TOP FD NZ THIS INFORMATION IS DERIVED FROM FAA COLLECTION UNDER FAA FOREIGN GOVERNMENT CERT THIS IS PROVIDED FOR INTELLIGENCE PURPOSES IN AN EFFORT TO POTENTIAL LEADS. BE USED IN AFFIDAVITS, COURT PROCEEDINGS OR SUEIPOENASJ OR FOR OTHER LEGAL OR JUDICIAL PURPOSES. MT Statement period From BEIGE-F12 to 24M?f12 limit Auslralia Your avallahl-E: credit Your annual interest rate BECOU Opening Balance Credits Debits Closing Balance Overdue Current Due Date 131' Data Card Trarmamian Used Tran?acll?? Details: Cftli?lit Debit 25:13-15:12 215106.112 Retro: Esme-53? Hanger: 1? DD 12 uxcawnrm maunmm rm 52:} an BEMEHE ENDEMZ Slay-way Auckland 3413 DD 12 2111:1151?? "mumm?'m?cm 520.012} 27106.11 2 Super Liquor Pl Cheval P1 Chevalier 523.99 26:06:12 ZWDEHZ Countdown P1 Che-val Aucktand M21 5513.20 25.115! 1 2 ENDEHE {minimal-ED L1H: c?nmrm Pupil [muin'EED us'cawn'rm wanna 2 2 Aur NZ Onllne Auckland 5 1 TSDD 21m1 2 26:05:12 Awpl Auckland $24.35 2 23mm: 2 Awpl Auckland $5.00 2311313?: 29.106112 Na 1 Shoes Palm Palm Norm 539.99 23-115?: 29105112 No Palm Palm Nam '93 23:05:12 29:06:12 new Werld Emadway Palmerston HT 535 53 234116312 291015? 2 Rebel Palrnerstun Palmerston MT 5205 99 TOP Ti"! USA. HZ