ashusetta ?dunas sf E?epreaenta?ma State Ewan, 33mins ?Zl??w?l?M Chairmen Joint Committee on P. mnunwrom. tin. HioH STREET CLENTON. MA 0154.0 TEL: {978) 365-1955 Public Safety and Homeiand Security ROOM ?62 STATE HOUSE TEL. (617} 722-2230 FAX (617} 722-2846 July 25, 2016 Attorney General _Maura Healey Of?ce of Massachusetts Attorney General One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108-1518 Dear Attorney General Healey, I am writing to respectfully express my concerns about your recent statements and efforts issuing an Enforcement Notice relative to the sale and possession of ?rearms that are deemed to be ?copies? or ?duplicates? of guns banned under the Commonwealth?s assault weapons law implemented 18 years ago. While I understand your intentions in this matter, I feel this is a misuse and overstepping of authority. In the View of many of my legislative colleagues and I, the assault weapons ban has been implemented effectively by the Attorney General?s Of?ce as well as law enforcement. However, this recent directive, concerning so called ?copies and duplicates? of banned weapons in the current law is not only confusing, but the vagueness of the guidance has raised signi?cant questions over which ?rearms are now banned or could be banned in the ?lture. I also am fearful this will have an immediate economic impact on small retailers in the Commonwealth. Through my work as Chairman of the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, I want to be clear that I am not opposed to revisiting the state?s gun laws, as we did in 2014, to ensure that they follow our rights under the Second Aniendment, as well as improving the safety of the public throughout our state. This being said, I strongly believe that any such review of our gun control laws should be a legislative matter to be considered by both the House and Senate along with public input. If you would like to discuss this matter further, I would be more than happyto do so. Respectfully, HARLD P. NAUGHTO JR. State Representative, 12? Worcester District House Chairman, Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security