Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 1 of 18 FORM TO BE USED BY A PRISONER IN FILING A CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINT IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF (1) Lane? [Song [005440107 (Nam?e of Plaintiff) (Inmate Number) . (Address) 3 /7/2 (Name of Plaintiff) (Inmate Number) I (Case Number) (Address) (Each named party must be numbered, and all names must be printed or typed) vs. CIVIL COMPLAINT (?km?I FILED . 3 I (2) do CoSi'Ott SCRANTQN (3) 95W [or SEES I 2014 (Names of Defdndants) I PER (Each named party must be numbered, QE and all names must be printed or typed) TO BE FILED UNDER: 42 U.S.C. 1983 STATE OFFICIALS 28 U.S.C. 1331 - FEDERAL OFFICIALS I. PREVIOUS LAWSUITS A. If you have ?led any other lawsuits in federal court while a prisoner, please list the caption and case number including year, as well as the name of the judicial of?cer to whom it was assigned: :1 0? Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 2 of 18 II. EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES In order to proceed in federal court, you must fully exhaust any available administrative remedies as to each ground on which you request action. 1 A. Is there a prisoner grievance procedure available at your present institution? Yes No 1 B. Have you fully exhausted your available administrative remedies regarding each of your present claims? Yes No C. If your answer to is Yes: 1. What steps did you take? 2. What was the result? D. If your answer to is m, explain why not: DEFENDAN TS (1) Name of ?rst defendant: (jg-kt T1 CF CI UgrA . Employed as 0 at 5 Mailing address: '5 3 3 (2) Name of second efendant: 5 on Employed as (9 Mailing address: (3) Name of third defendant: . Employed as 50d] Mailing address: 0 I (List any additional defendants, their employment, an IV. STATEMENT OF CLAIM ddresses on extra sheets if necessary) (State here as brie?y as possible the facts of your case. Describe how each defendant is involved, including dates and places. Do not give any legal arguments or cite any cases or statutes. Attach no more than three extra sheets if necessaryJagle bgfs?y g?f? g4: St) at! H6 being Searcth and 35(ko its 43.5 gigging asked Ensign ?22213 be Firing Cg? Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 3 of 18 4/116) menial Walnut Je?igr Haj; axfglalnagl 4?0 (age. 2. LTL knqi?r? Vlolaalaj AmmAmemL REM: an Egg}: I.2 l. azng along u?lgl Mme. He. A23. 11 Cm Gym) la glam me. lo $634?- Ton?i? Ho reasont?LT. kmqu was "Mtg LT. over 5 0? 3. Crmalgarcl \Ja?egajregj W1 #Ame??me?i {7H0n gelng. 2012 We wamm tn 4445 Shower W144 - RELIEF (State brie?y exactly what you want the court to do for you. Make no legal arguments. Cite no cases or statutes.) 1. ammo. mm rapt/altar 62ml. +145. areal:an Plain-loll 0t ?Hui @1643 moi-j egal??wg Left-2M a: ill-(6 Umler Con ?84};450111 0"th DIES Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 4 of 18 II I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 45L . Signed this day of 20 . (Signature of Plaintiff) Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 5 of 18 13:1, Mada/#5 Cm?u? Name wk my fnh?ojeck Q3, thkn??l CA M?r?la?an m: (134955 (5m 0cm Mama; a5 ailme_ mung ca r655. t?mmw?me Name OQ SFWW In 3 . ?5.30 mc?ress ?g Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 6 of 18 or am Caqu?upiz 4M 3 meld 6129qu ?61058: :4 v?fl MU GEE4 wages aim-1M6. 7 . ta act/15' he; SW {$66 03m ?Jrolfr?la k: calf??t? Ae? ?Qof 1%an ?nL was?mc 33mm 4030 Lack 4o myccall?arj 4M Shad}: @gc?m?jvfm a C0013 he, Phase CQH 4446 MM :36 ?Caf New dCJ?Ei?wl?in +0ch We, #16} he. anic/ can? menial km . afar me, came, werrHyack 3(5ch my Cally: . ??wm Jr'olal 3F Coulclnige black. Ce? mm ?joka 0t #101 QSRC me; L34 3: Tago?xn 0.. back ?Lo EX: +0.14 maul M615 mi egg/y?er Ca? 190??: Fee?? ma; 55min 4ilen re.? 56 e4 ?50 x/qur ma]! 1 4,9146% {9,an I was. hair Mec?min \?tm.?r?z?er I See/l N?aercW??aslcE/m L145 \mj Lu?, ??gxuw j: 4km ~5rr3ac? exphninj my 6:404:94 4c. Q?C\396441r\9g64d?j: my E5 . 7 7 (ionikavalro ?566,056; *Hais is gawk/4M ?n?ormlfam omA Ms LGL mm 01th ml ?gskin?w mania I MM ,cmcl W44 1? lake, mdtb?na 9% (?If probe? . TL 461% 067345;an )we?r 30% 10qu 0mg $461,450 in) was {?61 an; Dec?? 91044504: Hm *Hmt??e \Jofw? 12f %e{were_ 90in lo kt? r46 H: El?n?L, \oack {ma?a Gel ??fogcr$?qh W45 neecl 4m 1( [Ami ?96Jmac,? I?ve/M WM mea Q?cl wake/3.1 $0457.16 3:69;? Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 7 of 18 IVSTATWENT 0F cum (1) 3 ?Wald; o?o @6314/1 never Ml Jim, on cam/1 j. me?kk 7?16. V1?er m?iin 94de "gof 7 . had 1x or OCc?as?n ULW 'Tmfeq4">49{ M49 4?66 SW Germ wyexci M25 QHCL 05k me was 1' . 3.01m 40 my ce?lh?azqose 094146 Marajrs 443$? ogu?oer T164640 week babe: 41653 align?L ans/oer Egg,? Seen it 96?? 4o Cit/1505f L?EM/l?wakd?d?l?gld 6% Civic; CM fian Us% at ehrhh/ ?Hk (Milo/l \m his Len 4 \Tme?hporA ?30de chi?me gatth 41/641 MS 50%} +0 ?Hat. milk Carla? (7?0 wa m; 40 Sec ani- WU Tlrb? Sim/(Ci MS. \m an; 004ka 044416, Iraqi/Life, skim Em ?Hid 5 Nam/13 @h M51144 Jae/4% 563?, Team qua? e, Shove! QS/?Car??gi M. 441013 cast i . . 62ij 36 re: NC 46 ?Mczce. ?01145 . 41% 30" Tee? L664 P16: {?cs?ch?n haw/ac 6&1 WM cw, mg- [or nee! 91454 ,t P: 5 00 m-In?lec? .WM 010?: MS ?32% an Mel/144 e?l?gof? N?j/ge L395 7 quocis WW 6 ?1sz ar 92? Z77 ?If. 9547844 Men as 46 CD64: ecleSS?u/e, gyr? s?ne?i m4 He En Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 8 of 18 IM STRTENENT OF caM-?Mf? Bjmka LT. know ms ?u?c?se 40 ?Comt?. m3 Jr0 'bti?m was Flamth 1?65?qut?45auouw?ar/ Le, neuar beta} ?SCor46c?1L03rke, Ce?) LT Knapp n6, Ah}; I ?knoU win .3: was being. final. in Jreld Hm no.2, cKrw?fp +013 he. 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Lm Conjrm? 3 am Mked 004, Me mum ramp We, back in can \wur 4-0 Ckeck (30?an reskam-ks EXPIGSAQA Es Hm was+McgaLy and 4% reg?)! Wedgie Usean reeirman 1 km]; $264 submel Hank Waggon Em 61%me Ms 5mg 6 Lake ma?a-C. reskain15$a ed of\ bakmwo?j a?k?cl D: km!) ?link a? 2012? 10M QSCQ ?ame $13996?! Fejmlol m. le?m Mon/can $6191 l?lloll 01st Cami Ha??ca? @90an Pl 2515a \mse? 44w. up on M?fs??ec?m? and know} MA mi 4M1 c2st LT. app hf wad 964 dome: cam! 0\ cup Some, waiverxkn Midi me, no (ml WaWai ?a LT. know/Y) Crane back 0} koof? ?40 an ex (mt/WA 4?0 %a4"14:6 exceeds lick/N? ma Jinner an 6 20!; can land/1 can 7/2012, whet-51'an pCoaQ P1356 use We; vegan/?1 04rd ?57" 0k Ar?mk 69%: ha no OMA 521%? g? 5662 m; 00 ?McKay Sea/H? 102611 card $04 ?of: {Sewage 4} n1 3 w: me chainww?o (/66 6 $1 Urine) inn?{A Qece? em me, Cir (4664456 Hemg]: ml Add? W1de Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page back my cell, Due ?Lo +m4m:nj (sea 04444464 ?001 +116. U??kj I Akin! ?Lo Hm agQTx Q?Qau?av? ?5 ?46, recre??uoncl @Qn?cef' Oil 6" . 1W leCQT?meC?r? Cb is (#64ch tntheS pal/Ne %e?sr mac Coir reo? m9 m5 racism 43w GCQT. 40 be. \m ?#144 Ska/er are-4f me. MAM Seen it CM- 6w? Wm k6 (4/4,ng @04- $16 ghowqqrect an anc back WM (1 em Cowlon \sn \?goT \meforcl COGS j?hlj?LzS r1864 m3 We emm carion Q?d? Me 4o amped 4+1: grader i W49 }n orqu 642ko @04- 4146 dict/tn $601058 ??104qu cal/IA LT $4740? 4; a He 6n we}: we ?914.54% (254mm45 mm [o?S?Z??lZs ch me reqson QHA chc?ts?we J:ch: was U363 a??tnS?L M8. Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 11 of 18 0F CLAIM LT Sow?or Vb?a'Lec?. Amm?mml R?jwra 5:94} a, 20!? LT?ax/loraclon WNW @hccn?T?meQJJ om} :c Wren; (?55 an Wm . 9qu \ndcle' 1?6 ZTascw?or W554i an me?, (See o?mye/A iD fee $6,03ch {to Mae eke/?ow ourcq 011ml 3,43% 4-5 NC. ?qu-L \mcqp?? Havel.) :55 and-Hwer Cfawgofcl) kc. wet/1i C14qu M6 ?Pk/0&0 {)356 an ytl??l?a \ne ?54/ ?mama? Came, I\r\ er 6L4)ch ocqu 1L0 ?k?or 0061 Had 000A :1 ?We? {1:55 0? 4/1161 It @616 [plead ?Tn {?664-Valx?is 66. gxcess?we, $0ch qu ?jams; Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 12 of 18 C5) 76am Unbiak?l M?f Qi??'rml??d Rglr?? AS a; mfiinj SquE. ate?eq MR 441856 $606316. owe. because a 3% on 3:0? m?olr rig/om M1 man Q, ma?, Leznj I Ta?miniS Mae?god Teen/?Viva 0!!?ch 9 Vans were, Placed on v46. 50"? (31/46 gar rte, 41> wcaVGWeY (1 Am Caron/IA my (1)069" \mswLe?A 0C my 01464 0" +916: 1629; 154k cI 'Wm TerJreaW @014 4444 please ?005561?1 44% key CARA) Wm; am; MnJcoqs 0f near M010 196.?, 1?18 I even 40%6?74?14q?i MUQ q?~d1?q omCl ?146qu area/(J hf aka/54 was qul??j >4 ?ner?c? (7M me, ??79 @146 ?ee/fly allenlfa?iLJH/a [ad/35 MC V4446- one 4448 99(4- Team-r ?76ka (44/16,. \ad? one M14 came. 00% Jlae as?) amok me Mic: >14 M16;ch M440 We 8? 13% {16 $6452?? ,gecausc 31/116, helm? Plac (31 VII qr?? Maid MY Mia-pm] Qorc cams ?We 4c: "65% waan on gJ/?E?iT?ne WOUYKLS 0V6, 01114121 Hug! V?ewus'??. d? 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[485:1 ngsf42n+5 no Tad/?9? a114, Negl?cd kelp 1496 C4405ij me We can; [awake roblens. :?c?vc wr?chnanws 66?va 4?6 Oh If (55 9516/15 Jrke Wye an bog cog MT Wei/14d beam] de?co?fonsr 50g? Sever) ?7Cv0r?l niijrcs..,T have anm ?er L'Tts CO: mtg-kneel \n k} er eMer Jm/?m; KM we: have; m? c: an numms acas?on? Scream?n - ele? ?1 ?meH/ws :1 can?: 6 lama: 69?? (l3 go?aih?s MC FOREVER N. \xJoz??MJqum Ma W50 1 ns-?3783? DATE AUG 28 THE ENCLOSED LETTER WAS THROUGH sr-e?rcw FOR TO {j I glam? (Serif. .wa- LE NEITHER OPENED NGR a - a w: .: RAISES A on avg; w; ages-e mas HAS JURIS- 5 [a DH, Ma? EWSH 7O RETURN THE [2.9 A Fm FLtai?tvi'H ENFORMAHON 09 u: EVE ?3 T?iE'rmiiLn? CORRESPONDENCE FOR .0, 8 8 SE - NGTOANOTHEJEDDRESSEE. PLEASE RETURN if; 2 a of) y; sr'TzosunE TO THERBOVE ADDRESS~mm-wf - Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 15 of 18 :m j: $46.1 UP Ganjrwem X?qv? .EICCUSQA Me, 0t.? \Decaqz pokes: 1? been?Hrwo/?lu Cause er? \jdn ?lach Ln 41? no,_ . Wagon an rj ?e mei?cq?empfx ?uqer scam . $9,qu ~Qr?n menlgg yr?bknfi Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 16 of 18 Ruizgrmihf4;2 it; I AHA said; can e, .7 gift/?54 :5 e?ufi 0(ch (Vinita {?3031 7 ?0ng 1.5 Harlem)? We Cami Jcemshecassary, f, Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 17 of 18 5%szij 05+. . .2797 Rollfl?mve gem/:4 ?ac Ma?a ?pore 01:6} Ch)? ComP?c?/li O?p . .. Cour+ or 7, 1 if \Jx?UI?qm Nee/m Pack/GI 7 ?bmi?co), .. Mg} macawwugg. .. 7 23- 7 law/HAIan 7 . 1% W, .e PLEQKWO gamma. 13501 7? e; Case Document 1 Filed 09/02/14 Page 18 of 18 A if:f: I amagglg?fgm?g f" 3 62$? g4! ?oAVreFeyl?Yy-F?cs? Casi B'?eri a f? 4 he, 51?04144154; I 'l Damian I if 7 \XJacJagelE?J L. Parks. may" all? (?ism 15x)ng (W) m; 15. may mm 12? .kain 10 Rapof+ 3 savage