REPORT ID: WVFA7OU1 PAGE 1 STATE ORGANIZATION: STATE ORGANIZATION NAME: ORGANIZATION CONTACT: ORGANIZATION ADDRESS: STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA FINANCIAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 02/12/14 13:59:23 INVOICE COVER SHEET (AGENCY SHEET) STATEWIDE AUDITOR ENTRY ID: WVFIMS DOCUMENT ID: I 1 15141722 I 15141722 0210 INFORMATION SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS JUSTIN MCALLISTER 2101 WASHINGTON STREET, EAST DEPT ADMIN ACCOUNTING BLDG 15 CHARLESTON WV 25305?0000 ORGANIZATION: 0210 ORGANIZATION NAME: INFORMATION SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS DATE PREPARED: 02/12/14 DOCUMENT AMOUNT: 18,991.31 VENDOR INVOICE NUMBER: 9041220523MN AGENCY COMMITMENT: AGENCY DOCUMENT: SPECIAL AUTHORIZATION: OPEN END CONTRACT NUMBER: ORIGINAL DUE DATE: 02/12/14 REVISED DUE DATE: 02/12/14 SPECIAL HANDLING: VENDOR NUMBER: 60348 VENDOR NAME: VENDOR ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: CONTACT PHONE: CASH ADVANCE: COMMENTS: ZELA ELEMENTARY FRONTIER WEST VIRGINIA INC 1500 MACCORKLE AVE RM 020 CHARLESTON WV 25396? CANDACE L. KIMBLE 004-558-6183 EXT: 1220523 1225648 BB34A23 LINE FUND FY 2223 2223 2014 000001 2014 BEGIN TRAVEL: END TRAVEL: ORG ACT OBJ GRANT PROJ AMOUNT 0210 099 027 4401 099 027 18,991.31 TOTAL INVOICE AMOUNT 18,991.31 ?m?er? ommunica?ms Solutions REMIT PAYM ENT TO THIS ADDRESS BILL DATE: 7/10/2013 PLEASE INCLUDE BILL 9041220523MN Contracts and Agreements NUMBER ON YOUR CHECK AMOUNT: 18,991.31 1500 MacCorkle Ave DUE DATE: 8/12/2013 Room 020 Charleston, WV, 25396 BTOP-MPLSO7-BB (Please refer to Appendix 0, Alternative Access Offerings Pricing for Internet Dedicated Access) STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY McCallister INFRASTRUCTURE 8: DESIGN OPERATIONS PO BOX 50110 CHARLESTON, wv, 25305 . i OF CHARGES it ?,in m? AMOUNT 31 . 6) 7) Billing Description: Project Billing for BTOP Funding 1 CL mm 17,042.57 CAI: ZELA ELEMENTARY Project 1220523 1225648 8834A23 Original LCR Cost Estimate Actual Proiect Cost Variance ateriels 5 985.87 5 840.01 5 (140.85} Engineering 5 9,830.00 5 - 5 (9,380.00) Placing 5 2,746.87 6,092.34 5 3,345.47 Spiicing 5 1,020.55 5 - 3 .36} Contractor - 4,7??700 5 4,277.00 Loeu?ings - 5,333.22 5 5,333.22 TOTAL 14,628.10 17,042.57 2,364.47 Additional cost due to customer premise facility build out work: 5 1,948.74 AMOUNT DUE: I 13,991.31] Cost Overrun Due to the Following: Material costs were Engineering costs ?le not exceed estimated amount. Labor costs for placing and splicing are not broken out separately in the Company's accounting system and are combined in the actual costs under the actuals for placing. Labor costs were higher because additional hours were needed to complete the project due to the complexity. Contractor charges were higher because a contractor performed the engineering of the project when it was originally estimated at core employee rates. Loadings were not included as a separate item in the original estimate. Loadings in actual project cost are based on work done and materials used. Loadings are allocated indirect costs such as vehicles, accounting, administration, etc. Facility build out work (FBO) was not included In original estimate because need for EEG was not discovered until project was under way. Charge for does not include loadings, but does include a fixed fee of $1,340.20 for invoice processing. Locallon construction Request and Approval Form this anyva lot'rn t: a REQUEREMEN: Incl mum obtained horn Grant hptunmt?hn Turn {urn ?If? CDEMENCERENF AM mt: ALI. Falter. to obtain this slum for ?ber mid mutt in I at tho arm mm and ?rm with the warm: mt.- md radar-I woman. "Al Munrth humus-n bum tw?m?m rmun (Lcth) mm! In man 9 tot Uponme new" wit that by ?mantra in rat tempura? . GK: ?u Spnt?nw? Cm In II with tmde?md far approval? ?u ?rms! WW.) fut l'rom ?tt?f rams-?1w?? ??rm IMII tulwnn and: gnu-mm Pm Spticlnn Venom h?m? Marl ballots Both? tooth-?at Acct coda he: ran rm frame was: revenue-k "Ile at)! am (new Hrs-u um Mm: (nu {r9 mo Sgccatig M0 REQUIRED DH POLE 69$ magma W630 ill". DUE TO ADDED MICE hemby sentry the estimates contented on this LCR approval form are (me and accurate. if" 9:512:11: 99mm: fmtka?emumm Dot: gamme :ro rammgtigj I Charla? ?Bulidlnu in?: than cachet!? an twig: I mean Sign Walt: Glut-mm NA EOE Guam 1 MEIER than? I ?Maia-rm thorny comb: the matched on this approval mm: is true and awn-ate. me in Wt: wanes 1m: Hits grant and meets at! Award Comm: Why am not mm to: amt-mats: assessment, etc. in - Jv-w t. . \Jt-g - "inner": Nauru".- rem: Schiller, Enmntatmct Mum" We mm?? I Sigum: D. My Dtr?tor tut: Dawn and Dan- A. Improves r. mm: 2 mam: Gt! mm? [Mara-ma. hqut mutwtw?wut mam: Barr v2 Facitity Build-Out Request This approval form In a ttfi?utREMENT and approval must ba obtained from the Grant Implementation Tcam {Gm PRIOR TO COMQEHCEMENT 0F Mt? AM) AU. Bustn?GUT CONSWUCTIDN. Failure to obtain this algnad approval for Build-Out could rcault in a rovoklng ot tho grant monies and lines the various state and todoral All Community Anchor Institution Faculty Bullu Out Roquosta moat be submitted to tor approval Once the Speclal Awards are con?rmed. lt wlli be considered tor approval by the GIT and WOT. [ti-68110? 5:31. 2"?91?3 Zeta [lemonlxw School . . . l. ?55 Comm Road "Cit-ri?e! -. Toma Moore Emil-hath? -- . Nick Patel Visitation 304-555-3880 304-8394481 . Mark McKenzie unamzorn Location?! . .- Nicholas 0523 1 Bays for Start Date Nichots Constructron Wathin Business Days Brief description of the facility construction work. Quantum Acct Footagai Material Engineering Pacing matron I Reintorcamentl? coda Gummy "9 nanm Dollars Dollars Contractor TOTAL . I . . Additional Comm?ma: un?clgaumuon when oomottla muted gm: 'g?'ikm? . common?. animationwatscmoancteibm implant-M and actual) Broldoand uav Mariana! {or this i; 5.1m; Mount Plywood in tho communications room and do any caamo?c wor?krequlrod as touch up. price lncludu site visit aa mill Extra Capacity thereby corms: the Information contained on this approml form is true and accurate, made in complete compliance with this grant and meets all Special AWan Goodman: including: environmental assessment BMP (Best Management Practice) Requirement? No Raqulromcnt Met? Prctures must be taken to meet {mu SHPO Requirements onty on buildings 50 years old and ovor. ?than pioturoa must be submitted to ?5 submit Date: the the estimates contained on this FBR val form are true and accurate. Aaron on Chm??- 1-9-2013 Contra: alive {1an tWOl John O. Date NICHOLS CONSTRUCTION, LLC Pl). 803 932356 Atlanta. GA 31193-2355 Phone {276159744331 Fax {276) SEW-2413 SOLD TO Frontier 1500 MacCOrkle Avenue Charleston, WV 253% MT: Mark McKenzie INVOICE: WV099 DATE: 2/7/2013 CUSTOMER ATT: Nick 5. Patel Peg-2:1 of 1 CONTRACT TERMS Work Order 1? 1220523 wvsnon Due in an Days Nichms Job W104 DESCRIPTION PRICE 608.54 Zeia {Elementary School Nichotas County Pricing Based on Site Visit BBSMAZG ?rota! amount Due 5 608.54 I 5?90.? .2 .. - Frontier invoice Audit-dieclilist. pm; 521 Does the address on the invoice match the address In - 5?85? Invoice match the LCR backup? - - . lstheLCRs ned? - Yes No Comments Above Lab v? t/ . if the invoice is above LCR, does the invoice include original LCR cost actual project cost, and variance? - T: BlilDate ,7 If: . invoice Number. I I 21052 ,5 Md 11m 525 1225mm App??