14-2-51133-0 UHD IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF FRANKLIN ORIGINAL FILED JAMES ANDERSON, AUG -3 2015 NO- 14'2'51133'0 MICHAEL J. KILLIAN Plaintiff, FRANKLIN county CLERK SPECIAL VERDICT FORM VS. SCOTT HAYLES, LORI HAYLES, the marital community of SCOTT HAYLES and LORI and their minor children MATTHEW HAYLES, NATHAN HAYLES, and ANDREW Defendants. We, the jury, answer the questions submitted by the court as follows: seem: Were one or more of the Defendants negligent, and thereby proximately caused damage to plaintiff? ANSWER: (Write ?yes? or QUESTION 2: Was there a conversion of property committed by any of the defendants that proximately caused damage to plaintiff? ANSWER: 4&5 (Write "yes" or W: Was there a fraud committed by any of the defendants that proximately caused damage to plaintiff? ANSWER: ad (Write ?yes? or QUESTION 4: (Direction: Answer this question only if you answered ?yes? to either Question 1, Question 2 or Question 3.) What is the amount of the plaintiff?s damages for veterinary bills, mileage. loss of use and intrinsic value? {/7531 QUESTION 5: (Direction: Answer this question oniy if you answered ?yes? to either Question 2 or Question 3.) What is the amount of the plaintiff?s damages for emotional distress? ANSWER: c000? (32? QUESTION 6: (Direction: Answer this question oniy if you answered ?yes? to Question 1.) Was there negligence by the plaintiff that was a proximate cause of the damage to the plaintiff? ANSWER: {1&5 (Write ?yes? or it you answered ?no? to Question 6 or did not answer Question 6, sign this verdict form. it you answered ?yes? to Question 6, answer Question 7.) QUESTION T: Assume that 100% represents the total combined negligence that proximately caused the plaintiff's damage. What percentage of the negligence is attributable to the plaintiff? ANSWER: (>269 ?r6 Sign this verdict form and notify the DATE: Presiding Juror