Mission Statement: Provide Points of Presence for follow on collection and exploitation through the deployment of content- based email, MitM/MotS Operations and Cross Site Scripting (XSS). In other words provide ?Initial Access?. Accomplished by: - Development of XSS vulnerabilities against web mail services - Injection of FA tags utilizing MitM/MotS techniques - Maintenance of FA servers and exploit plug-ins - Deployment of emails to targets; special request and spam In layman?s I: A FOXACID was once a mission name referring to CT targets within Al-Qaeda. It then became the name for the spam operation. Now, it basically refers to the exploit servers that we leverage to provide initial access through browser exploitation. If we can get a target to visit our URL in his web browser by any means, we can potentially exploit him and deliver a back-door implant. he Spam Mission - FOXACID deploys ?spam? email to targets. These emails are not like normal spam as they are malicious in nature, as opposed to just annoying. Inside of each email, we can include several methods of exploitation, depending on the mail service and target. These techniques are discussed later in the presentation. The overarching goal is to utilize social engineering via emails to gain access to a targets computer. -The emails themselves can either be very generic or very targeted, depending on the target and nature of request. For obvious reason, it takes higher authority to deploy very targeted emails because of the level of guilty knowledge they must contain about the target. - Cross Site Scripting can best be described as sneaking code, or more specifically JavaScript, into a webpage. Websites go to great to prevent arbitrary code execution in user input (such as a search box, guest book, the content of an email, etc). In addition to website-based filters, we must also defeat browser?based filters. This means that in order to find an exploit, two HTML parsing filters must be defeated. The end goal is to somehow inject an