges. Make will supply an interested group of participants for the Hangout, along with any Cristin's team might suggest. Cristin also shares info about the Grand Challenges program, her own background, and how makers can get involved in big ideas. Ideally, Cristin also has a simple, space -related project to build with the kids, so she's doing something with her hands while chatting. We'll come up with some possibilities. We?ll also tease the ?Field Trip Friday" to NASA Ames ?SpaceShop? later that week. Teaser Campaign Kicks off a few days in advance: We?ll challenge the campers to post their own asteroid ideas to Maker Camp's GOOgle+ be photos, illustrations, GlFs, videos. The best/most popular ideas will get shared with Cristin on the Hangout. .Mmm We Creative Lab II Tom Critchlow Creative Lab (6) I 9577160??li' George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. I 101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) Kyle Monson lg Creative Lab II (6) I From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 4:42 PM To: George Ivanov Cc: Torn Critchlow; Kyle Monson; Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: RE: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hiall: 50 sorry that haven?t gotten back to you yet, it?s been super hectic with the 4 th ofluly holiday thrown in and a few big events. But review has continued to move forward over here. We? re leaning towards doing this from NASA HQ and teaming me with a cool NASA person, likely the lead on the Asteroid Grand Challenge. i expect to be able to loop you in with NASA comms to confirm things tonight or tomorrow. Till soon Cristin From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 10:05 AM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Tom Critchlow; Kyle Monson; Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hello Cristin, Just refreshing this thread ahead of every one's vacations. At this stage, July 15th still looks great on our end and we are looking to ?nalize the schedule for that week. In addition, have you received any feedback from the Of?ce of Digital Strategy or NASA comms? We would be happy to provide them with any additional information that might be needed. Thank you for your help and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, George On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Tom Critchlow wrote: Hi Cristin, Apologies for the delay. I wasn't able to use the submit feature in the PDF but please see attached form with our responses. Thanks "You: On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Dorgeio, Cristin (6) wrote: Thanks! I?ll bounce this off of our digital strategy NASA cornms teams here. I?ve attached the form I?ll need completed 84. returned to me. We have an initial preference for 7/15, BTW, due to some communications activities later in the week. Cristin From: Kyle Monson [mailto Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:28 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin, George Ivanov; Lorraine Yurshansky, Tom Critchlow Subject: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hi Cristin, based on our conversation today, here?s our recommendation for the Maker Camp Hangout in July. Very excited about this opportunity! The Asteroid Challenge: Calling All Young Makers A 45-minute Hangout with Cristin Dorgelo during Maker Camp's "Create the Future" week. July 15th or 17th, early afternoon (ideally 2pm Eastern) Basic Idea: 5 Cristin explains the Asteroid Challenge to a llve audience of young Maker Campers, with a show - and-tell session where she shows off a chunk of asteroid and some NASA hardware. Could also include video footage or teaser video for Asteroid Challenge or Grand Challenges. Make will supply an interested group of participants for the Hangout, along with any Cristin?s team might suggest. Cristin also shares info about the Grand Challenges program, her own background, and how makers can get involved in big ideas. Ideally, Cristin also has a simple, space -related project to build with the kids, so she's doing something with her hands while chatting. We'll come up with some possibilities. We?ll also tease the ?Field Trip Friday? to NASA Ames ?SpaceShop? later that week. Teaser Campaign Kicks off a few days in advance: We?ll challenge the campers to post their own asteroid ideas to Maker Camp's Google+ be photos, illustrations, GlFs, videos. The best/most popular ideas will get shared with Cristin on the Hangout. (mm?Y??mgw-M - x: Kyle Monson li Creative Lab Tom Critchlow Creative Lab (to) (6) 9177160741 George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 [191(9? (6) Subject: (6) Location: ME. Swing Coffee House Start: Wed 2/20/2013 2:30 PM End: Wed 2/20/2013 3:20 PM Show Time As: Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet res pond ed Organizer: 'George Iva nov more details Hold: Coffee With David Edelmann When here Caleadar he Going? Yes - Maybe 519 more options invitaltien from G?gle Calendar You are receiving salaries}; eleai? at the enemas rimm? T?e stop mmeiv?ng mime neii?cmicm for this; even: deciig'ze iiz?e event, Aliemeiively yea; mire miendaz?. invifejcs Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:30pm 3:20pm Eastern Time ME. Swing Coffee House map) because yet! we attendee a? this event. Invitation: Hold: Coffee With David Edelmann Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:30pm 3:20pm George lvanov or; can Sign up its: a (Boogie account a: come! your ramificatien BEGIN2VCALENDAR Inc//Goog1e ca1endar DTSTART: 20130220T1930002 DTEND 201302 DTSTAMP 201302 12T203031Z Ivanov:mai1 UID (6) . . . @131?? ATTE IDU CN mm to: ross_d_ede' man@os your event at VI Ew&e1' b3 . 20130212T203031Z Swing Coffee House Coffee with David EdeWmann From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 11:45 AM To: George Ivanov Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: ConnectED Device meeting in George, So sorry to ask this, but my schedule hasjust been shuffled around a bit -- any chance that we might be able to have our meeting on Tuesday the Could do anytime 8:30-10:30, or after 1:30pm. Thanks, David From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 2:45 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, This is a cross-functional team under engineering research that handles oth internal and external education efforts, across content, software, and hardware. I am pulling together the same group that supplied feedback to the LEAD Commission last year and will be able to speak about a number of different Google efforts that tie in with the ConnectED initiative. It would be helpful if you could provide us with any additional information that might be available relating to the "Educational Devices for Students" portion of the ConnectED fact sheet. Sincerely, George On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Hi George, George, i did, thanks. i hope you did as well. That?s great, i look forward to it. l?il hotel 2 ~3pm. One question: can you heip me understand the difference between the (Boogie for Education team, and the hardware engineering team making the product calis on Nexus/Chromebook generaliy? imagine that the discussion may get in the weeds 3 bit on the de vice specifics, and i was hoping that-i might be abie to have a chance to meet with the latter, or integrate them into the overaii meeting unless they are aireadyi Appreciate your help. Ali the best, ~David From: GeOrge Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 1:53 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, I hope that you had a good 4th of July weekend. Our Geogle for Education team is happy to meet with you in Mountain View on Wednesday the 17th and it looks like 2 ?3 pm Pacific/5?6 pm Eastern might be the best time for everyone. I'm still coordinating individual attendees but I will have more information as we get closer to the meeting. Thank you. Sincerely, George On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: Hi George, Hope you had a great holiday. in case this was lost in the shuffle, just circling back in the hopes of finalizing those meetings, as my team is trying to fix my calendar before 1 depart on travel Wednesday. Let me know if I can be of help wfr/t logistics. Many thanks for your help! Cheers, ?David From: George Ivanov [mailto [131(3? Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 5:03 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, Thanks for reaching out. I'm currently checking the availability of different team leads for that day. What times would currently work for you on the 17th? Sincerely, George On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Great, thanks, Johanna! George, appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you. From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Monday,.Ju1y 01, 2013 11:19 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David; George Ivanov Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in George as he works with these teams ?equently Great! We will make it happen. I am on vacation this week in Oregon (it is so nice out here) but George and I will see what will work on our end and be back in touch. On Jul 1, 2013 5:48 PM, "Edelman, R. David" wrote: Hey Johanna, I wanted to get in touch as I?m planning a visit out to the Bay Area for mid ?this month as a follow ?up to the President?s ConnectED initiative, which you may have read about. In Mooresville on June 6th, he committed to transforming American schools by wiring nearly all to next ?generation fiber optic and wireless Internet, and getting digital devices and educational software into the ands of students across the country. (More info below; as you can tell, this is a major, legacy item for the Administration and on which we?re focused at all levels.) I was hoping to enlist your help setting up a meeting in MV with the hardware, i.e. Ne xus and Chromebook teams, as well as whoever leads your educational or institutional sales operation . My goal would be to walk them through the President?s challenge (which they can read about in advance), the potential opportunity, and hear about what Google might be able to offer in this space over the timeline POTUS laid out. Logistically, I am looking at some availability in the morning or afternoon of the 17th, as I?ll already be in the area (Speaking at Stanford around 11am). Would welcome your thoughts, and happy to hop on the phone to talk it through. Thanks in advance! Cheers, -David Some ConnectED links to explain the initiative and our thinking: From the launch event in Mooresville, NC: use. gov/photos [Video ofPresident?s speech in Mooresville, go v/the ?press?office/20 13/06/06/1'emarks mooresville-no [Transcript of speech] From the WH Blog: [Sporting Munoz] -connected 13/06/ 1 r- ConnectED [Edelman, Rodriguez] President Baraok Obama views student projects created on laptops during a tour at Mooresvilt Middle School in Mooresviile, N.C., June 5, 2013. (Of?cial White House Photo by Pete Souza) R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy I The White House 5 direct: I tophmm I George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) George lvanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 1:32 PM To: 'George Ivanov' Cc: 'Johanna Shelton' Subject: RE: ConnectED Device meeting in Is morning Thursday better? From: George Ivanov Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 01:20 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, Several members of our team are going be out of the of?ce and at full day off ?site trainings on the 16th. Wednesday would be optimal but please let me know if that day is completely unavailable at this point. Thank you. Sincerely, George On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: George, 50 sorry to ask this, but my schedule has just been shuffled around a bit any chance that we might be able to have our meeting on Tuesday the Could do any time 8:30-10:30, or after 1:30pm. Thanks David From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 2:45 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, This is a cross?functional team under engineering research that handles both internal and external education efforts, across content, software, and hardware. I am pulling together the same group that supplied feedback to the LEAD Commission last year and will be able to speak about a number of different Google efforts that tie in with the ConnectED initiative. It would be helpful if you could provide us with any additional information that might be available relating to the "Educational Devices for Students" portion of the ConnectED fact sheet. Sincerely, George On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Hi George, George, I did, thanks. I hope you did as well. That?s great, i look forward to it. i?ll hold 2 ?3pm. One question: can you help me understand the difference between the Google for Education team, and the hardware engineering team making the product calls on Nexus/Chromebook enerally? I imagine that the discussion may get in the weeds 3 bit on the device specifics, and was hoping that i might be able to have a chance to meet with the latter, or integrate them into the overall meeting unless they are already! 2 Appreciate your help. All the best, -David From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 1:53 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, I hope that you had a good 4th of July weekend. Our Google for Education team is happy to meet with you in Mountain View on Wednesday the 17th and it looks like 2 -3 pm Paci?c/5?6 pm Eastern might be the best time for everyone. I?m still coordinating individual attendees but I will have more information as we get closer to the meeting. Thank you. Sincerely, George On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Hi George, Hope you had a great holiday. In case this was lost in the shuffle, just circling back in the hopes of finalizing those meetings, as my team is trying to fix my calendar before i depart on travel Wednesday. Let me know ifl can be of help w/r/t logistics. Many thanks for your heio! Cheers, ~David From: George Ivanov [mailto @16? Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 5:03 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, Thanks for reaching out. I'm currently checking the availability of different team leads or that day. What times would currently work for you on the 17th? Sincerely, George On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Great, thanks, Johanna! George, appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing from you. ?-?-?Original From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 11:19 PM Eastern Stan dard Time To: Edelman, R. David; George Ivanov Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in George as he works with these teams frequently Great! We will make it happen. I am on vacation this week in Oregon (it is so nice out here) but George and I will see what will work on our end and be back in touch. - On Jul 1, 2013 5:48 PM, "Edelman, R. David" wrote: Hey Johanna, I wanted to get in touch as I?m planning a visit out to the Bay Area for mid -this month as a follow ?up to the President?s ConnectED initiative, which you may have read about. In Mooresville on June 6th, he committed to transforming American schools by wiring nearly all to next?generation ?ber optic and wireless Internet, and getting digital devices and educational software into the hands of students across the country. (More info below; as you can tell, this is a major, legacy item for the Administration and on which we?re focused at all levels.) I was hoping to enlist your help setting up a meeting in MV with the hardware, i.e. Nexus and Chromebook teams, as well as whoever leads your educational or institutional sales Operation . My goal would be to walk them through the President?s challenge (which they can read about in advance), the potential opportunity, and hear about what Google might be able to offer in this space over the timeline POTUS laid out. Logistically, I am looking at some availability in the morning or afternoon of the 17th, as I?ll already be in the area (speaking at Stanford around 11am). Would welcome your thoughts, and happy to hop on the phone to talk it through. Thanks in advance! Cheers, ?David Some ConnectED links to explain the initiative and our thinking: From the launch event in Mooresville, NC: -and?video/ video/ 20 3/ 06/ 06/president ?oba1na-speaks?teclinolo gv-schools [Video of President?s speech in Mooresville, gov/the ?oresident-mooresville ?middle-schoo 1- mooresville-nc [Transcript of speech] From the WH Blog: [Sperling, Munoz] -connected [Edelman, Rodriguez] President Barack Obama views student projects created on laptops during a tour at Mooresvitte Middie School in Mooresviile, N.C ., June 6. 2013. (Of?cial White House Photo by Pete Souza) R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy I The White House directm topiinerm (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 El_. (6) George Ivanov Public Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) .x From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 3:38 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Meeting Hi David, 2:30 would be great just sent a calendar invite. We have several people that are assessing different angles of the CFAA issue. Let?s discuss at the coffee. Sincerely, George On Tue, Feb l2, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: George, Have to move our coffee on the 20 perhaps to 2:30pm? Also and perhaps on a related note, who?s following CFAA for Goo gle? Cheers, ?rD R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy we bb: George lvanov Policy Ana?yst Googlc Inc. I 101 New York Ave NW DC. 20005 (6) . (6) From: George Ivanov Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 3:44 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Meeting 0k. Let me check. I'll get back to you on this asap. On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Edelman, R. David wrote: George, Perfect, thanks, may actually need to know before then on CFAA, if Google is to play a part in our discussions. if we could only accommodate one, would it be you? Pablo? johanna? Thanks, *rD From: GeOrge Ivanov [mailto Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 3:38 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Meeting Hi David, 2:30 would be great - just sent a calendar invite. We have several people that are assessing different angles of the CFAA issue. Let's discuss at the coffee. Sincerely, George On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: George, Have to move our coffee on the 20?h perhaps to 2:30pm? Also and perhaps on a related note, Who?s following CFAA for Google? Cheers, ?rD R. David Edelrnan Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy ph= I bb= George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google inc. 1 10! New York Ave NW VVaShilflgEO?, DC 20005 . George lvanov Policy Anaiyet Googie Inc. .l 101 New York Ave Washington, DC 20005 @19? (6) I From: Ross LaJeunesse (6) Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 5:18 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: For Edelman thanks. you?re the man On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Ross, Got it, thanks, I made sure the appropriate folks were informed on all sides. Yes, i couldn?t agree more on the latter, and the sentiment in the letter. Iflagged for State seniors. Cheers, Art) From: Ross LaJeunesse [maiito Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:02 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Fwd: Edelman hey rD thanks for the time this morning. con?rming as mentioned, heroes of WTPF as far as we'r concerned: bill smith and NTIA hemmerlein in particular you know this, but we're really concerned that we spend 2013 battling the ITU on its home turf at the expense of focusing on access in the developing world, and on ?xing the multi -stakeholder groups, IGF ?rst among them. att?d is a letter on that; you were already odd but i'm sure that happens a lot and wanted to be sure'you saw it. later 1?0 SS Ross LaJ?eunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be con?dential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error . Thank you. From; Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 3:54 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: CFAA re participants in any discussions, you should start with Markham Erickson from the Internet Association - you know him right? Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. I 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Hal Varian Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:20 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non?majors I plan on seeing you at 10 AM at Caribou Coffee 12th and Penn. My cell phone i m6? On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 5:25 PM, HalVarian (6) wrote: That?s the same metro as Google, so should be easy. My cell i (6) On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. wrote: Sounds good, See you at Caribou 17th and Penn. Near Farragut West - 1?"h Street exit. Mvcelli rearra? From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 5:18 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non -majors 7 AM body time? I should be able to communicate after a few cups of coffee. What metro stop? On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. wrote: How about 10 am on the 13th w? is that more civilized? From: Hal Varian [mailto [(315- Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 1:39 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non ?maj0rs Sure, that will work. On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Dear Hal: Feb 12th is SOTU, so we are usually busy then. Coffee on Feb Best, Tom From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:38 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: undergrad statistics resource for non -maj0rs Hey, Tom, what are your plans. I?m going to be at Google DC, Feb 12 -13. there on Feb 12? Want to mum to a group dinner From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Wednesday. July 10, 2013 2:18 PM To: George Ivanov Subject: RE: ConnectED Device meeting in That would be great. Just let me know the venue when you can. Thanks for accommodating! -rD From: George Ivanov [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 1:43 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Yes, that should be better. Would 10?11 work for y0u? On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:32 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Is morning Thursday better? --?-?Original From: George Ivanov Sent: Wednesday, July l0, 2013 01:20 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, Several members of our team are going be out of the of?ce and at full day off -site trainings on the 16th. Wednesday would be optimal but please let me know if that day is completely unavailable at this point. Thank you. Sincerely, George On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: George, So sorry to ask this, but my schedule hasjust be en shuf?ed around a bit -- any chance that we might be able to have our meeting on Tuesday the 16?? Could do anytime 8:30-10:30, or after 1:30pm. Thanks, David From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 2:45 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, This is a cross-functional team under engineering research that handles both internal and external education efforts, across content, software, and hardware. I am pulling together the same group that supplied feedback to the LEAD Commission last year and will be able to speak about a number of different Google efforts that tie in with the ConnectED initiative. It would be helpful if you could provide us with any additional information that might be available relating to the "Educational Devices for Studen ts" portion of the ConnectED fact sheet. Sincerely, George On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Hi George, George, idid, thanks. I hope you did as weii. That?s great, i took forward to it. Hi hoid 2 -3prn. One question: can you heip me understand the difference between the Googie for Education team, and the hardware engineering team making the product caiis on Nexusthromebook genera! ly? i imagine that the discussion may get in the weeds a bit on the device specifics, and i was hoping that i might be able to have a chance to meet with the iatter, or integrate them into the overaii meeting uniess they are aiready! Appreciate your heip. AH the best, ~David From: George Ivanov [maiito Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 1:53 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, I hope that you had a good 4th of July weekend. Our Goo gle for Education team is happy to meet with you in Mountain View on Wednesday the 17th and it looks like 2 -3 pm Paci?c/5 -6 pm Eastern might be the best time for everyone. I'm still coordinating individual attendees but I will have more information as we get closer to the meeting. Thank you. Sincerely, George On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Hi George, Hope you had a great holiday. in case this was lost in the shuffle, just circling back in the hopes of finalizing those meetings, as my team is trying to fix my calendar before I depart on travel Wednesday. Let me know if can be of help w/r/t logistics. Many thanks for your heir)! Cheers, ?David From: George Ivanov [mailto m? Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 5:03 PM To: Edclman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in Hi David, Thanks for reaching out. I'm currently checking the availability of different team leads for that day. What times would currently work for you on the 17th? Sincerely, George On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Edelman, R. David (to) (6) wrote: Great, thanks, Johanna! George, appreciate your help, and look forward to hearing ?om you. From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 1 1:19 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David; George Ivanov Subject: Re: ConnectED Device meeting in George as he works with these teams ?equently Great! We will make it happen. I am on vacation this week in Oregon (it is so nice out here) but George and I will see what will work on our end and be back in touch. On Jul 1, 2013 5:48 PM, "Edelman, R. David" wrote: Hey Johanna, wanted to get in touch as I?m planning a visit out to the Bay Area for mid ?this month as a follow -up to the President?s ConnectED initiative, which you may have read about. In Mooresville on June 6th, he committed to transforming American schools by wiring nearly all to next ?generation fiber optic and wireless Internet, and getting digital devices and educational software into the hands of students across the country. (More info below; as you can tell, this is a major, legacy item for the Administration and on which we?re focused at all levels.) I was hoping to enlist your help setting up a meeting in MV with the hardware, i.e. Nexus and Chromebook teams, as well as whoever leads our educational or institutional sales operation. My goal would be to walk them through the President?s challenge (which they can read about in advance), the potential opportunity, and hear about what Google might be able to offer in this space over the imeline POTUS laid out. Logistically, I am looking at some availability in the morning or afternoon of the 17th, as I?ll already be in the area (speaking at Stanford around 11am) . Would welcome your thoughts, and happy to hop on the phone to talk it through. Thanks in advance! Cheers, ?David Some ConnectED links to explain the initiative and our thinking: From the launch event in Mooresville, NC: [Video of President?s speech in Mooresville, http://w ww.whitehouse. go v/the mooresville?nc [Transcript of Speech] From the WH B10 g: [Sperling, Munoz] 2/ 2013/ 06/ l4/Growing [Edelman, Rodriguez] President Barack Obama views student projects created on laptops during a tour at Mooresviile Middie School in Mooresville, NC ., June 6, 2013. (Of?cial White House Photo by Pete Sooza) R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy The \Vhite House directm i tourism I 6 George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Go ogle Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) George Ivanov Public Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (5) . (6) George Ivanov Public Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) (6) ?Mi? From: Wili Patrick (D) (6) Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:26 PM To: Dorgeio, Cristin Subject: Re: Class of 2013: Thanks for everything Good luck with SOTU tonight! On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Wili, Megan, Astro, Karishma, Obi: Sincere thanks again for including me in last week?s inspiring Solve for event. Great gathering of minds and some fantastic talks (in particular, i thought Saul, Shawn, Andras, Bill, Waei, Geena, and Steve knocked their talks out of the park). I?ve shared the videos and the new Soive for site with many of my White House OSTP aireadv. I look forward to collaborating again with your fantastic team as we move closer to a White House Grand Challenges eventw l?il let you know that event date as soon as we know it here. best, Cristin Cristin Dorgeio Assistant Director for Grand Chaiienges Office of Science and Technoiogv Policy Executive Office of the President I rimm- narra? From: Will Patrick [mailto Sent: Monday; February 11, 2013 6:39 PM To @163? Andras Forgacs; Shawn Douglas; Prashant K. Jain; Peter Diamandis; Steve Jurvetson; Ehsan Afshari; Austen Heinz; Mi Imran; Catteruccia;r Dr Flaminia; Anna Patterson; Padmasree Warrior (pwarrior); Chase; Charles; Vinocl Khosla; Catherine Mohr; Jeff Surma; Geena Davis; O'Sullivan; Meghan; Nicholas Negroponte; Molly Morse; Marc Andreessen; m? Dorgelo;r Cristin; Karishma Shah; Cady Coleman; Natalie Jeremijenko; Wael Ghonim; Bill Gross m? Black; Keith; Regina Dugan; Cathy Zoi; Yoky matsuoka; Hermann Hauser; Rob Nail; Sergey Brin; m? Cc: Megan Smith; Obi Felten; Astro Teller; Kathy Cooper; Will Patrick; Rodney Brooks Subject: Class of 2013: Thanks for everything Class of 2013: What an amazing three days. Thank you so much for joining us and being a part of our community. I feel very lucky to spend a portion of my day job helping to put this group together. As a young person, I feel awed by your intelligence passion and inspired to do ever bigger and crazier things. Thank you for that! A few things I wanted to share with you. 1. We announced the 2013 event and our new website partnerships this morning on the of?cial Google blog (which includes the 'mo onshot thinking' video). 2. We literally just pushed (most) of the talks public. Here are the links: Astro Megan open Solve for [will be here] Peter Eric on asteroid mining introduction Rodney on americ an manufacturing Shawn on Targeted Therapeutics Charles on compact ?ision Danielle on economical energy storage Andras on sustainable, scalable meat on Alzheimer's diagnostics Sergey on taking moonshots the value of failing Geena on gender inequality in media Austen on democratizing creation Flaminia on malaria eradication Prashant on optical computing gill on solar cheaper than natural gas 3&1 on in?atable robotics Molly on replacing plastic Ehsan on low-cost terahertz le? on municipal waste to energy 0 Natalie on xDrones 0 Steve Jurvetson on the tech ~accelerated rich poor gap [will be herel 3. We've started getting some press cove rage (TechCrunch, Verge, Mashable). We'd love your help with creating more buzz buzz buzz. For social media, try using #solveforx. If your company organization would like to do any press, feel ?ee to utilize the blog post as a starting point. I can also put you in touch with our comms team here at Google[x]. 4. Check out Astro's gp;e_d in Wired. We're looking for feedback! We?ll send out a feedback form in the next couple days. 6. We're already searching for the next batch of moonshots for 2014. What did we miss? Who should we be talking to? What moonshot idea should be be represented on our stage? Ll] Finally, the biggest outcomes of 2012 came from the relationships created at the event I expect this year to be no different. Everyone who attended is on this email; don't be a stranger! Reach out to your fellow participants and continue the dialogue. Of course, you're more than welcome to reach out to me and anyone else on the Google[x] team (see cc'd list) for any reason. Talk soon! Cheers, Will (on behalfofAstro, Megan and the rest ofthe crew) From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 7:36 PM I To: RAMSEY, SARAH R. m_ Cc: mo? mg? WORLEY, LAUREN B. Larson, Phil; m? (1916?)? Subject: RE: Maker Camp Hangout in July Tomorrow 3-3130 EDT would work for me. Google team? From: RAMSEY, SARAH R. [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 5:36 PM To: rox_ Cc: Dorgelo. Cristin: rom? mo? WORLEY: LAUREN 8- Larson: Phil: (oxe? m_ mo? Subject: Re: Maker Camp Hangout in July I?m available tomorrow between 1030 and 2, and then after 3. From: Kyle Monson [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 05:29 PM To: RAMSEY, SARAH R. Cc: Dorgelo, Cristin George Ivanov [(915? Tom Critchlow Lorraine Yurshansky m? WORLEY, LAUREN B. (HQ rox_ Larson: Phil mo?AIiSchippers [om?Taravellen ran_ Josanna Lewin [oxe? Subject: Re: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hey all, adding one more to this from Pixel Corps, our production vendor for high -pro?le Hangouts. They're great, and have done a lot of work with both the White House and NASA. Also, if there's a time when we can all connect in the next day or two, let us know and we?ll make it happen! On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 8:24 AM, Kyle Monson m? wrote: This all sounds perfect! Let?s plan on the 19th then. The Hangout is at 2pm Eastern, so we?ll need to be up and testing around 1. I'm adding Ali and Tara, our producers from Google and Make, respectively. If we can all jump on a call this week, that'd be ideal. We'll accomodate your schedule, Cristin and Sarah, if you have 30 mins free between now and Friday. "Kyle On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:22 AM, RAMSEY, SARAH R. (HQ m_ wrote: Hi everyone, This is going to be a great event. We're good for the 19th, just need a time. Jenn Gustetic will be the NASA person on the Hangout. As far as props go I'll see if we can get some 3D ?printed asteroids and we have some banners for a backdrop as well. No other questions right now, just let us know what else we can do! Sarah Becky Sarah Ramsey Special Assistant to the Associate Administrator Office of Communications NASA Headquarters 03) (6) (0) . This document is intended only forthe designated recipient(s). Use, dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of this information by unintended recipients is not authorized and may be nlawful. This document is archived as public record. From: , Cristin Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:11 AM To: Kvle Manson [taxe? Cc: George lvanov Tom Critchlow Lorraine Yurshansky LAUREN WORLEY m_ ODIN (taxe? "Phitrip P. Larson [1316? Subject: RE: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hi Kyle and team: We copied Sarah Becky Ramsey and Lauren Worley from NASA Comms and Phil Larson who works on the space portfolio here at White House OSTP, We?re ail super excited about the Maker Camp Hangout about the Asteroid Grand Challenge and Grand Challenges more broadly. Updates: 1) We?re good with the 19th but wouid like to iock in specific timing. What time of day woutd you propose {t?m free after noon 2) We?d like to have Jenn Gustetic, Prizes and Chaitenges Program Executive, join met or the hangout. Jenn?s fantastic, and can give more detait on the Asteroid Challenge, white i can give the broader context for Grand Challenges more generally. Given that, shoutd we get a call set to plan detaits of the hangout? NASA: What other questions do you have for Googie at this point? Also, NASA, you might want to brainstorm any visual props that we could have on hand. By the way, ifyou want any background on the Asteroid Grand Challenge or Asteroids, see: -geeks?asteroids gov/mission 1 qumyB 10 This is going to be great! Cristin From: Kyle Monson [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 2:32 AM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: George Ivanov; Tom Critchlow; Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hi Cristin, thanks so much for getting back to us. Question for you: we're taking a Hangout Field Trip to NASA Ames SpaceShop on Friday the chance that date would work for you? That way, we can have an epic NASA White House space day at Maker Camp. It?d be really cool, and give us a bit more time to get the review done. But let us know if the date change messes things up on your end and we?ll go back to the 15th. Thanks! Kyle On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: 3 Hi all: SO sorry that I haven?t gotten back to you yet, it?s been super hectic with the 4 th ofluly holiday thrown in and a few big events. But review has continued to move forward over here. We?re leaning towards doing this from NASA HQ and teaming me with a cool NASA person, likely the lead on the Asteroid Grand Chaiienge. I'expect to be able to ioop you in with NASA comms to confirm things tonight or tomorrow. Till soon - Cristin From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 10:05 AM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Tom Critchlow; Kyle Monson; Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hello Cristin, Just refreshing this thread ahead of everyone's vacations. At this stage, July 15th still looks great on our end and we are looking to ?nalize the schedule for that week. In addition, have you received any feedback from the Of?ce of Digital Strategy or NASA cornms? We would be happy to provide them with any additional information that might be needed. Thank you for your help and we look forward to hearing from you soon. incerely, George On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Tom Critchlow (6) wrote: Hi Cristin, Apologies for the delay. I wasn't able to use the submit feature in the PDF but please see attached form with our responses. Thanks Torn On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Thanks? l?ii bounce this off of our digitai strategy 8: NASA comms teams here. i?ve attached the form eed completed 8: returned to me. We have an initial preference for 7/15, BTW, due to some communications activities later in the week. Cristin From: Kyle Monson [mailto Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:28 PM To: Dorgeio, Cristin; George Ivanov; Lorraine Yurshansky; Tom Critchlow Subject: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hi Cristin, based on our conversation today, here's our recommendation for the Maker Camp Hangout in July. Very excited about this opportunity! i The Asteroid Challenge: Calling All Young Makers A 45?minute Hangout with Cn'stin Dorgelo during Maker Camp's "Create the Future week. July 15th or 17th, early afternoon (ideally 2pm Eastern) Basic Idea: i Cristin explains the Asteroid Challenge to a live audience of young Maker Campers, with a show -and-te l session where she shows off a chunk of asteroid and some NASA hardware. Could also include video footage or teaser video for Asteroid Challenge or Grand Challenges. Make will suppiy an interested group of participants for the - Hangout, along with any Cristin's team might suggest. Cristin also shares info about the Grand Challenges program, her own background, and how makers can get involved in big ideas. ideally, Cristin also has a simple, space ?related project to build with the kids, so she's doing something with her hands while chatting. We'll come up with some possibilities. We?ll also tease the ?Field Trip Friday? to NASA Ames ?SpaceShop? later that week. Teaser Campaign Kicks off a few days in advance: We'll challenge the campers to post their own asteroid ideas to Maker Camp's Google+ be photos, illustrations, GlFs, videos. The best/most popular ideas will get shared with Cristin on the Hangout. Kyle Morison Creative Lab (b I. Tom Critchlow Creative Lab (13) (6) 91771607?? George Ivanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) We WW 11 Creative Lab Ii In? We MOW IE Creative Labli . We IE Creative Lab I1 From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 1:23 PM To: . 'Ali Schippers' Subject: Accepted: Updated Invitation: Maker Camp NASA Thu Jul 11, 2013 3pm 3:50pm (6) I will only be able to stay until 3:30 From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:30 PM T03 Subject: Accepted: Updated Invitation: Maker Camp NASA Thu Jul 11, 2013 3pm - 3:50pm From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 10:03 PM To: Davis White Subject: RE: Google Arrival Instructions 81 POC Thanks, Davis! R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation 8: Privacy National Economic Council OSTP The White House 13114202 I (202 me- maxe? From: Davis White [mailt Sent: Thursday, July 11,. 2013 5:22 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: George Ivanov Subject: Google Arrival Instructions POC Ross My colleague, George Ivanov, asked that we connect to discuss the meeting logisti cs for your visit to Google next week on Thursday July, 18 at 10:00 am. When you arrive please meet me in the lobby of Building 43. A campus map is attached and our address is below. My cell i (6) if you have any questions or delays. Safe travels and thanks for making time to visit Google. Best regards, Davis Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 11:43 AM To: Kyle Monson,? RAMSEY, SARAH R. Cc: George Ivanov; Tom Critchlow; Lorraine Yurshansky; WORLEY, LAUREN B. (HQ- Larson, Phil; Ali Schippers,? Tara Yellen (6) GUSTETIC, JENNIFER L. (HQ-UA000) (6) Subject: RE: Maker Camp Hangout in July Checking in on status of a run ofshow for Friday. Is Kyle preparing that for us? Thanks! Cristin From: Kyle Monson [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 11:25 AM To: RAMSEY, SARAH R. Cc: Dorgelo, Cristin; George Ivanov; Tom Critchlow; Lorraine Yurshansky; WORLEY, LAUREN B. (HQ Larson, Phil; Ali Schippers; Tara Yellen Subject: Re: Maker Camp Hangout in July This all sounds perfect! Let's plan on the 19th then. The Hangout is at 2pm Eastern, so we'll need to be up and testing around 1. I?m adding Ali and Tara, our producers from Goo gle and Make, respectively. If we can all jump on a call this week, that'd be ideal. We?ll accomodate your schedule, Cristin and Sarah, if you have 30 mi us free between now and Friday. Kyle On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:22 AM, RAMSEY, SARAH R. (HQ -NA000) (6) wrote: Hi everyone, This is going to be a great event. We?re good for the 19th, just need a time. Jenn Gustetic will be the NASA person on the Hangout. As far as props go I'll see if we can get some 3D -printed asteroids and we have some banners for a backdrop as well. No other questions right now, just let us know what else we can do! Sarah Becky Sarah Ramsey Special Assistant to the Associate Administrator Office of Communications NASA Headquarters (0) Uh) . This document is intended only for the designated recipient(s). Use, dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of this information by unintended recipients is not authorized and may be unlawful. This document is archived as public record. From: merges?, Cristin toxe? Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 10:11 AM To: Kwe Manson rm_ Cc: George Ivanov m_ Critchlow Lorraine Yurshansky rox_ LAUREN WORLEY r91_ ODIN "Phillip P- Larson Subject: RE: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hi Kyle and team: We copied Sarah Becky Ramsey and Lauren Woriey from NASA Comms and Phil Larson who works on the space portfolio here at White House OSTP. We? re all super excited about the Maker Camp Hangout about the Asteroid Grand Challenge and Grand Challenges more broadty. Updates: 1) We?re good with the 19th but would like to lock in specific timing. What time of day would you propose (i?m free after noon 2) We?d like to have Jenn Gustetic, Prizes and Chalienges Program Executive, join me for the hangout. Jenn?s fantastic, and can give more detail on the Asteroid Challenge, while can give the broader context for Grand Chaiienges more generally. Given that, should we get a call set to plan details of the hangout? NASA: What other questions do you have for Google at this point? Also, NASA, you might want to brainstorm any visual props that we could have on hand. By the way, if you want any background on the Asteroid Grand Challenge or Asteroids, see: g/2013/05/28/we geeks?asteroids This is going to be great! Cristin From: Kyle Monson [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 2:32 AM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: George Ivanov; Torn Critchlow; Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hi Cristin, thanks so much fer etting back to us. Question for you: we're taking a Hangout Field Trip to NASA Ames SpaceShop on Friday the chance that date would work for you? That way, we can have an epic NASA White House space day at Maker Camp. It'd be really cool, and give us a bit more time to get the review done. But let us know if the date change messes things up on your end and we?ll go back to the 15th. Thanks Kyle On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 1:42 PM, DorgelO, Cristin (6) I wrote: Hi all: SO sorry that I haven?t gotten back to you yet, it?s been super hectic with the 4 t? ofiuly holiday thrown in and a few big events. But review has continued to move forward over here. We?re leaning towards doing this from NASA HQ and teaming me with a cool NASA person, iikeiy the lead on the Asteroid Grand Chalienge. i expect to be able to ioop you in with NASA comms to confirm things tonight or tomorrow. 3 Till soon Cristin From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 201 3 10:05 AM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Tom Critchlow; Kyle Monson; Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hello Cristin, Just refreshing this thread ahead of everyone's vacations. At this stage, July 15th still looks great on our end and we are looking to ?nalize the schedule for that week. In addition, have you received any feedback from the Of?ce of Digital Strategy or NASA comms? We would be happy to provide them with any additional information that might be needed. Thank you for your help and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, George On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Tom Critchlow wrote: Hi Cristin, Apologies for the delay. I wasn't able to use the submit feature in the PDF but please see attached form with our responses. Thanks Tom On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Thanks! i?il bounce this off of our digitai strategy NASA comms teams here. t?ve attached the form I?ll need completed returned to me. We have an initial preference for 7/15, BTW, due to some communications activities Eater in the week. Cristin From: Kyle Monson [mailto :3 Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 5:28 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin; George Ivanov; Lorraine Yurshansky; Tom Crit chlow Subject: Maker Camp Hangout in July Hi Cristin, based on our conversation today, here?s our recommendation for the Maker Camp Hangout in July. Very excited about this opportunity! The Asteroid Challenge: Calling All Young Makers A 45?minute Hangout with Cristin Dorgeto during Maker Camp '3 "Create the Future week. July 15th or 17th, early afternoon (ideally 2pm Eastern) Basic Idea: Cristin explains the Asteroid Challenge to a five audience of young Maker Campers, with a show -and-tel! session where she shows off a chunk of asteroid and some NASA hardware. Could also include Video footage or teaser video for Asteroid Challenge or Grand Challenges. Make will supply an interested group of participants for the Hangout, along with any Cristin's team might suggest. Cristin also shares info about the Grand Challenges program, her own background, and how makers can get involved in big ideas. Ideally, Cristin also has a simple, space arelated project to build with the kids, so she's doing something with her hands while chatting. We'll come up with some possibilities. We?ll also tease the ?Field Trip Friday" to NASA Ames ?SpaceShop? later that week. Teaser Campaign -. Kicks off a few days in advance: We'll challenge the campers to post their own asteroid ideas to Maker Camp's Google+ be photos, illustrations, GIFs, videos. The bestlmost popular ideas will get shared with Cristin on the Hangout. -. mwa Kyle Monson lg Creative Lab ll Tom Critchlow Creative Lab George Ivanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) Kyle I1 Creative Lee ll .. . .. . Kyle Creetive Lab II . .. . .. I Wmuwxuaowmm? rx" From: Hal Varian [mailto From: Hal Varian (6) Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:01 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non~majors OK I'm at caribou On Feb 13, 2013 9:54 AM, "Kalil, Thomas wrote: Will be a few minutes late. Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 08:20 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non ?majors I plan on seeing you at 10 AM at Caribou Coffee 17th and Perm. My ceEl phone i [(316? On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Hal Varian (6) wrote: That's the same metro as Google, so should be" easy. My cell '1 (6) On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. wrote: Sounds good. See you at Caribou 17th and Penn. Near Farragut West 17th Street exit. Mvce?i roto? From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 5:18 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non -rnajors 7 AM body time? I should be able to communicate after a few cups of coffee. 1 What metro stop? On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Kalil, Thom as A. (6) wrote: How about 10 am on the 13 is that stightiy more From: Hal Varian [mailto [tam? Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 1:39 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: undergrad statistics resource for non -maj0rs Sure, that will work. On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Dear Hat: Feb 12th is SOTU, so we are usuaiiy busy then. Coffee on Feb Best, Tom From: Hal Varian [mailto Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 8:38 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: undergrad statistics resource for non-majors /index.html Hey, Torn, what are your plans. I'm going to be at Google DC, Feb 12 -13. Want to come to a group dinner there on Feb 12? From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:37 AM T03 (5) Subject: Chat on Thursday Dear Kent, i hope you?ve been well the last few weeks since I saw you last in Washington. As it happens, l?m going to be in NW on Thursday morning, meeting with the education and Nexus teams on the President?s ConnectED broadband in schools initiative. Given proximity and the seemingly endless areas for discussion between my portfolio and yours, i wanted to see if you might be free for breakfast or lunch that day. My meeting is at 10, so before or after, at your convenience, might work well should ou be free. Of course, given the notice, I certainly understand if your schedule doesn?t allow. Either way look forward to hearing from you. All the best, -David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation 8: Privacy Nationai Economic Council OSTP The W?hite House pi: (202 I (202 From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 8:34 PM To: ?Tara Yellen'; 'Matthew Reyes'; 'Clark, Coral'; 'Ali Schippers?; 'Shannon Cooper'; 'Alex Lindsay?; 'Tom Critchlow?; 'Kyle Monson' Cc: 'corecamp' Subject: RE: OSTP NASA ROS Can you send these as email attachments to me and the other White House NASA folks on the previous threads for this event? Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of Science and TechnolOgy Policy Executive Of?ce of the President From: Tara Yellen Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 08:29 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Dorgelo, Cristin; Matthew Reyes; Clark, Coral; Ali Schippers; Shannon Cooper; Alex Lindsay; Tom Critchlow; Kyle Monson Cc: corecamp Subject: OSTP ROS Hi everyone, Here is the updated ROS for the OSTP NASA ?eld trip as well as our p_roduction content notes re: NASA. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best, Tara Tara Yellen Maker Camp Project Manager Cell (6) Maker Camg Make Magazine From: Dorgelo; Cristin Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 6:25 PM To: All Schippers; Alex Lindsay; George Ivanov; Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson; LAUREN B. WORLEY Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY Shannon Cooper; Sherry Huss; Tara Yellen; Torn Critchiow; Larson; Phil; Shannon Cooper; Matthew Reyes; Jessica Culler; Vickie Welch; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Diehl; Emmanuel Mota Cc: Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: RE: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 I am checking in en status of Run of Show. Can we expect this today? Cristin Borgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President From: All Schippers [mailt Sent: Monday; July 15; 2013 5:38 PM To: Alex Lindsay; George Ivanov; Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson; LAUREN B. WORLEY (HQ Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY Shannon Cooper; Sherry Huss; Tara Yellen; Tom Critchlow; Dorgelo; Cristin; Larson, Phil; Shannon Cooper; Matthew Reyes; Jessica Culler; Vickie Welch; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Diehl; Emmanuel Mota Cc: Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Hi All, Just a quick update. Em, from Make, will follow -up tomorrow with the Run of Show. Thanks! Best, Ali On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Ali Schippers m_ wrote: Hi All, Tom, Kyle and I are regroupng with MAKE today on our NASA Field Trip schedule for this Friday, 7/19. I?ll regroup with everyone by BOB with an update, work in progress Run of Show and any other relevant information. Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions, thanks! Best, Ali ps, please let me know if I've let anyone off this chain and I will add them to the update. Ali Schippers I Producer, Google Creative Lab (6) Ali Schippers Producer, {'Iioogle Creative Lab (6) From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 10:03 AM To: RAMSEY, SARAH R. (5) Cc: (6) (6) (6) (6) (5) WORLEY, LAUREN B. (6) (6) (6) (6) Larson, Phil; (6) CULLER, JESSICA (6) Jenn Gustetic Subject: RE: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 PN- i can?t do 4:30 today, but perhaps Phil Larson and or Sarah Becky can cover and report back. RE: Visual content: 1 included in the suggested revised ROS a Video link with a Pres Obama Clip on Grand Challenges, in case we are able to cut to that. And i can bring the piece of the Asteroid Vesta that we have at OSTP (thanks to NASA) that we can check out. From: RAMSEY, SARAH R. [mailt [91(9? Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 9:55 AM To: m_ Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: [oxe? (iax_ me? [me? [131(9? WORLEYI LAUREN B. (ex_ mo? m_ [taxo? m? Larson: Phil: ?axo? CULLER. JESSICA 5- [exe? maro? me? me? Jenn Gustetic (HQ- UAOZO) Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 NASA HQ can do 430pm ET. Jenn isn?t in today, and so won't be on the call, but l?ll fill her in, As far as Visuals: We have a few static props we can show, but nothing by way of demonstration for the asteroid grand challenge. Understand the need for the event to be visually dynamic, and we'll do our best, but we don't have ?hands on? things to Show right now. Talk to you all at 430, Sarah From: Ali Schippers [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 09:41 AM To: DOrgelo, Cristin Cc: Matthew Reyes Alex Lindsay George Ivanov Josanna Lewin Kyle Monson WORLEY, LAUREN B. Michelle Hlubinka m? RAMSEY, SARAH R. Shannon Cooper (taxe? Sherrv Huss [oxe? Tara Yellen [exe? Tom Critchlow Larson, Phil 1 Shannon Cooper toxe? CUM-Es JESSICA 8- Woloh rare?Shim Dotlofserr role?WhitnevDiohI Emmanuel Mora rex_ Lorraine Yurshanskv m_ Erik Katz ?gm? Jenn Gustetic (HQ-UAOZO) Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Hi Cristin 85 team, Thanks for getting back to us so quickly. The proposed changes look good to me, however, I'll defer to Make for the ?nal word and then we can update the ROS. That said, just wanted to loop back on your thoughts on how we can keep the HOA tactile and Visually dynamic. The content is super interesting, but as discussed on our initial call, are there props, demonstrations etc we can use to keep it visually interesting as well? Also, would 1:30 PT 4:30 ET work for everyone for a call? Please let me know, as I know we have many schedules to accommodate. Best, Ali On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: NASA White House Would like to propose the attached revision to the ROS. Let us know if you ave questions or concerns about this. Ali, if you?d like to schedule a call for today, please let us know a proposed time as soon as you can as I may have to move my schedule around to accommodate. Cristian Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Chalfenges Office of Science and Technotogy Poiicy Executive Office of the President From: Matthew Reyes [mailto Sent: Wednesday, July 17; 2013 6:04 AM To: Ali Schippers . Cc: Dorgelo; Cristin; Alex Lindsay; George Ivanov; Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson; LAUREN B. WORLEY (HQ Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY Shannon Cooper; Sherry Huss; Tara Yellen; Tom Critchlow; Larson; Phil; Shannon Cooper; Jessica Culler; ckie Welch; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Dlehl; Emmanuel Mota; Lorraine Yurshansky; Erik Katz Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Howdy folks, Thanks for the run of show. I need to stress that we have not veri?ed a ?nal list of pre senters for the Maker Camp section to be held in the SpaceShop. The content listed on the attached should be therefore regarded as tentative. This is particularly important regarding BioBricks and the 188 Animal Enclosure ?ltration projects. Now that I know that we have a 30 minute time block instead of one hour, I can ?nally work with the NASA Ames team to who will be speaking. I hope to share that ?nalized information before Thursday. Thanks Matt Matthew F. Reyes Exploration SolutiOns, Inc. twitter.comeotorbikematt On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Ali Schippers (6) wrote: Hi All, Enclosed please ?nd the working ROS (as previously provided by Make).. Here is a link to the Google doc as well. We should all plan to jump on a call tomorrow a?ernoon to discuss and ?nalize. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best, Bali On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: I am checking in on status of Run of Show. Can we expect this today? Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President From: Ali Schippers [mailto [Em? Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:38 PM To: Alex Lindsay; George lvanov; Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson; LAUREN B. WORLEY (HQ Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY (HQ Shannon Cooper; Sherry Huss; Tara Yellen; Tom Critchlow; Dorgelo, Cristin; Larson, Phil; Shannon Cooper; Matthew Reyes; Jes sica Culler; Vickie Welch; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Diehl; Emmanuel Mota Cc: Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/ 19 Hi All, Just a quick update. Em, ?om Make, will follow -up tomorrow with the Run of Show. Thanks 1 Best, Ali On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Ali Schippers (6) wrote: Hi All, Tom, Kyle and I are regrouping with MAKE today on our NASA Field Trip schedule for th is Friday, 7/19. I'll regroup with everyone by BOB with an update, work in progress Run of Show and any other relevant information. Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions, thanks! Best, Ali ps, please let me know if I've let anyone off this chain and I will add them to the update. Ali Schippers "Producer, Goegle Creative Lab m. (6) All Schippers Producer, Google (ffreative Lab} 311 (6) Ali Schippers .l?rodueei', Google Creative Lab 1 (6) Ali Sehippers 1 Producer, G-oogle Creative Lab 1 From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: . Wednesday, July 17, 2013 10:18 AM To: All Schippers Subject: RE: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7X19 Hi Ali: Just a heads up that those of us here at the White House can?t access Googie Docs (which is why asked for attachments and sent around a rediine). Sorry! Cristin [131_ Jenn Gustetic (HQ -UA020) [131(9? Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 a E. We'll just have one camera. Cristin and Jenn will be On the same camera, and we'll have a banner backdrop fer them. Sarah From: Ali Schippers Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 10:07 AM To: "Dorgelor Cristin" Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Hi Cristin/Sarah, Can you please confirm the number of shooting zones (e.g camera angles, set -up etc) for your proposed ROS. l?ve updated the current Make R08 to reflect your proposed changes. Please adjust here so we're all working off the same document. Thank you! Best, All On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:04 AM, All Schippers wrote: Great, thanks Cristin. Keep us posted. Best, On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: 1 can?t do 4:30 today, but perhaps Phii Larson and or Sarah Becky can cover and report back. RE: visual content: included in the suggested revised ROS a video link with a Pres Obama clip on Grand Challenges, in case we are able to cut to that. And I can bring the piece of the Asteroid Vesta that we have at OSTP {thanks to NASA) that we can check out. From: RAMSEY, SARAH R. (HQ-NA000) [mailto m_ Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 9:55 AM To: m? Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: me? m_ me? WORLEY. LAUREN 8- @16? Phil; JESSICA 5- [[316? [(916? Jenn Gustetic Larson, UA020) Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 NASA HQ can do 430nm ET. Jenn isn?t in today, and so won?t be on the caii, but fill her in. As far as visuais: We have a few static props we can show, but nothing by way of demonstration for the asteroid grand challenge. Understand the need for the event to be visualiy dynamic, and we'll do our best, but we don?t have "hands on" things to Show right now. Talk to you all at 430, Sarah From: Ali Schippers [m ?It Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 09:41 AM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Matthew Reyes Alex Lindsay George Ivanov Josanna Lewin [(915? Kyle Monson WORLEY, LAUREN B. Michelle Hlubinka RAMSEY, SARAH R. Shannon Cooper Sherry Huss Tara Yellen {131(3? m_ Tom Critchlow m_ Larson, Phil Shannon Cooper [13m? CULLER, JESSICA S. (ARC Vickie Welch Shinghi Detlefsen Whitney Diehl Emmanuel Mora mo? Lorraine Yurshanskv m_ Erik Kalz [13m? Jenn Gustetic (HQ-UAOZO) Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Hi Cristin team, Thanks for getting back to us. so quickly. The proposed changes look good to me, however, I?ll defer to Make for the ?nal word and then we can update the ROS. That said, just wanted to loop back on your thoughts on how we can keep the HOA tactile and Visually dynamic. The content is super interesting, but as discussed on our initial call, are there props, demonstrations etc we can use to keep it Visually interesting as well? Also, would 1:30 PT I 4:30 ET work for everyone for a call? Please let me know, as I know we have many schedules to accommodate. Best, Ali On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: 3 NASA HQ White House OSTP would like to propose the attached revision to the ROS. Let us know if you have questions or concerns about this. Ali, if you?d like to schedule a call for today, please let us know a proposed timeas soon as you can as I may have to move my schedule around to accommodate. Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President From: Matthew Reyes [mailto Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 6:04 AM To: Ali Schippers Cc: Dorgelo, Cristin; Alex Lindsay; George Ivanov; Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson; LAUREN B. WORLEY (HQ Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY Shannon Cooper; Sherry Huss; Tara Yelien; Tom Critchlow; Larson, Phil; Shannon Cooper; Jessica Cul Ier; \?ckie Welch; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Diehl; Emmanuel Mota; Lorraine Yurshansky; Erik Katz Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Howdy folks, Thanks for the run of show. I need to stress that we have not veri?ed a ?nal list of presenters for the Maker Camp section to be held in the SpaceShop. The content listed on the attached ROS should be therefore regarded as tentative. This is particularly important regarding BioBricks and the ISS Animal Enclosure ?ltration projects. Now that I know that we have a 30 minute time block instead of one hour, I can ?nally work with the NASA Ames team to con?rm who will be Speaking. I hope to share that ?nalized information before Thursday. Thanks Matt Matthew F. Reyes Exploration Solutions, Inc. On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Ali Schippers m_ wrote: Hi All, Enclosed please ?nd the working ROS (as previously provided by Make).. Here is a link to the Google doc as well. We should all plan to jump on a call tomorrow afternoon to discuss and ?nalize. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best, All i On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: 1 am checking in on status of Run of Show. Can we expect this today? Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technoiegy Policy Executive Office ofthe President From: Ali Schippers [mailto m? Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:38 PM To: Alex Lindsay; George Ivanov; Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson', LAUREN B. WORLEY (HQ Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY (HQ Shannon Cooper; Sherry Huss; Tara Yellen; Torn Critehlow; Dorgelo, Cristin; Larson, Phil; Shannon C00per; Matthew Reyes; Jessica Culler?, Vickie Weleh; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Diehl', Emmanuel Mota Cc: Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Hi All, Just a quick update. Em, from Make, will follow -up tomorrow with the Run of Show. Thanks! Best, Ali On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Ali Schippers wrote: Hi All, Torn, Kyle and I are regroupng with MAKE today on our NASA Field Trip schedule for this Friday, 7/19. 1'11 regroup with everyone by BOB with an update, work in progress Run of Show and any other relevant information. Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any que stions, thanks! Best, Ali ps, please let me know if I?ve let anyone off this chain and I will add them to the update. Ali Schippers 1 Producer, Google Creative Lab 1 (6) Ali Schipper?s 1 Producer, G-ooglc Creative Lab 1 (6) 7 Afii Schippers Producer, Googie (ffrcativc Lab I (6) Ali Schippers i Producer, Google Creative Lab ?1 m. (6) Ali Schippers Praducer, Googie Creative Lab (6 NE Schippers I Praducer, Goagie Creative Lab I m- From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 9:29 AM To: Matthew Reyes; Ali Schippers Cc: Alex Lindsay; George Ivanov; Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson; LAUREN B. WORLEY Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY Shannon Cooper; Sherry Huss; Tara Yellen; Tom Critchlow; Larson, Phil; Shannon Cooper; Jessica Culler; Vickie Welch; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Diehl; Emmanuel Mota; Lorraine Yurshansky; Erik Katz; GUSTETIC, JENNIFER L. Subject: RE: CAM NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Attachments: NASA White House OSTP wouid iike to propose the attached revision to the ROS. Let us know if you have questions or concerns about this. All, if you?d like to schedule a cali for today, please let us know a proposed time as soon as you can as i may have to move my schedule around to accommodate. Cristin Cristin Dorgeio Assistant Director for Grand Chailenges Office of Science and Technoiogy Policy Executive Of?ce of the President From: Matthew Reyes [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 6:04 AM To: Ali Schippers Cc: Dorgelo, Cristin; Alex Lindsay; George Ivanov, Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson; LAUREN B. WORLEY (HQ Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY Shannon (Deeper; Sherry Huss; Tara Yellen; Tom Critchlow; Larson, Phil; Shannon Cooper; Jessica Culler; Mckie Welch; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Diehl; Emmanuel Mota; Lorraine Yurshansky; Erik Katz Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Howdy folks, Thanks for the run of show. I need to stress that we have not veri?ed a inal list of presenters for the Maker Camp section to be held in the SpaceS hop. The content listed on the attached should be therefore regarded as tentative. This is particularly important regarding BioBricks and the ISS Animal Enclosure ?ltration pr ojects. Now that I know that we have a 30 minute time block instead of one hour, I can ?nally work with the NASA Ames team to con?rm who will be speaking. I hope to share that ?nalized information before Thursday. Thanks Matt Matthew F. Reyes Exploration Solutions, Inc. twitter.con1/motorbikematt On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Ali Schippers wrote: Hi All, . Enclosed please ?nd the working ROS (as previously provided by Make).. Here is a link to the Google doc as well. We should all plan to jump on a call tomorrow afternoon to discuss and ?nalize. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best, All On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: i am checking in on status of Run of Show. Can we expect this today? Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President From: Ali Schippers [mailto m? Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:38 PM T0: Alex Lindsay; George Ivanov; Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson; LAUREN B. WORLEY (HQ Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY (HQ Shannon Cooper; Sherry Huss; Tara Yellen; Tom Critchlow; Dorgelo, Cristin; Larson, Phil; Shannon Cooper; Matthew Reyes; Jes sica Culler; Vickie Welch; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Diehl; Emmanuel Mota Cc: Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Hi All, Just a quick update. Em, ?om Make, will follow -up tomorrow with the Run of Show. Thanks I Best, Ali On Mon, Jul l5, 20l3 at 11:42 AM, Ali Schippers (6) wrote: Hi All, Tom, Kyle and I are regroupng with MAKE today on our NASA Field Trip schedule for this Friday, 7/19. I?ll regroup with everyone by BOB with an update, work in progress Run of Show and any other relevant information. Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions, thanks! Best, Ali 135, please let me know if 1' ve let anyone off this chain and I will add them to the update. Ali Schippers i Producer, Google Creative Lab (6) Ali Schippers i Producer? (jungle Creative i (6) Ali Schippers (Boogie (I?rem'ive Lab 1 (6) Maker Camp Friday, July 19th ?l?lam Paci?c/2pm Eastern . . Visit to NASA Headquarters and NASA Ames Research Center, with the White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Background Maker Camp is a free, virtual DIY camp for teens on Googie+. The six week program runs from July 8 to August 16, 2013, and we?ll be building 30 projects, and going on 6 epic ?Virtual Fieidtrips? Maker Camp is run by MAKE magazine, with support from Google, and has around 1.3M followers on Googie+. Our audience loves all kinds of projects they can build at home, and we've managed to iine up an incredible roster of Field Trips to places like NASA, Pixar, Googie X, and imogen Heap?s recording studio. INTRO 2?3 mins w/ Em NASA Headquarters, with White House OSTP (?15 mins total) FEATURES: 0 Intro of White House OSTP and Grand Challenges - 2 mins (Cristin Dorgelo) Asteroid Grand Chaliengehailenge 2 mins (program explanation) (Jenn Gustetic) 0 Discussion about how the kids and the public can get involved with Grand Challenges like the Asteroid Grand Chaiienge (5 mins) (Cristin, Jennmins - LOCATIONS Filming Zone - TBD Filming Zone 2 TBD 0 ORDER OF SHOOTING - TBD ROLE MODEL CHAT - 7 mins (with Dorgelo and Gustetic) How did you get into the ?eld? . If kids want to work at OSTP or NASA, what?s the education/process/backgrou nd? NASA AMES (30 mins total) FEATURED: THE FUTURE PROJECTS 0 CubeSats (PhoneSat, TechEdSat, MPACE) 3D Printed Fuel Cells Bio-Brick Thermal Shieiding and Carbon Fiber Air Filtration for Livestock/Rats 0 0 LOCATIONS Filming Zone SpaceShop, angle 1 Fiiming Zone 2 SpaceShop, angie 2 0 ORDER OF SHOOTING - TBD ROLE MODEL CHAT - 7 mins How did you get into the ?eld? a If kids want to work at NASA, what?s the education/prooess/background? OF RADIO SHACK WEEKEND PROJECT - 2 mins RADIO SHACK WEEKEND PROJECT (6 Mins) From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 11:46 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: CFAA we have a better idea. working it through with internal folks right now. will call shortly On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:47 PM, Edelrnan, R. David (6) wrote: Johanna, I?m aware of him, but he hasn?t published on the issue. lfGoogie were allotted one person, that would be your nomination? I had heard that Pablo was engaged with the Hill on it. From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 3:54 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: CFAA re participants in any discussions, you should start with Markham Erickson from the Internet Association you know him right? Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) _Google Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Will Patrick (6) Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 12:32 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Astro Teller; Megan Smith Subject: Re: moonshot thinking in SOTU Last night after he said that I thought, "10 times better, eh? Nice work Torn Cristin" Cheers, Will On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:28 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Googie moonshot team: i?rn sure you caught this in last night?s SOTU, out in case it comes in handy as you spread the word about moonshots making things 10x better, this paragraph from the President's address ia st night speaks to his commitment to pursuing audacious, game-changing goais (aka Grand Chaiienges Moonshots} and to investing in research and development. One of the examples, the Brain Activity Map, is a Grand Challenge we?ve been developing with neuroscientists, nanotechnologists, and private foundations. ?Now, if we want to make the best products, we also have to invest in the best ideas. Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy -- every dollar. Today, our scientists are mapping the human brain to unlock the answers to Alzheimer?s. They?re developing drugs to regenerate damaged organs; devising new material to make batteries 10 times more powerful. Now is not the time to gut these job?creating investments in science and innovation. Now is the time to reach a level of research and development not seen since the height of the Space Race. We need to make those investments.? All best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President mam]- mana? From: Astro Teller [mailto Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:44 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristln Cc: Will Patrick; Megan Smith Subject: Re: Class of 2013: Thanks for everything Thanks for being part of the event, Cristin! It was great to have you there with us! Astro. 011 Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Wiil, Megan, Astro, Karishma, Obi: Sincere thanks again for including me in last week?s i nspiring Solve for event. Great gathering of minds and some fantastic talks {in particular, I thought Saul, Shawn, Andras, Bill, Waei, Geena, and Steve knocked their talks out of the park}. I?ve shared the videos and the new Solve for site with many of my White House OSTP colleagues aiready. I look forward to collaborating again with your fantastic team as we move cioser to a White House Grand Challenges event E?il let you know that event date as soon as we know it here. best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President From: Will Patrick [mailto Sent: Monday, February 11; 2013 6:39 PM To Andras Forgacs; Shawn Douglas; Prashant K. Jain; Peter Diamandis; Steve Jurvetson; Ehsan Afshari; Austen Heinz; Mir Imran; Catteruccia; Dr Flaminia; Anna Patterson; Padmasree Warrior (pwarrior); Chase; Charles; Vinod Khosla; Catherine Mohr; Jeff Surma; Geena Davis; O'Sullivan; Meghan; Nicholas Negr0ponte; Molly Morse; Marc Andreessen; m?m_ Dorgelo; Cristin; Karishma Shah; Cady Coleman; Natalie Jeremijenko; Wael Ghonim; Bill Gross [131(3? Black; Keith, Regina Dugan; Cathy Zoi; Yoky matsuoka; Hermann Hauser; Rob Nail; Sergey Brin Cc: Megan Smith; Obi Felten; Astro Teller; Kathy Cooper; Will Patrick; Rodney Brooks Subject: Class of 2013: Thanks for everything Class of2013: What an amazing three days. Thank you so much for joining us and being a part of our community. I feel very lucky to Spend a portion of my day job helping to put this group together. As a young person, I feel awed by your intelligence passion and inspired to do ever bigger and crazier things. Thank you for that! A few things I wanted to share with you. 1. We announced the 2013 event and our new website partnerships this morning on the of?cial Google blog (which includes the 'moonshot thinking? video). 2. We literally just pushed (most) of the talks public. Here are the links: Astro Megan open Solve for [will be hie] Peter Eric on asteroid mining introduction Rodney on american manufacturing Shawn on Targeted Therapeutics Charles on compact ?lSlOl?l Danielle on eConomical energy storage Andras on sustainable, scalable meat on Alzheimer's diagnostics Sergey on taking moonshots the value of failing Geena on gender inequality in media Austen on democratizing creation Flaminia on malaria eradication Prashant on optical computing on solar cheaper than natural gas ?a_u_l on in?atable robotics Molly on replacing plastic Ehsan on low?cost terahertz Jeff on municipal waste to energy Natalie on XDrones Steve Jurvetson on the tech -accelerated rich poor gap [will be hei] 3. We've started getting some press coverage (TechCruneh, Verge, Mashable). We'd love your help with creating more buzz buzz buzz. For social media, try using #solveforx. If your company/ organization would like to do any press, feel free to utilize the blog post as a starting point. I can also put you in touch with our comms team here at Google[x]. 4. Check out Astro's op?ed in Wired. We're looking for feedback! We?ll send out a feedback form in the next couple days. 6. We're already searching for the next batch of moonshots for Six 2014. What did we miss? Who should we be talking to? What moonshot idea should be be represented on our stage? 9" Finally, the biggest outcomes of 2012 came ?om the relationships created at he event I expect this year to be no different. Everyone who attended is on this email; don't be a stranger! Reach out to your fellow participants and continue the dialogue. Of course, you're more than welcome to reach out to me and anyone else on the Google[x] team (see cc'd list) for any reason. Talk soon! Cheers, Will (on behalf ofAstro, Megan and the rest of the Six crew) .sksim From: Hal Varian Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 11:21 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: following up Attachments: Incentive Auction NPRM Comments 1?25?13 Combined CC's 3.5 GHZ NPRM: FCC proposal for at! cell networks Incentive auction comments from Google Microsoft attached Morretti article: "Local Multipliers? American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 100(2), 2010. [Paper] Fostering Research on the Economic and Social Impacts of Information Technology (1998!): id=6269 Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, DC. 20554 In the Matter of Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive DOCket NO- 12?263 Auctions COMMENTS OF GOOGLE INC. AND MICROSOFT CORPORATION Aparna Sridhar Paula Boyd Telecom Policy Counsel Director, Government and GOOGLE INC. Regulatory Affairs Public Policy Department Paul Garnett 1101 New York Ave. NW, 2nd Floor Director, Technology Policy Washington, DC. 20005 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 901 Street NW, 11th Washington, DC 20001 Paul Margie S. Roberts Carter Kristine Laudadio Devine WILTSHIRE LLP 1200 Eighteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 730-1300 Counselfor Google Inc. and Microsoft Corporation January 25,2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. .. 11. FREEING ADDITIONAL UNLICENSED SPECTRUM IN THE 600 MHZ BAND IS CRITICAL TO US. ECONOMIC GROWTH, INNOVATION, AND THE EXPANSION OF BROADBAND AVAILABILITY. ..2 A. The Unlicensed Wireless Sector is Huge and Growing Rapidly. ..3 B. The Unlicensed Wireless Sector Contributes Billions to the National Economy. ..7 1. Internet access in homes. ..8 2. Internet access in retail establishments. ..9 3. Machine?to?machine connectivity and the Internet of Things ..10 4. Hospital and healthcare connectivity. ..1 1 5. Cellular of?oad. .. 3 6. Rural last-mile connectivity through WISPS. ..l6 7. Smart?grid connectivity. .. 18 8. Cable metronets. .. 9 C. New Spectrum Designations Are Needed To Support and Expand the Economic Growth, Job Creation, and Innovation Created by Unlicensed Wireless Technologies. ..21 111. FREEING A BALANCE OF LICENSED AND UNLICENSED SPECTRUM IN THE 600 BAND WILL ENSURE ADEQUATE FEDERAL REVENUES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY NEEDS AND BROADCASTER RELOCATION. .28 IV. THE POST-AUCTION 600 MHZ BAND SHOULD ENSURE AN OPTIMAL MIX OF LICENSED AND UNLICENSED SPECTRUM. ..31 A. The FCC Should Adopt'a Proven FDD Band Plan Design With a Technically Reasonable Duplex Gap. ..32 B. Establishing a Signi?cant Duplex Gap and Meaningful Guard Bands Supplemented With ?Remainder Spectrum? Is Technically Reasonable. . ..34 The Spectrum Act?s ?technically reasonable? standard gives the Commission broad discretion to determine the appropriate amount of spectrum to address potential interference concerns. .. A band plan with a duplex gap large enough to be usable for robust unlicensed operations is a technically reasonable approach to avoiding harmful interference. .. A meaningful guard band between LTE downlink and digital television is a technically reasonable approach to avoiding harmful interference. .. Designating remainder spectrum for unlicensed use is a . technically reasonable approach to avoiding harmful interference. C. The FCC Should Permit Unlicensed Operations in the 600 Band in Areas Where Auction Winners Have Not Yet Begun Providing Service. .. INCENTIVE AUCTION RULES SHOULD ENSURE THE CONTINUED VIABILITY OP WHITE SPACES OPERATIONS IN THE TELEVISION BROADCAST BANDS. .. A. The Commission?s Decision to Open Up Unused Television Spectrum for Unlicensed Wireless Broadband Will Bring Enormous Benefits. .. B. The'Commission?s Repacking Methodology Should Speci?cally Account for Unlicensed White Space Use as an Input. .. VI. THE FCC SHOULD ADOPT WIRELESS MICROPHONES RULES THAT PROMOTE THE EFFICIENT AND INTENSIVE USE OF THE 600 MHZ BAND. .. A. The Commission Should Allow Unlicensed Devices to Operate in the Two Channels Currently Reserved for Wireless Microphones. .. B. UHF Band Wireless Microphones Should Be Eligible to Operate Co-Channel with Remaining Broadcasters Because This Would Promote Ef?cient Spectrum Use Without Undermining Incumbent Operations. . .. VII. CONCLUSION. .. APPENDIX: DECLARATION OP DAVID BORTH I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. The Commission?s Notice ofPublic Rulemaking finds that ?usage ofour wireless networks is skyrocketing, dramatically increasing demands on both licensed and unlicensed spectrum,? and that ?[m]eeting this challenge is essential to continuing US. leadership in technological innovation, growing our economy, and maintaining our global competitiveness.?1 Google and Microsoft agree. Our companies offer technologies that span the entire wireless economy?including mobile phones, tablets, mobile operating systems, cloud? based services, machine-to-machine services, maps, and gaming. These businesses depend on access to robust licensed services as well as access to robust unlicensed spectrum resources. One without the other simply will not allow U. S. businesses to meet accelerating consumer demand for wireless products and services. Google and Microsoft therefore commend the Commission for recognizing the need for a balanced spectrum poliCy, and especially for the commitment to designating substantial new sub- 1 unlicensed frequencies for broadband services and protecting access to the TV white spaces in the post-auction broadcast band. These comments describe how the FCC can achieve these goals. Section II demonstrates that the Commission?s commitment to expanding unlicensed spectrum designations is critical to US. economic growth and innovation. Section explains 1 Expanding the Economic and Innovation Opportunities of Spectrum through Incentive A actions, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 27 FCC Red. 12357, 1} 1 (2012) Similarly, the National Broadband Plan states that order to meet growing demand for wireless broadband services, and to ensure that America keeps pace with the global wireless revolution, 500 megahertz should be made newly available for mobile, ?xed and unlicensed broadband use over the next 10 years . . . Ultimately, the cost of not securing enough spectrum may be higher prices, poorer service, lost productivity, loss of competitive advantage and untapped innovation.? FCC, Connecting A merica: The aiional Broadband Plan, at 5.8 (2010) ConnectingAmerica?). that the FCC can both free additional unlicensed spectrum and ensure adequate federal revenues for public safety needs and broadcaster relocation. Section IV outlines how the Commission can succeed in supporting unlicensed wireless innovation and investment by creating a band plan with new unlicensed designations that are large enough to support investment. Section explains how the FCC can repack remaining broadcast licensees while protecting access to white space spectrum by consumers using unlicensed wireless devices. Section VI proposes how the Commission should advance its core policy of promoting intense and efficient use of 600 spectral resources through rules related to wireless microphones. II. FREEING ADDITIONAL UNLICENSED SPECTRUM IN THE 600 MHZ BAND IS CRITICAL T0 U.S. ECONOMIC GROWTH, INNOVATION, AND THE EXPANSION OF BROADBAND AVAILABILITY. Commission action to both create new unlicensed wireless designations in the 600 MHZ band and protect remaining white spaces in the broadcast band will promote economic growth, support innovation, and expand access to broadband. Additional unlicensed spectrum resources assuredly will produce these public interest bene?ts because: (1) the unlicensed wireless sector is huge and growing rapidly, (2) unlicensed wireless technologies already contribute many billions of dollars annually to the US. economy, (3) access to unlicensed spectrum allows licensed wireless and wireline broadband providers to increase the reach of their networks and improve network management, and (4) innovators and investors need substantial new sub-l?GHZ unlicensed spectrum resources to address skyrocketing consumer demand, support the expansion of cellular of?oad, and network the millions of devices that will compose the coming Internet of Things. A. The Unlicensed Wireless Sector is Huge and Growing Rapidly. The Commission should be proud of the exceptional engine for economic growth and innovation it enabled through its unlicensed spectrum designations. In 1985, the FCC broke ground by enabling widespread communications uses in unlicensed spectrum. 2 Since that time the FCC has supported wireless technologies by designating additional licensed and unlicensed frequency bands as spectrum became available. For decades, this balanced approach has ensured consumers, innovators, and investors access to higher?barrier?to?entry licensed spectrum, as well as to low-barrier-to?entry unlicensed spectrum, each of which plays an important role in the overall wireless ecosystem. This strategy has led to an explosion of consumer unlicensed device adoption and the deployment of an important and growing set of unlicensed applications that are contributing billions to the national economy, as described below. 3 The Commission?s commitment to providing unlicensed spectrum resources allowed innovators to invest in research and development that produced thousands of new unlicensed See generally A uthorization of Spread Spectrum Other ideband Emissions at Presently Provided for in the FCC Rules Regulations, First Report and Order, 101 FCC 2d 419 (1985) Band the use of spread spectrum technology to enable communications uses in so?called ?junk band? spectrum previously used only for non? communications industrial uses). The expansion of unlicensed Spectrum has meant that unlicensed devices are freed from the requirement to make high?cost investment in licensing, see Kenneth R. Carter, Ahmed Lahjouji, Neal McNeil, FCC, Unlicensed and Unshackled: A Joint White Paper on Unlicensed Devices and TheirRegulatory Issues, OSP Working Paper Series, at 5 (May 2003) Paper?), and that innovators can therefore develop ?low-power consumer devices such as cordless phones, where the cost of coordination and licensing would probably far exceed the cost of the equipment.? Jon M. Peha, Carnegie Mellon University, Carnegie Institute of Technology Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Paper 5, Sharing Spectrum through Spectrum Policy Reform and Cognitive Radio at 6 (Jan. 2008). technologies each year, leading to rapid consumer adoption. 4 Wi-Fi enabled devices are the best-known class of such technologies. In 2005, ?tens of millions? of Wi?Fi devices were sold globally.S By 2011, the market had increased dramatically, with 800 to 900 million devices sold globally and with at least 150 million of those sales occurring in the United States. 6 Wi-Fi device sales figures have seen double-digit growth in recent years, with growth in 2011 estimated to be between 25 and 30 percent. 7 The sale of Wi-Fi routers alone ?has sustained a compound average growth rate over 30 percent for almost a decade.? 8 This boom in sales of Wi-Fi enabled devices has been accompanied by a boom in Wi-Fi traf?c. Wi-Fi today accounts for an estimated 80 percent of all traf?c from smartphones and Because unlicensed devices are ?free from the burden of normal delays associated with the licensing process,? and the use of the unlicensed spectrum itself is free, manufacturers can design equipment to ?fill a unique need [that can] be introduced into the marketplace rather quickly.? And they have done so, creating devices ranging from remote control toys to wireless routers to networked home thermostats. OSP Paper; see also Richard Thanki, The Economic Value Generated By Current And Future Allocations 0f Unlicensed Spectrum Final Report at 36 (Sept. 2009) (?Thanki 2009?) (citing Greg Raleigh as noting that the cellular market things take longer: you?ve got the service providers who pay for the spectrum, the spectrum is licensed so in order to operate a piece of hardware you have to have a license from the carrier, and the carriers work with very large equipment providers who develop equipment over a longer period of time than the short cycles we have in Mark Cooper, Efficiency Gains and Consumer Benefits of UnlicensedA ccess to the Public Airwaves at 7 (Jan. 2012) (?Cooper?) (citing Case HistorysA Baeinstoor of Wi-Fi, ECONOMIST, June 12, 2004). Id. at 7-8 (citing Nick Flaherty, Consumer WiFi Drives Global Growth THE EMBEDDED BLOG, May 26, 2010, Comments of Edgar Figueroa, CEO, Wi-Fi Alliance, at Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, ?The Power and Potential of the Unlicensed Economy? (July 1 1, 2012), available at (?Stanford Unlicensed Economy Conference?). Cooper at 10. tablets,9 and Cisco?s Virtual Networking Index found that traf?c from devices connecting to the network via Wi-Fi represented 37 percent of all IP traf?c in the United States in 201 1. 10 That number is expected to rise to 45 percent by 2016. 11 In comparison, traf?c from devices relying solely on wired connections to the network will dr0p from 62 percent in 2011 to 45 percent by 2016. ?2 13 For Wi-Fi devices are not the only unlicensed devices experiencing meteoric sales. example, in 2011, American consumers and businesses purchased an estimated three-quarters of a billion to a billion RFID devices. ?4 Moreover, Bluetooth and ZigBee, as recognized by the President?s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology also ?offer an overwhelming array of new services.? 15 Bluetooth is increasingly a standard feature in new automobiles, facilitating hands-free Operation of music players, smartphones, and other 9 Id. at 13. Cisco Virtual Networking Index 2011?2016, Forecast Highlights Tool, United States Network Connections, available at Forecast?). In comparison, mobile data traf?c was 2 percent ofall IP traf?c in 2011See Cooper at 9 n.35. ?4 See RFID Market Reaches $7.67 Billion in 2012 Up 17% from 2011 IDTECHEX, July 18, 2012, (noting that 2.93 billion RFID tags were sold globally in 201 Thanki 2009 at 35 (estimating that U.S. unlicensed sales account for up to 25 percent of the global market); RFID Forecasts, Players and Opportunities 2011?2021 Summary, IDTECHEX (2011), and_opportunities_201 l_2021_000250.asp (showing ?gures estimating that the North American share of RFID sales will amount to nearly 3 5 percent of global sales by 2016). Executive Of?ce of the President, President?s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Realizing the Full Potential of Govemm ent?Held Spectrum to Spur Economic Growth, Report to the President, at 40 (July 2012) PCA ST Spectrum Report?). devices.16 ZigBee powers technologies that bene?t from ad?hoc and mesh networking solutions, such as home automation. 1? Almost one billion Bluetooth chipsets were sold in 2008, 18 with sales increasing 23 percent between 2009 and 2010. 19 Total Bluetooth sales will reach 2.4 billion by 2014, according to a recent estimate. 20 Similarly, ZigBee devices are experiencing rapid growth, from about 15 million in 2008 21 to an estimated 350 million by 2016. 22 Combining the growth in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, RFID, ZigBee, and unlicensed devices based on other protocols, a recent study found that consumers are fueling an astonishing demand for unlicensed devices, which are experiencing a ?compound annual growth rate approaching 50 percent.? 23 '6 James Hamel, Which 2010 Cars Have Bluetooth Capability VOICES, Dec. 4,2009, 0-cars?bluetooth?capability-S0 675 8.html (?Bluetooth is becoming a more and more common feature on new cars?). See ZigBee Home Automation Overview, (describing the ZigBee Alliance?s Home Automation standard). ?8 Thanki 2009 at 18. 19 Summary, Bluetooth 2 0! J: Rapid Growrhfor Established Interface RESEARCH AND MARKETS, Aug. 2011, rese arch/l 1da13/bluetooth_20 l_ra. 20 Thanki2009 at 18. 2? 1d. 22 Bluetooth and igB ee on Collision Course in the Connected Home and Wireless Sensors ABI RESEARCH, July 12, 2012, collision-course?in-the?co. 23 Cooper at 7; Thanki 2009 at 19 of devices using only licensed spectrum, including phones and 3G and 4G dongles, televisions and radios, will remain stable, perhaps even decline [while] shipments of hybrid devices, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled mobile phones, 3G and 4G enabled laptops, Wi?Fi enabled televisions and set-top boxes, and cars possessing Bluetooth will likely double. sales of devices using only unlicensed spectrum are likely to soar, led by Wi?Fi and Bluetooth enabled consumer electronics and laptops, 802.154 devices in the consumer, commercial and industrial sectors, and RFID devices?). B. The Unlicensed Wireless Sector Contributes Billions to the National Economy. Because of the enormous number of unlicensed devices described above, the growth of consumer demand seen each year, and the ef?ciency gains produced by these technologies, the unlicensed wireless sector has contributed substantially to the U.S. economy in an era where growth in other sectors has been limited. Recent studies calculate the annual contribution of the unlicensed wireless sector to be between $50 and $100 billion per year. 24 These estimates include economic contributions created by unlicensed wireless technologies and services that enable applications such as: 0 Internet access in homes; 0 Internet access in retail establishments; 0 Machine-to-machine connectivity; Hospital and healthcare connectivity; - Cellular of?oad; - Rural connectivity through and 0 Smart-grid connectivity. In addition, recent investments by cable companies such as Cablevision, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable have added another dimension to the economic contribution made by unlicensed technologies?Wi?Fi metropolitan networks (?metronets?). These cable investments, and the growing trend of augmenting and improving wireline networks with metronets more generally, represent an enormous new contribution to the national economy powered by unlicensed technologies that are not yet re?ected in economists? estimates. 24 See Cooper at 21-24 Ex. lV-2. Other studies have estimated the global economic impact from connected devices (the majority of which will use unlicensed spectrum) will reach $4.5 trillion by 2020. See generally GSMA, he Connected Life: A USD 4.5 Trillion Global Impact in 2020 (Feb. 2012), available at 1. Internet access in homes. Strategy Analytics estimates that 61 percent of US. households depend on unlicensed technologies for home networking. 25 The best-known use of unlicensed technologies by home users is wireless access to a wired?broadband connection. Economist Richard Thanki estimates this extension of ?xed broadband networks by use of unlicensed spectrum generates $15.5 billion of consumer surplus in the United States every year. 26 Indeed, he estimates that between 4 and 9 million additional households in the United States subscribe to ?xed broadband because of the availability of Wi-Fi;27 he also estimates that without Wi-Fi, between 10 and 23 million ?xed broadband connections would be disconnected in North America. 28 American households? dependence on unlicensed technologies, and the value of this unlicensed technology application to the economy, is likely to grow substantially in the near future. Whole-home distribution of online video will contribute greatly to this growth. By 2016, two-thirds of all mobile broadband traf?c is expected to consist of online video. 29 Video and gaming, more than other wireless applications, rely heavily on unlicensed Spectrum because 3G 25 Press Release, Strategy Analytics: A Quarter of Households Worldwide Now Have Wireless Home Networks, BUSINESSWIRE, Apr. 4, 2012, home/2012040400633 Home. Richard Thanki, The Economic Significance of Licence-Exempt Spectrum :0 the Future of the Internet, at 35 (June 2012) (?Thanki 2012?). Unlicensed advocates in Europe have estimated that ?the value created by dedicating high quality Spectrum to unlicensed would be over $110 billion per year.? Those advocates are calling for dedicating 50 MHZ of Spectrum to unlicensed use. Cooper at 30-31. 27 Thanki 2009 at 27. 28 Thanki 2012 at36. 29 Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traf?c Forecast Update, 201142016, Executive Summary, 1-520862.htm1. and 4G networks are simply not capable of handling the amount of bandwidth consumers of online video and gaming demand. 30 Even if carrier networks had or could increase capacity to accommodate that demand, access would be very expensive for consumers. As online video and gaming applications become an ever-greater percentage of wireless content, consumers will need additional unlicensed spectrum to ensure access to the applications they demand, when and where they demand them. 2. Internet access in retail establishments. i hotspots provided by retailers and other commercial establishments are becoming an ever-more important part of the unlicensed ecosystem as well. Although i has long been available at universities, government buildings, and libraries, more and more commercial establishments are realizing the value of providing broadband connectivity via hotSpots for customers. In addition to access points administered by individual retailers, many other i hotspots are provided by nationwide wireless carriers?as cf 201 l, for instance, stated that it alone operated 29,000 hotSpots in the United States 3] and a study by HSBC found that the four nationwide wireless carriers in the US. operate four hotspots for every cell site. 32 A recent paper estimated that this commercial hotspot connectivity creates $10 billion of value per year,33 and that this value will grow as more and more restaurants, malls, hotels, and convention centers make i available throughout their properties. Many businesses view i as critical for driving in-store consumers to mobile commerce and marketing applications 30 Cf. Comments of Vijay Nagaraj an, Broadcom, at Stanford Unlicensed Economy Conference (noting that even current-generation i networks will be unable to accommodate the - growing demand for online video). 3' C00per at 11 (citing 32 Id. 33 1d. at 19. ?due to its pervasive presence in consumer smartphones and the lack of adequate cellular data network coverage within many brick-and-mortar facilities.? 34 For example, the hospitality industry has begun torealize that hotel and convention guests not only want but also expect wireless access everywhere?and by ensuring that access is available, they strengthen their bottom line.35 3. Machine?to-machine connectivity and the Internet of Things. Machine?to?machine communications permit a huge variety of automated data exchange, including connections needed for supply chain management, asset tracking, access control, and smart grid implementation?and rely almost exclusively on unlicensed spectrum. 36 34 Andrew Vonnagy, Look Ahead to Possible Wi?Fi Industry Trends in 2011,? Revolution Wi-Fi, Dec. 21, 2010, ?-industry.html. - 35 See Justin Herrman, Dan Underesiimaie the Power of Public WiFi erworks FORBES.COM, Dec. 3, 2012, pow 36 See Yochai Benkler, Open Wireless vs. Licensed Spectrum Evidence from MarkeiA doption at l?12 (Nov. 201 1) (working draft); Thanki 2012 at 59?60 (?The overwhelming majority of connections to the internet by things will use licence-exempt spectrum?). While licensed wireless connectivity will likely play an important role in the IOT as well, the lower costs offered by unlicensed connectivity will be far better suited to most M2M systems. See Benkler at 12. When relying on unlicensed technologies, manufacturers or operators of the networked devices that compose the IOT can focus investment on device design, manufacture, component acquisition, and certi?cation rather than on fees paid to CMRS carriers. Critically, because there is no need to acquire or lease unlicensed spectrum access, the barriers to entry are lower, devices can be simpler and more interoperable, and companies can avoid the higher barriers to entry associated with establishing business arrangements and acquiring carrier?speci?c devices or components?#resulting in the cheaper and simpler environment needed for companies to network of hundreds of millions of previously isolated devices. See John M. Chapin William H. Lehr, 5' CA BA for the Rest of Us: Unlicensed Bands Supporting Long-Range Communications TPRC 2010, at 7 have identi?ed a communications requirement for [Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for the rest of us]. The requirement is chosen to require the least amount of communications resources, such that the largest possible group of applications is served, under the condition that those applications are not well supported today. . .We think it is plausible that there are a 10 Unlicensed spectrum is perfectly suited to this so-called Internet of Things because for these machines to be networked cost?ef?ciently and effectively, designers require access to low- cost spectrum, low-cost components, and standardization. MZM applications spur economic growth in a variety of ways, such as by increasing efficiency, automating previously manual functions, and eliminating waste. 37 For instance, use of RF ID tags in the retail sector can permit companies to track components and raw materials into the factory, and finished products out of the factory into warehouses and retail stores, allowing them to manage their stock, track consumer preferences, and reduce personnel costs. 38 Thanki estimates that inventory management via RFID tags in the retail clothing sector alone could generate $2 to $8 billion per year in economic value in the United States between 2009 and 2025.39 4. Hospital and healthcare connectivity. Unlicensed wireless networks in hospitals and other healthcare facilities also generate enormous value for the US. economy. Hospitals have deployed unlicensed wireless technologies both for intra-campus communications as well as for ?in?hospital medical grade, large number of Systems and activities where the bene?t of automation per endpoint is signi?cantly less than the communications cost currently charged by mobile service providers to small-volume users, and that the sum of available bene?ts over all those systems and activities is signi?cant?). 37 See Michael Vizard, GE Values ?Ym?emez? of kings in the rillions, ITBUSINESSEDGE, Nov. 30, 2012, GE refers to as the ?Industrial Internet? could Spur annual productivity gains of to 1.5 percentage points in the US. GE estimates that a truly Industrial Internet would also eliminate $150 billion in waste across major industries, while a one percent increase in productivity would generate savings of $30 billion in aviation, $66 billion in power generation and $63 billion in health care over IS years?). 33 'Thanki 2009 at 32. 39 Id.at34. ll mission-critical wireless networks.? 40 Eighty percent of the healthcare wireless market, in fact, is served by unlicensed technologies. 4' Those technologies include campus-wide Wi-Fi as well as RFID, Bluetooth, and ZigBee trackers used to access and update patient records, order tests and prescriptions, and monitor patient conditions. 42 As of 2009, economist Richard Thanki estimated that wireless local area networks in US. hospitals generated as much as $16 billion of value per year. 43 That value will grow. Unlicensed technologies are particularly well?suited for the large number of healthcare applications, including many patient monitoring services, that depend on connectivity in healthcare facilities, homes, and offices, but not while in transit between these locations. 44 In addition, unlicensed wireless technologies Operating at lower power are less likely to cause interference with critical medical equipment.45 Additional unlicensed Spectrum at lower frequencies can also enable hOSpitals to provide campus-wide coverage with fewer antennas, lowering costs and improving service. 40 Benkler at 10 (emphasis omitted). 41 1d. (citing Kalorama Information, Wireless Technologies in Healthcare, Sept. 201 42 See id. at 11; Thanki 2009 at 28. 43 Thanki 2009 at 31. 44 See Benkler at 18. 45 Cf. Erik van Lieshout, et 31., Interference By ew-Generation Mobile Phones On Critical Care Medical Equipment, 11 CRITICAL CARE R98 (2007), available at content/pdf/cc6l 15 .pdf. 12 5. Cellular of?oad. Unlicensed technologies also contribute to economic growth by serving as an increasingly common part of network management by licensed wireless broadband providers. Access to unlicensed spectrum allows these carriers to of?oad traf?c from congested networks, 46 thereby ?lower[ing] their own costs and expand[ing] their service offerings,? 47 while reducing the amount of physical infrastructure needed to support growing mobile broadband demand. 48 Individual cellular providers are working hard to keep up with the huge quantity of traf?c that mobile Internet access generates. To do so, each carrier must make massive investments in its infrastructure. These network operators frequently ?nd it ef?cient to of?oad traf?c to bands reserved for unlicensed use in combination with a strategy of acquiring new spectrum rights, building additional towers, and otherwise investing to increase the capacity of their systems. 49 Use of the unlicensed capabilities of consumers? devices to deliver data also allows carriers to take advantage of one of the great of unlicensed systems?commercial establishments, networks such as cable operators, and the combined millions of individual consumers can install far more access points than can any individual wireless carrier, even a large carrier with 46 Cooper at 5 (?Faced with a ?ood of traf?c, the operators of networks based on exclusive licenses found it cost?effective to of?oad huge volumes of traf?c onto the unlicensed 47 Id.at41. 43 Thanki 2012 at 8-9. 49 See Savio Dimatteo, Pan Hui, Bo Han, Victor O.K. Li, Cellular Traffic O?loading Through iFi Nehvorks, at 10 (Oct. 201 1), available at lof?oadpdf present an architecture for the integration of WiFi networks and mobile-to-mobile Pocket Switched Networks (PSN) with cellular networks to provide a low-cost solution to handle the exponential growth of mobile data traf?c. Using real mobility traces from the city of San Francisco, we have shown that only few hundreds of WiFi APs deployed in an area of 313.83km 2 can of?oad half of the mobile data from the 3G network in our scenario settings for both download and upload cases?). 13 enormous rescurces. If consumers use these unlicensed networks when they are available in conjunction with a carrier?s licensed network, the coverage and quality experienced by that consumer improves without the need for additional investment by the carrier. While carriers continue to make huge investments in their networks, and to make use of microcells and picocells, they are unlikely to replicate the coverage and quality of the nation?s huge number of unlicensed access points. Doing so would be uneconomic given the costs associated with securing building access, power, and backhaul for each of the millions of access points in homes, commercial locations, hotels, of?ces, and now cable metronets. Moreover, the addition of that large a number of new cell sites is likely-not possible in ?urban areas where the vast majority of end-users reside.? 50 Furthermore, each different CMRS carrier would have to repeat this Herculean labor for its own customers, meaning that the cost to the economy of building individual overlapping private microcell/picocell networks of the quality and pervasiveness of today?s unlicensed network would be quadrupled, even counting only the four national wireless carriers. It is therefore not surprising that unlicensed of?oad is so popular. Today over one?third of the Intemet?bound mobile data traf?c carried by the CMRS carriers is of?oaded to unlicensed bands. That percentage is expected to rise over the next decade. 51 According to ComScore, by mid-201 l, 37 percent of smartphone traf?c was of?oaded by cellular carriers to Wi?Fi 50 Cooper at 22. 51 See Cisco Virtual Networking Index, VNI Mobile Forecast Highlights, 2011-2016, available at Janko Roettgers, Wi?Fi to Oven?ake Wired Network Traffic by 2015 GIGAOM, June 1, 2011, (citing Cisco Virtual Networking Index Global IP Traf?c Forecast 2011-2015); Cooper at 12; see also id. at 5 (?Faced with a ?ood of traf?c, the operators of networks based on exclusive licenses found it cost?effective to of?oad huge volumes of traf?c onto the unlicensed 14 networks.52 Devicescape, a Wi-Fi of?oad company, reports that carriers in the US. market can of?oad as much as 50 percent of cellular traf?c to Wi-Fi, a number that far surpassed its initial estimates.53 And a recent study estimates that Wi?Fi of?oad has saved licensed wireless carriers as much as $26 billion per year in infrastructure costs already 54 and the worldwide cost savings to mobile operators has been estimated to reach $250 billion in the next four years. 55 Wi-Fi traf?c already exceeds mobile network traf?c by smartphone users in many places 56 and in North America, the absence of Wi-Fi for mobile network of?oading would result in an increase of between $4 and $8 billion worth of new base stations alone to accommodate the traffic currently handled by Wi-Fi networks. 57 In the absence of adequate unlicensed spectrum, operators would almost certainly have to raise prices to pay for the necessary infrastructure costs. This would also reduce the value of the network to consumers compared with today?s hybrid licensed/unlicensed system (because, as 52 Press Release, ComScore, Smartphones and Tablets Drive Nearly 7 Percent of Total US. Digital Traf?c (Oct. l0, 20l1), 1/ ._Digital_Traf?c; Cooper at 12. 53 Remarks of Dave Fraser, CEO, Devicescape, at Stanford Unlicensed Economy Conference. 54 Cooper at 22. 55 Thanki 2012 at 9. 56 Informa Telecoms Media, White Paper: Understanding Today ?3 Smartphone User: Demystifying Dara Usage Trends on Cellular Wi?Fi Networks at 3 (Feb. 2012), available at Thanki 2012 at 36-37. 57 Thanki 2012 at 38?39; see also C00per at 17-18. These conclusions are supported by data indicating that cell-site construction has slowed 'beyond what would be expected. deployment of cell sites slowed dramatically in late 2008. In the ten quarters between December 2008 and June 201 1, the industry added l5 ,000 cell sites. In the ten quarters before December 2008, the industry added 64,000 cell sites?over four times as many. The drop-off in the addition of cell sites coincided with the of?oading of traf?c onto the unlicensed use 15 described above, it would be uneconomic or impossible to build a replacement network with the quality and coverage of today?s unlicensed network) and hamper innovation (because the absence of unlicensed spectrum would raise barriers to entry). 58 Carriers are increasingly expanding their of?oad capabilities and investing in the unlicensed ecosystem, 59 showing that they recognize the value of a balanced spectrum policy that makes room for both licensed and unlicensed uses. 6. Rural last-mile connectivity through WISPs. Unlicensed technologies also contribute to the national economy by permitting last?mile broadband expansion to areas that are un- or underserved by traditional ISPs. This broadband expansion is critical for job creation and economic growth and ?can provide significant bene?ts to the next generation of American entrepreneurs and small businesses#the engines of job creation and economic growth for the country.? 60 Areas where high-speed broadband is unavailable ?will find it more difficult to attract investment and IT-intensive jobs, particularly because they face growing national and international competition.? 61 Broadband and broadband? enabled technologies allow businesses to ?increase ef?ciency, improve market access, reduce costs and increase the speed of both transactions and interactions.? 62 Wireless Internet Service Providers use unlicensed technologies to provide service to rural areas where other broadband providers cannot economically build out wired 58 Thanki 2012 at 40. 59 See, Tammy Parker, A Wi?Fz' Will Be in A ll afour Small Cell Deployments FIERCEBROADBANDWIRELESS, Jan. 9, 2013, 60 ConnectingAmerica at? 13.1. 6? Id.?13.4. 62 Id. 13.1. 16 systems.63 Many ISPs cannot justify the expense required to build out to rural and low- population areas. 64 Wireline build-out costs to the last mile?including deployment of customer premises equipment?can cost $100,000 per mile of cable laid. 65 While these costs may be reasonable in high-population areas where one mile of cable or a single cell site can serve many thousands of customers, they are often uneconomic in rural areas where one mile of cable may serve only a few hundred customers. WISPs, however, can provide cost-effective wireless broadband service in rural and low- pOpulation areas because they avoid the high cost of building out wireline facilities. Up to the last mile, their costs are largely the same as any other traditional provider, but by using unlicensed spectrum, they are able to avoid the high per?customer cost of laying last-mile cable or licensing spectrum for last?mile wireless broadband in rural and low?population areas. Additional unlicensed spectrum, particularly in the TV band, with its superior propagation characteristics for wide-range, non?line of sight operations, will facilitate further broadband expansion by WISPs into areas least likely to be served by traditional ISPs. Lower frequency spectrum will allow deployment of fewer antennas operating at lower power levels. 66 63 See Eric Butterman, Want Wireless Broadband Today)? To? a WISP, PCMAG.COM, Feb. 6, 2009, (quoting a WISP spokesman who noted that ?[p]hone companies said they?d never bring DSL connections to his community? and who, in response, was able to bring up to 10 service to his town). 64 Connecting America at 6.8 (?Although pushing fiber deeper into broadband networks considerably improves the performance and reliability of those networks, deploying a mile of ?ber can easily cost more than see also Thanki 2012 at 29. 65 Connecting A merica 6.8. 66 See Thanki 2012 at 45 (noting that TV band spectrum can be used to ?spread coverage over an entire area, such as a large farm or village centre, using only a single access point?); Sascha D. Meinrath Michael Calabrese, ?White Space Devices The of Harmful Interference, ll N.Y.U. J. LEGIS. PUB. 495, 501 (2008). I7 Lower deployment and operating costs will permit faster deployment and keep consumer costs down, both critical to realizing the full economic potential of broadband expansion. 7. Smart grid connectivity. The use of unlicensed technologies for smart grid connectivity also illustrates the value of unlicensed spectrum to the national economy. The availability of even a small slice of sub?l-GHz unlicensed spectrum in the United States?through the limited and problematic 900 MHZ bandwhas permitted innovation and expansion of smart grid technologies that are unmatched in Europe and in other countries. Smart grid applications permit utility meters to communicate on a short- and long-range basis to meter readers, substations, and central stations, providing information about utility usage and permitting utility providers to increase ef?ciency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of services. In the United States, most smart grid applications operate over the unlicensed 900 MHZ band, while in Europe, the unavailability of sub?l-GHZ spectrum has forced many countries to ?nd alternatives, such as connectivity through power line carriers. Richard Thanki notes that the unavailability of spectrum for smart grid operations ?severely hinders the next steps in the development of the smart grid? in Europe.67 He estimates that delays in implementation caused by lack of full deployment could result in up to $240 billion in costs for Europe. 68 In contrast, smart grid technologies in the US. have taken off. Advanced meters are being deployed in the US. at almost three times the rate in Europe. 69 Yochai Benkler notes that speedy deployment is largely the result of investment and innovation by ?communications 67 Thanki 2012 Spectrum Repm at 40 (citing Benkler). 18 players who specialized in smart grids and could develop solutions without asking permission 70 - And the economic [t]his is exactly the power of open innovation over open wireless bands. bene?ts that accrue from smart grid deployment are very real; access to real-time usage information, for instance, can lead to usage reductions of up to 20 percent. Adding additional unlicensed spectrum not only would speed deployment of smart grids nationwide, permitting cost savings and recovery by consumers, utilities, and government, but would also make possible a set of other longer?range, outdoor unlicensed wireless applications like smart metering that are not possible today because of the constraints of currently available spectrum resources. 8. Cable metronets. The emergence of wireless cable metronets adds a new and potentially enormous additional contribution by unlicensed technologies to the national economy. Several cable companies have invested in networks that provide subscribers with access to nomadic and mobile networks so that customers have broadband access not only inside the home, but also outside the home and while traveling. 71 These metronets are based exclusively on unlicensed spectrum bands. 72 For instance, Cablevision has invested heavily to create a cohesive, organized deployment of city-wide Wi?Fi in New York. It has deployed tens of thousands of unlicensed access points not only in retail and commercial establishments but also in convention centers, 70 Benkler at 10. 71 Comments of Robert Cerbone, Vice President, Wireless Products, Time Warner Cable, at Stanford Unlicensed Economy Conference. 72 Id. 19 along the streets, and in areas where the public gathers outdoors, 73 with an app that allows subscribers to ?nd a Cablevision hotspot while away from home. 74 Comcast has made its XFINITY Wi-Fi service available to its subscribers for free throughout the Philadelphia area 15 and in its California footprint. 76 Bright House Networks customers have access to free Wi?Fi throughout Florida,77 while Cox has made free Wi?Fi available in Connecticut and Northern Virginia.78 Time Warner similarly has invested in a large unlicensed network in Los Angeles, offering its customers Internet access in tens of thousands of retail establishments, businesses, and in outdoor public areas. 79 Furthermore, cable operators are working together to provide reciprocal access for each other?s subscribers. Time Warner Cable, Comcast, Cox, Cablevision, and Bright House Networks have announced a platform called CableWiFi, which permits subscribers of any of the five companies to connect to the other providers? Wi?Fi networks in the New York City area, 73 David Pogue, Free Wi-Fifor Cablevision Subscribers? Yep. TIMES, May 1, 2009, http://pogueblo 2009/ 05/0 1 . T4 Jon Fingas, Cablevision launches app to track down Optimum WiFi hoispots, keep you off the 3G sauce, ENGADGET, June 27, 2012, 75 Chloe Albanesius, ComcasiLauncheS Xfinity Wi-Fi Hot Spots in Philadelphia, NJ. PCMAG.COM, Oct. 11, 2010, 76 Angela Moscaritolo, Comcasi? Rolls Out Free Wi-Fi in CalifomiaforXfinity Customers PCMAG.COM, Sept. 27, 2012, 77 Press Release, Bright House Networks Customers Can Now Stay Connected on the Go with Bright House Networks WiFi, Jan. 12, 2012, ?orida/about/9939.htm. Cox WiFi, 1313. T8 79 TWC WiFi, Time Warner Cable Rolls Out WiaFi Service in Los Angeles, LA TIMES, Sept. 9, 201 1, entertainmentnewsbuzz/201 20 Los Angeles, Tampa, Orlando, and Philadelphia, just as though they were connecting in their home market.80 In all, the ?ve providers expect to provide access to 50,000 hotspots nationwide.81 Cable metronets are just beginning to emerge, and have therefore not been part of any prior economic analysis. Thus the economic values estimated by Richard Thanki, Mark Cooper, and others that are discussed above do not account for this additional contribution to the national economy. Therefore, the overall contribution of unlicensed to the economy is likely much, much higher than the ?gures cited in these comments. C. New Spectrum Designations Are Needed To Support and Expand the Economic Growth, Job Creation, and Innovation Created by Unlicensed Wireless Technologies. To maintain the exceptiOnal growth and economic contribution of the unlicensed wireless sector, the FCC must designate diverse frequencies for use by unlicensed technologies. Additional frequencies are necessary to support new innovations that are not possible with existing unlicensed designations and to improve and enrich existing applications that are limited by today?s unlicensed Spectrum bands. Studies predict that traf?c on unlicensed networks will grow rapidly in the near future 82?as noted above, Wi?Fi traf?c already accounts for more than 80 Comments of Robert Cerbone, Vice President, Wireless Products, Time Warner Cable, at Stanford Unlicensed Economy Conference; Chenda Ngak, Time Warner, Comcast, Cablevision to o?erfree Wi?Fi hotSpots CBSNEWS.COM, May 22, 2012, 81 Daniel Cooper, CableWiFi ties up 5 0,000 WiFi hotspotsfor cable subscribers to share ENGADGET, May 21, 2012, ll50000-cablewifi-hotspotsl. 82 CVNI Forecast. See also Cooper at 28, 35; see, Mass Consultants Limited, Estimating the Utilisation of Key Licence-Exempt Spectrum Bands, Final Report, Issue 3, at 2, 27 80 (Apr. 2009), available at 21 one?third of all IP traf?c in the United States and for 80 percent of IP traf?c from mobile devices. To keep pace with consumer demand, innovators and investors will need both additional licensed spectrum resources and additional higher?frequency, middle?frequency, and lower?frequency unlicensed spectrum resources. Google and Microsoft are therefore pleased that the FCC is pursuing new spectrum auctions, and, in addition, new unlicensed designations bands. The Commission should rapidly make available new resources in each of these frequency ranges to address growing consumer demand for different types of wireless devices and applications, with different ranges and capabilities. The FCC has already recognized the inherent bene?ts of providing unlicensed access in the 600 MHZ band in its television white spaces proceeding. 85 The Commission recognized the value of sub?l?GHZ Spectrum for wide?area wireless broadband access, such as that provided by WISPs, noting that ?transmissions in the TV band are subject to less pr0pagation attenuation than transmissions in the spectrum where existing broadband unlicensed operations are research/w?utilisationpdf Utilization Report?); cf. supra Part ILA (noting the explosive growth in unlicensed device sales). 83 See A mendment of the Camrnz'ssion ?3 Rules with Regard to Commercial Operations in the 3550- 3650 and, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order, GN Docket No. 12-354 (rel. Dec. 12, 2012). 84 Middle Class Tax Reliefand Job Creation Act, Pub. L. 112?96, 126 Stat. 156, 6406 (?Spectrum Act?). - 85 See generally A dditional Spectrum for Unlicensed Devices Below 900 and in the 3 Band, Notice oflnquiry, 17 FCC Rcd. 25632 (2002); Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast ands, Additional Spectrum for Unlicensed Devices Below 900 and in the 3 Band, Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, 19 FCC Red. 10018 (2004) White Spaces Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands, A dditional pectram for Unlicensed Devices Below 900 and in the 3 Band, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Preposed Rulemaking, 21 FCC Red. 12266 (2006) White Spaces First Report Order?). 22 permitted,? and that ?allowing unlicensed operation in the TV bands could bene?t wireless internet service providers (WISPs) by improving the service range of their existing operations, I thereby allowing WISPs to reach new customers.? 86 The Commission also noted that permitting unlicensed use of sub?l?GHZ spectrum is likely to facilitate innovation by device manufacturers, and that ?[g]iven the favorable propagation characteristics of the TV spectrum, these new devices could provide more effective service at greater ranges than other unlicensed devices that operate at higher frequency bands.? 8? The Commission expected this innovation to ?have signi?cant bene?ts for economic development and for consumers and businesses by providing additional competition in the broadband market.? 88 86 White Spaces NPRM Id; see also White Spaces First Report cf: Order 1i 1 (?Because transmissions in the TV band are subject to less pr0pagation attenuation than transmissions in other bands where lower power operations are permitted (such as unlicensed operations in the 2.4 band), operations in the TV bands can bene?t a wide range of service providers and consumers by improving the service range of wireless operations, thereby allowing operators to reach new customers?); id. at ii 13 (?Because of the favorable propagation characteristics of the TV spectrum, these new devices could provide more effective service at greater ranges than unlicensed devices that operate at higher frequency bands. These new devices and services could also have signi?cant bene?ts for economic deveIOpment and for consumers and businesses by providing additional competition in the broadband market?); Unlicensed Operation in the TV Broadcast Bands, A dditional pectmm for Unlicensed Devices Below 900 MHZ and in the 3 Band, Second Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and Order, 23 FCC Rcd. 16807 (2008) ii 32 ?White Spaces SecondReport Order?) (?this decision will provide signi?cant bene?ts for the public by enabling the deve10pment and operation of a wide range of new unlicensed wireless communications devices and systems in spectrum where signals are less subject to propagation losses than they are in the bands currently available for such devices. The propagation Characteristics of these-bands will allow the development of devices that can provide service at greater ranges than existing unlicensed devices. Proponents of broadband devices and services in particular indicate that there is need for new broadband devices that will take advantage of the more desirable propagation characteristics of the TV bands. As indicated above, we believe that the propagation advantages of this spectrum will make it possible for WISPs and others to improve or extend their reach to customers in rural and other less densely populated area. 23 Unlicensed access in the 600 MHZ spectrum band therefore offers a substantial improvement for consumers and businesses that need longer?range communications and whole? home or whole-of?ce coverage. This will also enable new and better unlicensed wireless applications, which could include: 0 Broadband deployment in rural and other underserved areas where ?ber deployment is too expensive; 0 More ef?cient smart grid networking;89 0 Healthcare applications available throughout a hospital from fewer access points; 0 ?Smart city? municipal applications such as lighting control, parking services, security cameras, and resources monitoring; 0 Inventory management throughout factories or warehouses; 0 Mobile payments systems across wide areas;90 0 Fleet management in short and wide-range applications; 9] and Access/security, including smart card and biometric products, in areas where . . - 92 wrred access is not Furthermore, having access to high, middle, and low?frequency unlicensed bands will provide innovators far greater ?exibility in designing equipment to enable a wide range of use cases. This will give engineers access to less expensive components that operate at a lower power on lower frequencies, where line?of-sight operations are not possible and where interference must be avoided, and at higher power in higher-frequency bands, permitting focused 89 90 91 92 We also anticipate that these new devices will have economic bene?ts for consumers and businesses by facilitating the development of additional competition in the broadband market?). See Benkler at 8?10. Cf. id. at 12?13. See id. at 14 (?The most likely important potential application of a dedicated open wireless band in the TV bands would be to permit innovation and experimentation with wider coverage that could begin to offer alternatives to licensed?spectrum approaches even in very wide area applications that have low tolerance for latency: like ?eet management?). Id. at 12. 24 point?to?point communications. Finally, unlicensed devices operating in the broadcast bands require less power for a given range and throughput, which increases battery life and reduces operating costs. In addition to the innovation potential of the 600 band, additional unlicensed designations at lower?frequency bands can provide a much?needed alternative to higher- frequency bands currently used intensively by unlicensed technologies. The 2.4 GHZ band, while critical to the success of Wi?Fi and other unlicensed technologies, is increasingly congested, particularly in major cities and p0pu1ation centers 93?the very areas where it will be most expensive to build further licensed network capacity. For example, a study commissioned by Ofcom in 2009 found that Wi-Fi suffered from congestion problems in the most populated parts of London, noting that at least some believed that increasing use of streaming video would eventually ?cause the downfall of WiFi.? 94 In addition to congestion caused by too many people trying to access the same Wi-Fi channels at the same time, the study found that the increased numbers of other, non-Wi-Fi devices using the 2.4 band also caused degradation in Wi-Fi quality. 95 Where there are more pe0ple, there will be more baby monitors, security cameras, and microwave ovens, and many other types of devices that increase congestion. In the near future, if not already in some locations, it is likely that the 2.4 band will not be able to support growing consumer demand, notwithstanding Wi-Fi?s ef?ciency and advances in technology, unless innovators can pair this band with new spectrum resources?just as licensed wireless carriers have explained 93 Cooper at 22 (Expansion of mobile networks in the absence of wireless of?oading is likely not possible in ?urban areas where the vast majority of end-users reside?). 94 MCL Utilization Report that existing licensed bands may become unable to support growing licensed operations, despite their substantial investments and technological improvements. Furthermore, while the 5 GHZ band is an important part of the unlicensed ecosystem, it has serious regulatory, interference, and physical limitations. 96 First, the physical characteristics of the high-frequency 5 band make it unsuitable for many unlicensed applications, such as those that require transmission over a wider range and through obstructions. Lower?frequency spectrum is ideal for two-way communications over a wider area, where non?line?of-sight Operation is important, and to serve entire of?ces or homes. 9? Anyone who has attempted to cover more than a small area with a 5 Wi-Fi router understands the limitations of these frequencies. Some will argue that consumers and businesses can mitigate the limitations presented by the physical characteristics of the 5 band by buying more access points to- serve their home or business. But this adds signi?cant cost and complexity for consumers and businesses. A single unlicensed device operating at 600 willhave far greater range, operate effectively even through walls and in other dif?cult environments, and will therefore allow more cost?effective networking. 98 96 See, 8g, 47 C.F.R. (prescribing highly restrictive technical limitations on operations in 5 FCC Of?ce of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division, Interim Plans to Approve UNII Devices Operating in the 5470 5725 MHZ Band with Radar Detection and DFS Capabilities, KDB 443999 (Oct. 14, 2010) (?notching out? 5 channels that overlap with spectrum used by weather radar systems). 97 Lehr at 15. 98 See id. at 15-16 (describing a study by Wanichkom and Sirbu that found a 2.6 GHZ System would require twice as many cell sites as one Operating at 700 MHZ). In the context of M2M communications like smart grid technologies, discussed above, the ?important potential application of a dedicated open wireless band in the TV bands would be to permit innovation and eXperimentation with wider coverage that could begin to offer alternatives to licensed- spectrum applications even in very wide area applications that have low tolerance for latency.? Benkler at 14. 26 Second, the FCC has mandated a series of highly restrictive technical limitations 0n 5 GHZ operations. In particular, the FCC requires unlicensed National Information Infrastructure devices that operate in portions of the 5 band to use low transmit power? including a 50 mW limit in 100 MHZ of spectrum, 99 restrict operations to indoor use, ?00 detect and/or ?notch out? any channels that overlap with 50 MHZ of and avoid radar systems, spectrum used by weather radar systems. 102 Such limitations make all but the Upper band (5725?5825 GHZ) unsuitable for many consumer and business needs, such as cable metronets and other wireless networks that provide outdoor coverage, and wireless access points with coverage throughout the home. Third, even for the U-NII 3 band, operations in the overlapping ISM band at 5.8 pose interference risks that limit the utility of this band since U-NII 3 devices must operate in an increasingly crowded portion of the 5.8 GHZ ISM band alongside video monitors, perimeter and motion sensors, cordless phones, microwave ovens, and other non-broadband uses. 'Finally, while Google and Microsoft support the Commission?s announcement that it will begin a proceeding to consider designating the 5.35-5.47 and 5825-59 bands for unlicensed uses, 103 access to this additional 5 spectrum will be of limited benefit for many wireless broadbandapplications if the Commission?s rules include operating restrictions similar 99 47 ?00 47 C.F.R. ?01 47 C.F.R. 15.40700. ?02 See FCC Of?ce of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division, Interim Plans to Approve UNII Devices Operating in the 5470 - 5725 Band with Radar Detection and DFS Capabilities, KDB 443999 (OCT. 14, 2010). See News Release, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski Announces Major Effort To Increase Wi-Fi Speeds And Alleviate i Congestion At Airports, Convention Centers, And In I Homes With Multiple Devices And Users (Jan. 9, 2013). 103 27 to those in the existing U-NII l, 2, or 2 Extended rules. In sum, while 5 GHZ must be a part of the plan to address the unlicensed spectrum crunch, it is not a silver bullet. Despite the clear bene?ts to consumers and innovation of substantial low?frequency unlicensed spectrum, the only sub?l?GHZ spectrum available for unlicensed technologies today is the small 26 MHZ slice of Spectrum-in the 900 MHZ band and the TV white spaces, which have been hampered by persistent regulatory uncertainty. Furthermore, the proposed TV channel repack following an incentive auction may substantially reduce white spaces that are available for unlicensed use. Without additional dedicated unlicensed spectrum in the 600 MHZ band, innovators and investors will not have adequate spectrum resources and the economic growth and innovation described above will suffer. It is therefore critical that the FCC take the opportunity presented in this proceeding and designate additional spectrum for unlicensed use. 111. FREEING A BALANCE OF LICENSED AND UNLICENSED SPECTRUM IN THE 600 MHZ BAND WILL ENSURE ADEQUATE FEDERAL REVENUES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY NEEDS AND BROADCASTER RELOCATION. The preeminent economic goal of the incentive auction proceeding should be to provide innovators and investors with the licensed and unlicensed spectrum resources they need to create economic growth for the country. 104 As described above, designating spectrum for unlicensed use from reclaimed spectrum in the 600 MHZ band will generate enormous economic value for the national economy. The public bene?t from this economic growth will dwarf the direct revenues the Commission could ever hope to generate through an auction. 104 See NPRM 26 (?Congress passed the Spectrum Act in early 2012 [and] authorized the Commission to conduct incentive auctions to help meet the increasing demand for spectrum to provide highly valued wireless broadband services. . See Spectrum Act 6402 (codi?ed at 47 U.S.C. 6403(c)(l). 28 The FCC also must ensure that the auction produces enough revenue to cover ?nancial requirements needed for public safety and relocation, as required by the statute. 105 Furthermore, Members of Congress have stated that they expect that the auction will produce additional revenues that can be used to address the country?s ?nancial crisis. Designating spectrum resources for unlicensed technologies within the framework of the Spectrum Act is fully consistent with both goals because unlicensed spectrum designation will not reduce, and may increase, the value of the Spectrum that is auctioned, and therefore will not reduce the revenues directly recovered through the auction. This is the case for several reasons. First, according to a recent paper by Jeremy Bulow, Jonathan Levin, and Paul Milgrom, assuming the demand for licensed spectrum is relatively inelastic, ?leaving some Spectrum unlicensed reduces the supply of licensed spectrum,? 106 and this reduction in supply will raise the per unit price of the licensed spectrum. 107 The result is that the auctioned spectrum generates more revenue per unit than it otherwise would have, compensating for thereduction _in the amount of spectrum auctioned. Second, even if demand for spectrum is elastic, Bulow, Levin, and Milgrom have shown that the overall revenue in spectrum auctions tends to re?ect the aggregate budgets of the winning bidders rather than the price per MHZ?pop. 108 They demonstrate that those entities that 105 See Spectrum Act at 6402; see also NPRM 1] 26 (?[Congress] directed that certain proceeds from the incentive auction be deposited in the Public Safety Trust Fund to fund a national first responder network, state and local public safety grants, public safety research, and national debt reduction?). 106 Paul Milgrom, Jonathan Levin, and Assaf Eilat, The Casefor Unlicensed Spectrum 2?3, 23 (Oct. 2011) (?Milgrom, et See Cooper at 46 n.150 (citing Milgrom, et 108 Jeremy Bulow, Jonathan Levin, and Paul Milgrom, Winning Play in pectmm A actions, at 2, 7-12 (2009), available at (?If a bidder 2.9 intend to bid on the available spectrum will have determined how much they will spend, and they are likely to spend that entire amount regardless of the total amount of spectrum they obtain, provided they obtain the minimum amount of spectrum they need. Thus, a reduction in spectrum available for auction due to the designation of a reasonable amount of Spectrum for unlicensed technologies is not likely to result in signi?cant reductions in overall revenue generated. 109 Third, designating spectrum for unlicensed use will raise the inherent value of licensed spectrum by ?encourag[ing] the development of complementary, demand?enhancing services that raise the economic value of the licensed spectrum networks.? ?0 In other words, the availability of unlicensed spectrum increases the value consumers receive from licensed mobile broadband networks because licensed and unlicensed networks together provide consumers with far greater coverage and quality than licensed netwOrks alone offer. This makes licensed spectrum more valuable to wireless carriers because it means that consumers see more value for what they pay for licensed wireless broadband services, which is re?ected in even higher consumer demand for those services. And this increase in the value of licensed wireless networks accrues to the bene?t of wireless carriers at far lower cost than if they were forced to try to replicate the bene?ts of the nation?s unlicensed access points on their own by vastly increasing the number of microcells, femtocells, and backhaul using licensed spectrum in each of their networks, as faces a binding budget constraint and has broad interests, then as prices increase from round to round, its total exposure will eventually level off at an amount approximating its budget. If all bidders were to fall in this category, then the total exposure of all bidders in the auction would rise to the level of the aggregate bidder budgets and level off, forecasting the ?nal auction prices?); Milgrom, et al. at 23; see also Cooper at 46 n.150 (citing Milgrom et al). 109 Milgrom, et al. at 23; see also Cooper at 46 n.150. ?0 Milgrom, et al. at 3; see also id. at 23, Cooper at 46. 30 discussed above. The result: a stronger unlicensed ecosystem leads to higher auction bids for - . licensed spectrum, and more auction revenue. IV. THE 600 MHZ BAND SHOULD ENSURE AN OPTIMAL MIX 0F LICENSED AND UNLICENSED SPECTRUM. In order to support and expand the economic growth and innovation described above, the NPRM wisely proposes to design the 600 MHZ band plan to make ?a substantial amount of spectrum available for unlicensed uses, including a signi?cant portion that would be available on 55112 a uniform nationwide basis for the ?rst time. The Commission can best achieve this goal by: 1. Adepting a simple and proven frequency division duplex band plan for licensed broadband services with technically reasonable duplex gap/ guard band designations; 2. Enabling unlicensed broadband operations in the duplex gap/ guard band spectrum; and 3. Permitting unlicensed use in the 600 MHZ band in areas where auction winners have not yet begun providing service. Taking these steps will ensure that the public receives the full bene?ts of both licensed and unlicensed spectrum access for new broadband services in the 600 band. Milgrom, et al. at 23. The authors note that additional unlicensed spectrum can reduce revenue for licensed service providers by creating competition. The result in that scenario, however, is still positive, as consumers bene?t from increased competition. 10!. at 23 n58. See also Lehr at 6 n.12 technologies can support increased reliance on edge- based infrastructure which can both substitute for and complement investments in the core of the networ ?[C]ustorners may shift functionality from network services to applications run 011 end?user controlled boxe[s]. . . [T]he increased functionality will also drive increased demand for core services?). ?2 9. 31 A. The FCC Should Adopt a Proven FDD Band Plan Design With a Technically Reasonable Duplex Gap. The NPRM seeks comment on several band plan options for 600 operations, including a preferred ?modular? band plan that creates a nationwide downlink band while varying the amount of uplink spectrum. ?3 As the Commission explains, this proposal ?strive[s] to maximize the amount of spectrum we can repurpose for both licensed and unlicensed wireless broadband services.?114 Although the FCC should explore generally how to maximize unlicensed spectrum resources, its particular aim should be to produce the maximum amount of usable unlicensed spectrum, taking technical and economic factors into consideration. With this as the goal, and so as to produce an unlicensed spectrum designation that will create the greatest possible economic growth and innovation, the FCC should ensure that the designation: (1) contains suf?cient spectrum available on a nationwide basis to support unlicensed deployments, and (2) occupies an interference environment that allows a high-quality consumer experience with equipment that is affordable. An unlicensed designation that has these characteristics will support signi?cant investment by chipmakers, manufacturers, and service providers. The Commission can create an unlicensed designation with these attributes by implementing a traditional FDD band plan, such as the band plan depicted in Figure 12 in the and enabling unlicensed operations in the duplex gap, the guard band separating TV operations from the LTE downlink, and TV white spaces. An FCC band plan that allows unlicensed devices access to a duplex gap that is large enough to support robust unlicensed ?3 See ids 124. ?4 M11 125. ?5 Id.1l178. 32 operations will more effectively support innovation and investment than would the ?modular? band plan for the following reasons. First, such a duplex gap, along with other unlicensed designations in the guard band separating TV operations from the LTE downlink and the remaining TV white spaces, will result in a 600 MHZ band with substantial enough usable unlicensed spectrum resources to Support investment. This will produce a healthy unlicensed ecosystem under 1 Second, some amount of contiguous spectrum in the duplex gap will give developers the ?exibility to harness more bandwidth from aggregated carrier channels, enabling greater data throughput and a wider range of potential applications, and to account for the interference environment. Third, a band plan that enables unlicensed operations in the duplex gap is the best way to meet the goal of making as much unlicensed spectrum as possible available on a ?nationw1de basrs.? This is the case because unlicensed spectrum in the duplex gap will be available even in cities where there are few white spaces. Suf?cient unlicensed spectrum in all markets will provide developers with the certainty they need to create innovative unlicensed applications and services. Without adequate unlicensed spectrum in every market, application, device, and service providers may not invest in developing new products. For these reasons, an unlicensed designation in a duplex gap that produces substantial spectrum resources would deliver greater bene?ts to consumers, and support greater levels of innovation and investment, than would the unlicensed designations in the ?modular? band plan. As discussed above, spectrum in the duplex gap would be used in connection with spectrum in a guard band separating TV operations from the LTE downlink, as well as spectrum ?6 M119. 33 available because of the continued availability ofthe smaller 6 white spaces among remaining television channels. It is the collective availability of each these complementary resources that will provide a strong foundation for continued healthy growth in unlicensed operations. B. Establishing a Signi?cant Duplex Gap and Meaningful Guard Bands Supplemented with ?Remainder Spectrum? Is Technically Reasonable. The NPRM notes that ?the Spectrum Act constrains the FCC to guard bands ?no larger than is technically reasonable to prevent harmful interference between licensed services outside the guard bands,? and requires a forward auction in which ?the Commission assigns licenses for the use of the spectrum that the Commission reallocates.? Under these provisions, [the must license the spectrum [the recover[s] through the broadcast television spectrum reorganization, with the exception of guard bands.? This statutory authority permits the FCC to establish a duplex gap/ guard band plan with a sizeable gap to reduce interference between LTE downlink and uplink bands, and 6 guard bands supplemented by any so?called ?remainder spectrum,? to reduce interference between LTE operations and high?power broadcast operations. The NPRM notes that the Commission seeks to ?minimize interference between dissimilar adjacent operations.? ?3 In addition, the Commission has raised concerns that ?[m]inimizing the duplex gap size could have a negative impact on mobile performance.? ?9 Finally, the NPRM recognizes that wireless broadband services adjacent to television services may not operate at ?the same level of performance as spectrum blocks adjacent only to other ?7 Id. 11234. ?3 Id. 1 152. ?9 1d.1i178 n.262. 34 - - 120 spectrum blocks used for Wireless broadband serv1ce.? Thus, it is ?technically reasonable? for the Commission to designate substantial frequency ranges that will reduce negative impacts on mobile performance, allow neighboring services to function, and ensure substitutability among spectrum blocks. 1. The Spectrum Act?s ?technically reasonable? standard gives the Commission broad discretion to determine the appropriate amount of spectrum to address potential interference concerns. The NPRM asks how to interpret Congress?s mandate that guard bands be ?no larger than is technically reasonable to prevent harmful interference between licensed services outside the guard bands.?121 The plain meaning of ?technically reasonable? and judicial precedent combine to establish that Congress granted the Commission wide discretion in determining the size of any frequency range set aside for interference prevention. 2 CS 6? 12 Reason? means a ?Reasonable? is an adjective meaning ?in accord with reason. statement offered in explanation or justification,? or ?a rational ground or motive.? A guard band that is ?no larger than is technically reasonable to prevent harmful interference? therefore means a frequency block of any size that the FCC, on the record before it, rationally ?nds appropriate to prevent harmful interference. 12? Id. 11 152. [d1] 234. See also id. 1111 156, 158. Reasonable, MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM (2013), dictionarereasonable. 123 Reason, MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM (2013), dictionarereason. 35 ?Reasonable? does not mean necessary. ?Necessary? means ?of an inevitable nature,? ?logically unavoidable,? ?that cannot be denied without contradiction,? ?compulsory,? ?absolutely needed,? or ?required.? 124 If Congress had intended to limit the Commission to setting guard bands that were as small as possible without creating harmful interference, it would have required the FCC to set guard bands that were no larger than technically necessary to prevent harmful interference. That it did not use that language (or any words to similar effect) is evidence that Congress intended to give the Commission the discretion to use its expert technical judgment to set appropriate guard band sizes. Courts have recognized that the term ?reasonable? gives an agency wide discretion to act. Especially when an issue is ?fairly technical? and involves ?policy judgments that lie at the core of the regulatory mission,? judicial review of agency action is ?highly deferential.? 125 Put more simply, the DC. Circuit has found that in administrative law, ?reasonable? means ?not arbitrary and capricious.?126 Therefore, the Commission may adopt a duplex gap/guard band plan that it can rationally explain is reasonable to prevent harmful interference. 124 Necessary, (2013), dictionary/necessary. ?25 See N. States Power Co. (Minnesota) v. FER C, 30 F.3d 177, 180 (DC. Cir. 1994). 126 See DIRECTV, Inc. v. FCC, 110 F.3d 816, 829 (DC. Cir. 1997). For instance, in the environmental context, where agencies are required to consider ?all reasonable alternatives? with regard to environmental impact, courts have found that ?reasonable alternatives? are those ?that are technically and economically practical or feasible and meet the purpose and need ofthe proposed action.? See Theodore Roosevelt Conversation P?ship v. Salazar, 661 F.3d 66, 72 (DC. Cir. 2011) (internal citations and quotation marks omitted) (emphasis added) (?Salazar?); see also Barnes v. Babbitt, 329 F. Supp. 2d 1141, 1159 (D. Ariz. 2004) (?Reasonable alternatives are those that are feasible, consistent with the reasonable objections of the action, and sufficient to permit a reasoned 36 2. A band plan with a duplex gap large enough to be usable for robust unlicensed operations is a technically reasonable approach to avoiding harmful interference. Consistent with the discretion granted by the Spectrum Act, the Commission seeks comment on both the ?necessary size of the duplex gap? for the 600 band plan, as well as the ?appropriate? size of that gap. 127 The NPRM notes that the LTE frequency band allocation with the smallest duplex gap in absolute terms is LTB Band 8. This band provides for separation of only 10 128 As the Commission recognizes, however, this small duplex gap results in degraded receiver sensitivity due to harmful interference. 129 Speci?cally, receivers in LTB Band 8 require signals to be 3 dB stronger than signals in LTB bands with superior interference enviromnents in order to compensate for this interference and achieve similar performance. 130 In contrast, the FCC recognizes that the 3GPP bands with ?duplex gaps of at least 28 megahertz and at least 1.4 times the pass band size? 131 reduce harmful interference resulting from degraded receiver sensitivity much more effectively than do smaller duplex gaps. This actual experience is the appropriate starting point for determining a reasonable size for the 600 band duplex gap. A band plan with a duplex gap 01?28 is technically reasonable. First, as the calculations demonstrate, duplex gap design necessarily involves a tradeoff between, on the one hand, the performance (more speci?cally the abruptness in the ?lter transition from the ?pass band? to the ?stop band?), size, and cost of ?lters and, on the other ?7 ?23 See 178 n.262hand, the reduction in the power of the desired signal caused by ?lters. 132 Dr. David Borth, in his attached declaration, explains that a smaller duplex gap would require the use of ?lters that could either substantially reduce the power of the desired signal, and therefore lead to inferior receiver performance, or the use of large, and/or expensive ?lters that may increase cost to even attempt to address the degraded interference environment. 133 A larger duplex gap, conversely, allows the use of ?lters that reduce desired signal levels less and support better performance, without driving up the cost of devices. Filter considerations are especially important for end user devices, where the cost and size of duplex ?lter design is felt most acutely. 134 Furthermore, Dr. Borth shows that because the LTE network architecture intensively reuses spectrum, any performance loss caused by a smaller duplex gap would be felt thrOughout the network, potentially signi?cantly reducing system capacity. 135 Dr. Borth also explains that the Commission?s duplex gap should account for interference caused by intermodulation created by LTE transmissions. 13?6 Because this interrnodulation interference would fall in a receiver?s desired frequency band, no amount of ?ltering could prevent the undesired signals from reaching the receiver. This intermodulation issue alone would justify a gap that?at an absolute minimum?exceeds the pass band size. 133 132 Borth Declaration 6?8. ?31014. 137 ?38 Id. v15. 38 Finally, Dr. Borth shows that other factors such as ?allowances for temperature and manufacturing variation in components? also can ?affect the appropriate duplex gap? 139 Indeed, temperature shifts and manufacturing shifts would require additional determination. duplex gaps on the order of .12 percent?-?or an additional .72 MHz?for the duplexer, over and above what would otherwise be required.140 While this is not a large increase in reasonable duplex gap size, it is nonetheless important to recognize. 3. A meaningful guard hand between LTE downlink and digital television is a technically reasonable approach to avoiding harmful interference. The Commission also seeks comment on its proposal to implement a 6 guard band between wireless broadband operations in the 600 band and digital television services. 141 As the Commission has recognized, guard band spectrum will play a critical role in avoiding harmful interference to cellular networks and digital television receivers by minimizing the effects of undesired out-of-band emissions or receiver overload from adjacent services. 142 Given the signi?cant chance of harmful interference to broadband and broadcast licensees, the Commission should implement a conservative guard band that is larger than 6 Furthermore, a larger guard band between cellular downlink and DTV will be necessary for the Commission to implement a band plan with ?spectrum blocks that are as similar and technically interchangeable as possible.? 143 139 See 167; Borth Declaration it 16. 14" Borth Declaration 1 l6. 158. 142 See id. 1] 156. 143 See id. 1] 152. 39 As a threshold matter, the Commission should account for worst-case interference scenarios when determining the appropriate guard band size. This is so for two reasons. First, the Commission will not have any indication of actual television assignments and power levels until after the conclusion of the auction and repack. Second, there is a dearth of published information about interference susceptibility for DTV systems into LTE systems and for LTE systems into DTV systems. 144 The lack of such references hampers prediction of probable interference levels and, consequently, appropriate minimum guard band width determinations. 145 In the absence of comprehensive studies on the subject, the Commission should take heed of the experiences elsewhere where DTV transmitters and modern cellular systems co?exist, which underscore the need to implement conservative guard bands. For example, in Europe, CEPT (the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrators) examined co-existence of DVB-T digital television systems with cellular systems. 146 One of the conclusions reached by CEPT was that, even with an 8 guard band between these two systems, there was a 14 percent capacity loss in the cellular system due to interference from a digital television transmitter. 147 Similarly, in the Asia Pacific region, the Asia Paci?c Telecommunity evaluated the required minimum guard band size between a DVB-T transmitter and LTE device transmissions under multiple interference scenarios using deterministic, probabilistic, and 144 Borth Declaration 1] l7. Id. 11 18. 146 CEPT Report 23, Technical Optionsfor the Use ofaHarmonised Sub-Band in the Band 470 - 862 MHzforFixed/Mobile Application (including Uplinks) at 7 (Dec. 21, 2007), available at 147 40 empirical studies. 143 The APT report concluded that, for an LTE device transmission bandwidth of 10 MHZ, a 9 MHZ guard band was the smallest separation distance required to minimize interference between LTE operations and the DTV receiver. 149 Furthermore, in the U.S., LTE operations in the lower 700 MHZ band and DTV operations on television channel 51 similarly counsel for the ad0ption of conservative separation distances to address co-existence issues. 150 One of the most signi?cant concerns in that proceeding relates to reverse intermodulation interference to an LTE device transmitter caused by the presence of a strong DTV signal. 151 The record demonstrates that even with a guard band separation of 6 or 12 MHZ between the DTV transmitter frequency and the LTE device frequency and an LTE duplex gap separation of 24 MHZ, signi?cant LTE device receiver sensitivity degradation can occur over many square miles near the DTV transmitter. Finally, the Commission notes in the NPRM that it has found a 6 MHZ separation distance to be suf?cient to avoid harmful interference in the 600 MHZ band, and that no separation distance is required for low power personal/portable white space devices 153 Operating at 40 mW. However, as Dr. Borth explains in his attached declaration, a study conducted at the University of Kansas and submitted in the white spaces proceeding strongly 143 APT Report, Implementation Issues Associated With Use Of The Band 698?806 MHZ By Mobile Services,? No. (Sept. 201 1), available at 24_APT_Report_698-806_B and_Implementation_UHF.pdf. ?49 1d. at 12. 150 See generally? Promoting Interoperability in the 700 MHZ Commercial Spectrum, WT Docket No. 12-69. Borth Declaration 11 19. 152 1d. 153 156 n.239. 151 41 suggests that 6 MHZ would not be suf?cient separation between DTV and cellular base stations, which are capable of opcrating at much greater power than either portable or ?xed white spaces devices.154 4. Designating remaindered spectrum for unlicensed use is a technically reasonable approach to avoiding harmful interference. Google and Microsoft agree with the FCC that, as the NPRM correctly explains, adding remainder spectrum to the guard bands will ?further mitigate any potential interference concerns? in the 600 MHZ band. 155 As described above, even a 6 MHZ guard band will result in an unacceptable level of interference risk for both broadcast and LTB operations. Using remainder spectrum to augment the guard band would be technically reasonable because the increased separation will reduce the likelihood of harmful interference, improving customer experience. and reducing costs for carriers. Alternatively,using remainder spectrum to increase the size of the duplex gap would also be technically reasonable because a larger gap will contribute to reducing interference between the uplink and downlink bands (unless the FCC establishes a maximum duplex gap size and is able to achieve that ideal without remainder 154 Borth Declaration 20?26 See Quantifying the Impact of Unlicensed Devices on Digital TV Receivers, The University of Kansas, Technical Report 44910?01 (Jan. 31, 2007), available at The KU Study examined measurements of several DTV receivers to characterize their adjacent and subsequent adjacent channel interference potential. Speci?cally, the authors used a 6 MHZ OFDM signal as an interfering signal to a DTV receiver that received a ?68 DTV signal, which they considered to be a weak signal for a consumer grade receiver. The authors intended the OFDM signal to be representative of modern Wi?Fi or systems. Accordingly, the results of this study are useful in this proceeding, as LTB signals can similarly employ OFDM modulation'over a comparable bandwidth. Borth Declaration ii 22. 155 156. 42 spectrum). This will enable licensees to provide service more cheaply and efficiently, increasing demand for this spectrum at auction. in contrast, using remainder spectrum for a new licensed service, with base stations and user equipment operating at substantially higher powers than allowed under unlicensed rules, would eliminate these additional interference mitigation benefits and could itself be a new source of interference. The increased risk of interference to core 600 band services likewise would be re?ected in the prices paid for these licensees at auction?in other words, smaller separations will result in less valuable spectrum blocks in the auction and depress auction revenue. Additionally, auctioning remainder spectrum is incompatible with the proposed 5 ?building block? model for the forward auction, which will promote the greatest amount of ?exibility and efficiency for new licensed services. 156 This is because 'any remainder spectrum necessarily will be too small to license on a 5 block basis. 15? Soliciting separate bids for the remaining small spectrum slivers in the simultaneous forward and reverse auction will introduce needless complexity to the auction process, particularly if the Commission auction design contemplates bids for interchangeable licensed spectrum pairs rather than specific frequency bands. 158 ?56 Id.1l128. 157 See id. 1] 175 (designating remainder spectrum for unlicensed use will ?maximize the number of valuable blocks for licensing?). See id. 111] 173-74. 43 C. The FCC Should Permit Unlicensed Operations in the 600 MHZ Band in Areas Where Auction Winners Have Not Yet Begun Providing Service. The NPRM further seeks comment on appropriate build-out and performance rules for licensees in the 600 MHZ band. 159 Consistent with the Commission?s goal of ?promot[ing] the ef?cient use of spectrum in order to meet the current and future needs of the American public,11160 the 600 MHZ band rules should enable unlicensed spectrum operations in areas where a licensee has yet to deploy its network or has ceased operations. In the White Spaces Order, the Commission allowed unlicensed white Space devices to operate throughout what will become the 600 MHZ band after the incentive auction. All white space devices are controlled by one of the databases approved by the Commission. Speci?cally, unlicensed devices must communicate with a database to determine the frequencies they may use in their geographic location. 161 These databases are constantly updated,?and if a particular frequency band is designated as off limits to unlicensed devices, devices must then vacate those frequencies. While the Commission designed these rules to protect broadcast operations, they also give the FCC the opportunity to allow unlicensed devices to access frequencies within the 600 MHZ band that are unused by wireless broadband providers. In order to promote robust and ef?cient use of the 600 MHZ band, the Commission should therefore harness the white spaces databases to include frequencies where 600 MHZ licensees have not yet begun operations, and permit unlicensed operations in the appropriate locations. As soon as a licensee noti?es the ?59 See id. 1111394413. Id. 11 23. 161 See generally 47 C.F.R. Part 15 Subpart H. 44 Commission that it is ready to begin operations, the rules should require database providers to update their database to prohibit unlicensed operations in the relevant frequencies. Importantly, because white space devices must check with a database to determine channel availability at least once a day, a 600 MHZ spectrum license area can be quickly cleared of unlicensed operations, and made available for the licensed use, once a licensee has determined it is ready to deploy service in a particular service area. 162 Thus, the Commission can ensure that the public bene?ts from access to extraordinarily valuable spectrum in the 600 band from the outset with no burden on licensees. In fact, carriers themselves may be among the users to take advantage of unlicensed operations prior to build-out. As noted above, carriers already significantly supplement their licensed networks using unlicensed spectrum. Enabling unlicensed operations would permit. carriers to get a head start on offering wireless services to subscribers as they determine how best to build out their licensed networks. The Commission also should enable continued access to 600 band spectrum on an unlicensed basis if a licensee fails to meet its build-out requirement during the time period set by the 600 MHZ band rules, as well as in cases where the Commission has determined that the licensee has ?permanently discontinued? operations. 163 Although Part 27 of the Commission?s rules includes a relicensing process that presumably could be applied to 600 band licenses,154 this process takes time, during which otherwise usable spectrum would lie fallow. Unlicensed access in areas where the licensee has stopped providing service?or never provided it in the first place??may be especially critical as these areas are more likely to be underserved. ?52 See 47 15.71 163 See NPRM 111] 405, 413 (seeking comment on a ?user it or share it? approach following the build?out term). 154 See 47 CPR. 45 Granting unlicensed access to 600 band spectrum, again via the white spaces databases, until licensees are ready and able to provide service would help ensure that the public realizes the full potential of this spectrum for innovative broadband services. AS described above, once a licensee is ready to begin providing service, it would notify the database administrator and, within a Short period of time, any unlicensed users would vacate those frequencies. V. THE INCENTIVE AUCTION RULES SHOULD ENSURE THE CONTINUED VIABILITY OF WHITE SPACES OPERATIONS IN THE TELEVISION BROADCAST BANDS. AS the NPRM observes, the US. ?leads the world in wireless infrastructure and innovation? in several key areas, including being the ??rst country to enable unlicensed use of white space spectrum in the television bands.? 165 It is critical that the Commission?s incentive auction rules ensure the continued viability of the white spaces in the remaining television broadcast bands during and after the incentive auction process. A. The Commission?s Decision to Open Up Unused Television Spectrum for Unlicensed Wireless Broadband Will Bring Enormous Bene?ts. As the Commission has recognized, white spaces networks will provide substantial bene?ts to American consumers. Among other things, access to the white spaces will result in more pervasive and powerful broadband connections with ?extended range, fewer dead spots, and improved individual speeds? and reduced congestion on existing networks. 166 Indeed, the many white spaces pilot programs already underway con?rm that unlicensed access to this beachfront spectrum will enable developers to create many innovative applications. 165 1. 166 Unlicensed Operation of the TV Broadcast Bands Second Memorandum Opinion and Order, 25 FCC Red. 18661, 18662 (2010) White Spaces Second 46 The ?opportunistic? spectrum use enabled by the white spaces rules also creates a framework for more ef?cient spectrum use in other frequency bands. 16? For example, according to the President?s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, ?the extension of today?s emerging White Spaces based wireless Systems into the broader and more complex dynamic shared spectral domains offers immediate and compelling uses? to meet increasing spectrum demand.168 The Commission already has devoted Substantial resources to white Spaces deployment, including conducting multiple workshops on database performance and administration, 169 testing and approving database administrators for commercial use, no and certifying white spaces In parallel, industry has made substantial investments in equipment for marketing and use. reliance on the approval of TV Band White Space devices, and is continuing to develop innovative white spaces solutions. Indeed, the has already ?nalized one standard for White spaces operation 802.22) and is nearing completion of another 802.1 laf). 172 standardization brings many important bene?ts for emerging technologies, including 167 1? PCA ST Spectrum Report at 132. 169 See generally FCC Of?ce of Engineering and Technology, White Space Database. Administration, no See Public Notice, Of?ce of Engineering and Technology Announces the Approval of Telcordia Technologies, Inc.?s TV Bands Database System for Operation, ET Docket No. 04- 186 (rel. Mar. 26, 2012) (?Spectrum Bridge Public Notice, Of?ce of Engineering and Technology Announces the Approval of Spectrum Bridge, lnc.?s TV Bands Database System for Operation, ET Docket No. 04-186 (rel. Dec. 22, 201 l) (?Telcordia See Spectrum Bridge Telcordia PN. 172 See 802.22 Working Group on Wireless Regional Area Networks, Of?cial 802.1 1 Working Group Project Timelines, 02/ l/Reports/S 02. 47 interoperability for equipment, economies of scale that result in reduced product costs, and best practices to facilitate rapid development and deployment. The FCC ?nalized the rules for white spaces devices less than a year ago, in April 2012, and authorized nationwide use of devices just late last year. 173 It approved the first database providers, which are required under the rules for any white spaces device to operate, in December 2011 and March2012.1M This all means that, as a practical matter, users could not take advantage of TV Band White Space technology nationwide until very recently. That white spaces devices are becoming available at the same time that the FCC authorized their nationwide use should not be a surprise. Indeed, this timeline con?rms that the technology will bring great value to consumers if given adequate spectrum and regulatory certainty. B. The Commission?s Repacking Methodology Should Speci?cally Account for Unlicensed White Space Use as an Input. The NPRM seeks comment on ?how to best preserve and improve the use of the unused spectrum in the broadcast television bands for unlicensed operations.? ?5 One of the most important tools the Commission will have to achieve this goal is the repacking methodology used to assign television stations in the remaining TV broadcast spectrum. ?76 As the NPRM explains, repacking television stations is ?analogous to the process of packing boxes into a trunk when 173 See generally Unlicensed Operation in the Television Broadcast Bands, Third Memorandum Opinion and Order, 27 FCC Rcd. 3692 (2012) (?Third White Spaces Report Order?). In December 2012, the FCC authorized nationwide use of the wireless microphone registration system. This authorization allows database administrators to collect a key input for availability calculations. Before the authorization was issued, nationwide use of the databases was not practicable. Public Notice, Of?ce of Engineering and Technology and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announce Nationwide Launch of Unlicensed Wireless Microphone Registration System, ET Docket No. 04?186 (rel. Dec. 6, 2012). 174 See Spectrum Bridge Telcordia PN. "5 227. 176 See id. 111143-50. 48 these boxes have different sizes and values.? 177 In determining how best to pack the trunk, the Commission?s methodology should speci?cally take into account the value of unlicensed white space use and adopt criteria that will ensure maximum utility of the remaining white spaces. The NPRM recognizes that ?white space spectrum will continue to exist after the repacking of the broadcast services.? 178 This is true for two reasons. First, in many markets, there will be several vacant television channels even after Spectrum is deplOyed for the new 600 band. Second, ?the Commission?s Part 73 rules restrict digital television stations from being placed on co- and adjacent channels, but do not restrict the placement of stations if they are separated by 6 megahertz or greater of spectrum.? 179 The repacking methodology should not be designed merely to yield the minimum number of white spaces that persist for these reasons, however. Instead, the methodology should assign value to the preservation of white Spaces for their own sake as well, because of the substantial bene?ts to consumers, innovation, and economic growth described above and relied on by the Commission in adopting the recent white spaces orders. 180 Furthermore, white Spaces will facilitate the incentive auction process. As the Commission has explained, the repacking procedure must be both ef?cient and fast. 181 Accommodating additional white spaces serves each of these removing the need to design and implement a complicated repacking methodology that forces large numbers of ?7 1d. 11 43. ?3 1d.1[ 126 n.198. 1? See id. 11 156 11.239 (citing 47 C.F.R. 73.623 180 See Third hire Spoces Report Order; White Spaces Second hire Spaces Second Report Order; White Spaces First Report Order. TV white Spaces, moreover, are not subject to the Spectrum Act?s ?technically reasonable? provision. '31 See 45. 49 broadcasters to engage in costly and disruptive relocations with the aim of obtaining the absolute minimum number of vacant channels at the end of the process. Indeed, attempting to achieve the theoretically tightest repacking would be ill-advised?and' perhaps entirely futile??given the multiple reverse auction bid options available to broadcasters who wish to participate e. g. license termination bid, UHF to VHF bid, channel sharing bid) and the fact that the reverse and forward auctions must occur at the same time. 182 Additionally, as the Commission contemplates channel assignments in the remaining TV band spectrum, it should be mindful that not all white spaces are created equal. For example, personal/portable white space devices can access vacant television channels that are adjacent to broadcast stations Operating above 512 MHZ, but ?rst adjacent white Spaces located below 512 MHZ cannot be used by any white space device. 183 Similarly, if there are three white space channels in a row, the Commission?s rules enable use of higher power ?xed/access devices. 184 Thus, in less populated areas with substantial vacant television spectrum, groupings of three or more white space channels are substantially more useful than groupings of two channels. The Commission should maximize the value of the remaining TV band spectrum by taking these considerations into account as it repacks the band by explicitly building these facts into the repacking methodology. ?32 See Spectrum Act 6403(a)(2). ?83 See 47 C.F.R. 15.7030); 134 See 47 C.F.R. (excluding ?xed white space operations for both co?channel and ?rst adjacent channel stations). 50 VI. THE FCC SHOULD ADOPT WIRELESS MICROPHONES RULES THAT PROMOTE THE EFFICIENT AND INTENSIVE USE OF THE 600 MHZ BAND. A. The Commission Should Allow Unlicensed DeviCes to Operate in the Two Channels Currently Reserved for Wireless Microphones. Under the Commission?s existing rules, white space devices must avoid the ?rst vacant channels immediately above and below Channel 37 in order to accommodate legacy wireless microphone systems. 185 As a result, 12 MHZ of extremely valuable spectrum often are left bereft of broadband services that tens of millions of consumers could use. The result is a huge loss Of utility?and is ?atly inconsistent with the Commission?s goal in this proceeding of ?preserv[ing] and impr0v[ing] the use of unused spectrum in the broadcast television bands for unlicensed operations.? 186 Google and Microsoft therefore urge the Commission to make the two channels currently designated for wireless microphone use available for white space devices, as proposed in the NPRM. 187 Unlicensed devices and wireless microphones can share the two channels currently reserved for exclusive wireless microphone use if the FCC designates both channels for wireless microphone use as well as unlicensed use, rather than eliminating the current designation completely. This approach will ensure that Part 74 wireless microphone users will always have two channels where they can be assured of primary rights through a white spaces database, and both non-Part?74 wireless microphone users and users of white spaces devices will have access 135 See 47 C.F.R. 186 NPRM 11 227. The Commission has concluded that legacy wireless microphone systems are a ?very inef?cient use of valuable spectrum.? Public Notice, The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau and the Of?ce of Engineering and Technology Seek to Update and Refresh Record in the Wireless Microphones Proceeding, WT Docket Nos. 08-166, 08- 167, ET Docket No. 10-24, 27 FCC Rcd. 12067 (rel. Oct. 5, 2012) (?Wireless Mic 187 9. 51 to these channels on an unlicensed basis. This will properly balance the goal of ensuring wireless microphone users have a migration path after the incentive auction and the goal of substantially improving spectral efficiency and intensity of use. If the Commission adopts this approach, wireless microphone users will retain many frequency options after the incentive auction. Microphone users will have access to the two channels currently designated for their exclusive use (as described above); (2) other white spaces in the broadcast band; (3) other frequency bands including Part 90 frequencies, the 900 MHZ band, the 2.4 GHZ band; and, as discussed below, (4) co?channel operation with television channels. B. UHF Band Wireless Microphones Should Be Eligible to Operate Co-Channel with Remaining Broadcasters Because This Would Promote Ef?cient Spectrum Use Without Undermining Incumbent Operations. Finally, the Commission seeks comment on whether it should enable wireless microphones to operate on a co-channel basis with television stations under certain circumstances.188 As the Commission notes, doing so could ?enable intensive use by wireless microphones of the broadcast television spectrum that is not available for white space devices.?189 Developments in the white spaces proceeding confirmed that co?channel operation of wireless microphones is commonplace. The Commission?s rules should legitimize this longstanding practice, which will promote ef?cient spectrum use without harming incumbent broadcasters. ?38 Id. 11225. 189 52 The NPRM seeks comment on appropriate operating parameters under which co-channel operations could be permitted. 190 The best way to determine these parameters is to invite wireless micr0phone users to submit information about their current co-channel uses without fear of an enforcement action. Co-channel operations are occurring, and are wideSpread. This point was amply illustrated during the ?eld tests performed by the Of?ce of Engineering and Technology in the white spaces proceeding. On two separate occasions, in midtown Manhattan and at FedEx Field in Landover, MD, wireless microphone operators transmitted on the same channels as occupied television stations while in the presence of FCC engineers. 191 In fact, one of the channels used by wireless microphones at FedEx Field was the very channel used to carry the high de?nition broadcast of the football game taking place that day. 192 In addition, the wireless microphone industry has recently told the Of?ce of Engineering and Technology that wireless microphones which operate on VHF television channels are not typically available. 193 This fact further underscores that co-channel operation takes place routinely. For example, in New York City?s theatre district, two UHF channels in addition to the two channels currently reserved for wireless microphones are available, which translates to 190 19] Letter from Edmond Thomas, Senior Technology Policy Advisor, White Spaces Coalition, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, ET Docket No. 04?186 (?led Aug. 19, 2008). 192 Id. at 2. 193 See Public Notice, Of?ce of Engineering Technology Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Announce Nationwide Launch of Unlicensed Wireless Microphone Registration System, ET Docket No. 04?186 (rel. Dec. 6, 2012) (?It is our understanding at this time, through feedback from the wireless microphone industry, that as a practical matter there is very little professional quality equipment available in the VHF Spectrum (Channels 2?13). Accordingly, we will not require that applicants use available VHF channels before requesting registration because such use is not generally ?practicable? at this time?). 53 24 to 32 available wireless microphone frequencies, assuming that legacy systems maximize the use of each TV channel. But given that users claim that even a single theatre Operating on Broadway uses up to 40 frequencies during a performance, 194 and that a musical may use many I more, literally thousands of co-channel operations occur every day. The Commission should call for data about these operations and, given the lack of interference issues, legitimize the vast majority of them. Doing so will enable defacto channel reservations for Part 15 microphones without harming innovative broadband services, as white space devices will not operate on these channels. VII. CONCLUSION. Google and Microsoft applaud the Commission for its efforts to make additional spectrum resources available through the world?s ?rst incentive auction. In designing rules in this proceeding, the FCC should support economic growth and technological innovation by continuing the Commission?s long-term strategy of providing American consumers and businesses with both licensed and unlicensed spectrum. More speci?cally, the Commission should: (1) create a band plan with unlicensed designations that are large enough to support investment; (2) preserve white spaces in the remaining television broadcast bands; and (3) promote ef?cient use of the UHF spectrum by establishing new rules for wireless microphone Operations. By taking these actions, the Commission can deliver the most value to American ?94 Ex Parte Comments of the Broadway League, ET Docket No. 04?186, at 3 (?led Jun. 10, 2008) 54 consumers, produce enormous auction revenues, and provide innovators with a band that supports the next generation of wireless technologies. Respectfully submitted, Aparna Sridhar Paul Margie Telecom Policy Counsel S. Roberts Carter GOOGLE INC. Kristine Laudadio Devine Public Policy Department WILTSHIRE LLP 1 101 New York Ave. NW, 2nd Floor 1200 Eighteenth Street, NW Washington, DC. 20005 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 730-1300 Counsel for Google Inc. and Microso? Commotion Paula Boyd Director, Government and Regulatory Affairs Paul Garnett Director, Technology Policy MICROSOFT CORPORATION 901 Street NW, 11th Floor Washington, DC 20001 January 25, 2013 55 APPENDIX: 1 DECLARATION OF DAVID BORTH Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, DC. 20554 In the Matter of Expanding the Economic and Innovation Docket No. 12-268 Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive Auctions DECLARATION OF DAVID BORTH 1. My name is David Borth. I am a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois?Chicago and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. I teach graduate communications theory courses, supervise students, and conduct research in the area of wireless communications. From 1980?2010 I worked for Motorola, Inc. in a number of positions: Corporate Vice President, Chief Technology Of?cer, and Director of Advanced Technology and Research and Emerging Business Of?ce, Enterprise Mobility Solutions (2005?10); Corporate Vice President and Director, Wireless Access Research, Motorola Labs (2001? Vice President and Director, Communications Systems and Technologies Labs, Motorola Labs (1998?2001); Vice President and Director, Corporate Communications Systems Labs, Corporate (1996-8); Manager, Communications Systems Research Lab, Corporate (1990-6); and Technical Staff Member, Systems Research Lab (1980?90). I currently serve on the US. Department of Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee, and I have served on the Technical Advisory Committee from 2005-6. I hold 113 patents worldwide, and received a BS, MS, and in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2. I have worked extensively on matters regarding wireless technologies, interference, network design, and Spectrum management in general, and on matters regarding LTE, unlicensed standards such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and the television white spaces in specific. 3. I have reviewed the Notice of Preposed Rulemaking in this proceeding. This declaration contains my analysis of certain technical matters related to the Commission?s consideration of certain questions contained in that NPRM. GUARD GAP DESIGN 4. For a traditional FDD band plan, such as the band plan depicted in Figure 12 in the NPRM, a duplex gap of greater than 20 MHZ is technically reasonable to prevent harmful interference between licensed services. 5. The NPRM notes that the LTE frequency band allocation with the smallest duplex gap in absolute terms is LTE Band 8. This band provides for separation of only 10 MHZ, and results in degraded reference sensitivity of 3 dB; specifically, 3 dB worse than the LTE bands with the best reference sensitivities. In contrast, the NPRM observes that the bands with the best reference sensitivities have duplex gaps of at least 28 megahertz and at least 1.4 times the pass band size NPRM 1i 178 n. 262. These statements alone support the implementation of a duplex gap larger than 20 MHZ as a technically reasonable measure to avoid harmful interference. 6. Duplex gap design necessarily involves a tradeoff between, on the one hand, the abruptness in the duplex ?lter transition from the pass band to the stop band where transmitters do not operate and, on the other hand, insertion loss in the pass band. 7. Insertion loss of the duplex ?lter contributes directly to the noise ?gure (Le. the degradation of the signal to noise ratio) and, therefore, the ultimate sensitivity and performance of the receiver. 8. A smaller duplex gap would require the use of ?lters that could either substantially reduce the power of the desired signal (and therefore lead to inferior receiver performance), or the use of large and/or expensive ?lters that may increase cost to attempt to address the degraded interference environment. 9. For a given pass band, if the transition to the stop band is reduced, the insertion loss in the pass band will correspondingly increase. In contrast, a larger duplex gap increases the transition region of the stop band and lowers insertion loss. 10. Filter considerations are especially important for end user devices, where duplex ?lter design must emphasize size and cost of a ?lter along with ?lter performance. 1 l. Importantly, the duplexer, which separates transmit and receive spectrum, appears in a device?s architecture after the antenna and before the receiver ampli?er. Accordingly, insertion loss in the pass band that is created as a result of a smaller duplex gap cannot be remedied by other components in the device. 12. Because the LTE network architecture intensively reuses spectrum, any performance loss caused by a smaller duplex gap would be felt throughout the network, potentially signi?cantly reducing system capacity. 13. Each of the above factors affects the appropriate size of the duplex gap, and Should be examined by the Commission when determining duplex gap size. 14. The Commission?s duplex gap should also account for spurious radiofrequency issues caused by third order (2f 1 f2 or 2f2+/- f1) intermodulation created by LTE transmissions entering the LTE receiver pass band. These intermodulation concerns are due to imperfections (speci?cally, nonlinearities) in transmitter ampli?ers and/or receivers. Because intermodulation frequencies would fall in the receiver pass band, no amount of ?ltering could ?lter out these spurious/undesired signals. 15. Third order intermodulation issues can occur either at a base station or on an LTE device. At the base station, however, the presence of additional RF signals further complicates the intermodulation issue. The intermodulation issue alone would justify a gap that?at an absolute minimum??exceeds the pass band size, and taken with the other duplex gap considerations underscores the need for a reasonable duplex gap with characteristics similar to existing LTE bands with the best reference sensitivities. 16. Allowances for temperature and manufacturing variation in components can also affect the appropriate duplex gap determination. Indeed, typical temperature shifts are on the order of 200 (or 0.02%) and manufacturing shifts are on the order of (or 0.050. Taken at their maximums, these considerations alone would require additional duplex gaps on the order of . 12% ?or an additional .72 for the duplexer, over and above what would otherwise be required. GUARD BAND BETWEEN 600 MHZ DOWNLINK AND TELEVISION 17. There is limited information available about interference susceptibility for DTV systems into LTE systems and for LTE systems into DTV systems. 18. The lack of such references hampers prediction of probable interference levels and, consequently, appropriate minimum guard band width determinations. Furthermore, to address the resulting uncertainty, the Commission should take particular care to ensure that enough spectrum isallocated to be con?dent of avoiding harmful interference. 19. I have reviewed ?lings in WT Docket No. 12-69, Promoting Interoperability in the 700 MHZ Commercial Spectrum . One of the most signi?cant concerns in that proceeding relates to reverse interrnodulation interference to an LTE device transmitter caused by the presence of a strong DTV signal. In particular, the record demonstrates that even with a guard band separation of 6 or 12 MHZ between the DTV transmitter frequency and the LTE device frequency and an LTE duplex gap separation of 24 significant LTE device receiver sensitivity degradation can occur over many square miles near the DTV transmitter. 20. I have also reviewed the University of Kansas TV Band Interference Study submitted by the New America Foundation in ET Docket No. 04- 186, Unlicensed Operation in the Television Broadcast Bands (the Study?). 21. In the KU Study, measurements were made of several DTV receivers to characterize the adjacent and subsequent adjacent channel interference potential. 22. Speci?cally, the authors of the KU Study used a 6 MHZ OFDM signal as an interfering signal to a DTV receiver that received a -68 DTV signal, which they considered to be a weak signal for a consumer grade receiver. The authors intended the OFDM signal to be representative of modern Wi-Fi or systems. Accordingly, the results of this study are useful in this proceeding, as LTE signals can similarly employ OFDM modulation over a comparable bandwidth. 23. The KU Study found that, for a -68 DTV signal level at the receiver, a -34 OFDM signal in either of the adjacent 6 MHZ channels or a -23 signal level in any channel more than one TV channel away would cause a degraded DTV picture. 24. Thus, assuming a 600 MHZ. LTE base station with a transmit power of one kilowatt, for the DTV receivers examined in the KU Study, the LTE transmitter could cause observable interference to the DTV receiver at distances less than approximately 2,000 feet away from the DTV receiver Le. a free space path loss of less than 83 dB) even with a frequency separation of more than 6 MHZ. 25. Because LTE base site transmitters Operate in ?xed locations, the interference into the DTV receiver might always be present. 26. i The data provided by the KU Study therefore strongly suggest that there are real-world scenarios in which a guard band of greater than 6 will be required to avoid harmful interference. 1, David Borth, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing declaration is true and correct. Executed on January 25, 2013 amt. David Berth From: Obi Felten (6) Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 12:43 PM To: Will Patrick Cc: Dorgelo, Cristin; Astro Teller; Megan Smith Subject: Re: moonshot thinking in SOTU love it. On 13 February 2013 09:31, Will Patrick (D) (6) wrote: Last night after he said that I thought, "10 times better, eh? Nice work Tom Cristin" Cheers, Will On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:28 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Boogie moonshot team: I?m sure you caught this in last night?s SOTU, but in case it comes in he ndy as you spread the word about moonshots making things 10x better, this paragraph from the President?s address last night speaks to his commitment to pursuing audacious, game-changing goals {aka Grand Challenges 8: Moonshots) and to investing in researc and deveiopment. One of the exampies, the Brain Activity Map, is a Grand Chaiienge we?ve been deveioping with neuroscientists, nanotechnologists, and private foundations. ?Now, if we want to make the best products, we also have to invest in the best ideas. Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy -- every dollar. Today, our scientists are mapping the human brain to unlock the answers to Alzheimer?s. They?re developing drugs to regenerate damaged organs; devising new material to make batteries 10 times more powerful. Now is not the time to gut these job ?creating investments in science and innovation. Now is the time to reach a level of research and development not seen since the height of the Space Race. We need to make those Investments.? best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Chaiienges Office of Science and Technoiogy Policy Executive Office of the President From: Astro Teller [mailto Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:44 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Will Patrick: Megan Smith me- [me? Subject: Re: Class of 2013: Thanks for everything Thanks for being part of the event, Cristin! It was great to have you there with us! Astro. On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Will, Megan, Astro, Karishma, Obi: Sincere thanks again for including me in last week?s inspiring Solve for event. Great gathering of minds and some fantastic tatks (in particular, i thought Saul, ShaWn, Andras, Bill, Waei, Geena, and Steve knocked their talks out of the park). I?ve shared the videos and the new Solve for site with many of my White House OSTP cotieagues atready. Hook forward to coiiaborating again with your fantastic team as we move ciose rte a White House Grand Challenges event i?ll let you know that event date as soon as we know it here. All best, Cristin Cristin Dorgeio Assistant Director for Grand Chailenges Office of Science and Technoiogy Policy Executive Office of the President From: Will Patrick [mailto Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 6:39 PM To [(315? Andras Forgacs; Shawn Douglas; Prashant K. Jain; Peter Diamandis; Steve Jurvetson; m? Ehsan Afshari; Austen Heinz; Mir Imran; Catteruccia, Dr Flaminia; Anna Patterson; Padmasree Warrior (pwarrior); Chase, Charles; Vinod Khosla; Catherine Mohr; Jeff Surma; Geena Davis; ?Sullivan, Meghan; Nicholas Negroponte; Molly Morse; Marc Andreessen; Dorgelo, Cristin; [13_ Karishma Shah; Cady Coleman; Natalie Jeremijenko; Wael Ghonim; Bill Gross (5) Black, Keith, L., Regina Dugan; Cathy Zoi; Yoky matsuoka; Hermann Hauser; Rob Nail; Sergey Brin; 6 Cc: Megan Smith; Obi Felten; Astro Teller; Kathy Cooper; Will Patrick; Rodney Brooks Subject: Class of2013: Thanks for everything Class of2013: What an amazing three days. Thank you so much for joining us and being a part of our community. I feel very lucky to spend a portion of my day job helping to put this group together. As a young person, I feel awed by your intelligence passion and inspired to do ever bigger and crazier things. Thank you for that! A few things I wanted to share with you. 1. We announced the 2013 event and our new website partnerships this morning on the official Google blog (which includes the 'moonshot thinking? video). 2. We literally just pushed (most) of the talks public. Here are the links: Astro Megan open Solve for [will be h_er_e] Peter Eric on asteroid mining gigs introduction Rodney on american manufacturing Shawn on Targeted Therapeutics Charles on compact fusion Danielle on economical energy storage Andras on sustainable, scalable meat on Alzheimer's diagnostics Sergey on taking moonshots the value of failing Geena on gender inequality in media Austen on democratizing creation Flaminia on malaria eradication Prashant on optical computing Bill on solar cheaper than natural gas on in?atable robotics Molly on replacing plastic Ehsan on low-cost terahertz Je_ff on municipal waste to energy Natalie on xDrones Steve Jurvetson on the tech?accelerated rich poor gap [will be hale] 3. We've started getting some press coverage (TechCrunch, Verge, Mashable). We?d love your help with creating more buzz buzz buzz. For social media, try using #solveforx. If your company organization would like to do any press, feel free to utilize the blog post as a starting point. I can also put you in touch with our comms team here at Google[x]. 4. Check out Astro's op-ed in Wired. We?re looking for feedback! We'll send out a feedback form in the next couple days. 6. We're already searching for the next batch of moonshots for 2014. What did we miss? Who should we be talking to? What moonshot idea should be be represented on our stage? LII Finally, the biggest outcomes of 2012 came from the relationships created at he event I expect this year to be no different. Everyone who attended is on this email; don't be a stranger! Reach out to your fellow participants and continue the dialogue. Of course, you're more than welcome to reach out to me and anyone else on the Google[x] team (see cc'd list) for any reason. Talk soon! Cheers, Will (on behalf ofAstro, Megan and the rest ofthe crew) 4 -A?m From: Obi Felten Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:09 PM To: Chokshi, Sonal; Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Intro Cristin/Sonal Cristin, Sonal edits Wired Opinion and published Astro?s moonshot op-ed this week - she?s planning to turn this into a series featuring thoughts on moonshots as well as individual moonshots. I?m super excited about this, I think it will be a great series. Sonal, meet Cristin who runs Grand Challenges at the White House, and was one of my favourite people at the event. She has some interesting views on government's role in facilitiating moonshots, and lthought this might make another good op -ed for your moonshot series. Even if you ladies decide that an op -ed isn't the right thing to do, I wanted you to meet since you are both great and I think you'd get on! Obi From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:15 PM To: Marvin Ammori; Edelman, R. David Subject: introduction 81 CFAA interest Marvin - knowing of your interest in CFAA reform, i wanted to connect you with David Edelman who is interested in speaking to in?uentials in the debate. David Marvin's contact info is: . enjoy what iknow will be a robust discussion - Johanna Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 1:03 PM To: Subject: Declined: Invitation: HOLDING TIME Maker Camp NASA HOA Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:30pm - 4:55pm (191(9? From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 1:29 PM To: Ali Schippers Subject: RE: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Here you go, this is the 20 sec clip on Grand Challenges embedded&v=i6v5EFYnPiE We could also, if you want to, play this 1.5 min clip on the White House Science Fair (which features lots of makersl). yer embedded&va8Hb Oh904A#at:37 FrOm: Ali Schippers [mailt Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 11:18 AM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Hey Cristin, I couldn't ?nd the link for the Pres Obama elip on Grand Challenges (was that included in the Can you resend to too please? Thanks! Ali On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: ican?t do 4:30 today, but perhaps Phil Larson and or Sarah Becky can cover and report back. RE: visual content: I included in the suggested revised ROS a video fink with a Pres Obama clip on Grand Challenges, in case we are able to cut to that. And i can bring the piece of the Asteroid Vesta that we have at (thanks to NASA) that we can check out. From: RAMSEY, SARAH R. [maiito [tam? Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 9:55 AM To: me? Dorgeio, Cristin CC: [131_ [1316? @16? [ggng? WORLEY. LAUREN 8- rexe? rare? ?axe? Phii; [exe? CULLER. JESSICA 5- (ARC-VG): [tare? me? me? nma? maxe? nma? Jenn Gustetic (HQ- UAOZO) Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 NASA HQ can do 430pm ET. Ienn isn't in today, and so won? be on the calf, but I'visuals: We have a few static props we can show, but nothing by way of demonstration for the asteroid grand challenge. Understand the need for the event to be visually dynamic, and we'll do our best, but don?t have "hands on" things to show right now. katoyouaHat43Q Sarah From: All Schippers Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 09:41 AM To: Dorgelo, Cristln Cc: Matthew Reyes Alex Lindsay George Ivanov Josanna Lewin rate? Kyle Manson (exe? WORLEY, LAUREN B. Michelle Hlubinka m? RAMSEY, SARAH R. Shannon Cooper Sherry Huss Tara Yellen maxe? Tom Critchlow m_ Larson. Phil Shannon Cooper m_ CULLER, JESSICA S. Vickie (exe? Weir-h (?axe?Shinghi De?efsen mam?Whitnevoiehl I Emmanuel Meta maxe? Lorraine Yurshanskv maxe? Erik Katz mg)? Jenn Gustetic Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/ 19 Hi Cristin team, Thanks for getting back to us so quickly. The proposed changes look good to me, however, I'll defer to Make for the ?nal word and then we can update the ROS. That said, just wanted to loop back on your the ughts on how we can keep the HOA tactile and visually dynamic. The content is super interesting, but as discussed on our initial call, are there props, demonstrations etc we can use to keep it Visually interesting as well? Also, would 1:30 PT 4:30 ET work for everyone for a call? Please let me know, as I know we have many schedules to accommodate. Best, Ali On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: NASA HQ White House OSTP would iike to propose the attached revision to the ROS. Let us know if you have questions or concerns about this. Aii, if you?d like to scheduie a call for today, please let us know a proposed time as soon as you can as may have to move my schedule around to accommodate. Cristin Cristin Dorgeio Assistant Director for Grand Chaiienges Office of Science and Technotogy Policy Executive Office of the President From: Matthew Reyes [mailto Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 6:04 AM To: Ali Schippers Cc: Dorgelo, Cristin; Alex Lindsay; George Ivanov; Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson; LAUREN B. WORLEY (HQ Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY Shannon Cooper; Sherry Huss; Tara Yellen; Tom Critchlow; Larson, Phil; Shannon Cooper; Jessica Culler; \?ckie Welch; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Diehl; Emmanuel Mota; Lorraine Yurshansky; Erik Katz Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Howdy folks, Thanks for the run of show. I need to stress that we have not ver i?ed a ?nal list of presenters for the Maker Camp section to be held in the SpaceShop. The content listed on the attached should be therefore regarded as tentative. This is particularly important regarding BioBricks and the 188 Animal Enclosure ?lt ration projects. Now that I know that we have a 30 minute time block instead of one hour, I can ?nally work with the NASA Ames team to con?rm who will be speaking. I hope to share that ?nalized information before Thursday. Thanks Matt Matthew F. Reyes Exploration Solutions, Inc. On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:53 PM, Ali Schippers m_ wrote: Hi All, Enclosed please ?nd the working ROS (as previously provided by Make).. Here is a link to the Google doc as well. We should all plan to jump on a call tomorrow afternoon to discuss and ?nalize. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best, All On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: i am checking in on status of Run of Show. Can we expect this today? Cristin Dorgeio Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President From: Ali Schippers [mailto @16? Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:38 PM To: Alex Lindsay; George Ivanov; Josanna Lewin; Kyle Monson; LAUREN B. WORLEY (HQ Michelle Hlubinka; SARAH R. RAMSEY (HQ Shannon Cooper; Sheny Huss; Tara Yellen; Tom 5 Critchlow; Dorgelo, Cristin; Larson, Phil; Shannon Cooper; Matthew Reyes; Jessica Culler; Vickie Welch; Shinghi Detlefsen; Whitney Diehl; Emmanuel Mota Cc: Lorraine Yurshansky Subject: Re: NASA Field Trip, Friday 7/19 Hi All, Just a quick update. Em, ?'om Make, will follow -up tomorrow with the Run of Show. Thanks! Best, Ali On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Ali Schippers wrote: Hi All, Tom, Kyle and are regrouping with MAKE today on our NASA Field Trip schedule for this Friday, 7/ 19. I'll regroup with everyone by EOB with an update, work in progress Run of Show and any other relevant information. Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions, thanks! Best, Ali ps, please let me know if I've let anyone off this chain and I will add them to the update. Schippers I Producer, Goegie Creative Lab I (6) Ali Schippers I Producer, Geogle Creative Lab I (6) Ali Schippers I Producer, Geegle Creative Lab I (6) Ali Schippers I Producer, Geogie Creative Lab I (6) Ali Schippers I Producer, (fioogle Creative Lab I (6) From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 4:20 PM To: Kyle Monson (Google Drive) Subject: RE: NASA Field Trip Promo Copy Most of us at the White House can?t access google docs. Possible to email as an attachment? Sorry for the hassle! Cristin Monsbn (Google waginwam .. . . . .. . Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 4:05 PM Subject: NASA Field Trip Promo CODY I?ve shared an item with you. Hi all, some of you were asking for promo copy for Friday?s Maker Camp Field Trip. We have some sample tweets, PR messaging. and even some shareeble promo graphics in this doc. Feel free to pull anything you need, and if there?s anything else we can provide, say the word! Would be great if we can take a few minutes in this afternoon?s meeting to talk promotion as well. dill?? NASA Field Trip Promo Copy {Ermgle Drive: create. share, and all 5mm: settle: em: piece. From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 1:51 PM To: Ali Schippers Subject: RE: NASA OSTP HOA, PROMO MATERIALS Any resolution on whether or not we?ll use one or both of those Video links i sent you? From: All Schippers [mailt Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:01 PM To: CULLER, JESSICA S. (ARC-VC) Cc: RAMSEY, SARAH R. (HQ Dorgelo, Cristin [1316? @31_ m_ tole? m? WORLEY: LAUREN 8- @316? (6)165? [iima? Larson, Phil tale?maxe? Jenn Gustetic (HQ-UAOZO) [19163? Subject: NASA OSTP HOA, PROMO MATERIALS Hi Everyone, Just wanted to 100p back with a shareable link for our HOA tomorrow, here. Share away! We've updated the NASA Field Trip promo copy per everyone's specs in this doc (also attached in doc form for WHOSTP folks). Please feel free to share across so cial media platforms. Just a reminder, the YT page will be disabled for comments during the HOA. Please let us know if you have any questions, thanks! Best, Ali, Kyle Tom All Schippers Producer, Google Creative Lab (6) From: Vint Cerf Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 5:15 PM To: Hoidren, John P. Subject: great hangout with President Obama Watching the hangout - this is an amazing way to highlight a president who is unafraid to engage with the general public - vint From: Obi Felten (6) Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 9:11 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: moonshot thinking in SOTU OK great. On 13 February 2013 16:38, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Obi: Awesome agreed, really enjoyed your company at Thanks for the connect to Sonai, I will follow up with her! I?ll know more about my March schedule over the next coupie of i won?t be at SXSW this year, i may overlap with you in NYC. If not, we?ll set up a time for a call. Till soon, Cristin From: Obi Felten [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:05 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: moonshot thinking in SOTU Cristin I love it! Reference to 10x, reference to space So glad we met at Six, you were de?nitely one of my favourite people there. I would love to connect soon, either on the phone or when we are next in the same area. I am going to SXSW 12 ?14 Mar (exact dates still the), and will be in NYC the week of 25th of March. My friend Nilofer Merchant is organising a women event, see here. Let me know if you'd be interested in coming, Nilofer is a serious networker and promised to bring some interesting/nice people to it. 1?11 work from NYC that week. Also, separately: We?ve been talking to Sonal Chokshi, the editor of Wired Opinion, about a moonshot op -ed series following the ?rst one by (which she edited). We will connect her with some of the speakers, but it occurred to me that you would also be brilliantly positioned to write an op ?ed in the series. 1'11 connect you with her, she?s a really wonderful woman, so even if you two decide the op -cd isn't right at least you will have met! Obi On' 13 February 2013 09:28, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Googie moonshot team: I?m sure you caught this in last night?s SOTU, but in case it comes in handy as you spread the word about moonshots making things 10x better, this paragraph from the President?s address last night speaks to his commitment to pursuing audacious, game-changing goals (aka Grand Challenges Moonshots) and to investing in research and development. One of the exampies, the Brain Activity Map, is a Grand Chalienge we?ve been deveioping with neuroscientists, nanotechnoiogists, and private foundations. ?Now, if we want to make the best products, we also have to invest in the best ideas. Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy every dollar. Today, our scientists are mapping the human brain to unlock the answers to Alzheimer?s. They?re developing drugs to regenerate damaged organs; devising new material to make batteries 10 times more powerful. Now is not the time to gut these job?creating investments in science and innovation. Now is the time to reach a level of research and development not seen since the height of the Space Race. We need to make those investments.? Ali hest, Cristin Cristin Dorgeio assistant Director for Grand Chalienges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President roma- mana? From: Astro Teller [mailto Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:44 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Will Patrick; Megan Smith Subject: Re: Class of 2013: Thanks for everything Thanks for being part of the event, Cristin! It was great to have you there with us! Astro. On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Megan, Astro, Karishma, Obi: Sincere thanks again for including me in iast week?s inspiring Solve for event. Great gathering of minds and som fantastic talks (in particular, i thought Saul, Shawn, Andras, Waei, Geena, and Steve knocked their talks out of the park). We shared the videos and the new Solve for site with many of my White House 051? Colieagues aiready. i iook forward to collaborating again with your fantastic team as we move closer to a White House Grand Chalienges event I?il Eet you know that event date as soon as we know it here. All bast, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Chalienges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President From: Will Patrick [mailto Sent: Monday; February 11, 2013 6:39 PM To m? Andras Forgacs; Shawn Douglas; Prashant K. Jain; Peter Diamandi s; Steve Jurvetson; Ehsan Afshari; Austen Heinz; Mir Imran; Catteruccia; Dr Flaminia; Anna Patterson; Padmasree Warrior (pwarrior); Chase; Charles; Vinod Khosla; Catherine Mohr; Jeff urma; Geena Davis; O'Sullivan; Meghan; Nicholas Negroponte; Molly Morse; Marc Andreessen; m? Dorgelo; Cristin; m? Karishma Shah; Cady Coleman; Natalie Jeremijenko; Wael Ghonim; Bill Gross Black; Keith, Regina Dugan; Cathy Zoi; Yoky matsuoka; Hermann Hauser; Rob Nail; Sergey Brin; Cc: Megan Smith; Obi Felten; Astro Teller; Kathy Cooper; Will Patrick; Rodney Brooks Subject: Class 0f2013: Thanks for everything Class of2013: What an amazing three days. Thank you 0 much for joining us and being a part of our community. I feel very lucky to Spend a portion of my day job helping to put this gr0up together. As a young person, I feel awed by your intelligence passion and inspired to do ever bigger and crazier things. Thank you for that! A few things I wanted to share with you. 1. We announced the 2013 event and our new website partnerships this morning 0n the of?cial GOOgle blog (which includes the 'moonshot thinking? video). 2. We literally just pushed (most) of the talks public. Here are the links: Astro Megan Open Solve for [will be Peter Eric on asteroid mining 13m introduction Rodney on american manufacturing Shawn on Targeted Therapeutics Charles on compact ?ision Danielle on economical energy storage Andras on sustainable, scalable meat 1% on Alzheimer's diagnostics Sergey on taking moonshots the value of failing Geena on gender inequality in media Austen on democratizing creation Flaniinia on malaria eradication Prashant on optical computing Em on solar cheaper than natural gas on in?atable robotics Molly on replacing plastic Ehsan on low?cost terahertz leif on municipal waste to energy Natalie on xDrones Steve Jurvetson on the tech?accelerated rich poor gap [wi 11 be m] 3. We've started getting some press coverage (TechCrunch, Verge, Mashable). We'd love your help with creating more buzz buzz buzz. For social media, try using #solveforx. If your company organization would like to do any press, feel free to utilize the blog post as a starting point. I can also put you in touch with our comms team here at Goo gle[x]. 4. Check out Astro?s op-ed in Wired. We?re looking for feedback! We?ll send out a feedback form in the next couple days. 6. We're already searching for the next batch ofmoonshots for 2014. What did we miss? Who should we be talking to? What moonshot idea should be be represented on our stage? LII Finally, the biggest outcomes of 2012 came from the relationships created at the event I expect this year to be no different. Everyone who attended is on this email; don't be a stranger! Reach out to y0ur fellow participants and continue the dialogue. Of course, you're more than welcome to reach out to me and anyone else on the Google[x] team (see cc'd list) for any reason. Talk soon! Cheers, Will (on behalf of Astro, Megan and the rest of the crew) Mire From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 11:06 AM To: Ali Schippers Subject: RE: NASA OSTP HOA, PROMO MATERIALS My one request can we put the Grand Challenges b-roll with Obama after my intro on Challenges? it sets the stage for why we?re doing things like the Asteroid Grand Chalienge. We can keep the Science Fair ciip before the Would that work? Thanks! From: Ali Schippers [maiit Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 7:34 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: OST HOA, PROMO MATERIALS Hi Cristin, . I just received continuation ??om Em that they do plan to include the two Clips you provided after the OSTP intro and Asteroid Grand Challenge discussion but before the section. I've attached a copy of Em?s ROS here. It's a bit technical, so please 1 et me know if you have any questions! Thanks, Ali On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Ali Schippers (6) wrote: Hi Cristin, Thanks for following up. The call reviewing ROS went wel lyesterday (and helps that your team and NASA HQ are so on top of things!). Em, ?om Make, is responsible for ?nalizing the ROS. I've shared the clips with them and suggested using them to break up your portion of the HOA. I'll follow up in an email to veryone to make sure we?ll see something by BOB. Thanks! Best, Ali On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Any resolution on whether or not we?ll use one or both of those video links i sent yen? From: Ali Schippers [maitto Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:01 PM To: CULLER, JESSICA S. (ARC-VC) I Cc: RAMSEY, SARAH R. Dorgelo, Cristin [131(3? [131_ WORLEY: LAUREN 3- m? [(5)165? Larson: Phil m?m? m?m_ malo? Jenn Gustetic (HQ-UAOZO) Subject: NASA OST HOA, PROMO MATERIALS Hi Everyone, Just wanted to loop back with a shareable link for our HOA tomorrow, here. Share away! We've updated the NASA Field Trip promo copy per everyone's specs in Lhi_s doc (also attached in doc form for WHOSTP folks). Please feel free to share acro ss social media platforms. Just a reminder, the YT page will be disabled for comments during the HOA. Please let us know if you have any questions, thanks! Best, Ali, Kyle Tom Ali Sehippers 1 Producer, Googie Creative Lab (6) Ali Schippers Producer, Goo gle Creative Lab b) (6) 2 Ali Schipgaea?s Producer, Googie Creative Lab (6) From: Vint Cerf Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2013 8:55 AM To: Holdren, John P. Subject: A book for the President John, Peter Badges is a professional photographer who has produced a remarkable book of photographs of all the living nobel prize winners. This weighty tome includes a photo of President Obama. The photographer is based in Germany but has asked whether it is possible to obtain permission to present the volume to the President in person. How would I best go about presenting that request? thanks Vint From: Jacquelline Fuller (6) Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 3:00 PM To: Kalil, Thomas Abigail Sassoon Cc: Eric Schwarz; Greenblatt, Jonathan Subject: Re: STEM Corps David sent a note and put me in touch with Mike. Sounds very interesting and I look forward to hearing more. I'm in NY Thursday and Friday so a video MTG may be our best option. Abby can help us ?nd a time. On Feb 19, 2013 9:36 AM, "Kalil, Thomas wrote: Dearlacqueline: Jonathan Greenblatt and i have been working together to develop and iaunch a Corps? initiative. Mike Stra utmanis (a senior White House aide in our Office of Pubiic Engagement) has been in touch with David Drummond about the possibility of Google playing a leadership role in this. Eric Schwarz of Citizen Schools and i will both be in the Bay Area on Friday afternoon, and would love to see if there is a time we could meet to discuss. All the best, Tom From: Jacquelline Fuller [maiito Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 8:13 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: Civic innovation - Tom, Thanks so much for taking time to come by and think big thoughts on Civic Innovation with the Googlers. I'll share this with the rest of the team. We will be in touch and I hope we can ?nd something like a Grand 1 Challenge to partner on (btw spoke with Regina today who wants to do a Google/Moto GC after your conversation). On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. wrote: Dear Iacqueiine: Great to spend some time with you and the team! Let me know if there any ideas we discussed that we?d like to follow up on. You might be interested in this collaboration we did with ASU and a presentation i gave on exp anding informed participation. innovation participationpdf Ail the best, Tom 650?450? Jacquelline Fuller 1' Director, Charitable Giving and Advocacy a0329? If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. From: Eric Schmidt Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 7:38 PM "To: Holdren, John Eric Lander Subject: Fwd: PCAST going forward I'm happy you both are continuing. I'm also happy to continue. Thanks Eric Begin forwarded message: From: "Holdren, John . Subject: PCAST going forward Date: February 19, 2013 2:04:30 PM PST To: Ahmed Zewail "Scholz, Amber Hartman" Barbara Schaal Chad Mirkin Christine Cassel (6) Christopher Chyba Craig Mundie taxe? Daniel Schrag ?David E. Shaw" "Ed Penhoet exe? "Eric Lander Eric Schmidt Ernest Moniz (6) "Holdren, John "Pitzer, Karrie "Ford, Knatokie" Mario Molina "Mark Gorenberg" Maxine Savitz Richard Levin Rosina Bierbaum @19? James Gates Jr." (6) Shirley Ann Jackson (6) William Press Dear Colleagues -- Although this is not yet for broadcast beyond our inner circle, the two of us are happy now to be able to let you know that we are both continuing our OSTP and PCAST roles into the second term. As you know, the President's priorities going forward track very closely with a number of the science and technology issues on which PCAST has been engaged, and he is eager to Continue to draw on our group's ideas and expertise. (Beyond his comments to this effect at our meeting with him at the end of November -- and numerous statements he's made about this to John and other senior WH staff since -- a further indication is that he has agreed to meet with the group again at our meeting on March 14!) As you also know, the President said when we were with him in Nov ember that he would be pleased to have all of the members of PCAST continue, while recognizing that changes in personal priorities and circumstances might cause some to want to rotate off. Since then, our colleague David Shaw has decided to retire from 1 PCAST in order to focus more intensely on his research. A couple of others have indicated to one or both of us that they were unsure about whether or not they would continue. Now that your Co ~Chairs can certify that we're staying in place, we'd like know your own intentions so we can move ahead with recruiting whatever replacements will be needed. This has been an incredibly productive as well as collegial PCAST, and we are grateful indeed for the service of each and every one of you. We join the President in the sentiment that all who are willing to continue should by all means do so. Either way, though, please do let us know. We look forward to seeing rnost ifnot all of you at the March 14 ?lS meeting! All the best, John and Eric From: Karishma Shah (6) Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 3:29 PM To: Dorgeio, Cristin - Subject: Re: moonshot thinking in SOTU Hi Cristin, Sounds phenomenal Good luck with event planning and looking forward to hearing ?om you! Best, Karishma On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Hi Karishma: Over the next few weeks, we?re working to sort out the timing of our White House Grand Chaiienges event. reach out to scheduie a call with you, Wiil and other interested Googie Xers when i have a Iittie more clarity on that pian. Does that work? Best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Chaiienges Office of Science and Technoiogy Poiicy Executive Office of the President From: Karishma Shah [mailto Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 9:52 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: moonshot thinking in SOTU Love it! powerful section of his address. Thanks for joining us at Solve for X, Cristin! Would you like to hop on a call this week or next to discuss how we can collaborate? Best, Karis hma 011 Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:28 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Googie moonshot team: i?m sure you caught this in last night?s SOTU, but in case it omes in handy as you spread the word about moonshots making things 10x better, this paragraph from the President?s address iast night speaks to his commitment to pursuing audacious, game-changing goais {aka Grand Chaiienges 8: Moonshots) and to investing in research and deveiopment. One ofthe exampies, the Brain Activity Map, is a Grand Chaiienge we?ve been deveioping with neuroscientists, nanotechnologists, and private foundations. ?Now, if we want to make the best products, we also have to invest in the best ideas. Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy -- every dollar. Today, our scientists are mapping the human brain to unlock the answers to Atheimer?s. They?re developing drugs to regenerate damaged organs; devising new material to make batteries 10 times more powerful. Now is not the time to gut these job-creating investments in science and innovation. Now is the time to reach a level ofresearch and deve10pment not seen since the height ofthe Space Race. We need to make those investments.? A?i best, Cristin Cristin Dorgeio Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President From: Astro Teller [mailto Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 11:44 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Cc: Will Patrick; Megan Smith Subject: Re: Class of 2013: Thanks for everything Thanks for being part of the event, Cristin! It was great to have you there with us! A stro . On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Will, Megan, Astro, Karishma, Obi: Sincere thanks again for including me in last week?s inspiring Solve for event. Great gathering of minds and some fantastic talks (in particular, i thought Saul, Shawn, Andras, Bill, Wael, Geena, and Steve knocked their talks out of the park). l?ve shared the videos and the new Solve for site with many of my White House OSTP colleagues already. look forward to collaborating again with your fantastic team as we move cioser to a White House Grand Challenges event? l?ll let you know that event date as soon as we know it here. Ali best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assista nt Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office ofthe President From: Will Patrick [mailto Sent: Monday; February 11; 2013 6:39 PM To Andras Forgacs; Shawn Douglas; Prashant K. Jain; Peter Diamandi 5; Steve Jurvetson; Ehsan Afshari; Austen Heinz; Mir Imran; Catteruccia; Dr Flaminia; Anna Patterson; Padmasree Warrior (pwarrior); Chase; Charles; Vinod Khosla; Catherine Mohr; Jeff urma; Geena Davis; O?Sullivan; Meghan; Nicholas Negroponte; Molly Morse; Marc Andreessen; Em? Dorgelo; Cristin; Karishma Shah; Cady Coleman; Natalie Jeremijenko; Wael Ghonim; Bill Gross [gang? Black, Keith, L., Regina Dugan; Cathy Zoi; Yoky matsuoka; Hermann Hauser; Rob Nail; Sergey Brin; mg? Cc: Megan Smith; Obi Felten; Astro Teller; Kathy C00per; Will Patrick; Rodney Brooks Subject: Class of 2013: Thanks for everything Class of2013: What an amazing three days. Thank you so much for joining us and being a part of our community. I feel very lucky to spend a portion of my day job helping to put this group together. As a young person, I feel awed by your intelligence passion and inspired to do ever bigger and crazier things. Thank you for that! A few things I wanted to share with you. 1. We announced the 2013 event and our new website partnerships this morning on the of?cial Goo gle blog (which includes the 'moonshot thinking' video). 2. We literally just pushed (most) of the talks public. Here are the links: Astro Megan Open Solve for [will-be he*re] Peter Eric on asteroid mining Egg introduction Rodney on american manufacturing Shawn on Targeted Therapeutics Charles on compact fusion Danielle on economical energy storage Andras on sustainable, scalable meat on Alzheimer's diagnostics Sergey on taking moonshots the value of failing Geena on gender inequality in media Austen on democratizing creation Flaniinia on malaria eradication Prashant on optical computing Bill on solar cheaper than natural gas on in?atable robotics Molly on replacing plastic Ehsan on low~cost terahertz Jeff on municipal waste to energy Natalie on xDrones Steve Jurvetson on the tech?accelerated rich poor gap [will be he?] 3. We've started getting some press coverage TechCrunch, Verge, Mashable). We'd love your help with creating more buzz buzz buzz. For social media, try using #solveforx. If your company/ organization would like to do any press, feel free to utilize the blog post as a starting point. I can also put you in touch with our comms team here at Google[x]. 4. Check out Astro's op?ed in Wired. We're looking for feedback! We'll send out a feedback form in the next couple days. 6. We're already searching for the next batch of moonshots for Six 2014. What did we miss? Who should we be talking to? What moonshot idea should be be represented on our stage? Finally, the biggest outcomes of Six 2012 came from the relationships crea ted at the event I expect this year to be no different. Everyone who attended is on this email; don't be a stranger! Reach out to your fellow participants and continue the dialogue. Of course, you're more than welcome to reach out to me and anyone else on the Google[x] team (see cc'd list) for any reason. Talk soon! Cheers, _Will (on behalf of Astro, Megan and the rest of the SEX crew) 5 . - Asire Karishma Shah GoogieM if yet: received We by mieieke, d0 femere it ie enyene else ee ii: may cee'teie cenf?deei?el e? eriviieged iefermetiee; erase e3! copiee ef it: indueieg ai! 3e? the Reeve the: hes been the wreeg pereenx The above {same may re?ect poteei??eE ere previdee ee beeie fer {either They ere ee?t intended {e be end de mi ees?i?ieie iegeiiy binding ebiigeiien. No ?egei?y binding we! be Greeted, meme, er ?eferred emit em egreemeei 3e ?eet fem ?e execeied ?e writing by ei! parties inveived. - [Karishme Shah lg Googie[x] i if gee {hie by mieiekey {3e ee?: ferwemi it {e emcee eise ee it mey een'iein ceefideetie? er eeviieged eepiee 0 fit; iecmeieg eed ?ei ?the sewer Reeve that it hes been see? {e the W??er persen. The ebeve tem'ze mey re?ect" peteetie! errengemem end ere previded $0!er es; 3 beeis fez" fer?e'zer They ere me?: intended t0 be and de Eegeliy biedieg eb?igetiee. Ne iegeiiy b?eding w?ii be imeiied, er inferred eeii! en agreemee'i in ?ee? fem?; ie executed in wzi?eg by e?l parties invelved. From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 1:31 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Meeting today Hi David, I am ?ee both tomorrow and on Friday from 3 Sincerely, George 011 Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: George, I?m afraid I?ve been called across the street for a meeting on top of our coffee. What?s your schedule like tomorrow/Friday? I am going to be in and out of the of?ce but I bet we can nail down a time. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor Internet, Innovation, and Privacy 1mm. I Mr George lvanov Policy Analyst 1 Google Inc. 1.10} New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) From: George Ivanov Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 9:52 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Meeting today Sure thing. I can get there at around 3:10. Sincerely, George On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 10:22 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: George, Let's shoot for Friday, 3pm, perhaps at Teaism in Dupont? Cheers, Art) From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 1:31 PM . To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Meeting today Hi David, I am free both tomorrow and on Friday from 3 -5. incere 1y, George On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: George, I?m afraid I?ve been called across the street for a meeting on t0p ofour coffee. What?s y0ur schedule like tomorrow/Friday? I am going to be in and out of the of?ce but I bet we can nail down a time. R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy pew?m: I bum George lvanov Policy Analyst Google "Inc. I. 101 New York Ave- NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst i (Boogie Inc. 101 New York Ave NW Washington DC 20005 (6) . (6) From: Abigail Sassoon (6) Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 2:32 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Kalil, Thomas John Kein FN-WHO-Innovation Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, Thank you for the information! I will let Brendan know to expect John as well. Tom, ifyou are available ?om Ham-12pm EST, I am happy to set up a Google+ Hangout. Just let me know -- thanks! Best, Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Greenblatt, Jonathan wrote: Hi there. Thanks for your note. This detail is helpful. Please note thatl will be accompanied by John Kelly, a colleague from the Corporation for National and Community Service who is leading our work on Stem Corps. Yes, I would like to include Tom Kalil. Eric cannot make it. Copying Tom to facilitate. Thanks, Jonathan From: Abigail Sassoon [maiito Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:49 PM To: Greenbiatt, Jonathan Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, I hope I find you well! Please ?nd the logistics for your meeting with Jacquelline below. Also, Would you like to include Tom Kalil or Eric Schwarz via Google+ Hangout? If so, I will reach out to them to see if they are available. I The address of Google's NYC office is 76 9th Avenue. There are several entrances to the building, but I think one of the easi est is at the corner of 8th and 16th. Once inside, you'll be directed to the Google lobby on the fourth floor. Please check in wi th the receptionist and have him or her ping Brendan Collins. who will come and get you. Please let me know if you have any other questions in the meantime. Thank you! Best, Abby On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Soundsgood From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:13 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan; Abigail Sassoon Cc: Strautmanis, Michael; Covey, Francesca; FN -WHO?Innovation Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Perfect. l'm copying in Abby who will share the logistical details on location and room. On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (D) (6) wrote: Hey there. Thanks for your note. 11~12 is perfect. I will plan on it. What?s the street address? Meanwhile, coincidentally, i met with Matthew Stepka and Johanna Sheiton today. We had scheduled this lunch perhaps six weeks ago. Funny how this timing worked out. FYE: i will bring lohn Kelly With me to this lunch. He is a senior official at the Corpo ration for National and Community Service that administers AmeriCorps and is lead on STEM Corps. He will be lead on foiiow?up work. Look forward to connecting. Best, lonathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:28 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Strautmanis, Michael; Covey, Francesca Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hi Jonathan, Glad to be back in touch. Let's connect Friday morning in NYC. Is it convenient for you to come to the Goo gle of?ce in Chelsea, 9:30?10:30 or 11-12? On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Jackie Hi there. Long time no taik. idon?t think we have touched base since i took this job at the White House in late 2011. Nonetheless, i trust all is weil. Mike Strautmanis (cc?ed below) sent this correspondence and i wanted to foElow -up. i?m glad that you and Dave D. are excited about STEM Corps. It?s a priority for the White House, a heat program with lots of opportunity and a potentially powerful public?private partnership where we would be delighted to engage Google. also saw the earlier exchahge today with my friend ~{om Kalil on the same topic. i want to pull all these strands together, Quick thoughts: (1) Attached is a short one?pager. Gives a short overview of the concept. (2) CNCS is looking for grant support for this program. i believe that Straut and Dave already discussed this prospect. Would be great to see what might be possible. (3) lam going to be in NYC this week on Fri, Feb 22. i understand that you will be in NYC, too. Can we find some time to sit down? i have availability around breakfast and then midday. whether we can carve out some time, ideally before 3pm. I will be hopping on a train at that time to get back to DC. Thanks Jonathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailt Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:31 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service If you have something already drafted up, please send that over. Happy to also jump on the phone so I can quickly ?gure out what arrows in our quiver we should mobilize: grants, engineers, volunteers, tech guidance etc. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Strautmanis, Michael (6) wrote: That?s terrific. What works best for you? Should i send you a brief memo first? Would you like to get on the phone first lf it?s phone, it would probably be best for me to connect with our poticy Eead Jonathan Greenblatt. From: Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:04 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service Thanks, David, moving you to for now but will keep you updated. Michael, I'm eager to hear more about the STEM initiative and how Google can get i nvolved. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:52 AM, David Drummond (6) wrote: Hi Michael- Great SOTU last night! HOpe you are well. Getting back to you on the topic we discussed. Introducing you to Jacquelline Fuller, who has managed many of out STEM investments, and is the right person to ?gure out how Google can help and to get the right folks in the room. Jacquelline, please keep me in the loop. Best, David . Jaequelline Fuller Director Google Giving (6) Google Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don?t forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. Jaequelline Fuller 1E Director Google Giving ll (6) (6 x9 Google Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving? If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. (m6) Mr: mew Jacquelline Fuller ii Director Google Giving (6) Google Giving nowr has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don?t forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. Jaequelline Fuller ll Director Google Giving li (6) (13(6) x? Gougle Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jaequelline Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) I Q51 Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Che, Jaequelline Fuller, and Anita Yoen (6) 85< From: Abigail Sassoon (5) Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 2:40 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Yes, I will send out conference information as a back ?up. Do you have a Google account, or would you like me to send the Hangout invitation to this email address? Thank you! Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Sure but can you have a dial -in as a backup? Thanks! Tom From: Abigail Sassoon [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 02:32 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Kalil, Thomas John Kelly [Em_ FN?WHO?Innovation Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, Thank you for the information! I will let Brendan know to expect John as well. Tom, if you are available from llam-12pm EST, I am happy to set up a Google+ Hangout. Just let me know thanks! Best, Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (D) (6) wrote: Hi there. Thanks for your note. This detail is helpful. Please note that i will be accompanied by John Kelly, a colleague from the Corporation for National and Community Service who is leading our work on Stem Corps. Yes, 2 would like to include Tom Kalil. Eric cannot make it. Copying Tom to facilitate, Thanks, lonethan From: Abigail Sassoon [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:49 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, I hope I ?nd you well! Please ?nd the logistics for your meeting with Jacquelline below. Also, would you like to include Tom Kalil or Eric Schwarz Via Google+ Hangout? If so, I will reach out to them to see if they are available. The address of Google's NYC office is 76 9th Avenue. There are several entrances to the building, but I think one of the easi est is at the corner of 8th and 161h.? Once inside, you?ll be directed to the Google lobby on the ourth floor. Please check in with the receptionist and have him or her ping Brendan Collins, who will come and get you. Please let me know if you have any other questions in the meantime. Thank you! Best, Abby On wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Soundsgood From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:13 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Abigail Sassoon Cc: Strautmanis, Michael; Covey, Francesca, FN?WHO?Innovation Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Perfect. I'm copying in Abby who will share the logistical details on 100 ation and room. On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Hey there. Thanks for your note. 11?12 is perfect. i will plan on it. What?s the street address? Meanwhile, coincidentally, i met with Matthew Stepka and Johanna Shelton today. We had scheduled this tunch perhaps six weeks ago. Funny how this timing worked out. FYE: I will bring John Kelly with me to this lunch. He is a senior official at the Corporation for National and Community Service that administers AmeriCorps and is lead on STEM Corps. He will be lead on 1follow-up work. Look forward to connecting. Best Jonathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:28 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Strautmanis, Michael, Covey, Francesca Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hi Jonathan, Glad to be back in touch. Let's connect Friday morning in NYC. Is it convenient for you to come to the Goo gie of?ce in Chelsea, 9:30?10:30 or 11? 12? On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Jackie Hi there. Long time no talk. i don?t think we have touched base since i took this job at the White House in late 2011. Nonetheless, i trust is well. Mike Strautmanis (cc?ed beiow) sent this correspondence and i wanted to foiiow -up. i?m glad that you and Dave D. are excited about STEM Corps. It?s a priority for the White House, a neat program with lots of opportunity and a potentialiy powerful public~private partnership where we would be deiighted to engage Google. i also saw the earlier exchange today with my friend Torn Kalil on the same topic. I want to pull all these strands together. Quick thoughts: (1) Attached is a short one?pager. Gives a short overview of the concept. (2) CNCS is looking for grant support for this program. i believe that Straut and Dave already discussed this prospect. Would be great to see what might be possibie. (3) i am going to be in NYC this week on Fri, Feb 22. i understand that you will be in NYC, too. Can we find some time to sit down? i have around breakfast and then midday. LMK whether we can carve out sometime, ideally before 3pm. be hopping on a train at that time to get back to DC. Thanks JOnathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailt Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:31 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service If you have something already drafted up, please send that over. Happy to also jump on the phone so I can quickly ?gure out what arrows in our quiver we should mobilize: grants, engineers, volunteers, tech guidance etc. 011 Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Strautmanis, Michael (6) wrote: That?s terrific. What works best for you? Shouid send you a brief memo first? Would you like to get on the phone first If it?s phone, it would probably be bestfor me to connect with our policy lead lonathan Greenbla?tt. From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:04 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service Thanks, David, moving you to bee for now but will keep you updated. Michael, I'm eager to hear more about the STEM initiative and how Google can get involved. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:52 AM, David Drummond (6) wrote: Hi Michael- Great SOTU last night! Hope you are well. Getting back to you on the topic we discussed. Introducing you to Jacquelline Fuller, who has managed many of out STEM investments, and is the right person to ?gure out how Google can help and to get the right folks in the room. Jacquelline, please keep me in the 100p. Best, David .. - mwmxaxuuxxwx Jacqueline Fuller il Director (Boogie il Googie Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don?t forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. . Google Giving now has a G0ogle+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! 6 If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. Jacquelline Fuller ii Director Google Giving (6) I (6) I I MM {Boogie Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. Jacquelline Fuller Ii Director Google Giving i (6) (6 now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. Abigail Sassoon I Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquelline Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) I Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacqueltine Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) I Abigail Sassoon I Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquelline Fuller, and Anita Yuen (6) I 65{ From: Abigail Sassoon (6) Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 6:55 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Great, thank you! I just sent you a Hangout invitation; please let me know if you didn't receive it. Also, if joining the Hangout via video doesn?t work, we can actually add you via phone. If you try and are unable to connect, please email me or call me a (6) and we will bring you into the Hangout via phone instead. What phone number is best to reach you at in case this happens? Thanks! On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 3: 15 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: You can send it to this account. From: Abigail Sassoon [maiito Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 02:39 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Yes, I will send out conference information as a back-up. Do you have a Google account, or would you like me to send the Hangout invitation to this email address? Thank you! Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Sure but can you have a dial -in as a back-up? Thanks! Tom mm; Abigail 55553511 was Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 02:32 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Kalil, Thomas A, John Kelly [131(9? FN-WHO?Innovation Subject: Re: FW: STEM and NatEOnai Service Hello Jonathan, ?whom,? Thank you for the information! I will let Brendan know to expect John as well. Tom, if you are available from Ham-12pm EST, I am happy to set up a Google+ Hangout. Just let me know thanks! Best, Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Hi there. Thanks for your note. This detaii is helpful. Please note that I will be accompanied by John Kelly, a from the Corporation for Nationai and Community Service who is leading our work on Stem Corps. Yes, i would like to include Tom Kalil. Eric cannot make it. Copying Torn to facilitate. Thanks, Jonathan From: Abigaii Sassoon [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:49 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, I hope I ?nd you well! Please ?nd the logistics for your meeting with Jacquelline below. Also, would you like to include Tom Kalil or Eric Schwarz via Google+ Hangout? If so, I will reach out to them to see if they are available. The address of Google's NYC of?c is 76 9th Avenue. There are several entrances to the building, but I think one of the easiest is at the corner of 8th and 16th. Once inside, you'll be directed to the Google lobby on the fourth floor. Please check in wi th the receptionist and have him or her ping Brendan Collins, who will come and get you. Please let me know if you have any other questions in the meantime. Thank you! Best, Abby On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (D) (6) wrote: Sounds good From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto 5 Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:13 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan; Abigail Sassoon Cc: Strautmanis, Michael; Covey, Francesca; Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Perfect. I'm c0pying in Abby who will share the logistical details on location and mo m. On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Hey there. Thanks for your note. 11-12 is perfect. 1 will plan on it. What?s the street address? Meanwhile, coincidentally, i met with Matthew Stepka and Johanna Shelton today. We had scheduled this lunch perhaps six weeks ago. Funny how this timing worked out. FYI: i will bring John Kelly with me to this lunch. He is a senior official at the Corporation for National and Community Service that administers AmeriCorps and is lead on STEM Corps. He will be lead on follow-up work. Look forward to connecting. Best, Jonathan From: Jacqueliine Fulier [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:28 PM To: Greenbiatt, Jonathan Cc: Strautmanis, Michael; Covey, Francesca Subject: Re: FW: STEM and Nationai Service Hi Jonathan, Glad to be back in touch. Let's connect Friday morning in NYC. Is it convenient for you to come to the Google of?ce in Chelsea, 9:30-10:30 or 11?12? On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Jackie Hi there. Long time no taik. idon?t think we have touched base since i took this job at the White House in fate 2011. Nonetheiess, trust ail is welt. Mike Strautmanis (cc?ed below) sent me this correspondence and i wanted to foi?ow -up. i?m glad that you and Dave D. are excited about STEM Corps. it?s a priority for the White House, a neat program with lots of opportunity and a potentiaiiy powerqu public-private partnership where we would be delighted to engage Google. i also saw the eariier exchange today with my friend Tom Kaiil on the same topic. lwan?t to pull these strands together. Quick thoughts: (1) Attached is a short onewpager. Gives a short overview of the concept. (2) CNCS is iooking for grant support for this program. i believe that Straut and Dave already discussed this prospect. Would be great to see what might be possible. (3) i am going to be in NYC this week on Fri, Feb 22. I understand that you will be in NYC, too. Can we find some time to sit down? i have availability around breakfast and then midday. LMK whether we can carve out some time, ideally before 3pm. I will be hopping on a train at that time to get back to DC, Thanks, Jonathan From: Jacqueliine Fuller [mailt Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:31 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service If you have something already dra?ed up, please send that over, Happy to also jump on the phone so I can quickly ?gure out what arrows in our quiver we should mobilize: grants, engineers, volunteers, tech guidance etc. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Strautmanis, Michael (6) wrote: That?s terrific. What works best for you? Should [send you a brief memo first? Wouid you like to get on the phone first? if it?s phone, it wouid probably be best for me to connect with our policy lead Jonathan Greenblatt. From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:04 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service Thanks, David, moving you to bee for now but will keep you updated. Michael, I'm eager to hear more about the STEM initiative and how Google can get involved. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:52 AM, David Drummond (6) wrote: Hi Michael- Great SOTU last night! Hope you are well. Getting back to you on the t0pic we discussed. Introducing you to Jacquelline Fuller, who has managed many of out STEM investments, and is the right person to ?gure out how Google can help and to get the right folks in the room. Jacquelline, please keep me in the loop. Best, David Jacquelline Fuller Director Google Giving ii (6) i I Google Giving now has a G009le+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, plea se don?t forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. . Jacquelline Fuller II Director Google Giving ll Google Giving now has a 6009le+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including al 1 attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. ?3 macaw? Jacqueline Fuller ll Director 600918 Giving ll .. (61 an Goggle Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don?t forwa rd it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. Jacqueline Fuller Il Directs? 600918 Giving Il .. 03)) .M . ?Max:252: ?91?wame mag: Google Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circtes for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chn, Jacquellins Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) ?g Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquellins Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) Abigail Sassoen to Eric Chu, Jacquelline Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquelline Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) 65l From: Abigail Sassoon (6) Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 9:47 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Tom, I'm sorry it didn?t work for the ?rst email address; I just resent the invitation to the new email you provided. Hopefully it works, but please let me know if you don't receive it. If that doesn?t work, we can try one more time when the Hangout begins, and then we can call you on your phone. Thank you! Best, Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:06 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Dear Abigail: idia?n?t get it. Can you try sending it to My a in CA5 [iam? Thanks! .. Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 06:54 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Great, thank you! I just sent you a Hangout invitation; please let me know if you didn't receive it. Also, if joining the Hangout Via video doesn't work, we can actually add you via phone. If y0u try and are unable to connect, please email me or call me at (6) and we will bring you into the Hangout via phone instead. What phone number is best to reach you at in case this happens? Thanks! On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: You can send it to this account. From: Abigail Sassoon [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 02:39 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Yes, I will send out conference information as a back -up. Do you have a Google account, or would you like me to send the Hangout invitation to this email address? Thank you! Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Sure but can you have a dial-in ll as a back-up? Thanks! Tom From: Abigail Sassoon I Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 02:32 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Kalil, Thomas John Kelly [Em_ FN?WHO?Innovatlon Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, Thank you for the information! I will let Brendan know to expect John as well. Tom, ifyou are available from 11am?12pm EST, I am happy to set up a Google+ Hangout. Just let me know -- thanks! Best, Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Hi there. Thanks for your note. This detail is helpful. Please note that i will be accompanied by John Kelly, a colleague from the Corporation for National and Community Service who is leading our work on Stem Corps. Yes, i Would like to incl ucle Tom Kalli. Eric cannot make it. Copying Tom to facilitate. 2 "thanks, Jonathan From: Abigail Sassoon [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:49 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, I hope I ?nd you well! Please ?nd the logistics for your meeting with Jacquelline below. Also, would you like to include Tom Kalil or Eric Schwarz Via Google+ Hangout? If so, I will reach out to them to see if they are available. The address of Google '8 NYC office is 76 9th Avenue. There are several entrances to the building. but i think one of the easiest is at the corner of 8th and 16th. Once inside, you'll be directed to the Google lobby on the fourth floor. Please check in wi th the receptionist and have him or her ping Brendan Collins, who will come and get you. Please let me know if you have any other ques?onsintherneanmne.Thankyow Best Abby On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 2: 15 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Soundsgood From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:13 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan; Abigail Sassoon Cc: Strautmanis, Michael; Covey, Francesca; FN -WHO~Innovation Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Perfect. I'm copying in Abby who will share the logistical details on location and room. On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Gre enbiatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Hey there. Thanks for your note. 11v12 is perfect- I will plan on it. What?s the street address? Meanwhile, coincidentally, I met with Matthew Stepka and Johanna Shelton today. We had scheduled this lunch perhaps six weeks ago. Funny how this timing worked out. FYI: I will bring John Kelly with me to this Eunch. He is a senior officiai at the Corporation for National and Community Service that administers AmeriCorps and is lead on STEM Corps. He wiil be iead on follow -up work. Look forward to connecting. Best, Jonathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:28 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Strautmanis, Michael Covey, Francesca Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hi Jonathan, Glad to be back in touch. Let's connect Friday morning in NYC. Is it convenient for you to come to the Google of?ce in Chelsea, 9:30?10:30 0t11?12? On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: iackie Hi there. Long time no talk. idon?t think we have touched base since i took this job at the White House in late 2011. Nonetheless, i trust is weil. Mike Strautmanis (cc?ed below) sent me this correspondence and i wanted to foiiow -up. l?m glad that you and Dave D. are excited about STEM Corps. it?s a priority for the White House, a neat program with lots of opportunity and a potentiaily powerfui pubiic-private partnership wh ere we would be delighted to engage Googie. i also saw the eariier exchange today with my friend Tom Kaiil on the same topic. 1 want to puil ali these strands together. Quick thoughts: Attached is a short one-pager. Gives a short overview of the concept. CNCS is looking for grant support for this program. i believe that Straut and Dave already discussed this prospect. Wouid be great to see what might be possibie. (3) i am going to be in NYC this week on Fri, Feb 22. i understand that you will be in NYC, too. Can we find some time to sit down? i have around breakfast and then midday. LMK whether we can carve out some time, idealiy before 3pm. 1 will be hopping on a train at that time to get back to DC. Thanks Jonathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailt Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:31 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service If you have something already dra?ed up, please send that over. Happy to also jump on the phone so I can quickly ?gure out what arrows in our quiver we should mobilize: grants, engineers, volunteers, tech guidance etc. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Strautmanis, Michael (6) wrote: That?s terrific. What works best for you? Should i send you a brief memo first? Would you like to get on the phone first If it?s phone, it would probably be best for me to connect with our policy lead Jonathan Greenblatt. From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:04 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service Thanks, David, moving you to for now but will keep you updated. Michael, I'm eager to hear more about the STEM initiative and how Google can get involved. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:52 AM, David Drummond (6) wrote: 6 Hi Michael- Great SOTU last night! Hope you are well. Getting back to you on the topic we discussed. Introducing you to Jacquelline Fuller, who has managed many of out STEM investments, and is the right person to ?gure-out how Google can help and to get the right folks in the room. Jacquelline, please keep me in the loop. Best, David Jacquelline Fuller ll Director Google Giving II (6) I i .. Googie Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the iatest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. Jacquelline Fuiler Director Google Giving (6) Google Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. Jacquelline Fuller ll Director Google Giving IE (6) I I Google Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. Fuller ll Director Google Giving II (6) now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. Abigail Sassoon 1 Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquellins Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jaoq usllina Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) I 6_5l Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquellins Fuller, and Anita Yuan (bus) I 5.51 Abigail Sassoon I Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquallins Putter, and Anita Yuan (6) I Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacqusltins Fuller, and Anita Yuan (5) 55? From: Abigail Sassoon (5) Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 10:54 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Great -- thank you! Happy Friday! On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: A?l set will join Hangout at 11. Fain: Abigail Sagan mm m? Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 09:46 AM To: Thomas A Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Tom, I'm sorry it didn't work for the ?rst email address; I just resent the invitation to the new email you provided. Hopefully it works, but please let me know if you don't receive it. If that doesn?t work, we can try one more time when the Hangout begins, and then we can cal 1 you on your phone. Thank you! Best, Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:06 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Dear Abigail: {didn't get it. Can you try sending it MyrinCAi m? Thanks! . . Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 06:54 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Great, thank you! I just sent you a Hangout invitation; please let me know if you didn't receive it. Also, if joining the Hangout via video doesn't work, we can actually add you via phone. If y0u try and are unable to connect, please email me or call me at (6) and we will bring you into the Hangout via phone instead. What phone number is best to reach you at in case this happens? Thanks! On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: You can send it to this account. From: Abigail Sassoon [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 02:39 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. I Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Yes, I will send out conference information as a back ?up. Do you have a Google account, or would you like me to send the Hangout invitation to this email address? Thank you! Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Sure but can you have a diai -in as a backup? Thanks! Tom From: Abigail [mailto .. . . . . . . . . . . . . -. Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 02:32 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Kalil, Thomas A. John Kelly @315- FN?WHO~Innovatlon Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, Thank you for the information! I will let Brendan know to expect John as well. Tom, ifyou are available ?om lam?12pm EST, I am happy to set up a Google+ Hangout . Just let me know thanks! Best, Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Hi there. Thanks for your note. This detail is helpful. Please note that i will be accompanied by John Kelly, a colleague from the Corporation for National and Community Service who is leading our work on Stern Corps. Yes, I would like to include Tom Kalil. Eric cannot make it. Copying Tom to facilitate. Thanks, Jonathan From: Abigail Sassoon [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:49 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, I hope I find you well! Please ?nd the logistics for your meeting with Jacquelline below. Also, would you like to include Tom Kalil or Eric Schwarz via Google+ Hangout? If so, I will reach out to them to see if they are available. The address of Google?s NYC office is 76 9th Avenue. There are several entrances to the building, but I think one of the easi est is at the corner of 8th and 16th. Once inside, you'll be directed to the Google lobby on the ourth floor. Please check in with the receptionist and have him or her ping Brendan Collins, who will come and get you. Please let me know if you have any other questions in the meantime. Thank you! Best, Abby On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Soundsgood From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5: 13 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan; Abigail Sassoon Cc: Strautmanis, Michael; Covey, Francesca; FN -WHO-Innovation Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Perfect. I'm cepying in Abby who will share the logistical details on location and room. On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Hey there. Thanks for your note. 11-12 is perfect. lwili plan on it. What?s the street address? Meanwhile, coincidentally, i met with Matthew Stepka and Johanna Sheiton today. We had scheduied this iunch perhaps six weeks ago. Funny how this timing worked out. twill bring John Keiiy with me to this lunch. He is a senior officiai at the Corporation for National and Community Service that administers AmeriCorps and is lead on STEM Corps. He be lead on foiiow?up work. Look forward to connecting. Best, Jonathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:28 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Strautmanis, Michael; Covey, Francesca Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hi Jonathan, Glad to be back in touch. Let's connect Friday morning in NYC. 13 it convenient for you to come to the Google of?ce in Chelsea, 9:30-10:30 or 11-12? On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Jackie Hi there. Long time no talk. ldon?tthink we have touched base since I took this job at the White House in lat 2011. Nonetheless, i trust all is well. Mike Strautmanis (cc?ed below) sent me this correspondence and i wanted to follow nup. l?m glad that you and Dave D. are excited about STEM Corps. It?s a priority for the White House, a neat program with lots of opportunity and a potentially powerful public-private partnership where we would be delighted to engage Google. I also saw the earlier exchange today with my friend Tom Kalil on the same topic. i want to pull all these strands together. Quick thoughts: Attached is a short one~pager. Gives a short overview of the concept. CNCS is looking for grant support for this pregrarn. believe that Straut and Dave already discussed this prospect. Would be great to see what might be possible. (3) i am going to be in NYC this week on Fri, Feb 22. i understand that you will be in NYC, too. Can we find some time to sit down? i have availability around breakfast and then midday. LMK whether we can carve out some time, ideally before 3pm. 1 will be hopping on a train at that time to get back to DC. Thanks, Jonathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailt Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:31 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service If you have something already drafted up, please send that over. Happy to also jump on the phone so I can quickly ?gure out what arrows in ou quiver we should mobilize: grants, engineers, volunteers, tech guidance etc. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Strautmanis, Michael (6) wrote: That?s terrific. What works best for you? Should isend you a brief memo first? Would you like to get on the phone first? If it?s phone, it would probably be best for me to connect with our policy lead - Jonathan Greenbiatt. 6 From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:04 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service Thanks, David, moving you to bee for now but will keep you updated. Michael, l'm eager tohear more about the STEM initiative and how Google can get involved. 011 Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:52 AM, David Drummond (6) wrote: Hi Michael- Great SOTU last night! Hope you are well. Getting back to you on the topic we discussed. Introducing you to Jacquelline Fuller, who has managed many of out STEM investments, and is the right person to ?gure out how Google can help and to get the right folks in the room. Jacquelline, please keep me in the 100p. Best, David . aw?wiw-M Jacquelline Fuller ll Director Google Giving i (6) G_oogie Giving now has a Googie+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. . Jacquelline Fuller II Director Google Givingll Googie Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. Jacqueline tuner ll Director Google Giving II . giggle now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. .- aw Jacquelinemlerll .. m. . ?w maxowuu Googie Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don?t forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. Abigait Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacqualline Fetter, and Anita Yuan (6) Q51 Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Ede Chu, Jacquallina Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) as: Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquelline Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Etic Chu, Jacquellina Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) Q51 Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacqualline Fultar, and Anita Yuan (6) 9 Abigail SQSSOOH Assistant to Eric Chi}, Fuiier, and Anita Yuen (6) 65% 10 From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 3:22 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Venue Almost there On Feb 22, 2013 3:19 PM, "Edelman, R. David? (6) wrote: Here in line Original Message From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 03:00 PM T01 Subject: Venue George -- I ?nd my prior running long and am across town; any chance we might switch venu es to Starbucks on Wisconsin Or is that inconveniently far, in which case we should bump to a bit later? From: Vint Ceric Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 4:07 PM To: Holdren, John P. Subject: two items Lovely to see you, however brie?y, at the NSB reception - it was very kind of you to come. I am sorry you had- trouble with the security people - apparently they are not paid to - l. I had lunch with Marjorie Blumenthal today and we talked of her interest in doing something new. PCAST came up - I am a HUGE fan of Marjorie - mostly worked with her during her time at - extremely well-organized AND understands Washington polit ics in its most general sense. 2. I will follow up with a summary of the National Medals dilemma for your comment. VERY glad to know you are continuing in service. Vint From: Abigail Sassoon (6) Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 2:01 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Tom, You are very welcome -- I'm glad the Hangout worked! Chris' email is (6) Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. Thank you! Best, Abby On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Thanks for your help! Can you send me the name and the ?mail of the gent?eman who was on the hangout from the West Coast? Thanks! Tom From: Abigail Sassoon [mailto 6 Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 10:54 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Great -- thank you! Happy Friday! On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: All set - will join Hangout at 11. Abigail Sassoon [mailto I Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 09:46 AM To: Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Tom, I'm sorry it didn't work for the ?rst email address; I just resent the invitation to the new email you provided. Hopefully it works, but please let me know if you don?t receive it. If that doesn't work, we can try one more time when the HangOut begins, and then we can call you on your phone. Thank you! Best, Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:06 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Dear Abigaii: Ididn't get it. Can ou try sending itt {me? Thanks! ?pram: Abigail Sammals' 2 sent: To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Great, thank you! I just sent you a Hangout invitation; plea se let me know if you didn't receive it. Also, if jo ining the Hangout via video doesn't work, we can actually add you via phone. If you try and are unable to connect, please email me or call me a (6) and we will bring you into the Hangout via phone instead. What phone number is best to reach you at in case this happens? Thanks! On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: You can send it to this account. From: Abigail Sassoon [mailto m? Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 02:39 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Yes, I will send out conference information as a back -up. Do you have a Goo gle account, or would you like me to send the Hangout invitation to this email address? Thank you! Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: 3 Sure - but can you have a dial -in it as a back-up? Thanks! Tom From: Sassoon [mailto m? Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 02:32 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Kalil, Thomas John Kelly [131(3? FN-WHO-Inn0vation Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, Thank you for the information! I will let Brendan know to expect John as well. Tom, if you are available from Mam-12pm EST, I am happy to set up a Google+ Hangout. Just let me know thanks! Best, Abby On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 1 1:00 AM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Hi there. Thanks for your note. This detaii is helpful. Please note that wilt be accompanied by John Keliy, a colieague from the Corporation for National and Community Service who is leading our work on Stem Corps. Yes, i would l?ke to include Tom Katil. Eric cannot make it. Copying Tom to facilitate. Thanks, Jonathan From: Abigail [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:49 PM To: Greenbla?chr Jonathan Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hello Jonathan, I hepel ?nd you well! Please ?nd the logistics for your meeting with Jacquelline below. Also, Would you like to include Tom Kalil or Eric Schwarz via Google+ Hangout? If so, I will reach out to them to see if they are available. The address of Google's NYC office is 76 9th Avenue. There are several entrances to the building, but I think one of the easi est is at the corner of 8th and 16th. Once inside, you'll be directed to the Google lobby on the fourth floor. Please check in with the receptionist and have him or her ping Brendan Collins, who will come and get you. Please let me know if you have any other questions in the meantime. Thank you! Best, Abby On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Soundsgood From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:13 PM To: Greenbiatt, Jonathan Abigail Sassoon Cc: Strautmanis, Michael; Covey, Francesca FN WHO-Innovation Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Perfect. I'm copying in Abby who will share the logistical details on location and room. On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (D) (6) wrotei Hey there. Thanks for your note. 11-12 is perfect. plan on it. What?s the street address? Meanwhile, coincidentally, i met with Matthew Stepka and Johanna Shelton today. We had scheduled this lunch perhaps six weeks ago. Funny how this timing WOrked Out. Fer will bring John Kelly with me to this lunch. He is a senior official at the Corporation for National and Community Service that administers AmeriCorps and is lead on STEM Corps. He will be lead on follow-up work. Look forward to connecting. Best, Jonathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [maiito Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:28 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Strautmanis, Michael, Covey, Francesca Subject: Re: FW: STEM and National Service Hi Jonathan, Glad to be back in touch. Let's connect Friday morning in NYC. Is it convenient for you to come to the Google of?ce in Chelsea, 9:30?10:30 0r11?12? On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: Jackie Hi there. Long time no talk. ldon?t think we have touched base since i took this job at the White House in late 2011. Nonetheiess, I trust ail is well. Mike Strautmanis (cc?ed below) sent me this correspondence and i wanted to follow ?up. I'm giad that you and Dave D. are excited about STEM Corps. it's a priority for the White House, a neat program with lots of opportunity and a potentiaily powerful publicvprivate partnership where we would be delighted to engage Google. Iaiso saw the earlier exchange today with my friend Tom Kaiil on the same topic. 1 want to puii all these strands together. Quick thoughts: (1) Attached is a short one~pager. Gives a short overview of the concept. (2) CNCS is looking for grant support for this program. I believe that Straut and Dave already discussed this prospect. Wouid be great to see what might be possible. (3) I am going to be in NYC this week on Fri, Feb 22. i understand that you will be in NYC, too. Can we find some time to sit down? I have availability around breakfast and then midday. LMK whether we can carve out some time, ideally before 3pm. I will be hopping on a train at that time to get back to DC. Thanks, Jonathan From: Jacqueiline Fuller [maiit Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:31 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service If you have something already drafted up, please send that over. Happy to also jump on the phone so I can quickly ?gure out what arrows in our quiver we should mobilize: grants, engineers, volunteers, tech guidance etc. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Strautmanis, Michael (6) wrote: That?s terrific. What works best for you? Should i send yo a brief memo first? Wouid you like to get on the phone first? if it?s phone, it would probabiy be best for me to connect with our policy iead - Jonathan Greenblatt. From: Jacqueiline Fuller [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:04 PM To: Strautmanis, Michael Subject: Re: STEM and National Service Thanks, David, moving you to bee for now but will keep you updated. Michael, I?m eager to hear more about the STEM initiative and how Google can get involved. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:52 AM, David Drummond (6) wrote: 8 Hi Michael- Great SOTU last night! Hope you are well. Getting back to you on the topic we discussed. Introducing you to Jacquelline Fuller, who has managed many of out STEM investments, and is the right person to ?gure out how Google can help and to get the right folks in the room. Jacquelline, please keep me in the loop. Best, David Jacquelline Fuller ll Director Google Giving li (6) (6) Google Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. Jacquelline Fuller ll Director Google Giving (6) Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to our circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. Jacquelli?e Direct? Google GiVi?g II (6) Goggle Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don?t forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. .6) xwroxvm Jacquellme Fulle?lloiredmeoogle GiVii?gll goggle Gigigg now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. 10 Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquallina Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquallina Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquallina Fu ar, and Anita Yuan (6) 6_5l Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquallina Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) I 6_51 Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquallina Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) 11 Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jasqusltins Putter, and Anita Yusn (5) Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Jacquetlins Fuller, and Anita Yuan (6) [65: 12 From: Chris Busselle (5) Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 1:57 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: ARPA-ED Thanks much Tom, good to meet you as well. I'll take a look and let you know my thoughts next week. Thanks for sending the backgrounders. Chris On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 6: 14 PM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Dear Chris: Here?s a slide deck on a DARPA project that created a ?digital tutor? for IT systems administration. It is allowing new Navy recruits to outperform Navy experts with 7+ years of experience on real -world trouble tickets. gov/w p?content/uploads/ZO12/08/F letcher DF DT Brief iFest2012.pdf DARPA has also been funding the Center for Game Science. See and the attached. Best, Tom From: Charlie Hale (6) Sent: Monday,- February 25, 2013 11:11 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: meeting in DC Hi David, I just wanted to follow-up on our conversation a few weeks ago to see if you're still interested in meeting in Some of the project leads will be coming out around April 10th so I wanted to see if your group might be free to meet then. Hope you're doing well, ?Charlie Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) From: Zinnia Orosa (6) Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:32 PM To: Mielke, Dawn M. Cc: Graubard, Vivian Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Great; I've booked on Matthew's cal. I will con?rm as we get closer to the date. Thanks Dawn! Zinnia . I Zinnia Orosa IE Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googleerg mm am? On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 9: 14 AM, Mielke, Dawn M. (6) wrote: March 21 3:00 pm will work. From: Zinnia Orosa [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:00 PM To: Mielke, Dawn M. Cc: Graubard, Vivian Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Hi Dawn, We held 4 pm ET on Friday 3/1 on calendar for Todd to chat with Matthew, however, that it will no longer work as Matthew will be traveling. We?d like to postpone the call please. I Will Todd be available on any of these dates (30 min. phone call): Mar 20, 12Mar 22, bet. 12-5 pm ET Thank you and regards, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googleorg a On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Graubard, Vivian (6) wrote: Of course! will be traveling next week, so Dawn Mielke will be assisting with Todd?s calendar. i put the hold on therefor 4pm, but when you confirm please email her at: if, for some reason, she is unresponsive, please email Todd. He?ll see the hold on his calendar and be able to give you a call in number to reach him at. Thanks! Vivian From: Zinnia Orosa [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 7:42 PM To: Graubard, Vivian Cc: Matthew Stepka Subject: Re: Follow?up/ Visiting DC Hi Vivian, No problem. Can we please hold on cal for now: Fri. 3/1 4 pm We will con?rm with you by Mon. Thank you, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googleorg an On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Graubard, Vivian wrote: Matt, I?m sorry we couldn?t make this work today! Todd had back to back meetings all day. Wouid you be avaiiabie for a call next Friday at 4pm Et? Thanks, Vivian From: Matthew Stepka [maiito [131(9? Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 11:42 PM To: Park, Todd Cc: Graubard, Vivian; Zinnia Orosa Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC To dd, Thanks forgetting back to me. I?m in town tomorrow and free from 4 -5pm if that happens to work for you. Otherwise, let's de?nitely ?nd a time to catch up over the phone soon. Cheers, Matthew. On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Park, Todd (6) wrote: Hi Matt, 1 am so sorry to have missed you! Many apologies, things have been absolutely crazy Are you still in it not, might we set up a call to chat? Cheers, Todd From: Matthew Stepka [mailto Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:59 PM To: Park, Todd Subject: Follow-up] \?siting DC Todd, Hope you are well. it was great to briefly chat before the holidays about how Googie/ Googieorg could work more strategicaiiy with your office. As we discussed, let?s put some time on calendar to brainstorm with our teams about how to best work together. Also, we can share the latest with regard to our Civic Innovation initiative. in the meantime, I am having lunch with Jonathan Greenblatt next Wednesday. if you have a free moment in the afternoon it wouid be great to meet in person. Cheers, Matthew Matthew Stepka i Vice President, Disruptive Technology for Social Impact Gorxgie 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, California 94043 i (6) This email may be con?dential or privileged. If you received this communication by mistake, please do not forward it to anyone else,crasc all copies and attachments, and let me know that it went to the wrong person. Please consider the environment before printing this ?mail. From: Zinnia Orosa Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 1:57 PM To: Mielke, Dawn M. Subject: Re: Foilow'~up/ Visiting DC Thanks! Zinnia Zinnia Oroea Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googleorg i On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Mielke, Dawn M. (6) wrote: What number shouid he caii? From: Zinnia Orosa [mailto 6 Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:32 PM To: Mielke, Dawn M. Cc: Graubard, Vivian Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Great; I?ve booked on Matthew?s cal. I will con?rm as we get closer to the date. Thanks Dawn! Zinnia Zinnia Ofoea lg Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP (6) On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 9: 14 AM, Mielke, Dawn M. (5) wrote: March 21 3:00 pm work. From: Zinnia Orosa [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:00 PM To: Mielke, Dawn M. Cc: Graubard, Vivian Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Hi Dawn, We held 4 pm ET on Friday 3/1 on calendar for Todd to chat with Matthew, however, that it will no longer work as Matthew will be traveling. We'd like to postpone the call please. Will Todd be available on any of these dates (30 min. phone call): Mar 20, 12Mar 22, bet. 12?5 pm ET Thank you and regards, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa 1E Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googleorg (6) van-mm: .. .. .E On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Graubard, Vivian wrote: Of course! 1 will be traveling next week, so Dawn Mielke will be assisting With Todd?s calendar. I put the hold on therefor 4pm, but when you confirm please email her at: if, for some reason, she is unresponsive, please email Todd. He?ll see the hold on his calendar and be able to give you a call in number to reach him at. Thanks! Vivian From: Zinnia Orosa [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 7:42 PM To: Graubard, Vivian Cc: Matthew Stepka Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Hi Vivian, No problem. Can we please hold on cal for now: Fri. 3/1 4 pm We will con?rm with you by Mon. Thank you, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa II Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googleorg jog) (6) On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Graubard, Vivian wrote: Matt, E?m sorry we couldn?t make this work today? Todd had back to back meeting 5 at? day. Wouid you be avaiiable for a call next Friday at 4pm Et? Thanks Vivian From: Matthew Stepka [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 1 1:42 PM To: Park, Todd Cc: Graubard, Vivian; Zinnia Orosa Subject: Re: Follow?up/ Visiting DC Todd, Thanks for getting back to me. I'm in town tomorrow and free from 4 ?5pm if that happens to work for you. Otherwise, let's de?nitely ?nd a time to catch up over the phone soon. Cheers, Matthew. On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Park, Todd (D) (6) wrote: Hi Matt, I am so sorry to have missed you! Many apoiogies, things have been absoiuteiy crazy Are you still in 11? not, might we set up a cal! to chat? Cheers, Todd From: Matthew Stepka [mailto Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:59 PM To: Park, Todd Subject: Follow-up] Wsiting DC Todd, Hope you are well. it was great'to briefly chat before the holidays about how Google/ Googleorg could work more strategically with your office. As we discussed. let's put some time on calendar to brainstorm with our teams ab out how to best work together. Also, we can share the latest with regard to our Civic Innovation initiative. In the meantime, I am having lunch with Jonathan Greenbiatt next Wednesday. if you have a free moment in the afternoon it would be great to meet in person. Cheers, Matthew Matthew Stepka Vice President, Disruptive Technology for Social Impact Gorrgle 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, California 94043 This email may be con?dential or privileged. Ifyou received this communication by mistake, please do not forward it to anyo ne else,erase all copies and attachments, and let me know that il went to the wrong person. Please consider the environment befo re printing this -mail. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 12:33 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: MSFT files search takedown against itself This is precisely the kind of obvious automation of takedown requests that has raised some concern. i would be interested in anyone?s ideas to help make the system more accountable and accurate. ?rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 11:11 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: MSFT ?les search takedown against itself for the IPEC's best practices maybe some more quality control of their vendors? soft ~accuses?micro to?scrubw Microsoft accuses Microsoft of copyright infringement, asks Google to scrub search links Bra)! Cbacos@BradChacos Jul 29, 2013 9:09 AM print Chalk this up in the "funny, but not really" category: Last week, a company working with Microsoft to combat copyright pirates asked Google to remove multiple Microsoft web pages from Google searches for infringing Microsoft copyrights. Yep, Microsoft filed a Qigitai Millenium Copyright Act takedown request against itself, as Terrentfreak ?rst spo?ed. This wasn't a case of internal idiocy or revenge, and it's also not quite as amusing as it may appear at ?rst glance. Instead, it highlights the harmful way copyright holders use automatically generated DMCA takedown requests to try to scrub the net of pirated content, casting a wide net that often ensnares innocent webmasters with false infringement claims. seem: Effects if: eases-mg eggs?:sz ages: 'Ereakdewn ef? Repaired new in? - - .. as? ,9 .3.- "er arses . reg: m. 3? mmg?d 23% ?gg?e??iaig I 5 ifs-assist: sakes 6 tees-s ?e.purters {lesser}? Seems 235eng Remains aims siege-sees is es Retire-"es e; "Emigng?te? $333.35 $83! Esteem {sessile flees- my seizes e?eess?e. is: seiisses meters $pee?3eci' ?an-metri- EMA-5 Requeste?j fie hes-Rede ?g Kile amen taken eizeress? (inn? 5, f, ?i $3 Google's record of Leale's DMCA takedown request against to enlarge.) If a copyright holder feels that a particular website is ripping off its work, it can send Google a DMCA takedown request and ask for the infringing site to be removed from the search engine. lf Google determines that the site does indeed stomp on the copyright holder?s intellectual property rights, the site's links disappear from Google Searches. So far, so good, right? - {twink sm?mm . ?rearm: Esme; ?25531} 1 {egg-w series. mes; Seams-3km: ER item (immerses- ween ?w ae- Q?a?m? 3923. see, ml}, 3&2 3-3333} ?ew we: amet- Srjari?emw??ii}ia?tm?s?g?i? i. wemwesmzee i ewes - ma messed: - slice! gamer. .Wz mm W?e?m?ims gees. Er 155;: - me. sews frieze-mega? s??snw-fmieew? iresm?eig keg: sneeze: {s g; 3:5 mmkawscw?e?m-?ew?m? assesses . - - TORRENTFREAKA detailed look at the Microsoft DMCA takedown request. (Click to enlarge.) ?K??o??fmi?ww Copyright holders and the companies they hire to manage DMCA takedown requests ??in Microsoft?s case, a third party called Leale?frequently automate the process, resulting in a flood of requests that are sometimes erroneous and aren't always checked for accuracy before ?ling. These false requests are far from rare. Consider past Mierese? DMCA tekedown requests that accidentally targeted the US. Environmental Protection Agency, the- Department of Health and Human Services, the National lnstitutes of Health, TechCrunch, Wikipedia, BBC News,,, and many ethers. Or HBO's attempt to remeve links t0 the eperz ?seurce VLC media pleyer, or this big list of notices so stupid it hurts or Google's examples of the?inaccurate" DMCA takedewn requests it has received over the years, Ramping up URLs requested to es removed item Search per "week 8.008.603} was,st -. {gt-.4906: The number of weekly DMCA takedown requests received by Google. Overthe past year, copyright holders such as Microsoft, the Recording Industry Association of America, NBC, Walt Disney, and others have started blasting Google with vast numbers of takedown requests. While Google used to receive around 225,000 DMCA requests per week, according to the cempany's own Transparency Report, c0pyright holders now hit the search engine with 3.5 to 4. 5 million takedown requests each and every week. Around the time of the ramp-up?August 2012?Google announced it would start penalizing sites that are repeatedly accused of copyright infringement, ranking them tewer in search results. Between January and July 2013, Google erased more than 100,000,000 ?that's 100million~ inks from the web as a result of DMCA takedown requests. Torrentfreek reports that ?gure as already being more than twice the total number of links Google erased in all of 2012. remorse; received fer March in the pest: man-sh Mites Requested to be 1332935? Remmd 35,7?5 Specified entrain-s 3,21% {Inpatient Garters 1 32? Repertiag Qt?ganizat?ens Google's DMCA stats for the past month. For its part, Google does appear to actively police the DMCA takedown requests it receives. Around three percent of DMCA takedown requests the company receives are rejected, and rejected URLs are listed on the Transparency Report?s main copyright page. And yes, the folks in the Googleplex caught Leale?s attempts to scrub the Microsoftcom links before the six Office solutions pages disappeared from search results. But few companies have Google's resources. The Safe arbor provision of the DMCA rewards websites that "take down first and ask questions later,? and for every amusing story like this one, there are dozens of other, more harmful false takedewo requests . Also consider that if even just 1 percent of the 100 million-plus requests for URL removals catches an innocent page in the automated crossf ire, that?s already 1 million websites affected. The Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a court brief in 20% arguing that automated DMCA requests that aren't reviewed by actual humans should be considered negligent, therefore opening the requestor to sanctions. Nothing ever came from the attempt, however?and automated, unreviewed requests generated by Microsoft contractors are still trying to erase parts of the Microsoftcom website to this very day. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: George IVano" (l3) (6) - Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 6:03 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Thursday after 3pm would work well. On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanks! Absolutely. How are year Thursday and Friday afternoons iooking? From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 5:43 PM To: Sinai, Nick Cc Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hello Nick and Mike, We just issued a blog post regarding Friday?s memorandum. This is a great step forward and wc would be interested in learning about any related federal initiatives that might be in the works. Mike, would you have time for a quick call later this week? Sincerely, George On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Sinai, Nick (6) wrote: Mike Stebbins is point at OSTP for open access to research publications George Ivanov and Johanna Shelton are at Google, in the DC of?ce George lvanov Poiicy Analyst (100gie Inc. 1 101 New York Ave Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (5) I George lvanav Poiicy Ana'iyst Google "inc. 1 101 New York Ave Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) From: George Ivan ov (6) Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 5:43 PM To: Sinai, Nick Cc: (6) Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hello Nick and Mike, We just issued a blog post regarding Friday's memorandum. This is a great step forward and we would be interested in learning about any related federal initiatives that might be in the works. Mike, would you have time for a quick call later this week? Sincerely, George On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Sinai, Nick (6) wrote: Mike Stebbins is point at OSTP for open access to research publications George Ivanov and Johanna Shelton are at Google, in the DC of?ce George ivanov 'Poiicy Analyst 1 Googie Inc. 1 10! New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2013 4:03 PM To: 'Anurag Acharya' Subject: RE: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Anurag, lwasjust thinking about you. hope ail is well. i would iove to catch up some time and you in. How is next week iooking for you? Kind Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailt Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2013 3:58 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: now that we are getting close to the timeline for responses to the 0A memo, I was wondering how things were going with the agency plans. Of the folks at the eeting, I had follow up discussions with NIH and some initial discussions with NSF couple of months ago. None of the others reached out/expressed interest. I am curious how things had cheers, anurag On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 3:34 AM, Stebbins, ichael J. (6) wrote: Thanks! From: AChawa [manto Sent: Thursday; May 02, 201 3 11:22 To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: My presentation is attached. see you soon. anurag On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 6:47 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Any chance you can send your presentation now? i would like to distribute them in an hour or 50. Best, Mike ream; Anurag rehearsals Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 01:27 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: I will send you the slides tomorrow morning. My ?ight in was delayed and there is a bit of work that I still need to do on the talk/ BTW, David Lipman mentioned he would like to attend my presentation. cheers, anurag On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Hi Anurag, The USDA has two buildings on independence avenue. We will be in the south building, 1400 Independence Av SW and 12th Street SW right near to the Smithsonian Metro Stop (independence Exit). The Room Number is 3109 (on the 3rd Floor). Will you be able to share your slides later today sol can distribute them to those people who wiil be joining us by phone? Kind Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 8:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael]. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: I do need to know where the meeting would be held Would be hard to attend/present I tried searching for the meeting online, no luck. Would appreciate a quick note. Thanks. anurag On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: could you send me the address for this week's meeting? You had mentioned USDA. Would that mean the National Agricultural Library or some place else with in the Beltsville campus? Bill}.ng On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Great. Talk to you soon. From: Anurag Acharya [mailto [[315? Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 02:38 PM To: Stebbins, Michael 3. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles In 5 mins?? I will be a (6) (conf room direct number). If that doesn't work, my cell number is anurag On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Stebbins, Michael]. (6) wrote: Hey there, Just tried to call. Let me know when you are free. Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:50 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: today, 10:30am-12z30pm and 3-5pm would work; tomorrow, 9-10, noon-5pm. all times paci?c. anura On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:45 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanks. you have time for a quick chat later today or tomorrow? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 5:49 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: checking in to see ifyou had had a chance to discuss possible dates for a presentation with the group? I have some possible family travel coming up in mid ~late May, nailing this down would help us scheduling - wise. Thanks. anurag On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: 4 On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Fantastic. 1 will discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We are juggling a number of presentations. Hi Mike: any idea which dates would work? I will be in Toronto on 22 -23 speaking at the annual conference of library consortia, so coming over to DC would be easier that week than others. cheers, anurag How is next week looking for you? Mornings 9am?1pm Paci?c would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm -3pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3?5pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anura From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM T0: Stebbins, Michael J. - Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to speak to the i interagency group to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our proposal in detail. I - You had mentioned that the group meet on thursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, the following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved from LA to Palo Alto which makes for a long TODO list, as Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be good to cover in the presentation. -. cheers, anurag I On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: 3 Sounds good. I will be a (6) anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: How about tomorrow at Eastern? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto - 3 Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Paci?c/1pm Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 10am ?2pm Paci?c would work Mon->Thurs and lO-lpm Friday. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/ 10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would pre fer to call, I will be a (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. anurag On Fri, Mar29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Sorry. I am on vacation. How about Tuesday? 1 am open from 3. -3. From: Anur?? AChary?tmailtO .. . 6 . .. Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, anurag - On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) . wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let . me know some times that would. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: i 5 Thanks Anurag, I Do you have time to talk again on the week oprri i1?? Best, Mike - From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM - i To: Stebbins, Michael J. - Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles ?lnded by 5 federal agencies! I One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a I. repository would also help ensure archival access and long -term stewardship. As the lead for Google Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. I have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. I am h0ping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation. '5 cheers, anurag From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:19 AM To: Vint Cerf Subject: Scientific Data Dear Vint, Great to see your article on making data available. l?d love to sit down with you and discuss some of our thinking on it. IS there a good time for us to meet up? Regards, Mike Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White Heuse Office of Science and Technology Policy Ph (6) htto From: Holdren, John P. Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 10:57 AM To: Vint Cerf Subject: RE: Georg Schuette (Ministry of Research and Education) Vint -- Thanks forthis. Sorry for slow repiy. twill be in the meeting with the President this afternoon. See you there. Bestjohn JOHN P. HOLDREN, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director, Office of Science and Technology Poiicy Executive Office of the President of the United States ema irate?. direct phon ((316- assistant Karrie Pitze m? [Em?y From: Vint Cerf [mailt Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 8:56 AM To: Holdren, John P. Subject: Georg Schuette (Ministry of Research and Education) John, I met with Georg while in Berlin last week. He's a most animated, thoughtful and articulate spokesman for science and education. He mentioned he might see you while in DC October 25 -26 this year. I just wanted to reinforce that found him very much worth talking to. here's a bit about his work on the health side: indexphp/ 20 1 3/ 04/ dr federal?ministry- of-education-and~research/ - I am ?ying in from London Thursday morning to meet with the President in the afternoon at the WH - is this a meeting at which you may be in attendance? I believe the topic is privacy. vint From: Stebbins, Michael 1. Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 10:56 AM To: 'Vint Cerf?; Carla LaFever; Denise Kelly Subject: RE: Scientific Data Fantastic! I sincerely hope we can get together. Best Mike From: Vint Cerf [mailt Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 6:31 PM To: Stebbins, Michael 1; Carla LaFever; Denise Kelly Subject: Re: Scienti?c Data Hi Michael?! I would love to do this - based in London until mid?December. Carla, Denise, any chance to see Michael while I am in DC this week and next? Vint On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear Vint, Great to see your article on making data available. I?d love to sit down with you and discuss some of our thinking on it. IS there a good time for us to meet up? Regards, Mike Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Ph (D) (6) From: Dorgelo, Cristin Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 7:41 PM T03 (6) (6) Subject: invite tojoin White House Google+ Hangout "We the Geeks" Hi Sergey: Hope your year is going well since we last connected at the Google Solve for convening. i?m reaching out to you today with an invitation from the White House team that we hope will be of interest! Earlier this year, we started a new Google+ Hangout series on called "We the Geeks? to highlight the future of science, technology, and innovation here in the United States. The topics we've done so far range from asteroid hunting, where we had Bill Nye the Science Guy moderat e, to an episode about real - ife superpowers from super materials that we timed around Comic Con. Just this past Friday during YouTu be?s GeekWeek, we hosted an episode about robots and artificial intelligence. We make the discussion interactive by soliciti ng questions from the public on Twitter using the hash tag #WeTheGeeks. You can view all past We the Geeks at geeks. Next Friday, August 23 m, We the Geeks will be highlighting immigrant innovators in the science, technology, and innovation community who have made amazing discoveries, developed cutting edge inventions, or conducted remarkable research. These speakers will not only share their experiences as immigrant innovator s, but discuss why paving the way for future foreign -born geeks is essential to the future of the enterprise as it pertains tojob growth and the future of global competitiveness. We would like to invite Mto participate via webcam. Logistically, we?ll need you for no more than 50 minutes on Friday, August 23rd, ideally in the early afternoon Eastern Time. Do you have interest and any calendar availability that day? if so, please point us to a logistical point of contact on your staff. Really appreciate your consideration of this invite! All best, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President From: Steb bins, Michael J. Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 1:58 PM To: 'Denise Kelly' Cc: Vint Cerf; Carla LaFever; Coleman, Donna I. Subject: RE: Scientific Data Fantastic. How about 10~11? I am in the Eisenhower Executive Office Buiiding room 495. Donna, Can you please send Denise the WAVES template so we can get Vint into the building on Monday at 10am? Best, Mike From: Denise Kelly [maiit Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 1:34 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Vint Cerf; Carla LaFever Subject: Re: Scienti?c Data Hello Mike, Vint could meet on Monday, 8/19 before 11:00am. He could come to your of?ce. Please let me know the best time. Best, Denise On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 1:23 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Hi Carla and Denise, Does Vint have time on his schedule to chat while he is in Regards, Mike From: Vint Cerf [m'ailto Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 6:31 PM To: Stebbins, Michael 1; Carla LaFeyer, Denise Kelly Subject: Re: Scienti?c Data Hi Michael! I would love to do this - based in London until mid ?December. Carla, Denise, any chance to see Michael while I am in DC this week and next? Vint On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear Vint, Great to see your article on making data available. I?d love to sit down with you and discuss some of our thinking on it. IS there a good time for us to meet up? Regards, Mike Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Ph (6) Denise Kellyl Internet Evangelism Assistant (6) I (20 From: Steb bins, Michael J. Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 1:23 PM To: 'Vint Cerf'; Carla LaFever; Denise Kelly Subject: RE: Scientific Data Hi Carla and Denise, Does Vint have time on his schedule to chat while he is in Regards, Mike From: Vint Cerf [mailt Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 6:31 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Carla LaFever; Denise Kelly Subject: Re: Scienti?c Data Hi Michael! 1 I would love to do this - based in London until mid?December. Carla, Denise, any chance to see Michael While I am in DC this week and next? Vint On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Dear Vint, Great to see your article on making data available. I?d love to sit down with you and discuss some of our thinking on it. IS there a good time for us to meet up? Regards, Mike Michael Stebbins, Assistant Director, Biotechnology White House Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Ph (D) (6) From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 4:59 PM To: 'Denise Kelly'; Coleman, Donna Coleman, Donna I. Cc: Vint Cerf; Carla LaFever Subject: RE: security information needed asap for eeob access RE: Scientific Data Thanks Denise. From: Denise Kelly [mailt Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 4:38 PM To: Coleman, Denna Coleman, Donna I. Cc: Stebbins, Michael J. Vint Cerf; Carla LaFever Subject: Re: security information needed asap for eeob access RE: Scienti?c Data Thanks Donna. See attached. Please con?rm receipt. Denise On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 4: 12 PM, Coleman, Donna 1. (6) wrote: Please complete attached spreadsheet and return via email to m_ before 5 pm today, thanks. Donna From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 1:58 PM To: ?Denise Kelly' Cc: Vint Cerf; Carla LaFever; Coleman, Donna I. Subject: RE: Scienti?c Data Fantastic. How about 10?11? I am in the Eisenhower Executive Office Buiiding room 495. Donna, Can you please send Denise the WAVES template so we can get Vint into the building on Monday at 103m? Best, Mike From: Denise Kelly [mailt Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 1:34 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Cerf; Carla LaFever Subject: Re: Scienti?c Data Hello Mike, Vint could meet on Monday, 8/19 before 11:00am. He could come to your of?ce. Please let me know the best time. Best, Denise On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 1:23 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Hi Carla and Denise, Does have time on his schedule to chat while he is in Regards, Mike Denise Ketly I Internet Evangelism Assistant (6) Denise Keiin Internet Evangelism Assistant (6) I (20 hints)- From: Holdren, John P. Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 9:00 AM To: Vint Cerf Subject: - RE: An excellent op-ed on CFAA Thanks, Vint, Needless to say, I?m just delighted to have Nicole on board. Best, John From: Vint Cerf [mailt Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 7:44 AM To: Holdren, John P. Subject: An excellent op-ed on CFAA John, this might be of interest to AG Eric Holder given his recent recommendation on mandatory sentencing practices. computer??aud?abuse-act the author is former chief scientist of DARPA Information Systems Of?ce. Great to see you last week at WH. Had dinner with Nicole Wong last night ?what a great addition to Vint From: Holdren, John P. Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 7:30 AM To: Vint Cerf; Wong, Nicole; Daniel, J. Michael; Park, Todd; Kalil, Thomas A. Cc: Falcone, Patricia; Edelman, R. David Subject: RE: Why Fearmongers" Are More Damaging to Free Speech than Is NSA Thanks, Vint. Adding Patricia Falcone and David Edelman here. Best,lohn From: Vint Cerf [mailt Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 5:51 AM . To: Wong, Nicole; Daniel, J. Michael; Park, Todd; Holdren, John Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Fwd: Why Fearmongers" Are More Damaging to Free Speech than Is NSA I think this is pretty sensible. Forwarded message From: Lauren Weinstein Date: Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 1:31 PM Subject: Why Fearmongers" Are More Damaging to Free Speech than Is NSA TO (M (6) . Why Fearmongers" Are More Damaging to Free Speech than Is NSA ://laureu. vortex. com/archive/OOI 069.11tml If you?ve been reading my missives for any period of time, you?ve probably discerned by personal viewpoint that for virtually any controversial t0pic, the reality exists somewhere in the center area, and not against the pegs at either end of the meter scale. Unfortunately, our culture these days especially in the political arena has become all about extremes. Either you're with us, or you?re the enemy! Compromise is caving! My way or the highway! Complicating matters even more, we tend to congregate increasingly with persons who already share our established points of view (either in person 0r online), and gravitate toward opinionated news sources that will further reinforce our existing positions. This is the essence of "echo chamber" effects we've frequently discussed. Another analogy is a loud public address system "feedback". squeal, as noise feeds on itself through continuing cycles of uncontrolled ampli?cation. The current controversies over NSA programs are perhaps quintessential examples of how this all Works in practice. There are many players, and many motives. We can de?nitely stipulate that oversight of NSA progr ams and essential associated tranSparency with the public has become weak and sloppy -- and is now creating collateral damage that is intolerable. We can also probably agree that some associated NSA programs though likely still legal in a formal sense -- have drifted beyond an acceptable scope especially of concern given the oversight and transparency problems. Reported "leakage" of foreign intelligence data to domestic agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Agency (and use by these agencies of "parallel reconstruction" techniques to obscure the original triggers for investigations) are especially worrisome, since they violate the basic premises of compartmentalization through which we draw the line between foreign and domestic intelligence operations and resulting data. Still, there is little ?indamentally new in the I'revelations? we've seen that was not obvious or anticipated by followers of Congressional legislation passed in a rush after 9/11, such as PATRIOT and the Homeland Security Act. Many of us warned at the time what sorts of programs were being authorized, but we were ignored and chastised. But for all the information we?ve seen about NSA to date, there is zero evidence of actual evil intent to be found in stark distinction to the manner in which various foreign intelligence agencies operate vast, oppressive, speci?cally domestic censorship and surveillance regimes with China and Russia being two obvious examples. Unfortunately, many breathless observers of the NSA situation have little knowledge of (or perhaps little real interest in) how other countries operate. But in a interconnected world, we cannot view NSA or other U.S. agencies in isolation -- not safely or realistically anyway. This is true even if we ignore for now some of the "peg -huggers" at the extreme edges of the debate. This includes most of the GOP politicos who suddenly seem to have 2 gotten "privacy religion" even though they loudly supported these programs in the past and actively criticized anyone who spoke against them. We can safely relegate these members of the Grand Old Party (and indeed, some Democrats as well) to the dissembling political opportunism category. For the GOP, anything Obama did is poison and a path toward implementation of their go to hell ordinary pe0ple" political agendas even if they lauded the same intelligence activities under Republican presidents. The "let the people fend for themselves and rot? contingent that makes up a part of the "Libertarian" movement also falls in to this category. They just hate government of all kinds, and NSA makes a convenient target. In their fantasies, they'll be out there shooting at the aftermath of dirty bombs and terrorist nukes with their handguns and assault ri?es. And of course there ?3 also the contingent of well -meaning souls who just fervently believe that spying is wrong, and that if somehow the NSA could just be unilaterally defunded the rest of the world?s Spying agencies plus terrorists and their supporters -- would follow along in a glorious I'kumbaya moment.? The facts are very different. Foreign intelligence is gathered by countries all over the world it always has been -- long predating the development of electronic communications. Unilateral disarmament in such a context would be unthinkably irresponsible, especially since the raw truth is that there really are groups out there who want to kill us, there are plenty of ?ssile materials ?oating around for really nasty bOmbs, and while we may not like having to play sp for our own protection (I certainly don't) that desire doesn't change the actual threat pro?le by a single iota. This is most certainly not to say that there isn?t plenty of room for improvements in the ways that NSA operates. As noted, transparency and oversight is a mess, foreign ?directed programs have been leaking into the domestic sphere, and in our toxic political environment this has encouraged the spread of shrill, false, and hyperbolic claims that are doing far more damage than anything actuall being done by NSA. False claims that the content of all phone calls and emails are being recorded, or the existence of "anytime, anywhere, anybody" instant wiretapping capability by low level administrative NSA workers, are but two examples. Then we have the libelous, fallacious claims that major Internet firms are permitting free reign of their servers to NSA or other agency operatives false claims made all the more damaging by existing laws making it impossible for these ?rms to appropriately defe nd themselves against such allegations. And the fallout ?om all this -- yes, triggered by NSA but now aided and abetted by the fearmongers, is a cascading effect of persons who have been unrealistically terri?ed into closing important sites and otherwise attempting to withdraw into the cave. For some of the fearmongers this sort of anti ?Internet response has been part of their agendas all along, often entwined with broader anti? government sentiments. For others, it's a lack of proportionality, or 1a ck of understanding of how tyrannical regimes actually operate (hint, I couldn't be openly blo gging in any of them). And for many of the fear?il, it's a lack of technical knowledge crucial to separating the wheat ?om the chaff intrinsic to these discussions and accusations. In the ?nal analysis of course, we all gotta do what we gotta do. The range of circumstances that individuals face in these contexts will cover the gamut ?om absolutely justi?able concerns to utterly fantastical paranoia. But my sense right now is that we?re seeing a great deal of "knee ?jerk self-censorship? that may seem appropriate if you buy into everything the fearmongers are claiming -- but is likely much less sensible in the light of actual realities. The echo chamber, feedback effect can exert a very power?il emotional pull on all 0qu. So it might behoove us all to spend a bit more time pondering how much of what we're seeing amid the NSA furor is likely to be hard reality, and how much is signi?cantly more likely to be the result of hoopla, hype, and hyperbole. An individual decision to be sure, but an immensely important one, especially since if there's one thing that history teaches us so clearly, it?s that fear and withdrawal inevitably lead to darkness, not to sunlight. --Lauren-- Lauren Weinstein Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility: Founder: - Network Neutrality Squad: PRIVACY Forum: Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy Lauren's Blog: Goo gle+: Twitter: Tel: (6) Skype: From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 5:58 PM To: 'Vint Cerf' Subject: RE: open data Great taiking with you as welt. I might have had a hand in what? From: Vint Cerf [mailt Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 5:57 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: open data yOu may have had a hand in crafting this good meeting today? thanks for taking the time. Vint From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 2:11 PM To: 'Johanna Shelton' Subject: RE: Google invites you to experience Google Glass Thanks; already had a chance to play with them, but will see if others have interest. Cheers, ?rD From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 01:03 PM Eastern Standard Time T0: Edelman, R. David Subject: Goo gle invites you to experience Google Glass please let me know if anyone is interested in trying on Goo gle Glass - Pleasejoio Godly-S W?hm tar Q??ftu??iy try Experience the technoiogy up~cloee with a product demonstratien of Google Glass. Wednesday, August 28 9AM - 6PM Please stop by at any time convenient Lang View Gallery 3234 9th Street NW Washington, GLASS This Invitation is non?transferabie Google is pieaseo to provide attendance 5! this event at no cost to government officials when permissibie by law. By attendin 9 this event and accepting any gifts which may be offered, the attendee certi?es that nershe is able to do so in oompiianee with a poiicabte {awe and the iniemel rules of Warner organization. ls? you wieii :0 pay Goog?e for your attendance. or if you have any questions. plea so contact us Nihili? {f3- 2013 (Boogie inc. 1800 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View. CA 94043 You received this inviteiion because you one involved in the Goog?e community or attended Googie events in the past. if you 0 longer wish to receive information regarding this event enior your erneii addrese here Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) . From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:34 PM To: - 'Berman, Fran (6) Subject: RE: pilots Dear Fran, My apologies for not getting back to you earlier. 1 was on vacation and wanted to digest this a bit. This is fantastic and it sounds like the workshop was a success. [just set up a call with folks form to discuss their involvement. What do think are the next logical steps for making this a reality? Perhaps pulling this together into a more formal proposal that we can share with others including defining some of the key questions that need to be answered before launch? Best, Mike mm. Beeswax [malt Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 1:00 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Berman, Fran Subject: pilots (Vint, I?m ccing you as I thought you might be interested in this as well. Michael and I had a chance to talk at the NIH Data Catalog workshop last week.) Michael, I?ve been thinking about your question about what pilots we might create to move towards a framework for public access and responsible data stewardship. Below are some thoughts on a pilots that may provide usequ experience as we seek to develop more broadly accessible enabling data infrastructure. Note that the quality and stability of the underlying infrastructure and a sound economic model are pre -conditions for real success in all of these. DATA STEWARDSHIP PILOT Michael, this was your idea and yo u?ll be happy to know that it gained ?legs? on Day 2 at the worksh0p. Nature Genetics (Myles Axton), and Nuclear Receptor Signaling at Biomedcentral would be willing to ensure that there is a link behind every ?graph? reference to data) that provides the raw data, and participants suggested that PLOS be included as well. Note that the graph links mean that the data will need to be hosted somewhere (by the publication or elsew here) and that readers should reasonably expect that the data will be live as long as they can access the article. Interesting problems to be solved with this: i) What if the graph is a movie simulation backed up by 10?s or 100?s of terabytes of raw data? (This is the case for some earthquake and astrOphysics simulation results). Who takes responsibility for such a ?big? dataset?, ii) What if the data set can be updated freshened over time? What should the graph link point to?, How should the data set be ?versioned? and what metadata should be available, etc. DATA STEWARDSHIP PELOT SECTOR: The library and repository communities are each beginning to come together with an interest in ?catching?, hosting, and providing apprOpriate adjuvant services for research data. Two groups l?m watching closely are the Digital Preservation Network (DPN, a group of roughly 50+ libraries who have formed a network to host and preserve research data. This might be an interesting group to approach about a ?jumpstart? stewardship pilot. The key folks there are James Hilton and Steve Morales. Similarly, George Alter (who heads up ICPSR in Michigan, told me that roughly 2 dozen repositories are starting to come together to create appropriate social and technical infrastructure for broader data stewardship. This group includes repositories for social science data, life science data, astronomy data, etc. These folks would also be good to approach about a "jumpstart" Stewardship pilot. (By "jumpstart" I mean that they probably need 1 support up front to create a broader public access community resource but should be expected to create a viable sustainable business model with low barrier to access for users down the line). - DATA STEWARDSHIP SECTOR: Guha Ramanathan?s serious offer to explore the possibility of Google hosting research data and some relevant services was tremendously appealing. Many of the problems we have in the academic world vis a vis data and compute infrastructure not meeting needs for capacity, stability or robustness would be addressed by this kind of public -private partnership. Moreover, scientists should be able to operate in their professional lives at at least the level of sophistication tools and services that they enjoy in their "real life?. Private stewardship of research data would help with this. That being said, clear rules of engagement about what can be done with public access research data, what services would be provided and under what circumstances, what happens if the private company steward changes its mind, etc. need to be ironed out in order for this to really work. Your talk at the workshop was great and It?s wonderful to see this level of engagement by the administration. l?d love to help move things forward in any way that?s useful. Let me know what you think and I look forward tot alking when we can. Fran Dr. Francine Barman Chair, Research Data Alliance U.S. Edward 6. Hamilton Distinguished Professor in Computer Science Director, Center for a Digital Society Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 4:59 PM To: 'Berman, Fran' Subject: RE: pilots Exceilent! How is next Tuesday looking? By more formalize I mean pulling together a more detaiied proposal for a pilot that we can shop around to publishers, agencies, the RDA members, Google and whomever else we think needs to be engaged to get it running. For example, I like the idea of a Data Stewardship project, but don?t have a solid sense of the end goals that we might use as metrics for success, Best, . Mike From: Berman, Fran [mailt Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 4:30 PM To: Stebbins, Michael [[315? Subject: RE: pilots Hi Mike, That sounds reasonabie. it would be useful to know what you mean by a more formal proposal and who might be invoived. It would also be good for us to strategize about how RDAXUS. coui heip. Would it be useful for us to have a short call next week to discuss? I?m not on travel and relatively free. Vint, can you join us? Let me know. Thanks! Fran Dr. Francine Barman Chair, Research Data Alliance US. Edward G. Hamiiton Distinguished Professor in Computer Science Director, Center for a Digitai Society Rensselaer Polytechnic institute From: slams, Michad'jiiaay Sent: Tuesdayi August 27, 2013 1:34 PM To: Berman, Fran Subject: RE: pilots Dear Fran, My apologies for not getting back to you eariier, i was on vacation and wanted to digest this a bit. This is fantastic and it sounds like the workshop was a success. ljust set up a call with folks form PLoSto discuss their involvement. What do think are the next iogicai steps for making this a reality? Perhaps this together into a more formai proposal that we can share with others inciuding defining some of the key questions that need to be answered before launch? Best, Mike Rom: . Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 1:00 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. m? Berman, Fran Subject: pilots (Vint, l?m ccing you as I thought you might be interested in this as well. Michael and I had a chance to talk at the NIH Data CataIOg workshop last week.) Michael, l?ve been thinking about your question about what pilots we might create to move towards a framework for public access and responsible data stewardship. Below are some thoughts on a pilots that may provide useful experience as we seek to develop more broadly accessible enabling data infrastructure. Note that the quality and stability of the underlying infrastructure and a sound economic model are pre -conditions for real success in a ll of these. Your talk at the workshop was great and It?s wonderful to see this level of engagement by the administration. DATA STEWARDSHEP Michael, this was your idea and you?ll be happy to know that it gained ?legs? on Day 2 at the workshop. Nature Genetics (Myles Axton), and Nuclear Receptor Signaling at Biomedcentral would be willing to ensure that there is a link behind every "graph" reference to data) that provides the raw data, and participants suggested that PLOS be included as we ll. Note that the graph links mean that the data will need to be hosted somewhere (by the publication or elsewhere) and that readers should reasonably expect that the data will be live as long as they can access the article. lnte resting problems to be solved with this: i) What if the graph is a movie simulation backed up by 10?s or 100?s of terabytes of raw data? (This is the case for some earthquake and astrophysics simulation results). Who takes responsibility for such a ?big? dataset?, ii) What ifthe data set can be updated {freshened over time? What should the graph link point to?, How should the dataset be "versioned" and what metadata should be available, etc. DATA STEWARDSHIP PELOT SECTOR: The library and repository communities are each beginning to come together with an interest in ?catching?, hosting, and providing appropriate adjuvant services for research data. Two groups l?m watching closely are the Digital Preservation Network (DPN, a group of roughly 50+ libraries who have formed a network to host and preserve research data. This might be an interesting group to approach about a ?jumpstart? stewardship pilot. The key folks there are James Hilton and Steve Mora les. Similarly, George Alter (who heads up in Michigan, told me that roughly 2 dozen repositories are starting to come together to create appropriate social and technical infrastructure for broader data stewardship. This group includes repositories for social science data, life science data, astronomy data, etc. These folks would also be good to approach about a ?jumpstart? stewardship ilot. (By ?jumpstart? I mean that they probably need support up front to create a broader public access community resource but should be expected to create a viable sustainable business model with low barrier to access for users down the line). DATA STEWARDSHEP PRIVATE SECTOR: Guha Ramanathan's serious offer to explore the possibility of Google hosting research data and some relevant services was tremendously appealing. Many of the problems we have in the academic world vis a vis data and compute infrastructure not meeting needs for capacity, stability or robustness would be addressed by this kind of public -private partnership. Moreover, scientists should be able to operate in their professional lives at at least the level of sophistication ools and services that they enjoy in their "real life". Private stewardship of research data would help with this. That being said, clear rules of engagement about what can be done with public access research data, what services would be provided and under what circumstances, what happens if the private company steward changes its mind, etc. need to be ironed out in order for this to really work. l?d love to help move things forward in any way that?s useful. Let me know what you think and i look forward to talking when we can. Fran Dr. Francine Sermon Chair, Research Data Alliance U.S. Edward G. Hamilton Distinguished Professor in Computer Science Director, Center for a Digital Society 2 Rensselaer Polytechnic institute From: . Edelman, David Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 11:47 AM To: Ross LaJeunesse (6) Subject: Pakistan 81 YouTube Hey Ross, Hope you?ve been we?. A quick question for you: before the shutdown, how many users per day in Pakistan accessed YouTube? And how does that compare to other countries in the region vs. the world (in terms of raw traffic numbers)? Thanks, -David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for internet, Innovation 8: Privacy National Economic Council I OSTP The \Nhite House ph: (202 asst: (202 (6) From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 5:13 PM To: 'Berman, Fran Subject: RE: pilots 3pm ET next Tuesday works well for me. ma; lBerm'an, "ran [mar Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 5:06 PM To: Stebbins, Michael 3. [131(4)? Subject: RE: pilots Makes sense. Next Tuesday is good for me between 11:00 and 12:45 and after 3:00 EDT. Mike, do any of those times work for you? Vint, can you join us? Fran Dr, Francine Bermon Chair, Research Data Aliiancef 1.1.5. Edward (3. Hamilton Distinguished Professor in Comp uter Science Director, Center for a Digital Society Rensseiaer Poiytechnic institute Fror??gtebbm! J. .. .. ., Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 4:59 PM To: Berman, Fran Subject: RE: pilots Exceiient! How is next Tuesday iooking? By more formaiize I mean pulling together a more detailed proposai for a piiot that we can shop around to pubiishers, agencies, the RDA members, Googie and whomever eise we think needs to be engaged to get it running, For exampie, i iike the idea of a Data Stewardship project, but don?t have a solid sen se of the end goais that we might use as metrics for success. Best, Mike From: Berman, Fran [mailt Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 4:30 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: RE: pilots Hi Mike, That sounds reasonabie. it would be usefui to know what you mean by a more formai proposai and who might be invoiyed. it would aiso be good for us to strategize about how couid help. Would it be useful for us to have a short caii next week to discuss? l?m not on travel and reiatiyely free. Vint, can you join us? Let me know. Thanks! Fran Dr. Francine Sermon Chair, Research Data Alliance U.S. Edward G. Hamilton Distinguished Profess or in Computer Science Director, Center for a Digital Society Rensselaer Polytechnic institute From} Stebb'i?ns, "mass Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:34 PM To: Berman, Fran m? Subject: RE: pilots Dear Fran, My apologies for not getting back to you earlier. was on vacation and wanted to digest this a bit. This is fantastic and it sounds like the workshOp was a success. i just set up a call with foiks form to discuss their involvement. What do think are the next logical steps for making this a reality? Perhaps pulling this together into a more formal proposal that we can share with others including defining some of the key questions that need to be answered before launch? Best, Mike Bataan, Fran '[r?aiit Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 1:00 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Berman, Fran Subject: pilots (Vint, l?m ccing you as thought you might interested in this as well. Michaei and i had a chance to talk at the NIH Data Catalog workshop last week.) Michael, l?ve been thinking about your question about what pilots we might create to move towards a framework for public access and responsible data stewardship. Below are some thoughts on a pilots that may provide useful experience as we seek to develop more broadly accessible enabling data infrastructure. Note that the quality and stability of the underlying infrastructure and a sound econom ic model are pre-conditions for real success in all of these. DATA STEWARDSHIP PILOT I PUBLISHERS: Michael, this was your idea and you?ll be happy to know that it gained "legs" on Day 2 at the workshop. Nature Genetics (Myles Axton), and Nuclear Recept or Signaling at Biomedcentral would be willing to ensure that there is a link behind every "graph" reference to data) that provides the raw data, and participants suggested that PLOS be included as well. Note that the graph links mean that the data will need to be hosted somewhere (by the publication or elsewhere) and that readers should reasonably expect that the data will be live as long as they can access the article. interesting problems to be solved with this: i) What if the graph is a movie simulation backed up by 10?s or 100?s of terabytes of raw data? (This is the case for some earthquake and astrophysics simulation results). Who takes responsibility for such a ?big? dataset?, ii) What ifthe data set can be updated freshened over ti me? What should the graph link point to?, How should the dataset be "versioned" and what metadata should be available, etc. - DATA PILOT SECTOR: The library and repository communities are each beginning to come together with an interest in ?catching?, hosting, and providing appropriate adjuvant services for research data. Two groups l?m watching closely are the Digital Preservation Network (DPN, a group of roughly 50+ librarie who have formed a network to host and preserve research data. This might be an interesting group to approach about a ?jumpstart? stewardship pilot. The key folks there are James Hilton and Steve Morales. Similarly, George Alter (who heads up ICPSR in Michigan, told me that roughly 2 dozen repositories are starting to come together to create appropriate social and technical infrastructure for broader data stewardship. This 2 group includes repositories for social science data, life science data, astronomy data, etc. These folks would also be good to approach about a "jumpstart? stewardship piiot. (By "jumpstart" i mean that they probably need support up front to create a broader public access community resource but should be expected to create a viable sustainabie business model with low barrier to access for users down the line). - DATA STEWARDSHIP PRIVATE SECTOR: Guha Ramanathan?s serious offer to explore the possibility of Google hosting research data and some relevant services was tremendously appealing. Many of the problems we have in the academic world vis a vis data and compute infrastructure not meeting needs for capacity, stability or robustness would be addressed by this kind of public ?private partnership. Moreover, scientists should be able to operate in their professional lives at at least the level of sophistication tools and services that they enjoy in their ?real life Private stewardship of research data would help with this. That being said, clear rules of engagement about what can be done with public access research data, what services would be provided and under what circumstances, what happens if the private co mpany steward changes its mind, etc. need to be ironed out in order for this to really work. Your talk at the workshop was great and it?s wonderful to see this level of engagement by the administration. I?d love to help move things forward in any way that ?s useful. Let me know what you think and i look forward to talking when we can. Fran Dr. Francine Berman Chair, Research Data Alliance US. Edward G. Hamilton Distinguished Professor in Computer Science Director, Center for a Digital Society Rensselaer Polytechnic institute From: Edelman, R. David - Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 9:27 AM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: you around today? Johanna, Sorry for the delay, 1 was in SF Friday. Back today. I think we are overdue to get together; what?s your schedule iike tomorrow? Perhaps you?d like to drop by around 4pm? Alternatively, it occurs to me that ve yet to visit your offices, and have yet to meet Susan - perhaps we could schedule a drop-by there this week or next? Best, ~David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation 8: Privacy National Economic Cmincil OSTP The W?hite House ph= (202 (202 male: I From: Johanna Shelton [maiit Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 3:01 PM To: Edelman, David Subject: you around today? have some patent ideas for you Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Stebbins, Michael J. Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 4:40 PM To: 'Carla LaFever?; Fran Berman Cc: Vint Subject: RE: New Event: Berman/Cerf/Stebbins Tue Sep 3, 2013 3pm - 3:30pm (Vint Cerf) Thanks Carla, Does Vint have any other open times that day or the day after? Regards, Mike From: Carla LaFever [mailt Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 4:39 PM To: Fran Barman; Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Vint Subject: Fwd: New Event: Berman/Cerf/Stebbins Tue Sep 3, 2013 3pm - 3:30pm (Vint Cerf) Michael, Vint will be in transit at the time of this call so he is unable to participate. Carla Forwarded message From: Stebbins, Michael J. (6) Date: Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 4:20 PM Subject: New Event: Berman/Cerf/Stebbins Tue Sep 3, 2013 3pm - 3:30pm (Vint Cert) To: (in) (6) (6) more details To discuss data access (Vint, I'm you as I thought you might be interested in this as well. Michael and I had a chance to taik at the NIH Data Catalog workshOp last week.) Michael, I've been thinking about your question about what pilots we might create to move towards a framework for pubiic ace ass i and responsible data stewardship. Below are some thoughts on a pilots that may provide usefui experience as we seek to develop more broadly accessible enabling data infrastructure. Note that the quality and stability of the underlying infrastructure and a sound economic model are pro-conditions for real success in ali of these. - DATA STEWARDSHIP PUBLISHERS: Michael, this was your idea and you?ll be happy to know that it gained ?legs? on Day 2 at the workshop. Nature Genetics (Myles Axton), and Nuclear Receptor Signaiing at Biomedcentral would be willing to ensure that there is a link behind every "graph" (Le. reference to data) that provides the raw data, and participants suggested that PLOS be included as well. Note that the graph links mean hat the data will need to be hosted somewhere (by the publication or elsewhere) and that readers should reasonably expect that the data will be live as long as they can access the article. interesting problems to be solved with this: i) What if the graph i a movie simulation backed up by 10?s or 100?s of terabytes of raw data? (This is the case for some earthquake and astrOphysics simuiation results). Who takes responsibility for such a "big" dataset?, ii) What if the data set can be updated ifreshened over time? 1 I What should the graph link point to?, How shouid the dataset be ?versioned? and what metadata shouid be avaiiable, etc. - DATA PILOT I ACADEMIC SECTOR: The tibrary and repository communities are each beginning to 5 come together with an interest in ?catching?, hosting, and providing appropriate adjuvant services for research data. Two 2 groups I?m watching closely are the Digitai Preservation Network (DPN, a group of roughiy 50+ libraries who have formed a network to host and preserve research data. This might be an interesting group to approach 2 about a "jumpstart? stewardship pilot. The key foiks there are James Hilton and Steve Moraies. Similariy, George Alter (who heads up in Michigan, toid me that roughly 2 dozen repositories are starting to come together to create apprOpriate sociai and technical infrastructure for broader data 5 stewardship. This group includes repositories for social science data, iife science data, astronomy data, etc. These folks would also be good to approach about a ?jumpstart? stewardship pilot. (By ?iumpstart? i mean that they probabiy need support up front to create a broader public access community resource but shouid be expected to create a viable 2 sustainable business model with low barrier to access for users down the tine). - DATA STEWARDSHIP PRIVATE SECTOR: Guha Ramanathan?s serious offer to expiore the possibility of Googie hosting research data and some relevant services was tremendously appeaiing. Many of the problems we have in 5 the academic worid vis a vis data and compute infrastructure not meeting needs for capacity, stability or robustness would i- be addressed by this kind of public-pnvate partnership. Moreover, scientists should be able to operate in their professional . lives at at least the level of sophistication tools and services that they enioy in their ?reai iife". Private stewardshi of research data would help with this. That being said, ciear rules of engagement about what can be done with pubiic access research data, what services would be provided and under what circumstances, what happens if the private company steward changes its mind, etc. need to be ironed out in order for this to realty work. Your talk at the workshop was great and it?s wonderful to see this Ievei of engagement by the administration. I?d love to i help move things forward in any way that?s usefui. Let me know what yo think and I look forward to taiking when we can. Fran Dr. Francine Berman Chair, Research Data Alliance/ U.S. Edward G. Hamilton Distinguished Professor in Computer Science Director, Center for a Digital Society Rensselaer Polytechnic institute I I When Tue Sep 3, 2013 3pm 3:30pm Eastern Time - Where [tare- Cod taxe- (_2ma - Calendar VintCerf - a Who . Stebbins, Michaei J. organizer - Vint Cerf creator Berman, Fran invitation from Googte Calendar 5 You are receiving this entait at the account maj? because you are subscribed tar new event notifications on catendar Vint Cerf. 5 ?in siop receiving these notifications, piease tag in to and change your notification settings fer this cateridar. Carla LaFever Chief of Staff to Vinton G. Cerf Google 1818 Library Street Suite 400 Reston, VA 20190 (6) From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 6:36 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: you around today? Hey, Just freed up and gave you a ring. I?m avatlable now if you are [[316? Thanks. ?rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 2:34 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: you around today? gotcha let me know when can chat quickly by phone today on some patent stuff - and then we can also have you swing by here this week. On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Johanna, Sorry for the deiay, was in SF Friday. Back today. I think we are overdue to get together; what?s your schedule Eike tomorrow? Perhaps you?d like to drop by around 4pm? Alternatively, it occurs to me tha E?ve yet to visit your offices, and have yet to meet Susan perhaps we could schedule a drop?by there this week or next? Best, ~David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation 8: Privacy National Economic Council OSTP The W'hite House ph: (6) From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 3:01 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: you around today? have some patent ideas for you Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 9:37 PM To: Johanna Sheiton Subject: RE: streaming Thanks From: Johanna She t0n [maiit Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 7:25 PM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: streaming i?m sure you've seen this Johanna SheltOn Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 8:31 AM To: Ross Laieunesse; Ann Lavin; Mike Orgill Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Pakistan 81 YouTube Thanks, Ross. No worries, I hope you enjoyed your time away. Mike, Ann, thanks in advance for your help. Best, nDavid R. David Edelman Senior Advisor ibi? Internet, Innovation, and Privacy The White House direct: (202 (6) topline:(QOQ m. (6) From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailt Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 8:24 AM To: Edelman, R. David; Ann Lavin; Mike Orgill Cc: Johanna SheltOn Subject: Re: Pakistan YouTube david great to hear from you and apologies for the delay; just returning from time away from the of?ce i'm looping in my colleagues ann lavin and mike orgill -- arm is our policy director for most of asia and mike is the country lead for pakistan arm and mike, david is one of our very good friends at the white house On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Hey Ross, Hope you?ve been well. A quick question for you: before the shutdown, how many users per day in Pakistan accessed YouTube? And how does that compare to other countries in the region vs. the world (in terms of raw traf?c numbers)? Thanks, avid R. David Edelrnan Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation 85 Privacy National Economic Council OSTP I The \Vliite House ph= I {oxe? Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Google Inc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the email to others, delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 4:04 PM To: ?Johanna Shelton' Subject: RE: quick call this afternoon? Today is pretty stacked up urgent, or how about some time Monday? From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 03:01 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: quick call this afternoon? any chance we can give you our 10 min perspective on the patent legislative developments in a quick call today? Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) G00gle Voice (6) . From: Sent To: Cc: Subject: Edeiman, R. David Monday, September 30, 2013 9:13 AM 'Johanna Shelton? 'Suzanne Michel' 11:40am work? With shutdown angst things are crazy today, so sorry for the specificity. Is that alright? -rD From: Ed elman, R. David Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 9:30 AM To: 'Suzanne Michel' Cc: 'Johanna Shelton' Subject: RE: 11:40am work? I'll call direct. Thanks! From: Suzanne Michel (6) Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 09:28 AM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: 11:40am work? Yes, Thanks very much for making time during the craziness. You can reach me at the number below (6) I can also send a call-in number or call you if that is easier for you. Suzanne On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:12 AM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: With shutdown angst things are crazy today, so sorry for the Speci?city. Is that alright? ?rD Suzanne Michel Senior Patent Counsel, Google (6) (6) From: EclelmanI R. David Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 11:44 AM To: Suzanne Michel Subject: RE: 11:40am work? limi? From: Suzanne Michel [mailt Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 9:28 AM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: 11:40am Work? Yes, Thanks very much for making time during the craziness. You can reach me at the number below (6) I can also send a call?in number or call you ifthat is easier for you. Suzanne On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:12 AM, Edeiman, R. David (6) wrote: With shutdown angst things are crazy today, so sorry for the speci?city. 15 that alright? Suzanne Michel 1 Senior Patent Counsel, Goggle (6) (6 .. . From: Charlie Hale (6) Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 7:49 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: meeting in DC David, I also wanted to follow -up about the event on April 10th. ITIF is keen to have someone from OSTP join the panel and wondered if you'd be interested. You can see more info here. Any interest? Thanks, -Charlie On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 8:10 AM, Charlie Hale (6) wrote: Hi David, I just wanted to follow-up on our conversation a few weeks ago to see if you?re still interested in meeting in Some of the project leads will be coming out around April 10th so I wanted to see if your group might be free to meet then. Hope you're doing well, ?Charlie Chariic Hale {magic Fablio i?oiicy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 3:10 PM To: 'Johanna Shelton? Subject: RE: any word on Kent's visit Checking again From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 02:58 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: any word on Kent's Visit and whether it can help on your end? headed into some but will call later today. hope all is well Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google lnc. 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) . From: Edeiman, R. David Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 11:56 AM To: Johanna SheEton Subject: RE: Googie request Johanna, Looking forward to seeing Kent next week. Unfortunateiy, with Cabinet meetings and some POTUS speeches on deck, Gene is not going to be able to join us - which aiso kept us from puiling together a iarger patent event here, The Eatter is stilt on the horizon though, and when it does, we?ii definiteiy send an invite his and your way. As for the meeting next week, wouid Kent be avaiiabie at 11:00am on Thursday the All the best, ?David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation 8: Privacy National Economic Council OSTP The White House in: (202 men I (202 (6) From: Johanna Shelton [maiit Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 1:12 PM To: Nelson, Greg Cc: Walker, Burden; Edelman, R. David Subject: Google request Google's General Counsel Kent Walker will be in Washington DC Sept 18 ?20th and would like to meet with Gene Sperling if he is available in that time??ame. Kent would like to commend the Administration's Continuing efforts to improve patent quality and discuss other Internet sector policy priorities. Is Mr. Sperling available to meet Sept 18th, 19th or 20th? Please let me know if you have any questions. many thanks Johanna Introduction Kent Walker SeniOr Vice President 8: Generai Counsei, Googie Kent is responsible for managing Google's globa! Sega! team and advising the company's board and management on legal issues. Before joining Googie, Kent held senior tegal positions at a number of leading technology companies. Most recently he was Deputy General Counsel of eBay Inc, where he managed corporate iegai affairs, litigation, and legal operations. Previously, he was Executive Vice President of Liberate Technologies, a provider of interactive services software founded by Oracte and Netscape Communications. He also served as Associate Generai Counse! for Netscape and America Ontine and Senior Counset for AirTouch Communic ations, which was later acquired by Vodafone. Earlier in his career, Kent was an Assistant US. Attorney with the United States Department of Justice, where he specialized in the prosecution of technology crimes and advised the Attorney Genera! on manageme nt and technology issues. Kent has served on the boards of several technology industry trade associations. He graduated from Harvard College and Stanford Law School. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Thursday, September 12,2013 12:22 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Google request My pleasure. it?s a transition time around here. Elsewhere, Victoria?s gone; here, Jason?s new repiacement hasn?t been named. Byron is covering some issues in innovation, but patent is direct Gene and me. i?m afraid we? re supposed to be in with Denis 1041; is anytime in the 1:30 - 3:30pm window better? ?rD FrOm: Johanna Shelton [maiit Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:02 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Google request gotcha thanks for trying can we make it 10:45 on the 19th? (he needs to be on the Hill at 11:45) and who will it be with - just you? you plus Jason or others? i'Ve lost track of who else is doing patents these 011 Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Edelman, R. David wrote: iohanna, Looking forward to seeing Kent next week. Unfortunately, with Cabinet meetings and some POTUS speeches on deck, Gene is not going to be able to join us which also kept us from together a iarger patent event here. The latter is stili on the horizon though, and when it does, we?ll definitely send an invite his and your way. As for the meeting next week, wouid Kent available at llrooam on Thursday the 19th? All the best, ~David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for intei?net, Innovation Privacy National Economic Council OSTP The \Vhite House From: Johanna Shelton [mallto Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 1:12 PM To: Nelson, Greg Cc: Walker, Burden; Edelman, R. David Subject: Google request Google's General Counsel Kent Walker will be in Washington DC Sept 18 -20th and would like to meet with Gene Sperling if he is available in that time?ame. Kent would like to commend the Administration's continuing efforts to improve patent quality and disc uss other Internet sector policy priorities. Is Mr. Sperling available to meet Sept 18th, 19th or 20th? Please let me know if you have any questions. many thanks - Johanna introduction Kent Walker Senior Vice President General Couns el, Google Kent is responsible for managing Google's global legal team and advising the company?s board and management on legal issues. Beforejoining Googie, Kent held senior legal positions at a number of leading technology companies. Most recently he was Deputy General Counsel of eBay Inc., where he managed corporate legal affairs, litigation, and legal operations. Previously, he was Executive Vice President of Liberate Technologies, a provider of interactive services software founded by Oracle and Netscape Communications. He also served as Associate General Counsel for Netscape and America Online and Senior Counsel for AirTouch Communlc ations, which was later acquired by Vodafone. 2 Earlier in his career, Kent was an Assistant US. Attorney with the United States Department of Justice, where he specialized in the prosecution of technology crimes and advised the Attorney Generat on manageme nt and technoiogy issues. Kent has served on the boards of several technology industry trade associations. He graduated from Harvard College and Stanford Law School- Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:31 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Google request me posted, i?m holding both times in my calendar. From: Johanna Shelton [mailt Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:26 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Google request actually hold on for a bit literally just heard that Kent may have to be on an international trip dealing with all our NSA fallOut i?ll be back in touch. and thanks for the current who's doing what 2) On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Ed elman, R. David (6) wrote: My pleasure. it?s a transition time around here. Elsewhere, Victoria?s gone; here, Jason?s new replacement hasn?t been named.- Byron is covering some issues in innovation, but patent is direct Gene and me. I?m afraid we?re supposed to be in with Denis 10 -11; is anytime in the 1:30 3:30pm window better? ?rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:02 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Google request gotcha - thanks for trying can we make it 10:45 011 the 19th? (he needs to be on the Hill at 11:45) and who will it be with - just you? you plus Jason or others? i've lost track of who else is doing patents these On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Johanna, Looking forward to seeing Kent next week. Unfortunately, with Cabinet meetings and some POTUS speeches on deck, Gene is not going to be able to join us which also kept us from puiling together a larger patent event here. The latter is still on the horizon though, and when it does, we?li definitely send an invite his and your way. As for the meeting next week, would Kent be available at 11:003m on Thursday the 19th? All the best, ?David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation Privacy National Economic Council OSTP The White House pin W. I (6) From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 1:12 PM To: Nelson, Greg Cc: Walker, Burden; Edelman, R. David Subject: Google request Goo gle's General Counsel Kent Walker will be in Washington DC Sept 18 ?20th and would like to meet with Gene Sperling if he is available in that timeframe. Kent would like to commend the Administration's continuing efforts to improve patent quality and disc uss other Internet sector policy priorities. Is Mr. Sperling available to meet Sept 18th, 19th or 20th? Please let me know if you have any questions. many thanks Johanna introduction Kent Walker Senior Vice President General Couns at, Google Kent is responsible for managing Google's global legal team and advising the company?s board and management on legal issues. Before joining Google, Kent held senior legai positions at a number of leading technoiogy companies. Most recentiy he was Deputy General Counsel of eBay inc., where he managed corporate legal affairs, litigation. and legal operations. Previously. he was Executive Vice President of Liberate Technologies, a provider of interactive services Software founded by Oracle and Netscape Communications. He aiso served as Associate General Counsel for Netscape and America Online and Senior Counsellor AirTouch Communications, which was later acquired by Vodafone. Earlier in his career, Kent was an Assistant US. Attorney with the United States Department of Justice, where he specialized in the prosecution of technology crimes and advised the Attorney General on management and technology issues. Kent has served on the boards of several technology industry trade associations. He graduated from Harvard College and Stanford Law School. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) _Google Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Goo gle Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 8:51 AM To: Mike Orgill Cc: Ross LaJeunesse; Ann Lavin; Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: Pakistan 81 YouTube Thanks, Mike. Appreciate the update. Do you have a sense of timeline under which the government might take either of those two steps, and who have your chief interiocutors been? From: Mike Orgill [mailt Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 8:49 AM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Ross LaJeunesse; Ann Lavin; Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: Pakistan YouTube Hi David, On YouTube numbers for Pakistan - we unfortunately aren't able to share them externally. Pakistan is approaching its one year "anniversary" for blocking YouTube and there have been a lot of people calling for the new Government to review its blocking policy. The Government is simultaneously working on two approaches to resolving the issue that will be polit ically palatable. 1. Developing a ?lter that is able to block individual videos on YouTube. They are testing this now but are struggling since YouTube traf?c is largely 2. The Ministry of IT is trying to convince the various military and intelligenc agencies that have a say in the decision that since YouTube has now placed a warning in front of all copies of the original 'Innocence of Muslims' video that we have provided suf?cient political cover for them to unblock YouTube. Apparently discussions are ongoing. This line of argument worked well in Bangladesh who recently decided to unblock YouTube and used the YouTube warnings as justification for their decision. Our obvious preference is for the latter, but we'll have to wait and see what happens. Hope this helps! Best, Mike Mike Orgili Country Lead, Public Policy and Government Affairs, Asia Pacific (6) +65 On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Edehnan, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Thanks, Ross. No worries, I hope you enioyed your time away. Mike, Ann, thanks in advance for your help. Best, -David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for internet, Innovation, and Privacy The \Vhite House direct:(202 topnneiseoa (we Imo? From: Ross LaJeunesse [mailto Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 8:24 AM To: Edelman, R. David; Ann Lavin; Mike Orgiil Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Re: Pakistan &YouTube david great to hear from you and apologies for the delay; just returning from time away from the of?ce i?m looping in my colleagues ann lavin and mike orgill -- ann is our policy director for most of asia and mike is the country lead for pakistan arm and mike, daVid is one of our very good friends at the white house ross On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Hey Ross, Hope you?ve been well. A quick question for you: before the shutdown, how many users per day in Pakistan accessed YouTube? And how does that compare to other countries in the region VS. the world (in terms of raw traf?c numbers)? Thanks, -David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation Privacy Natioual Economic Council OSTP The V?v?hite House ph= I mo? Ross LaJeunesse Global Head of Free Expression and International Relations Goo gle Inc. This email may be confidential andlor privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please: do not forward the emait to others. delete all copieslattachments, and inform the sender of the error. Thank you. Subject: Berman/Cerf/Stebbins Location: (6) Cod (6) Start: Tue 9/3/2013 3:00 PM End: Tue 9/3/2013 3:30 PM Show Time As: Recurrence: Meeting Status: Organizer: Required Attendees: Tentative (none) Not yet responded Stebbins, Michael J. Vint Cerf; Berman, Fran (6) To discuss data access (Vint, I?m ccing you as I thought you might be interested in this as well. Michael and i had a chance to talk at the NIH Data Catalog workshop last week.) Michael, I?ve been thinking about your question about what pilots we might create to move towards a framework for public access and responsible data stewardship. Below are some thoughts on a pilots that may provide useful experience as we seek to develop more broadly accessible enabling data infrastructure. Note that the quality and stability of the underlying infrastructure and a sound economic model are pre -conditions for real success in all of these. DATA STEWARDSHIP Michael, this was your idea and you?ll be happy to know that it gained "legs" on Day 2 at the workshop. Nature Genetics (Myles Axton), and Nuclear Receptor Signaling at Biomedcentral would be willing to ensure that there is a link behind every "graph" reference to data) that provides the raw data, and participants suggested that PLOS be included as well. Note that the graph links mean that the data will need to be hosted some where (by the publication or elsewhere) and that readers should reasonably expect that the data will be live as long as they can access the article. Interesting problems to be solved with this: i) What ifthe graph is a movie simulation backed up by 10 ?s or 100?s of terabytes of raw data? (This is the case for some earthquake and astrophysics simulation results). Who takes responsibility for such a ?big? dataset?, ii) What if the data set can be updated /freshened over time? What should the graph link point to?, How should the dataset be "versioned" and what metadata should be available, etc. DATA SECTOR: The library and repository communities are each beginning to come together with an interest in ?catching?, hosting and providing appropriate adjuvant services for research data. Two groups I?m watching closely are the Digital Preservation Network (DPN, a group of roughly 50+ libraries who have formed a networ to host and preserve research data. This might be an interesting group to approach about a "jumpstar?t? stewardship pilot. The key folks there are James Hilton and Steve Morales. Similarly, George Alter (who heads up ICPSR in Michigan, told me that roughly 2 dozen repositories are starting to come together to create appropriate social and technical infrastructure for broader data stewardship. This group includes repositories .for social science data, life science data, astronomy data, etc. These folks would also be good to approach about a ?jumpstart? stewardship pilot. (By "jumpstart? I mean that they probably need support up front to create a broader public access community resource but should be expected to create a viable sustainable business model with low barrier to access for users down the line). 1 0 DATA STEWARDSHEP PRIVATE SECTOR: Guha Ramanathan?s serious offer to explore th possibility of Google hosting research data and some relevant services was tremendously appealing. Many of the problems we have in the academic world vis a vis data and compute infrastructure not meeting needs for capacity, stability or robustness would be addressed by this kind of public ?private partnership. Moreover, scientists should be able to Operate in their professional lives at at least the level of sophistication tools and services that they enjoy in their ?real life". Private stewardship of research data would help with this. That being said, clear rules of engagement about what can be done with public access research data, what services would be provided and under what circumstances, what happens if the private company steward changes it mind, etc. need to be ironed out in order for this to really work. Your talk at the workshop was great and It?s wonderful to see this level of engagement by the administration. l?d love to help move things forward in any way that?s useful. Let me know what you think and I look forward to talking when we can. Fran Dr. Francine Berman Chair, Research Data Alliance U.S. Edward G. Hamilton Distinguished Professor in Computer Science Director, Center for a Digital Society Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 3:03 PM To: 'Johanna Shelton' Subject: RE: Google request Just following up on this: is Kent coming to town this week? Thanks, -rD From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:25 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelrnan, R. David Subject: Re: Google request actually - hold on for a bit - literally just heard that Kent may have to be on an international trip dealing with all our NSA fallout i'll be back in touch. and thanks for the current who's doing what On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: My pleasure. it?s a transition time around here. Elsewhere, Victoria?s gone; here, Jason?s new replacement hasn?t been named. Byron is covering some issues in innovation, but patent is direct Gene and me. I?m afraid we?re sapposed to be in with Denis 10 ~11; is any time in the 1:30 3:30pm window better? ~rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailto 6 Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:02 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Google request gotcha thanks for trying can we make it 10:45 on the 19th? (he needs to be on the Hill at 11:45) and who will it be with - just you? you plus Jason or others? i?ve lost track of who else is doing patents these On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: iohanna, Looking forward to seeing Kent next week. Unfortunately, with Cabinet meetings and some POTUS speeches on deck, Gene is not going to be able to join us ?which also kept us from pulling together a larger patent event here. The latter is on the horizon though, and when it does, we?ll definitely send an invite his and your way. As for the meeting next week, would Kent be available at 11:003m on Thursday the 19th? All the best, ?David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation 8: Privacy National Economic Council OSTP The White House pr? maxe? From: Johanna Shelton [maith Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 1: 12 PM To: Nelson, Greg Cc: Walker, Burden; Edelman, R. David Subject: Google request Google's General Counsel Kent Walker will be in Washington DC Sept 18 ?20th and would like to meet with Gene Sperling if he is available in that timeframe. Kent would like to commend the Administration?s continuing efforts to improve patent quality and discuss other Internet sector policy priorities. Is Mr. Sperling available to meet Sept 18th, 19th or 20th? 2 Please let me know if you have any questions. many thanks - Johanna introduction Kent Walker Senior Vice President Generai Counsel, Gadgie Kent is responsibie for managing Googie?s global legai team and advising the company?s board and management on legal issues. Before joining Google, Kent held senior legat positions at a number of ieading technology companies. Most recently he was Deputy General Counsel of eBay inc, where he managed corporate iegat affairs, litigation, and iegal operations. Previously. he'was Executive Vice President of Liberate Technologies, a provider of interactive services software founded by Oracie and Netscape Communications. He atso served as Associate General Counset for Netscape and America Online and Senior Counsel for AirTouch omnwnications, which was later acquired by Vodafone. Earlier in his career, Kent was an Assistant US. Attorney with the United States Department of Justice, where he speciaiized in the prosecution of technoiogy crimes and advised the Attorney General on anagement and technology issues. Kent has served on the boards of severat technoiogy industry trade associations. He graduated from Harvard College and Stanford Law School. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice - Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. ll0l New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice . From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 3:08 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: Automatic reply: Google request AUTOREPLY: I will be away from my email for much of the day Monday, September 15. If you need to contact me urgently, please contact Danna O'Rourke [jam- with whom I will be checking in throughout the day. Digitally yours, -Automated R. David Edelman From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 3:20 PM To: 'Johanna Shelton' Subject: RE: Google request Let's do Thursday 2?3? Message From: Johanna Shelton (6) I Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 03:08 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Google request yes! (or at least so ithink). i am holding Thurs at 11 for you but he'll need to leave by 11:30. other available times are Wed 10:45 or 1:15; Thurs 1-3; Fri 12-1:45. what works best for you? and congrats on Colleen! On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Edelman, R. David (13) (6) wrote: Just following up on this: is Kent coming to town this week? Thanks, ?rD -??--Original Message--??- From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:25 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Google request actually hold on for a bit literally just heard that Kent may have to be on an international trip dealing with all our NSA fallout i'll be back in touch. and thanks for the current who's doing what On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: My pleasure. It?s a transition time around here. Elsewhere, Victoria?s gone; here, Jason?s new replacement hasn?t been named. Byron is covering some issues in inno vation, but patent is direct Gene and me. I?m afraid we?re supposed to be in with Denis 10 is any time in the 1:30 3:30pm window better? er From: Johanna Sheiton [mailto Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:02 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Google request gotcha thanks for trying can we make it 10:45 on the 19th? (he needs to be on the Hill at 11:45) and who will it be with just you? you plus Jason or others? i?ve lost track of who else is doing patents these On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 1 1:56 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Johanna, Looking forward to seeing Kent next week, Unfortunately, with Cabinet meetings and some Speeches on deck, . Gene is not going to be able to join us which also kept us from putting together a larger patent event here. The iatter is stiil on the horizon though, and when it does, we?ii definitely send an invite his and your way. As for the meeting next week, wouid Kent be availahie at 11:00am on Thursday the 19 th? All the best, ~David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation 8: Privacy National Economic Council OSTP The \thite House pt: 1 (6) From: Johanna Shelton [maiito 6 Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 1: 12 PM To: Nelson, Greg Cc: Walker, Burden; Edelman, R. David Subject: Google request Google?s General Counsel Kent Walker will be in Washington DC Sept 18 ?20th and would like to meet with Gene Sperling if he is available in that time?ame. Kent would like to commend the Administration?s continuing efforts to improve patent quality and discuss other Internet sector policy priorities. Is Mr. Sperling available to meet Sept 18th, 19th or 20th? Please let me know if you have any questions. many thanks Johanna introduction Kent Walker Senior Vice President Generai Counsel, Googie Kent is responsibie for managing Google's global legal team and advising the company's board and management on iegai issues. Before joining Google. Kent held senior legal positions at a number of leading tech nology companies. Most recently he was Deputy Generai Counsei of eBay inc, where he managed corporate legal affairs, litigation, and iegai Operations. Previously, he was Executive Vice President of Liberate Technologies, a provider of interactive services software founded by Oracie and Netscape Communications. He aiso served as Associate Generai Counsel for Netscape and America Online and Senior Counsel for AirTouch Communications. which was-tater acquired by Vodatone. Earlier in his career, Kent Was an As slstant US. Attorney with the United States Department of Justice, where he speciatized in the prosecution of technology crimes and advised the Attorney Generat on management and technology issues. Kent has served on the boards of several technotogy industry trade associations. He graduated from Harvard Cottege and Stanford Law School. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 110] New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Edelman, R. David - Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 3:34 PM To: 'Johanna Shelton? Subject: RE: Google request My of?ce is good. Do you have the waves form to send my way, or do you need a new copy? From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 03:24 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Google request done - Thurs 2pm it is. where? On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Edelman, R. David (13) (6) wrote: Let's do Thursday 2-3? From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 03:08 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Google request yes! (or at least so ithink). iam holding Thurs at 11 for you - but he'll need to leave by 11:30. other available times are Wed 10:45 or 1:15; Thurs 1?3; Fri 12-1:45. what works best for you? and congrats on Colleen! On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Edelman, R. David (13) (6) wrote: Just following up on this: is Kent coming to town this week? Thanks, ?rD From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:25 PM Eastern Standar Time 1 To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Google request actually - hold On for a bit - literally just heard that Kent may have to be on an international trip dealing with all our NSA fallOut i?ll be back in touch. and thanks for the current who's doing what On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: My pleasure. it?s a transition time around here. Elsewhere, Victoria's gone; here, iason?s new repiacement hasn't been named. Byron is covering some issues in innovation, but patent is direct Gene and me. I?m afraid we?re supposed to be in with Denis 10 ?11; is anytime in the 1:30 3:30pm window better? ~rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 12:02 PM To: Edelnnan, R. David Subject: Re: Google request gotcha thanks for trying can we make it 10:45 on the 19th? (he needs to be on the Hill at 11:45) and who will it be with - just you? you plus Jason or others? We lost track of who else is doing patents these On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Johanna, Looking forward to seeing Kent next week. Unfortunateiy, with Cabinet meetings and some POTUS speeches on deck, Gene is not going to be able to join us which also kept us from pulling together a iarger patent event here. The iatter is stiil on the horizon though, and when it does, we?ll definitely send an invite his and your way. As for the meeting next week, wouid Kent be available at 11:003m on Thursday the 19th? All the best, ?David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet, Innovation 8: Privacy National Economic Council OSTP The \Nhite House ph: (6) From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 1:12 PM To: Nelson, Greg Cc: Walker, Burden; Edelman, R. David Subject: Google request Google's General Counsel Kent Walker will be in Washington DC Sept 18 -20th and would like to meet with Gene Sperling if he is available in that time?ame. Kent would like to commend the Administration's continuing efforts to improve patent quality and discuss other Internet sector policy priorities. Is Mr. Sperling available to meet Sept 18th, 19th or 20th? Please let me know if you have any questions. many thanks - Johanna introduction Kent Walker Senior Vice President Generai Counsel, Google Kent is responsibte for managing Googte's giobat legal team and advising the company?s board and management on legal issues. Beforejoining Googie, Kent held senior legal positions at a number of teading technology companies. Most recently he was Deputy General Counsel of eBay Inc, where he managed corporate legai affairs, litigation, and legal operations. Previously. he was Executive Vice President of Liberate Technologies, a provider of interactive services software founded by Oracle and Netscape Communications. He also served as Associate General Counsel for Netscape and America Oniine and Senior Counsel for AirTouch Communic ations, which was tater acquired by Vodafone. Eariier in his career, Kent was an Assistant US. Attorney with the United States Department of Justice, where he speciatized in the prosecution of technology crimes and advised the Attorney General on manage-me nt and technology issues. Kent has served on the boards of severe! technology industry trade associations. He graduated from Harvard Coilege and Stanford Law School. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) _Google Voice (5) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google 1nc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo g1e Voice 013) (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo g1e Voice (6) . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (121} (6) From: Edelman, R. David Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:55 AM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: AutOmatic reply: Security info Google AUTOREPLY: I will be largely away from my email on Tuesday, September If you need to contact me urgently, please contact Danna O'Rourke mm with whom I will be checking in throughout the day. You may also wish to contact Tom Power a m_ [ima? DigitaIIy yours, -Automated R. David Edelman From: Edelma n, R. David Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:57 AM To: 'Johanna Shelton' Subject: RE: Security info - Google Received, thank you. Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday. From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:55 AM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Security info - Google here is the security info for the Thurs 2pm mtg. thanks! Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Ed elma n, R. David Sent:- Thursday, September 19, 2013 2:01 PM To: Johanna Shelton Subject: RE: What room? 596 From: Johanna Shelton [maiit Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 1:53 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: What room? From: Kalil, Thomas A. Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2013 2:21 PM To: Arthur Bienenstock Cc: Sally Rockey; Clifford Gabrie Kelvin Droegemeier; Ed Lazowska Subject: RE: and Cloud usage Dear Artie: Thanks - let me look into this and get back to you. All the best, Tom Message From: Arthur Bienenstock [Engiij? Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2013 2:19 PM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Cc: Sally Rockey; Clifford Gabriel [(316? Kelvin Droegemeier; Ed Lazowska Subject: A-21 and Cloud usage Tom, This is written to second Vint?s message about A -21 and cloud usage. The point was raised by Ed is his presentation to the National Science Board on Thursday. In the present A -21, indirect cost charges are placed on subscriptions to cloud services, whereas they are not placed on capital expenditures on computing equipment. This yields a disincentive to use cloud services compared to uying computer equipment. Given that A -21 is presently being revised and combined into the Omnibus, this might be changed. That is, cloud usage could be included in the items excluded from modified total direct costs. Artie Sent from my iPad Arthur Bienenstock Director, Wallenberg Research Link Special Assistant to the President for Federal Research Policy Stanford University Bldg. 160, Room 224 Stanford, CA 94305-2205 Phone: mo? From: Vint Cerf Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 3:35 PM To: Frye, Joan Cc: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Citizen Science Will do, Joan? thanks for seeing me on no notice! On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Frye, Joan (6) wrote: Vinton, It was a pleasure meeting you this afternoon. As we discussed in my of?ce, I am trying to put together a Champions of Change event this spring that will feature citizen science. Therefore, I?m inviting you to share your thoughts on any truly exemplary citizen science projects that you have come across. Please feel free to call or send email if you have any questions. Many thanks, Joan Joan M. Frye, Senior Policy Analyst Executive Of?ce of the President Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Eisenhower Executive Office Building Washington, DC 20504 (6) From: Eric Schmidt (6) Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:40 PM To: Holdren, John Eric Lander Subject: scientificjournals John and Eric, the attached is a memo from the leader of Google Scholar. Can you point me to the right person in OSTP to continue the conversations Thanks Eric The OSTP has recently directed federal agencies with over $100 million in annual funding to develop plans to increase public access to the results of the funded research. This is a welcome devel0pment. As the memorandum for this directive notes, scientific research supported by the federal government catalyzes innovative breakthroughs that drive much of our economy. The directive asks agencies to include several key components in their plans for scholarly articles resulting from federally funded research: 1. Facilitate easy public search, analysis of, and access to peer -reviewed scholarly publications; 2. Ensure full public access to publications? metadata without charge upon first publication; 3. Ensure that publications and metadata are stored i an archival solution that provides for long -term preservation and access to the content without charge; 4. Identify resources within the existing agency budget to implement the plan. The directive wisely encourages public-private collaboration to maximize the impact of the federal research investment. At Google, we share the belief that it is crucial that all researchers are able to discover, read and build upon what their colleagues have learnt. For this, we have devel0ped Google Scholar which works with publishers, scholarly societies, libraries, government agencies and inter -governmental agencies worldwide to provide a free search interface to all research articles available online. It is currently the most widely used search service for scholarly articles. To help facilitate the implementation of this directive, Google would be willing to implement and operate a repository for scholarly articles that federal agencies that don't already have such a repository would be able to use to implement their public access plan. The proposed repository would support the features mentioned in the directive and would be available to all participating federal agencies at no charge. Given the current tight budgetary environment, we believe that such a collaboration would facilitate a timely implementation of the public access plans. The repository would be implemented and operated on behalf of the agencies. if at a later point, one or more agencies would like to use a different repository, they would be able to mo ve their articles to the new repository. We would be happy to discuss this proposal in detail with designated officials at the OSTP as well as at individual federal agencies. From: Eric Schmidt (6) Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:54 PM To: Holdren, John P. Cc: Eric Lander; Kalil, Thomas Stebbins, Michael Siger, Rick; Wackler, Ted M. Subject: Re: scientific journals Thank you Will follow up asap On Mar 12, 2013, at 4:52 PM, "Holdren, John (6) wrote: Eric -- Thanks for this note. The OSTP leads for the public -a ccess initiative have been Tom Kalil, OSTP Deputy Director for Technology and innovation, and Mike Stebbins, Assistant Director for Biotechnology in OSTP's Science Division. I?d suggest your folks connect with both of them. (6) (6) (6) (6) Cheers, >John P. HOLDREN, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director, Office of Science and Technolog Policy Executive Office of the President of the United States emaii direct phon assistant Karrie Pitze Message From: Eric Schmidt Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:40 PM To: Holdren, John Eric Lander Subject: scientific journals John and Eric, the attached is a memo from the leader of Google Scholar. Can you point me to the right person in OSTP to continue the conversations [Thanks Eric The OSTP has recently directed federal agencies with over $100 million in annual funding to develop plans to increase public access to the results of the funded research. This is a welcome development. As the memorandum for this directive notes, scientific research supported by the federal government catalyzes innovative breakthroughs that drive much of our economy. The directive asks agencies to include several key components in their plans for scholarly articles resulting from federally funded research: 1. Facilitate easy public search, analysis of, and access to peer-reviewed scholarly publications; 2. Ensure full public access to pu blications' metadata without charge upon first publication; 3. Ensure that publications and metadata are stored in an archival solution that provides for long-term preservation and access to the content without charge; 4. ldentify resources within the existing agency budget to implement the plan. The directive wisely encourages public-private collaboration to maximize the impact of the federal research investment. At Google, we share the belief that it is crucial that all researchers are able to discover, read and build upon what their colleagues have learnt. For this, we have developed Google Scholar which works with publishers, scholarly societies, libraries, government agencies and inter ?governmental agencies worldwide to provide a free search interface to all research articles available online. It is currently the most widely used search service for scholarly articles. To help facilitate the implementation of this directive, Google would be willin to implement and operate a repository for scholarly articles that federal agencies that don't already have such a repository would be able to use to implement their public access plan. The proposed repository would support the features mentioned in the irective and would be available to all participating federal agencies at no charge. Given the current tight budgetary environment, we believe that such a collaboration would facilitate a timely implementation of the public access plans. The repository woul be implemented and operated on behalf of the agencies. If at a later point, one or more agencies would like to use a different repository, they would be able to move their articles to the new repository. We would be happy to discuss this proposal in detail with designated officials at the OSTP as well as at individual federal agencies. From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick (13) (5) Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, Would you be available for a quick call tomorrow at 5 pm? . Sincerely, George On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear George, We just heard from Eric Schmidt about the interest in having Googie Scholar play a role in the archiving. Do you have time to talk this week? Regards, Mike From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 6:03 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick (6) Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Thursday after 3pm would work well. On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanks! Absolutely. How are your Thursday and Friday afternoons looking? From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 5:43 PM To: Sinai, Nick Cc ?am? Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hello Nick and Mike, We just issued a blog post regarding Friday?s memorandum. This is a great step forward and we would be interested in learning about any related federal initiatives that might be in the works. Mike, would you have time for a quick call later this week? Sincerely, George On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Sinai, Nick (6) wrote: Mike Stebbins is point at OSTP for open access to research publications George Ivanov and Johanna Shelton are at Google, in the DC of?ce George ivanov Policy A'i'iaiyst i Google inc. '1 10.1 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 . George Ivanov Policy AllalYSl I Googie Inc. I 101 New York. Ave NW Washi?gmm DC. 20005 (6) A (5) Gecrge ivanov Policy Alzaiysz GoogIe inc. '1 1021 cw Yerki Ave Washi?gtm}, DC 20005 . From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 11:30 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick (6) Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, We can use this bridge for tomorrow's call: Toll-free dial?in number (US. and Canada): Conference code: Sincerely, George On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 10:13 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Sure. What number shal1 1 02111 you at? Sent with Good From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 08:46 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick (6) Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, Would you be available for a quick call tomorrow at 5 pm? Sincerely, George On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:1 6 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear George, Wejust heard from Eric Schmidt about the interest in having Google Schoiar play a roie in the archiving. Do you have time to taik this week? Regards, Mike From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 6:03 PM To: Stebbins, Michael I. Cc: Sinai, Nick (6) Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Thursday after 3pm would work well. On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Stebbins, Michael]. (6) wrote: Thanks! Absoiuteiy. How are your Thursday and Friday afternoons iooking? From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 5:43 PM To: Sinai, Nick Cc m? Stebbins, Michael 3. Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hello Nick and Mike, We just issued a blog post regarding Friday?s memorandum. This is a great step forward and we would be interested in learning about any related federa initiatives that might be in the works. Mike, would you have time for a quick call later this week? inc ere 1y, George On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Sinai, Nick (6) wrote: Mike Stebbins is point at OSTP for open access to research publications George Ivanov and Johanna Shelton are at G00glc, in the DC of?ce George Ivanov Poticy Analyst. 1 (jungle Inc. 1 10.1 cw York Ave NW Wz-xshington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) George Ivanov Policy Analyst I (Boogie Inc. '1 2101 New ?York Ave NW Washington DC 20005 (5) . (6) George lvanov Policy Ana1y3t 1 Googie inc. 1101 cw York Ave NW DC 20005 . George tvanov Policy Anaiyst Google Inc. 1. 10} New York Ave- NW DC 30005 (6) - (6) From: Anurag Achalya (6) Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:47 AM To: Kalil, Thomas Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Fwd: scientific journals Dear Tom Mike: I am the creator of Google Scholar. I am following up on Eric's message to John Holdren. The OSTP public access initiative is a fantastic effort that will help researchers learn ?'om and build upon their colleagues? discoveries. I applaud your vision and initiative! Given the number of agencies involved, it will likely be a large and divers effort. The current budget environment will likely add to the implementation challenges. I would like to do whatever I and Google Scholar can do to help. As you might know, our goal for Google Scholar is to help researchers everywhere find learn wha their colleagues worldwide have discovered. It covers all research areas and is free to all users. For this, we have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. We have also worked with many federal agencies departments (NIH, Dept of Defense, Dept of Energy, Dept of Education, NASA, Smithsonian) to help make their collections of articles technical reports discoverable by all researchers. Goo gle Scholar is, today, the most widely used search service for scholarly articles. As I mentioned in the note that Eric forwarded, we would be willing to implement and operate a repository for scholarly articles to help federal agencies who don't already have such a repository implement their public access plans. The repository would support the features men tioned in the directive and would be available to all participating federal agencies at no charge. I am hoping this would remove one of the possible obstacles for implementing public access for some ofthe agencies. I am hoping this would be of interest. I would like to discuss this possibility with you - over phone/email or in person, whichever is convenient. I would, of course, also be happy to discuss any other way in which I or Google Scholar could help. cheers, anurag Begin forwarded message: From: "Holdren, John (6) Subject: RE: scientific journals Date: March 12, 2013 4:52:13 PM EDT To: Eric Schmidt (6) Eric Lander (6) Cc: "Kalil, Thomas (6) "Stebbins, Michael (6) "Siger, Rick" (6) "Wackler, Ted Eri Thanks for this note. The OSTP leads for the public ?access initiative have been Tom Kalil, OSTP Deputy Director for Technology and Innovation, and Mike Stebbins, Assistant Director fo Biotechnology in OSTP's Science Division. I'd suggest your folks connect with both of them. (6) (6) (6) (6) Cheers, John JOHN P. HOLDREN, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director, Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President of the United States emai direct phon assistant Karrie Pitze From: Eric Schmidt [mailto (6) Sent: Tuesday, March l2, 2013 4:40 PM To: Holdren, John Eric Lander Subject: scienti?c journals John and Eric, the attached is a memo from the leader of Google Scholar. Can you point me to the right person in OSTP to continue the conversations Thanks Eric The OSTP has recently directed federal agencies with over $100 million in annual funding to develop plans to increase public access to the results of th funded research. This is a welcome development. As the memorandum for this directive notes, scientific research supported by the federal government catalyzes innovative breakthroughs that drive much of our economy. The directive asks agencies to include several key components in their plans for scholarly articles resulting from federally funded research: 1. Facilitate easy public search, analysis of, and access to peer ?reviewed scholarly publications; 2. Ensure full public access to publications? me tadata without charge upon ?rst publication; 3. Ensure that publications and metadata are stored in an archival solution that provides for long ?term preservation and access to the content without charge; 4. Identify resources within the existing agency budget to implement the plan. The directive wisely encourages public ?private collaboration to maximize the impact of the federal research investment. At Google, we share the belief that it is crucial that all researchers are able to discover, read and build upon what their colleagues have learnt. For this, we have deve10ped Google Scholar which works with publishers, scholarly societies, libraries, government agencies and inter -governmental agencies worldwide to provide a free search interface to all re search articles available online. It is currently the most widely used search service for scholarly articles. To'help facilitate the implementation of this directive, Google would be willing to implement and Operate a repository for scholarly articles that federal agencies that don't already have such a repository would be able to use to implement their public access plan. The pr0posed repository would support the features mentioned in the directive and would be available to all participating federal agen cies at no charge. Given the current tight budgetary environment, we believe that such a collaboration would facilitate a timely implementation of the public access plans. The repository would be implemented and Operated on behalf of the agencies. If at a later point, one or more agencies would like to use a different repository, they would be able to move their articles to the new repository. We would be happy to discuss this preposal in detail with designated officials at the OSTP as well as at individual federal agencies. From: Anurag Acharya (6) Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 3:29 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: scientificjournais Dear Mike: thanks for the quick response! Tomorrow and Friday, any time between 9am and 3pm Pacific would work for me. Times next week (all times Paci?c): Mon - any time between 10am and 4pm Tues 11:30-4pm Wed 9am?4pm Thurs noon-3pm Fri - I am not sure about my schedule for next Friday. Do let me know if friday would be work best at your end and I will try to rearrange things. cheers, anurag On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 5:53 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear Anurag, Thank you for reaching out. it sounds iike there might be some exceitent opportunities to work together. What is your this week and next? Kind Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:47 AM To: Thomas Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Fwd: scienti?c journals Dear Tom Mike: I am the creator of Google Scholar. I am following up on Eric's message to John Holdren. The OSTP public access initiative is a fantastic effort that will help researchers learn from and build upon their colleagues' discoveries. I applaud your vision and initiativ e! Given the number of agencies involved, it will likely be a large and diverse effort. The current budget environment will likely add to the implementation challenges. I would like to do whatever I and Google Scholar can do to help. As you might know, our goal for Googlc Scholar is to help researchers everywhere ?nd learn what their colleagues worldwide have discovered. It covers all research areas and is free to all users. For this, we have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. We have also worked with many federal agencies departments (NIH, Dept of Defense, Dept of Energy, Dept of Education, NASA, Smithsonian) to help make their collections of articles technical reports discoverable by all researchers. Goo gle Scholar is, today, the most widely used search service for scholarly articles. As I mentioned in the note that Eric forwarded, we would be willing to implement and operate a repository for scholarly articles to help federal agencies who don't already have such a repository implement their public access plans. The repository would support the features mentioned in the directive and would be available to all participating federal agencies at no charge. I am hoping this would remove one of the possible obstacles for implementing public access for some of the agencies. I am hoping this would be of interest. I would like to discuss this possibility with you - over phone/email or in person, whichever is convenient. I would, of course, also be happy to discuss any other way in which I or Google Scholar could help. cheers, anurag Begin forwarded message: From: "Holdren, John (6) Subject: RE: scientific journals Date: March 12, 2013 4:52:13 PM EDT To: Eric Schmidt (6) Eric Lander (6) Cc: "Kalil, Thomas ?Stebbins, Michael "Siger. Rick" "Wackler, Ted Eric Thanks for this note. The OSTP leads for the public -access initiative have been Tom Kalil, OSTP Deputy Director for Technology and Innovation, and Mike Stebbins, Assistant Director for Biotechnology in OSTP's Science Division. I?d suggest your folks connect with both of them. (13) (6) (i3) (5) (6) (6) Cheers, John JOHN P. HOLDREN, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director, Of?ce of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President of th United States emai direct phon assistant Karrie Pitze From: Eric Schmidt [mailto Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:40 PM To: Holdren, John Eric Lander Subject: scienti?c journals John and Eric, the attached is a memo from the leader of Google Scholar. Can you point me to the right person I in OSTP to continue the conversations Th anks Eric The OSTP has recently directed federal agencies with over $100 million in annual funding to develop plans to increase public access to the results of the funded research. This is a welcome development. As the memorandum for this directive notes, scientific research supported by the federal government catalyzes innovative breakthroughs that drive much of our economy. 3 The directive asks agencies to include several key components in their plans for scholarly articles resulting from federally funded research: l. Facilitate easy public search, analysis of, and access to peer -reviewed scholarly publications; 2. Ensure full public access to publications? metadata without charge upon ?rst publication; 3. Ensure that publications and me tadata are stored in an archival solution that provides for long ?term preservation and access to the content without charge; 4. Identify resources within the existing agency budget to implement the plan. The directive wisely encourages public -private collaboration to maximize the impact of the federal research - investment. At Google, we share the belief that it is crucial that all researchers are able to discover, read and build upon what their colleagues have learnt. For this, we have developed Google Scholar which works with publishers, scholarly societies, libraries, government agencies and inter ?governmental agencies worldwide to provide a free search interface to all research articles available online. It is currently the most widely used search ser vice for scholarly articles. To help facilitate the implementation of this directive, Google would be willing to implement and operate a repository for scholarly articles that federal agencies that don't already have such a repository would be able to use to implement their public access plan. The pr0p0sed repository would support the features mentioned in the directive and would be available to all participating federal agencies at no charge. Given the current tight budgetary environment, we believe that such a collaboration would facilitate a timely implementation of the public access plans. The repository would be implemented and Operated on behalf of the agencies. If at a later point, one or more agencies would like to use a different repository, they would be able to move their articles to the new repository. We would be happy to discuss this proposal in detail with designated of?cials at the OSTP as well as at individual federal agencies. From: Anurag Acharya (6) Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 5:44 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: scientificjournals Dear Mike: Friday 1 lam Paci?c/2pm Eastern sounds good. I will be a (6) cheers, anurag On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Great. How about item pacific, 2pm Eastern this Friday? What is the best number to reach you at? Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 3:29 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Re: scienti?c journals Dear Mike: thanks for the quick response! Tomorrow and Friday, any time between 9am and 3pm Pacific would work for me. Times next week all times Paci?c): Mon any time between 10am and 4pm Tues - 11:30-4pm Wed - 9am?4pm Thurs - noon-3pm Fri - I am not sure about my schedule for next Friday. Do let me know if friday would be work best at your end and I will try to rearrange things. cheers, anura On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 5:53 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear Anurag, Thank you for reaching out. lt sounds like there might be some excellent Opportunities to work together. What is your aVailability this week and next? Kind Regards, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:47 AM To: Kalil, Thomas Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Fwd: scienti?c journals Dear Tom Mike: I am the creator of Google Scholar. I am following up on Eric's message to John Holdren. The OSTP public access initiative is a-fantastic effort that will help researchers learn from and build upon their colleagues' discoveries. I applaud your vision and initiative! Given the number of agencies involved, it will likely be a large and diverse effort. The current budget environment will likely add to the implementation challenges. 1 would like to do whatever I and Google Scholar can do to help. As you might know, our goal for Google Scholar is to help researchers everywhere ?nd learn what their colleagues worldwide have discovered. It covers all research ar eas and is ?ee to all users. For this, we have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. We have also worked with many federal agencies departments (NIH, Dept of Defense, Dept of Energy, Dept of Education, NASA, Smithsonian) to help make 2 their collections of articles technical reports discoverable by all researchers. Google Scholar is, today. the most widely used search service for scholarly articles. As I mentioned in the note that Eric forwarded, we would be willing to implement and Operate a repository for scholarly articles to help federal agencies who don't already have Such a repository implement their public access plans. The repository would support the features mentioned in the directive and would be available to all participating federal agencies at no charge. I am hoping this would remove one of the possible obstacles for implementing public access for some of the agencies. I am hoping this would be of interest. I would like to discuss this possibility with you - over phone/email or in person, whichever is convenient. I would, of course, also be happy to discuss any other way in which I or Google Scholar could help. cheers, anurag Begin forwarded message: From: "Holdrena John Subject: RE: scientific journals Date: March 12, 2013 4:52:13 PM EDT To: Eric Schmidt @19? Eric Lander (6) Cc: ?Kalil, Thomas "Stebbins, Michael "Siger. Rick" "Wackier. Ted Eric -- Thanks for this note. The OSTP leads for the public access initiative have been Tom Kalil, OSTP Deputy Director for Technology and Innovation, and Mike Stebbins, Assistant Director for Biotechnology in OSTP's Science Division. I'd suggest your folks connect with both of them. (6) (6) (6) (6) Cheers, John JOHN P. HOLDREN, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President of th United States emai direct phon assistant Karrie Pitze Message--~-- From: Eric Schmidt [mailto (6) Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:40 PM To: Holdren, John Eric Lander Subject: scienti?c journals John and Eric, the attached is a memo from the leader of Google Scholar. Can you point me to the right person in OSTP to continue the conversations Thanks Eric The OSTP has recently directed federal agencies with over $100 million in annual ?nding to develop plans to increase public access to the results of the funded research. This is a welcome development. As the memorandum for this directive notes, scienti?c research supported by the federal government catalyzes innovative breakthroughs that drive much of our economy. The directive asks agencies to include several key components in their plans for scholarly articles resulting from federally funded research: 1. Facilitate easy public search, analysis of, and access to peer ?reviewed scholarly publications; 2. Ensure public access to publications? metadata without charge upon first publication; 3. Ensure that publications and metadata are stored in an archival solution that provides for long ?term preservation and access to the content without charge; 4. Identify resources within the existing agency budget to implement the plan. The directive wisely encourages public ?private collaboration to maximize the impact of the federal research investment. At Google, we share the belief that it is crucial that all researchers are able to discover, read and build upon what their colleagues have learnt. For this, we have developed Google Scholar" whi ch works with publishers, scholarly societies, libraries, government agencies and inter ?governmental agencies worldwide to provide a free search interface to all research articles available online. It is currently the most widely used search service for scholarly articles. To help facilitate the implementation of this directive, Google would be willing to implement and operate a repository for scholarly articles that federal agencies that don't already have such a repository would be able to use to implement their public access plan. The proposed repository would support the features mentioned in the directive and would be available to all participating federal agencies at no charge. Given the current tight budgetary environment, we believe that such a collaboration would facilitate a timely implementation of the public access plans. The repository would be implemented and operated on behalf of the agencies. If at a later point, one or more agencies would like to use a different repository, they would be ab le to move their articles to the new repository. We would be happy to discuss this proposal in detail with designated of?cials at the OSTP as well as at individual federal agencies. From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 5:23 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: RE: Mutual Intro Mike, can we reschedule for tomorrow? On Mar 13, 2013 5:13 PM, "Stebbins, Michael wrote: Sorry i was late. Just diaied in. is there a direct line i can reach you at? From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 11:30 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, We can use this bridge for tomorrow's call: Toll~free diai?ii?i number (US. and Canada): 866 I Conference cede: 7327891852 Sincerely, George On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 10:13 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Sure. What number Shall I call you at? Sent with Good From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 08:46 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick (6) Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, Would you be available for a quick call tomorrow at 5 pm? Sincerely, George 011 Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear George, Wejust heard from Eric Schmidt about the interest in having Google Scholar play a roie in the archiving. Do you have time to talk this week? Regards, Mike From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 6:03 PM To: Stebbins,??Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick (6) Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Thursday after 3pm would work well. On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanks! Absolutely. How are your Thursday and Friday afternoons looking? From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 5:43 PM To: Sinai, Nick CC @315- Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hello Nick and Mike, We just issued a blog post regarding Friday's memorandum. This is a great step forward and we would be interested in learning about any related federal initiatives that might be in the works. Mike, would you have time for a quick call later this week? Sincerely, George On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Sinai, Nick (6) wrote: Mike Stebbins is point at OSTP for open access to research publications George Ivanov and Johanna Shelton are at Google, in the DC office George Ivanov Policy Analyst (Eoogle inc. i .lOl New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . Gearge lvanov Poi?icy Analyst I Googie 111C. 1 101 New Yark Ave Washington, DC 20005 (6) Gearge lvanov Poiicy Analyst Gaogle 121C. 1 New York. Ave Washington, DC 20005 . George lvanov Pei?icy Analyst 1 Google 1m. '1 23021 New York Ave Washington, DC. 20005 (6) . (6) (D) (6) (6) (6) From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 9:32 AM To: Stebbins, Michael 1. Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, Would 2?2z30 or 3?3:30 work? We can use the same bridge numbers. Sincerely, George On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Absolutely. Afternoon is best for me. From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 5:23 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: RE: Mutual Intro Mike, can we reschedule for tomorrow? On Mar 13, 2013. 5:13 PM, "Stebbins, Michael (6) . wrote: Sorry I was late, Just dialed in. is there a direct line i can reach you at? From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 11:30 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, We can use this bridge for tomorrow's call: Toiiwfree dial?in number (US. and Canada): mm- Corz?ference code: 7327891852 Sincerely, George On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 10:13 PM, Stebbins, Michael (6) wrote: Sure. What number shall I call you at? Sent with Good From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 08:46 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick (6) Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, Would you be available for a quick call tomorrow at 5 pm? Sincerely, George On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: 2 Dear George, We just heard from Eric Schmidt about th interest in having Google Scholar play a role in the archiving. Do you have time to taik this week? Regards, Mike From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 6:03 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick 13(6) . Subject: Re: Mutual intro Thursday after 3pm would work well. On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Stebbins, Michael] b(b(6) wrote: Thanks! Absolutely. How are your Thursday and Friday afternoons looking? From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 5:43 PM To: Sinai, Nick Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hello Nick and Mike, We just issued a blog post regarding Friday's memorandum. This is a great step forward and we would be interested in learning about any related federal initiatives that might be in the works. Mike, would you have time for a quick call later this week? Sincerely, George On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Sinai, Nic wrote: Mike Stebbins is point at OSTP for open access to research publications George Ivanov and Johanna Shelton are at Google, in the DC of?ce George lvanov Policy Analyst I G-oogle inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 George lvanov Policy Analyst Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 - George lvamv Policy Analyst i Googie Inc. 110}. New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 . b(6) George lvanov Policy Analyst Googlc ?inc. 10} New York Ave NW 'Washington, DC 20005 . George lvanov Policy Analyst i Google inc. 3101 New ?r?m?k Ave Washington, DC 20005 . From: Eric Schmidt b(6) Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:01 PM To: Holdren, John P. Subject: this is the professor at Yale with the studies on the public mood on climate change he is quite good http:/f environment pro ?le/ leiserowitzf -team/anth0nv?leiserowitz Subject: Location: Start: End: Show Time As: Recurrence: Meeting Status: Organizer: This event has been changed. more details GeorgeIMike Discussion When all end or no Yes - Maybe - more options izwimtsoe {mm Googie Calendar Updated Invitation: George/Mike Discussion Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:30pm 2:55pm tb(6) Cali George a b(6) Fri 3/15/2013 2:30 PM Fri 3/15/2013 2:55 PM Tentative (none) Not yet responded Changed: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:30pm 2:55pm Eastern Time Cali George 3 (m2) You an?: receiving; :n?s courtesy orm?i at int-2 amount because you ago an alienoee of (Nani. To stop rmeiving Muse noti?cations for this evsni. deciine {his event. Aiiematsveiy you Can sign up for {sooggie awe-on: settings 3o entire calendar. inviteics at and comm-i your PRODID: -//Goog1e Ind/60091 Ca1endar 70. DTSTART: 20130322T183000Z DTSTAMP 20130315T140914Z mai'lto 23(6) ATTE ;CN=George mai 1 to 10(6) .Hs b(6) - I I lP132 DESCRIPTION ew your event at 90091 e. com/ce? VI Ew&e1' d=b2 LOCATION George at b(6) STATUSICONFIRMED ke Discussion END1VEVENT From: Carla LaFeve Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 10:46 AM To: Siger, Rick Cc: Vint; Hoidren, John P. Subject: In strictest confidence Dear Rick, As I mentioned in our call this morning, Vint Cerf will be one of 5 recipients of the ?rst ever Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering which will be announced on Monday, March 18 by Princess Anne at 1:45 pm :45 am EDT at The Royal Academy of Engineering in London. The actual awarding of the prize will take place on June 25 in Buckingham Palace and will be presented by The Queen of England. We have been asked to keep this information strictly con?dential until after the announcement on Monday but Vint wanted to be sure that The White House was not taken by surprise when this announcement happens. If you have any questions please feel free to call me a b(6) or Vint a b(6) Best regards, Carla LaFever Chief of Staff to Vinton G. Cerf From: Vint Cer b(6) Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 11:11 AM To: Carla LaFever Cc: Siger, RiCk; Holdren, John P. Subject: Re: In strictest confidence rick, john, i am in chicago until tonight then off to san ?ancisco where I will be for the next several days. Happy to answer questions to the extent I have answers. As Carla says, the Queen Elizabeth Foundation has asked for strict con?dence/embargo until announcement Monday afternoon, GMT. Vint On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at Carla LaFever b(6) wrote: Dear Rick, As I mentioned in our call this morning, Vint Cerf will be one of 5 recipients of the ?rst eyer Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering which will be announced on Monday, March 18 by Princess Anne at 1:45 pm am EDT at The Royal Academy of Engineering in London. The actual awarding of the prize will take place on June 25 in Buckingham Palace and will be presented by The Queen of England. We have been asked to keep this information strictly con?dential until after the announcement on Monday but Vint wanted to be sure that The White House was not taken by surprise when this announcement happ ens. If you have any questions please feel ?ee to call me at b(6) or Vint a b(6) Best regards, Carla LaFever Chief of Staffto Vinton G. Cerf Subject: Updated Invitation: George/Mike Discussion Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:30pm - 2:55pm b(6) Location: Cail George a Start: Fri 3/15/2013 2:30 PM End: Fri 3/15/2013 2:55 PM Show Time As: Tentative Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Not yet responded Organizer: - b(6) This event has been changed. more details a: George/Mike Discussion Wham Changed: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:30pm 2:55pm Easzem Time ?Ni'it?m?f?; Call George a farm? {mag} Cami? Who - - [irra? Yes - Maybe - [92 more ogtions {mm Goggie Calendar You are receiving {his mates}; enza?i at She (account because you we at; attendee of this; (wean. To 51:35,} {seeming future noti?catgosee for this design-e Enis evez'ii. Alternaiweiy 3232.: can sign no fat Goo-git?; exam? at and metro! your ossi?cation sire cask-moan inviteics Inc//Goog1e Ca1endar DTSTART: 20130315T183000Z Wma?to 13(6) UID:ong6oe01n gtau es (150 pc 9009 ;CN=George CN 13(6) b(6) REATED: I ?0'132 ew your event at . 90091 e. com/ca1 endar/event?act1' on: d=b2 ucOBvc3 31' &ctz=Amer1? =en. 20130315T1512OOZ LOCATION C2111 George at b(6) ke Discussion From: George Ivanov Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 11:13 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, 2:30 would be great. You can reach me a b(6) Sincerely, George On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. b(6) wrote: team also do 130 now. From: George Ivanov [mailto [13m? Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 9:32 AM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, Would 2?2:30 or 3?3:30 work? We can use the same bridge numbers. Sincerely, George On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Absoluteiy. Afternoon is best for me. From: George Ivanov [mailto 6 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 5:23 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: RE: Mutual Intro Mike, can we reschedule for tomorrow? On Mar 13, 2013 5:13 PM, "Stebbins, Michael (6) wrote: Sorry I was late. Just dialed in. E5 there a direct line an reach you at? From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Tuesday, March 12,. 2013 11:30 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai: Nick m? Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, We can use this bridge for tomorrow?s call: Toll-free dial-in member (US. and Canada): Conference cede: 7327891852 Sincerely, George On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 10:13 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Sure. What number shall I call you at? Sent with Good Message-??-- From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 08:46 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick (6) A Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hi Mike, Would you be available for a quick call tomorrow at 5 pm? Sincerely, George On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Dear George, We just heard from Eric Schmidt about the interest in having Google Scholar play a role in the archiving. Do you have time to talk this week? Regards, Mike From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 6:03 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Sinai, Nick (6) Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Thursday after 3pm would work well. On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at' 5:58 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Thanksi Absoiuteiy. How are your Thursday and Friday afternoons iooking? From: George Ivanov [mailto Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 5:43 PM To: Sinai, Nick Cc m? Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: Mutual Intro Hello Nick and Mike, We just issued a blog post regarding Friday's memorandum. This is a great step forward and we would be interested in learning about any related federal initiatives that might be in the works. Mike, would you have time for a quick call later this week? - Sincerely, George On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Sinai, Nick (6) wrote: Mike Stebbins is point at OSTP for open access to research publications George Ivanov and Johanna Shelton are at Google, in the DC of?ce (390298 Ivanov Peggy Anal?? 1 Google inc. 1 0.1 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (5) George Ivanov Policy Analyst I Geogle "inc. 1 10} New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 . George lvanov Elolioy Analyst Google inc. 10.! New York. Ave NW Washington, DC. 20005 (6) . (6) George lvanov 'i?olicy Analyst (.loogle inc. Z1 Z1 01 ew York; Ave Washington, DC 20005 . George lvanov Policy Analyst I Geoglo Inc. 1 10}. New York Ave; NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) George ivanov Poiicy Amiysz? i (iig?pogie Inc. 21 10} New York. Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) ?l From: - Anurag Acharya Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:05 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: hosted datasets 8L compute power for satellite images Hi Mike: I have included some links that describe the datasets as well as compute power that Google has made available for forest cover and other climate related analysis. Announcement of the Google Earth Engine: 0/12/introducinar ?goo,qle?earth- enginehtml Homepage: Data catalog: cheers, anurag From: Anurag Acharya (6) Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:20 PM To: . Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Authors making their books available under creative commons licenses Hi Mike: here is the announcement of the the program Google Books has for author ?speci?ed Creative Commons licenses for their books. gsnotcorn/2009/ 08/ bringing -nower-of-creative ?commons?to.ht1nl There isn't an easy way to get a list of books that are included. I don't think there are yet a large number of books in the program the challenge here has always been eaching out to authors. Funding agencies are of course in a unique position for such an outreach. With such a cooperation, this could work quite well. Iwould be happy to follow up/discuss. cheers, anurag From: - Vint Cerf (6) Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 11:07 AM To: Holdren, John P. Cc: Carla LaFever; Niki Fenwick; Katelin Todhunter-Gerberg; Rachel Whetstone Subject: Queen Elizabeth prize for Engineering John, thanks for taking my call. The awards will be announced starting at 1 PM GMT in London on Monday, March 18, 2013. Princess Anne will be present and will speak brie?y. The awardees are: Louis Pouz'in - retired but formerly Vint Cerf - Google Robert Kahn CNRI Tim Berners-Lee W3C Marc Andreessen - Andreessen/Horowitz Louis Pouzin pioneered l?datagram" networks in France in the 1970s. Bob Kahn and I visited him in 1973 and adopted his ?ow-control scheme (sliding window) for TCP. Bob and I you know already as the coinventors of the protocols and the architecture of the Internet. Tim Berners-Lee released the ?rst version of the World Wide Web in December 1991. Marc Andreesen and a colleague, Eric Bina, at the National Center for Supercomputer Applications, developed MOSAIC the ?rst graphical browser. It later became Netscape Communications and the IPO of Netscape triggered the dot ?boom. Queen Elizabeth was the ?rst monarch to send an email message on Mar ch 26, 1976 thanks to the assistance of Prof. Peter Kirstein who was another party instrumental in the development of He later received a CBE for his work. The prize includes 1.2M GBP award to be shared by the awardees Vint From: Zinnia Orosa (6) Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 4:23 PM To: Mielke, Dawn M. Cc: Graubard, Vivian Subject: Re: Follow?up/ Visiting DC Hi Dawn, 1 just wanted to confirm Todd Park's call please with Matthew Stepka on: March 21 at 3 pm ET Can you please have him call Matthew's cell instead? Thank you, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP Em- On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Zinnia Orosa [131(9? wrote: Great; l've booked on Matthew's cal. i will confirm as we get closer to the date. Thanks Dawn! Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googieorg [(916? On Mon, Feb 25,2013 at 9:14 AM, Mielke, Dawn M. m? wrote: March 21 3:00 pm will work. From: Zinnia Orosa Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:00 PM To: Mielke, Dawn M. Cc: Graubard, Vivian Subject: Re: Follow?up/ Visiting DC Hi Dawn, We held 4 pm ET on Friday 3/1 on calendar for Todd to chat with Matthew, however, that it will no longer work as Matthew will be traveling. We'd like to postpone the call please. Will Todd be available on any of these dates (30 min. phone call): Mar 20, 12Mar 22, bet. 12?5 pm ET Thank you and regards, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googleorg (1916?. ((316? On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Graubard, Vivian wrote: Of course! I will be traveling next week, so Dawn Mielke will be assisting with Todd?s calendar. 1 put the hold on there for 4pm, but when you confirm please email her at: If, for some reason, she is unresponsive, please email Todd. He?ll see the hold on his calendar and be able to give you a call in number to reach him at. Thanks! Vivian From: Zinnia Orosa Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 7:42 PM To: Graubard, Vivian Cc: Matthew Stepka Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Hi Vivian, No problem. Can we please hold on cal for now: Fri. 3/1 4 pm We will confirm with you by Mon. Thank you, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googleorg mana? @316? On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Graubard, Vivian wrote: Matt, I?m sorry we couldn?t make this work today! Todd had back to back meetings all day. Would you be available for a call next Friday at 4pm Et? 4 Thanks, Vivian From: Matthew Stepka Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 11:42 PM To: Park, Todd Cc: Graubard, Vivian; Zinnia Orosa Subject: Re: Followiupf Visiting DC Todd, Thanks for getting back to me. I'm in town tomorrow and free from 4-5pm ifthat happens to work for you. Otherwise, let's definitely find a time to catch up over the phone soon. Cheers, Matthew. On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Park, Todd {(916? wrote: Hi Matt, I am so sorry to have missed you! Many apologies, things have been absolutely crazyJ Are you still in If not, might we set up a call to chat? Cheers, Todd From: Matthew Stepka Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:59 PM To: Park, Todd Subject: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Todd, Hope you are well. It was great to briefly chat before the holidays about how Google/ could work more strat egically with your office. As we discussed, let?s put some time on calendar to brainstorm with our teams about how to best work together. Also, we can share the latest with regard to our Civic Innovation initiative. In the meantime, I am having lunch with Jonathan Greenblatt next Wednesday. if you have a free moment in the afternoon it would be great to meet in person. Cheers, Matthew -- Matthew Stepka Vice President, Disrup tive Technology for Social Impact Google 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway 1 Mountain View, California 94043 +1 (415) @916- This email may be confidential or privileged. if you received this communication by mistake, please anyone eise,erase all copies and attachments, and let me know that it went to the wrong person. Please consider the environment before printing this -mail. I From: Zinnia Orosa Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 4:45 PM To: Graubard, Vivian Cc: Mielke, Dawn M. Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Hi Vivian, Sure. 4 pm ET on 3/21 will work for Matthew. Here's his cell again: Thanks, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP m? 1 @16- On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Graubard, Vivian wrote: Hi Zinnia, Dawn is out but might it be possible for Matt to speak at 4pm 1pm Todd has been called into Baltimore for the day and will be on a break between 4-4230. Thank you, Vivian Message From: Zinnia Orosa [mailt Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 4:23 PM To: Mielke, Dawn M. Cc: Graubard, Vivian Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Hi Dawn, i just wanted to confirm Todd Park's call please with Matthew Stepka on: March 21 at 3 pm ET Can you please have him caii Matthew's cell instead? Thank you, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP m? (1316?)? On Mon, Feb 25,2013 at 9:31 AM, Zinnia Orosa m? wrote: Great; I've booked on Matthew's cal. I will confirm as we ge closer to the date. Thanks Dawn! Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Step ka, VP [(916? On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 9:14 AM, Mielke, Dawn M. (191(9? wrote: March 21 3:00 pm will work. From: Zinnia Orosa [maiit Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:00 PM To: Mielke, Dawn iVi. Cc: Graubard, Vivian Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Hi Dawn, We held 4 pm ET on Friday 3/1 on calendar for Todd to chat with Matthew, however, that it will no longer work as Matthew will be traveling. We'd like to postpone the call please. Will Todd be available on any of these dates (30 min. phone call): Mar 20, 12Mar 22, bet. 12?5 pm ET Thank you and regards, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googleorg m? (iam? On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Graubard, Vivian wrote: Of course! I will be traveling next week, so Dawn Mielke will be assisting with Todd's calendar. 1 put the hold on there for 4pm, but when you confirm please email her at: rema? If, for some reason, she is nresponsiye, please email Todd. He?ll see the hold on his calendar and be able to give you a call in number to reach him at. Thanks! Vivian From: Zinnia Orosa [mailt m? Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 7:42 PM To: Grauba rd, Vivian Cc: Matthew Stepka Subject: Re: Follow ?up/ Visiting DC Hi Vivian, No problem. Can we please hold on cal for now: Fri. 3/1 4 pm We will confirm with you by Mon. Thank you, Zinnia Zinnia Orosa Executive Assistant to Matthew Stepka, VP googleorg mo? m? On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Graubard, Vivian wrote: Matt, I'm sorry we couldn?t make this work today! Todd had back to back meetings all day. Would you be available for a call next Friday at 4pm Et? Thanks, Vivian From: Matthew Stepka [mailt Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 11:42 PM To: Park, Todd Cc: Graubard, Vivian; Zinnia Orosa Subject: Re: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Todd, Thanks for getting back to me. I?m in town tomorrow and free from 4?5pm if that happens to work for you. Otherwise, let?s definitely find a time to catch up over the phone soon. Cheers, Matthew. On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Park, Todd ?916? wrote: Hi Matt, I am so sorry to have missed you! Many apologies, things have been absolutely crazy] Are you still in if not, might we setup a call to chat? Cheers, Todd From: Matthew Stepka [mailt m? Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 9:59 PM To: Park, Todd Subject: Follow-up/ Visiting DC Todd, Hope you are well. it was great to briefly chat before the holidays about how Google/ could work more strategically with your office. As we discussed, let's put some time on calendar to brainstorm with our teams about how to best work together. Also, we can share the latest with regard to our Civic Innovation initiative. In the meantime, I am having lunch with Jonathan Greenblatt next Wednesday. If you have a free moment in the afternoon it would be great to meet in person. Cheers, Matthew -- Matthew Stepka Vice President, Disruptive Technology for Social Impact Google 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, California 94043 +1 5 (415) [1916- This email may be confidential or privileged. if you received this communication by mistake, please do not forward it to anyone else,erase all copies and attachments, and let me know that it went to the Wrong person. Please consider the environment before printing this -mail. From: Anurag Acharya Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 3:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let me know some times that would. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week of April 1 St? Best, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael 3. Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing pu blic access to research articles funded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long ~term stewardship. As the lead for Google Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. I have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexin their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to Visit or join a conversation. cheers, anurag From: Vint Cerf (6) Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 8:30 AM To: Holdren, John P. Subject: Fwd: A suggestion for NSF director You may recall Bob Sproull as a major force in computer graphics, a key player at Sun Microsystems (and Sutherland Sproull) and an active NAE member. His recommendation carries weight although I rather expect the WH is pretty far along with its potential choices. vint Forwarded message From: Bob Sproull Date: Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 8:04 AM Subject: A suggestion for NSF director To: Vint Cerf (6) I would urge you to consider Cherry Murray, currently dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard. I have no idea what procedure to follow to insert a candidate into the process, but I assumed you would know. Would you be willing to either insert her name or let me know how to do it? Eth From: Vint Cerf (6) Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:50 AM To: Holdren, John P. Subject: Re: A suggestion for NSF director iwill do so and thanks, as always, for your stunningly swift reSponses! Vint On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Holdren, John P. (6) wrote: Vint You can assure Bob Sprouli that Cherry Murray has been on the short list of candidates from the day! learned from Subra that he was stepping down. (That does not mean, at this point, that she is witiing to be considered.) Cheers,John JOHN P. HOLDREN, Assistant'to the President for Science and Technoiogy and Director, OffiCe of Science and Technotogy Policy Executive Office ofthe President of the United States ema a31_ directphon (taxe- assistant Karrie Pitze role?m. From: Vint Cerf [ma ilt Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 8:30 AM To: Holdren, John P. Subject: Fwd: A suggestion for NSF director You may recall Bob Sproull as a major force in computer graphics, a key pla yet at Sun Microsystems (and Sutherland Sproull) and an active NAE member. His recommendation carries weight although I rather expect the WH is pretty far along with its potential choices. Vint -- Forwarded message From: Bob Sproull Date: Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 8:04 AM Subject: A suggestion for NSF director To: Vint Cerf (6) I would urge you to consider Cherry Murray, currently dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard. I have no idea what procedure to follow to insert a candidate into the process, but I assumed you would know. Would you be willing to either insert her name or let me know how to do it? From: Jose Oona-Sepulveda (6) Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 6:18 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Solve for Invoice Hi Cristin, I mailed it in for deposit into our dropbox in CA last week, please let me know if it doesn't hit your bank account by the end of next week. Thanks! -Jose Jose Ramon Oyola?Sepuiveda Ethics and Compziance (6) On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin (6) wrote: Hiiose: Can you confirm receipt of payment? I?ve mailed a check to the address below a number of weeks ago and wanted to confirm receipt, as i noticed the check has not yet been processed. Thanks, Cristin Cristin Dorgeio Assists nt Director for Grand Chaflenges Office of Science and Tech noiogv Poiicv Executive Office of the President From: Jose Oyoia-Sepulveda [mailto Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 3:30 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Solve for Invoice Hi Cristin, Thank you for participating in Solve for X, we hope you enjoy it! Per relevant gift rules we are providing you with the invoice below covering food+beverages+swag for this event. if you require an invoice for anything else please let me know. Regards, ?Jose Jose Ramon Oyola-Sepulveda 1 Ethics and Compliance m- INVOICE BILLED TO: Cristin Dorgelo White House SEND PAYMENT Jose Ramon Oyola-Sepulveda TO: 1101 New York Avenue, NW Second Floor Washington, D.C. 20005 lnvoiceNumber 1- invoiceDate Terms 1 Food Beverages . 1 . Patagonia Jacket Note: Please make checks payable to Google lnc. unit mme :1 $55000. i $20009. g- Total $750 Questions concerning this invoice? calm From: Astro Teller (6) Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 8:52 PM To: Dorgelo, Cristin Subject: Re: Brains I will ask around, Cristin. We have some people but I don?t know how heads down they are or aren't. Give me a week or A On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: Hey Astro: Quick question: You guys got any great folks working on neuroscience nanoscience? If so, can you connect me? Hope all is well with the moonshot team, Cristin Cristin Dorgelo Assimant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce ofSeienee and Technology Policy Executive Of?cc of the President - Astro u. From: Anurag Acharya Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 3:52 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/102ml Pacific would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be a If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Sorry. i am on vacation. Bow about Tuesday? I am open from 1 -3. From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let me know some times that would. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 22,2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: "thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week oprril it?? Best, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto [131(9? Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long -term stewardship. As the lead for Google Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. 1 ave also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation. cheers, anurag From: Astro Teller (6) Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 6:10 PM To: Dorgeio, Cristin Subject: Re: Invite: Tuesday 4/2 Event with President Obama Thanks, Cristin. I can't make this one but I?m happy to look again at another time to do something like this. I A On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 8:21 AM, Dorgelo, Cristin wrote: We are pleased to invite you to join President Obama for a White House event on the morning of Tuesday, April 2"d to discuss the importance of continuing to invest in research and science. Please RSVP to Robbie Barbero as soon as possible and no later than tomorrow, noon EDT. Saturday, March 30 if you would like to attend. Upon receipt of your RSVP, we will follow up with addi tional logistical information and speci?c arrival details. To facilitate expedited processing of your RSVP, please include the attached Spreadsheet with your security information with your response. This information will be used for a background check. Please note, this invitation is non-transferable. All the best, Cristin Crisiin Dorgelo Assistant Director for Grand Challenges Of?ce of?Science and Technuiogy Policy Exacutivc Of?ce of the President - Astro From: Vint Cerf Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 9:35 AM To: Alec Ross; Ari Schwartz; bruce andrews; francisco sanchez; Jane Lute; Larry Strickling; mark weatherford; Sapiro, Miriam; pat gallagher; Philip Verveer; Rich O'Lear; Kalil, Thomas A. Subject: Fwd: EG Update Forwarded message From: Bremmer, Ian Date: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 8:17 AM Subject: EG Update To: Vinton Cerf (6) dear Vint, For today, it?s worth starting from a preposition. Considering the looming challenges to the global order and accordingly assessing global political risk, by far the largest is ??broadly de?ned-managing a troubled yet uninteresting US -China relationship. Then, taking a step down in terms of priority, the explosive (and growing) ennui in the Middle East and the withering malaise that is the Eurozone. Everything else -- South Asia tensions, the competition for resources --and in?uence-?in Africa, Russia's decline and the disposition of the "near abroad", etc might as well forget about entirely. The North Korean leadership is doing everything it can to annoy me this week. It's a real ultimately in the context of the US?China well short of war devastating war on the peninsula ??which remains a threat, but a comparatively small one ??it has the potential to make me write further updates about them. Ithought about just writing up the back and forth on Kim ong Un's latest ripostes (of which there have been suitably many). Instead, though, 1 think it makes more sense to Spend this week?s update writing more thoroughly on the biggest challenges to US China, of which North Korea has quickly risen towards (but not quite to) the top. As well as a (thankfully larger) number that barely merit writing about at all.. Then some assorted bits and pieces from Honduras, Andorra, and Swaziland. US China To be sure, there is real interdependence and mu tual interests between the United States and China ?-the world's two largest economies bene?t far more from each other's growth than a relationship of con?ict. but that interdependence has remained largely constant over the past year (with a slight diminu tion-- less active concern from both given economic rebound, and more diversi?cation of economic interests from there's no question that the last few months have brought greater structural tension to relations between the world's two large st economies. It's been less clear where those primary tensions are, and the implications accordingly. Given all sorts of headlines around issues that are directly relevant, and some others that are distractions, it's worth going through the key issues. Th ere are four areas of critical tension between the two countries; I'll go through them in descending order. And then a wide range of other issues that don't actually matter those afterwards. 1) (Mutual) Cyberattacks. At least as problematic as the US government now publicly considering cyberattacks from China the single greatest threat to American national the fact that the Chinese government doesn't proactively raise the issue at all. Or, to put it differently, it's the broad asymmetry of the issue that makes addressing it so nettlesome. To be clear, it's not a one way China versus the United States challenge. The United States government has the most world?s most effective state versus state cybersecurity capacity --it's well (insiders say a decade) ahead technologically; and devotes far more research and resource to cyber -espionage against Chinese government, defense, and intelligence networks than vice versa. In short, in state versus state cyber warfare, the United Stat es has China down for the proverbial count. (#winning) But the structure of the US government and the nature of the American political and economic system means that Washington doesn't engage in cyberattacks on behalf of KFC (#losing). While for the Chine se government, state and industry are critically linked, share strategic goals, and engage in jointly resourced and supported (if not always coordinated) cyberattacks against private sector assets in advanced industrial economies, for economic gain. From the American perspective, that's illegitimate warfare is most always considered out of bounds by the better resourced side, no matter what the con?ict. For China, it's a natural extension 2 of interstate promotion of national interest, and no ifferent from American efforts. We agree to disagree. Given that cyberattacks are perceived to be rapidly becoming a critical vulnerability for the US economy, the United States has been working to create an effective policy reSponse. So far, with zero success. Last year, the Americans threatened ill - defined-?and not particularly credible??retaliatory measures against further attacks (approving "kinetic" --read, military-- responses against cyberattacks in a new Pentagon strategy). The latest, reworked strategy is to start "naming and shaming" Chinese organizations involved in cyberattacks against American economic assets, a policy that is meant to eventually involve the department of justice to open cases and present evidence-?in the clearest, and most potentially damaging, cases. These will, in turn, undoubtedly be seen as wholly illegitimate by could hardly be expected to send government representatives to defend themselves in "politicized" cases claiming attacks that the Chinese government has already, repeatedly assured Washington they consider illegal and under no circumstances engage in. Which means the cases go nowhere while the evidence piles the White House or, failing that, Congress to start pursuing sanctions against Ch inese organizations named in the cases. As is the case with the world?s most troubled geopolitical environments, it's extremely difficult to set down credible "red lines" for unacceptable behavior when those lines are already being repeatedly broken with impunity. That's compounded when both sides see their own behavior as both legitimate and necessary for the basic pursuit of their government's well being??it's hard to imagine the US government publicly admitting to, never mind giving up the right to, cyberattacks against Chinese military and intelligence agencies. And ?om Beijing's perspective, that's probably well short of the minimum acceptable quid pro quo for renouncing cyberattacks against western multinationals --which, given the level of autonomy of some state owned enterprises (exponentially greater than, say, the American National Security Agency) --it's not clear the Chinese government could effectively enact even in the unlikely event that they were willing to. 2) North Korea. Even for North Korea, they've been nutty of late. Kim Jong Un severed the last remaining hotline between his country and South Korea; announced a state of war with the South and the United States; threatened to Close the joint industrial complex between North and South at aesong, North Korea; and ordered his country's missile units to prepare for launch against targets in the United States 3 (including, ?nally, Austin, Texas. So much for SXSW, Stratfor, and Whole Foods). The American responses to Pyongyang have been calm, but nonetheless resolute--reiterating stated US policy of "rolling back" North Korea's existing nuclear weapons program, ramping up further sanctions at the United nations Security Council, proceeding with joint military exercises with the South Korean defense forces that included BZ nuclear -capab1e bombers ?ying over the Korean peninsula, and sending Dennis Rodman's ear to Pyongyang. In short, to the extent that North Korea's efforts at bluster were to force the americans and/or others to the negotiating able, that gambit failed abOut as decisively as could be imagined. There's real danger here. Not because North Korea is preparing to actually launch missiles at the United States (good luck), or even Seoul (which would precipitate immediate destruction of the North Korean regime). But because Kim Jong Un is boxing himself into a corner --where either he has to find a way to concede the failure of his policies and take a softer stance (not a problem for public surely dangerous from the persp ective of maintaining the support of the regime's military elites) or pushing forward with belligerence that truly destabilizes the status quo--attacking a South Korean or American military asset in the region or shelling South Korean territory. Leaving aside Rodman, neither the United States nor China have any interest in ramping up provocations from the North Korean regime. At this point, it's become reasonably clear even to comparative hawks inside the beltway that the Chinese government has lost some of the in?uence it had historically enjoyed over views the Kim government as a nuisance, not a geopolitical Opportunity to be exploited. But tensions with North Korea are in?aming to the point that they're eliciting a hard line reaction fr om Seoul that complicates what has been a warm and increasingly integrated mutual economic strategy between South Korea and China. Chinese leaders believe the United States seeks to take advantage of the situation; using tensions with North Korea as a wedge between Seoul and Beijing. A sudden true crisis over North Korea--either from a North Korean military attack or from signs of true regime instability (and the refugee, economic, and security implications that would follow) would feed these fears to a much greater extent; putting both the United States and China on highest level military either direct engagement or coordination between the two sides. Both would mistrust actions from the other as undermining their own national interests, lea ding to a war footing by proxy. That's the biggest meaningful risk that 4 comes from an unstable North Korean regime. 3) Market access (for Western ?rms). Analogous to the cyber issue but much more concerned to the contradictions between state capitalism and the free market economy, is the receptiveness of the Chinese government to the success of western multinationals in areas where Chinese competitors (state-owned or private but politically connected) are considered relevant. That?s a practice that three years ago was largely limited to more strategic sectors for the Chinese economy, but as Chinese ?rms have grown stronger in a wider range of industries, the Chinese government has steadily stepped up its willingness to promote domestic Chinese companies and brands at the expense of western multinationals. That's most recently included campaigns against western ?rms with dominant positions in China -?including Au Bon Pain, Matchbox Cars, and Pinterest. On the one hand, that means they're less likely to succeed-?vigorous campaigns by independent Chinese netizens to support popular products can provide support for quality brands in China, and diminish the impact of state pressure. But the broader issue is that the Chinese government is increasingly aligning itself against the interests of a wide range of western multinationals investing in China. To the extent that brands succeed by further antagonizing the Chinese government is a practice likely to create greater tensions between the United States and Chinese governments, at least in the near term. In short, the commitment of the new Xi Jinping government in support of state owned enterprises and privately owned national champions, which rely not just on inexpensive capital but, increasingly importantly, a Chinese government sponsored regulatory system, media, and judiciary is going to create greater tensions between Beijing and US -based multinationals with signi?cant access and in?uence to the American political leadership. That shift is eroding perceptions of a positive suni investment environment between the two countries, to one that is decidedly more zero sum. As that continues to develop, calls for punitive legislative measures will undoubtedly grow. 4) China-Japan relations. As I've written following my recent Asia trip, China ?Japan tensions are considerably broader than the mutually exclusive claims on the Senkakus/Diaoyu islands. The shift in power between the two countries has made China more willin to take a more assertive position on what it considers a new geopolitical status quo; Beijing has also been willing to use tensions with Japan as a rallying point for patriotism in domestic politics. 5 Japan, meanwhile, is experiencing signi?cantly greater anti - China nationalism of its own. The potential for near-term resolution between the two countries is low. China sees little economic bene?t in trying to reconcile the con?ict; Japanese corporations are doing their best to plan to hedge their longer term exposures away ?om a Chinese market that, long term, they increasingly understand will be a more dif?cult operating environment. That, combined with America's engagement in close military relations with Japan and stronger economic coordination (including apan's recently announced engagement in transpaci?c partnership negotiations) and a complete absence of mutual trust only serve to enhance the perception in Beijing that the United States is engaged in a "containmen strategy in Asia, not an effort to engage a more powerful China on terms of equal partnership. At the same time, there are a host of other issues of potential con?ict that don't really matter. For example, Taiwan??every once in a while we'll see reports from Washington institutes talking about the war footing arOund Taiwan; how China is building up their navy and the United States won't be able to defend its there's going to be a war. But those concerns really date ?omEmeritus Professors that no longer come to work. In reality, the balance of power between Beijing and Taipei has already shifted radically, and mainland China has already effectively "won." The Taiwanese economy is well integrated and so, increasingly, is its population. Beijing feels comfortable about it --it rarely comes up as more than a formulaic talking point in bilateral discussions between the US and China. The South China Sea issue raises more serious and immediate security concerns between the United States and China, with countries like Vietnam and the Philippines very skittish about China's repeated incursions into what they consider their actively looking for American support to bolster their own claims. But unlike with Japan, the Chinese government feels more con?dent in the region ??the bilateral power imbalances are far more in China's favor; Beijing has a much better handle on what motivates the governments--and their ability to in?uence them accordingly - -through powerful Chinese business constituencies in the Southeast Asian nations; and China is considerably less likely to overplay their hand accordingly. In short, I don?t see a ?ght coming here. I mentioned last week why I didn't see a broader geopolitical 6 fight between the West and Russia-China. China doesn't really have geopolitical interests; they have geoeco nomic to be sure, eventually become geopolitical when their investments end up in particularly unstable places. But that's a China problem, and one the US will be increasingly uninterested in helping out a factor causing greater tensions in the US -China relationship. Currency, the area where the US and China were jostling each other the most Spiritedly at the beginning of the first Obama administration, has become close to a non -issue. China's incremental moves in revaluing their enminbi proved sufficient for most hawks to sideline the issue; the United States has engaged in a couple of years of quantitative easing with at best marginal grumbling from Beijing; Japan is now the largest holder of US treasuries; and the new US treasur secretary doesn't have much of a China brief. In short, not much to see here. And as for the most traditional plaints --human rights, Tibet, the Dalai Lama. Meh. In a G-Zero world, the United States has literally hundreds of policy issues that are furthe up the queue. They?ll make their way into speaking points, but nobody serious on either side is preparing to go to the mat on matters of true principal. I've changed my mind on Honduras. Rather, one more China point that deserves attention, though it?s not a US?China Kong. Which is steadily becoming more a liability for the mainland Chinese government than an asset. Hong Kong is supposed to ultimately receive universal suffrage--hence the notion of one country, two systems. But while Beijing has long said they'll move in that direction, it's increasingly the case that Hong Kong?s autonomy is seen as problematic by Beijing. That became more clear last week, when the Chairman of China*s National People's Congress Law Committee told Hon Kong political officials that any Chief Executive candidate must love the country and love Hong Kong.'1 In other words, those who don't like the Communist Party can go scratch. That's hardly the democracy the Hong Kong residents have long been waiting fo r. Hong Kong's Chinese have been increasingly vocal about their political rights-?with hundreds of thousands demonstrating last July, on the 15th anniversary of the city?s return to Chinese government. Add a few other ingredients for broader instability?-increasing economic distress, lower wages, higher home prices, and economic disparities ?and I tend to think Hong Kong is an issue to watch more closely over the coming year. Ditto Andorra. Instead to North Africa, where Algeria is creating some more worries of late. This month they've seen a rash of spontaneous protests, with unemployed youth coming from southern it's triggered a panicked reaction from government authorities, who for the ?rst time have started talking about the prOSpects of secession in the south. There's a real chance of radicalization here, given chronic underdevelopment of the region and a lack of political outlets for local youth to vent their frustration. With little economic capacity for the Algerian government to effectively address their concerns, the stated Algerian government concerns sound like preparations for a crackdown. And nothing on Swaziland; as nobody ever asks about them. Instead, one surprise from EurOpe: Slovakia, where the orders for forced seizure of roperty due to unpaid debts in the beginning of 2012 exceeded the total volume of those order for the past decade. That's unprecedented in terms of forced income groups using pay-day loans and without the ability to repay them has been xacerbated dramatically by high unemployment. Better news on this front, though, the Slovakian government is suitably alarmed by the developments--holding a special meeting to address capacity of the courts to deal with the issue. There's reasonably strong resilience in the system--strong government intervention should go a long way to help maintain stability, despite an already tense social balance in the country. I'm writing from New York this week, where I'm hoping spring has (?nally) Sprung. Fingers duly a Happy April Fool?s too you! The un?ddled with, uncapitalized update. coming shortly. Yours Very Truly, Ian From: Charlie Hale (6) Sent: - Monday, April 01, 2013 2:50 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: head of self?driving car in DC April 10th Hi David, 1 just wanted to let you know that the head of the self -driving car project (Chris Urrnson) is going to be in DC for a meeting on April 10th. If your schedule allows for it, I'm sure he'd love to either meet with you or brief your interagency committee if that would be of interest. Take care, Charlie On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Here in the lobby (bidg 43, correct?) am. Charlie Hail-?iitrhailto mg? Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 06:08 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Wait for Thurs/ Fri Great. I?m at 1875 Charleston Ave and the lobby is in the back of the building where the parking lot is located. We can grab coffee, walk across campus and meet the rest of the team at 10. On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Sure, why not? Let's do 9:30. Give me the address and building number, and I'll see you in the lobby. From: Charlie Hale (6) Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 01:22 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Great! If you'd like to come at 9:15 ?9:30 then you and I can grab coffee orI can show you around campus a bit, and then we can head to the building where we'll be meeting with the team. Sound good? On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Charlie, That?s fantastic, thank you. Actually, yes, would if l?m going to be writing policy on the technology, makes sense to see it in action. 10 and 10:30am is fine, and could even do a bit earlier (9:30 or 9:45) if there is appetite to go a bit more in?depth, as I certainly would be interested. Let me know the coordinates and who might be joining, and looking forward to it. Cheers, ~rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 11:15 AM To: Edelrnan, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Hi David, I heard back from a few of the team leads and we'd love to have you down on Friday morning. Would you be interested in getting a demo in the car? We'd be happy to take you out for a ride if you have time. Also what time works best for you? I was thinking we could meet with some folks at 10:00, talk for about 30 minutes and then get a demo around 10:30. What do you think? Looking forward to it! -Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Fantastic, thanks, Charlie! From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:52 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/Fri Sure! Mountain View on Friday morning works well. I emailed the team so I'll get back to you as soon as I have some times nailed down. On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4: 18 PM, Edehnan, R. David (D) (6) wrote: I?ll actually already be down south that morning/afternoon, so MV is probably best, no? -rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7:17 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: Visit for Thurs/ Fri Sounds great! Would you like to meet in the Google SF of?ce and we can video conference with anyone fromt he chauffeur team, or meet in Mountain View? -Charlie On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Thanks, Sarah! Charlie, great to chat earlier. One note per our prior discussion: it?s looking like morning/pro - unch on Friday is preferable to afternoon, if possible. Cheers, David R. David Edelman Senior Advisor for Internet Innovation, and Private The White House . pin I From: Sarah Price [mailto [Em Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:39 PM To: Edelman, R. David; hale Subject: Visit for Thurs] Fri Hi David, I want to introduce you to Charlie Hale. Charlie works on public policy for Glass and self -driving cars, and would love to meet when you are in town. He's copied on this email, and you can also call him at (6) Best, Sarah Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) 1 Charlie Hale I Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (13) (6) Charlie Hale Googlc Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Googlc Public Policy (6) From; Anurag Acharya (6) Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 6:40 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Sounds good. I will be a (6) anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael]. (6) wrote: How about tomorrow at 530pm Eastern? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: looks like we miss ed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Paci?c/1pm Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 10am -2pm Paci?c would work Mon->Thurs and 10?1pm Friday. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt y0u on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be at (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. 311 {12722 1% On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Sorry. am on vacation. How about Tuesday? I am open from From: Anurag AChawa [mailto .. . Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let me know some times that would. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week of Apri? Best, Mike From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing pu blic access to research articles ?inded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long -term stewardship. As the lead for Google Scholar, have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. 1 have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexin their existing collections of research articles. Based on my experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding repositories for federally ?lnded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation. cheers, anurag From: Big Tent DC. (6) Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 10:16 AM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: Googie 81 Bloomberg invite you to Big Tent D.C. an Free Speech Survive itai Ag i i Join ieaders of the media, business and the arts to discuss the future of Friday, 255 2913 free expression en the eve of the annuat celebration of America's Registration: 1:00 PM press. At a time when too many Big Tent: 1:30 6:00 PM governments denytheir citizens Recap?o?: 6:00 9:00 pm access t0 voices of dissent and oppositiort, we'ti ask if the internet is reaching its promise of empowering peopte here at home and armed the wortd. Topics wiil include how best t0 promote free speech while Addto (30-31%: Catender protecting cuituret sensitivities, The Hotel . nations! security and the tight to informatien 515 15th Street (Entrance on Street) Washington, 20001 Fatease RSVP here Piease emaii any questiorzs Full agenda {0 follow (5) . Gas: 233.6 a Bloom-berg {Maggie is ?awed is grows? a?-?en?ance 1-35: even? m9 cox: to governmeni and empio, 5:3 and agg?m}; By eve-.12 ans; acmp?ng an}; a fhai may E55 z-zbie 5:0 {Se :90 in camp?anc -- in?) ana and iha {if . p3};an :50? any power; of {has {stem is) fait?i?m?'aa {garag?imce wiih . ?who? m1__ with . .5 an aumcr?mr} under i he affemsi #15: h?sz?i?er Omani?? .C. 1:590 ??3z-2fk??iay. ii We ?E?ig ?E'en: Er is 2139 {$352. you Eangeg? as: zviiz?iian have beam 53?er 93w; (Em 3L- {a receive infer; aai?m?: Hagagdirzg {30mm 53?. your gem-st! addrewa harm From: Jacquelline Fuller Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 10:34 AM To: Kalil, Thomas Abigail Sassoon Cc: Greenblatt, Jonathan; Garg, Kumar; FN-WHO-Innovation Subject: Re: checking in on STEM Corps Abby can find us time to connect. Should we include On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Kumar. NSF is on board. i?m on spring break - but Kumar can participate in any cails you setup. Frown: Greenbiatt, jahathah I. Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 08:14 AM To Cc: Kalil, Thomas FN-WHO?Innovation Subject: checking in on STEM Corps Jacquelline, Hi there. Itrust all is well. Its been a few weeks since we met in NYC, but wondering if you might have time either today or tomorrow for a quick check -in call on STEM Corps? We have been working with CNCS on innovative models for funding this effort consistent with the vision/parameters that you shared in New York. It would be good to spend a few minutes talking through the basic framework for your feedback and discuss next steps. Additionally, we have a fast approaching and very exciting opportunity to give this effort a big lift and would like to work with you/your team to capitalize. Is there a time that works for you to connect with us? best, Jonathan Jacqueline Fuller ll Director Goose Giving II .. .. .. . Goggle Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. From: Abigail Sassoon Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 10:58 AM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Kalil, Thomas Garg, Kumar; FN-WHO~Innovation, John Kelly Levy, Noemie Subject: Re: checking in on STEM Corps Hello Jonathan, I hope I ?nd you well! Jacquelline is available from 9 -lOam, 1:30am-1:30pm, and 2-4pm PT tomorrow. Does a time in any of those windows work for you? Thank you! Best, Abby On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 7:41 AM, Greenblatt, Jonathan wrote: Jacquelline, Hi there. Thanks for your response. Yes, lets loop in CNCs. i am copying John Kelly on this note. Would love to do it this week if possiblefew mins tomorrow? Please let me know your availability and Kristin on my team can help to set up a dial -in as well as coordinate with Kumar and John. Best, Jonathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailt Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 10:34 AM To: Kalil, Thomas A. Abigail Sassoon Cc: Greenblatt, Jonathan; Garg, KUmar; FN ?WHO-Innovati0n Subject: Re: checking in On STEM Corps Abby can ?nd us time to connect. Should we include 1 On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (6) wrote: Kumar. NSF is on board. I'm on sori ng break A but Kumar can participate in any calls you set up. Grams; ion-athan Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 08:14 AM 6 Cc: Kalil, Thomas A. FN-WHO?Innovation Subject: checking in on STEM Corps acquelline, Hi there. I trust all is Well. Its been a few weeks since we met in NYC, but wondering if you might have time either today or tomorrow for a quick check -in call on STEM Corps? We have been working with CNCS on innovative models for funding this effort consistent with the vision/parameters that you shared in New York. It would be good to spend a few minutes talking through the basic framework for your feedback and discuss next steps. Additionally, we have a fast approaching and very exciting opportunity to give this effort a big lift and would like to work with you/ your team to capitalize. Is there a time that works for you to connect with us? best, Jonathan gm (6) Jacquelline FU'lef'll Director (300919 GiVing (W9 .. . Google Giving now has a Goog e+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all c0pies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. Abigail Sassoon Assistant to Eric Chu, Patrick Copeland, Jacquelline Fuller, and Anita Yuen (6) From: Jacquelline Fuller (l3) (6) Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 10:58 AM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Abigail Sassoon; Kalil, Thomas Garg, Kumar; FN?WHO?Innovation,? John Kelly Levy, Noemie Subject: Re: checking in on STEM Corps I can make time. Allie will work her magic with Kristin. On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 7:41 AM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (6) wrote: jacquelline, Hi there, Thanks for your response. Yes, lets loop in CNCs. i am copying john Kelly on this note. Would love to do it this week if possible. Can we carve out a few mins tomorrow? Please let me know your availability and Kristin on my team can help to set up a dial?in as well as coordinate with Kumar and John. Best, Jonathan From: Jacquelline Fuller [mailto Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 10:34 AM To: Kalil, Thomas Abigail Sassoon Cc: Greenblatt, Jonathan; Garg, Kumar; FN ?WHO?Innovation Subject: Re: checking in on STEM Corps Abby can ?nd us time to connect. Should we include On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Kalil, Thomas A. (5) wrote: Kumar,? NSF is on board. i?m on spring break but Kumar can participate in any tails you setup. .. Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 08:14 AM To Cc: Kalil, Thomas FN-WHO?Innovation Subject: checking in on STEM Corps acquelline, Hi there. I trust all is well. Its been a few weeks since we met in NYC, but wondering if you might have time either today or tomorrow for a quick check -in call on STEM Corps? We have been working with CNCS on innovative models for ?nding this effort consistent with the vision/parameters that you shared in New York. It would be good to spend a few minutes talking through the basic ?amework for your feedback and discuss next steps. Additionally, we have a fast approaching and very exciting opportunity to give this effort a big lift a nd would like to work with you/your team to capitalize. Is there a time that works for you to connect with us? best, Jonathan - - i . 1 6 ?2 i? #n'a-kh 17 v.55 Jacquelline Fuller 1i Director Google Giving ii 2 Googie Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don't forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. mun-u: Jacque?HW War Dimmer Goog'e Givmg Gogie Giving now has a Googie+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! If you received this communication by mistake, please don?t forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all c0pies of it, inclu ding all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks. - - From: Anurag Acharya Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 12:30 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repositOry for federally funded research articles On Thu, Apr 4, 20l3 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. wrote: Fantastic. [will-discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We are juggling a number of presentations. How is next week looking for you? Mornings 9am-1pm Paci?c would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm -3pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3?5pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anurag From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM T0: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to speak to the interagenCy group - to present the argument for a centralized repository and t0 descri be our proposal in detail. 5 You had mentioned that the group meets on tliursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, the following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April l8th work but we just moved from LA to Palo Alto - which makes for a long TODO list, as Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be good to cover in the presentation. cheers, anurag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Aeharya (6) wrote: Sounds good. I will be a (6) an mag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (5) wrote: How about tomorrow at 530pm Eastern? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM T0: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Paci?c/1pm Eastern would work for me this week. Ne xt week, 10am-2pm Pacific would work Mon->Thurs and lO-lpm Friday. cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: - From: Anurag Acharya [mailto [(316? Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM -. To: Stebbins, Michael J. 2 Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation 2 Tuesday 1pm Eastern! 10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, I will be at (6) If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. 21.1}. 111;; - On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Born/.1 am on vacation. How about Tuesday? I am open from 1 Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, let me know some times that would. cheers, 3 anurag On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) mm; '5 Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week of April 1 S?t? Best, Mike 2 From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by federal agencies! One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these articles are included in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archiv al access and long -term stewardship. As the lead for Google Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries werldwide. I have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my CXperience, I would like to share recommendations/preposals regarding repositories for federally funded research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation- cheers, 3 anurag From: George Ivanov 6) Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 11:35 AM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: Catching Up Hi David, I hope the week is going well on your end. Following up on a separate thread - Chris Urmson, the head of our autonomous vehicle program, is going to be in town next week for an ITIF panel and was interested in meeting with you to discuss some of your planned initiatives on this topic and to give yo an update on where things stand on our end. Would you happen to have some time to join us in our DC of?ce next Thursday or Friday? Also, last week I ran across an interesting article on eve-tracking, that provides some good food for thought as these technologies become more common. Sincerely, George George lvanov Policy Anaiyst 1 Goegle inc. 1 101 New Yerk Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:34 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Microsoft Patent Tracker thought this David Balto piece might interest you gs/ economic ?intelligence/201 3/ 0 3/ 2 9/time - oatent-troll-orivateermg Some of Microsoft?s patent holdings are relatively well ~known, since they are either assigned to Microsoft itself or a known subsidiary of Microsoft. But Microsoft over the years has grown very close to the patent assertion entity community. It has strong ties with Inteilectuai Ventures, Rockstar and MOSAID, three of the world's largest patent trolls. When patents are transferred to trolls, identifying the ultimate "owner" of a patent is likely to be complicated and will frequently fail to reveal the information that might be of most interest to the market or enforcers. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Googie Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Johanna Shelton Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 2:43 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: George Ivanov Subject: Fwd: Patent Privateering comments of Google, Blackberry, Redi?lat, Earthlink Attachments: PAE Comments 04 05 13.pdf Today Google, Blackberry, Earthlink and RedHatfiled the attached comments to the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission on how patent trolls are harming competition and innovation, focusing on the worrying trend of companies transferring their patents to trolls and providing incentives to assert those patents against their competitors. Our blog post follows. Please let me know if you have any questions. -Johanna It?s time to take action against patent trolls and patent privateering Friday, Aprii 5, 2013 3:11:00 AM ET Posted by Matthew Bye, Senior Competition Counsel Today, we submitted comments together with BlackBerry, EarthLink and Red Hat to the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice on the growing harm caused by patent assertion entities (more widely known as patent trolls). We?ve been encouraged by recent attention on the problem of trolls, which cost the US. economy nearly $30 billion a year. Trolls are hurting consumers and are increasingly going after small businesses, hampering innovation and reducing competition. Our comments today also focus on a worrisome trend: some companies are increasingly transferring patents to trolls?and providing incentives to assert those patents against their competitors. These transfers can raise rivals? costs and undermine patent peace. This trend has been referred to as patent privateerinq?: a company sells patents to trolls with the goal of waging asymmetric warfare against its competitors. Trolls use the patents they receive to sue with impunity -?since they don?t make anything, they can?t be countersued. The transferring company hides behind the troll to shieid itself from litigation, and sometimes even arranges to get a cut of the money extracted by troll lawsuits and licenses. Privateering lets a company split its patent portfolio into smaller sub ?portfolios ?stacked? on each other, increasing the number of entities a ?rm must negotiate with and multiplying licensing costs. This behavior unfairly raises competitors? costs, ultimately driving prices for consumers. It also undermines incentives for companies to work together towards ?patent peace? through good - faith negotiation and cross-licensing. lf cross-licensing is nuclear deterrence for patents, then privateering has the opposite effect, facilitating patent proliferation and aggression. We?re asking other companies to work with us to develop cooperative licensing agreements that can help curb privateering. We?re also encouraged that the FTC and DOJ are paying attention to this critical issue, and we hope they will continue to study how abusive troll litigation and patent privateering are harming innovative industries. Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) COMMENTS OF GOOGLE, BLACKBERRY, EARTHLINK RED HAT TO THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION AND US. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 011 PATENT ASSERTION ENTITIES Submitted Via email: Comments to the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice on Patent Assertion Entities INTRODUCTION The Commission recognizes that Patent Assertion Entities jeopardize the patent system?s central purpose of encouraging innovation. In its 2011 Evolving 1P Marketplace Report, the Commission observed that accumulation and ass ertion of patents impose costs that threaten to ?distort competition in technology markets, raise prices and decrease incentives to innovate.?1 The Commission further expressed skepticism that PAEs produce the bene?ts that their proponents claim or that any such bene?ts justify the harms that PAEs inflict. The Commission?s skepticism appears well -founded. We believe that many PAE activities are inconsistent with the fundamental goal of the patent system that is, ?to Promote the Progress of Science and the Useful Arts.?2 In particular, PAEs impose an ever ?rising ?tax? on innovative industries. The facts are sobering: PAEs are ?ling four times as many cases today as in 2005. PAE lawsuits now account for 62% of all recently ?led patent litigation. Big tech companies face hundreds of PAE lawsuits, but small - and medium?sized companies are the most frequent targets. PAE claims cost US. companies $29 billion in 2011; $80 billion when accounting for all costs direct and indirect. - Although the Supreme Court?s decision in eBay limits ability to obtain injunctions in district court, PAEs continue to seek exclusion orders in the ITC. PAEs also continue to take advantage of information asymmetries that stem from poor notice and inadvertent infringement to appropriate sunk costs from ?rms locked into product design choices. We therefore applaud the Commission?s and the Antitrust Division?s decision to hold a joint workshop on patent assertion entities that builds upon th Commission?s work from 201 1. As the Commission noted in its 2011 Report, ?[t]wo areas of patent law? notice and remedies ?impact how well the patent system and competition policy work together to further their common goal of enhancing consumer welfa re.?3 Without ?clear notice of what a patent covers,? and what patents exist, ?rms may be unsure about the potential risks of developing and 1 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, THE IP MARKETPLACE: ALIGNING PATENT NOTICE AND REMEDIES WITH COMPETITION, 71 (Mar. 2011), (hereinafter ?Evolving IP Marketplace? or ?2011 IP Report?), available at 1f03f1 . 2 US. CONST2011 IP Report, supra note 1, at 2. ?Poor patent notice also hinders competition by forcing ?rms to design products with incomplete knowledge of the cost and availability of different technologies.? Id. at 3. -1- commercializing high?tech products.4 ?Poor patent notice undermines innovation and competition by raising the ri sk of . . . infringement and imposing ?a very high overhead? on innovation.?5 The Commission recognized, moreover, that the current state of the law regarding patent infringement remedies ?encourage[e's] patent speculation, ex post licensing and ?being infringed? as a business model.?6 PAEs, in particular, are exploiting fuzzy patent boundaries and targeting ?inadvertent infringers?7 to extract economic rents that often far exceed the value of the underlying technologies. A patent system that enables the appropriation of sunk costs through excessive rents and ?[d]amage awards that do not track the value of a patented invention compared to alternatives can deprive consumers of the bene?ts of competition among technologies.?8 Although we agree that the current patent system undesirably encourages PAE activity, we are also concerned with, and suggest that the agencies should seriously examine, the outsourcing of patent enforcement by Operating companies companies that develop technology and sell products to PAEs and the competitive implications of such activities. So -called ?privateering?9 ampli?es the threat to innovation and competition already posed by PAEs. PAEs long have sought to acquire IP rights from operating companies. And operating companies long have served as targets of patent enforcement efforts. Today, however, we are witnessing an important shift in the relations-hip between certain operating companies and PAEs. Some operating companies appear to be outsourcing patent enforcement to PAEs and providing incentives to those PAEs to enforce patents against the transferring company?s rivals. Privateering poses numerous perils to competition, consumers and innovation. First, Operating companies? outsourcing of patent enforcement to AEs detrimentally alters enforcement incentives. When, for example, two operating companies each possess patents that implicate the other?s products, a common outcome is cross ?licensing. Cross- licensing, particularly at low royalty levels that ?net out? the value of respective IP rights, bene?ts competition and consumers. Cross -1icensing resolves blocking positions, reduces costs and promotes the dissemination of technology and innovation. Conversely, the threat of patent countersuits may also deter firms from enforcing patents against one another. Such ?mutual assured destruction? can achieve many of the same bene?ts as cross ?licensing148. 7 Id. at 131. 8 Id. at 148. 9 For a discussion of patent ?privateering,? see Tom Ewing, Indirect Exploitation of" Intellectual Property Rights By Corporations and Investors: IP Privateering and Modern Letters ofMarque and Reprisai 4 HASTINGS SCI. TECH. L. J. 1 (2012). See also Susan Decker, Patent Privateers Sail the Legal Waters against Apple, Googie Bloomberg (Jan. 1 1, 2013), googlehtml. Outsourcing to PAEs alters these incentives in ways that raise costs and harm competition. Unlike an operating company, most PAEs are immune to patent cOuntersuits because they offer no products or services. Transferring patents to a PAE can shift symmetric patent peace into asymmetric patent aggression. Indeed, by outsourcing enforcement of part of its patent portfolio to a PAE, an operating company can try to have it both ways: The operating company can continue to deter patent suits by another operating company by virtue of its remaining patents; and it can encourage offensive actions against its rivals throu gh strategic patent transfers to a PAE (which need not fear patent countersuits). Moreover, by outsourcing part of its portfolio to PAEs while retaining a stake in the outcome, an operating company may extract value from its own patents that it otherwise might not have been able to achieve. And although outsourcing can be met in kind, escalating patent con?icts through mutual PAE outsourcing merely imposes additional costs that ultimately harm consumers. Second, in some industries, patent outsourcing arrangements between operating companies and PAES can threaten royalty stacking and result in exploitation. In the standard - setting context and in other contexts, some patent holders make ?no royalty stacking? pled ges to induce Standard Setting Organizations and industry participants to adopt their technology over alternatives. In a ?no stacking? commitment, a company pledges that, no matter how many of its patents implicate a particular technology or stan dard, the company will only seek royalties up to a certain level. By transferring patents essential to implement the committed technology to multiple PAEs, a company can seek to evade its no royalty stacking commitment. This can occur when, despite agreements by each PAE individually to honor the Operating company?s royalty cap, there is no obligation by the PARS and operating company collectively to honor the cap. Disaggregation of a patent portfolio to PAEs thus can enable the very royalty stacking that a patent holder?s ?no stacking? pledge was designed to prevent. Moreover, when a breach of the ?no stacking? commitment occurs after an industry becomes locked into a standard, outsourcing patents subject to a no royalty stacking commitment to PAEs may result in the very type of exploitation the Commission condemned in In re N?Data and sought to arrest in Rambus. Third, operating companies may combine the above tactics with contractual commitments secured from their PAE surrogates to raise rivals? cost 5 and thereby harm competition and sti?e innovation. An operating company might parcel out pieces of a previously-unified patent portfolio to multiple PAES pursuant to terms that give the PARS signi?cant incentives to raise rivals? costs. For example, an operating company might retain the right to pull back the transferred patents if royalties secured by PAEs do not meet certain milestones. Or the transferring operating company and PAEs might agree to target the transferring operating company?s rivals. The operating company thereby may succeed in saddling rivals with additional costs that enable the transferring company (or its allies) to exercise market power. These arrangements (and others) between operating companies and PAEs can, depending on the facts, transgress the antitrust laws. Patent acquisitions by PAES from operating companies are subject to Section 7 of the Clayton Act, as well as the Sherman Act. Schemes by which Operating companies outsource patents to PAE proxies to raise rivals? co may be subject to invalidation under Sherman Act Section 1 and Section 2. And, depending on the circumstances, employing PAE enforcement agents to evade FRAND commitments (including no royalty stacking pledges) may violate precedent under Section 5 of the FTC Act as well as the Sherman Act. We accordingly recommend that the FTC employ its authority under Section 6(b) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 46, to initiate an inquiry into the relationship between PAEs and Operating companies whether as a discrete t0pic or as part of a broader Section 6(b) inquiry into PAEs. A Section inquiry will enable the Commission to probe this important area and answer many important questions. For example: How prevalent is the outsourcing of patent enforcement by operating companies to What types of arrangement have PAES and operating companies consummated? What motivates these arrangements? .What are the likely competitive harms and bene?ts of patent outsourcing? What are the competitive implications of the secrecy with which many PAEs conduct their operations? Do the particular terms of outsourcing arrangements indicate that operating companies are employing PAE proxies as competitive weapons? A Section 6(b) inquiry focused on these and oth er questions would enable the Commission and the public to deepen their understanding of how operating companies? arrangements with PAEs affect innovation, competition and consumers. 10 The fruits of a Section 6(b) inquiry also would provide a foundation fo the antitrust agencies to assess whether the solutions to the Competitive concerns patent outsourcing arrangements pose lie in antitrust enforcement, in changes in the patent laws (where the antirust enforcement agencies might play an important advocacy role), or elsewhere. I. PAEs Continue To Hinder Innovative Industries The threat that PAEs pose to innovative industries continues to grow. The Commission?s 20] I Report explained how PAEs impose an ex post ?tax? on innovation. When a PAE asserts a patent obtained from a third party against a manufacturer, manufacturer?s royalty payment may raise costs to consumers, but it obtains only the avoidance of infringement litigation, not the bene?t of the technology itself.? Put differently, the ?m anufacturer?s costs will increase and its return on investment will decrease after it has developed and commercialized a product.? 12 In short, by seeking to hold up ?rms that have commercialized We believe the public would bene?t from the details of the Commission?s ?nding, should the Commission elect to release a report. 1] Evolving IP Marketplace, supra note 1, at 52. Id. at 53. products, PAEs threaten to ?distort competition in technolog markets, raise prices and decrease incentives to innovate.? 13 Many others have described harmful effects on innovation. Some have argued that represent a ?socially wasteful? business activity, diverting resources from more useful areas to the fora of litigation.? 4 President Obama recently called PAEs a ?classic example? of firms that ?don?t actually produce anything themselves. They?re just trying to essentially leverage and hijack somebody else?s idea and see if they can extort money out of them.?15 President Obama suggested that ?smarter patent laws? might be one possible solution to the problem.?6 Google has proposed that ?Congress should make it easier for companies to recover money spent defending against frivolous troll suits? by passing legislation similar to ?the bipartisan SHIELD Act? and ?expanding the covered business method program of the America Invents Act to include more patents.? Still others suggest that the President could encourage ?increase[d] scrutiny? of PAEs that are, in essence, imposing ?a startup tax across the tech sector.? Recent data indicate that the number of exploitative suits and economic rents extracted by PAEs is growing dramatically and the worst is yet to come. Both the number of PAEs and the number of patents held by PAEs are increasing; PAE ?innovation? in rent -extraction techniques is occurring rapidly and spreading by imitation. PAEs retain the threat of obtaining ITC exclusion orders even if eBay has eased the threat of a district court injunction. Without public policy reforms, the costs PAEs impose in the form of defense costs, licensing fees and litigation awards will continue to rise. A. Patent Lawsuits Filed By PAEs Nearly Doubled from 2007 To 2011 The increase in lawsuits ?led by PAEs over the last decade is dramatic. Last year, 4,125 of the 6,934 defendants named in patent cases were named by PAE plaintiffs. 9 In 201 1, operating companies mounted nearly 6,000 litigation defenses against PAEs, a more than 400% 13 '4 Christian Helmers Luke McDonagh, Troiis at the High Court? LSE Law, Society Economy Working Papers 13/2012 (2012), avaiiabie at ~13 '5 Alan Schoenbaum, President Obama Joins Innovators In Our Fight Against Patent Trolls The Rackspace Blog (Feb. 20, 2013), trollst. 1" 1d. '7 Suzanne Michel, Let?s Defend Innovators Against Patent Trolt's Google Public Policy Blog (Feb. 27, 2013), 18 Jeff John Roberts, Obama Says Patent Trolls 'Hijack? and ?Extort; So Do Something Mr. President GigaOM (Feb. 16, 2013), president! . 19 RPX, Tracking PAE Activity: A Post-Script to the Review, (Apr. 1, 2013). -5- increase since 2005.20 Today, lawsuits filed by PAEs account for 62% of all pa tent cases.21 The following graphs depict this dramatic increase in PAE -related litigation: PAE Suits Have Become the Majority of All Patent Suits 22 2906 200? 2008 2009 2010 201 1 2812 PAS, i Nan-m5 20 James E. Bessen Michael J. Meurer, The Direct Costs??om NPE Disputes at 3 1, Table 4, BOSTON UNIV. SCHOOL OF LAW, Law and Economics Research Paper No. 12 -34 (June 28, 2012), available at 10 . . 21 RPX, Tracking PAE Activity: A Post-Script to the D0.)r Review, supra note 19. In a study conducted by Lex Machina, the 5 parties in the sample who filed the greatest number of lawsuits during the period studied, 4 were? only one was an operating company. Sara Jeruss, Robin Feldman, Joshua Walker, The American Invests Act 5 00: Effect of Monopoiization Entities on US. Litigation I DUKE L. TECH. REV. 35?, 361 (2012). 22 Id; see also Patent Freedom, Litigations Over Time, (last Visited Apr. 1, 2013). The America Invents Act?s cinder rule may account for some of the increase in the number of suits ?led in 2012 over 201 1. See Tracie L. Bryant, The America Invents Act: Slaying Tro lls, Limiting Joinder, 25 HARV. J.L. TECH. 673, 689-90 (2012). Number of PAE Defendants Has Increased Signi?cantly In Recent Years 23 a? as?; asae+ 2009 2010 a PAE I PAES have focused much of their attention and resources on the information technology industry. There are a number of reasons for this: (1) companies in the industry often enter bankruptcy or become so distressed they are willing to sell off their patents; (2) products in this ?eld are often covered by many patents; and (3) IT patents, some assert, are relatively easy to procure as ?paper inventions? tie, without constructing the underlying invention. 24 As noted, however, PAE activities threaten to impose costs and hinder in novation in numerous other industries as well. B. PAEs Continue To Seek ITC Exclusion Orders Although the Supreme Court has limited ability to obtain injunctions in the federal courts,25 PAEs remain (as a result of the interpretation of ?domestic injury?) able to seek exclusion orders in the International Trade Commission While ?the injunction grant rate post-eBay in district courts has declined to around '75 percent . . . the injunction rate has held steady at 100 percent.?26 This re?ects that ?[p]arties who win in district court but would not receive an injunction under eBay can circumvent this response by refiling their cases in the 23 Id. The signi?cant decrease in the number of operating company defendants from 2011 to 2012 may re?ect the impact of the America Invents Act, which increases the cost of suing multiple de fendants by limiting the circumstances under which multiple defendants can be joined in the same suit. See Bryant, supra note 22, at 689-90. 24 Colleen V. Chien, OfTrolls, Davids, Gotz?aths, and Kings: Narratives and Evidence in the Litigation oth'gh - Tech Patents, 87 NC. L. REV. 1571, 1581 (2009), available at id=1396319 . 35 eBay. Inc. v. MercExchange, LLC, 54? us. 383 (2006). 25 Colleen v. Chien Mark A. Lemley, Patents and the Public Interest, NY. TIMES (Dec. 13, 201 1), 13?12tl3x?0pinionfpatents -7- ITC because a district court?s denial of an injunction request is no barrier to the grant of an exclusion order by the It is little wonder that PAEs have shifted their focus to the ITC. One set of scholars has observed that, because ?nearly every patentee can bring an ITC complaint, and nearly every accused infringer is a potential ITC defendant,? the ITC has become the ?mainstream venue in which to ?le patent grievances.?28 Indeed, the ?caseload has more than doubled, from 29 cases in 2005 to 64 [in 2011].? 29 Based on a recent analysis, Professor Colleen Chien estimates that PAEs acc0unt for more than one ?quarter of all patent cases filed in the ITC. 30 ?Growth in NPE-initiated ITC cases has outpaced that in ITC cases in general [from 2006 to 201 with the NPE share of all ITC cases growing from 7% to 25% and the number of respondents from NPE - initiated ITC cases growing to over 50% of all ITC respondents.? 31 Put differently, an ?unintended consequence? of eBay has been to drive ?patentees to the ITC in hepes of obtaining an injunction no longer available in the federal district courts.? 32 In some instances, moreover, it appears that PAEs have employed operating company licensees? activities to help establish domestic industry, a pre ~requisite for a successful suit at the ITC.33 2T Colleen V. Chien Mark A. Lemley, Patent Holdup, the FTC, and the Public Interest, CORNELL L. REV., Stanford Public Law Working Paper No. 2022168 at 16 (July 2, 2012), available at id=2022168 . 28 rd. at 115. 29 Chien Lemley, Patents and the Public Interest, supra note 26. 30 See The International Trade Commission and Patent Disputes: Hearing Before the Subcomm. On Intellectual Prop., Competition and the Internet of the H. Comm. 0n the Judiciary 12 Cong. (2012) (statement of Colleen V. Chien, Santa Clara University Law School), available at 07182012.html . 31 Chien Lernley, Patent Holdup, the ITC, and the Public interest, supra note 27, at 15. As de?ned by professors Chien and Lemley, a non -practicing entity includes PAEs as well as other ?rms such as individuals and universities. Id. at 110. 32 Id. at 140. 33 See, e. In re Certain Electronic Devices Including Handheld Wireless Communication Devices lnv. Nos. 337- TA-667, (combined) (2009) (?nding domestic industry requirement met where PAE licensed an operating company, which enginee red and produced articles covered by US. patents); see also Wei Wang, Non?Practicing Complainants at the I TC: Domestic Industry or Not? 27 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 409, 435-63 (2012). Moreover, when a PAE relies on licensing activities to establish a omestic industry, licensees may not need to make a product covered by the patented invention. According to a recent ITC decision, ??the [Section 337] statute does not require a complainant to manufacture the patented product nor does it require that a corn plainant show that a product covered by the . . . patent is made by the complainant?s licensee.m Ralph Mittelberger Taniel Anderson, Non-Practicing Entities and the Backdoor to the ITC at 6, 10-11, Support Paper for ABA Antitrust Section Spring Meeting (201 l) (quoting Initial Determination (Public Version), at 10, In re Certain Digital Satellite Systems (DSS) Receivers Components Thereof: Inv. No. 337-TA-392 (April 2001)), available at 1ispring/MATERIALSMittelberger Paperpdf . -8- C. PAE Patent Enforcement Imposes A Tax On Innovation The explosion of PAE litigation has worked to raise the costs confronting innovative industries. One study found that PAEs have in?icted $500 billion in costs on publicly -traded companies since 1990, with total costs (including direct and indirect costs) of more than $83 billion per year over each of the past four years. 34 In 201 1, the ?direct costs of patent assertions . . . totaled about $29 billion . . . including the costs of non-litigated assertions.?35 These direct costs, which have doubled from 2009 to 2011 and have increased by 400% since include legal defense fees, licensing arrangements and monetary judgments, all of which have the consequences of diverting re sources and delaying new products.37 The costs of defending a patent infringement suit are startling. According to industry estimates, the median cost of patent litigation breaks down as follows 38: Patent In?ingement Suit: <31 Million at risk: 8 650,000 81-2 5M at risk: 5?5 2.500.000 )8251?91 at risk: .95 .5 000.000 These costs are merely the legal costs borne by defendants. Combine the legal costs with settlement costs, according to one source, and the ?mean total litigation costs are $1.75 million for small/medium companies (defined as companies with less han $1 billion in reported revenue) and $8.79 million for large companies.? 39 To understand the harmful impact of excessive litigation, one must add to these out?of~pocket costs the loss of time, energy and creativity of managers, engineers and scientists caught up in the litigation process. 40 34 James E. Bessen, et al., The Private and Social Costs of Patent Trolls at 4, Working Paper, SSRN ?id1957325 (September 19, 2011), available at id=1930272 . 35 James Bessen and Michael J. Mcurer, The Direct Costs from NPE Disputes Boston Univ. School of Law Working Paper No. 12-34 at 2 (June 22, 2012), available at id=20912l0 . 36 Patent Trolls A New Study and a Survey, Groklaw (July 13, 2012), 2071215 1437524 . 37 Bessen, et al., supra note 34, at 4. 38 Letter from William Barber, President American Intellectual Property Law Association to Hon. Victoria Espinel, United States Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, OMB, Executive Office of the President, at 3 (Aug. 10, 2012), available at ?%208.l 0.12.pdf. 39 James Bessen and Michael J. Meurer, The Direct Costs from NPE Disputes supra note 35, at 12-13. 40 See Colleen V. Chien, Startups and Patent Trolls, Working Paper, at 10?14 (Sep. 28, 2012) (discussing impact of PAE demands on entrepreneurial ?rms? operations), available at id=2l46251 . -9- The prospect of incurring these substantial costs drives many defendants to settle even the most unmeritorious of claims. 41 And these settlements are by no means trivial. In fact, ?it is clear that non?litigated patent assertions are responsible for much of the direct costs imposed by_ on operating companies.?42 According to one source, the mean total cost per company for a non-litigated patent assertion that is, the direct and indirect costs resulting fro PAE enforcement and licensing efforts shy of litigation is $42.4 million for large companies and $8.l million for small/medium companies, averaging $29.8 million across all companies. 43 PAEs, therefore, ?have nothing to lose and much to gain by litigat ing aggressively?44 or demanding royalties based in large part on design -around costs. Despite the signi?cant costs they in?ict, a very small share of PAE revenues is used to support innovation or invention. For that reason, some researchers contend hat ?a substantial part of direct costs of litigation is a deadweight loss to society.? 46 They conclude that approximately only one quarter of PAE revenues ?ows to innovators ?and at least that much go[es] toward legal fees.?47 Moreover, other empirical research concludes that ?less than two percent of losses in wealth caused by PAEs passed through to independent inventors.? 48 And only 29% of PAE patents come from small inventors; 43% come from large ?rms. 49 Thus, although supporters contend that PA Es produce certain bene?ts for example, ef?ciently dividing labor between innovators and experts in enforcement; enabling smaller ?rms and sole inventors to achieve a return on otherwise unmonetizable investments in innovation; facilitating ef?cient management of large 1P portfolios 50 the Commission described these bene?ts as ?uncertain?51 and likely outweighed by the harms PAEs in?ict. 52 4? PAEs rarely prevail on the merits of infringement. See John R. Allison, Mark A. Lemley Joshua Walker, Patent Quality and SeltlementAmo ng Repeat Patent Litigants, 99 GEO. LJ. 677, 706 (2011) (PAE win rate in cases decided on the merits is just versus 40% for other entities). 42 Bessen Meurer, supra note 35Brian Yeh, An Overview ofthe 'Patent Trolls Debate Congressional RCSearch Service Report for Congress, at 13 (Aug. 20, 2012), available at 0.pdf. 45 A large share of the costs PAES impose on innovation are not incurred in litigation, but settlements obtained under threat of litigation. Therefore, studies that attempt to measure economic harm from PAES by examining litigation outcomes almost certainly and substantially understate the economic harm they cause. 46 Catherine Dunn, Putting a Price ag on ?Patent Troll? Litigation, (July ll, 2012), a Price Tag on Pate nt Tro ll Litigation&slreturn*20121 028183631 (quoting Bessen Meurer). 47 Yeh, supra note 44, at 2; see also James Bessen Michael Meurer, Patent Trolls in Public, Patently-O (Mar. 19, 2013), (estimating that only 26% of licensing revenues ??ows to inventors of all types?). 48 Id. at 8 (emphasis in original). 49 ld. (citing Michael Risch, Patent Troll 42 SETON HALL L. REV. 45?, 45 9-61 (2012)). 50 See, Timothy Simcoe, Patent Assertion Entities??] Potential Efficiencies (Dec. 10, 2012), . 5] Evolving IP Marketplace, supra note I, at 71. -10- II. Patent Transfers To PAEs Create ?ilditional Perils An accelerating phenomenon threatens to exacerbate the above-described harms and poses additional perils to competition and innovation. Although operating companies have consistently raised concerns about PAEs, 53 some such companies increasingly employ PAEs as patent enforcement surrogates. These operating companies sell or assign pieces of (or entire) patent portfolios to PAEs that then assert the acquired patents against the transferring company?s rivals. Put differently, although operating companies previously funded certain PAE activities and served as a well?spring for patents PAEs enforce, 54 operating companies are increasingly employing PAEs to strategic ends in new and evolving relationships. The evolving relationships between operating companies and PAEs pose numerous distinct threats to innovation, competition and consumers. We describe several noteworthy harms below: how transfers from operating companies to PAEs can harm innovation and raise rivals? costs by altering enforcement incentives; (ii) how patent outsourcing arrangemen ts can foster exploitation by facilitating evasion of no royalty stacking commitments in some industries; and how contractual arrangements between operating companies and PAEs can further exclusionary ends. Unfortunately, these are but a few example of the many ways operating compsasnies and PAEs interact that may implicate competition policy and our nation?s antitrust laws. A. Outsourcing To PAEs Impairs Competition By Undermining Patent Peace It is commonly recognized that cross ?1icensing benefits consumers and innovation.56 Cross?licenses remove blocking positions, facilitate the dissemination of technology, reduce 52 Id. (claiming that acquisition and assertion of patents against existing products ?can distort competition in technology markets, raise prices and decrease incent ives to innovate?). 53 See, e. 3., Tim Frain, Nolcia Response to Patent Standards Workshop, Project No. PH 4204, at 5 (July 8, 2011), (?From a policy and regulator?s perspective, the role and impact of NPES on legitimate enterprise perhaps deserves more careful attention?), available at -6089l .pdf; Horacio Gutierrez, The SHIELD Act: Another Step in the Patent Reform Discussion, Technet (Feb. 27, 2013), on the issueslarchivel2013 reform?discussionaspx (?Microsoft is harassed by PAEs as much as anyone in our industry: at any given moment, we face as many as 60 PAE suits, comprising the vast majority of patent cases brought against us 54 See generally Toni Ewing Robin Feldman, The Giants Among Us, 2012 STAN. TECH. L. REV. l, at 111] 4-5 (2012) (describing how operating companies funded PAEs and how ?mass aggregators purchase large chunks, even the majority, of an operating company?s patents and patent applications?), available at 55 Another harm not discussed at length here includes how certain accretion of massive patent portfolios might anticompetitively shield weak patents. 56 See Shapiro, Navigating the Patent Thicket: Cross Licenses, Patent Pools, and Standard Setting 1 INNOVATION POLICY AND THE ECONOMY 19, 127, 129-30 (2001) licenses can solve the complements problem, at least among two firms, and thus be highly procompetitive?), available at . -11- its costs by reducing risk and uncertainty and foster innovation. 5? Cross-licenses, in other words, are among the ?ex ante? patent trans actions that, as the Commission recognized in its 2011 Report, typically benefit competition. 53 Moreover, when ?rms possess signi?cant patent portfolios that may implicate one another?s products, those positions can serve to achieve consequences similar to a cross-license. One firm may be deterred from initiating patent litigation against another for fear of drawing a patent countersuit. 59 Therefore, each firm?s possession of patents may foster ?patent peace.? As one set of scholars put it, ?When one has an insurmountable weapon, there is no need to use the weapon.? 60 But in many circumstances, patent transfers to PAEs undermine patent peace and harm innovation, competition and consumers. 61 The reason is that such transfers change incentives to enforce patents. For example, suppose two competitors (A and B) decline to sue one another because each knows that initiating patent litigation will draw a countersuit by the other. Firm A then outsources enforcement of some (but not all) of its patents to a PAE. As many commentators recognize, the PAE transferee has different incentives to assert the transferred patents than Firm A. 62 PAEs are not operating companies and, therefore, are not vulnerable to patent countersuits when the PAE initiates litigatio n.63 Thus, where the proSpect of patent countersuits deterred Firm A from suing Firm B, Firm A can avoid the deterrent effect of countersuits by transferring patents to a PAE with incentives to assert them against Firm B. 57 U.S. or JUSTICE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, ANTITRUST GUIDELINES FOR LICENSING or INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 28 (1995), available . 58 See Evolving IP Marketplace, supra note 1, at 9 (?An important goal in aligning the patent system and competition policy is to facilitate ex ante trans actions while making ex post transactions less necessary or frequent"). 59 See generally Ewing Feldman, supra note 54, 102-115 (describing how ?Just-In-Time? patenting can counter patent suits). 50 Id. 11 115. Certain patent acquisitions by operating companies may enhance or foster patent peace. For example, when a company subject to patent litigation purchases a patent it can assert in a pa tent countersuit, the outcome may be a cross -1icense or similar settlement. At times, PAEs have served as a source of such patent rights. Ewing Feldman, supra note 54, 1111 49-50. And purchasing patents from PAEs for inclusion in a defensive patent portfolio can reduce licensing costs for an entire industry. 6' It is not uncommon for ?patents initially acquired defensively? to ?end[] up in the ha of PARS arguably increasing, rather than reducing, patent risk.? Colleen Chien, A Race to the Bottom, IAM MAGAZINE, Jan.- Feb. 2012, at 10, available at id=1978882. 62 See, e. g. Ilene Knable Gotts Scott Sher, The Particular Antitrust Concerns with Patent Acquisitions COMP. LAW. Aug. 2012, at 32 (noting that a ?troll may have a stronger incentive to extract monOpoly re from infringers because it is not susceptible to counterclaims for infringement?), available at -august-.12.pdf. 63 As put by a PAE advocate: don?t have anything to lose when enforcing their rights. When you are sued, you have to allocate resources to defend your rights, which takes money away from your core processes. resources and business models are designed to enforce patents. You need to understand what NPEs are doing because they change the landscape of IP, and you need to develop an strategy to navigate it and determine where you ?t in.? Michael G. Craig, How Nonpracticing Entities and Patent Trolls Are Changing the 1P Landscape Smart Business (Oct. 1, 2012), 201 2/ 0/ how -12- In other words, the transfer from Firm A to the PAE alters potentially quite dramatically the incentives to enforce the transferred patents. These altered incentives can increase costs. Before the patent transfer, Firm A and Firm had strong incenti ves to include a cross-license in any patent dispute settlement. The cross -license likely would have reduced the amount of cash royalties flowing from one firm to the other, and in some circumstances it may have reduced royalty payments to zero. But tran sferring patents to the PAE undermines cross - licensing because the PAE places no value on access to other firm?s technologies. And by outsourcing enforcement of only part of its portfolio to the Firm A can attempt to deter Firm from suing Firm A (because Firm A retains other patents potentially to assert against Firm B) while raising Firm B?s costs through outsourcing enforcement of other patents to the PAE. The secrecy that often shrouds transfers to PAEs may facilitate such tactics, by masking that the PAE obtained the patents from Firm A (at least where Firm A?s personnel are not inventors).65 Depending on the facts, transfers that change enforcement incentives may raise rivals? costs and harm competition. A firm that refrains from unleashing a patent assault on a competitor for fear of countersuit which leaves both ?rms competing vigorously against one another might ship part of a patent portfolio to a PAE enforcement agent. Enforcement by the PAE enforcement proxy, in turn, might significantly raise the rival?s cost structure and thereby raise market-wide prices. Although not every patent transfer from an operating company to a PAE would threaten such consequences, the potential for anticompetitive harm in these transactions warrants investigation by the agencies. B. Outsourcing Patent Enforcement Enables Exploitative Rent Seeking A second and distinct way that operating company transfers to PAEs threaten competition is by enabling the company to evade its ?no stacking? commitments, which are common in some industries. The antitrust agencies long have sought to prevent patent holders from exploiting firms . that reasonably relied on the patent holder?s patent declarations or licensing commitments. The Commission?s litigation efforts against Rambus and Unocal illustrate the commitment to remedy, and thereby deter, the exploitation of firms induced to adopt technology based on such commitments made by patent holders.66 The Commission?s In re N-Dara consent order sought to arrest another form of exploitation: When the transferee of a patent ignores the specific 64 This is especially true when Firm A has a very large patent portfolio: the marginal value of a few hundred patents, when part of a portfolio of many thousands, may be quite small in securing cross -licenses or patent peace with Firm B. But when transferred to a PAE, those once marginal patents could potentially generate signi?cant returns. 65 See Colleen Chien, the Who Owns What Problem in Patent Law, at 5-6, Working Paper No. 03 ~12 (Jan. 2012) (discussing PAE techniques to obfuscate patent ownership), available a: id=l995 664 . PAES often acquire and maintain their patents in secret. Id. at 3?4 (discussing a Survey of 915 patent litigations where in ?a third of the cases, the plaintiff was not the patent owner of record as of the day the litigatiOn was initiated?). 66 See Rambus Inc. v. FTC, 522 F.3d 4576 (D.C. Cir. 2008); In the Matter of Union 01'! Co. ofCalzfornia No. 9305, FTC, Commission Opinion, at 6 (Aug. 2, 2005), -13- FRAND commitment made by the transferor and seeks exorbitant rates against a locked -in industry.67 The Commission?s 2011 Report similarly recognized that acquisition of and enforcement of patents also can foster exploitation. The Commission wrote: the harms associated with PAE activity are the harms associated with all ex post patent assertions against manufacturers that have independently created or obtained the technology . . . . Such transactions can distort competition in technology markets, raise prices and decrease incentives to innovate. The extent of PAE activity in the IT sector ampli?es the potential harm there. 68 The threat of PAE ex post assertions is magni?ed by the fact that many PAE patents are of questionable merit. PAEs only win 9.2% of the infringement suits they bring that actually reach trial (only 8% if default judgments are excluded). 69 In contrast, operating companies win 40% of their cases that reach trial (50% if default judgments are included). Thus, in general, PAEs assert weak patents. Carl Shapiro recently demonstrated that ?a large fraction of negotiated royalties? firms can extract using ?weak patents covering a minor feature of a high margin product that takes time to redesign? is attributable ?to hold -up, not to the value of the patented technology.?71 Operating companies and PAEs may enga ge in joint ex post exploitation. Certain transfers from operating companies to PAEs threaten to evade FRAND commitments even when, consistent with In re N?Data, the PAE agrees to honor a specific FRAND commitment made by the transferorl2 In particular, in some industries, operating companies that have made specific commitments to avoid royalty stacking may, in tandem with PAEs, be evading those commitments. The result, as with other transfers to PAEs, is to ?raise prices and decrease incentives to innovate.?3 67 see Negotiated Data Solutions LLC, FTC Docket No. 04234, 2003 WL 2533303 (Jan. 22, 2003) (entering consent order binding patent holder to its predecessor in interest?s commitment to 880); see also In re Negotiated Data Solutions LLC, No. 0510094, Statement of the FTC, 10094/080 l22statement.pdf . 63 Evolving IP Marketplace, supra note 1, at '59 Mike Mansick, Vast Majority of Software Patents in Lawsuits Lose TechDirt (Sep. 24, 2010), 1 143/Vast John Allison, Mark Lemley Joshua Walker, Patent Quality and Settlement Among Repeat Patent Litigants Stanford Law and Economics Olin Working Paper No. 398 (Sep. 30, 2012), available at id=1677785 . Mansick, supra note 69. 71 Carl Shapiro, Injunctions, Hold-Up, and Patent Royalties, 12 AM. L. 3.: ECON. REV. 231, 393 (2010), available at . 72 See Rafe Blandford, Google Files Antitrust Complaint against Nokia and Microso? All About Symbian, June 1, 2012, ?ow/ item/ 14946 Google ?les EU antitrust (quoting Nokia statement that ?any commitments made for standards essential patents transfer to the acquirer and existing licenses for the patents continue?). 73 See Evolving Marketplace, supra note 1, at 71. -14- Royalty stacking or the ?Coumot Complements problem? can occur, for example, when multiple complementary patent holders seek to assert infringement by a single device. 14 This theory holds that because each patent holder maximizes only its 0 wn revenue, each will seek to maximize the royalty owed. to it, even though the overall effect is to reduce royalties for rights holders in the aggregate below Optimal levels. 75 These aggregate licensing costs might reduce overall output, and all patentees and manufacturers suffer from lower revenues; consumers suffer from reduced supply, limited features and higher prices. 76 One procompetitive function of patent pools is to mitigate royalty stacking by combining complementary assets and licensing effici ently.? Similarly, commitments to royalty caps or RAND licensing secured by certain industry participants from rights holders (whether through formal standard setting, unilateral commitments by patent holders, or otherwise) can mitigate royalty stacking concerns.78 Such assurances work to keep royalties reasonable once ?rms have adopted standardized technologies. 79 One type of assurance is a ?no stacking? pledge. Often this takes the form of a commitment by a rights holder not to seek more than a specif ic royalty level from implementers of particular standards no matter how many patents the rights holder possesses and no matter how many standards an implementer uses. 0 ?4 Brian J. Love, Patentee Overcompensation and the Entire Market Value Rule 60 STAN. L. REV. 263, 280 (2007) (showing that where a product infringes patents held by multiple entities, ?the infringer faces the prospect of paying overlapping royalties?). is See Carl Shapiro, Navigating the Patent Thicket, supra note 56, at 119, l23-24, 12'? (?The buildup of licensing fees can . reduce both consumer welfare and the pro?ts of patentees. . . .[T]he prospect of paying such royalties [also] necessarily reduces the return to new product design and development, and thus can easily be a drag on innovation and commercialization of new technologies?); Mark A. Lemley Carl Shapiro, Patent Holdup and Royalty Stacking, 85 TEX. L. REV. 1991, 2011 (?Not surprisingly, the existence of such ?royalty stacking? exacerbates the holdup problem,? in a way that is more than ?simply the sum of the royalty rates that would be negotiated bilaterally by each patent holder in the absence of other patent holders?), available at l6 Brian J. Love, Patentee Overcompensation and the Entire Market Value Rule 60 STAN. L. REV. 263, 222 (discussing the ?socially undesirable consequences? of systematic ?overcompensation? such as ?reduced incentives for investment in beneficial technology, increased risk of royalty stacking, and increased incentives for pate nt trolling?), available at love . Nicholas Economides and Steven C. Salop, Competition and Integration Among Complements and Network Market Structure, 60 J. INDUSTRIAL ECON. 105, l06 (March 1992) available at conomides Salop Competition and lntegrationpdf (describing the reduction in price when two Coumot Complements merge). 78 US. OF JUSTICE AND FEDERAL TRADE ANTITRUST ENFORCEMENT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: PROMOTING INNOVATION AND COMPETITION, 36 (April 17, 200?). ?9 See Mark A. Lemley, Intellectual Property Rights and Standard -Setting Organizations, 90 CALIF. L. REV. 1889, l9l7, l921 (2002); see also Joseph Farrell et. al., Standard Setting, Patents, and Holdup '74 ANTITRUST L. J. 603, 60'? (?Ex ante, before an industry standard is chosen, there are various attractive technologies, but ex post, after industry participants choose a standard and take steps to implement it, alternative technologies become less attractive?). 80 See, Alcatel Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent LTC Licensing, SG CONTENT FILE=Innovati0n Overviewllte (last visited Apr. 3, -15- ?No stacking? commitments are common in some industries. A concrete example Of such a pledge is one made by Nokia. To induce adOption of its proposed LTE standard, NOkia committed nOt to seek more than a 2.0% royalty for all Of its patents ?essential to wireless communication standards irrespective of the number of wireless-standards de ployed? and denominated this pledge a ?no royalty stacking? commitment. 81 NOkia?s commitment and similar commitments Of other cellular SEP holders played a critical role in inducing the telecommunications industry tO adopt its proposed LTE standard as a 4G cellular communications standard. 82 SSOs facilitate ?nO stacking? commitments. The for instance, permits firms with likely essential patents tO commit to not -tO?exceed license fees.83 Transferors can attempt to circumvent these no royalty stacking commitments by outsourcing the enforcement Of patents to PAEs. Suppose an Operating company, which holds 500 patents essential to implementing a certain technology, makes a ?nO stacking? comm itment not tO charge more than 2.0% royalty for a license tO all Of its 500 patents for use in the ?eld to which they are essential. The operating company then transfers 300 of its 500 essential patents to three PAEs (100 each). Further suppose that, in a purported effort tO comply with In re N- Data, each PAE agrees tO be bound by the Operating company?s 2.0% royalty cap. That promise may preclude each PAE from individually charging more than 2.0% for its 100 patents. But that promise may prove insuf?cient to prevent each PAE from charging that level. Thus, the effective royalty On the essential patent portfolio may end up being 8.0% in this situation, as the Operating company and each PAE may attempt to charge up to 84 2013) (committing Alcatel Lucent to 2 discounted royalty rate for all patents essential to proposed LTE wireless standard). 8] Nokia, Nokia Licensing Policy on Long Term Evolution and Service Architecture Evolution Essential Patents Internet Archive (WayBackMachine) (July 20l0 Oct. 2010), http:/lwebarchiveo rglwebl201010l5 com/presslipr -informationlstatementlnokia ?licensing - (making the pledge avoid unfavorable effects of royalty stacking"); see also Nokia Press Release, Wireless Industry Leaders commit to ?ameworkfor LTE technology licensing (Apr. 14, 2008), 4lwireless -industry-leaders -comm it-to-framework 82 To allay industry concerns that adopting LTE would result in high royalties, Nokia, Sony Ericsson and other LTE supporters ?formed a licensing framework for their 4G patents called Long term Evolution (LTE) in direct competition with Intel?s Wimax?. Nokia and Sony Ericsson Developing 4 Wireless TechRadar (Apr. 16, 2008), -3 962 see also Francois Leveque Yann Meniere, Early Commitments Help Patent Pool Formation (July 6, 2009), (?Nokia, Ericsson, and Alcatel -Lucent, agreed in 2008 on a licensing framework for their LTE patents . . . . [B]y contrast with former patent pools, this initiative takes place at an early stage of the LTE deployment: LTE has been neither licensed nor commercialized yet, and the commitment is meant to boost take-up of the new technology?). 83 Standards Board Bylaws, 6.1, (Mar. 2012) available at -7.litml. 84 The operating company bene?ts either by retaining a stake in the royalties secured by the PAE transferee or through a lump sum payment. The effective total cash payment may be signi?cantly higher than a four ?fold increase because, where the former essential patent holder may have accepted a cross -license to offset some or all of the cost of the essential patents it was licensing, PA Es do not value cross -licenses and would most frequently demand all - -16- In this example, by disaggregating and parceling out selected parts of its previously uni?ed patent portfolio to PAEs, the operating company attempts to circumvent its ?no stacking? commitment indeed, its outsourcing creates the potential for the very royalty stacking by multiple rights holders that its ?no stacking? pledge was designed to prevent. 85 Moreover, the gains from evading and exceeding the pledged rate cap by disaggregating a portfolio can exceed the deadweight loss from reduced licensed sales volume. The operatin company and its transferees can then seek licensing fees that, in the aggregate, exceed the promisedcap, 86 thereby engaging in a form of exploitative rent seeking. The 2.0% ?no stacking? pledge functioned as a form of FRAND commitment. By outsourcing enforcement to multiple PAEs, the operating company seeks to evade that commitment and shares in the resultin super?FRAND returns. C. Operating Companies Can Employ PAEs To Harm Competition Firms may combine the above tactics with contractual commitments extracted from PAE transferees that facilitate anticompetitive strategies. For example, a firm that made a ?no stacking? pledge to an 880 or to the industry at large might seek to evade that commitment in order to raise its rivals? costs by parceling out pieces of a previously ?unif1ed portfolio to PAEs. Such PAE ?privateers,? which do not confront the threat of patent countersuits, have a greater ability and incentive to target the firm?s rivals than the transferring firm, and the ability to evade a ?no stacking? pledge can inflict further harms. The transferring operating company, however, might seek to further incentivize its PAE enforcement agents to target rivals through contractual mechanisms. Such provisions, in effect, can give the operating company continuing in?uence over the PAE, resulting in what Professor Carl Shapiro, at the PAE hearin gs, called a ?Hybrid Examples of such mechanisms might include, among others, a continuing royalty for the bene?t of the transferring operating company coupled with a right by the transferring operating company to take the patents back. If a rm sells patents to a PAE (or transfers an exclusive right to sue for a lump sum royalty) the transferring firm might not maintain in?uence over the cash payments. Moreover, cross -licenses frequently reward continuing investments in a bene?t that PAB all - cash licensing eviscerates. 85 Disaggregation also creates a patent thicket increasing transaction costs and the difficulty of obtaining licenses that enable freedom to operate. Bronwyn Hall et a1., Technology Entry in the Presence ofPatent Thickets at 7, Working Paper (Jan. 2013) (?While two ?rms holding mutually limiting or blocking patents may resolve the threat of hold-up by contract, this is no longer as simple for ?rms in a triple. Here the relative value of any two ?rms? patents depends on the actions of a third firm, making bargaining more available at thickels paperpdf . 86 This reflects that, absent a concern that a ?rm?s gains from creating a double marginalization problem would exceed the costs, a ?no stacking? pledge would be unnecessary. Hence the economist quip: ?What?s worse than one monopolist? . . . Two monopolists." Dirk Baur, Integration and Competition in Securities Trading, Clearing and Settlement, at 19, Preliminary Draft (M ar. 9, 2006) (discussing example of double marginalization problem in securities trading), available at http:/lbizttcom/info/wp -Contentluploads/docs/2006 ?0309clearing.pdf. 87 Carl Shapiro, Patent Assertion Entities: E?ective Monetizers, Tax on Innovation, or Both? at 4, 22 (Dec. 10, 2012), available at ro.pdf.. -17- subsequent enforcement actions. By contrast, if the PAE must pay the transferring ?rm a running royalty and the transferring ?rm retains the right to take the patents back if the royalties are insuf?cient, such provisions might give the PAE an additional incentive to act in the transferring ?rm?s strategic interest. This may lead the PAE to target speci?c rivals of the transferring operating company for patent enforcement and thereby facilitate a rival?s cost raising strategy by the transferring operating company. Another mechanism for channeling a enforcement activities to serve the transferring ?rm?s strategic interests is a speci?c agreement on enforcement targets or retained licenses to the transferred patents that protect the transferring ?rm?s customers or strategic allies. For example, if a ?rm selling an intermediate product ought to arm a PAE against purveyors of competing intermediate products, it could transfer patents to the PAE while retaining licenses that shield its customers from suit. Under those restraints, the PAE could only target customers? implementations of the transferring ?rm?s competitors? intermediate products. Customers might favor the transferring ?rm?s products because they bene?t from the retained license and because they can avoid the cost of litigation brought by the PAE. In other words, an operating company can employ what are in effect PAE partners to raise rivals? costs.88 The threat of strategic outsourcing to raise rivals? costs, moreover, has become mOre acute. Preliminary statistics suggest that patent enforcement outsourcing is becoming increasingly prevalent. 89 The exclusionary impact may be relatively larger when rivals are small and not well funded. most frequent enforcement targets are small - and medium-sized ?rms. One survey found ?rms with under $10 million in annual reve nue represented 55% of PAE defendants, and firms with under $100 million in annual revenue represented 66% of total patent defendants. 90 And a common opinion is that PAES ?with weaker patents often target small companies that cannot afford the legal fees equired to defend a patent infringement matter in court? and those companies may ?opt to pay the demanded license fee rather than defend to avoid the expense of litigation that could dwarf the amount of the demanded license fee.?91 The concern with ?rms employing PAE vassals to target rivals may be exacerbated by the secrecy with which PAEs conduct their operations. 88 Cf Ewing, supra note 9, at 35 (?When the market dominant company ?nds itself in a situation where another company would typically employ its own against a competitive threat, the market dominant company may have little choice but to sponsor a privateer to clear away the competitive threat?). 8? See id. at 41 (discussing how some fraction of 262 PAE plaintiffs were potentially ass erting patents on behalf of other ?rms). 90 See Colleen V- Chien, Startups and Patent Trolls, supra note 40, at 1-2. 91 Christopher Vrountas, et al., Parent Trolls[:] Who, What, Where How to Defend Against Them 2011 NEW HAMPSHIRE BAR J. 40, 40 (Autumn 2011), available at ?Autun1n2011-VolS2~ No3-Pg40pdf. See also Chien, Srartups and Patent Trolls, supra note 40, at 2 (explaining why PAEs ?nd smaller ?rms attractive targets). Id. at 2; see also Figure 1, at 13. -18.- The Commission Should Conduct A Section 6(b) Study of PAEs That Includes A Focus On Patent Transfers From Operating Companies PAE activities are expanding and are impacting innovative industries. Thus PAEs, the evolving ways in which operating companies transfer patents to PAEs, and the myriad of ways those arrangements may harm competition, warrant investigation. 15 U.S.C. 46(b), otherwise known as Section provides an ideal tool for the Commission to examine PAE activities, and more specifically, the evolving and troubling practice of PAE ?privateering.? Section 6(b) enables the Commission to engage in a wide ?ranging probe of business practices. Companies subject to orders issued under Section 6(b) can be compelled, among other things, to ??le with the Commission? ?special[] reports or answers in writing to speci?c questions, furnishing to the Commission such inforrnatio as it may require as to the organization, business, conduct, practices, management, and relation to 92 In conducting a Section 6(b) investigation, the Commission is not limited to a ?focused theory? of why the conduct might transgress the law, 93 but rather may ?satisfy [itself] that corporate behavior is consistent with the law and the public interest.? As the Commission?s Generic Drug Study and Authorized Generics Reports demonstrate, Section 6(b) provides the Commission flexible tools to investigate evolving practices and to assess their potential harms and bene?ts to competition, consumers and innovation. 95 The Commission?s ability to evaluate and report facts about key activities that affect commerce is an important part of its mission, and the Commission?s use of its investigatory powers such as Section 6(b) has been important in the enactment of major legislation. Commission investigations have also provided important data that was considered in shaping the Security Act of 1933, the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 and the Federal Power Act of 1935. 97 PAE activities and patent transfers by operating companies to PAEs are similarly appropriate subjects for a Section 6(b) investigation for numerous reasons. First, the conduct in question is rapidly growing and becoming more aggressive. The Commission?s 2011 IP Report sheds light on the signi?cant potential harms threatened by PAES and the many different types of business models PAEs employ. A model, by which op erating companies outsource enforcement to PAEs, often retaining a stake in the proceeds, is emerging. A Section 6(b) study would enable the Commission to obtain information from PAEs and operating companies alike on the business rationale for those arran gements; the extent of those 9?2 15 U.S.C. 46(b). ?3 Appeez Bus. Report Litig. 595 F.2d 685, 702 (D.C. Cir. 1973). 9? United States v. Morton Salt, 338 US. 632, 652 (1950). 95 FTC, GENERIC DRUG ENTRY PRIOR TO PATENT EXPIRATION (July 2002), available at FTC, AUTHORIZED GENERIC DRUGS: SHORT-TERM EFFECTS AND LONG TERM IMPACT (August 201 1), avaiiabie at . 96 Paul Rand Dixon, The edera! Trade Co mmission: [is Fact-Finding Responsibilities and Powers 46 MARQUETTE L. REV. 17, i7-19 (1962). 97 1d. at 19. -19- arrangements; the prevalence of such arrangements; and the likely future direction of those arrangements. As one academic noted, conclusions about the effects of ?privateering? are ?dif?cult to draw with the information prese ntly available and additional investigation seems warranted.?8 A Section 6(b) study, in other words, would enable the Commission to take a logical next step from the 1P Report?s foundation and explore the ways in which PAEs, and their relationship with operating companies, are evolving. Second, a Section 6(b) study of PAE activities focusing on operating company transfers is appropriate because the terms of most transfers between operating companies and PAEs and the extent to which operating companies have transferred patents to PAEs largely re mains unknown. And, of course, operating companies? concrete plans to initiate further transfers of patents to PAEs, and the motives for those transfers, remains unknown. A Section 6(b) inquiry would enable the Commission to determine for particular industries the scope of the practice; the likely trajectory of the practice, and other information important for making a judgment of the competitive consequences of operating company patent transfers to PAEs. Third, a Section 6(b) inquiry is appropriate because how PAE activities, and speci?cally patent transfers from operating companies to PAES, impact competition, consumers and innovation raise issues that require information from operating companies and PAEs, much of which is not publicly available. For example, it is a common belief that PAEs use the threat of litigation and holdup-driven damage awards to coerce settlements even where underlying infringement claims lack merit. Because settlements prior to litigation generate little, if any, public information, existing academic research methods have been inadequate in documenting these PAE activitiesgg Data and other information from these stakeholders will shed light on the likely competitive consequences of the arrangement and enable the Commissi on to gather information from stakeholders with different perspectives on the practices at issue. Fourth, Section 6(b) is an appropriate tool because the application of the antitrust laws to patent transfers to PAEs is unsettled. The precise circumstanc es in which such arrangements threaten anticompetitive effects are largely undeve10ped in the case law. A Section 6(b) investigation accordingly is appropriate not only to enable the Commission to gather the requisite facts, but also to enable the Commission to form a judgment about the extent of the problem and, if a solution is needed, whether it lies in enforcement of the antitrust laws or in new legislation or regulation. In short, obtaining information on the above-described subjects through a Section 6(b) inquiry will facilitate a richer understanding by the Commission of the impact of PAEs on 98 Ewing, supra note 9, at 8. 99 Jeruss, eldman Walker, supra note 19, at 374??5 (?This leads to what we consider the greatest limitation in a study of this kind?focusing on lawsuits that are actually filed likely misses much of the action in patent monetization. Based on anecdotal evidence?albeit a mountain of such anecdotes vast amount of monetization activity never progresses to the point at which the patent holder actually ?les an infringe ment lawsuit. Given the costs of litigating infringement suits, the uncertainty of the outcome and the potential for outsized judgment awards, companies frequently capitulate to a patent monetizer?s demands, rather than face the ordeal of a trial. Thus, a study that focuses only on lawsuits ?led misses much of the dance") . -20- innovation and competition. The Commission will thereby be better situated to contribute to the dialogue on whether the solution to the many issues PAEs rais rests with legislative changes to the patent system, in in?uencing the shape of the patent laws through amicus efforts in the courts, or through enforcing the antitrust laws. As for the precise shape of the Section 6(b) inquiry, we recommend that he Commission initially focus on the information technology industry. The IT industry has been a principal target of litigation by PAEs and has witnessed notable patent transfers from operating companies to PAEs. Moreover, many PAEs that have acquired pa tents in the IT industry are now contemplating acquiring patents in yet other areas. Thus, studying the role of PAE activities and patent'outsourcing in the IT industry may provide a foundation for predicting the course of PAE activities elsewhere. CONCLUSION PAES impose tremendous costs on innovative industries. These costs are exacerbated by the evolving practice of Operating companies employing PAE privateers as competitive weapons. The consequences of this marriage on innovation are alarming. perating company transfers to PAEs create incentives that undermine patent peace. Transfers to PAEs threaten royalty stacking, which can raise rivals? costs and hinder competition in technology markets. The secrecy in which PAEs cloak their activities exacerbates all of these concerns and leaves the public without information needed to access the likely competitive effects of patent outsourcing practices. We therefore urge the antitrust agencies to study carefully the issue of operating company patent transfers to PAEs and recommend that a Commission inquiry under Section 6 is an appropriate vehicle for examining this issue of vital importance to the competitive health of this Country?s most important industries. Dated: April 5, 2013 Respectfully submitted, Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 BlackBerry 295 Phillip Street Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3W8 EarthLink, Inc. 1375 Peachtree Street Atlanta, GA 30309 Red Hat, lnc. 1801 Varsity Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 -21- From: Charlie Hale (6) Sent: Friday, 'April 05, 2013 3:09 PM To: Edelman, R. David; Christopher Urmson; Gina Mariko Rosales; George Ivanov; Sarah Fisher Subject: meeting in DC on April 10th Hi David, Glad to hear you'll have time to meet with Chris. I'll let him speak to his schedule and Gina can help arrange a time that works best for the two of you. He?ll be speaking on a panel in the Rayburn building ?'om ~1 :30 -l:30. Also including my colleagues Sarah and George who will be supporting him while he's in town. Thanks, Charlie On Apr 5, 2013 8:56 AM, "Edelman, R. David" (6) wrote: Hi Charlie, Sorry for the delay getting back to you! Was trying to figure out my own schedule, as l?m traveling back to SF on Thursday of next week. But it does look like i?ll be here on the 10 th, and would love to see Chris. I?ll see ifl can pull together our SDC group, but my guess is since it?s out -of-band schedule?wise, we may not be able to get them together this time around. 00 you have a sense of the open windows on his schedule? Cheers, ~rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 2:50 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: head of self-driving car in DC April 10th Hi David, I just wanted to let you know that the head of the self ?driVing ear project (Chris Urmson) is going to be in DC for a meeting on April 10th. If your schedule allows for it, I?m sure he'd love to either meet with you or brief your interagency committee if that would be of interest. Take care, Charlie Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:35 PM To: Edelman, R, David Subject: call today? have a time-sensitive matter. i'm on my cell (6) thanks much Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 4:45 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: call today? IPEC On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Okay. i?m about to go into another meeting, but will free up in about 30. Which comrades? From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 4:44 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: call today? am still on a call with some of your will call you back shortly On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) I wrote: Just rang. Will be around this afternoon when not underground. From: Johanna Shelton [mailto me)? Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:35 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: call today? have a time-sensitive matter. i'm on my cell (6) thanks much Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 5:10 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: call today? literally JUST got off the phone calling now On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Edelrnan, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Good peeple! Okay give me a ring when done. Cya! ?--??Original From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 04:44 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: call today? IPEC On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Edelrnan, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Okay, i?m about to go into another meeting, but will free up in about 30. Which comrades? From: Johanna Shelton [m ailto Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 4:44 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: call today? am still on a call with some of your will call you back shortly On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: Just rang. Will be around this afternoon when not underground. -rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Friday, April 05,. 2013 3:35 PM To: Edeiman, R. David Subject: call today? have a time-sensitive matter. i?m on my cell (6) thanks much Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goog1e Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 (6) A Goog1e Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 (6) _Google Voice (5) . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 Google Voice From; Johanna SheItOn (6) Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 4:44 PM To: Edelm?an, R. David Subject: Re: call today? am still on a call with some of your will call you back shortly On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) wrote: - Just rang. Will be around this afternoon when not underground. ?rD From: Johanna Shelton [mailto Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:35 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: call today? have a time?sensitive matter. i'm on my cell (6) thanks much Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 5:13 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: call today? tag - you're it! call my cel (6) On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 5:10 PM, Johanna Shelton (6) wrote: literally JUST got off the phone - calling now On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Good people! Okay give me a ring when done. Cya! From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 04:44 PM Eastern Standard Time To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: call today? IPEC On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: Okay. I?m about to go into another meeting, but will free up in about 30. Which comrades? From: Johanna Shelton [maiito Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 4:44 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Re: call today? am still on a call with some of your will call you back shortly On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Edelman, R. David (6) wrote: lust rang. Will be around this afternoon when not underground. 1 From: Johanna Shelton [maiito Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:35 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: call today? have a time?sensitive matter. i'm on my cell (6) thanks much Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW, 2nd F1 Washington, DC 20005 (6) _Google Voice (6) - Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) . Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Google Voice (6) Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (6) Goo gle Voice (6) From: JOhanna Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 7:06 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Proposals re Improving Software Patent Quality and Patent Litigation Reform Attachments: Proposals - Improving Software Patent Legislative Proposals Patent Litigation two relevant documents - l) the Coalition for Patent Fairness legislative proposals and 2) a Google brainstorm of other non-legislative ideas for the Administration. let me know if you want to talk through them next week. thanks much johanna Improving Software Patent Quality The problem of low quality software patents has been widely acknowledged by industry, academia and government. The vague, overbroad and invalid software patents that have issued over the past 15 years have driven a litigation boom. Lawsuits brought by patent assertion entities (PAEs) have quadrupled since 2005 and now account for a majority of patent litigation. 85% of these cases involve software patents and many ofthose are vague, overbroad or obvious. Because of their low quality and unclear boundaries, software and internet patents are litigated eight times more often than others. lndeed, the rise in litigation tracks the rise in the number of software patents. The extent ofthis litigation boom places a real drag on the innovation economy, especially for small and medium sized companies, which are the most frequent targets. There is no silver bullet ?x for the problem of low quality software patents. Efforts by the Administration on multiple fronts is needed, and those efforts must eventually scale for the 50,000 new software patents that issue each year, nearly a quarter of all patents granted. Only then can software patents fulfill the Constitutional mandate of promoting innovation rather than deterring it. - The America lnvents Act, signed into law in 2011, addressed many important issues, but left the growing patent troll and software patent quality problems largely untouched. The new lnter Partes Review procedure in the Patent Office does not allow challenges on the grounds that software patents are vague, overbroad and abstract even though many contain these flaws. The new Post-Grant Review procedure allows such challenges, but only for future patents within nine months of their issuance. The procedure is not available for already existing patents. Moreover, no software company can monitor every potentially relevant patent as it issues and bring such challenges on a pre-emptive basis. There are simply too many, and it is impossible to predict which will be the subject of a troll suit many years later. in light of these problems, important and much needed steps to improve the quality of software patents could include: 0 Providing examiners more time to effectively search for prior art and examine software patent applications. It has been reported that over several years of pendency, an examiner has only 18 hours to examine a given patent application. Although providing more time to perform this critical function would likely increase the fees for each application, that cost would be more than offset by the increased value to the patentee of a higher quality patent and decreased uncertainty and litigation that can harm product manufacturers and the public. Providing leadership in a government/industry partnership to improve databases of software-related prior art. A signi?cant amount of software-related prior art does not exist in common databases of issued patents and published academic literature. Cataloging and making this prior art searchable by examiners and the public would help curtail the issuance of patents on obvious ideas, which harm innovation. Given the Administration's focus on forging partnerships with industry, could explore seeking commitments from industry leaders to support software prior art databases and other solutions. Providing leadership in a government/industry partnership to standardize the terminology used in software patent applications. Applicants often use vague or ill-de?ned terminology in software patent applications. When the same concept is described in different applications using different terminology, prior art searches (for examiners) and clearance searches (for innovators) are ineffectual, inconclusive, and unreliable. The US. Department of Commerce, through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Patent Of?ce, could explore whether the government, with input from industry, couid take more active steps to help standardize software terminology used in the patent context. Providing increased legal training to examiners on the application of 35 U.S.C. 112 to software patent and monitoring its enforcement. The requirements of Section 112 (de?niteness, written description, enablement) are rarely enforced in the software area. Insuf?cient attention to these requirements has resulted in the issuance of many vague, overbroad software and Internet patents that fuel litigation and have a chilling effect on innovation. Examiners need more training on this patentability requirement and increased supervision to ensure that it is enforced. Moreover, compliance with 112 enforcement guidelines should be factored into evaiuations of examiner performance. Providing and requiring increased technical training for examiners. innovation moves at a fast pace in the software industry and examiners need help and training to keep up?to?date with the technology. The Patent Office?s Patent Examiner Technical Training Program (PETTP) relies on industry to voluntarily provide technical training courses to examiners in a hit-or?miss fashion. A more systematic and complete curriculum for technical training aimed at particular art units is needed. Through NIST and the Patent Of?ce, the Department of Commerce could partner with academia and industry to develop and implement a comprehensive curriculum related to software technologies. The Patent Of?ce should require examiners to attend technical training, both as part of their initial training as new examiners and at regular intervals to maintain state?of?art knowledge of software development. Compiling a video archive of training sessions would help meet those requirements. Providing better assessments of software patent quality. The Patent Of?ce?s current quality metrics assess whether appropriate procedures and best practices in examination have been followed, but they provide little information on whether patentability criteria have been rigorously enforced to result in the issuance of high quality software patents. The Patent Of?ce should implement a program that carefully assesses how well all of the patentability requirements were enforced in a sample - for instance, 1 or 2 percent - of allowed software applications. That information should be publicly reported and errors should be used to devise better examiner training and supervision. Providing more granularity into quality metrics. The Patent Of?ce releases periodic reports on whether procedures have been followed in the examination of a random sampling of applications. The Patent Office should report this data on a more granular level, including broken down by technology area, so that the public can better assess and provide input on examination practices for software patents. Appointing a Presidential Innovation Fellow to study the linkage between increased software patent quality and innovation . increased resources are needed to improve the quality of software patents, but this investment would pay off by creating a patent system that promotes rather than hinders innovation in the software industry. Careful study is needed to demonstrate the linkage between patent quality in software?related technical areas and the costs-imposed on the software industry by the patent system, including the high level of PAE litigation. An innovation Fellow could also help devise tranSparent metrics that re?ect the quality of issued software patents based on validity assessments. Legislative Ideas, March 2013 Title Desc?p?on Litigation Reform SHIELD Act Mandatory loser pays fee shifting that app lies one way only against patent assertion entity. Requires PAE to post a bond at the beginning of the case. Loser pays fee shifting, plus bond Losing side (plaintiff or defendant) pays. ?Exceptional case" in Section 285 is redefined so that fees shift unless losing side can show that its position is "substantially justified" or "exceptional circumstances" exist. Can move to have patentee post a bond if it is judgment proof. Offer of dgment with attorney?s fees FRCP 68 allowsthe defendant to make an offer ofjudgment. If plaintiff is awarded less, it must pay defendant's costs. By statute, require plaintiff to pay attorneys fees also if it loses or receives an award less than what was offered. Require plaintiff to post a bond if offer is made and rejected. Discovery cost fee shifting Each party must pay for the discovery it requests outside of "core documents." Strengthen Rule 11 To increase the likelihood of sanctions for filing frivolous cases. Patent Quality Expand CBM, Sec. 18 Current covered business method program under Section 18 ofAlA applies only to ?financial services? patents. Expand to include all business method patents. Fix PGR Estoppel Change Post?Grant Review estoppel from all issues that challenger "couid have raised" to issues that challenger "did raise." PGR is unusable without this change and the ?could have raised" language is a scrivener?s error. End-Users End-user protection through intervention and stays To protect end-users of off-the-shelf technology, court must allow manufacturer of product or provider of service to intervene. Following intervention, court must stay cases against users of product or service. Misc. and Procedural Prior user rights Substantial preparation for commercial use anytime before the filing date of a patent application should be protected by a prior user rights defense, harmonizing US. law with foreign prior user rights. Record assignments and RPI Require recordation of all patent transfers at the PTO within 60 days. Real party in interest must also be recorded. Damages will not be available for any period in which the patent was not properly recorded. Heightened pleading standard Similar to standards for securities litigation, require patent plaintiffs to meet heightened pleading standards in complaint. Could require this to take the form of a claim chart. Codify improved Iaches for damages Change time in which laches on damages presumptively applies from 6 years to 3 years so that PAEs cannot sit on patents, allowing damages to accumulate. From: George Ivanov (6) Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 1:19 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Johanna Shelton Subject: Expansion of Google Fiber to Austin, TX. Hi David, Today, we announced the expansion of the Google Fiber program to Austin, TX. When we were originally choosing where to bring Fiber, Austin had one of the most enthusiastic responses (which you can see in this map). Their city leaders have worked hard to make this possible, and we are looking forward to seeing the bene?ts that this network will bring to Austin, where we plan to start connecting homes in mid-2014. Austin provided great infrastructure and a business ?friendly environment in which to deploy service. As with any deployment, policies around permitting and rights -of-way mattered, and the city leadership moved with ef?ciency to work with us. Of course, there?s still more that federal, state, and local governments can do to make it easy for broadband providers to access existing infrastructure such as conduits and utility poles (which, according to the FCC, can amount to 20% of total buildout costs). You can ?nd more information in the blog post that just went live. Please let me know if you have any ques?ons. Sincerely, George George lvanov Policy Analyst i Googlo inc. 1 101 New York Ave NW Washington, DC. 20005 . From: Anurag Acharya (6) Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 3:41 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: Fantastic. i will discuss the dates with the group today and see what openings exist. We arejuggling a number of presentations. Hi Mike: any idea which dates would work? I will be in Toronto on 22 -23 speaking at the annual conference of library consortia, so coming over to DC would be easier that week than others. cheers, anurag How is next week looking for you? Mornings 9am-1pm Paci?c would work all days. Later in the day, 2pm -3pm Paci?c would work on Monday, Tuesday, and 3?5pm Paci?c on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. cheers, anurag From: Anurag Acharya [mailto 6 Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 3:42 AM T0: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: it was really good to up today. I would like to take you up on the offer to speak to the interageney group to present the argument for a centralized repository and to describe our proposal in detail. You had mentioned that the group meets on thursdays. Would April 25th Thursday work? If not, the - following thursday (May 2nd)? I was initially trying to make April 18th work but we just moved from LA to . Palo Alto - which makes for a long TODO list, as alwa Would be good to chat again sometime this week or next and discuss what would be good to cover in the presentation. cheers, anurag I 2 On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Sounds good. I will be a (6) . amirag On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Stebbins, Michael J. (6) wrote: How about tomorrow at 530pm Eastern? From: Anurag Acharya [mailto - Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 2:17 PM i To: Stebbins, Michael J. 3 Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: looks like we missed each other. Should we reschedule? Any time after 10am Paci?c/1pm Eastern would work for me this week. Next week, 10am ?2pm Pacific would work Mon?>Thurs and 10-1pm Friday. .5 cheers, anurag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: Hi Mike: thanks for the quick response! Sorry to interrupt you on your vacation Tuesday 1pm Eastern/10am Paci?c would work for me. If you would prefer to call, 1 will be at (6) 5 If it would be easier for me to call, let me know the number to call. anm'ag On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stebbins, Michael]. (6) wrote: Sorry, I am on vacation. How about Tuesday? 1 am open from '1 -3. From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 02:46 PM i To: Stebbins, Michael J. Subject: Re: repository for federally funded research articles Hi Mike: just checking for talking some time next week. cheers, anurag On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Anurag Acharya (6) wrote: 5 2 Sure. Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri morning Paci?c would work for me next week. If none of these work for you, 1 et 3 me know some times that would. - i cheers, anurag I On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Stebbins, Michael]. (6) wrote: Thanks Anurag, Do you have time to talk again on the week of April ii Besn Mike '3 From: Anurag Acharya [mailto Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:47 PM i To: Stebbins, Michael J. - Subject: repository for federally funded research articles - Hi Mike: congratulations on the new OSTP policy on increasing public access to research articles funded by federal agencies! i One of the key issues for the success of the policy will be whether these art icles are included in a publicly available repository. In addition to ensuring a consistent access mechanism for all users, inclusion in a repository would also help ensure archival access and long -term stewardship. - As the lead for Google Scholar, I have worked with publishers and libraries worldwide. I have also worked with most federal agencies and depts for indexing their existing collections of research articles. Based on my 5 experience, I would like to share recommendations/proposals regarding reposit ories for federally funded . research articles. I am hoping this is of interest. I would be happy to visit or join a conversation. cheers, 3_ anurag From: Gina Mariko Rosales (6) Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 1:35 PM To: Edelman, R. David Cc: Charlie Hale; Christopher Urmson; George Ivanov; Sarah Fisher Subject: Re: meeting in DC on April 10th Happy to help coordinate on Chris? end. Let me know if there is a week you'd like to shoot for to schedule this call. .6 Gina Mariko Rosales Self-Driving Cars, Goggle-[x] (6) (6) . On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 8:00 PM, Edelman, R. David (D) (6) Wrote: Charlie, i realize that in my travei shuffle, we weren?t abie to get this together. My sincere apologies to you and the rest of the team Ch ris, sorry i missed you this time around! I?m putting some more folks together this week to move to our next phase of co nsideration on self?driving cars, perhaps we might schedule a conference call in the next couple of weeks to touch base on the conversations you?ve been having, and what you see as top priorities for the likes of us government ~types? All the best, David R. David Edelman Senior for Internet, Innovation, and Privacy The ?White House directzm maimem 6) From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:09 PM To: Edelman, R. David; Christopher Urmson; Gina Mariko Rosales; George Ivanov; Sarah Flsher Subject: meeting in DC on April 10th Hi David, Glad to hear you?ll have time to meet with Chris. I?ll let him speak to his schedule and Gina can help arrange a time that works best for the two of you. He'll be speaking on a panel in the Rayburn building from ~l 1 :30 ?1 :30. Also including my colleagues Sarah and George who will be supportng him while he's in town._ Thanks, Charlie On Apr 5, 2013 8:56 AM, "Edelman, R. David? (6) wrote: Hi Charlie, Sorry for the delay getting back to you! Was trying to figure out my own schedule, as i?m traveling back to SF on Thursday of next week. But it does look like I?ll be here on the 10th,, and would love to see Chris. l?ll see ifi can pull together our SDC group, but my guess is since it?s out ?of-band schedule?wise, we may not be able to get them together this time around. Do you have a sense of the open windows on his schedule? Cheers, -rD From: Charlie Hale [mailto Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 2:50 PM To: Edelman, David Subject: head of self-driving car in DC April 10th Hi David, I just wanted to let you know that the head of the self -driving car project (Chris Urmson) is going to be in DC for a meeting on April 10th. If your schedule allows for it, I'm sure he'd love to either meet with you or brief your interagency committee if that would be of interest. Take care, Charlie Charlie Hale I Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale Google Public Policy (6) Charlie Hale 1 Google Public Policy (6) From: George Ivanov Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 6:25 PM To: Stebbins, Michael J. Cc: Anurag Acharya Subject: Interagency Meetings on Implementation of Open Access Memorandum Hi Mike, I hope you had a good weekend. We wanted to catch up with you on the logistical details for the upcoming interagency meetings on implementing the open access memorandum. It would be helpful if you could send us the speci?c dates, times, locations, clearance considerations, tentative agendas, and agency stakeholders expected to be in the room - to effectively coordinate our availability and prepare accordingly. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, George George Nancy . Poiicy Analyst (Eoogie inc. I 2103 New York Ave NW Washington, DC 20005 (6) . (6) From: Big Tent D.C. (6) Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 4:14 PM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Google 81 Bloomberg invite you to Big Tent D.C. a r! re 3 pee rvive in i ital On the eve of WashingtOn's annuai ceiebretion of America's press, join Hida)?, April 26, 2913 ieeders from gevernment, the media, businese and the arts to Registration: 1:00 PM discuss the future of free Big Tent: 1:30 5:00 PM expression. At a time when too Regep?on: 5:00 8:30 pm many governments deny their citizens the right to dissent, we?! ask if the Internet is reaching its promise of empowering peopie here at home and around the worid. Adcite' Gogie-Ceiengier The Hotel Speakers inciede: Eric mic!t 515 15th Street 22:32?? Chairman (Entrance on Street)- Washington, 20001 Norman Pearlstine Chief Content Officer Bieomberg Amati" Ga?zatas Fuii agenda te foitow former United States Attorney General I Please RSVP here Jane ?eet! Lute Dept??! - Please emaii any questions to Department of Hemeiand Security (5) en: Ketter former Executive Editor The New York Times Mark Whitaker former Executive Vice President CNN Wortdwide Omar Saudi Arabian comedian and YouTube star and others Getagie Bloomberg -- era at may . at rates a? ever}; at {to 803216530339" E?zatee. miter; this it; do 3-3.. 3 - 3.72 payment f9 :23; perttm at this event it} .err?ae F>?eese contest nm__ with err; er QUENEGQS Pampt'ti?thea?ire f-?ar?i?sja?y, ts?acwrieart was; 931043 Tent tau see you here beer: Ema . . the past. it yea rte ?egtger wists te recewe magma-leer? here. 0r attended ease enter year From: Johanna Shelton (6) Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 11:16 AM To: Edelman, R. David Subject: Google 81 Bioomberg invite you to Big Tent DC. are you joining us next Friday? Eric Schmidt and David Drummond will make appearances, as well as Kevin Spacey and some really cool speakers - this is tailor made for you - i hope to see you there! Join ieaders of the media, business and the arts to discuss the future of Friday5 Agpr? 26a 2013 free expression on the eve of the Registration: 1 :00 pM eohuai ceiebretaoh of Amerleas Big Tent: 1:30 6:00 PM press. At a time when too many governments deny their Citizens Recepti? PM access to voices of dissent and A513 *0 opposition, well ask if the internet is reaching its promise of empowering The Hotel peopie here at home and around the 515 15th Street world. Topics inciude how besi (Entranca on Street) to promote free speech while 0.0. 200m protectieg culture! sensitivities, national security and the right to information. Full ageods to follow Please RSVP here Please email any questions to (6) Bloomberg Goa?gie? even: a no eer to a; ?ivern?meni e? an a an and ?ned- 10 {nevi-?e aiti?ma?ianefc (i1 mime? uni-?e? 131i} iaws and an; Va magni?es: ?3 ii: :13: Wm rim?. eaire Parkway, in?rm y. aiding Big Tent Johanna Shelton Senior Policy Counsel Google Inc. 1101 New York Ave NW, 2nd Fl Washington, DC 20005 (b (6) G00 gle Voice (6) From: Patrick Ryan (5) Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 5:46 PM To: Disselkoen, Robyn Cc: Franz, Liesyl 1, US Andrew Reynolds Edelman, R. David; Sarah Falvey; Andrew Harris; Manu Bhardwaj; Bouvier, Seth Subject: IGF Funding Attachments: Tides Proposal to Secretariat of the IGF 02252013.pdf Dear Robyn, Thank you all for the call today to discuss funding at the IGF. Here?s the scenario: The overall need: . The IGF currently runs with only one full ?time employee (other part -time contract employees are brought on to support). . The IGF's budget needs are between $3m and $5m (we don't have the full budget details in spite of several requests), but we know that the IGF has raised only $900k from governments and the private sector. . Previous funding information and details on how to fund are now online here: Any entity that funds the IGF does so through UNDESA, and must sign a contract with UNDESA. Depending on the changes required the con tracting process does not scale and can take as much as 6-9 months to ?nalize. The Tides preposal: - We found a non?profit called Tides that handles funding requests of this kind. The Tides proposal is attached. The Tides proposal would have the benefit of being able to collect funds through a pool (even with credit?card donations) which is not currently possible, greatly expanding the pool of available donors. Any donor that wants to go through the traditional contracting process with UNDESA can still do that if they wish. . In January we met with Tides to produce the attached proposal and in February we brought it to the IGF and the MAG donors (the MAG is the advisory group to the IGF), together witht he UNDESA representative. We received general approval from ICC BASIS to pursue it with UNDESA on behalf of the business community. We believe that working with ICC BASIS is key, we believe, so that this doesn't become a ?Google? deal and so that it has broader support by the business community. - We help set up introductory meetings between the Tides representative and the UNDESA rep (Slava). - UNDESA has initially tried to encourage Tides to take a circuitous route, suggesting some way of doing the donation through other agencies, perhaps not even with a contract frankly not sure what they were suggesting, but it took a couple weeks to work through it. As a matter of principle, the donors are going to require an above -board, transparent contract. We don't yet have an attorney assigned from UNDBSA, but we did get a Word copy of the contract for negotiation, which is a small, but important step. 1 - Tides has made some suggested changes and has suggested that they would get back the month. Timing: . Our goal is to put an agreement in place (at least in principle) by May 18th that can shop it with people in Geneva at the next IGF MAG, make sure the community agrees, and solicit commitments to ?nd it. a We think that the request to put it together by May 18th is more than reasonable since the funding issues are acute and it will be almost 3 months from when the proposal was first circulated. Our ask: - In our experience, getting an attorney assigned from the UN pool is a key step here, and because of resource constraints (all UN agencies use a common pool of lawyers), prioritization and visibility within the UN is key, and USG can help with that. A well-placed and well-timed call or note from somebody at USG to UN could be as simple as a note to a contact with UNDESA or the SG's office to say something along the lines of "We understand that the business community is working with UNDESA on a proposed arra ngement with a non?pro?t foundation to help {?nd the IGF. This is an important initiative and we would be grate?il for any assistance your of?ce can put on making sure the appropriate resources are assigned." Rationale and alternatives: We?ll continue to work the process, but are concerned that timing will push the ?nalization to sometime in the summer, which would make it too late for deployment for this year. a We are fear?il that lack of ?nding will inspire some to force the IGF to either get disso lved or folded into other initiatives, for example, something like the WSIS Forum (which is hosted by the ITU). The multistakeholder commitment is less clear in these other fora. - We also note that the Indonesian hosts have set up a parallel ?indraising in itiative for the IGF (to cover in-country costs) and are asking for $2m in donations, increasing the overall ?indraising needs this year to about $3m, and no clear, scalable path to do so. Thank you again for your time today and please let me know if th ere are any follow?up questions. Sincerely, Patrick patrick ryan public policy gov't relations counsel, free expression and int'l relations (6) (6) PBSSIBLE Proposal to internet Foru Infrastructure to Facilitate Funding Prepared for: Patrick Ryan, for sharing with the Secretariat, the MAG, UN DESA, ICC BASIS Prepared by: Brad Luckhardt, Director of Business Development, Tides Date: February 25, 2013 Introduction Tides has been asked to provide a proposal for services to facilitate donations from various stakeholders in the Internet Governance Forum. In this initial pr0posal we provide background on our organization and an outline of services that we could offer to the IGF. Our Organizational Overview Tides is a values?based, social change platform that leverages individual and institutional leadership and investment to positively impact local and global communities. Since 1976, Tides has worked with over 15,000 individuals and organizations, including foundations, donors, corporations, social investors, nonpro?ts, government institutions, and activists. Tides focus is on advancing three areas of social change: environment, education, and equity. Tides celebrated its 35th anniversary on June 4, 2011. Originally founded to facilitate progressive philanthropic giving, Tides has since expanded to support the nonprofit and social change sector through fiscal sponsorship, impact investing, and the development of multi-tenant nonprofit centers. Tides has granted over $1 billion dollars, leads the nation in fiscal sponsorship with over 150 nonprofits, saved nonprofits over $13 million in' rent through development of shared spaces, and engages 3,000 cross- sector professionals in the NonprofitCenters Network. Tides Foundation is a duly registered public charity, exempt from Federal income taxation under Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the internal Revenue Code. The charitable and educational purposes of the Foundation are to promote innovative philanthropic activity, nationally and internationally. Tides is a global organization. Of our 150+ ?scally sponsored projects, about 20% have operations outside of the United States. Between 2008 and 2012, Tides funds made grants of more than $540 million, including approximately $113 million to non U.S. organizations. Of that grantmaking, the top 5 issue areas were Human Rights, Education, Women's Empowerment, and International Development. 2.0: I 3,721,604 3,073,330 3,512,316 3,811,604 778,118 16,441,724 2,323,176 1,314,836 2,823,331 3,161,033 3,556,021 14,402,077 508,753 536,628 7,135,418 2,645,343 832,240 12,083,487 2,453,675 2,814,643 1,683,633 343,033 1,645,314 10,385,834 1,711,670 423,656 1,244,628 2,181,337 1,800,582 7,628,303 Tides Proposal 21'251?13 One example of work that is powered by Tides infrastructure and services is the international Treatment and Preparedness Coalition (ITPC). Through a Tides grantmaking fund and fiscally sponsored project, provides grants to community-based organizations for HIV treatment projects as well as support for regional networks to share information, implement collaborative strategies, and provide technical assistance to grantees. With support from dozens of private foundations, government funders. and corporations the ITPC Fund has granted more than $9 million in small grants from 2004 to 2010 to support approximately 700 HIV treatment education and advocacy projects in nearly 70 countries. infrastructure and Services for EGF The is funded by a small number of governments, the private sector, and NGOs. The donor community has pointed out that the contracting process with the UN in order to provide a donation can be quite time-consuming, resulting in a small group of funders. The purpose of this proposal is to provide an overview of how Tides' infrastructure and services could provide a solution for facilitating funding for the making it simpler for donors to provide support without requiring that each donor enter into a direct contractual relationship with the United Nations. We are excited about the opportunity to support the the only truly general multi?stakeholder forum that convenes stakeholders from around the globe to discuss the future of the lnternet. Transparency As an underlying issue, we understand that transparency is one of the core values of the and we are able to provide our services in an open and transparent way such that all donors through Tides can be disclosed to the and other UN agencies in a way that embraces the lGF's openness. Grantmaking infrastructure: Single Entity Fund One common option that Tides could promote would be the establishment of a ?Single Entity Fund,? which would be a vehicle for donations. Features of the Single Entity Fund include: Accepts tax-deductible donations from multiple donors including donations from individuals and grants from foundations, corporations, and/or government agencies 0 lssues invoices and receipts for all donations to meet bookkeeping requirements of donors. 0 Due diligence of as the grantee 0 Draft and send grant award letters it Make grant payments 0 Manage expenditure responsibility over funds granted to Online access to fund for making grant recommendations and checking fund balance and activity 0 Quarterly statements with funds activity 0 Enter into Contractual Relationship with lGF/United Nations DESA as required for funders Supplemental Services: Page on Tides website describing and providing a link for online donations In partnership with identify and manage relationship with online donation service provider - Facilitation of donations (through the website) by individuals or companies that may want to pay with credit card. Tides Proposal 2l25l13 Fees The administrative fees for fund administration would be between 3-5% of contributions made into the fund. Fees would depend on the following criteria: Funding Anticipated funding amounts and their reporting requirements Risk -Type of activities, constituencies served, political circumstances, liabilities Transaction voiume Anticipated number of donors and annual grants to NSF Transactien compiexity - Status of entity that is designated as grantee I I In addition to administrative fees, Tides would pass through the fees from a third party online donation service provider. These fees vary by provider and are based on the features of their respective platforms. One example to provide some context is Network for Good, which charges $49.95/month plus 3% of each donation for its basic service. See: .networkforqoodggL. A detailed scope of work and fee structure will be drafted for your review after we have had an opportunity to do a full needs assessment. Next Steps Review and discussion of proposal Needs assessment Finalize scope of work and fee proposal Final contract Set up and launch Tides Proposal 2i25i?13 From: Jacquelline Fuller (6) Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:11 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Cc: Kalil, Thomas Garg, Kumar Levy, Noemie; FN?WHO-Innovation Subject: Re: Fw: Remarks by the President at the 2013 White House Science Fair Great news. Glad to see this moving. We continue to be interested in CS speci?c approach. On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Greenblatt, Jonathan (D) (6) wrote: Hi there. i hope all is well. i wanted to make sure that you saw the news today as President Obama announced STEM Americorps at the White House Science Fair. "this is just the first stepthe email and transcrip below, the focus on STEM AmeriCorps at the top of the program re?ects the strong interest of the President. Hope we can find a way to engage with Googleorg on the next phase. Best, Jonathan Jonathan Greenblatt Social innovation 8; Civic Participation The White House 0m? From: Greenbiatt, Jonathan Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 04:12 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Subject: FW: Remarks by the President at the 2013 White House Science Fair Hey everyone. I trust this finds you well. I am pleased to share some news. Earlier today, President amtouneed the new STEM AmeriCorps program at the 2013 White House Science Fair in the East Room. The day featured a series of exciting announcements related to how the Administration is supporting STEM education and careers but the President chose to make STEM AincriCorps the first item. that he highlighted in his remarks. See text below in yellow. STEM AmeriCorps is an exciting new program that builds 0n the emerging model of using public private partnerships to scale national service. As a first step in this program, CNCS will place 50 AnteriCorps VISTA members across the country to build the capacity of US FIRST, a nonpro?t organization that sponsors robotics competitions and other tech Challenges for high school students to boost STEM education. As a result of support from the AmeriCorps VISTA inelnbers,'FIRST will be able to connect more low wincome children with 1 exciting competitions. More detail about STEM AmeriCoros is available here and more detail will be available soon. Its worth noting that this program has been enabled as the result ofa tremendous: effort from the Corporation of National and Comnm'nity Service (CNC S) working in close collaboration with the O?ice of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). hanks to everyone from STP and. CN CS who helped to make this happen. Its an important day for national service and. a really great day for the country. Best, Jonathan House Press Of?ce [rnailto I I - I I Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 3:17 PM To: Greenblatt, Jonathan Subject: Remarks by the President at the 2013 White House Science Fair THE WH I TE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release I April 22, 2013 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE 2013 WHITE HOUSE SCIENCE FAIR as Room 2:21 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. (Applause.) Please have a seat. Have a seat. Well, good afternoon, everybody. And welcome to the White House Science Fair, one of my favorite events during the course of the year. And I just had a chance to see some of the outstanding exhibits that have been put forward by some of these amazing young people. And let me just start by saying, in my official capacity as President: This stuff is really cool. (Laughter.) And I want to thank these incredible young people for explaining to me what the heck is going o1]. (Laughter.) Every one of you is enormously talented, obviously, but there?s also a community of people who helped all these young people succeed dedicated teachers who believed in them and challenged them to do even more; all of them have loving parents and mentors and family. So I want to not only give the young people a big round of applause, but all the parents and teachers and principals and everybody who was involved, give yourselves a big round of applause as well. (Applause.) Of course, primarily we?re here to celebrate these young scientists and visionaries who dream, and create, and innovate; who ask the question, why not? Why not try something better? Something that?s faster; something that helps more people. And that drive, that refusal to give up, that focus on the future is part of what makes America great. And all of you are participants in this long line of inventors and creators that have made this the most dynamic economy and the most dynamic country on Earth. -And that?s one of the things that I've been focused on as President is how do we create an all?hands?on?deck approach to science, technology, engineering, and math. And I?m happy to.have so many key members of my science team who are here today, including my Chief Science Advisor, John Holdren, who is here. There?s John. NIH Director Francis Collins. There's Francis right there, the tall guy. We?ve got Acting Director of the National Science Foundation, Cora Marrett, who is here. There's Cora. And we?ve got real?life astronaut and NASA Administrator, Charles Bolden. Where?s Charlie? There he is, right there. So we need to make this a priority to train an army of new teachers in these subject areas, and to make sure that all of us as a country are 3 lifting up these subjects for the respect that they deserve. And one of the things that I?m concerned about is that, as a culture, we?re great consumers of technology, but we?re not always properly respecting the people who are in the labs and behind the scenes reating the stuff that we now take for granted. And we?ve got to give the millions of Americans who work in science and technology not only the kind of respect they deserve but also new ways to engage young people. So today, I?m proud to announce a;new?Ameri0orps program that are going to (applause) ?d that?s our Community Service Director. (Laughter.) She is a little bit biased, but I like that in her. She?s got that kind of get~up~andego._ A new.AmeriCorps pregram that?s going to connect more professional soientiSts and engineers to young students who might follow in their foetsteps. And other people are stepping up, too. Some of America?s biggest tech companies are encouraging their workers to mentor young students. You?ve got media organizations that are working with athletes like outstanding wide receiver Victor Cruz from the New York Giants, who?s here to highlight how critical math and science are to sports. (Applause.) And, by the way, since Victor is here, I don?t know did you see the exhibit about the whole cooling shoulder pads and helmet that these young guys did? And they had a whole slogan that said you can succeed in athletics and science. They were very impressive. Had the little Gatorade so you (laughter) you didn?t even have to, like, reach for your Gatorade; you could just it would automatically transmit itself into your helmet. (Laughter.) It could work. We?ve got non?profits that are helping to organize 1,000 summe learning events this year. They all realize how important science, technology, engineering, and math are to our future. So we are doing this together. And, after all, the science fair projects of today could become the products and businesses of tmnorrow. Three students Evan Jackson, Alec Jackson, and Caleb Robinson those are the folks that I talked about. They?re from Flippen Elementary School. Keep in mind, they?re in third, fourth grade, and they?ve already got this idea for COOL Pads so that Victor doesn?t get overheated when he?s out on the field. But think about that. If you?re inventing stuff in the third grade, what are you going to do by the time you get to college? (Laughter.) And we just had the University of Alabama's natio nal championship football team here last week, and I know they're interested in this idea because it gets really hot down in Alabama. A lot of these students are working on the next generation of medical research. So listen to this story. When pancreatic cancer took the life of Jack Andraka?s close family friend, it inspired Jack to look for new ways to improve detection. So Jack requested space from research labs to pursue his work -- nearly 200 times. Two hundred times he asked. Two hundred times he was turned down. Finally, with the help of some folks at Johns Hopkins, he got the research facilities that he needed, developed a pancreatic cancer test that is faster, cheaper and more sensitive than the test that came before it which just barely old enough to drive. So where's Jack? There he is. Jack, stand up, because that's pretty spectacular stuff. (Applause.) That's great work. I don't know what you guys were doing when you were juniors in high school. (Laughter.) That's what Jack is doing. (Laughter.) Better than -I was doing, I promise you. (Laughter.) Now, today is not just the third White House Science Fair. It?s also the 43rd Earth Day. So I want to give a special shout-out to all of the young people who participated, who focused their attention on how to harness cleaner forms of energy and how to create more energy efficiency. So we've got young people like Caleb Meyer where's Caleb? Caleb is way back there. Stand up, Caleb, so we can see you. (Applause.) Caleb built a wind turbine that's small and fast enough to be installed on your roof or in your front yard. We've got Jon Kubricki and Bridget Zarych, who, together with their classmates, designed an inexpensive press that can recycle garbage like banana peels into briquettes as an alternative to using wood for fuel. They're in eighth grade. I don't know what you were doing in eighth grade. (Laughter.) That's what they're doing which could potentially help to reduce carbon emissions, save trees and deforestation, and reduce the amount of smoke inhalation that has an impact on people. We've got Sara Volz, who is breeding new types of algae. Where's Sara? There's Sara. (Applause.) Sara is breeding new types of algae. She stores this in a lab in her bedroom. (Laughter.) So, Sara, you have very supportive parents. (Laughter.) One reporter asked her, ?Exactly what is growing under your bed that?s going to save the planet?" (Laughter.) And Sara's answer was algae that can produce more oil for cheaper biofuels. So, by the way, Jon Kubricki and Bridget 5 Zarych, I didn't have them stand up. I want to acknowledge them. I saw them. Maybe they're still cleaning their hands off. (Applause.) But there they are. There they are. So I've got to say, young people like these, every one of them have these kinds of incredible innovations. Some of them are already fully operational. Some of them are getting fine?tuned. But young people like these have to make you hopeful about the future of our country. And it's also a reminder for us the adults we've got to do our part. We've got to do everything we can to make sure that we are giving these young people opportunity to pursue their studies and discover new ways of doing things. And we've got to make sure that we're also leaving behind a world that is safer and cleaner and healthier than the on_e we found. That?s our obligation. And that?s why, over the last four years, we?ve made historic investments in the clean energy future that we need. And today we import less oil than we have in 20 years. Thanks to new fuel economy standards, by the middle of the next decade, cars will go twice as far on a gallon of gas. We?ve doubled the amount of renewable energy that we're generating from sources like wind and solar and, by the way, creating tens of thousands of good, American jobs in the pm ocess. We're emitting less carbon pollution into the environment than we have in nearly 20 years. But we understand this is not enough. We've got to do better. And that's why we've got to pursue an all?of?themabove energy strategy that includes investing in more biofuels and more fuel?efficient vehicles, and more solar power and more wind power, and more people going back to work building cars and homes and businesses that are more energy efficient than the ones that we've got right now. And that?s why I?ve proposed new job-creating investments in science and innovation. And all these young people, as young as they are, they're all going to be going to college, and a lot of them are going to want to continue to pursue their research and pursue the ir dreams. And if there is not the research grant pipeline in place, many of them will not have the resources to invent and discover the things that will make us healthier and make us more energy efficient and improve the quality of our lives. So this is not the time to gut investments that keep our businesses on the cutting edge, that keep our economy humming, that improve the quality of Our lives. This is the time to reach a level of research and development that we haven't seen since the height of the Space Race. That's what we should be doing. That's what we should be focused on. (Applause.) And that should not be a partisan idea. America has always been about discovery, and invention, and engineering, and science and evidence. That's who we are. That's in our DNA. That's how this country became the greatest economic power in the history of the world. That's how we?re able to provide so many contributions to people all around the world with our scientific and medical and technological d.iscoveries. And that's what these young people here are all about. And if extraordinary young people like all of you can use your talents to shape the future for our families and our communities and our countries, we?ve got a responsibility to make sure that they?ve got the tools to do it. So I want to thank all the Science Fair winners not only for the work that you guys are doing, but also the example that you?re setting for your peers and also for your adults the adults in your lives. We could not be prouder of you. And I want you to keep up your incredible work. And part of the reason that we?re doing this here we celebrate our great football players like Victor, and we celebrate outstanding musicians, and that's all appropriate. But we?ve got to make sure that we?re also celebrating every single day in our schools, in our classrooms, and in our country the outstanding contributions that scientists and engineers and mathematicians and engineers are providing to us every single day. And we want you to know that you?ve got a whole country behind you as you pursue your dreams. And your success is going to be our success, as well. So way to go. Thank you. Appreciate it, everybody. Thank you very much. (Applause.) END 2:35 P.M. EDT Unsubscribe The White House f:600 avenue NW - t-?Vashington DC 20500 - (6) Jaequelline Fuller ll Director Google Giving Ii Googie Giving now has a Google+ page. Add us to your circles for the latest information on giving! lf you received this communication by mistake, please don?t forward it to anyone else (it may contain con?dential or privileged information), please erase all copies of it, including all attachments, and please let the sender know it went to the wrong per son. Thanks. From: Sent To: Subject: Big Tent DC. (6) Tuesday, April 23, 2013 1:55 PM Edelman, R. David Big Tent D.C. Agenda Released Cen Free Survive in the Age? Jein Geogie?s Eric Schmidt, former Attorney Generai Alberto Gonzales, Deputy Secretary of Homelaed Security Jane H033 Lure, and many others at Big Tent QC, an iniimate gathering of leaders in media, 131.: siness, academia, and the arts to discuss the future of free speech in the digiial age, Please see our website for complete agenda and speaker information Speakers include: Eric Schmidt Chairman. (Beagle Noman Pea?s?ne Chief Content Officer, Bieomberg LP. Alberto (senmies Feimer United Blazes Aitorney Genera; Jane 8012 Lute Deputy Secretary, Depadment of Hemeiand Security And others Omar Hussein Saudi Arabian Comedian and YouTu?ee Star Bill Keller Former Executive Editor, The New York Times How do we ceunter exiremists online, withoui censoring and filtering the lnternet? How do ediiors 1 if yea: haven't already BMW?Kaila email any questions; to Friday, April 26, 2013 Deere open at ?500 pm Program begins at 1:30 pm Reception starts at 8:08 pm Reid te Ciej'sgie Ceienda The Hotel 516 i?fh Street and Zntemet piatforms balance free speech, cuiturai sensitivitieg, and government press ure? How are comedians with cameras making their nations more open and free? {Entrance on Street) Washington. [10 20601 COLEEQ Bloomberg (5009"? is) 3353? .m?mi at EEO 01?3"" is 8y alfe?d?ng Eh??s 's amt-3 EC) do so its {10:11: new 5'9: any poriim'; cf 1: Max:829. cantaci? whiz any carrap?ianw and when a and ?Ci?e?iili?g any ism-R may ce xvi '5 and {he itaiernai min-as 2013 C?augie inc. impi?i?iixee'skre Parkway Mummies-2 View $1043 91.: (06920". . 71.5 iae?a-misa {39mm mam?; if: he 33am. if 34.25.: no 1021929: wish ti: n? your srma?z here. a ham-3 :rwcaive? Er; me (300 at?iQs?:d:?5?? are: mforma?en a?egard?mg ?Big; Tani m3: 3.3: 55:59. From: Anna Patterson (6) Sent: Thursday; April 25; 2013 4:26 PM To: Saul Griffith Cc: Austen Heinz; Will Patrick Andras Forgacs; ShavvnDouglas; Prashant K. Jain; Peter Diamandis; Steve Jurvetson Ehsan Afshari; Mirlmran; Catteruccia, Dr Flaminia; Pad masree Warrior (pwarrior); Chase, Charles; Vinod Khosla; Catherine Mohr; JeffSurma; Geena Davis; O'Sullivan;Meghan; Nicholas Negroponte; Molly Morse; Marc Andreessen Dorgelo: Cristin Karishma Shah; CadyColeman; Natalie Jeremijenko Wael Ghonim; Bill Gross BlackKeith, Regina Dugan; Cathy Zoi; Yoky matsdoka; Hermann Hauser; Rob Nail; Sergey Brin; (6) Megan Smith; Obi Felten; Astro Teller; Kathy C00per; Will Patrick; Rodney Brooks; OmriDrory Subject: Re: Austen Omri Glowing Plants Class of 2013: Thanks for everything I am so happy that you already reached your goal. Congrats! I and my family are looking forward to it. -Anna On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Saul Grif?th (6) wrote: I want sheep to make glow in dark wool rugs to save on lighting bills. Saul Grif?th Typed slowly with big ?ngers on my tiny iPhone On Apr 23, 2013, at 5:02 PM, Austen Heinz wrote: everyone is doing well! Today Omri Drory (Solve for Class of 2012) and I launched our ?rst collaboration. We're making Glowing Plants. It's the ?rst biology Droiect ever launched on Kickstarter and is apart of our longterm goal is to make designer organisms a consumer product. electric it It?s amazing that we live in a world where we get to make crazy sounding ideas real. Thanks for your support more moonshots! Thanks, Austen On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Will Patrick wrote: SEX Class of2013: What an amazing three days. Thank you so much for joining us and being a part of our community. I feel very lucky to spend a portion of my day job helping to put this group together. As a young person, I feel awed by your intelligence passion and inspire to do ever bigger and crazier things. Thank you for that! A few things I wanted to share with you. 1. We announced the 2013 event and our new website partnerships this morning on the of?cial Google blog (which includes the 'rnoonshot thinking? video). 2. We literally just pushed (most) of the talks public. Here are the links: 0 Astro Megan Open Solve for [will be here] Peter Eric on asteroid mining Eggs introduction Rodney on american manufacturing Shawn on Targeted Therapeutics Charles on compact fusion Danielle on economical energy storage Andras on sustainable, scalable meat ,Ke_ith on Alzheimer's diagnostics Sergey on taking moonshots the value of failing Geena on gender inequality in media Austen on democratizing creation Flaminia on malaria eradication Prashant on optical computing B_ill on solar cheaper than natural gas on inflatable robotics Molly on replacing plastic Ehsan on low?cost terahertz Je_ff on municipal waste to energy Natalie on xDrones Steve Jurvetson on the tech?accelerated rich poor gap [will be 3. We've started getting some press coverage (TechCrunch, Vcrge, Mashable). We'd love your help with creating more buzz buzz buzz. For social media, try using #solveforx. If your company/ organization would like to do any press, feel ?ee to utilize the blog post as a starting point. I can also put you in touch with our comms team here at Google[x]. 4. Check out Astro's gp?i in Wired. 5. We're looking for feedback! We'll send out a feedback form in the next couple days. 6. We're already searching for the next batch of moonshots for SEX 2014. What did we miss? Who should we be talking to? What oonshot idea should be be represented on our stage? Finally, the biggest outcomes of 2012 came from the relationships created at the event I expect this year to be no different. Everyone who attended is on this email; don?t be a stranger! Reach out to your fellow participants and continue the dialogue. Of Course, you're more than welcome to reach out to me and anyone else on the Google[x] team (see cc'd list) for any reason. Talk soon! Cheers, Will (on behalf of Astro, Megan and the rest of the crew)