RESTRICTED North SCOTLAND Keeping people safe LANARKSHIRE MULTIAGENCY STRATEGY GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 Lanarkshire RESTRICTED FOREWORD As Chair of the Multiagency Strategy Group. it gives me great pleasure to present our first annual report covering activity for the 2014/15 period. - The Lanarkshire partnership has grown in both membership and strength over the past year and I believe we can be proud of what has been achieved by a quarterly meeting in such a short space of time. A solid foundation is the basis for any effective partnership and so we intentionally devoted a large part of our time this year towards careful consideration of our governance structures, membership vetting, and information security. Despite this, I am proud that we still managed to innovate and develop new practice in tackling organised crime and terrorism. including some examples of joint working that have now been identified as best practice nationally. There is no doubt that each of the Lanarkshire partners around the table are facing increasingly challenging times in terms of budgets and resources, however each of our organisations also have ongoing responsibilities to tackle national, regional and local objectives. it Is in this area that I see real strength in the coming year as we focus on joint objectives; pool our resources and ultimately, I would hopeI develop joint reporting against our shared responsibilities in relation to Serious Organised Crime and Counter Terrorism. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the organisations represented In the Lanarkshire partnership for their commitment and I look forward to working with you all In the coming year. Chair Lanarkshire Muttiagency Strategy Group RESTRICTED 2 BACKGROUND In 2004 the UK Government produced the first revised Version of a strategy to tackle counter terrorism (CT) Issues on a national scale entitled ?Contest?. This document was followed In 2009 when the Scottish Government produced a national strategy for tackling Serious Organised Crime (800) in Scotland entitled "Letting Our Communities Flourish". Both documents Identify the key issues facing the UK, Scotland and our local communities by raising awareness of emerging threats and identifying the methodology by which Scotland's various regulatory bodies can tackle these issues head on. These strategy documents Identified key work streams which are commonly referred to as the ?4Ds? and which are explained below; nter Terrorism Prevent - To stop people becoming terrorists or supporting violent extremism. Protect To reduce the of the UK and our interests overseas to a terrorist attack Prepare To mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack. Pursue To detect those involved in the commission preparation or Instigaticn of acts of terrorism. Within Lanarkshire, both strategies play an integral role in directing the work being carried out by a range of agencies that all have In these areas. As a result, a Lanarkshire Muliiagency Strategy Group (hereafter referred to as the Multiagency Group) was established to bring together these key partners, to coordinate resources and eliminate duplication of effort. RESTRICTED 3 RESTRICTED INITIAL DEVELOPMENT The Multiagenoy Strategy group first met on the 14'h February 2014 and brought together a range of partner agencies to explore how could best respond to the national strategies (see the 2014/15 membership at Appendix A). The Mattiagency Group initially consisted of representatives from Local Authorities, Scottish Fire 84 Rescue, NHS Lanarkshire as wait as Police Scotland who took on the role of Chair for the initial meetings. The first steps taken by this group consisted of ensuring that a robust governanCe structure was in place Including work on Information security, information sharing Protocols (lSPs) and that the group membership was re?ective of the needs of the group and its agenda. The vetting of representatives around the table was an early issue tackled to ensure that each organisation had confidence In sharing intelligence and other sensitive Information. Meetings were scheduled to occur on a quarterly basis to mirror and align with nationat structures already in place. As the Multiagency Group has matured, the role of Chair has now passed on to senior representatives from Lanarkshire?s two Local Authorities who hold this position on a rotational basis. RESTRICTED 4 RESTRICTED STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES it was quickly identified by the Muitiagenoy Group that there were a number of demands placed upon each partner in relation to the recording and reporting of activity to our respective regulatory bodies. This included returns expected by the Police Scotland National SOCICT Board as well as SOLACE requirements from Local Authorities. Many of these areas overlapped and it was felt that by identifying a set of common local strategic objectives, based on national requirements, the entire Mutilagenoy Group could benefit by reporting together on the relevant activity being carried out. Following consultation. the following objectives were agreed which will be updated and carried forward into the 2015/16 reporting period. COUNTER TERRORISM OBJECTIVES 2014I2015 i. We will obtain and share intelligence on those individuals/groups involved in Terrorism which contributes to the partnership approach. (Pursue) 2. We will actively promote WRAP I ACT NOW Counter Terrorism training within each organisation (Prevent, Protect and Prepare) 3. We will work together to contribute towards the nationally agreed CT implementation Plan. (Protect and Prepare) These objectives have provided a focus for the group which, in the short space of a year, has made progress on each area identified, including: RESTRICTED 5 CT Objectives An ISP has been developed and each of the Multiagency Pursue leads has been vetted to 80 level. Checks have also been carried out on information storage procedures. All partners were consulted about the recording of inteliigenoe leading to an agreement that a common reporting document should be used for information sharing. The basis for this will be the Scottish Fire Rescue Services' "Community Information Report? (CIR) which they have developed to encourage their staff to report back on any concerns they may encounter which will be shared with Police Scotland. This style of reporting has already been established in some partner agencies and work is continuing to have this in place within each organisation's intranet pages to encourage all staff members to play their part in reporting concerns. Prevent was identified quickly as a tangible multiagency strategic?priority (raising awareness within our communities of Terrorism and protecting the vulnerabie). As a result. numerous short term working groups were formed'to identify the best approach for the irnpiernentation of the Home Office based products and Engagement was immediate as the Scottish Fire Rescue Service ran CT awareness and home made explosive courses for every fire?fighter within Lanarkshire. SLC Education resources created and piloted a bespoke CT security module for secondary schools (modern studies) addressing the importance of engagement with students as young as 12. .. RESTRICTED 6 RESTRICTED The CT implementation plan was oirouiated to all partners. This plan is driven nationally at Ministerial level and was devised as guidance for all agencies identifying each partner's area of responsibility. One of the joint areas of responsibility in this plan is being coordinated by the pan "Contingency Planning" group who have taken on the responsibility of running Area Gained Under Simulation (ARGUS) training courses promoting the Protect and Prepare across This has allowed the sharing and implementation of best practice across a range of public and private sector organisations. This is increasing to night time economy training and it is envisioned the group will hold 8 sessions per annum within Lanarkshire. RESTRICTED 7 RESTRICTED ACHIEVEMENTS During the 2014/15 reporting period the initial work of the Multiagency Group concentrated on setting up structures and processes. Horareyerl even during these formative stages, a number of successes, including the Identification of national best practice has been?aohieved. Indeed, in addition to Innovating and deveIOplng best practice, the group has always sought to adopt proven work from other Multiagency Groups to ensure is best placed to succeed. Some key highlights of the 2014/15 period Include: CT Training Programmes In line with the Prevent work stream of the Contest Strategy, all partners represented at the Multiagency Group committed to awareness training for their frontitne staff. This has been included in the Single Outcome Agreements which have now been signed off with the Local Authorities who are committed to facilitating a minimum of 12 Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent CT training programmes. This includes Education who have taken on the New" product designed for 14- 16 year olds. NHS is currently developing its own CT training procedures which Police Scotland are assisting with as required. Appointment of 4D I 4P Leads The Muiliagenoy Group has taken steps towards Identifying lead officers within each organisation to drive each of the 4DI4P work streams at a local level. This work ensured that the group was ready to respond to national strategy documents outlining this as good practice, for example the recent NHS ?Playing Our Part" Prevent strategy. Police Scotland has played a supporting role for each partner agency to ensure that the appropriate people are identified. These leads will then play a key role In liaising with Police Division?s own leads to ensure a fully coordinated response. 8 RESTRICTED Senior Management Briefings Lanarkshire Police Division has delivered briefings on issues to partner agencies at their Heads of Service meetings to increase awareness of the 4DI4P work streams and tailoring these presentations to make them relevant to the partner's areas of work. This includes both Local Authorities and the Scottish Fire 8: Rescue service. The intention is to have this information cascaded via these senior managers to their own staff and departments to better support activities. Improved intelligence Recording Counter Terrorism All counter terrorism intelligence across Scotland is recorded on the Scottish intelligence Database (SID) under the heading Following briefings arranged at the Muitiagency Group for partners, Lanar Ire 0 rec Division has seen an increase in reporting from partner agencies. RESTRICTED 9 RESTRICTED THE FUTURE Now that the Multiagency Group has evolved and developed a solid foundation for going forward. there are key areas that the group intend to address in the coming year including the identification of new members as and when required. There is no doubt that the SOCICT landscape is a rapidly evolving and changeable environment and the Multiagenoy group must ensure that all partners are ready to adapt and respond to these emerging threats. The recent trend of increasing threat levels demonstrates the importance of this work and our abilityto share Information quickly, confidently and effectively to protect communities from harm. Some key areas of Work for the 2015MB period include: 4DI4P Leads The identification of leads from each organisation for each of the SOCICT work greatly Improve coordination of activity across Lanarkshire. This is ongoing Work-as partners determine the best person(s)ldepartment(s) for each area. Pan Lanarkshire CT implementation Plan Following the creation of a national CT PlanI Lanarkshire is taking the first steps towards tailoring the high level actions contained in the national report into a working document that is relevant and achievable for local partners. This will include all of the 4P Work streams and will be a significant piece of work involving all partners requiring a strong commitment to tackle those areas they can contribute to. All partners have been tasked with identifying areas relevant to them within the national CT plan which will provide the basis for a local CT mulliagenoy plan. This work includes contact being made with military reservists within the Division in relation to .CT awareness training and assisting them to target harden their premises. Bespoke CT Exercise Police Division is piloting a CT tabletop exercise to test the resilience of CT planning within Police Scotland. This is the first such exercise of its kind and will be assessed in relation to effectiveness and rolled out to partners if deemed a success: The exercise will present a real life scenario and task participants with providing an adequate response to the scenario in real time. New Legislation it is anticipated that-the new Terrorism and Security Act 2015 will have an Impact upon all of Lanarkshire's partner agencies. This new legislation will place statutory RESTRICTED 10 RESTRICTED obligations on organisations and the Multiagency group is looking at how we can support one another and plan ourjolnt response. . RESTRICTED RESTRICTED RESTRICTED