All redactions in this document are taken pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(6) and (b)(7)(C), unless otherwise noted in the margin. Office of Inspector General - Investigations U.S. Department of Homeland Security He Se MEMORANDUM OF ACTIVITY Type of Activity: Case fuitiation Case Number: I13-USSS-DVR-OOXXX ~ SAUSSS Case Title: _ Denver, CO ,' ' On October 12, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Inspector General , Special Agent (SA), U.S . Secret Service (OIG), Denver, Colorado, discovered that"WP!11S1? (USSS), Denveri Colorado, attempted to import through the U.S. mail a quantity of gammabutyrolactone, also known as GBL, at the John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Allport, New York, New York. Additionally, SA!WfoN'R allegedly utilizes the GBL to seduce and molest young males under 18 years of age. On October 12, 2012, , SA, DHS OIG, Denver, Colorado.• conducted a name review of SAl~fo!J'U' in TECS, a DHS law enforcement database. SA!IPBWW discovered that on October 24, 2011 , the Customs and Border Protection (CBP), international maih-oom at JFK examined a package containing approximatelyim grams of a colorless liquid. Upon fo1ther review by the CBP Officers, they determined that the liquid was identified as gamma-butyrlactone, also known as GBL, a List 1 chemical, a controlled substance. [Agent's Note: GBL is a List 1 controlled chemical, a precursor to gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), and is considered a controlled substance m1der Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. GBUGHB is used as a recreational drug and is linked to chug assisted sexual assaults.] (bt (0) (bl (7 )(C) The package originated fromefiJtt"R and addressed to- - - at As a result of this seizure, SAKaff""?S' was of record in TECS, as the recipient of this package at the said adch·ess. On October 13, 2012, SA!tf'!!'Pn: assisted the DRS OIG Washington Field Office (WFO) in connection with an investigation of SA"ff!,!t!PP whose post of duty was Denver, Colorado. SA IO OPP" was suspected of child molestation and sexual misconduct with a juvenile male, who SA lb) (61 (bl (7)fCl . SAl!i!"!llP" is also suspected of providing GHB and alcohol to juvenile males. WFO advised SA l£M!l1!8' that SA[l81"!f!P was or had lb) 15) (bl (7/(C) and HPU!1f!1 I known as in Colorado, specifically the I fb/10) 1b)f7)(C) . , Special Agent 12/3n o12 ~ .. • 4c ' L . - ~ · ~ : . . . - ... _ . ,.: ~~ .r • _,.-_, n~ --, , ~ (bl 17l1C) Title, Signature, and Date: , Acting Special Agent in Charge IMPORTANT NOTICE _,_ _,..---. '""C TT<:" r" CC:"'l ,.., L ~ ., " ·-- INV FOR.\i-09 ~6) Revie~ing Official Name, Name, Title, Signature, and Date: -· - (b) Page 1 of2 .. -· .. ~~ ,.. . ~ .r . . ..._ .- ~ . J . . -· -- _ --.. .. ;.. .r r Item #: RIP RIP ;_ All redactions in this document are taken pursuant to FOIA exemptions (b)(6) and (b)(7)(C), unless otherwise noted in the margin. MEMORANDUM OF ACTIVITY On October 17, 2012, the WFO interviewed SAif.!fp• at the WFO. SA"'!f'" stated that he had slept with one of his juvenile named, , at his home in tb) t6) (bl \7itCI . However, SA i~fo=• claimed that nothing sexual happened. Subsequently, SAIRWT"U' resigned his employment with USSS. However, within a few weeks after his resignation, he withdrew his resignation and the USSS reinstated SA"U'"!!'P'W" employment; he was placed on administrative leave. On October 30, 2012, the DHS OIG Dallas Field Officeinterviewed"11!o!!!P!' During the interview, said the interview was probably about '1 !MB'W referencing to SA"P'ZfB!B' When asked if he had spoken to SA"U'"ZR!P he did not want to coll1lllent. f\.l!'P"Wsaid he had been to SA"!!!o!I!!'"" home on numerous occasions. UU''?'S! said that on three occasions, he spent the night at SA Uf!fp•home, but he slept alone on the couch. According to'™'?Mi1'he never had any kind sexual contact with SA !@floM!1 When asked about the GHB, fSo!f!P' said it was the "date rnpe chug," but did not want to comment more about it when asked more probing questions. "1W!f1ffl!1 said he did see SA"W"!''t mixing and SA (bl (61 lb> drank it, but did not know if anyone else did too. "Mn''' ! (7~C) lbJ (6l !b) (7)(C) On or about November 9, 2012, SA!f''!'P contacted the- - County Sheriff's Office . CSO), , to apprise them the information, in the event the sheriff's office received any reports or complaints about SA"U';fM'R misconduct. I CSO has jurisdiction ove1· SA"W'!''' residential and'fo!D'S' areas of concern. 1 cso notified SA!t!l!o!T that. CSO would be initiating an investigation into this information in order to determine if SA'ffZ'UPI! cormnitted any crimes. (b) (6) fO)l7)(CI On December 4, 2012, SAIRWT!IU' met with order to collaborate in this investigation. 1NV FORM--09 (bJ (ell (bl r7)1C) 1 cso D etective, to discuss the case in Page2 of2 RIP