FILED + April 15. 2004 PETER C. HARVEY ATTORNEY G E N E W OF NEW JERSEY Division of Law 124 Halsey Street Newark, New Jersey 07301 (973) 648- 7457 3y: .- Megan K. Matthews Deputy Attorney General STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISIOH OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS IN THE MATTER OF THE LICENSE : Administ r a t i v e Action Alfredo -ai=, M.D. License No.MR032552 -8EHT ORDER TO PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SURGERY : IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY This matter was opened to t h e New Jersey State Board Of Medical Examiners ("Board") upon the filing of a Complaint on January 1$, 2003, by David Samson, former A t t o r n e y General, of New Jersey, by Megap K. Matthewa, Deputy Attorney General, Said complaint arose o u t of t h e care and treatment rendered to patient O.B. by Respondent, Dr. Alfredo Garcia on or about August 25, 2000 and a l l e g e s t h e examination of 0 . B . presence o€ a third p a r t y and was was conducted without the medically inappropriate. Respondent f i l e d an Answer to the charges in which ha admitted that t h e r e was no chaperone present d u r i n g O.B.'s exam, Respondent denied t h e balance of the charges. The matter was transferred to the OAL and the hearing date in this matter was scheduled f o r March 15, 2004. , In February 2004, t h e Board was apprised of i n f o m a t i o n from the Paterson Police Department that. on or about February 5, 2004, Respondent conducted a physical examination of female patient A . P . without a chaperone present and t h a t A . P . alleged that Dr. Garcia conducted a medically inappropriate examination. The 3 o a s d f s Eecouds herein d i s c l o s e that Respnndent's license to practice medicine was previously limited pursuant to a Consent Order f i h d by the Board on May 19, 1989. Respondent agreed to have a t h i r d person present during a l l examinations of fernale patients whether performed in his office or elsewhere, Respondent never sought and was never granted relief from t h e provisions of t h i s Consent Order and thus the limitation was in e f f e c t at the time Respondent examined both 0.8, and A,P, The Board finds that Respondent's instances violation of of the conduct constitutes two 1989 Consent Order requiring Reepmdant to have a chaperone duxing t h e examination of any female patient and, therefore, violations of t h e Duty to Cooperate regulation pursuant t o f l . J,A. C. 13: 44C- 1.4 and u. J . S . A . . 45: 1-21 ( e ) The parties b e i n g desirous. of resolving t h i s matter without f u r t h e r formal proceedings, and the Board having determined that the w i t h i n disposition i s adequately protective of the public health, safety and welfare and Respondent :xej being desirous of avoiding .formal proceeding6 herein, and good cause t h e r e f o r e e x i s t i n g f o r the e n t r y of this Order, it is ON THIS 'b- cG DAY OF 2004 HEREBY.ORDERED AND AGREED THAT: 1. Respondent Alfrsdo Garcia, l 4 . D . ' ~ license to practice medicine in t h e State of N e w Jersey is hereby suspended for two years e f f e c t i v e upon t h e entry date of t h e within Order. Two separate periods of active suspension, each lasting 75 days, shall cmunence on May 15, 2004 and no l a t e r than January 15, 2005. The remaining periods of suspension s h a l l be stayed and served as periods of probation, 2. Respondent will immediately cease and desist fmm examining female patients without the presence of an authorized t h i r d party. Respondent shall have a chaperons present during the examination of any female patient, regardless of location. 3. Respondent shall provide t h e names of all chaperones he i n t e n d s to use to the Board nf Medical Examiners. p r e s e n t d u r i n g any examination The chaperone of a female p a t i e n t shall i n i t i a l the p a t i e n t chart to certify presence during t h e exam. Respondent acknowledges that the Board may demand to review any and all p a t i e n t charts to ensure a chaperone was p r e s e n t and initialed t h e chart. 4. Respondent shall, w i t h i n one year of the date of this Order, submit to an evaluation by a mental health professional who will prepare a r e p o r t to t h e Board and make :XPJ recommendations regarding Respondent's continued safe practice of medicine. forth by t h e Respondent shall follow the recommendations s e t evaluator. Dr. Garcia s h a l l provide the names of three evaluators for Board approval p r i o r to undergoing evaluation. 5. Respondent shall pay civil penalties in t h e amount of $2500 within s i x months of t h e date of e n t r y of t h i s Order. 6. Within seven days o f entry of t h e w i t h i n Order, the Attorney General shall provide documentation of the attorney fees, investigatfve costs, expert fees and transcript custs i n c u r r e d in the w i t h i n matter. Upon submission of said documentation by the Attorney General, Respondent shall pay t h e costa i n c u r r e d by t h e Board of Medical Examiners including the m a t s of investigation, expert review, attorneys fees and transcripts within six {6) months o€ t h e date o f t h i s Order, The Board reserves the right to file a certificate of debt in the event payment in f u l l is not received. 7. Respondent s h a l l , w i t h i n on8 year f o l l o w i n g entry of t h i s Order, take and successfully complete an e t h i c s course approved in advance by the Board. sessions were attended, Successful completion means that a l l all assignments were properly and apprOpriatCdy completed, and a passing grade was achieved which vas unconditional and w i t h o u t reservations, Respondent shall suhmit proof of successful completion of said course-work to t h e Board within one year hereof. 8. Respondent s h a l l comply with t h e "Directives Applicable to Any Medical Board Licensee who is Disciplined or Whose Surrender of Licensure ha6 been Accepted” which is attached hereto and made a p a r t hereof. 9, The Consent Order shall c o n s t i t u t e a full and final r e s o l u t i o n of the allegations raised to the Board by 0.3* and A . P . and which were and could have been raised in t h e Complaint, subject only to enforcement of t h e terms contained in this Consent Ordet. NEW JERSEY STATE BOARE OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS By : a Wallbce, M. D. Board President 1 have read and understood t h e within Consent Order and agree to be bound by its term3, Consent is hereby given to the Board to e n t e r this Order. I: hereby acknowledge that I have sead and consent to DIRECTIVES APPLICABLE TO ANY MEDICAL BOARD LICENSEE WHO IS DtSClPUNED OR WHOSE SURRENDER O f UCENSURE HAS BEEN ACCEPTED APPROVED BY THE BOARD ON MAY 10,2000 All licensees who are the subject of a disciplinary order of the Board are required to provide the information required on the addendum to these directives. The information provided will be maintained separately and Will not be part ofthe public document filed with the Board. Failure to provide the information required may result in further disciplinary action for failing to mperate with the Board, as required by N.J.A.C. 13:45C-1 et sea. Paragraphs 1 through 4 below shall apply when a license is suspended or revoked or permanentlysurrendered, with or without prejudice. Paragraph5 appliesto licenseeswho are the subject of an order which, while permitting continued practice, contains a probation or monitoring requirement. 1. Document Return and Agency Notification The licensee shall promptly forward to the Board office at Post Office Box 183, 140 East Front Street, 2nd floor., Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0183, the original license, current biennial registration and, if applicable, the original CDS registration. In addition, if the licensee hotds a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)registration, he or she shall promptly advise the DEA of the licensure action. (With respect to suspensions of a finite term, at the conclusion of the term, the licensee may contact the Board office for the return of the documents previously surrenderedto the Board. In addition, at the conclusion of the term, the licensee should contact the DEA to advise of the resumption of practice and to ascertain the impact of that change upon hidher DEA registration.) 2. Practice Cessation The licenseeshall cease and desist from engaging in the practice of medicine in this State. This prohibition not only bars a licensee from rendering professional services, but also from providing an opinion as to professional practice or its application, or representing himlhersetf as being eligible to practice. (Atthough the licensee need not affirmatively advise patients or others of the revocation, suspension or surrender, the licensee must truthfully disclose hisker licensure status in responseto inquiry.) The disciplined licensee is also prohibited from occupying, sharing or using office space in which another licensee provides health care services. The disciplined licensee may contra31Tor, accept payment from another licensee for or rent at fair market value off ice premises andlor equipment. In no case may the disciplined licensee authorize, allow or condone the-use of hisher provider number by any health care practice or any other licensee or health care provider. (In situations where the ticensee has been suspended for less than one year, the licensee may accept payment from another professional who is using hisher office during the period that the licensee is suspended, for the payment of salaries for off ice staff employed at the time of the 8oard action.) A licensee whose license has been revoked, suspended for one (1) year or more Or permanently surrendered must remove signs and take affirmative action to stop advertisements by which hidher eligibility to practice is represented. The licensee must also take steps to remove hIdh8r name from professional listings, telephone directories, professional stationery, or billings. Ifthe licensee's name is utilized in a group practice title, it shall be delated. Prescriptionpads bearingthe licensee's name shall be destroyed. A destruction report form obtained from the office of Drug Control (973-504-6558) must be filed. -Ifno other iicensee is providing servioes at the location, all medications must be removed and returned to the manufacturer, ifpossible, destroyed or safeguarded. (In situations where a license has been suspendd for less than one year, prescription pads and medicitions need not be destroyed but must be secured in a locked place for safekeeping.) - 3. Practice Income ProhifiitiondDiWStkuw of Equity Interest in Professional Service Corporations and Umited Uabllity Companies A licensee shall not charge, receive or share in any fee for professionalservices rendered by himherself or others while barred from engaging in the professional practice. The licensee may be compensated forthe reasonablevalue of sewices lawfully rendered and disbursements incurred on a patient's behalf prior to the effective date of the Board action. A licenseewho is a shareholder in a professional service corporation organized to engage in the professional practice, whose license is revoked, surrendered or suspended for a term of one (1) year or more shafl'be deemed to be disqualified from the practice within the meaning of the ProfessionalService Corporation Act. (N.J.S.A. 14A17-11). Adisqualified. licensee shall divest himherself of all financial interest in the professional senrice corporation pursuant to N.J.S.A. 14A:17-13(c). A licensee who is a member of a limited liability company organized pursuant to N.J.S.A. 42:l-44,shall divest himherself of all financial interest. Such divestiture shall occur within 90 days following the the entry of the Order renderingthe licensee disqualifiedto participate in the applicableform of ownership. Upon divestiture, a licensee shall forward to the Board a copy of documentation forwarded to the Secretary of State, Commercial Reporting Division, demonstrating that the interest has been terminated. If the licensee is the sole shareholder in a professional service corporation, the corporation must be dissolved within 90 days of the licensee's disqualification. 4. Medical Records If, as a result of the Board's action, a practice is closed or transferred to another location, the licensee shall ensure that during the three (3) month periodfollowing the effective date of the disciplinary order, a message will be delivered to patients calling the former office premises, advising where records may be obtained. The message should inform patients of the names and telephone numbers of the licensee (or hislher attorney) assuming custody of the records. The same information shall also be disseminated by means of a notice to be published at least once per month for three (3) months in a newspaperaf c- . A 0535536 ammo Gamma Mb THIS IS A NON DIS CIPLINARY ORDER PAULA T. DOW ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NEW JERSEY Division of Law 124 Halsey Street P.O. Box 45029 Newark, New Jersey 07101 o FILED JULY 13 By: 2010 NEW JERSEY STATE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Jeri L. Warhaftig. Deputy Attorney General (973) 648-7457 STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS STATE BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS IN THE MATTER OF THE SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF THE LICENSE OF o ALFREDO GARCIA. Mn License No. MA032552 Ad Action INTERIM CONSENT ORDER TO PRACTICE MEDICINE IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY This (the matter was " Board") opened to the State Board of Medical Examiners upon notice from the Office of the Bergen County advising the Board that criminal charges had been filed against Thereafter, Dr. Garci a in both B ergen and Passaic the Board was provided with the bail order of the countie s. Honorable Donald R. Venezia, J.S.C., filed September 22, 2009 in which he ordered that Dr. Garcia be "restrained from the practice of medicine until further ruling by the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners." That order was subsequently modified by the Court to permit Dr. Garcia to engage in certain activities for a brief period of time in order to effectuate the transition of patients who were undergoing critical treatment. CERTIFIED TRUE CO Dr. Garcia remains subject to the conditions of the bail order of Judge Venezia and has represented to the Board that he has not practiced medicine since entry of the bail order. Further, on or about Wednesday, June 2, 2010, the doctor was indicted in Bergen County on eighteen (18) counts of sexual assault and/or sexual contact of nine individuals. The Board recognizes that this is a criminal accusation against which Dr. Garcia has expressed his intention to mount a defense. In order to effectuate the terms of Judge Venezia's bail order, and to ensure the continued protection of the public health, safety and welfare, the Board deems it appropriate to enter the within non-disciplinary order. IT IS, therefore, on this -day of June, 2010, ORDERED that: 1. The license to practice medicine in the State of New Jersey issued to Alfredo Garcia M.D. is hereby deemed "inactive" and Dr. Garcia of medicine Examiners. shall pending continue further to cease and desist from order of the Board the of practice Medical 2. Dr. Garcia, if applicable, shall immediately surrender his New Jersey and Drug Enforcement Administration Controlled Dangerous Substance registrations to the appropriate entities. NEW MED By: Paul C. Mendelowitz, M.D. President I have read and understood the within Order an Utents. gree by its to be bound r Al fred ,, Dated: Dated: 7 I O