13. 14. Plaintiff admits to the plain language of Article 10 Gymnastics Bylaws but denies that complaints are handled by USA Gymnastics exclusively under Article 10. Article 9 is also a provision utilized by and applicable to the Defendant?s-obligations to its members when it receives information about a member coach?s sexual misconduct against a member athlete. I Plaintiff denies that the USA. Gymnastics Bylaws do not provide for the investigation of rumors, anonymous claims, or hearsay allegations. There is no language in Article 9 or 10 that prohibits the investigation of rumors, anonymous claims or hearsay allegations. Additionally, the 54 coaches complaint ?les produced by Gymnastics prove that 15. complaints were handled in a variety of ways, including investigation where there is no statement from the aggrieved member or the parent or guardian of the aggrieved member, as well as no investigation when there is a statement from the aggrieved member or the parent or guardian of the aggrieved member. The complaint ?les also contain evidence that the Defendant has investigated rumors, anonymous claims or hearsay allegations. Plaintiff denies that every Complaint must be substantiated by a written, signed statement from the aggrieved member or the parent or guardian of the aggrieved member. First, the I Bylaws in effect in 1998 do not contain this limitation. Secondly, the 54 coaches complaint ?les produced by USA Gymnastics prove that complaints were handled in a variety of ways, including investigation where there is no statement from the aggrieved member or the parent or guardian of the aggrieved member, as well as no investigation when there is a statement from the aggrieved member or the parent or guardian of the aggrieved member. Finally, Robert Colarossi testi?ed he inherited the policy from the Page 6?2 '1 of exit