Doe vs. USA Gymnastics Robert Colarossi 0403:2025 1 you investigate that complaint? 2 A. No. 3 Q. Why not? 4 a. Because it?s hearsay. end in the sport of 5 gymnastics, it?s vety competitive to gain and retain 6 students and/or athletes, and people might have all 7 kinds of reasons for saying things. And if they 8 couldn't substantiate it we wouldn't investigate it. 9 Q. What if that complaint was substantiated by a 10 restraining order or an affidavit? 11 A. onm a USA Gymnastics member? 12 Q. Yes. Or a victim. 13 A. I'm sorty? 14 Q. Yes. Q: a victim. 15 A. That is a member of USA Gymnastics? 16 Q. Yes. 17 A. If we receive something that was fxom a member 18 of USA Gymnastics, yes. mean, I have to understand 19 what the WW what the tone of the testraining order is. 20 So I guess my answer is, it would depend on the 21 nature of the restraining order. 22 Q. Did Kathy Kelly have ultimate authority to 23 determine whether or not these complaints rose to the 24 level of whether or not the complaint shouid be 25 investigated? 770?343?9696 Tiffany Alley Global Reporting 8; Video Page 39