MEM ORANDUM TO: DIEMBERS OF THE CABINET FROM: OFFICE SUBJECT: EXECUTIVE BRANCH HIRING PROCESS DATE: 7/18/2016 As the Administration prepares the next biennial budget, it is important that we have a ?rm understanding of Executive Branch positions, vacancies and the number of State employees needed to deliver services to the people of Maine in the most ef?cient manner possible. To further this understanding, the Governor is directing that all new Executive Branch hiring cease until further notice. Beginning immediately, no positions will be posted by the Bureau of Human Resources, nor should they be posted by agencies electronically or in print. Positions that are already posted may be ?lled. This will be implemented similar to previous efforts by the Administration to institute a more deliberative hiring process. The Governor understands that there may be a need to ?ll some Executive Branch positions due to reclassi?cations and other mechanisms to improve the staf?ng ef?ciency of State government. In those instances, agencies may complete the attached Hiring Justi?cation Form that was used last year in order to seek approval to ?ll vacancies. Vacant positions may not be posted without the Governor approving and signing the Hiring Justi?cation Fo_rm for the position. If you determine that a position must be ?lled, please forward your Hiring Justi?cation Form to the Governor?s Chief of Staff, John McGough.