UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT ED UCATION OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS, REGION XV 1 - -- - REGIONXV [350 Home avenue. sons 325 MICHIGAN CLEVELAND. on 44115 omo FEB ?9 9 2016 Santa J. Ono, President University of Cincinnati 2600 Clifton Avenue PO. Box 210063 Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0063 Re: OCR Docket #l5-16-2039 Dear President Ono: On November 23, 2015, the US. Department of Education?s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) received a complaint ?led against the University of Cincinnati (the University). The complaint alleges that the University discriminated against students based on sex by failing to and equitably respond to complaints, reports and/or incidents of sexual violence of which it had notice and, as a result, students, including the Student, were subjected to a sexuall hostile environment. The com laint further alle the Unwersitv OCR is responsible for enforcing Title IX of the Education Amendments 0f1972, 20 U.S.C. 1681 et? seq, and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities operated by recipients of Federal ?nancial assistance ?om the Department. Persons who seek to enforce their rights under Title VI are also protected from retaliation. As a recipient of such ?nancial assistance, the University is subject to Title IX. Because OCR has determined that we have jurisdiction over the allegation and that this complaint was ?led timely, we are opening the allegation for investigation. Based on the complaint allegation, we will investigate the following legal issues: The Department of Education ?5 mission is to promote snide?! achievement and global conwetirivem'ss educational excellence and ensuring equal access. ed. gov Page 2 Santa J. Ono, 1. Whether the University provided prompt and equitable responses to sexual violence complaints, reports, and/or other incidents of which it had notice (knew about or should have known about) as required by the Title IX implementing regulation at 34 CPR. 106.8 and 106.31. a. Whether the University complied with the requirements of the Title IX regulation at 34 CPR. 106.9 regarding notice of nondiscrimination. b. Whether the University complied with the requirements of the Title IX regulation at 34 CPR. 106.8 and 106.9(a) regarding the designation and notice of a Title IX coordinator. 2. Whether any failure by the University to provide a prompt and equitable response allowed a student or students and/or the campus, generally, to continue to be subjected to a sexually hostile environment that denied or limited a student or students? ability to participate in or bene?t from the University?s programs, in violation of the Title IX implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. 106.8 and 106.31. 3. Whether the University intimidated, threatened, coerced or discriminated against an individual for the purpose of interfering with any night or privilege secured by Title IX, or because she made a complaint, testi?ed, assisted or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or heating under Title LX, in violation ofTitle iX?s implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. 106.71. Please note that opening an allegation for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to its merits. During the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact?finder, collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant, the recipient, and other sources as appropriate. OCR will ensure that the investigation is legally suf?cient and is dispositive of the allegations in accordance with the provisions of Article oi?OCR?s Case Processing Manual. For your'reference, the enclosed document, entitled Complaint Processing Procedures,? includes information about: 0 complaint evaluation and resolution procedures, including the availability of Early Complaint Resolution 0 regulatory prohibitions against retaliation, intimidation and harassment of persons who ?le complaints with OCR or participate in an OCR investigation; and the application of the Freedom of information Act and the Privacy Act to OCR investigations. Page 3 Santa J. Ono, Additional information about the laws OCR enforces is available on our website at http://wwxvedgov/ocr. OCR intends to conduct a prompt investigation of this complaint. The Title VI regulation, at 34 CPR. 100.6, requires that a recipient of Federal ?nancial assistance make available to OCR information that may be pertinent to reaching a compliance determination. The Title IX regulation incorporates those requirements by referen ce at 34 CPR. 06.71. In addition, in accordance with the Title VI regulation at 34 CPR. 100.6(c) and with the regulation implementing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. 1232g, at 34 CPR. OCR may review personally identi?able records without regard to considerations of privacy or con?dentiality. Accordingly, we are requesting that you forward the following information to us within l5 calendar days of the date stamped at the top of this letter. Wherever possible, please provide the requested information electronically (and Bates-labeled if you have that capability); otherwise please provide the information via hard copy: 1. a copy of any Universitv policies or procedures in effect during the school years that address discrimination and harassment based on sex, including sexual violence, involving students, employees, and third parties, including sexual Violence/misconduct/harassment policies and procedures, Title IX grievance procedures, applicable disciplinary procedures and codes, appeal procedures, and nondiscrimination notices; if any of the above policies or procedures changed over the applicable time period, please provide a copy of all documents that re?ect each change and note the date(s} when the new policy or procedure became applicable; the name(s) and title(s) of the University?s Title IX coordinator(s), and any deputy or co?coordinato?s). In addition, please note when each individual assumed his or her position, and provide an explanation of how that person or persons? identity and contact information are disseminated to students, faculty, staff, and administrators; the names and titles of any University personnel responsible for investigating incidents of discrimination and harassment based on sex or implementing any part of the University?s Title IX grievance process a description ofhow the University handles criminal complaints and the effect that criminal complaints have on the University?s Title IX investigation process; the names and titles of any University designated Page 4 Santa J. Ono, contact person for related criminal investigations; and the process used by the University in communicating with local prosecutors about the status of criminal investigations; 6. a description of law cnforcement?s role in the University?s Title IX investigation process, including a cepy of any memoranda of understanding with campus and local law enforcement or related protocols; 7. a description of how the University handles requests for con?dentiality by those reporting incidents of discrimination and harassment based on sex, including sexual violence; 8. a copy of all documentation stored in any location, including electronic recordkeeping systems, concerning any formal or informal complaints or reports of sexual assault or sexual harassment made to the University by or on behall?of the including: a. a copy of any written complaints or reports, and a detailed description ol? any verbal complaints; b. a copy of all investigative ?les, interview memoranda, witness statements, and related. documents concerning any University investigation of these complaints or reports; c. a copy of any records related to any hearings held regarding each complaint, including but not limited to hearing transcripts, video or audio recordings, notes, and copies of any documentation or other evidence presented or considered as part of the hearing; (1. a copy of any documents showing the steps of the investigation and the results of the University?s investigation, including any correspondence, e?mai ls and other documents, as well as how the University notified pertinent parties of the outcome of each investigation; e. a copy of any appeals ?ied by either party and docwnentation regarding the University?s processing of each appeal, including but not limited to any documentation, records or other information the University relied on in making a determination regarding the appeal, including with respect to sanctions, and any notice provided to the parties regarding the outcome of the appeal; f. a detailed description of any action the University took to stop any harassment or discrimination and to prevent any additional discrimination or harassment based on sex, while each complaint Page 5 Santa J. Ono, or report was being investigated (interim measures) or after the investigation concluded; and g. a copy of any documents, including student discipline records, memoranda, e?mails, notes, or other documents, that discuss or relate to any disciplinary or other remedial action the University took in resl'Jonse to each complaint or report. 9. a copy of all documentation concerning any formal or informal complaints or reports of sexual harassment made to the University (including, but not limited to those received by University personnel; the University Police Department; the University Department of Public Safety; the Of?ce of University Judicial Affairs; the Title IX Of?ce; the Of?ce of the Provost; the Office of Equal Opportunity Access; University Housing, Food Retail Services; University Health Services; or by Human Resources; or those received elsewhere and then referred to the University} or investigated/ resolved by the University during the Ik\/7\If\\ n: chool years, including: a. a copy of any written complaints or reports, and a detailed description of any verbal complaints; a copy of all investigative ?les, interview memoranda, witness statements, and related documents concerning any University investigation of these complaints or reports; a copy of any documents showing the steps of the investigation and the results of the University?s investigation, including any correspondence, e?mails, and other documents, as well as how the University noti?ed pertinent parties of the outcome of each investigation; a detailed of any action the University took to stop any harassment or discrimination and to prevent any additional discrimination or harassment based on sex, while each complaint or report identi?ed in response to request above was being investigated (interim measures) by the University or other law enforcement entities or after the investigation concluded; for each complaint or report of alleged sexual harassment and/or violence responsive to this request, identify (1) whether the University found that the complainant and/or other students were sexually harassed/ assaulted; (2) whether the University found that any complaint was part of a larger pattern of similar complaints; and (3) whether the University made any conclusion about whether Page 6 - Santa 0110, 10. ll. 12. 13. I4. 15. the complainant and/or other students were subject to a sexually hostile environment; and f. a copy of any documents, including student discipline records, memoranda, e?mails, notes, or other documents, that discuss or relate to any disciplinary or other remedial action the University took in response to each complaint or report identi?ed in response to request above; if not included in responses above, copies of all communications, including letters, e-mails, notes, memoranda, reports, notices, or other communications sent or received by University faculty, staff, mil: ion, and/0r Trustees during school years that discuss, relate, or refer to the complaints or re ports 1 enti?ed under requests #8 and #9 above; if not included in responses above, a copy of any notes, agendas, summaries, or fol low-up communication related to any meetings between University staff and the Student regarding any allegations of, or remedies for, sexual assault or sexual harassment; copies of any notes, agendas, summaries or follow?11p communication related to any meetings during I school years between University staff and the complaining student(s) regarding any allegations of, or remedies for, sexual harassment; a description and copies, i1 applicable, of any steps the University took during the school years to make students, faculty, and stall at the Universny aware of the policies and procedures identi?ed in response to requests #1 or #2 above, such as publications, website statements, and/0r training; a description of the ways in which the University communicates with students, statl?, and other members of the campus community about its processes for addressing sexual harassment and violence (for ex ample, through its web site, speci?c publications, speci?c other electronic means, etc); a description of any training regarding Title IX as it applies to sexual harassment, including sexual assault and violence, the University provided or offered to (1) University personnel; and (2) University students during Ischool years. For each training, include the date of the training; the target audience (cg, coaches, residence hall staff, etc.) copies of any related materials distributed at the trainings; and a description of the background/expertise of the individual who provided training; Page 7 Santa J. Ono, t6. cepies of any and all brochures, pamphlets, or other materials that are disseminated to by the University to students regarding sexual harassment, the rights of complainants and accused individuals, and/or other campus resources available to assist those facing sexual harassment/violence; 17. a description of the University?s collaborative efforts with any advocacy groups on and off campus to prevent sexual harassment, misconduct, and violence and to notify students and employees oftheir rights under Title 18. a list of campus organizations and other resources for students that address students? concerns or issues related to sexual harassment (including, but not. limited to, women?s or men?s organizations; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or alliance organizations; and rape crisis centers, sexual assault support networks, or other similar agencies); include contact information for each organization, and how information about these organizations is disseminated to students; 19. a description of how the University has assessed the campus climate regarding sexual harassment issues, conducted self-assessments, collected data, or monitored campus, if at all, for school years Please provide any summaries or interim or ?nal reports that describe the outcome of these efforts; and 20. any other information you believe relevant to the complaint allegations. Thank you for your emperation in this matter. We also may need to interview individuals at the University with knowledge of the facts of this case. If we determine that an onsite visit is necessary, we will contact you to schedule a mutually convenient time for our visit. Upon receipt of this letter, please notify OCR of the name, address, and telephone number of the person who will serve as the University?s contact person during investigation. If you have any questions, please Contact Allison Beach, the OCR attorney who has been assigned to investigate this complaint, by telephone at (216) 522-2666 or by e-mail at Allison.Beach@ed.aov. Sineerel acara Martin Supervisory Attorney/Team Leader Enclosure