Case Document 1-18 Filed 09/24/15 Page 1 of 9 PageID: 129 Eeter.C. Harvey Acting Attorney General of New gersey Petitioner R.J. Hughes Justi?e Complex E.U. Box 112 Trenton, New Jersey 03625 By: Deputy Attorney General (5091 SUPERIOR CDURI NEW JERSEY IAN DIVISION CDUNTY- In the Matter?of the Civil Commitment of. Civgl Action . Rb; my? A .4 CLINICAL CERTIFICATE -U 0 E1 z. ?anl?it?pgh/?wej rm? says: way of cartifxcation, . 1. I am'empl?oyed as a ?{pp9chxatxisn or other 'by [name of Employer) I I: I.I: 1 . - ul?l and make this CEItlIlCathn jfpport ol the _nyolunrary {tame of M'Qmail I sexu?lly Comm;Ument of as a a 531.535. violent predator pursuant to N.J.S.A. A On '09 .I personally eat-gained 201/ day all-om: o?zndz'?u?} at odfjp 961,5 f?kb?" (LocaLion of mat-:62) lunn Jpnr. E?m??g J'hm Case Document 1-18 Filed 09/24/15 Page 2 of 9 PageIDnot relative by bl-ood'or marriage of the subject of this ce tiflcete and my purpose or motive is} executing this is that care, treatment and confinement axe necessary" for this person. 4-. If an interpreter assisted in this persona-.1 examination, the interpreter's name and the title are as follows: 5. Based 0.171 a review of the records and personal:- examination, have obtained the followigg identifying data . '1 keg arding this person: Social Securlty No.: [13) Date of Birth: - a marital Status: fjnj}\gi .. .?I?elephone [when - J. [62) Last Known Address: ?ns?oh . Next of kin (fo: court hearing notification only}: Lolly?: 0?5j35i?l'f7y ?dwr?I-f nan-? Case Document 1-18 'Filed 09/24/15 Page 3 of 9 PageI?D: 131 me M: I Hui/2y ?1 93 I :Educeiicn (Highesr Gracie templered}: w?W . -- ?l (11} Employment (Occupation, Profession, Trade) .W?mwmw17?a?im I - . 1' Wang 2 I i 6. I have reviewed the ?following sources of- ini?omation cc a - a '1 obtain this persog's hiatory (include. but do.not rim: to, Juvenile and II :probation/parole reports. victim i I . I adult criminal records, police reports. I II . previous mental hea th and medical records) . - a. ii- ?Lkl? statement 5 . . 1L. l?t? . 12.9 lbw-.1114. nah . I have identified?the criminal justice history or 1.115 sexually violent offenses (as defined above) comitted by bill's I person, including dates, ege end gender of relationship to any degree of force/harm, threats - . to victimte] es Case Document 1-18 Filed 09/24/15 Page 4 of 9 PageID: 132- "k i Qall es any cmnduct evldencing czzense (as? defined above), as follows: ?1025': l' . L1 @0513 I q- 1%mbl32j?? _rdww i/Bab?- (1L. ML 4.- a FL 41,1; "eruux405w 19.4mm! - m! A..- .1353! 31.39;; . b. militia Jud-"Juh I Iii. Jun. Luzhistorv of non?sexual Ouenses an I have identifl. .othe: antisocial. or vzolent behaviors ?Iojdw mg au- rtJLA?amij/d?mu 1/ gladly Jam-Q; ?mw??bn??br 7 llqu ?134115, .Zwfollows: I I I?ga-lt?l I .I It- Case Document 1-18 Filed 09/24/15 Page 5 of 9 PagelD: 133 5. I have identified prior sexucjfende: specifzp abuse tz?atmen: as follows: 10. I have identified a-p?ychiatzic and/or substanceiabuse history as follows: a; 1835 .gi nl? Case Document 1-18 Filed 09/24/15 Page 6 of9 PageID: 134 Clinical [ling???31;!er n- 1/AMIAM "by; 4L1 . Ania sin-3d . 2?5 3 I A it?1?11!- 4 I ,1 pal-L. ll . Patterns of escalating frequency of offenses, impulsivityl an?d compulsivenessnul' 51 .. . LJ. .I. 1.?are?Lahm?' 1m. Mud. 41-1.: J. 1. -1 14.11.. Ms! I . Denial/a tit'ucies condoning offenses or' thinking: ?llamas; I 3-4?unL I u?Avh I'Ma?w??ala?q W?i?qf?ue? aw whim?! 'a t: I I. if, Jug-3?; If! - I 645.11 1L}.th ll a I 'lugg?v 1" . T. H.) (Hf! aka hum.? Case Document'1-18 Filed 09/24/15 Page 7 of 9 PageID: 135' - I HM jm?WM If U- 1 1g? Resistance/failure to participate in prior treatment 035-1 suneruision [as shown by a history of parole Violations or othef: evidence of a re?nance to' or failure to partiClpE-te in treatmen?- . . I ., or super?jlon}: - IMH Case Document 1-18 Filed 09/24/15 Page 8 of 9 PageID: 136 Othe m? The I folIows: we; qhbt??waJ-Iguml Jauarneeawhu?Lg? clinical characteristics/risk factors: ?qu? . - 5' eeults of the mental Status examination are ES Mam. I ?ng '13. This person has been diagnose? with the following mental abnocmellty or personality_disorder diagnoses on Axis eefined by the ?t . _x - M55- 1] aware of the standards for involuntary commitment as N.J.S. New Jersey Sexually Vlolent Predator Actr' e. (0 EU- The following checked statements are tru 1 I personally examined this pe:son. This person Suffers from mental ebnormelitytes defined by the act) or personality dlsorder the: makes the person lLkely to engage Case Document 1-18 Filed 09/24/15 Page.9 of.9 PageID:'137 true. cane Statements made by' me 37 punishment.) m?mwi; 23?? - Dated: 2 15. -4. GL- 1 further certify is not in pr?niry need of this certify that id: sexual viclEnce for Controi, not confined to are and treatment. This person has been convicted. adjudicate delinquent 0: found not guilty by reason insanity fox commission of a sexually viole_ offense, or has been charged with-sexually off; but found to be incompetent to stand trial. :3 01's! the foregoing statements made by me that this person is medically stable and an ac?te_medicel or nursing home level of t1me._ I am aware the-t if any of Eels .0 ere hdilfully I am subjectJ to sac-nay- Monty; Mm ?Mme/V95 9M N051D.- the foregoing? I 1 a I or other ?ysiczen Signat?agze'l- I . .