Versorgungsrücklage des Landes zum 31.05.2015 - Aktien und Renten ISIN DE000A1 1QR73 X81413581205 X81 346228 577 X81418788755 X81117293107 DE000A1 4.19148 X81083986718 X81193213953 X81394791492 IE008J 388R43 X81167667283 X8105441 8600 X81403264291 X81391086987 X81130139667 153000081 K968 FR0012146801 8150000337460 X81074208270 X81072796870 X81064307058 FR0013150257 X81 377679961 X81372911690 X81180451657 X81 3466 52891 X81342516629 IT0005156044 FR0012716371 X81195056079 BE0002483585 X81 151586945 X81180256528 IT0004889421 X81170307414 X81121177767 FR0013162302 X81091654761 FR0011993518 DE000MHBi 2J9 BE0000332412 X8 0792977984 X81075371986 X81 067329570 X81 063399536 FR0011859495 FR0011805803 IT00049 92878 F R001 1637743 X81314318301 X8130641 1 726 X80953580981 X81420337633 X80935034651 X81 4083 80803 X80925599556 X81401 105587 X81400224546 X81 397054245 X80918600668 X81391589626 Wertpapierbezeichnung Bayer AG Reg.S. Fix-to-Float v.14(2074) Total S.71. EMTN Regß. Fix-to-Fleat Perp. AXA S.14. Fix-to-Float EMTN Regfi. v.16(2047) Demeter Investments B‘u‘ for Zurich Insurance Co. Ltd, EMTN LPN Fix-to‘Float u.15(2045) Uniqua Fix-to-Float 17.15(2045) Allianz SE Reg.8, Fix-To-Float v.15(2045) Aviva Plc. Fix-to-float v.14(2044) Telia (Jompamar AB E0-Med.-Term Notes 2015:1 5735) ABN AMRO Bank N.V. EO-Cov. Med.-Term Nts 2015(31) Irland EÜ-Treasury Bonds 2014(30) Volkswagen Intl Finance 11.17. EO-Medium-Term Notes 2015(30) Mexiko EMTN v.14(2029) McDonald's Corporation Reg.S. 11.1 5(2025) CK Hutchison Finance 16 Ltd. v.16(2028) Litauen. Republik EÜ-Medium-Tenn Notes 2014126) Österreich. Republik ED-Bundesohl. 2015(25) Sanofi SA. EO-Medium-Term Nts 2014(14725) Belgien. Königreich ED-Obl. Lin. 20151125) 5er. 77 EnEW International Finance BV EO-Medium-T.Notes 2014(14726) Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Fix-te-Float Regß. v.14(2025) CocaaCoia Enterprises inc.(NEW EO-thes 2014(14725) lCaisse F rancaise d.Financ.Loc. EÜ_M.—T.Dbi.Fencieres 2015(25) Btitish Teiecommunications Plc. Raps. ‘J.15{2025} Deutsche Bahn Finance B.V. EO-Medium-Term Notes 2015(25) ENI S. 11A. EÜ-Medium-Term Notes 2015(25) Chile v.16(2026) Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten EO-Medium-Term Notes 2015(25) Intesa Sanpaolo 5.11.71. E0-Med.-Term Hyp.-Ffdhr.15(25) BNP Paribas Hcme Loan SFH EO-Med.-T.ObI.Fin.Hab.2015(25) Roche Finanoe Europa 9V R598. EMTN u.15(2025} Belfius Bank S.14. EO-Cov.Med.—Tenn Nts 2015(25) Chile u.14(2025) Morgen Stanley EO-Medium-Term Notes 2015(25) Intesa Sanpaoro Spe. E0-Med.-Terrn Hypo—Pfdbr.13(25) Gas Natural Fenosa Finance BV Reg.S. EMTN v.15(2025) Bertelsmann SE 8 Co. KGaA MTN-Anleihe u.2014(202472024} Cie de Financement Foncier EO-Med.-T. ObiFonc. 2016(24) Royal Mail Flo. Reg.8. v.14(2024] BF'CE 8FH Reg.8. Pfe. v.14(2024) Münchener Hypothekenbank MTN-HPF Ser.1550 114(24) Belgien, Königreich ED-Obl. Lin. 2014[24) 8er. 72 Alliander N0 EMTN v.12(2024) Korea u.14(2024) Wolters Kluwer 14.17. ED-Notes 2014(24) Lettland. Republik EÜ-Med.-Tem1 N19 2014(24) Societe Gänerale 8FH EÜ-Med.-T.Übl.Fin.Hab.2014(24) Cofaoe Compagnie Francaise d'Assurance pour Ie Commerce Exterieur S.131, u.14(2024) Unio.di Banche Italiane 5.p.A. EO-Mortgßov. MTN 2014(24) BPCE SFH EG-Med.-T.Obl.Fin.Hab.2013(23) Procter 8 Gamble 00., The EO-Bonds 2015(15723) 0te. Bahn Finance BV Regß. FRN v.15(2023) Quebec, Provinz EüaNoles 2013(23) Holoim Finanoe (Luxembg) 8.5. ED-Medium-T. Notes 2016(16723) 1NG Bank NM. E0-Med.-Term Cov. Bds 2013(23) OP-Asuntoluottopankki Oyj EO-Cou. Med.-Tenh Nts 2015(23) 1Walls Fargo 8 Co. EO-Medium-Tenn Notes 2013(23) Toronto-Dominion Bank, The EÜ'MEdn-TEFITI Codes 2015(23) EURÜFJMA EO-Mediurn-Term Notes 2015(23) Eika BoligKteditt ‚4.5. EÜ-Med.-Terrn Cov, Nts 2015(23) Great-West Lifeco tnc. v.13(2023) Lloyds Bank PIc. Pfe. 1215(2023) Fäilig kelt 01 07.2074 29.12.2049 08.07.2047 01.10.2046 27.07.2046 07.07.2045 03.07.2044 23.02.2035 1 3.04.2031 16.05.2030 16.01.2030 09.04.2029 03.05.2028 06.04.2028 29.10.2026 20.10.2026 1 0.09.2026 22.06.2026 04.06.2026 28.05.2026 06.05.2026 13.04.2026 10.03.2026 02.03.2026 02.02.2026 20.01 .2026 1 2.01 .2026 1 8.12.2025 07.05.2025 25.02.2025 10.02.2025 30.01 .2025 30.01 .2025 24.01 .2025 21 01.2025 14.10.2024 04.09.2024 29.07.2024 27.06.2024 25.06.2024 22.06.2024 14.06.2024 1 0.06.2024 1 3.05.2024 30.04.2024 29.04.2024 27.03.2024 05.02.2024 29.1 1 ‚2023 02.1 1 .2023 13.10.2023 1 7.07.2023 26.05.2023 22.05.2023 1 1 ‚05.2023 02.05.2023 27.04.2023 25.04.2023 20.04.2023 18.04.2023 1 1 04.2023 Marktwert 31.05.2015 4.863.375,00 4.521.000,00 6.445.455,00 5.513.035,00 1.040.000,00 9.125.459,00 4.241.772,00 5.424.000,00 4.973.500,00 4.602.400,00 5.525.200,00 1.632.750,00 2.034.040,00 2.367.816,00 5.675.000,00 13.321.100.00 3.233.100,00 5.235.500,00 3.345.900,00 3.518.528,00 5.027.000,00 4.009.707,00 6.039.600,00 2.024.420,00 12.040.730.00 10.442.000.00 2.653.500,00 5.975.400,00 7.705.32500 3.776.130,00 5.044.000,00 12.350.000.00 1.523.555,00 3.618.280,00 55.261.500.00 3.455.512,00 23.990.120.00 5.555.500,00 11.915.000.00 5.555.792,00 5.212.554,00 3.307.800,00 4.483.125,00 4.525.50050 1.512.000,00 4.191.950,00 4.520.400,00 4.133.500,00 5.550.470,00 11.325.000.00 759.675.00 5.592.500,00 5.013.000,00 2.183.800,00 10.652.152.00 5.019.200,00 7.024.710,00 5.540.555,00 5.373.040,00 X51391055740 FR0013141055 1.51197532915 1150595144555 X513555431 35 DE000A13SL25 1151190524111 X51 190973559 1151357663050 lT0005140030 FR001 1372522 DE000A1 ROXG3 DE0005LBBJA9 1150555355554 2450855975552 X505 54759050 X51 135334500 X51 305593557 FR0012515925 DE000A14J511 1151293087703 FR0012951960 1151290554513 FR001 31 13453 11505239755 55 1150525555751 X50515704125 X50517539924 X5051 0522935 X51 173545435 X50504217535 DE000A11QTGS X51 245555501 X51245752259 X51059430355 X51237271009 X51234245919 1150775914277 1151223215497 1151222454032 DE0000122010 1151050917373 X51111559755 X51195759010 DE00002AAPV5 X51179935551 X51 115479559 1151171525772 BE0002452579 X51 15935 3254 1151157352513 1151411535255 X50732513972 1151157295504 1150993145034 1151001749107 1151132759949 2151 132402709 X51130055175 X51 130457555 1151025941975 11510405051 12 FR0012173705 1151111155325 13K Hutohison Finanoe 15 Ltd. v.15(2023) AXA Bank Europe SCF ED-Med.—Tem1 00 .Fon0.2015(23) Coca-Cola Co. 021512023) Atlas 130000 AB EMTN 0.13(2023) Stadshypotek AB EO-Med.-T. Hyp.-Pfandhr.15{23) SAP 5E R005. v.14{2023) Statoil A514 ED-Medium-Term Nts 2015(15123) BP Capital Markets PLC EO-Madium-Term Notas 2015123) AIB Mongage Bank Reg.S. Pfe. 0.1E{2023) Unio.di Banche Italiens 3.0.4. EO-Mortg. C00. Notes 20151123) Auohan Hottting 5A. EO—Medium-Tenn Notes 2012(22) BaSF SE 0.1212022) Bayerische Landesbank Pfe. 015(22) Statkraft AS EO-Medium-Tenn Nts 2012(22) DnB Boligkrettitt 14.5. Pfe. v.12(2022) Atliander N.V. EÜ-Medium-Ten'n Notes 2012(22) Apple Ins. v.14(2022) Nationwide Buitding Sooiety Pfe. 121512022) BPCE 5FH EO-Med.-T.ObI.Fin.Hab.2015(22) Bayer AG FLR-800.Anl.0.2015(202212075) Koninklijke DSM NV Reg.5. i01512022} 5001010 G0n0rale SFH EÜ-M.-T.Übl.Fin.Hab. 15(22) Lloyds Bank PLC ED-Med.-Term Cov. Bds 2015{22) CM - CIC Horns Loan SFH EÜoMed.-T.Ohl.Fin.Hab.2015(22) Volkswagen Leasing GmbH EMTN l141212022) Fortum Üyj EO-Med.-Tenn Notes 2012122) Prooter 0; Gamble 00., The ED-Bonds 2012(22) Walls Fargo 5 Co. EO-Medium-Tenn Nts 2012(22) Wesfanners Ltd. 021212022) lGoldman Sachs Group Inc., The EO-Medium-Term Nts 2015(22) Nederlandse Gasunia, N.V. EGMeo‘ium-Term Notes 2D12[22) Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau v.15(2022) Royal Bank of Canada 009.0. Pfe. v.15(2022) Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken ED-Med.-Term 000. Bds 2015(22) Telefonioa Emisiones 5.A.U. EÜ-Msdium-Term Notes 2014[22) McDonald‘s Corporation Regs. v.15(2022) Würth Finanos international B)! ED-Med.-T. Nts 2015115722) Commonwealth Bank of Australia EMTN 012112022) Toronto-Dominion Bank, The EÜ-Med.-Torm Cov.Bds 2015(22) Länsförsäkringar Hypotek AB EO-Cov.Med.-T.Nts 2015(22) BMW LIS Capital LLC EMTN 009.0. 01512022) Volkswagen Leasing GmbH Regß. v.14(2022) Total Capital Canada Ltd EMTN Regfi. v.14{2022) 0P Yrityspankki Oyj ED-Medium-Term Notes 2015(22) Hamburger Sparkasse AG PfandhrAusgßD 02016112022) AIB Mortgage Bank EÜ-Med.-Term 000.5000 2015122) Credit Suisse AG {London Branoh) Reg.S. v.14(2022) ANZ New Zealand (Itl){Ldn Br.) EO-Med.-T.Mtg.Cou.Bds 2015(22) KBC Bank NM. E0-Med.-T.Mortg.Cou.Bds 15:22) GE Capital European Funding Unlimited Co. EMTN v.10(2022) National Australia Bank Ltd. E0—Med.-T0m' Notes 2015122) Johnson 81 Johnson EÜ-Notes 2015(15722) DNB Bank ASA Eü-Medium-Term Notes 2012(22) Westpao Banking Corp. EO-Mortg. 000. MTN 2015(22) nTsT lnc. v.10{2021) Microsoft Corporation Regfi. 01312021) Nestlä Finanse International Ltd. EMTN Reg.5. u.14(2021) Hutchison Whampoa International Ltd. 509.5. 0.14(2021) Nationwio‘e Building Sooiety ED-Madium-Terrn Notes 2014121) Toronto-Dominion Bank, The EO-Med.-T.Cov.Bds 2014(21) Merck a Co. ln0. Reg.S. 0.14(2021) BP Capital Markets ch ED—Medium-Tenh Notes 2014121) LVMH Moät Henn. L. Vuitton 5E E0-Med.Term Notes 2014(14f21) Bank of Nova Sootia, The EO-Coversd MTBds 2014{21)Reg.5 00.04.2020 20.00.2020 00.00.2020 20.02.2020 22.02.2020 20.02.2020 12.02.2020 10.02.2020 04.02.2020 22.01.2020 12.12.2022 05.12.2022 01.12.2022 20.11.2022 21.11.2022 14.11.2022 10.11.2022 20.10.2022 11.10.2022 01.10.2022 20.00.2022 21.00.2022 14.00.2022 12.00.2022 00.00.2022 00.00.2022 10.00.2022 10.00.2022 02.00.2022 20.07.2022 13.02.2022 04.07.2022 10.00.2022 10.00.2022 21.05.2022 20.05.2022 10.00.2022 00.05.2022 27.04.2022 22.04.2022 20.04.2022 04.04.2022 10.00.2022 00.00.2022 02.00.2022 00.02.2022 01.01.2022 20.01.2022 22.01.2022 21.01.2022 20.01.2022 20.01.2022 10.01.2022 14.01.2022 12.12.2021 00.12.2021 00.11.2021 01.10.2021 20.10.2021 20.10.2021 15.10.2021 20.00.2021 24.00.2021 17.00.2021 3.551 145,00 9.775.550,00 6.757.215,00 2.019.402,00 5.090.540,00 5.500.242,00 5.042.500,00 5.031.500,00 7.213.555,00 5.223.500,00 4.427.000,00 555200000 15.253.550.00 3.341.550,00 7.304.550,00 3.350.250,00 11.179.703.00 9.151.570,00 4.907.520,00 5.535.900,00 5.055.974,00 5.045.910,00 4.455.440,00 6.459.961,00 3.242.100,00 3.257.100,00 2.222.000,00 2.094.161,00 1.275.512,50 4.525.000,00 15.705.950,00 17.157.350.00 5.151.000,00 2.155.100,00 10.230.900.00 10.323.000.00 5.702.250,00 7.023.350,00 5.049.250,00 5.505.375,00 5.555.104,00 9.157.720,00 4.048.920,00 5.005.400,00 11.202.400.00 9.459.535,00 4.355.150,00 515550000 4.923.575,00 7.095.590,00 9.053.100,00 4.529.500.00 7.155.900,00 5.271 .120.00 12.112.550.00 7.422.912,00 1 1.550.675,00 5.147.500,00 5.205.100,00 11.532.992,00 5.455.000.00 3.412.550,00 5.201.300,00 X51111312523 X80571332503 X81090450047 X51253573315 X81071333117 X81075255400 X81072515427 E50443307043 DE0005H YOAJ1 X809 34357077 X51395753192 X5141 2415435 X810544131 95 X80909733290 X81043521733 X81044755191 X51 374751201 X81 233 335521 X80394202953 X51033940740 X51303351714 X81351545593 E8041321 1 121 X81017733100 X51345039359 X5101533433 3 DE000A1 317133 X50999475195 X50997434430 X80997323035 X50993243052 X5131 7959944 X5 0991 0901 75 IT0004957137 X80937101242 AT00030494 03 FR0011500923 IT0004955195 X812 32145412 X81295945533 X81 29 3529097 X51297977115 X50323235225 X81 109 302303 X50320357223 X51273507100 X81 270450391 X80953 530244 X51255310535 FR001 1535754 X80951331523 DE000711151 UU5 X512433405 37 FR001 1470921 X80942304351 X80505445953 X80923455213 X5 09253221 39 X51227509379 X80920712300 X513932751 12 FI4000010343 X81332791392 X80495943070 llilredit Suisse AGIGuernaey EMTN Pfe. 17.14(20:7.'1) ING Bank NV Pfe.17.11(2021) NET4GAS s.r.0. Regß. 17.102021) Westpao Banking Corporation R095. Pfe. 17.15[2021) Danske Bank A8 EÜ-Mortg. Covered MTN 2014121) 70001100 BuiIding Soeiely EO-Medium-Tenn Notes 2014(21) National Australia Bank Ltd. E0-Mortg.Co17.Med.-T.Bds 14(21) Kutxabank S.71. EO-Cedulas Hipoteo. 2014(21) Berlin Hyp AG Hyp.-Pfandbr. 17.14(21) Ser.132 J.P.Morgan Chase 3. Go.17.13(2021) Bank of Montreal EO-M.-T. Mortgßovßds 131(21) National Australia Bank Ltd. Reg.S. FRN 015(2021) 1170:0110 EMTN u.14(2021) Volkswagen International Finanoial Services NV 17.13(2021) Shell International Finanee B17 Et’lMedium-Terrn Notes 2014(21) Eika BoligKreditt 71.5. EO-Med.—Term 0017. Nts 2014(21) Royal Bank of Canada E0-M.-T.Mtg.Cov.Bds16(21)Reg.S Toyota Motor Credit Corporation R095. EMTN 17.15(2021) UnibaiI-Rodamco SE EMTN 0131:2021) Skandinaviska Enakilda Banken E0»Med1um-Term Notes 2014(21} Bank of Ireland Co. R095. Pfe.17.15(2021) Swedbank Hypotek AB E0—M.-T. 01107190017. Bds 115(21) Banco Bilhao Vazoaya Argent. EO-Cädulas Hip. 2006(21) Lettland, Republik E0-Med.-Terrn N10 141(21) R095 Lloyds Bank Plo. Reg.S. F'fe. 17.16(2021) Credit Suiase (Guemsey Br.) EO-Med.-T.Hyp.Pf.-Br.2014(21) 17ono17ia Finanee 3.17. EO-Medium-Term Nts 2015(1 5720) DVB Bank SE NITN-IHS 17.2013(2020) Petröleos Mexioanos. Reg.8. 17.13(2020) Abbey National Treasury Services Plo. Pfe. 17.13-(2020) National Australia Bank Ltd. EÜ-Med.-Term Notes 2013(20) Corporacitfin Andina de Fomento EMTN Regß. 0.1 5112020) International Business Machines Corporation 17.13(2020} UniCredit 8.0.74. Pfe. 17.13(2020) Stadehypotek AB ED—Mortg. Covered MTN 2013(20) UniCredit Bank Austria AG EÜ-Üff. M.-T. Pfandhr.2013(20) HSBC SFH {FranoeJ EO-Med.-T.Übl.Fin.Hab.2013(20) Unio.di Banohe Italiane 8.0.74. R095. Pfe.17.13(2020) Caterpiilar Intl Finance Ltd. ED-Medium-Tenn Notes 2015{20) Swedbank Hypdtek AB E0-Med.-Term C1317. Bds 2015(20) Westpac See. NZ Ltd. {Ldn Br.) E0-Med.-T.Mtg.Co17.Bd0 2015(20) SR-Boiigkreditt 71.8. EÜ-Mortg. Couered MTN 2015(20) Linde AG Med.—Tam1 Nts.1r.2012{2020) Vodafone Group F'LC E0-Med.—Tenn Notes 2014(20720) ING Bank N317. E0-Cou.Med.Tarrn Notes 20121120) volkswagen Leasing GmbH R095. 17.15(2020) Bank of Montreal E0—M.-T. 111011900de0 15(20) Royal Bank of Canada Reg.S Pfe. 17.13(2020) AIB Mongage Bank EO-Med.—Tenn 00175000 2015(20) Kering 8A. EMTN 17.1 3(2020) Nederlandse Wateraohapshank N17 00.00nds 2013(20) Bundesländer Nr. 43 17.15(2020) Yorkahire Buiiding Booiety EO-Med.-Tenn 0017. B:210 2015520) BNP Paribae Home Loan SFH Pfe. 17.13(2020) SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt A8 Pfe. 17.13(2020) Luxemburg 17.10(2020) Australia 0. New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. Pfe. 17.13(2020) Länafürsäkringar Hypotek AB EO-Cov.Med.-T.Nts 2013(20) Central Bk of Sakas Fin.PLC EO-Medium-Tenn Notes 20151120) vorarlherger Landes- u. Hypobk EO-NIT. Hprf. 2013(20) John Deere Bank SA. Regß. EMTN FRN v.15(2020) Finnland 17.10(2020) Dte. Telekom International Finanoe B17 EMTN Regß. F RN v.16(2020) Israel EMTN 17.10(2020) 17.09.2021 31.03.2021 23.07.2021 22.07.2021 11.05.2021 11.05.2021 23.05.2021 27.05.2021 23.04.2021 23.04.2021 19.04.2021 19.04.2021 09.04.2021 25.03.2021 24.03.2021 12.03.2021 11.03.2021 09.03.2021 25.02.2021 19.02.2021 19.02.2021 10.02.2021 24.01.2021 21.01.2021 13.01.2021 15.01.2021 15.12.2020 02.12.2020 27.11.2020 25.11.2020 12.11.2020 10.11.2020 05.11.2020 31.10.2020 30.10.2020 29.10.2020 23.10.2020 14.10.2020 13.10.2020 29.09.2020 29.09.2020 23.09.2020 17.09.2020 11.09.2020 23.03.2020 11.03.2020 05.03.2020 04.03.2020 27.07.2020 15.07.2020 09.07.2020 23.05.2020 19.05.2020 17.05.2020 12.05.2020 13.05.2020 13.05.2020 07.05.2020 05.05.2020 23.04.2020 21.04.2020 15.04.2020 03.04.2020 13.03.2020 14.102.700,00 5.000.000,00 3.071.070,00 4.130.040,00 030300000 4.210.000,00 7.430.400,00 700040000 4.207.000,00 7.303.132,00 7.017.200,00 3.310.120,00 2.529.300,00 2.307.000,00 2.120.000,00 1000000000 0.010.000,00 4.434.077,00 0.040.700,00 4.733.000,00 0.104.400,00 303344000 3.470.100,00 4.470.000,00 7.303.000,00 4.302.000,00 4.000.000,00 4.207.400,00 1.210.200,00 10.770.00000 3.210.000,00 14.500.000.00 0.140.304,00 0.473.000,00 0.300.700,00 7.340.300,00 3.000.000,00 2.000.300,00 0.004.000,00 7.033.000,00 0.117.000,00 3.200.700,00 2.170.200,00 2.000.030,00 0.070.000,00 13.000.001 ,oo 3.001.000,00 1.000.022,00 0.303.000,00 1531000000 4.004.000,00 4.000.720,00 0.242.440,00 11.403.000.00 4.700.700,00 0.273.100,00 3.000.000,00 3.000.770,00 5.400.310,00 2.201.340,00 11.000.400,00 2.000.302,00 X61380333929 X81 043498 382 DE000A1G85B4 DE000714686 50 IT0004887078 FR0011391580 X80873793375 XS1080078428 X80808555162 FR0011352151 FR001 1485051 X51 309485701 X511 17515871 X30906403059 X80830444039 X8082921 5838 FR00121 59507 XS1109743960 DE000A2AAL23 XS1284576581 1180801654558 X51081041557 X81079993538 X80794570944 X81 078753958 1131077588017 PTBSQEÜE0029 X50790015548 DE000A1MLUWO X80778465228 X81046173958 DE000DL1 98014 XS13778401 75 X80747744232 X81 033658565 X8088151 1868 X807388 95373 IT0004932619 DE0005HY1547 X81345816322 X80787785715 X80986254455 X813079932 92 2180811116853 XS1264601805 DE000A1PGQY7 X807601 39773 X8 0931 1440 09 FR001 1 347590 X808748390 85 1480872705057 X81366739552 X50893363258 DE0008HY1 299 X80882814386 X80798788716 XS0873248420 BE0002419910 X30798334875 X50851583473 X80979035572 X80801636571 X60830 360524 7181288335448 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 01512020) Praxair Ino. R595. 041412020} Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij N17 EMT N 0.1212020) Daimler AG Medium Term Notes 17.15120) UniCredit 9.0.A. EO-Modgflevered MTN 2013120} HSBC Franoa 5.75.. EÜ-Med.-Term. Nts 2013120) Volkswagen International Finance N17 0.1312020) ENG Bank NV Regß. 01412019) Norddla. Landesbank Pfe. 01212019) BPCE SFH 021212019) LVMH M001 Hennessyr Louis Vuitton 8E 01312019) Development Bank of Japan EO-Medium-Terrn Notes 2015119] DnB Boligkreditt AS R593. Pfe. 01412010) Banque Federative du Grädit Mutuel S.A. EMTN 141312019) BAWAG P.S.K. ED'Medium-Tem'l Bonds 2012119) HYPO NOE Gruppe Bank AG ED-Publßovered MTN 2012119) Caisse Francaise d.Financ.L00. EO-M.-T.Obl.F0n0ieres 2014119) Macquarie Bank Ltd. E0-Med.-Term N10 2014110) Daimler AG Medium Term Notes 17.16119) Merck Financial Services GmbH R595. 01512019) Westpac Banking Corpcraticn 11212010) Nationwide Buiiding Sooiety EO-Medium-Term Notes 2014119) Weslpac Sec. nz Ltd. 1Ldn Br.) E0-Meci.-T.Mtg.Cov.Bds 2014110} Eika BoligKreditt A.S. E0-Med.-Tem' Ccv. Nts 2012110) Royal Bank of Canada R598. Pfe. i121412019) DP Yrilyspankki Dyj ED-Medium-Term Notes 2014119) Banco Santander Totla S.A. EO-M.»T.Übr.Hipctecarfas14119) Linde Finance BV EMTN 021212019) Die. Pfandbriefbank AG Pfe. 01212010) Nordea Bank Finland Plc. Pfe. 01212010) Bank 01 Irei.M0rlgage Bank PLC EO-Medium-Term Notes 2014110} Deutsche Bank AG Med.Term 0150201812019) Export-Import Bank of Korea R595. EMTN i1.7.11:.112019) BP Gapital Marke-15 PLC EO-Meciium-Term Notes 2012119) Telia Company AB R505. EMTN 01412010) Commonwealth Bank of Auslralia EMTN 01312019) SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt A5 Pfe. 041212019) UniCredit S.p.A. E0»M0rtg.000ered MTN 2013119) Berlin Hyp AG inh.—Schv.Em.S2 0.14119) Bank of Nova Scolia R593. Pfe. 04612019) BHP Billilon Finance Ltd. EÜ-Medium-Term Notes 2012118) Royal Bank cf Canada R595. Pfe. 0.131201 8) Nederlandse Gasunie NV R595. EMTN FRN 021512018) UnihaiI-Rodamco 6E EMTN 01212018) Santander Consumer Finance S.A. R593. 0.1512018) Daimler AG Medium Term Notes 0.12118) Roche Finance Europa 9.1.1. EMTN 01212018) 0P Yrityspankki Gyj EO-Medium-Tenn Notes 2013118) BPCE S.A. EMTN 031212018) GE Capital European Funding Unlimited Co. EMTN 021312018) BNP Paribas S.A. EO-Medium-Terrn Noles 2013118) United Technologies Corporation FRN 01012010) SpareBank 1 SMN EUMedium-Tenn Notes 2013118) Berlin Hyp AG Pfe. 141312018) Schweden 01312015} Talenor ASA EO-Medium-Tenn Notes 2012118) Banque Fäderative du Crädit Mutuei S.A. EMI‘N 01312015) Belfius Bank S.A. 1141212017) BNF‘ Parihas SA. EO-Medium-Term Notes 2012117) Eika BoligKreditt AS 0.121201?) Aktia Bank PLC. ED-Medium-Tenn Notes 2013117) Nordea Bank AB EO-Medium-Tenn Notes 201211?) ANZ New Zealand lnt'l LthLondon Pfe. 0.121201?) Toyota Motor Credil Cerporaiion Regß. EMTN FRN 0.151201 1') 13.03.2020 11.03.2020 10.03.2020 05.03.2020 31.01.2020 16.01.2020 14.01.2020 13.12.2019 05.12.2019 29.11.2019 04.11.2019 21.10.2019 07.10.2019 19.09.2019 18.09.2019 17.09.2019 16.09.2019 16.09.2019 09.09.2019 02.09.2019 09.07.2019 25.06.2019 24.05.2019 19.05.2019 19.06.2019 17.05.2019 11.05.2019 11.06.2019 03.06.2019 03.05.2019 19.03.2019 18.03.2019 15.03.2019 18.02.2019 18.02.2019 04.02.2019 01.02.2019 31.01.2019 29.01.2019 21.01.2019 29.11.2018 29.10.2018 16.10.2018 01.08.2018 29.07.2018 27.06.2018 25.05.2018 14.05.2018 24.04.2018 15.03.2018 12.03.2018 22.02.2018 21.02.2018 05.02.2018 31.01.2018 15.01.2018 11.01.2018 27.11.2017 27.11.2017 06.11.2017 09.10.2017 05.10.2017 05.10.2017 08.09.2017 3.524.545,00 4.403.052,00 15.150.405.00 5.050.500,00 3.302.700,00 3.172.200,00 1.550.100,00 4.755.220,00 5.025.100,00 3.227.005,00 5.004.200,00 25.415.000.00 0.315.232,00 4.253.000,00 4.203.000,00 2.034.400,00 3.045.500,00 3.015.000,00 4.075.440,00 12.510.000.00 5.142.500,00 3.054.000,00 5.315.500,00 14.555.700.00 5.354.050,00 2.523.375,00 3.351.435,00 4.271.750,00 1.521.210,00 5.305.500,00 5.022.000,00 5.020.750,00 4.530.075,00 3.205.547,00 11.550.552.00 2.250.510,00 4.520.150,00 4.552.000,00 5.352.520,50 5.235.000,00 10.335.500.00 5.505.055,00 5.547.510,00 3.557.502,00 2.505.525,00 2.705.472,00 4.002.000,00 5.052.555,00 5.455.054,00 1.550.105,00 2.721.024,00 4.122.000,00 11.235.700.00 15.303.000.00 3.054.500,00 7.502.150,00 4.550.775,00 2.055.250,00 3.523.237,50 4.055.200,00 2.575.000,00 3.057.000,00 4.000.500,00 X50622316765 XS1273542667 DE000A1HJLN2 11.30731 649660 FR0011230596 X51065171152 X5079001 0747 DE0006HY1216 X609 93264331 DE000A1 MA9V5 X50925519360 160760243326 X80756457633 X6049 0739666 X60491042353 X604 60903466 1450470370932 X60466603194 AT000 60491 19 2480677622360 X60693649660 X60453410976 X60667463995 X80640 936067 2160636499367 X50432079361 X6063311 1207 AN60'66571 066 AT0000730007 AU000000ANZ3 AU00 0000ASX7 AU000 000AZJ1 AU0000003UN6 AU0000 00WES1 6E00037931 07 BMG5465F1692 lC3A0641491075 GA73755L1076 CA6672241 079 CH0011037469 CH0012005257 GH0012032046 CH0012142631 CH0012221716 CH0036663350 I13H004-4326745 CH021 046 3332 CH0244767565 DE0005069031 DE0005140006 DE0005190003 DE00051 90037 DE0005200000 DE0005439004 DEO 005552004 DE0005557506 DE0005765604 DE0005610055 DE0005909006 DE0005937007 DE0006047004 DE0006046432 DE0006231004 DE00071 00000 DVB Bank SE MTN-IHS 2201212017} Volkswagen Financial Services AG Regß. FRN v.15(2017) BMW US Capital LLC EMTN v.13(201?) Nordea Bank F inland Plc. Pfe. 12.126201?) Crädit Agrtcole 6.A. Home Loan SFH EMTN 1.1.1 212017) Dexia Credit Local S.A. Regs. v.14{2017} Hutch.Whampoa Eur.Fin.{12)Ltd. EO-Notes 201 2(17} Berlin Hyp AG Em.169 0.162012} Bank 0f IreIMortgage Bank PLC EO-Medium-Tenn Notes 2013(17} Daimler AG EMTN v.12(2017) GE Capital European Funding Unlimited Co. EMTN 12.1 3(2017} Stadshypotek AB Pfe. 212(2017] MAN SE 12.121201?) Europäische Investitionsbank EMTN 1.1.10(2017) GE Capital Eurepean Funding Unlimited Co. EMTN 12.101201?) Gredit Suisse AG (London Branch) EMTN 0.109012} HSBC‘. Bank PLC ED-Med.-Term Nts 2009116) Hutchison Whampoa International Ltd. v.09[2016) UniCredit Bank Austria AG E0-Med.-T.Hyp.Üf.Pf.-Br.11(10) BMW Finanee NV v.13(2015] ANZ New Zealand {IntI} Ltd. EÜ-Mortg.Covered MTN 2011110) Westpac Banking Comeretion EMTN v.00{2016} Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten 12.1 1(2016} John Deere Bank SA. ED-Med.-Term Nts 201106) Westpac Sec. N2 Ltd. Pfe.v.11{2016) Erste Group Bank AG EG-Cou.Med.-T. Notes 2009{16) Volkswagen Leasing GmbH 12.1 1(2016) Sehlumberger NV (Ltd) Andritz AG inhaber—Aktien o.N. Australia 6 New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. ASX Ltd. Aurizon Holdings Ltd. Suncorp Group Ltd. Wesfanners Ltd. Anheuser—Buseh InBev 3A. Li 0 Fung Ltd. Bank of Nova Scetia Petash Corporation of Saskatohewan Inc. Suncor Energy:r Ine. Syngenta AG Nam.-Aktien SF 0.10 Novartis AG Roche Holding AG Genussscheine CIariant AG Namens-Aktien 3F 3.70 ABB Ltd. Namens-Aktien 5F 0.86 Nestle SA. Ghubb Ltd. Die Finaneiere Richemont AG Namens-Aktien SF 1 UBS Grnup AG Namens-Aktien 3F -,10 United Internet AG Namens-Aktien 0.N. Dte. Bank AG Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Bayerische Motorenwerke AG -VZ- Beiersderf AG Inhaber-Aktien 0.N. Continental AG Dte. P001 AG Deutsche Telekom AG Namens-Aktien 0.N. Fresenius SE 3 Co. KGaA Deutsche Börse AG Namens-Aktien 0.N. Bilfinger SE lnhaber—Aktten 0.“. MAN SE lnhaber—Stammaktien 0.01. HeidelbergCementAG inhaher—Aktien 0.111. Henkel AG 6 60. KGaA Inhaber-vomugsaktien o.St.o.N Inflnenn Technctogies AG Namens-Aktien o.N. Daimler AG Namens-Aktien 0.11. 60.06.2017 11.06.2017 16.07.2017 17.07.2017 10.07.2017 10.07.2017 06.06.2017 30.05.2017 13.05.2017 05.05.2017 02.05.2017 21.03.2017 13.03.2017 03.03.2017 01.03.2017 25.01.2017 30.11.2016 14.11.2016 04.11.2016 24.10.2016 20.10.2016 22.09.2016 24.06.2016 22.06.2016 16.06.2016 06.06.2016 03.06.2016 3.001.230,00 1.000.200,00 3.431 020,00 4.100.200,00 4.1 02.400,00 11.301.020.00 5.110.500,00 5.764.360,00 5.000.000,00 1.120.031,00 4.441.000,00 3.042.400,00 3.000.410,00 5.130.000,00 3.004.320,00 1.045.000,00 2.032.000,00 4.102.145,50 5.002.000,00 0.025.000,00 2.004.000,00 4.000.200,00 2.003.400,00 2.002.240,00 5.004.050,00 3.000.000,00 1.425.132,00 2.050.025,00 220.310,40 250.040,41 440.322,35 549.043.155 000.411,13 323.223,12 200.422,00 550.003,21 005.101,05 2.110.013,02 20.512.052.22 1.025.551,14 1.000.440,50 31 005.020,50 1.222.000,25 1.502.002,50 4.103.353,01 3.120.250,00 5.300.025,03 2.022.010,00 3.202.200,00 2.450.400,00 2.212.000,00 0.552.220,01 1.350.000,00 3.150.000,00 1.335.225,00 1.005.000,00 3.044.500,00 2.010.250,00 2.022.000,00 4.011.200,00 DE0007164600 DE0007236101 DE0007251603 DE0007664039 DE0006232125 DE0006404005 DE0006430026 DE0009750554 DE00060NAUN2 DE000A1ELWJWO DEDÜÜBASH 11 DE0006197001 7 DE000ENAG999 DE000EVNK013 DK0060079531 DK00602 52690 DK0060336014 DK0060446595 DK0060534915 E60109067019 E60113211635 E601 1 3900.137 E60130960016 E60144560Y14 E60146396007 E60167050915 E60173516115 E60176430E16 FI0009000661 F I0009003305 FI0009003727 FI00090071 32 F10009013403 FR0000045072 FR00000522 92 FR00000732 72 FR00001 20073 FR00001 20271 FR0000120321 FR0000120404 FR0000120576 FR0000120626 FR0000120644 FR0000120693 FR0000121014 FR0000121220 FR0000121329 FR0000121465 FR0000121501 FR0000121667 FR0000121972 FR0000125007 FR00001 25336 FR0000125466 FR0000127771 FR0000130577 FR00001 306 09 F R00001 31 104 FR00001 33306 FR001 0206466 FR0010613471 (3600004 56144 (380000566504 G500021 62 365 SAP SE Siemens AG STADA Arzneimittel AG vinkNamens—Aktien o.N. Volkswagen AG -VZ- Dte. Lufthansa AG Allianz SE Münchener Rückvers-Ges. AG vinkNamens-Aktien o.N. Unilnstitulional European MinRisk Equities LESBIAI Dividenden StratEuroIand Inhaber-Anteile IT adidas AG BASF 6E Bayer AG E.0N SE Evonik Industries AG Namens-Aktien o.N. DSU NS Indehaver Bonus-Aktier DK 1 Pandora AIS Navne-Aktier DK 1 Nouozymes AIS Naune-Aktier B DK 2 Coloplast AS Naune-Aktier B DE 1 Novo—Nordisk A3 Naune—Aktier B DK -,20 Amadeus IT Holding SA. Aooiones Port. E0 0.01 Sanoo Bilbao Vizcaya Argent. Aociones Horn. EO 0.49 Banco Santander SA. Enagas SA. Acciones Port. EO 1,50 Iberdrola SA. Industrie de Disefio Textil SA. ACS, Actde Constw Sew. SA Accienes Port. EÜ -.50 Repsoi SA. Tetefonioa SA. Nokia Corp. Registered Shares EO 0.06 Sampo DYJ Registered Shares CIA o.N. Wartsila Corporation Fortum Oyi Registered Shares E0 3.40 KONE Corp. (New) Registered Shares CLS o.N. Crädit Agricole SA. Aotions Port. E0 3 Hermes International S.C.A. Safran SA. Air Liquide-SA Et.Expl.F.G.CI. Actions Port. E0 5.50 Total SA. L'Oreal SA. Accor SA. Sanofi SA. AXA SA. Danone SA. Actions Por1.(C.R] E0-‚25 Pernod—Ricard SA. LVMH Moet Hennessyr Louis Vuitton SE Sodexo SA. Aetions Port. E0 4 THALES SA. Actions Port. {C.R.} EO 3 Kering SA. Peugeot SA. Aotions Port. (CH) E01 Essilor Intl -Cie Genie DptSA Actions Port. E0 0.18 Schneider Electris SE Actions Port. E0 4 Compagnie de Saint—Gobain SA. Actions au Porteur [0.R.) EU 4 Cap Gemini SA. l .i"inI:'.i SA. Uiirendi SA. Actions Port. EO 5,5 Publiois Groupe SA. Societe Generate SA. Eanque Nationale de Paris Pariloas SA. Orange SA. Engie SA. Actions Port. E0 1 Suez SA Antofagasta PLC Registered Shares LS -,05 BHP BilIiton PLC Registered Shares DL —,50 Auiva PLC Registered Shares LS -,25 12.901.569,76 14.671.426.20 2.393.000,00 3.439.360,00 2.519.000,00 15.656.270.00 2.532.750,00 51.600.000.00 76.415.000.00 11.614.390,00 14.357.965,14 14.426.569.37 2.170.759,50 1.590.000,00 1.434.640,26 4.006.663,15 3.206.313,14 5.101.669,34 9.996.706,30 4.163.500,00 2.436.576,63 2.020.500,00 6.665.096,24 7.699.672,00 2.275.963,65 1.367.030,65 9.045.606,42 2.056.000,00 4.007.000,00 1.195.725,00 1.076.400,00 2.124.000,00 2.707.500,00 1.606.502,50 1.260.000,00 5.309.150,00 7.279.590,00 5.067.560,50 9.144.634,24 1 1.735.729,20 3.154.000,00 1.566.560,00 6.340.495,00 2.363.250,00 1.946.500,00 2.462.065,00 2.121.750,00 2.347.000,00 3.466.600,00 2.006.000,00 1.265.500,00 6.941.493,00 1 78300000 2.677.603,60 9.624.796,00 12.772.634.20 6.125.764,50 1.364.500,00 2.623.124,50 1.121.766,59 1.614.041,97 1.470.222,92 630002374006 6300020T5004 (35000400204? (350005405280 GBDDÜSBÜEQQ? GBDÜDB?31 235 60000709 9541 GBÜDÜH EWS? GEÜDDHS 0591 GBÜÜDÜMG‘I 20 (330009252002 650000395292 1350030913535?r 880031 2T4896 650031 345658 650032039863 G3003398649? (350050103532 63003033F229 GBÜÜBDBM LXEQ GBÜÜBDSMM400 GBÜÜBÜBSNHM GBÜÜBl KJJ408 GBÜÜB'I XZSB20 GBO 03240GKI’7 {3300553 H8491 GBÜÜ BSBQWXQE GBDÜBDHBKDdd GBÜÜBH4HK539 GBUÜBLNN3L44 GBDÜBVFDYQSB HK0000069689 HK0300045442 HK0992009005 IE0001 827'041 lEDÜ E4BNMY34 IEO0BDBSQ21 1 IE00 BJHDDTS IEÜÜBLSÜHMSS IE003TN1Y115 IEODBYTBXVSB lT00000620?2 lT00000?2618 IT000312836? IT00031324?6 IT0003153415 IT000349?168 IT00035061 00 IT00041?6001 IT0004?01412 JEÜDBEQ KYÜE? J E0052 R84W06 JEÜÜBB KFQB49 JP3EB400 000? JP3002400006 JP3837800006 KR?005930003 LU0392494502 NL0000009002 NL0000009165 NL0000000355 NL0000009538 NL00002262 23 NL0000235190 Diageo PLC Reg. Shares L5 -,28035105 British Amerioan Tohacco P10. Standard Chartered Plc. HSBC Holdings PLC Registered Shares 0L -,50 Legal & General Group F-‘Ic. A5500i3led British Fonds PLC Registered Shares LS -,0553 Prudential Plc. Rio Tinio Plc. BP Plc. Lioyds Banking Group PLC Registered Shares LS -,10 GlaxoSmithKline Plo. Astrazeneca PLC Registered Shares DL -,25 BT Group Plc. Marks 8. Spenoer Group PLC Registered Shares LS -,25 Barclays Plc. Neid Group PI5. IT‘lir PLC Registered Shares L3 -,10 Randgold Resources Ltd. Registered Shares 0L -.05 Cenlrioa PLC Reg. Shares LS -.061?28395 Royal Dutch Shell P10. -A- Royal Duteh Shell Pio. -B- National Grid PLC Reg. Shares New LS -,11395 Whithread Plc. Anglo American PLC Registered Shares DL -,54945 Reokiti Benckiser Group Plc. Rolls Rdyoe Holdings F'Ic. Roils Royce Holdings Plc. - C Shares - Rolls Royee Holdings Plc. -VZ- Vodafone Group PLC Registered Shares DL 02095238 Compass Group PLC Registered Shares LS -,10625 Standard Life PLC Registered Sheres LS -,1222222 AIA Group Ltd. Hong Kong Exchanges + Clearing Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. CHI-l PLC Registered Shares E0 -,32 Accenture PI5. Willis Towers Watson Plc. CFS-db x—tr. Russell 2000 ETF Registered Shares 1C USD o.N. Peniair Plc. Medironio Plc. Ryanair Holdings Plc. Assiourazioni Generali S.p.A. Azioni nom. EÜ 1 Intesa Sanpaolo S.011. ENEL S.p.A. Azioni nom. EO 'l ENI S.p.A. Snam S.p.P.. Azioni nom. 0.N. Telecom ltalia S.p.A. Atlantia S.p.A. Azioni Nom. E01 Prysmian 8.0.5.. UniCredit 8.0.5. Shire PLC Registered Shares LS -.05 UBM Plo. WPP Plc. Nil'lo Denko Corporation Fanuc Corporation Hoye Corporation Samsung Electronios Co. Ltd. ComStage-MSCI World TRN U.ETF Inhaber-Anteile I o.N. Koninklijke KPN NV Heineken NJU'. Aandelen aen toonder EO 1,60 Unilever NV Koninklijke Philips NV STMicroelectronics N.V. Aandelen aan toonder EO 1,04 Airbus Group SE Aendelen op naam EO 1 7.335.732,55 15.370.575.14 4.535.372,34 5.532.545,50 4.311.525,31 1.524.550,37 11.155.552.35 5.325.327,50 3.255.221,25 2.105.555,54 5.750.127,54 2.432.155,05 3.335.755,51 3.201.574,03 1.555.575,55 1.355.755,55 1.055.525,50 10.555.553.35 5.255.575,55 5.255.352,10 2.473.543,24 1.551.455,72 5.540.572,53 2.550.177,57 43.252,53 33.150,57 5.344.405,07 3.157.355,12 1.450.575,47 527.250,55 733.553,35 551.574,53 2.723.500,00 5.344.054,05 1.253.532,20 14.053.127,75 323.022,54 1.255.255,12 3.374.400,54 1.554.500,00 5.055.505,11 2.037.000,00 5.524.513,57 2.572.500,00 3.404.000,00 3.535.000,00 2.155.000,00 2.353.752,32 2.227.557,52 1 ‚404.555,24 7.150.272,37 1 027.520,45 1.251.550,21 1.455.540,05 574.037,17 55.402.500,00 2.315.550,00 2.504.100,00 23.571 ‚553,55 5.553.555,50 1.505.000,00 2.301.000,00 NL0000240000 NL0000303500 100005144455 NL0009434992 NL0010213215 NL0010512325 N00010003300 00001 0095555 5130110050001 5500001 05210 5E00001 05221 5E00001 055 55 5E00001 12124 SE00001 15445 550000421351 550000595515 SE0000552951 5E0005555150 550001100551 U500317Y1082 1150091551055 U502015K3055 050220951033 U5025B161 002 U8036?521 038 U50533321024 U50115131099 US1011311011 US1255091092 US1251201055 US1255501005 US1491231015 US1129514242 US1113151002 US1924451023 US2310211053 US2555111055 U525441c2044 U52551551012 U52155421030 US2544291051 U53595041033 US4250901011 US4592001014 US45525H1005 US5125011052 US5355151053 US5501351011 US5525391051 U858501N1019 U859155R1056 U55949151045 U55153591059 U55555441o54 U55145991055 U555359>11 054 USTÜ450Y1030 US1134451051 05111051 1035 U511 55451 040 US1421151091 US1415251035 US1135031091 U55514111031 Qiagen NM. Aandelen op 035m EO -.01 ING Groep NV Relx MM. Aandelen op 095m EO -,01 Lyondellbasell Industrtes w ASML Holding NM. Aandolen op 033m EO -.09 Ahold N.V., K00. Aandsten aan toonder EO -,ü1 Telenor ASA Statoil ASA Jeronimo Martins H 81 M Hennes 81 Mauritz AB NamnaAktier B SK 0,125 SKF, AB Namn-Aktter B (fris) 5K 0,625 E005500 Namn-Aktier B {frial o.N. Svenska Cellulosa AB Namn-Aktier B (fria) SK 10 Voluo AB Nordea Bank AB Namn-Aktier EÜ 0,40 Alfa Laual AB BillerudKorsnäS AB Namn-Aktier 5K 12,50 Atlas Copoo AB Namn-Aktier A SK-,10425 Assa-Abloy AB Namn-Aktier B 5K -.33 Aetna I00. Air Products 5 Chemicals I00. Alphabet Inc. Altria Group I00. Amerioan Express Co. Anthem I00. AutoZone I00. Baxter International 100. Boston Scientific Corporation CIGNA Corporation CME Group Inc. CVS Health Corporation Caterpillar I00. Citigroup I00. Citrix Systems I00. Cognizanl Technology Solution Corporation -A- Cummins I00. Dollar General Corporation -NEW- Duke Energy Corporation EÜG Resouroes I00. eBsy l00. EQUIFAX General Elsotrio Co. Hess Corporation IBM Corporation JF'Morgan Chase 8: Co. Lam Resesroh Corporstion Linear T501100Iogy:I Corporation McDonald's Corporation M550 Johnson Nutrition Co. Medivation I00. MetLife I00. Microsoft Corporation Moody's Corporation Norfolk Southern Corporation Üooidental Petroleum Corporation 015003 Corporation PayPat Holdings I00. PepsiCo I00. Pfizsr I00. Phillips 66 The Prooter 0 Gamble Co. Qualoomm I00. Rookwstl Automation I00. Stste Street Corporation 2.590.500,00 1255915933 1.555.500,00 3.251.254,40 2.235.000,00 1.991.000,00 1.915.533,94 3.152.515,93 1.455.000,00 2.202.325,14 1.515.521,53 1.352.501,22 2.511.195,25 2.055.141,12 3.412.400,00 1.255.510,59 2.059.543,54 2.311.391,19 2.231.559,51 4.994.593,20 534.325,15 4.501.491,05 1.125.321,05 515.955,55 153.521,11 1.111.555,12 913.242,30 1 555.149,44 2.505.021,04 955.555,03 1.213.153,45 555.935,51 2.140.395,15 2.052.155,21 2.159.555,55 2.015.542,50 2.901.555,45 1.159.539,14 535.910,52 1.199.515,13 1.242.502,92 2.310.921,14 2.554.350,01 1.351.151,51 3.115.259,54 1.521.529,13 1.900.252,10 2.531.155,10 4.109.934,42 1.529.503,19 535.014,93 3.315.551,15 2.055.551,52 523.155,15 2.135.091,21 2.355.555,55 1.553.552,51 1.290.542,35 3.545.151,10 1.253.405,50 2.051.551 ‚25 1.292.599,51 3.409.245,94 555.195,40 USSY25401ÜHÜ U58835551Ü23 U888579Y1 01D USB2825C8394 TJX Co. Inc. Thermo Fisher Scientiflc Inc. 3M Co. VISA fnc. 4.404.ü31.98 1,?Bß.1?1‚05 1 548.268.80 1.702.057,32