. .. - . . . . . . 4w. .a - . I Ir?: '3 "3?72.II.- iF-l in" 'H'rfIn. I?lh: I.. curl-Fri lurlfl". hi" I: 3:1? -I ?If; I. -. -.-- IIII??i?ir I 1-. .- mini I In. I..: .- - fr.-.-- - - - - I IF.- .35.- 137:3": .. . - . - :f-E 1.3.- I . Ian"? .I. ?wig-Pg"; If; 1" -I .-..II 'rpl_ll_ - PHAI- . I. __Ii run-I. I .-I- .- I .. i? I r'l'E-u' ilk-EFF?; 133' 5-5" I ?at:ng Eli-I: I: Pia?'2?" 9311.1. --.- 'l I.. - 1f_:l I I I ?nding"Tr E'lhftIII..-IIII. IFEII I - If! a; I?llIii-lJII _Ll'lI-l? If I I - '?hf?r i: - I'l I Il_r. ail-{hr :r-IirJ-J- il' . Iii-Ilia." I'ifrI-I? I Ill: I I I?ll? - I. I ?Hill. Flier.- IIJ- _r :gulilrih I I: I Iii-lijilrn: I I. {ll?H: 3:3 .r_l ;rI I il' '1 cl?. Lli? .rlallu nl- Jul-1 4. ltd-?F: 1 --I.--. 'Ir25;. I..: . - "5 k" L-cr. - . . I II..- -I Il_? .III..?r_1. Ill-1' . I 3' 1 '1 l?i- I I. i l:l_l25.: .. -. I - I 1.242;: Egan d3?: w. I I ill: Irmrh? Il_t I. .I if; . Int-.51.: . .-.. J- a -. tr lulu-Iain akin-1 - amid?- 5 II. .- I-II .I i" .iln-I . _l I1. 245-?" I ?ll-Elf? 51.5in?: r: 1 fill glfii-h?l! l_ EliI-J?r- I..: I h- 11_Ilur IL I I I 5%r I'lh I i. 1I-II I Era?Ih-I-I?Ilrf-?f . 'i?l l-i'F 'llf' ll-?II 'd I I: _'r-El II -. I I-?u 1 ill HIMIf. II-J- . q. - I- '11. r1 I I I?lf' . .- II 1:51 II 1 ?_Erl??-IIdbl-:Ila-J-- . t. I i l' Elk-H I I?l- I'AliEli-1;; .- lIJI-l?qh-iul -1 1.1.II: Irfh I: _r a 11' a1? -- Jar-1": r. I. I PM, {?lr -I i'l'flf' in Hill rlr.._ I. r5. I.- J-l'r_ {-hhl .-. I..-.- .: .- I. :15? . 1. -- $11.5 r' - . I LI-II-I if. IE.-ij I: I?ll-Ergi '.'hiirz?I..-- Inkl-I?It! litr?]. ?nic'IlI..: I'It'l hatI'.I'9-51 1IiiI-.II?ll'If"L?lrlull.I..lit-5:75: - 1- 11' I. I''hrl ll-I. EuH..- .IJ II 11? . . - 7.5:11- ..- I in; I. . I..: IIThis Feport has been coordinated by the IEC Staff DECLASSIFIED . 5.0. 12953, Sect. 3.6 -.IEH. - -. l?'i W's-asiIll-:1. #455I.I-I I I I I.I-..-iI-m: -. . gig. .I.II-..I .I-I I.I - I II l1II.I- II. I .I.I.-.I-riff . .23: I . fir-ELII I'r I..-II--41--..- - ..I.II: I. -I- I.I.--. .. -III-II I I .I-I.'rl I_lI.II.-. I'Ii'I.II I IIE1III. It." I in I .I?ibf - Ill-r. ?13. II .I Ih_'l II II II-I I IIIF. IIHI _I'lh I I _i 1; 1??l111 II 1 J-J l?HrNIH-3FI-II- .4 I ..1I..ILL. . v.14: . ..I I.I. I- - J-ril3291339II.II .II I - . .II I.JI I I I-II-J II I lluleIIIIJrI'Ijq lira .I.II I lift-II .I.- I. I II In" ?Ia_ 'i I I . I _I'I'll . I.II313?: . I I II..- II- II-. I'r- I . I. .- [12.II- IEIIII-IIJJIL - .. -.I I -- Iain.-.- -: - .I.II I. I I II I I..- ..I.II .I .I.III.Igrew?. I: - ?lam-I.twinl?l??zlI.I..Ilonven? - 1011 3.33.311 -. . I-II.I I __mI ..Ign?hRennie DA 0 15 urging a emonI-II I .I1 3{ that it will be necessary 'While claiming that demonstrationS'will be -- n-I'u" I I "nonviolentIu protest group representatives have Jr 'discussed a "siege? of the President, preventing envention delegates from entering or leaving them onvention complex, a physical takeover of the Doral otel and other hotelsI the crea ing of widespread 3 isturbances through the use of small "affinity" i ,Squads, disrupting traffic by various methods, and-the occupation of Convention delegates? hotel rooms. - I I . I ifI??theC0nventionCenter. theuse Of Swallgfoups to 7 ii _destr0y propertyatwidespread locationsfor diversionary I Purposes, and tactics to 'e_used in disrupting traffic. Ii The representatives also but Will net lnCludI - in the ManualI_the.tactics of blockading traffic by 'burning and abandOning cars in the Street? and the I destruction of windows a?d?h0t31_furni3hIn_S- I - I I The VVAW centinuestoplan'IOPeration Last Patrcl arious ?52? . .Whidh consists of caravans of VVAW?members from I points throughout the-United States traveling to I I I Miami Beach. The caravans are plaHDEd to arere Miami Beach on August 20. A "taCtics manual," WhiCh was II-I.II III--I I I I -II- I I1-.-.I--.I..I.II .-I-.II-I- . if- thu.I.I.I I I . - - run-r?aky-ma?..rI.I-..- .. -. -. -.-.-.-..Ibup- I I.l I. . If} ..I.-3IIqil LIain-IrjI---.-.I.-- ....-.I El?n-innlaw-.- - - .- . . - - .?erami-fn I II . 'I'?I'll I J..- - I-I . ..I . .5 .I. Iii-I2 .--I1 Halli. Ss??sl ;;E??ggains a SEQ Ion .- 1a: 1.50-Or-man* 33931111: nf- .- "mice-land . . . . I i' . i .-.Law genachT _dperatiOD'and are being to ekpedite - the flow of pertinent III-1.4- - I I I LITI-I-II..--.. . . f'r:l __rl . I: I I I ?Eli If.lIl -. 5?L-I- I 5 .- ?J-l?rr- I. Iii-I. I Ir L-.I -.. -II -I --.--I..- ...-: - . -I - . . I .L 5-ri'. I. In] If?; 13- . rku-:- ?11: .II I _Iq- Ill-1hrEII Fll1-I-ll- II - - I I ":Ii'll - I. I 1- 1h ..-1- I- ail-In.? INI- - ET 1H1. I 1MB..- IIL-I Will.? I II Li? Liblkn? inf-I}: Haitid'I-rlh Hurl'II.- .. II rI'_ 1' Iii-I've! 'rI-i- LIIi'rl'his. - 4: HIE-II andrah-n- I .I-I- nil-I13I'll I'll: 1H-l? -1 It - - r'I-r I..-. lira?ti?.- - I IA I I. H-I?in?: I: Lt." l" - 'H'l?lr'lul12-1-3? I If - 1-. -II -rl'hrn. I. hiirr31". I. I'm} I .-. n. 11': _u h: . - -. luluJr.- I: I: I T- IL LII-P. fit-hawk}: hull; ultra-yin. H: if A 'lIke?. Illa-'71; Jt-?u?vl I I - .-.- - - '15:.1 l-h :5 . 1.1-3 ail; - I - IEITI- I: 1 I I :lail-I. J. "I?ll. - I ?il II. *ll'I 1' - I . Ipl I.'h'l - -. ah?. Il"- - -r 1 ?113" M. 5:13: .1 :33, .I-I. . [jg-IIJ-Irl'fII'g'j; Fl: I. I witZI?hE-i, lien-L HIPI' . boipEEOPEWill parti?i_ I PatEin Idemonstrations I listic Iitant deI to disrupt the I I I Ii? I if onventionand confrontauthorIties. 1thoughplans .- . . .- .II.- - I-I.-.- IIII.I- l. . . .I-JIF . . .- - - -.--.- - - . . . . . . .. ..I.-.. . . . . . . ...I..1-1-1? r-I-r-r--I-- - - r- -- -- r-I-r-I-r- r- r-Iri - - - Fir r-r-Ilr-Ii-l-Il- i-l-i-..I.. .I. . .-.I. . .r -- ..- .I.. .I. -- - -- -- --I- - ri 1" -r - -r-I --I-- -- - -r--I-- i-r-T-T-r -rr+ri-rrl+r++i I+-r-I-r-Ir--+-Ir+-rrl - - - - r- r- 1- II-llri--rr-I--l-I--rr-l-r-r - --II-ml-rl - - ill-r - -r - - - ill-I- II- Ir r- ill-I" - I 1- Ir- - Ir-rr-r-mi II-r-Ii II 1- II- II i-Iri-iI-i-r-ir-r- - I ?I-r-r-I-ilir'I-Hr-I-r - ill-'rI-l-I-I'r- rl+l+ ir-II- Tilu- .1 I I -ri Irv-vi I - iilr - v! . I?ll-illIlrr - IIri-II-r-l-il i-r-r-I+lrri-r-I-r-r-rI-rr-r-lirlr - - -- Iri-I i-ililiir--+i-ri-i+r+i -- -- -- - Hi ill-Iii-I- iiI-I- I +i Hil- 1- 1-1.-.-- .. ..- I r- - 1---I- r-l-l- ..-. . . .. -- . .. -. - .. - . . .- -.Ilr Illi-r-Ir rr+- -- r-Ir-.I.--.. H-l-I1-1? --I- -I- . . .I1-1-1? 1-1- - - ri-r+- - IT in I . -r-I-rr-'r-rliri-i - 1-. I-I- Iii-I - iir-IHI-i-r-frHI-rI'-I- I-r-IilI-l-iil- I I'll-Il- .-IIJ-I.IIII-III..-I..--Jorg?n?zationsaapp . I I I- I I leadersipandofgir I - experIenceerx'Whj-Ile the" MCC . I as the creativity.~ nvieW'ofthis, "esaid '_Il results couidIbeachieved if the assets of both organi? .At a recent MCC meeting, it was stated that the organization needs $75,000 for operating expenses - ?before August 21. PCPJ leaders feel that they should . - expect between 10,000 and 15,000 people for protest owever, they will' ublicly announce that .Il' . activities-I.I..I. . .- .. . .-..--., -.. - -. .I..- . - .- . ..- - -.--. -. ..- - .- . - r. -r -I.-.. -.I.. . .. .-. ..-.. ii..i--.I.rr . . . .I.-. -. . . -.I.. -. . .rr I.II. .--. . - - - - - - r- - r--r - - - -rr -rr-I-i- -I--I- Uri - 1-1- - r-I- - ---..I.., . ..I-.I.. - .. .- . . .I.. .. .. - . -.. .-..I. .I..-- ..If1" 1-i-+rir-rr-- --I- i--rr- Ti-rr-rrl - - - - irII-r- - 1- ii.- I'll-rlilrl-r-I- . . ..I.I. .I. -..-.. - . . .I. - II - - -- Ill-Ir+r1-ri - II II "fl' +riri++r-I rr+- I'ir--...I. ..-.. - .-. . - . . . -. - . -- -.I.I. -.-- - -.- . .I..-. - ..-- - -. ..- r. .I. ..-. - - -I-II'll r-I- - - i1- -- - II- IIHI-I- - II- I - Illrr- - I'll --I--lr-rr-II- - Ii I-II- ill - r-f-I-Irr i-lr- I'll-Ill I - -Ii+ -i r-I- - r-r-II-ll ii-rr--r-+r- II- - - r' rr--+-II 1.1- II ill-'1- -rr rr-f- - 1' -r+i-r+-r--r-I-r-Ir+rii-Iii-r i-H-ir-I- r- - Ir- lir-I-r-ir-I-II- In II II II- -r --I--I- Ii- r-I- rr-I-r II-II II- -- r-II-r - - li-r--lr+ ill-i lH-i-iliI-I-I - - 'I-rr --I--I-- - ri-r'I-I-ri-I-r-r-r-I-f'r ill-I r'I-II- r'I-rri i-I- ?I-rl-Ii rI-r-l+-1-1- --I- --I-- - rill i-I- Jl I Hill: II I - - --I-I--I- - Hirir-l-r-r-II- --I-- - -i -i .1- illr-Ilr - -llI-I Il- -- r-i-I-lri--r-- rr rll-I-I-ir- hil- i-I- l-ill-1- Fir-Till ?lulu-Ii-II-i-il-I-II +l-r-I-I-1-1-i-I-1-liil- ih I-I- ill-I II- i i ll . 1-1- I - - rr- - i-liri-I-i- rr- r-i-II- rr-I- - rr-II- - --r-l-I-rilirrI-I-II-Ilr:-Ilri-+I-+-r-l- II- illil? I ilil I II- -- -+-ri-Il--Ti'I-I-r-r- - - rill? Hi l--I-r I H.1- I ilIi II-.., - . - - - IIII- II- II-HiiriliilH-r Hi rir-I-i-I-I-- -- .I.. ..I. ..I.. .I.. . . -. - .I..I.-. L.L..L.L..-.I.. .I.LI IL I.I . . . .LI.I.LI. IL L..I..L ..I ..I I .I.LI .IL..II I .L. L.I L.L.LL.LLILII.LIL.I L.LLI..II.. .II IIL. IL.. ILILIL . LI L.. II. IL.I LL L. I.L. . I . I I II..LL.L.I.II IL.LL.I.LI.LL.I IL.ILI.I. I .I..I.IL. ..I .. I IL.ILII L..I.LLIILII. .I.II-..L.I LLII. IL. LI LII.I.I.IIL.IIL.L.LIIL.LL IL..L. .I.. . .I I.LL.LI .LLIILI.LILIIL.L.IILI.I.I.L II.LIL. . . . . IL.L.I..ILI II IL. LIL.IIL..L.I.. L.LII .II.I.II. . .L.. I.I..L ..I.I.ILI.I..I .IL.II L..I.I I .. I I IL.I .L.L.L. ILI.I.II ILIL I .L..IILI I I L.L.I.I I.II L.L L.I.I IL.L.I. .I II.L .L.. .. LLI.I.I.LI IL.L . I.ILI..I.L.I I .I . .I.I.I. . .I. . L.II.IL.I.I ILIL.II..II.I.I.I.LI . LIIL. . ..L. . L.L.L ILL . L. I.I.I.LI.IL I .I .. . . .L. IILL. .LII .LI.L. .I.I.L..I..I.II..I..LII..II I. I . I .I.. .. II L. L. LII.I.IL.LIL. L.I.I.I I.I.I..-.LII . .. ILIILLI . . LI IL . . ILI.L..I ..I. .I..L...LL.L. LL IL IL. LII.IIL..I.L.LI.II LL.I .ILL.I .IL.I.II IL. ILIL. I.I .I..L.I.I I ..II.. .II.IP II LFFLILI .IILL.. I ..I.LL. .I.. .I I I.. .LII .II..I II..ILF IF LP..PIF .. IIPLII LL..I I IILI.I. ILII..ILLI.IIL.FPPIF.I. .IL..IL.LI II.I II I I I IL.I.I.I. IILII.IL. LI.L I .ILI.LIIL.LIL.I.I..L.L.I .II LI L. LIL.I I.I . I.IL. I.I.IL.I.I.II..IL.I.L.ILI ILL. I. .IL. .I.I . . . I LLIL.II LI ILIL..L.IILIIL.L. . LL.I .IIL.L.IL.L.LII .I..ILL.IILI.LL.L.II IL.LL.ILI.IL..I.L.ILL..I L.L.IIL.LLI I II II LIL.I L. I IL.L.II L.I. . . ..LI I IILIIL.IIL .IILI ..I L.IIL.IILL.ILL. I. I. L.I..I. IL IL.II.L I.L...ILIL.II..IL II.I..I.LI.LI.ILLII.I .I..LII.I IIL..I. .ILI .I..I.IIL..L. I .I.L..L.ILI .I.LI.I.I. IIL.II..I.IIL.IL.I. L. .I.. IL I L. IIL.I.I. IIL LI .I II.LI .. L.. .. ..I...I..I .I LI.I. IL.L.I . ..IL.LI.II. ..II .n LI I .IL. I I.II T. I. I I LL.ILL ma I. LL. I. .IL.. L.I I II .I..I .L.. I.L . I .I.L.I .III.LI..I.L.ILI I I.I.IIL.ILI.I.I IL. I.IL .IL. ILI II .I.I.L.I..L.I.I. . . I.I.III.LI.LL. .. L..LI.L. . .I II .I L.Hmbomxmw mm hxmam?ou .gp II-.m??gwmm EOHM ...II. a M?wum?w QLH hHHmU?mm?m .w HM?O?wmz m?p Op a wan mu?pumw 9.2 U?M?qum .mm?w?>?wum ?03m mo mu?uma =w?maoa>?0?a m?u 4-. II wso?mSOH?w HohmE m?u ammow?mz_ . . 3.. m?w How ?um WHIHMEHHQ pammw .thH .mm H?b Go . am ?aw: mummewcoo m??i . . . . .. .I-mH#?5mmname. .m?umunomp . mbm: . . "mvamnouum.II.I.. Ff; ;vE3ng :33; - 5 armedcampand that President NIXONcouldbenominated ?5i only aS'a result of a Show of force in Miami Beadh; . Duting the MCC Conferehc the follOWing POintS lwere agteed upon: 1) No activitieS'would'be undertaken ;_dg 'whiCh-would-endanger the senior citizens of Miami Beaeh; I 2) There wo?ldbe'no direCt action against the police I fih: military; and.3) There'would be no traShing- Also: :12? it'wasstated that acts of civil disdbedience?would'he . ?it; 1 Hundertake?, hut these aets shoul at be discussed. 7 I Th?use of "May bay tactics" was_discussed, includtng "siege of ?resident domination night; -M05t -.., . .. . . .. - - . . . . . . . . . . - -.-.. . . . . . .. - .. . .. . . .. . -- - - - - - - - - - ill-II- 1-1- - . . . .I..- . -.. . . . r.Irl-I-Irr-l-Ii-l-ir-I-r-II-rI-l-I - II l-Il- Il- 5i III'll"rill-Illill-II-II - - - - - r-r-I- - ~ss 2-5I.I-.-I-I'1..l---n-Parade Summing the Conventmh mp ex withhp?ome . .3 . '_Ymelng and a I -chupatiOD_CfIt red I ggIl I II. the above Regional Confer?nC?I if- ms of delegates.andiaying siege I I.I ?aw-.'hlr it?was . educated to art]. I Clpa 1n the-George JACKSON rAugust the eni epu llca a 11 El I 0n entlon- was stated that attempts were ther Angel a DA or of the BLACK PANTHER PARTY speak National CO I en 10D, there was a general to v' ne 0 non lolence phrases I I- "wait t'l 1 August were regularly made refer I I- II- lolent aCtlU I II I 1 the Republ lCEln Iatlonal .I-II-- Ina-..--II.I -I..II.II I l' - I Iliad-Ia: _l I I. I .I ill__' 1' . -: -IlL115.- 35:35} "?331.95 I. "5 - I in"II-_iapi If 11? 5111'" I Hi!? -- 3:.I-I.I II. -.-I-.-- . .- .- wrig- Jae-17;! I "Pf?il? I 4h, I I.I-351 1- I: hang 1 - ., . J'I-ir? .--. L. .3: 1H- If. .. .-.-- - 'r-I I.I.di xii-fur 'r?ll1131? .-.-.. a It} II In I I .-. ?ri'l??fnf?f?f' ?15 - - i-ag-ei?a?f 1?11; 1 - 9.35;. 53.51: 11- J3 ?rI-i-I- ..: a gent-r L-I HA. I I..- :1 I.I a: - . If I.I 1.1: I: I 4...11"? ll. -. - .. a: '55 :31..1-. 51:51117-?. a?s?r?ve?eh I: 2.: eff. rigrile I-vie-1L5?frat-13m ??filnw EIFleEI IfgfalI;_ i; - 5'9;Eur: L321 . 5" I- nir- Iq: li?l??E-Irhy; Sift-:13. If? all ll.? ir?I? 225511" Ifll'Jlrji?rth-. .- . . . - 7 ?stew fr; . g. -- Conventi - . abut methods of? disrupting}"the traffic" were: - . I - - .discussed:' 1) Turning on_all firehydrants in th" I area; 2) Using trucks to dump dirt in the streets; 2 3) Using wire cutters to destroy'wiring in public . . . buses: and 4) Flattening of tires of automobiles in the . area. kl .Representatives of the with a represen? tative of the.Miami Beach Police Department on July 24 at which time PCPJ indicated that over 10,000 non? delegates are expected.in the Miami area for the - Republican National Convention. A PCPJ spokesman . stated no buses are being chartered and all participants will arrive by'their own means of transportation. ?en'JaCk-S'Onvillf 37E~_f_ g"1arge COHVO '5 Miamfi?each- AugUst 20mentioned, it was announced that sponsoring an 9; 1354mile march from Ft. PierceIr Florida, to . . Miami Beach, arriving there on-August 21. .A rally will i i: The held at the termination point'Which will includea if "medal throw? similar to that whioh took place in ?Washington, D. 0.. a year ago. Leaders-anticipate that PI: 150 persons will particip'te inthis march. 5 RegionalCoord'nator,who'was present in if .Miaml Beach during the Dem cratio National Convention-I.r..-. - - - ..-.. . i11.-.. . . . . . . .- . .. - . .. . .. . .-ririlI-I--l-I-rI- - ---.- Irr-II-Iii-ir-Ili-II-IIr-Il-r-I- r-I-Il-Il-Il-Ili .. .. 'F'i - - - iriil-r-l-r-r -I-- Iii---.. . - . - . .. . .. -. . L?L7-ge?tleretanedafrom3the: __Tes;provision5 ?Qrgag5TDemanT?o?tingEntotd_ Police. 7 rsonS in is Contingehtwill be_ - 'requested.to WEar chest iT; I, ?shoes?,ahd carry gas masks - 3r; as well as CIUDS and Staffs; .The manual notes that . firearms and exPlosives are to be used only es a last :5 a: resort,-but that?VVAW members should be prepared to use these items. "Republican to - . Ibe.published.August 3.in Chicago, Detroit, Miami, and - i rough draft was compiled by the Tactical .Manual Committee, composed of representatives of the I YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY, MIAMI CONVENTIONS COALITION, . VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST THE 1' - COALITION FOR.PEACE.AND and the AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE..-- .. -. - . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . - .- . . - -- .. . -. .. ..- .. --.- -.- . . . ..-. -. - . . - T-. . . -.-.. . . . . . - .. .. .. . . . ..-- . . .---.rTr -- -T T--.T-.T-- - - . .-.T- ..TIT--T. --. T., . -..-.II-I I I I I TT II-T T- rIr TIT -TIT . . .. .. -.- .--T-- . T-.ITT.TT-ITTI--T- --IrrIrr I-TIT - TT-T--rTrTIr-rT-rr I I-T--TTrr-T - - - - -- rT-- - - --T - -TT Ir- T-TT-ITT .T-T --.- .TT-TT - - T- - - -TT --I- I TT I - - Ir-rT- - - - -- TT IT-rr -TT-TT TrTr--r -- T-r- -Tr---r-Tr- rT- I-TT- -TITI TTTr-rTr I -I -- TTI rI II- T-Irr-rII- - -IIT--IITTT-T TT .TT TIT I I T-II-TT-T--TTI-TI-I- -- -T- TTr-TTr -- - rTr-r-I- -- TT i IT TIITT TT-TT .TT T.- . T. -TT-.- .-T I. II II II -II- IrrT r- I -r - -ITI- - -TI I I IrTr ITT T-- I -- IIITTIT-T -TT .TT TT TIT-T TTI-TTITITTI-TTIIT II-.T--rTr- T.-I-TT -TTI .T-T-.-I.--I.- .: .--..--T --. T.-T-.-T- r. -T TT- .. .--T-..-. . - - - -- - - -T-l- -I I ...I-I In- 1- -I..-. . . - - - - . ..-.- - . . . . . .-T.. . .Iq'-..- I Lirtraffic on main??ree I. . -- in the Street5.v.arious hetels - along Ithe dale ates EJEFM routes willserve as staging areas with demohstratcrs 'infiltrating bytwo'sand three?sintc the hotels and I - fma- main routes to the Convention.Center.TheTactiCal Committee discussedfbut did not - include in the manual, the use of burning and abandonin - I a cars to leCkade traffic on the main'routes. Another tactic diSCUssed, but included in the manual, was the destruction andhotel furnishings along 1. Colline.Avenue-..- - . . - . .- - - . - Sir? I. . -II?Ir2.. -.-. - - - - .- -- .231l-I miHunt-5.-.. - . . . . . .4 1 I - Ira?1.415 Fuati?nakho*nv6nti?nis been-- I 1 P?de Faun-W I to'interest? anal-its - in forming chaptersans also attempting. the. - 1 - I. -to assist in foractivitiesduringthe ?n iRepUblican NationalConventionrecent edition of an underground publication - known as the "Carpetbag Express, published on the 4 I 5 'West Coast, ontains several attioles relating to the _li -mRepublican National Convention. One article stated I gL: that people in.Miami should divide into ?affinity I ii; These actions will pit "people 3 politics and culture - I I pi] against man system of forced participation_r recent meeting of the COMMUNIST PARTY (CP) in 3 Mlaml BeaCh' it was agreed that the Republican National ?r Convention must be made "more eventful? with greater..-..-.- . . . - . - . ..-. -. .1.-- r. -.-, ..-..-- -- . . . -. . . - .. . 1.-- - .. . -. . -.- -. . .. . . . . .. - - . . .- . .. -. .. - .. --..- . .. .--. . - . 1.- .. r.rrr-r-r-I - -- -r - --I- r-r-I-rIIr -- - -- - - - Irr-I-r - -- - - - Ir-r- rI- - -IIrrr-mini. .-..--.. -. ..-. - .. - . - . . . - .. . . .. - - - .-- ..- ..- 11.1.-. - . .- . -- - .. .. . - ,rrrr-I- - I- - --II-I- Ir -I-I--I-I-I-I -I -r r- -- -Irr -- r- - - I - I- r-r- I- I--I-- rII-r- -I- --I- I -- -I-- Ir-I-I-rr I-I-I -I---I-I- rIr - -I-I- - - -II-- - - -I -I- -- I-I- -r I - --I--I rIrIr-r--I- II-II-I I II --I--I- -I-r-I-r - I I II- r-IrrI-rr-I Ir- I r-rI I II- r- II -IrrII-I- I I Ir-r-rII-r- I II- -II- Ir-rI-I-rr-r r- II- lI-Ir rI- - II- II- II- --rI II- II- IIr-I-rIrr- r---II-I- -I-I I I- I-I--I r. I I IrrI Ir-r-I -II- --rr --I--I--I I I II I I-II - r- II- -rr- Ir I Il- r- I-II-IrI--r--I-II-I-I I II-I- -II-I-I--I--I-I'Frm -rrI - - I-II II - I- - I...1.1r-..tr-qu.15- I: "InIII?ll I-i (dial-relWHITE . PARTY (Nspr) whil?i. in Florida I during - .J-=1j9725tatedth'at beam 100 members 0f the Nswp-p- - 1 'will be in.Miami Beach th?RePubliCan NatiOnal .r . I Conventlon to help law enfOrcement maintain order 11' Jim-J 11"! ?731-; 15:: a .. .Ei?fa?iirim?ir i1 - Efyt?r'?u?ji?u?f?rrIii-Ill. .. .- r-"nth . . I l. I. 4 I .- rd'II. '".IrHilary I. I- If{shat .I-t:I"hrhad-u33:3731:15:: Ill-hik-riiELII. l- .- -. . #il'l-El'll-l Ill-13 53_I_l . la?1.21 I.H..- . .- . -- - -.. -- -.. . - . - - - - - - .- -. - .. - .- .: - . . .- - - . . . .I.-. -.: - . .. - ?1354.IIIII..IIIII- II...II-IIII?I'1-.- - ii- ..1-- I .- . -I-.. I.-. - -I-. .II I. II.I I I I-I: III.I..I-I.I. _?II:ll:"53.5?33:133-..- II-?Jilmi'lfl 'Lit . . . . - . -.s . . -.-. enabled local. . - - - agenC1es.to e-?e . . . . - ntinued for the Republlcan-Natlonal Conven Democratlc major 1n01 Convention to test the effectiveness 0f local law . nce enforcement Law Enfor eme Center located 1n the Convention Hall basemen I-n- 1 tall a operation and telephones are elng .ns to expedite the flow of pertinent 1nforma lon. . II I'.31:glr: .-.- .. . . . . Intelligence Evaluation Committee (IEC) report entitled: "Potential Disruptions at the 1972 Republican National Convention, Miami Beach, Florida, August 21-24, 1972." This document provides background information on the Miami Conventions Coalition (MCC) a. United States: Department Of Justice, 4 Aug. 1972. U.S. Declassified Documents Online. Web. 6 Aug. 2016. URL http://tinyurl.galegroup.com/tinyurl/3bBdD8