Case 3:16?cr?00051?BR Document 948 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 3 Ryan Bundy, Pro Se Inmate: SwiS#'795070 Multnomah County Detention Center 11540 NE Inverness Drive Portland, OR 97220 Telephone: (503) 988?3689 Defendant IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON United States of America, Case No, Plainri?; v. CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Ryan Bandy, Defendant. Judge: Hon. Anna .1. Brown 1, Lisa J. Ludwig, on behalf of Pro Se Defendant Ryan Bundy, prior to the ?ling of this document did confer with AUSA Geoffrey Barrow. The government takes no position on this ?ling. Respectfully submitted this 28'? day of July, 2016. 5/ Lisa J. Ludwig Stand-by Atior'neyfor Defendant CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Case 3:16-cr-00051-BR Document 948 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 3 Attention: Let the whoie world The man and one of the People, ryan of the bundy society, having attained the age of ti." majority, competent to testify, a self~reatized being, a free man upon the land, my "yes" meaning "yes" and my ?no? meaning do hereby solemnly create a written statement that the truths and facts herein are of firsthand personal knowtedge, and true, correct, a; complete, certain, and not misleading, so help me the God of my knowledge; I REVOCATION 0F SIGNATURE FOR GOOD CAUSE 31?3"? - LI - I Introductory Certification The man and one of the People, ryan of the bundy society, having lull first-hand knowledge of the facts stated herein, and making this written statement of freewill, does affirm that the fact statement herein is/are true, correct, certain, and complete to the best of knowledge; and further states: Plain Statement of Facts 1. FACT, ryan affixed signature to document(s) on or abou/ withoUt knowledge that a fraud was being perpetrated upon the man; and, 2. FACT, ryan was actually misled and coerced into signing the aforementioned documents, without knowledge of the fraud that was being perpetrated upon the man; 3. FACT, ryan is aware oi the fact that fraud vltlates all contracts, agreements and documents, and believes the alleged contract with: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA et al UNITED STATES MARSHALL SERVICE MULTNOMAH COUNTY OFFICE MULTNOMAH COUNTY DETENTION CENTER UNITED STATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEVADA UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON is therefore void and nonexistent; and, 4. FACT, ryan revokes all signatures for good cause, and ?Without Recourse to man?; and, 5. FACT, ryan has, by this written statement, formally and tlmely does remove the aforementioned signature(s) for all time and thereby removes any nexus, actual or presumed, that any and all named above or agencies thereof, may believe it has with Affiant by virtue of said signature(s) and or contract(s); and, Verification Any man or woman or PERSON having first hand knowiedg'e of aft the facts asserted herein and having absolute power and authority to rebut this statement of deciaration must rebut with the rebutting party?s Page 1 of 4 Case Document 948 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 3 own signature and endorsement notarized, under the penalty 01 perjury and willing to testify, and executed as true? correct, and complete with positive proof attached; Absent positive proof any rebuttal shall be deemed null and void having no force or effect, thereby waiving any immunities or defenses; Any rebuttal shall be mailed to the undersigned and the Notary address within ten (10) calendar days or the tiling into the public record this written statement; when a rebuttal is not received by both the man! woman and the Notary within ten (10) days this entire Altidavit and default provisions shall be deemed true and correct. This Revocation of Signature for Good Cause is dated the day of the 7 month in The Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Sixteen AD 2016] - ?ag, STAMP DENISE LEE NOTARY PUBUC-OREGGN Wer a. m] i- with. Jurat republic of oregon, a union state county of multnomah Subscribed and sworn to at ?Vi-511$ 3 MNK Cooper 3017:? ?3 before me this oi 2016. Notary public {be w- clo Greets? A by? LL: Leer) My Commission Expires 0 ?741? or my hand and cilicial seal. {a Signature oi Notary Public Page 3 of 4 Case Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 12 Ryan Bundy, Pro Se Inmate: Swis#795070 Multnomah County Detention Center 1 1540 NE Inverness Drive Portland, OR 97220 Telephone: (503) 988-3689 Defendant IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON United States of America, Case No. 3:16-cr-00051-BR Plaintiff, v. CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Ryan Bundy, Judge: Hon. Anna I. Brown Defendant. 1, Lisa J. Ludwig, on behalf of Pro Se Defendant Ryan Bundy, prior to the ?ling of this document did confer with AUSA Geoffrey Barrow. The government takes no position on this ?ling. Respectfully submitted this 28?? day of July, 2016. sf Lisa Ludwig Stand-by Attorney for Defendant CERTIFICATE OF CON PERRAL Case Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page Superseding Statement by Verified Declaration of ryan c; . man; and one of the people i. t. I Hum Notlce the Masterfs?ag Notice the Masters flag I By my hand. this L5 day of My, 2016, ryen c; man; one 0 it people II ht reserved; exempt from levy Mall: PO. Box 7447 bunkerville, union state of nevada [89007] Signed by the hand of i, as witness to signature offby ryan o; By 2 hand, this day of July 2016 (J - man; one of the people; all right reserved; exempt from levy Slgned by the hand of t, as wltness to signature of/by ryan c; By my hand, this 3?9 day of July 2016 Wig/1M0?" man; one the people; all right reserved; exempt from levy tatement by verified decimation ryan of bundy societ- Case Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 12 Statement by verified declaration of] by ryan c, of the bundy society, the man jure divine, and one of the people This statement stands as sovereign truth until rebuttal, item by item, under oath and penalty of perjury, any and all who challenge the declaration of i must come forth within forty-eight hours to challenge with evidence in fact (not circumstantial evidence} or FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE. For Whom it may concern: in any and all ?matters? of, i, man jure divine, ryan c, of the bundy society, and one of the people; and, Whereas: the public record is the highest and ?best? form of evidence, i, ryan c, man jure divine, am hereby timely creating for the public record, this statement by verified declaration; and, Within: the jurisdiction of the Law of God, the Law of Nature and the Law of the Land; within the Union states, also known as the severai states; Facts: 1. i am that which i say i am; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 2. lam ?man? (the meaning of which word in this case is decreed as follows: ?a sacred union between flesh-bonevbloed and bio~eiectricitylenergy created by that the sound of which in the standard English language is commonly translated as ?God?, hereinafter-and?before expressed as ?God?, who is sovereign master of the universe who made and govern all by his almighty power and infinite wisdom?); i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 3. i am the seed of Abram, to whom God said ?Unto thy seed have 1 given this land"; i can without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 4. i am ryan c, the man jure divine, created in God[?s] own image, in the image of God he created i, (Genesis 1:30 Moses i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 5. i rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth. and over all the creatures that move along the ground (Genesis 1:26 8: Moses 22630); i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, :aternent by verified declaration 3 ryan of 1needy society Case Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 12 6. ibeiieve God gave i every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it, as well as the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground w~everything that has the breath of life in it (Genesis 1:29-30 Moses i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 7. i am not in receipt of any evidence in fact that man is subject to comglaints according to Law; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 3. i believe all men isfare equai, and therefore no man have authority over i without the consent of i (Doctrine and Covenants 58:20 101279); i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 9. i am neither "person", nor ?child?, nor ?human being? as defined by Biack?s Law Dictionary, the unholy bibie ofthe Legai Society; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 19. i do not represent ?person?, ?myself?, "himself"; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 11. i have always and do currently represent my creator, God and his son, Jesus Christ; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 12. i do currently and always wili represent my beioved, angels of the handy society, {wo]man jure divino, one of the people, and angeia is the holder in due course of my body, my time and my service throughout all eternity; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 13. i do currently and always will represent my creations, iamie alice, veyo sage, jerusha, jasmine, oak, chloee laree, moroni and salem esther all eight (8) of the bu ndy society, eight (8) of the people, all holderls) in due course of my body, my time and my service through out all eternity; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore the creation of God, and no other, made in God?s image; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 15. Anna J. Brown. aka HON AN NA J. BROWN, is not the creator of i, nor the owner of i, nor the guardian of i, and is not the sovereign of i, nor the agent of the sovereign of i; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 16. Robert E. Jones, aka HON ROBERT E. JONES, is not the creator of i, nor the owner of i, nor the guardian of i, and is not the sovereign of nor the agent of the sovereign of i; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, Anna J. Brown, aka HON ANNA J. BROWN, is guilty of perjury and of dishonoring i for claiming falsely that Robert E. Jones, aka HON ROBERT E. JONES, is my harbor; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 18. Robert E. Jones, aka HON ROBERT E. JONES, is not the "harbor" of i; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 19. Only God can be the harbor of i; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, tatement by verified declaration 5 ryan r. of bunciy Societr 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. itatement by verified declaration 7 Case Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 12 God is the sole Sovereign of l, i am man and can only serve one Master, Iesti hate one and love the other; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, DEFENDANT RYAN BU NDY is not the property of i; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, iam without evidence that THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA have financial interest in i; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am without evidence that i am pledged to or contracted to any performance to the STATES OF i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i are without evidence that i am a security interest or a secured party of the UNITED STATES OF i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, lam without evidence that i am registered to the UNITED STATES OF i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i have been on this land for approximately forty-six (46) years to my knowledge; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i receive mail at P.O. Box 7447, bunkerville, republic of nevada [89007] as right and not as a privilege nor benefit of contract; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am (primary) citizen of Heaven, having never relinquished citizenship there, and i intend. at all times, to return to Heaven, i have no intention of staying here; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe it necessary to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature?s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they shouid declare the causes which impel them to the separation; i hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain un~iien~able right, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe governments are instituted among men, deriving theiriust powers from the consent of the governed; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe every man is independent of all laws except those prescribed by Nature (God); and man is not bound by any institutions formed by fellowman without the man consent; and, i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i beiieve man is immune from any and all government attacks and procedure absent contract; and, i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am on the jurisdiction [of] ?union states? also commoniy known as 'several states?; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, ryan of bundy societ Case 3:16?cr?00051?BR Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page the union state of nevada; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 35. i am neither creation of, nor agent of THE STATES OF am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 36. i am neither ?federal? agent, nor ?federal? employee nor ?federal? staff and no contract exist to prove the contrary; i are without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 37. i believe there are two separate and distinct Jurisdictions, such being the jurisdiction of the union states within their own state boundaries, and the other being federal jurisdiction [United States), which is limited to the District of Columbia, the U.S. Territories and federal enclaves within the states, under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 38. i am not a creation of ?Congress?; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 39. i believe the laws of ?Congress? do not extend into theiurisdiction of the Union states, but have force only in the District of Columbia, and other places that are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the ?nationai government?; i am without evidenco to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 40. i am not a creation of ?Legislator?; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 41 i believe the laws of "Legislator" do not extend into the jurisdiction of the union states, but have force only in the District of Columbia, and other pieces that are within the exclusive Jurisdiction of the ?national government?; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 42. i believe federal legislation applies only within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States unless a contrary intent appears; I am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 43. i have no intent to change my secondary citizenship from the Union states; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 44. i believe the ?state of Nevada?, is NOT ?in the United States?; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 45. i believe the ?state of Nevada? is a sovereign union state and is not under thejurisdiction of the United States; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 46. i believe the ?state of Oregon? is NOT ?in the United States?; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 47. i believe the ?state of Oregon? is a sovereign union state and is not under the jurisdiction of the United States; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 48. i believe the ?iviaiheur National Wildlife Refuge? is NOT "in the United States?; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 49. i believe the ?Malheur National Wildlife Refuge? is on a sovereign union state and is not under the jurisdiction of the United States; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, tatement by verified declaration 9 ryan of bondy societ' 50. 53.. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. S7. 58. 59. 60. 61. 52. 63. taternent by verified declaration Case Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page 7 of 12 i believe the term ?91 the United States? means ?belonging to the United States?; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe the union states are not territories of the United States and do not belong to the United States; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe the union states have a sovereignty that predates the creation of the 'federal government; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe the territories have no sovereignty as they are the property of the United States government; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe the term ?States of the United States? as expressed in federal codes includes only the the territories as inchoate states which belong to the United States; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe no mode exist, that has been judicially decided, to obtain a citizenship of the United States; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe the federal government is imit[ed] to federal territory; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe the plaintiff and Debtor, THE STATES OF attempted to end the life of i, the Creditor, upon their failure, i was violently taken and carried away on January 26, 2016, and i continue at present to be captive of the "government" of the THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, District of Columbia and Fedora! enclaves; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe i am entitled to eight hundred million USD in maximum cure and maintenance required to restore i to the wholeness i enjoyed prior to being taken and carried away; and, i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and i believe the government of the District of Columbia must restore i, Ryan Bondy, the man, to liberty immediately; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe the court named THE UNITED STATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF is an "article court without jurisdiction in any and all the alleged matters regarding ryan bundy; i are without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i rescind any and all alleged contracts known to i and unknown to iwith THE STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF as any all contracts were made under duress, threat and extortion, and without the full knowledge and understanding of i; lam without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am the creditor of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the beneficiary of the bankruptcy of THE STATES OF iam without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am neither the DBA RYAN BUN DY nor liable for its alleged debts; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 11 ryan of handy societt 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 3?0. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. tatement by verified declaration Case Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page 8 of 12 i believe the court named THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OF is an "article lV? court without jurisdiction in any and all the alleged matters regarding ryan bundy; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i rescind any and all alleged contracts with THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF as any all contracts were made under duress, threat and extortion, and without my full knowledge and understanding; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i order the government of the District of Columbia and Federal enclaves to restore i, ryan bundy, the man to properjurisdiction; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it Is 50; and, i believe i harm no man and injure no man property; i are without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe there is no man who claim i harm man or injure man property; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe i stood before the court, as man, every time i was informed that a claim was before the court; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe i have never 'failed? to come before the court when there was a claim before the court; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe i am honorable man and as such i shall continue to come before the court when requested and it is verified thati am a party of interest; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i believe i am a peaceful man and i have no intention, nor have i ever had intention to harm man or injure man property; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am not in receipt of any evidence in fact that I am a 'fiight risk? or a ?danger to persons or community?; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am ready, willing and able to pay any verified debt to man thati lawfully owe; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, iam not in receipt of any evidence In fact that BILLY J. WILLIAMS, ETHAN D. KNIGHT, and GEOFFREY A. BARROW are anything but third party debt collectors attempting to collect unverified debt{s}; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, I believe that MULTNOMAH COUNTY OFFICE, FEDERAL STATES OF AMERICA, WILLIAMS, ETHAN D. KNIGHT, and GEOFFREY A. BARROW are guilty of unfair debt collection practices and should be put in a concrete cell for one hundred years or restore ito liberty and cease and desist immediately; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am not in receipt of The True Bill, listing verified damages, with a verified claim brought forth in the matter before the alleged court known as STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OF and, i do now require and require the True Bill, with wet signature, be tendered no later than 5:00 pm on Julv?o . 2016, and the alleged debt be verified according to [Title 15, Chapter 41, Sub 13 ryan of bundy socie?n 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. tatement by verified declaration Case Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page 9 of 12 Chapter orforever hold peace and cease and desist; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am not in receipt of the ledger(s) of alleged [ac]count 1, alleged [ac]count 2, alleged [acicount lodgers must be brought forth and tendered for set off, settlement and closure no later than 5:00 pm on Juiy?? 2016 or these alleged [ac]count(s) must be discharged immediately and YOU hold your peace and cease and desist immediately; 1 am without evidence to the contrary, th erefore it is so; and, i shall "accept for value?, ?return for discharge, set off, settlement and closure? all verified claims, verified according to [your Title 15, Chapter 41, Sub Chapter lacicountis) speci?cally [aclcount 1, [acicount 2 and [aclcountg i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am not in receipt of any evidence in fact that this alleged STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OF is a court of Law; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am not in receipt of any evidence in fact that a claim against i exist or is filed properly before this alleged court; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i rescind all contracts, known and unknoWn to me, with THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OF including any and all derivations and variations [in] the spelling thereof; and, i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i rescind all contracts, known and unknown to me, with FEDERAL MARSHALS including any and all derivations and variations [in] the spelling thereof; and, i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i rescind all contracts, known and unknown to me, with MULTNOMAH COUNTY including any and all derivations and variations [in] the spelling thereof; and, i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i rescind all contracts, known and unknown to me, with MULTNOMAH COUNTY including any and all derivations and variations [in] the spelling thereof; and, i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i rescind all contracts, known and unknown to me, with UNITED STATES OF AMERICA where i am listed byway of fraud as the Debtor; including any and all derivations and variations [in] the spelling thereof; and, i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i rescind all contracts, known and unknown to me, with THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OF including any and all derivations and variations [in] the spelling thereof; and, i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am without evidence, in fact, that YOU, any man, Women, or PERSON, arefis my guardian; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, i am without evidence, in fact, that THE FEDERAL MARSHALS SERVICE is my guardian; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 15 ryan of bundy societ Case Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page 10 of 12 90. i am without evidence, in fact, that THE DEPARTMENT is my guardian; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 91. i am without evidence, in fact, that THE FEDERAL MARSHALS is my guardian; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 92. i am without evidence, in fact, that statues and codes apply to man; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 93. i am without evidence, in fact, thati am surety for any debtls), liabilityis), or obligation sis); i am with out evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 94. i am without evidence, in fact, that the pension plan for the current acting ?iudges?, Anna Brown and Robert JONES is not connected to the MULTNOMAH COUNTY DETENTION i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, 95. i believe the current acting ?judge? is in collusion with the plaintiff, UNITED STATES OF in the ongoing barratry against i; i am without evidence to the contrary, therefore it is so; and, Your silence stands as consent, tacit approval, and your statement of acknowledgments of these here facts as sovereign truth, for the declarations of facts and conclusions here being established as fact, as a law matter and this affidavit absent rebuttal within ten (10] days, will stand as final judgment in this matter; and, Failure to repiy within ten (10) days, establishes you are in agreement with the foregoing and are thusly lawfully estopped, silence activates estoppel [cf Carmine v. Bowen, 64 A. 932, 1906]; and, i, ryan c, of the bundy society, do hereby reserve the right to amend this document, and am the only party authorized to assert the right to make amendments to this document as necessary, and in order that the truth may be ascertained and these proceedings justly determined; and, Shouid any party possess information that will controvert and overcome this Declaration with specificity, please advise me in writing Statement by Verified Declaration, under penalty of perjury, within ten (10) days from receipt hereof and thereby, provide me with your timely rebuttal, proving with particularity by stating all requisite actual evidentiary fact and all requisite actual law, and at no time in reliance on more presumptive facts and personal conclusions law, that this Statement by Verified Declaration is substantially and materially false sufficiently for changing materially rny declaration; and, The Undersigned, i, ryan c, of the bundy society, do herewith deciare, state and say that 1 issue this with sincere intent in truth, that i, the undersigned am competent by stating the matters set forth herein, that the contents are true, correct, complete, and certain, admissible as evidence, reasonable, not misleading, and by my best knowledge, by i; and, This document and others pertaining to this issue may be recorded and thusly may be used at the discretion of its issuer for any and all matters as so allowed under [cf Rule 902 of the Federal] Rules of Evidence and others, tatement by verified declaration 17 ryan of handy society Case 3:16?cr?00051?BR Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page 11 of 12 including, without limitations, the jurisdiction of the union state of nevada and the (united) states of america; By my hand, this day of $3 I 2016, ryan c, of the bundy society, jure devino man; ZM @2015) ryan c, of the band ty, man; all right reserved; exempt from levy union state oregon, Republic Multnomah County JURAT 0n theZLg clay of . 201b,, ryan c, of the bundy society, man, personally appeared before me and proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the man whose name is subscribed hereto and acknowledged to me that he executed the same under asseveration, and the facts thereof. Subscribed and affirmed before me this day. Witness my hand and seal thisZLi?, day MM, 2016. Notary Signature My Commission expires on th eZOtLday of oak . 20" EB . Affidavit is 215 pages Exhibit w? a LEE MAGNUS NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON NO. 942382 EXPIRES RUGUST 30. 201 9 tatement by verified decimation 19 {yon of bundy society Case Document 947 Filed 07/28/16 Page 12 of 12 THIS CONCLUDES THE STATEMENT BY VERIFIED DECLARATTON Oflby ryan c, of the bu ndy society, TO BE FILED IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE OF OREGON PORTLAND submitted by ryan c, of the bundy society; man jure divine; as evidence to the public record; ;tatement by verified decimation 21 man (3 of bundy societ' Case Document 946 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 2 Ryan Bundy, Pro Se Inmate: Swistt 795070 Multnomah County Detention Center 11540 NE Inverness Drive Portland, OR 97220 Telephone: (503) 988-3689 Defendam IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON United States of America, Case No. Plaintif? v. CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Ryan Bundy, Defmdam Judge: Hon. Anna J. Brown 1, Lisa J. Ludwig, on behalf of Pro Se Defendant Ryan Bundy, prior to the ?ling of this document did confer with AUSA Geoffrey Barrow. The government takes no position on this ?ling. Respectfully submitted this 28th day of July, 2016. 5/ Lisa J. Ludwig Stand-by Attorney for Defendant CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Case Document 946 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 2 3:1 ?Jmlce the Master?s flag . i; ryan 3; man; CLAIM that The US MARSHALS SERVICE, US DEPARTMENT OF MCSO, AND MCDC is maliciously using unlawful fraudulent ?guardianship? and ?Placement at}; Agreements" to commit larceny against i; and; tin [Larceny the felonious and unlawful taking and carrying away ot things personal, with intent to deprive the rightful owner of the same, and with the intent to convert it to the use of the taker, without the owner?s consent, against his will, and by way of force]; and; i; ryan 0; man; CLAIM that The US MARSHALS SERVICE, US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, MCSO, AND MCDC has committed trespass upon my property; by way of untawful and arbitrary seizure of the property of i; and; ryan 0; man; CLAIM that The US MARSHALS SERVICE, US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, MCSO, AND MCDC has lnterlered, without evidence of 'imminent danger?; by way of using documents signed under duress and threat; and; i; ryan 0; man; CLAIM that The US MARSHALS SERVICE, US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, MCSO, AND MCDC is unlawfully using a ?safety plan" to held hostage the property of i; and; with criminal intent keeping the property from its owner without consent of the owner; and; preventing the lawful owner contact with the property without that owners consent, and; criminally restricting access to the property by the owner who hasn't signed the plan; and; i; ryan c; man; CLAIM that The US MARSHALS SERVICE, US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, MCSO. AND MCDC is in violation of the fundamental liberty interest under the Supreme Law of the Land; and; i; ryan 0; man; CLAIM that The US MARSHALS SERVICE, US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, MCSO, AND MCDC is in Violation of its own practices to obtain signatures of owner; and; has no authority is act on behalf oi anyone?s interest without the consent of the owners; and; i, say here, and verity in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of l; ryan 0; man; Dated this 9 day or Juty 2016 man/Q rights reserved; Wish; Jke - - Case Document 945 Fiied 07/28/16 Page 1 of 4 Ryan Bondy, Pro Se Inmate: Swisii795070 Moltnomah County Detention Center 1 1540 NE Inverness Drive Portland, OR 97220 Telephone: (503) 988?3689 Defendant IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON United States of America, Case No. 3:16-cr-00051-BR v. CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Ryan Bundy, De?ndam. Judge: Hon. Anna J. Brown I, Lisa J. Ludwig, on behalf of Pro Se Defendant Ryan Bundy, prior to the ?ling of this document did confer with AUSA Geoffrey Barrow. The government takes no position on this ?ling. Respectfully submitted this 281}: day of July, 2016. 3/ Lisa J. Ludwig Stand-by A MOI-'ney fer Defendant CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Case Document 945 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 4 R-O5 Notlne theMaster?s ?ag (1. 2.1m NOTICE: i; ryan 0, man, do not accept the offered ?Role? of ?Defendant? or ?inmate?, without fair and just compensation of $1 ,000,000.00; and; i do not accept the offered ?Role? of ?Respondent?, without fair and just compensation of $1,000,000.00; and; i; ryan c, man, believe the roles of "DefendantrFiespondent" are a conflict of interest for i, man; and; i; ryan 0, man, require you to send payment in full;and; in advance, prior to my accepting any "Role" other than man, flesh and blood, made in the image of The Lord God Almighty; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 4/ [64% mag; all rights exempt from levy ike Case Document 945 Filed 07/28i16 Page 3 of 4 3:1 6-CR-00051 -B R-05 Vance the Master?s Flag NOTICE: i; ryan c, man, am willing to consider, and believe i am qualified for, the ?Role? of "Judge"; and; possibly the "Role" of ?Bailiff?; and; i; ryan c, man, will require fair and just compensation, of $1,000,000.00 for acting in any ?Role?; and; i require you to send payment in full; and; in advance, prior to [my] accepting any ?Role? other than man, flesh and blood, made in the image of The Lord God Almighty; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 m?'nfall rig his res?tvedfekempt from levy jke Case Document 945 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 4 3:1 lattice the Master?s Flag NOTICE: i; ryan 0, man, require the plaintiff to appear; and; i; ryan 0, man, require the court to discharge this matter immediately upon the failure to appear by the plaintiff; and; i; ryan 0, man, will charge $100,000,000.00 it any man or woman or PERSON places another order for [me] to come before the court again regarding this matter; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this it'? day of July 2016 marf all rights re we eexempt from levy Jke 858d HOMES esn liq 6839L I manom awvsroom} {Hmaim} {Hakim} :Hsvo ONIHEHAO 3w 3HJ. CINV savaA 9 1v aav SiOZ-Jzidv SIHJ. {nga/Nsm} MONM 01 mo ONIGNH SI MOHVEI ven? {a?wva LOHS 1m 8 wvo Adan} ElHi SEISMVIN EIHJ. NOLLOV NI "mow?Nosvaa Move ASNOW OJ. ONIOE) aav mam SNIHSVM :LNOtlzl ONLL 9 wvo :Hzm} aawnSNoo 1a) ?9 mow GEHEAOOSIG #1ue9 AUIEM #maw aawnSNOO # EDWJ. aaiLI/vu 91) LasegvooiLesomtr-?s> ?8 #xouea esn # 88 .LOHS ACHOIN 9 5 MOLDY SHOT DESK B7 [00453205 (PERM BLANK BAM MONTITOR KOIN.COM [00453384 (1 CAM 2 THREE THE WASHERS IN THIS SETTLEMENT WERE MADE BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010. YOU HAVE UNTIL OCTOBER 11 TO FILE A CLAIM. WE HAVE A LINK AT KOIN DOT COM TO THE LIST OF WASHERS COVERED UNDER THE SETTLEMENT AS WELL AS THE PAPERWORK YOU NEED TO FILL OUT TO FILE A CLAIM. WHEN YOU GO SHOPPING FOR AN ALONG CHECK THE LIST OF COMPLAINTS BEFORE YOU MADE A BUYING DECISION. Printed:7/28/2016 16:40 by Lisa Balick Page 1 Case Document 944 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 3 Ryan Bundy, Pro Se Inmate: Swfsi? 7950 70 Multnomah County Detention Center 1 1540 NE Invemess Drive Portland, OR 97220 Telephone: (503) 988?3689 Defendant IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON United States of America, Case No. Plainti?, V. CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Ryan Bondy, Defendant_ Judge: Hon. Anna 1. Brown 1, Lisa J. Ludwig, on behalf of Pro Se Defendant Ryan Bundy, prior to the filing of this document did confer with AUSA Geoffrey Barrow. The government takes no position on this ?ling. Respectfully submitted this 28?? day of July, 2016. 3/ Lisa J. Ludtrw'g Stand-by Aftomeyfor Defendant CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Case Document 944 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 3 3 Re, No, 3.7aan mgr??axe; Notice the Mastei?s Frag NOTICE: i; ryan 0; man; claim: [my] private property (see exhibit A attached) is protected from public appropriation over which i have exclusive and absolute right; and; i; ryan c; man; claim: [my] exclusive property (see exhibit A attached) is in [my] exclusive dominion; and; is exclusively for the use and benefit of i; and; i; ryan 0; man; claim: The US MARSHALS SERVICE, US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, MCSO, AND MCDC is in wrongful possession of the property of i and; is negligently endangering the property of i; and; i; ryan c; man; claim: The US MARSHALS SERVICE, US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, MCSO, AND MCDC do wrong; and; i; ryan c; man; order: any man who make a claim to the property of i; to bring his claim before the ryan court; and; i; ryan 0; man; order: YOU to execute YOUR duty and restore the property (see exhibit A) to its rightful owner/proper jurisdiction immediately; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this clay of July 2016 all rights Waxempt from levy lire Case Document 944 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 3 Case 3:16?cr?00051?BR Document 943 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 3 Ryan Bundy, Pro Se Inmate: Swis# 795 0 70 Multnomah County Detention Center 11540 NE inverness Drive Portland, OR 97220 Telephone: (503) 9888689 De?ndam IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DIST RICT OF OREGON United States of America, Case No. Plaint? v. CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Ryan Bondy, Def?ndam. Judge: Hon. Anna J. Brown 1, Lisa J. Ludwig, on behalf of Pro Se Defendant Ryan Bundy, prior to the ?ling of this document did confer with AUSA Geof?'ey Barrow. The government takes no position on this ?ling. Respectfully submitted this 28?? day of July, 2016. 3/ Lisa J. Ludwig Sland~by Attorneyfor Defendaer CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRA Case Document 943 Fiied 07/28/16 Page 2 0f 3 3:1 6-CR-00051-B R-05 Notice the Master? 5 Flag NOTICE: i; ryan 0, man, reguire the restoration of [my] preperty also known as Mind, Body and Spirit to occur immediately; and; i; ryan 0, man, order the restoration of [my] property also known as Mind, Body and Spirit to occur immediately; and; i; ryan 0, man, demand the restoration of [my] property also known as Mind, Body and Spirit to occur immediately; and; i. say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0 man; Dated this E5 day of July 2016 all from levy ike L. l?l Case 3:16?cr?00051?BR Document 943 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 3 Notice the Master's Flag NOTICE: i; ryan man; order: you to get out of [my] domestic affairs; and; i; ryan 0; man; order: you leave [my] domestic affairs forthwith; and; i; ryan c; man; say: i require no entanglement between you and i and [my] domestic affairs; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this 2% day of July 2016 Xe? mad; all from levy jke Case Document 942 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 7 Ryan Bondy, Pro Se Inmate: Swist? 795 070 Multnomah County Detention Center I 1540 NE Inverness Drive Fenland, OR 97220 Telephone: (503) 988?3689 Defendant IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON United States of America, Case No. Plaintyji V. CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Ryan Bundy, Defendam Judge: Hon. Anna J. Brown 1, Lisa J. Ludwig, on behalf of Pro Se Defendant Ryan Bundy, prior to the ?ling of this document did confer with AU SA Geoffrey Barrow. The government takes no position on this filing. Respectfuliy submitted this 28?h day ofJuiy, 2016. 3/ Lisa .1 Ludwig Stand-by Atror?neyfor Defendant CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Case Document 942 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 7 the Masters Flag 3:1 NOTICE: i; ryan 0, man, put all on notice; that i; man; am not prosecutable in YOUR society; by YOUR codes; or; statutes; or; by?laws; because; i; man; am not a member of your society; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; man; ryan c; Dated this day of July 2016 4/ [gag m?rf all from levy jke Case Document 942 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 7 ?entice the Master's Flag NOTICE: i; ryan 0, man, claim the jurisdiction of this court is improper, i evoke the Common Law, which remains in force, unless there is a clear legislative intent here today to abrogate the Common Law; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand oi i; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 gig/gay; mann/ all exempt from levy jke Case Document 942 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 7 .. Hoticeihe Masters Flag nB NOTICE: i; ryan 0, man, do not answer complaints; and; there is no Claim, against i, filed properly in or before this court; that has been presented to i; and; i, say here, and will verily in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 Z?w marf all exempt from levy jke Case Document 942 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 7 3 :1 Mice the Master?s Flag NOTICE: i; ryan 0; man; claim: Billy J. Williams, Ethan D. Knight and Geoffrey Barrow is/are third party interloper; without firsthand knowledge; and; without contract; and; i; ryan 0 man; order: Billy J. Williams, Ethan D. Knight and Geoffrey Barrow to tender a bill to i immediately; and verify bill according to Title 15, Chapter 41, Subchapter and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand oi i; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 all rights :eserg; exempt from levy ike Case Document 942 Filed 07/28!16 Page 6 of 7 Notice the Masters Flag It?. inf: NOTICE: i; ryan 0; man; claim: no paper binds i without the signature and seal of i; and; i; ryan 0; man; claim: any man, woman or PERSON attempting to bind i with paper, bears full/all liability for the burden it places on i, man; and; i; ryan 0; man; order: YOU cease and desist immediately; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 A i; ma all rights - rveETexempt from levy jke Case Document 942 Filed 07/28/16 Page 7 of 7 Notice the Master?s Flag NOTICE: i; ryan 0; man; claim: i harm no man; and; i injure no man property; and; i cause no less; and; i; ryan 0; man; claim: it is necessary and proper to face man who say i do wrong; and; i, say here, and will verify in Open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of l; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 Zd/k marfall from levy jke "1:1 Case Document 941 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 6 Ryan Bondy, Pro Se Inmate: Swis# 7950 70 Multnomah County Detention Center 11540 NE Inverness Drive Portland, OR 97220 Telephone: (503) 988-3689 Defendant IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON United States of America, Case No. 3 :16?cr?00051-BR Plaintiff v. CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Ryan Bondy, Defendam? Judge: Hon. Anna J. Brown 1, Lisa J. Ludwig, on behalf of Pro Se Defendant Ryan Bundy, prior to the ?ling of this document did confer with AU SA Geoffrey Barrow. The government takes no position on this ?ling. Respectfully submitted this 28.1h day ofJuly, 2016. 3/ LisaJ. Ludwig Stand-by Attorney for Defendant CERTIFICATE OF CONFERRAL Case Document 941 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 6 3:1 6-09-0005"! -BR-05 Yotlce the Master's ring NOTICE: i; ryah 0, man. am not prosecutable in the Legal Society, aka, the BAR Association; and; l; ryan 0, man, am not a creation of the Legal Society, a.k.a. the BAR Association; nor; do i serve at the pleasure of the Legal Society, aka, the Bar Association; and; i, say here, and will verify in Open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 4/42 m/aft; all rightg?ee?'vehrexempt from levy jke Case Document 941 Fiied 07/28/16 Page 3 of 6 R-05 Notice the Master?s Flag IN). NOTICE: i; ryan 0, man, am not a member of the BAR Association; and; do not; and; never have; paid dues to the BAR Association; and; am not in good standing with the BAR Association; and; i; ryan 0, man, am an idiot of the 'Legal Society'; and; am an idiot (layman, outsider) of the ?Bar Association?; and; i am incompetent; and; am not required by any law to be competent; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 4% 14M m?rf all right81eg?r6e?nxexempt from levy jke Case Document 941 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 6 Notice the Master?s Flag I NOTICE: i; ryan 0. man, am without representation; and no law requires i to be represented; and; i; ryan 0, man, accept no offer of representation, as no man is qualified to represent i; and; i; ryan 0, man, will hold any man liable, in hisiher private capacity, for any burden, placed upon 1, man, by any man, by way of representation of i; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 Zea/?e? marj/ all rights re?ned; exempt from levy jke Case Document 941 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 6 lotion the Masters Flag NOTICE i; ryan 0, man, put all on notice: any man, woman or PERSON acting in the roie(s) of ?standby counsel?, "counsel" (which Robert Jones defined as ?counsel means attorney, whether you like it or not?), or ?attorney? by way of OREGON STATE BAR or NEVADA STATE BAR, must bear any, all and full liability for any remedy that may be required from DBA RYAN and, i, say here, and will verity in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; man; ryan c; Dated this day of July 2016 marf all rights rmd; exempt from levy ike Case 3:16?cr?00051?BR Document 941 Filed 07/28/16 Page 6 of 6 otlce the Masters Rag NOTICE: i; ryan 0, man, do not exist by the creation of the legislature of the UNITED STATES OF nor serve at the pleasure of the State of Oregon; nor the State of Nevada; nor am i subject to any statute or code of said State(s); i; ryan 0, man, am an idiot (layman, outsider) of the ?Legal Society?; and; am an idiot (layman, outsider) of the ?Bar Association?; and; i am incompetent; and; am not required by any law to be competent; and; i, say here, and will verify in open court, that all herein be true; Signed by the hand of i; ryan 0; man; Dated this day of July 2016 A m?anf tall rigth exempt from levy ike Case Document 940 BILLY I. WILLIAMS, OSB #901366 United States Attorney District of Oregon ETHAN D. KNIGHT, OSB #992984 GEOFFREY A. BARROW CRAIG J. GABRIEL, OSB #012571 Assistant United States Attorneys geoiifrey.barrowf??usdoi .gov craiggabriel?? 1000 SW Third Ave., Suite 600 Portland, OR 97204-2902 Telephone: (503) 727-4000 Attorneys for United States of America Filed 07/28/16 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. AMMON BUNDY, JOSEPH RYAN BUNDY, SHAWNA COX, PETER SANTILLI, DAVID LEE FRY, JEFF WAYNE BANTA, KENNETH MEDENBACH, and NEIL WAMPLER, Defendants. Page 1 of 2 JOINT MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE WITNESS LISTS UNDER SEAL The United States of America, by Billy J. Williams, United States Attorney for the District of Oregon, and through Ethan D. Knight, Geoffrey A. Barrow, and Craig 3. Gabriel, Assistant United States Attorneys, and the above-referenced defendants hereby ?le ajoint Case 3:16?er?00051?BR Document 940 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 2 motion for leave to ?le all witness lists for the September 7, 2016, trial, under seal. The parties have conferred and jointly agree that ?ling of all parties? witness lists under seal is in the interest of justice. Accordingly, the parties request that the Court grant the motion and authorize the parties to ?le their witness lists under seai. Dated this 28th day of July 2016. Respectfully submitted, BILLY J. United States Attorney 5/ Geof?eyA. Barrow ETHAN D. KNIGHT, 088 #992984 GEOFFREY A. BARROW CRAIG J. GABRIEL, OSB #012571 Assistant United States Attorneys Joint Motion for Leave to File Witness Lists Under Seal Page 2