Official information request tor documents relating to Open Government Partnership (OGP) meetings Our ref: SSCZO16I0007 I refer to your official Information request dated 12 August 2016 tor: I all papers, agendas and minutes for all meetings at the OGP Expert Advisory Panel (EAP): 0 all papers. agendas and minutes for all meetings of the OGP cross-government oiliciais group. Vou asked that your request be treated urgently, with a response by 19 August to allow time for your submission prepared during the co-creation phase of engagement to be revised. if necessary Information being released To date there have been two meetings each of the OGP EAP (27 July and 8 August) and the OGP Officials Group (28 July and 9 August). I have decided to release the documents listed below. These documents will shortly be made publicly available on the State Services Commission's (SSC) website: em Document Description oep EAP agenda for 27 July meeting All OGP EAP papers ior 27 July meeting 0GP EAP minutes for 27 July meeting OGP EAP agenda for 8 August meeting (there were no related papers) OGP omcials Group agenda tor 28 July meeting Ail OGP Officlais Group papers lor 28 .luly meeling OGP Officials Group minutes July meeting OGP omcials Group agenda ior 9 August meeting (there were no related papers) 9 OGP Oillciais Group minutes rm 9 August meeting The Terms of Reference for the EAP, which were provided as part of the EAP's meeting on 27 July 2016, have some information withheld in accordance with section oi the Offlcial Information Act 1982 (CIA), to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons, 1 lne rermcu P0 mm me New Zealand Phone was mp 22374311 lax (26256 \wa.ssr guvl n, In making my decision, I have considered the public interest considerations in section 9(1) of the CIA. Information publicly available I am refusing your request for the minutes for the OGP EAP meeting that took place on 8 August under section 18(d) of the OIA the information requested is or will soon be publicly available. These minutes will be made available on website by 23 August if not earlier, which is before the co?creation phase ends and prior to the co-creation workshop in Wellington on 26 August 2016. You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or freephone 0800 802 602. If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact Yours sincerely AI Morrison Deputy Commissioner, System Performance 2237435_1 2 Agenda Open Government Partnership Expert Advisory Panel Meeting, July 2016 Date I time: Venue: Agenda items: SERVICES (30 MM 38 Tn Wednesday 27 July,1a3 pm The Ministry for Women, Lev'el?9, Qual IT House 22 The Terrace Wellington 6011 (Please note that you can enter 61% Huii anl Kat'mllaiangn A Item .. Lead . heduled 1. Welcome - 1:00 pm Chair A 9 Working lunch and mutated A5- 5 a 2. Engagement pdat . 1:10 pm Amy/engagez . 30 minutes A 3. Drama? @919 em 'r wees 1:40. pm engaQeZIPanel 50. minutes A . I Wt \r/Bu i 5399- . 2330 Pm Amy 62- 1.5 minutes a 2A VN p??g?anext steps 2:45 pm Chair {9 15 minutes a? Ethan Final Terms of Reference - Expert-Advisory Panel 2. Engagement strategy and timellne .(to follow). To be tabled at meeting: 1. Background note on 0GP engagement . birth New Zealand Open Government Partnership Expert Advisory Panel Terms of Reference (June 2016) Background The Open Government Partnership (0GP) is a forum of countries working tyn/ake their governments more open, accountable and responsive to citizens. Establls 011, the forum today comprises 69 nations all committed to increasing the ava?llab?li of fonnatlo - about governmental activities, supporting civic participation in gove?rr?q?gy? \laiOh-maki and policy formulation. implementing the highest standards of prof grity tight; goVernment. and Increasing access to new technologies for opedaega ccountab Countries are required to develop a National Action Plan gs two yearst arse gt commitments to address a minimum of two of the chi se are: lien improving public services 0 increasing public integrity more effectively managing public reso creating safer oommunitles at ?orgope?n government principles: Increasing corporate accountabill . Action plan commitments must also re/ie .. transparency . citizen participation - 'th ear published its first National Action Plan 'w?N tie al Action Plan for 2016?1 8 is due in October. I I technology en? New Zealand jolne covering July 20 1:2 16 A The State Ton~'( - ?ormed a Stakeholder Advisory Group to work "with Governke' if? er on i an "commitments, and this has transitioned to an Expert to reflect SSC and Government in relationship Advis wow to ew d's Giggmi ants.- 'wm pr vi aroundthe' following: the nos? 0 nalise the-second National Action Plan previous plan at and final review of the second NAP er matters?that 880 requires advlce on. 'ew Zealand?s action plans by providing constructive adviceI communicating openly and nvolving other stakeholders. The objectives will be achieved by: . a at and objectives of the EAP. @h AP will assist with develc?npmentI implementation and eValuation of the In providing timely advice on progress with New Zealand's 0GP activities to inform the midterm and end-of-term self-assessment reports to the OGP providing advice on engagement With stakeholders, including the public and public authorities, to raise awareness of. and promote, the OGP. New Zealand?s commitments. and how the values and-principles of 0GP can help improve public services, Increase public integrity and more effectively manage public resources - shaping how we assess our OGP contribution and how we report on It - considering Independent review reports and their'impact on future action plans. Panel members EAP members will be appointed by the State Services Commissioner. The term of appointment will be until 30 June 2018. The Commissioner will consider the makeup and renewal of the EAP following any advice he may receive from the EAP and 880 officials. Candidates for the EAP should be able to demonstrate: - an understanding of the USP and what New Zealand?s ails an understanding of programme design, delivery and evaluation is? ?New an understanding of public engagement and how it can be used and improve policy design. delivery and evaluation. Fees . Dally fees have been assessed In accordance with Cabinet OthCe cvlar' it falls within Group 4 ('All other committees .and other bodie K15 (level has been 9 3): in addition, members will be reimbursed for actual@ a his t?g?end accommodation costs. There is further detail In App . Chairperson {y de hair\hgg cub and will The State SerVices Commissioner or his designate a deputy chair. Secretariat $1 I secretariat "services for the EAP ide _y The Expert Advisory l? acco I rovidlng expert advice about 0GP National Action Plan devel?p Kai-u} eli Us Services Commissioner. ye The Terms 0' agend and all papers .oflthe EAP (and any working groups) will had on ti?gSC belts (or on an 0GP website once this is developed). The egg papers for I eetings will be circulated to members in advance of each eting. ill a site git minutes of EAP meetings to panel members, and publish final . is me ya oval by the panel. on behalf of the panel will be made by the Chair, who where possible will can It panel. (@kd the public will be able to provide comment and/or raise queries to the EAP ?it a dedicated 0GP mailbox at The Secretariat will gs this account and share feedback with the panel. Q?leetings Meetings of the EAP will be held in Wellington. Meetings will have a quorum of three. Appendix A: Role descriptions Member position Roles and Chair -. run the meeting efficiently - encourage and model open communication where all members contribute effectively 9 work with the panel on regular review of the group's activities - sign off the minutes act as spokesperson for the Expert Advisory Panel, representing its View and recommendations In the media and elsewhere g' - represent the panel In any meetings with ervic 3?3 Commissioner. the Minister of State Ser i my ot ck) Ministers. "t Deputy Chair - support the Chair in their role - set In the piece of the Chair i the Ch i 's unana le 0, as a conflict of Interest. - A A All EAP members - be prepared for methI/g/ i - provide construe New. E0 (on I e. lop and deliver on New Zeal - so Bil ns oft A . egoticn of the group. Preparing l. - maintain egg e33 ledg?o hde relatenhm e5 Secretariat - admin? \tht'g'suppo ?a eg/ndEr rdin i utes and following up on aoti - kwithth Itagenciesthat lead the mit NAP. and facilitate any communication d/or n? ag ?e betWeen these agencies' stakeholders Appendix Fees and expenses You are entitled to be reimbursed for your-travel and meal costs for your involvement in the Open Govarnment Partnership Expert Advisory Panel meetings. You are also entitled to a daily fee of - (redacted based on 3.9 (2) of the CIA) based on Cabinet Office Circular (12)6. For each formal EAP meeting attended, members are entitled to invoice fees for: meeting preparation all group members are entitled to Invoice a half-day fee for reviewing papers and considering group matters; and meeting attendance ~members living In Wellington may Invoice a half-day fee for attendanee; members living elsewhere may Invoice a full day fee to compensate for travel time to and Tax treatment of fees {3 You should also be aware of the tax treatment of fees. The Goods and\S/e ax Act $9 stipulates that withholding tax will be deducted unless the memig? are hargeQ/ if you do not want withholding tax to be deduoted, plasman exemp?og?l floats to company or a partnership. which you can request from the IRD. If you hold an ex itIcat I it to Joanne Lorlmer She \a?ee reley s. If you do not hold an exemption certificate, villa/m a Ill . his is deductible at 48% unless you complete an in w% as can . 33%. Please let website. If you Invoice throughac?ompany ctu withh Reimbursement for expe es I Reimbursement for rea ie9< ensewa Reasonable expensegpu not de.fw xa members for Itemised GST receipts. calls incurred In ur ?/?mem . am 1'8 ehould Include these eXpenses on their Invoice ??gth we: an receipts are attached. Joanne know if you would like an IR330 gee ryox?g? load this from the 13g es not need to be deducted. revel. accommodation, taxis, or phene #engageZ Plan for Open Governmen July .September 2016 Hm-m Understand Consider Table of Contents Purpose of engagement .. 2 Tlmellne .. 2 How you can engage .. 3 I - i'in Introduction This document presents a draft approach for how we will engage New Zealand communities interested in Open Government In the development of New Zealand?s second National Action Plan (NAP) for Open Government. It outlines how we Intend increase awareness about the Open Govern ment process In New Zealand communities and encourage those interested to participate In the development of the NAP. The State Services Commission (330) Is the official 0GP Point of Contact._ I ey are mane i engagement with government officials and have commissioned the services<3?h a e2 to egg engagement with Civii Society Independently. Civil society Is a term use jP to rl . mg 'resenti a . Marth?R anyone who is Interested In the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Zealand government agency, what we refer to as New Zea/arid engage2?s lead contact on this project. You can reach him by ail at If you have any questions or comments i I . pie contact Martin. . Purpose of engagement To involve and collaborate with New Zealand government to consider including in New - "tio A an (NAP) for Open Government. . Objectives 0 Develop the NationalActionP n( - rOpe nt In partnershipwith NewZealand Communities pen the themes being discussed, and invite their participation in AP pro - Raise awarenes a pp 161131 i New Zealancl and the opportunity to contribute to the NAP 0 Work wl eggs/?e wants/@lmte to ensure their Input is useful and considered 'an A?cin AI Winged throughout the engagement process In an open and 0 Cap 6 tr gs tway . collW?on between Government and New Zealand communities to rnmen?t is dua to submit their second NAP plan to the International 0GP . Earn on (1 Q2: means the draft needs to be with Cabinet and signed off by Minist at?! eptember. 3 project re six stages of this project: - 0 Stage 1 Input Into the engagement approach (15 July 25 July) 0 Stage 2 Raise awareness. encourage participation (18 July 2 August) a Stage 3 Co?deslgn the NAP vision (2 August 20 August 2016) a Stage 4 Co-oreate recommendations for the NAP (20 August 30 August 2016) a Stage 5 - Government consideration of recommendations (September 2016) 0 Stage 6 - Launch of the National Action Plan (October 2016) How you can engage .1 Stage 1 will involve engagement with primary stakeholders only. Engagement during Stages 2" 4 is open for anyone interested to participate but we are aware that people will want to participate in different ways, investing varying amounts of their time and attention to engagement proceSses. So, We are allowing for four degrees of engagement, those interested can: 1. Stay informed: . a. Get up to speed on the website I to. Register for email updates or sign up for an RSS feed . 0. Follow on Twitter - . d. Participate in a webinar cm?n99m m-mm?mdgalo?uu039m n?mnmm Enummama Background Note: New .Zeaiand's Open Government Strategy In 2011 eight countries launched the Open Government Partnership. They were the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico, Norway and South Africa. There are now 69 member countries, Including New Zealand, which formallyjolned In July 2014. The Open Government Partnership (0GP) recognises that government is more likely to be effective when citizens are aware and engaged in building a strong and open society. It atwcayearl W201 he! to 4V o\>the rig of cit ns Information, and open access. -. - Accountability:_ the government being public?nsibie r? stone and oil accountable for the outcomes. - 0 Participation: government engaging citizn ogrammes and is "meow es". These are: effective service delivery. ate amongst the top countries In international - Technology and innovation: advanci improving public services increasing public integrity - Effectively managing public cu es pi . rank first amengst 100 countries in the (%overning system does not tolerate corruption. We rate The focus for activity under the partnership between government and its cit' National Action Plan. New Zealand produced Its first Nations? Action Pia Is now due to produce its second plan. Theprinciples that guide 0GP plans are: 4% - Transparency: publication of all government?held infer a' Inoreaslng corpora e? ,tabllity New Zealand starts . measures and on (for . i International Opi??r?~ urve?i. i amongst th en es orl ??rst; 3 Creating safer com until nd the rule of law, underpinned by an independent i judiciary ngtp?re have a politically neutral public service designed to provide/?3 a (frank ad i do Iver on the objectives of the Government of the day; and the 0 Maggie atlon Act is nplatform around which citizens have a right to Information and . . a . were ea ligationt provide it. No art of constantly improving the way government and citizens relate. There IQ (31 gfa ?me across government in New Zealand to put the customer at the front tate services, and the USP could be useful in pushing it along. The el \13 log agencies to better understand citizens and customers and focus the Way they?tggnuay operate on meeting their needs. Not their every need, but the things that . 69am can and should do to improve their wellbeing. it is also about agencies working @??igeiher when that?s what it takes to meet those priority needs. he programme includes actions to make government easier and simpler to work with and i - sets their needs. it anoIves engaging communities In designing and delivering services that 0 better meet those communities' needs. A key part Is" gotiernment agencies sharing their data and making it available to everyone so that all the evidence to guide the best solutions ls available. And It means government agencies joining up their knowledge. people and resources to work together on the big problems and the exolting opportunities that require a collectiVe approach. The OGP challenges "New 'Ze'aland to commit to actions that will maintain its but build beyond them in areas where greater progress or new Initiatives are needed. It sets out a process of public engagement to develop a taro-year National Plan of Action and track progress on Implementing It. As part of that process. we will be engaging with New Zeaiand communities and Government In the end, the National Action Plan has to he would Involve us taking In to account views ndxi process and drafting a plan for Ministers'to so I era by October to meet OGP's requirements. agencies. We have some thoughts about areas where we can usefully build the National Plan of Action. We are both keen to get feedback on those Ideas and hear other id is from you. Action areas we think National Action Plan could include are: . - Creating a platform for citizens to engage in surfacing the pri Ii 9 - ew Ze l@ faces and exploring solutions to them. Building an effective government-lull Consultation system Progressing the open data society Engaging communities In designing and delivering rnmen und 91% see - Advancing voter and clVic education . he Go t. The process I en? - he engagement 1: ef?ge?yeds to be completed OPEN GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP EXPERT ADVISORY PANEL MEETING MINUTES Date time: Wednesday 27 July, 1~3 pm Venue: The Ministry for Women Level 9, Qua] IT House 22 The Terrace, Wellington Present: AI Morrison (chair), Lillian Grace, Deborah Mahuta-Coyle, Suzanne Sn Tuiasa'u (Ty Fuima?ono Apologies: Miriam Lips AGENDA ITEMS - 1. Welcome -- .- Update on the team and panel changes . summary from prayious- meeting an'd general updates Engagement programme updates - - Drafting the plan emerging themes I Other Business Wrap up and next steps item 1 Update on the team: The pane thanked and formally eddy/l Introductions were made Summary from . iscussed the challenge of delivering a National Action Plan "vio_ ting? I by October a i @?ma an of l6? as been convened to coordinate government input. Member@r> I om a recent 06 regional dialogue has produced a comparative analysis of member nfhorma - ?We elop on if nei 5 usWons for online engagement, inciuding TWitte'r, blogs, Fatebook, the SSC and 1 tools for online engagement such as those prairided by theGovernment Onllne a - ageZ at: -- ngagCtjace (GOES) and software that allows online comment and discussion of possible - . ent programme update: Workshops are being organised in Auckland, Christchurch and _n on August 17, 23 and 26 respectively. There will be other opportunities at conferences and castings in upcoming weeks to raise awareness and seek engagement-these include the OS OS nference, GovHack meetings, and SOLGM {New Zealand Society of Lecai (Boyernment Managers) Workshops. The group also discussed providing support to other organisations interested in hosting OGP- themed events. Item 3 Drafting the plan emerging themes: The panel discussed the best ways to collaboratively develop a focused set of five to seven commitments for the next action plan with a focus on getting the engagement as breed .as possible given the time and. resource constraints. There is a need to balance direct engagement With those who have participated in previous NAP development with general opportunities for the wider public. I-r Item 4 64 Other business: Proposed future meeting dates and mem Feedback to date includes-some strong criticism. Respondents want assurance the process will be transparent and that it Is a tie-creation exercise, with follow'aip. Oniine engagement will feed Into to widerforum discussions. Feedback gathered will inform a co? creatlon workshop in Wellington where government and OGP stakeholders will work together to develop priorities and actions Collaborative drafting with New Zealand communities of themes and commitments will take place through onllne and in~person workshops with facilitation through engagez. The on?) group will shape possible commitments at the same time. or - I Teleconferences will be used to discuss different lssUes and help to share Government agencies may be able to advise on current-work that Cd?i process. r" or ease of us . Panel members asked for a segmented stakeholder's list to re SERVICES COMMISSION g. To Kemlliane-U Nn? hr! K?mmatanga I Agenda Open Government Partnership Expert Advieory Panel Meeting 2 Date I time: Monday August 8, 3?5pm Venue: Room 10.2. State Services Commission Reserve Bank Building. No 2 The Terrace Agenda items It {3 em 9 Lead 1 WI I A 300 a ecome as .- - . Chair 2. Engagement program 3:10 pm Amy 1 Martin 15 minutes 3. Draftan the pl? 6 eduled ??gin hem \3 3:25 pm Martin/Panel - 60 minutes 4. Other buslh V. - VA 4:25 Pm Amy 20 minutes \l x. 4:45 pm Chair 15 minutes Q91 .Q7 7% . STATE SIEIWICIES 5 Te Ig his to I and responsive with the Ultl rat? Edit? proleu otgovernance, as well as the quality of services provided to the ily. ngoi in tionand the development of opportuhlil? thesm' ottr'ns At the heart of open government are .t Working definition: - - Transparency m?s 0 Participation "(Ken/ii T'bilc i public pot/3 and .- Acc. to lily ans the kn l. . parlor a - i Citlze 69 9 ?ght is what Sign ernmenl is all aboul.The 0GP reCOQnises this in its eligibility criterigsx??) at: ?Open Gov rhnent requires openness to citizen participation and engagement In - in andg or an basic protections for civilliberlies' (Open Government HT . - -ach ft in It. ommlis to the GOP is required to develop a National Action Plan (NAP) to outline ho will 1fllver an Open Government. The Action Plan will reflect the principles of Open ient .nd detail specific, measureable ways the Government will achieve them: progress will tee/V. ted every two years by the GOP. glow Zealand Government is due to submit its second National Action Plan to the Open Government Partnership on 28 October 201 6. which means the draft needs to be ready for the State Services Minister Paula Bennett and Cabinet to consider in early September 2016. The process for developing an Action Plan is open. The government will work in collaboration with civil society that is anyone who is interested in being involved to develop the Action Plan. ?the State Services Commission has commissioned engage2 to raise awareness about the GOP and invite New Zealanders to participate in the development of the NAPengagez Open 0mm ff GOVERNMENT Partnership . PARTNEREHIP . NEW ZEALAND How can you get involved? We encourage as many people as possible to get Involved'in the development of the second Open Government Partnership National Action Plan In the following ways: 1. Stay informed: 0 Get up to speed on the website . 0 Register for email updates at 99 or sign r' eat of i' e? Follow and onLtwiiter 2. Have your say:- 0 0 Share your thoughts about the draft OGP to r/Bn ~s ctlon - Tell us what you thinkaboui on the pro@ to? are .d GP 3. Getinvolvedr I I 0 Help state AP evg@\e\nt Suggesl an action forth AP- - Tell your friendsl Host an ev . I 4. collaborate: i Participate renc: When is this I I There exas?oftheaQR com it a ement. I Klee}ch on draft strategyi (l5Juiy-?25 July) I esyralsing. reflections, theme selection (25 July 5 August) la .o-areallng recommendations on the NAP with stakeholders (21 August 30 August . er? I . "ge 5 Consideration by the New Zealand Government (September - October 2016) - Stage 6 ?Launch of the National Action Plan [October 2016) i a*lnformal engagement with stakeholders wne have shown an active interest in GOP to date. ,lLT-m? - -. '2 'm 'engege2 Open I - . OPEN QOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP NEW ZEA LAND Suggest: an aoton for New Zealand?s NationaiAotion Plan to Work together to advance the open government-<1 lpies or ao ?ing,2e transparency, public participation and technoio no tion R5 Here is a way to describe an action that yout A y' or agencies could deliver that would _l i i. To extend open government in Ne Start with a Verb e.g. a Release Engage . Deliver - - I . i u. Drive 3 0 Promote . 0 Refine . . . _o Inorea@o) . Zeaiand could?. 8315? . this action supports i2] [11% lie 3 wines - was that address the full spectrum of citizen services including ilustlo'e, water. electricity, telecommunications and any other relevant 0 The Open Government Partnership supports governm - and 0% mt) 9 area i '9 public service Improvement or private sector InnOVaiion l1 . woes and foreign assistance "Create Safer Communities -- measures that address public safety. the security sector, disaster and crisis response. and environmental threats tiegtliy measures - addressing corrUpilon and public ethics. access to information. nce reform, and media and civil society freedom bile Resources MoreEitectIvely - measures that address budgets, procurement. natural Increase Corporate Accountability measuresthat address corporate responsibility on issues such as the environment, anti-aorrUption, consumer protection, and community engagement Open OPEN . Government GOVERNMENT PARTNERBHIP Partnership . NEWZEALAND 3. By Increasing What Open Government Principle would this help deliver? ecceunloblilly public pa?ioipulion El El lhe use of lechnology 8. lnnovalion Your suggeslions need lo be in by ihe 20 AuQus?r2016. Please upload yours 9 email 'ihe'm lo we will add II for you. Tips for developing an OGP action '1 . Think big 0. Define ihe problem why is ll 0 problem, who 934% else I r1519 Xxl? Whal would the solulion Is lheo i eat i . i?lve? 0. Does it relule to one of ihe Gr?d?nd Chuilen? cl How would Ii increase 1r I. public d?icwlo and 1he use of iechnology I innovation? . I . 2. Then think small 7 .1 . a. Abouiactions-who?rneedsle he camell b. How conllbe deliver oilsi eilrsi d. Inr-n 913 res'p I detail so, who? Wares obo'ul lhls?? Who else has responsibility fill the agency I gencles need 10 work With me p?vale and I or communliy seniors? How ww?ning need to Change to enable lo happen? in . gers is available 10 work with you to workshop, your Ideas and turn ihem inlo es ed actions. ?you lei him know what inie'resls you he can also connecled you wilh rs inleresie?d in lhe same ihings as you. You can reach Martin at Miami]; - - @re to go for Inspiration 0 The New Zeolon?d Nulionol Action Plon for Open Governmenl~1o see olhers Ideas 0 ?l 09 Where to go for exam pies The 99W for themes all options laken by oiher?oounlrie's inlo topic areas 0 Jim QQ 1? Gem limeni Exeloigeg cfoniains oplions lqken by olher ceunlrles [mill 1?1 engage?- OPEN GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP OFFICIALS GROUP MEETING MINUTES Date I time: Thursday 28 July, 1-3 pm Venue: State Services Commission, level 10 Present: State Services Commission, Engagez, Department of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry ofiustice, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Land information New Zealand, Treasury. - - Agenda items . I 1. Welcome, context brief. and general updates I - 2. Approach and timeline for engagement . 3. Action plan commitments I - 4. Other business and forWard schedule of officials group meetln 5. Wrap up and next steps item 1 Welcome, context brief and general updates: Aka on p. and provided background and context for the OGP work. The ul; u?me ist ?xes ationai Action Plan containing around five to seven commitments . ely an egg th Zealanders, to the best . sin . extent we can within the constraints of tim widget \9 some Parminter has joined the Membersnoted: The group was adVised that Tim Blackrn leb team on a secondment from Statistics Ne .- . The second NAP wait .ummit will be held in Paris from 79 December 2016 Steven Price Is grist)? his engome independent review of the first action plan as part of his role in the evi nism i - The I avlng d. dvisory (343.: \Svrm eXpired on 30 June 2016. It has been replaced by an Expert .3. a and? E?f engagement: 556 has contracted with engageZ to engage with New Zealand "c ?nd ing New Zeaiand?s second NAP. The company Is experienced in 0GP plan be elopm tan ?fa ilit'ation, having helped the Australian government deliver the engagement for Its acti a ihembers Include Amelia Loye, Julian Carver and Martin Rodgers. 0 a i %d rs discussed the engagement plan and shared materials that will be used to help people draft os 13 commitments. (3 Members noted: Civil society groups are providing feedback. Many groups are also doing Work to gather suggestions. I - The Wellington workshop will include community members and government representatives. The main themes or recommendations will be discussed with the aim on settling on key commitments. Once we have the findings from this co-creation process it will come to 55C, which is accountable for drafting the Cabinet paper The USP Summit In December will be a good opportunity present New Zeaiand?s OGP programme as infermed by the published National Action Plan. Action point: Members will think about any success stories from agencies to bring to next meeting on .9 August. emerge through the public engagement. Item 3 . - Action plan commitments: Members discussed potential commitments and possibl@hat might Item 4 Other business: It will be useful to consider how to measure the impact I eggs 5 the ?ss?ibl 'e ?es are developed. Engagez materials and OGP templates will be used 5 basist art the and commitmEnts. <30 Members discussed how the work will continue after the ac I Ede ivere to developing a better way forward for future plans? The plan 0" 1 will I 'chiBVable and measureable. g6; Forward schedule: The group discussed future et SERVICES To {{umilmnn 0 Mg? - Agenda Open Government Partnership Officials Group Meeting 2 Date I time: Tuesday August pm Venue: Level 2 Front Meetin Room 3 Reserve Bank No 2 The Terrace . - I ?xo Item 77"? Lead eduled 1w: I'dt 1'30' . ecome up 36 I i. Pm Chair - 2. Engagement program aprog??e?j/ I 13:43 pr? Amy/Martin . mnu es K93- 43% 3. Draftln the la? 'n 1:50 pm Grou 9' W9 I 50minutes 4 "e hEneE? w) 2:40 Pm Am XV 10 minutes agd9?iWs 73 Chair Agenda items ?xi/ OPEN GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP OFFICIALS GROUP MEETING MINUTES Tuesday 9 August 2016, 1:30?3pm Reserve Bank, level 2 Attendees . ,a?rghs, timing 1 Minutes from the previous Officials Group meeting (28 July 2016 confirmed. . Support from in establishing the online engagement New been ap? The first onilne engagement toolisnow live, ands en'cr?m/ fl- A, Wished. Communication through community group ui E, it gf Public Engagement, and Transparency International), email, and 5W 5 begu Next steps: will include workshop i? I logs no participation, interactive online engagement, and conference calls. Members noted: - They would i .to th lubl - omments. - DIA are runn tatlo 'n ope I ate on the 17?? of August, and this may be an . opportu ig?x pro eaction?pian process/gain Insight. i . . . .- th?egp. .. . 'hiie a sit? llsmimbeg a? have been received so far, early themes are developing. Comw feedback fox Expert Advisory Group they are an Import-ant first step in '9 under a i the cketjion ofh 2016-2018Action plan. Wu is . Dem?1 ri h? is an important part of OGP commitments. up attendance at workshops and conferences (where possible). \v . .3 ar delivery cycle for commitments. A other- business wiser noted: Governance of progress through commitments will need to be established by SSC after the 2016?2018 National Action Plan is delivered. Next meeting of the Officials Group 17 August 2016.