LL. 351%? TESS NEW YORK .aiji? COMPLAINT gm. Mbtmea?iw mm: 2 E-i?immi?i 45s. . momma, mm mm and mam WAGNER 4:4, ?3 Swim-uhanm. .3 7 if} *E'izisa-smimn i3 gamma: {0 42 198:3 4:2 12:32}! Ninth and?t?hi?c?nifa in the Canrst?miarmw furisdiclign is founded on 28 U.S.CZ. 133E. $332 and. 1343 basis: {If diversity of The plaimi?? is it resident the; State at? Florida: and the ?ci?endam Trump is; {c?id?i? (in: 5mm 01? Nara-?5? ank and d?fi?fi?lifimi? Midis and Wugwr an: msidmus at?? Sum: cafh?mv 2. Piaf?mi?? invukas the m31den1_jurisdictienunhis (foam gunman: 28 1} ?367 to adjudicate slam iaw ciaims as 10 vitiaimions arms: Stats: ?f Maw mG Riggs; Law, Sm 40-44:. the; haw-r; and wt'zxiimtim caflhu 51411;: (if fi?inricin. primga 3361: mm sounding 'm "outragwu? mndumi," ticfmumion and intenticinnl Ell?i?Ciim? an?? mnmimwl c??gmgs. ?13 intiff; 3. Tm:- {?aizxti?? ME iimh is; eizizm 03? am: State at?? 1mm and Midas 7134 San gamma?: {Jr?th ?3th R.QO Fm.? :mumtmam: 4. T111: ?efmd?zmi Donald i. Trump, at 21% times hemina?ar menii?nedm is a Qf'the 8:33: at" New Yum and mamas a; 72} $1111: Awnm New $9?an ihzf?cudaxwt Trump is; being; 3:14.33 in imiividmli' await}; The dcfandzm; Nick Rims. at imwa Mmim?cr nmmimed. is; shim: if?: Suite af?rm chmy and mama in 253m? Imam: Defendant Ribis, who is in charge 01" Trump?s casinc interests in Atlantic Cling is being, sued in individuai Sammy dcfem?fam Wagner. at alt times haminaficr n-mntimncd. is :1 citizen ?fths 513w jersey am! rcsidss 5:193 and? Brigat?nc. NJ. Wagner. fmnc?y President of 211:: fusing! Cas?c casizm ?12 Atlantic City, NHL. is ?ring sum} in his i?dividm? Gamma}, Simmumwijmm: On a: about December 11m, 1991 the glaimi?'accempanied Edie-ummy it) mam Ei husinass presentatien to {Mia-India}! Dolmid Trump wiih regard IQ tile. Ammcan i'keam Fmimi: an) Tim American Drama} F?mixak an cveubmicmm affair that. a "Caicndur Giri? camp?izim, whereby 3mm; B?en minarabm Remake canaastants campaie for prizes and aims; Addiaianaiiy. music, comedy and dcsign are :1 maj?r p;er th? feathai?. {13} Dct?izndum Tramp an imamgt in parz?rgipating in Anmricam Dream?s; :immgz? am?? as a 1mm My. 19101115221143; and Tmmp. {it} (may: Mummy and i5 {Ea-e: gmncipia mums? a? at! righm :?iif? and inmmi ?rsmrimtn {31mm mama! mid ?19 "Caicmdur Girl? 'I'mmp, thraugh agrcca'mm banana: and Mr. Heurarzcy, [warm as 56% parinci' in American Drcam Festivai as; ?lm- Inaiu Spammr gram: {9?33 want Piaimi??diik mm} Haumncy ??1533? umpin?x?: m? Mama?st {imam Ftss?vai, #1133121} was plaintiff?s mm 30am ?31? him:th and :1 msuit af?ict. agreement bun-mm (39?th ?aming-g and "Imam, t0 the and mafia!?in 3f Trump. 3. *I?imi {Swing mg: af?rcx?awniimm matting; and girasmumima in Nest-5 Yum. daf?cndant Trump imguirmi 10an l-fo?urmacy that plainii?i W11: "Am jam: ?aming; and Farmer timmadm t9 admirer ii was ?just for {3111: nigm 0r what?" 9. On {31' abcut? Dem-31m: mm 1992, a: 3 summath imsin?ss; dinners?mmziing at the Piam Herc! t9 discuss theinewiy?Mmem Vii?iuf? Mural. Anwrimn 1.3mm}: Featimi NH: dc?mdma m; *z??cdly pm his i'agmdg 0n piaimif thighs mac: viewed ?phys?m! and menial iz-ategmy? much intimate: privaw parts in Vienna-n Qi?piainiifl?g constiimi?nal right 19 privaty and physics}! amean ?itixcn. the Uniti? Sums. m. Tim: rm: dcihndam ?i?mmp later on (in: waning; af?mcmim 12:,le {mgm ingmducing pizsmti??m ?I'mmp {axlx?amx associates at the lea Ham ?sz girifricndj? {31911311. in tact piaimi??was oniy a bimii?lESSi assucizaw ofdefendmli Trump. 1 i. That in tha prawnm {if Mr. Mammy, {he Gamma: "Mimi: ma?a: aimigmaing; lax-yd certainmm :Lai'ml? all ?Ramses; in ?sex otzicms." Lin: pinimi??wiah and suddenly maimed {0 Mr. ch?mey: ?Yea know: thew?; going It) be a gamblers}. I?m vary attracted l0 yam girlfriend," 12L mica-Mum ?l?mmp may?: making; rammed j?xzz'smmi ?gamma? platinum ?high imlud?ai utmmpis 3:3 inn: plannime dcf?hndam?s "fewer amanmcm far latcanjghi :mctings ?iaik and haw: drir?g? but if! fact constiiuwd Si?tcd a} cxpiei! piaimi?? as a "sex ohjcci and 5mm" to Sam? gmuzil appatim as a "51ml" Mamti?'m mm: catzmim?mily digital-ugh! and {:31sz remigq?g {manic rqiezriimr m" Hm 52mm atmandg of" wim was in hi5 yursu?st 0f? pie?nti??as a "5ch abjimf? Plaimi?? was imam i113; 'f?mmp had a prior histon? :31? 3mm?? :sytid sexual alias-immanent 03? ?Emma in genera}, mnmim?ng a cizwgz?based inviciieus discriminatory animus towards 38 women Wis; 131} 3&1? eaxiiuizt?S cxmi??: 5311;: caught aim dcf?cndam gracfakin-g ?5:23; mama" Maria h?i'apicg mm ?Frtunp mer cm'ori with Mamas in {1:312:13 mama?? chambers, {During dimme mwmdingy; initiated by Warm agaith 1m: Trump I?m engaging in 3mm! am; 31? mysticaii?? With Maples?; ?n x?iaizuim {,?rim?nm Pans! MW: 2553?. which adultery as :3 Chas Ivana mum Trump 9f marital rape. gmusai mum? and phyg?cai maxim. 13131de?zxi?zmt"f?yump magmattu sci?adnxiuud pamumar mm Magma if that warm": 3x35551332? hay making, a public 9f ih?mgh public in wags; rciuascs amt swimming is the media that Maples 1mg being dumpcd, {at} Tim: dcf?mctm: "??nunp, :i?ur mug; the whim Kai?s; naggum?: mam-<3: in tin: Villagga wit-tax; mum! and Lamina-rd Stem, gyrcad raise arml?ciaug "scxuui minimum? In the public about Sammy?s wit}: Ailison. agswiing that Mrs. Stem zsgked defendant f?ar sex. which wag Tmmp?g way of r?mliming against Siam far telling the 1mm- 3mm: haw cheated his ?anks, bondhmidara and the gmim'nnmm Ti?mnp his jaiim far tax mama. Thai dcf?cndam Tmmg?a made lewd? dci??gg?my mmarks abnut a Britigh female broadcang joumaiisi, who dared 10 crisizrizc: Trump as a baffmn, gar?an, and wonmnimr Wm} mum-ed his; cx~wi?z and :11ch chiidrcn with 23m u?ultemm: af?ris: (B 1113.1; defandam Trump resortmi 1c: mug-1&5: an .msiice Phy??s {Jr 3111;: Cum ni?ihc Maw ?I?mk :13 z: ?femur: because iu?ticc Gaawchamhs conducted that Tring was an adulwmr Mm betrayed (ix-mi}: Emma am :m?n {?rm sums?: Emma. Thai 31mm .mciai shm; amid maiicious gossiga 31mm black 3cm:ng Rabin (Eh-1:115: busincss assmtiatm and the ma?a. inciuding that Ms. Givcns i211 marks its}? ?white teeth? on -dtf?cndant.?s ganiu?s during alleged era] 5m: with dafcndam i4. {madam Trump guhmqummy magagcd in Funhcr Smagaii-Iypc acis mum; and taubjug?m plaimi??m tig?mdam?s wi? a?iih dcmean?ag and pcn?erted demanding, mm piaintiff magma- 5:29: slave: airman: 33mm}? MIL ilmfa. made Imamwu? miagnimm?: 1331112; 11:72 platituimn ?30m: 1121192}, Fig? Rum Verb: dcman?ing 1.1131 piaimi?? ?slew wiih him?; 0:1 aim-m .?iammry 9151. 1993. ataxia-1151:1255 dimmr may ai demdam?s estate in Pain: Beam? a? mprimzis wiem?d ?31m ptuinli?? mated mail to defenmmt dgi'andam agam magi): victim: pkaimiff's ?physical and annual integrity? i3); damning plainti??af?imr fundanwmat right 10 privacjr in plaintiff?s: physicai by mamltv?ring his; hand up piaimist ihigjl in an. attempt it: much plaintiff-s private parts. E011 (3r :?mui jammy 2421)., piaintifi?hm? ma emits-:3: regard to: dcf?smdam 'i?mmp's ?elliand that piuimi?kiticnd a busi?ess meeting at Eviamxumgo in Paim Beach, Fla; After Trump assaysiams Rafi; 1hr; defendant ever pfninti??g ?ligimig?m ibm?biy pm'mticd p-Ezaimi?? Hum and ?umibiy mnva {alaimiffm a wimmumn man-um ?at?aciam?a mm:th gem-at gamma. which main-deed mulching 0f pmin?fi?s private parts in an act must-?lming aucmpted ?rape?: mm 2m: {Evfmactxm wouid 2331(3st pizaimi?? Imam the Emirwnn mama; pissmi a mi! 10 (152%: min nifm~xti3125p? mam Ru gm Wagmr in Maxi-1mm; gayfng, {hat wanw? in make defendant Wagner aware a? ?aw plaintiff "was 5:6 beautifui and "?nger lovers beaniiful wanij {ii} Defmxdant Trump gya'mzlaiam?wzi that ?dig m3: WIRE a Smut/gm} like X?s?ii?e Smith had Rum Beach,? inferrmg that pimnii?? Simuid "?23913 her mmah simtf? As ptaimi?? 3111211133th in mam thu- premises. de?cndam Trump again became sexuuiiy abusivc: by intimaicly touching 953mm and uttering, grmlurmaiiam a? ?kn-u" Piza?rzf?ffimmediately and wait-mi priaf?umy. Pissinii??feit degraded and lmmili?icd as a fmm?e. human bes?ng and citizen of?thc Unim? $335 by "gf?mmp's mnduct in m? plaimif?i??; riggm gammy in gm?mi??g "physical am! menial u?agrily" and ??phgs?wi as a fcxamic" I?m a?efandam?g 50k: pin-"pow of" rcEcg?iin :mdfar mbjugaiz?ng to me status (is? 21? "sex 513w.? to satisfy scxuaE penisions, ignim? by gm'mml hand and class-rinsed iswidiausly discriminamry animus inwards; W?nw?, wimm Gemidgmd in were uhjcuis" ti} ful?ff pruricr? scum! lhniasiiea. As a d?rcci and max-imam mu?! of the: camimu?ng was mad actiam ni? dafh?dam ?I?mmp 333111551 piraimif? plaintiff was cnmlimw?y dig-naught. and experic?cim; asaguish, mkausiiem gait: and ma?hr?ng. trimmed upon defczacfmu Trump saith; menus: Uf?pfaix'ntifFS Sigma a wemzm. Pizaimi?? feared sudden ohms-based ruprisu? and minimum! :?mhzding vieienm againm magnum person by the for cf piaimi??s rciiasnl ta E'uri?hcr 30:51;th and mama?; visim??d by ?efm?nm 'l?mmp 011 91' 02mm End. i993. dafendant Trump miffed piaimi?? Pa.be Beach, Cam; and dcmandcd that him at a guif mnmamem arm expressed his disaazis?mimn with the appearance them 91? Maria Mapieg and it'lepk'ts? mmhur Aim On 0r :1me 9th. ?991 dcf?rndant Tramp again pininii??fmm Patna Springs, Cam stating mm {heugh piaimiffuas "1m: mas: beautiful girl in the u'imie worm" mad that defendant ?2de and zi??f?d" plainzi??. ?65 agamjt February EEK IQQK dcfii?ndmu ?jsawcared A?i?ag?es H) be pregnant and in Aprii held xx press conf?umnm (0 premium 1hr: outuofwwedimk magnate}: {ham invited plainnf?? ham; sex n?iih dafcndam i. was rcadggz? 15:, (in. or gamut- Juiy ifsiln 339:1 pimmif?fwcm {a mimmc Cay, Maw Jame}; Tim? nkmiingg the Trill?l?? (mm; with [his mat-19?s; pmg'iciamu aim dafmdam Ragnr Wag?er? 16, 0:1 as about July 16th, ?39$ defendant Trump arrivad in Atlantic {Ti-t3; New Jersey. and intmducm phzimi??to me (imman Mark Rikki and mat; with piazima?fi?by ?mucking? pkmimi??g patrsz The defendmz: ?i?rump the inmm?smn defeatdm?li' R??s mat plnimiff had 5mm xvii}: (fefamdam ?i?mmp sad mm a "ailabh: Ribis- ?ver a iwwday perm: both dai?a-gzdam Rims and Trump exhibited a ?ass?iascd invidumts animus towards warnen in gravitas: and pmimi??smci?cauy mug; :?mmemiig that Gamma? pmim??kzg :2 Qifgii?ct?. On or about: Nm'?mber 16111, (in: plaintiff 2113mm 3 press canfemnm at me. (31735110 in A?auiic City: the. Tnunpi??smerican Dream chiivai event: (i3 inquirmj m?plximi?'aimii u? mamas Tamara: (in: mesa; coni?umm: and mquesmd "gamma!" am! ?sexual? inflammiien witheu?r any mama} z?mci fer the safe: purpose: "scxuai grati?mt?on? if ?gm lucky." {it} mm npproaahcd pinimii?f and :idvi??r?d ?inkzuimimt {?aimt?? was; "1m: fur '3?rump, ingimmiing by sexual innumii?u ma: defeatith Rii'?s had a ?great?r awmcia?an Fur we: women.? {kib?dant Ribis rcmafed that Trump had spoken 2c; defendant of. 3mm: and mnwm?i 11g piaimi?? and <31? :3 pmer "smut-31 relazimas?ip? daintm i213; ?I?ngmp [33:15; dafwdam Trump and plaimi?l (iv) Ikihndam Ribis gums;th defendant wanted 3 simitar rcimionship with piaimif?f'. 18. On or aixmt November 20m [993. Trump die-munded that p?ziinti?? provide {Isciimdani with amass to a 6011;255:513: {mm wax- :a in, ma: Giri? mmpuii?mu u?hmn Tramp mkrm? with ?mam! innuendo" in describing tin: sums; a5 a wmnan 12m} "513): abject? ii; the eyes 01" dafhndauL 19; That mwonspimtomf?efcndaarts Wagmr and Ribis, {mama of their mrmnai knowledgs and aimrnva! of this conduct of? deman ?truism as ?rst fart}: harm? 24: mm: in gamma? :45 "gm tniq?ms.? mama-mm in cmmiumy and ex'mtruup defendsz Trump's acts; and actions; 10 Hakim plail'lti??s fundaman right [0 privacy. the right {a be free: f?mm dammit]: "Fm-an unwarranted inms?en into piaintit?i?s ?pily?icaP and ?marital? summary and "Eniagritgx ?0-conspiraima Wagner and Rims mm: in mailizm {am-cm m??'xzm. but mnd?nc? and mftiuimmd in a mz?mpimcy 333mm plainti?' fizciijimc Tmmp?s ?59mm! mnmies? of. about and swimming plaintiff in violatinn 01? ~12 {me 3936. ELL Thai 3. canspiratwial agmcmem may be demand to exist ham-ecu Trump? R?bis and may be imbg?red {mm r??mw 1% ii??m} . the: "xmrd?: and zw?mas?? arci?ufcmim?s shat in the manplninud {gm-amine: 5:3: "Tim: (?3331:ijwimp, Rihis and Raggagncr engagw in g: mnspirmy [a arm-army me am autumn;- of with [hams In ham-1 3m injure g?ainu??g iibcny im?emst in piaim??ag busiac?z; Immunity}: {:33 magmas Trump. Minis; um? with. mm in?iazi lug-rm and injury husincsx i?msinyss mgmmiiwn. perm- armraaiily :1:ch primers}: ang?gm? in a made-Hz: against phain?iffRMagi plaintiff?s Emshm-zd marge. who was Sitbseqncmiy ?xzi?omwd by pluimi?" af?x?: azc-f?armus sexual mismnduct agamsa pfaimiff; Trump. Ribis and Wagner ugmuhw pfaimiff?? @3er with Hummus; Ema-?91m: in?ux-maxim curtwgagd pininii?'g fx?cmis :de business ?winding the: 31051 of {he "Culma?zir Ciiri" Jim (Emma. (at) 0:1 3r March 03? 1994? the piaimi??was [1:9 dcrisive bamw from defendant Trump in :m ?zicrsiatc wuvcmatma Ma?ch which includmi {Mum agaszigi plaintiffh}! d?fmdar? to "may; 1m: smut? (3f ?lm Tim m1 atme at" ?993. dcihndam "I?mmp cng?g?d in cmavmsaiwns wiih plainii??. amass-ted his "humour" with. Maria Mamas and said hwidn?t want :9 many her, stating; that he wasn?t ?even sure {hm kid was mine.? and that Magpies: "mid. 5:15;! hm "Ma" and um; 1m Iangcf my: "5m amen duibmizim nmdu Emmi. 33:11:":sz akmands 0f pluii?iff at: azubmit in Big s?iHMmring imch 10 seduw mm subjuga?e pmimi??sexm?ly :mc'i' exploia plaintiff as a abject.? That on 0r aim: :3.er 0f Ehc pia?miff rem:th dafendam Trump's 512311.32 advances and mime suggestions that plaimifhnukc hmseif mam-314;: dufhndam {:xpkaii :23 :1 ?5m ataxia.? ?l?'il acts; meiituiing camimzing wmug? 3552mm piaimi?i "21:23: can or nix-31:: ?uguM m, WG-31. Wagner in Ailm?uic {Tit}: NEW and amnii?cd plaintiff that de?znwm "mep mug: wanted the mm Mi}; American Dmam Festimi 2&5 a far ?013101181143 "mssjusl trying in get mm grim! punishing: iikc Nick, wnf?irma?ng by "wmds; and minim? mm Ram; and Waggnn? had mauifcaiw "Iti?i?iti?g 0f 11w minds" in an mamas: and bemccn defendants violate pizzinzi?k right to prim-C}: memding the: rig?? :0 permamL grim-sin! and mama} ii} En that. X?v?ugnempimd Ei?mt piainii?gbaz?d mm: ?It? "?rng advicu af?rm-er "t?m Aniluism." is: Qb?nusly mic: minim ?0 cwucnpiraggargt?dc?mdanm Tam-m Ribis and ?fagsz? became 33 Wagner said: ".?nm?nc was righ! about wamcn facing rage, they simul?dn't ?ght it, 3:15;. lay fciax and enjoy ii," That pizzaia'?jf?flms inn: in?amed by 5:2.me gating; with sits: "Calcium Girf? {L?iimpmitiml in the: American Dream Ii?cgtimi {hm dcihudmm ?I?rmnp placed cans; {9 than: Ihmugimm {he gxrz'od #993?! 997 premiszizag previdc iiwn with position mummy ?are: new advancement ?3pr in rcium it): sexual (En-m3. 23! Thai the ?.I?rmzip, mm :mci \E-legzacr Hawaii ma: piaimi??nm? in 3mm. inmuding? the. young wmamn pariicipzlti?g that: "Calendar Sir!? minimith in Ehc American Fastivai. ?sm- a?kmf mm a chassmbase?i im-?idiausly diSCf?imimilOW animus {am ?ards wemeu in gcnemL smei?m?y and in particuizw as "sex vs 3? 0mm" and "5m; sham-s? mam gmci??l unify and in pzirlz?zz?zm the dei?mdanm Trm?fgjy, 34. "Hm: the canspimtoriui acts and was GHQ-big, Trumg and Wagner signing: plztint?l?i?wsrc if} vialntiun OMB ?935 piainii??s right {a privacy and physical aumnamy :15 secured by the Ninth includ?ng right is; {madam Miamng 3hr; right. m: be; Fm: f?t?mn ?in-mum ram," ?Emma slavery i?lg?i? ?Emmi sait??zmgmimx? and {madam me physimi immimx csf' 0:163 per?wnai ammonia}: 25. Tim plainin is a ??tness in a civil gate-arcting in FudzE-ml 22mm ag?inm Trump? ?hid; was ini?iated by Amerimm Bream mum mi?) breach arma?rzmi await-Eng {minim \?wmrm Emma victim smug} fantasy to canaml pka?nu??ag a Sex slaw" and Rims. Ei?ag?er and. Trump?s align-apt u) a Exam)" Search went mm a "sex orgy" {m a purge-SB cm "whim slavery? to ful?ii ma: "ssxuai" H?i'lin?i? 0f 2f}. ?i'hm ?Hump. Ribis 3m}; \?fagilc: {Waugh business ag?g?cim?cs 3mm ma?a cans-cried permme attacks: apex: and thymus against. plaintiff in a aomp?raaj? in dismumgc pimmi?? from {estifying fully, campietclj; and truihfuliy, in a Court :21? the Unitcd 31:31:23. and "warm: and 3:32am? an ?xgrnum-L?nl {maximis- and in. fur?wmnm: arm: u?agcciive. a; wait. ?11) :aboizz Septcmim defm?am Trump instigaicd a nmlicicus, dcimammry mick: in aha Enquirer 91?. aboua and which Iii-minded {he misc warm; (amemp saying that plaintiff?: was iryitag [a 55:: ime 111.3; punts. {in} Thai; m: 21mm! Dmemim at? WW: the ?lurid Ennis; m? the American {Emu} Festimt in ma: ?gs-imam, 1m: mcm?s host Hm {Ei?smn gaming milai?zl? and in the agent fur "i?rump, Ribis and Wagner, stated ihat warm: to 3131: any way it takes, lcgz?iy or {as} "Tim; ilk: mums conmiium a; and ismznimmxl naming}! by it} diner, by {?rm imimiciuticm at ?mm. the plan-MET {mm appearing; as; a wiuwss in Cam! Mum United States: in the {Jismci of New ?Yam :0 testify in a maim therein. fresh. Fuliy, and truihfu?y. against said in a breach nf?cenimct suit in viQEaimn ?31" 4.2 1.935 (2), {ii} That that dgti?ndaum ungagm {z wawpimm thf??if??t?! 10 imam; Er; piaimi??a hamimm. Etrug?nmg {msum ?f?pel?iy and perwmuiiy if plaintiff? fr: said m: album March 2422:, 1997, Lin: Trump within the sight and hearing, 01"? plaintiff and piaimi??s lumixmci {Emrgu 'i immune}; mated in :?im'rsaty Jay Guidmrg 2n :3 puhfii: arm a: ?311: ?rdcm! caur-limma; Sm) Paar! ?tmcl, New Yak. wime piaimifl? was? apmnring in supparz of?llm an bchaifgf ?stivai. (hr: follmx?ing wards: I mid you aim was gargmag, She was :1 gram mace ofass.? Tim: abuzz: March 24:11? 5539?". during :2 mm?miun mama :31 the {Miami :"ifll? Paar! Strum. New War}; in wiih puma-ifs; appsamnr as a witmss and in .suppcm 9f ??gmion an beimif 0? American Drama. f?cstivaL Ehc ?F?mmp violated piamii??s righi 10 be free. from immsima inio plaim?f?f?s "glaysiczzi and mcmaf integrity" with impmvidcm. ?a Wx?m?f smma?mtzs vertw animus-?9: camiixuting attacks; mm: pang-3m: il?i?t?ti?imf right 10 be free 1? mm imagmn (brand?s ?ghysiml and manta! 1" madam from "mamz? ram, Inc-111212 shiver}: {uni sexmi which is 3 constitulianai right gem:er by the 'i?hirmemh 34, Thus by vim?: {mm mm and attz?mm {if in {unhernuce dcfmujmm? Gangpi?mu desigue? fur the Dummy: deprixl?ing, ssiihur directly oar indirceti}; the phi mu?? ofcqua? yzmcutfan 0f tanks and aqua! wiviieges and immunities un?cr the laws. piajnt??'gn?ered injtaxies and seeks reiief pursuant ?0 defendiims? vimlzu?cn 42. 3.817. ?933 {31. M. T3331 :22; a dimci and maxim-nu: maul! mum: ms and 359mm {2fdc1k?dan?s. mama} and mammal trauma. physicai pain and .?ilil?ii?i?g. game: (31' an of which ?my be: mrmaneim the {if piaim?ff? in 1319 313mm}; m? SESJIWLMW 35. That as a dime: and pmxi 13min: resuft $37113: am and acti?ns 0f de??n?anw. p?aimi?7aszemd loss Mempim'mcnn ?055 of mpmmimx and mammal" gmimli and mam-gir?mcm 3f plaintiffs; :st?iixy 1:3 new bus?iamg; 1mm: gamma! (21? puma?? it; {Em amuum 8% mam. AS AND A SECQNK) ACWQN AQAENST DEFENDANTS 3:3. Pknn?i?f? macaw; and matinggs 31% that alieggmmu; if?llmimid in paragraphs; ME :32: ii?sm fuliy and fay reference \?arbaiim hack; and further aficges as fai'?ows. 37. Thai defendants "Pump. Rims; am: Wigner, magma: 0f?dci?:m?mtx' inning ianewicciggc mm any 91? aft 9f i112: ?Tongs; cmz?gzircd ix: dam: :33 an: sci; mm: herein, and having to prim-um (1r aid in prawz?ing comm?simz 617mg:- 331% viaiatcd 42 L: 3&1 2936 and are Mable {hcmfare as to ati dan?mgcg caused by such wrung??u! mm, which Sll?h defendants by diliigcnce cm?cf have Tim: as din-2m arid praxmm?c remit at? the Ii?giigcnm ?rm-1:331 this ?mags in?ic-iird 113ml: pizxinim?hy {he defendzmis, pissinti?? suf?fcmd damages in the sum 0f AS AMI) FQR A OF ACTXCEN 33%? 3, 'iV?i? 3w gmgainsit?l? 1hr: madam jitt?i?di??iimi at? {he may: to ac?udiwm mm iaw mm; 39 minus and @3113ch 2:11 {hf ailegmicm camamcd in 3?39 as {art}: fully and it?iC?FpDI??t?d by rm?cmnw var-11min: hcwia and ?mher ?Rages; 2:25: 44?; ?i?iu? an 23mm Saws-mm: I?lt??h the: Licfund-zmt ?i?mmp 3mm {23!ch abaut and mumming pluimi?? a rcpurter f0:- [hc Enquirer, which were publisheti in an amide in an cditiain {Ecrcoi which is annexed hereto and incorpmaied by twain. to wit; ix Kiwi}? is (17 mu am! ma?a" (in Sim mm?! (u 539; mm ugz'paJP1'151m (as) Durmg the: 1:12;; evening of? jammy um. WEEK ?E?mmap gamma mumch pmim?ffl?fmm gmblic M3225 a? $143:? in Fioirim and {breed piain?f?f ham :1 bedroom mimigiug defendant'f; (mugging 1mm, wherein farc?bty kissed. timdled and mgirmnm ?nimi?? From Jeanna. :?zgnimt mu 3% dwpim piu?ntit?f?? {d3 Defaman things; g?ncmih m? ?mam? m; and se-xuai whims. delkn?anr engage-d in bizam: behavior towards plaintiff with depraved and rcckicss indif?i??mnm and far and in vioizaiicm of piaim?im cutmizm?mn? right to primary :md p11} 35:33 m; a 2mm: muf?n: 0:?er gm matsrs?tutimmi ugh: {madam f?mm Tarman Svengaihiype acts to and suifgcci gjiaimi?? campaigns-F "invelunmay scnimcks? as a siave" amiss? dnfun?am?s deranged, unawatrollabk: ?inst? subjugam women in gez'tcmi as "sex ebjcem? and constitmimm} righ? t0 muse} pt?emctim: 11m laws: mad mns?autiim af?mc 53mm whim: ggtzamnims a right ?rivacy 4 This! dusting 1hr: Gfiasuiary 9th 1993. 13m defendam 3.2543 became abusive in: mher mama assmcimed wili?t the "Calendar Giff? mmpetitien whc} were invited by ML mency as guesm, unhough Trump dimmed that any brad-a {swam be exclxawd, mm waxtz?lpmp?cit rhumric mefz: targms magma: {0 amp mun-m: in Magma: fvanka's Ramon: af?rm "Timmy; Tim dafcndam Trump aim samzz?y accosmd imam %It?ciiu. an invimd gum 0f ?sherman {imam Festival.? by sneaking into Evng Wimim'g mam at Man??i?:g? in prmism-n 11mm; 1hr {hi2 ?31? taking; Scum? zx?mutzigc {Eff} ?rilucpmg Many." A Ms. Petra-?g {make and inquired of {he Why in: was in her bed, A tearing; gmping ?I?mmp rcp?ed: ""r'au 3?63! ($9111 with mm 01: the ?rst date, Noxx' it?s ?ze 59mm dam and here I am?" {if} The (fa-Fmde Tnungtr?g Grandma 5n. Mandi x215; tan-mi: remark: 2:15:13 a mammgm digcr?mimxm?? animus bias tmvards {mange at? met-<2 and calm". if) Thai. the unmicming *?eutmgem? acts and of against ?me-mm rape" of plaixau??'by virtue Qfd?fi?lidsmi'? tzz-xcazasiz?g; {main 3m! 5333;513:2411 minim! waif plumaiff um: at? ?mr. Rama and cmumnit ia-xtimi-cmi?m pkzimiff?us a "5:23; magma? fur the purpew sexual pen-'ersiung. On 0r 3mm mnmuy i?th. I993: plaintiff mummd {Scfendam?s (elephant: c3]! regarding the mamas {:33an only again magma. ?einmining because {2i?9k1i?ii??5 swim; z; mama, ihf?n?m? ?f?nmm mm mm he: "wi?iw? 32;: was curlw 11;) in bed" with paaimif?fl q-mzr?cd plaint?i?fcm the gubjm?. {11' wimi piaimi? "was Eikc in bad? and 13131 prlaimi?? slam with defendant. pfaimi?? wmxid i322:- zm awakenw wmnan?, rim; "was; the bait [may mum ever have? mad dcmm?adcd this: pfuimi?? "chm! m: 0f? (11? ?tmui January Hith? i393. defendant Trump agai? engag?d in denmzming sexual slurs in an ammpt to down piaimi??s rcsisienzc and bend piaimi?? dc?zndant?s Mi? :0 mm}: ?fm?nm?? 5mm: dwiands that {gimmiin engage. in Mai: d?i?cndam Magma: In?dc?imdimt?s Mia?th ?imam: arc: mm: *?wx {Em-Era? .. . 2 J. 41? ?i?hm on m? awn: jammy at" ?533 defenan Trump thisgc? dcfamaimy wards al.3012in canccming pfaimi??io High Smiciy Magazine. 3 pam Wigwam: aha: pubEi5hed said false wards rm articic aim-axed harm and by reference ham"; ?it: "d0 warming :0 gm? mm ugwg?umn?? 42. That cm 01? abort: chmnim 24m WW. {he dcibndam spake defamatmy wards 9f, abam and anuccming man-am in :2 {I?hiif? amt?: arm: ma?a-2m} ?lm Pearl Siz?wL New Yam iiH?h?if?C} Jar}: Gamma; which wm: heard by :m aadimwc 0f waim?ag tiger an piaimiffazm {113%qu i??s hus?nd George Manama): 1c: wit: ?Z'Slfw was a great {1?62" ?fad?s? Tim: an .6:me Minna 244:], ?99? in a mum at the federal murmme Fiji?! filmeL Maw ?Ycz?uk. 1m: Trump spagc {31m defmnawry wards: mi". about zmci mnecming piaimi??. {0 Wit: "Avie-pi with ixfm "fun! 135m" wry {5313;sz in film!? 44, That (in: words; campiaizmd smk?n by defendant aha-u: and plaintiff; bemusc ofdefcndam?s kriuwiedge :31? she-:- misity were intention-3E3; wish actual mat-ice of mwards piaimi?: were span-km with u?cr and rcckEcgs tbs; muh Fairway Emma: that: mama? ?14 am unahzmc wanmn. is (301131113105 gm and actimuxi?c without (31? ma?a: er picading a? apeciaf damages. has never sicpi with the defendant Thug}. had. Sm mm m: dafendam Tran-11p nor 1mm: intimate with iin dab-mam Truman except as dcm?tmd in was. mmg?aim with defendant. ?Train;th ?magni?ed "Hm?kil ram? :33? phl?r?i?'m? mj?cctw ?53:23:23! advanm??. 45. Thai :35 dimci and pmximmc remit m" defendant?s mm wards M. {1mm and cencmaing plaintiff: ermtimml and meats! trauma, physicai pain and aim-TE??ng stigma and has been irreparamy injured in he: gum} mama 5115mm. busiwss mmtmiun. 532nm and 36(23sz and him lam 11m mtg-2am and {:25sz has? ?-mndg. bu?iit?ff? assmimeS and {he pubiic generally pluimi??s damage in (til: 46. That as a dirccl and remit af 33m- ?lm; muiic?am defamatory pzablicmion 0f piainiiff. ptuintil?f {Emu injux?cd in her bu?aitsc?x, mpu?z??mr nnfmirmmat affizmm gaming mmuiig. su?hrcd 1:352; uf?hur huggincgg and ciiunl rclaunnshipa loss and ?1160;sz and less 913" the: ability in dm'eiagm new busi??ss :0 platimi??s damage in the sum :31? $56} A53 mm A {?f?ij?ii Ri?if? WAGNER (Fiaimiff i.m=r3kc5 Ihc 9f" ms mun adjudicate state law claims} 47. Piaimi?" rcpmis and team: :25: all {he a?cgmiuns contaith in paragraphs 146 as if 5:2: ibnh fully and by Imam x-e?x?im :md i?xmhm? ailugu? as; ?hllam. 48. ?Tim: aim acts; and gamma; were so extreme: as in be?: cmmidcmd outmgmazs in character :0 a: as [0 go beyuud all m?s'ibfi: Munch 0f and to be regarded as atmcmus and 11mm intolerahic 2' :1 civilixm sensing?. 49. the mm: Mdufem?am mm crewman: as an astrimtimm iralm?aiimmi in?ictim ni?rzunmimtai dim-mm umn piainai?i which wag mama mm puma muld be: 22:: endum it Thai the acts and of dcfhazdanm were cmu?amous m?cr an extended grim! at" time and an": sumac: in the dear-Em: ef continuing ?xx-mag. 53:3 Tim-I a direct and pmxinmic 33:5 mad amt?isaz?zs; {35? (ki?gzi?mm cirmtienai mungcl?ug. and pmfii??imm] hail}. bca?mm: and mm?mmliy i?stwught sutTcr?d from frequent physical and depress-sign. suffered. anxiety attacks, nermuaness? siccpicss night; Evert: headaches and {?ame ??mmbim some at :31? at? which {may be mmuutwa piaimii'i?g (Ma-mug: is; Um sun-1 4136;? $1 That as a dircci and proximate rz::5zz?t at? acts and minus afdefcmismts, piainai?? su?hred spa-cm: mammal damages. mending brief bagpimiizmion. emimmcd 10- be in the sum (31? L531?31m Airs; FUR A (231133515 (31" amzm TRUMP. R1813 {'PIaimifT im?okcs {he madam jurisd?ciien of the mutt it) ac?udicaic state km" claims}- 52, and maifcgges {ha aliegzttions in 1?5: as if 54:: farm fully and E?mmuumd by; re?nance herein and {Lmiwr :alicgm; :15 mums. 57?. Thai defendants by virtue their mg and awnings as 5:2: forth imrcin in :2 mnspiracy againsi plaintiff. ?amed the and Rigging Last; Smiinn 413-3. the Static of New Yarkf Hu: cor-amian and civii ?ghts laws m; Stan: J?iunda and 311:: and cwii right? 13% of size 5:31;: NW 54. Thai :35 a direct and pmximati?: result {)Hhu acts and swans {3f ?mnagcs u) be daemaimzd its; a jury after: trial 535 AM) FEDR A SIXTH ?i'i?i?fi ?iilrii?ij?f?"? I 55,. Plaimiff and rca?cgcz: a? th: allagau?ms containcd in LE4 35 if?sm Rm}: ?aiiy ant} by raf?mnw herein vcrbatim and mans: aliech as mama's. Thai ?ai?cndam Tnmip by ?ring mm; and actions as are form hcmin has exhibiicd diaszg?zmusiy pi'eclivity {by violmwc {mg-22mg and abusm of women. which included {315: "scxuai assaults," rape? and "5::me {31? piamiifi: as; m; ?ank and herein, That {i-ci?iimtm repmsums a math? prawn. future am} Cn?niszm? manger 10 gamma: and in pariicuiar 11mm: women ?m?oh'ed in beauty pageams. such American [imam Famimi?g ?Caienqiar Girl? and and ?E?acn 58, Tbs; duf?cndam Trump is :2 Gwen-mt Gill-1c: af?rm-maximum "Mia?s and "Miss "few with the 85 Tekvisian N?tu'm'k. wrath is Qty:ch by Eicmr?c {Tammany 0f ?nsburgh, E33. 523%}, 1""me 11w panama" Max:515 111.3: 5: fi??if??iit?img; (girder cum 355mm this, <1?ik?d4mt min-mid Trump. pmhihizmg anti Ea?ljnira?ng any gamma! mama: 9r fawn-semen: with any past. BIQSEIH or mime ?zmalc ccntesazim aha: "Calendar Girl" campcticmu {he Bream Fesaivai. and (likewise {whit-siting: and cnjc?mag 4mg: mrmnal mums: ?n?ah?fjlt?zcm wiih my other Maury Wigwam invafmsg ?mam and "Miss Teen as: prawn: irreparabie ham and mqu is: women by mm?r'ian ()fdufcndam?s class-busm invidiuus discriminazery acts and anions against ?amen. which are. inicnd?d sub?ugatc femai?c x-iciirazx theme!" in ?gamut mm" or depriwkiiw a. {midamznmi ring it} primay, tam-ma! and playis?cai 51.33}: 2:03;; and zt?iimm 0f?deihudam managed as threatening ?0 unath Wilma! this {bur-1?s interwmiem wading (imixian by this 63mm 33 to. whcihcr permanent injunc?vc rciicf? may be granted in ?6!er of pizzimiif to Enter against defendant Wl-ii?f??fr??iiq ?at: plgx??ii?m?quem? {Em mm {mm ammi gm; ibil?ewitag ram} injunclivc mliai?w pmimil?f?, (3) CAUSE OF SECQEQD CAUSE OF {it} CAUSE: CAESAR CAUSE OF ACTIQN in an amman to ix: (ic?tem?md by a 1qu after trim? $131151?! RELEHF ?jg: Award dz: 121;:ch ilg?i??i defezzdams far cgmgimxs, miif'ui, nmiicious ages and {mums designed to inicmicmaiiy ia?ic: injury 1,0 in her business. business mputatmm pagan, psarmmiity and, mama}? in a sum to ix: dam-mined by gm: jury szigrd :??amnzahlc {ms and Mg?:th in NH: p?iniifi? ixiugtgih?tr with when mint!" and. mm: :33 1115:: Court; may (1mm 331mm,. APREL 12$! Wt}? JILL mam 33%: r'x I Dat?d: UNITED CQURT $531} fl?sz? HI QTEQI CT EW 3? wh?-wn?uww a and?aw JILL EARTH HQURANEY Plaintiff,' QXSEISSAL FRQP ?lfajl Mmf?w - - a 5/ 5,5? ?iwie Bowman J. Emmy, mm {913% ROGER WAGEER, 1 Dmfen??nt?. Plaintiff, Jill Earth ?gurauay, purgnant to Fadwral Eula FRCP ?my 41(a} ?m?g ?@1U3t?fily ?i?mia? ?ne @mtitled &Ctia?, voiantarily dismissal is withmu? prejudice?E5llq?arkh Hmhra?ay Emma Ratmn, Flerida w? a? 5 mm szg?mh? Egg(F.