Mom Mme, Ga/{mm . I, 6:6- It 1 "3 Ame 7 #121) [m/b m) [245/ W74 We, _;fi (MN Wceucew 3 Mgerwewwj 0w cw a fled/7i 7 1.99%? Mae gammy, flow) CL 601% mm" 7%a/z" /uL mm @5625? (W777 jaw 1' m/im>> (2W A, 73%] iwfi'z/ MD 6W WM [305/ fi/L/ 6/42, AOW. 7%MQ/au, 7%2, fl/mad-m am; . m. [Lny 9/0 pit/0 Mao/M" [mm 7/22 77m mm, $445536? . M;ng on $712230 fl); magi?) mu Wm/prau. 0/ Mimi (5/0 fl M74 M77624 12 719, cMc/md flaw/r may/Ma? fie mmee of 7%24 /m7' p/ flwafi ac/c/ [Mg/m hm flaw/w 62 N/w gig/[JV] 75/01) J'w/sz/w 7'0 1% 91 av {m Mai/'6 mam (24 a WM. fimd may? Mme /7616/ 46%) a/ [gag/4'. AL WW7 Mad/be /a "12, MM, . UCer 61/ 77% 79/>>sz of 77m - 123 1 33 0 5'6 figfiymaafln axe/M fan? 00m J/c Aland/f c/ Amway yaw/4M W0 May% 746(xx/Mama>> MM fla/zflaflw (my. f/jmfl Man ?1 tux-5m fiThe foilqwiqg; haye taken mace sing'c?l became a student at FSU i?ngA'ugu?st, 1.993. Ihm?re 'WOtk?cd a In?tructor at my hemejtom and: this- past summer .17 was staff as an i'nsiryctov- with the. National 'Chcerlbadtrs 111130?? W3 State: Gills-?rieadm?g din-103} ["11an Worked most 0? ?older than mysaf'? Lhavc had mm cogqhes in gympus?ti?cs' and {tha?vo war beau tr?at?t??: i'n? $13182 sexually whib? 'IEain-aboul - (fiymnast?icsa??G) on My?, 1998-, tovtry nut {Or Giff Cheerleadi?g Team. On Monday and W'ef? about ?Sim? gi??s ?f?IaQtiohigff??r'th? ?yquis.? 113mm was a: manfby :he? 'nai'ne 9f Bill szcahc; a: the gym, who Was haying 10.3;901' girl?s whengthey He was- ?aweatboth the praciic? sassibns; anidim the Sept; 16?? Wittf?ie 111W yearsjhave bag-m'involyedgi? gymnastics aii?d clhee?z?mading, 1301'}: as a participant-and by-the? wa'y'h?' actch I didn't gave jm ammo:- with him {he gfir$tutwo :d?ays, because mm: 50:; many 'gfr?ls' ?i?fc; Q11 wagincsday the ?rsft' buyout} Each bf" ?.-Sfp.oris. ?bra-and soften-g)qu sh01133_-wliibli? ?xe-i??pfba! when rancijprac?be in we gym. Bil! was, thg?w; spbt?ngizt fewg'j?sl tunib?ic?dtvbut I16- was?b?t ajugige. men one ot??lyfjudgesmamad iQhfi?s?an told if?:an Q'vcfh?tiard Biif jam-?g. Shunt-me whi .1 e- was ?ying;- out? He. $ai he was calling m: a: and. making my. body. 0112340? Elicfguys who wdfk'g'at? say; {Tin go'nfia ?g?ef- in s?xtfi?wagy: Ifdidn?i-rl?i?aw this? Lmtil 1316:?: @3161: I 313qu Ma: ragwn to watch martian? the tryout.? iv?aslaying-0111111311 Bill approached m'c 2,3;sz sat domz very 9193613; 1355:?: to 11113; Cf. hie}? that he. coached. af the gym. Thinking he was an 'i?br'ihc ESU All (??rii'eheer- 'I?bjam, (arid more than the head wa?ha) I told Bill that I hja'd a {est and. wauld 11hr be able to'comer to on U16 Sept. 22nd) they- posmd {he .1 {st of who mad; Ehc'feam. Il innocently asked him if 113 would?jplgasc call"- mc?to [ct mat-know if I: had- made? it. He Said sure; 1.1man given-him-my?i?ldphon? number. yes. Bill $11311 lbeg?ih askingme Th6}? w?f?n?t :fhejy?fo?l?JQuGStioh?? a?madh. likaf??ow. the: food {in the 11?? go to the Chiba?? ?150 yen Want .10 go: :jout .sometimti?? mm him when go oui, al'ways go: with $911133 my Tfripnds;_ He said ?ve-couldshaw?fma? amtuid. fin-was ?Iaaning- ?vemhaa?d ?udg?ing me with his his ?me?of. mice: and? I?eid??fne 113.91.. my zzmc?'?leb?abtc. I .dijc?i? i; want-?Eb be wait: "or =disrespmm'izi, bacan?St: watch- and't was 3115'? ?xing;va fbx?fh? I. didn?t want to bizickbalied-by him: hiim?: ?nit- 1? was mic-going to: giveih-im my tgz?eph?tgc number. When Bill- got'up in spot a- mild-seemed ?oy?c?r 1i??