WARRANT OFARREST--FELONY ("3175223 W) mwmumu aim much" '2 um>> Pr. "mourn 0mm mum '5 - (I mun?! 8ng mum"! in . QM) 1112-673," 'w a" 11 . A [meullhwa'anm 'cuss FELONY ., u. -- 0'5 mmamainuu -- 1347 @memw "Malina-tuna! 5km (W's bemoan: fan: I im'. Harm! 0mm 9222mm" My WK, ,fi4__ hu- [0319x551 mm "Hm-u "mm "m "h RAP-1121-F9 My" Mlum'nmamm . - WAIVER OF PRELIMINARY HEARING Offense Tracking Number. Understanding my right to a preliminary hearing before the Court named in this warrant to determine whether there is probable cause to Preliminary Hearing Costs believe that I committed a felony AND, having the consequences of my waiver explained to me by the Judge of this Coint, nevertheless 1211 Appl. Atty WAIVE MY RIGHT TO A PRELIMINARY HEARING on the felony charged in this warrant. Certi?ed to the Circuit Court of this 113 Re jurisdiction our! porter . 113 Winteu nine TOTAL mom Poll ACCUSED tonne [dl'ne Accused named Within was brought before me or appeared this I hnpose the following Disposition: FINE Mr I order the 0353 ?smiled *0 [he FINE of with suspended COSTS I 1 461 FIXED MISDFEE chargedinthis warmt. - (01 daysm?h?my mm I?m 4112 11m) DRUG 111313111513 33? 0'1 5 .. suspended for a mod 11111 1111' 01111.1 (311113121311 . . . . conditioned upon being of good behavior, I ORDER the accused discharged at preltmmary heanng and the keeping the 01161111311115 amend paying ?lm and costs 113 11111111555115]; 1 1 ms was reduced 10 Credit is $1on ptnsuantto ISM-137 for time spent in con?nement. 113 reenactment day: 1 whom mm: ?mums 111 DUIFEE on weekends only I 11 Wortrelease []authori1edifeligible [inquired 113 I ?r not authoriwd 120 CT APPT MW 11 Publicvroriforee[ 11mm? ]notanthorired Em I 1 1 on for TRIAL IJNOMTORNEY AWRNEYWANED ?vests? 11 local community-based probation agency 125 WEIGHING FEE Wm? m? 1 Monitoring bv GPSlothr: tracking device 133 BLOOD FEE . I LICENSE suspended for 90mm.? 1 D?mrs 11m mam-11011011161. 137 PAY enter 10111131106110, of his rightagainstcontpulsory 1 228 COURTHOUSE 0? - My -- against 111m clerk on behalf of CONSTRUCHON FEE 1le and Recommendation - -. n?om 234 JAIL ADMISSION FEE .. And was TRIED and FOUND by me: 11nsrsormssoeosmor1 momma LOCAL ACADEMY FEE guilty of I SERVICE .. hours to be completed VCC andsupervisedby. .. 2? COURTHOUSE 11 deferadjudicationl creditedagainn?nesandcosts SEWFEE di sition to . inhibited between defendant and victim/victim's spo Dirnme 05101156110111 members 4.1-305, 18.2-57.3, rnseCornmonwenlth for investigame medical fees . I 50 fee tolheCourt for Trauma Center Fund 1[beennonsense. TOTAL oars . Stayoftbeproccedingspursuentto 161-1311 divingacornmercial motor vehicle 331' 0? Appeals 1] mm; .. motion PENALTIES mm mm [IIORDERthechargedismissed 1 monotone I I payment Ofcosts (accord and satisfaction), .. ?l9.2-15l. DATE WE 1 1 under 11 4.1.3115, 132.573. l33-25101192-3032. FORMBC-JIJWASIRMGEWOOHWO) 1M3 . LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER COMPLAINT -wm Prince William County 1111mm 1.1119 undamgned 11H: day make oath inai I have reason to him mill/12 mused an 9, am NOVEMBER 1937 Through NOVEMBER 1988 Int/1e on E1 County TM 01 PRINCE WILLIAM mnses age/us: live named mm or property. 1 base my belie/s an m; faas' On 11/17/2013 T.W, reported that beMeen the above dates Mr, Yousefi reached into her ciolhing and iondled her vaginal area with his bare hands. She advised mat ihis oomrred on more final! one occasion during ihe above time frames whiie Mr. Vouseifl 3/1 WERE 0f . was her gymnastics wachr T.W. was between the ages 016 and iwilh a D0501 01/29/1981. TW. advised 111a! this owned a1 [he GMS Insimme located in Prince William County VA, Poi/cecasmo; mew CwnDaie' TmoiHoanng: Emu finme Accusod YOUSEFFI PARVB '111 WM1211255155 GRY 5m: gumb-- WW as" "min-67.3 AGGRAVATED SEXUAL BATTERY mam Dim amumu; 91%; . I mam Esme mm mum/