UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REQON x, OFFICE FOR RIGHTS NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, sw VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, DC 202024475 WASHINGTON, DC. March 28, 2013 Re: OCR Complaint No. 1143-2066 Noti?cation Partial Dismissal Letter ar This letter is to inform you of our evaluation determination regarding the discrimination complaint you ?led with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University (the University). In your complaint you allege that the University discriminated and retaliated against you on the basis of race, disability, and sex. Speci?cally, you alleged: 1. The University discriminated against you on the basis of sex when you were sexually assaulted by al?bxeli (WHO) I 2' The UmverSil)? disslimlated against you on the basis of sex when you were sexually harassed during The University discriminated against you based on disability when a (bxe); 4. The Universit discriminated against you based on race in that a course in theI(b)(6)i(b)(7(C) I taught you and other students to ?understand rrom (WC) I including that the textbook viewed lame); I 5. The University violated the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) by, among other things, failing to provide you complete copies of requested records. 6. The iversitv retaliated against you by: The Department of Education?s mission is to promote student achievenwnt and preparation for global coriipetitizetiess by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. gov Page 2 -- OCR Complaint.. 11-13-2066 If we have misstated or mischaracterized your allegations, please contact the OCR staff person identi?ed below within 10 days of the date of this letter to provide any necessary clari?cation. OCR is responsible for enforcing certain federal civil rights statutes and regulations, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal ?nancial assistance (F FA) from the Department; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq., and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive FF A from the Department; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), 29 U.S.C. 794, and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 104, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in programs and activities that receive FFA from the Department. These laws also prohibit a recipient from retaliating against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University is a recipient of FFA from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. Under case processing procedures, OCR evaluates complaints to understand the allegations, gathers appropriate information, including jurisdictional information, and decides whether OCR will proceed to complaint resolution or take other appropriate action. As part of our evaluation of your complaint, we considered the information that you provided to OCR in your complaint as well as your e-mail and telephone communications with OCR staff. A?er careful consideration of this information, we determined that Allegations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.a, 6b, and 6.c of your complaint will not be opened for investigation, and we have dismissed those allegations effective the date of this letter. OCR will proceed with an investigation of Allegations 6.d and 6.c. More information on the basis for dismissal action follows. Complaint Allegations That Are Untimely Allegations 1, 2, 3, 6.b and 6.c were not ?led in a timely manner with our of?ce. OCR generally will take action only with reSpect to allegations that were ?led within 180 days from the act of alleged discrimination (1.6., by August 9, 2012). The incidents that you cite in these allegations all occurred in 2004, 2005, and 2011, more than 180 days prior to your ?ling of the complaint on February 5, 2013 and thus are untimely. Where an allegation of discrimination is untimely ?led with OCR, procedures provide that the Of?ce Director or designee, under certain limited circumstances, may grant a waiver of the ISO-day ?ling requirement. You explained that the delay in ?ling this complaint was due to your having blocked out the memories of the September 2004 sexual assault. You indicated that you did not recall it until you were confronted by another faculty member, who asked you about the consequences of that event. You told OCR staff that you ?led this complaint within 60 days of recovering your memory. . cumntation submitted by you in support of these statements re?ects tha you ?had some memories that suggested sexual harassment? had occurred. You did not provide any speci?c reasons for not having earlier filed complaints regarding the issues in Allegations 2, 3, 6.b, and 6.c. The Page 3 -- OCR Complaingh. 11-13-2066 information you provided is not a suf?cient basis for granting a waiver of timeliness requirements. Therefore we are dismissing Allegations 1, 2, 3, 6.b, and 6.0 effective the date of this letter. Complaint Allegation Which Suf?cient Detail Was Not Provided Under case processing procedures, OCR will dismiss an allegation that lacks suf?cient detail who, what, where, when, how) for OCR to infer that discrimination or retaliation may have occurred or is occurring. You told OCR that the University delayed sending you a paycheck for approximately one month. You told OCR staff that you could not reca the date that WW0 I paycheck was delayed but that you would provide documentation regarding the incident. On February 25, 2013, OCR sent you a written request for additional information regarding your complaint allegations, including a request that you provide a timeline of the relevant events. The timeline you provided in response did not indicate when your paycheck was delayed. Because OCR was not able to determine when this action occurred and whether it was timely filed with our of?ce, OCR is dismissing Allegation 6.a as of the date of this letter. OCR notes as well that it appears that you did receive the paycheck, thereby resolving this issue. Complaint Allegations That Do Not State a Violation of One of the Laws OCR Enforces Under case processing procedures, OCR will dismiss an allegation that does not state a violation of one of the laws our agency enforces. In Allegation 4, you alleged that the University discriminated against you based on race in that a course during theISE)?. [Iof 223?); taught you and other students to (WW3) course The class included the study of You and some other students objected to some of the material as teaching ?reverse racism,? ?views that ?whiteness? is an economic system and the instructor?s statement that might not you e-mailed the University?s Of?ce of Equity to notify them of your concerns related to the ass. This e-mail requested permission to take the class pass/fail or, in the alternative, asked that the ?class be co?taught with another professor.? In cases of alleged harassment involving speech or expression, the protections of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States apply. On July 28, 2003, OCR issued a ?Dear Colleague Letter? clarifying enforcement standards in light of First Amendment protections. As noted in the Letter, the regulations enforced by OCR ?are not intended to restrict the exercise of any expressive activities protected under the US. Constitution.? In order to be prohibited by the statutes within OCR's jurisdiction, harassment must include something beyond the mere expression of views, words, symbols or thoughts that some person ?nds offensive. Under standard, the conduct must also be considered suf?ciently serious to deny or limit a student?s ability to participate in or bene?t from the educational program. standards require that the conduct be evaluated from the perspective of a reasonable person in the alleged victim?s position, considering all the circumstances, including the alleged victim?s age. Moreover, OCR interprets its regulations consistent with the requirements of the First Amendment, and all actions taken by OCR must comport with First Amendment principles. Page 4 OCR Complaint . 11-13?2066 Here, while some of the course teachings may have been controversial, the speech occurred in the context of class instruction and was related to the course curriculum. Because OCR could not restrict the speech or expression at issue in this complaint consistent with First Amendment principles and there is no allegation that there was accompanying conduct suf?cient to raise an inference of a hostile environment, the offensive expressions do not raise a compliance issue under a statute or regulation enforced OCR. In addition, while you indicated that you believe that being required to take a (mm (bmc) course rather than a lam); (WHO) I Studies course ?implies that] (DWC) is more important than other minority studies courses,? OCR does not generally second-guess such curriculum decisions. Therefore, OCR is dismissing Allegation 4 effective the date of this letter. OCR also is dismissing Allegation 5, in which you alleged violations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). OCR does not have jurisdiction over these claims. The Department?s Family Policy Compliance Of?ce enforces FERPA, which governs access to the educational records of students. Questions and complaints regarding FERPA should be directed to: Family Policy Compliance Of?ce US. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 1-8 OO-USA-LEARN (1-800-872?5327) Complaint Allegations For Investigation Because OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that Allegations 6d and 6.e were ?led timely, OCR is opening Allegations 6.d and 6.e for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to the merits of the complaint. During the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact??nder, collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant, the recipient, and other sources, as apprOpriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally suf?cient and is dispositive of the allegations in accordance with the provisions of the Case Processing Manual, which is available at Our goal is the prompt, apprOpriate resolution of the allegations contained in the complaint. While we are proceeding with an investigation of Allegations 6.d and 6.e, there are other approaches that can be used to achieve this goal. The document entitled Complaint Processing Procedures,? which was sent to you with letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint, includes information about the approaches to complaint resolution that OCR uses and is available at Please take particular note of the section on early complaint resolution. Under this informal approach, OCR Page 5 -- OCR Complain?). 1 1-13-2066 may attempt to resolve the allegation by facilitating discussions and exploring options with the Complainant and the University. If you believe this procedure can be useful in this case, please contact the OCR staff person identi?ed below as soon as possible. There may be state and local laws relevant to your complaint. You may wish to consult with a private attorney, local legal aid organization, and/or state or local bar association, which may be able to assist you further. Please be aware that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against you because you ?led a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, you may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453?6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed.gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or via e-mail at or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or Martha.Russo@ed.gov. Sincerely, 5W 474/5. Wu Olabisi L. Okubadejo Team Leader District of Columbia Of?ce Of?ce for Civil Rights TAB OCR Internal Case Documents Complainant?s Documents C1 Complaint C2 Letter of Acknowledgement C3 Consent form C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x1 OFFICE FOR CIVIL RICHIE NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, 5w VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, DC 20202?1475 WASHINCWON. on April 12,2013 Re: OCR Complaint No. 1143-2066 De Our of?ce received your April 12, 2013 letter regarding the evaluation of the complaint you ?led with the District of Columbia Of?ce of the Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) against Duke University. In your letter and in a telephone call with members of my staff on April 10, 2013, you said that you had raised an additional allegation of retaliation that had not been included in March 28, 2013, No?d?cation/Partial Dismissal Letter. Speci?cally, you alleged that in late May 2012 the University retaliated against you by assigning you ?nal grades of zero in classes in which you had been told you had until September 1, 2012 to complete the work. As we explained in the Noti?cation/Partial Dismissal Letter, OCR evaluates complaints to understand the allegations, gathers appropriate information, including jurisdictional information, and decides whether OCR will proceed to complaint resolution or take other appropriate action. After careful consideration, we will not open this for investigation, and we have dismissed this allegation effective the date of this letter. In the Noti?cation/Partial Dismissal letter, OCR also explained that OCR generally will take action only with respect to allegations that were ?led within 180 days from the act of alleged discrimination. The assignment of grades of zero in May 2012 took place more than 180 days prior to your ?ling of the complaint on February 5, 2013 and thus is untimely (to be timely the alleged act of retaliation must have occurred by August 9, 2012). You requested a waiver of the ISO?day ?ling requirement based on your having ?led a grade petition with the University. That petition was ?led on January 9, 2013, also outside of the ISO-day period. In addition, the petition did not claim that the grades were retaliatory, but only that the grades were inconsistent with the extensions you had been granted. These circumstances do not present a basis for granting a waiver of timeliness requirements. Therefore we are dismissing this allegation, effective the date of this letter. In your April 12 letter, you also expressed disagreement with dismissals of some of your complaint allegations. In additiog, with regard to your allegation that the University retaliated against you by delaying yo paycheck, you told members of my staff that you have pay stubs that may show that the allegation was timely. You said that you sent those pay stubs to OCR, but also acknowledged that the e-mail attaching those documents may not have The Department of Education?s mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. been successfully transmitted. Your April 12 letter did not include any of those documents. Please know that you may ?le an appeal of dismissal decisions. The process for ?ling an appeal is found at: 6 Please note particularly that an appeal (including any supporting documentation) must be submitted within 60 days of the date of the determination letter. Page 2 -- OCR Compla?o. 11-13-2066 This letter sets forth determination in an individual OCR case. This letter is not a formal statement of OCR policy and should not be relied upon, cited, or construed as such. formal policy statements are approved by a duly authorized OCR of?cial and made available to the public. Please be aware that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against you because you ?led a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, you may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed. gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or MmhaRmso@edggr_. Sincerely, Robin C. Murph 04/ Team Leader District of Columbia Of?ce Of?ce for Civil Rights January 15,2013 Ms. Kate S. Hendricks Deputy Counsel Duke University 310 Blackwell Street, 4th Floor Box l04124 Durham, NC 27710 Re: I Dear Ms. Hendricks: Our of?ce represents lbx6>i with regard to the recent decision of the 6 (?Committee?) and I to involuntarily withdraw I from the Duke On January 9, received a letter from communicating the Committee?s decision and (W7 Iaf?rmation of do decisron. letter indicated that the Committee?s decision to withdra from the Duke School was due to: (1) ?her overall GPA is b) (2) ?concerns about [herl acaemlc performance? including the timeliness of work submissions and absences; and (3) ?overall failure to participate in the larger learning experience of the class.? letter references thel?bx?lli?bl?ncl (?Bulle1in?) as the source of authority for the Committee?s decision. After searching the Bulletin for any applicable guidelines, we have grave concerns about the grounds and handlin of the Committee and Dean (We?ll decision to exclude (WW3) from the Duke School. (1) Overall GPA (C) January 9, 2013 letter (see attached) references page 117 of the Bulletin which outlines the ?graduation requirements? for the Master of degree. Unlike the other Masters programs offered at DukelleB)? (W7 School, thel?zbzigeli School Bulletin lists no ?continuation requirements? for a grade point average in the Ms. Kate S. Hendricks January 15, 2013 Page 2 program. Hence, there was no academic requirement that have a 2.0 GPA to remain in school for this, her last semester. On the contrary, students admitted to the program ?whose academic work after admission is not satisfactory may be placed on limited program by the Academic Policies Committee ad are required to reduce their course load to make other academic adjustrnents.? 111 emphasis added). The Committee to our knowledge, did not place on a limited program or re uire her to make other academic adjustments. nstea, 6 Committee initiated involuntary withdrawal. Thus, the Committee was non?compliant with the Duke School?s own established procedures as documented in the Bulletin and acted outside the scope of its vested authority. There is no provision in the 2012-13 Bulletin for an involuntary withdrawal that is applicable to Involuntary withdrawal is only listed as a possible consequence for year 5213?; students; is in her third year of the program. Once (WW0) transfer cre its are reviewed will likely be in her lfinal semester of the program. Even if the adopted policies of the Duke School allowed for her involuntary withdraw?~which they do not?such a decision by the Committee and (mm at the beginning of her ?nal semester would be ill-advised considering the Duke OX7 School?s actual knowledge 0 sexual harassment issues with a previous faculty member (and retaliatory actions that followed) that caused her I and contributed to her inability to complete her classwork on time. As previously evidenced, there is no GPA continuation requirement; however, even if there were, the Committee?s decision to involuntarily withdra and af?rmation of the Committee?s decision are unsuorted. cumulative GPA was calculated prematurely as the Duke School?s Academic Calendar lists February I, 2013 as the ?deadline for incompletes in previous Fall Semester 2012? 6). (DWC) I did not impose an earlier deadline for her to complete the work assigned in (WHO) I therefore, her grade should be calculated at the earlier of the completion of her missing work or I informed (?6?me that her course in Ialthouh tauht by a department outside the Duke School, would could towards her degree; however, in an email last week, upheld the decision of the Committee to involuntarily withdra without considerin this grade. At the very least, once the grade for this course is added to cumulative GPA, it is likely that her GPA will be signi?cantl higher and place her on a trajectory to meet the 2.0 graduation requirement forth degree. (2) Academic performance concerns A portion 0 current academic concern are attributable to Duke Ms. Kate 8. Hendricks January 15, 2013 Page 3 School?s handling (WHO) I complaint about a course from the Fall 2012 semester. (WHO) I emailed the Of?ce of Equity anleS)? Ito notify them of her concerns related to her I?bm); (WHO) Iclass. This email requested permission to take the class pass/fail or, in the alternative, asked that the ?class be co-taught with another professor.? also notes in her e-mail that a study course would be more applicable to her ex ected future practice. The Duk (W7 School had the Option to reassign to another professor or to in resolving this issue. Although has an email con?rmin that received a copy her email and was aware of her request, received no substantive response from the administration at Duke School. Consequently, or??bx?l? (Wm) Iwithin the prescribed timeline to withdraw from a class during thel?bgimww Isemester 6, listing as the ?last day to withdraw with a om current fall term classes completed the form requesting permission to withdraw from the class. Although the form indicates that the course professor ultimately must sign the request, there is no indication on the form or in the Bulletin that it is the responsibility of the student to secure the signature prior to the registrar processing the request. Despite this lack of clarit the registrar?s documented receipt of the form, and the administration?s knowledge 0 registered complaint against the professor? instead of rocessin the request?the registrar attempted to return the withdrawal request to via the campus mailboxes. According to ??debmcl she first became aware that the request was not processed when she retrieved the returned form on December 28, 2012 from the adjacent mail folder of the student whose last name precedes hers alphabetically and into whose mail folder it was mistakenly laced. I believing she had submitted a timely request to withdraw from th (WNW class, ceased attending class and did not submit the ?nal required coursework. This mix-up with the withdrawal ferm accounts for both failing grade in the class-?from which she assumed she had withdrawn?and a so or the ?excessive absences? cited in letter. When discovered that her withdrawal request was not processed due to the missing signature, she requested a review of this and other assigned grades to avoid the addition of permanent failing grades on her transcript. In addition to the class, received a failing grade in and due to a documented problem with uploading the assigned papers on According to WHO) is already in ossession of the two papers from which continues to await noti?cation from the rade for this class was base and regarding the grades assigned to the papers, and thus, her ?nal grade in the class. Thouh has had to request incom letes in some of her classes, when work was accepted and graded, I ultimately received satisfactory grades in classes for which she had originally requested and received an incomplete. To Ms. Kate S. Hendricks January 15, 2013 Page 4 our knowledge, (W7 conclusions regarding the petition for review of (DWC) rades is still pending??as her January 9, 2013 letter only acknowledged receipt of petition and review of the original Committee decision to involuntarily from the program. In addition, as Duke (929W) ISchool is well aware, the academic performance concerns outlined in 5956); January 9, 2013 letter: ?freuent absences and a pattern of taking multiple incompletes, are all manifestations of documented health issues. communicated her medical conditions to the Duke School, both verbally and in writing, as well as the exacerbation of these cgnditigns by the actions of the Duke School?s administration. In addition, (We):me noti?ed the Student Disability Access Of?ce and began taking the appropriate steps to secure recognition of these conditions and seek ?reasonable accommodations.? of?ce had actual notice of these conditions and her efforts to seek academic accommodations to deal with them. In fact, in her recent letter, referenced her knowledge of diagnosis of (DWC) (W7 which resulted from her alleged sexual harassment by a previous employee of the Duke School. (3) Participation in the larger learning experience of the class This nebulous statement provides little substance for proof or challenge and appears to reiterate the Academic Policies Committee?s concerns raised above. Therefore, we respectfully request clari?cation on this particular rationale prior to attempting to address it. As evidenced by this letter, was unaware that she was being considered for involuntary dismissal prior to arriving for classes last week. Thus, she recently contacted me to review this aspect of her case. I am still in the process of reviewing her many claims, but I see the immediate need to address is exclusion from school. As classes for this semester have already started, an expetent resolution of this issue is bene?cial to all parties. respectfully requests that she be allowed to attend class pending a resolution of these concerns. According to the Academic Calendar in the 2012-13 Bulletin, January 23, 2013 is the ?nal day that can add courses this semester. If she is unable to take classes this semester, an a ecrsion is ultimately made in her favor, her damages will undeniably be much higher. In addition to seeking reconsideration of ?@de previous decision, we respectfully ask that (Willi eview the transfer credits information which according to is in 525%)? possession. It is quite possible that (bxmi?bmc) has '1 Ms. Kate S. Hendricks January 15, 2013 Page 5 successfully completed enough courses to graduate this the majority of the remaining credits completed off campus. has also contacted the United States Department of Education?s Of?ce of Civil Rights but has yet to ?le a formal complaint with that of?ce. Given that she may only need one class to graduate, we hope this will prove unnecessary. We anticipate an OCR investigation would be extensive due to the gender, race, and disability issues that Ms. Wagner has raised with Duke University for quite some time. Finally, as the Committee based its decision to involuntarily withdraw from the School based on her grades and attendance, we are requesting copies of all academic policies, guidelines, and requirements that support the Committee?s decision to involuntarily withdraw If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, Enclosures This letter is written to formally request an investigation into the events at Duke University for the semester of because after the student reported these events she has experienced significant retaliation, which included being dismissed from school. Prior to withdraw from Duke University, was awarded 3 scholarships: the award was for $2620 per year school year with $1310.00 to be distributed to the student each semester. The was for $1775 per year with 887.50 to be disturbed to the student each semester. Both of these scholarships and grants were distributed to the student on 7/21/2004. And thellb)(6)1(b)(7(0> which was for $8,600, was to be distributed to the student in the form of work/study money and scholarship funds. She was charged $432.00 in miscellaneous Duke University fees and $6660 in tuition bringing her bill to $7,092.00 per semester. When all of her scholarships and grants were applied the student would receive a total of $6497.50 in scholarships and grants per semester leaving her with a cumulative balance of $594.50 per semester to pay. On September 20, 2004 the Iwas revoked by I I in her attached letter she instructed to remove me from payroll because the student was "enrolled in and "would no longer be attending Duke?. The student tried to speak with the registrar stating that she did never wanted to withdrawal from school nor was she enrolled in but was instructed that she needed to speak with the Dean of Student Life regarding the issue. This is not precedent, in a case in which the student needed to speak with an authority regarding academic issues and school enrollment. According to the Duke Bulletin, she would be referred to thellb)(6); I On the student met withI?bXG); I She repeatedly informed him that she was not enrolled in another school and that she returned home for a family emergency and was unaware she had ever been assigned a placement because the supervisor had never contacted her. (He was given the wrong contact information by During that meeting, she pulled out theBulletin and stated that he did not have the "power" to do this as the Dean of Student Life. At that point the meeting changed significantly, he began threatening the student stating that what he did to the people that questioned his power. He noted that he and Dean and were raising 10 million dollars to add an addition to the Duke WSchool and that they could do whatever they wanted. He bragged that there was a student, IleB); I who had been accused of land that conducted this investigation. He claimed knew half way through the investigation that had not actually done this; however, threatened his power. Thus, he continued to act outside of his vested scope of authority because at the veg ieas he could cost him more mane with an attorne and sto him rom becomin now works at (W6): and successfully in 6- D: This is his contact Lalso threatened that he and have removed at least 10-20 students without signing a voluntary withdraw form that they believe will be bad AlthOugh I don?t know all of them, Ihusband was removed in this same fashion (and she similar experience withthat have had over the past two years). I remember telling him about why I missed 9 days of class and that I had a family emergency. My father was and my mother was not handling the situation well. He told me that the admissions board made a mistake letting me into school here and that they didn?t let students with parents like mine into this school. He stated something my parents making me worthy for this. At that point placed his hands on my shoulders and moved them downward towards my chest. I hit his hands a way and that is truly the last thing I can remember from this meeting although I know it continued on for a significant amount of time. (I believe that more happened because i began experiencing signi?cant OBGYN problems less than a month after this meeting,- however, past this point I cannot remember anymore. There is a way to remember the rest of the meeting; however, I would rather not have that memory if it is not necessary. (He current works for Duke with hence my turning him in. I was worthy because i experienced trauma) According to the records after this meeting, the followed the instructions of the Dean of Student and removedl?mw); (DWC) I from school based on the date she informed the (WHO) office she wished to withdrawal from school. A copy of the letter from (WHO) that stated instructed her to remove from school was then sent to the The letter instructed that she was to be taken out of school and would be responsible for 40 of the tuition. The accounting ledger demonstrates that her loans were returned and that both thel(b)(6)3(b)(7(c) Ischolarship were removed on the however, since it is not a stipulation that to student be enrolled in school to receive the it was reapplied to the student?s account on the same day, but for a lowered amount of $879.00. Forty percent of $6660 tuition bill is plus the 432.00 miscellaneous fees. Thus, the student then was responsible for $2217 after the lowered $879 grant was applied, plus the amount that was refunded in the student loan check, which was $4124.26 which had already been used to prepay the rent in for six months, because WHO) Fund had not yet been applied. Consequently. the student went from owing Duke University 594.00 for the semester to owing the university $6341_.2_6 for the semester. This would be valid and standard practice for the University to charge a student a percentage of the tuition after withdrawing from school; however, the student, was never enrolled or applied for admission to or any other University, never signed a voluntary withdraw form, and was removed by a staff member that had no authority over academic enrollment. There has been speculation that the student was enrolled at (DWC) Ihowever, the attached document illustrates the student was not enrolled nor ever even applied to that school either as of Oct 11th 2004. The actually made and exception after these events at Duke occurred, convened a special academic board meeting and allowed her to enroll in school on Oct which was more than half way through the semester if she applied for admission and paid the tuition in full upfront. Despite all of that, there is no procedure that would ever give Duke University the authority to do this. Both the Bulletin as well as Faculty Handbook, states that if a student desires to voluntarily leave Duke University they must fill out a voluntary withdrawal form and give it to the registrar. This never occurred. The would have been no grounds to dismiss the student for academics, as had a 3.0 GPA and the Divinity Bulletin clearly illustrates that the only person who had the authority to draft a letter to remove a student from Duke University was the which clearly never happened. The I never had the authority to instruct the registrar or the bursar to remove the student from school. Furthermore, neither the registrar or the bursar would have had authority to remove the student from school based on the verbal instructions and both acteg outside their scope of authority. The student received a phone call on (WW3) stating that he had convened a Judicial Board committee consisting I her assistant WHO) and his assistant and together they decided that she could not return to the school based on the fact she was already enrolled at another university, she had told an assistant she was homesick, and that she lied about having a family emergency because her father was never and lastly that she bought a one-way plane ticket home. First, absolutely none of this was ever true. I was not enrolled at another school, my father wasw and I did not buy a one way plane ticket home. actually prepaid rent for 6 months in Durham; however, even if all of that would have been true. According to the Duke Bulletin, as the Dean of? he again acted outside the scope of his authority to convene a iudicigL board committee because he wasn?t the Associate Dean of The only person that could have convened this meeting would have been wrote: your email to us came through blank. Thank you, Sebastian Amar From?bxmi I Sent: Monday, March 18,2013 10:07 AM To: Amar, Sebastian; Frazier, Wanda; ashleywinger@hushmail.com Subject: OCR complaint [Type the company name] Current Information from 2011 Attached Documents: 1. Letter requesting no unnecessary contact with W61 (0W0) 2. Email from Dean (9) stating student should turn in material from the past to the Of?ce of Equity and request a Judicial Board Grievance Procedure for the forced meeting with after I Speci?cally stated I did not want to meet with her and brought another student to witness it. EOE complaint/ Documentation and their return letters May 9?h letter from Dean granting me till Sept 1?gt for Incompletes Jan 81h Dismissal Letter Jan 16?h legal papers/grade petition documenting no policy for 2.0 GPA dismissal Feb. Involuntary Leave of Absence for 2.0 GPA Grade Petition Follow up Letter- Timeline of Events ETYPE THE DOCUMENT [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document] Wednesday. Sept. 22. 2004 I'm sorry i didn't intorm you of this on Monday. Guess i had too much on my mind. No excuse. I ?nally got up with on Monday Sept. 20, by telephone in aske tr why she didn't report to her internship on Sept. 12. Her reply was: ?m enrotle won't be coming to Duke. So I told her to contact in registration about this matter. She said. she would be in this Friday to talk to ake her oil at payroll. She was on $8500.00. a It you need anything else please let me know. (bxs); (mm) 7? Duke 523?? (bx? School Durham, NC 2 708 nun-L (mmc) September 27, 2004 Duke School near i have been directed by Dean to withdraw you from the School as of September 20, 2004, which Is the date you informed the Office of your decision to withdraw. Withdrawal at this time in the fall 2004 semester results in a 60 percent refund of tuition. send a copy at this letter to the University Registrar today. Sincerely, un?t!? R: ~01"st Untv?f?: Ev Frag-Ara F01. Aunts-r- 60'. u: mums Academiak?gwamh I Mum! Mansions I 1 5131mm Mime: mam ?xed: This form should be used to authorize a withdrawatlleave tram the University. All fields must be completed, except where indicated with Student EMPLID: I I First Name: Middle Name/Initial? Last Name: 03(6)? I Career: Session: (3 Regular Program Action: (Pinto um: one) Discontinuation Dismissai Leave of Absence Suspension f? Administrative Withdrawai 1? Program Reason: 958g (Reiaregglayalueg) Eitective Date: [Sept 29 2004 Withdrawal Term: . 1 (Example: Spring 2003) Anticipated Return . Term: not ?paranoia. enter New Graduation Termz' n{a_ Grades: ukciono) 6? W?s F?s Student alerted us to her desire to withdraw on I Further Instructions? Your Name: Your Ema" Address; - .r a Lax/acuity 31.35723?; .. ammonia-.31.. 1: 34:24:39; . It MA Ytako several routed to both the Oltico ol '3 ?nancial adjustments or 29 (884-28 Duke Bulletin pages 95 and 96 on necessary requirements for withdrawal from the school - Under the Withdrawal section it clearly states the students must file a written statement indicating their desire to withdraw from school, meet with their faculty advisers and the associate dean of academics. None of this never occurred. Change of Courses or Withdrawal. Students are permitted to change their course registrations, without incurring a penalty. during the prescribed drop/add period at the beginning of each semester. The adding of a course during the second week of drop/ add may require the permission of the instructor of that course. Any refund of tuition related to withdrawals will be according to the published schedule. No student will be permitted to withdraw from a course after one-half of the semester without incurring failure, except for causes adjudged by the senior associate dean for academic programs to be beyond the student's control. Conditions of genuine emergency and not considerations of convenience will be determinative in considering requests. which must be submitted in writing on academic petition forms. Leave of Absence. A student wishing to take a leave of absence for one or two semesters, and intending to return to a degree program in the Divinity School. should so notify the senior associate dean for academic programs in writing in advance. No leave of absence will be granted for more than one full academic year, although an emergency extension may be requested from the senior associate dean for academic programs. Withdrawals from School. Students deciding to withdraw from the Divinity School. for whatever reason, should consult with their faculty advisers and the senior associate dean for academic programs, and must file a written statement of withdrawal Administration oflhe Cim?iarlum .05 prior to departure. All students who have officially withdrawn or whose leave of absence extends beyond one academic year but who wish later to return to the Divinity School will be required to reapply for admission, and provide whatever documentation is required by the director of admissions. (D: Ptogrem Hiltory Program Status Discontinued pm.? Admit Term 2004 SM Term Exp. Graduation Term 2006 Spring Term ?Coune ?letory L. -W. 2004 Spring Term Course redlt Of?dbl Grade 0* 2'5, Gradan Un?t: nub Cour? Section Course The Instructods) 20M nu Term Couue Cradlt Ol'?c'ul Grade Course - Section Course Title instmetods) .. Sumac: - .. Stath as of Units In Progress 0.000 Total Yaken Toward GPA 3.000 Total Cumulative Unite 3.000 Total Grade Points 9.000 Cumulative NA 3.000 AV .. Includes al causes passed at Duke. as we! as test and transfer mm apphcabIe to the negree. See the bunetm for the year you matncutated at Duke for the number 01' creams appkabie to you: degree. January 15,2013 Ms. Kate S. Hendricks Deputy Counsel Duke University 310 Blackwell Street, 4th Floor Box 104124 Durham, NC 27710 Re, (bxs); (bxnc) Dear Ms. Hendricks: Our of?ce represents I?Dlmlia?xncl [with regard to the recent decision of the Academic Policies Committee (?Committee? to involuntarily withdraw from the Duke 03) School. On January 0 received a letter from (bxsli?b) communicatingt ?ommittee?s decision and $5356): (W7 af?rmation of the decision. The etter indicated that the Committee?s decision to [from the Duke School was due to: (1) ?her overall GPA is ?concerns about [her] academic performance? including the timeliness of work submissions and absences; and (3) ?overall failure to participate in the larger learning experience of the class.? letter references the (Wm) (?Bulletin?) as the source of authority or the Committee?s decision. After searching the Bulletin for any applicable uidelines, we have grave concerns about the grounds and handling of the Committee and Dean decision to exclude (bll6l?lbx7lc) from the Duke School. (1) Overall GPA January 9, 2013 letter (see attached) references page 117 of the Bulletin which outlines the ?graduation requirements? for the Master of (male) I degree. Unlike the other Masters programs offered at Duk School, the School Bulletin lists no ?continuation requirements? for a grade pomt average in the ram. Hence, there was no academic requirement that have a 2.0 GPA to remain in school for this, her last semester. On the contrary, students admitted to the program ?whose academic work alter admission is not satisfactory may be placed on limited program by the Academic Policies Committee and are required to reduce their course load or to make other academic adjustments.? 111 emphasis added). The Committee to our knowledge, did not place on a limited program or rec uire her to make other academic adjustments. Instead, the Committee initiated (bll6lilbll7lcl :involuntary withdrawal. Thus, the Committee was non-compliant with the Duke School?s own established procedures as documented in the Bulletin and acted outside the scope of its vested authority. There is no provision in the 2012-13 Bulletin for an involuntary withdrawal that is applicable to Involuntary withdrawal is only listed as a ossible consequence for ?rst year Istudents; is in her third year of the program. Once transfer credits are reviewed by will likely be in her ?nal semester of the program. Even if the adopted policies of the Duke School allowed for her involuntary withdraw?which they do not?such a decision by ommittee and at the beginning of her ?nal semester would be ill-advised considering the Duke School?s actual knowledge of sexual harassment issues with a previous faculty member (and retaliatory actions at owed) that caused her signi?cant distress and contributed to her inability to complete her classwork on time. As previously evidenced, there is no GPA continuation reuirement; however even if there were, the Committee?s decision to involuntarily withdraw and af?rmation of the Committee?s decision are unsupported. cumulative GPA was calculated prematurely as the Duk School?s Academic Calendar lists February 1, 2013 I as the ?deadline for incompletes in previous Fall Semester 2012? 6). professor, (WW (WW3) I did not impose an earlier deadline for her to complete the work assigned in (WHO) therefore, her grade should be calculated at the earlier of the completion of her missm wor or February 1, 2013. informed (WHO) Ithat her course in although taught by a department outside the Duke (bxsli (W7 School, would could towards herdegree; however, in an email last week, the decision of the Committee to involuntarily withdraw (WW3) I without considering this grade. At the very least, once the grade for this course is added to (DWC) cumulative GPA, it is likely that her GPA will be si ni?cantly higher and place her on a trajectory to meet the 2.0 graduation requirement for the degree. (2) Academic performance concerns A portion of current academic concern are attributable to Duke School?s handling of complaint about a course from the Fall 2012 semester. On October 29, 2012, emailed the Of?ce of Equity and to notify them of her concerns related to her class. This email requested permission to take the class pass/fail or, in the alternative, asked that the ?class be co-taught with another professor.? also notes in her e-mail that a (6?;le Istudy course would be more a licable to her expected future practice. The Duke School had the option to reassign I?)le (WW3) I to another professor or to assist in resolving this issue. has an email con?rming Ireceived a copy her email and was aware of her received no substantive response from the administration at Duke School. Consequently, on November 5, 2012, within the prescribed timeline to withdraw mm a class during the fall 2012 semester 6, listing November 9, 2012 as the ?last day to withdraw with a from current fall term classes?), IWI completed the form requesting permission to withdraw from the class. Although the form indicates that the course professor ultimately must sign the request, there is no indication on the form or in the Bulletin that it is the responsibility of the student to secure the signature prior to the registrar processing the request. Despite this lack of clarity, the registrar?s documented receipt of the form, and the administration?s knowledge of registered complaint against the professor~?instead of processing the requestw-the registrar attempted to return the withdrawal request to . via the campus mailboxes. According to she ?rst became aware that the request was not processed when she retrieved the returned form on December 28, 2012 from the adjacent mail folder of the student whose last name precedes hers alphabetically and into whose mail folder it was mistakenly placed. believing she had submitted a timely request to withdraw from thelWl class, ceased attending class and did not submit the ?nal reuired coursework. This mix?up with the withdrawal form accounts for both (W7 failing grade in the class?from which she assumed she had withdrawn?and also for the ?excessive absences? cited in letter. When discovered that her withdrawal request was not processed due to the missing signature, 3 requested a review of this and other assi ned grades to avoid the addition of permanent failing grades on her transcript. In addition to the Iclass, received a failing grade in due to a documented problem with uploading the assigned papers on According to is already in possession of the two papers from which the grade for this class was based and. continues to await noti?cation from (DXGIW regarding the grades assigned to the papers, and thus, her ?nal grade in the class. Though has had to request incompletes in some of her classes, when work was accepted and graded, ultimately received satisfactory grades in classes for which she had originally reques an received an incomplete. To our knowledge, conclusions regarding the petition for review of (W7 grades is still pendingmas her January 9, 2013 letter only acknowledged receipt petition and revrew of the original Committee decrsion to involuntarily Withdraw (7 from the Master of program. In addition, as Dukelf?lf?)? (W7 School is well aware, the academic performance concerns outlined letter: ?frequent absences and a pattern of taking multile incompletes, are all manifestations of (WW3) documented health issues. communicated her medical conditions to the Duke (bxb); School, both verball and in writing, as well as the exacerbation of these conditions by actions of the DukeSchool?s administration. In addition, noti?ed the Student Disability Access Of?ce and began taking the appropriate steps to secure recognition of these conditions and seek ?reasonable accommodations.? of?ce had actual notice of these conditions and her efforts to seek academic accommoations to deal with them. In fact, in her recent letter, (DWI referenced her knowledge of diagnosis of which resulted from her alleged sexual harassment by a previous employee of the Duke SchooL (3) Participation in the larger learning experience of the class This nebulous statement provides little substance for proof or challenge and appears to reiterate the Academic Policies Committee?s concerns raised above. Therefore, we reSpectfully request clari?cation on this particular rationale prior to attempting to address it. As evidenced by this letter, was unaware that she was being considered for involuntary dismissal prior to arriving for classes last week. Thus, she recently contacted me to review this aspect of her case. I am still in the process of reviewing her many claims, but I see the immediate need to address is exclusion from school. As classcs for this semester have already started, an expedient resolution of this issue is bene?cial to all parties. respectfully requests that she be allowed to attend class pending a resolution of ese concerns. Accordin to the Academic Calendar in the 2012-13 Bulletin, January 23, 2013 is the ?nal day that can add courses this semester. If she is unable to take classes this semester, and a decision is ultimately made in her favor, her damages will undeniably be much higher. In addition to seeking reconsideration of previous decision, we res ectfully ask that review the transfer credits information which, according to is in possession. It is quite possible that has successfully completed enough courses to graduate this spring?with the majority remaining credits completed off campus. has also contacted the United States Department of Education?s Of?ce of Civil Rights but has yet to ?le a formal complaint with that of?ce. Given that she may only need one class to graduate, we hope this will prove unnecessary. We anticiaate an OCR investigation would be extensive due to the gender, race, and disability issues that W51 WHO) has raised with Duke University for quite some time. Final] as the Committee based its decision to involuntarily withdraw from the Duke School based on her grades and attendance, we are requesting copies of all academic policies, guidelines and requirements that support the Committee?s decision to involuntarily withdra If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, Enclosures to 10. 11. 12. TIMELINE OF EVENTS . Applied for admission to Duke School, March 26th 2003 Admitted to Duke School April 14th 2003 Attended this semester Moved and began Duke gig); Schooljan 2004- received a 3.0 GPA this semester Returned back home over the summer of 2004 and interned as a in the afternoons. I took a Greek course during the mornings. Successfully completed the internships and made a in (ms) I summer course I 7/21 /2004- Received the ?rst installment of two grants towards tuition at Duke One for $1310.00 and the other for 887.50 for the Fall semester in early August. I lived on (will with I Returned to C) Upon arrival, I paid for three months of summer rent for holding the room over the summer while I was in Austin and rent through Dec. 2004- 3235; I also lost my deposit because I did not stay the full year, which was the terms of the lease. Registered for 4 courses, bought all of the books for the semester and paid additional activity fees associated with the university? student health fee, student insurance etc. 8/ 25/ 2004 Applied for a placement. At the time of my interview, I requested to have I was worried and handling the work load while taking the core coursework of the Duke paradigm. At that time, I was told the spots for the placements for the year were limited and there was a slim chance that I would receive that particular placement during the school year. Thus, I informed the director that if I couldn?t get I would happily wait until summer for . placement because of the demanding nature of the academics at Duke. 9/3/2004 Bought a round trip ticket on American Airlines to return home to over Labor day weekend and ?ew homewanted to check on her) Through my visit I realized my mother was not handling the separation from my father well and at her request I stayed i a little longer to provide additional Family support. 13. In attempts not to get behind, I continued with my assigned readings and wrote my papers for my courses at Duke. None of my classes this semester had attendance policies and at that time my Ethics precept required our class communication to be written in the grOup interaction dialogue box in Blackboard. Therefore, missing 9 days of class was not a huge deal. 14. Called fellow eer and asked her to check in my mailbox to see if I received a package from the department, which was how we were informed of our placements. Nothing was in my mailbox and I had not received a phone call or an email from a thus I assumed I did not get a placement that school year. 15. In addition, I also sat in on courses at the that were discussing similar to ics to our course readings at Duke. I asked me Dean of Academics, and ever professor their permission to sit in their course since I was not a student, applied for admission or paid tuition. I thought this would enable me to do everything I could to stay caught up with my courses and still stay home with my mother for an additional week. 16. 9/ 15/ 2004- my student loans were processed for 2966.93, 1825.57, 4226.26 17. 9/16/2004 refund check issued for 4124.26 and mailed to my home in 18. After I spent 2 weeks with my mother, she bean doing better and I paid the $100 Chane of ?ight fee and returned back to The first Outgoing flight to from was Sept 24th, 2004. 19. 9/20/2004? Sept 20th, 2004 spoke with land was informed for the first time that I was placed in arm?s); I placement on the previous Sunday. I asked why no one had contacted me and why there was not a packet in my mailbox. I told her that I returned home for a family emergency and that I had kept up with my school work and even went a step farther to sit in on classes there so I wouldn?t fall behind. And that I had booked a flight back to and would be there by Friday. Thus I would not miss the next Sunday. are allowed to miss 2 Sundays during any placement. (1 have learned now that the reason there was problems with my application packet not being placed in mailbox and th 533g); given the incorrect contact information was was going throughlaa (WHO and minor mistakes were made.) I so as .I needed to meet with when I returned on Friday to ?x everything. She told me to see 20. On Sept 22, 2004 WHO) I sent the Dean of Student Life, l? 0 ege and (W6): (bx? at Duke 533%); a letter statin that I had enrolled to (X6 would no longer be attenc ing Duke (W7 I have never taken a class at College, nor even knew the school existed until I read her letter. It is a small undergraduate only college. It has no school, or any program similar that would make her letter feasible. 21. sent me an email on that Wednesday stating she can?t withdraw me from school unless I speak with the ?nancial aid of?ce. I sent her a return email stating I would be there on Friday to speak with her in person. I never contacted the office because I had no intention of withdrawing from school. I also never stated to in that email that I wanted her to withdraw me from school. I simply responded that I would be there on Friday to ?x everything because I wasn?t sure what exactly was going on. 22. When I arrived to school on Friday, informed me that I needed to speak withl?DXBl I the Dean 0 (bxe); 23. He had already left for the day thus I was not able to met with him until the following Monday. Met with Dean on Monday, Sept 26th. During that meeting I repeatedly informed him that I had no desire to leave school nor had I transferred to College. I stated that I had kept up with my coursework and that my classes did not actually have an attendance policy. Moreover that I even went a step beyond to sit in on classes that were teaching similar material while I was home. I also told him repeatedly that I had not enrolled in another school of any kind. Out frustration, I pulled out the School Bulletin that stated that the Dean of had no authority or power over an issue like this (pg 95-96 of 2004 Bulletin) and could never remove me from classes. He was not the Associate Dean of At this point in the meeting the dynamic changed drastically. He began threatening me stating what he had done to past students that questioned his power. He stated that they were raising 10 million dollars for addition to the divinity school and that they could do whatever they wanted. I asked to speak land he stated he was gone fundraising for the building, but his wifela?llsli (WW3) would back his decisions He went on to threaten me about what he did to the last student that threatened his power. Apparently, the student was accused of raping another female divinity student. He stated that he and tried to remove him from school, but a lawyer stopped because they not have the authority. At this point in the meeting, I still remember being more of afraid of this man than I have ever been of anyone. His anger and frustration, clearly had nothing to do with me and had to do with the past case in which he could not remove the student. He started bragging that although he found out half way through the process that he knew the student had not actually rape the other student he still did not want him as a student since he questioned his power. Thus he did continued to do things that would at least cost him more money with a lawyer. He laughed that it probably cost him at least 20,000 and threatened to do the same to me. This student?s name was He also stated that he and have removed probably 20 students that have not ?lled out a voluntary withdrawal form or had a judicial and that it is no big deallmw); (bmc) I candidate, 24. husband was one of these students? and she remarkably has had a very similar experience as me with over the past two years) I clearly remember turning my head to the side and apologetically asking what that has to do with me and his mood somewhat lightened. At this point I offered to drop courses if I was unable to meet the requirements and offered to make up the Sunday I missed for the placement. I told him I truly never knew I had a placement and that I stayed behind to check on my mother to make sure she was doing okay. My father was the CEO of several companies and WHO) I 25. 26. 27. (mmc) Nothing really hit my mother until a year later, which is why I stayed home to check on her. After marrying my father, she never truly reentered the workforce. He stated that the admissions board had made a mistake and that they did not let in students with parent?s like mine into Duke. At that point in the meeting he began walking around the office. The last thing I can remember is him placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing his hands downward towards my chest. I pushed his hand back and I truly remember nothing else from that meeting. There are things I can do to remember the rest of the meeting; however, I would prefer never to remember. Apparently after this meeting, he informed both the registrar and the bursar?s office to withdraw me from my courses since I had transferred. According to both the Faculty Handbook and the Bulletin neither the registrar, nor the bursar would have been allowed to remove without a voluntary withdraw form or a letter from Despite this letter illustrates she withdrew based on Dean (bx instruccions and then forwarded this letter on to the registrar who removed me with the letter that stated the same verbal instructions. (which also indirectly illustrates that there was no voluntary withdrawal form signed because she had to inform me that Dean removed me) None of these people had the authority to do this. Nor did they ever contact College or any other school to have enrollment papers faxed to them to verify the rumor I was enrolled in another school. On Sept. 28th, 2004 I received a phOne stating that Deanconducted a judicial committee and one through the grievance procedure with her assistant, and his assistant. Together they decided I would no longer be allowed to attend Duke University. I genuinely have no idea if this actually evcr occurred. According to the bulletin, he would never have been allowed to convene a judicial procedure, only had that authority. I would have had to have been notified before a judicial board procedure and offered the opportunity 28. 29. speak. None of this ever happened. And it was that called to inform me of all of this, not which would not be permitted. Nor was there a letter in my file that documented to outcome of this procedure by None-the-less, stated the reasons the judicial board decided that I could not return to school was that I lied about my father, which was against the code of conduct they established after the past incident with He stated that: 1) he knew my had never been to jail because the FBI does not come into people?s personal homes to get documents and take pictures the investigate undercover; 2) I had already enrolled in another school; 3) I told a sectary I was homesick; and 4) that I bought a one?way plane ticket home, which demonstrated I was never planning to return to The only thing that was factual was that I mention I was homesick. Nor of these things would give him a reason or the authority to remove me or convene a judicial board. He wasn?t the dean of academics. Please reference thelmx?l? ISeminary documenting that as of Oct 4th 2004, which was more than a month and a half into the semester, I had never even applied for admission. There was no possible way I was enrolled or had transferred. Please reference, documentation illustrating that father had actually been sent to prison. I never made this up, the sentencing transcripts actually illustrate that the FBI did enter the house and take pictures and documents as well. I prepaid 6 months of rent and left my vehicle, clothing, and never withdrew from school. No chance I would have purchased a one-way ticket with no intention of returning to Moreover, Duke was ranked number one (WHO) school, had the only end of life institute in nation, and I had my tuition comp etely paid through scholarships and grants I had no reason to leave. It would make no sense for me to leave and incur all of these fees. Part 2 If I had been kicked out of school there would be records of my judicial procedure in my school records, and if I had voluntarily withdrawn that form would be in my records as well. None of this was present in my school records. The only thing present in my records is a letter from a sectar stating that I enrolled in College and a letter fro (22$ng stating she took me out because the head of lame)? asked her to on 9/20/2004 Upon the school?s breach of contract with the improper removal, I lost all of my scholarships and the (WW3) Imoney. I received approx. 4000 in scholarships and 8600 in money. On the money for the student loans was returned and these loans were closed out. The scholarships were returned; however, the was reapplied at a lower amount When I returned to I had to pay rent in both and Rent in totaled $3610 and overlapping rent from Oct- Dec and the deposit totaled 3800 in The Academic Dean went out of his way to help me and convened an Academic board meeting on Oct 4th to discuss the decision to allow me to enroll in school a month and half past the add/ drop date without an application for admission on ?le. On Oct 11th 2004, I was granted admission as a special student providing: 1) I apply for admission and interview with the admission specialist, and pay 2) pay 4400 in tuition before the end of the week. Clearly I was never enrolled in this school nor had I transferred 3/22/2005 and then again on 3/31/2005 It illustrates that Loan activity by Duke University when I was not a student? in the amount of $3589.74. There is then a discrepancy here because the money was not actually applied until 4/ 15/2005 and the promissory note illustrates that this loan was actually electronically signed on far after the 4/ 15/ 2005 date it was applied to my student account. june of enrolled I This was a necessary requirement for I and to graduate. I applied when I was at Duke and went ahead to per orm it as an attempt to finish education to receive my During thi unit I was severel sexual] harassed, it would have been the responsibility of the Duk Department to remove students that are in this position or to aid them in resolving this situation. However, since I was taken out of school, I had no help. (This past year I got so fed up with (WW3) acting this way. I just started turning everyone in. Last semester I turned in my past supervisor at this Ifor commenting that that the other student?s right arm must be tired after having a girl like me in our rou sessions as well as many other harassing comments. The National board came down and gave him the option of going before a disciplinary board or retiring last semester. He retired sometime between October and November of 2012.) Confused abo kt future, and what to do after my dreams were crushed, I enrolled in a( program 10/ 25/ 2005- paid 745.52 to start paying off the balance still owed from being removed from school 11 22/ 2005- Letter sent tolwxe); (bxm) Idocumenting the aspects of the withdrawal and demanding to be reinstated I wrote this letter primarily based off of the phone call on Sept 28th, 2004. I did not remember all of the events that transpired in that meeting until I came back up to North Carolina. I also provided proof that none of the reasons I given during the phone call from Deanmwere actually true. (Although, I?m not sure if these meeting ever even took place) 3 10/ 2006 Paid another 2000.00 to cover the bill from being removed from school since my scholarships were taken away. I sold stock out of mutual fund my great grandfather had step up to cover this and course I stopped earning interest on it. 4/1/2011 Reapplicd to Duke 93;? 6/24/2011 Accepted to Duke (C) 30. - Tuition and fees doubled from 2004 to 2011 and I did not have the same amount in scholarships as my first time in school. Thus, I had to take out a considerable amOunt of loans. 8/ 27 2011 began classes Turned in application for placement on Sept 2, 2011. Application for both and placements- asks what ethnicity you are, marital status, engagement date, spouse?s name, occupation, no. of children, ages and then states that if you are married your placement will be limited. Applied for lacement, not to a non-pro?t organization called Despite this all of the students are employees of Duke 7 School for non-profit organizations we are paid through work study money allotted through the Federal Government. This is a violation of Title XI law. My application and all of my application essays were then given to my supervisor at We)? (blmc) 0 was not an employee of Duke University and this was done without my knowledge or permission. I believe this is a FERPA violation, but I?m not sure. 9/10/2012? Had to meet with DeanDean of to discuss events from the past to allow my asses to count from 2003- 2004 school year. 9/ 12/ 2012- Began having stress related problems shortly after having to speak of the past, my eyes began twitching back and forth and I began throwing up when I would read for an extended period of time. Met with for the issue. who stated there was no source Met with Duke campus physician who stated the problem was stress related Turned in Summer (blmc) application on Oct 24th before the 3pm application deadline. Please see the attached emails con?rming this. I followed the instructions osted Online, which stated to turn the application in to the office and wait for the office to contact you to sc eu an interview. 9/ 24/ 2011 I was refused an interview osition because I did not come in to schedule the interview with the of?ce; therefore, the application was considered late. (Please see this on the actual application.) 10/ 2/ 2011- Meeting set up for an interview for position- In this meeting the conversation is apparently in question. I believe that she asked me unethical questions about how many surgeries I have had and if I could still have children and what my plans were for the future because of this? 10 15/2011 Set up another meeting with both I?bxsl? WHO) I and i to discuss getting a I placement. After leaving this meetin I was fully under the impression that all 8 interview spots for lame)? were full and that I could apply for I did not want to apply for because the year prior they sent a student to a at collectively killed a member of their community. Over the next couple of days emails transpired that are attached with the last email still continuing to ask for the interview. Despite this, the department wrote that I had withdrawn and no longer wanted an interview 11 4/ 201 1? First request at primary registrar?s of?ce for school records 11 23 2012- first met with amudescribed the Tmtoms and why I was there. He stated t'iat was ex biting signs 0 because the same thing happened this past year as in 2004. My application was withdrawn despite the fact I followed the online rules and I was forced into a meeting to be asked ?unethical questions? like before. I started remembering the threats and other unethical behavior by after the past meetings. Attacherecords. 11/26/2011 Reported that asked me about my ability to have children and how many surgeries I ave had and my plans for childbearing in the future and then never given the interview to Vice Dean of Ilbxeli I that I followed the instructions online and that I was starting to remember everything from the past and that Title 9 laws were broken on the written application. 12/1 /2011? Next visit with in which I told him I was starting to get physically ill after remembering ?511(6): current actions and her and her assistantl??xeli lactions that caused me to be withdrawn and placed in the meeting alone with the Dean of His notes state that he was worried about me and he wrote a note to enable me to get an extension on my finals based on the physical illness that was occurring out of the stress of remembering the past, the unethical questions and my application being withdrawn when I did not want to withdraw. 12/10/2011 email sent out to professors and approved by dean asking for incompletes based on which occurred after interviewing with ?eld education department. 12/ 12/2011 Incompletes approved based on current medical status that derived from my interaction with (W6): (W7 and my memory of past. 12/21/2011 letter sent out and meeting sent up wi to discuss what happened, why I asked for incompletes, gain approval for my classes in 2003-2004 to count towards my graduation, and set up a plan to work on incompletes. I reported that I was asked about my previous surgery and if I could still have children which caused me to remember this and that I still never got an of?cial interview. 1 man/2012- Meeting with the Dean Ofin 2011, I told her that I was asked about my ability to have children and have many surgeries I had and that it triggered my memory from events in the ast. I told her about the threats I remembered in the meeting regardin stating what he did to a student that was accused 0 another student during the 2002-2003 school year after he knew he had not done it and that he would do the same thing to me. I reported that after I questioned his power his mood changed and that I had never been that afraid of anyone. Also that he stated he and (W7 removed students all the time out signing a voluntary withdraw or a )u cial procedure. And that after the point of threats I had no further memory of what happened in that meeting. I asked her to help me ?nd out if these students were ok because I believed I was getting sick and had repressed some of the memory at least in part out of guilt of not saying anything and allowing them to et hurt. I also asked to have unnecessary contact With either of (WHO) or( or ?3an [because I did not want to remember from that meeting until I got caught up with school from the incompletes I took the previous semester. I was hoping that if I faced it then I would stop getting physically ill. I had initially set up a meeting for a month later, but cancelled that two days later in the joint email I sent to both I Sent email confirming that I wanted to request that all further interviews with th(b)(6)i department be done with (W7 because was triggering my memory. 31.- Feb 2012 Began seeing a for severe depression which resulted from remembering all of this and got on medication, which helped and accommodations were being made, worked on completing the incompletes from the previous semester and was progressing well with my current course work. Accommodations were made I attended the make?up session only led by and I was doing well in all my classesmid-term and a 79 on one paper in and an 85 on the midterm giving me a in both courses going into ?nals. In addition I was progressing on my final paper in the Independent Study course. I personally limited my course load to 3 courses to stay on top of things during school this semester. Since I was researching and writing for my field education placement at II actually started crossing over my last assignments on my (WHO) and turned the papers in early on Blackboard. I then requested my school records again. I received everything, but my (MD 6 7 records. Thus, I asked for a time to come and ick them p. Brought fellow studen WW0) with me to pick (male) material so I could avoid any meetings with When I came to pick up my records, I saw the assistant and she stated that I neede! to meet with (W7 [before I (C) 171m could pick up my records. I stated that I did not need or want to meet with them and that I just wanted to ick a copy of my recordswitnessed this. A few minutes later, both (Wm) and(b)(6); Iwalked in the door and usheredout of the of?ce and FORCED me into that meeting. I was asked if there was anything they could do to be helpful to me and I stated that I still cominqu to want that interview for the summer placement I never received in Oct. I was told that I didn?t apply byjan 27th, but clearly I applied in Oct well before the ?nal deadline and complained to every Dean we had that I did not get an interview after being asked how many surgeries I had and if I could have children. 33(6); (W7 told me that giving me an interview this would not be fair to all of the other students. Then, I was asked why I wanted my records from 2004, why I wanted to speak with the past supervisor from 2004 that was given the wrong contact information for me- and told they no longer work at that hen asked who I was going to tell about this and give my records to. 5 3/ 2012: Remembered more of the past meeting with meeting after this forced meeting and reported it to and asked what to do. Decided to report it to the police. Began getting sick physically again and severely de ressed. Increased anti-depressant. Went to health center and request testing because I was unsure if I was raped, and requested birth control to stop from forming. (Documentation provided) 5/6/2012: Reported the forced meeting to Dean (Elam); I I asked again for no further unnecessary contact with and told him that I even brought another student with me to avoid this situation. I told him I was starting to get sick again and stated I might need an extension. He sent me an email with directions on the next steps to take. He told me to go to the EOE office and report the incidents from the ast and that I had the option of ?ling a formal grievance (W7 Ifor the forced meeting and never giving me an interview from the WW0) I Oct 2011 application. I just reported all of it to the EOE office: the forced meeting in which I was asked harassing questions to get my school records, the title 9 violations on the application my application essay distributed to people outside of Duke University and that I was about my ability to conceive children in meetings regarding job placement and interviews, never actually receiving an of?cial interview even after I complained to all three deans that I did not get the interview which altered my graduation date, and the incompletes that were going to occur because of this semester because of this forced meeting and involvement with the events from and the Federal unsubsidized loans taken out in my name a year after left Duke in I?m waiting on the promissory note as it was in their archives; however, Sallie Mae has informed me the romissory note on the loan was taken out either in July of or Oct I could have never done this and gained Duke?s enrollment approval at this at of date. Shortly after this meeting I found out, my preceptors never received these papers and I couldn?t understand why, which is indicated in my written request for an extension. OIT has now demonstrated that the email address, I(b)(6)3 (bmc) Ithat was set up within the Blackboard system never actually existed or was activate until August of the following school year. More speci?cally, not one email that any professor sent me through the duke academic system would come through for the entire 2011-2012 school year and that anything I sent to them through the academic system would not go through because the email address used to transmit messages and assignments had been deactivated in 2006 and was never reactivated. Thus, my assignments were never received and everything any preceptor of professor sent me would have been returned as undeliverable. I did have an active email address (bmc) however, this was not the email address sent up in blackboard Duke?s online academic system. May 9th, 2012 granted an extension until September to complete my course work for that semester. Despite this, I had an entered in two courses prior to the Sept deadline shortly after the EOE investigation started and Duke refused to allow me to address the issue in academic committee meetings for grade petition despite the fact I wrote the past Dean of a letter contesting this because I did not know there was different due dates other Sept Ist 2012 May 15th, reported personal sexual harassment to Ten minutes later Office entered the room and I gave my statement to him as well. Admittedly, I was scared to death and was shaking the entire time. I had never really reported this to anyone before and I did a terrible job. I reported that Dean threatened me and then put his hands on my shoulders and moved them down towards my chest. I remember pushing his hands away and that was the last thing I could remember. Immediately after that I was told I could not return to Duke. And within a month I developed significant OBGYN problems. He made it very CLEAR that I could not state I was assaulted because assault was only if you can state you were raped. I could only state that I was harassed. I have read the reports from the school regarding this and I am questioning why all of these reports are so different. I never stated that 20 people were sexually assaulted. I did stated he bragged he removed 10?20 students without following procedure and that since I was inappropriately touched they might be too. I did not tell the administrative assistant I was inappropriately touched only WHO) I And frankly he made me feel terrible and tried to convince me that since I could not remember the entire meeting it probably did not happen. He literally tried to convince me I made the event up because I repressed the memory; however, I called the people involved with his threats and it was con?rmed that he did what he said. I did not make this up! And since I requested incompletes after the forced meeting with and issues with blackboard I was not granted a summer placement. This is recorded in multiple emails. The justi?cation was that I had too many incompletes to participate in a summerunit and that I had not turned in an application by Jan 27th. I turned my application in Oct. and was never given an official interview and had to request incompletes due to forced meeting with and the blackboard system not transmitting my ?nal. Start of the Fall 2012: The school has given me several emails they claim they sent me to an [however, this email account was deactivated sometime in late August/ early September because the duke email accounts were supposedly ?xed. This is in writing on multiple sources, despite this, I have been given multiple emails from Duke University stating they sent me things to that account and I received it after this date. Several letters that I received last two weeks strongly stand out. 1) a letter from stating that I never applied for a ?eld education placement before Jan 27th, which I applied and submitted this application on Oct 24th, 2011. 2) that have two incompletes- the date was August let the date for the incomplete was Sept 1. 3) thatl had a 2.0 even with the 2 F?s and 4) that she had been speaking with who would have been responsible for stopping the Federal Loans from being taken out in 2005 and applied to my Duke account. There is a letter from implying that they wanted to take me out of school but because I had a 2.0 could not. Note- the only reason I had a 2.0 was because two rofessors entered F?s before the Sept 1 deadline imposed by Dea after the EOE complaint began getting investigated. And I was not permitted to turn in those papers later by Dr. This is not an accurate GPA, which they are well aware of. I had B?s in those courses prior to the complaint. And there is no 2.0 GPA requirement in the program after your ?rst year. And if my last paper and ?nal were actually graded there is no way I would have an in either course. I believe this was retaliation and an attempt to inhibit me from raduating. Kate Hendrix, Duke?s lawyer actually told my lawyer that they did not want me to graduate and become a or have the opportunities that a Duke Divinity education would offer in an 2013. Her number is Furthermore: I) The United (WHO) decides who can become [not the educational institutions. 2) I?m here for the Ilbxeli Ito hold people?s hands when they are sick and understand different perspectives on life and death and how that effects I don?t care about the manner or method is delivered in a. At the end of life none of that is important. This is part of the reason that the laws); (bmc) Istopped giving money to this school and allowed the institute to be shut down. It is now just an initiative. There is an entirely different way of thought, bein and presence between a worker that works with people across all (WW3) ? and a strict conservativellbxel (WHO) I Oct 28th 2013 Reported Ian?s); ICourse EOE comlaint attached. We were taught to understand theology fro perspective in lame); (bmc) IOur textbook taught us to de?ne and understand ?whiteness? as the ethnocentric activity of "madmen sick with their own self-concept" and thus ?blind to that which ails them and oppresses others?. Whiteness symbolizes ?sickness?, ?o ression? and ?disease?. White theology is therefore viewed as a (DWC) - sickness and oppression.[page 27 of Our midterm question asked us to illuminate what was diseased about and how we would teach perspective to this to white (W7 I also sent the attached complaint to both Dea and Dean gig); as well as in the EOE of?ce. No one did anything, thus on Nov 5th I ?lled out a withdraw form and turned it in to the registrar. 4 days before the to the due date. This withdrawal was never processed and I received an in the course. I made a grade petition and it was denied because I turned in the form past the mid-point in the semester; however, both the bulletin and the form itself illustrate that I turned it in 4 days early. I also received another this semester because for the exact same reason did the previous semester. The professor refused to grade my ?nal two papers despite the fact I had a in the course because they, "never received the papers? OIT has found that my papers should have gone through onnow [is an active email account. There would be no reason they would not have received these ?nal two papers. As soon as I was told they did not have them, I sent them over immediately. Since this is literally the 3rd time I had a in the course and the professors refused to grade the last papers giving me an in the course since I ?led the EOE complaint. I?m ?nd this very ?shy especially since they told my lawyer they did not want me to graduate or become . Then in my grade petition they overturned a teacher?s prior permission to edit an assignment because I already had a in the course. 32. Thus, to summarize I had a the ?nal grade of in every course but 1, prior to ?ling the EOE report turning in the past and current dean. And I had a in the courses going into the ?nals both of the past semesters. After I ?led the EOE complaint and turned everyone in and asked for a refund from that semester. Now I have 3 F?s because three professor?s refused to grade the ?nal assignment or abide by the assignment deadlines, my ?nal paycheck was initially refused and delayed 4 other times prior when I turned the head of ?eld education in, and the withdraw form I ?lled out is being refused to be processed because I turned it in ?late? when I actually turned it in four days early . All aspects of my grade petition are have been denied even when the OIT has offered proof that any papers sent through system would not have gone through on either side. I was forced to take a leave of absence in my ?nal semester of school, a punishment only applicable to ?rst year students that fall below a 2.0 GPA page 111. I was told I was dismissed for multiple incompletes; however, page 114 of the Bulletin states you cannot be dismissed for multiple incompletes only for 3 or more unresolved incompletes. Also that I failed to participate in class; however, attached are the following emails from my professors demonstrating this is in fact not true. And that I did not communicate with professors in a timely manner through email; however, the OIT reports demonstrate that for the ?rst year I was a student at Duke not one of the emails sent through the academic server would have ever gone through because they never activated my Duke email account. 1 and it was suggested that I get counseling from the emotional and financial strains of the two withdraws Duke unjustly made without the policy or authority to do so. Frazier, Wanda From: Amar, Sebastian Sent: Thursday. February 28, 2013 7:41 AM To: Frazier, Wanda Cc: Murphy, Robin C. Subject: FW: OCR Complaint 11-13-2066 Attachments: OCR 11-13-2066.ij FYI we now have consent for 2066. medtbxe; I Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:20 PM To: Amar, Sebastian Subject: OCR Complaint 11-13-2066 Mr. Sebastian Amar, l?m sorry for the confusion. Please see the attached document. I?m working to try to collect all of the documents and put it together in a manner that is easy to understand and reference. l'm not a lawyer, so this is quite a bit harder than thought. i will unequivocally have everything to you by March 18th. Thank you so much for your number list. That is helping so much! in rel essagem- ar@ed.gov> Cc: Frazier, Wanda Sent: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 4:24 pm Subject: OCR Complaint #11-13-2043 and 11-13-2066 Dea We are in receipt of your consent form dated 1/24/13, which you mailed to us on February 26, 2013. Because the complaint that this consent form pertains to (11-13?2043) was dismissed by our office prior to receiving your consent, we are going to include those allegations as part of your latest complaint (11-13-2066). Please be advised that we have not yet received consent for your latest complaint. As mentioned in previous OCR communications, the consent form for 11- 13?2066 is due tomorrow, Thursday, February 28, 2013. In addition to your consent form, I would like to remind you that we will still need the information requested via e?mail on February 25, 2013 in order to continue with the evaluation of your latest complaint. That information is due to us no later than March 18, 2013. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Sebastian Amar Sebastian Amar Attorney Office for Civil Rights US. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave SW Washington, DC. 20202 202-453-6023 OCR Complaint Number UNI.) STATES DEPARTMENT OF E.CATION 1143,2065 OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFICE CONSENT FORM- FOR USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION Complainant?s Name (print or type): IWI Institution Against Which Complaint is Filed: . Duke University Please sign and date section A, section or section and return to the address below: I have read the section, "Investigatory Uses of Personal Information" in the OCR document "Information about OCR's Complaint Processing Procedures," which explains use of personal information. I understand that the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552, govern the use of personal information submitted to all Federal agencies and their individual components, including OCR. [will cooperate with OCR's investigation and complaint resolution activities undertaken on my behalf. I understand that my failure to cooperate with investigation may result in the closure of my complaint. A. I ive OCR my consent to reveal my identity (and/or that of my minor child/ward on whose behalf the complaint is ?led) to the institution alleged to have discriminated, as well as other persons and entities, if OCR, in the course of its investigation or for enforcement activities, finds it necessary to do so. Feb. 27th, 2013 Date OR B. I do not give OCR my consent to reveal my identity (and/or that of my minor child/ward on whose behalf the complaint is ?led). i understand that OCR may have to close this complaint if OCR is unable to proceed with an investigation without releasing my identity (and/or that of my minor child/ward on whose behalf the complaint is ?led). Signature Date C. Alternatively, if you are not ?ling this complaint on your own behalf or On behalf of your own minor child/ward, you are responsible for obtaining written consent from the person on whose behalf the complaint is ?led orminor, that person?s parent/guardian. have read this document, and I agree with the person who filed this complaint. I wish you to proceed with OCR's investigation and resolution process. I give my consent for OCR to reveal my identity (and/or that of my minor child/ward on whose behalf the complaint is ?led) to other persons to the extent necessary for the purpose of resolution or investigation of this complaint. Name (print or type): Signature Date 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington DC 20202'1475 Telephone (202) 453-6020 Facsimile (202) 453-6021 TDD (877) 5212172 Email Website October 201 1 Frazier, Wanda From: Amar, Sebastian Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 4:20 PM To: Frazier, Wanda Subject: FW: OCR Complaint 11-13-2066 From: Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 4:20 PM To: Amar, Sebastian Subject: Re: OCR Complaint 11-13-2066 l'm getting everything together right now. Message-~? From: Amar, Sebastian To: Cc: Frazier, Wanda Sent: Mon, Feb 25. 2013 4:04 pm Subject: OCR Complaint 11-13-2066 Good Afternoon As you may recall my name is Sebastian Amar and I am the attorney in the Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) at the US. Department of Education assigned to the above?referenced matter. Ms. Wanda Frazier, who is copied on this email, is also assigned to this complaint. After reviewing your complaint we have determined that we will need specific information from you in order to proceed. Specifically, the information requested includes the following: 1) 12) 13) 14) A copy of all grievances and/or complaints you filed internally with any office of the University related to the allegations in your complaint, including the University Police Department, The Office of Equity. A copy of any responses or investigations conducted by the University. including any notices of ?nal decisions; E-mail exchanges between you and University personnel related to the meeting with the Head of Field where you allege you were asked about your ability to conceive; A detailed timeline of events; A copy of the University?s policies and procedures, which you believe have been amended in January 2013 in response to your complaints; A copy of the dismissal letter received from the University alerting you to the fact that you were being removed as a student; Please provide any and all corroborating or supporting documentation for your 180-day filing waiver request; A copy of your transcript; Please identify by title any course you requested to withdraw from, or in which you received a grade of incomplete or (include the semester you took the course and the date you requested to withdraw or were given the incomplete); Please describe how you believe you were sexually harassed by staff at the University; The date(s) of any meeting(s) with the Head of Field, including the name(s) of anyone who was present at the meeting(s); Specify any impact you believe these meetins had on you; When you first experienced 0 and Supporting documentation of any medica iagnosis of and any treatment related to the diagnosis. Additionally, please send any documents or other materials that support your allegations to me by email, fax (202-453? 6021), or regular mail at the address below. Please be aware that OCR has not received a consent form from you for the 1 above-referenced complaint. Per meter dated February 8. 2013. if we do nothive a signed consent form from you within 20 days (Thursday, February 28. 2013) your complaint will be closed. Please note that OCR staff attempted to contact you at the telephone numbers provided this afternoon, but were unsuccessful, Additionally, if we do not receive the necessary information required for OCR to proceed to investigation of these complaint allegations (as requested above) within 20 days of this request (Monday March 18, 2013), your complaint will be dismissed. See Case Processing Manual (CPM) Sections 108 and and 110 at Sincerely, Sebastian Amar Sebastian Amar Attorney US. Department of Education Of?ce for Civil Rights 400 Maryland Ave, SW Washington, DC. 20202 Phone: 202453-6023 sebastian.amar@ed.qov Frazier, Wanda From: Amar, Sebastian Sent: 2013 4:04 PM To; Cc: Frazier, Wanda Subject: OCR Complaint 11-13-2066 Good Afternoo As you may recall my name is Sebastian Amar and i am the attorney in the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the US. Department of Education assigned to the above?referenced matter. Ms. Wanda Frazier, who is copied on this email, is also assigned to this complaint. After reviewing your complaint we have determined that we will need specific information from you in order to proceed. Specifically, the information requested includes the following: 1) A copy of all grievances and/or complaints you filed internally with any office of the University related to the allegations in your complaint, including the University Police Department, The Office of Equity, 2) A copy of any responses or investigations conducted by the University, including any notices of final decisions; 3) E-mail exchanges between you and University personnel related to the meeting with the Head of Field where you allege you were asked about your ability to conceive; 4) A detailed timeline of events; 5) A copy of the University?s policies and procedures, which you believe have been amended in January 2013 in response to your complaints; 6) A copy of the dismissal letter received from the University alerting you to the fact that you were being removed as a student; 7) Please provide any and all corroborating or supporting documentation for your 180~day filing waiver request; 8) A copy of your transcript; 9) Please identify by title any course you requested to withdraw from, or in which you received a grade of incomplete or (include the semester you took the course and the date you requested to withdraw or were given the incomplete); 10) Please describe how you believe you were sexually harassed by staff at the University; 11) The date(s) of any meeting(s) with the Head of Field, including the name(s) of anyone who was present at the meeting(s); 12) Specify any impact you believe these meetings had on you; 13) When you first experienced of and 14) Supporting documentation of any medical diagnosis 0 and any treatment related to the diagnosis. Additionally, please send any documents or other materials that support your allegations to me by email, fax (2024153- 6021), or regular mail at the address below. Please be aware that OCR has not received a consent form from you for the above-referenced complaint. Per our letter dated February 8, 2013, if we do not receive a signed consent form from you within 20 days (Thursday, February 28, 2013) your complaint will be closed. Please note that OCR staff attempted to contact you at the telephone numbers provided this afternoon, but were unsuccessful. Additionally, if we do not receive the necessary information required for OCR to proceed to investigation of these complaint allegations (as requested above) within 20 days of this request (Monday March 18, 2013), your complaint will be dismissed. See Case Processing Manual (CPM) Sections 108 and and 110 at Sincerely, Sebastian Amar Sebastian Amar Attorney US. Department of Education Office for Civit Rights 400 Maryland Ave, SW Washington, DC. 20202 Phone: 202?453?6023 sebastian.amar@ed.gov UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ROUNA NOR OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS SOUTH CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, 3w WASHINGTON, DC. WASHINGTON, DC 20202-1475 February 8, 2013 RE: Complaint #1 l~ 3?2066 Dear The Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR), US. Department of Education, received your complaint on February 5, 2013 against Duke University located in North Carolina. We are reviewing your complaint to determine whether to proceed to complaint resolution. We anticipate completing this review within 30 days and will notify you of the decision. The enclosed information, Complaint Processing Procedures?, provides an overview of OCR's complaint evaluation and resolution process. Also enclosed is a consent form ensuring your cooperation with OCR's complaint resolution activities. Our objective is the prompt, appropriate resolution of the allegation(s) in your complaint. Without your written consent to reveal, if necessary, your identity to persons at the institution under investigation, we cannot attempt to resolve the allegation(s) you have raised. Please sign the enclosed consent form and return it to our office immediately. As soon as we receive your signed consent form, we can begin to process your complaint. If we have not received your signed consent form within 20 calendar days of the date of this letter, we will close your complaint. Please assist us by returning your consent form as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact our of?ce at (202) 453-6020. Sincerely, mm cad Dale Rhines Program Manager Enclosure(s) The Department of Education?s mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness educational excellence and ensuring equal access. #95404; Harding, Kemal.Antonio From: OCR DC Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 10:47 AM To: Harding, Kemal.Antonio Cc: Wender, Alice; Rhines, Dale Subject: FW: OCR Electronic Complaint Submission Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Please process today. Message-?--? From: Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 9:15 AM IOCR DC Subject: OCR Electronic Complaint Submission PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL. THIS ADDRESS IS USED BY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AUTOMATED SYSTEMS AND IS NOT MONITORED. Your complaint with the Office for Civil Rights, a copy of which is reproduced below, has been automatically forwarded to the following office for review: Office for Civil Rights/ED Washington DC (Metro) 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C., 20202~1475 So that we can best assist you, we call your attention to the following: 1. If you need to communicate with OCR regarding your complaint before you are contacted directly, please do not reply to this message, which would result in your reply going to a send-only server address. Instead, please direct your correspondence to the above office at OCR.DC@ed.gov. 2. If you need to modify or supplement your complaint, please do not use the complaint form to submit another complaint with the new information. Instead, you may simply send an email to the of?ce that has your complaint. Filing duplicative complaints may impede our ability to review your concerns in a timely manner. (If you have a separate complaint involving other matters, you may of course use this form to submit it.) 3. Remember that before OCR can process your complaint it must receive at the above address a signed capy of the Office for Civil Rights Consent Form, which you can obtain at 4. It is recommended that you print a copy of this message and retain it for your records. The following information has been sent to the specified of?ce: OCR FORM 1. Enter information about you. Your First Name: Your Last Name Your Address: Cit (bx? State: Zip Code: Best Time to Call You: EVENING Primary Phone No Alternative Phone No: Your Email I 2. Who else can we call if we cannot reach you? Contact's Name: Daytime Phone No: Relationship to you: 3. Who was discriminated against? Someone else Injured Person?s Name: Daytime Phone No: Relationship to You (eg. son or daughter): Evening Phone No: Injured Person's Address: City: State: Zip Code: 4. What institution discriminated? Institution Name: Duke University Address: City: Durham State: NC Zip Code: 27708 School or department involved: 5. Have you tried to resolve the complaint through the institution's grievance process, due process hearing, or with another agency? Yes Agency Name: (bx?li Office of Equity Date Filed: Status: sexually harassed in 2004 and threatened and removed from school by an employee that had no authority to do this. Went into meeting regarding interview for job placement and was asked about my ability to have children. Reported to 5 staff members and Provided medical documented to staff and asked for one accomandation both verbally and in writing not to have unnecessary contact with particular staff member that asked me about my ability to have children because of the effect it had of me. i was forced into a meeting with her despite the fact I stated I did not want to attend and that she had been notified of my accomandatio request. Retalted by being removed from school for GPA below a 2.0 when there was no continuation requirement, for multiple incompletes when there was no policy to be removed for multiple incompletes, and was not permitted to speak of offer evidence at the judicial board on my grade petition as mandated in the bylaws. And paychecks held up after initial complaint, and federal loans taken out in my name for time period in which I was not a student after initial complaint 6. Describe the discrimination OCR enforces regulations that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin; sex; disability; and/or age. All that apply: race or color disability sex age retaliation you filed a complaint or asserted your rights Why you believe the discrimination was because of race, sex, disability, or whatever basis you indicated above or why you believe the action was retaliatory. Please contact me and i will provide all the necessary dates and paper documentation. 7. Your complaint must be ?led within 180 days of the discriminatory action When did the last act of discrimination occur? Enter the date: 01/15/2013 Are you requesting a waiver of the 180-day filing time limit for discrimination that occurred more than 180 days before the filing of this complaint? Yes. Reason for not ?ling complaint before 180 days. i repeatedly tried to resolved internally prior to finalized this with this department. it appears no resolution will ever be met. 8. What would you like the institution to do as a result of your complaint what remedy are you seeking? placed back in school,federai loans returned,grants refunded, refund for the semester in which i paid and was removed mid?semester Do you have written information that you think will help us understand your complaint? Yes . Frazier, Wanda From: I(b)(6)3 Sent: Monday, March 143 2013 2:22 PM To: Amar. Sebastian; Frazier. Wanda Subject: RE: OCR complain Attachments: EOE Grievance reports Areas to lnvestigatedocx; OCR summary letter.docx I apologize. I'm going to have to send you the rest of this in three different emails because of limitations on the amount of information i can send at once; however, I will also fax over everything together as well. Primary point of immediate urgency. I received an extension on coursework. Then, I made an EOE complaint of past harassment and retailation. After that the extension deadlines were not honored and I received 2 F's. This same thing happened the following semester. And now the school is trying to prevent from graduating because my GPA is below a 2.0. Despite that, there is no policy in which they could involuntarily withdraw me in my final year for this even if these grades were accurate. Sincerely, On Monday, March 18, 2013 at 10:33 AM. "Sebastian Amar" wrote: your email to us came through blank. ?5 Thank you, Sebastian Amar I Sent: on ay, arc To: Amar, Sebastian; Frazier, I Subject: OCR complaint TAB OCR Internal Case Documents Recipient?s Documents R1 Noti?cation Letter R2 Data Request R3 Interview Notes? Hf, R4 #OKch PL) pgtuava on 01"} R5 kcwvoLeahsA (chugR10 R11 R12 R13 R14 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGON x, OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, SW VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, DC 20202?1473 D-C- March 28, 2013 Dr. Richard 1-1. Brodhead Of?ce of the President Duke University 207 Allen Building Box 90001 Durham, NC 27708?0001 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Noti?cation Data Request Letter Dear Dr. Brodhead: This letter is in reference to a complaint that was ?led with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University (the University). The Complainant alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily withdrew her from the - program in January 2013; and failed to process her withdrawal request from the (W513 (WW3) course in late fall of 2012. OCR will contact the University by telephone to provide the name of the Complainant. OCR is responsible for enforcing certain federal civil rights statutes and regulations, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal ?nancial assistance (FPA) from the Department; and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq, and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive FFA from the Department. These laws also prohibit a recipient from retaliating against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University is a recipient of FFA from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. Because OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was ?led timely, OCR is opening the above allegations for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to the merits of the complaint. During the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact-finder, collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant, the recipient, and other sources, as appropriate. OCR The of Education?s mission is to promote studcn! and preparation for global compctitivcness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. wurw.ed.gov Page 2 -- OCR Complaintg 11-13?2066 . will ensure that its investigation is legally suf?cient and is dispositive of the allegations in accordance With the provisions of the Case Processing Manual, available at Our goal is the prompt, appropriate resolution of the allegations contained in the complaint. While we are proceeding with an investigation of the allegations, there are other approaches that can be used to achieve this goal. For your information, we have enclosed a copy of a document entitled Complaint Processing Procedures.? Please take particular note of the section on early complaint resolution. Under this informal approach, OCR may attempt to resolve the allegations by facilitating discussions and exploring options with the Complainant and the University. If you believe this procedure can be useful in this case, please contact the OCR staff person identi?ed below as soon as possible. Also, attached is a request for data necessary to pursue resolution of this complaint. authority for obtaining information is provided in the Department?s regulation implementing Title VI, at 34 CPR. OCR is requesting that the University submit this information within 15 days of the date of this letter (ie, by April 12, 2013). If any item in our request is unclear, please contact us at the telephone number provided below. if you experience any difficulty complying with this request, you should notify us prior to the expiration of the 15-day period. Please be aware that it might be necessary for us to make additional requests for information in the future. If we find it necessary to conduct an onosite investigation of the complaint, we will notify you in advance of our proposed plans to visit the University. We have advised the Complainant that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against her because she ?led a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, she may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. We look forward to your cooperation during the resolution of this complaint. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or via e-mail at Kay.Bhagat@ed.ggv, or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or Martha.Russo@ed. gov. Sincerely, Wye?5. 00M labisi L. Okubadejo Team Leader District of Columbia Of?ce Office for Civil Rights Page 3 OCR Complaint? 11-13-2066 Duke University OCR Complaint No. 11?13-2066 Data Request Please submit the following information: 1. The name, title, and contact information for the person who will serve as the University?s contact during investigation of this complaint. A narrative response to the complaint allegations. 3. All records, includin; e-mails, letters, telephone logs, related to the Complainant?s withdrawal from the program in or about January 2013 and to the Complainant?s 10. request to withdraw from course in the fall of 2012. The name(s) and title(s) of Universi faculty or staff responsible for the decision to withdraw the Complainant from the program in or about January 2013. The name(s) and title(s) of University faculty or staff responsible for responding to requests for course withdrawals. from th program and related to student requests to withdraw from courses. A list of all other students who have been involuntarily withdrawn from the program in the past three (3) academic years (2012-2013; 2011-2012; and 2010-2011). For each student, provide a brief explanation for why the student was involuntarily withdrawn from the program; identify the University personnel by name and title involved in the determination to involuntarily withdraw the student; and indicate whether the student raised any complaints of discrimination prior to the withdrawal. A list of all other students who have requested to withdraw from a course in the program in the past three (3) academic years (2012-2013; 2011-2012; and 2010-2011). For each student, provide a brief explanation of how the University responded to each request; identify the University personnel by name and title - involved in considering each request; and indicate whether the student raised any complaints of discrimination prior to the request to withdraw from a course. A copy of all olicies and procedures related to the involuntary withdrawal of students A copy of all complaints or grievances raised by the Complainant within the University and a copy of the University?s response to each. Any additional information that you believe would be of assistance to OCR in the investigation of this complaint. EXHIBIT LIST OF STUDENTS REQUESTING COURSE WITHDRAWALS Froml(b)(6); Sent: Sunday. February 03, 2013 4:37 To; Subject: Regarding Grade Petition Please 3 the attached document To Dean In the second letter sent by Dean my grade petition was not addressed: Currently, the grade petition bylaws in the Duke handbook states that a judicial board will meet to discuss the grade petition. According, to the school bylaws addressed in the bulletin it mandates that a Judicial Board composed of the academic Dean, the Associate Dean, Dean 0 4 students and 3 faculty members will review the grievance, dismiss it or admit it and decide on any action to be taken in response to it,- moreover, that the subject who is the subject will be given ample opportunity to respond and be heard in was never aware that would be reviewed under an academic review committee this semester, or that a judicial committee even convened after my grade petition. was also unaware of being placed on academic limited program nor was there grounds for this in the bulletin at the date of this petition, nor is there in the 2011-2012 bulletin in which i matriculated under. To be subject to academic review and limited review to following has to be established: l"l had to be noti?ed. I had to have a cumulative GPA a 2.0 and had 3 or more unresolved incompletes. I had no of these, was permitted to take 5 courses and a ?eld education unit. Entering in the Fall semester I had a cumulative QEA of a 2.0. attempted 8 total grade units, received 18 total cumulative GPA hours, to receive a cumulative GPA of a 2.0. The bulletin clearly states if the student's cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 then they would be subject to limited program. The student must demonstrate progress in the program by completing courses. A student who has 3 or more gnresolvegincompletes or a pattern of multiple withdrawals may, at the discretion of the associate dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program. i have only applied for one withdrawal, which was not processed and no unresolved incompletes. Moreover, the Bulletin states nothing about being withdrawn for a pattern of incom pletes, only withdrawals which I did not have. and students who during the first year oSchool maintain less than a average, including failures, ordinarily will be required to withdraw from the school or placed on an involuntary leave of absence, depending on the circumstances. I was not in my first year when this occurred, nor was my program limited in anyway with permission to take 6 educational units. Moreover, the Master's of program go_e,s not have a 2.0 continuation requirement except during the of school. Despite this, I had met this requirement entering in her Fall semester of 2013. Consequently, i would he would be in my final semester after transfer credits are processed. And even if the transfer credits were not processed I would not be in my first yegr to be subiect to this limitation. Furthermore, If no satisfactory resolution is reached, the student may make a formal complaint in writing to the associate dean for academic formation and programs. The associate dean will convene the faculty members appointed to the Judicial Board and the director cm to review the case with the instructor involved. If the majority of those convened agree with the instructor that there are no grounds for which to change the grade, the grade stands as recorded. However, according to page 174- When a iudr'clol board convenes the subfect of a complaint or accusation will be fully informed of rights and the grievances brought against given ample opportunity to respond grid be assured he will be heard ll in (WHO) I was nevemen aware that 0 Judicial Bogrd met to discuss my grade petition, thus would like to be heard fully, and fairly unde (WW3) regarding this grade petition by the academic and associate dean for Student services, and Student Life, four students, 3 faculty members as mandated by the (W6): Bulletin under the school Judicial Board procedures. Specifically, to address the following issues: Preaching- I secured permission from Professor to redo an assignment (letter has already been forwarded from the preceptor, delineating requirements for redoing this assignment). This was not acknowledged in the judicial board because I was not permitted to be heard or informed a judicial board meeting occurred. handbook- Change of Courses or WithdraWal. Students are permitted to change their course registrations, without incurring a penalty, during the prescribed drOp/add period at the beginning of each semester. The adding ofa course during the second week of drop/add may require the permission of the instructor of that course. Any refund of tuition related to withdrawals will be according to the published schedule. No student will be permitted to withdraw from a course after one-half of the semester without incurring failure. except for causes adjudged by the associate dean for academic formation to be beyond the student?s control. Conditions of genuine emergency and not considerations of convenience will be determinative in considering requests, which must be submitted in writing on academic petition forms. - Grade petition denied regarding Course despite the fact that a withdraw form was turned before the with a an a 1 was clearly established that] thought I was withdrawn from the course. And there were no clear rules in Bulletin to indicate that it was necessary that the student secure the signature. Despite this, the grade petition regarding the withdrawal was not addressed by judicial committee Grade petition dismissed and I was unable to be present at a judicial board to present evidence of 011? reports demonstrating email problems which caused the professor to not receive my paper. Professor letters illustrating con?rmation of the problems and his attempt to help to clear up my misunderstanding regarding the papers not being received. and Dr's note demonstrating my concussion which accounted for unexcused absences. Moreover, I deducted for absences, despite the fact that their faculty handbook delineates in order to deduct for the professor must clearly state how much will be deducted on syllabus, which was not done. Thus, I would have no clear indication what how my grade was reduced. laws); (mam made an A in this course and have an email from stating it would count towards my and this was ignored in the Academic Review Committee. Spring Courses 2012- I had a in my Ethics course going into the final and began getting sick right at the conclusion of the semester because I was forced into a meeting, which I had already made formal requests not to have to both Deans. Consequently, I began to get to sick and needed extra time. Prior to that I was actively participating and doing well in the course. This would count as signi?cant grounds for a grade appeal that extends past the 30 days. in addition, Blackboard chaned over tom and I was unable to access the syllabus to access the assignments. Thus, my last paper fo clearly indicaies positive academic writing that just doesn?t follow the exact speci?cations of the assignment as outlined in the syllabus accounting for the lowered grade. It wasn?t that was incapable or did poorly on the assignment, just simply that I did not do the assignment to the speci?cations demanded because I no longer had access to the syllabus and I thought I knew what the assignment was. Ultimately, I would like the opportunities afford any other student as outlined in School Bulletin. Sincerely, EXHIBIT DOCUMENTS RELATING TO ENROLLMENT AT OTHER ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS 5" Celine Attritiowotiqc Form gage to: 1 Rattan ht": Unnarsr,? '7 Fur. .: San. ca": Atz'rtct' huh-:0 . This form should be used to authorize a withdrawal/leave from the All ?elds r?tust be completed, except where indicated with Student gums): [936); (W FirstNamfe: mi Middle Nome/initial? Last Nama: I - Career. 6, I Sesslon: (-7 Regular Program Action: (Please select one) Dl$continuatton CO) Dtsmissat Cr Leave of Absence Suspension Administrative Withdrawal Program Reason: _f (Reference Values) wn. E?ecftive Date: Withdraw?al Term: (W6): (EXBUJPIBI Spring 20%) Anticipated Return Term: (If not enter New Graduation Termz' n/a Grades: (Flam warm) e, W's F's Student alerted us to her desire to withdraw on - - '1 WE Further Instructions? Your Name: Your E-mail Address: Leif} . 1:123? 3 It MAYtake several days to process this request, espociatty tt ll requtras an ot tuition charm. This request witt be routed to both the Of?ce at the University and the Bursar. tt be acted upon Immediately. Contact mm re: ?nancial adjustments or Wm. re: student records. It you?oxperience probtems with this term. contact the mm (mm bum: . Pagclofl STORM - Acazdgmic .History cm 2 Duke Unique: - Pin: USED Student ID: Email: Ngmo: Name: Divinity Active in Admit Graduation Divinity Teri." Description Instructors Final Credits Grade 6: 7 Grade Basis Term Course Description Instructors Final Credits Grade Grade Basrs 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 . Divinity School - Credit Accumulation Credits taken toward GPA 3.000 Total Gmdepoints 9.000 Credits In Progress - Current Semester 4.000 Total Cumulative Credits 3.000 Cumulative GPA 3.000 'inciudu in courses passed at Dulce as well as all in! and transth credit. See the appropriate butleun for the yur you matriculated at Duke tor the number of credits applicable to your dogma. Grade Basis Notes: Pasleail Grading Page 0080 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption (OX6): of the Freedom of Information and Privacy AC1 Clinton, JD. me: I Sent: Friday, May 18. 2012 2:47 PM To: Clinton. JD. Subject: Fwd: Academic Affairs memo Attachments: 20120430155558404.pdf O?ginal Message From: To: c. Sent: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 16:10:37 -0500 Subject: Academic Affairs memo In further review of ?les, the attached memo was found. I believe this is the memo you have been refen'ing to. I hope it is helpful to . . A also have the memo in which your classes were all dropped on Please let us know if you need this memo. Sincerely, (W6): MEMORANDUM To; FROM: DATE: October 4, 2004 RE: Admission to Seminary The ICommittee met on Monday to discuss your admission to (W Despite your failure to complete requested paperwork in a timely manner, the committee voted to allow you to enroll aware a Special Student. However, you; on [ailment is contingent upon your completion of (no later than Monday, at 5:00 pm.) the following items: I . - Admission irocedure, including essays and admissions interview wi Clearing of your personal check for $4400 by the Business Of?ce. We requested that you pay your charges with either credit card or money order to avoid this delay. Admission as a Special Student does not guarantee admission into the program, and the decision to allow you to enroll as a Special Student should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any ?lm application you may make to a Seminary degree re 14 . . You must begin that application process separately, and soon, for admission in th term. The committee raised serious concerns about your ability to complete required paperwork and procedures in a timely manner. IhOpe that you will be more conscientious in the future. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or concerns. b6;b7C cc: EXHIBIT TRANSCRIPT Page 0084 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0085 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad EXHIBIT A ACADEMIC FILE Page 0087 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0088 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0089 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0090 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0091 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0092 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad -- - . .mlu .. ., From; (mic) Sent: ax, To Burned: RE: Please see attached letter Thank you for your most recent email explaining the larger contexts of your struggles. len read that ca refu lly. As for the transcripts, I see in your ?le that we have something from the (W6): (Wm) but not any of the other transcripts that you mention. There is nothing frOm and nothing fro (W we have not received these transcripts. We could provide a copy 0 transcript that we have. Thanks, - - -41 PM To (bxe); (mmc) Su Ject: Re: Please see attached letter Dean Dukbee); re isms - 6- 7 . as to date. Ibcheve the ?ag? Itranscript was sent; however, I am unsure if the school ever received this one. I got incredibly busy with school, re?nancing my home i ?eld ed and current classes and failed to follow up on this one. Prior to everything at the end of this semester, I had discussed having the following courses transfer with which would have given me 24 hours transferring. ls this on ?le in the registrar?s notes? If so, is there yway I could pick up copies of all of this on Friday morning? Thank you for your time looking into the matter. I truly appreciate it, 6 hours Greek? - 3 hours I believe th at 313 werel(b)(6)z ?11k: ?ni?ersitg NORTH CAROUNA (6 To; DATE: January 10, 2013 . We are in receipt of a handwritten document which you handed to me at our meeting on January 8, 2013. The document asked for education records pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Please note that Duke has a ERPA policy which sets forth a process by which students may obtain access to their educational records. The policy may be found at and you should follow the process outlined in the policy at btain access to your educational records that are located at places at Duke other than th ch 001 . . - will, however, accept your request as a request for your educational records located at the School. We will collect those records and provide them to you in due course. We will send you a hard cepy of the he contents of which represent the entirety of your ed- ucational records held here in the 57% School. You may also access the ?le with prior writ- ten notice and by making an appointment with us to review the ?le in our of?ce. Sincerely, DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM NORTHCARGJNA 27706-0967 TO: Date: February 18, 2013 pea On the afternoon claws): (bxnc) Ithe udicial Board convene to mi :3 your . tition for a grade review of your final grades (mmc) for the semester. It was the judgment of the Judicial Board that each of the final grades assigned for these classes would remain as submitted. With this decision in place, we will entertain no more discussion about ?nal grades from past semesters. As an advisory board to the Associate Dean of Programs, the Judicial Board also recommended that you be allowed to return to your studies in on a probationary status and under the requirements set by the Associate Dean of (0X7 Programs. Following the decision of the udicial Board concerning the grade review, your cumulative GPA remains at 1.846. The Bulletin (page 119) states the continuation requirements for the Idegree as the following: The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may, at the discretion of thdean for formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program. It is within discretion to stand by the dismissal decision communicated to you in my letter 04mm?; (mmc) However, I have received and acce - ted the recommendation of the Judicial Board to allow on to return in the semester oon a probationary status. In keeping with the School?s policies, you are now placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the In the event that you choose to return, you shall return to our studies in the and no later. This return and your continued study at Duke School are contingent on these strict requirements: 0 By 5:00 EST on A ril 1 2013 on must submit the sealed and uno ened official tran~ scripts for the transfer credits you have been requesting from my office. T-?lease deliver these in person to the (WW3) I or send these addressed to me at the follow- ing address: Duke (WHO) IDurham, NC 27708. if we do not receive these sealed and unopened official transcripts by this day and time, the offer for you to continue your studies at Duke is rescinded. Please note that when you returned to Dukell?ll?l Iin ?>an you requested these transfer credits, and my office agreed to consider this request; however, despite numerous requests from my of- fice, you have not previded two of the three official transcripts that w0uld allow us to review the transfer credits. The following are the conditions for transfer credit: my of?ce will consider up to and no more than seven classes for transfer credit. Only classes with a grade of or higher can be considered for transfer credit (see the Bulletin, p. 119). The transfer credit for eligible classes will be processed when my office has all three official transcripts in hand. 0 With this allowance of up to and no more than seven classes for transfer credits, which is beyond what is normally allowed (see the Bulletin, p. 119), all remaining coursework must be taken at Duk ?4 col. You may not take any incompletes in your remaining coursework at Duke mm School withOut the written consent of both the professor of the course and the Associate Deano Programs. You will stn'ctly abide the deadlines for all assignments in the remaining coursework of your tenure at Duke (Well You may not receive extensions for any assignment without the written consent of both the professor of the course and the Associate Dean of Programs. Late assignments will be penalized. You will hand in all assignments for your remaining coursework at Duke 03) in hard?c021 form to the professor. Your continued studies at Duk '11 be contingent on your successful perform- ance in the semester in which you return. You will need to achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Furthermore, you are invited to take a Limited Program upon your return to study. Lastly, you are strongly encouraged to seek support for the emotional and financial matters you yourself raised in the conversation with the Judicial Board. The ?929)? School is happy to direct you to the avenues of Jpport available on campus, such as Duke's (WW3) laws); (WHO) In addition, if you wish to explore reasonable accommodations to assist you in meeting the requirements of your ed ucational program, please contact Duke's Student Disabil- ity Access Office. Information about that office and the reasonable accommodation process is available at http: [j Sincerely, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x: OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS NORTHCAROUNA SOUTH CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, sw DC 20202-1475 WA July 26, 2013 Re: OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13?2066 Letter of Findings Dear This letter is to notify you of the disposition of a complaint that you ?led with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University, in particular Duke School. The ComplainantI alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily placed her on leave from the School in (W6);me and failed to process her withdrawal request from the course in late (bxm) OCR investigated the complaint under the authority of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal ?nancial assistance from the Department. OCR also enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title D0, 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq., and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive federal ?nancial assistance from the Department. Title VI and Title IX prohibit retaliatidn against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University receives federal ?nancial assistance from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. In reaching a determination, OCR reviewed documentation submitted by the Complainant and the University and conducted intewiews with University personnel and the Complainant. After carefully considering all the information obtained during the investigation, OCR determined that there is insuf?cient evidence to conclude that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. ?ndings and conclusions are discussed below. For the purpose of this letter, you will be referred as ?the Complainant.? The Department of Education?s mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness byfostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. wwmedgov Page 2 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Legal Standard To establish that retaliation has occurred, OCR must ?nd the following: (I) the complainant engaged in a protected activity; (2) the recipient was aware of the complainant?s activity; (3) the recipient took adverse action against the complainant; and (4) there was some evidence of a causal connection between the adverse action and the protected activity. If all of these elements are established, OCR then inquires whether the recipient had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the complainant. The evidence is then analyzed to determine whether the recipient?s reason is merely an excuse or pretext for retaliation. Facts and Analysis Allegation Involuntary Leave The Comlainant initially enrolled in the School as a degree candidate in She completed that semester, but did not complete her (3X7 Icourses and was withdrawn from the School. She applied for readmission to the program i and enrolled in ?ve classes that fall. She took ?incompletes? in four of her ?ve courses. I she enrolled in three classes, and took ?incompletes? for two of them. On the Dean of the School2 noti?ed the Complainant that the Academic Policies Committee had reviewed her academic record and was concerned about her unresolved incompletes. The School?s Bulletin requires that any student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes may be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program. The Dean encouraged the Complainant to resolve at least two of her incomplete grades or submit a plan for their completion In early (WW3) the Complainant resolved her incompletes. However, she received a grade of a in one class from (WW3) and F3 in two others.3 The Complainant enrolled in four additional classes lb)" including On IleE?)? WW0) I, the current Dean, who replaced the former Dean in e-mailed the Complainant, notifying her that with her grades from the resolved incompletes, her cumulative GPA was 2.0. She advised the Complainant that the School?s policies require a 2.0 GPA for continuation in the program and for ?eld education placements. The Dean cautioned, want you to be fully informed and aware that if you drop below a 2.0 GPA, your case will have to be reviewed by our Academic Policies Committee.? At the end of the fall semester, the Complainant took one ?incomplete? and received two Fs and one C. The Dean informed the Complainant onl?bll?lli (DWC) I that her GPA was now 1.666 2 This Dean has since left the University and was replaced by the current dean i (W7 3 The Complainant disputes the fairness of those grades on several grounds. Allegations about those grades were not timely ?led with OCR. Page 3 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 and that the Academic Policies Committee reviewed the Complainant?s record and decided to withdraw her from the School. Her status was subsequently changed to a leave of absence.4 The Complainant engaged in multiple protected activities of which the University was aware. These include: On the Complainant contacted the University?s Of?ce of Institutional Equity to complain that she had been denied a ?eld education placement due to gender discrimination. 0 On the Complainant reported to the Student Disability Access Of?ce that she and 20 other students had been sexually assaulted by a dean at the I School; the Executive Director of Duke?s Disability Management System called a University police captain to talk to the Complainant and also reported the allegations to the Of?ce of Institutional Equity. 0 On (DWC) Ithe Complainant ?led a complaint with the Of?ce of Institutional Equity alleging that theI?bXG); Iclass is racially discriminatory. The University took adverse action a ainst the Complainant when it placed her on involuntary leave from the University in 1 Due to the closeness in time between that action and the Complainant?sl?mm (b Iprotected activity, OCR ?nds that there is some evidence of a causal connection between the adverse action and the protected activity. OCR then considered whether the University had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the Complainant. The University explained that the School?s Bulletin includes the following policy regarding continuation in thel?mw); Idegree program: The progress of all students is reviewed at the end of every semester by the Academic Policies Committee. The following are the continuation requirements for students enrolled in thedegree program: 1. The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may, at the discretion of the academic dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program. This means that the student may enroll in no more than three courses. The Dean told OCR that the Academic Policies Committee, comprised of faculty and administrators, meets to review the records of students whose GPAs are less than or hovering at 2.0. The Committee decides the best solution dismissal, leave of absence, or limited program for each situation. That decision depends in part on how low the student?s GPA is and whether 4 After the Complainant ?led grade challenges regarding some of her grades, the University Judicial Board determined that her grades should stand, but recommended that the Complainant be allowed to return in fall 2013 on probationary status and subject to certain conditions, including that she not take any additional incompletes without the consent of her instructor and the Associate Dean for Academic Programs. 5 The Complainant seems to contend that this requirement applies only to ?rst year students. However, on its face, the continuation requirement applies to ?all students" in the program. The University contends that the requirement applies to all students in the School. Page 4 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 the student has suf?cient time remaining in the program to ?salvage? the GPA. The decision also depends on whether the student has a larger pattern of poor performance and incompletes. In the Complainant?s case, the Committee considered that the Complainant had a pattern of withdrawals and incompletes. Her GPA was signi?cantly below 2.0 1.666), and the only reason her record had not been reviewed by the committee the previous semester was that her grades from when she first enrolled in the School more than 8 years ago it had been 83. From the Committee?s perSpective, the pattern of the GPA, the incompletes, and the withdrawals were signi?cant. The Dean said that the Committee did not discuss the Complainant?s complaints of sex and race discrimination. The University?s stated explanation adherence to the policy regarding continuation in the program - is a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for the decision to withdraw the Complainant from the program. OCR then considered whether there is evidence that the explanation is an excuse or pretext for retaliation. OCR reviewed records regarding all other master?s degree candidates in the School with GPAs below 2.0 fromW through Eight other students were considered by the Committee during that time period due to their two of those students were considered by the committee twice.6 The Committee took different actions for each student, ranging from warnings to academic withdrawals. One student received a waming the first time she was considered by the Committee, with a GPA of 1.67, and was then placed on a leave of absence7 when she was considered by the Committee again the following semester, with a GPA of 1.850. Another student was placed on a leave of absence the ?rst time he was considered by the Committee with a GPA of 1.76. After he returned to the program a year later, he was again considered by the Committee with a GPA of 1.97; at that time the Committee determined that he had made academic progress with a semester GPA of 2.66 and he was allowed to remain in the program. Three students were academically withdrawn. Their cumulative GPAs at the time of the decisions were 1.33, 1.33, and 1.175. Three other students were given warnings; their GPAS were 1.9, 1.67, and 1.866. The Dean was not aware of any of those students having engaged in protected activities. OCR asked the Dean about the circumstances of each of these students, with a particular focus on the students who had GPAs close to the Complainant?s (1.666) and who were not withdrawn. The Dean explained that the two students who had 1.67 GPAs (similar to the Complainant?s 1.666) but who received warnings were considered borderline; however, those students were in their ?rst year in the program and thus had two years during which they could ?pull up? their GPAs. In contrast, the Complainant had only six courses left to complete, which the Committee did not feel was sufficient time to improve her academic status. The other students who received warnings had GPAs higher than the Complainant?s. OCR recognizes that there is evidence that two students with the same GPA who apparently had not engaged in protected activities were treated more favorably than the Complainant, who had engaged in protected activities. However, the University was able to provide a reasonable explanation for the difference in treatment and the evidence shows that the Committee did not discuss the Complainant?s complaints of sex or racial discrimination in its decision?making. OCR carefully considered all available evidence and determined that, on balance, the evidence did not suggest that the 6 Other students were reviewed by the Committee for other reasons, including excessive incompletes or withdrawals. 7 Unlike withdrawals, leaves of absence do not require students to re?apply in order to re-enter the program. Page 5 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 University?s explanation was an excuse for unlawful retaliation. Therefore, OCR concluded that there is insuf?cient evidence to ?nd that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. Allegation Withdrawal Request The Complainant discussed her concerns that the lclass was racially discriminatory with the professor after class I after which she stopped attending the class. She ?led a complaint with the Of?ce of Institutional Equity about the class on (WW3) I During that same time period, the Complainant initiated the process to withdraw from the class. According to the University, the Complainant failed to complete the withdrawal process and received an in the course. OCR inquired whether the University had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the complainant. The University reported to OCR that the Complainant did not fully complete the withdrawal form. Speci?cally, she failed to obtain the professor?s signature on the form. When the registrar received the incomplete form, he placed it in the Complainant?s student mail folder with a note telling her that she needed to obtain the professor?s signature to complete the process. The Complainant never did so. The Complainant?s failure to follow the process for withdrawing from the class is a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for the University?s actions. OCR considered whether there is evidence that this reason was merely a pretext for retaliation. OCR noted that while the form clearly requires a professor?s signature, it does not indicate that the student is responsible for obtaining that signature. The registrar told OCR that he has never before had a student fail to get the required signature. He also explained that student mail folders are like mailboxes where students and professors communicate with one another; students are expected to check them with some regularity. Here, after the Complainant objected to her failing grade inl?bxe?); I in late December, the Registrar checked the Complainant?s mail folder and found the form with his note still in the folder. The Registrar said that prior to that, nothing about the process was unusual. Speci?cally, he typically uses student mail folders for communication with students. In addition, it was not notable to him that he did not receive a completed form from the Complainant after he wrote her the note. He said that students who start the withdrawal process often work out terms with their professors so that they can ?nish the class; even if that did not happen, the Complainant could have completed the form and his assistant might have processed 1t. OCR also considered as possible evidence of pretext the Dean?s statement that she had the authority to retroactively approve the withdrawal request after the mix-up with the professor?s signature came to light. The Dean said that her initial inclination was to grant the withdrawal because the issue was ?a technicality.? However, according to the Dean, when the Complainant met with the Dean about the situation, she lied about the returned withdrawal request. Speci?cally, the Complainant told the Dean that the form with the registrar?s note had not been in her mail folder, but had been in a folder directly behind hers.8 The Dean said she had good evidence from the registrar that the form was in the Complainant?s folder. The Dean said that 8 The Complainant also told OCR that the form had been in the file folder directly behind hers. Page 6 -- OCR Complaint No. ll-l3~2066 she has never had a similar situation with a student?s dishonesty; the only other incidents of dishonesty of which she was aware involved academic issues, such as plagiarism.9 OCR noted that the School has a Conduct Covenant that addresses honesty: We, the faculty and students in the School of Duke University, make covenant, individually and corporately, to uphold the highest standards of personal and academic integrity. This includes, but is not limited to, never lying, cheating, stealing, causing harm to self or others, or defacing property. Set aside by our calling, we hold ourselves and each other to the highest standards of conduct As . School committed to forming and educating persons for the (W61 ?Wm we covenant together to embody truth in every aSpect of our lives, including our academic work . . . (emphasis added). The Dean referenced that covenant when explaining her reason for not retroactively granting the withdrawal and indicated that students in the program commit not to lie and know that lying has consequences. The registrar also referenced this covenant to OCR and recalled a situation where the School took adverse action against a student for dishonesty (when the student lied about having cancer). OCR concluded that, particularly in light of the nature of the School as a school, the Dean?s response to perceived dishonesty does not suggest pretext. OCR recognizes that the Complainant disagrees with the University?s characterization of the events but notes that the Dean and the registrar provided consistent information when interviewed by OCR and both cited to University policy to support the University?s actions. There is no other evidence in the record that suggests that the University?s explanation is a pretext for retaliation. Therefore, OCR concluded that there is insuf?cient evidence to find that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. This concludes investigation of the complaint and should not be interpreted to address the University?s compliance with any other regulatory provision or to address any issues other than those addressed in this letter. This letter sets forth determination in an individual OCR case. This letter is not a formal statement of OCR policy and should not be relied upon, cited, or construed as such. formal policy statements are approved by a duly authorized OCR official and made available to the public. The complainant may ?le a private suit in federal court whether or not OCR ?nds a violation. Please be aware that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against you because you ?led a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, you may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent 9 OCR reviewed information about situations involving academic dishonesty. The sanctions varied based on the severity of the action and ranged from having to retake the assignment to course failure. Page 7 -- OCR Complaint No. 11?13?2066 provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or via e-mail at or Martha Russo at 214?661-9622 or MarthaRussochedgov. Sincerely, Robin C. Murphy Team Leader District of Columbia Of?ce Of?ce for Civil Rights D1 D2 . TAB OCR Internal Case Documents Recipient or Complainant Documents Continued (Please specify Complainant or RecipientD10 D11 D12 Dl3 Bhagat, Kay H. From: Sent: To: Subject: Thanks, Alice. Russo, Martha Friday, April 12, 2013 3:23 PM Wender, Alice; Murphy, Robin Bhagat, Kay Amar, Sebastian RE: Waiver Request From: Wender, Alice Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 2:18 PM To: Russo, Martha; Murphy, Robin Bhagat, Kay Amar, Sebastian Subject: RE: Waiver Request Waiver denied. From: Russo, Martha Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 3:13 PM To: Wender, Alice Cc: Murphy, Robin Bhagat, Kay Amar, Sebastian Subject: Waiver Request Alice, We have a complainant who alleges that that in lat Duke University retaliated against her by assigning her final grades of zero in classes in which she had been told she had until to complete the work. She asked for a waiver of our ?ling requirements based on her having ?led a grade petition with the University. That petition was ?led on January 9, 2013, also outside of the 180?day period. in addition, the petition did not claim that the grades were retaliatory, but only that the grades were inconsistent with the extensions she had been granted. Please let us know if you grant the waiver. Martha, Kay, and Sebastian Bhagat, Kay H. From: Wender, Alice Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:26 PM To: Okubadejo, Olabisi Cc: Amar, Sebastian; Bhagat, Kay Russo, Martha Subject: RE: Waiver request - Duke Wavier denied From: Okubadejo, Olabisi Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:24 PM To: Wender, Alice Cc: Amar, Sebastian; Bhagat, Kay Russo, Martha Subject: Waiver request Duke Hi Alice - Please let us know if the waiver request is denied or granted. Thanks, Bisi Allegations: l. The University agai st you on the basis of sex when you were sexually assaulted by a faculty member i 2. iscriminated against you on the basis of sex when you were sexually harassed during a (Wm) Education unit in 3. The University discriminated against you based on disabili when a facult member asked ou during an interview for a ?eld placement The discriminated against you based on race in that z( course 1n them lntl(b)(6): haiioht vmi and other students: tnl(b)(6)? (W6): I 5. The University violated the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (F ERPA) by, among other things, failing to provide you complete copies of requested records. 6. The University retaliated against you by: a. Delaying your ?eld education paycheck; b. Denying a mandatory placement interview to you in c. Threatening to dismiss you from the program in Complaint Allegations That ArgUntimelj Allegations 1, 2, 3, 6.b and 6.0 were not ?led in a timely manner with our of?ce. OCR generally will take action only with respect to allegations that were ?led within 180 days from the act of alleged discrimination by August 9, 2012). The igients that you cite in these allegations, occurred in and, more than 180 days prior to your ?ling of the complaint on February 5, 2013 and thus are untimely. Where an allegation of discrimination is untimely ?led with OCR, procedures provide that the Of?ce Director or designee, under certain limited circumstances, may grant a waiver of the ISO-day ?ling requirement. You exolained that the delay in ?ling this complaint was due to your having blocked out the memories of the sexual assault. You indicated that you did not recall it until yOu were confronted by another faculty member, who asked you about the consequences of that event. You told OCR staff that you ?led this complaint within 60 days of recovering your memory. However, medical documentation submitted by you in support of these statements re?ects that during a counseling session i you ?had some memories that suggested sexual harassment? had occurred. You did not provide any specific reasons for not having earlier ?led complaints regarding the issues in Allegations 2, 3, 6.b, and 6.c. The information you provided is not a sufficient basis for granting a waiver of timeliness requirements. Therefore we are dismissing Allegations l, 2, 3, 6.b, and 6.c effective the date of this letter. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x, OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS swgg: 3:351:12 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, sw VIRGINIA 0002024475 July 26, 2013 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13?2066 Letter of Findings Dc I(b)(6)1 This letter is to notify you of the disposition of a complaint that you ?led with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Of?ce Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University, in particular Duke School. The Complainant1 alleged that she was retaliated against because she raise comp aints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily placed her on failed to process her withdrawal request from the (mm) 3 course in lat OCR investigated the complaint under the authority of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal ?nancial assistance from the Department. OCR also enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq., and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive federal ?nancial assistance from the Department. Title VI and Title IX prohibit retaliation against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University receives federal ?nancial assistance from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. In reaching a determination, OCR reviewed documentation submitted by the Complainant and the University and conducted interviews with University personnel and the Complainant. After carefully considering all the information obtained during the investigation, OCR determined that there is insuf?cient evidence to conclude that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. ?ndings and conclusions are discussed below. For the purpose of this letter, you will be referred as ?the Complainant.? The Department ofEdumtion?s mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness byfastering educational exallence and ensuring equal access. Page 2 - OCR Complaint No. 11?13-2066 To establish that retaliation has occurred, OCR must ?nd the following: (1) the complainant engaged in a protected activity; (2) the recipient was aware of the complainant?s activity; (3) the recipient took adverse action against the complainant; and (4) there was some evidence of a causal connection between the adverse action and the protected activity. If all of these elements are established, OCR then inqoires whether the recipient had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the complainant. The evidence is then analyzed to determine whether the recipient?s reason is merely an excuse or pretext for retaliation. Wm: Allegation Involuntary Leave The Comlainant initially enrolled in the School as al?bl?sl' dc ee candidate in She completed that semester, but did not complete her W61 (W courses and was withdrawn from the School. She applied for readmission to the program A and enrolled in ?ve classes that fall. She took ?incompletes? in four of her ?ve courses. In she enrolled in three classes, and took ?incompletes? for two of them. 0n the Dean of the School2 noti?ed the Complainant that the Academic Policies Committee had reviewed her academic record and was concerned about her unresolved incompletes. The School?s Bulletin requires that any student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes may be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program. The Dean encouraged the Complainant to resolve at least two of her incomplete grades or submit a plan for their completion by (WHO) I of a in one class from (rum) and F8 in two others? The Complainant enrolled in four additional classes in (7 includin (WW3) In early Are you avaible to talk with Sebastian and tomorrow at approximately at 3:00 pm or 3:30 pm? Wanda R. Frazier Investigator Department of Education Of?ce for Civil Rights 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washignton, DC 20202-1475 (202) 453-5911 direct number (202) 453-6021 fax Sent: Wednesday, January 30. 2013 7:32 PM To: Frazier, Wanda Subject: Re: OCR complaint #1 1-13-2043 Mrs. Frazier, I was hoping we could reschedule this for next week. My phone number is 919-638-1590. Grace and Peace, From: Frazier, Wanda To: I Sent: Mon, Jan 28, 2013 12:04 pm Subject: RE: OCR complaint #11-13-2043 How about 11:30 am. Please provide a telephone number where Sebastian and I can call you on this Wednesday, January 30will be in a conference room where it is quiet. Thanks Wanda Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 2:10 PM To: Frazier, Wanda Subject: Re: OCR complaint #11-13-2043 Mrs. Frazier, May have your number and I will call you on Wednesday Jan 30th. Just tell me the time. From: Frazier, Wanda Cc: Amar, Sebastian Sent: Fri, Jan 25, 2013 1:44 pm Subject: OCR complaint #1 1-13-2043 Good afternoon My name is Wanda Frazier, and I'm an investigator in the Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) at the US. Department of Education. I will be handling the complaint you filed against Duke University, along with my colleague Sebastian Amar the attorney assigned to your case. Below is a list of additional questions and information we need in order to evaluate your complaint that was filed on January 9, 2013. A copy of the grievances/complaints you filed with the equity office or any other office within the University and any decisions or other responses returned by the University A narrative identifying your reason(s) for requesting a waiver of the 180 day filing requirement A list of any other actions by the University which you consider to be retaliatory or in any way discriminatory since the filing of your internal grievance/complaint, including the date of the last act of alleged discrimination by the University. We would like to schedule a telephone interview next week, on Tuesday, January 29 or Wednesday January 30. Please let us know what dates/times are most convenient and the number you would like us to call. We thank you for your attention to this matter and hope to hear from you soon. OFFICE ADDRESS: US. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, District of Columbia Office 400 Maryland Avenue. SW Washington, DC 20202-1475 Wanda Frazier Investigator (202) 453-5911 From Sent221 Feb 2013 11:22:28 -0500 T02Amar, Sebastian;Frazier, Wanda SubjectzOCR Complaint Mr. Amar and Mrs. Frazier, I have thought extensively about department. My phone numberi Thank you for your help thus far. Grace and Peace, (bx Fro Sent225 Feb 2013 16: 19:40 -0500 To:Amar, Sebastian Subject2Re: OCR Complaint 1 1-13-2066 I'm getting everything together right now. From: Amar, Sebastian I CC: Frazier, Wanda Sent: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 4:04 pm Subject: OCR Complaint 1 1-13-2066 Good Afternoon As you may recall my name is Sebastian Amar and I am the attorney in the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the US. Department of Education assigned to the above?referenced matter. Ms. Wanda Frazier, who is copied on this email, is also assigned to this complaint. After reviewing your complaint we have determined that we will need specific information from you in order to proceed. Specifically, the information requested includes the following: 1) 12) 13) 14) A copy of all grievances and/or complaints you filed internally with any office of the University related to the allegations in your complaint, including the University Police Department, The Of?ce of Equity, A copy of any responses or investigations conducted by the University, including any notices of final decisions; E-mail exchanges between you and University personnel related to the meeting with the Head of Field where you allege you were asked about your ability to conceive; A detailed timeline of events; A copy of the University?s policies and procedures, which you believe have been amended in January 2013 in response to your complaints; A copy of the dismissal letter received from the University alerting you to the fact that you were being removed as a student; Please provide any and all corroborating or supporting documentation for your 180-day filing waiver request; A copy of your transcript; Please identify by title any course you requested to withdraw from, or in which you received a grade of incomplete or (include the semester you took the course and the date you requested to withdraw or were given the incomplete); Please describe how you believe you were sexually harassed by staff at the University; The date(s) of any meeting(s) with the Head of Field, including the name(s) of anyone who was present at the meeting(s); Specify any impact you believe these meetins had on you; When you first experienced of and Supporting documentation of any medical diagnosis 0 and any treatment related to the diagnosis. Additionally, please send any documents or other materials that support your allegations to me by email, fax (202-453-6021), or regular mail at the address below. Please be aware that OCR has not received a consent form from you for the above-referenced complaint. Per our letter dated February 8, 2013, if we do not receive a signed consent form from you within 20 days (Thursday, February 28, 2013) your complaint will be closed. Please note that OCR staff attempted to contact you at the telephone numbers provided this afternoon, but were unsuccessful. Additionally, if we do not receive the necessary information required for OCR to proceed to investigation of these complaint allegations (as requested above) within 20 days of this request (Monday March 18, 2013), your complaint will be dismissed. See Case Processing Manual (CPM) Sections 108 and and 110 at Sincerely, Sebastian Amar Sebastian Amar Attorney US. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights 400 Maryland Ave, SW Washington, DC 20202 Phone: 202-453-6023 sebastian.amar@ed.oov Sent227 Fe 1 18:20:36 -0500 To:Amar, Sebastian Subject20CR Complaint 1 1-13-2066 Attachments:OCR l-l3-2066.jpg.DRF Mr. Sebastian Amar, I'm sorry for the confusion. Please see the attached document. I'm working to try to collect all of the documents and put it together in a manner that is easy to understand and reference. I'm not a lawyer, so this is quite a bit harder than I thought. I will unequivocally have everything to you by March 18th. Thank you so much for your number list. That is helping so much! From: Amar Sebastian To (taxes); Cc: Frazier, Wanda Sent: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 4:24 Subject: OCR Complaint #11-13-2043 and 11-13-2066 We are in receipt of your consent form dated 1/24/13, which you mailed to us on February 26, 2013. Because the complaint that this consent form pertains to (11-13-2043) was dismissed by our office prior to receiving your consent, we are going to include those allegations as part of your latest complaint (11-13-2066). Please be advised that we have not yet received consent for your latest complaint. As mentioned in previous OCR communications, the consent form for 11-13-2066 is due tomorrow, Thursday, February 28, 2013. In addition to your consent form, I would like to remind you that we will still need the information requested via e-mail on February 25, 2013 in order to continue with the evaluation of your latest complaint. That information is due to us no later than March 18, 2013. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Sebastian Amar Sebastian Amar Attorney Office for Civil Rights US. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave SW Washington, DC. 20202 202-453-6023 Fm Sent222 Mar 2013 12:06:28 -0400 T0:Amar, Sebastian;Frazier, Wanda Subject20CR Mr. Amar and Mrs. Frazier, just wantedd to make sure you got my complaint for the retailatory acts, which occured since I made oriinal EOE complaint. I have changed my phone number since I filed this. My number i510? hams); Please let me know if there is a problem. I really want to get out of here and graduate. All of this has already cost me a fortune I don't have. Sincerely, 9. 10. ll 12 TIMELINE OF EVENTS School: (D) Applied for admission to DUke Admitted to Duke (W this semester Moved to Durham and began Duke (W7 chool (Xeli (W7 received a 3.0 GPA this semester I received a 3.5 GPA Returned back home over and interned as a cha lain at both I: in the afternoons. I took a course during the mornings. Successfully completed the internships and made a i lsummcr course at Received the ?rst installment of two grants towards tuition at Duke One for $1310.00 and the other for 887.50 (C) Returned to Durham for thsemester in early August. I lived or (mmc) I Upon arrival, I paid for three months of Summer rent for holding the room over the summer while I was in Austin and rent through (mm 3 3235; I also lost my deposit because I did not stay the full year, which was the terms of the lease. Registered for 4 courses, bought all of the books for the semester and paid additional activity fees associated with the university- student health fee, student insurance etc. Applied for a field education placement. At the time of my interview, I requested to have my (mmc) I was worried and handling the wor< load while taking the core coursework of the Duke paradigm. At that time, I was told the spots for the ?eld education placements for the year were limited and there was a slim chance that I would receive that particular placement during the school year. Thus, I informed the director that if I couldn?t get (WHO) I would happily wait until summer for a ?eld education placement because of the demanding nature of the academics at Duke. .(bxmi lb)" Bought a round trip ticket on American Airlines to return home to over Labor day weekend and ?ew homewanted to check on her) . Through my visit I realized my mother was not handling the separation from my father well and at her request I stayed in a little longer to provide additional family support. 13. In attempts not to get behind, I continued with my assigned readings and wrote my papers for my courses at Duke. None of my classes this semester had attendance policies and at that time my Ethics precept required our class communication to be written in the group interaction dialogue box in Blackboard. Therefore, missing 9 days of class was not a huge deal. 14. Called fellow peer and asked her to check in my mailbox to see if I received a package from the field education department, which was how we were informed of our placements. Nothing was in my mailbox and I had not received a phone call or an email from a pastor, thus I assumed I did not get a placement that school year. 15. In addition, I also sat in on courses at the local seminary in that were discussing similar topics to our course readings at Duke. I asked the Dean of and ever professor their permission to sit in their course since I was not a student, applied for admission or paid tuition. I thought this would enable me to do everything I could to stay caught up with my courses and still stay home with my mother for an additional week. 16 - my student loans were processed for 2966.93, 1825.57, 4226.26 17refund check issued for 4124.26 and mailed to my home in Durham 18. After I spent 2 weeks with my mother, she began doing better and I paid the $100 change of ?ight fee and returned back to Durham. The first outgoing flight to Durham from was 19l?bX6); (mmc) Ispoke with and was informed for the first time that I was placed in a held education placement on the previous Sunday. I asked why no one had contacted me and why there was not a packet in my mailbox. I told her that I returned home for a family emergency and that I had kept up with my school work and even went a step farther to sit in on classes there so I wouldn?t fall behind. And that I had booked a flight back to Durham and would be there by Friday. Thus, 1 would not miss the next Sunday. (\We are allowed to miss 2 Sundays during any ?eld education placement. (1 have learned now that the reason there was problems with my application packet not being placed in my mailbox and the pastor given the incorrect contact information was that was going through chemotherapy and minor mistakes were made.) I also asked who I needed to meet with when I returned on Friday to fix everything. She told me to see 20. Grimm); (mmc) sent the Dean of (blmc) g6); at Duke Divmity a letter stating that I had enrolled to Lollege and would no longer be attending Duke (bxeli I have never taken a class at College, nor even knew the school existed until I read her letter. It is a small undergraduate only college. It has no school, (mm or any program similar that would make her letter feasible. 21 (WHO) sent me an email on that Wednesday stating she can?t withdraw me from 22. 23. school unless I speak with the ?nancial aid office. I sent her a return email stating I would be there on Friday to speak with her in person. I never contacted the office because I had no intention of withdrawing from school. I also never stated to in that email that I wanted her to withdraw me from school. I simply re3ponde that I would be there on Friday to fix everything because I wasn?t sure what exactly was going on. hen I arrived to school on Friday, (blmc) informed me that I needed to speak I the Dean of He had already left for the day thus 1 was not able to me with him until the following Monday. Met with Dean on Monday, 53(6); (OX7 During that meeting I re eatedly informed him that I had no desire to leave school nor had I transferred to College. I stated that I had kept up with my coursework and that my classes did not actually have an attendance policy. Moreover that I even went a step beyond to sit in on classes that were teaching similar material while I was home. I also told him repeatedly that I had not enrolled in another school of any kind. Out frustration, I pulled out th School Bulletin that stated that the Dean of had no authority or power over an issue like this (pg 95-96 of 2004 Bulletin) an could never remove me from classes. He was not the Associate Dean of Am, At this point in the meeting the dynamic changed drastically. He began threatening me stating what he had done to past students that questioned his ower. He stated that they were raising 10 million dollars for addition to the school and that they could do whatever they wanted. I asked to speak with (D) and he stated he was gone fundraising for the building, but his (WHO) I would back his decisions. He went on to threaten me about what he did to the last student that threatened his power. Apparently, the student was accused of raping another femal student. He stated that he and tried to remove him from school, but a lawyer stopped because ey 1 not ave the authority. At this point in the meeting, I still remember being more of afraid of this man than I have ever been of anyone. His anger and frustration, clearly had nothing to do with me and had to do with the past case in which he could not remove the student. He started bragging that although he found out half way through the process that he knew the student had not actually rape the other student he still did not want him as a student since he questioned his power. Thus he did continued to do things that would at least cost him more money with a lawyer. He laughed that it probably cost him at least 20,000 and threatened to do the same to me. This student?s name waslmx?l? (WHO) He also stated that he and have removed probably 20 students that have not filled out a voluntary withdrawal form or had a judicial and that it is no big deal (WHO) Icandidate, 24. 25. 26. 27. husband was one of these students- and she remarkably has had a very similar experience as me with over the past two years) I clearly remember turning my head to the side and apologetically asking what that has to do with me and his mood somewhat lightened. At this point I offered to drop courses if I was unable to meet the requirements and offered to make up the Sunday I missed for the field education placement. I told him I truly never knew I had a placement and that I stayed behind to check on my mother to make sure she was doing okay. My father was th of several companies and after several years he put people he trusted as the head of these companies. He became lazy and stopped checking on what they were doing as he work to develop the oil and gas company. Some employees has misappropriated funds and as the CEO CFO he was r63ponsible. And unfortunately, as he tried to fix the situation he just made it worse. He was sent to jail the year before I started at Duke. Nothing really hit my mother until a year later, which is why I stayed home to check on her. After marrying my father, she never truly reentered the workforce. He stated that the admissions board had made a mistake and that they did not let in students with parent?s like mine into Duke. At that point in the meeting he began walking around the of?ce. The last thing I can remember is him placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing his hands downward towards my chest. I pushed his hand back and I truly remember nothing else from that meeting. There are things I can do to remember the rest of the meeting; however, I would prefer never to remember. Apparently after this meeting, he informed both the registrar and thes office to withdraw me from my courses since I had transferred. According to both the Faculty Handbook and the Bulletin neither the registrar, nor the would have been allowed to remove without a voluntary withdraw form or a letter from Dean Despite this, letter illustrates she withdrew based on Deaninstructions and then forwarded this letter on to the registrar who removed me with the letter that stated the same verbal instructions. (which also indirectly illustrates that there was no voluntary withdrawal form signed because she had to inform me that Dean removed me) None of these people had the authority to do this. Nor did they ever contact College or any other school to have enrollment papers faxed to them to verify the rumor I was enrolled in another school. On I received a phone stating that Dean conducted a judicial committee and gone through the grievance procedure with lwxeli (WHO) her assistant, (WHO) and his assistant. Together they decided I would no longer be allowed to attend Duke University. I genuinely have no idea if this actually ever occurred. According to the bulletin, he would never have been allowed to convene a judicial procedure, only had that authority. I would have had to have been notified before a judicial board procedure and offered the opportunity 28. 29. speak. None of this ever happened. And it was Rev. that called to inform me of all of this, not (blmc) which would not be permitted. Nor was there a letter in my file that documented to outcome of this procedure by WW0) None-the-less, stated the reasons the judicial board decided that I could not return to school was that I lied about my father, which was against the code of conduct they established after the past incident with He stated that: 1) he knew my dad had never been to jail because the FBI does not come into people?s personal homes to get documents and take pictures the investigate undercover; 2) I had already enrolled in another school; 3) I told a sectary I was homesick; and 4) that I bought a one-way plane ticket home, which demonstrated I was never planning to return to Durham. The only thing that was factual was that I mention I was homesick. Nor of these things would give him a reason or the authority to remove me or convene a judicial board. He wasn?t the dean of academics. Please reference the [Seminary documenting that as of which was more than a month and a half into the semester, I had never even applied for admission. There was no possible way I was enrolled or had transferred. Please reference, documentation illustrating that father had actually been sent to prison. I never made this up, the sentencing transcripts actually illustrate that the FBI did enter the house and take pictures and documents as well. I prepaid 6 months of rent and left my vehicle, clothing, and never withdrew from school. No chance I would have purchased a one?way ticket with no intention of returning to Durham. Moreover, Dukem was ranked number oneschool, had the only end of life institute in the nation, and I had my tuition completely paid through scholarships and grants I had no reason to leave. It would make no sense for me to leave and incur all of these fees. Part 2 If I had been kicked out of school there would be records of my judicial procedure in my school records, and if I had voluntarily withdrawn that form would be in my records as well. None of this was present in my school records. The only thing present in my records is a letter from a sectary stating that I enrolled in College and a letter from Collins stating she took me out because the head of Student Life asked her to on Upon the school?s breach of contract with the improper removal, I lost all of my scholarships and the Duke Endowment money. I received approx.. 4000 in scholarships and 8600 in Duke Endowment money. On the money for the student loans was returned and these loans were closed out. The scholarships were returned; however, the Annual Grant was reapplied at a lower amount When I returned to I had to pay rent in both and Durham. Rent in Durham totaled $3610 and overlapping rent from Oct- Dec and the deposit totaled 3800 in The Academic Dean went out of his way to help me and convened an Academic board meeting 0 to discuss the decision to allow me to enroll in school a month and half past the add drop date without an application for admission on file. On (mmc) was granted admission as a special student providing: 1) I apply for admission and interview with the admission specialist, and pay 2) pay 4400 in tuition before the end of the week. Clearly I was never enrolled in this school nor had I transferred Starting in lwxa); (mmc) (bxe); (mmc) The became so severe 1 could not take my finals and 1 had to withdraw from all of my classes that semester. (W6): (mmc) Iwent informed that ($352132, Iis pretty much my only option at this point. I no longer had health insurance after leaving Duke nor could I afford it after obtaining all of these excess expenses, thus I did not have the surgery I desperately needed and it led to significant health problems later down the road. 3/ 22/ 2005 and then again on 3/ 31 2005 It illustrates that Loan activity by Duke University when I was not a student? in the amount of $3589.74. There is then a discre ancy here because the money was not actually applied until and the promissory note illustrates that this loan was actually electronically signed on far after thwel? (mmcl date it was applied to my student account. (mas); I I enrolled in (bxnc) I This was a necessary requirement for field education and to graduate. I applied when was at Duke and went ahead to perform it as an attempt to ?nish education to receive my During this unit I was severely sexually harassed, it would have been the responsibility of the Duke Field Education Department to remove students that are in this position or to aid them in resolving this situation. However, since I was taken out of school, 1 had no help. (This past year I got so fed up with ordained minister?s acting this way. I just started turning everyone in. Last semester 1 turned in my past supervisor at this site, lame); (WHO) Ifor commenting that that the other student?s right arm must be tired after having a girl like me in our group sessions as well as many other harassing comments. The National ACPE board came down and gave him the option of going before a disciplinary board or retiring last semester. He retired sometime between October and Novembero Confused about my future, and what to do after my dreams were crushed, I enrolled in a program paid 745.52 to start paying off the balance still owed from being removed from school Letter sent to I documenting the aspects of the withdrawal and to be reinstated I wrote this letter primarily based off of the phone call on I did not remember all of the events that transpired in that meeting until I came back up to North Carolina. I also provided proof that none of the reasons I given during the phone call from Dean were actually true. (Although, I?m not sure if these meeting ever even took place) Paid another 2000.00 to cover the bill from being removed from school since my scholarships were taken away. I sold stock out of mutual fund my great grandfather had step up to cover this and course I stopped earning interest on it. Experienced extreme depression for vears during all of this and - - continued to ChanCl?lC and from the surgery that I needed. I could no longer afford insurance I never got the lvhich would have shown that I had I that had formec from acute stress. TheselleG); were incredibly and uncomfortable and I unnecessarily lived with them for years after my health insurance was taken away when I left Duke. Decided that I really wanted to finish (bill? school as I oriinallv planned before this happened at Duke. Thus, I enrolled 216%); (bmc) school in (mmc) and got a residency at the hospital there and purchased a home. Within a year, (WW3) school campus shut down. And the residency was in complete disarray because the Supervisor, (WHO) called another student resident a nigger. filed a complaint and this went all the way through the civil court system. He demanded that he stay on another unit and he had the civil rights complaint on a staff member they had to comply. Therefore, since I was the younest and still in school, I was the lucky one chosen to give up my spot f0 The complaints should all be on record with the National ACPE board regarding this case. Because I had just purchased a home and was stuck in (male) I began taking classes at the locallwx?l (mam I Repeatedly became sick from thelmxe): (mam and was forced to have surgeries. This caused me to have to drop almost all of my classes one semester and incur the cost from the surgery. Although the otherl?t?xm? Ischools with allow these classes from a Ischool to transfer into their degree programs I (W7 Board would not ordain me with a degree from a (b (7 Institution. Thus, I was forced to reapply to either Duke orW to finish degree. (mmc) was no longer working at Duke (mm and this was Still the only place in the nation with an Institute to actually give me the proper education geared towards Hospice and not a church. Therefore, I choose to go back to Duk(b)(6)1(b)(7 Reapplied to Duke (W7 Accepted to Duke 30. Tuition and fees doubled from 2004 to 2011 and I did not have the same amount in scholarships as my ?rst time in school. Thus, I had to take out a considerable amount of loans. began classes Turned in application for ?eld education placement on (mmc) Application for both non-church and church placements- asks what ethnicity you are, marital status, engagement date, spouse?s name, occupation, no. of children, ages and then states that if you are married your placement will be limited. Applied for Hospice placement, not church- assigned to a non-pro?t end of life organization called Project Compassion. Despite this all of the students are employees of Duke School for non?pro?t organizations we are paid through work study money allotted through the Federal Government. This is a violation of Title XI law. My ?eld education application and all of my ?eld education application essays were then given to my supervisor at (bxs); (mmc) who was not an employee of Duke University and this was done without my knowledge or permission. I believe this is a FERPA violation, but I?m not sure. Had to meet with Dea (mmc) Dean 0 (WHO) to discuss events from the past to allow my classes to count fro school year. Began having stress related problems shortly after having to speak of the past, my eyes began twitching back and forth and I began throwing up when I would read for an extended period of time. Met with for the issue. who stated there was no physiological source Met with Duke campus physician who stated the problem was stress related Turned in Summer Field Education application on Oct 24th before the 3pm application deadline. Please see the attached emails con?rming this. I followed the instructions posted online, which stated to turn the application in to the ?eld education of?ce and wait for the ?eld education office to contact you to schedule an interview. I was refused an interview position because I did not come in to schedule the interview with the ?eld education of?ce; therefore, the application was considered late. (Please see this on the actual application.) (bmc) - Meeting set up for an interview for South Africa position- In this meeting the conversation is apparently in question. I believe that she asked me unethical questions aboutla?xs)? (WW3) 7 I (mam Set up another meeting with both and to lscuss getting a summer ?eld education placement. After leaving this meeting I was fully under the impression that all 8 interview spots for South Africa were full and that I could apply for Kenya. 1 did not want to apply for Kenya because the year prior they sent a student to a congregation that collectively killed a member of their community. Over the next couple of days emails transpired that are attached with the last email still continuing to ask for the interview. Despite this, the field education department wrote that I had withdrawn and no longer wanted an interview. 11 4/ 201 1- First request at primary registrar?s of?ce for school records (WHO) - first met with described the and why I was there. He stated that I was exhibiting signs of because the same thing happened this past year as in My application was withdrawn despite the fact I followed the online rules and I was forced into a meeting to be asked ?unethical questions? like before. I started remembering the threats and other unethical behavior by pastors after the past meetings. Attached medical records. (mmc) Reported that 53(6); (bx? asked me about my ability to have in the future and then never given the interview to Vice Dean of (WW3) Ithat I followed the instructions online and that I was starting to remember everything from the past and that Title 9 laws were broken on the written application. (mmc) Next visit in which I told him I was starting to get physically ill after I current actions and her and her assistant Iactions that caused me to be withdrawn and laced in the meeting alone with the Dean of (mmc) His notes state that he was worried about me and he wrote a note to enable me to get an extension on my flnals based on the physical illness that was occurring out of the stress of remembering the past, the unethical questions and my application being withdrawn when I did not want to withdraw. email sent out to professors and approved by dean asking for incompletes based on which occurred after interviewing with ?eld education department. (WHO) Incompletes approved based on current medical status that derived from my interaction with and my memory of past. (mam) letter sent out and meeting sent up with Dean to discuss what ha ened, why I asked for incompletes, gain approval for my classes in (W7 to count towards my graduation, and set up a plan to work on incompletes. I reported that I was asked about my previous surgery and if I could still have children which caused me to remember this and that I still never got an of?cial interview. with the Dean of linl(b)(6)i I (WHO) I I told her that I was asked about my ability to have (WHO) II had and that it triggered my memory from events in the past. I told her about the threats I remembered in the meeting regarding tating what he did to a student that was accused of raping another student during th school year after he knew he had not done it and that he would do the same thing to me. I reported that after I questioned his power his mood changed and that I had never been that afraid of anyone. Also that he stated he and 53(6); (W7 removed students all the time out signing a voluntary withdraw or a judicial procedure. And that after the point of threats I had no further memory of what happened in that meeting. I asked her to help me ?nd out if these students were ok because I believed I was getting sick and had repressed some of the memory at least in part out of guilt of not saying anything and allowing them to get hurt. I also asked to have no unnecessary contact with either of the (WHO) or I because I did not want to remember from that meeting until I got caught up with school from the incompletes I took the previous semester. I was hoping that if I faced it then I would stop getting physically ill. I had initially set up a meeting for a month later, but cancelled that two days later in the joint email I sent to both Dean I (b I Sent email con?rming that I wanted to request that all further interviews with the ?eld education department be done with because was triggering my memory. Began seeing for Iwhich resulted from remembering all of this and got on medication, which helped and accommodations were being made, worked on completing the incompletes from the previous semester and was progressing well with my current course work. Accommodations were made I attended the make?up session only led by and I was doing well in all my classesmid-term and a 79 on one paper in Ethics and an 85 on the midterm giving me a in both courses going into ?nals. In addition, I was progressing on my ?nal paper in the Independent Study Worship course. I personally limited my course load to 3 courses to stay on top of things during school this semester. Since I was researching and writing for my ?eld education placement at Project Compassion, I actually started crossing over my last assignments on my Medical Ethics and and turned the papers in early on Blackboard. 31. I then requested my school records again. I received everything, but my ?eld education records. Thus, I asked for a time to come and pick them up. Brought fellow student rith me to pick up ?eld education material so I could avoid any meetings with When I came to pick up records, I saw the assistant and she stated that I nee to meet with and lbefore I could pick up my records. I stated that I did not need or want to meet with them and that I just wanted to pick up a copy of my records.Wwitnessed this. A few minutes later, both and walked in the door and ushered out of the of?ce and FORCED me into that meeting. I was asked if there was anything they could do to be helpful to me and I stated that I still continued to want that interview for the summer placement I never received in Oct. I was told that I didn?t apply byjan 27th, but clearly I applied in Oct well before the ?nal deadline and com lained to every Dean we had that I did not et an interview after being asked ?5956); told me that giving me an interview this would not be fair to all of the other students. Then, I was asked why I wanted my records from why I wanted to speak with the past supervisor from that was given the wrong contact information for me? and told they no longer work at that church-, Then asked who I was going to tell about this and give my records to. Remembered more of the past meeting I meeting after this forced meeting and reported it tom and asked what to do. Decided to report it to the police. Began getting sick physically again and \V'Ient to health center and request?? lg); ltesting because I was unsure if I was raped, and requested birth control to . from forming. (Documentation provided) (mam Reported the forced ?eld education meeting to Dea 53(6); (bx? I asked again for no further unnecessary contact wit (325333 and told him that I even brought another student with me to avoid this Situation. I told him I was starting to get sick again and stated I might need an extension. He sent me an email with directions on the next steps to take. He told me to go to the EOE of?ce and report the incidents from the ast and that I had the option of ?ling a formal grievance against for the forced meeting and never giving me an interview from Summer Field Education Oct 2011 application. I just reported all of it to the EOE office: the forced meeting in which I was asked harassing questions to get my school records, the title 9 violations on the application my application essay distributed to people outside of Duke University and that I was about my ability to conceive children in meetings regarding job placement and interviews, never actually receiving an of?cial interview even after I complained to all three deans that I did not get the interview which altered my graduation date, and the incompletes that were going to occur because of this semester because of this forced meeting and involvement with the events from and the Federal unsubsidized loans taken out in my name a year after left Duke in I?m waiting on the promissory note as it was in their archives; however, Sallie Mae has informed me the romissory note on the loan was taken out either in july of or Oct I could have never done this and gained Duke?s enrollment approval at this at of date. Shortly after this meeting I found out, my preceptors never received these papers and I couldn?t understand why, which is indicated in my written request for an extension. OIT has now demonstrated that the email address, ashleywinger@duke.edu, that was set up within the Blackboard system never actually existed or was activate until August of the following school year. More specifically, not one email that any professor sent me throuh the duke academic system would come through for the entire school year and that anything I sent to them through the academic system would not go through because the email address used to transmit messages and assignments had been deactivated in and was never reactivated. Thus, my assignments were never received and everything any preceptor of professor sent me would have been returned as undeliverable. I did have an active email addres however, this was not the email address sent up in blackboard Duke?s online academic system. granted an extension until September to complete my course work for that semester. Despite this, I had an entered in two courses prior to the Sept deadline shortly after the EOE investigation started and Duke refused to allow me to address the issue in academic committee meetings for grade petition despite the fact I wrote the past Dean of Academics a letter contestin this because I did not know there was different due dates other Sept reported personal sexual harassment to (bmc) Ten minutes later (bmc) entered the room and 1 gave my statement to 1m as well. Admittedly, I was scared to death and was shaking the entire time. I had never really reported this to anyone before and I did a terrible job. I reported that Dean threatened me and then put his hands on my shoulders and moved them down towards my chest. I remember pushing his hands away and that was the last thing I could remember. Immediately after that I was told I could not return to Duke. And within a month I developed (W7 problems. He made it very CLEAR that I could not state I was assau ted because assault was only if you can state you were raped. I could only state that was harassed. I have read the reports from the school regarding this and I am questioning why all of these reports are so different. I never stated that 20 people were sexually assaulted. I did stated he bragged he removed 10-20 students without following procedure and that since I was inappropriately touched they might be too. I did not tell the administrative assistant I was inappropriately touched only and loom); I And frankly he made me feel terrible and tried to convince me that since I could not remember the entire meeting it probably did not happen. literally tried to convince me I made the event up because I repressed the memory; however, I called the people involved with his threats and it was confirmed that he did what he said. I did not make this up! And since I requested incompletes after the forced meeting with and issues with blackboard was not granted a summer placement. This is recorded in multiple emails. The justi?cation was that I had too many incompletes to participate in a summer field education unit and that I had not turned in an application byjan 27th. I turned my application in Oct. and was never given an official interview and had to request incompletes due to forced meeting with $366); (bx? and the blackboard system not transmitting my final. Start of th The school has given me several emails they claim they sent me to an emaillIbXG)? (WHO) I however, this email account was deactivated sometime in late August/ early September because the duke email accounts were supposedly fixed. This is in writing on multiple sources, despite this, I have been given multiple emails from Duke University stating they sent me things to that account and I received it after this date. Several letters that I received last two weeks strongly stand out. 1) a letter from stating that I never applied for a field education placement before an 27th, which I applied and submitted this application on. 2) that I have two incompletes- the date was August 21 st the date for the incomplete was Sept 1. 3) that I had a 2.0 even with the 2 F?s and 4) that she had been speaking with who would have been res onsible for stopping the era .oans rom being taken out in and applied to my Duke account. There is a letter from gag); implying that they wanted to take me out of school but because I had a 2.0 could not. Note- the only reason I had a 2.0 was because two rofessors entered F?s before the Sept 1 deadline imposed by Dean after the EOE complaint began getting investigated. And I was not permitted to turn in those papers later by This is not an accurate GPA, which they are well aware of. I had B?s in those courses prior to the complaint. And there is no 2.0 GPA requirement in the program after your first year. And if my last paper and ?nal were actually graded there is no way I would have an in either course. I believe this was retaliation and an attempt to inhibit me from graduating. Kate Hendrix, Duke?s lawyer actually told my lawyer Rachel Hitch that they did not want me to graduate and become a pastor or have the opportunities that a Duke ?22(9) Ieducation would offer in Her number is (bxem?xnc) Furthermore: 1) The Board decides who can become a pastor not the educational institutions. 2) I?m here for the End of Institute for Hospice to hold people?s hands when they are sick and understand different perspectives on life and death and how that effects religion. I don?t care about the manner or method communion is delivered in a church. At the end of life none of that is important. This is part of the reason that the Hospices? stopped giving money to this school and allowed the institute to be shut down. It is now just an initiative. There is an entirely different way of thought, being and presence between a Hospice worker that works with people across all denominations and faith traditions and a strict conservative neo-orthodox church pastor. 1mm); ?3an I Course EOE complaint attached. we were taught to un erstan perspective in I I also sent the attached complaint to both 33(6); (bx? and Dean as well as (WHO) in the EOE of?ce. l\o one did anything, thus on Nov 5th I ?lled out a withdraw form and turned it in to the registrar. 4 days before the to the due date. This withdrawal was never processed and I received an in the course. I made a grade petition and it was denied because I turned in the form past the mid-point in the semester; however, both the bulletin and the form itself illustrate that I turned it in 4 days early. I also received another this semester because for the exact same reason did the previous semester. The professor refused to grade my final two papers despite the fact I had a in the course because they, ?never received the papers? OIT has found that my papers should have gone through on Sakai now WW0) is an active email account. There would be no reason they would not have received these ?nal two papers. As soon as I was told they did not have them, I sent them over immediately. Since this is literally the 3rd time I had a in the course and the professors refused to grade the last papers giving me an in the course since I filed the EOE complaint. I?m ?nd this very ?shy especially since they told my lawyer they did not want me to graduate or become a pastor. Then in my grade petition they overturned a teacher?s prior permission to edit an assignment because I already had a in the course. 32. Thus, to summarize I had a the ?nal grade of in every course but 1, prior to ?ling the EOE report turning in the past and current dean. And 1 had a in the courses going into the finals both of the past semesters. After I ?led the EOE complaint and turned everyone in and asked for a refund from that semester. Now I have 3 F?s because three professor?s refused to grade the ?nal assignment or abide by the assignment deadlines, my ?nal paycheck was initially refused and delayed 4 other times prior when I turned the head of ?eld education in, and the withdraw form I ?lled out is being refused to be processed because I turned it in ?late? when I actually turned it in four days early . All aspects of my grade petition are have been denied even when the OIT has offered proof that any papers sent through system would not have gone through on either side. I was forced to take a leave of absence in my ?nal semester of school, a punishment only applicable to first year students that fall below a 2.0 GPA page 111. I was told I was dismissed for multiple incompletes; however, page 114 of the Bulletin states you cannot be dismissed for multiple incompletes only for 3 or more unresolved incompletes. Also that I failed to participate in class; however, attached are the following emails from my professors demonstrating this is in fact not true. And that I did not communicate with professors in a timely manner through email; however, the OIT reports demonstrate that for the first year I was a student at Duke not one of the emails sent through the academic server would have ever gone through because they never activated my Duke email account. 1 and it was suggested that I get counseling from the emotional and ?nancial strains of the two withdraws Duke unjustly made without the policy or authority to do so. Do cumen?wcdn om 5cm on?d?hm \m?m 030663 .g Irvom Co mp\Mf .9 Sikhs AHMA do? and was umeoc?vecl, ?b 030?? ?202 Lemmy/W Sexual 56p? how x22 Zia/?g ctmaune, doom mm 7 Named-mm. began Puma i?a?thz1wd q?wow?h ?pv chum 0340 S?ovced meeting him? ?2.08 H?pm?i 7636 .9 ?9 nqu yaw 03 Sahod was we? 0mm 9? 1 ?uhnj Seq? Wqu 1' men used 1141'; (Nam v33 rue ?s'vom ?jihad ,2 In r(xp. Eula: ?anibersity DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0968 BOX 90968 mere WARNER TELEPHONE (919) 660-3431 EXECUTIVE VICE DEAN FACSIMILE (919) 660-3575 THE DIVINITY SCHOOL E-MNLI LWARNERQDIVDUKEEDU May 9, 2012 Dear In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. The committee was concerned that you did not complete any courses during the semester and that your record currently has three unresolved incompletes. The (bmc) School Bulletin l4)'describes requirements for con?rmation in [programr ?The student must demonstrate progress in the program by completing courses. A student who'has 3 or more umesolveddncompl?tes or a pattern of multiple withdrawals may, at the discretion of the associate dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program:? ln liht pf these policies, in order for you to continue coursework forth semester at the W, School, we would encourage you to resolve at least two of your incomplete grades and/or submit a plan for their completion to me by September 1, 2012. As always, is a helpful resource regarding plans for resolving these incomplete grades and is glad to work with you on a plan to complete degree requirements. We also encourage you to submit of?cial transcripts with credits eliible for transfer to bring clarity to that plan. Additionally, please remain in touch wit regarding a plan to complete ?eld education requirements. We want to encourage you to focus on completing degree requirements and are committed to helping you reach this goal. Sincerely3?1: 1" Page can certainly say that you were an engaged student during p: the first part of the semester. However. I was not able to give you an incomplete in the class. As I recall, the last time we spoke that semester (when we ran into each other outside Perkins). I said that there might be a possibly of getting an incomplete. but in order to do so. we would need to get permission from ?3an At that time. you said that you would be able to turn in your outstanding work by the end of the semester. I said that if you turned it in a couple days before grades were due. then I would be able to turn in a grade for you. I emailedto con?rm the policy for incompletes and the need for the instructor's permission. As the end of the semester drew near. I had still not received your outstanding work. and I emailed you to ask what your plans were. I did not receive a response from CO Wm m6 you. Before I submitted grades, I talked to about the situation. and at that time. he did not give permission for an on may MCV 5 incomplete in this case. Dean anwill know how to proceed if your health condition at the time prevented you from SILD communicating with us about your plans. but based on the communication would D?the semester. we were unable to give you an incomplete. I hope you can resolve the situation. 9? (16 my Ma Peace. On Jan 30, 2013. at 4:26 AM. (WW0) wrote: Can you please confirm for Dean andthat when I was in your ethics precept I got sick at the end of the semester and took an incomplete; however. prior to that I listened. took notes and asked questions during the class setting? Thank you so much! I hope everything is going wonderfully for you! Grace and Peace. aboutzblank 2/15/2013 3311112 ?ni?ersitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708?0937 SUJIN PAK ASSOCIATE DEAN OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS BOX 90967 RESEARCH PROFESSOR OF THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANTIY TELEPHONE (919) 6603468 THE DIVINITY SCHOOL FACSIMILE (919) 6604473 Email: SPAKQDIV DUKE ecu December 20, 2012 Dear Yesterday, the Academic Policies Committee met and reviewed your academic record. The 2012-13 School Bulletin 117 describes the requirements for continuation in the program: ?Grad- uation requirements forth degree consist of satisfactory completion of 24 courses, with an overall ade oint average of (2.0) or better.? Another version of this policy is also stated on page I of the School Bulletin, as well, stating that students who maintain less than a (2.0) average wi most cases be withdrawn from the school. Your current cumulative GPA is 1.666. This is a generous rendering of your overall GPA, as it allows courses from 2004 to be counted. We have considered your case very carefully. The length of the program does not permit adequate time for recovery of such a low GPA to ful?ll graduation requirements. As a result, it is the decision of the Academic Policies Committee to withdraw you from the School. We recognize this may be very dif?cult news to receive. Please know that we support you in your voca- tional discernment. If a conversation would be helpful, you are welcome to contact me to talk with you about this transition. We wish you the blessings of God?s strength and guidance in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Associate Dean of (WW (WW3) cc; (one); did not CK he fluke Ilttibcrsitu DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0%7 PAK ASSOCIATE DEAN OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS ASST RESEARCH PROF OF THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANTIY THE SCHOOL TO: Dear BOX 90967 TELEPHONE (919) 6603488 FACSIMILE (919) 6606473 E-mait smgoiv DUKE EDU DATE: January 9, 2013 Thank you for our recent conversation on Jan 8, 2013. I appreciate your concerns about the decision of the Academic Policies Committee to withdraw you from tition for a review of your grades for a number of courses. After rev School. 1 have also received your pe- ewing the case, the prior decision of the Academic Policies Committee for your withdrawal from the School stands. Duke School include the following: the 2012?13 0 Your overall GPA is 1.666. The requirements for continuation in th program specified in School Bulletin 117) state: "Graduation requirements for the 0 degree consist of satisfactory completion of 24 courses, with an overall grade point average a of (2.0) or better.? Furthermore, this is a generous rendering of your overall GPA, as it allows courses from 2004 to be counted; without counting these, your CPA stands at a 1.2. 4" . 0 We have significant other concerns about your academic performance, including frequent-um. and unexplained absences from-classes, a.pattern of taking multiple incomplete}, and}; . 1 ?your: 2. d015, pattern of turning assignments in late without communication with the professor, as well as fail- 10" 4 .4055 ure to respond to professors' inquiries about the failure to turn in work?) 5W5, Mar 5. lm Colltl \ovp liithp t)ult 0 Given these significant academic concerns pertaining to participation in classes and submission lo? Rf!" com" r? 3 1'3 .13? ?vr?c We have considered your case very carefully. The decision of the Academic Policies Committee stands, and you will be withdrawn from the School effective immediately. It is within your right to reapply to Duke 03) School. We are willing to consider your application if the following items are in place: ?ou reapply within?a year?s time, allowing for the latest new start date ofFa'il 2014. Demonstrate that you have addressed the academic concerns outlined above. This might include addressing the? dif?culties that youhave described . To that effect, it would benefit your application if you have a Licensed counselor contactmy of?ce to con?rm that you are in a healthy . place-for con?nuedvstudfes. my office has yet to receive. We wish you the best in your future endeavors. inrorolu Turn in the transfer credits that you have requested to be reviewed and transferred, but which no* lot ?uu?of there IS also the-concern about theoverall failure to the larger learrL- tn- "Mt mic incua?PVV?ing experience of the class. -5 a MW. . 3 w'iv Sovw" Page I of 2 Here is another example of what happens when professors are sending emails to me through the duke system. Sometimes messages come through and sometimes it doesn't. This has been reported multiple times to OIT. After working with Dr. to get my email ?xed this semester. I had no idea my emails were not coming through correctly still. Original Message From: (WHO I To: I Cc: Sent: Fri. 11 Jan 2013 21:09:14 -0500 Subject: Fwd: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender Forwarded message -- From: Mail Delivery System Date: Thu. Apr 12. 2012 at 3:36 PM Subject? Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender To: I hm Jugikrr This is the mail system at host mallow-02 out duke edu. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. lt's attached below. For further assistance. please send mail to postmaster. (C) if you do so. please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message. The mail system . . l_ I host mail-routing oit.cluke.edu[152.3.7226] said: 550 1: a 3? I (WHO) I Recipient address rejected: User unknown relay recipient table (in reply to RCPT TO command) Pl i )3 93.1% (l .l (mmcAction: failed U- Status: 5.1.1 I mpg?? (f if Sim] Remote-MTA: dns; {hail?routing outgulgeedu Diagnostic-Code: smtp: 550 (WHO) I Recipient address . a by 3 (I: DE 26ml lit-volexl'l ?J?an . 5,1 about:blank i 2/1?/201?3 rejected: User unknown in relay recipient table Forwarded message From Cc: Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 15:36:37 -0400 (EDT) Subject lFinal Exam Study Guide The ?nal exam study guide has been posted on Blackboard. about:blank Page 2 of 2 2/ 15/2013 SCHWARTZ 8: P.L.L.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW COMMERCE BUILDING, SUITE 1000 19 WEST HARGETT STREET P. 0. BOX 2:350 RICHARD A. SCHWARTZ RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602 TELEPHONE (919) 821- 9011 BRIAN C. SHAW FAX RACHEL B. HITCH (919) 821-9015 rhilch?sehwartz-shawcom D.WADE gwade?schwarlr shaw.com BRANDON L. MCPHERSON STACEY M. GAHAGAN -shaw.com January 16, 2013 Ms. Kate S. Hendricks Deputy Counsel Duke University 310 Blackwell Street, 4th Floor Box 104124 Durham, NC 27710 Re: (bxs); (bxnc) Dear Ms. Hendricks: Our of?ce represents Ilb)l6)? (male) Iwith regard to the recent decision of the Academic Policies Committee (?Committee?) and Associate Dean for Academic I to involuntaril' withdraw from the Duke School. On January 9, 2013, received a letter from communicating the Committee?s decision and af?nnation of the decision. The letter indicated that the Committee?s decision to withdraw (Wm) from the Duke (bll6lilbll7 School was due to: (1) ?her overall GPA is 1.666?; (2) ?concerns about [her] aca emic performance? including the timeliness of work submissions and absences; and (3) ?overall failure to artici ate in the larger learning experience of the class.? 52(6); (W7 letter references theSchool Bulletin (?Bulletin?) as the source of authority for the Committee?s decision. After searching the Bulletin for any applicable guidelines, we have grave concerns about the grounds and handling of the Committee and decision to exclude from the Duk W6) School. (1) Overall GPA Iletter (see attached) references 117 ofthe Bulletin which outlines the ?graduation requirements? for the (bx6lilbx7lcl degree. Unlike the other Masters programs offered at Du - School Bulletin lists no ?continuation requirements? for a grade point average in the SCHWARTZ SHAW, P. LL Ms. Kate S. Hendricks January 16, 2013 Page 2 program. Hence, there was no academic requirement that (Dime) have a 2.0 GPA to remain in school for this, her last semester. On the contrary, students admitted to the program ?whose academic work after admission is not satisfactory may be' .placed on limited program by the Academic Policies 80mmittee Q1 are required to reduce their course load 9_r to make other academic adjustments.? 111 emphasis added). The Committee, to our knowledge, did not placeon a limited program or re uire her to make other academic adjustments. Instead, the Committee initiated voluntary withdrawal. Thus, the Committee was non-compliant with the Duke School?s own established procedures as documented in the Bulletin and acted outside the scope of its vested authority. There is no provision in the 2012-13 Bulletin for an involuntary withdrawal that is applicable to 010(0) 1 . voluntary withdrawal is only listed as a possible \consequence for ?rst car studeng is in her third ear of the ?program. Once lame); (WW3) transfer credits are reviewed by (DXNC) will likely be in her ?nal semester of the program. Even if the adopted policies of the Duke School allowed for her involuntary withdraw?which they do not?such a decision by the Committee and at the beginning of her ?nal semester would be ill-advised considering the Duke School?s actual knowledge of sexual harassment issues with a previous faculty member (and retaliatory actions that followed) that caused her significant distress and contributed to her inability to complete her elasswork on time. ?As previously evidenced, there is no GPA continuation requirement; however, even if there were, the Committee?s decision to involuntarily withdra and af?rmation of the Committee?s decision are unsuiiorted. cumulative GPA was calculated prematurely as the Duke New? School?s Academic Calendar lists February 1, 2013 as the ?dea me for incompletes in previous Fall Semester 2012? 6). (WW3) professor (Wei Mme) did not impose an earlier deadline for her to complete the work assigned in (WHO therefore, her grade should be calculated at the earlier of the comletion of her missing work or Februa 1 2013. informed that her course in althouh tauht by a department outside the Duke School, would count towards herdegree; however, in an email last week, upheld the decision of the Committee to involuntarily withdraw without considerin this grade. At the very least, once the grade for this course is added I cumulative GPA, it is likely that her GPA will be signi?cantly higher and place her on a trajectory to meet the 2.0 graduation requirement for the degree. (2) Academic performance concerns A portion of current academic concern are attributable to Duke SCHWARTZ 8: SHAW, RLLC. Ms. Kate S. Hendricks January 16, 2013 Page 3 Scho A complaint about a course ?'om th semester. On (Wm (Wm emailed the Of?ce of Ec uity an to notify them of her concerns related to her class. This email requested permission to take the class pass/fail or, in the alternative, asked that the ?class be co-taught with another professor.? also notes in her e-mail that a Hispanic stud course would be more applicable to her exected future practice. The Duke School had the option to reassign to another professor or to assis in resolving this issue. Although has an email con?rmin 1 that (Emmi received a copy her email and was aware 0 er request, received no substantive response from the administration at Duke School. Consequently, on November 5, 2012, within the prescribed timeline to withdraw from a class during th 52(6); (W semester 6, listing November 9, 2012 as the ?last day to withdraw with a from current fall term classes?), completed the form requesting permission to withdraw from the lam? class. Although the form indicates that the course professor ultimately must sign the request, there is no indication on the form or in the Bulletin that it is the responsibility of the student to secure the signature prior to the Registrar processing the request. Despite this lack of clarity, the Reistrar?s documented receipt of the form, and the administration?s knowledge of registered complaint against the professor?instead of rocessin the request?the Registrar attempted to return the withdrawal request to via the campus mailboxes. According to she ?rst became aware that the request was not processed when she retrieved the returned form on December 28, 2012 from a mail folder adjacent to hers belonging to the student whose last name precedes hers alphabetically and into whose mail folder it was mistakenly placed. believing she had submitted a timely request to withdraw from the (WW) class, had ceased attending class and did not submit the ?nal required coursework. This mix-up with the withdrawal form accounts for both failing grade in the class?from which she assumed she had withdrawn?and also for many, if not all, of the ?excessive absences? cited in letter. Whendiscovered that her withdrawal request was not processed due to the missing signature, she requested a review of this and other assigned grades to avoid the addition of permanent failin grades on her transcript. In addition to the class, [mm (mm) received a failing grade in (WHO) and (W6): due to a documented roblem with uploading the assigned papers According to l?bm mm) is already in possession of the two papers from which the grade for this class was based and continues to await noti?cation ?'om regarding the grades assigned to the papers, and thus, her ?nal grade in the class. Thougthl has had to request incomletes in some of her classes, when (W7 work was accepted and graded, ultimately received satisfactory SCHWARTZ 8s SHAW, P.L.L.C. Ms. Kate S. Hendricks January 16, 2013 Page 4 grades in classes for which she had originally requested and received an incomplete. To our knowledge, conclusions regarding the petition for review of IleS); (WHO) ades is still pending?as her January 9, 2013 letter only acknowledged receipt 0 (W7 I petition and review of the original Committee decision to involuntarily withdraw (WW0) I?'om thela?xsl I program. In addition, as Duke ISEZQWD) I School is well aware, the academic performance concerns outlined inl?t?xe)? (WHO) Iletter (frequent absences and a pattern of taking multi 1e incompletes) are all manifestations of documented health issues. (WW (WW3) communicated her medical conditions to the Duke (W School, both verbally and in writing, as well as the exacerbation of these conditions by the actions of the Duke School?s administration. In addition, (bxemmc) noti?ed the Student Disability Access Of?ce and began taking the appropriate steps to secure recognition of these conditions and seek ?reasonable accommodations.? (W7 of?ce had actual notice of these conditions and mm efforts to seek academic accommodations to deal with them. In fact, in her recent letter, I referenced her knowledge 0 (WW3) diagnosis 0 which resulted from alleged sexual harassment by a previous employee of the School. (3) Partici ation in the lar er leamin ex rience of the class This nebulous statement provides little substance for proof or challenge and appears to reiterate the Academic Policies Committee?s concerns raised above. Therefore, we respectfully request clari?cation on this particular rationale prior to attempting to address it. received a letter notifying her of her involuntary withdrawal last week. Thus, she recently contacted me to review this aspect of her case. I am still in the rocess of reviewing her many claims, but I see the immediate need to address exclusion ?om school. As classes for this semester have already started, an expelent resolution of this issue is bene?cial to all parties. respectftu requests that she be allowed to attend class pending a resolution of these concerns. According to the Academic Calendar in the 2012-13 Bulletin, January 23, 2013 is the ?nal day that can add courses this semester. If she is unable to take classes this semester, and a decision is ultimately made in her favor, her damages will undeniably be much higher. In addition to seeking reconsideration of (W7 previous decision, we res ctfull ask that review the transfer credits information which according to is in possession. It is quite possible that (?wian has SCHWARTZ 8; SHAW, ELLC. Ms. Kate S. Hendricks January 16, 2013 Page 5 successfully completed enough courses to graduate this spring?with the majority of the remaining credits able to be completed off campus. has also contacted the United States Department of Education?s Of?ce of Civil Rights but has yet to file a formal complaint with that of?ce. Given that she may only need one class to graduate, we hope this will prove unnecessary. We anticipate an OCR investiation would be extensive due to the gender, race, and disability issues that (bmc) has raised with Duke University for quite some time. -Finaliy',? as" th?'Cornmittee based -its decision to involuntarily Withdraw from the Duke Divinity School on her grades and attendance, we are?requesting copies of all academic policies, guidelines and re uilrements- that support the Committee?s decision to involuntarily (bmc) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, (xi/{11 Rachel?B?. I Subject: Formal Complaint for the EOE of?ce I Cc: SentzMon, 29 Oct 2012 18:00:05 ~0400 Subject:FormaJ Complaint for the EOE of?ce Mrs. Clinton, 1 would like to file a formal complaint regarding the teaching in myl?b)?6)? WC) lclass for the following reasons: 1. All students were required to take (WHO) to graduate from the Master's program instead of just a minority studies course, despite their home location. asked repeatedly if I could take a latin American/Hispanic church studies course and I was not allowed. Thus, 03an has been deemed as more important that other minority studies courses, which is ridculous. 2. First Day of Class- Professor stated that white women are all banker's daughter's that feel pitty for the black man (long then or at least that is something might say) 3. Second day of class- 3 students commented that the material taught might be teachin reverse racism. Professor assured students that it was not. Material that was controversial- l) I and In which he implies that the black race should no longer be seen as a source of economy, but as humans en, he implies that white males are the cause for this problem and then refers to the problems in the economic system should be known as "whiteness" that should be destroyed or eliminated; He also teaches that the larger population should look for the God within the black population 2) Students question Professor about whether we should be looking for God in all people and races, even including white. Hisanswer is that this is not what is being taught in this course. 3) Question from Student- If we are supposed to 100k for God in the black man and not in the white, what do we do about interracial marriage? And what do We tell the children that are half white and half black? Answer- We should not have interracial marriage (long then justi?es his answer after people are grumbling that Dr. Cone might say something like that). 4) Question from Student- Can we study other black theologians from the South that don't think like this, such as Martin Luther King, and Desmond Tutu? Response- "Trust me, they aren't real theologians". Every class since then has implied that the whiteness is an economic system that should be overturned and thought ofas dieased. Our midterm question literally asks- "*How does ?rst and second generation Black Theology help us grasp or wrestle with what came to be diseased about Christianity or rendered sick in Christianity's social imagination?- the answer to this is the problems in the economic system and white theologians. Essentially the simpli?ed answer according to this course is whiteness. "*In addition, almost every class period one of the white students makes some sort of remark that this course is teaching hate. Last Tuesday there were three. "*Meeting alter class in which I expressed that I was "horri?ed by the material being tailght in this course because is drips with disdain for the white race". Professor's comment- how does it do this? Answer- You are asking us to not to look at the black race as an economy; then you are teaching a course that does this to whites 1 labeling all things wrong with the economic system that drives humans to Oppress eachother as whiteness. Response- this material is far better than some. Some call this "Whitianity" Request- I don't want to be subjected to this anymore. It is literally teaching hate. Everyday I leave this class, I leave upset and it effects my ability to do my work in all of my other courses. I literallyi complain everyday that Duke is teaching racism as do most of the white students in this course. This class was orced on me as a racist requirement, when I geniunely needed a Hispanic Studies (I'm going back to where the population is over 50% hispanic and less than 6% black; I couldn't take that course because of this requirement). Please allow me to recieve a for pass/fail and not have to attend the course anymore or allow it to be co-taught by another teacher that does not hate the white race It truly is that bad. It is my understanding that some of the white students have thought this course has been so destructive that the idea of a petition has been circulating to protest the way in which it is being taught. (C) \Me All completed forms must be submitted to: (MC) The Office of Academic Formation and Programs- 108 Gray requesting permission to withdraw from the following course. (Course Name, ex: CHURHST 750)_ I understand that my gra - and I will receive NO academic credit or tuition refund. v. instructor signature: Note: The last day that Fall 2012 semester is Friday, Nove Revised September 20, 2012 gnu ganismitu numm uom'x ananle mums: This 1'5 - Aks Jv'f (yr/0'51 mg MW, (bx) (an Page 0168 Of1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption 0f the Freedom Of Information and Privacy AC1 Page 0169 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption 0f the Freedom of Information and Privacy AC1 Page 0170 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption 0f the Freedom Of Information and Privacy AC1 Page 0171 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption ofthe Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Page 0172 0f1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Page 0173 0f1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Page 0174 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption ofthe Freedom of Information and Privacy Act I I Sent: 18 Mar 2013 17:29:30 -0400 To:Amar, Sebastian;Amar, Sebastian Subject: Records: - Medical records illustrating that I could not remember the event in it fully until I moved back up to Duke thus, part of the reason for the 180 extension. Then other part is that reporting this has created a continued and ongoing hostile work enviroment. - Medical Note provided bv Dr. which enabled me to get an extension in dec. - EOE complaint for the We" class that was sent to Clinton, and Dean no one did or said anything about it until Jan 30th after the course had been completed and after Mrs. Hitch had sent those letters. Thus, I filled out the withdraw form and it was not processed and continued to go unprocessed in the grade petition because I filled out the form after the mid-point in the semester; however, I clearly filled it out 4 days early. - May 9th letter granting me extensions in the 3 courses after forced encounter wit and problems with blackboard - Grade recorded for Ethics in late May and for Worship in July without final papers - Dismissal Letter on Dec. 20th, Dismissal Letter Jan 9th- and the underlined infractions on the letter. - Letter from Mrs. Rachel Hitch documenting that there is no policy that would allow for a voluntary withdrawal in the student's 3rd year for 2.0 GPA I [Year] [Type the company name] Current Information from 2011 Attached Documents: 1. Letter requesting no unnecessary contact with 2. Email from Dean stating student should turn in material from the past to the Office of Equity and request a Judicial Board Grievance Procedure for the forced meeting with after I specifically stated I did not want to meet with her and brought another student to witness it. EOE complaint/ Documentation and their return letters May 9'h letter from Dean granting me till Sept for Incompletes Jan 8lh Dismissal Letter Jan 16?h legal papers/grade petition documenting no policy for 2.0 GPA dismissal Feb. Involuntary Leave of Absence for 2.0 GPA Grade Petition Follow up Letter- Timeline of Events U) THE DOCUMENT [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document] Wed'tesday. Sept. 22. 2004 I'm sorry I didn't inlorm you of this on Monday. Guess I had too much on my mind. No excuse. I linally got up with on Monday Sept. 20, by telephone in (b I asked her why she didn't report to her internship on Sept. 12. Her rel was I'm enrolled in College. I won't be coming to Duke. So I told her to contact (MW in registration a ut this matter. She said. she would be In this Friday to talk to I nt a lorm to to take her all of payroll. She was on Duke Endowment $8,600.00, at It you need anything else please let me know. I Duke School Durham, NC 27708 September 27, 2004 (09% 5(th l7) Duke School Dear Ashley, I have been directed by Dead?bxsl I to withdraw you from the School as oll perspective in I0ur textbook taught us to define and I also sent the attached complaint to both DeanleLJand Dean (bzxf); as well as in the EOE office. No one did anything, thus on Nov 5?h I filled out a withdraw form and turned it in to the registrar. 4 days before the to the due date. This withdrawal was never processed and I received an in the course. I made a grade petition and it was denied because I turned in the form past the mid-point in the semester; however, both the bulletin and the form itself illustrate that I turned it in 4 days early. I also received another this semester because for the exact same reason did the previous semester. The professor refused to grade my final two papers despite the fact I had a in the course because they, "never received the papers? OIT has found that my papers should have gone through on Sakai now that (DWC) I is an active email account. There would be no reason they would not have received these final two papers. As soon as was told they did not have them, I sent them over immediately. Since this is literally the 3rd time I had a in the course and the professors refused to grade the last papers giving me an in the course since I filed the EOE complaint. I?m find this very fishy especially since they told my lawyer they did not want me to graduate or become a pastor. Then in my grade petition they overturned a teacher?s prior permission to edit an assignment because I already had a in the course. Thus, to summarize I had a the final grade of in every course but 1, prior to filing the EOE report turning in the past and current dean. And I had a in the courses going into the finals both of the past semesters. After I filed the EOE complaint and turned everyone in and asked for a refund from that semester. Now have 3 F?s because three professor?s refused to grade the final assignment or abide by the assignment deadlines, my final paycheck was initially refused and delayed 4 other times prior when I turned the head of field education in, and the withdraw form I filled out is being refused to be processed because I turned it in ?late? when I actually turned it in four days early . All aspects of my grade petition are have been denied even when the OIT has offered proof that any papers sent through system would not have gone through on either side. I was forced to take a leave of absence in my final semester of school, a punishment only applicable to first year students that fall below a 2.0 GPA page 111. was told I was dismissed for multiple incompletes; however, page 114 of the Bulletin states you cannot be dismissed for multiple incompletes only for 3 or more unresolved incompletes. Also that I failed to participate in class; however, attached are the following emails from my professors demonstrating this is in fact not true. And that I did not communicate with professors in a timely manner through email; however, the OIT reports demonstrate that for the first year I was a student at Duke not one of the emails sent through the academic server would have ever gone through because they never activated my Duke email account. 1 and it was suggested that I get counseling from 30. the emotional and financial strains of the two withdraws Duke unjustly made without the policy or authority to do so. January 15, 2013 Ms. Kate S. Hendricks Deputy Counsel Duke University 310 Blackwell Street, 4th Floor Box 104124 Durham, NC 27710 Re: (WHO) I Dear Ms. Hendricks: Our office representsl?mw); (bmc) Iwith regard to the recent decision of the Academic Policies Committee (?Committee?) and Associate Dean for Prorams, I to involuntarily withdraw from the Duke School. On I received a letter from Dr. Pak communicating the Committee?s decision and Dr. Pak?s affirmation of the decision. The letter indicated that the Committee?s decision to withdraw from the Duke School was due to: (1) ?her overall GPA is 1.666?; (2) ?concerns about [her] academic performance? including the timeliness of work submissions and absences; and (3) ?overall failure to participate in the larger learning experience of the class.? letter references the Divinity School Bulletin (?Bulletin?) as the source of authority for the Committee?s decision. After searching the Bulletin for any applicable guidelin . - have grave concerns about the grounds and handling of the Committee and Dean decision to exclude tom the Duke We); School. 7(0) (1) Overall GPA lletter (see attached) ref rences mice 1 l7 nf the Bulletin - - 6- 7c which outlines the ?graduatlon requ1rements? for the (x degree. Unlike the other Masters programs offered at Duke School, thel?bix?i); (W7 School Bulletin lists no ?continuation requirements? for a grade point average in the Ms. Kate S. Hendricks January 15,2013 Page 2 program. Hence, there was no academic requirement that (bmc) have a 2.0 GPA to remain in school for this, her last semester. On the contrary, students admitted to the program ?whose academic work after admission is not satisfactory may be placed on limited program by the Academic Policies Committee are required to reduce their course load to make other academic adjustments.? 111 emphasis added). The Committee to our knowledge, did not place (W6 on a limited program or re uire her to make other academic adjustments. Instead, the Committee initiatedvoluntary withdrawal. Thus, the Committee was non-compliant with the Du - School?s own established procedures as documented in the Bulletin and acted outside the scope of its vested authority. There is no provision in the 2012-13 Bulletin for an involuntary withdrawal that is applicable to IleBHleC) I Involuntary withdrawal is only listed as a possible consequence for first ear students; lis in her third year of the program. Onc?bxeli (WHO) transfer crec its are reviewed by WHO) will likely be in her final semester of th program. Even if the adopted policies of the Duke School allowed for her involuntary withdraw?which they do not?such a decision the Committee and at the beginning of her final semester would be ill-advised considering the Duke School?s actual knowledge of sexual harassment issues with a previous faculty member (and retaliatory actions that followed) that caused her significant distress and contributed to her inability to complete her classwork on time. As previously evidenced, there is no GPA continuation requirement; however, even if there were, the Committee?s decision to involuntarily withdraw and affirmation of the Committee?s decision are unsupported. cumulative GPA was calculated prematurely as the School?s Academic Calendar lists February 1, 2013 as the ?deadline for incompletes in previous Fall Semester 2012? 6). professor, (WW3) did not impose an earlier deadline for her to complete the work assigned in (DWC) therefore, her grade should be calculated at the earlier of the comletion of her missing work or Februar 1, 2013. informed that her course in although taught by a department outside the Duke School, would could towards herdegree; however, in an email last week, upheld the decision of the Committee to involuntarily withdra without considering this grade. At the very least, once the grade for this course is added to cumulative GPA, it is likely that her GPA will be significant] higher and place her on a trajectory to meet the 2.0 graduation requirement for the degree. (2) Academic performance concerns A portion of current academic concern are attributable to Duke Ms. Kate S. Hendricks January 15, 2013 Page 3 School?s handlin of complaint about a course from semester. On mm mm) emailed the Office of Equity and to notify them of her concerns related to her Iclass. This email requested permission to take the class pass/fail or, in the alternative, asked that the ?class be co-taught with another professor.? also notes in her e-mail that a Hispanic study course would be more applicable to her ex ected future practice. The Duke School had the option to reassign to another professor or to assist in resolving this issue. Althoughhas an email con?rmin that ived a copy her email and was aware of her req received no substantive response from the administration at Duke School. Consequently, on November 5, 2012, within the prescribed timeline to withdraw from a class during the fall 2012 semester 6, listing November 9, 2012 as the ?last day to withdraw with a from current fall term classes?), I completed the form requesting permission to withdraw from the (DWC Iclass. Although the form indicates that the course professor ultimately must sign the request, there is no indication on the form or in the Bulletin that it is the responsibility of the student to secure the signature prior to the registrar processing the request. Despite this lack of clarity, the registrar?s documented receipt of the form, and the administration?s knowledge of registered complaint against the professor? instead of rocessin the request?the registrar attempted to return the w'thdrawal request to via the campus mailboxes. According she first became aware that the request was not processed when she retrieved the returned form on December 28, 2012 from the adjacent mail folder of the student whose last name recedes hers alphabetically and into whose mail folder it was mistakenly placed. believing she had submitted a timely request to withdraw from the class, ceased attending class and did not submit the final required coursework. This mix-up with the withdrawal form accounts for both failing grade in the class from which she assumed she had withdrawn?and also for the ?excessive absences? cited in letter. When discovered that her withdrawal request was not processed due to the missing signature, she requested a review of this and other assigned grades to avoid the addition of permanent failing grades on her transcript. In addition to the class, received a failing grade in and to a documented problem with uploading the assigned papers ori(b)(6); According to is already in possession of the two papers from which the grade for this class was based and continues to await notification from (0) regarding the grades assigned to papers, and thus, her final grade in the class. Thouh has had to request incompletes in some of her classes, when work was accepted and graded, ultimately received satisfactory grades in classes for which she had original requeste and received an incomplete. To Ms. Kate S. Hendricks January 15,2013 Page 4 our knowledg conclusions regarding the petition for review of (WW3) rades is still pending?as her January 9, 2013 letter only acknowledged receipt of (W5) IfR?milb)? petition and review of the original Committee decision to involuntarily withdraw (WHO) I from the (DWC) lprogram. In addition, as Duke School is well aware, the academic performance concerns outlined in 9, 20l3 letter: ?frequent absences and a pattern of taking multile incompletes, are all manifestations of documented health issues. communicated her medical conditions to the Duk School, both verbally and in writing, as well as the exacerbation of these conditions by the actions of the Duke School?s administration. In addition, notified the Student Disability Access Office and began taking the appropriate steps to secure recognition of these conditions and seek ?reasonable accommodations.? office had actual notice of these conditions and her efforts to seek academic accommodations to deal with them. In fact, in her recent letter, I referenced her knowledge of diagnosis of (W7 Iwhich resulted from her alleged sexual harassment by a previous employee of no) School. (3) Participation in the larger learning experience of the class This nebulous statement provides little substance for proof or challenge and appears to reiterate the Academic Policies Committee?s concerns raised above. Therefore, we respectfully request clarification on this particular rationale prior to attempting to address it. As evidenced by this letter, (We)?me was unaware that she was being considered for involuntary dismissal prior to arriving for classes last week. Thus, she recently contacted me to review this aspect of her case. I am still in the process of reviewing her many claims, but I see the immediate need to address is exclusion from school. As classes for this semester have already started, an expetent resolution of this issue is beneficial to all parties. respectfully requests that she be allowed to attend class pending a resolution of these concerns. According to the Academic Calendar in the 2012?13 Bulletin, January 23, 2013 is the final day that can add courses this semester. If she is unable to take classes this semester, and a decision is ultimately made in her favor, her damages will undeniably be much higher. In addition to seeking reconsideration of decision, we res ectfull ask that review the transfer credits information which, according to (bxmimxm) is in (bxembw possession. It is quite possible that has M: Kale S. Hendricks lnnuary 15,2013 Page 5 successfully completed enough courses to graduate this springiwith the majority or the remaining credits completed Uffcampus. mate) has also contacted the United States Department of Education's Olfice of Civil Rights but has yet to file a formal complaint with that office. Given that she may only need one class In graduate, we hope this will prove unnecessary. We unt lpale an OCR investiution would be extensive due to the gendert race. and disability issues rhut has raised with Duke University for quite some time. Finally as rhe Committee based its decision [0 involuntarily withdraw the DukeSehoel based on her grades and attendance, we are reques ng copies of all aeadem policies, guideline\ and requirements that support rhe Committee's decision to involuntarily -- If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Very truly yours, Rachel B. Hitch Enclosures EOE Grievance reports Areas to Investigate: The first issue that find questionable is that I received both of these letters were sent on January 20th 2013, which was four days after Mrs. Hitch drafted legal papers and sent them to the school, and one was postdated Oct. 22nd 2012 and the other addressed a harassment complaint in the classroom setting. The EOE office never contacted me until a month and half after the entire duration of the course, which me to withdrawal. Nor have I found one student who was questioned about the material taught in the first half of the class. (WWC) [was sitting in the course, which seemingly would have been a likely choice. Issues with the Title XI or FERPA violations regarding the written application or the manner in which it was handled. However, changes were made after the student 0 I made the complaint that our field education department was utilizing the same written application for both churches and non-profit organizations such as hospice. I noted the XI violations because my application was for a non-profit. On this job application I was asked my Ethnic Origin, without the option of not answering. My marital status, If I was engaged the date of the wedding, my spouse?s name and occupation, the names and ages of my children. Moreover, the application stated that if you were married the cite would likely not provide housing for your family. 0 I also complain made a FERPA complaint because the school gave my application and my application essay to facilities and personnel outside of Duke University without consulting me. More specifically, that was unaware when I applied that my supervisor at Project Compassion would be given my application essay or that my International Field Education Application Essays would be read by our peers as this was not written anywhere in our instructions. I also reported written Title 9 violations to WW0) and (leC) when I reportedlleB)? (W7 Iasked me unethical questions during the Nov 2 meeting regarding a job interview. Then never gave me one despite repeated requests. The letter (W7 had no idea what in the world I was 5! eaking about: Again although I?m not questioning the integrity of the investigation, I am wondering what criteria was used to make this determination. I reported that was denied an interview despite the fact I followed the instructions posted online, and then when I came in for a meeting to discuss this issue and set up an interview I was repeatedly asked unethical questions about my ability to conceive children. I reported that this was the event that caused me to start seeking out counseling. A- I?ve attached several doctor?s reports, which all indicate that the reason I began therapy was because I was asked unethical questions by a staff member. I?ve highlighted these portions for easy reference, since there is a question to whether this event occurred. B- The Dr.'s note on (NB): clearly indicates the reason he wrote me the doctor?s note, which granted me the extensions on my finals was due to my interaction with a staff member asking me unethical questions. It follows up stating that the is worried about me because of the unhealthy physical manners in which I was expressing the stress from this event. C- I also reported that asked me about my ability to conceive and the Title XI violations on the written application to Dean since this was the reason D- I reported that she asked me again about my ability to conceive children again to Dean to explain why I needed the extension on my finals on I reported this to Dean and stated that this meeting prompted my memory and I began remembering events from the past based on the previous encounter with i. Because of this event, I asked to have no further unnecessary contact with Ilbll6)? At that point, I only remembered the threats and what he claimed to do past students; I hoped limited contact with the people involved with the events of the past would stop me from remembering anything else until I caught up with my school work. F- I, then sent an email to Dean indicating that I already had discussed these events in depth with Dean however, I wanted to make clear to Dean was well aware that was asking for no future interviews with Ilbll6); I which was an easil accommodation since also erformed interviews for the field education department as well. In the email, it also stated that Rev. Jones was fabulous and that I did not believe that she did this on purpose, which also further indicates that I reported the previous encounter with and its subsequent effect on me. 6- was also granted the accommodation of going to the make-up mid-evaluation session that was only led by The letter also clearl states ?that never received an interview?? however a - lication states I withdrew: H. I clearly stated that was refused an interview. I then sent an email stating that based on the instructions posted online I should have received an interview. I, then meet with on Nov. 2 at 2:30 alone for what I thought at the time was an interview to fix the situation. It was during this meeting, that I was asked these unethical questions. I. I then attended a follow up meeting regarding the International Field Education Africa summer placement with both During that meeting, I was told that the interviews had already been completed, he had returned to South Africa and that all 8 spots were already filled; however, the Field Education department was still interviewing for Kenya. Moreover, that she only wants to send students to South Africa that will excel over there. At this point, I had only had a short conversation with her in which I was asked about how many surgeries have and my ability to have children. She would have had no reason to believe that I would not succeed in any placement. The only problem with this was that South Africa had the only International placement at an Aids care center. J. The last emails sent to the field education department clearly illustrate that I still desired an interview, I never withdrew, and that I was never granted an interview. This clearly is in line with (W7 statement in her letter. letter never mentions anything about being forced into a meeting I which was the reason I filed the complaint, it just states that requesting academic records is out of the purview of the EOE K. I initiated the meeting with the EOE office, because I requested my school records from the field education department and I was forced into a meeting with Just prior to this meeting, I told her assistant that I did want or need to meet with to get my records. I also brought a 2"d yearl(b)(6); (W7 Iwith me to help avoid this (W7 lwitnessed me stating that I did not want to have a meeting withIQXS)? (WW I just wanted my records. Unfortunately, she was quickly ushered out the office and I was forced in the room I L. During this FORCED meeting, with which was witnessed (mam I was asked why I wanted my records, why I wanted to contact the past supervisor I was assigned to in 2004, and who I was going to give these records to, which is when I started remembering the rest of the past meeting with M. Reported this forced meeting two days later to Dean of Academics and he emailed me telling me to turn in everything for the past events in 2004 to the EOE office and to request a grievance hearing for actions regarding the forced meeting after specifically requested multigle times to have no unnecessary contact with the woman. Although, it states this was out of the office?s purview. At the end of Oct. was given a ?promotion? and the title of Dean; however, she is now not working with students in the field education office anymore. She is working directly with churches outside of the school and raising money for the endowment. Dean resigned and took a position at an outside church, and Deanwas transferred at the end of the year prior. There are multiple rumors circulating around the school that the massive administrative changes two and half years ago were due similar complaints when (leC) I all changed positions. I do not know this to be true with certainty; however, the (blmc) Education supervisors at the local hospitals that work with Duke have mentioned these problems to students on more than one occasion. I also gave the EOE office all of my records from the Withdraw and asked that be investigated: This letter states nothing about the withdrawal i and the threats prior to being withdrawn. It does state that I couldn't report sexual assault. However, this is clearly a play on words, which started He asked me repeatedly if I was raped. I repeatedly stated that he put his hands on my shoulders and moved them downwards towards my chest and that can?t remember anything past this point in the meeting. He repeatedly stated that is not SEXUAL ASSUALT nor criminal BECAUSE I COULD NOT STATE I WAS RAPED only being inappropriately touched since I could not remember anything passed him placing on my chest. And despite repeated requests to write up a police report for the loan taken out in my name on after July 2005 and the incident of inappropriate touching he refused stating this was a civil matter not criminal. This was witnessed by as well. To my knowledge taking out an Unsubsidized Federal student loan for over $3000 in another person?s name without their knowledge is fraud and a felony. Apparently, since this money went to Duke to cover part of the bill from being removed as a student by a man that no authority to do made it a civil issue. He also told my roommate that I was imagining things and being paranoid, and that we never received harassing phone calls asking for forgiveness after we made the complaint. When she stated they came to her phone after I disconnected mine he tried to convince her that is was a prank call and called Durham police to try to have case transferred directly to the University Police. He also refused to place a trace on my phone when I believe I was followed or watched stating I was paranoid and probably had a mild mental disorder to be thinking this. I had a loan taken out on my car and the loan company hired a PI to trace my phone. Because he halted this investigation, it stopped an identity theft problem. After my encounters with him, it was abundantly clear he WORKED for Duke University. Thus, in my next meeting with I clearly stated that was not the only one this happened to and that multiple students were removed without signing a voluntary withdrawal and these were the students to question regarding sexual harassment. I also stated that if she did not find them, I would come forward officially. Since, I never received any real notification regarding any of the findings of this until Jan 30th after Mrs. Hitch sent the retaliation letters on Jan 16th, Thus, I?m reporting the issues not investigated directly to the US Department of Education. From reading this report it is clear that the Office of Equity never investigated my withdrawal in 2004, the threats and harassment prior to the withdraw or what I stated he did toor the other withdraws he threatened me with, which I gave them extensive documentation. There is nothing even written up about it; however than I could not state I was raped/sexually assaulted and he denied it. And when I stated my last pay check was refused after I made the initial complaint. This was written up as out of her purview as well. This is true. I don?t know if I was raped; however, I have extension OBGYN problems that started less than a month after the event and I have an hour of that meeting still unaccounted for. I believe I was; however, I cannot remember anything in that meeting past him moving his hands downward towards my chest. The other primary reason I went into the meeting, was that was forced into a meeting which I openly, repeatedly and with witnesses stated I did not want to go into just to get my school records was never investigated. It is just written up as requesting academic documents is not in my purview and that the retaliation I experienced after beginning to reporting this by having paychecks refused office was also out of the purview of the Office of Equity. However, in addition to the forced meeting I have been requesting my academic documents sinceand even after a lawyer got involved I have still never received all of my documents. Ironically, I actually had all of the specific incriminating documents from 2004 that I had already been given left out of the information Mrs. Hendrix sent over to Mrs. Rachel Hitch. And I recently received and an email from Wstating they could access my email accounts whenever they wanted (i don?t think that is legal, but I?m not sure). I have reported that I was sexually harassed when Dean stood behind me, put his hands on my shoulders and pushed them downward towards my chest, I was threatened regarding the costs of legal fees what he did to how and why they started the Code of Conduct to be able to remove students they thought would be "bad pastors?- but in my case it was just used to touch me without consent and then dismiss me from school, and then based on false information regarding "enrollment iCollege?, a school which I never attended. By a man that never had any authority to have anything to do with my school enrollment. I have reported this land bits and pieces as I remembered it over the past year to Dean and WHO) I And unfortunately, although I hope it had nothing to do with me the only people I talked to and specifically asked for help in the divinity school were WW0) I after trying to help me by looking into my withdrawal and the request to look into the threatsmade neither work at this university anymore. Attached are any and all documents that illustrate this. At this point, since I made these complaints, I had 3 F?s recorded because the professors won?t grade my final papers. And a withdraw in which the school is refusing to process. I just want to get graduate and get out of here in one piece. I really thought I was doing the right thing turning him in because he works for Duke with children that are already victims of trauma. Fr0n1(b)(6); Sent: 18 Mar 2013 14:21:55 ?0400 To:Amar, Sebastian;Ashwinger;Frazier, Wanda SubjectzRE: OCR complaint Attachments: EOE Grievance reports Areas to Investigate.docx.DRF, OCR summary letter.docx.DRF I apologize. I'm going to have to send you the rest of this in three different emails because of limitations on the amount of information I can send at once; however, I will also fax over everything together as well. Primary point of immediate urgency. I received an extension on coursework. Then, I made an EOE complaint of past harassment and retaliation. After that the extension deadlines were not honored and I received 2 F's. This same thing happened the following semester. And now the school is trying to prevent from graduating because my GPA is below a 2.0. Despite that, there is no policy in which they could involuntarily withdraw me in my final year for this even if these grades were accurate. Sincerely, On Monday, March 18, 2013 at 10:33 AM, "Sebastian Amar" wrote: your email to us came through blank. Thank you. Sebastian Amar From: Sent: onday, March 18. 2013 10:07 AM To: Amar. Sebastian; Frazier, Wanda1(b)(6); I Subject: OCR complaint Amar, Sebastian FromzAmar, Sebastian Sent227 Feb 2013 21:22:13 +0000 T01(b)(6); (WHO) Wanda Subject20CR Complaint #1 1-13-2043 and l-l3-2066 Dear We are in receipt of your consent form dated 1/24/13, which you mailed to us on February 26, 2013. Because the complaint that this consent form pertains to (11-13-2043) was dismissed by our office prior to receiving your consent, we are going to include those allegations as part of your latest complaint (11-13-2066). Please be advised that we have not yet received consent for your latest complaint. As mentioned in previous OCR communications, the consent form for 11-13?2066 is due tomorrow, Thursday, February 28, 2013. In addition to your consent form, I would like to remind you that we will still need the information requested via e-mail on February 25, 2013 in order to continue with the evaluation of your latest complaint. That information is due to us no later than March 18, 2013. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Sebastian Amar Sebastian Amar Attorney Office for Civil Rights US. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave SW Washington, DC. 20202 202-453-6023 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x1 OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS NORTH QROUNA SOU CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, sw WASHINGTON, DC 20202-1475 DC- March 28, 2013 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Notification Partial Dismissal Letter Dea . (bxa); (bxnc) This letter is to inform you of our evaluation determination regarding the discrimination complaint you filed with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Office for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University (the University). In your complaint you allege that the University discriminated and retaliated against you on the basis of race, disability, and sex. Specifically, you alleged: l. The University discriminated aainst ou on the basis of sex when you were sexually assaulted by a faculty member i 2. The University discriminated against you on the basis of sex when you were sexually harassed during a Education unit in 3. The University discriminated against you based on disability when a faculty member asked you during an interview for a field placement in the I 4. The Universit discriminated against you based on race in that a course in thel?mmwm) I taught you and other students tol(b)(6)1 9W0) Ifrom 5. The University violated the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) by, among other things, failing to provide you complete copies of requested records. 6. The University retaliated against you by: Delaying your field education paycheck; Denying a mandatory placement interview to you i Threatening to dismiss you from th glam" programi lnvoluntarily withdrawing you from the [(2)2633 Iprogram in 03an and Failing to process your withdrawal request from the (bx??Cl course in late 09.0.0"? The Department of Education's mission is to promote student and global competitiveness by?mtering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. unvwedguv Page 2 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 If we have misstated or mischaracterized your allegations, please contact the OCR staff person identi?ed below within 10 days of the date of this letter to provide any necessary clarification. OCR is responsible for enforcing certain federal civil rights statutes and regulations, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal financial assistance (FFA) from the Department; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq., and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive FFA from the Department; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), 29 U.S.C. 794, and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 104, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in programs and activities that receive FFA from the Department. These laws also prohibit a recipient from retaliating against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University is a recipient of FFA from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. Under case processing procedures, OCR evaluates complaints to understand the allegations, gathers appropriate information, including jurisdictional information, and decides whether OCR will proceed to complaint resolution or take other appropriate action. As part of our evaluation of your complaint, we considered the information that you provided to OCR in your complaint as well as your e-mail and telephone communications with OCR staff. After careful consideration of this information, we determined that Allegations l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.a, 6.b, and 6.c of your complaint will not be opened for investigation, and we have dismissed those allegations effective the date of this letter. OCR will proceed with an investigation of Allegations 6.d and 6.e. More information on the basis for dismissal action follows. Complaint Allegations That Are Untimely Allegations 1, 2, 3, 6.b and 6.c were not filed in a timely manner with our of?ce. OCR generally will take action only with respect to allegations that were filed within 180 days from the act of alleged discrimination by August 9, 2012). The incidents that you cite in these allegations all occurred i and more than 180 days prior to your ?ling of the complaint on February 5, 2013 and thus are untimely. Where an allegation of discrimination is untimely ?led with OCR, procedures provide that the Office Director or designee, under certain limited circumstances, may grant a waiver of the 180?day filing requirement. You explained that the delay in ?ling this complaint was due to your having blocked out the memories of the sexual assault. You indicated that you did not recall it until you were confronted by another faculty member, who asked you about the consequences of that event. You told OCR staff that you filed this complaint within 60 days of recovering your memory. However, medical documentation submitted by you in support of these statements re?ects that during a counseling session in you ?had some memories that suggested sexual harassment? had occurred. You did not provide any specific reasons for not having earlier filed complaints regarding the issues in Allegations 2, 3, 6.b, and 6.c. The Page 3 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 information you provided is not a suf?cient basis for granting a waiver of timeliness requirements. Therefore we are dismissing Allegations l, 2, 3, 6.b, and 6.c effective the date of this letter. Complaint Allegation For Which Suf?cient Detail Was Not Provided Under case processing procedures, OCR will dismiss an allegation that lacks suf?cient detail who, what, where, when, how) for OCR to infer that discrimination or retaliation may have occurred or is occurring. You told OCR that the University delayed sending you a ?eld education paycheck for approximately one month. You told OCR staff that you could not recall the date that your field education paycheck was delayed but that you would provide documentation regarding the incident. On February 25, 2013, OCR sent you a written request for additional information regarding your complaint allegations, including a request that you provide a timeline of the relevant events. The timeline you provided in response did not indicate when your paycheck was delayed. Because OCR was not able to determine when this action occurred and whether it was timely ?led with our of?ce, OCR is dismissing Allegation 6.3 as of the date of this letter. OCR notes as well that it appears that you did receive the paycheck, thereby resolving this issue. Complaint Allegations That Do Not State a Violation of One of the Laws OCR Enforces Under case processing procedures, OCR will dismiss an allegation that does not state a violation of one of the laws our agency enforces. In Allegation 4, you alleged that the University discriminated against you based on race in that a course durin the of taught you and other students to (DWC) (bxm) The class included the study of . . You and some other students On October 29, 2012, you e-mailed the University?s Office of Equity to notify them of your concerns related to the class. This e-mail requested permission to take the class pass/fail or, in the alternative, asked that the ?class be co-taught with another professor.? In cases of alleged harassment involving speech or expression, the protections of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States apply. On July 28, 2003, OCR issued a ?Dear Colleague Letter? clarifying enforcement standards in light of First Amendment protections. As noted in the Letter, the regulations enforced by OCR ?are not intended to restrict the exercise of any expressive activities protected under the US. Constitution.? In order to be prohibited by the statutes within OCR's jurisdiction, harassment must include something beyond the mere expression of views, words, symbols or thoughts that some person finds offensive. Under standard, the conduct must also be considered sufficiently serious to deny or limit a student?s ability to participate in or benefit from the educational program. Page 4 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 standards require that the conduct be evaluated from the perspective of a reasonable person in the alleged victim?s position, considering all the circumstances, including the alleged victim?s age. Moreover, OCR interprets its regulations consistent with the requirements of the First Amendment, and all actions taken by OCR must comport with First Amendment principles. Here, while some of the course teachings may have been controversial, the speech occurred in the context of class instruction and was related to the course curriculum. Because OCR could not restrict the speech or expression at issue in this complaint consistent with First Amendment principles and there is no allegation that there was accompanying conduct sufficient to raise an inference of a hostile environment, the offensive expressions do not raise a compliance issue under a statute or regulation enforced by OCR. In addition, while you indicated that you believe that being required to take a Black Church Studies course rather than a Latin American Church Studies course ?implies that Black Church Studies is more important than other minority studies courses,? OCR does not generally second-guess such curriculum decisions. Therefore, OCR is dismissing Allegation 4 effective the date of this letter. OCR also is dismissing Allegation 5, in which you alleged violations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of I974 (FERPA). OCR does not have jurisdiction over these claims. The Department?s Family Policy Compliance Of?ce enforces FERPA, which governs access to the educational records of students. Questions and complaints regarding FERPA should be directed to: Family Policy Compliance Of?ce US. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 (1-800-872-5327) Complaint Allegations For Investigation Because OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that Allegations 6.d and 6.e were filed timely, OCR is opening Allegations 6.d and 6.e for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to the merits of the complaint. During the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact-finder, collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant, the recipient, and other sources, as appropriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally suf?cient and is dispositive of the allegations in accordance with the provisions of the Case Processing Manual, which is available at Our goal is the prompt, appropriate resolution of the allegations contained in the complaint. While we are proceeding with an investigation of Allegations 6.d and 6.e, there are other approaches that can be used to achieve this goal. The document entitled Complaint Processing Procedures,? which was sent to you with letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint, includes information about the approaches to complaint resolution that OCR uses and is available at Please take particular note of the section on early complaint resolution. Under this informal approach, OCR Page 5 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 may attempt to resolve the allegation by facilitating discussions and exploring options with the Complainant and the University. If you believe this procedure can be useful in this case, please contact the OCR staff person identi?ed below as soon as possible. There may be state and local laws relevant to your complaint. You may wish to consult with a private attorney, local legal aid organization, and/or state or local bar association, which may be able to assist you further. Please be aware that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against you because you ?led a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, you may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed.gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or via e-mail at Kav.Bhagat@ed.gov, or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or Martha.Russo@ed.gov. Sincerely, Olabisi L. Okubadejo Team Leader District of Columbia Office Office for Civil Rights UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x1 OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS NORTH sou I CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, SW VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, DC 202024475 DC March 28, 2013 Dr. Richard H. Brodhead Of?ce of the President Duke University 207 Allen Building Box 90001 Durham, NC 27708-0001 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Notification Data Request Letter Dear Dr. Brodhead: This letter is in reference to a complaint that was filed with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University (the University). The Complainant alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily withdrew her from the lame); I program in I?bxe); and failed to process her withdrawal request from the [course in late . OCR will contact the University by telephone to provide the name of the Complainant. OCR is responsible for enforcing certain federal civil rights statutes and regulations, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal ?nancial assistance (FFA) from the Department; and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq., and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive FFA from the Department. These laws also prohibit a recipient from retaliating against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University is a recipient of FFA from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. Because OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was filed timely, OCR is opening the above allegations for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to the merits of the complaint. During the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact-?nder, collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant, the recipient, and other sources, as appropriate. OCR The Departnu'nt of Education '5 mission is to promote student achievenmzt and prr?parationforglobal byfostering educational excellenca and ensuring equal access. Page 2 -- OCR Complaint No. l-l3-2066 will ensure that its investigation is legally suf?cient and is dispositive of the allegations in accordance with the provisions of the Case Processing Manual, available at Our goal is the prompt, appropriate resolution of the allegations contained in the complaint. While we are proceeding with an investigation of the allegations, there are other approaches that can be used to achieve this goal. For your information, we have enclosed a copy of a document entitled Complaint Processing Procedures.? Please take particular note of the section on early complaint resolution. Under this informal approach, OCR may attempt to resolve the allegations by facilitating discussions and exploring options with the Complainant and the University. If you believe this procedure can be useful in this case, please contact the OCR staff person identified below as soon as possible. Also, attached is a request for data necessary to pursue resolution of this complaint. authority for obtaining information is provided in the Department?s regulation implementing Title VI, at 34 CPR. OCR is requesting that the University submit this information within 15 days of the date of this letter by April 12, 2013). If any item in our request is unclear, please contact us at the telephone number provided below. If you experience any dif?culty complying with this request, you should notify us prior to the expiration of the 15-day period. Please be aware that it might be necessary for us to make additional requests for information in the future. If we ?nd it necessary to conduct an on-site investigation of the complaint, we will notify you in advance of our proposed plans to visit the University. We have advised the Complainant that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against her because she filed a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, she may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. We look forward to your cooperation during the resolution of this complaint. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed.gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453?6598 or via e-mail at Kav.Bhagat@ed.gov, or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or Martha.Russo@ed.gov. Sincerely, Olabisi L. Okubadejo Team Leader District of Columbia Office Office for Civil Rights Page 3 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 Duke University OCR Complaint N0. 11-13-2066 Data Request Please submit the following information: 1. The name, title, and contact information for the person who will serve as the University?s contact during investigation of this complaint. 2. A narrative response to the complaint allegations. 3. All records, including e-mails, letters, telephone logs, related to the Complainant?s withdrawal from the program in or about and to the Complainant?s request to withdraw I course in 4. The name(s) and title(s) of University faculty or staff responsible for the decision to withdraw the Complainant from the program in or about (WW3) 5. The name(s) and title(s) of University faculty or staff responsible for responding to requests for course withdrawals. 6. A copy of all policies and procedures related to the involuntary withdrawal of students from the program and related to student requests to withdraw from courses. 7. A list of all other students who have been involuntarily withdrawn from the program in the past three (3) academic years (2012-2013; 2011-2012; and 2010?2011). For each student, provide a brief explanation for why the student was involuntarily withdrawn from the program; identify the University personnel by name and title - involved in the determination to involuntarily withdraw the student; and indicate whether the student raised any complaints of discrimination prior to the withdrawal. 8. A list of all other students who have requested to withdraw from a course in the program in the past three (3) academic years (2012?2013; 2011-2012; and 2010-2011). For each student, provide a brief explanation of how the University responded to each request; identify the University personnel by name and title involved in considering each request; and indicate whether the student raised any complaints of discrimination prior to the request to withdraw from a course. 9. A copy of all complaints or grievances raised by the Complainant within the University and a copy of the University?s response to each. 10. Any additional information that you believe would be of assistance to OCR in the investigation of this complaint. \k ., In gang-r3754 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x. "film. OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS NORTH CAROLINA - SOUTH CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, sw WASHINGTON, DC 20202-1473 - March 28, 2013 Dr. Richard H. Brodhead Of?ce of the President Duke University 207 Allen Building Box 90001 Durham, NC 27708-0001 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Noti?cation Data Request Letter Dear Dr. Brodhead: This letter is in reference to a complaint that was ?led with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University (the University). The Complainant alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily withdrew her from the r0 ram in January 2013i3 eugd7 (Cb) friled to process her withdrawal request from the course in late OCR will contact the University by telephone to provide the name of the Complainant. OCR is responsible for enforcing certain federal civil rights statutes and regulations, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal ?nancial assistance (FFA) from the Department; and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq., and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive FFA from the Department. These laws also prohibit a recipient from retaliating against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University is a recipient of FFA from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. Because OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was ?led timely, OCR is opening the above allegations for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to the merits of the complaint. During the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact-?nder, collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant, the recipient, and other sources, as appropriate. OCR The of Education ?5 is to promote student and global cmnpehlwencss by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. urww. ed. gov Page 2 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 will ensure that its investigation is legally suf?cient and is dispositive of the allegations in accordance with the provisions of the Case Processing Manual, available at Our goal is the prompt, appropriate resolution of the allegations contained in the complaint. While we are proceeding with an investigation of the allegations, there are other approaches that can be used to achieve this goal. For your information, we have enclosed a copy of a document entitled Complaint Processing Procedures.? Please take particular note of the section on early complaint resolution. Under this informal approach, OCR may attempt to resolve the allegations by facilitating discussions and exploring options with the Complainant and the University. If you believe this procedure can be useful in this case, please contact the OCR staff person identi?ed below as soon as possible. Also, attached is a request for data necessary to pursue resolution of this complaint. authority for obtaining information is provided in the Department?s regulation implementing Title VI, at 34 CPR. OCR is requesting that the University submit this information within 15 days of the date of this letter by April 12, 2013). If any item in our request is unclear, please contact us at the telephone number provided below. If you experience any dif?culty complying with this request, you should notify us prior to the expiration of the 15-day period. Please be aware that it might be necessary for us to make additional requests for information in the future. If we ?nd it necessary to conduct an on-site investigation of the complaint, we will notify you in advance of our proposed plans to visit the University. We have advised the Complainant that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against her because she ?led a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, she may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. We look forward to your cooperation during the resolution of this complaint. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed.gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or via e-mail at Kav.Bha2at@ed.gov, or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or Martha.Russo@ed.gov. Sincerely, 64w Vie-5. (0W labisi L. Okubadejo Team Leader District of Columbia Of?ce Of?ce for Civil Rights Page 3 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 Duke University OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Data Request Please submit the following information: I. 10. The name, title, and contact information for the person who will serve as the University?s contact during investigation of this complaint. A narrative response to the complaint allegations. All records, including e-mails. letters, telephone logs, related to the Complainant?s withdrawal from the (W6): 03) program in or about January 2013 and to the Complainant?s request to withdraw from course in the The name(s) and title(s) of University faculty or staff responsible for the decision to withdraw the Complainant from the 532(3); program in or about (mm (WW3) The name(s) and title(s) of University faculty or staff responsible for responding to requests for course withdrawals. A copy of all policies and procedures related to the involuntary withdrawal of students from th program and related to student requests to withdraw from courses. A list of all other students who have been involuntarily withdrawn from thegg))(6)i(b)(7 program in the past three (3) academic years (2012-2013; 2011-2012; and 20 0-2011). For each student, provide a brief explanation for why the student was involuntarily withdrawn from the program; identify the University personnel by name and title - involved in the determination to involuntarily withdraw the student; and indicate whether the student raised any complaints of discrimination prior to the withdrawal. A list of all other students who have requested to withdraw from a course in the program in the past three (3) academic years (2012-2013; 2011-2012; and 2010-2011). For each student. provide a brief explanation of how the University responded to each request; identify the University personnel by name and title involved in considering each request; and indicate whether the student raised any complaints of discrimination prior to the request to withdraw from a course. A copy of all complaints or grievances raised by the Complainant within the University and a copy of the University?s response to each. Any additional information that you believe would be of assistance to OCR in the investigation of this complaint. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x1 OFFICE FOR CIVIL NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, SW VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, DC 20202-1475 March 28, 2013 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Noti?cation Partial Dismissal Letter Dea This letter is to inform you of our evaluation determination regarding the discrimination complaint you ?led with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University (the University). In your complaint you allege that the University discriminated and retaliated against you on the basis of race, disability, and sex. Speci?cally, you alleged: 1. The University discriminated against you on the basis of sex when you were sexually assaulted by a faculty member in (Wm) 2. The University discriminated against you on the basis of sex when you were sexually harassed during a I unit in 3. The University discriminated against you based on disability when a faculty member asked you during an interview for a ?eld placement in the how many you have had and whether you are able to conceive ildren. 4. The University discriminated against you based on race in that a course in the 5. The University violated the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) by. among other things, failing to provide you complete copies of requested records. 6. The University retaliated against you by: Delaying your ?eld education paycheck; Denying a mandatory placement interview to ou in I Threatening to dismiss you from (W7 rr? gram in ??gt?gg lnvoluntarily withdrawing you from the pro ram in WHO) and Failing to rocess your withdrawal request from the We)? (Wm) course in late The of Eclm'ulion?s mission is to promote student and preparation for global competitiwness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. rip-99?s? wumhedgov Page 2 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 If we have misstated or mischaracterized your allegations, please contact the OCR staff person identi?ed below within 10 days of the date of this letter to provide any necessary clari?cation. OCR is responsible for enforcing certain federal civil rights statutes and regulations, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal ?nancial assistance (F FA) from the Department; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681, e! seq.. and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive FFA from the Department; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), 29 U.S.C. 794, and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 104, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in programs and activities that receive FFA from the Department. These laws also prohibit a recipient from retaliating against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University is a recipient of FFA from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. Under case processing procedures, OCR evaluates complaints to understand the allegations, gathers appropriate information, including jurisdictional information, and decides whether OCR will proceed to complaint resolution or take other appropriate action. As part of our evaluation of your complaint, we considered the information that you provided to OCR in your complaint as well as your e-mail and telephone communications with OCR staff. After careful consideration of this information, we determined that Allegations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.a, 6.b, and 6.c of your complaint will not be opened for investigation, and we have dismissed those allegations effective the date of this letter. OCR will proceed with an investigation of Allegations 6.d and 6.e. More information on the basis for dismissal action follows. Complaint Allegations That Are Untimely Allegations 1, 2, 3, 6.b and 6.c were not filed in a timely manner with our of?ce. OCR generally will take action only with respect to allegations that were ?led within 180 days from the act of alleged discrimination by August 9, 2012). The incidents that you cite in these allegations all occurred in 2004, 2005, and 2011, more than 180 days prior to your filing of the complaint on February 5, 2013 and thus are untimely. Where an allegation of discrimination is untimely ?led with OCR, procedures provide that the Of?ce Director or designee, under certain limited circumstances, may grant a waiver of the l80-day ?ling requirement. You explained that the delay in ?ling this complaint was due to your having blocked out the memories of the September 2004 sexual assault. You indicated that you did not recall it until you were confronted by another faculty member, who asked you about the consequences of that event. You told OCR staff that you ?led this complaint within 60 days of recovering your memory. However, medical documentation submitted by you in support of these statements re?ects that during a counseling session in May 2012 you ?had some memories that suggested sexual harassment? had occurred. You did not provide any speci?c reasons for not having earlier ?led complaints regarding the issues in Allegations 2, 3, 6.b, and 6.c. The Page 3 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 information you provided is not a suf?cient basis for granting a waiver of timeliness requirements. Therefore we are dismissing Allegations 1, 2, 3, 6.b, and 6.c effective the date of this letter. Complaint Allegation For Which Suf?cient Detail Was Not Provided Under case processing procedures, OCR will dismiss an allegation that lacks suf?cient detail who, what, where, when, how) for OCR to infer that discrimination or retaliation may have occurred or is occurring. You told OCR that the University delayed sending you a ?eld education paycheck for approximately one month. You told OCR staff that you could not recall the date that your field education paycheck was delayed but that you would provide documentation regarding the incident. On February 25, 2013, OCR sent you a written request for additional information regarding your complaint allegations, including a request that you provide a timeline of the relevant events. The timeline you provided in response did not indicate when your paycheck was delayed. Because OCR was not able to determine when this action occurred and whether it was timely ?led with our of?ce, OCR is dismissing Allegation 6.a as of the date of this letter. OCR notes as well that it appears that you did receive the paycheck, thereby resolving this issue. Complaint Allegations That Do Not State a Violation of One of the Laws OCR Enforces Under case processing procedures, OCR will dismiss an allegation that does not state a violation of one of the laws our agency enforces. In Allegation 4, you alleged that the University discriminated against you based on race in that a Icourse during themof taught you and other students to I (C) In this case, you were enrolled in allbxell (bxm) lcourse. The class included the study of You and some other students obiected to some of the material as (WHO) I (0X6): W710) you e-mailed the University?s Of?ce of This e-mail requested permission to take the class pass/fail or, in the alternative, asked that the ?class be co-taught with another professor.? In cases of alleged harassment involving speech or expression, the protections of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States apply. On July 28, 2003, OCR issued a ?Dear Colleague Letter? clarifying enforcement standards in light of First Amendment protections. As noted in the Letter, the regulations enforced by OCR ?are not intended to restrict the exercise of any expressive activities protected under the US. Constitution.? In order to be prohibited by the statutes within OCR's jurisdiction, harassment must include something beyond the mere expression of views, words, symbols or thoughts that some person finds offensive. Under standard, the conduct must also be considered suf?ciently serious to deny or limit a student?s ability to participate in or bene?t from the educational program. Page 4 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 standards require that the conduct be evaluated from the perspective of a reasonable person in the alleged victim?s position, considering all the circumstances, including the alleged victim?s age. Moreover, OCR interprets its regulations consistent with the requirements of the First Amendment, and all actions taken by OCR must comport with First Amendment principles. Here, while some of the course teachings may have been controversial, the speech occurred in the context of class instruction and was related to the course curriculum. Because OCR could not restrict the speech or expression at issue in this complaint consistent with First Amendment principles and there is no allegation that there was accompanying conduct sufficient to raise an inference of a hostile environment, the offensive expressions do not raise a compliance issue under a statute or regulation enforced by OCR. In addition, while you indicated that you believe that being required to take Icourse rather than a Latin American Church Studies course ?implies that (WW3) is more important than other minority studies courses," OCR does not generally second-guess such curriculum decisions. Therefore, OCR is dismissing Allegation 4 effective the date of this letter. OCR also is dismissing Allegation 5, in which you alleged violations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). OCR does not have jurisdiction over these claims. The Department?s Family Policy Compliance Of?ce enforces FERPA, which governs access to the educational records of students. Questions and complaints regarding FERPA should be directed to: Family Policy Compliance Of?ce US. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 (1-800-872-5327) Complaint Allegations For Investigation Because OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that Allegations 6.d and 6.e were filed timely, OCR is opening Allegations 6.d and 6.e for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to the merits of the complaint. During the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact-?nder, collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant, the recipient, and other sources, as appropriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally sufficient and is dispositive of the allegations in accordance with the provisions of the Case Processing Manual, which is available at Our goal is the prompt, appropriate resolution of the allegations contained in the complaint. While we are proceeding with an investigation of Allegations 6.d and 6.e, there are other approaches that can be used to achieve this goal. The document entitled Complaint Processing Procedures,? which was sent to you with letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint, includes information about the approaches to complaint resolution that OCR uses and is available at Please take particular note of the section on early complaint resolution. Under this informal approach, OCR Page 5 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 may attempt to resolve the allegation by facilitating discussions and exploring options with the Complainant and the University. If you believe this procedure can be useful in this case, please contact the OCR staff person identified below as soon as possible. There may be state and local laws relevant to your complaint. You may wish to consult with a private attorney, local legal aid organization, and/or state or local bar association, which may be able to assist you further. Please be aware that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against you because you filed a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, you may file another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed.gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or via e-mail at Kav.Bha2at@ed.gov, or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or Martha.Russo@ed.gov. Sincerely, Olabisi L. Okubadejo Team Leader District of Columbia Of?ce Office for Civil Rights UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x1 OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS sou I CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, SW VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, DC 202024475 DC April 2013 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Dear Our office received your April 12, 2013 letter regarding the evaluation of the complaint you filed with the District of Columbia Of?ce of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) against Duke University. In your letter and in a telephone call with members of my staff on April 10, 2013, you said that you had raised an additional allegation of retaliation that had not been included in March 28, 2013, Notification/Partial Dismissal Letter. Specifically, you alleged that in late May 2012 the University retaliated against you by assigning you ?nal grades of zero in classes in which you had been told you had until September 1, 2012 to complete the work. As we explained in the Noti?cation/Partial Dismissal Letter, OCR evaluates complaints to understand the allegations, gathers appropriate information, including jurisdictional information, and decides whether OCR will proceed to complaint resolution or take other appropriate action. After careful consideration, we will not open this for investigation, and we have dismissed this allegation effective the date of this letter. In the Notification/Partial Dismissal letter, OCR also explained that OCR generally will take action only with respect to allegations that were filed within 180 days from the act of alleged discrimination. The assignment of grades of zero in May 2012 took place more than 180 days prior to your filing of the complaint on February 5, 2013 and thus is untimely (to be timely the alleged act of retaliation must have occurred by August 9, 2012). You requested a waiver of the [80-day ?ling requirement based on your having filed a grade petition with the University. That petition was filed on January 9, 2013, also outside of the [80-day period. In addition, the petition did not claim that the grades were retaliatory, but only that the grades were inconsistent with the extensions you had been granted. These circumstances do not present a basis for granting a waiver of timeliness requirements. Therefore we are dismissing this allegation, effective the date of this letter. In your April 12 letter, you also expressed disagreement with dismissals of some of your complaint allegations. In addition, with regard to your allegation that the University retaliated against you by delaying your ?eld education paycheck, you told members of my staff that you have pay stubs that may show that the allegation was timely. You said that you sent those pay stubs to OCR, but also acknowledged that the e-mail attaching those documents may not have The Departnu'nt of Education '5 mission is to promote student and prepm'ationfor global lit/fostering educational excellenca and ensuring equal access. Page 2 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 been successfully transmitted. Your April 12 letter did not include any of those documents. Please know that you may ?le an appeal of dismissal decisions. The process for filing an appeal is found at: 6 Please note particularly that an appeal (including any supporting documentation) must be submitted within 60 days of the date of the determination letter. This letter sets forth determination in an individual OCR case. This letter is not a formal statement of OCR policy and should not be relied upon, cited, or construed as such. formal policy statements are approved by a duly authorized OCR official and made available to the public. Please be aware that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against you because you filed a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, you may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed.gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or Kav.Bhagat@ed. gov, or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or Martha.Russo@ed.gov. Sincerely, Olabisi L. Okubadejo Team Leader District of Columbia Office Office for Civil Rights UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x1 OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, sw VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, DC 20202-1475 DC- April 12, 2013 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 De (bxs); (mmc) Our of?ce received your April 12, 2013 letter regarding the evaluation of the complaint you ?led with the District of Columbia Of?ce of the Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) against Duke University. In your letter and in a telephone call with members of my staff on April 10, 2013, you said that you had raised an additional allegation of retaliation that had not been included in March 28, 2013, Noti?cation/Partial Dismissal Letter. Speci?cally, you alleged that in late May 2012 the University retaliated against you by assigning you ?nal grades of zero in classes in which you had been told you had until September 1, 2012 to complete the work. As we explained in the Noti?cation/Partial Dismissal Letter, OCR evaluates complaints to understand the allegations, gathers appropriate information, including jurisdictional information, and decides whether OCR will proceed to complaint resolution or take other appropriate action. After careful consideration, we will not open this for investigation, and we have dismissed this allegation effective the date of this letter. In the Noti?cation/Partial Dismissal letter, OCR also explained that OCR generally will take action only with respect to allegations that were ?led within 180 days from the act of alleged discrimination. The assignment of grades of zero in May 2012 took place more than 180 days prior to your ?ling of the complaint on February 5, 2013 and thus is untimely (to be timely the alleged act of retaliation must have occurred by August 9, 2012). You requested a waiver of the ISO-day ?ling requirement based on your having ?led a grade petition with the University. That petition was ?led on January 9, 2013, also outside of the 180-day period. In addition, the petition did not claim that the grades were retaliatory, but only that the grades were inconsistent with the extensions you had been granted. These circumstances do not present a basis for granting a waiver of timeliness requirements. Therefore we are dismissing this allegation, effective the date of this letter. In your April 12 letter, you also expressed disagreement with dismissals of some of your complaint allegations. In addition, with regard to your allegation that the University retaliated against you by delaying your ?eld education paycheck, you told members of my staff that you have pay stubs that may show that the allegation was timely. You said that you sent those pay stubs to OCR, but also acknowledged that the e-mail attaching those documents may not have The Department of Education '5 mission is to promote student adu'eoement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. Page 2 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 been successfully transmitted. Your April 12 letter did not include any of those documents. Please know that you may ?le an appeal of dismissal decisions. The process for ?ling an appeal is found at: 6 Please note particularly that an appeal (including any supporting documentation) must be submitted within 60 days of the date of the determination letter. This letter sets forth determination in an individual OCR case. This letter is not a formal statement of OCR policy and should not be relied upon, cited, or construed as such. formal policy statements are approved by a duly authorized OCR of?cial and made available to the public. Please be aware that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against you because you ?led a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, you may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed.gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or Kay.Bhagat@ed.gov, or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or Martha.Russo@ed.gov. Sincerely, - Robin C. Murph Team Leader District of Columbia Of?ce Office for Civil Rights Appeal: OCR 11-13-2066 The following appeal is not meant to offer any new allegations. It is simply written to shed light on the information already provided and to further describe the incidents in question in a clear, organized manner, which the original Complaint did not. The issues in my original Complaint were as follows: 1: sexual harassment by a staff member and my subsequent involuntary withdrawal initiated by that staff member, without property authority in 2. A second involuntarily withdrawal initiatedin 3. Attempt to withdraw from a class in an apparent retaliatory action. 4. The Judicial Committee Review meeting on failed to properly follow school administrative procedure and failed to comply with the disability accommodations mutually agreed to. A. In (WW I provided the Duke Student Disability Representative with a formal letter from a Duke doctor and asked for extended time writing papers due to a disability. This was granted and signed off by all Deans in the school. B. lrilb)(6); I requested a second accommodation while attending Duke Ifrom reques a I have no contact with either l formally made this request in writing to Student Disability Representative lfailed to comply with this disability related request and forced me to attend a meeting with her. This violation was immediately reported to the Student Disability RepresentativeNice Dean of Academics and he sent me the following email stating I should request a judicial board committee review under the Code of Conduct Section of the Bulletin and report it to the Office of Equity. C. After reporting this violation with I was granted an extension to complete my papers in the three courses I took that semester based on disabilities and the school's failure to accommodate my disabilities. The extension was granted and then in improperly revoked this extension without notice. Thus, two F's were recorded prior to the formal deadline. In addition. my ability to participate in a necessary summer field education placement was revoked based on the accommodations I sought out for a disability. Thus, I lost the $9000 educational grant for my tuition associated with the mandatory field education placement. I again requested a Judicial Board Committee review to address the continuing failure to accommodate my disabilities i I never received it and the F's stayed as recorded. D. On I was finally granted a Judicial Board Committee review. The committee refused to address the rades from the prior semester and refused to address the withdrawal as well. Later. through alleged I never requested a formal judicial board committee review within thirty days of the deadline. Attached is my email, to the Student Disability Representative [in which I formally timely request aJudicial Board Committee review regarding the far ure to accommodate my disability. lnspite a timely formal request for Committee review. made it clear that no further discussion of that semester?s grades would be discussed and refused to grant me a later review after new evidence regardi - I as presented as the bulletin mandates. If these issues had been properly addressed inas requested the school would have never even had the opportunity to invoke any form of punishment whether an involuntary withdraw or an involuntary leave of absence. I have a 1.85 GPA currently; thus. had any of these three issues been addressed my GPA would never have fallen below a 2.0. leave of absence. The School bulletin clearly states,and students who during the first year of the School maintain less than a 2.0 average, including an ures, ordinary will be required to with raw rom the school or placed on an involuntary leave of absence, depending on the circumstances?. This procedure only occurs after the student is on a limited program. I am a third yegr student and I was never placed on a limited program prior to invoking an involuntary withdrawal or an involuntary leave of absence. The School Bulletin continues to state that the school will grant two semesters of a limited program be ore withdrawing a student or placing a student on an involuntary leave of absence. The option of taking summer school was rejected and the attached emailstating that (the past dean I turned in last May for failing to act i and that protested being in a mee mg) believed I needed ?a fresh start? was the only acaemic justification given for the eiht month involuntary leave of absence without first being placed on a limited program. Moreo still continues to refuse to address the F's recorded prior to the Sept 11" deadline despite the written request within 30 days and the email attached from her superior stating there was no revisions to the Sept 1m deadline. E. There is no olic in which the school could invoke an involunta withdrawal or an involuntary Conclusion: To summarize, the school acted against school policy when invoking the initial involuntarily withdraw and subsequent involuntary leave of absence for a student in their third year of studies without first placing them on a limited program. This violation of school policy has had severe detrimental effects on my life, including, without limitation, the loss of my job in which the remainder of the $4,500 grant was to be disbursed; the refusal of my final summer field education placement in which I was to receive a $9,000 Duke endowment grant; my home loan modification being compromised; my car being repossessed; and my entire savings account being depleted on lawyers' fees to address these issues with the school. Since this was done twice in violation of school policy, It is my contention that the actions of the Judicial Committee Review Board were retaliatory. Essentially, in this appeal I'm hoping to illustrate that the Judicial Board Committee that addressed the problems of issues 6d and 6e has not resolved the problem. Stan: Wed 5/16/2012 2:00 PM End: Wed 5/16/2012 2'30 PM Recurrence: (none) Wants to meet to discuss incompletes and summer placements. she is having a pmblem with Schaal. she has and I met with (mm to discuss her current situation. shestated that she had 3 lncorhpiete's, but that these were and that she wanted us to a I accommodations to allow her into a field placement torthe summer, therefore lettm her raduate i X5) (MWC) She had piles 0f paperwor at 3 stated backup herclaim(s). I asked her i was curreh yseemga erap and receiving treatment for he and she replied that she had gone there, and then went to a therapist in the community, We explained to herthat accommodations could not be retroactive; that any academic accommodations that might be given to heraher we reviewed herdocumentatioh would be for luture semesters from here on out. asked herdirectly what accommodationis) was she seeking from this office, and she had great difficulty responding to this question. When she filled out the request torm, she wrote that the accommodations thatshe was seeking was acknowledgment cf her disability. She was adamant that she should press criminal charges against the deans in theschool because they had bruken several FERPA laws 13 to be exact-, and that she did not want young girls going through the program to endure what she had gone lhraugh regarding [hm She claimed that 20 utherwomen had been by this one individual, but that they had graduatedrmexplained that she needed to make her complaint to Clinton in the -stated that she had spoken to her, and that she felt that she had criminal charges that she wanted to make. At that point (bllfil (blalCl Came in [nspgak with hey, and we |ett the room ?qu mum- Do please take the exam on Wed. 02914, if at all possible. And arrange th your preceptor how best to get your essay to him for grading after the holidays, so that we can include all |tems in cal ulatlng your final grade for the course. 6 lbilfii (b)(7lCi Ves, you may The in Incomplete for 32. . Hello. lam sorry to be writing this 'n an email; however, talking about it seems to bring on stress related illnesses riyrt now. I tried to meet with a talk to him about it and I couldn't stop throwing up to even get to the meeting. And when I talk wt shook the entire time I seem to be afraid! stressed out by theologians these days. Thus, I decided to just send an email. 1 was student here duri however. I no a truamatic event with a put divinity staff member cause to transfer schools. However, this is the only school that has the end of life institute and all 1 mm to do rs Hospice, so I decided to finish at least one of my master's es here. Over this semester, I had to tell what happened for the first time and small unrelated events caused me to relive and remember everything that happened before. 'Ihe doctor said this is which elewles your rtisol levels. In my case, the increased cortisol has done two things: I. I gel at where my eyes mov back and forth quickly. That causes me to throw up alter reading for couple of hours and sometimes loose my balance or 2. It messes with my hormones causing polyps. These have resulted in surgeries, have lessened my ability to have children. It was linked this semester that acute stress from reliving/rem bering this causes is resulting in these health problems. Thus, I have Been really working on trying to fix it and stop any stress because I really want a chance at having children somq'iay. Currently, every time I sit down to write papers right now, my anger and stress is coming out in my writing. My papers read like mats and they cause me to remember everything making it impossible to do anything else. Thus, it was suggested that I focus on my exams and then slowly write the papers over Christmas break under less stressful mnditionfljontinue to find better ways to not be afraid of the divinity a staff. I presented medical documentation and aware of the full situation; He approved an extension with my prof$sors approvalt Consequently. I was ping I could take an Incomplete in my classes and turn in the last of my' pets over the holidays If this is a problem, pleue let me know. i have an exam on Monday and We and then I will begin working on this last of my papers with your approval. I promise I will get them in before the start of the next semester. Grace and l' . mm (at (u Do please take the exam on Wed. Dec.14, ii at all possible. And arrange th your preceptor how best to get your essay to him for grading after the holidays, so that we can include all items in mi ulatin yourfinal grade lor the course. Yes, you may 7kg an incomplete tar 32. in am 7 I DateFri. 27 Apr 2012 18:14:36 +0000 SubjectRE: Records (NW (D) Thanks for meeting with my earlier today. As promised, attached are two documents that are scanned versions of everything in your student ?le. Please let me know if you are not able to open the attachments. During our time together?ve discussed a plan for you to ?nish the the degree. A critical piece in ful?lling that plan is to send me of?cial transcripts from your work a an Please provide me with an of?cial copy of these transcripts and then can continue to move forward with the plan. . You also shared with me concerns related to interactions with current and previous employees of Duke chool. For concems regarding current members of Duke School, I encourage you refer to the Conduct Covenant, found in our bulletin here: For those who are no longer members of the community, you would need to go beyond the . School to the Of?ce of Institutional Equity. Should you submit a formal complaint, it would be helpful to simultaneously submit a copy to the Dean and Academic Dean of the School. This will help in expediting the progess as it will provide more time for a response. I have copied (WW (DWC) into my response to you below. As we discussed, lam going to let her respond to your request below for written documentation of your complaint against the ?eld ed of?ce. I will note that she is currently out of the of?ce and will not be back until next week. Best, (lr?mo who 1 Fa (?med in a .3000 3L- - . a 28/709971 l'l'r: DY :01} .. ll) IN (1ZBultc UHm?nersitp CAROL NA 21705 0968 May 9, 2012 Dear (bxs); In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. The committee was concerned that you did not complete any courses during th (W7 semester and that your record currently has three unresolved incompletes. 'l?he 20l 1-2012 School Bulletin 1 l4) describes requirements for continuation in the program: ?The student must demonstrate progress in the program by completing courses. A student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes or a pattern of multiple withdrawals may, at the discretion of the associate dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program.? In li ht of these policies, in order for you to continue coursework for the semester at the School, we would encourage you to resolve at least two of your mcomp ete rades an or submit a plan for their completion to me by September I, 2012. As (W7 I is a helpful resource regarding plans for resolving these incomplete grades an ad to work with you on a plan to complete degree requirements. We also encourage you to submit of?cial transcripts with credits eligible for transfer to bring clarity to that plan. Additionally, please remain in touch with 6 regarding a plan to complete ?eld education requirements. We want to encourage you to focus on completing degree requirements and are committed to helping you reach this goal. Sincerely, Cc; (bx6); Directory information includes name, addresses. email addresses, telephone listing, photograph, major ?eld of study. participation in of?cially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and most recent previous educational institution attended. This information may be released to appear in public documents and may otherwise be disclosed without student consent unless a written request not to release this information is ?led in the Of?ce of the University Registrar. Grading System. TheSchool employs the grading scale with the letters, A, B, C, D, that have been de?ned as follows: A, excellent; B, good; C, satisfactory; D, passing; . failure; W, withdrew, discretion of the dean; l. incomplete; P, passed; NC, noncredit; Z, year course. For the MDiv, and MTS degrees, individuals or classes may in certain instances and at the discretion of the instructor, be graded simply as pass or fail. Such grades shall be limited to no more than 25 percent of a student?s total curriculum at Duke and will not be ?gured in the grade point average. The pass/fail grading basis must be elected before the end of drop/add for any enrollment period. The dcnotations are de?ned as follows according to quality points: A. 4; A- 3.7; 3.3; B, 3.0; B-, 2.7; 2.3: C. 2.0; 1.3; D, 1.0. in the core or foundational courses for the MACS and MTS degrees, the grading is as follows: A. B, C, and F. The grade of does not exist in core or foundational courses. Students are required to obtain the grade of C- or better in order to pass a core or foundational course. Students earning a grade lower than a C- in a core or foundational course shall be obliged to retake the course for credit and pass the course with a grade of C- or better. [See the relevant pages in the Bulletin of Duke University: The School for speci?ed core or foundational courses] Advanced Placement. and MTS students may. on the basis of undergraduate courses. a religion major, or other substantial preparation, be given advanced placement in one or more of the nine required subjects. Such placement normally presumes at least two college courses in a given area Old Testament) with a satisfactory grade average and permits the student to ful?ll the requirement by electing an advanced course in the same area an advanced Old Testament course in place of Old Testament 752). Advance placement must be granted by the division chair and cannot occur until after a student matriculates in School degree program. Courses taken for advanced placement cannot simultaneously count as a limited elective. Limited Program. and MTS students whose academic work after admission is not satisfactory may be placed on limited program by the Academic Policies Committee and are required to reduce their course load or to make other academic adjustments. The Academic Policies Committee may also place students on limited program due to circumstances stemming from medical conditions or bereavement. and MTS students who during the ?rst year of Divinity School maintain less than a (2.0) average, including failures. ordinarily will be required to withdraw from the school or placed on an involuntary leave of absence. depending on the circumstances. lncompletes. A student may petition the associate dean for academic formation to receive a grade of incomplete in a course. This petition must be ?led in writing on the prescribed form with the registry on or before the last of?cial day of classes of the semester in question. Such permission may be granted when a student. through some circumstances beyond control, such as illness, has been hindered from meeting the course requirements. Adjudication of the petition will rest with the associate dean and the instructor concerned. The associate dean will communicate in writing to the student regarding the joint decision and any conditions attached thereto. An incomplete becomes either an or a permanent incomplete unless it is removed through completion of assigned work by the following dates: for incompletcs incurred in Fall semester courses, Curriculum 1 II Z-nlml an an {Dill I am not sure what you are asking. i am not aware of any revisions to deadlines for incompletes. These forms. I am copying in case you have further questions. On Feb 10, 2013, at 12:04 AM, Can you please forward me the document that was sent to me over the summer statin the deadlines for wrote: are set the University and stated in the Bulletin and on the petition sun/lg no (l Vl SlOll'S "We to Sept 1 (Maul llnk, a ?not ?3 ?5 Supf l0 V, the incompletes taken for spring 2012. I don't have it in any of my email accounts and said you sent a letter stating there was different deadlines. I haven't received any of my school records yet and since I'm not showing that it came through here on this email account. I would like a copy of the actual letter. (Cl From I Sent: Tuesday. August 0'7, 2012 11:46 AM (C) Cc Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday I just got this email. I'm actually just seeing email for the first time. I've have had a lot of trouble with my email here because there was two accounts set up in my name and the email was never getting to me. I'll call again to make sure the transcripts are sent over. Both schools assured me they we sent before. I think they might have gotten mixed up in the admissions stuff for applying students. I will have everything sent off to the professors by the end of this week. would like to know who I need to talk with about getting the student loans taken out in my name when I wasn't a student here taken off. In addition. I would like to know who I need to place the request with to have the semester of school that was taken out refunded as well as my medical bills for the past and for last semester. They were quite costly. and I?m incredibly poor. I'm also lettin th (b School know that actions are currently underway to have a restraining order placed against (C) prior to the school semester starting. I was genuinely scared to the point I was trembling and getting sick because of him. I came back because I thought he no longer worked here. I don't know if this needs to be on record with the school. I'm hoping that you can place me in the classes previously registered for and the remaining two I can take through independent study back home. Please let me know if I need to schedule an a ointment to talk with about the loans and refunds from the prior semesters with the fruad I also made formal complaints about the actions of the ?eld education office. I was told that a formal judical procedure needed to occur. I was never happened before I left. I would like to make sure this accomplished before I leave this year. You should already have all of the necessary documentation to start this: however. ifl need to provide more to get this undenNay please let me know. Grace and Peace. (mucsi {by 60v malt brow VGj?fleg actions and Stu/rounded 4 U5 by? Pat/mfg (Md NOT be Moll/c??SCcl L't?couust ?fl/CV Yaquc?cd a tor/ml pvott?rlurc. 5/31/13 RE: Grade Reu?ew From: (bx6); To Cc: . Subject: RE: Grade ReVIew s. .Dt'v 0 Date: Fri. Mar 1 . 2013 12:44 pm nil? who?? IgoQ ngexmxr Dea ?9 to a, g. A formal grade review process was not initiated by inquiring with (mm The proper steps of a formal grade review are outlined in the IBulletin. These steps did not happen at that Ume. The time is now far past. studies at Duke . l? by submitting an online form a 2 via the DU Registrar website (see address below) and My of?ce does not rovide of?cial copies of your Duketranscript. You may request the transcript from your cessr - the transcript may - - mailed or picked up. Finally, Duke School requires that you submit an of?cial transcript from both by 5pm on April 1, 2013. If we do not receive these, you will be immediately dismissed. Sincerel I Associate Dean of I sent: wary 28, 2013 9:33 PM Subject: Re: Grade Review ljust saw this email and I wanted to point out that initated a problem with my grades and scheduled a meeting and talked with Dean within the 30 day period because I began getting sick right after my meeting with This contact was ays after the meeting which cleady falls in the 30 day period. I was instructed to go to the EOE o?ice and that I had the option for a judicial board committee regarding the event that made me sick. but the appeal and asking for help was de?nite! made within the 30 day period. As per instructions in the divinity Bulletin that you referenced below. I have Dean instructions in writing regardin the stes to take. The computer system shows that the past loans remain the Duke computer system under I Thus, the school still has these documents on ?le. In addition, since Iwill no longer be allowed to use the credits from university to transfer to Duke University because it would be unethical. I would like to schedule a meeting with you and get the transcripts to this university that I planned to originally transfer tofor their pastoral care certi?cate. I want to make sure I'm doing everything on the up and up because classes will be crossing over between different schools. Would that be okay? Sincerel ?Original Message? Fro I: T0 I Cc Kate Hendricks (WC) Sent: Tue, Feb 12, 2013 3:58 pm Subject: RE: Grade Review Dear 1/2 5/31/13 RE: transcripts From: I To: (mmc) Kate Hendricks Subject: RE: transcripts Date: Fri, Mar 1,2013 9:56 am Dear This decision to allow you to take summer classes was not at all made. You asked for it at the Judicial Board, and I said clearly (two or three times) that I could not promise this. I said I would only consider it. I considered it and decided the best decision was as stated clearly at ou have a fresh start in Thus, the decision is ?nal mat you are on a eave a sence until thergxs)? (W7 AK I - Mum olul'W From- 1 Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 10:31 PM lb 1?53 - To: I Subject: Re: transcripts I also wanted to formally petition, since the decision was made to allow me to take classes and continue my studies to ?nish classes during the Sincerely, ?Original Message? From: I To; Cc: Kate Hendricks Sent: Thu, Feb 28, 2013 4:06 pm Subject: RE: transcripts Dear We still exect an of?cial transcript from if you plan to return in the as it is clearly stipulated in the letter. From: Sent: ursay, eruary 28, 2013 2:28 PM To: Cc: I Kate -lendn'cks; Subject: Re: transcripts (D) My credits from are not going to be able to transfer to this university if I want to get a pastoral care certi?cate because the same 0 asses can not count for two dilferrent degrees . Thus, that transcript is not revelant for Duke Sincerely, 1/3 35mm pap?r dowmm?ncg 5 Me 60% DOWN ?0&5 (Av mm 6/5/13 Students ?ounder at The Chronicle reams 0F g?choo\ sun/cu Students ?ounder at Divinity School 330? 3 ?i Sh?dalls 0k? bu?t? Ehe Chronicle By Lauren Carroll Dccenbcr 9. 20l I At the Divinity SchooL some Students are having trouble balancing "entditio ct religio.? The pillars of the University?s motto?knowledge and faith?arc currently at odds within the Divinity SchooL as academic stress and a lack of school community have made it dif?cult to rmintain spiritual health. students said. Master of divinity candidates. rmny of whom become pastors. said their spiritual development '5 being neglected, though the Divinity School administration has said it '3 working to accommodate the needs of all of its students. Although the academic stress err by other pre-professional students at Duke is sim?ar, the master of divinity candidates said that those studying to be min'sters have an added burden of grappling with their faith on a daily basis. ?We are here because we want academic rigor, and that's something Duke provides," said Lisa Talbott, a second-year master ofdivinity candidate. ?But I didn?t expect my strong academic background to come at the expense of my spiritual life.? Master of divinity candidates account more hall'of the Divinity School?s student body. Duke School graduates go on to be great min'sters, but their personal lives are unhealthy because ol'dan'aging habits learned while in school, said Tyler Mahoney, a third-year rmster of divinity candidate. "l'hey?re creating a culture ol'workaholics, which w?l result in pastoral burnout," Mahoney said. Mahoney and several other students conducted an inliirrml survey regarding student life at the 0mm which garnered around 80 respondents. Although several responses to the question??What changes would most improve the Divinity School?"??indieated that students were pleased with the school overall. about 40 students said there were several ways the conumnity could Students mentioned a need for more interaction between different age groups and degree program, admin'strator and faculty visbrlity. clubs. soc'nl space and a stronger support system Some respondents in the anonymous survey noted that preparation for leading a parish is being corrpromised by academic excellence. ?It?s not enough to quietly mention [Courseling and Services] at the beginning of the year and hope people w?l go," wrote one respondent in the survey. ?We need legitimate resources coping with this new In tact, make a pastoral care counseling course a rmndatory part of our paradigm It?s an area that's some lacking at Duke." Adrian Mack, a master of Christian theory candidate. said he icels a close connection with his classmates and h's professors due to his sn'aller seminar courses?a coursebad that contrasts most ofdivinity courses that are in a large, lecture-style setting Mack, who '3 studying not to be a pastor but to be a professor, said. however. that his workload has similarly challenged h's faith, "Tim?s one of the things I ?nd myself talking to my peers about outside the classroom,? Mack said. Scott Himel. a third-year n?aster in divinity candidate and co-prcsident of the Divinity Student Council. said he has leamed to rmmge academic stress. but noted that it required coming to terms with his personal spiritual fonnation ?What you?re studying is always intennixed with yom' own life and your own soul.? Himel said. "Those by their very nature are very concerning tasks that can tear you apart. ?ankly. . .. It?s hard when you come home liorn the Div[inity] School to set those aside. and when you wake up in the morning. they?re still fonning you." A need for connection Divinity School Dean Richard Hays said there are many opportunities for students to reach out to laculty and administrators. through the school's programning. chaplains and spiritual advisers. ?I?ve been involved in theological education for 35 years.? Hays said. "This is a pretty commn reliain that students hope for divinity school to be their church and almost their 1/2 6/5/13 Students ?ounder at The Chronicle The Divinity School has weekly spiritual fomntion groups led by certi?ed spiritual guides?required for ?rst years and recomnended for others?but Talbott believes the is not enough She said her wele adm'n'strators are not enough of a presence on cams. Her professors. many of whom are ordained, act as pastors once a student reaches a time of crisis in their academic. spiritual or personal lives. but rmny faculty menbers are not part of students' lives until they reach that breaking point. In the survey, maidens indicated that they ?:lt supported by fellow students but not by the staff or the admin'stration. Many also said they have to a signi?cant effort in order to develop a relatiomhip with their professors. ?lfl had a better relationsh'p with my professors, I wouldn't break down,? Talbott said. ?Unlrke other subjects that challenge you academically. [theology] challenges you spiritually, as You start to get on shaky and there?s no guidance on how to navigate through those waters." Talbott noted that professors need to abo act as pastors in order for students to be successful in their careers. Talbott said that by hiding in their of?ces. being absent from worship services and not actively seeking to be part of students? lives. her pro?tssors are not setting a good example. Ellen Davis. Arms Ragan Kearm d?stingu'shed professor of biblical and practical theology. said it '5 normal for theology professors not to be involved with students in small group setting, especially at an imtitution l?ce Duke where faculty menbers are alien research-oriented. Dav's previously taught at a snail residential seminary where small groups of students and professors o?en gathered for meals and prayers. Even though the does not take place as o?cn at Duke. she believes students have plenty of outlets to explore their lirith with others. ?Ninety percent of the outreach I offer to students '5 in the classroom?l don't apologize that," Davis said, adding that her of?ce hours are almost always ?tll. though it '5 rare that students come to her with personal problens. She noted that ?eld education opportunities give students a chance to practice ministry ?rsthand. It is inpossible for any school to ?rlly prepare someone for this profession because the spiritual tension students are feeling now will continue throughout their careers. she added. Moving forward This problem of conmunity spirit has been prevalent for several years. Mahoney said. Some of his peers have expressed their cements to administrators in the past but have not seen signi?cant action in response. ?Youcan lave all good people and still have a toxic work when sullems aren?t abk: to connur'cate and interact it cil?ctive ways,? Mahoney said. Even among students, it is dif?cult to build signi?cant relationships when there is not a residential Mahoney noted. The Divinity School?s student seating area?a lounge of pews and couches in the Gray Building establ'shcd two years ago?is a step in the right direction. though students still partly led that e?brt. Recently. many students on their own initiative have come together to bu?d up their now with administrative support. The Divinity Student Council has dra?ed a series of initiatives to irrprovc the school?s enviromnent and reduce students? stress. including a mentoring program a notes-sharing system. rriinistry workshops and commnity dinners?the second of which took phce Tuesday. ?The adm'nistratbn is aware of th's probbm?it is not going over their heads." Himcl said. "These dinners have no other ptn?pose other than to allow students to come together and break bread and create new ??iendships.? Director of Student Life Donna Banks. ?06. said her of?ce '5 actively working with students to combat the rmlti?tceted stress that comes along with a theological education She added that the of?ce encourages students to attend worship services on a regular basis and observe the Sabbath in order to n'ainuiin their well-being ?We are conpassionate to students that are dealing with these concems,? Banks said. ?It's not just about schooL it's about God." 2/2 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x1 OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS NORTH sou I CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, SW VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, DC 202024475 DATE, 2013 Dr. Richard H. Brodhead Of?ce of the President Duke University 207 Allen Building Box 90001 Durham, NC 27708-0001 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Letter of Findings Dear Dr. Brodhead: This letter is to notify you of the disposition of a complaint that was filed with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University, in particular Duke School. The Complainant alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily withdrew her from the School in and failed to process her withdrawal request from the 1 course in latelleB); I OCR investigated the complaint under the authority of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part l00, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal financial assistance from the Department; and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq., and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department. These laws also prohibit a recipient from retaliating against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University is a recipient of federal financial assistance from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. In reaching a determination, OCR reviewed documentation submitted by the Complainant and the University and conducted interviews with University personnel and the Complainant. After carefully considering all the information obtained during the investigation, OCR determined that there is insuf?cient evidence to conclude that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. ?ndings and conclusions are discussed below. The Department of Education '5 mission is to student and prt?pai'atitmfor global byfostering educational excellenca and ensuring equal access. Immucdgmi Page 2 -- OCR Complaint N0. 1 1-13-2066 Legal Standard To establish that retaliation has occurred, OCR must find the following: (1) the complainant engaged in a protected activity; (2) the recipient was aware of the complainant?s activity; (3) the recipient took adverse action against the complainant; and (4) there was some evidence of a causal connection between the adverse action and the protected activity. If all of these elements are established, OCR then inquires whether the recipient had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the complainant. The evidence is then analyzed to determine whether the recipient?s reason is merely an excuse or pretext for retaliation. Facts and Analysis Allegation The Complainant alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily withdrew her from the School in 00(6); The Complainant initially enrolled in the School as degree candidate in She completed that semester, but did not complete courses and was withdrawn from the School. She applied for readmission to the program in and enrolled in five classes that fall. She took ?incompletes? in four of her five courses. In she enrolled in three classes, and took ?incompletes? for two of them. 0n the Dean of the School1 notified the Complainant that the Academic Policies Committee had reviewed her academic record and was concerned about her unresolved incompletes. The School?s Bulletin requires that any student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes may be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program. The Dean encouraged the Complainant to resolve at least two of her incomplete grades or submit a plan for their completion by September 1, 2012. In early (W7 the Complainant resolved her incompletes. However, she received a grade one class from spring 2012, and Fs in two others.? The Complalnant enrolled in four additional classes in WHO) I the current Dean, who replaced the former Dean in e-mailed the Complainant, notifying her that with her grades from the resolved incompletes, her cumulative GPA was 2.0. She advised the Complainant that the School?s policies require a 2.0 GPA for continuation in the program and for field education placements. The Dean cautioned, ?So I want you to be fully informed and aware that if you drop below a 2.0 GPA, your case will have to be reviewed by our Academic Policies Committee.? At the end of the fall semester, the Complainant took one ?incomplete? and received two Fs and one C. The Dean informed the Complainant on December 20, 2012 that her GPA was now 1.666 OCR notes that this Dean has since left the University and was replaced by the current dean in July 2012. 2 The Complainant disputes the fairness of those grades on several grounds. Allegations about those grades were not timely filed with OCR. Page 3 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 and that the Academic Policies Committee reviewed the Complainant?s record and decided to withdraw her from the School.3 The Complainant engaged in multiple protected activities of which the University was aware. These include: Onthe Complainant contacted the University?s Of?ce of Institutional Equity to comp am that she had been denied a ?eld education placement due to gender discrimination. 0 On the Complainant reported to the Student Disability Access Of?ce that she and 20 other students had been sexually assaulted by a dean at the School; the Executive Director of Duke?s Disability Management System called a University police captain to talk to the Complainant and also reported the allegations to the Of?ce of Institutional Equity. 0 Ithe Complainant filed a complaint with the Of?ce of Institutional Equity alleging that the I?bxe); I class is racially discriminatory. The University took adverse action against the Complainant when it noti?ed her on December 20, 2012 that she was being withdrawn from the University. Due to the closeness in time between that action and the Complainant?s October 2012 protected activity, OCR ?nds that there is some evidence of a causal connection between the adverse action and the protected activity. OCR then considered whether the University had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse against the Complainant. The University explained that the School?s Bulletin includes the following policy regarding continuation in the laws); I degree program: The progress of all students is reviewed at the end of every semester by the Academic Policies Committee. The following are the continuation requirements for students enrolled in the degree program: I. The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may, at the discretion of the academic dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program. This means that the student may enroll in no more than three courses.4 The Dean told OCR that the Academic Policies Committee, comprised of faculty and administrators, meets to review the records of students whose GPAs are less than or hovering at 2.0. The Committee decides the best solution dismissal, leave of absence, or limited program for each situation. That decision depends in part on how low the student?s GPA is and whether the student has suf?cient time remaining in the program to ?salvage? the GPA. The decision also depends on whether the student has a larger pattern of poor performance and incompletes. 3 After the Complainant ?led grade challenges regarding some of her grades, the University Judicial Board determined that her grades should stand, but recommended that the Complainant be allowed to return in fall 2013 on probationary status and subject to certain conditions. including that she not take any additional incompletes without the consent of her instructor and the Associate Dean for Academic Programs. 4 The Complainant seems to contend that this requirement applies only to ?rst year students. However, on its face, the continuation requirement applies to ?all students? in the program. Page 4 -- OCR Complaint No. l-13-2066 In the Complainant?s case, the Committee considered that the Complainant had a pattern of withdrawals and incompletes. Her GPA was signi?cantly below 2.0 1.666), and the only reason her record had not been reviewed by the committee the previous semester was that her grades from when she ?rst enrolled in the School more than 8 years ago in spring 2004 had been Bs. From the Committee?s perspective, the pattern of the GPA, the incompletes, and the withdrawals was significant. The Dean said that the Committee did not discuss the Complainant?s complaints of sex and race discrimination. The University?s stated explanation adherence to the policy regarding continuation in the program is a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for the decision to withdraw the Complainant from the program. OCR then considered whether there is evidence that the explanation is an excuse or pretext for retaliation. OCR reviewed records regarding all other master?s degree candidates in the School with GPAs below 2.0 from fall 2010 through spring 2013. Eight other students were considered by the Committee during that time period due to their two of those students were considered by the committee twice.5 The Committee took different actions for each student; ranging from warnings to academic withdrawals. One student received a warning the first time she was considered by the Committee, with a GPA of 1.67, and was then placed on a leave of absence when she was considered by the Committee again the following semester, with a GPA of 1.850. Another student was placed on a leave of absence6 the first time he was considered by the Committee with a GPA of 1.76. After he returned to the program a year later, he was again considered by the Committee with a GPA of 1.97; at that time the Committee determined that he had made academic progress with a semester GPA of 2.66 and he was allowed to remain in the program. Three students were academically withdrawn. Their cumulative GPAs at the time of the decisions were 1.33, 1.33, and 1.175. Three other students were given warnings; their GPAs were 1.9, 1.67, and 1.866. The Dean was not aware of any of those students having engaged in protected activities. OCR asked the Dean about the circumstances of each of these students, with a particular focus on the students who had GPAs close to or below the Complainant?s (1.666) and who were not withdrawn. The Dean explained that the two students who had the same GPA as the Complainant but who received warnings were considered borderline; however, those students were in their ?rst year in the program and thus had two years during which they could ?pull up? their GPAs. In contrast, the Complainant had only six courses left to complete, which the Committee did not feel was sufficient time to improve her academic status. The other students who received warnings had GPAs higher than the Complainant?s. Altogether, OCR concluded that the treatment of other similarly situated students is consistent with the University?s explanation of its actions toward the Complainant. There is no other evidence in the record that suggests that the University?s explanation is a pretext for retaliation. Therefore, OCR concluded that there is insuf?cient evidence to find that the University retaliation against the Complainant as alleged. 5 Other students were reviewed by the Committee for other reasons. including excessive incompletes or withdrawals. 6 Unlike withdrawals. leaves of absence do not require students to re-apply in order to re-enter the program. Page 5 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 Allegation The Complainant alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University failed to process her withdrawal request from the Ilbxe); (mmc) I course in late (mm (WHO) The Complainant discussed her concerns that the I class was racially discriminatory with the professor after class lafter which she stopped attendin the class. She filed a complaint with the Office of Institutional Equity about the class on During that same time period, the Complainant initiated the process to withdraw from the class. According to the University, the Complainant failed to complete the withdrawal process and received an in the course. For the same reasons described for allegation OCR finds that an initial case of retaliation has been established. Therefore, OCR inquired whether the University had a legitimate, non- retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the complainant. The University reported to OCR that the Complainant did not fully complete the withdrawal form. Specifically, she failed to obtain the professor?s signature on the form. When the registrar received the incomplete form, he placed it in the Complainant?s student mail folder with a note telling her that she needed to obtain the professor?s signature to complete the process. The Complainant never did so. The Complainant?s failure to follow the process for withdrawing from the class is a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for the University?s actions. OCR considered whether there is evidence that this reason was merely a pretext for retaliation. OCR noted that while the form clearly requires a professor?s signature, it does not indicate that the student is responsible for obtaining that signature. The registrar told OCR that he has never before had a student fail to get the required signature. He also explained that student mail folders are like mailboxes where students and professors communicate with one another; students are expected to check them with some regularity. Here, after the Complainant objected to her failing grade in Black Church Studies in late December, the Registrar checked the Complainant?s mail folder and found the form with his note still in the folder. The Registrar said that prior to that, nothing about the process was unusual. Speci?cally, he typically uses student mail folders for communication with students. In addition, it was not notable to him that he did not receive a completed form from the Complainant after he wrote her the note. He said that students who start the withdrawal process often work out terms with their professors so that they can finish the class; even if that did not happen, the Complainant could have completed the form and his assistant might have processed 1t. OCR also considered as possible evidence of pretext the Dean?s statement that she had the authority to retroactively approve the withdrawal request after the mix-up with the professor?s signature came to light. The Dean said that her initial inclination was to grant the withdrawal because the issue was ?a technicality.? However, according to the Dean, when the Complainant met with the Dean about the situation, she lied about not receiving the returned withdrawal request. Specifically, the Complainant told the Dean that the form with the registrar?s note had not been in her mail folder, but had been in a folder directly behind hers.7 The Dean said she had 7 The Complainant also told OCR that the form had been in the ?le folder directly behind hers. Page 6 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 good evidence from the registrar that the form was in the Complainant?s folder and asked why the Complainant would not just admit that she had not checked her folder. The Dean said that she gave the Complainant multiple opportunities to be truthful, and it was problematic to her that the Complainant ?outright lied to [her] face.? The Dean said that she has never had a similar situation with a student?s dishonesty; the only other incidents of dishonesty of which she was aware involved academic issues, such as plagiarism. OCR noted that the School has a Conduct Covenant that addresses honesty: We, the faculty and students in the School of Duke University, make covenant, individually and corporately, to uphold the highest standards of personal and academic integrity. This includes, but is not limited to, never lying, cheating, stealing, causing harm to self or others, or defacing property. Set aside by our calling, we hold ourselves and each other to the highest standards of conduct As a School committed to forming and educating persons for the ministry of Jesus Christ, we covenant together to embody truth in every aspect of our lives, including our academic work. (emphasis added). The Dean referenced that covenant when explaining her reason for not retroactively granting the withdrawal and indicated that students in the program commit not to lie and know that lying has consequences. The registrar also referenced this covenant to OCR and recalled a situation where the School took adverse action against a student for dishonesty (when the student lied about having cancer). OCR concluded that, particularly in light of the nature of the School as a divinity school, the Dean?s response to perceived dishonesty does not suggest pretext. There is no other evidence in the record that suggests that the University?s explanation is a pretext for retaliation. Therefore, OCR concluded that there is insufficient evidence to find that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. We have advised the Complainant that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against her because she filed a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, she may file another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personally identifiable information that, if released, could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. This concludes investigation of the complaint and should not be interpreted to address the University?s compliance with any other regulatory provision or to address any issues other than those addressed in this letter. This letter sets forth determination in an individual OCR case. This letter is not a formal statement of OCR policy and should not be relied upon, cited, or construed as such. formal policy statements are approved by a duly authorized OCR Page 7 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 official and made available to the public. The complainant may file a private suit in federal court whether or not OCR finds a violation. We appreciate your cooperation during the resolution of this complaint and particularly appreciate the assistance of Kate Hendricks, Deputy University Counsel. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453?6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed.gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or via e-mail at Kay.Bhagat@ed.gov, or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or Martha.Russo@ed.gov. Sincerely, Olabisi L. Okubadejo Team Leader District of Columbia Office Office for Civil Rights UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x1 OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, sw VIRGINIA WASHINGTON. DC 20202-1475 WASHINGTON. DC July 26, 2013 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Letter of Findings Dear This letter is to notify you of the disposition of a complaint that you ?led with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Of?ce for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University, in particular Duke School. The Complainant1 alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily placed her on leave from the School in mm) and failed to process her withdrawal request from I course in late OCR investigated the complaint under the authority of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal financial assistance from the Department. OCR also enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq., and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive federal ?nancial assistance from the Department. Title VI and Title IX prohibit retaliation against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University receives federal ?nancial assistance from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. In reaching a determination, OCR reviewed documentation submitted by the Complainant and the University and conducted interviews with University personnel and the Complainant. A?er carefully considering all the information obtained during the investigation, OCR determined that there is insuf?cient evidence to conclude that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. ?ndings and conclusions are discussed below. For the purpose of this letter, you will be referred as ?the Complainant.? The Department of Education?s mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. Page 2 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Legal Standard To establish that retaliation has occurred, OCR must ?nd the following: (1) the complainant engaged in a protected activity; (2) the recipient was aware of the complainant?s activity; (3) the recipient took adverse action against the complainant; and (4) there was some evidence of a causal connection between the adverse action and the protected activity. If all of these elements are established, OCR then inquires whether the recipient had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the complainant. The evidence is then analyzed to determine whether the recipient?s reason is merely an excuse or pretext for retaliation. Facts and Analysis Allegation Involuntary Leave The Comlainant initially enrolled in the lam); I degree candidate in She completed that semester, but did not complete _courses and was withdrawn from the School. She applied for readmission to the program in 2011 and enrolled in ?ve classes that fall. She took ?incompletes? in four of her ?ve courses. MW she enrolled in three classes, and took ?incompletes? for two of them. On the Dean of the School2 noti?ed the Complainant that the Academic Policies Committee a reviewed her academic record and was concerned about her unresolved incompletes. The School?s Bulletin requires that any student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes may be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program. The Dean encouraged the Complainant to resolve at least two of her incomplete grades or submit a plan for their completion by September 1, 2012. In early (W6): the Comlainant resolved her incompletes. However, she received a grade of a in one class from and Fs in two others.3 The Complainant enrolled in four additional classes in including (WHO) On the current Dean, who replaced the former Dean in e-mailed the Complainant, notifying her that with her grades from the resolved incompletes, her cumulative GPA was 2.0. She advised the Complainant that the School?s policies require a 2.0 GPA for continuation in the program and for ?eld education placements. The Dean cautioned, want you to be fully informed and aware that if you drop below a 2.0 GPA, your case will have to be reviewed by our Academic Policies Committee.? At the end of the fall semester, the Complainant took one ?incomplete? and received two F5 and one C. The Dean informed the Complainant on (9W0) that her GPA was now 1.666 2 This Dean has since left the University and was replaced by the current dean in (W7 3 The Complainant disputes the fairness of those grades on several grounds. Allegations about those grades were not timely ?led with OCR. Page 3 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 and that the Academic Policies Committee reviewed the Complainant?s record and decided to withdraw her from the School. Her status was subsequently changed to a leave of absence.?1 The Complainant engaged in multiple protected activities of which the University was aware. These include: 0 On Immime I the Complainant contacted the University?s Of?ce of Institutional Equity to complain that she had been denied a ?eld education placement due to gender discrimination. On the Complainant reported to the Student Disability Access Of?ce that she and 20 other students had been sexually assaulted by a dean at the School; Director of Duke?s Disability Management System called a University to talk to the Complainant and also reported the allegations to the Of?ce of nstitutlona quity. On the Complainant ?led a complaint with the Of?ce of Institutional Equity alleging that thelthG); class is racially discriminatory. The University took adverse action against the Complainant when it placed her on involuntary leave from the University in December 2012. Due to the closeness in time between that action and the Complainant?s October 2012 protected activity, OCR ?nds that there is some evidence of a causal connection between the adverse action and the protected activity. OCR then considered whether the University had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the Complainant. The Universit exlained that the School?s Bulletin includes the following policy regarding continuation in the degree program: The progress of all students is reviewed at the end of every semester by the Academic Policies Committee. The following are the continuation requirements for students enrolled in the degree program: 1. The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may, at the discretion of the academic dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program. This means that the student may enroll in no more than three courses.5 The Dean told OCR that the Academic Policies Committee, comprised of faculty and administrators, meets to review the records of students whose GPAs are less than or hovering at 2.0. The Committee decides the best solution dismissal, leave of absence, or limited program for each situation. That decision depends in part on how low the student?s GPA is and whether 4 After the Complainant ?led grade challenges regarding some of her grades, the University Judicial Board determined that her grades should stand, but recommended that the Complainant be allowed to return in fall 2013 on probationary status and subject to certain conditions, including that she not take any additional incompletes without the consent of her instructor and the Associate Dean for Academic Programs. 5 The Complainant seems to contend that this requirement applies only to ?rst year students. However, on its face, the continuation requirement applies to ?all students? in the program. The University contends that the requirement applies to all students in the School. Page 4 -- OCR Complaint No. 11?13-2066 the student has suf?cient time remaining in the program to ?salvage? the GPA. The decision also depends on whether the student has a larger pattern of poor performance and incompletes. In the Complainant?s case, the Committee considered that the Complainant had a pattern of withdrawals and incompletes. Her GPA was signi?cantly below 2.0 1.666), and the only reason her record had not been reviewed by the committee the previous semester was that her grades from when she ?rst enrolled in the School more than 8 years ago in- had been ES. From the Committee?s perspective, the pattern of the GPA, the incompletes, and the withdrawals were signi?cant. The Dean said that the Committee did not discuss the Complainant?s complaints of sex and race discrimination. The University?s stated explanation adherence to the policy regarding continuation in the program is a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for the decision to withdraw the Complainant from the program. OCR then considered whether there is evidence that the explanation is an excuse or pretext for retaliation. OCR reviewed records regarding all other master?s degree candidates in the School with GPAs below 2.0 fro (WHO) I Eight other students were considered by the Committee during that time period due to their two of those students were considered by the committee twice.6 The Committee took different actions for each student, ranging from warnings to academic withdrawals. One student received a warning the ?rst time she was considered by the Committee, with a GPA of 1.67, and was then placed on a leave of absence7 when she was considered by the Committee again the following semester, with a GPA of 1.850. Another student was placed on a leave of absence the ?rst time he was considered by the Committee with a GPA of 1.76. After he returned to the program a year later, he was again considered by the Committee with a GPA of 1.97; at that time the Committee determined that he had made academic progress with a semester GPA of 2.66 and he was allowed to remain in the program. Three students were academically withdrawn. Their cumulative GPAs at the time of the decisions were 1.33, 1.33, and 1.175. Three other students were given warnings; their GPAs were 1.9, 1.67, and 1.866. The Dean was not aware of any of those students having engaged in protected activities. OCR asked the Dean about the circumstances of each of these students, with a particular focus on the students who had GPAs close to the Complainant?s (1.666) and who were not withdrawn. The Dean explained that the two students who had 1.67 GPAs (similar to the Complainant?s 1.666) but who received warnings were considered borderline; however, those students were in their ?rst year in the program and thus had two years during which they could ?pull up? their GPAs. In contrast, the Complainant had only six courses left to complete, which the Committee did not feel was suf?cient time to improve her academic status. The other students who received warnings had GPAs higher than the Complainant?s. OCR recognizes that there is evidence that two students with the same GPA who apparently had not engaged in protected activities were treated more favorably than the Complainant, who had engaged in protected activities. However, the University was able to provide a reasonable explanation for the difference in treatment and the evidence shows that the Committee did not discuss the Complainant?s complaints of sex or racial discrimination in its decision-making. OCR carefully considered all available evidence and determined that, on balance, the evidence did not suggest that the 6 Other students were reviewed by the Committee for other reasons, including excessive incompletes or withdrawals. 7 Unlike withdrawals, leaves of absence do not require students to re-apply in order to re-enter the program. Page 5 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 University?s explanation was an excuse for unlawful retaliation. Therefore, OCR concluded that there is insuf?cient evidence to ?nd that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. Allegation Withdrawal Request The Complainant discussed her concerns that the I class was racially discriminatory with the professor after class on October 23, 2012, after which she stopped attending the class. She ?led a complaint with the Of?ce of Institutional Equity about the class on October 29, 2012. During that same time period, the Complainant initiated the process to withdraw from the class. According to the University, the Complainant failed to complete the withdrawal process and received an in the course. OCR inquired whether the University had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the complainant. The University reported to OCR that the Complainant did not fully complete the withdrawal form. Speci?cally, she failed to obtain the professor?s signature on the form. When the registrar received the incomplete form, he placed it in the Complainant?s student mail folder with a note telling her that she needed to obtain the professor?s signature to complete the process. The Complainant never did so. The Complainant?s failure to follow the process for withdrawing from the class is a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for the University?s actions. OCR considered whether there is evidence that this reason was merely a pretext for retaliation. OCR noted that while the form clearly requires a professor?s signature, it does not indicate that the student is responsible for obtaining that signature. The registrar told OCR that he has never before had a student fail to get the required signature. He also explained that student mail folders are like mailboxes where students and professors communicate with one another; students are expected to check them with so me regularity. Here, after the Complainant objected to her failing grade in in late December, the Registrar checked the Complainant?s mail folder anc found the form with his note still in the folder. The Registrar said that prior to that, nothing about the process was unusual. Speci?cally, he typically uses student mail folders for communication with students. In addition, it was not notable to him that he did not receive a completed form from the Complainant after he wrote her the note. He said that students who start the withdrawal process often work out terms with their professors so that they can ?nish the class; even if that did not happen, the Complainant could have completed the form and his assistant might have processed it. OCR also considered as possible evidence of pretext the Dean?s statement that she had the authority to retroactively approve the withdrawal request after the mix-up with the professor?s signature came to light. The Dean said that her initial inclination was to grant the withdrawal because the issue was ?a technicality.? However, according to the Dean, when the Complainant met with the Dean about the situation, she lied about the returned withdrawal request. Speci?cally, the Complainant told the Dean that the form with the registrar?s note had not been in her mail folder, but had been in a folder directly behind hers.8 The Dean said she had good evidence from the registrar that the form was in the Complainant?s folder. The Dean said that 3 The Complainant also told OCR that the form had been in the ?le folder directly behind hers. Page 6 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 she has never had a similar situation with a student?s dishonesty; the only other incidents of dishonesty of which she was aware involved academic issues, such as plagiarism.9 OCR noted that the School has a Conduct Covenant that addresses honesty: We, the faculty and students in the School of Duke University, make covenant, individually and corporately, to uphold the highest standards of personal and academic integrity. This includes, but is not limited to, never lying, cheating, stealing, causing harm to self or others, or defacing property. Set aside by our calling, we hold ourselves and each other to the highest standards of conduct As a School co nmitted to forming and educating persons for the (bxelilbmc) we covenant together to embody truth in every aspect of our lives, including our academic work . . . (emphasis added). The Dean referenced that covenant when explaining her reason for not retroactively granting the withdrawal and indicated that students in the program commit not to lie and know that lying has consequences. The registrar also referenced this covenant to OCR and recalled a situation where the School took adverse action against a student for dishonesty (when the student lied about having cancer). OCR concluded that, particularly in light of the nature of the School as a school, the Dean?s response to perceived dishonesty does not suggest pretext. OCR recognizes that the Complainant disagrees with the University?s characterization of the events but notes that the Dean and the registrar provided consistent information when interviewed by OCR and both cited to University policy to support the University?s actions. There is no other evidence in the record that suggests that the University?s explanation is a pretext for retaliation. Therefore, OCR concluded that there is insuf?cient evidence to ?nd that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. This concludes investigation of the complaint and should not be interpreted to address the University?s compliance with any other regulatory provision or to address any issues other than those addressed in this letter. This letter sets forth determination in an individual OCR case. This letter is not a formal statement of OCR policy and should not be relied upon, cited, or construed as such. formal policy statements are approved by a duly authorized OCR official and made available to the public. The complainant may ?le a private suit in federal court whether or not OCR ?nds a violation. Please be aware that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against you because you ?led a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, you may ?le another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent 9 OCR reviewed information about situations involving academic dishonesty. The sanctions varied based on the severity of the action and ranged from having to retake the assignment to course failure. Page 7 -- OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed.gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453-6598 or via e-mail at Ka .Bha at ed. ov, or Martha Russo at 214-661 -9622 or MarthaRussofaledgov. Sincerely, Robin C. Murphy Team Leader District of Columbia Of?ce Of?ce for Civil Rights UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION x1 OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS NORTH sou I CAROLINA 400 MARYLAND AVENUE, SW VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, DC 202024475 July 26, 20l3 Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 Letter of Findings Dear (bxe); This letter is to notify you of the disposition of a complaint that you filed with the US. Department of Education (the Department), District of Columbia Office for Civil Rights (OCR) on February 5, 2013, against Duke University, in particular Duke Divinity School. The Complainant1 alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily placed her on leave from the School in Immi?bmc) and failed to process her withdrawal request from thelmxmimmc) course in lard OCR investigated the complaint under the authority of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and its implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. Part 100, which prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, or national origin in activities or programs that receive federal financial assistance from the Department. OCR also enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq., and its implementing regulation, at 34 CPR. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department. Title VI and Title IX prohibit retaliation against an individual because that person complained about discrimination or otherwise asserted rights under these laws. The University receives federal financial assistance from the Department and therefore is subject to the provisions of these laws. In reaching a determination, OCR reviewed documentation submitted by the Complainant and the University and conducted interviews with University personnel and the Complainant. After carefully considering all the information obtained during the investigation, OCR determined that there is insuf?cient evidence to conclude that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. ?ndings and conclusions are discussed below. I . . . For the purpose of this letter, you Will be referred as the Complainant.? The Department of Education '5 mission is to promote student and preparationfor global competitiveness lat/fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access. Page 2 -- OCR Complaint No. l-l3-2066 Legal Standard To establish that retaliation has occurred, OCR must find the following: (1) the complainant engaged in a protected activity; (2) the recipient was aware of the complainant?s activity; (3) the recipient took adverse action against the complainant; and (4) there was some evidence of a causal connection between the adverse action and the protected activity. If all of these elements are established, OCR then inquires whether the recipient had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the complainant. The evidence is then analyzed to determine whether the recipient?s reason is merely an excuse or pretext for retaliation. Facts and Analysis Allegation Involuntary Leave The Complainant initially enrolled in the School as a I?bxelimxml degree candidate in She completed that semester, but did not complete her courses and was withdrawn from the School. She applied for readmission to the program in and enrolled in ?ve classes that fall. She took ?incompletes? in four of her ?ve courses. InleS); she enrolled in three classes, and took ?incompletes? for two of them. the Dean of the School2 notified the Complainant that the Academic Policies Committee had reviewed her academic record and was concerned about her unresolved incompletes. The School?s Bulletin requires that any student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes may be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program. The Dean encouraged the Complainant to resolve at least two of her incomplete grades or submit a plan for their completion by September 1, 2012. In early (DWC) the Complainant resolved her incompletes. However, she received a grade of a in one class from sring 2012, and Fs in two others.3 The Complainant enrolled in four additional classes in including 011mm); the current Dean, who replaced the former Dean in e-mailed the Complainant, notifying her that with her grades from the resolved incompletes, her cumulative GPA was 2.0. She advised the Complainant that the School?s policies require a 2.0 GPA for continuation in the program and for field education placements. The Dean cautioned, want you to be fully informed and aware that if you drop below a 2.0 GPA, your case will have to be reviewed by our Academic Policies Committee.? At the end of the fall semester, the Complainant took one ?incomplete? and received two F5 and one C. The Dean informed the Complainant on December 20, 2012 that her GPA was now 1.666 2 This Dean has since left the University and was replaced by the current dean in (ma 3 The Complainant disputes the fairness of those grades on several grounds. Allegations about those grades were not timely filed with OCR. Page 3 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 and that the Academic Policies Committee reviewed the Complainant?s record and decided to withdraw her from the School. Her status was subsequently changed to a leave of absence.4 The Complainant engaged in multiple protected activities of which the University was aware. These include: On the Complainant contacted the University?s Office of Institutional Equity to complain that she had been denied a ?eld education placement due to gender discrimination. 0 On the Complainant reported to the Student Disability Access Office that she an 0 other students had been sexually assaulted by a dean at the Divinity School; the Executive Director of Duke?s Disability Management System called a University to talk to the Complainant and also reported the allegations to the Office of Institutional Equity. 0 Grimm)? the Complainant filed a complaint with the Office of Institutional Equity alleging that the Ilbxs)? Iclass is racially discriminatory. The University took adverse action against the Complainant when it placed her on involuntary leave from the University in December 2012. Due to the closeness in time between that action and the Complainant?s October 2012 protected activity, OCR finds that there is some evidence of a causal connection between the adverse action and the protected activity. OCR then considered whether the University had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the Complainant. The University explained that the School?s Bulletin includes the following policy regarding continuation in the (WW3) degree program: The progress of all students is reviewed at the end of every semester by the Academic Policies Committee. The following are the continuation requirements for students enrolled in the degree program: I. The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may, at the discretion of the academic dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program. This means that the student may enroll in no more than three courses.5 The Dean told OCR that the Academic Policies Committee, comprised of faculty and administrators, meets to review the records of students whose GPAs are less than or hovering at 2.0. The Committee decides the best solution dismissal, leave of absence, or limited program for each situation. That decision depends in part on how low the student?s GPA is and whether 4 After the Complainant filed grade challenges regarding some of her grades, the University Judicial Board determined that her grades should stand, but recommended that the Complainant be allowed to return in fall 2013 on probationary status and subject to certain conditions. including that she not take any additional incompletes without the consent of her instructor and the Associate Dean for Academic Programs. 5 The Complainant seems to contend that this requirement applies only to ?rst year students. However, on its face, the continuation requirement applies to ?all students? in the program. The University contends that the requirement applies to all students in the School. Page 4 -- OCR Complaint No. l-l3-2066 the student has sufficient time remaining in the program to ?salvage? the GPA. The decision also depends on whether the student has a larger pattern of poor performance and incompletes. In the Complainant?s case, the Committee considered that the Complainant had a pattern of withdrawals and incompletes. Her GPA was significantly below 2.0 1.666), and the only reason her record had not been reviewed by the committee the previous semester was that her grades from when she first enrolled in the School more than 8 years ago in spring 2004 had been ES. From the Committee?s perspective, the pattern of the GPA, the incompletes, and the withdrawals were significant. The Dean said that the Committee did not discuss the Complainant?s complaints of sex and race discrimination. The University?s stated explanation adherence to the policy regarding continuation in the program is a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for the decision to withdraw the Complainant from the program. OCR then considered whether there is evidence that the explanation is an excuse or pretext for retaliation. OCR reviewed records regarding all other master?s degree candidates in the School with GPAs below 2.0 Ithrough. Eight other students were considered by the Committee during that time period due to their two of those students were considered by the committee twice.6 The Committee took different actions for each student, ranging from warnings to academic withdrawals. One student received a warning the first time she was considered by the Committee, with a GPA of 1.67, and was then placed on a leave of absence7 when she was considered by the Committee again the following semester, with a GPA of 1.850. Another student was placed on a leave of absence the first time he was considered by the Committee with a GPA of 1.76. After he returned to the program a year later, he was again considered by the Committee with a GPA of 1.97; at that time the Committee determined that he had made academic progress with a semester GPA of 2.66 and he was allowed to remain in the program. Three students were academically withdrawn. Their cumulative GPAs at the time of the decisions were 1.33, 1.33, and 1.175. Three other students were given warnings; their GPAs were 1.9, 1.67, and 1.866. The Dean was not aware of any of those students having engaged in protected activities. OCR asked the Dean about the circumstances of each of these students, with a particular focus on the students who had GPAs close to the Complainant?s (1.666) and who were not withdrawn. The Dean explained that the two students who had 1.67 GPAs (similar to the Complainant?s 1.666) but who received warnings were considered borderline; however, those students were in their first year in the program and thus had two years during which they could ?pull up? their GPAs. In contrast, the Complainant had only six courses left to complete, which the Committee did not feel was suf?cient time to improve her academic status. The other students who received warnings had GPAs higher than the Complainant?s. OCR recognizes that there is evidence that two students with the same GPA who apparently had not engaged in protected activities were treated more favorably than the Complainant, who had engaged in protected activities. However, the University was able to provide a reasonable explanation for the difference in treatment and the evidence shows that the Committee did not discuss the Complainant?s complaints of sex or racial discrimination in its decision-making. OCR carefully considered all available evidence and determined that, on balance, the evidence did not suggest that the 6 Other students were reviewed by the Committee for other reasons. including excessive incompletes or withdrawals. 7 Unlike withdrawals, leaves of absence do not require students to re-apply in order to re-enter the program. Page 5 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 University?s explanation was an excuse for unlawful retaliation. Therefore, OCR concluded that there is insufficient evidence to find that the University retaliated against the Complainant as aHeged. Allegation Withdrawal Request The Complainant discussed her concerns that the class was racially discriminatory with the professor after class on after which she stopped attending the class. She filed a complaint with the Office of Institutional Equity about the class on During that same time period, the Complainant initiated the process to withdraw from the class. According to the University, the Complainant failed to complete the withdrawal process and received an in the course. OCR inquired whether the University had a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for taking action adverse to the complainant. The University reported to OCR that the Complainant did not fully complete the withdrawal form. Speci?cally, she failed to obtain the professor?s signature on the form. When the registrar received the incomplete form, he placed it in the Complainant?s student mail folder with a note telling her that she needed to obtain the professor?s signature to complete the process. The Complainant never did so. The Complainant?s failure to follow the process for withdrawing from the class is a legitimate, non-retaliatory reason for the University?s actions. OCR considered whether there is evidence that this reason was merely a pretext for retaliation. OCR noted that while the form clearly requires a professor?s signature, it does not indicate that the student is responsible for obtaining that signature. The registrar told OCR that he has never before had a student fail to get the required signature. He also explained that student mail folders are like mailboxes where students and professors communicate with one another; students are expected to check them with some regularity. Here, after the Complainant objected to her failing grade in Black Church Studies in late December, the Registrar checked the Complainant?s mail folder and found the form with his note still in the folder. The Registrar said that prior to that, nothing about the process was unusual. Specifically, he typically uses student mail folders for communication with students. In addition, it was not notable to him that he did not receive a completed form from the Complainant after he wrote her the note. He said that students who start the withdrawal process often work out terms with their professors so that they can finish the class; even if that did not happen, the Complainant could have completed the form and his assistant might have processed 1t. OCR also considered as possible evidence of pretext the Dean?s statement that she had the authority to retroactively approve the withdrawal request after the mix?up with the professor?s signature came to light. The Dean said that her initial inclination was to grant the withdrawal because the issue was ?a technicality.? However, according to the Dean, when the Complainant met with the Dean about the situation, she lied about the returned withdrawal request. Specifically, the Complainant told the Dean that the form with the registrar?s note had not been in her mail folder, but had been in a folder directly behind hers.8 The Dean said she had good evidence from the registrar that the form was in the Complainant?s folder. The Dean said that The Complainant also told OCR that the form had been in the file folder directly behind hers. Page 6 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 she has never had a similar situation with a student?s dishonesty; the only other incidents of dishonesty of which she was aware involved academic issues, such as plagiarism. OCR noted that the School has a Conduct Covenant that addresses honesty: We, the faculty and students in the School of Duke University, make covenant, individually and corporately, to uphold the highest standards of personal and academic integrity. This includes, but is not limited to, never lying, cheating, stealing, causing harm to self or others, or defacing property. Set aside by our calling, we hold ourselves and each other to the highest standards of conduct As a School committed to forming and educating persons for the ministry of Jesus Christ, we covenant together to embody truth in every aspect of our lives, including our academic work . . . (emphasis added). The Dean referenced that covenant when explaining her reason for not retroactively granting the withdrawal and indicated that students in the program commit not to lie and know that lying has consequences. The registrar also referenced this covenant to OCR and recalled a situation where the School took adverse action against a student for dishonesty (when the student lied about having cancer). OCR concluded that, particularly in light of the nature of the School as a divinity school, the Dean?s response to perceived dishonesty does not suggest pretext. OCR recognizes that the Complainant disagrees with the University?s characterization of the events but notes that the Dean and the registrar provided consistent information when interviewed by OCR and both cited to University policy to support the University?s actions. There is no other evidence in the record that suggests that the University?s explanation is a pretext for retaliation. Therefore, OCR concluded that there is insufficient evidence to find that the University retaliated against the Complainant as alleged. This concludes investigation of the complaint and should not be interpreted to address the University?s compliance with any other regulatory provision or to address any issues other than those addressed in this letter. This letter sets forth determination in an individual OCR case. This letter is not a formal statement of OCR policy and should not be relied upon, cited, or construed as such. formal policy statements are approved by a duly authorized OCR official and made available to the public. The complainant may file a private suit in federal court whether or not OCR ?nds a violation. Please be aware that the University may not harass, coerce, intimidate, or discriminate against you because you ?led a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens, you may file another complaint alleging such treatment. Also, under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. If OCR receives such a request, we will seek to protect, to the extent 9 OCR reviewed information about situations involving academic dishonesty. The sanctions varied based on the severity of the action and ranged from having to retake the assignment to course failure. Page 7 -- OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 provided by law, personal information that, if released, could constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sebastian Amar at 202-453-6023 or Sebastian.Amar@ed.gov, Kay Bhagat at 202-453?6598 or via e-mail at Kay.Bha2at@ed.gov, or Martha Russo at 214-661-9622 or Martha.Russo@ed.gov. Sincerely, Robin C. Murphy Team Leader District of Columbia Office Of?ce for Civil Rights Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent226 Apr 2013 13:52:32 -0500 To:Bhagat, Kay H. Response to OCR Complaint 1 1-13-2066, Email 1 of 6 and Exhibits A and B.zip Froml(b)(6); I Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 1:47 PM To: Russo, Martha Subject: Response to OCR Complaint 11-13-2066, Email 1 of6 Dear Ms. Russo. Enclosed please ?nd Duke University?s response to OCR Complaint No. 1 1-13-2066 prepared by Kate Hendricks, Deputy University Counsel. This is the ?rst of6 emails, with a hard-copy to follow by mail. Thank you. Notice: The information contained in this electronic mail message and any attachments, is privileged and con?dential. This e-mail is intended only for the named recipient(s). If you have received this message in error. copying, distributing or using the information is prohibited. and you are requested to please contact the sender immediately by return e?mail and delete all copies of the original message. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege. EXHIBIT FINANCIAL AID FILE Page 0273 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0274 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0275 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0276 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0277 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad 351d>> finifinrsitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA mun-mas (0K5) (DWIC) lune 14, 2011 you Please provi the following information to sign up for direct deposit of refunds from your studentaccount and other related student reimbursements. The completed form and check can be - faxed to: (919) 668-2189. or mailed to: Duke University Cashien?ng or scanned and emailed to: Box 90759 ashigerukeedu Durham. NC 27708-0759 An e-mail con?rmation will be sent to you within three business days. Student lnfomwtion Duke unique lD (found on the back of your DukeCard'): I Duke 9. Name 'also availa on under Bio lnfonnation Student Information We are required to comply with additional reporting standards if your refund is being sent to you via direct deposit at a US. ?nancial institution am you are transferring 100% of this payment outside of the United States. If both of these conditions apply. please contact us so that we can review available options with you. Please call a student account analyst at 919684-3531 to discuss further. Please note that if you are not transferring 100% of your direct deposit refund. you are not impacted by this new regulation. and no action is required. Authorization I authorize the deposit of my student refund and other student reimbursements to the ?nancial institution indicated on the attached voided check or bank form. I further agree to the following conditions: 1. This authorization remains in effect until the Bursar?s Of?ce receives written noti?cation of change or cancellation from the ?nancial institution or the student. 2. The University reserves the right to recall or adjust any deposits improperly created and deposited to my account. 3. i authorize the ?nancial institution to honor any recall/adju5tment request made by Duke University. further authorize the ?nancial institution to withdraw monies available in any of my accounts at the institution in the event there are insuf?cient funds available in the account to cover the deposit error at the time of the recall/adjustment. 4. Any changes to this authorization must be received in writing by the Bursar's Of?ce at least titres days prior to the day on which the University is obligated to honor it. 5. will hold the University harmless for any liability to pay charges for insuf?cient fund transactions that result from failure within the Automated Clearing House network to correctly and timely de monies into my account. 6. if information is invalid (bye); Student signature: Date: This to voided check or bank form. 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Rummage: 3 RM gum Information Farm Information Assumptions?chool Codes EFQDB Maiche?goa 20f2 ?22/2013 Page 0295 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad OFFICE OF COUNSEL 310 BLACKWELL STREET, 4TH FLOOR Box 104124 ?4,164?? DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27710 DUKE UNIVERSITY (919) 694-3955 DUKE UNIVERSITY (919) 684-6725 FAX HEALTH SYSTEM April 26, 2013 BY COPY TO FOLLOW BY MAIL Olabisi L. Okubadejo, Team Leader District of Columbia Of?ce Of?ce for Civil Rights US. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC. 20202-1475 RE: OCR Complaint No 11-13-2066 Dear Team Leader Okubadejo: I am writing to provide Duke University?s Position Statement and respond to the data request regarding the above-referenced complaint. POSITION STATEMENT The University vigorously denies it retaliated against Complainant (a student at Duke School) because she raised complaints of race and sex discrimination. Duke University has a strong and robust commitment to ensure that its working and learning environments are free from discriminatory and harassing conduct. Toward that end, the University encourages members of the community to bring forward allegations of discrimination or harassment. It should go without saying that Duke?s discrimination and harassment policies include as a bedrock principle a prohibition on retaliation for bringing forward such complaints.l That Complainant made allegations of sex and race discrimination were non- events, and she suffered no consequences or adverse actions as a result of having made any such complaints. See, e. g, Discrimination Grievance Procedure Harassment Policy and Procedures (accessible on-line at However, the substance of the allegations and the context in which they were brought are telling and reveal much about Complainant. Indeed, the allegations illustrate Complainant?s practice of alleging wrongful conduct on the part of others in broad and dramatic strokes to excuse her academic dif?culties and to obtain goals that others achieve through academic performance. In summary, Complainant was struggling academically when she sou 1 a ?eld education placement an internship required for graduation) for In accordance with academic regulations, Complainant was not allowed to take a ?eld education placement at that time. However, that she was denied a summer placement appears to have been the catalyst for Complainant?s outpouring of complaints with ever expanding allegations of wrongdoing on the part of others and threats of lawsuits. Complainant appeared to be motivated by a desire either 1) to persuade the School that she has been a victim of wrongful conduct and, accordingly, she sh0uld be 14 anted a ?eld education placement on her own terms and/or (2) to intimidate Duke School into granting her a ?eld education placement on her own terms. Duke has patiently and repeatedly worked with Complainant to help her achieve her academic goals and obtain her degree; in so doing, Duke has granted many exceptions for her and given her the bene?t of the doubt on many occasions. In addition, Duke has encouraged Complainant on several occasions to explore the reasonable accommodations process to assist her in her academic programs (given that Complainant has cited a variety of medical issues as a reason for her academic dif?culties), but Complainant has only belatedly sought to invoke that process. Duke will continue to work with Complainant to help her obtain a degree, but Complainant will be required to meet the same academic standards as other students in her program. The facts are well-documented and are outlined below. The University welcomes an investigation into this matter and will be pleased to make Duke personnel available for interviews. Complainant?s Record at Duke Enrollment. In (WW3) Complainant enrolled in the Duke University School seeking Degrea I degree is the basic professional theological decree, cesigned to prepare students for ordination into religious ministries. The program typically takes three years to complete, and requires certain ?eld education placements. - Withdrawal. Complainant enrolled in 4 courses mm and earned grades of B, 8-, and for Pass), which resulted in a GPA of 3.0. Complainant enrolled in 5 courses for However, after the semester started, she simply stopped showing up for classes. When located and contacted by Duke personnel regarding her absence, she stated that she was enrolled in College Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Texas] and would not be returning to Duke. Accordingly, she was withdrawn from Duke.2 Attendance at Other Institutions. Over the next several years, Complainant reportedly took classes at University of lncamate Word (San Antonio, Texas), Oblate School of Theology (San Antonio, Texas), and Southern Methodist University (Dallas, Texas). - Readmission to Duke. In 2011, Complainant applied for re?admission to the Master of Divinit Pro 3 am at Duke School, and was re-admitted into the program starting i Complainan enro ?ed in 4 academic classes in and one Spiritual Formation class, which is a pass/fail non-academic course; Complainant earned grades of B, B, and C, as well as two grades. Although she successfully completed her courses, it was only after she took ?Incompletes? in the 4 academic courses. Her inability to complete her coursework on a regular schedule continued - and worsened -- in following semesters, and resulted in increasing academic dif?culties. In Complainant enrolled in 3 classes. As the end of the semester neared, Complainant took ?ineompletes? for two of the courses in which she was enrolled.3 Students who are granted incompletes must ?nish the coursework within certain prescribed periods and failure to do so results in a failing grade in the course. In addition, students with more than one incomplete outstanding are not eligible for ?eld education placements, which is a requirement for graduation. . . 6; 7 (WW3) I- Request for Field Education Placement. On( Comlainant met with Divinity personnel and expressed her interest in graduating in Although she had only been in her current program at Duke for two semesters (fall 2011/spring 2012), graduation was possible IF (1) her coursework from Duke was credited and (2) she was given transfer credit for a suf?cient number of courses from the other institutions that she had attended. Graduation was also contingent on her completing a ?eld education placement. Per Duke?s academic regulations, coursework for the (WW [Degree must be completed within 6 years meaning that the [Well (WW3) coursework was beyond that time limit and was not eligible for credit. However, Complainant had been 2A record rovided bv Complainant to Of?ce of Institutional Equity re?ected that she dropped her classes at (WHO) I See Exhibit M. However, in 2012, Complainant asserted that she left Duke because her mother was ill um. and she alleged that she had been imro erl withdrawn from Duke. Despite having provided Duke with evidence that she was enrolled at she denied that she had ever been enrolled in College. In 2012, she also asserted a number of bizarre and baf?ing allegations that related to her claim that she had been wrongfully withdrawn from Duke irimxe); I 3 The School generally requires that students petition to take an ?incomplete.? Complainant generally did not follow the process, but in many cases when faculty members realized that she was not likely to complete the course and at risk of failure, the encouraed her to take an incomplete. Incompletes are granted at the discretion of the instructor; declined to approve an incomplete for Complainant?s class and Complainant received a failing grade. told when she re-enrolled i that the School would allow it to count toward her degree. Complainant also had been told that it would consider coursework taken at other institutions for transfer credit (per Duke academic regulations), and she would need to submit transcripts from the other institutions for evaluation.4 However, by late April Complainant had not submitted information regarding her coursework from other institutions. Accordingly, Complainant was reminded that Duke would credit her coursework from but Duke still needed to review transcripts from other institutions in order to determine whether transfer credit could be issued that would count toward her degree and make graduation in (W51 W710) possible.S Later in the day on April 27, 2012, the Associate Director contacted Complainant by e-mail to discuss planning for a ?eld education placement. In several exchanges over the next several days, Complainant was reminded that she was not eligible for a ?eld education placement if she had more than one incomplete. Com! laint to OIE. The exchange of April 27, 2012 in which the School told Complainant that she would not be able to participate immediately in a ?eld education placement (for the academic reasons outlined) appears to have triggered Complainant into action. On that day, Complainant contacted Duke?s Of?ce of Institutional Equity, which investigates complaints of discrimination and harassment, to complain that she had been denied a ?eld education placement due to gender discrimination. Her supporting allegations included that the application forms contained discrir inatory questions and that the Director of (W6): (Wm) had asked her if she could have children, how many surgeries she had had, and what were her plans if she was unable to have children. When later asked about Complainant?s allegations, was baf?ed by the allegations and denied asking any such questions of Complainant. May 9, 2012 Review of Academic Record. at the end of each semester, the School?s Academic Policies Committee reviews the academic progress of all students. The Academic Policies Committee consists of 12 members, and is chaired by the Associate Dean Programs; I currently serves as Associate Dean f0r Program. On Executive Vice Deanm who was the Associate Dean for (PW)de Programs at that time) noti?ed Complainant that the Academic Policies Comm ee ad reviewed her academic record As explained above, Complainant was withdrawn from Duke after she stopped showing up for classes, reported that she had enrolled in Austin Seminary, and was not coming back to Duke. However, in applying for re-admission, Complainant was insistent that she had been wrongfully withdrawn from Duke. While the School was somewhat baf?ed by these allegations in light of the known history, it was willing to provide conciliation by allowing her previous course-work to count and to accept transfer credit. 5 Per Duke [WISchool's academic regulations, students are required to corrplete the program in 6 years. Although Complainant?s course-work fro ?956); (W7 exceeded that limit, the School allowed her credit for he and allowed that work to count toward her GPA. In a mon, the School will accept transfer credits, subject to certain requirements as outlined in academic regulations, and encouraged her to have the transcripts sent from the other programs she attended for evaluation and was concerned that Complainant had not oomleted any of her spring course-work and had 3 incompletes on her record. Dean encouraged Complainant to resolve at least two of her incomplete grades and/or submit a plan for their completion by September 1, 2012. At the time Dean Warner sent the letter to Complainant, neither she nor anyone at the Divinity School had any knowledge that Complainant had made any sort of complaint to Duke?s Of?ce of Institutional Equity. The School Registrar and Associate Field Education Directoi?mw)? followed up over the next several days to remind Complainant that she need a to resolve two of the three incompletes in order to be eligible for a ?eld education placement. Complainant did not seem to comprehend the communications from and and repeatedly expressed her plans for a summer placement. On Ma 15, 2012, Complainant sent a bewildering e-mail to and in which she said that she has been working on ananging for her own summer placement, and that it was ?against the law? for Divinity personnel to ?make any demands on those incompletes or place restrictions of a ?eld education placement that would effect my graduation based on consequences from an employee breaking title 9, ADA and FERPA laws in 13 different places.? She subsequently communicated to that all contact between them would need to be handled by lawyers. May 15, 2012 Complaint of Sexual Assault and Other Crimes. On or about May 15, 2012, Complainant walked into Duke?s Student Disability Access Of?ce which administers the reasonable accommodation process for students.6 She asked to speak with personnel regarding the reasonable accommodations process. An appointment was arranged for her to return the next day, May 16, 2013, to meet with SDAO personnel Complainant returned on May 16, 2012, and met with Lei ickling, Executive Director of Duke?s Disability Management System, and Director of SDAO. Complainant sought assistance in obtaining a summer ?eld education placement. Ms. Fickling and explained the reasonable accommodation process and provided Complainant with a request form and other information about submitting information to SDAO. In the course of the meeting, Complainant made a series of complicated and convoluted allegations, which included that she and 20 other students had been sexually assaulted by a dean at Duke School and that money had been embezzled from her student account. Ms. Pickling felt that the allegations went beyond the purview of the Disability Management System and given the criminal nature of the allegations, Complainant 6 Duke?s Disability Management System, which includes the Student Disability Access Of?ce, provides information, resources, and assistance for employees. students, and members of the Duke community with disabilities. Information about Duke?s Disability Management System is accessible on-line at should talk to Duke Police. Duke Police maintain of?ce space in the same building as the Disability Management System and Ms. Fickling was able to immediatel locate (WW who was in the building. omp aman a ou tions. Complainant was vague and non-specmc with she told_him_tha1_hLdj1not remember any assault but had heard rumors of such assaults. documented in his report that no crimes were articulated, but that further investigatlon of her complaints may be warranted by other of?ces. Although Ms. Fickling and had provided Complainant with information about how to explore the reasonable accommodation process, Complainant did not follow up with SDAO at that time and never contacted SDAO again until February 2013.7 Ms. Fickling also reported Complainant?s allegations to Clinton in the Of?ce of Institutional Equity. As noted, Ms. Clinton had previously been dealing with Complainant?s allegation that she had been denied a ?eld education placement due to gender discrimination. Ms. Clinton met with Complainant, who identi?ed the alleged assailant as I who was dean for student affairs at the time of Complainant?s 2004 enrollment at Duke. She alleged that assaulted several people but was not sure if she (Complainant) had been sexually assaulted. She was unable or unwilling to identify any individuals who she believed were sexually assaulted. She told Ms. Clinton that she would contact those who had been assaulted and ask them to contact Ms. Clinton; however, no individuals ever contacted Ms. Clinton to substantiate Complainant?s allegations. After a thorough investigation, Ms. Clinton concluded that no evidence supported Complainant?s allegations. 2012 - Fall Semester. Over the course of the summer, Complainant apparently spent her energy ?nishing up her incompletes, and did not lodge any new allegations or complaints after May. She contacted the Divinity School in August noting that she was nearing completion of her incom leteS' Associate Dean of Academic Programs, (who had succeeded as Associate Dean on July 1, 2012), met with Complainant and encouraged her in her plans to complete her degree. Dean re- af?rmed that Duke Divinity School would accept Complainant?s coursework from spring 2004. She also reminded Complainant that the Divinity School would consider accepting transfer credit from other institutions, but still needed for Complainant to provide the transcripts. Complainant ultimately did ?nish an incomplete from a class in fall 2011 (Healing Arts) for which she received a B. With respect to her two incompletes from spring 2012, she completed an incomplete for UM: Mission, Practice Belief, for which she received a she missed the deadline (July 1, 2012) for completion of the incomplete for Directed Study; Worship and Healing Services, and received an F. Incidentally, 7 By the time that Complainant contacted SDAO in February 2013, she had been academically dismissed. SDAO advised Complainant that they would assist her with the reasonable accommodations process upon her return to school. Complainant missed the original deadline -- September 1, 2012 for completion of the Healing Arts and UM: Mission Practice Belief courses. The School granted her an extension until September 8, 2012, which she was able to meet. (The deadline was driven in part by the starting date for ?eld placements, which was September 15, 2012; if Complainant was going to participate in a ?eld placement, she needed to have no more than one incomplete on her record.) Following the completion of the incompletes e-mailed Complainant on September 17, 2012 to note that her cumulative GPA stood at 2.0, which is the minimum GPA required for a ?eld education placement as well as for being able to meet academic ?continuation requirements? to continue in the program. Complainant enrolled in four classes inl?bxs); (bmc) having resolved the incompletes, she was allowed to participate in a ?eld education placement. Unfortunately, Complainant continued what had become an established pattern of spotty class attendance, not turning in classwork, inattentiveness to deadlines, and being non-communicative with and non? responsive to faculty and preceptors regarding academic issues. Complainant was given a failing grade i because she completed only two of four assignments despite repeated attempts to contac her by the faculty member and preceptor that she was in danger of failing the course. Complainant did not respond and was issued a failing grade. Complainant received a in the preaching class. After taking an incomplete in Complainant ?nished the class a?er the semester was over and received an [was not offered through the (WW) School and was not required for her degree.) Complainant?s grade for that class was issued on February 1, 2013, once she completed the work. class deals with dif?cult, emotional, and o?en controversial issues of race and theology, and can provoke strong reactions from students. Complainant developed concerns about the clamx?wgiph she brought to the instructor, I?bxs)? I in mid-semester. met with Complainant after class on Tuesday, for approximately 1.5 hours to hear and discuss her concerns in detail. He believec that they had a positive discussion and encouraged Complainant to continue to give the class a chance. However, Complainant stopped attending the I?bxelmmc) EELI e?mailed Complainant on December 15'h to inquire why he had not seen her in class, noting that the preceptor had not seen her, she had not turned in a mid-term or ?nal exam, and he had not received a withdrawal request. He asked for her to respond, noting that if he did not hear from her by December 17?h he would have no choice but to enter a failing grade for her. Complainant did not respond to by December and he issued the failing grade. I?blleli (WW3) AcademiLDismissal. notified Complainant on December 20, 2012 that the Academic Policies Committee had met and reviewed her academic record. She noted that Complainant?s GPA was 1.666, which was below the 2.0 GPA required for continuation in the program. In line with academic regulations, stated the Committee?s decision to withdraw Complainant from the School because of her failure to meet the academic requirements.8 Ilb)(6)1(b)(7(C) Challen in Failin Grades. On I?bm)? (WW) Complainant responded to e-mail, and told him that she had withdrawn from the Class. Complainant also sent an e?mail to (MW and others challenging her failing grade in responded to Complainant that not having heard from her by December he had to give her a failing grade. However, he referred her to regarding her statement that she had dropped the class. investigated the matter and determined that Complainant had initiated the process to withdraw from the course but had not followed-through with the necessary requirements. Speci?cally, Complainant had completed a withdrawal form for the class and submitted it to the Registrar. However, Complainant had not obtained the signature of the faculty member, which is required and explicitly noted on the form. Upon receipt of the form, the Registrar returned it to Complainant by placing it in her student mail folder with a note telling her that she needed to obtain the faculty member?s signature in order to complete the process. Student mail folders are located at the School and are a standard communications channel between theSchool and students; students are expected to check their mail folders. 8 Duk School academic regulations state: Continuation Requirements. The progress of all students is reviewed at the end of every semester by the Academic Policies Committee. The following are the continuation requirements for students enrolled in the degree program: I. The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may, at the disoretion of the academic dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed. placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program. This means that the student may enroll in no more than three courses. 2. At the end of the second semester the student on limited program who does not attain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 is dismissed. In exceptional cases a student who shows substantial improvement the second semester but does not quite attain a GPA of 2.0 may be given a third semester to do so. 3. The student must demonstrate progress in the program by completing courses. A student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes or a pattern of multiple withdrawals may, at the discretion of the associate dean for academic formation and programs. be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved. or asked to participate in a l'mited program. Th I degree must be completed within six years (12 semesters). The minimum time in which a degree can be completed is three years six semesters). Bulletin of Duke University 2012-13, School, p. 119. ?256); land (WW (DWC) checked Comlainant?s student mail folder and found the form still in the folder with note attached along with a stack of returned work from professors; it was evident that Complainant had not checked her student mail folder in some time. then e-mailed Complainant and told her that she should check her student mail folder. (Wm) I, rather than admitting that she had not checked her folder, Complainant reported to Dean Pak that she found the form with note not in her folder, but in the folder directly behind hers. repeatedly invited Complainant to meet after the holidays, and Complainant ?nally met with Ion I provided Complainant with multiple opportunities to admit that she had not checked the folder; instead, Complainant continued to insist the form had not been placed in her folder but had been put in the wrong folder. told Complainant that she was sympathetic to the oversight of not checking the folder and was willing to grant the withdrawal for that reason. However, informed Complainant that she could not reward overt dishonesty and for that reason she would not grant the dismissal. During the course of repeatedly claiming that her grades were unfair, Complainant alleged that her e-mail account had not been working and that she had never gotten the numerous e-mails from faculty members and preceptors. However, her complaints of problems with various e-mail accounts were inconsistent. Furthermore, when offered the opportunity to obtain information from Duke?s Office of Information Technology regarding her e-mail account to support her complaints of e-mail problems, Complainant re?ised to consent to the accessing of such information. Com laint to OIE Re ardin As noted above, Complainant had expressed concerns about the I to the instructor and had a discussion with him about her concerns on October 23, 2012. Complainant ?led a complaint with OIE on October 29, 2012, in which she alleged that the Black Church Studies course ?drips with disdain for the white race and that the course was forced on her as a ?racist requirement.? Complainant requested that she be allowed to receive a for the class and not be required to attend it any more. Ms. Clinton investigated but determined that the course had been taught for many years and could ?nd no indication that the manner or the course?s teaching violated Duke?s harassment or nondiscrimination policies. Complainant?s complaint to OIE about the lame); Iclass was a non- event for the (bxmi?bw School.9 As noted, Complainant had made numerous 9 Complainant had sent a blind copy of her October 29"? complaint to Dean Pak. Dean Pak took no action because the complaint was not directed to her. and she understood that OIE would respond to Complainant. The complaint was simply one among many complaints that Complainant had ?led, and had no more impact than other complaint. unsubstantiated allegations about a variety of issues in the past and her complaint about the Ilb)(6)i(b)(7(C) class was simply more of the same. Further, her complaint appeared to be ploy to obtain a passing grade for the course without being required to attend or to complete the coursework. It also should be noted that the faculty member, was unaware of her complaint to 01E until early January 2013. In any event, a negative reaction to the course is not unexpected. Students regularly evaluate courses, and not every student likes every course hence, faculty members regularly receive both positive and negative feedback on courses. Moreover, a course with controversial material such (WHO) is more prone to negative evaluations than other courses. Teaching controversial and dif?cult material and provoking strong reactions -- is an essential part of the educational experience which faculty members, including and academic leaders, including take in stride. Grade A ea]. Complainant continued to challenge the validity of the School?s decision to withdraw her for academic reasons. On January 9, 2013, Dean Pak reaf?rmed by letter the decision to withdraw Complainant for academic reasons, noting that she could reapply within a year?s time.10 noted that the School would consider an application for readmission, subject to addressing the academic concerns that had been noted frequent unexcused and unexplained absences from class, taking multiple incompletes, turning in assignments late, lack of communication and responsiveness to faculty members) and turning in transcripts for the courses she attended at other institutions and for which she was seeking transfer credit. On Complainant submitted a ?formal petition? for review of her fall semester grades. In particular, she alleged that with regard to she ?led a complaint with 01E Iseeking a grade, and instead received an when her withdrawal form was not processed; (2) her failing grade in Evangelism was due to faulty e-mail and problems with the course software system (Sakai)? and (3) she should have received a instead of a in her preaching course, and alleged that she suffered a concussion that impacted her ability to discuss assignments with the preceptor. Pursuant to the (WNW School?s Formal Process for Grade Review, reviewed the matter (step ii), and determined that the grades should stand. On '0 At that time, Complainant?s GPA stood at 1.666, and she still had an incomplete in When she later ?nished her incomplete in that course and received an on February 1. 2013, that boosted her GPA to 1.846. ISchool process is as follows: Forma Process for a Grade Review: Under this process (which is in confomiity with University practice) a student may request a formal grade review. Only final grades may be reviewed and a process must be initiated within 30 days of the ?nal grade being assigned. i. A student who questions a final grade received in a course should first discuss the matter with the instructor within thirty days of receiving the grade. ii. A?er meeting with the instructor. if the student still believes the instructor has assigned an 10 February 4, 2013, Complainant requested that the matter proceed and continue to the next step of the process, a Judicial Board review. (W7 Iconvened a Judicial Board panel and the Judicial Board met with Complainant ear er appeal regarding her grades. The Board was sympathetic to Complainant?s desire to ?nish her degree, but felt that they could not reward her pattern of poor academic practices, including frequent unexcused and unexplained absences from class, taking multiple incompletes, turning in assignments late, and lack of communication and responsiveness to faculty members. The Board found no merit in her complaints about her grades. Although Complainant had placed much of the blame for her academic failings on faulty e-mail, she expressly declined to grant consent for review of her e-mail account to substantiate her claim. Accordingly, the Board determined that Complainant?s grades should stand as issued. However, the Board recommended that Complainant be allowed to return in Fall 2013 (rather than in Fall 2014) on a probationary status and in accordance with certain academic requirements. accepted the Board?s and advised Complainant that she could return in Fall 2013 on probationary status subject to the following conditions: (1) submit by April 1, 2013 of?cial transcripts from other institutions that she had attended so that the Divinity School could evaluate transfer credits; (2) not take any incompletes in her remaining coursework without the consent of the instructor and the Associate Dean for Academic Programs; (3) abide by deadlines for her assignments; (4) hand in assigiments in hard copy form to instructors; and (5) achievement of a cumulative GPA of a 2.0.[2 Complainant was further invited to take a ?Limited Program? a lower course load) upon her return. She also was directed to the Student Disability Access Of?ce as a resource. inaccurate or unjusti?ed grade, the student should discuss the matter with the associate dean for academic formation and programs. If no satisfactory resolution is reached, the student may make a formal complaint in writing to the associate dean for academic formation and programs. The associate dean will convene the faculty members appointed to the Judicial Board and the director of student life to review the case with the instructor involved. If the majority of those convened agree with the instructor that there are no legitimate grounds for which to change the grade, the grade stands as recorded. iv. If those convened believe there are grounds to consider a change and the instructor is unwilling to change the grade, the associate dean will noti the snident that he or she may request a review of the case by writing to the dean of School. A written request must be submitted before the end of the drop-add period of the semester following that in which the instructor recorded the grade. The dean will review the case. The dean?s decision is ?nal. Bulletin ofDuke University 2012,43, School, p. 178. '2 As has been noted in this document, omplainant was encouraged on multiple occasions (and in response to her recitations of medical issues) to contact the Student Disability Access Of?ce if she was interested in exploring the reasonable accommodation process. Complainant did not follow up with that office until after she was dismissed. In any event, should she return and explore the reasonable accommodation process. any program requirements will be subject to evaluation under that process. ll ComplaiLaig?s Response Decision to Accept Judicial Boar-g Recommendation. As noted, one of the requirements for Complainant?s return was that she suWipts from other institutions that she attended by April II 2013. In late March received in the mail a transcript from We) (WHO) and noti?ed Complainant by e-mail on March 26, 2013 tha she had received the transcript; she reminded Complainant that she was still waiting for the transcript from University, which was due by April 1, 2013. received nothing froml?bxs); (bxm) I University by April 13'. On April 12, 2013, Complainant sent an e-mail to W7 I attaching what appeared to be an e-mail noti?cation (from a transcripts clearinghouse organization) showing that the transcript had been sent to on April 1, 2013 but had not been retrieved. responded to Complainant that she had not received the transcript, and she noted that Complainant appeared to have used the wrong e-mail address for asked that she have the transcript resent. To date, has not received the transcript nor has she received further communication from Complainant. Res onse to Alle ations of Discrimination The OCR complaint asked for Duke?s response to Complainant?s allegations that the University retaliated against her (1) when it involuntarily withdrew her from the program in January 2013 and (2) when it failed to rocess her withdrawal request from the ICourse in late The University categorically denies that it retaliated against Complainant through these actions, or that its actions were motivated by any reason other than enforcing academic standards. Indeed, Complainant has been afforded leniency repeatedly and on multiple occasions in an effort to help her complete her degree and these efforts continued despite her complaints of race and sex discrimination (as well as a litany of complaints on other subjects). Academic Dismissal. As described in the Position Statement, Complainant had an established pattern of not completing coursework, not abiding by deadlines, blaming other persons and situations for any de?ciencies in her work, and being non- communicative and non-responsive to faculty members regarding coursework. The decision to withdraw her for academic reasons on WHO) and af?rmed on January 9, 2013, was based on her failure to main 3 2.0 GPA coupled with her longstanding pattern of troubling academic practices. Even so, she was told that she could return in fall 2014 subject to addressing the academic concerns. subsequently agreed to allow her to return in Fall 2013, subject to satisfying certain conditions designed to provide structure to Complainant and help her avoid the academic dif?culties that had plagued her. That Complainant had ?led complaints of sex and race discrimination played no role whatsoever in the decision to academically dismiss Complainant. 12 The School interest in Complainant IS the same interest it has in any of its students: it wishes them to succeed, achieve their academic goals, and obtain their degrees in accordance with Duke?s academic standards. I Course/W?idrawal. As described in the Position Statement, the fact that Complainant ?led a complaint with OIE regarding the course was a non-event. Further, it appears that Complainant?s nonvauon was I0 0013 a passing grade for the course without doing any further work. The sole reason Complainant?s attempted withdrawal was not processed was Complainant?s overt dishonesty in blaming her lack of follow-through on persons other than herself and not accepting responsibility for her actions. Had she simply acknowledged that she had not checked her student folder, Dean Pak was willing to grant the withdrawal despite the fact that Complainant had not followed the process and had been non-responsive even when she was told by the faculty member that he had not received a withdrawal from her. That Complainant had ?led complaints of race and sex discrimination was not a factor in that decision. Conclusion Complainant?s allegations of sex and race discrimination were not isolated complaints, and indeed were only two of a variety of Complaints lodged by Complainant that her e?mail account was hacked, that she was stalked, that a faculty member borrowed money from her and failed to repay it, that she did not receive her work-study pay, and that she was due tuition refunds.) In other words, Complainant?s allegations of race and sex discrimination and nplaints were simply part of the experience of dealing with Complainant. Th School took no action against Complainant for making any complaint (whether it was race or sex discrimination or any other complaint). Complainant?s allegations of retaliation are without merit and should be dismissed. Response to Data Reguest 1. Kate Hendricks, Deputy University Counsel, shall serve as the University?s contact with OCR on the complaint. Address information is on the letterhead. phone: 919-684-3955 e-mail: kate.hendricks@duke.edu 2. See Position Statement above. ReSponsive documentation is attached as follows: 13 4. Exhibit A - 232(8)); School/Academic Records ?le Exhibit School/Financial Aid ?le Exhibit School/Field Education ?le Exhibit OIE me 3 Exhibit Disability Management ?le Exhibit Duke Police ?le Exhibit Bulletin of Duke I School bulletin also may be accessed on-line at Exhibit Complainant?s transcript Exhibit 1? List of Students Academically Dismissed from Duke University Exhibit List of Students Requesting Course Withdrawals Exhibit Complainant?s Grade Appeal dated February 3, 2013 Exhibit Calendar Notes from Leigh Pickling, Director of OIE Exhibit Documents relating to Complainant?s enrollment at other academic institutions (included in Exhibit and given to OIE by Complainant) See Exhibits A, K. The Academic Policies Committee reviews the progress of every student at the end of each semester and makes recommendations to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs. 5 Associate Dean of (W7 Programs serving as chair. (WHO) The Academic Policies Committee consis of 12 members. with the currently holds the position of Associate Dean for Acac emtc Programs and made the decision to withdraw Complainant, based on review by the Academic Policies Committee. 5. The E?lel?b)? School regulations provide the following with regard to course withdrawals: Bulletin of Duke University 2012-13, (7m Change of Courses or Withdrawal. Students are permitted to change their course registrations. without incurring a penalty, during the prescribed drop/add period at the beginning of each semester. The adding of a course during the second week of drop/add may require the permission of the instructor of that course. Any refund of tuition related to withdrawals will be according to the published schedule. No student will be permitted to withdraw from a course after one-half of the semester without incurring failure, except for causes adjudged by the associate dean for academic formation to be beyond the student?s control. Conditions of genuine emergency and not considerations of convenience will be determinative in considering requests, which must be submitted in writing on academic petition forms. School, p. 112. Faculty members are required to approve withdrawals, the School registrar is responsible for '3 Exhibit (the OIE ?le) includes several e-mails from Complainant in which she asks for status reports from OIE regarding her complaints and she notes that she has not heard from OIE or received follow-up. However, as was her pattern with other personnel, Complainant would contact OIE and ask for assistance, only to become non-responsive when OIE would contact her for follow-up calls or meetings. Complainant ultimately would emerge, inquiring why she had not been contacted. 14 processing withdrawal forms, and ultii ate approvals are subject to the discretion of Associate Dean for (W7 Programs, 53(6); (W7 6. Complainant was dismissed for failure to meet ?continuation requirements? for the (mm (mm) degree and was placed on voluntary leave of absence pursuant to that prov1sron. The Continuation Requirements are as follows: Continuation Requirements. The progress of all students is reviewed at the end of every semester by the Academic Policies Committee. The following are the continuation requirements for students enrolled in the degree program: 1. The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may, at the discretion of the academic dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program. This means that the student may enroll in no more than three courses. 2. At the end of the second semester the student on limited program who does not attain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 is dismissed. In exceptional cases a student who shows substantial improvement the second semester but does not quite attain a GPA of 2.0 may be given a third semester to do so. 3. The student must demonstrate progress in the program by completing courses. A student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes or a pattern of multiple withdrawals may, at the discretion of the associate dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program. Th degree must be completed within six years (12 semesters). The minimum time in which a degree can be completed is three years (six semesters). To be classi?ed as full time. a student must be enrolled in three or more courses in a semester. Bulletin of Duke University 2012-13, School, p. 119. In certain of her communications, Complainant appears to claim that she was subject to ?involuntary administrative withdrawal,? which is a different process and allows the School to withdraw students who post a threat of danger to themselves or others or interferes with the lawful activities or rights of other students. That process is as follows: Involuntary Administrative Withdrawal. Students who exhibit harmful, potentially harmful, or disruptive behavior toward themselves or others due to apparent medical or distress, and who do not request a voluntary withdrawal, may be subject to involuntary withdrawal from the School if their behavior renders them unable to effectively function in th School community. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, that which: 1. Poses a significant threat of danger and/or harm to self and/or other members of the I(b)(6)i School community; and/or 2. lnterferes with the lawful activities or basic rights of other students, School employees I v'sit rs. Any member of th School community who has reason to believe that a student may meet the standard for an involuntary administrative withdrawal may contact the associate dean for academic formation or his/her designee. The associate dean for academic formation or designee, in consultation with professionals from Student Health and/or Counseling and Services, will conduct a preliminary review. When possible, the associate dean for academic formation will meet with the student in question to discuss the information that has been presented and give the student an opportunity to respond. The associate dean for academic formation may mandate that the student be evaluated by a speci?ed health professional within a 15 given time frame. if an evaluation has not already been done. In the instances described above, the associate dean for academic formation or designee will make the ?nal decision about involuntary administrative withdrawal. A written statement citing the reasons will be forwarded to the student. At any point in the process, a student may request a voluntary withdrawal. Bulletin of Duke University 2012-13, Divinity School, p. 12. Complainant was not withdrawn pursuant to the Involuntary Administrative Withdrawal process. 7. A list of other students who have been involuntarily withdrawn for academic reasons (like Complainant) is attached as Exhibit 1; supporting information is attached. Due to the sensitivity of identifying students, names have been redacted. If deemed necessary, the University will provide identities to OCR. The School is not aware that any student so dismissed raised any complaint of discrimination. 8. A list of all students requesting course withdrawals is attached hereto as Exhibit J. All such requests were approved. In every instance, students followed the proper procedures for course withdrawals: ?lling out the form, obtaining the professor?s approval and signature, submitting the form before the stated deadline, and obtaining the permission of the Associate Dean of Academic Programs. 9. See Exhibit for complaints ?led by Complainant with the Of?ce of Institutional Equity. Other complaints made by plaintiff are included within the exhibits attached herein. Please let me know if you have questions or need additional information. As noted, Duke will be pleased to schedule interviews with Duke personnel involved in this matter. Very truly yours, Kate S. Hendricks Enclosures cc: Martha Russo, Esq. 16 EXHIBIT A ACADEMIC FILE Page 0313 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0314 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0315 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0316 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad house- at the trial. I?m sure transcripts can be requested to prove that. My father truly was and still currently is incamated in Federal Prison. I did not bring proof because I came into his of?ce not having a cluel had been withdrawn from school and asking for help regarding the ?eld education placement. If, I would have been asked for proof I could have given it in about 5 All you have to do in Google my dad's name and he could have done that himself. Prior to gain home over Labor day I asked someone in the admissions office about the difference between a degree and an degree and mentioned I was homesick. I don?t even need to state all the reasons this is ridiculous. i never changed degree plans nor did I ever write my academic dean a letter stating I wanted to leave the university. I never even once was offered the opportunity to speak with my Academic dean and Deawas out of town for this entire affair. Dean was an associate dean and the dean of student life at that; He had no authority to do that. Furthermore, he never even did an informal process or formal process to kick me out prior to the 20'" or I never spoke with my academic dean otherwise, I could have easily told him this stuff was ridiculous and provided proof. I think the main problem was that when he manually had me put back in school on the 26?? he for some reason could no longer get both of my scholarships back in place only one. So I was really upset and asked to talk with Dean about it and he freaked out over this at the time. In hindsight, he would have gotten in trouble and shduld have! I think he supposed had some sought of informal process on the however, I never even knew it was occurring. So, clearly I could never defend myself on all of these false claims he mustered up to cover his mistake. Field Education- I missed the ?rst two weeks of my ?eld ed. I stated I would make those two weeks up at the conclusion of the semester or over Christmas and he stated that placement was gone. I asked to apologize to the church and was not allowed nor given the name of the church. I truly never knew about my ?eld ed placement until called on the 20'" and I came immediately back to Durham. I was never emailed to state I had a placement; the wrong phone numbers was given to pastor of the church, and I never received a folder with the information In my mailbox either. Now admittedly, ifI had been in Durham that could have been avoided; however, that was just as much the University?s fault as it was mine. The rules broken by th School were: 1) I was not heard in charity- clearly because the info I was kicked out over was false, 2) was not given either a proper formal or an informal procedure by the dean of academics on the 20'h or the I never spoke with anyone other than Deanand he ciearly never even listened to what i said. I should have been informed this was occurring, allowed to present proof, and talk to the dean of academics 3) I have subsidized student loans taken out for fall and spring semesters when was not even a student in this school. 5) Taking away my scholarships on the original date I was the Then the forensic accounting illustrates they where put back in, but only the one on the If he was going to force me to leave anyway, why didn't he just keep me withdrawn on the by putting back into school on the 26?" to just force me to leave on the 27th it just cost me more money. It's just cruel. Besides all of that- It traumatized me. you are truly the only minister have ever asked for help since that day and my hand was literally shaking the entire time. I have been Jumping from school to school constantly feeling like I wasn?t of good enough and that I wasn't of upright character for ministry because of his statement that we don't let peOple like you in to school. it was the worst experience of my life and truly still haunts me to this day. if you don?t have the proof of this in my file from the binder I sent to Dean Jones let me know. I'm pretty sure I can still reproduce it all. Page 0318 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0319 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0320 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0321 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Cause: (DWC) Dismissal from Duke Divinity School Dean (taxes); (bxnc) am writing to request readmission to the school. Moreover, I am writing to inform you of the events that occurred during the month of 1 was withdrawn from the School based on a conversation occurre with the ?eld education assistant. 1 never wrote a letter to any dean expressing my intent to withdrawal from the School nor did I ever receive an informal or formal judicial procedure as prescribed in the Duke School Bulletin. In fact, I actually stated numerous times to that wanted to try to continue my studies at the University. I was enrolled in the ?929): I semester 0 Consequently, I am quoting th 533593? School Bulletin from (b (WHO) 0n pages 95 and 96, it states, ?Students deciding to withdraw from the 03) School, for whatever reason, should consult with their faculty advisers and the senior associate dean for academic programs, and must ?le a written statement of withdrawal prior to departure.? In addition on I49 of the Bulletin, the Appendices, it mandates the rules of the informal and formal process: Informal Process: Under this procedure the person bringing the accusation, the accused, the Academic Dean, and whomever the Academic Dean deems appropriate will work to review the facts of the offense. The Academic Dean will decide on guilt or innocence, the School?s response to it and any indicated discipline. Formal Process: Under this process (operated in conformity with the Bulletin: Information and Regulations), alleged offense(s) will be reviewed by The Divinity School Judicial Board, composed of the Academic Dean (who will serve as a Chair of the Board), the Associate Dean 0 four students (one of whom shall be designated an alternate), and three faculty and/or staff members (one of whom shall be designated an alternate). This committee will review the grievance, dismiss it or admit it, and decide on any action to be taken in response to it. In either the informal or formal processes, the student who is the subject of a complaint or accusation will be fully informed of his/her rights and the grievance(s) brought against him/her, given ample opportunity to respond and be assured s/he will be heard fully, fairly and in Christian charity. None of this occurred. Before I even entered the mom to talk to Dcan was already withdrawn from the University based on a conversalion he had with the field education mistant. This breaks all ofthe rules prescribed in both the Bulletin and the Faculty Handbook. Furthermore, had an Informal process occurred before I was withdrawn (which it wasn't) the Bulletin states, "the accused" will work to review the facts of the offense. I was not even asked to be present at any meeting that discussed my status as a strident. I never spoke with the woman who made the accusation or anyone else the Academic Dean deemed appropriate in reviewing my academic future. In addition, in formal process occuan I should have been notified, The Bulletin states that, "the student who is the subject of the complaint or accusation will be fully informed of his/her rights grievance(s) brought against him/her, given ample opportunity to respond and be assured s/he will be heard fully, fairly and in Christian charity". I was never even present for any kind of ju cial process. I did even know all of grievances until I was already dismissed. not giving me ample opportunity to respond nor is hearing my case fully, fairly and in Christian charity. The Duke Faculty Handbook even states that "students who wish to withdraw from the university must give official notification to their dean". 1 never did this. ln fact the letter drafled by ven was that she withdrew me the date I informed the Field Education Oflice my decision to withdraw. Again, I never wanted to withdraw from the university. I was literally forced to and tlren'iold I could never retum. Furthermore. based on the Faculty Handbook Deandid not yet have the authority to withdraw either. I was told I was not allowed to return to the Divinity ever again the next day afler I talked with Dean which is hardly ample time to respond to my grievances, nor was I given opportunity since I was not present.' In fact. I was not even told all of tire reasons I was withdrawn until afier it already occurred. Had I been present. and informed of all of tho grievances this matter could have easily been resolved. I was told I was withdrawn because I told the field education assistant I transferred This was incorrect. I never transferred; I had not even registered at another school. Again, no one had the authority to withdraw based on a conversation with an assistant. For that matter Dean never even called me to ask iflhis was my desire bcfore withdrawing me from the University. The second reason I was withdrawn was because I bought none-way plane ticket to This is also incorrect. I provided a copy of my airline records during the month of September. If I was even told that this was a grievance, I could have easily shown my ticket stubs. Another reason I was told was because I did not provide proof of my family situation that was affecting nre. Again, if I was present or even asked to provide proof this could have been done easily I was completely unaware that I even need to show proof. In addition, to check my story all anyone had to do was type my father's name in a search engine or actually ask me for it. It took me five mint-Is to print the articles 011' the internal. Another reason I was told, I was not allowed to retum is because I informed and admissions mistant that was homesick and questioned her about what needed to be done in decided to change my academic plan from to First olt' this should have absolutely no bearing to my dismissal from the divinity schoo just as a conversation with the field education assistant should not have had any relevance to my dismissal. There is nothing outlined in any school handbook that states changing your academic track or being homesick will affect your admissions status in the school. Despite that, had anyone even asked me why I was homesick, I could have informed them about my family. In addition I provide a letter from the admissions office demonstrating that I never even applied for enrollment. The last reason is that was not present for the ?rst two weeks of my field education placement. I genuinely did not know that I had a placement. I was informed by phone on the twentieth that 1 received a placement and I ?ew back to Durham on the twenty-fourth using the second half of my plane ticket. Despite my requests, I was not even told what church I was assigned to in order to write an apology letter. When i applied, for the ?eld education placement I was informed that 1 had very little chance because of the limited openings during the school year and the late date of my application. All of this is moot because, I should have never been dismissed from th school without an informal or formal judicial procedure as prescribed in the Bulletin or a written a letter expressing my intent to leave to the Academic Dean. None of this ever occurred. This cost me a considerable amount of time, and money. I was forced to pay rent in mm 1 and Durham until December as well as partial tuition at Duke and full tuition at the ocal seminary in Austin. It also caused me a considerable amount of stress, which made my health considerably worse. The'decisions made were done haphazardly and affect the rest of my life, career and my ability to be a servant to God. Sincerely, Page 0325 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad jfiulu ginflumifg mm homuan 271W (bus) (Mimi imH um i i June 24. 20" - b)(67 M7 Conyuuluiom! bdulfoflhc Admission Comm: ii is my pleasure In inform ynu mu yuu mm Max killde School APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION I ms Mum ormviniry m- cmlin mm Mann nthulogiul Sludiu magghwu M-mr our-u In mm: 'm Mum- afArk In smug. Web maviurmuium Mll'fl 0" "Ith WAIMI mum Smdenu (mm. and my) Spedll A non-ninth": .ppnunun Ice mu nun-pm mu rim: mm emu ply-DI: DUKE. ower scnom. l'lnu refer in nu Schnal hum onllne rapefllve uppiknion deadlinu. you. Candid-kc rim M. 3 mM. '3 Special Emu 3 M.T.S, MA Inicndw mil, DiFuli-rimc Pm-limc Applying in mm in um 50cm Sccuriry Nnmbu_ For nu. which man: In. afamdy dn you wish In mum? Li Bibliul Theologicni LI Hiswncal fl Miuiuzrifl A.- you Ipplying juinr or mm up" prom-n? Yes No if plus: specify Ifyw Ire Ipplying Ia M.1:su.n. jaim new: with Duke L-w SLhanl, where do ynu imam lo municuhlz rim? Luv nrvmiry l. Nun: in (W6) (0) M) mu) Imam-um (um-r) Preferred name 2 wk"! mm" _ibii6i (mine) um (am (Who 10140 My; (m4 mt; Home rcicy - minimum!>>- Work km." .14" Mai mime) cal "we (new Hon-c us raidme only; do :Mndel' ynul "home" mm shaman. mic firm-I: 4' nfbinh i-M-ylw 5.MIri1.IlSmu: Singl: Married Dime"! Widowed 6V Spouse's Nun: 7 Number of Children 3. Wm: is yourumd Sum (US) cilizemhip mm: (vs cum mime." us Emma 01 us Rama)? u; gm Ir you mun-1M sum em:- you nu ma rcqulnd no mm quninn am. 9 Au yw Hispanic mm? Yes uNo Iryau unwed no micamrdu yourself ethnic yams) plelu mm which anon). iryou Ind sounder ywlself pm crmudhimi elhml: gin-rpm pimc indium which mm Amriun Indiln Mini Bluk Hixp-nic 2mm: 0 choose "01(0le Do yuu cllim minim etimkilfl If so, pieuc Ils! ml Univmily off-n mi .u Ipplum wuhoul land in nix. "hr, um um um man. My, sand Mammy." Shad-n Kr'uva-r .m cm Sanity nyu mind I'm ID: on. alum-dry mm (9mmarrow m. ("can 12.1.0": church mm (mm mi I Is. Pum'x mac--15. O?icial transcripts of all academic work done at all institutions beyond high school must be sent directly ?om each institution to the Of?ce of Admissions of the Divinity School. No application can be considered until and all Other required materials have been received. Please have all your transcripts forwarded when you submit your application. If the name appearing on your transcript(s) differs from your current name, please record your name as it appears on your transcript(s): I 16. List in chronological order (beginning with undergraduate degree) all-colleges. universities, and/or seminal-in amended; Institutions Dam Attended Dale of Graham? Degree Coqfand? more if applicable 17. Comes you are now taking and/or intend to take in remaining semester(s) or quarter(s) before entering seminary: m, Title Credit Please attach an additional sheet listing any classes you have completed online. include the course name, institution, and date. Previous experience or occupations (you may attach a resume and/or additional pages): a) Positions held during college or since graduation (including military service) nature. location. dates: b) Religious work during college or following graduation nature, location, dates: c) Extracurricular activities honors. awards won. of?ces held in school or elsewhere: 19. For M.T.S. applicants only: Intended use of degree (lay ministry. UM. Deacon, personal enrichment, doctoral study, etc.): 20. For M.A.C.P. applicants only: Describe your current ministry setting (eg. environment institution, and role): 21. Intention for ministerial vocation (for M.Div. or Special Student applicants only): a) Do you plan to seek ordained or lay ministry? 5 Ordained Lay If United Methodist and seeking ordination. which order? Deacon Elder b) Which ordained or lay ministerial vocation(s) are you considering? Hospice Chaplain e) In what denomination do you intend to serve as an ordained or lay minister? United mmodltt Church d) Have you investigated denominational requirements/procedures for ordained or lay ministrywhat stage are you in this process? Exploring Candidate of the local church/denominational body endorsing your candidacy for ministry and this degree: (ordained. lay, etc.) 23. Have you visited Duke Divinity School? 5 Yes No if yes, when did you visit? 2004 24. To which other seminaries are you applying? 3000"? WU Unwa 25. Have you applied to Duke Divinity School before? 3 Yes No If yes. when? 2004 26. Why do you consider Duke Divinity School a good match for your theological education? beenusel'm learning. Duke?s honortnlaarnfromadueators ofthdealbor. 27. Have you been re?ned admission or dinnissed by a seminary? 3 Yes Cl No If yes, please explain on a separate page. 28. United Methodist M.Div. applicants: Do you seek an appointment as a pastor-inocharge (student pastor) of a congregation while a full-time student in the Divinity School? Yes 3N0 (Degree candidates desiring to obtain/retain a position as a student pastor shOuld contact the Field Education Of?ce, (919) 660-3440.) 29. Transfer Students: A student applying for a transfer from another seminary is required to attach a statement of explanation and purpose for the proposed transfer. Additionally, the student must have a letter of honorable dismissal written from the president or dean of the seminary from which transfer is sought and a letter of recommendation from its dean/director of either field education or student life. 30. International applicants complete this additional question: a) What is your country of citizenship? Unlted States b) What is your legal name listed on your pas3port (if you do not yet have a passport use the name listed on your birth certi?cate) c) Are you a lawful permanent resident of the United States Cl Yes No if no. what is your current immigration status? d) What is your permanent address outside the United States? (street) (city) (31d!) (21.96040) (country) c) Applicants are responsible for reviewing all instructions pertaining to international students including TOEFL standards. TOEFL testing date In addition to the TOEFL, an international student may be required to complete an interview with the Director of Admissions. the Associate Dean for Academic Formation, and/or a faculty member. f) A statement of endorsement must be sent from an of?cial (bishop. general secretary, etc.) of the student?s ecclesiastical body, af?rming that ecclesiastical body's support for the student's pursuit of theological studies in the United States and welcoming the student into active ministry under its jurisdiction following the students study in this country. 31. Please enter the names and addresses of persons from whom you are requesting references. Church references may include your pastor, campus minister, denominational official, etc. Academic references may include a major professor, a minor professor. faculty advisor, or academic dean. A character reference may include a former employer. family friend. etc. Family members. spouse, or fellow students are unacceptable as references. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the admissions of?ce prior to the application deadline to con?rm that all supporting documents and information have been received. If an applicant has been out of an academic setting for at least ten years and an academic reference is not located, a professional reference may be submitted in lieu of an academic one. M.Div.: 2Academic, 2 Church, I Character M.T.S.: 3 Academic, 1 Character, I Church M.A.C.P.: 2 Academic, 2 Church. 1 Character M.A.C.S.: 3 Academic. I Character. I Church 3 Seminary Academic, 1 Church, I optional Seminary Academic Transfer: Same as intended program (MDiv. or T.S.) with additional statements from Academic A?'airs and Studart Life Special Student: IAcadenu?c, I Church, I Character 32. To applirluii- in imkr lo oomoly with fedenl loom-non," In providing this woivu ionn foryw In Sign in mi, I: you doth-e. liyoim your righl ohm": mun oflvfemioe md mmdmon. sign the wow" momm below mi the waiver sumo-i on each individiul ronn APPLICANTS WAIVER OF RIGHT or ACCESS To STATEMENTS: fieoly ma volunurily wnive my dam of Aims infomulmn obuincd from lumen chew: and recommwidmiunl Ind lye: Ihu mete sulcmum mil flu-In confidnni run-m- CONDUCT: Th: mini: lo the high zihicnl moo In which male in minim It: held. Flilule io pmvidz minim men In no Page 0331 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0332 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0333 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0334 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0335 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0336 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0337 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0338 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad From: Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 11:35 AM To: Cc: Subject: Incomplete: grade for independent study I write to let you know with a noon deadline today for submitting grades that I am submitting a grade of "incomplete" for you since I have yet to see your ?nal paper for me. Please have your work submitted to me by July 1. If not received before that date, I will change your grade to failing for the independent study. (C) IBuke waiversin HAM NORTH CAROLINA 277m May 9, 2012 Dear (taxes); In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. The committee was concerned that you did not complete any courses during semester and that your record currently has three unresolved incompletes. The 2011-2012 School Bulletin 114) describes requirements for continuation in the program: ?The student must demonstrate progress in the program by completing courses. A student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes or a pattern of multiple withdrawals may, at the discretion of the associate dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program.? In Ii 1 of these policies, in order for you to continue coursework for the fall 2012 semester at the School, we would encourage you to resolve at least two of your incomplete . a a. bmit a plan for their completion to me by September 1, 2012. As always, [is a helpful resource regarding plans for resolving these incomplete grades and is glad to work with you on a plan to complete degree requirements. We also encourage you to submit official transcripts with credits eligible for transfer to bring clarity to that plan. Additionally, please remain in touch with Rev. Rhonda Parker regarding a plan to complete field education requirements. We want to encourage you to focus on completing degree requirements and are committed to helping you reach this goal. Sincerely, From: Sent: Au ust17 2 12 7:59 PM To: Subject: RE: meeting Dear It was good to meet with you this aftemoon and hear your concerns. I am glad to hear of your plans to ?nish the degree and the great progress you have made toward that goal. As Dean Warner has offered, and I af?rm, we will allow some exceptions to enable you to ?nish your degree at Duke Divinity School. We will allow courses to count from your time at Duke Divinity in 2004, even though they are technically past the designated amount of time, and we will accept transfer credit of classes from other institutions as soon as you provide transcripts of those classes. I am sorry to hear that you have requested these transcripts several times, and we have not yet received them. To remedy this problem, we discussed you requesting the schools to send the transcripts to your home address, and you would bring the unOpened envelopes with the transcripts to our office once you had received them. I h0pe in this way we can move forward with giving you transfer credit. Finally, according to our records, we do not see that there is a refund due to you at this time from the Divinity School. Any dispute you have with this conclusion should be taken up with the Of?ce of Institutional Equity. Please let me know if you have any further questions and if there is anything I might do to support you. nrerelv. I Sent: Thursday, 16' 2012 12: To: Subject: Re: meeting That sounds great. l'm taking the Methodist ?nal with Dean from 1-4. so iwill just head over after the exam. Will you have access to my bills? Honestly, l'm not the best with money. so I don't even understand everything. I was just in to get her to explain everything, sol know what to ask for. On Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 11:58 AM, (WC) wrotez De .(bxm (Wm) has let me know of your request for a meeting at 4 pm tomorrow. Unfortunately, i; iis out of the of?ce tomorrow and cannot attend at that time. I am happy to meet with you tomorrow at 4 pm and address any concerns that you may have, if that is agreeable to you. I am currently located in the of?ce in the 108 Suite. Otherwise, I am sorry that our schedules are such that we cannot arrange a meeting prior to your Monday meeting with EOE. The offer of a meeting on Tues, Aug 21 at ll am still stands, if that can work for you. 1 Please let me know if you would like to meet with me tomorrow. Sincerely, (W6): Subject: Meeting From I To: I Cc: Sent: Wed. 29 Aug 2012 00:46:48 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Dear By chance could you send me a syllabus of the Fly Fishing course by email? My concern is mostly for you and your workload. Though I do very much understand and affirm the powerful meditative peacefulness of ?y ?shing, I do want to be assured that this would be a class with little to no work required outside of class time. While our paradigm does allow you to take two courses outside of the School, I hope you understand that Fly Fishing will not be a course that can count toward your Divinity course . I believe that you are also taking a course, as well, which can count toward your Divinity Course credits pastoral counseling). I want to be very certain that you do not take on too much, so that you will be in the best possible position to ?nish your coursework successfully here. Peace of Christ, (WHEY I Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 3:28 AM Subject: RE: Meeting (C) Is there anyway 1 can have permission to take a fly ?shing course in addition to the four courses I'm currently taking. There are no assignments and it is purely for enjoyment. For me, ?y ?shing is meditative and spiritually enriching; on a lake or river with a rod and reel is one of the places I feel closest to God. I have always been involved in ?sherman for Christ groups; And this is the only place on campus I found an avenue which allows students to see Christ's presence in the world through meditative action in nature. The class runs is on TI 1? and runs till 2:40. I have a class on Tues at the divinity school that starts at 2:30. I have already talked with the instructor of the fly ?shing course and he stated he had no problem letting me leave early on Tuesdays to enable me to make it to my divinity course in time and that the course always let out early anyway. It is pass/fail thus there would be no stress. I think this course would be invaluable to my spirituality and stress this semester at DDS. (Fly ?shing has a small following, but I have never met a soul that does it regularly without achieving some form peace and knowledge they are part of a bigger picture and interconnected with God through nature. It has been my entire group of friends most in?uential spiritual formation tool over the past few years) Grace and Peace, From, (bxs); (bxm) Sent: - To. (mmc) Subject: Checking in Dear (NC) I hope you are off to a good start this semester in your coursework at Duke 03) School, Congratulations on getting your work in for your two incompletes within the due dates desired! With the grades of this coursework now calculated into your cumulative GPA, you sit right at a 2.0 GPA. This calculation of your GPA allows your coursework from your prior years with us (2004 etc.,) to count in your cumulative GPA, which is an exception to our rules, since typically courses 5 years ago or more are not counted. Specifically, your GPA for your most recent matriculation with us is a little over 1.5; so it makes a big difference that we are allowing your prior courses to count. (D I write all of this to you to alert you that you are barely within our stated policies able to receive a Field Education placement, as well as to be able to remain in your studies at Duke 93(6); (W7 School. So I want you to be fully informed and aware that if you drop below a 2.0 GPA, your case W111 have to be reviewed by our Academic Policies Committee. We continue to have some concerns about your vocational clarity, and we hope that your field education placement will help you in this process of discernment. In terms of your Field Education placement, please be aware that you must be a full-time student in residence at Duke Divinity School this Spring semester in order to receive Field Education credit and funding. If you have any questions or concerns about these matters, I am happy to talk with you. Blessings on your continued studies, lleB); Subject: Formal Complaint for the EOE office From I Cc: SentzMon, 29 Oct 2012 18:00:05 -0400 SubjectzFormal Complaint for the EOE of?ce Mrs. Clinton, I would like to ?le a formal complaint regarding the teaching in Iclass for the following reasons: 1. All students were required to take a black church studies to graduate from the Master's program instead of just a minority studies course, deSpite their home location. I asked repeatedly if I could take a latin American/Hispanic church studies course and I was not allowed. (WC) I has been deemed as more important that other minority studies courses, which is ridculous. 2. First Day of Class- Professor stated that white women are all banker's daughter's that feel pitty for the black man (long then or at least that is something Imight say) 3. Second day of class- 3 students commented that the material taught might 6 I . Wmsmed students that it was not. Material that was controversial- (C) )1 7 2) Students question Professor about whether we should be looking for God in all people and races, even inclu ing white. His answer is that this is not what is being taught in this course. 3) Question from Student- If we are supposed to look for God in the black man and not in the white, what do we do about interracial marriage? And what do we tell the children that are half white and half black? Answer- We should not have interracial maniage (long then justifies his answer after people are grumbling that Dr. Cone might say something like that). 4) Question from Student- Can we study other black theologians from the South that don't think like this, such as Martin Luther King, and Desmond Tutu? Response- "Trust me, they aren't real theologians". Every class since then has implied that the whiteness is an economic system that should be overturned and thought of as dieased. Our midterm question literally asks- does ?rst and second generation Black Theology help us grasp or wrestle with what came to be diseased about Christianity or rendered sick in Christianity's social imagination?- the answer to this is the problems in the economic sysrem and white theologians. Essentially the simpli?ed answer according to this course is whiteness. addition, almost every class period one of the white students makes some sort of remark that this course is teaching hate. last Tuesday there were three. HMeeting after class in which I expressed that was "horri?ed by the material being taught in this course because is drips with disdain for the white race". Professor's comment- how does it do this? Answer- You are asking us to not to look at the black race as an economy; then you are teaching a course that does this to whites 1 labeling all things wrong with the economic system that drives humans to oppress eachother as whiteness. RCSponse- this material is far better than some. Some call this "Whitianity" Request- I don't want to be subjected to this anymore. It is literally teaching hate. Everyday I leave this class, I leave upset and it effects my ability to do my work in all of my other courses. I literally complain everyday that Duke is teaching racism as do most of the white students in this course. This class was forced on me as a racist requirement, when I geniunely needed a Hispanic Studies (I'm going back to San Antonio where the population is over 50% hispanic and less than 6% black; I couldn't take that course because of this requirement). Please allow me to recieve a for pass/fail and not have to attend the course anymore or allow it to be co-taught by another teacher that does not hate the white race It truly is that bad. It is my understanding that some of the white students have thought this course has been so destructive that the idea of a petition has been circulating to protest the way in which it is being taught. Faun: Sent - pM To. [wa315. Cc: Subject: failing grade Dear Dean and and I have submitted all of our grades for PAR 778. completed two of the four assignments. She did not submit the second and final papers (due in 1ate October and early December respectively). emailed her a number of times to ask about the status of the papers, etc. I emailed ?XQ? yesterday explaining if we did not receive both papers by today at noon a failing grade would be assigned. We did not receive a response to any 0+ these inquiries. A failing grade has been submitted. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance. Best, me: Sent: Saturday. December 15. 2012 1:Subject: BCS760?Theobgy in the Black Church Traditions Dear I trust that you are well doing well during this Advent season. I am writing to get clarity from you about your status in the BCS760 class. Around the mid-point in the semester we met in my office for an extended conversation about the class. It was about an hour long conversation as I recall. I enjoyed beginning a conversation with you about the course and the connections you were trying to make to your graduate work in Since that conversation, however, I haven' 't seen you in class. It's my understanding that your I has not heard from you either. We have not received a final exam from you and, if I'm not mistaken, nor have we received a mid-term from you. And finally, there is no indication, according to the School registrar, that you have dropped BCS760. This email has two objectives then.. First, I just want to check in with you, beyond matters pertaining to the class, just to make sure that everything is all right since no one in connection with our class, to my knowledge, has heard from you. Again, I want to make sure that all is well. Secondly, I need you get in touch with my ASAP about your status in the class. There may be extenuating circumstances as to why you?ve been disconnected from the class. Whether there are or are not, I need to hear from you as soon as possible so that I know what you to do regarding your grade for the class. Grades are due to the Duke University registrar by noon this upcoming Monday (in roughly two days). If I do not hear from you by Sam Monday morning (December 17, 2012), I will have no other recourse but to enter a failing grade to the Univeristy for you for this class. I look forward to hearing from you soon. ?11k: ??nibersitg NORTH CAROLINA NEG-M7 Box 90967 TELEPHONE (919) 660-3458 FACSIMILE (919) 6803473 E-rmil SPAKQDIV DUKEEDU I Dea Yesterday, the Academic Policies Committee met and reviewed your academic record. The 2012-13 Di- vinity School Bulletin 17 describes the requirements for continuation in the ?Grad- uation requirements for the degree consist of satisfactory completion of 24 courses, with an overall rade oint average 0 . or better.? Another version of this policy is also stated on page 1 of th School Bulletin, as well, stating that students who maintain less than a (2.0) average wr 1n most cases be withdrawn from the school. Your current cumulative GPA is 1.666. This is a generous rendering of your overall GPA, as it allows courses from 2004 to be counted. We have considered your case very carefully. The length of the program does not permit adequate time for recovery of such a low GPA to ful?ll graduation requirements. As a result, it is the decision of the Academic Policies Committee to withdraw you from the School. We recognize this may be very dif?cult news to receive. Please know that we support you in your voca- tional discernment. If a conversation would be helpful, you are welcome to contact me to talk with you about this transition. We wish you the blessings of God?s strength and guidance in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Cc: I I From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Re: BCS760 this semester; Another Question Bea, Thanks for your email. As of the end of the semester, you were still showing up as registered for the BCS760 course, and because I didn't hear from you by Monday Dec 17th by 9am, as requested in my email to you of Saturday December 15th, I had no recourse but to enter the grade of ?r the course as 1 indicated that would in that email. I am forwarding this em. o. of th School (she handles these kinds of issues) and the School registrar so that they can advise you about what if anything can be done regarding what you have raised in this email. I invite you to be in touch with them. Best wishes, JKC On Dec 22, 2012, at 9:57 PM, (mam) Lu> wrote: I dropped this course mid semester right a?er our conversation in your of?ce. I think there was a problem getting this processed correctly as the registar's transitioned. Can you please con?rm everything with the front of?ce to enable to be corrected? Grace and Peacce, Original Message From: To: Cc: Sent: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 19:28:01 +0000 (GMT) Subject: BCS760 this semester; Another Question 1 From: (hit) m) Sefll: . - . - .7 To: Subject please see awed let's! Thai is fine. I know I put in the wifl'idrawl request (it was not an add/ drop) before the dale because it was shortly aflerl made the Civil rights complaint the office ofequily, which I copied both Dean Warner and Dean Paki I also would like copies ofall ofmy graded assignments from Evangelism ifpossible I have not reeieved them and I would like to know how I manged to fail every assignment and would like the professor or preceptor to go over them with me. I'm not perfect by all means, but I don't thinkl would have failed all four of them. would also like to note that all of my grades have not even been recorded for this semester. Ashley Original Message From: Sujin Pak <5 ak To: Cc: "Laceye Warner" diikc.edu>, "Koren Robins" Senl: Sun, 23 Dec 2012 02:40:l4 +0000 Su bjecl: RE: please see attached letter Dear I am happy to amide you with a copy ii I can find one, I have no knowledge of this request; I never recelved it. The must would have had to have been made back in September, for the drop/add and withdrawal date [5 quim earty. I be In much with Todd Maberry D0 see what he knows. I will get back to you when I have more information, but that may not be until afler Christmas. Sincerely, G. Sujin Pak Associate Dean utAmdemi: Programs sent Saturday, December 22, 2012 5:09 PM To: G. Sujin Pak, Suhjm: Re: please see attached letter Under FERPA law I would like to request a 00 nthe withdraw] form I sent in for the Black Church Studies Course. I gave it! before the add drop date. I can pick it up at the university urI would like a copy scanned and sent to me. Thank you, From: Sent: a- - - .- - 901911-n7 AM To; Cc: Subject: 2012 Dear Thank you for your recent email correspondence regarding your final grade in PAR 780 this Fall. The due date for each assignment is stated in the syllabus. Each assignment was discussed prior to its due date and following its return to student folders. Each assignment could be submitted electronically and in hard copy. In your par?cular case, a number of emails were sent to more than one of your email addresses, including the duke account (for which students are responsible), inquiring as to the status of the assignments. Additionally, you were absent from class numerous times without explanation and therefore without inquiring about the possible need to provide make? up work in lieu of the absences. After consulting with and (mam any further conversation about the matter may be pursued with who is copied above. Sincere! Fm" (bxfil (mam Salli Sunda January 06, 2013 9.11 PM To: Subjed: Re: please See attached finer (h (C) Ijusl got back In town from Texas Is [here any posslbilfly that we could meet when this week to gel sorted oul" ml bl All completed forms must be submitted to: The Office of Academic Formation and Programs- 108 Gra SCHOOL I am requesting permission to withdraw from the following course. (Course Name, ex: CHURHST 750)_ I understand that my gra a w, and I will receive NO academic credit or tuition refund. Instructor signature: Note: The last day that Fall 2012 semester is Friday, Nov Revised September 20, 2012 - j/D/m All completed forms must be submitted to: The Office of Academic Formation and Programs- 108 Gray I am requesting permission to withdraw from the following course. (Course Name, ex: CHURHST 750)_ I understand that my grade will be listed as a w, and I will receive NO academic credit or tuition refund. Instructor signature: Date: 12. Note: The last day that you may withdraw from a course during the Fall 2012 semester is Friday, November 9. From: Sent: 2013 8:22 AM To: Cc: Subject: 12 assignments In liht of the circumstances as described in my email far below, which is based on the evaluation 0 Wand myself, the failing grade in Evangelism stands. Sincerely, Sent: Sunda January 06, 2013 9:08 PM 1' Subject: Re: PAR 730 Fall 2012 assignments Dea I The reason our emails was simply because i was not getting them. i had the email address changed in to because I was not receiving emails. I have check through this email account and i did not receiv - - - I receiving my papers. Why didn't any ask me in class why did not turn in my 2nd paper? i would have handed you a hard copy immediately. i did not know you had not received it. (b datum-? Fr I TC Cc $217 pm Subject: 780' Fall 2012 assignments Thank you for your recent email correspondence regarding your ?nal grade in PAR 780 this Fall. The due date for each assignment is stated in the syllabus. Each assignment was discussed prior to its due date and following its return to student folders. Each assignment could be submitted electronically and in hard copy. In your particular case, a number of emails were sent to more than one of your email addresses, including the duke account (for which students are responsible), inquiring as to the status of the assignments. Additionally, you were absent from class numerous times without explanation and therefore without inquiring about the possible need to provide make- up work in lieu of the absences. After consulting with If?)f6)i (ma Iany further conversation about the matter may be pursued with ho is copied above. Sincere From: Sent: miiohl'lnumgu 08. 2013 8:12 AM To: Subject: FYI In case you would like to show pertinent emails below to (bmc during the meeting this morning, they are below. Please note the 'exception' offered in accepting materials beyond the syllabus deadlines, but prior to the University deadline for the submission of grades. We sent the message to her Duke account in light of the Bulletin's requirement for students to maintain such an account, but also used a personal email she had requested for use. It is different than the aol.com account mentioned most recently. Thanks. From v. December 13, 2012 2:32 PM To: Cal<6x (mm) SubiEf: PER 730 Dea Cristina Comer, the PAR 780 preceptor, emailed you following the deadline of Paper 2 on November 12 and below on November 21. We have not received Paper 2 or your ?nal paper that was paper due December 5. You also have not requested an extension in either case. lf (Wm) or I do not receive both papers from you by tomorrow Friday, December 14 at noon, a failing grade will be assigned. If we do receive the papers, they are both late and will be subject to penalties described in the syllabus. - . ..- .. Ser Wednesday, November 21, 2012 3:29 PM To. I cc I Subject: PAR 780 Paper 2 Hi, How are you doing? I am still waiting to hear back from you about Paper 2. is everything ok? Please let me know when you expect to have the paper turned in. It is important that you communicate with me so that i will know how to proceed with grading your work. Thanks so much for your prompt attention to this. Please also let me know if you need anything from me to help you complete your work on time. I?m happy to help out in whatever way I can. i hope you have a really nice Thanksgiving. Peace on Earth, UdeY ?969% 'wot?ld l/Le +o?ow?auj Y?cor?s, Sp?c?imm?) (M 10mm '?mhyma/hm/ cw mbrm?m, om w?xmmawa) Myra/Won, Ox? ?08, reewc?s Md "Mada/k} rcpor?rs 05% CTT . Ce as we? 6317 a? oHHcod EOE. docummaam ON 095cc d? rckage? Mimi chords Quasi bf/A *0 Whad Mm I ma Puke ?ni?ersitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0967 TO: DATE: January 9, 2013 Dear Thank you for our recent conversation on Jan 8, 2013. I appreciate our concerns about the decision of the Academic Policies Committee to withdraw you from Duke School. I have also received your pe- tition for a review of your grades for a number of courses. After reviewing the case, the prior decision of the Academic Policies Committee for your withdrawal from the School stands. The reasons for your withdrawal from Duke School include the following: 0 Your Overall CPA is 1.666. The requirements for continuation in th program 5 ified in the 2012-13 Divinity School Bulletin 117) state: "Graduation requirements for th degree consist of satisfactory completion of 24 courses, with an overall grade point average of (2.0) or better.? Furthermore, this is a generous rendering of your overall GPA, as it allows courses from 2004 to be counted; without counting these, your GPA stands at a 1.2. 0 We have significant other concerns about your academic performance, including frequent unex- cused and unexplained absences from classes, a pattern of taking multiple incompletes, and a pattern of turning assignments in late without communication with the professor, as well as fail- ure to respond to professors? inquiries about the failure to turn in w0rk. 0 Given these significant academic concerns pertaining to participation in classes and submission of assignments, there is also the concern about the overall failure to participate in the larger learn- ing experience of the class. We have considered your case very carefully. The decision of the Academic Policies Committee stands, and you will be withdrawn from the Divinity School effective immediately. It is within your right to reapply to Duke Divinity School. We are willing to consider your application if the following items are in place: 0 You reapply within a year's time, allowing for the latest new start date of Fall 2014. 0 Demonstrate that you have addressed the academic concerns outlined above. This might include addressing the difficulties that you have described as PISD. To that effect, it would benefit your application if you have a licensed counsel0r contact my office to confirm that you are in a healthy place for continued studies. 0 urn in the transfer credits that you have requested to be reviewed and transferred, but which my office has yet to receive. We wish you the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, I meleileifitbdt?i Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 12:01 To: Subject: Re: Formal Complaint for the EOE of?ce I would like to formally petition my grades for the following courses: I made a complaint to the Office of Equity as well as the Academic deans regarding the material taught in the course and petitioned for a pass grade on Oct 12th. 2012. In this complaintl noted that the professor openly stated interracial marriage should not occur, all white women are bankers daughters that pity the black man, our midterm questioned was what is diseased about Christianity and the simplified answer was whiteness and lastly when I private met with him to state I was having dif?culty with the material taught in the course being reverse racism he remarked that it was a lot better than some that call it "White"-naity. In addition, I also filled out a withdrawal form, which was not processed. Consequently when I stopped attending the course, I had no idea that I would be receiving an F. I sent emails that were not going thr0ugh, which made the professors unaware that I sent in my papers or that I had a concussion. I made record of this problem repeatedly and even had my contact information changed in Sakai. The change in Sakai should have indicated that I should be contacted on a different email address; however, this was not noted and I was never contacted on that email address making it where I was unaware there was a problem in this course. It also made it where I was able to address any issues regarding these papers in a timely manner. I made a on every assignment. but one. I made attempts to discuss the assignment with the preceptor, however I was unable to speak With her after I got a concussion. On this assignment I was deducted and had sentences corrected that came directly from the NIB commentary. I still would like a chance to speak with either the preceptor or the professor regarding this particular assignment. For the past semester! petition: I would like to formally petition to have the grades re-examined because I was given extensions; however, because the Blackboard system dissolved and Sakai came about over the summer I was not able to access the assignments to even accurately preform the desired tasks for the courses. Grace and Peace. Academia From: (mm (mm) Sent: ms inuary 10, 2015 9.01 AM To: Academics Subject Form submission (mm: Divinity School Amman Farm m- ThanksV (bus) (mam urs av, lanuary Tu (We) (mam) Subject: arm sumissionimm School -- Amman Form Suhmined on Thu, 01/10/2013 - 05:43 submmd by use, (nus! Submiued vziues are: Smden! EM First Name: man Middle Name Initial: Last .. 7 Session: Regular Program Anion: Wimdrawal 7 Administrative Program Reason: Dam of student Withdlawal WilhdrawalTerm: 43:: one>> (am "(Wand Rem," mm: Not A "Cable Grades: Spedal Grading Insumlons: Tumnn Perzem be Reiunded: Other Insuumons Ilb)(6)l From. exam I Sent: Thurs'da J'anua 10,2013 9:31 AM To: Subject: e: ease r- - - ched letter Here are the reasons I struggled with my courses last year and over the summer. I came back to Duke with two hopes l) to study under some of the best theologians in the nation within the end of life program, and 2) to study end of life care, ?merals and racial reconciliation in Africa unde both of which were taken away. In Nov. I applied for the South A?'ican internship and sent my application in on time through email. There were instructions online that con?icted with the oral instructions. I followed the written instructions online and turned my application in and waited to have a staff member from the Field Education office contact me to set up an interview. However, they were operating under the assumption that people were coming into the office to set up an interview. Frankly, it was just a problem with miscommunication and should have been easily resolved. However had already returned to Africa and I was unable to meet with him. Thus, I met with private y. is meeting she asked me about my ability to have children, how many surgeries have had, and my plans for the ?iture with the possibility of reproductive problems. 1) This made me incredibly uncomfortable, but I did not have the courage to state that I am incredibly private and don't like to talk about these things with people I just met. 2) I did not want to anger a person that has the ability to make decisions about things that I considered to be my dreams. My experience is the prime reason that Title 9 laws preventing employers from asking these questions in a job interview were invoked. Prior to this meeting I had an A in every class, but theology in which I had a B. That meeting started reminding me about things from the past as well, which is the cause for the illness. When I started at Duke School i I went home to check on my mother. She was not doing well and requested I stay longer on a break (she knows nothing about this and I would prefer to keep it that way; this would literally kill her if she knew that she was part of the cause of all of this. She has been through enough). I stayed longer at her request and missed nine days of class and then returned to school. When I returned to school on the 24th, I was informed that I was removed from school on the 20th. I had not signed a voluntary withdraw because I was literally in Texas, which I can prove through ?ight records. When I went into meet with to ?nd out what had happened the meeting went terribly. I showed him the student handbook stating that I had to ?ll out a voluntary withdrawal form or meet with the academic dean and have them remove me from school. I unfortunately stated the magic words, that he did not have the power to have taken me out of school. At that point the meeting changed dramatically, and he began discussing what he had the power to do and what he had done to students that question his power. He remarked that they were raising 10 million dollars for a new buildin and they had more power than most at this school and he could do whatever he wanted because supported his decisions and (WW3) was constantly traveling to raise money for the building. At this point he began a long dia we Out? a student that I now know was He was in the class above mine (I think?) @5931?) stated that a male student had been accuse raping a female student and he (W7 I took the helm on removing him from school. He outlined some of their efforts to remove him Then, he bluntly stated that mid-way through he believed he had not actually raped her; however, he continued his pursuits to remove him as a student because he threatened his power. He jokingly laughed and bragged that he stepped outside his boundaries as dean to cost the student more money with a lawyer. And at least he got him that way. He also stated now that he an now just remove students that they don't think belong at DDS when they think the admissions committee made 1 a mistake and that they do it all the time. (I found out last year one of the students that this happened to was husband immediately after that meeting) Then, he threaten to do the same to me implying that wou a ve to pay a fortune to a lawyer to reverse this action. I had already been withdrawn at that point, thus it seemed like a realistic threat. The meeting continued in which he made other claims and did other things which I would ther not go into. He hat he had evidence I enrolled inCollege, which is in (W6): (Wm) . (This was not [ii-2% College does not even have a grad school or a seminary). bvrdence of this is in my student records. As well as evidence that he removed me on the 20th when I was still in And that they should not have let students in this university that had parents like mine. (I had just told him that my father was recently prosecuted). Then he stated that I was a liar and I completely made the story of my father getting in trouble up because the FBI don't search people's homes. They investigate in from behind the scenes. Therefore he had even more evidence that I should not be a student and he would ?ght to prove this. (This was also not true, which I can prove through transcripts of the sentencing). All of this cost me an absolute fortune, created extreme stress, altered my relationship my mother signi?cantly, and changed the course of my life. I experienced extreme stress, depression and began having medical problems that result from this. I hadjust told? about all of these events to get my grades to count from and that I reported all of the this to a year after. Consequently when I did not rec aive an interview and was asked about all of the from the past in the meeting wi (WHO) I started believing these incidents were connected and began reliving the again. At that point, the became so severe I actual bean throwing up before having to go meet with my professors to talk with them about the situationm? - who is the nicest man ever). I was just afraid because I had been threatened and punished severely by people that prior to this I wanted to model. At that int, I began seeing a counselor who informed me I was experiencing all of the signs and 0 i Then shortly after telling staff members what happened in the past, I began getting stalked. Someone was taking pictures outside my house. I reported this to the university police and they advised me to stay with a friend and change my phone number. I stayed with another student here for lmost a month. My roommate last year was actually worried and contacted the university (she spoke with to make sure I was okay. I also requested to bot an that I not have to meet with again because of the effect it had on me. I don't thi is mean or a bad person at all. I just didn?t want to remember anymore of that meeting and I felt that I had my dreams literally ripped away because of things that happened in the past since I did not get an interview for that field education placement. Plus, I did know know who was stalking me and I did not want past staff members knowing I was here. The next semester, I continued to be stalked. My email and student account began getting hacked into and I contacted Duke Health Department and I was told someone was trying to access my medical records as well. Thus, I had all of my passwords changed and reported the incident. During this time, I found on still worked for the university thus, I started collecting information to turn him in, so he did not hurt any other students the way he did me. Moreover, I also was unsure who was doing this and I thought reporting him might stop this. I requested my school records and was forced into a meeting again. I know she was not trying to be mean and honestly I think she did actually want to help; however, I had asked not to meet with her unless necessary for a reason. It was too much considering everything else that was happening and I knew they had close connection from my past meeting with (W5) The forced interaction, was what started making me sick again. This is why ADA laws and aws are so important. She pulled me into a meeting with there and asked why I wanted my school records, what I was going to do with them and why I wanted to talk to my past supervisor. I just wanted to stop being stalked and I thought turning him in could possibly end it. I did not want to meet with her at all, which I expressed through email as well as to her assistant prior to that meeting and brought another student with me to avoid the entire interaction. Their relationship made it where I could never speak with her about it and I was genuinely afraid. Despite this, I was still forced into the meeting and I began getting sick again. This is a huge reason I wanted to go on a ?eld education placement. I needed to get out of Durham; however, my placement interview was denied. Over the summer in Durham, someone repeatedly broke into the apartment I was subletting and would ear- mark the pastoral care books related to my papers in my housing. One of my books that I left on the kitchen table was even returned to the Duke library, which only further scared me. And after leaving the apartment, I 2 came back to my food eaten. The progress I had made on my assignments was thwarted because my USB's were stolen during one of these invasions. I reported all of this to both Durham and the University police department. I also began receiving phone calls asking for reconciliation ?om a blocked number. The calls stated that we are both Christiansme? Can't we start to move towards reconciliation, this has gotten so bad that my wife said she might want a divorce. The man also recalled the events that occurred throughout the day implying I was being watched. Thus, more police reports were made. (I believe even witnessed one of these calls and the effect it had on me). Thus, we moved again after the police suggested it, because there was never a forced entry. At the start of this year, I moved again and I did not change my address in the school computer, nor did I list my phone number and the harassment stopped. However, I still needed to get caught up with everything, which is how my semester began. I have been doing the best I could under the circumstances. I truly don't know who I can trust with this, because this only started a?er I began telling people in the divinity school what happened in the past. I've been scared to death and just trying to survive ?nishing school. I would appreciate it if my address and phone number remained unlisted in all school directory information. It has been the only thing that has prevented this. Sincerely, Original Message From: (bxe); To: Wed, 09 Jan 20l3 20:27:04 +0000 Subject: Please see attached letter Dear Please see the attached letter to this email. I have also sent a certified copy to your home address. Sincerely, Associate Dean ol (W7 Programs I . . . Sent: .1110 AM To: Subject: RE: Please see attached etter Deal Thank you for your most recent email explaining the larger contexts of your struggles. I will read that carefully. As for the transcripts, I see in your file that we have something from the University of the Incarnate Word, but not any of the other transcripts that you mention. There. is nothing from and nothing fro. We have not received these transcripts. We could provide a copy 0 anscript that we have. Thanks, (b)(6li Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 9:41 PM Subject: Re: Please see attached letter Dean Duke divinity registrar's of?ce should he ve mv transcript, my CPE certi?cate, and transcript as to date. thsc?pt was sent; however, I am unsure if the school ever received this one. I got incredibly busy with school, re?nancing my home i ?eld ed and current classes and failed to follow up on this one. Prior to everything at the end of this semester, I had discussed having the following courses transfer with which would have given me 24 hours transferring. Is this on ?le in the registrar's notes? If so, is there anyway I could pick up copies of all of this on Friday morning? Thank you for your time looking into the matter. I truly appreciate it. American Christianity- B- 2 hours to combine with Psalms - A - 1 hour together 3 hours hrislology - - 3 hours 7 . VA- 6 hours Greek- - 3 hours I Old Testament - - 3 hours Church History - - 3 hours Church and It's Social Context- 8- 3 hours I believe the classes that could be ?ipped around to count from previous schools were Preaching, Hispanic Ministries, Ethics/ Moral Theology, Gospel of John, and Wisdom Literature. 1 Grace and Peace, 331th QHni?ersitg DURHAM NORTH CARGJNA 277m7 DATE: January 10, 2013 De . We are in receipt of a handwritten document which you handed to me at our meeting on January 8, 2013. The document asked for education records pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Please note that Duke has a ERPA policy which sets forth a process by which students may obtain access to their educational records. The policy may be found at and you should follow the process outlined in the policy in order to obtain access to your educational records that are located at places at Duke other than th School. We will, however, accept your request as a request for your educational records located at the Elf}; School. We will collect those records and provide them to you in due course. We will send you a hard copy of the records, the contents of which represent the entirety of your ed- ucational records held here in theSchool. You may also access the ?le with prior writ- ten notice and by making an appointment with us to review the ?le in our of?ce. Sincerely, DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0%7 1 7 TO: Date: February 18, 2013 Dea On the afternoon of Friday, (WW (WW3) the Judicial Board convened to examine your tition for a grade review 0 your ina gra es in Par 780, Preaching 758semester. It was the judgment of the Judicial Board that each of the final grades assigned for these classes would remain as submitted. With this decision in place, we will entertain no more discussion about final grades from past semesters. As an advisory board to the Associate Dean of Academic Programs, the Judicial Board also recommended that you be allowed to return to your studies in th on a probationary status and under the requirements set by the Associate Dean of Academic Programs. Following the decision of the Judicial Board concerning the grade review, your cumulative GPA remains at 1.846. Th i Bulletin (page 119) states the continuation requirements for the degree as the ow1ng. The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may, at the discretion of the academic dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program. It is within my discretion to stand by the dismissal decision communicated to you in my letter of January 9, 2013. However, I have received and acce ted the recommendation of the Judicial Board to allow ou to return in the semester 0 on a probationary status. In keeping School?s policies, you are now placed on an involuntary leave of absence until - In the event that you choose to return, you shall return to our studies in the an no later. This return and your continued study at Duke School are contingent on these strict requirements: By 5:00 EST on A ril 1 2013 ou must submit the sealed and uno ened official tran- scripts (WW0 and for the transfer credits you have been requesting from my otnce. Please deliver these in person to the Academics Suite in 108 Gray or send these addressed to me at the follow- ing address: Duke libXG); (WHO) If we do not receive these sealed and unopened official transcripts by this day and time, the offer for you to continue your studies at Duk is rescinded. Please note that when you returned to Duke in August 2011, you requested these transfer credits, and my office agreed to consr er his request; however, despite numerous requests from my of- fice, you have not provided two of the three official transcripts that would allow us to review the transfer credits. The following are the conditions for transfer credit: my office will consider up to and no more than seven classes for transfer credit. Only classes with a grade of or higher can be considered for transfer credit (see th Bulletin, p. 119). The transfer credit for eligible classes will be processed when my office has all three official transcripts in hand. 0 With this allowance of up to and no more than seven classes for transfer credits, which is beyond what is normally allowed (see the Bulletin, p. 119), all remaining coursework must be taken at Duke School. 0 You may not take any incompletes in your remaining coursework at Dukmlw); School without the written consent of both the professor of the course and the Associate Dean of Programs. 0 You will strictly abide by the deadlines for all assignments in the remaining coursework of your tenure at Duke You may not receive extensions for any assignment without the written consent of both the professor of the course and the Associate Dean of Programs. Late assignments will be penalized. You will hand in all assignments for your remaining coursework at Duk in hard-copy form to the professor. Your continued studies at Duke will be contingent on your successful perform- ance in the semester in which you return. You will need to achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Furthermore, you are invited to take a Limited Program upon your return to study. Lastly, you are strongly encouraged to seek support for the emotional and financial matters you yourself raised in the conversation with the Judicial Board. The School is happy to direct you to the avenues of support available on campus, such as Duke?s Counseling and Services (CAPS). In addition, if you wish to explore reasonable accommodations to assist you in meeting the requirements of your educational program, please contact Duke?s Student Disabil- ity Access Office. Information about that office and the reasonable accommodation process is available at Sincerelv. Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent226 Apr 2013 13:52:49 -0500 To:Bhagat, Kay H. Response to OCR Complaint 1 1-13-2066, Email 2 of 6 AttachmentszExhibit C.zip From1(b)(6); I Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 1:50 PM To: Russo, Martha Subject: Response to OCR Complaint 1 l-l3-2066, Email 2 of 6 Dear Ms. Russo. Attached please find the second email relating to Response to OCR Complaint 1 l-l3-2066. Thank you. I Notice: The information contained in this electronic mail message and any attachments, is privileged and con?dential. This e-mail is intended only for the named recipient(s). If you have received this message in error, copying, distributing or using the information is prohibited. and you are requested to please contact the sender immediately by return e?mail and delete all copies of the original message. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege. EXHIBIT FIELD EDUCATION FILE SAP Position Duke University Duke University Health System Fax To: HRIC PLEASE CLEARLY TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAY Last Name: (Wm) First Name: (Wm) Middle Initiatm . I6 - Maiden Nam Former Names or Other Names UsedSocial Secunty a (hm) (bx Date of Birth: (bxm (mmc) Driver's License msmie; IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT INDIVIDUALS COMPLETE THIS FORM FULLY AND ACCURATELY. CONSIDER YOUR ANSWERS CAREFULLY. OMISSION OF ANY INFORMATION WILL BE DEEMED FALSIFICATION AND WILL REQUIRE THAT AN APPLICATION BE DEACTIVATED OR AN ALREADY HIRED EMPLOYEE BE TERMINATED. I. GOVERNMENT SANCTIONS CERTIFICATION INFORMATION [With respect to tne billing for, or delivery of health care services, have y0u ever been investigated by, charged with. or ?star by, a icipate in Federal or state programs including Federal or state agency as excluded. debarred. suspended or otherwise ineligible to part . Medicare 0r Medicaid, or do y0u have any current reason to believe that you may be so listed in the future on the Department of Health I and Human Services. Of?ce ofthe Inspector General Cumulative Sanctions Report or the General Services Administration List of i I I II Parties Excluded from the Federal Procurement and Non-Procurement Programs? I 1 END If yes, in the space below. please describe nature of sanction. Include name of investigating agency. date. nature of 1' changes, disposition- i i LICENSE: TYPE AND NUMBER . II. COURT RECORD RELEASE SECTION EMPORARY SERVICE APPLICANTS THATIIAVE INT ERNAL STAT US DUKE INTERNAL TRANSFER APPLICANTS AND DUKE SECTION. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE CASUAL LABOR OR {500 HOURS OF SERVICE) NEED NOT COMPLETE THIS CONTRACTED EMPLOYEES. All individuals expressing interest in employment at Duke University/Duke University Health System both exempt and mm- exempt must agree to an extensive screening process that includes a court record check. An offer of a position at does no: indicate that this check has been completed. Conviction ofa crime does not automatically disqualify an individual from employment at In each case. examines the nature ofthe conviction, time elapsed since the conviction. and the type of jot) in question Dependent on all of the circumstances. a decision is made whether to extend a job offer or c0ntlnue an already hired employee. List ALL addresses of residences {including college addresses, military addresses etc) within the PAST 7 beginning with the most recent and working back. INCOMPLETE INFORMATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. A t'taCh additional streets if necessary. I QTDCET annor?cc - n-rnrOLA TRAFFIC (YOU HA VE YOU EVER BEEN CONVICTED OF ANY OFFENSES OTHER THANA MOVING VI MUST INCLUDE ALL FELONIES OR (An example of a comma {.3ch No If yes. please explain nature of crime, date, and place. State whether the crime was a telony or misdemeanor. If more space is range-dent use an additional sheet of paper. misdemeanor is "worth/05:: check?f) dates. Please explain nature of charge, date ED WITHOUTA SIGNATURE and SECTIONS MUST BE COMPLETED. 'uvuqll\v Duke Univessity Position ii Fax To: HRIC h. I . 553-0335 Duke Univemity Health Sysieni, . . CANDIDATE CERTIFICATION The rnfom'lation that I have provided on this expression of interest in employment is accurate to the best of my knowledge and subject to validation by Duke University/Duke University Health System I understand and agree that: Any material misrepresentation or deliberate omission offact in my expression of interest may be justi?cation for a. refusal to hire or transfer. or termination from Duke University/Duke University Health System. Before being accepted for employment with or transfer within Duke University/ Duke University Health System it n-ag. be necessary for me to undergo a physical examination. b. A routine inquiry may be made during the processing of this document which will provide applicable iniormatior: oboe c. me. I authorize my previous employers, personal references and other persons or institutions shown on this expression of inter-"aft in employment to provide information upon request by Duke University/Duke University Health System (unless otherwise ix) speci?ed). If employed. I agree to abide by the employment policies and procedures of Duke University. to obey safely and work rules. and to conduct myself in a manner that conforms to the standards of conduct required of Duke University/Duke University Health System employees. I authorize the Duke Recruitment Of?ce to place data from this document into its computerized referral system. I hereby agree that any dispute or controversy arising out of or related to my employment or termination by Duke University or Duke University Health System. including any claim based in whole or in part on federal. state, or local laws. whether statutOry or common law. shall be subject to ?nal and binding resolution through the applicable grievance or dispute resolution procedure. as may be periodically amended and which is available upon request from the department of Human 5? Resources. I hereby authorize my employer, Duke University I Duke University Health Systems to electronically transmit my not pay to a designated bank of my choice through use of the automated clearinghouse. I understand that this is a condition of employment and that I have 45 days from my date of hire to establish a bank account for this direct deposit. 6. certify that. if during my employment i become involved in a pending criminal action or civil proposed debarment. exclusion or other sanctioning action related to any Federal or state health care program, I shall immediately notify Duke University/Duke University Health System Human Resources of that pending action. As a result of this noti?cation. I may be removed from any functions involving: the MedicarelMedicaid claims development and submission process: (-0 ?nancial operations; and any health care provider contact. The Duke University Human Resources Department may take Such other actions as determined necessary. . I hereby authorize Duke University/Duke University Health System to investigate all statements made by me on this form as well as information furnished by me on my interest in employment form. I authon?ze any and all police and law enforcement agencies. courts. or other agencies as may be contacted to release any records or information that may have a bearing upon convictions relative to me. I hereby release abo?re agencies from any and all liability in conjunction with the release of sazo' records and or information. U) SIGNATL EQUAL OPPORTUNITY INFORMATION FORM Duke University and Health System provides equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color. religion, national'origin. disability. veteran To suppon Our commitment to diversity, we actively recmit minorities. people with disabilities. women and iuate our recruitment etiorls. Federal status. sexual orientation. sex or age. . I I opportunity and we compute applicant inlonnation to eva nts. and to retain that information for at least two years veterans. To further the commitment to equa . . 'ty and gender intormation from applica we would appreciate your willingness to provide the following regulations require employers to collect race. ethnici . lotiowing the date of application. While your participation in this effort is entirely voluntary. . ers. If you have any questions. please call information. The inlomiation that you submit will remain cen?dential and ?will not be snared with hiring manag the Of?ce for Institutional Equity at (919) 684-8222. Thank yOu. . -- Last Name First Name: Middle Initial: Social Secr Date of Birth . Gender: RaceIEthnicrty: Veteran Status: fl - ale 2? White CI Non?Veteran Black [3 Vietnam Era Veteran Special Disabled Veteran Female [3 Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaskan Native Other Protected Veteran Newly Separated Veteran szim: Hits 1007 rum/ow STUDENT APPLICATION FOR FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce Duke Divinity School RECEIVED SEP 0 22911 Date Placement Requested for: Full-time l0~week summer term Are you Self Initiating a Placement: Yes [?No 7x? Part-time academic term I. INTRODUCTION: COMPLETE THIS FORM NEATLY, COMPLETELY AND . ACCURATELY. Please make a COPY and retain for your records. z: . ?r'J n. PERSONAL DATA: I, (mm) DUKE UNIQUE BIRTH DATE: IMI LAST NAME FIRST NAMF MJ. . mommaw) PREFERRED NAME: LOCAL ADDRESS STREET (bxe); (bxnc) (b (6). CITY: STATE: ZIP CODI (mommaw) b6;b7 I PHONE IKE E-MAIL: @duke.edu dukeedu email address. Email will all be sen! to addresses if: a! do no! end in "dukeedu VETERANCitizen. there is an addiIiOnal farm (not included in this packet) that is required by the International Of?ce. Please see the Field Education O?ice, Westbrook 105, for addilional information. ETHNIC ORIGIN: White 2 Black Hispanic Asian or Paci?c lslander American Indian or Alaskan Native Other (list) PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS which may in?uence your assignment: Obi/l MARITAL STATUS: Single Married If engaged, wedding date Spouse?s full name Spouse?s occupation No. ot'children Ages Host churches rarely provide housing for spouses or families of students during the placement. Have you considered the implications ofthis? YES NO COMMENTS Name: Page I OH STUDENT APPLICATION FOR FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce ?chool ch membership . ion (candidacy) status U. C?i?lcllai? Denominational affiliation Where do you attend church. Conference/Synod/Association An automobile is required for most assignments. Do you have one in working condition? 5 Do you have health and accident insurance? YES NO Current Divinity Program:M.Div. M.C.M. . - - car nu'r we when? is ?rl?artsi?/?r?mg ?1 How many courses have you completed? PREVIOUS Field Education experiences through Duke: I. vim/16, 2. 3. Have you PREVIOUSLY been employed by another Duke or Divinity School o?ice? YES NO please list your LAST: POSITION DEPARTMENT DATES WORKED Are you CURRENTLY working or PLANNING to work in another Duke or Divinity School department during your ?eld education placement? NO please list: DATES DEPARTMENT POSITION Are you a full-time registered Duke student? YES NO Summer placements: Will you be returning to Duke for the subsequent fall semester?" YES lfno, please explain: "Please see the policies on p. 82 of the Divinity School Bulletin. 2005-2006. MINISTERIAL VOCATION GOALS: Please note your present vocational goals for ministry (RANK in priority. I being MOST important): Parish Ministry Campus Ministry@ Teaching Rural Ministry i Urban Ministry Missions Institutional or Military Chaplaincy? Christian Education Diaconal Ministry Other (please explain) HESQK C, Q) Name: Page 2 of 5 STUDENT APPLICATION FOR FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce Duke School What speci?c ministry tasks or roles do you wish to explore during this term? l\ with amt/alt 56%?ch rattlj ska, 2) icacktw'3 3) \(itlt?mm) (gt/Big Mina [)05 I?bltj Ca. Ill. PLACEMENT PROCESS: The placement ofstudents in appropriate ?eld settings is a complex one involving c0nsiderable prayer and the interests and concerns of a number of parties: 1. The school and funding restriction 2. The local church or agency program needs 3. The student's learning needs 4. The supervisor-student relationship 5. Requirements of the various judicatories/institutions ll is the responsibility ofthe Field Education Of?ce to know these often competing needs and interests and to address them to the best of our ability with the ?nal decision about student assignment. Please indicate below in RANK order (I being MOST important) your personal preferences in your placement, realizing learning needs will be given prior consideration and that availability of settings may limit possibilities. Type of internship (Specify) it" Supervisory needs (mammal?WW to imam Geographical location of assignment (specify) Health intuimlc 0ther(specify) A {Lg/5 . . . to 0-: Are there compelling personal circumstances or hardships which you feel must be considered in your 1/1? 3 ?eld placement? Please understand that these will be considered and acted on, if possible. I covenant to faithfully ful?ll the service and learning opportunities ofmy placement insofar as my abilities permit with the support of the Field Education Of?ce. My signature authorizes the release of this completed application to my pastor/supervisor. For placement assessment purposes, I grant the ?eld educatiomxe); inity School records. Signed? Date 5 i Name; Page 3 of5 STUDENT APPLICATION FOR FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce Duk(b)(5); School A. VITA: (bxe); (WHO) 3 1. LAST Name FIRST Name, ?92, 2. Educational .xpcriences (post-high school): A l\ 1? .. (Si?(?iibx?m 3. Extra-curricular Activities (explain, ifnecessary): Wm?ihons, dancing, gnawing) Gummy 5 (Bx?ikbx?c'i 5. Work Experience (part-time and full-tithe employment of whatever kind during and following college: explain if necessary) CR8, continual ?ro wot/L etqu of, Sin?? 09k? (empth ?xplaLnIt/ia Qyocaluv?es ?lD ?Ocl'l0\75 ?mtl?u?) 6. Special skills you may have developed through church, educational or w0rk experiences (for example, music, athletics, drama, organizationalmanagement, etc.) .. Sq?lc 'oJuAm'Mj (305?s Ckiiclyen 0?Yh5ccz?m ?amith gpuco?d (?Gang 7. Hobbies and/or special interests (including signi?cant travel experiences) MiSS?itvx weft, hospice] reading, pam?ng, Ola-mung 8. Do you have any foreign language facility? What language(s)? Nam Page 4 of5 STUDENT APPLICATION FOR FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce Duke School B. FAITH PILGRIMAGE (REQUIRED in order to cansider your application): PLEASE YOUR FAITH PILCRIMAGE DOCUMENT TO FORWARD TO YOUR SUPERVISOR UPON PLACEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT. On a separate attached sheet, please narrate yourjoumey into ministry, including the pivotal in?uences on your decision to enter full-time Christian service and the high points of your spiritual and theological formation. Three to ?ve double-spaced pages should suf?ce. Be sure to LABEL EACH PAGE with your name and page number. Name: Page 5 of 5 Personal Statement Essay This essay aims to explicate God?s role in my development and vocational goals that prompted me to apply for ?eld education through Duke School. It encapsulates the inception and progression of my faith that occurred through God?s unequivocal love. More narrowly, the essay elucidates that a massive shi? in my spiritual consciousness occurred over the past few years, from a naive ideal of Christianity, in which I primarily sought God outside myself, to one of self-actualization, in which spiritual growth came about through seeking God from within. Personal experiences, academia, religious role models and ultimately God prompted this transition in my faith and also compels me to devote my time, energy, and actions to further glorify God through further religious studies in a practical setting. Growing up my parents surrounded me in the Scripture at home and in the 7m 6; 7(0) - - this gave me the vehicle to trust and develop faith in God, accept grace, and become righteous through God?s forgiveness. Since childhood, my family not only fostered my love of God, but also encouraged me to share that love with others through charitable acts. Consequently, over the past few years I deveIOped and directed the education for a youth department, prepared and served meals for the homeless, worked with the AIDS care team, and participated in Hands on Housing. In addition, I organized mission trips to rebuild homes for the victims of Katrina and Ike. I also served as a chaplain resident at the Veteran?s Administration, worked at the Junior Helping Hand Home with children who have been mentally, sexually, and/or physically abused, and with the terminally ill through hospice. As I gained spiritual experience and progressed in academic ability, I began looking not only to my parents but also to theological writers for wisdom and guidance. Studying Martin Luther's exegetical works marked a turning point in my conception of Christianity: The unfolding and development of his controversial theological positions not only helped me to begin to comprehend the gravity of salvation, it also transformed my understanding of faith inspiring me to perform good works wiui an entirely different perspective. He encapsulated that the only way to receive grace was Ihrough trust and faith in Christ, which is established through Sula scripmru. Scn'pture facilitated my prayer and meditation, which allowed me remember Jesus' sacrifice of dying on the cross bearing our sins. Ultimately this, evoked me to serve out of faith and through love to glorify God, Luther also enabled me to set: that a person can glorify God in any number of mundane activities as simple as jogging, reading, sitting or even sleeping when they are done out of faith and love of God'. This revelation profoundly impacted my daily life; it changed the motivation of all my activities, helping me truly live to serve God through faith. Consequently, this affected my thoughts, passion, and drive as a servant of God. During the I withdrew from seminary when I received notice that 1 developed that required surgery. The possibilin of cancer and inability to have children at the age of 24 me feeling helpless and completely out of control, Therefore due to illness, I moved back to Austin to be closer to my family and friends. Despite my family and friends' suppon and presence, the only thing i truly had to rely on was God. In nrder to strengthen my spiritual consciousness. I began rereading one of my favorite books from my theological studies, Saint Teresa of Avila's Interior Castles}. Following her preparatory strategy for genuine prayer. I began meditating on God: (1) Who God was, (2) What God gave me, and (3) What pleas 'Luther mute, Works, being inanimate cannot glorify God. my. ltieycan, lttaith is present, be done to the glory at God Here however, we are not Inquiring what works and what im ntworis are done, bulwho it is that does them we plumes cod and [Wings torth ma walk' Mamn Luther. "The Freedom nta Christian Man,' in lesslantflefulmatlan, ed Hans Htllerhrand {New York Havpel Twonbooks. 1953), 12 'St Varese, (New York Doubleday Image Book and Posts 1960 (DXS): PagelS I brought to God before ever engaging in prayer}. This not only changed the method and contents of my prayers, it ultimately forced me to engage in true self-re?ection. After acknowledging and accepting my imperfections and being stripped of my illusion of control, I gained a profound sense of humility. I recognized I truly brought nothing to God but my ?aws; everything I had was through God?s love and grace, and at best I was simply a vassal for God?s goodness. Then, my prayers transitioned from asking for things to thanking God for unequivocal love, exhibited through the gifts of grace and Christ, to praying that others would ?nd a similar serenity. Although this sense of profound peace wavers as I continue through the trials of life, it compels me to learn more about God, myself, and share this gift of peace with others. Thus, I believe this experience will allow me to better serve others in hospital and church settings; it also provides inspiration to further serve God through continued education. A?er recovering, I enrolled in a summer CPE program. Fortunately, God blessed me with amazing learning opportunities. I prayed with families as their loved ones passed, listened to people as they received life-changing news, and aided the medical staff as they dealt with the pressure of life and death situations. I was primarily assigned to a ?oor in a children?s hospital for people suffering from lung problems: most of these children were long-tenn patients diagnosed with cystic ?brous. Honestly, listening to children talk about God and the onslaught of death probably enriched my life more than I could ever truly communicate. I also worked in an ICU for people that suffered brain trauma, visited patients on the recovery ?oor from heart surgery, and participated in overnight on-calls. I enrolled in awe); (Wm) I learned amazing things that only continued to inSpire me to serve God. Through this program, I 3 bid, p. 32. -- l4 weekly class to the high schoel students discussing issues such as transubstantiation, roigiveness, reconciliation and the dilemmas they currently face as high school students- such as drug use. death of fellow students lhrough car accidents. and their inability to find God in the world. 1 was also able to preach, visil Ihc congregation in the hospital. and aid in the worship services. Through the compilation of these experiences, not only has my trust and reliance in God been strengthened>> but my inner confidence. understanding and faith have also blossomed. I am now better able to recognize the Lord's presence in all living things and appreciate God's daily miracles. I understand the Value oflife Outside my own and want to bring these aspects ol'my beliefs into my ministry. My experiences in the church and hospital have provided me with a greater certainty about my religious beliefs, allowing them to expand. Through these expenenees, I gained the inspiration and passion to apply for field education at Duke to allow me to achieve the necessary requirements to become an Drdained pastor. It is my hope that fmher education will help me develop into my potential as a servant of Ihe Lord. WORK STUDY ELIGIBILITY FORM FOR FIELD EDUCATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Please take this form to the Financial Aid Director, Mrs. Sheila Williams (in room 102W), for initials and signature. 2) Return this form to the Field Education Of?ce (room 105W) no later than September 13, 2011. (bxe); (C) Completed a FAF SA lmels of Financial Aid Director gm)? IS work study eligible for consideration of a ?eld education placement Financial Aid Director IS NOT work study eligible Initials of Financial Aid Directh 57/81:) Date 100 2011 SOUTHWEST TEXAS CONFERENCE JOURNAL PART II PERTAINING T0 ORDAINED MINISTERS AND LOCAL PASTORS (New, A Mullen following a qnmion in miinn signing ihai achnn or election minim majulily anc of me clergy mien 0! Inc :nnual cankmicc If in action mining; more ian a Simple main 'ry, nomioti (V 1/31 or (v 314 signifies 13m marinas in rim-runnin [micrin mm: is mquired Indium mdcniizl in Van" FD, r12, and AM when nqliieslefl 17 Are all Eh: clergy mamben (:me mnluencz blameless in [hair life 1nd official xdmmi'stratinn ("604 4. 6056)? VHS Who commqu z) The Commiute on Invcnigalinn (127m 2p .1 Val: Reg-rind Lind. K. (Ch 1 (Ken) Dahlberg, lr. Troy Bell Kuhryii 1' ~1cher Cler Alu links I'ry G. him A, Wrighl Slawm Yr i Memhers minim; may; 5121mm: m1 John crimn Mlmiel De La: Salim: SIiil Purim Johnson iuipi. iinl. 1. Films]! Gcovgc r. Wm, lr lam Kildcmau b) kzvizw Committee (1636)? inquired Memhzn Allenuleg Cam Graig: w. Joehnk Sylmier E, Chas: Find E, Charla A. Grzfi 19, Win: mflified candidnu (19311312) I) Who have been unified as candidalgs inr orduncd a. licensed niini'siry sinnc in: last scmion af in: wnimnu? (Liri natives urall [hose "no hm becn ccnifirii, including muse who an aim IlsIKd in quzshons In and 2i irmr Ky" My". c" [imam lune nomninn wn "Bill" mmamii Michd 1m 5m: imam) Eliubzlh L. Km (>, rm mi Andrew 111112.101)! srrpiim Anllony Curry, mm slum s, rm nimni A-duw Dih a. Mair, may Brlni Erin-rd Hugenld. um John cininonm my Who We ma men undide for or Iiocrmd ministry ampini by . Dinrici Cominilmc mi minim in another mnull (Include mm: oracoephng ramming.) mi. My": Continue Linn. bun. Missouri Dunlel Crux Laugh ma Grind: Conflrenu Tlmolly Dale Ply-c. Harm TuuConmznu Chrismpher Rod! gnu. Confirm" U-l-wl I i Tummy u, Muim (fa-furl!" Student Consultation Log Student?s lame) (mmc) TOday?S date?L - . 6? . Degree Program. ne. Ministry Vocation Area: IOOV. Heart?s; 1? Church Denomination: Linn Hg"! Annual Conf., Synod, etc: 5w ?I?emcs it?? Ordination? 963' -ggdg 993.}: mman -) Projected Date of Graduation: 33 DOVE Semester at Duke: Faculty Advisor: Grade Point Average: 5 3.0 Incompletes? 3?3 i Top 2 personal preferences from application: 1) Healing. Can: 2) Chopin 1? mu?. Prayer 3) LC, Lox cu:th hoop. [Dream Triangle placement? (Marrior special concerns): i a Local home address: BTlc? Previous Field Ed experiences: 0 Have you done your church placement? 0 Have you had two di??rent placements? Local church background? umC/ but? Chow Type of placement desired: bum; (4310?1353 M049) mourn/w?) ,Mme - - -- a c, Supervisory style: tau/u ?ta vi .kmhd W131 CMLw?ca??ox Calling/ Gifts Passions: Music? 52 Spanish? nova 12m Growing edges fears: What do you hope to learn? Funding issues: [3 The Of?ce of Field Education LEARNING - SERVING COVENANT (due 3 weeks into term) ocr 132011 at?? Name of Student Name of Church/Institution Durham State NC City Name of Pastor/Supervisor WW0) Name of Lay Training Committee Chairperson Assignment Beginning Date: Ending Date: _April 19th lntern?s Previous Field Ed Experience: Supervisory Conference Plan (intentional time set aside for student and supervisor to meet; minimum of one hour per week on average): Weekly Bi-weekly Day From _1 1:00 To Day _Monday From Location: Project Compassion Office Arranged Time Off (other than weekly day To Other Special Considerations: Section 1: A. Describe?your long-range vocational plans. lhope to work in the health care industry providing spiritual care for terminally ill patients. 8. What are the overall learning goals you expect to achieve as a result of this ?eld education experience? I hope to learn techniques and models that will enable me to better care for the terminally ill in both health care settings as well as churches. I hope to gain a better sense of the model project compassion currently utilizes in churches and apply it within the divinity school for pastors in training. I would like to research the basic elements of the most common diseases people will encounter through Project Compassion as well as the emotional and spiritual impact Take Project Compassion?s already existing training curriculum and ad aspects to it that will help Pastors as they experience illness and death in both hospital and church settings. I Would like learn how to work effectively in teams C. List the specific tasks assigned and ministry opportunities available which will contribute directly to the realization of your learning goals. Tie each task to its related learning goal. Utilize Project Compassions? model to set up at least three care teams within the divinity school to help both patients and their loved ones as they encounter the hardships as result of illness Work with the Palliative care leaders at Duke Hospital to establish a referral service to Duke Divinity School for terminally ill patients Set up training for the care teams that is pastor speci?c. Ultimately, the training should enable the divinity students to learn effective methods to prepare them to work with individuals and their families facing debilitative illnesses. Work with my supervisor and the staff members and seek their continual advice to establish this learning goal effectively. In addition, work positively with both members of the Duke Institute of End of Life Care, Divinity Students and the members of Project compassion to establish care teams for the ill. 0. List other duties that will be expected of you as an intern in this field setting, which may not contribute directly to your learning goals. Various administrative tasks E. What other experiences have you had that will assist you in completing these duties and learning goals? Clinical Pastoral Education Several courses which evaluate theology and medicine, and Pastoral Care Graduate level courses on human development, grief management Care Team Training- through Project Compassion Hospice Training Trauma trainin Training SECTION (to be completed by the Lay Training Committee chairperson or supervisor where the LT is not yet organized) A. List the supporting arrangements for the intern provided by the church/institution: Travel: Meals: Housing: Regular time off: Other: B. Lay Training Committee Meetings Planned (more may be scheduled if necessary or desired): First meeting to review the Learning-Serving Covenant (2 weeks into term) on/about: 10-17-11 Second meeting to complete the Mid-term Review (mid-term) on/about: _1-17-12 (for acadernic term placements only) Third meeting to complete the Final Evaluation (one week before end of term) on/about: _4-23-12__ We underst Int __Date: [07} Su Date: (0?7 7" 1! LT I. Date: SECTION IV (to be completed by the Field Ed Of?ce) Date Received: On Time Late . 6 Date Rev1ewed: lo By: _Ebg?7ic) Comments: Follow-Up Recommended: Proposed Site Visit: 6/5/2009 new 130 kw? \p RECEIVED on 2 5 2011 APPLICATION FOR DUKE DIVINITY SCHOOL-COORDINATED INTERNATIONAL FIELD EDUCATION PLACEMENT Of?ce of Field Education Duke Divinity School 5 3 0 Box 90969 Durham, NC 27708-0969 (919) 660-3440 ?eldeducation@div.duke.edu Hard COpy mil?st be submitted to the Field Ed Of?ce on or before due date for application to be considered. Date 0-20-20! 1 I. INTRODUCTION: COMPLETE ALL PARTS OF THIS APPLICATION (including attachments) and retain a hard copy for your records. Additionally, please save an electronic copy 'of this application for email forwarding purposes. Read the entire document before answering the questions. II. PERSONAL DATA: LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: DUKE UNIQUE lD# BIRTH LOCAL ADDRESS STREET: (bxnc) CITY: Durham_ ZIP CODE: I (tame) .DUKE (taxes); (bxm) *Students must provide a "dukeedu" email address. Email will not be sent to addresses that do not end in "dukeedu". PASSPORT in process of getting one ISSUE DATE: GEN DERitizen, there is an additional form (not included in this packet) that is required by the International Of?ce. Please see the Field Education O?ice, Westbrook 105, for additional information. ETHNIC ORIGIN: White_?X Black__ Hispanic Asian or Paci?c Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Other (list) MARITAL STATUS: Single Married If engaged, wedding date Spouse's ?ill name: Spouse's occupation No. of children Ages Name: Page I of 7 APPLICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce Duke Divinity School Spouses wishing to travel internationally must cover all of their travel and living expenses. Have you considered the implications of this? YES NO Denominational affiliation - Judicatory (Conference, Synod, Diocese, Presbytery) _Southwest Conference Church membership Jame); (mmc) i Where do you attend church locally? _Duke Chapel ADDRESS: _on duke Chapel Drive CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: FAX: EMAIL: Are you seeking denominational ordination? Ordination (candidacy) status: setting up to be a certi?ed candidate Do you have health insurance? N0 Current Degree Program: M. Div. M. How many courses have you completed? _2 years when transfer credits get applied PREVIOUS Field Education experiences through Duke: (WHO I 2. 3. Have you PREVIOUSLY been employed by another Duke or Divinity School of?ce? If YES, please list your LAST POSITION _Pastoral Intern and CPE resident DEPARTMENT DATES Are you a full-time registered Duke student? YES NO Will you be retuming to Duke for the subsequent fall semester? YES If no, please explain: MINISTERIAL VOCATIONAL GOALS: Please note your present vocational goals for ministry (RANK in priority, I being MOST important): Name: Page 2 of 7 APPLICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education O?ice Duke (DWI School Parish Ministry Campus Ministry 8 Teaching Rural Ministry__4_ Urban Institutional or Military Chaplaincy Christian Education Diaconal Mii1istry_7__ Other (please explain) _l_Pastoral Care/ global health issues within church settings - I messed up an African family?s death ritual during CPE and I have always wanted learn and understand more about the cultural PLACEMENT PROCESS: The placement of students in international field settings is a complex one involving considerable prayer and the interests and of a number of parties: 1 l. The Divinity School and funding restrictions 2. Coordinator input and discernment 3. Compatibility of student learning goals with the purposes of the placement 4. The interview team and its processes 5. Requirements of various tiinding entities 6. Supervisor?s needs and requirements for the international setting Are there compelling personal circumstances or hardships which you feel must be considered in: your ?eld placement? Please understand that these will be considered and acted on, if possible. This will most likely be my only chance to do an international ?eld education placement. IV. The Divinity School coordinates international placements in Central America (Guatemala/El Salvador), Mexico, South Africa, Uganda and Kenya. Summaries of each placement setting are as follows: (For further questions about a particular placement, plexe contact the Office of Field Education.) CENTRAL AM ERICA: (Coordinated by Rev. Rhonda Parker) 1 I Students spend 4 weeks in Guatemala, 6 weeks in El Salvador; attend Spanish language school, live with host families, and serve the Evangelical Methodist Church of El Salvador. 2 - Purpose: - 0 To empower students to better understand US. immigration issues from an ecclesial perspective. 0 To introduce students to Spanish language. 0 To equip students for ecclesial dialogue and service in the U. S. from an eXperiential perspective. Name: Page 3 of 7 APPLICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce Duke School MEcho; I Requirements: Fluency in Spanish I Students will serve local churches in and around Mexico City under the direction of the local District Superintendent I Purpose: 0 To allow students to experience the Methodist Church in Mexico and to learn from an experienced pastor 0 To give students an opportunity to develop pastoral skills and Spanish ?uency 0 To help students understand the culture of many Hispanic immigrants in the US SOUTH AFRICA: (DWC) I Students en ciliation from a South A?'ican perspective, serving in Methodist parishes, other ecumenical contexts, and/or non-pro?t organizations. ?Priority is given to students who are pursuing ordination and parish ministry." I Purpose: 0 To equip students to engage in faithful dialogue concerning racial reconciliation in the .S. 0 To observe ecclesial ministries of reconciliation in the a?ermath of the Apartheid 0 To develop wholistic pastoral skills and sensitivities in a unique African culture (mom) I I Students live and work in a Roman catholic pariSh setting: Pameipating in worship and teaching children and youth in a Catholic school. I Purpose: 0 to introduce students to Ugandan culture and the global nature of Christianity 0 to explore issues and ministries of justice, peace, and reconciliation Kenya) I Students travel to North UMC in Indianapolis, for 2 weeks to learn about the Umoja Project in Kenya, a partnership between congregations in Indianapolis and Kenya that supports a school feeding program for orphans in Chulaimbo. Students will spend 7 weeks in Kenya working with the church leaders of the Umoja Project and strengthening the partnership. Students will return to Indiana for 1 week at the end of the placement to share their experience with congregations in Indianapolis. I Purpose: 0 To expose students to a new model for global ministry 0 To experience ministry in an ecumenical setting and to develop pastoral skills 0 To understand the Kenyan culture and the needs of rural African communities 1. Please indicate which placement settings you are applying for: Central America (Guatemala/El Salvador) Mexico South Africa Uganda Kenya other (Please identify country) 2. For each international setting in which you are seeking placement, attach a narrative (1-2 pages) explaining why you would like to be placed in that setting. Please include any information from your faith journey narrative that relates to your desire to serve an international placement. (NOTE: A segrate narrative is required for each setting for which you are seeking placement. Save a copy of these narratives in MS Word document format). Name: Page 4 of 7 Page 0395 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad APPLICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce Duke School 8. Are you willing to fundraise to offset personal expenses? NO 1 covenant to faithfully ful?ll the service and learning opportunities of my placement insofar as my abilities permit with the support of the Of?ce of Field Education. My signature authorizes the release of this completed application to my pastor/supervisor. For placement assessment purposes, I grant the ?eld education staff full access to my Divinity School records. Furthermore, in addition to the expectations of ?eld education placements, I will be willin and able to participate in both arranged and informal opportunities to share my experience with the Divinity School community, the broader community, and sponsoring entities. Signed Name: Date; (Expectations of international ?eld education placements are found in the Field Education Policies and. Procedures Manual available at: A. VITA: 1. LAST Name I FIRST Name ii?iigipl M.l. I 2. Educational Experiences (post-high school): institution Degree Year Area(s) of concentration a. traditions c. not completed yet (W6): (WHO) I not yet completed 3. Extra-curricular Activities (explain, if necessary): 1 train for races. l'm currently training for the Kentucky Derby Marathon Name: Page 6 of 7 APPLICATION FOR INT FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce Duke School 4. Church Experience (where, of?ces held, paid positions, special experiences, etc.) 5. Work Experience (part-time and ?Jll-time employment of whatever kind during and following college; explain if necessary) worked for the chief of staff at the explaining his surgical procedures to his Etients and their families. I scheduled the surgeries an coordinated the insurance to enable the procedure to take ace. In addition, I also worked as a tech for his in of?ce procedures. 7. Special skills you may have developed through church, educational or work experiences (for example, musical, athletics, drama, organizational-management, etc.) Safe guarding children trainin :4 training, training, trauma training, wrote and developed cuniculum for high school students, organize ndraisers and event planning for churches 7. Hobbies and/or special interests (including signi?cant travel experiences) I play the cello, garden, and run 8. Do you have any foreign language facility? What language(s) 1 took French in college; however, I haven?t used it since my undergraduate degree. I probably would not be skilled in it anymore. I have also taken Latin and Greek for school. Name: Page 7 of 7 APPLICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce Duke Divinity School If you are not selected for an international Field Ed placement, and still wish to receive a domestic summer placement, you will need to ?ll out a regular student application and submit it to the Field Ed of?ce by the posted deadline. The domestic student application and deadline information is available on our website at Once you submit your completed application, you will need to schedule another interview to be considered for a domestic summer placement. If you have any questions, please contact the Field Ed of?ce at 919-660-3440 or fieldeducation@div.duke.edu. Name: a Page 8 of 7 This essay aims to explicate God's role in my development and vocational goals that prompted me to apply for an intemat ?eld education placement. itencapsulates the inception and progression of my faith that occurred through God?s unequivocal love. More narrowly, the essay elucidates that a massive shift in my spiritual consciousness occurred over the past few years, from a naive ideal of Christianity, in which I primarily sought God outside myself, to? one of self- actualization, in which spiritual growth came about through seeking God from within. Personal experiences, academia, religious role models and ultimately God prompted this transition in my faith and also compel me to devote my time, energy and actions to further glorify God through ?eld education. Growing up my parents surrounded me in the Scripture at home and iri the United Methodist Church; this gave me the vehicle to trust and develop faith in God, accept grace, and become righteous through God's forgiveness. Since childhood, my family not only fostered my love of God, but also encouraged me to share that love with others through cha'ritable acts. Consequently, over the past few years I taught senior high school bible school claSses, weekly prepared and served breakfast to the homeless, worked with the AIDS care team, Hands on Housing, and aided the victims of Katrina and Ike. In addition, I served as a chaplain resident at the land worked at the Junior Helping Hand Home with children who have been mentally, sexually, and physically abused, and with the terminally ill at As I gained spiritual experience and progressed in academic ability, I began looking not only to my parents but also to theological writers for wisdom and guidance. Studying Martin Luther?s exegetical works marked a turning point in my conception of Christianity: The unfolding and development of his controversial theological positions not only helped me to begin to comprehend the gravity of salvation, it also transformed 'my understanding of faith ins'piring me to perform good works with an entirely differentyperspective. He encapsulated that the only way to receive grace was through trust and faith in Christ, which is established through sofa scripture. Scripture facilitated my prayer and meditation allowing me remember Jesus? sacri?ceiof dying on the cross bearing our sins, which evoked me to serve out of faith and through love to glorify God. Luther also enabled me to see that a person can glorify God in any number of mundaer activities as simple as jogging, reading, sitting or eyen sleepingwhen they. done out of faith and love of God?. This revelation profoundly impacted my daily life; it changed the motivation of all my activities, helping me truly live to serve With. Consequently, this affected my thoughts, passion, and drive as a pastoral intern a (Wm During the fall semester of 2004, withdrew from seminary after receiving notice that I developed that required surgery. The possibility of cancer and inability to have children at the age of 24 left me feeling helpless and completely out of control. Therefore, I moved back to Austin to be closer to my family and friends. Despite my family and friends? support and presence, the only thing I truly had to rely on was God. In order to strengthen my spiritual consciousness, I began rereading one of my favorite books from my theological studies, Saint Teresa of Avila's Interior Castles? Following her preparatory strategy for genuine prayer, I began meditating on God: I 1 Luther wrote, . .Works. being lnanirnate cannot glorify God, although they can, iffaith is present, be do'ne to the glory of God. Here however, we are not inquiring what works and what kind of works are done, but who his that does them. who glori?es God and brings forth the work?. Martin Luther. ?The Freedom of a Christian Man,? in The Protestant Reformation, ed. Hans J. Hillerbrand (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1968), 12. 2 St. Teresa, 'fnfen'or Castles? (New York: Doubleday Image Book and Posts: 1961) Page 0400 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0401 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad I From: 1 Sent: nes a To: Subject: Re: South Africa (WHO I know that it makes very; little difference at this point since the interviews are now completed and closed off. However, turned in' my application to your of?ce through email by the deadline. And I reviewed the handout from the interest meeting and it does not delineate that the applications have to be turned in by hardcopy. Moreover, the instructions online for the International Placements state the of?ce will contact you after recieving your application. (Please see the bottom of the email; I attached the instructions) According to this, lfollowed the instructions necessary to have recieved and interview. I submitted my application on time and even showed up to the ?eld education of?ce early the next morning to set up an interview when was not contacted to set one up. Ireturned to this school for the professors and the End of Life institute. Since entenfng this semester, I have devastingly found out the institute will most likely not continue and that every - .- had dreamed of studying under when I orginally started is now gone. This was my last chance to study unde Yester)?day the decision not to grant me anintrview time literally quashed my dreams in within two minutes. I'm incredibly disappointed that I was not even granted the opportunity to interview especially since I followed the rules as prescribed online. This discepancy clearly causes is confusion and hardship. Grace and Peace. To apply for international ?eld education: 0 Fill out an application for an international Field Education placement and turn it in to our of?ce by the posted deadline. - After you have turned in a completed application on time, we will contact you to set up an interview. If selected, you will receive further information speci?c to your placement. Be prepared to purchase airfare before you receive your stipend. You must obtain a passport and a visa to travel to your destination, as well as all other required documents and vaccinations- a] .. Fro To: (WHO Cc: Ser t: Wed, Oct 26, 2011 5:10 pm Subject: South Africa ave inis nterviewing the students for placements in South Africa and because there were 8 strong candidates we don?t feel at this time that we will open up more interview slots for South Africa. We do have the other 4 international placement options available, so we would encourage you to apply for one of the other settings in Kenya. Uganda, Mexico or El Salvador. Interviews for those placements will be held in early and mid-November. Please let me know if you pave any questions. Blessings I From. i Sent: ursday, October 27, 2011 10:13 AM To: Susan Pendleton Jones Subject: - FW: Time Card Approval . .., Se - ober 24, 2011 2:28 PM . To Su ect: RE: Time Card jApproval As stated on the application, you must submit a hard copy of this application in person to our office. This is so that an interview time may be scheduled. Please bring it by this afternoon before 3:00. Thanks Sent: 2011 2:16 PM ime Card Approval ?eld education app. Thank you! 61b Samm1 am Subject: Time Card Approval Your timecard has been approved. 1 7C Duke Unique ID x< Payroll Period From: Sent: To: Subject: Sounds good. Sent from my iPhone On Oct 28, 2011, at 4:54 PM, b6;b7C wrote: I get out of my precept at 2:30 on Wednesday. I can come to your of?ce right after? From . I I I (bxnc) Sent: Fri. Oct 28. 2011 3:36 pm Subject: Re: Africa I'm free between 2-5 on Wednesday. Do you have any free time then? If not we'll look at Thursday. Thanksl Sent from my iPhone On Oct 28, 2011, at 2:59 PM, I wrote: I'm so sorry; my last email was really dramatic. just truly thought I had done everything right after reading the online instructions. I would love to meet with you regarding ?eld education, Thank you for taking the time out of your 0 meet with me. i probably need to get permission from you or (maybeiwxe)? (bmc) [regarding my current ?eld education project for next semester anyway. Either option at Monday or Wednesday afternoon is ?ne with me. Please just send me a date and time that is the most convenient for you and I will make it happen. Again, thank you. Grace and Peace, ssaae?-? Fro I To; Parker Sent: I pm Subject: RE: $0uth Africa I%or your message. We have another round of interviews in early ?mid November and we won?t make ?nal decisions on any of the placements until early December. Why don?t we sit down and talk about what might be good for you in relation to ?eld ed plans? Are you free next Monday or Wednesday afternoon (31 or Just let me know what might work for you. 1 Blessings amoral: (bxnc'i a Sent: Wednesday, October 26. 2011 9:05 PM To: I Subject: Re: South Africa I know that it makes very little difference at this point since the interviews are now completed and closed off. However, I turned in my application to your of?ce through email by the deadline. And I reviewed the handout from the interest meeting and it does not delineate that the applications have to be turned in by hardcopy. Moreover, the instructions online for the lntemational Placements state the of?ce will contact you after recieving your application. (Please see the bottom of the email; I attached the instructions) According to this. lfollowed the instructions necessary to have recieved and interview. I submitted my application on time and even showed up to the ?eld education of?ce early the next morning to set up an interview when I was not contacted to set one up. I returned to this school for the professors and the End of Life institute. Since entering this semester, I have devastingly found out the Institute will most likely not continue and that every professor I had dreamed of studying under when I orginally started is now gone. This was my last chance to study under Yesterday the decision not to grant me anintrview time literally quashed my dreams in within two minutes. I'm incredibly disappointed that was not even granted the opportunity to interview-especially since I followed the rules as prescribed online. This discepancy clearly causes is confusion and hardship. Grace and Peace. To apply for international ?eld education: 0 Fill out an application for an International Field Education placement and turn it in to our of?ce by the posted deadline. 0 After you have turned in a completed application on time, we will contact you to set up an interview. If selected, you will receive further information speci?c to your placement. Be prepared to purchase airfare before you receive your stipend. You must obtain a passport and a visa to travel to your destination, as well as all other required documents and vaccinations. I ?"(bxel $313); (mate) I Sent: Wed, Oct 26, 2011 5:10 pm Subject: South Africa land We have just nished interviewing the students for placements in South Africa and because? there were 8 strong candidates we don't feel at this time that we will open up more interview slots for South Africa. We do have the other 4 international placement options available, so we would encourage you to apply for one of the other settings in Kenya, Uganda, Mexico or El Salvador. Interviews for those placements will be held in early and mid-November. Please let me know if you have any questions. Blessings From: Sent: 9:03 AM To: Subject: RE: Field Ed conversation Thank you for your message. This is very helpful to read. Rhonda and I would be glad to get together with you for more conversation. I know the semester is in full swing, so it may not be best for your schedule in the next few weeks, but perhaps before you head out for the Christmas break. We want to do what is best for you and for your future vocation. Blessings Susan u. . M.-- t. .. . -. From (bxa); AM 10: Subject: Re: Field Ed conversation Thank you for meeting with me today and helping to ?nd ways to succeed in the future in ministry. have been struggling with this for months and I don't really know what to do with it, so i ?gured i would share it with the experts because my focus has always been pastoral care/ counseling. I had several friends sit me down over the summer and complain that things in the church needed to change and tell me that i should do something because of my education; however, i have no clue what place to do anything to change it and frankly We felt the same way myself on a lot this. Everyone that contacted me stated they are struggling to how Christ meets them in this world and feel the church has not taught them how to see this adequately. Moreover, that they no longer feel the church is a safe place or have much trust in their pastors. There was a variety of reasons for these claims, but I took a facebook survey of the people I grew up with and there was only two peOple out of 3 age divisions of sunday school classes that still attend church on a regular basis. None of my friends back home in will attend church on a regular basis anymore either. They show up for a function here and there, but that is about it. However. with that said they are some of the most religious people I know. They all love God more than anything. And sadly, many are opting to teach their children about God at home instead of at Sunday School. Some of it was that the bridge was never made between spiritual retreats/camps and the churches, some that they don't trust pastors anymore, and others just ?nd- the congregations to be judgemental etc. A large piece was that my generation has been bombarded with the education on interfaith and other faith traditions since 911 and the pastors could never answer any of their questions, or they tried to answer them and they did it incorrectly. So they stopped looking to their pastors for guidance; Plus, we were swamped with media reports of corruption in the church for an extended period of tin e- like child molestation cases. Classes on all religious traditions are now being taught in public high schools in?bllfi); (so I'm assuming it's everywhere or will be soon). The youth are being ?lled with knowledge and are left with ew pastors to turn to. I don't know what the outcome of this will be; however, in my age group it has left the vast majority of my friends feeling lied to by the church. And unfortunately, many were left with no clear community within the church. Or they sought God in worship through methods like Campus fellowships, retreats and never felt the got the same Christian fellowship within the church setting as tried to enter into it as an adult. Although many things have contributed to my friends leaving the church, nothing has hit me harder than the way pastors respond to them with there questions. i lived in a community with all medical residents for 5 years and they begged to me say and I hope I'm doing this justice. But they are hit with the onslaught of death and illness for the first time 3rd year of med school and have sought out pastors and came out feeling like they lost the one place they felt hope and strength. I was told a large portion was that pastors did not have "bedside manners" and/or could not meet them in their 1 fear. Basically. that their pastors were great at preaching but had no pastoral care skills. recommended at least 15 med students talk to their local pastor regarding this none of them will attend church anymore. And prior to this all were active in medical mission trips and outreach ministry prior to talking with the pastors. don't know what needs to be done. but if ya'll have a brain stroming committee on this stuff. Third and fourth year med students as well as most health care workers usually all have some crisis of faith during this time and the church to my knowledge does not have any set method to help them. This is part of the reason I don?t want to do ?eld education in a church right now. My friends that I love dearly have been repeatedly hurt by the church and its leaders. witnessed this over and over again and my personal experience has not been much better. I have no idea what to do and I just want to pass the info on to the people smarter than me to handle it because it's probably happening all over the place. Lastly. this is the one thing I can actually do something to prevent future harm. I did 2 CPE units? in Texas. Both were terrible because of the supervisors. Ya'll should be aware of this to make sure students from Duke are not ever placed under these people because they are both stil Working in the hospitals. One placement was at the VA hospital inlleG); My head supervisor. (W7 . called one of the CPE students ,a nigger or either made remarks about blacks in that manner. The student, Tony, took her court over it (so it should be pretty easy to ?nd out about); she was punished by making her transfer to another hospital. To my knowledge she is still the head of another CPE unit within the VA system somewhere. Admittedly. (W6): lwas wonderful to me; however. I am a white female and this was not the way she treated anyone that wasn't white. I was treated much better than even the other hispanic CPE supervisor. which caused a considerable amount of friction between them. The current supervisor at the VA hospital in San Antonio is a Methodist pastor and should be aware of what happened. My other placement was atl(b)(5); (WHO) in mama My supervisor's name was (W6): (Wm) This program is pretty top notch; however. no woman should ever be placed there when he IS leading a group. He made several terrible comments during our sessions and that intum made it where the fellow students behaved in a similar manner. (b was my direct supervisor during this placement; she was a supervsor in training. so she witnessed all of this because almost all one during our group training sessions in front of everyone. She is currently a supervisor in I think Orl will be happy to give you the contact information for another student in our group that summer to verify this because it is pretty outrageous. During the summer unit. the students kept a tally on the dry erase board in our of?ce of how many times the we all felt sexually harassed by our supervisor and there were tons of marks when I left. He made a comment in our training session about how the Catholic students' right arm must be tired from their activity with a pretty girl like me in our group; he commented that the gay pride parade was just letting a bunch a ferries out on the streets and also that people were just sitting there with their balls in their hands whenever they messed up. There were tons of other comments and things like this. but those are the only ones I can still remember with clarity now. I went there during the summer of 05?. I got so feed up with it that I left that summer unit two weeks early because it made me distrust Christian leaders even more. Anyway. I decided not to ?le anything of?cally on it because the chaplaincy world i is pretty small. i didn't think it would be a good start to my career to have. complaints on my record. However. I co think ya'll should know. so another student is never subjected to settings like these. It defintely takes the rose colored glasses off the church and our Christian leaders. Grace and Peace. Fr (WHO I To (bxe); (mate) I Cc. (bxe); (mine) I Sent: Wed. Nov 2. 2011 3:27 pm Subject: Re: Field Ed conversation That works for me. Peace, 6; 7 On Nov 2, 2011, at 3:08 PM fwrote: I think it would be great if the 3 of us met sometime next week to talk about ?eld ed options to (Well for this summer and perhaps next year. I?m free next Wednesday the 9th at 2:30. Does that work for the two of you? Thanks! SPJ nun an." Sank: Monda November 14' 2011 916 AM To: Cc: Subnct: on I lennew one) (am Upon pulling your application and speaking with Mal we are a little confused. He had that you were interviewing for South Atr' -- Keny Do you still want to withdraw your application or do you want to meet with and on Wednesday? We have a 10109 and 16:38 space open on Wednesday, Nnvember- 15tht Thanks tor getting back to us on this as ue attempt to finalize the interview schedules. (Dual (m JH Sent' Sunda November 13, 2811 11:99 To: Sub EC e: on Africa Interview Thank you so much for contacting me! And always being so kind to me. However, and decided not to apply to kenya. it was my second choice anyuay. (a i prayed about Grace and peace. (mm (bx wrote' 7 and asked that 1 contact you and see if you would be willing to change your ac on wednesday, November 16th. (o interview to 1 >P1ease check your schedule and let me know as seen as possible. >Thank you for checking your schedule and getting back with ne. November16, 2011 Wednesday 3 6 7 6 9101112 4 6 7 a 910 . 13141516171819 1112 13 1415 1617 202122 232425 26 18192021222324 27232930 25 262728293031 A I 4 16 Wednesday Daily Task List Arranged By Due Date 7am goo 9 10?c p-V?h 1100 12 lL_ Susan Pendleton Jones 1 11/15/2011 2:50 PM To: Cc: . Subject: RE: Time Card Reminder - Due Friday, Nov. 11th by Noon (C) I checked wit in Payroll and he informed me that it is a possibility that you were locked out of the system since you were using your phone. You should be able to do this, but technology has its quirks. in the future, if you are locked out, i would suggest that you might go to the library and try one of their com uters and see if it will let you enter our hours. If 'ng your time, please notify me and/o (his office is located in lame); (Wm) and let us work to fix the problem. if you had noti?ed us of the problem that you were having last pay period, we would have gotten your time submitted so that you would have been paid. According to the work study guidelines, you can?t go over 19.9 hours per week on your timesheet. So you will have to include the previous 30 hours over several pay periods you may add 4 more hours to both weeks of this timecard and get paid for 8 of those hours). Please include how many hours you are including to make-up for your lost time on each timesheet to pervisor I worked 13 hours on the week of and am adding 7 hours to make up for time not paid for the pay period). I will return your timecard to you ir ?Elil?cioi want to include some of these hours on this paycheck. will need to resubmit it to:me whether you want to make changes to it or not. Since I am returning it to you, I cannot approve it until you resubmit it. Please also advise your supervisor of the number of yours that are adding to your timecard, if any, by email and copy me so that i can track the number of hours. I will be waiting to hear back from you. Please let me know if you have any questions concerning this procedure. Blessings, (b I i I . To: (bx6): Subject: Re: Time Card Reminder - Due Friday, Nov. 11th by Noon I worked 30 hours this pay period. I also worked thirty hours last pay period as well; howeverthe time on the system. I tried twice and it kept locking me out. It has done that several times, not sure why that happens. Could entering in the timei from my phone make it where the system locks up? Fm To; (taxes); "3 6. 0V . 3:21am Subject: Time Card Reminder - Due Friday, Nov. 11th by Noon In order to be paid for your Field Ed placement hours, you need to do giv_o things by 12 noon on the Friday of each pay week: 1) Submit your electronic time card: Log on to and click on the ?My Time? tab. Submit the hours you?ve worked for the current pay period (two weeks). When you?ve cOmpleted the time card, click on the ?i certify that this is an accurate record of my time for the period indicatedz? box. Then click on ?Submit? and 2) Send an e-mail to your Field Ed Supervisor listing the hours you submitted on your timecard and copy the Field Ed Of?ce This lets the Field Ed Office know that your supervisor is aware of the hours you are submitting. The e-mail must be sent by 12 noon on the Friday of each pay week (bi-weekly). As a reminder, students must work an average of 13 - 15 hours per week to receive the full funding of $7,600. If you do not submit your hours by 5:00 AND if you do not copy me on the e-mail to your supervisor by noon. your time card will not be approved and your pay for the hours worked will be delayed by two weeks or more. PLEASE contact the Field Ed Of?ce if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings? Field Education Mid-Term Essay: I was formed through the life and ministry (WHO) Iin the 1980?s. Within this church there was a strong emphasis on community, compassionate care, worship, and Christian education. Children?s ministry and education held a prominent role in the church, most likely because the pastors? children were my age. Consequently, the Sunday School education was incredibly extensive and actively formed my identity at a young age. Catechesis was a community activity in which every student was assigned a faith friend that guided them during their educational process. We also had several different worship services in which children participated within the choir, bells, musicals and as acolytes. During my ?eld education placement, 1 have seen the same emphasis on community, compassionate care, worship and Christian education. The community is incredibly close at this facility because they all live together and worship together. Consequently, there is a large amount of support for the entire Christian community. In addition, the community continues life enrichment and bible study courses. They also have a frequent amount of funerals here at this facility and it is incredibly interesting to see the manner in which they support each other and grow with one another in both life and death. The community participates as ushers, giving testimonies, and by planning and leading lay worship Sundays. i have learned the importance of community and been able to see to support through the community at Croasdaile since the hospital, nursing care, chapel, cafeteria, and homes are within the same facility. It has been incredibly enriching and i look forward to continuing to learn more and more as my experiences continue throughout this semester. 5/ My immediate supervisor has helped me to listen more attentively to God by encouraging me to think about how others see God in times of hardship. By focusing on how others see God, it has deepened my personal relationship with God. i have been going through training procedures to help patients understand the hospital settings and listening to the hardships of living with cystic ?brous. Understanding that many people with illness experience a loss of control and loss of their previous dreams has been an over arching theme within my current training. I have been reading and researching a lot under my current position and that has encouraged my listening skills and has enabled me to see manners in which this could be implemented with the divinity school. Silence and meditation on biblical topics inevitably helps you listen and form into the person you are called to be. I have been thinking a lot about James 5:14-16 as well as Corinthians 12. Both elucidate the importance of community and coming together. i see this is lived out in the model Project Compassion illuminates. They attempt to put small groups together to care for different members of congregations with a variety of illnesses. i think continuing to listen to the needs of public in combination with supervisor will inevitably help me to continue being attentive. For instance, currently, I?m working to set ups teams and training models speci?cally for divinity students to be able to take back to their churches. have been working in combination witt (WW3) Over the past semester, I have repeatedly hear fellow students state how they have personally felt lost in caring for people at the end of the life or in times of hardship with illness. Thus, I have sent the majority of my time researching this to understand why. Consequently, the model I'm working on is geared solely on how divinity students can feel more comfortable in these Situations as well as learn direct methods to teach their congregations on caring for the ill. i hope to keep listening because the only way this will be successful is with continued input from all parties involved. My field educatinn has primarily been involved research. I have spent the semester researching (Drlfil and healing in worship methods. I have performed exegesis an James 5:14-16 as a strategical method evaluating the forms of pastoral Care (rainlng utililed in churches as well astaught to pastors. Through my current research, genuinely believe improvements need to be to all asyecls of care for the and ill to answer the call 0' baptism and more specifically Eucharisl Through Eucharisr, humanity learns lo look for Ihe face oflesus no! only in lhemselves bus in others in the community as well. Currently, our training methods for pastoral care to do not cater to what we learn through seminary and church worship, cc: mode of training encourages students to use their conversations with the ill and suffering to ideally learn more about themselves to hecorne a better pastor. This goes against everything scripture teaches. We are not called to use people during their time of suilerihg, which strikes at the heart at pastoral care training: it is not christian and it incorrectly utilizes research, which only creates more problems iorthe students, supervisors and the patients involved. More specifically, utilizes methods developed in the 1910's that have been proven to cause major depressive disorderand suicidal tendencieswhen utilized on peoplethat are viewing continuing trauma, which all or the students and supervisors are when working in hospitals. Moreover, the training inappropriately utilize classical conditioning and operant conditioning which unlortunately can lead students to pair their past experiences with the current hospital trauma they see on a regularhasis. Thus, their hospital visitation can he even more traumatic and damaging, Consequently, as illustrated through operant conditioning, CPE ensures most furure will have an aversion helping the ill in their congregations. (l have written a very in depth research analysis paper explai ng all of this which i can provide iideslred), it also ahects the CPE supervisors. Research has shownthat cv: supervisors have a abnormal amount orcomplainls against them tor harassment and discrimination. research verformed on caps that repeatedly see death, illness, and hear stories about traurna irequently use harassment and discrimination as a method of coping to stop the visual or auditory reminders of crime or patients suffering in hospitals. This unequivocally is occurring in CPE due to inappropriate and utilizes dated methods of training. Unfortunately, the research illustrating this has been out since 1960?s and nothing has been done to change this. Moreover, the training is deficient because it never gives students training on how to directly apply what they learn in a church setting. This is why, the has lost its authority as suf?cient training for counseling. Over the past 10 years every state but four in the United States has removed th of the accredited schools to become licensed pastoral counselors. The reason: research illustrated afte we did more harm than good. And unfortunately, the effect on our congregations is unavoidably apparent. Church attendance after was at record highs, now less than ten years later America has the worst church attendance since the 1950?s. Consequently, my research has been evaluating all the techniques used in churches, social work, settings, and primarily in the early church. Fortunately, scripture provides one of the best methods for treating and training pastors: James 5. The process of anointing creates a reciprocal relationship with each other in which both the ill and the elders of the church have to come together to heal. Fortunately, it illustrates not only the ill are healed, but also the entire church community as well. Thus, my research has been examining the best methods of church worship, liturgy, hospital ministry, medicine and the early church. Project Compassion, utilizes the methods outlined in anointing to bring 5 people to aid in the care of one sick individual; however, it doesn?t bring 5 individuals together of differing specialties to work together to help the individual and it doesn't help the congregations become more welcoming and inviting to the ill in their worship services. In fact, it actually just brings members of the congregations to visit them outside of the church, which actually exacerbates the problem. However, research has proven this method helps pastors to alleviate their chances for burn out when caring for the ill in the congregation. Stephen?s ministry primarily helps members of the people attending church and worship, but does very little to help the members that used to attend church, but have become too ill or embarrassed to attend church anymore. Ultimately, all of these methods alone are flawed. Moreover, our worship services rarely cater to healing methods at all. Methodist churches perform Eucharist and our education surrounding the meaning behind the sacrament leaves much to be desired. People do not know how to react when some comes into the services that is different or ill. Consequently, the remaining of my research will be focused on the how to infuse the positive aspects of all of these different methods to better aid pastors and congregations when treating the ill. urn-I? in) I Hui-I? JL-I RECENED JAN 172012 The Of?ce of Field Education . MIDT ERM RE VIE -ACADEMI YEAR PLACEMENT Student @lease print)__ (mmc) Field 15de Site__ Supervisor (please print)! Date 1 1 (2. 1. Comment on the learnitig goals set in October. Are they proving feasible and attainable? Are alterations necessary for the remainder of the student internship? (3044 l? :00 gum no [On ev mtteuxcl +6 3?3 Supper dr (so Mpo 5,3,6! i?mut? are . 1" Wm? on our WDWF :2 bi coa?nuc Ytde? f? m? in?: mmaf?l church mast-crud soar/roan? i1? MUM Mend 05? Mr: mm.? 3? Con-hm" Wort-m4) in grow; 44+ WC {Und- v?ek SOUR {Evaluate the wor load. Is the 1 hours of preparation and presence ho hours i0: students in voluntary assignments) being faithfully completed? Are there times when more oriess is reqnired? Do these times balance? USuaihj 1 STadtiy do a dream, [6 hours oi wart) how," Ova H'c bve?ak i did Irss am we wail: a karat 06 {Wis I did. tau 3. Review the supervisory process. When do you meet? For how long? What approach are you taking? What two 0: three theological issues have you addressed thus far? DUC- chn?ruj meet- Momma at U): have discussed Hm; bot, k, 04- Enoch in relation hiCOYmThians, we have also chewssed Tamas The CommunhW Ca.? +0 axe durle . +0 the ?mes 0t Static/ma, how cat? at amour-m; (Maths unbroken Mao. od?ld Thu,ij Page 1 of 2 Midterm Review (for Audemic Year Placements) Form Rev. 12/11 I Ll hU-Lh. Jul?I. IL I I UHII I 4. What indications are there that the intern and the setting are investing in the learning and growing opportunities in the program? 4.. cent-{th I. . I ,slm wamedAM .0000! voles?, 0x 915444" achacu? ?r0s]ram. cum also be nex'r On Sumo? Trams ?5 . 1? (On?hwuc? (ggemck 3m posith ?4.1%sz OK: incorpomth tam edmmon -mhm. 5. What are you, the intern, learning ?-om this experience? I?m Rummy *9 Work with mars. I'm 0150 lea/rm?) a o& and at [1&9 Cm Waugh rm assigncd mug; Wan/?v3 swim/$3? on (Oil?eld? advomajwvi W06 166 Cam. mom a) Comm Nutshw Mu WW 6. Please indicate any assistance the Office of Field Education may render to help make the spring term a more productive learning experience. NOW. Student (please sia Supervisor (please The Of?ce of Field Education, Dukl Divinity School. Box 90969, Durham, NC 27708 Telephone: (919) 660-3440 Fax: (919) 6603406 email: web site: .du . to d- cation Page 2 of 2 Midterm Review (for Academic Year Placoments) Form Rev. 12/11 To: Subject: RE: Summary of Field Education Work Study Hours (W7 I have gone back and looked at my paperwork to double check and you did not enter any time into Duke@Work (I will be happy to share the screen print that have to verify that I approved all time that had been entered. This sheet is dated 3/12/12 3:25. I will be happy to share this with you if you would like to stop by our office.) I am a little confused by your question, as you stated in your email to me and your supervisor on Thursday of last week, that you had messed up and were adding additional hours to this timecard to make up for the hours. See below I submitted my pay for this period as 30 hours. I added an extra 5 hours to both weeks from my last pay period that I messed up on. I will need to add an extra 5 hours to next pay period as well. I didn't work over spring break. Grace and Peace, I hope that this clears up the misunderstanding. if you have additional questions concerning this please let me know. Blessings, (C) .., From I Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 2: to: Subject: Re: Summary of Field Education Work Study Hours I didn't get paid for the past pay period. I turned in my hours and sent an email. Can you tell me what happened? (C) Original Message m: A To: I Cc: Sent: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 16:30:53 +0000 Subject: Summary of Field Education Work Study Hours (C) Based on the timecards submitted through March 23?, you have worked 29_7 hours at Project Compassion. The Field Ed requirement for funded placements (including work study placements) is 400 hours. This leaves a balance of 10_3_ hours to be worked over the next three pay periods. Placements are scheduled to end on April 29th. Please work with your supervisor to create a schedule that will allow you to corur?iplete all remaining hours without going over the 400 hour allotment by April 29 . If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Of?ce of Field Education. Blessings?- The Field Ed Team Original Message From: To: Cc: Sent: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:24:20 +0000 Subject: Time Card Reminder - Due Friday, March 23 by 9:00 am. In order to be paid for your Field Ed placement hows, you need to do 1% things by 9:00 am. on Friday, March 23rd: 1) Submit your electronic time card: Log on to and click on the "My Time? ta b. Submit the hours you?ve worked for the current pay period (two weeks) When you?ve completed the time card, click on the certify that this is an accurate record of my time for the period indicated:? box. Then click on ?Submit? and 2) Send an e-mail to your Field Ed Supervisor listing the hours you submitted on your timecard and capy the Field Ed Of?ce This lets the Field Ed Of?ce know that your supervisor is aware of the hours you are submitting. The e-mail must be sent by 12 noon on the Friday of each pay week (bi-weekly). As a reminder, students must work an average of 13 15 hours per week to receive the full funding of $7,600. If you do not submit your hours by 9:00 AND if you do not copy me on the e- mail to your supervisor, your time card will not be approved and your pay for the hours worked could be delayed by two weeks or more. PLEASE contact the Field Ed Of?ce if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings- ll me: art: 28 2012 2'27 PM Soul: To: Cheryl Parker Re; Time Card Reminder - Due Fnday. March 23 by 9 on a rn. Thanks for handling Ihis so thoroughly! SP1 Sent from my iPhone On Mar 28, 2012, at 1:21 PM, "Cheryl Parker" nger@div.duke.edu> wrote: Thanks for youremail regarding-work study payments. Our process for recording and submitting work study hours for Field Education has not changed during this placement period. As stated in my bI-weekly emails to (see message at the end otthis email), she is required to enter her hours worked (or the pay pe od into Duke@workm send you an email (copying the foice of Field Education) with the haurs which she worked and is submitting for payment, This is a check system that we put into place so that the supervisor is seeing the hours submitted by the student. No actiun is required by the supervisor unless there is a distrepancy in the hours submitted and the hours worked by the student. lhaye looked back in my file torpay period as (2/13-2/25, to he paid on 3/9) and pay period as 12/27. 3/11 --to be paid on 3/23) and Ashley neither entered her time into Duke@Work norcopied me on the email to you stating her hours. i checked with and she has advised that we can'tgo back and issue retroactive payc e: storthose pay periods. The only way tor-to gel paid tor the hours which she worked during those 2 pay periods is to add additional hours to her future timecards until she has included all hours which she has not been paid According to the work study guidelines, she cannot lag over 19.9 hours in any given week. Since I haven't received any emails fro for pay periods 5 as 6, twill need to list the hours she worked from 2/13-3/11 and email them to me and copy you. On tuture emails recording hours worked, I need lorherto tell me the hours which she has worked during the pay period and how many hours she is adding in order to make up iorthe hours she didn't get paid forduring those 2 pay periods. Please let me know it i did not rully answer yourquestions or ifyou need additional iniorrnation regarding this matter Blessings, . me: (bxs); (bxnc) I Sent: :03 PM To: Subject: RE: Time Card Reminder - Due Friday, March 23 by 9:00 am. He (C) just told me she did not get paid for the pay periods ending March 9th and March 23rd. She said I was supposed to approve her hours, which I haven't had to do before. In any case. she did work the hours she recorded. Thanks for helping to expedite her paycheck for these March paychecks. If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call me. Peace, Subject: Re: ?me Card Reminder Due Friday, March 23 by 9:00 am. I submitted my pay for this period as 30 hours. I added an extra 5 hours to. both weeks from my last pay period that I messed up on. I will need to add an extra 5 hours to next pay period as well. I didn't work over spring break. Grace and Peace, (OX7 (C) From: Sent: ona ?n 012 11:26 AM To; Cc: Subject: RE: Field Education -. nd peace to you as you finish off this semester and your Field Ed placement I am sorry to hear that you have had ongoing health issues this year, but am thankful that you have found a way to successfully manage your health praise God! and have discussed your request for a Field Ed placement for the summer. The deadline to apply for a placement was January We announced placements to students and supervisors on March 23". At this time, we have filled our church placements for the summer, or given the church notice that they will not be receiving a student. Pastors and churches have planned around this. it would be unfair to our church partners to ask them to change course at this point in the process. And, as I?m sure you understand, it would also be inconsistent with our published policies about adhering to our office's deadlines to begin the placement process with you at this point. Applications for the 2012-13 academic year are due by 3pm on Friday: August 31?. Please let me know if I can be of further help. Peace of Christ, (W0 .w .-.. . Sent: Thursda A ril 19. 2012 3:11 PM To; Subject: Field Education I know that the likelihood of this is slim to none at this point because I'm just now asking. But I wanted to make sure I wouldn't get sick anymore before I asked for a placement. I went to a slew of doctors over this past semester that all worked together to stop me from getting sick anymore. They ?nally found a medication that can prevent it from occuring anymore. I wanted to make sure that it worked before I engaged in any further activities at this school, thus I decided not to apply for a ?eld education placement. I ?nally ?nished with all the research and I am able to effectively put everything down on paper now without trouble. I was hoping that I would ?nish it over the summer or get the ?nal church placement. I think that will be the only way I will be I able to ?nish in Dec. I completely understand, if this is not a possibility anymore. And honestly, I feel a little ridiculous asking at this late date, but I ?gured it was worth a shot. I truly just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't re?ect on Duke in a negative light before I and did any further work at this school. Grace And Peace, (C) From: Sent: r'n-Ac. AM To: Cc: I I Subject: RE: Records Thanks for your message. You are welcome (just as any student is) to come by ur nffim in ms Westbrook and make copies of any documents or communications in your Field Education file. Neither (bmc) or have any record or recollection of a request from you for documents last semester. When you say the "of?ce of registration,? do you mean the university registrar? If so, they would not have the records you are referring to. If you want information related to Field Education, you need to be in touch with the Office of Field Education here at the Divinity School, and we will be glad to help you. The university rule for maintaining records is 5 years, so we do not have copies of applications or correspondence from 2004. But we do have everything from the date you returned to DDS in the Fall of 2011. Because you have not yet finished a field ed placement, we do not have any ?nal evaluations in your ?le. But if you stop by our office in 105 Westbrook, we will be happy to help you make copies of all the documents that are in your current file. Blessings 24, 2012 2:50 AM 1-9- Cc: Su )ject: Records of the ?eld education of?ce in 2004 as well as their administrative assistant Marjorie Lobsinger. I requested this formally in writing three times last semester with the of?ce of registration and never received it. Grace And Peace, RECEIVED MAY 292012 13? The Of?ce of Field Education SUPER VISOR FINAL VAL UA I 0N 0F INTERN i NARRATIVE FORM LA (Students: Please make a copy for your Middler and Senior Reviews) - (b (6): Name of Student Field Education Site Supervisor (WC) Date April 25. 2012 Instructions: This evaluation form is one of two from which the ?eld education supervisor and student may choose to fulfill the requirements for ?eld education credit. It provides the supervisor an Opportunity to give a narrative evaluation. The topics listed are not intended to be exhaustive but outline minimally the criteria for evaluation. Please feel free to add categories and to use more space than provided here. The more speci?c you can be in the evaluation, the more helpful the evaluation will be to the student and the Office of Field Education. This form m_ust be completed jointly and signed by those persons who complete it. No one should, under any circumstances, sign an incomplete evaluation. The signatories should see the completed form before they sign it. The intern should see that the evaluation is forwarded to the Of?ce of Field Education punctually. Failure to submit this form on the published schedule may lead to denial of Field Education credit or withholding of funds. 1. Completion of Field Education Learning Objectives and Tasks. Please indicate how the student ful?lled the objectives (discuss tasks speci?cally) outlined in the Learning-Serving Covenant and whether they have been satisfactorily met. 1. To gain better understanding of what on-the-ground mobilization of people toward a goal looks like: did a good job of learning and understanding the energy, time, and focus it takes to bring people together towards a common goal of supporting people during health challenges. She learned how dif?cult it can be at times to bring together larger groups of peeple, but with time and patience she could do it. 2. To learn how to minister to and with those in vastly different life situations than myself: was already somewhat aware of this before coming here, but she gained an even greater perspective because of people and their needs during difficult times. She also met people from all The Of?ce of Field Education, Duke Divinty School, Box 90969, Durham, NC 27708 Telephone: (919) 6606440 Fax: (9I9) 660-3406 email: ?eldeducation?idivduke? web site: http://divini .d I a emic I anon Page I of 3 Supervisor's Narrative Evaluation of lntem Form Rev. 04/12 types of socio-economic backgrounds, and learned how to meet people where they were without bringing her own ideas into the conversation. She let people teach her. 3. To explore the importance of the relationship between theology, practical ministry, and the tasks which propel each: and I talked about these topics throughout the year. She would come in with questions and we would discuss how theology might work alongside practical ministry and how theology would impact working directly with people and their varying situations. She enjoyed delving into the questions that her classes brought up for her, especially in making sure how she engaged with people and asked the questions she had around scripture was honest and helpful. 4. To sharpen skills of teaching and communicating in small and large groups: (W6): had W'ty to engage with some small groups and helped with larger groups while at (Wm (Wm) . She did well with peOple, and we talked about how she could improve her presentation skills by bemg more aware of herself when she?s in front of people. II. Competency in Minisgy Skills. On the basis of the objectives agreed upon in the Learning-Serving Covenant, please evaluate the student?s progress in deve10ping ministerial skills and ability to integrate academic work, ?eld experience, and personal spiritual life. Identify areas of strength and areas for growth. has grown better at slowing down and not trying to rush through things too quickly. She really wanted to see things happen quickly at the beginning, which is good, but learned that as with ministry, spiritual growth, and people, it can take time and patience. is goOd at being aware of herself and needs to continue to foster this. She is also good at seeing all people as equal no matter their background which will help her in the ministry work she wants to do. She will be good to continue to foster her awareness of herself and others. Ability to relate to Others. Please assess the student?s ability to work with you and others, making speci?c reference to how the student is available to people, takes leadership roles, deals with authority, demonstrates sensitivity, and resPects con?dence. did well with working with me and everyone I She was always eager to take on work and take the lead for some projects. She respects those who are in authority, especially when they engage her and explain how things will work. She was sensitive to those with whom she came in contact eSpecially those living with illness and their families, and never gave an impression of wanting to disrespect their privacy and con?dentiality. She would always come into the o?ice and make herself available for whatever project we had going on, and sought out how she could help. Page 2 of 3 Supervisor?s Nanative Evaluation of Form Rev. 04/ I2 IV. Awareness of Interpersonal Dmamics. Please comment on the student?s sense of self-awareness, ability to integrate who she/he is and what she/he does, and development of ministerial identity. was very self-aware. She would constantly ask for me to critique her and give her feedback around her goals and the things she was working on. She knew herself enough to know how she would react to different people, whether she might get frustrated in certain situations, what her gifts were in connecting with people, and she also was very aware of how her interpersonal skills would effect the relationships she would make eventually make with people in her future ministries. V. Comments and Recommendations. What, if any, educational opportunities would you suggest for this student?s further growth? thrives when she is engaged and challenged. I would suggest she continue to move towards her which is around research. She, however, will need to make sure she doesn?t become detached from the actual people and programs she?s researching. She needs to stay involved in whoever and whatever she wants to research to make sure she gives the strongest and truest feedback in helping those whom she is researching to become better at what they?re doing. Student Signature Supervisor Signatt Please submit a hard copy of this evaluation to the Of?ce of Field Education (105 Westbrook) by the Due Date. DDS, Of?ce of Field Education, Box 90969, Durham, NC, 27708 PH: 919.660.3440 FAX: 919.660.3406 The Of?ce of Field Education, Duke Divinty School, Box 90969, Durham, NC 27708 Telephone: (919) 660-3440 Fax: 660-3406 email: Ireldgducatiguf?ldiv.dukgegu Web site: Page 3 of 3 Supervisor?s Narrative Evaluation of lntem Form Rev. 04/ I2 I Sent: Tuesda Ma 29, 2012 9:46 AM To: Subject: Final Evaluation Attachments: inal?evaluation May 2012.doc He l'm trying to fax this to you, but our copier/fax is being uncooperative. apologize for the lateness. A new baby in the house has thrown my schedule a lit more off than I had hoped. The faxed copy has my signature on it, but not Ashley's because I had not typed it up with her from my original written evaluation when i went over it with her. I can bring a hard copy by this week too. (WW3) Icreates community and provides support for people living with serious illness, caregiving. end of life, and grief. a! me I Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 2:46 PM To: Subject (bimc) Final Evaluation (D) I am writing to see if you would provide us a copy of (bxm) Supervisor?s Final Evaluation which you prepared for her academic year. This is the only document we are lacking and need this in order to give her milestone for the placement. Thank you for your assistance in helping us get this taken care of for Blessings, From: Sent: ria Aril 2012 4:14 PM To: Cc: ie - uca ion: Todd Maberry Subject: Meeting Yesterday Grace and peace to you this beautiful afternoon! I?m writing to follow from Our brief meeting with you yesterday. At that meeting, you indicated that you believed that, after meeting with today, you will be graduating in December. A indicated yesterday, if you are graduating in December, we need to construct a plan to get your second unit of Field Education completed. Since the second unit needs to be a church placement, the two possibilities before us are: 1) enroll you late in a summer placement or 2) place you in an academic year placement next year, acknowledging that you will complete coursework in December and the placement in April 2013. Can you update me on the outcome of your meeting with so we can make a Field Education plan for you? If it?s simpler, we can setup a time to talk early next week. Have a great weekend! Peace, (bX I (time) From: Sent: Th I 03, 2012 3:10 PM To: Subject: ranscript Request Fo gig); file. Thanks! SPJ Sent: ursda May 03,2012 11:54 AM To: I Sub . Request As a follow-up to our time last Friday, we sketched out a tentative plan for completing academic course requirements. That plan requires formal approval of exceptions to many of our academic policies and requires credit transfer. In order to get started on making the plan work, I need to have official transcripts listing the courses you took a 1 and (WW3) Once I have the transcripts, i can verify that the plan is viable and then guide you in submitting a petition for receiving exceptions to our policies. Since you hope to graduate in December 2012, it will be necessary to have the transcripts as soon as you are able to provide them so we can get started on putting the plan into action. Would you please have those transcripts sent to my of?ce no later than Monday, June 4? The transcripts should be sent to the following address: Let me know if you have any questions on this. Best, (b)(7(Cl egg?5526): (6)6716) Sent: Thursdav Nay 03, 2012 9:38 AM To: (bx6); cc: SubJEcu Kt: meeting Yesterday The next logical step is for you to con?rm with of?ce what courses might be transferred to count toward your MDiv so that we can confirm a projected graduation date for you. That date really drives the timing of your next Field Ed; once that date is in place we can discuss the particulars around an appropriate learning context. Moving forward, office and ours will work closely to ensure things are lined up as you work to complete your degree. Consider us a team. Blessings to you this finals week - I hope you are doing well! Blessings, ?grg?gi?biioi?il?c) I Sent: Sunda A ril 29, 2012 9:09 PM To: b)(6)i Cc. I Subject: 'Re: Meeting Yesterday I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I came back to this university solely for the opportunity to work with the professors in the end of life institute ain hospice experience and to go to Africa and to work with the AIDS and public health programs under I was refused an interview for Africa, despite the fact I I turned my application in on time, schedule multiple meetings to rectify the situation, and continued through email to indicate I that I did withdraw application and repeatedly tried to schedule an interview. And in addition since no hospice in Chapel Hill or Durham is currently working with the Field Education of?ce, I'm scared I am not gaining any of the necessary experience to anSWer my call to serve Christ, which is hospice and international mission work. Through my past four years of working in a church I have come to certainty that my primary call is not to work in a church and my current placement will not help me in my future endeavors. What do you suggest is my best course of action to get a job upon my graduation within these two ?elds since my last placement will not help me succeed in this? Thank you for helping me and again for your kindness to me throughout this year. You have always been nothing but wonderful and a joy to work with. i appreciate your help in this matter. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: ligkgi; I Sent: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 20:13:52 +0000 Subject: Meeting Yesterday (C) Grace and peace to you this beautiful afternoon! I?m writing to follow up from our brief meeting with you yesterday. At that meeting, you indicated that you believed that, after meeting with today, you will be graduating in December. Asindicated yesterday, if you are graduating in December, we need to construct a plan to get your second unit of Field Education completed. Since the second unit needs to be a church placement, the two possibilities before us are: 1) enroll you late in a summer placement or 2) place you in an academic year placement next year, acknowledging that you will complete coursework in December and the placement in April 2013. Can you update me on the outcome of your meeting with Todd so we can make a Field Education plan for you? If it?s simpler, we can setup a time to talk early next week. Have a great weekend! Peace, (bx? 2 From: Sent: 012 9:54 AM To: Cc: Subject: Importance: High Tracking. (bxnc) Delivery Read Delivered: 5/4/2012 9:54 AM Read? 5/4/2012 9:57 AM Delivered: 5/4/2012 9:54 AM Delivered: 5/4/2012 9:54 AM Delivered: 5/4/2012 9:54 AM Delivered: 5/4/2012 9:54 AM have returned your time card to you in Duke@Work. The reason that lam returning it to you is that the hours which you have submitted will cause you to exceed your allotted 400 work study hours which you were required to do for the Field Education placement. have gone back through your time cards and listed all the hours that you have turned in through Duke@Work. As you can see, this shows that you only had 13.2 hours left to turn in for this pay period. You turned in 39.8. .- 11? in my email to you of April I suggested a plan for you to be paid for the hours which you worked and not been paid and complete the required hours. This plan was: I am suggesting that you log the following: Pay period #8 (timecard and email due tomorrow)? work 12 hours each week and add 15 hours for time previously worked - totaling 39 hours Pay period #9 - work 12 heurs each week and add 15 hours for time previously worked totaling 39 hours Pay period #19 work 10 hours the week of 4/23 and add 5.1 hours for time already worked totaling 15.1 hours This totals 93.1 which satisfies your 400 hours and gets you paid for the outstanding 35.1 hours that you have worked and not been paid for. You submitted 39.8 hours on both PP 8 and PP 9, leaving a balance of 13.2 hours to reach the maximum allotted work study hours of 406. The hours which you submitted this pay period (PP 16) of 39 hours puts you over the 406 hours by 24.8 hours. Please correct your time card at Duke@work to reflect 13.2 hours and resubmit it to me for approval. If you have any questions, please advise. Than ou for your prompt attention to this important matter. .455; I Sent: a a I worked the 30 hours and I'm applying the 4.5 each week ?om the hours I have missed. Thank you. Original Message From: I. (tulle); Cc: Sent: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 14:41:20 ~0400 Subject: Re: Time Card Reminder - Due Friday, April 20 by 9:00 am. I worked the 30 hours and I'm applying the 4.5 each week from the hours I have missed . I'm so happy for you about the Congrats! I have a baby present for you. I'll leave it in your of?ce just in case I don?t see you. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Tn- Sent: Wed, 18 Apr 201213:25:15 +0000 Subject: Time Card Reminder - Due Friday, April 20 by 9:00 am. In order to be paid for your Field Ed placement hours, you need to do things a . m. on Friday, April 20th: 1) Submit your electronic time card: Log on to and click on the "My Time" tab. Submit the hours you?ve worked for the current pay period (two weeks). When you?ve completed the time card, click on the certify that this is an accurate record of my time for the period indicated:" box. Then click on "Submit" and 2) Send an e-mail to your Field Ed Supervisor listing the hours you submitted on your timecard and copy the Field Ed Of?ce This lets the Field Ed Of?ce know that your supervisor is aware of the hours you are submitting. The e-mail must be sent by 12 noon on the Friday of each pay week (bi-weekly). As a reminder, students must work an average of 13 15 hours per week to receive the full funding of $7,600. If you do not submit your hours by 9:00 AND if you do not copy me on the e-mail to your supervison your time card will not be approved and your pay for the hours worked could be delayed by two weeks 0" more. PLEASE contact the Field Ed Office if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings? lib-KG); From: Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 7:20 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thanks for the update. The ?eld education placement process and orientation for Summer 2012 placements is already past, so participating in a ?eld education placement this summer is not a possibility at this point. Let's setup a time to talk in August about what might make the most sense for completing your ?eld education requirement in a way that moves you toward your vocational goals. I will be working on cultivating placements this summer, so we should have some new/renewed Options to discuss. Peace, I Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 5:25 PM To: (bxs); Cc: Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday My incompletes will be taken care of by Friday and they are a direct result to my interaction with the ?eld education of?ce. I would appreciate the extra time to be put into ?nding me a ?eld education placement for the summer. Grace and Peace, Original Message (bimc) To: Cc: Sent: Sat, 12 May 2012 21:53:54 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday (OX6): I am con?rmin understanding of the FE policy below; in order to be eligible to participate in field education, a student may not have more than 1 incomplete. Resolving 2 of your 3 incompletes prior to the start of the fall semester would make you eligible to participate in ?eld education next academic year. At that time, we will talk about possible ?eld education options for you. Blessings on your summer, From I Sent: ursd ay 10, 2012 5:12 PM 105mm); (bxnc) cqoxs); (bxnc) Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thank you for sending this email. I can confirm that you put courses in your bookbag, but you have not of?cially registered for the fall. It appears that you have not been cleared for registration by your academic advisor, was copied in a letter you just received from acknowledging your incomplete work. As a next step, I recommend focusing on resolving the incomplete work, and then we can deal with registration. Also, I received your email that you have requested transcripts to be sent to me. I have not received them as of today, and I look forward to getting them. Once I have received them, I will check in with you about next steps. As far as afield ed placement, my understanding of field ed policies is that students who have njore than 1 incomplete on their academic record are not eligible for a ?eld ed placement. However, I will le (W7 give you a formal word on that. Best, (W5): From' Se t: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 1:49 PM Cc: Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday ywmoww) I apologize for just now getting back to ou. I had to get some personal things in inorder over the weekend and I was not able to access the internet. I signed up for the classes we spoke about and two master's level classes as my electives that are gomg over behavior training, which is relevant to the experiment I designed regarding CPE stuff I got the permission to have experimmt implemented across multiple sites now after my initial ?ndings, so I really think that will help to make sure I?m on track. There was only one class that I saw related to end of life care and I read all of those books for my ?eld education experiment. If I missed one, please let me know. I'm unequivocally going to need a ?eld education placement this summer. The only way I will be able to get a job in hospice or in Aids Care facilities in Africa is to have a summer ?eld education placement now That way I can self imitate a hospice site for next year and ?nd an Africa placement regarding AIDS awareness this coming summer. Whether I ?nish classes in Dec or not. Unfortunately, because of the way my ?eld education has turned out; I don't have a choice anymore. This is the only way I will be able to get the experience I need to get a job. I have been talking with catholic seminary about how to get placements in these places here and I think they will be able to ?nd me a Hospice placement here in Durham and most likely in Africa as well, so that should make this a little easier. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: To: Cc: Sent: Thu, 03 May 2012 13:38:24 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday The next logical step is for you to con?rm with of?ce what courses might be transferred to count toward your MDiv so that we can con?rm a projected graduation date for you. That date really drives the timing of your next Field Ed; once that date is in place we can discuss the particulars around an appropriate learning context. Moving forward, MS): office and ours will work closely to ensure things are lined up as you work to complete your degree Consider us a eam. Blessings to you this ?nals week I hope you are doing Blessings, I Sent: Sunday, Apr! To Cc: I Subject: Re: Meeting Yesterday I?m really not sure what to do at this point. I came back to this university solely for the opportunity to work with the professors in the end of life institute, ain hospice experience and to go to Africa and to work with the AIDS and public health programs uncle I was refused an interview for Africa, despite the fact I I turned my application in on time, schedule multip meetings to rectify the situation, and continued through email to indicate I that I did withdraw application and repeatedly tried to schedule an interview. And in addition since no hospice in Chapel Hill or Durham is currently working with the Field Educationof?ce, I'm scared I am not gaining any of the necessary experience to answer my call to serve Christ, which is hospice and international mission work. Through my past four years of working in a church I have come to certainty that my primary call is not to work in a church and my current placement will not help me in my future endeavors. What do you suggest is my best course of action to get a job upon my graduation within these two ?elds since my last placement will not help me succeed in this? Thank you for helping me and again for your kindness to me throughout this year. You have always been nothing but wonderful and a joy to work with. I appreciate your help in this matter. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: I A To: Cc: "Field Education" "Todd Maberry" Sent: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 20:13:52 +0000 i Subject: - Meeting Yesterday Grace and peace to you this beautiful a?emoon! I?m writing to follow up from our brief meeting with you yesterday. At that meeting, you indicated that you believed that, after meeting with Todditoday, you will be graduating in December. A indicated yesterday, if you are graduating in December, we need to construct a plan to get your second unit of Field Education completed. Since the second unit needs to be a church placement, the two possibilities before us are: I) enroll you late in a summer placement or 2) place you in an academic year placement next year, acknowledging that you will complete coursework in December and the placement in April 2013. Can you update me on the outcome of your meeting with Todd so we can make a Field Education plan for you? If it?s simpler, we can setup a time to talk early next week. Have a great weekend! Peace, gasket: FW Importance: High (7(Ci have emailed you twice and tried to call you on your phone number listed in ACES to let you know that you need to resubmit your timecard with the correct hours. You have not responded to my emails and your mailbox on your voicemail was full and would not allow me to leave you a message. per . on . any questions that you might have. From: Sent: Tuesda Ma 08 2012 8:20 AM To: Subject: Importance: :9 Good morning. . Our of?ce is showing that the electronic timecard for was returned to 0 orning she will not receive payment. her timecard? If it is not submitted and approved be Thank you, nan-w "mm i or call their of?ce I with is she planning to resubmit llBuhe (Humanity NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0968 May 9, 2012 De (bxe); In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. The committee was concerned that you did not complete any courses during the Spring 2012 semester and that your record currently has three unresolved incompletes. 6; The 2011-2012 573$?) in the program: ?The student must demonstrate progress in the program by completing courses. A student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes or a pattern of multiple withdrawals may, at the discretion of the associate dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program.? School Bulletin 114) describes requirements for continuation 1n 1i ht of these policies, in order for you to continue coursework for the fall 2012 semester at the School, we would encourage you to resolve at least two of your incomplete ades and/or submit a plan for their completion to me by September l, 2012. As always ?m?Jkll is a helpful resource regarding plans for resolving these incomplete grades and is glad to war With you on a plan to complete degree requirements. We also encourage you to submit of?cial transcripts with credits el' please remain in touch wit (bmc) requirements. fer to bring clarity to that plan. Additionally, regarding a plan to complete field education We want to encourage you to focus on completing degree requirements and are committed to helping you reach this goal. . Sincerely, BOXM TELEPHONE (919) 660-3431 FACSIMILE (91 9) 660-3575 EMAIL: LWARPERQDN.DUKE.EDU (W6): From: Sent: 2012 2:04 PM To: (bxnc) I Cc: sublect: Imecard for 5/6/12 (C) Because you submitted your revised timecard after the payroll deadline, the corrected time card does not show that it was submitted, therefore Payroll is unable to process your last timecard for payment. ccinac From: (nine) I 39"? mm? a To: Cc: Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday I have already been working to arrange a hospice and the Africa placement with another school i They have been in touch with Hospices in Durham for me. The only way I will get the things necessary for future job placement in my desired ?eld is to do it this way since I was refused the Africa interview: for the HIV placement and all of my responsibilites that worked for an entire semester to accomplish were taken away in an at my current placement. I was supposed set up care teams for to teach and I Was not allowed to do that anymore after my interaction with the ?eld education regarding the Africa interview as well. It was my understanding that the placements do not begin until June and I have already been through orientation. Thus, orientation shouldn't be a necessity?? At least it isn't during the school year. I should have my papers completed by Friday, which would be the necessary requirement according to the the deans. However, both the ADA and EOE representative here originally stated that it is against the law at this point to make any demands on those incompletes or place restrictions of a ?eld education placement that would effect my graduation based on the consequences from an employee breaking breaking title 9, ADA and ERPA laws in 13 different places. I should have been able to interview for the Africa placement and this would have never been an issue; it is one of two academic reasons I returned to this school. Original Message From(bxnc) . 1. Tn- Pn- Sent: Tue, 15 May 2012 11:19:58 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thanks for the update. The ?eld education placement process and orientation for Summer 2012 is already past. so particimg?ng in a ?eld ?ucag'on niggement this summer is not a mssibility at this mint . Let's setup a time to talk in August about what might make the most sense for completing your ?eld education requirement in a way that moves you toward your vocational goals. I will be working on cultivating placements this 1 summer, so we should have some new/ renewed options to discuss. Peace, Se - 14 2012 5:25 PM To Cc: Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday My incompletes will be taken care of by Friday and they are a direct result to my interaction with the ?eld education of?ce. I would appreciate the extra time to be put into ?nding me a ?eld education placement for the summer. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: To: Cc: I Sent: Sat, 12 May 2012 21:53:54 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday I am con?rming understanding of the FE policy below; in order to be eligible to participate in ?eld education, a student may not have more than 1 incomplete. Resolving 2 of your 3 incompletes prior to the start of the fall semester would make you eligible to participate in ?eld education next academic year. At that time, we will talk about possible field education options for you. Blessings on your summer, Fro I Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 5:12 PM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thank you for sending this email. I can con?rm that you put courses in your bookbag, but you have not of?cially registered for the fall. It appears that you have not been cleared for registration by your academic advisor, Dr. Lester Ruth. I was copied in a letter you just received from Dean Warner acknowledging your incomplete work. As a next step, I recommend focusing on resolving the incomplete work, and then we can deal with registration. Also, I received your email that you have requested transcripts to be sent to me. I have not received them as of today, and I look forward to getting them. Once I have received them, I will check in with you about next steps. As far as afield ed placement, my understanding of ?eld ed policies is that students who have more than 1 incomplete on their academic record are not eligible for a ?eld ed placement. However, I will let g6); (bx? give you a formal word on that. Best, (mam) I From: 2 Sent: Wednesda May 16, 2012 8:22 PM To; Subject: Fwd: Summer Placement F0 ?le. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: Froml(b)(6); I Date; May 163 2012 7:58:07 PM EDT To. I Subject: Fwd: Summer Placement FYI. Peace Begin forwarded message: Fromiwxes); I Date: May 16, 2012 4:42:29 PM EDT I Subject: W. Reply-To: Thank you. All future contact will mostly need to be handled through lawyers. But I appreciate the offer. Original Message [Emmet To: Cc: Sent: Wed, 16 May 2012 13:29:00 +0000 Subject: RE: Summer Placement (C) i appreciate your concern for our of?ce?s work, however, workload is not a concern. The issue is that you are not eligible to participate in ?eld education for the summer placement period for a variety of reasons, notably: The deadline to apply for a 2012 summer ?eld education placement was Friday, January 27, 2012. You did not apply. Orientation for summer 2012 placements was May 8 for new and returning ?eld education students. This orientation was reguired for all students participating in summer 2012 ?eld education placements. Students having more than 1 incomplete are not eligible to participate in field education. You currently have 3 incompletes on your record. As I suggested in earlier emails to you, the best way fonivard at this point is for you to complete at least two of your courses in which you currently have incompletes and then apply on time for a 2012-13 academic year placement. The deadline for applications to be hand-delivered to Westbrook 105 for the 2012-13 academic year placement period is FridayI August 31 at 3:00 pm. i look forward to meeting with you around that time to discuss how we can work together to meet your vocational goals and the requirements of the MDiv program. Christ's peace, Sent:' a ay AM To: Subject: Summer Placement I heard today that there a student trying to get out of her summer placement here in Durham for personal reasons. She is supposed to email me. If that is the case, would that be an acceptable swap? It would limit the work and strain on ya'll. I From: Sent: . av 99 9mm 7-n7 AM To: Cc: Subject: Good morning. (W6): did not submit a correct timecard for the pay period 10, which was the last pay period for the FE students with academic year work study placements. The FE of?ce has decided to pay out remaining 13.2 hours that were worked but since the work study period for the academic year ended on May 6 the nours will be paid 100% from 1523002. The breakdown should be as follows; 13.2 hours $17.00 per hour $224.40 (this will be paid on account 6077) Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, I From: I 39 t: . To? (WHO) ay 16, 2012 9 29 AM Subject: ummer lacement (C) I appreciate your concern for our office?s work, however, workload is not a concern. The issue is that you are not eligible to participate in ?eld education for the summer placement period for a variety of reasons, notably: The deadline to apply for a 2012 summer field education placement was Friday, January 27, 2012. You did not apply. Orientation for Summer 2012 placements was May 8 for new and returning ?eld education students. This orientation was required for all students participating in summer 2012 ?eld education placements. Students having more than 1 incomplete are not eligible to participate in field education. You currently have 3 incompletes on your record. As I suggested in earlier emails to you, the best way forward at this point is for you to complete at least two of your courses in which you currently have incompletes and then apply on time for a 2012-13 academic year placement. deadline for applications to be hand-delivered to Westbrook 105 for the 2012-13 academic year placement period is Friday. August 31 at 3:00 pm. I look forward to meeting with you around that time to discuss how we can work together to meet your vocational goals and the requirements of the MDiv program. Christ?s peace, . From: Sent: WEne?a May 16, 2012 12:01 KM (WHO a 'l'o Su. ummer Placement I heard today that there a student trying to get out of her summer placement here in Durham for personal reasons. She is supposed to email me. If that is the case, would that be an acceptable swap? It would limit the work and strain on ya'll. (WW mm :wxe); From: Sent: Thursda Ma 17 201210101 AM Tm Cc: I Subject: 099an Work Study Hours here's the clarification we sent out From: Field Education Sen v. October 13. 2811 4:45 PM Tn. We); I cc I Subject: Logging Work Study Hours In an attempt to help our office accurately keep track of work study hours for this placement period, we are asking that you record your actual hours worked each week on your timesheet on the DukeQwork website. Please do not put an average of 13.5, unless you actually work 13.5 hours for any given week. It is expected that you might have more time to?devote to your work study placement some weeks and less time to devote on other weeks, depending on your course load expectations and personal life. According to the guidelines for work study students doing a field education placement, you can be paid up to, but no more than, 400 hours for the year. To receive credit for the field education placement, you must work a minimum of at least 306 hours at the agency during the placement period, but to receive the full stipend amount, you must work a total of 400 hours between September 24th and April 29th. Thank you in advance for your c00peration and please do not hesitate to contact the Field Ed Office if you have any questions or concerns. Blessings? I From: (bx6); Sent: Tuesda To: Cc: Subject: REl(b)(6)i I Good afternoon. I wanted to let you know that a manual salary cost transfer for the amount listed below was just completed by the office of Undergraduate Financial Aid and that it will be charged to 6057 not 6077. Thank you, From Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 7:07 AM To Cc: Subject: ?>an I Good morning. did not submit a correct timecard for the pay period 10, which was the IasLt pay period for the FE students tl it aca emlc year work study placements. The FE of?ce has decided to pay ou remaining 13.2 hours that were worked but since the work study period for the academic year ended on May 6 the hours will be paid 100% from 1523002. The breakdown should be as follows; 13.2 hours $17.00 per hour $224.40 (this will be paid 0 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank vou. From: Sent: ust 13, 2012 2:34 PM To: Cc: Field Education Subject: E: Applications early so there is not any future problems. i tried to be very speci?c since I was told that would help (bxe); You are clearly working well ahead of our office?s deadlines! As you may recall from last year, applications must be submitted in person to our office so that WW0) can scan them and schedule a time for an interview. We do not accept any student applications by emai . Your eligibility for an academic year placement is contingent on your ability to serve in a single s?etting during the placement period, which runs from September 22, 2012 to April 28, 2013. For your planning, interviews for South Africa will be on January 22 as this is the date that (W7 is available to be with us this year. Eligibility for a summer 2013 placement through our office requires that you be enrolled at Duke (b School in the fall of 2013 since that is the semester during which the tuition portion of the stipend will be awarded. I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have further questions. Blessings, Psl?dkbx?iwndu .. . - . .. Sent: Sunda Auclust 12, 2012 1:30 AM To, 1 Subject: Applications early so there is not any future problems, I tried to be very speci?c since I was told that would help Here are my applications in advance. This was a lication for South Africa from last year. i would appreciate it if I could have the first available interview date wit for the HIV and end of "f6 clinic. I 8,50 attached my school year application. This might take some wiggling between schools 2nd semester, since field education this summer; however, if that needs to be done. i accept responsibility for making that happen if that should be the case l?m going to have to see ifi can take classes here in another school second semester through the divinity program now and transfer them back to the psy program or ifi need to take an independent study course and perform the second half of the semester back home. l?m not sure how this is going to work yet. But l'm trying to get everything as organized as possible before the school year starts. Grace and Peace, From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: I Incomplete Yes, makes sense. She is scheduled to take the Meth exam Friday. She also needs to submit a paper to ful?ll the course requirements. Thanks! On Aug 14, 2012, at 10:01 AM, (WC) wrote: In looking at the calendar I realized that the university?s due date for Incompletes (Sept. 1) is basically the same as our FE application due date riday, August 31) because Sept. 1 is a Saturday which should be a good taret for aim for. I think is willing to be as generous as possible and giveuntil the end of the interview period (which 'would be Friday, Sept. 7) to have one of her Incompletes? turned into a :4 de on ACES. If she doesn?t make this deadline (either with your class or with then she won?t qualify for a FE lacement for this AY because she will have more than 1 incomplete outstanding. Assuming does follow the directions in email to her yesterdav brings her FE application by the office in person rather than emailing it), could follow up with her after she receives her application with this noti?cation of the Sept. 7 FE deadline. Does this seem like a good plan to both of you,and (Pig)? We don?t want to tell anything that might confuse her in relation to your expecta ion 0 er, Thanks for your thoughts. Blessings From: Sent: 16,2012 1:07 PM To: Subject: Re: Interview for South Africa Placement with (bmc) Sounds great thanks! On Wednesday, August 15, 2012 at 4:14 (WHO) I wrote: I have scheduled your interview for the 2013 International Field Education placement in South Africa for Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 9:00. The interview will be held in 103 Westbrook. Please con?rm receipt of this email and that you will be able to interview at that time. Blessings, 511-? x/ - \b t? my 1520!? (006} . glob The Of?ce of Field ET oar. mm 5 - ENT APPLICATION FOR Emu; (Hard copy must be hand-delivered to the Of?ce of .ield Education At 105 Westbrook to set-up an interview by the application deadline.) Date 1/12 I Placement Requested for: Full-time IO-week summer term Are you Self Initiating a Placement: Yes No qX_ Pan-time academic term (Sept-April) I. INTRODUCTION: COMPLETE THIS FORM NEATLY, COMPLETELY AND ACCURATELY. Please make a COPY and retain for your records. n. PERSONAL DATA: - 6 7 DUKE UNIQUE 1m WW) I BIRTH DATE: (bxs); (bx? LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: M.I. . (bxe): PREFERRED NAME. HOMETOWN. LOCAL ADDRESS STREET: Imus); I CITY: _Durham STATE: ZIP CODE: 27707 PHONE: _please email me aw9 @duke.edu Students must provide a "duke edit email address. Email will not be sent to addresses that do not end in "duke. edu GENDER: VETERANCitizen, there is an additional form (not included in this packet) that is required by the International O?ice. Please see the Q?'ice of Field Education, Westbrook 105, for additional information. ETHNIC ORIGIN: White X_-__Biack Hispanic_ A or Paci?c Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Other (list) PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS which may in?uence your assignment: none MARITAL STATUS: Single Married If engaged, wedding date Spouse?s full name Spouse?s occupation No. of children Ages The Of?ce of Field Education, Duke Divinty School, Box 90969, Durham, NC 27708 Telephone: [919) 660-3440 Fax: (919)6603406 email:th web sitePage 1 of 5 Student Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 Host churches rarely provide housing for spouses or families of students during the placement. Have you considered the implications of this? YES N0 COMMENTS Denominational af?liation I Church membership (bxeli (W7 Where do you attend church? Duke Chapel Ordination (candidacy) status _not sure I want to be ordained anymore Conference/Synod/Association Southwest Conference An automobile is required for most assignments. Do you have one in working condition? JCS Do you have health and accident insurance? YES NO Current Divinity Program: M.Div. M.C.M. How many courses have you completed? _all but PREVIOUS Field Education experiences through Duke: 1. (WHO) I 2. 3. Have you PREVIOUSLY been employed by another Duke or Divinity School o?ice? YES If YES, please list your LAST: POSITION DEPARTMENT DATES WORKED Are you CURRENTLY working or PLANNING to work in another Duke or Divinity School department during your ?eld education placement? YES NO If YES, please list: DATES DEPARTMENT POSITION Are you a full-time registered Duke student? YES NO Summer placements: Will you be returning to Duke for the subsequent fall semester?" YES lf no, please explain: l"Please refer to Section in the Field Education Policies and Procedures Manual available at: http://divinity. duke. Opolicies.pdj.? MINISTERIAL VOCATION GOALS: Please note your present vocational goals for ministry (RANK in priority, I being MOST important): Parish Ministry Campus Ministry Teaching Rural Ministry Urban Ministry Missions Institutional or Military Chaplaincy Christian Education The Of?ce of ?eld Education, Duke School, Box 90969, Durham, NC 27708 Telephone: (919) 660-3440 Fax: (919) 660-3406 email: web site: hung [dyj? P389 2 0'5 Student Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 Diacollal Ministry Other (please expllin) The only thing lwaut to do is hospice wark- oflhe other chuiees ure truly equal__ Whut specific rniniriry tushs or roles do you wish to explore during this zerrn? I) The necessury requirements In gradqu 2) Anything tnut will ucnrally help rne get job in hospice/ posrihly hnve . church pl-eenrem has a hospice cunnecled so is 3) m. PLACEMENT PROCESS: The placement ofsmdems in appropriate field settings is a cue involving wnsidenbk prayer and the interests and or. number The school and flaming restriction 2. The local church or lgency prom needs 1Tb: snrdent's learning needs 4. The supavisonsludenl reluiomhip 5r Requimrms of the is the responsibility om: Oflice ofField Bducnn'ou to rhese ofien compeling needu and inleresls and ID address lherrl to the best uruur nbilily with the final decision nbout swan essigunent, please indium helow in RANK ordera be'mg MOST irnporunl) your puma! preferences in your placeran realizing learning needs will he given prior eoruidei-adon and that nwlluhility ofsemngs may limit possibilities 717 Type of internship (speciiy)_11re the mummy gnduaw this year i Supervisory needs (Specify) __Sorneone hind 7 fag localion nfusignmenl (specify) close since will b: duringfil: whool year Hum (specify) Other (spec _l really want training in the rleldl plan to pursue. would love to be placed II church that would let me do a large chime in hospice Are there compelling personul or which you icel nnuthe considered in your field placement? Please mu these will I): considered and acted on, lipossihla. need a church placement to graduate; however. lt would he nice to hm a church placement lhat will euuhle use to do work with ten-pace My desire in he tralned in some tor use career pull aniunlly pluu to enter. eovenonc to railhiully fulfill the service and learning oppon 'es ofmy plncernenl innohns my abilities pennit will. flu: support orlhe Office orrield Education, My signature nulhorizes :hr release ormis emnpleted cppliution to my pastor/supervisor. Fur plscumcnl Assessment purposes, grant the field education stnfiiull mess to my Divinity School Sigrled- Date 8/11/12 me 017.2 held rduadon, Me Boll w, um, 1m: telephone-lensimsm wehshashlt: ulvin' . screens Page a sis Student Held Education Applkallon Farm rev. mu A. VITA: LLAST Name FIRST Name MJ. H, 2. Educational Experiences (post-high school): _l.nstint.tinr ?mammalian 3. Extra-curricular Activities (explain, if necessary): 4. Church Experience (where, of?ces held, paid positions, special experiences, etc.) 5. Work Experience (pan-time and full-time employment of whatever kind during and following college; explain if necessary) 6. Special skills you may have developed through church, educational or work experiences (for example, music, athletics, drama, organizational?management, etc.) The Office of Field Education, Duke School, Box 90969, Durham, NC 27708 Telephone: (919) 660-3440 Fax: (919) 660-3406 email: website: ivin? .duke.ed a mics ?eldku tlon Page 4 of 5 Student Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 7. Hobbies and/or special interests (including signi?cant travel experiences) Anything outdoors, ?shing, running, gardening, hanggliding, my dog 8. Do you have any foreign language facility? What language(s)? no B. FAITH PILGRIMAGE (REQUIRED in order considering your application): PLEASE YOUR FAITH PILGRIMAGE DOCUMENT TO FORWARD TO YOUR SUPERVISOR UPON PLACEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT. On a separate attached sheet. please narrate your journey into ministry including the pivotal influences on your decision to enter full-time Christian service and the high points of your spiritual and theological formation. Threeito ?ve double-Spaced pages should su?ice. Be Sine to LABEL EACH PAGE with your name and page number. RECEIVED AUG 152012 3 APPLICATION FOR DUKE DIVINITY INTERNATIONAL FIELD EDUCATION PLACEMENT O?'iceofF' ldEd ti 1' Dominoes?" a? 62.0 A Box 90969 i Durham, NC 27708-0969 1 (919) 6508440 Hard Copy must be submitted to the Field Ed Office on or before due date for application to be considered. (bx?I7 Date I. INTRODUCTION: COMPLETE ALL PARTS OF THIS APPLICATION (including attachments) and retain a hard copy for your records. Additionally, please save an electronic copy of this application for email forwarding purposes. Read the entire document before answering the questions. II. PERSONAL-DATA: LAST NAME: (W FIRST NAME.- I Mr. DUKE UNIQUE 53?? BIRTH DATE: (WW3) LOCAL STREET: (bxs). (bxnc) CITY: (W STATE: ZIP CODE: PHONE: EMAIL: *Students must provide a "duke. edu" email address. Email will not be sent to addresses that do not end in "duke. edu PASSPORT process of getting one ISSUE DATE: GENDERCitizen, there is an additional form (not included in this packet) is required by the International O?ice. Please see the Field Education O?ice, Westbrook 105, for addit?mal information. Asian or Paci?c Islander ETHNIC ORIGIN: White__X Black Hispanic Other (list) American Indian or Alaskan Native STATUS: Single Married If engaged, wedding date Spouse's full name: No. of children Ages Spouse's occupation Name: Page i of 7 I APPLICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL FIELD PLACEMENT Field Education Of?ce Duke Divinity School Spouses wishing to travel internationally must cover all of their travel and living expenses. Have you considered the implications oftlris? YES N0 Denominational af?liation United Methodist Judicatory (Conference, Synod, Diocese, Presbytery) _Southwest Conference Church membership (mam I Where do you attend church locally? _Duke ADDRESS: on duke Chapel Drive CITY: Durham STATE: ZIP: PHONE: FAX: EMAIL: Are you seeking denominational ordination? NO Ordination (candidacy) status: setting up to be a certi?ed candidate Do you have health insurance? N0 Current Degree Program: M. Div. M. How many courses have you completed? _2 years when transfer credits get applied PREVIOUS Field Education experiences through Duke: I. Project Compassion 2. 3. Have you PREVIOUSLY been employed by another Duke or Divinity School office? If YES, please list your LAST POSITION _Pastoral Intern and CPE resident 6 7 DEPARTMENT r( DATES WORKED Are you a full-time registered Duke student? YES NO Will you be retuming to Duke for the subsequent fall semester? YES If no, please explain: MINISTERIAL VOCATIONAL GOALS: Please note your present vocational goals for ministry (RANK in priority, 1 being MOST important): Name: Page 2 of 7 Page 0475 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0476 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0477 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0478 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0479 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0480 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0481 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0482 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0483 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Sent: 'Monda Au ust 20, 2012 10:25 AM To: . Cc: (mmc) lField Education Subject: tducation for Upcoming Academic Year Thanks for taking the time to meet wit and myself this morning about ?eld education for the upcoming academic year. A quick recap of the outcomes of our conversation: 0 You will provide our office with a list of persons who can serve as supervisors for your pastoral counseling requirements (which are external to graduation requirements}. I will check to see if any of those persons are serving in churches that have applied to our program (or could apply as Duke Endowment eligible churches). If so, we will work that direction. If not, then we will work toward a church placement that will ful?ll requirements for graduation but may not meet your pastoral counseling requirement. 0 In order to be eligible for a ?eld education placement, at least one of your two incompletes must be cleared by September 7, which is the end of interviews for our of?ce and the start of the placement period. 0 Any ?eld education placement requires your geographic presence from September through April. Payroll (which is 60% of the $9,000 stipend) is paid in October, November, December, January, February, and March and tuition stipends are paid toward the fall and spring semesters. I Academic History Program History (bxe); Program Status Discontinued Pr?maiy Divlnity-MDV Admit Term (bx6); (ma Term Exp. Graduation Term Term 7? Divinity School iDivinity? Program Status Active in Program pfil-nary Admit Term Term Exp. Graduation Term (0) Term Course History I . Te rm Course Credit Course - Section Course Tile Instructo?s) 22:2] ?Units ggzidsing 1.00 939 0.00 ELIE 1.00 QED 8+ 1.00 5312 Term Course Credit 1? Voluntary Course Credit . Official 3 Grading - MW Units '8 "S's 000 EA: 1.00 BE 1.00 9&2 I 1.00 1.00 )f2 8/20/2012 7:55 AM Academic History Term Course Credit A. I . . Course - Section 22:22. Units I I 1.00 939 1.00 gm 1.00 ?39 Statistics School . Statistics as or 2012 FalTerm .. . . .. . Units In Progress 0.000 Total Taken Toward GPA 7.000 Total Cumulative Units 6.000 Total Grade Points 14.000 Cumulative GPA 2.000 Includes all co urses passed at Duke, as wel as test and transfer credit appicable to the degree. See the appropriate bulet'n for the year you matriculated at Duke far the number of credlts applicable to your degree. WW -f2 8/20/2012 7:55 AM I 1 From. Sent: 0 - A 0 (28, 2012 6:09 AM To: (WW Cc: (WW WW0) Matthew ioding; Field Education Subject: RE: Field Education for Upcoming Academic Year Thank you for your email below as well as your second email of the same date regarding ?eld education for the upcoming year. I followed up wit in the Registrar's of?ce yesterday and he is still waiting for your transcripts. The receipt of the transcripts is the ?rst step of several in the process to have work done at other schools considered for academic credit at th School. In addition, I understand from him that you have completed the assignments for one of your incomplete courses an are awaiting a grade. Regarding your pending ?eld education placement, there are several items to consider: 1. In order to be placed in an academic ear ?eld education placement (September - April), you must be geographically present and enrolled in school at The School both semesters. I need oon?nnation from you that this is compatible with your plans before assigning you a - education placement through our of?ce. It would be disappointing to our partners if you withdrew half-way through the placement period. If you an determine you have enough courses completed to graduate in December, we need to meet to talk through unfu reld education options outside our normal placement process or period. 2. We have discussed and noted your interest in working with persons at the end of life. We have several church settings in which you can gain exposure to working with persons at the end of life; none of our placements for the upcoming period are with an of?cial Hospice organization. All of our placements are funded. If you prefer to arrange your own ?eld education placement (self-initiate) and secure your own funding, you need to submit a self-initiated placement application by Tuesday, September 4. A 3. We have also noted your request for a supervisor with very speci?c pastoral counseling credentials. If you can provide our of?ce with the names of supervisors who possess these credentials, we will gladly cross-Check them against the supervisors who applied on time to our program to see if there is a match. If so, we will work in that direction so that your ?eld education placement meets both curren School requirements for graduation as well as future requirements toward your goal of becoming a licensed pastoral counselor. If not, we will make an assignment the meets your vocational goals as closely as possible, and enables you to earn the required placement to graduate from the School. We will begin making placements after Friday, September 7, so any speci?c supervisor information needs to be submitted ahead of that deadline for consideration. Please let me know ifI can be of further help as we work toward the common goal of meeting the School?s requirements for graduation. I am happy to meet with you again if that would be helpful. Blessings, (bx - ua 1st 26, 2012 7:41 PM To (WHO) Subject: Re: Field Education for Upcoming Academic Year Please, note that I'm cleared to be placed in a ?eld education to graduate. (sbi?gon applies the credit from the other schools, I should be done with my coursework in Dec. Based on Duke Policy I will loose two years of School Course Credit that would be acceptable at other schools. Grace And Peace, Original Message From: . To: Sent: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 14:25:06 +0000 Subject: Field Education for Upcoming Academic Year Thanks for taking the time to meet with and myself this morning about ?eld education for the upcoming academic year. A quick recap of the outcomes of our conversation: You will provide our of?ce with a list of persons who can serve as supervisors for your pastoral counseling requirements (which are external to graduation requirements). I will check to see if any of those persons are serving in churches that have applied to our program (or could apply as Duke Endowment eligible churches). If so, we will work that direction. If not, then we will work toward a church placement that will ful?ll requirements for graduation but may not meet your pastoral counseling requirement. In order to be eligible for a ?eld education placement, at least one of your two ineompletes must be cleared by September 7, which is the end of interviews for our of?ce and the start of the placement period. Any ?eld education placement requires your geographic presence from September through April. Payroll (which is 50% of the $9,000 stipend) is paid in October, November, December, January, February, and March and tuition itipends are paid toward the fall and spring semesters. ?eace, (C) Wednesda . September 05, 2012 9:13 AM ble: Field Educafion Placement (We) 10: Divinity Dfik subject: FW: undeliverable: Field Edutafion Placement Would our department be me correct one that (an help us find out why uke email accounts an are both bouncing back? Please see the message mat we are (8 below I Thanks for your assislance. mum Fr. tum-lbw") 7 Sent Wednsda September 05, 2012 7:46 AM Yo WW- Su deliverable: Fleld Education Placement Can on figure out why all my emails Iva-re bouncing? In the interim, can you print this and put it in _n "51 student mail folder? Pea", (m Begin forwarded message: From: Mail Delivery System @gall-gfl-OZOiLdukeedD This is me mail system at hos! mail--gw--OZDiLdukelcdu. I'm sarry have to inform you dint your message could not be delivered In one or more recipients. 11': attached below. (5)0637 me: is?" M) We, eptembenos, 2012 7.46 AM 1 5mm: Undellvemhle; Field Education Placement Can au figure out why all my emails to-are bouncing? In the interim, can you print this and put it in i student mail folder? v, (a unwe' Peace, lull Begin forwarded message: 3 From: Mail Delivery System cptembcr 5, 2012 6' nus, Subject cred Mail Returned to Sender This is the mail system at host I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients It's attached below. For fimher assistance, please send mail to postmaster. If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message. The mail system WW) host mx5 [] said: The mailbox belonging mt" 5' C) is full. (in reply to RCPT TO command) Reporting-MTA: dns; 904432350914_4725453 Arrival- 10: :17 +0000 (G Final--Red ient: fi' 'fi' l0flginal-Recipimt Action: [lulled Status: 5.0.0 Remote-MTA: dns; mx5.hushm om Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 552 The mailbox belongan to 18m", Thanls for note. Both of the Hospice organizations you have referenced (Unned, Arnedysis) are Slum oorporatlons. We mnnut put a student In a for-profit corporation using work--study funding, and that is the only source of funding available mmugh out office for a non-church placement. It ts true that many vaars ago there were DDS students at United Hosplce, but that was before they began using work-study funds for non- profit Fleld education placements. So, neither of these placements are options through out: office; you can i From; Sent: on a ember17, 2012 4:59 PM To: Subject: ec mg in F0 ?le. Thanks! Peace, Begin forwarded message: FromJ(b)(6)i Date: September 17. 2012 4:21:15 PM EDT Subject: FW: Checking Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 4:Dear I hope you are off to a good start this semester in your coursework at Duke School. Congratulations on getting your work in for your two incompletes within the due dates desired! With the grades of this coursework now calculated into your cumulative GPA, you sit right at a 2.0 GPA. This calculation of your GPA allows your coursework from your prior years with us (2004 etc.,) to count in your cumulative GPA, which is an exception to our rules, since typically courses 5 years ago or more are not counted. Speci?cally, your GPA for your most recent matriculation with us is a little over 1.5; so it makes a big difference that we are allowing your prior courses to count. I write all of this to you to alert you that you are barely within our stated policies of a 2.0 GPA or higher to be able to receive a Field Education placement, as well as to be able to remain in your studies at Duke School. 50 I want you to be fully informed and aware that if you drop below a 2.0 GPA, your case will have to be reviewed by our Academic Policies Committee. We continue to have some concerns about your vocational clarity, and we hope that your field education placement will help you in this process of discernment. In terms of your Field Education placement, please be aware that you must be a full?time student in residence at Duke School this ?(mi semester in order to receive Field Education credit and funding. If you have any questions or concerns abou these matters, I am happy to talk with you. Blessings on your continued studies, From: Sent: 12 12:25 PM To: Cc: Field Edution Subject: Contact with Field Education Supervisor ?mm: fron1(b)(6); (W7 ca led our office today to try to find out how to contact you. She said she has received a two word email from you, but desires to setup a time to meet you in person before worship at 103m on Sunday; on Sunday, they plan to introduce you to the community at large. Will you please contact immediately on her mobile number: Please let me know when ou have made contact and when you will be meeting with her. She would also like to have a phone number where she can reach you. Please con?rm receipt of this email. I am hopeful we can get this placement off to a strong start! Peace, From: Sent: aturday. September 22, 2012 7:41 AM To: Fielc Education subject; Fw; (bxs); (WHO) I For ?le. Ffom: Sent: Frida Se lgember 21, 2012 2:54 PM To: Subject: Re: (WHO) No, it is not possible to add or change placements at this point. You can volunteer there, but your ?eld ed placem Peace, ent is set. (C) On Sep 21, 2012, at 2:49 PM, If I get permission from the Wis there any possibility that I could have a placement there. wrote I It is exactly what I want to - they have speciality training for children children's bereavement groups, and deal with dc as (bxnc) . . . i Plus, the CPC supervrsors that deal end of hfe care counseling are all in Ralicgh. It meets all of the requirements to qualify for what you were asking and it seems like it would be a far better ?t for me since it actually is a hospice and focusing on bereavment counseling and not primarily worship and leading bible study classes. This is exactly what the employeers I've spoken with are looking for and they have all of 4 stated I have to be involved in. Will the Duke endowment cover (Wm 0? homes? Original Message From: To: 4 Sent: Fri, 21 Sep 20l2 15:22:08 +0000 Subject: - ro?t programs they since it covers nursing October 3, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: is currently serving in a Field Education placement arranged through the Of?ce Wim at Duke School for the 2012-2013 Academic Year. The stipend of $9,000 is scheduled to be paid directly to as follows: 10% on the 25?h of October, November, December, January, February and March; 20% will be placed in her bursar?s account in October and January to go towards her tuition. To receive this stipend, is required to serve 400 hours (between 12-15 hours per week over the 30 week placement period) during the placement period of September 24, 2012 and April 2013. Blessings, OFFICE OF FIELD EDUCATION DUKE UNIVERSITY DIVINITY SCHOOL 0 BOX 90969 0 DURHAM, NC 27708?0969 PHONE: (919) 660-3440 FAX (919) 660?3535 RE CEIVED of? 1 z" The Of?ce of Field Education LEARNING - SERVING COVENAN (due 3 weeks into term) 6? Name of Student ?>an Name ?Church/Institution (mm) City DIE-"ham State Ma Name of Pastor/Supervisor (bmc) Name of Lay Training Committee ChairperSon (bxe); Assignment Beginning Date:_ (WW _Endmg Date: (bxnc') Supervisor?s I Supervisor?s Phoine Student?s Duke email: Student?s Cell Phone Intern?s Previous Field Education Experience: Proiect Compassion We have read and discussed ?Welcome to Theological Field Education!? provided by the Of?ce of Field Education, prior to completing this Leaming-Servirig Covenant. 3 Supervisory Conference Plan (intentional time set aside for student and supervisor to meet; minimum of one hour per week on average): Weekly Day Thursday From 5pm To 6pm Bi-weekly Day From To Location: (bxe); Arranged Time Off (other than weekly day oft): Various days during November for exams. These days will be made up during. Fall and Spring Break and in December over the month long holiday Other Special Considerations: Page I of 4 Learning-Serving Covenant for Domtsu'c Placements Form Rev. 08/ 12 SECTION I (to be completed by the intern in consultation with the supervisor) A. Describe your long-range vocational plans. *To work as chaplain ford/or End of life care settings and then perform bereavement counseling as a clinical religous CPC certi?cation under AAPC pass the national licensing exam NCE National NCE and state LPC certi?cation B. What are the overall learning goals you expect to achieve as a result of this ?eld education experience? To learn how to relate and be comfortable with residents in the retirement center To listen as they express their desires and fears as they age To learn relational skills with other staff members To understand how retirement homes handle and prepare for death in this type of setting To become a con?dent worship leader To learn how chaplains address the needs of the people in their congregations that encounter end of life care issues and bereavement issues. Such as dementia, alzhiemer?s etc. C. List the speci?c tasks assigned and ministry opportunities available which will contribute directly to the realization of your learning goals. Tie each task to its related learning goal. Congregational pastoral care visiting residents in their homes, life enchrichment activites Participate in communion- helps me learn how to be a chaplain for end of life care settings *Participate in the hospice care chaplain services Learning how to do a funeral- help me learn to be a chaplain at an end of life care setting Worship Service on Sunday and Vespar Services on Thursday - because it helps me get to know the congregation for later pastoral care visits/ and relational skills with other sta?? members D. List other duties that will be expected of you as intern in this ?eld setting which may not contribute directly to your learning goals. *Prepan'ng for worship- clean up and shut down chapel B. What other experiences have you had (church work, courses, readings, etc.) that will assist you in completing these duties and learning goals? Page 2 of 4 beaming-Serving Covenant for Damestic Placemean Form Rev. 08/12 SECTION II (to be completed by the supervisor a?er the intern has completed i Section I) A. Comment and give your assessment of the intem?s overall learning goals (I-B above). i I believ will grow in her understanding of older adults through her work at I I hope that she will become more con?dent of herself as an able worship leader and a compassionate listener, ready to sojourn on the spiritual pathway with residents here. Her goals should become more focused as she gets more comfortable with her interactions and identity here. She will be onsite for visitation, worship, and supervision: i Sundays 10am-4pm, Thursdays 4:30-83 0pm, and 3 hours on Fridays. B. Do you consider these learning goals appropriate for this ?eld setting? Explain. goals are very appropriate for this ?eld setting, a continuing care retirement center with a ynamic, able?bodied pe0plc, those living with dementia or handicapping conditions, those in need of skilled nursing, and some on hospice services. She will have opportunity twice a week to help lead worship. C. Are these learning goals realistic and adequately challenging for this intern at her/his stage of vocational development? Explain. I?m not yet clear how challeng'ng they will be for as I am still learning her gifts and graces. But I am con?dent that there will be many learning opportunities presented here. Given that she is still uncertain about her future ordination plans, we will prayer-fully work together to determine how best to discern and train for whatever vocation she embraces. We want her to feel successful in the work of her choosing, and also to feel undergirded in the work of Chaplaincy she will undertake this year. D. Are these learning goals realistic and adequately challenging for this intern in relation to the responsibilities expected in this ?eld setting? Explain. Both the relational/pastoral goals and the liturgical goals are in line with our expectations for Chaplaincy with our residents at (WHO) I trust that her counseling/listening skills will serve her (and our residents) well here! Worship is a priority here and may be the bigger stretch fo as she has not experienced that form of service heretofore. We will encourage her in that area as well. E. Describe your personal and professional commitment to this intem?s learning process and your plan for supervision. We will pray for encomage her, give guidance, help her practice new skills, and allow her room to function in her ?sweet spot? as an attentive pastoral caregiver. We will meet with her weekly for reflection and feedback. We have assigned ?oors for her to minister and will monitor gher growth in grace. Page 3 of4 Learning-Serving Covenant for Domestic Placements Fonn Rev. 08/ 12 SECTION (to be completed by the Lay Training Committee chairperson or supervisor where the LT is not yet organized) A. List the supporting arrangements for the intern provided by the church/institution: Travel: Meals: Housing: Regular time off: Other: B. Lay Training Committee Meetings Planned (more may be scheduled if necessary or desired): First meeting to review the Learning-Serving Covenant (2 weeks into term) on/about: Nov. 6 2012 Second meeting to complete the Mid-term Review (mid-term) on/about: earlv anuarv 2013 (for academic term placements only) Third meeting to complete the Final Evaluation (one week before end of term) on/about: We understand animthmamf Intern: Date: Supervism Date: ?0 2? LTC Chaii Date: 1 7{ SECTION IV (to be completed by the O?ice of Field Education) Date Received: On Time Late Date Reviewed: to >13. D. By: Comments: Follow-Up Recommended: Proposed Site Visit: The omee ofFicld Education, Duke School, Box 90969, Telephone: (919) 660-3440 Fax: (919) 660-3406 emaiL' web site (0W0) Page 4 0? [naming-Serving Covenant for Domestic Placements Form Rev. 08/12 gBukz ??ni?ersitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA December 20, 2012 Dear Yesterday, the Academic Policies Committee met and reviewed your academic record. The 2012-] ch00! Bulletin 117) describes the requirements for continuation in the MDiv program: ?Grad- uation requirements for the egree consist of satisfactory completion of 24 courses, with an overall grade point average 0 . or better.? Another version of this policy is also stated on page I of the Divinity School Bulletin, as well, stating tha students who maintain less than a (2.0) average will in most cases be withdrawn from the school. Your current cumulative GPA is 1.666. This is a generous rendering of your overall GPA, as it allows courses from 2004 to be counted. We have considered your case very carefully. The length of the program does not permit adequate time for recovery of such a low GPA to ful?ll graduation requirements. As a result, it is the decision of the Academic Policies Committee to withdraw you from the chool. We recognize this may be very dif?cult news to receive. Please know that we support you in your voca- tional discernment. If a conversation would be helpful, you are welcome to contact me to talk with you about this transition. We wish you the blessings of God?s strength and guidance in your future endeavors. Sincerely, b6;b7C From: Sent: ursa ecember 0 2 PM To: Cc: Subject: Our of?ce has been informed (DWC) I is withdrawing from DDS as of December 20. This is to request that your offices stop all future payments to (W6): including the December payroll and spring tuition. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. (W6): Faun: memeNC) Sent: Thursday, January 10. 2013 8:44 AM To: Subject: orm submission from: hooi - Attrition Form Submitted on Thu, 01 10 2913 - 03:43 Submitted by Submitted values are: Student First Name: Middle Name 1a Last Career: Session: Regular Program Action: Withdrawal Administrative Program Reason: Date of student withdrawal Notification/Determination: 01/09/2013 withdrawal Term: 1439 - Anticipated Return Term: Not Applicable New Graduation Term: 1780 - Fall 2619 Grades: Special Grading Instructions: Tuition Percent to be Refunded: Other Instructions: mexnC) was an mxmi student. Your Name; Your E-mail The results of this submission may be viewed at: Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent226 Apr 2013 13:52:58 -0500 To:Bhagat, Kay H. Response to OCR Complaint 1 1-13?2066, Email 3 of 6 AttachmentszExhibit D.zip From; I Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 1:51 PM To: Russo, Martha Subject: Response to OCR Complaint 1 1-13-2066, Email 3 of6 Dear Ms. Russo. Attached please find the third email relating to Response to OCR Complaint 1 1-13-2066. Thank you, Notice: The information contained in this electronic mail message and any attachments, is privileged and con?dential. This c-mail is intended only for the named recipient(s). If you have received this message in error, copying, distributing or using the information is prohibited. and you are requested to please contact the sender immediately by return e?mail and delete all copies of the original message. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege. EXHIBIT OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL EQUITY FILE fl UK 5.7181313 53 .?Ev?Yfii'in'iili SrL?l 11.3.? Client Contact Record PERSON CONTACTING You I COMPLAINANT El RESPONDENT El 2 OR MORE COMPLAINANTS (COMPLETE REAR OF FORM) NAME TITLE DEPT NAME PHONE so 7/61014 Intake Person 600C i Case Handler WC i Date Closed I . . COMPLAINANT INFORMATION Duke Unique ID (LOCATED on REAR or ID eree) ,i I. NAME: JOD Title: Lil). .i Work Address: Departm Phone: A Home A. ?5 'on . (C) State Zip Phone: MALE EIAmerican Indian UAsian DLatino/Hispanic DWhite UMuiti-racial UOther (indicate) a . I Exempt (Paid [1 Non-Exempt (Paid Bi-Weekly) El Faculty KGrad/Prof A Undergraduate Other: Campus School of Medicine Duke Raleigh Hospital El PDC El Duke Hospital Durham Regional Hospital Other Health System (Ctr living, clin labs. prmo, dchc, admin) [1 DUAP (Duke University Af?liates) RESPONDENT INFORMATION (The person(s) with whom you are having problemsNAME Job Title: RC i? ?Till CI 6 Department: MALE CIAmerican Indian DAsian El Black Latino/Hispanic UWhite El Other (indicate) Employment Status: Exempt (Paid Non-Exempt Faculty El Grad/Prof Undergraduate El Other: ?Campus School of Medicine [3 Duke Raleigh Hospital El PDC El Duke Hospital El Durham Regional Hospital Other Health System (Ctr living, clin labs, prmo, dchc, admin) DUAP (Duke University Af?liates) I have been advised of and/or received a document regarding the Duke Harassment Policy. I have been advised oi the prohibition of retaliation and expectation of con?dentiality on my part. I undelstand the Of?ce for Institutional Equity is unable to guarantee confidentiality or anonymity and, dependng on the circumstances of my conoem, may have an obligation to act. #4 I have elected not to ?le a complaint at this time, but understand that I may tile a con'plaini at a later date within the applicable time limitations set out in the harassment or non-discrimination policy. have been advised of the informal and formal complaint handling processes and I have elected to utilize the_ process. if you check the last statement, please pro! drug the name(s) of the W6): l/S of your allegations or complaint below. SUMMARY OF COMPLAINT: (Attach separate sheet, if necessary) How did you learn about the Of?ce for Institutional Equity or Duke?s Harassment Policy? OIE Brochure/Pamphlet Manager or HR CI Website Cl Training Session Other To be completed by OIE staff PLEASE CIRCLE OR CHECK ALL THAT APPLY iv DETERMINATION OF ~b (if applicable) 1 Advice/Counseling 2. Follow-up Other than Investigation AGE GENERAL 1X3. Investigation RACE El COLOR NATIONAL ORIGIN RELIGION El GENDER IDENTITY 4. Investigation/Follow-up by 3rd Party 5. Mediation 6. Referral to Human Resources or other Duke of?ce SEXUAL ORIENTATION PREGNANCY m?Discn?mination on the basis of: Harassment on basis of' _7 Training/Education OTHER: Harassment or Discrimination policy found to be violated? '"appropriate BehaVior Retaliation CI NIA No Yes Unfair Treatment El Other- El Consensual Relationship Policy ORGANIZATIONAL UNITS AND ADMINISTRATORS Administrationmns Sciences- Trask Ambulatory CarelSurgery- P. Newman Arts 8. ScienceslHumanitles? P. Lange Arts Scienceslnatural Sciences- P. Lange Arts 8. ScienceslSocial Sciences? P. Lange Athletics - T. Trask Chapel Services- 8. Wells D. Roth Development Alumni Affairs- E. Medean?s Divinity School- 6. Jones Duke Clinical Laboratories- R. Calif Duke Hospital- K. Sowers Duke Management Co- M. Whitted Duke Raleigh Hospital-Doug Wnsel Durham Regional Hospital? Watson Fuqua School of Business- B. Shepard Graduate Schooi- J. Wright Health System- W. Fu/kerson Law School- D. Levi Library Afiairs- D. Jakubs Nicholas School of the Environment- Nursing? C. Of?ce for Institutional Equity- 8. Reese Of?ce of the University Secretary- R. Riddel/ P. Newman Pratt School of Engineering? T. Katsouleas P. Newman Public Affairs 8. Government Relations? M. Schoenl'eld Sanford Institute of Public Policy? B. Kuniho/m School of Medicine- N. Andrews School of Nursing- C. Gil/iss Student Affairs- L. Moneta University Counsel- P. Bernard INDICATE IF ORG. UNIT DIFFERENT FOR RESPONDENT PLEASE MAIL OR FAX A COPY OF THE COMPLETED FORM TO OFFICE FOR INSTITUTIONAL EQUITY DUKE UNIVERSITY Box 90012 DURHAM, NC 27708 FAX No: 919?684-8580 OFFICE PHONE: 919-6848222 April 97, 90:2 W14 cm WW 5% 01%:~51!va and MA ,?memquMWWAaf?/w 57m 00M 5%me? 51% MA WW mum F?AAmew/?laivm ?le/LAme f?m 5mm S?l?l?o?l?m (AM bra-MOM (at? Mt EWW Eh)sz Wm immvle??.. i3 THQ VIZ pvt?cm 5W writh mpg)th 622,162 gowr a?wwv, W94. dame/mob 5M z? . if? Sarg- {Vtng 90% 056 bade/mg Mr WW (cm rim/I 05 Wt WW. swam]. .LAML NW W) ?n a5 Mappb?cwhw, 2+ aw 1.6M draw 3m nW )Mm?w 03 Wm dtbcugg?m i mmude emome paw. TLC MW (Mu/u, cm mm macaw, I ?57m 87% dm am mama memmamm 8mm 11014 We Wmf?qgig 3370mm ?ar/Mjfl?im ?Huz 551C Comdfn??rs/ alfreon Wm??xzq Wm m1; saw-M - W127 ?5qu mm 74; as Ff. 005+ 155 WS??c/n Clinton, J.D. From: Elaine Madison, M.A., JD. Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 4:19 PM To: Clinton, J.D. Cc: Elaine Madison, M.A., J.D. Subject: DukeEngage policy - hope this is helpful. -em From our l?l'erms and Conditions" agreement that all participants must sign upon acceptance: Spouses/Partners and Accompanying Non-participants. Duke University is not responsible for providing support for accompanying non-participants, spouses/partners, parents, children, or other third parties. I agree not to invite any non-participants, guests, friends, relatives, into overnight accommodations, rental/leased/hired vehicles, and organized events paid for by Duke University for DukeEngage participants. If I invite any such person and/or such person disrupts the program, it may be grounds for my dismissal. From our Travel Policy document: Accommodations DukeEngage staff select or review accommodations for participants in all of?cial DukeEngage programs. Program participants must stay in the accommodations provided for members of their groups. Participants in official DukeEngage programs may not invite non-participants to stay overnight in any accommodations paid for by DukeEngage. Non- participants will be asked to leave DukeEngage accommodations and common transportation. Questions on our application: 1. Program Name Application History Applied before? Previously funded? Merit scholarship? Majors/Minors/Certi?cates (reported by Student): Majors/Minors/Certi?cates from PeopleSoft: Campus Af?liations: FOCUS involvement: Study abroad experience: Will your program/project entail travel outside the United States: Do you have a current passport, valid 6 months past the ?rst day of classes next year: Passport Name: Passport Expiration: Countries of Citizenship (from PeopleSoft): USA US Citizenship Status (from PeopleSoft): Citizen US Permanent Alien? (from PeopleSoft): Box 90590 114 South Buchanan Boulevard Smith Warehouse, Bay 7, 2nd Floor Durham, NC 27708 Phone: 1.919.684.4377 FAX: 1.919.660.3230 q, gatleglh1(( 776 Na, did "of Win'm 45wa M41 .WMW. pa Mm who} 0141 2a an mat. Wu) Wm 4m mm #110 meow Mm- 6W3 stuff>> My Minx/k m; numMQWaiW/dc [We] YDWIC) nm/rqwfi 44M pm (96 am mam. 1* M4 film.) mam- (DIME) 444 Wm - -- lama/n -Caniv "flu. WWI 54? mfl'mfim ('74 pm #1 Mm, 51015 (med. 5m MWMA '07 54M WM fami- 34m MAW. 1b)(6) (0)010 - fin Mi- sham, SM mm a M- 5AM. mam WM az? SW In fog? 3M 0 Yea/rm WM Educafv?m 7319mm f? (bxe); (tame) WW 2-0 a?ovms aw . 5W, an (Email amour ?wlwm MW 229m 505% M24. (021.57 jam balm, Maw AM 53%. JADM [47133, ?ag/ma/MM ..Wm 300%. ml? ?Hie; wig) 6?04 54%. I W?Jw?w, mad/m. WWda?mg pram ?00an 45 19km. I - (bxe); TIC 7 (C) ?357Chm/014 no mw? com C?/n mm ??m?Wa mm? *0 WM 8411.1me wax/+22? mm mm gymhia Clinton, AM Clinton. FW: Fletd Education Ms. Clintoni Thank you for the conversatlon morning. I'll touch base (Wt (DWCW about the international questions. This is the most recent message from-where she talks about her health concerns Best to you rm: Sent \Irsd ri|19 2012 :1 I know that the likelihood of this is slim to none at this point because I'm just now asking But I wanted to make sure I wouldn't get sick anymore hefare I asked for a placement I went to a slew of donors over this past semester that all wnrked together to stop me from getting sick anymore, They finally found a medication that can prevent it fi'om occuring anymore. I wanted to make sure that it worked before I engaged in any further activities at this school, thus I decided not t0 apply for a field education placement. I finally finished with all the research and I am able to effectively put everything down on paper now without trouble. I was hoping that I would finish it over the summer or get the final church plaeements I think that will he the only way I will be able to finish in Dec. I wmpletely understand, if this is not a possibility anymore. And honestly, I feel a little ridiculous asking at this late date, but I figured it was worth a shot. [truly just wanted to make sure that I wouldn't reflect on Duk in a negative light before I and did any further work at this school. Grace And Peace, CI man lem Emmi, (:hii'iicl Sent: Thursday, May in, 2012 4:36 PM 'r Clinton, in su pct: RE: Field Eaucallon -- We have contacted mite) motor and have sent her a copy of our International application ior feedback Thanks for that suggestion. Also, i wanted to update you and ask your advice, We held our end of semester Academic Policies Committee meeting yesterday aiternoon. The group is comprised ofacultv and administrators. We keep what we discuss in that meeting confidential, but they did ask me to Contact you and get your advice. All of us are concerned about (and somewhat bewildered by) the student we had talked about on the phone yesterday morning. Various members oi the committee had stories to share 0' concern (or her academic as well as personal wellrbeing. We do believe she would benefit irom some type oi accommodations, but we are all hesitant to he the ones to suggest that process to her as she sometimes becomes defensive. The committee was wondering, if as a part of the response you nifer her, if mention could he made of various resources available to Duke students, We certainly understand if this is no: possible, but we were all in agreement that we want to offer her as much help as possible, but we do not want to aggravate her iurther. Thanks ior your good work. lell Clinton sent Wednsda 09 (his) a Thank you torthe email, your assistance and the context you provided this morning. Ibelleve Leigh will be able to provide some iniormation regarding both-arid the held education forms. Also, iiyou'd like, please call me to. Director, Harassment Prevention Oiflce iur Equity Duke University/Duke Universitv Health system 114 Buchanan Blvd, says, Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27703 201? Wu] saw! .Qi I904- igsum :??rvw?dao( in?rrym?m 034/21, i i CW mm 8.431% 1? 67mm a i 1 LoiLaj W. ?r away fat/W Mal 8W Mat 01 4 Walt/(4; Waba- abMWw$ we? 46%? '95 ?46604 wZa??A worm! vr?cL 0001b -- VWL 4m 016 To a [21? a Lida; 05 ammowvb Mam?, a (LU/ll #11457 Mm- #W?dm?w W) de no? sdw?al'WL? 3 (bx6); (OX6): I i: ?ngwt; um 12; MW, 199/ 7W cmw Duk chool I Du: .., NC 27708 new Dealeey Conlne PHOIE: 919-660-3428 FAX: 91 smarts Com bfl/d? h) 27, 2004 I have been dlrected . (WW to you trom the School as of the date you Informed the Fleld Education 0 can you Withdrawal at this time In thsemceter results In a 60 percent retund of tultlon.? I will send a copy at this tetter to the Registrar today. Sincerely, Orginc Attritionrotioc Form . gage t'm- i. WIWIWIMIWIW This term should be used to authorize a withdrawal/leave from the University. All fields rTust be completed, except where indicated with - Student EMPLID: mm) . g} First Natale: (W I, Middle Name/lnltialz' "w (bx? Last Name: Career: (3, Session: 6: Regular Program Action: (Please select one) Discontinuation Dismissal C- Leave of Absence Suspension F- Administrative Withdrawal f? Program Reason: I (Reference Values) Eitetftive Date: (WC) *3 Term: mm (Example:Spn'ng2003) Anticipated Return Term- not appliance. enter New Graduation Termz' n/a Grades: (Please selectone) (0.7 W's f? F's Student alerted us to her desire to withdraw on Further Instructionsz? Your Name: Your E-mail Address: lt MAYtake several days to process this request. especially it it requires an adjustment ol tuition charges. This request will be routed to both the Office at the University Registrar and the Bursar. It will be acted upon immediately. Contact 3955;: Morris. re: ?nancial adjustments or re: student records. It you experience problems with this term. contact the (684-2813)- n:nn I?v?lrn grin/van (tonne-01Afiref;nnloffr;f;nn nnh'nn rtiv 0/97/9004 ?7 wmumam ii . . Li??ll D??n.twk9 dMWdui?ux 3%9 va'?ol ec-Mzd, NM WWI ham-M Mn Mr, ?HubM/n mf cg loam 121 WW1 nmwz?71306?" Wegm Wu ?rm/o 4 . . 506% mum) (one) mmc) TIC mum 'sz, dm'f-- WW Maw/g Qeawfmq "Mi? Mi' gnaw/1d ME. pnm' '(bxm mam) finzoMMwm 0/ Wmumxt :1 admpw- 90' 1 @1715) Mum AM [Wm A (WMMH Ema 66F (DNUC) m. mm" A We 1 Jamaal 1? "If am Lb! m7 Mv'v'p/e mom/145, The Of?ce of Field Education APPLICATION FOR DUKE DIVINITY SCHOOL-COORDINATED INTERNATIONAL FIELD EDUCATION PLACEMENT (Hard copy must be submitted in person to The Office of Field Education, 105 Westbrook, by the application deadline.) Please note that applications will be reviewed by a panel, including students, staff and faculty. Date I. INTRODUCTION: COMPLETE ALL PARTS OF THIS APPLICATION (including attachments) and retain a hard copy for your records. Additionally, please save an electronic copy of this application for email forwarding purposes. Read the entire document before answering the questions. PERSONAL DATA: LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: M.I. DUKE UNIQUE BIRTH DATE: LOCAL ADDRESS STREET: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: PHONE: E-MAIL: @duke.edu *Students must provide a "dukeedu" email address. Email will not be sent to addresses that do not end in "duke. edu PASSPORT ISSUE DATE: GENDERCitizen, there is an additional form (not included in this packet) that is required by the International O?ice. Please see the Of?ce of Field Education, Westbrook 105, for additional information. ETHNIC ORIGIN: White Black Hispanic Asian or Paci?c Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Other (list) MARITAL STATUS: Single Married If engaged, wedding date Spouse's full name: Spouse's occupation No. of children Ages Spouses wishing to travel internationally must cover all of their travel and living expenses. Have you considered the implications of this? YES NO Denominational af?liation Page 1 of 7 International Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 Judicatory (Conference, Synod, Diocese, Presbytery) Church membership Where do you attend church locally? ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: FAX: EMAIL: Are you seeking denominational ordination? Ordination (candidacy) status Do you have health insurance? YES NO Current Degree Program: M. Div. M. How many courses have you completed? PREVIOUS Field Education experiences through Duke: 1. 2. 3. Have you PREVIOUSLY been employed by another Duke or Divinity School of?ce? YES NO If YES, please list your LAST POSITION DEPARTMENT DATES WORKED Are you a full-time registered Duke student? YES NO Will you be returning to Duke for the subsequent fall semester? YES NO If no, please explain: MINISTERIAL VOCATIONAL GOALS: Please note your present vocational goals for ministry (RANK in priority, 1 being MOST important): Parish Ministry Campus Ministry Teaching Rural Ministry Urban Ministry Missions Institutional or Military Chaplaincy Christian Education Diaconal Ministry Other (please explain) Name: Page 2 of 7 International Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 PLACEMENT PROCESS: The placement of students in international ?eld settings is a complex one involving considerable prayer and the interests and concerns of a number of parties: 1. The Divinity School and funding restrictions 2. Coordinator input and discerrmient 3. Compatibility of student learning goals with the purposes of the placement 4. The interview team and its processes 5. Requirements of various funding entities 6. Supervisor?s needs and requirements for the international setting Are there compelling personal circumstances or hardships which you feel must be considered in your ?eld placement? Please understand that these will be considered and acted on, if possible. IV. The Divinity School coordinates international placements in Central America (Guatemala/El Salvador), Mexico, South Africa, Uganda and Kenya. Summaries of each placement setting are as follows: (For further questions about a particular placement, please contact the Mike of Field Education.) CENTRAL AMERICA: (Coordinated by Rev. Rhonda Parker) I Students spend 4 weeks in Guatemala, 6 weeks in El Salvador; attend Spanish language school, live with host families, and serve the Evangelical Methodist Church of El Salvador. I Purpose: 0 To empower students to better understand US. immigration issues ?om an ecclesial perspective 0 To introduce students to Spanish language 0 To equip students for ecclesial dialogue and service in the U. S. from an experiential perspective MEXICO: (Coordinated by Dr. Edgardo Colon-Emeric) I Reqnirements: Fluency in Spanish I Students will serve local churches in and around Mexico City under the direction of the local District Superintendent I Purpose: 0 To allow students to experience the Methodist Church in Mexico and to learn from an experienced pastor To give students an opportunity to develop pastoral skills and Spanish ?uency 0 To help students understand the culture of many Hispanic immigrants in the US SOUTH AFRICA: (Coordinated by Dr. Peter Storey) I Students engage issues of Apartheid and reconciliation from a South African perspective, serving in Methodist parishes, other ecumenical contexts, and/or non-pro?t organizations. "Priority is given to students who are pursuing ordination and parish ministry.M I Purpose: 0 To equip students to engage in faithful dialogue concerning racial reconciliation in the U. S. To observe ecclesial of reconciliation in the aftermath of the Apartheid To develop wholistic pastoral skills and sensitivities in a unique A?ican culture Name: Page 3 of 7 International Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 UGANDA: (Coordinated by Dr. Emmanuel Katongole) I Students live and work in a Roman Catholic parish setting, participating in worship and teaching children and youth in a Catholic school. Purpose: 0 to introduce students to Ugandan culture and the global nature of Christianity 0 to explore issues and ministries of justice, peace, and reconciliation KENYA: (Coordinated by Rev. Rhonda Parker and Ellen Daniels-Howell, US, and Joseph Okuya and Laura Steed Kenya) I Students travel to North UMC in Indianapolis, IN for 2 weeks to learn about the Umoja Project in Kenya, a partnership between congregations in Indianapolis and Kenya that supports a school feeding program for orphans in Chulaimbo. Students will spend 7 weeks in Kenya working with the church leaders of the Umoja Project and strengthening the partnership. Students will return to Indiana for 1 week at the end of the placement to share their experience with congregations in Indianapolis. I Purpose: 0 To expose students to a new model for global ministry 0 To experience ministry in an ecumenical setting and to develop pastoral skills 0 To understand the Kenyan culture and the needs of nrral African communities 1. Please indicate which placement settings you are applying for: Central America (Guatemala/El Salvador) Mexico South Africa Uganda Kenya other (Please identify country) 2. For each international setting in which you are seeking placement, attach a narrative (1 -2 pages) explaining why you would like to be placed in that setting. Please include any information from your faith joumey narrative that relates to your desire to serve an international placement. (NOTE: A narrative is required for each setting for which you are seeking placement. Save a copy of these narratives Mg Word mitten: format). 3. Have you done any coursework or participated in any activities which have heightened your understanding of the country of interest or other transitioning countries in the developing world? 4. How might an international placement contribute to your emerging vocational identity? Name: Page 4 of 7 International Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 5. Will you be under any restrictions for health or medical reasons? If so, please describe in detail. 6. Are you required to take medication regularly? YES NO Ifyes, what is the medication and what are the conditions under which it should be administered? 7. Must your diet be restricted for health or other reasons? YES NO If yes, please describe those restrictions. 8. Are you willing to fundraise to offset personal expenses? YES NO I covenant to faithfully ful?ll the service and learning opportunities of my placement insofar as my abilities permit with the support of the Of?ce of Field Education. My signature authorizes the release of this completed application to my pastor/supervisor. For placement assessment purposes, I grant the ?eld education sta? full access to my Divinity School records. Furthermore, in addition to the expectations of ?eld education placements, I will be willing and able to participate in both arranged and informal opportunities to share my experience with the Divinity School community, the broader community, and sponsoring entities. Signed Name: Date: (Expectations of international ?eld education placements are found in the Field Education Policies and Procedures Manual available at: Name: Page 5 of 7 International Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 A. VITA: 1. LAST Name FIRST Name M.I. 2. Educational Experiences (post-high school): Institution Degree Year Area(s) of concentration 3. Extra-curricular Activities (explain, if necessary): 4. Church Experience (where, of?ces held, paid positions, special experiences, etc.) 5. Work Experience (part-time and full-time employment of whatever kind during and following college; explain if necessary) Name: Page 6 of 7 International Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 6. Special skills you may have developed through church, educational or work experiences (for example, musical, athletics, drama, organizational-management, etc.) 7. Hobbies and/or special interests (including significant travel experiences) 8. Do you have any foreign language facility? What language(s) If you are not selected for an international Field Education placement, and still wish to receive a domestic summer placement, you will need to ?ll out a regular student application and submit it to the Of?ce of Field Education by the posted deadline. The domestic student application and deadline information is available on our website at Once you submit your completed application, you will need to schedule another interview to be considered for a domestic summer placement. If you have any questions, please contact the Of?ce of Field Education at 919-660-3440 or ficldeducation@div.duke.edu. Name: The Of?ce of Field Education, Duke Divinty School, Box 90969, Durham, NC 27708 Telephone: (919) 660-3440 Fax: (919) 6603406 email: ?eldeducation@div.duke.edu web site: Page 7 of 7 International Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 IDLHKE DIVINITY -59399L. The Of?ce of Field Education STUDENT APPLICATION FOR FIELD PLACEMENT (Hard copy must be hand-delivered to the Office of Field Education at 105 Westbrook to set-up an interview by the application deadline.) Date Placement Requested for: Full-time lO-week summer term Are you Self Initiating a Placement: Yes No Part-time academic term (Sept.- April) I. INTRODUCTION: COMPLETE THIS FORM NEATLY, COMPLETELY AND ACCURATELY. Please make a! COPY and retain for your records. PERSONAL DATA: DUKE UNIQUE BIRTH DATE: LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: M.I. PREFERRED NAME: HOMETOWN: LOCAL ADDRESS STREET: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: PHONE: E-MAIL: @duke.edu Students must provide a ?duke. edu email address. Email will be sent to addresses that do not end in ?dukeedu GENDER: VETERANCitizen, there is an additional form (not included in this packet) that is required by the International O?ice. Please see the O?ice of Field Education, Westbrook 105, additional information. ETHNIC ORIGIN: White Black Hispanic Asian or Paci?c Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Other (list) PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS which may in?uence your assignment: MARITAL STATUS: Single Married If engaged, wedding date Spouse?s full name Spouse?s occupation No. of children Ages Host churches rarely provide housing for spouses or families of students during the placement. Have you considered the implications of this? YES NO Page 1 of 5 Student Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 COMMENTS Denominational af?liation Church membership Where do you attend church? Ordination (candidacy) status Conference/Synod/Association An automobile is required for most assignments. Do you have one in working condition? Do you have health and accident insurance? NO Current Divinity Program: M.Div. M.C.M. How many courses have you completed? PREVIOUS Field Education experiences through Duke: 1. 2. 3. Have you PREVIOUSLY been employed by another Duke or Divinity School o?ice? YES NO If YES, please list your LAST: POSITION DEPARTMENT DATES WORKED Are you CURRENTLY working or PLANNING to work in another Duke or Divinity School department during your ?eld education placement? YES NO If YES, please list: DATES DEPARTMENT POSITION Are you a full-time registered Duke student? YES NO Summer placements: Will you be returning to Duke for the subsequent fall semester? YES NO Ifno, please explain: ?Please refer to Section II. B. in the Field Education Policies and Procedures Manual available at: htgn://divinity duke. Opoliciespdf MINISTERIAL VOCATION GOALS: Please note your present vocational goals for ministry (RANK in priority, 1 being MOST important): Pan'sh Ministry Campus Ministry Teaching Rural Ministry Urban Ministry Missions Institutional or Military Chaplaincy Christian Education Diaconal Ministry Other (please explain) Page 2 of 5 Student Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 What speci?c ministry tasks or roles do you wish to explore during this term? 1) 2) 3) PLACEMENT PROCESS: The placement of students in appropriate ?eld settings is a complex one involving considerable prayer and the interests and concerns of a number of parties: I. The school and funding restriction 2. The local church or agency program needs 3. The student?s learning needs 4. The supervisor-student relationship 5. Requirements of the various judicatories/institutions It is the responsibility of the Of?ce of Field Education to know these o?en competing needs and interests and to address them to the best of our ability with the ?nal decision about student assignment. Please indicate below in RANK order (1 being MOST important) your personal preferences in your placement, realizing learning needs will be given prior consideration and that availability of settings may limit possibilities. Type of internship (specify) Supervisory needs (specify) Geographical location of assignment (specify) Health (specify) Other (specify) Are there compelling personal circumstances or hardships which you feel must be considered in your ?eld placement? Please understand that these will be considered and acted on, if possible. I covenant to faithfully ful?ll the service and learning opportunities of my placement insofar as my abilities permit with the support of the Office of Field Education My signature authorizes the release of this completed application to my pastor/supervisor. For placement assessment purposes, I grant the ?eld education staff full access to my Divinity School records. Signed Date Page 3 of 5 Student Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 A. VITA: 1. LAST Name FIRST Name MJ. 2. Educational Experiences (post-high school): Institution Degree Year Area(s) of concentration A. B. C. 3. Extra-curricular Activities (explain, if necessary): 4. Church Experience (where, o?ces held, paid positions, special experiences, etc.) 5. Work Experience (part-time and full-time employment of whatever kind during and following college; explain if necessary) 6. Special skills you may have developed through church, educational or work experiences (for example, music, athletics, drama, organizational-management, etc.) 7. Hobbies and/or special interests (including signi?cant travel experiences) 8. Do you have any foreign language facility? What language(s)? Page 4 of 5 Student Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 B. FAITH PILGRIMAGE (REQUIRED in order to consider your application): PLEASE YOUR FAITH PILGRIMAGE DOCUMENT TO FORWARD TO YOUR SUPERVISOR UPON PLACEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT. On a separate attached sheet, please narrate your journey into including the pivotal in?uences on your decision to enter full-time Christian service and the high points of your spiritual and theological formation. Three to ?ve double-spaced pages should suf?ce. Be sure to LABEL EACH PAGE with your name and page number. The Of?ce of Field Education. Duke School, Box 90969, Durham, NC 27708 Telephone: (919) 660-3440 Fax: (919) 660-3406 email: ?eldeducation@div.duke.edu web site: Page 5 of 5 Student Field Education Application Form Rev. 12/11 Clinton, i From: Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 4:48 PM To: Clinton, J.D. Subject: FW: Meeting Yesterday Begin forwarded message: From; I Da 15 b)(6)i Subject: Repler? I have already been working to arrange a hospice and the A?-ica placement with another school i They have been in touch with Hospices in Durham for me. The only way I will get the things necessary for ?rture job placement in my desired ?eld is to do it this way since I was re?rsed the Africa interview for the HIV placement and all of my responsibilites that worked for an entire semester to accomplish were taken away in Jan at my current placement. I was supposed set up care teams for Steven Warnack to teach and I was not allowed to do that anymore after my interaction with the ?eld education regarding the A?ica interview as well. It was my understanding that the placements do not begin until June and I have already been through orientation. Thus, orientation shouldn't be a necessity?? At least it isn't during the school year. I should have my papers completed by Friday, which would be the necessary requirement according to the the deans. However, both the ADA and EOE representative here originally stated that it is against the law at this point to make any demands on those incompletes or place restrictions of a ?eld education placement that would e??ect my graduation based on the consequences from an employee breaking breaking title 9, ADA and FERPA laws in 13 different places. I should have been able to interview for the Africa placement and this would have never been an issue; it is one of two academic reasons I returned to this school. Original Message TA. Sent: Tue, 15 May 2012 11:19:58 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thanks for the update. The ?eld education placement process and orientation for Summer Let's setup a ti to talk in August about what might make the most sense for completing your ?eld education requirement in a way that moves you toward your vocational goals. I will be working on cultivating placements this summer, so we should have some new/renewed options to discuss. (C) (mch 0 Se To. (bxe): Cc I Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday My incompletes will be taken care of by Friday and they are a direct result to my interaction with the ?eld education of?ce. I would appreciate the extra time to be put into ?nding me a ?eld education placement for the summer. Grace and Peace, Onginal Message To: Cc: mac? Sent: Sat, 12 May 2012 21:53:54 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday I am confirming understanding of the FE policy below; in order to be eligible to participate in field education, a student may not have more than 1 incomplete. Resolving 2 of your 3 incompletes prior to the start of the fall semester would make you eligible to participate in field education next academic year. At that time, we will talk about possible field education options for you. Blessings on your summer, (C) sew? Thu'SdaV: May 10. 2012 5:12 pm To: Cc: Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday (C) Thank you for sending this email. I can confirm that you put courses in your bookbag, but you have not officially registered for the fall. It appears that you have not been cleared for registration by your academic advisor, was copied in a letter you just received from acknowledging your incomplete work. As a next step, I recommend focusing on reso ving incomplete work, and then we can deal with registration. Also, I received your email that you have requested transcripts to be sent to me. I have not received them as of today, and I look forward to getting them. Once I have received them, I will check in with you about next steps. As far as afield ed placement, my understanding of field ed policies is that students who have more than 1 incomplete on their academic record are not eligible for a ?eld ed placement. However, I will let Rev Parker give you a formal word on that. Best, FromJ(b)(6)z (WHO) I Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 1:49 PM To: Rhonda Parker Su ng ay (bx6): I apologize for just now getting back to you. I had to 3 a personal things in inorder over the weekend and I was not able to access the internet. I signed up for the classes we spoke about and two master's level classes as my electives that are going over behavior training, which is relevant to the experiment I designed regarding CPE stuff I got the permission to have experiment implemented across multiple sites now after my initial ?ndings, so I really think that will help to make sure I'm on track. There was only one class that I saw related to end of life care and I read all of those books for my ?eld education experiment. missed one, please let me know I'm unequivocally going to need a ?eld education placement this summer. The only way I will be able to get a job in hospice or in Aids Care facilities in Africa is to have a summer ?eld education placement now That way I can self initate a hospice site for next year and ?nd an Africa placement regarding AIDS awareness this coming summer. Whether I ?nish classes in Dec or not. Unfortunately, because of the way my ?eld education has turned out; I don't have a choice anymore. This is the only way I will be able to get the experience I need to get a job. I have been talking with catholic seminary about how to get placements in these places here and I think they will be able to ?nd me a Hospice placement here in Durham and most likely in Africa as well, so that should make this a little easier. 4 Grace and Peace, Original Message From: To: Cc: Sent: Thu, 03 May 2012 13:38:24 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday The next logical step is for you to confirm wit office what courses might be transferred to count toward youo that we can confirm a projected graduation date for you. That date really drives the timing of your next Field Ed; once that date is in place we can discuss the particulars around an appropriate learning context. Moving forward, office and ours will work closely to ensure things are lined up as you work to complete your degree Consider us a team. Blessings to you this finals week I hope you are doing well! Blessings, I To I 2012 9:09 pM Cc: (bx6); (WHO) I Subject: Re: Meetmg Yesterday I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I came back to this university solely for the opportunity to work with the professors in the end of life institute, gain hospice experience and to go to A?ica and to work with the AIDS and public health programs under Peter Storey. I was refused an interview for Africa, despite the fact I Iturned my application in on time, schedule multiple meetings to rectify the situation, and continued through email to indicate I that I did withdraw application and repeatedly tried to schedule an interview. And in addition since no hospice in Chapel Hill or Durham is currently working with the Field Education of?ce, I'm scared I am not gaining any of the necessary experience to answer my call to serve Christ, which is hospice and international mission work. Through my past four years of working in a church I have come to certainty that my primary call is not to work in a church and my current placement will not help me in my future endeavors. What do you suggest is my best course of action to get a job upon my graduation within these two ?elds since my last placement will not help me succeed in this? Thank you for helping me and again for your kindness to me throughout this year. You have always been nothing but wonderful and a joy to work with. I appreciate your help in this matter. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: To: Cc: Sent: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 20:13:52 +0000 Subject: Meeting Yesterday (C) Grace and peace to you this beauti?il afternoon! I?m writing to follow up ?'om our brief meeting with you yesterday. At that meeting, you indicated believed that, after meeting with today, you will be graduating in December. A Iindicated yesterday, if you are graduating in December, we need to construct a plan to get your second unit of Field Education completed. Since the second unit needs to be a church placement, the two possibilities before us are: I) enroll you late in a summer placement or 2) place you in an academic year placement next year, acknowledging that you will complete coursework in December and the placement in April 2013. Can you update me on the outcome of your meeting with Todd so we can make a Field Education plan for you? If it?s simpler, we can setup a time to talk early next week. Have a great weekend! Peace, Clinton, J.D. From; (tame) Sent: 16, 2012 5:55 AM . (mmc) - (bxm) Clinton. J.D. Subject: Fwd: 'T'imecard For 5/6/12 The latest. There has never been mention of 460 hours. It has always been 400. The ?ll] payment is $7600 not $7400 which includes an $800 tuition grant she is not including. Note the time stamp. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: I Da Mav 16. 2012 1:37:03 AMEDT A i I (130(6)? Subject: Timecard for 5/6/12 Reply,To. I checked back in our orginal records the ?eld education of?ce gave us and it states that we have to work 460 hours to recieve the full 7400 payment. Thus, my original time card would have been correct and turned in on time. If I worked only 400 I would only be able to recieve 6700 of the Work Study Payment. However, I did change it to the 13 hours based upon your request; and still did not recieve the pay for that. Have I missed something? And I'm wrong on this? Pretty sure my orginal time was correct and still even under the 460 necessary hours to recieve our full work study payment. And turned a week prior to the due date as well. I don't understand what happened, but I can't afford to loose my last pay period especially since I did not work enough hours to get the ?ill year's pay and I do not have a summer placement to make any money either. Grace and Peace Original Message Tn- Cc: Sent: Wed, 09 May 2012 18:04:19 +0000 Subject: Timecard for 5/6/12 Because you submitted your revised timech after the payroll deadline, the corrected time card does not show that it was submitted, therefore Payroll is unable to process your last timecard for payment. Blessings, ?Tl C. Ltd?f?lt i Expwm 50% a6 Mime/M 5M 0% MA Conm?wbm WW4 mu} ea?msowowmotz,dmrn% i CM5 (x 19m IW by? if} ska. a. {mam ?rm. in?rm ?gwoi-amo?mwa 20 Mamm Clinton, J.D. From: I Sent: a a Ma 17, 2012 6:25 AM 1-0; We); (owe) Cc; i Clinton, J.D. Subject: Re: Summer Placement and all), Good morning! Would you mind giving me a call at 668-1282 this morning to discuss out meeting yesterday. Just want to ?ll you in on the details and bring you up to speed. Thanks so much? Have a good day! Best, Sent ?'om my iPhone On May 17, 2012, at 6:22 AM, u> wrote: I wanted to share the latest email exchange (below) with you and your office. I he meeting with was productive. Please let me know if there is anything we need to do from our of?ce. From; Sent:' y, ay To: Su ummer Placement Thank you. All ?sture contact will mostly need to be handled through lawyers. But I appreciate the offer. Original Message Emm' To: Cc: Sent: Wed, 16 May 2012 13:29:00 +0000 Subject: RE: Summer Placement appreciate your concern for our office's work, however, workload is not a concern. The issue is that you are not eligible to participate in field education for the summer placement period for a variety of reasons, notably: The deadline to apply f0r a 2012 summer field education placement was Friday, January 27, 2012. You did not apply. Orientation for summer 2012 placements was May 8 for new and returning field education students. This orientation was reguired for all students participating in summer 2012 ?eld education placements. Students having more than 1 incomplete are not eligible to participate in field education. You currently have 3 incompletes on your record. As I suggested in earlier emails to you, the best way forward at this point is for you to complete at least two of your courses in which you currently have incompletes and then apply on time for 3 2012-13 academic year placement. The deadline for applications to be hand-delivered to Westbrook 105 for the 2012-13 academic year placement period is Friday, Atmust 31 at 3:00 pm. I look forward to meeting with you around that time to discuss how we can work together to meet your vocational goals and the requirements of the MDiv program. Christ?s peace, From: 1.0: ?mm ?mm? Su ummer acernent 16, 2012 12:01 AM I heard today that there a student trying to get out of her summer placement here in Durham for personal reasons. She is supposed to email me. If that is the case, would that be an acceptable swap? It would limit the work and strain on ya'll. (bxe); 71C aw? ll (dew [9le (LawnI?M?wcv'ed 8W WW Wm WM 5:36)such )wleudrk Clinton, J.D. From; (bx6): (tame) Sent: rl all. 8y . To: Clinton. Subject: Complaint which will be filled to Federal Government Funding of?ce on Monday Due to the Fact that nothing has been done about my numerous complaints this will be turned into the federal Funding Of?ce prefix 0 ns List of Complaints to be turned in to the Federal Government Funding Of?ce: 2? 9? 599?.? 11. 12. 13. 0. have student loans taken out for I year of school when was not enrolled as a studen Please see the documentation I was removed from the school by a staff member that had no authority to remove me, based on the fact that ?enrolled in another school"; I was not actually enrolled in another school and I had no desire to leave. This effected my Federal Loan Funding my date for pay back on loans as well as the interest - Please see the documentation I have now had to have surgery due to acute stress based out of these illegal actions I applied for a work study position, that the Federal Government pays the students? On our written application it breaks Title 9 laws: It asks our gender, ethnic, spouse?s name and occupation, if we are engaged and the date, if of children and their ages, it states that our position will be effected if we are married and have a family- Please see the following documentation I was denied an interview because I followed the instructions posted on online which differed from the of?ce's verbal instructions and one sentence instruction at the top of the application. Please see the following documentation. Went in for a meeting with the Director of the Department to make sure i got an interview- In which i was asked how many surgeries I have had, could still have children and what I planned to do about this in the future.- All of these questions are against ADA Laws Complaints to all three Deans of the School and to the EOE of?ce and the ADA of?ce Diagnosed with PTSD, that resulted from the Title 9 and ADA laws being broken Director instructed to limit all contact with me Asked for my records and was forced into a meeting with director, despite the fact I had just told the assistant I did not need to speak with her. I was asked who I giving the records to, and about a conversation with a previous supervisor. This is against FERPA Laws More complaints to the EOE office and Deans My last pay check was denied after I made the complaint to the EOE of?ce and still was never granted an interview for the summerjob placement despite repeated attempts. I even found a student that quit her current placement and asked if I could be put in her place. The complaints started in Nov. and it now May 18, 2012 and nothing has been done, the written application is still the same.- Please see the documentation. Clinton, J.D. Ffom: Sent: ., To: - Clinton, J.D. Subject: Fwd: Sout rica I know that it makes very little difference at this point since the interviews are now completed and closed off. However, I turned in my application to your of?ce through email by the deadline. And I reviewed the handout from the interest meeting and it does not delineate that the applications have to be turned in by hardcopy. Moreover, the online for the lntemational Placements state the of?ce will contact you a?er recieving your application. (Please see the bottom ofthe email; I attached the instructions) According to this, i followed the instructions necessary to have recieved and interview. I submitted my application on time and even showed up to the ?eld education of?ce early the next morning to set up an interview when was not contacted to set one up. i returned to this school for the professors and the End of Life institute. Since entering this semester, I have devastineg found out the institute will most likely not continue and that every professor I had dreamed of studying under when orginaliy started is now gone. This was my last chance to study unde . Yesterday the decision not to grant me anintrview time literally quashed my dreams in wit in 0 minutes. I'm incredibly disappointed that was not even granted the opportunity to interview especially since i followed the rules as prescribed online. This discepancy cleariy causes is confusion and hardship. Grace and Peace, To apply for international ?eld education: Fill out an application for an lntemational Field Education placement and turn it in to our of?ce by the posted deadline. After you have turned in a completed application on time, we will contact you to set up an interview. if selected, you will receive further information speci?c to your placement. Be prepared to purchase airfare before you receive your stipend. You must obtain a passport and a visa to travel to your destination, as well as all other required documents and vaccinations. To: Cc: Sent: Wed, Oct 26, 2011 5:10 pm Subject: South Africa Owe-m - (OX6): (W6): We have just ?nished interviewing the students for placements in South Africa and because there were 8 strong candidates we don?t feel at this time that we will open up more interview slots for South Africa. We do have the other 4 international placement options available, so we would encourage you to apply for one of the other settings in Kenya, Uganda, Mexico or El Salvador. Interviews for those placements will be held in early and mid-November. Please let me know if you have any questions. Blessings inal that it makes very little ditference at this point since the Interview: are now completed and closed off. However, I tumed In my application to your office through email by the deadline. And I reviewed the handout irom the interest meeting and it does not delineate that the applications have to be turned in by hardcopy. Moreover, the online tor the lntemetional Placements state the arms will contact you after recieving your application. (Please see the bottom of the email; I attached the According to this, Hallowed the instructions necessary to have recieved and Interview. I submitted my application on time and even showed up to the ileid education office early the next morning to set up an interview men I was not contacted to set one up. I returned to this school for the protessors and the End of Liie institute, Since entering this semester. I have found out the Institute will most likely not continue and that every rl had dreamed of studying uridervmen I originally armed is now gone. This was my last chance to study undo W61 Yesterday the derision not lo grant me aninlrview time literally quashed my dreams in within two minutes. I'm incredibly disappointed that I was not even granted the opportunity to interview espea'ally since I iollwred the mles as prescribed online. This dlsoepancy clearly causes is confusion and hardship. Grace and Peace. To apply for imemational field education: - Fill out an application [or an International Field Education piacement and turn it in to our office by the posted deadline. Afler you have turned in a completed application on time, we will cantata you to set up an Interview. It selected. you will receive iurther intonnarion specific to your placement. Be prepared to purchase alrtare beiore you receive your stipend. You must obtain a passport and a visa to travel to your des1|nation. as well as all other required documents and veou'nutions. 2. Mssae-- - bx i cc- Sent:Wed.OthB.2 pm Subject: South Africa (mm (DWC) We have just ?nished interviewing the students for placements in South Africa and because there were 8 strong candidates we don?t feel at this time that we will open up more interview slots for South Africa. We do have the other 4 international placement options available, so we would encourage you to apply for one of the other settings in Kenya, Uganda, Mexico or El Salvador. Interviews for those placements will be held in early and mid-November. Please let me know if you have any questions. Blessings - Susan mum. Clinton, J.D. From. I Sent: - To: We): Clinton, J.D. Cc: (WHO I Subject: Student case Student: I Student I Just to bring everyone up to speed. (X6): is a Graduate Student in (bmc) referred her it to me as a potential concerned behavior issue. lnitiall a persona now edge of a Dean who has assaulted a number of students. had bat triage check our systems and we found no history. 0 (W7 I interviewed (W7 and got her to articulate her concerns and the most she was able to identify was: - in she claimed to have been withdrawn from Divinity by the department wrongfully. She may or may not have legitimate claim, I was only attempting to ascertain dangerousness and if a crime occurred. She had a meeting with the Dean back then, and has lost memories from that meeting but doesn?t speci?cally remember any assaults that occurred. - She had numerous medical conditions after being withdrawn from Duke. She?s heard rumors of other assaults; but when pressed for details could state one person, who she would not name, that was touched inappropriately. She feels she has endured financial hardships as a result of this withdrawal. - She was recently denied the ability to go on a study abroad mission to Africa. Initial triage is: - There is no crimes that are currently articulated. - There does not appear to be harassment but further investigation may be needed. This appears to be low level mental health issues with a high maintenance component. I will document and work with the student bat team for further management. or myself have both worked with the student and can be the main contacts. Does anyone have a contact at Divinity that would be appropriate for me to reach out to? Thanks, Clinton, J.D. 1 From: I Sent: Friday, May 18, 20 9.205.2M To: - - JD Cc: Subject: RE: Student Case Just talked with and got a contact fromwe); (WHO) known and being managed by HR and Will talk with Depart. And follow-up with you soon. Thx, From: Clinton, J.D. Mav1R 701714;? PM To a. Subject: RE: Student Case Thanks Greg. We reached out but she has not yet responded to my attempts to talk with her. l?ll continue efforts to do so. I have contacted the nool to ascertain any information about the alleged twenty assaults. At this point, none of my contacts with the 3 ,School has demonstrated evidence of the assaults, as described by However, the difficulty is, of Ihas not identified the person alleged to have committed them. W. Clinton, J.D. Director, Harassment Prevention Office for Institutional Equity Duke University/Duke University Health System 114 S. Buchanan Blvd., Bay 8, Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 (WHO) I Sent: Frida May 18. gm 1:35 PM To: Clinton, J.D. Cc: (WHO) I Subject: Student Case Student: (WW Student ID Just to bring everyone up to speed. -is a Graduate student in the Masters oi Divinity Program at Duke. Leigh reierred her it to me as a potential concerned behavior issue. initially the report was that she had personal knowledge oi a Dean who has assaulted a number af students. had hat triage check our systems and we found no history. On 05/16/12 interviewed--and got her to articulate her concerns and the most she was able to identify was: In 2004 she claimed to have been withdrawn ironr Divinity by the department wrongiully, She may or may not have legitimate claim, I was only attempting to ascenalrl dangerousness and ii a crime occurred. She had a meeting with the Dean back then, and has lost memories from that meeting but doesn't specifically remember any assaults that occurred. She had numerous medical conditions after being withdrawn from Duke. She's heard rumors of other assaults; but when pressed for details could state one person, who she would not name, that was touched inappropriately. She feels she has endured financial hardships as a result of this withdrawal. She was recently denied the ability to go on a study abroad mission to Africa. initial triage is: There is no crimes that are currently articulated. There does not appear to be harassment but further investigation may be needed. This appears to be low level mental health issues with a high maintenance cnmponent. lwiil document and work with the student bat team fur further management. Leigh or myself have both worked with the student and can be the main contacts. Does anyone have a contact at Divinity that would be appropriate (or me to reach out to? Thanks, Capt. Greg Siotsenberg, Jr. Duke University Police Criminal Investigations Office (9 19) 6844713 Main (919) 6844444 Fax (919) 684-8155 Hg]; 716 com invzs?aw?w .. Lostwm,,. 5m I I No ~62qu 7,204 to a? 4? 7. i Lut?f?h w. sh am 0?5 documuq?s 342 'Jr Wm 39% Yb) b)(7 0) HM 65:21 101% am (Swing Wanamast w4.auw.-MM- .- Clinton, J.D. From: (tame) I Sent: Friday. May 18, 2012 2:47 PM To: Clinton, J.D. Subject: Fwd: Academic Affai - Attachments: 20120430155558404.pdf Original Message (bxnc) To: Cc: Sent: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 16:10:37 -0500 Sub'ect: Affairs memo (b 6; 7 Dea (0X In ?irther review of ?les, the attached memo was found. I believe this is the memo you have been referring to. I hope it is helpful to IOU. We also have the memo in which your classes were all dropped on (C) (WW (W Please let us know if you need this memo. Sincerely, O?ice aft/1e Arademic Dean A To; (MM) FROM: DATE: RE: Admission to The Academic Affairs Committee met on Monday, to discuss your admission to the Despite your failure to co _o lete requested paperwork in a timely manner, the committee voted to allow you to enroll a as a Special Student. However, my enm?megt g? contingent upon your completion 0 no ater than Monday, October 1 1, 2004, at - 5:00 pm.) the following items: . Admission procedure, including essays and admissions interview with Sam Riccobene Clearing of your personal check for $4400 by the Business Of?ce. We requested that you pay your charges with either credit card or money order to avoid this delay. Admission as a Special Student does not guarantee admission into thew and the decision to allow you to enroll as a Special Student should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any future application you may make to a Seminary degree program You must begin that application process separately, and soon, for admission in the 2005 Spring term. The committee raised serious concerns about your ability to complete required paperwork and procedures in a timely manner. I hope that you will be more conscientious in the ?xture. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or concerns. cc: Clinton, JD. 1 1 me: (bxnc) Sent: I 2 3:33 PM To: Clinton, (WHO) I Cc: (WHO I Subject: . Just spoke (mmc) lSchooI about this case. Sounds like they have a good management plan in place. They are giving the student resource options such as OIE and Disability Services. Once she comes back to them with their feedback. They are going to start putting on a plan with deadlines for her school work. They will let us know updates as they go forward. Thanks, From, I Sent: Friday, May 18, 20? 2 2:05 PM (WHO) I To: ton. J.D. Cc: Subject: RE: Student Case Just talked with and got a contact from Divinity. Dean Name known and being managed by HR and OIE. Will talk with Depart. And follow-up with you soon. Thx, From: Clinton, J.D. Sent: Friday. Mai/18, 2012 1:53 PM 10- I Cc Su ect: RE: Student Case Thank?XB); I?ve reached out to (W6): ut she has not yet responded to my attempts to talk with her. l'll continue efforts to do so. have contacted th School to ascertain any information about the alleged twenty assaults. At this point, none of my contacts with Divmity School has demonstrated evidence of the assaults, as described However, the difficulty is, of course, has not identified the person alleged to have committed them. W. Clinton, J.D. Director, Harassment Prevention Office for Institutional Equity Duke University/Duke University Health System 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Bay 8, Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 From Jle?); 7m) 1:13? (WC) lenthla 1.0. I Subject: Student Case Student Student Just to bring everyone up to speed. is a Graduate Student in th -. (Wm) Program at Duke. (X6): referred her it to me as a potential concerned behavior issue. initially the report was that she had personal knowledge of a Dean who has assaulted a number of students. i had bat triage check our systems and we found no history. On i interviewed W7 and got her to articulate her concerns and the most she was able to identify was: - In she claimed to have been withdrawn from Divinity by the department wrongfully. She may or may not have legitimate claim, I was only attempting to ascertain dangerousness and if a crime occurred. - She had a meeting with the Dean back then, and has lost memories from that meeting but doesn?t speci?cally remember any assaults that occurred. - She had numerous medical conditions after being withdrawn from Duke. She?s heard rumors of other assaults; but when pressed for details could state one person, who she would not name, that was touched inappropriately. - She feels she has endured financial hardships as a result of this withdrawal. - She was recently denied the ability to go on a study abroad mission to Africa. initial triage is: - There is no crimes that are currently articulated. - There does not appear to be harassment but further investigation may be needed. - This appears to be low level mental health issues with a high maintenance component. I will document and work with the student bat team for further management. Leigh or myself have both worked with the student and can be the main contacts. Does anyone have a contact at Divinity that would be appropriate for me to reach out to? Thanks, (bxs); a NW Wk)th my, A9410 ??014 Wt assmW pay/e. 2944;; 0W1 ?57) Sci/1L FF EL WM M. Ww?WWan axe/MLqu 5m; AM Mao macaw away?; sac/M MW fr amid Ix mm! 5W1 a mum 5' ?rm 61141412124 um Data Erlfa. I ~sez MW 86?ch LW f?ndmd AL ij?c??nd' TM WW M212 Wm ?Fmme MM 'Dwm Duncan. 19010 new (#th (Wm Clinton, J.D. i From- I sent: . '2 3:33 PM 6_ 7 To: Clinton I Cc: ?(bxex Subject: . Just spoke with lame); (mmc) I ISchool about this case. Sounds like they have a good management plan in place. They are giving the student resource options such as OIE and Disability Services. Once she comes back to them with their feedback. They are going to start putting on a plan with deadlines for her school work. They will let us know updates as they go forward. Thanks Fromi(b)(6); (mine) I Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 2:05 PM To: Pmmia Clinton. Cc: Subject: RE: Student case Just talked with and got a contact fro Dean Name known and being managed by HR and OIE. Will talk with Depart. And follow-up with you soon. Thx, From: Clinton, 10. Sen 18. 2012 1:53 PM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Student Case Thank(b)(6): I?ve reached out to but she has not yet responded to my attempts to talk with her. I'll continue efforts to do so. chool to ascertain any information about the alleged twenty assaults. At this point, none School has demonstrated evidence of the assaults, as described by However, has not identified the person alleged to have committed them. I have contacted the of my contacts with the the difficulty is, of course, W. Clinton, J.D. Director, Harassment Prevention Office for Institutional Equity Duke University/Duke University Health System 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Bay 8, Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 From TE 2012 1:35 PM Clinton, J.D. To: (bx6): Cc. (mmc) Subject: Student Case I Student I (W7 Just to bring everyone up to speed. is a Graduate Student in th (WHO) Program at Duke. (X6): referred her it to me as a potential concerned behavior iSSue. Initially the report was - at she had personal knowledge of a Dean who has assaulted a number of students. Initial triage is: - There is no crimes that are currently articulated. - There does not appear to be harassment but further investigation may be needed. - This appears to be low level mental health issues with a high maintenance component. I will document and work with the student bat team for further management. Leigh or myself have both worked with the student and can be the main contacts. Does anyone have a contact at that would be appropriate for me to reach out to? Thanks, (C) mm) 94 71C cw?H/m Came/mg falch Wim?l?? MIL. 606/, abso?ufeb?l ?ak 27mm we a cam/(w 43L m?b?6??m 15mSen/W nahm/vps Mk 6? 5m? (3L, MW 9m magi/$0103 a paw/w Smut. I?sszwoul?'m?dq mm Wm W. Amway mam, t,va WM Maw (7L. MW. '57 Zulu; Wu Lad/Div. Saw)? L. [x6 14m. Clinton, J.D. From: Clinton, JD. Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 3:48 PM To: Subject: Follow up on Past Complaints Hi Yes, I followed up on your concerns. I would be happy to talk with you about what I learned. Is there a convenient time for me to call you within the next few days? Also, please feel free to telephone me. My direct dial number is: (919) 668-6214. Thank you. melmxs); (mate) I Sent: ay, ugu To: (.ynthia Clinton, J.D. Subject: Follow up on Past Complaints Mrs. Clinton, that broke ADA, title 9, and retilation laws durin her interviews; that I had student loans taken out in my name for a school year that I wasn't a student, and that removed me from school without academic authority all of which cost me a considerable amount 0 money.) I was also wondering how I can go about getting a refund for the student loans taken out in my name for the time I wasn't actually a student, the medical bills which resulted from both actions as well as actions, the bank fees associated with bounced checks, due to my last pay check being refused after made the formal complaint, and lastly from the tutition and living expenses that resulted from being taken out of school from a dean that had no authority to remove me from school and literally made up enrollment in another school to cover up his wrong doings. I'm incredibly poor and all of this has cost me a small fortune. I really need some I've taken action to have a no?contact restraining order on and it should be ready next week. Will you need a copy of that in your office? I was wonderin what happened regarding my complaints prior to leaving school last semester? (I complained Grace and Peace, DUKE UNIVERSITY DUKE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM Office of the Vice President for Institutional Equity October 22, 2012 Dea Thank you for contacting the Office for Institutional - ui regarding your concerns in connection with your tenure as a student at Duke School. When we met, you related an incident in which you fel (WHO) former Director of theSchool Field Education Program, interacted with you in an inappropriate manner. More eci?cally, you reported that during an interview for the Field Education Program, questioned you about your desire and ability to have children. In my follow-up to this concern, I interviewed (W7 She denied asking or commentin on anything in connection with your desire or ability to have children. said she did not know ?where in the world this is coming from." According to you were not interviewed for the Field Education Program. in addition to the above matter, you also raised other concerns regarding: The Field Education application document Your request for certain academic records Your failure to secure a Field Education placement Financial disputes in connection with Divinity School student loans and work study Please know that I did followed-up on your concerns about the Field Education Application for Placement document These were discussed with Rev. Jones and others. As I explained to you when we met, the other issues (your request for academic documents, your failure to secure placement and your student loans /work study payments) are not ones that fall within the purview of this of?ce. These matters are better addressed through the Divinity School administrative structure or other appropriate resources. You also re orted that you were sur ntly diagnosed withlw?s); WHO) I (WHO) I You indicated the (mm'c had been ?brought on by the interview." During our discussion, I provided you with information about the Duke Student Disability Access 114 S. Buchanan Blvd., Bay 8 - Smith Warehouse - Durham, NC 27708 tel (9 l9) 684?8222 - fax (919) 684-8580 October 22, 20 .2 Page -2- Of?ce (SDAO). This of?ce implements the reasonable accommodations process for students. It is my understanding that you contacted the SDAO for additional information. I was contacted by the SDAO and noti?ed that you had one of their staff that a Duke employee had sexually assaulted approximately twenty individuals. When we spoke about this matter, you indicated that you would speak with the individuals who you believe were sexually assaulted and encourage them to contact me. You also said you could not say whether you were sexually assaulted. Please know that I followed up on the above allegation of sexual assault. The individual you identi?ed as the respondent, the person engaging in the prohibited conduct, denied that he sexually assaulted any individual. i also interviewed others who might have had relevant information and none had knowledge of the sexual assaults as you described the matter. I was not contacted by any other person in connection with this concern. My follow-up did not reveal a violation of the policies implemented by As i informed you during our discussions, retaliation against you because you contacted our of?ce with these concerns is prohibited. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or with additional information. Thank you again for contacting our of?ce. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, W2. MW W. Clinton, Director, Harassment Prevention Clinton From: Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 6:00 PM To: Clinton Subject: Formal Complaint for the EOE of?ce Mrs. Clinton, I would like to ?le a formal complaint regarding the teaching in mime?; (bmc) I class for the following reasons: 1. All students were required to take albxs); (WHO) Ito graduate from the Master's program instead of just a minority studies course, despite their home location. I asked repeatedly if I could take a latin American/Hispanic church studies course and I was not allowed. Thus, has been deemed as more important that other minority studies courses, which is ridculous. 2. First Day of Class- Professor stated that white women are all banker's daughter's that feel pitty for the black man (long then or at least that is something 52(6); (W7 Imight say) 3. Second day of class- 3 students commented that the material taught might be teachi - - racism. Professor assured students that it was not. Material that was controversial- l) (WHO) I In which he implies that the black race should no longer be seen as a source of economy, but as humans. Then, he implies that white males are the cause for this problem and then refers to the problems in the economic system should be known as "whiteness" that should be destroyed or eliminated. He also teaches that the larger population should look for the God within the black population 2) Students question Professor about whether we should be looking for God in all people and races, even including white. His answer is that this is not what is being taught in this course. 3) Question from Student- If we are supposed to look for God in the black man and not in the white, what do we do about interracial marriage? And what do we tell the children that are half white and half black? Answer- We should not have interracial marriage (long then justi?es his answer a?er people are grumbling that Dr. Cone might say something like that). 4) Question from Student- Can we study other black theologians from the South that don't think like this, such as Martin Luther King, and Desmond Tutu? Response- "Trust me, they aren?t real theologians". Every class since then has implied that the whiteness is an economic system that should be overturned and thought of as dieased. Our midterm question literally asks- **How does ?rst and second generation Black Theology help us grasp or wrestle with what came to be diseased about Christianity or rendered sick in Christianity?s social imaginationl- the answer to this is the problems in the economic system and white theologians. Essentially the simpli?ed answer according to this course is whiteness. addition, almost every class period one of the white students makes some sort of remark that this course is teaching hate. Last Tuesday there were three. a?er class in which I expressed that I was "horri?ed by the material being taught in this course because is drips with disdain for the white race". Professor's comment- how does it do this? Answer- You are asking us to not to look at the black race as an economy; then you are teaching a course that does this to whites 1 labeling all things wrong with the economic system that drives humans to oppress eachother as whiteness. Response- this material is far better than some. Some call this "Whitianity" Request- I don't want to be subjected to this anymore. It is literally teaching hate. Everyday I leave this class, I leave upset and it e?'ects my ability to do my work in all of my other courses. I literally complain everyday that Duke is teaching racism as do most of the white students in this course. This class was forced on me as a racist requirement, when I geniunely needed a Hispanic Studies (I'm going back to San Antonio where the population is over 50% hispanic and less than 6% black; I couldn't take that course because of this requirement). Please allow me to recieve a for pass/fail and not have to attend the course anymore or allow it to be co-taught by another teacher that does not hate the white race. It truly is that bad. It is my understanding that some of the white students have thought this course has been so destructive that the idea of a petition has been circulating to protest the way in which it is being taught. Clinton From: Benjamin Reese Jr, Psy.D. Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 7:16 PM To: Clinton Subject FW: complaints to of?ce of equity and(b)(6); Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 2:56 PM To: Benjamin Reese Jr, Psy.D. Subject: complaints to office of equity Mr. Reese, I'm hoping you can help ?nd out what has happened regarding my previous complaints to the Of?ce of Equity. I complained last year that: Initial Complaint: 1) I was removed from school based on an unfactual email from an adminstrative assistant, and 2) by a faculty member that had no authority to remove me from school (They were not the dean of academics), and 3) I had student loans taken out in my name for a time period when I was not a student at the university, 4) I was refused an interview because I followed instructions provided on online instead of the verbal instructions and when I went into a meeting regarding the issue I was asked about my ability to have children and detailed questions about my surgeries that resulted from past misconduct of the Dean of Student Life and then still never recieved the interview 5) I formally petitioned to all deans that have no further unnecessary meetings with that particular staff member because of the physical and effects it had on me. Forced into an unnecessary meeting to get my student records. During which time I was asked why I wanted them, who I was giving them to, and why I would like to talk with my past supervisor. Got sick again as a result of this. 6) I made another complaint this year that my professor stated in class that interracial marriage should not occur on the 2nd day of class implying that children of mixed race were not children of Godstated that white women are all banker's daughters that pity the black man, and that we were required to take a black church studies course to graduate at the expense of other minority studies courses. In addition. in a meeting with the professor discussing my problems with the material taught in this course I was told it was a lot better than White-nalty. withdrew from the course, ?led the complaint and petitioned that I recieve a for Pass/Fail in the course so that I can have the necessary requirement to graduate. I have never heard anything back on any of this. After making these complaints: -I was forced to take lncompletes because of the effect it had on me. I had B's prior to my interactions with the past professor. These have now turned into F's. -My last pay check was refused from the department that I made the complaints. I only recieved it after I stated it was against the law and the entire pay check was used to cover the bounced check fees that occured from not recieving it on time. -This semester my withdraw form was never processed giving me an in the course - I was removed as a student on Dec 12th because that brought my GPA below a 2.0 -Plus, I've never heard anything back from your of?ce regarding any of these complaints. And I provided tangible evidence of every bit of it Clinton From: I Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 12:29 PM To: laws); Clinton Cc: Subject: Update I just Stood by today while told M6): M7 that she is being academically dismissed. No addition threat concerns. She just mentioned that she would be contacting her attorney. Please let me know if she keeps contacting different Duke Offices and then I?ll pull her and talk with her and trespass her. Can you call me when you get a moment and I will update, Thanks mm From: I Sen t: FridayI December 21, 2012 8:23 AM 1thia Clinton cc. Update pdate: has updated me that as failed all of her classes and they will be notifying (22533;) Ithat she is failing out of Duke. Let me know if any of your departments get any concerning reports Thanks, I?Isezewm Clinton From: Clinton Sent: (bmcTo: Subject: Your mailing address Hi (X6): The letter basically summarizes our last conversation that my follow-up to your concerns did not reveal prohibited harassment or discrimination. Unfortunately, I will be out of my office on tomorrow, but certainly I can leave the letter for you to pick?up here at my office. If you have additional information, i would be happy to schedule a meeting or telephone conference with you. Again, however, tomorrow will not work for me. Thank you. W. Clinton meimXG): (WHO) I Sent:W ay, anuary To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address Mrs. Clinton, May I come and meet with you tomorrow? I can pick up the letter sent then. In addition, may I ask what this letter was in regards to? Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 18:08:54 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address Could you provide me with your current mailing address. I sent you a close-out letter from our office, but it was returned. Thank you, W. Clinton, J.D. Director, Harassment Prevention Duke University Office for Institutional Equity P. O. Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 Clinton From: Clinton Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 10:49 AM To: Subject: Your mailing adc ress I?m sorry you are disappointed and do not understand. I would be happy to schedule a telephone conference with you to talk more about this. Also, if you provide me with your mailing address, can resend the letter to you. Thank you. W. Clinton Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 10:41 Ali To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address Let me try to You are saying that it a forced meeting after multiple requests not to meet with a particular sta?? member because om: And even stating prior to entering into the meeting to an assistant that I don't need to talk with the person is not harassing? Moreover, when sitting in the meeting to get my school records being asked why I want the records, who I was giving them to, what I spoke with my past supervisor about is not a form of ERPA violation and harassment? Then after making the complaint having my pay check revoked is not further harassment? I don't understand. Original Message From: Clinton" To: I Cc: Sent: Wed, 09 Jan 2013 13:42:46 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address Hi The letter basically summarizes our last conversation that my follow-up to your concerns did not reveal prohibited harassment or discrimination. Unfortunately, I will be out of my office on tomorrow, but certainly I can leave the letter for you to pick-up here at my office. if you have additional information, I would be happy to schedule a meeting or telephone conference with you. Again, however, tomorrow will not work for me. Thank you. W. Clinton I Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 1:27 AM To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address Mrs. Clinton, May I come and meet with you tomorrow? I can pick up the letter sent then. In addition, may I ask what this letter was in regards to? Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 18:08:54 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address Hi Could you provide me with your current mailing address. I sent you a close- out letter from our office, but it was returned. Thank you, W. Clinton, J.D. Director, Harassment Prevention Duke University Office for Institutional Equity P. O. Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 i (bxe); . "if: I 025. ?2 11;: A A - :34 *4 Clinton From: (mmc) Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 10: 6 AM To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address I would also like to con?rm that you received and processed my complaint regarding thel(b)(6)i WHO) course stating that the professor stated openly in class that interracial marriage should not occur, and all white women were banker's daughters that pity the black man, and that although what we were learning was discriminatory it wasn't as bad as calling it "White"naity. When I made then complaint, I heard nothing from you. Then, I withdrew from the course and the university is re?ising to process the request, which is leaving an on my transcript. 2) they held an academic review committee which made a decision about my school status with this in my records as well as with an incomplete in the GPA as well. Under ERPA law. I would unequivocally like all letters and records of your ?ndings to be sent directly to me at (Wm) As well as to Rachel Hitch at Commerce Building 1000, 19 West Hargget St, PO box 2350 Raleigh,NC 27602. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" Tn: Cc: Sent: Wed, 09 Jan 2013 13:42:46 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address (b The letter basically summarizes our last conversation that my follow-up to your concerns did not reveal prohibited harassment or discrimination. Unfortunately, I will be out of my office on tomorrow, but certainly I can leave the letter for you to pick-up here at my office. If you have additional information, I would be happy to schedule a meeting or telephone conference with you. Again, however, tomorrow will not work for me. Thank you. W. Clinton Froml(b)(6); I Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 1:27 AM To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address Mrs. Clinton, May I come and meet with you tomorrow? I can pick up the letter sent then. In addition, may I ask what this letter was in regards to? Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 18:08:54 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address Could you provide me with your current mailing address. I sent you a close-out letter from our office, but it was returned. Thank you, W. Clinton, J.D. Director, Harassment Prevention Duke University Office for Institutional Equity P. O. Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 nthia Clinton From: Clinton Sent: Wednesda ,January 09, 2013 3:24 PM To: Subject: our man mg a r?ss Thank you for your reply I did follow-up on your concerns regarding the ?(mi School course. I will mail you our of?ce close-out letter at the address included in your email. However, it is not our practice to send administrative letters to external agencies or parties not involved in the matter. W. Clinton Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 10:56 To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address I would also like to con?rm that you received and processed my complaint regarding th I course stating that the professor stated openly in class that interracial maniage should not occur, and all white women were banker's daughters that pity the black man, and that although what we were learning was discriminatory it wasn't as bad as calling it "Wliitd'naity. When I made then complaint, I heard nothing from you. Then, I withdrew from the course and the university is refusing to process the request, which is leaving an on my transcript. 2) they held an academic review committee which made a decision about my school status with this in my records as well as with an incomplete in the GPA as well. Under FERPA law, I would unequivocally like all letters and records of your ?ndings to be sent directly to me atla?XG); As well as to Rachel Hitch at Commerce Building 1000, 19 West Hargget St, PO box 2350 Raleigh,NC 27602. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" Tn: CC: Sent: Wed, 09 Jan 2013 13:42:46 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address Hi The letter basically summarizes our last conversation that my follow-up to your concerns did not reveal prohibited harassment or discrimination. Unfortunately, I will be out of my office on tomorrow, but certainly I can leave the letter for you to pick-up here at my office. 1 If you have additional information, I would be happy to schedule a meeting or telephone conference with you. Again, however, tomorrow will not work for me. Thank you. W. Clinton From: Sent: Wanaay, January 09, 2013 To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address Mrs. Clinton, May I come and meet with you tomorrow? I can pick up the letter sent then. In addition, may I ask what this letter was in regards to? Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 18:08:54 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address I Could you provide me with your current mailing address. I sent you a close-out letter from our of?ce, but it was returned. Thank you, W. Clinton, J.D. Director, Harassment Prevention Duke University Office for Institutional Equity P. O. Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 Clinton From: Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 10:58 AM To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address I would also like all of the ?ndings regarding the particular incidents sent to the US department of Education in DC regarding OCR complaint as well. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" (bxei); Cc: Sent: Wed, 09 Jan 2013 15:49:05 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address I?m sorry you are disappointed and do not understand. I would be happy to schedule a telephone conference with you to talk more about this. Also, if you provide me with your mailing address, I can resend the letter to you. Thank you. W. Clinton From; Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 10:41 All To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address Let me try to You are sa ing that it a forced meeting after multiple requests not to meet with a particular staff member because And even stating prior to entering into the meeting to an assistant that I don't need to talk with the person is not harassing? Moreover, when sitting in the meeting to get my 1 school records being asked why I want the records, who I was giving them to, what I spoke with my past supervisor about is not a form of FERPA violation and harassment? Then after making the complaint having my pay check revoked is not further harassment? I don't understand. Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Wed, 09 Jan 2013 13:42:46 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address The letter basically summarizes our last conversation that my follow-up to your concerns did not reveal prohibited harassment or discrimination. Unfortunately, I will be out of my office on tomorrow, but certainly I can leave the letter for you to pick-up here at my office. If you have additional information, I would be happy to schedule a meeting or telephone conference with you. Again, however, tomorrow will not work for me. Thank you. W. Clinton Thank you, W. Clinton, J.D. Director, Harassment Prevention Duke University Office for Institutional Equity P. O. Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 Clinton From: Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 3:22 PM To: Greg Stotsenberg Kate Hendricks Cc: Clinton Subject: FW: Please see attached letter Attachments: AW 1~9~2013.pdf FYI, Duke. Divinity has officially withdrawn Thanks, I Sent: Wednesday, Januaw 09, 2013 3:19 PM To Cc] Subject: Please see attached letter De (bxe): Please see the attached letter to this email. I have also sent a certi?ed copy to your home address. Sincere] (2an Clinton To: (mam? Subject: RE: follow up Dea 1 Thank you for your assls|ance war-concems and keeping me updated. I have bum copted you an my most recent man to- Fm um) (um Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 3:26 PM Yo: (Nnthia Olnton Subject: follow up Dear Thank you for the helpful conversation. I spoke wi He confirmed what we discussed. in confirmed next steps with Kale Hendricks. Bela", is M6) M7st email, (we) (Dunc) Clinton From: Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 3:26 PM To: Clinton Subject: follow up Dear Thank you for the helpful conversation. I spoke wi He con?rmed what we discussed. con?rmed next steps with Kate Hendricks. Below is email. Best, Clinton From: Sent: IJALednesdax. Januam 09, 2013 3:29 PM To: (DWC) Kate Hendricks Cc: Clinton Subject: FW: Please see attached letter Attachments: AW Sorry, for some reason the document did not attach properly on the prior email. Here it is. thanks, (bx6); Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 3:27 PM To: Cc: Subject: Please see attached letter Dear (W6): Please see the attached letter to this email. I have also sent a certi?ed copy to your home address. Sincerel ?uke ?ni?ersitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0967 TO: ATE Dea Thank you for our recent conversation on Jan 8, 2013. I appreciate your concerns about the decision of the Academic Policies Committee to withdraw you from Duke Divinity School. I have also received your pe- tition for a review of your grades for a number of courses. After reviewing the case, the prior decision of the Academic Policies Committee for your withdrawal from th School stands. The reasons for your withdrawal from Duke Divinity School include the following: Your overall GPA is 1.666. The requirements for continuation in the program speci?ed in the 2012-138chool Bulletin 117) state: ?Graduation requirements for the Master of Di- vinity degree consist of satisfactory completion of 24 courses, with an overall grade point average of (2.0) or better." Furthermore, this is a generous rendering of your overall GPA, as it allows courses from 2004 to be counted; without counting these, your GPA stands at a 1.2. We have signi?cant other concerns about your academic performance, including frequent unex- cused and unexplained absences from classes, a pattern of taking multiple incompletes, and a pattern of turning assignments in late without communication with the professor, as well as fail- ure to respond to professors? inquiries about the failure to turn in work. Given these significant academic concerns pertaining to participation in classes and submission of assignments, there is also the concern about the overall failure to participate in the larger learn- ing experience of the class. We have considered your case very carefull . The decision of the Academic Policies Committee stands, and you will be withdrawn from the School effective immediately. It is within your right to reapply to Duke 03) 001. We are willing to consider your application if the following items are in place: You reapply within a year? time, allowing for the latest new start date of Fall 2014. Demonstrate that you have addressed the academic concerns outlined above. This might include addressing the dif?culties that you have described as To that effect, it would bene?t your application if you have a licensed counselor contact my office to confirm that you are in a healthy place for continued studies. Turn in the transfer credits that you have requested to be reviewed and transferred, but which my office has yet to receive. We wish you the best in your future endeavors. Clinton From. z I Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 7:38 PM To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address They are involved in the matter. Thank ou Original Message From: Clinton" To: (OX6): Cc: Sent: Wed, 09 Jan 2013 20:24:14 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address Thank you for your reply Ashley. I did follow-up on your concerns regarding the School course. I will mail you our office close-out letter at the address included in your e?mail. However, it is not our practice to send administrative letters to external agencies or parties not involved in the matter. W. Clinton From Sent: ednesday, January 09, 2013 10:56 AM To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address I would also like to con?rm that you received and processed my complaint regarding th course stating that the professor stated openly in class that interracial marriage should not occur, and all white women were banker's daughters that pity the black man, and that although what we were learning was discriminatory it wasn't as bad as calling it "White"naity. When I made then complaint, I heard nothing from you. Then, I withdrew from the course and the university is refusing to process the request, which is leaving an on my transcript. 2) they held an academic review committee which made a decision about my school status 1 with this in my records as well as with an incomplete in the GPA as well. Under law. I would unequivocally like all letters and records of your ?ndings to be sent directly to me (Wm) Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Wed, 09 Jan 2013 13:42:46 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address Hi The letter basically summarizes our last conversation that my follow?up to your concernsdid not reveal prohibited harassment or discrimination. Unfortunately, I will be out of my office on tomorrow, but certainly i can leave the letter for you to pick-up here at my office. If you have additional information, I would be happy to schedule a meeting or telephone conference with you. Again, however, tomorrow will not work for me. Thank you. W. Clinton From; Sent: 3y, anuary I To: Clinton Subject: Re: Your mailing address Mrs. Clinton, May I come and meet with you tomorrow? I can pick up the letter sent then. In addition, may I ask what this letter was in regards to? Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 18:08:54 +0000 Subject: Your mailing address Hi Could you provide me with your current mailing address. I sent you a close-out letter from our office, but it was returned. Thank you, W. Clinton, J.D. Director, Harassment Prevention Duke University Office for Institutional Equity P. O. Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 Of?ce for Office of the Vice President - Durham, NC 27708 Of?ce: (919) 684 8222 0 Fax: (919) 684 8580 January 30, 2013 b6'b 7C Enclosed please ?nd the original of a letter mailed to you in October 2012, but which was subsequently returned to my of?ce. This letter was mailed in response to the concerns you initially raised with the Of?ce for Institutional Equity. As I have previously indicated, I did follow-up to your concerns regarding one of your courses within the Divinity School. My follow-up did not reveal the nature or manner of the course's teaching violated Duke's harassment or nondiscrimination policies. With respect to our of?ce, this matter is now concluded. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, (W, M. CW. W. Clinton, Director, Harassment Prevention Enclosure Clinton From: Clinton Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 8:58 AM To: Subject: Scheduling Meeting Hi Yes, I?d be happy to meet with you. Are you available at 2:00 pm. on Tuesday, February 12,2013? W. Clinton From: (bxs); Sent: To: Qinthia Clinton Subject: Mrs. Clinton, May I schedule an appointment to come in and discuss the retalition that occured a?er my EOE complaint. I Clinton rm: Sent: a February 15. 1013 To: Clinton Subject: RE: Scheduling Meeting I went ahead and turn it in to the us deparnment of education. Bul thank you Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 18:11:11 +0000 Subject: RE: Scheduling Meeting Hi: Just following up on my last e-mail. As indicated, and I would be happy to meet with 0 yo . hat we can review our respective calendars for a possible meeting ate/time, you will need to let us know your availability. Thank you. W. Clinton I Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 11:38 AM To: Clinton Subject: Re: Scheduling Meeting Can you please give him the information, and ask if I can schedule an appointment with him as soon as possible. Please tell him it is a refer case from Dr. Strauman. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 13:58:27 +0000 Subject: Scheduling Meeting Yes, l?d be happy to meet with you. Are you available at 2:00 pm. on Tuesday, February 12, 2013? W. Clinton I Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 1:03 PM To: Clinton Subject: Mrs. Clinton, May I schedule an appointment to come in and discuss the retalition that occured after my EOE complaint. Clinton Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 6:46 PM To: Clinton Subject: RE: Scheduling Meeting I appreciate your time though. Thank you Original Message From: Clinton" To: I Cc: Sent: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 21:45:28 +0000 Subject: RE: Scheduling Meeting Thank you ?(ml I?ll check my and Ben?s calendar and send you some available dates/times. Clinton From (bxnc) Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 1:24 AM To: Clinton Subject: RE: Scheduling Meeting I'm available whenever you need me to be. Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 18:11:11 +0000 Subject: RE: Scheduling Meeting Just following up on my last e-mail. As I indicated, and I would be happy to meet with you. So that we can review our respective calendars for a possible meeting date/time, you will need to let us know your availability. Thank you. W. Clinton (WHO) Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 11:38 AM To: Clinton Subject: Re: Scheduling Meeting Can you please give him the information, and ask if I can schedule an appointment with him as soon as possible. Please tell him it is a refer case from Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Clinton" To: Cc: Sent: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 13:58:27 +0000 Subject: Scheduling Meeting Yes, I?d be happy to meet with you. Are you available at 2:00 pm. on Tuesday, February 12, 2013? W. Clinton Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 1:03 pM To: Q?nthia Clinton Subject: Mrs. Clinton, May I schedule an appointment to come in and discuss the retalition that occured after my EOE complaint. Clinton prom; lame); (tame) Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 11:25 AM To: Clinton Subject: EOE Reports Mrs. Clinton, I have been having a signi?cant amount of trouble with my emails going through. Thus, I just wanted to con?rm that you got my earlier email asking for clari?cation regarding the Oct 22nd letter when you wrote: your request for certain academic records was out of your purview- Can you tell me what you were actually investigating here? This was the basis of a large portion of what I came to the of?ce. Can you tell me why it was out of your purview? failure to secure a placement to secure a field education placement? Why were these things out of your purview? What did you actually investigate? paychecks being delayed - Why were these things out of your purview? And what did you actually investigate? You stated that I told a staff member at the SDAO had sexually assualted approximately 20 individuals. Did I ever tell you this? I recall stating that multiple people had been removed without signing a voluntary withdrawal form or judicial board procedure and asked you to look into possible sexual harassment/assualt in those cases. Not one other report from there o?ice states that. Admittedly, I stated that I could not state that I was not RAPED. But since you spoke with the SDAO of?ce and got your information from them, did you ever investigate the sexual harassment or threats I reported? I gave you extensive and detailed timeline of information regarding my withdrawal that occured right after the sexual harassment. None of this is even listed on your report. Was this investigated in your Oct 22nd letter? On your Jan 30 letter: You gave a one sentence answer regarding non?discrimination. Can you please expand on this? There were multiple points that I wrote about. Sincerely, Clinton From: Clinton Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 3:32 PM To: Subject: EOE Reports Hello Thank you for your e?mail. Our office does not implement policies with respect to grades, financial aid or field education placement. Those are matters within the purview of the Divinity School and not policies or procedures administered by the Office for Institutional Equity. I did follow?up on both your concerns regarding the possible sexual assaults. As I indicated in my letter, there was insufficient evidence to establish a violation of the harassment policy with respect to these allegations. My follow-up to your concerns about the Black Church Studies class and your withdrawal likewise did not yield evidence that would establish that the conduct was in violation of the harassment or non-discrimination policy. if you like, i would be happy to talk with you further about your concerns or questions. My direct dial office telephone number is: (919)668-6214. Thank you, W. Clinton (WHO) I Sent: ay, arc To: Clinton Subject: EOE Reports Mrs. Clinton, I have been having a signi?cant amount of trouble with my emails going through. Thus, I just wanted to con?rm that you got my earlier email asking for clari?cation regarding the Oct 22nd letter when you wrote: your request for certain academic records was out of your purview- Can you tell me what you were actually investigating here? This was the basis of a large portion of what I came to the of?ce. Can you tell me why it was out of your purview? failure to secure a placement to secure a ?eld education placement- Why were these things out of your purview? What did you actually investigate? paychecks being delayed - Why were these things out of your purview? And what did you actually investigate? You stated that I told a staff member at the SDAO had sexually assualted approximately 20 individuals. Did I ever tell you this? I recall stating that multiple people had been removed without signing a voluntary withdrawal form or judicial board procedure and asked you to look into possible sexual harassment/assualt in those cases. Not one other report from there of?ce states that. Admittedly, I stated that I could not state that I was not RAPED. But since you spoke with the SDAO of?ce and got your information from them, did you ever investigate the sexual harassment or threats I reported? I gave you extensive and detailed timeline of information regarding my withdrawal that occured right after the sexual harassment. None of this is even listed on your report. Was this investigated in your Oct 22nd letter? On your Jan 30 letter: You gave a one sentence answer regarding non-discrimination. Can you please expand on this? There were multiple points that I wrote about. Sincerely, Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent226 Apr 2013 13:54:43 -0500 To:Bhagat, Kay H. Response to OCR Complaint 1 1-13-2066, Email 4 of 6 AttachmentszExhibits and F.zip From; I Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 1:53 PM To: Russo, Martha Subject: Response to OCR Complaint 1 l-l3-2066, Email 4 of 6 Dear Ms. Russo. Attached please find the fourth email relating to Response to OCR Complaint 1 1-13-2066. Thank you. Notice: The information contained in this electronic mail message and any attachments, is privileged and con?dential. This e-mail is intended only for the named recipient(s). If you have received this message in error, copying, distributing or using the information is prohibited. and you are requested to please contact the sender immediately by return e?mail and delete all copies of the original message. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege. EXHIBIT DUKE POLICE FILE Page 0616 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0617 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0618 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0619 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 04/23/2013 17:25 NOT SUPER VISOR APPRO VED OCA: 201201131 Duke University Police Department HII: Hi NH - HIRI IN ?Rl/l UPI-RV Nixll (IM Case Status: CLOSED LEADS Case Status: EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAR - Occured: 05/18/2012 Offense: CONCERNED BEHA VIOR REPORT Investigator Date Time: 05/22/2012 15: 333 7, Tuesday Supervisor: (0) Supervisor Review Date Time: NOT RE VIEWED Contact: Reference: allow Up Just spoke with at School about this case. Sounds like they have a good management plan in place. They are giving the student resource options such as 0113 and Disability Services. Once she comes back to them with their feedback. They are going to start putting on a plan with deadlines for her school work. They will let us know updates as they go forward. r_3upp3 Page 5 CASE SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Printed: 04/23/2013 17:25 NOT SUPER VISOR APPRO VED . 6' 7 Duke University Police Department Hit HI I I \l \l tRl/l I) Case Status: CLOSED Case Status: EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAR - occuredl?bgf?; Offense: CONCERNED BEHA VIOR REPORT (WW) I Date 1 Time: 01/10/2013 09-09-25, Thursday Supervisor: (0) Supervisor Review Date Time: NOTRE VIEWED Contact: Reference: Follow Up On 01/08/12 I was to be present with academically dismisse (W7 from th School. She was argumentative and talked about contacting her attorney but no threats were stated. I updated Sbat, OIE, and Counsel?s Office. Attached is the ?nal letter given to (DWC) Page 6 EXHIBIT DISABILITY MANAGEMENT FILE (mm) Wednesday, February 13, 2013 19:20:49 AM ET Subject: FW: Meeting Yesterday Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 5:07:56 PM ET Ffom: I To: I I CC: Clinton, J.D., Laceye and I just got off the phone related to concerns abou (W6): (WHO) visited again today and also went to the Disability Management Systems Office and raised new allegations against other employees of the School (bX6); situation seems to be worsening. We included belo (0) recent communication with from this morning/afternoon. I've also copied in (DWC) who has related to (WW in very helpful ways this year as our Registrar. is also touching base with (WW3) to keep her apprised of our concerns. will be in t0uch with you soon. Best to you - Begin forwarded message: I Date: May 15, 2012 1:17:06 PM EDT I I Subject: Meeting Yesterday Reply-To: I have already been working to arrange a hospice and the Africa placement with another school in Texas. They have been in touch with Hospices in Durham for me. The only way I will get the things necessary for future job placement in my desired ?eld is to do it this Page 59 of 65 way since I was refused the Africa interview for the HIV placement and all of my responsibilitcs that worked for an entire semester to accomplish were taken away in Jan at my current placement. I was supposed set up care teams for Steven Wamack to teach and I was not allowed to do that anymore after my interaction with the ?eld education regarding the Africa interview as well. It was my understanding that the placements do not begin until June and I have already been through orientation. Thus, orientation shouldn't be a necessity?? At least it isn't during the school year. I should have my papers completed by Friday, which would be the necessary requirement according to the the deans. However, both the ADA and EOE representative here originally stated that it is against the law at this point to make any demands on those incompletes or place restrictions of a ?eld education placement that would effect my graduation based on the consequences from an employee breaking breaking title 9, ADA and FERPA laws in 13 different places. I should have been able to interview for the Africa placement and this would have never been an issue; it is one of two academic reasons I returned to this school. Original Message From: Tn- (bib; (bxnc) Sent: Tue, 15 May 20121121958 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thanks for the update. The field education placement process and orientation for Summer 2912 placement; is past, ic"in?duion cethis rinot 'iliathi i . Let's setup a time to talk in August about what might make the most sense for completing your ?eld education requirement in a way that moves you toward your vocational goals. I will be working on cultivating placements this summer, so we should have some new/renewed options to discuss. Peace, Page 60 of65 Duke School From To Cc: I Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday My incompletes will be taken care of by Friday and they are a direct result to my interaction with the ?eld education of?ce. I would appreciate the extra time to be put into ?nding me a ?eld education placement for the summer. Grace and Peace, (C) Original Message From: To: LC: I Sent: Sat, 12 May 2012 21:53:54 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday (C) I am confirming understanding of the FE policy below; in order to be eligible to participate in field education, a student may not have more than 1 incomplete. Resolving 2 of your 3 incompletes prior to the start of the fall semester would make you eligible to participate in field education next academic year. At that time, we will talk about possible field education options for you. Blessins on your summer, Page 61 of 65 From (bxe); (mmc) Se - 10, 2012 5:12 PM To: (bxe); (bxnc) Cc. sub] eeng eseray Thank you for sending this email. I can confirm that you put courses in your bookbag, but you have not officially registered for the fall. It appears that you have not been cleared for registration by your academic advisor was copied in a letter you just received from Dean Warner acknowledging your incomplete work. As a next step, i recommend focusing on resolving the incomplete work, and then we can deal with registration. Also, I received your email that y0u have requested transcripts to be sent to me. I have not received them as of today, and I look forward to getting them. Once I have received them, I will check in with you about next steps. As far as a field ed placement, my understanding of field ed policies is that students who have more than 1 incomplete on their academic record are no_t eligible for a ?eld ed placement. However, 1 will letlle?); (WW) I give you a formal word on that. Best, From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Ilb)(6); I apologize for just now getting back to you. I had to get some ersonal things in inorder over the weekend and I was not able to access the internet. I signed up for the Page 62 of65 classes we spoke about and two master?s level classes as my electives that are going over behavior training, which is relevant to the experiment I designed regarding CPE stuff I got the permission to have experiment implemented across multiple sites now after my initial ?ndings, so I really think that will help to make sure I'm on track. There was only one class that I saw related to end of life care and I read all of those books for my ?eld education experiment. If I missed one, please let me know. I'm unequivocally going to need a ?eld education placement this summer. The only way I will be able to get a job in hospice or in Aids Care facilities in Africa is to have a summer ?eld education placement now That way I can self imitate a hospice site for next year and ?nd an Africa placement regarding AIDS awareness this coming summer. Whether I ?nish classes in Dec or not. Unfortunately, because of the way my ?eld education has turned out; I don't have a choice anymore. This is the only way I will be able to get the experience I need to get a job. I have been talking with catholic seminary about how to get placements in these places here and I think they will be able to ?nd me a Hospice placement here in Durham and most likely in Africa as well, so that should make this a little easier. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: "Rhonda Parker" a? er d'vduke.edu> To: Ilb)(6); I c: Sent: Thu, 03 May 2012 13:38:24 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday The next logical step is for you to confirm wit office what courses might be transferred to count toward your so that we can confirm a projected graduation date for you. That date really drives the timing of your next Field Ed; once that date is in place we can discuss the particulars around an appropriate learning context. Moving forward, office and ours will work closely to ensure things are lined up as you Page 63 of65 work to complete your degree Consider us a team. Blessings to you this finals week ?l hope you are doing well! Blessings, From Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:09 PM 1' A Subject: Re: Meeting Yesterday I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I came back to this university solely for the Opportunity to work with the professors in the end of life institute, gain hospice experience and to go to Africa and to work with the AIDS and public health programs under I was refused an interview for Africa, despite the fact I I turned my application in on tune, schedule multiple meetings to rectify the situation, and continued through email to indicate I that I did withdraw application and repeatedly tried to schedule an interview. And in addition since no hospice in Chapel Hill or Durham is currently working with the Field Education of?ce, I'm scaredI am not gaining any of the necessary experience to answer my call to serve Christ, which is hospice and international mission work. Through my past four years of working in a church I have come to certainty that my primary call is not to work in a church and my current placement will not help me in my future endeavors. What do you suggest is my best course of action to get ajob upon my graduation within these two ?elds since my last placement will not help me succeed in this? Thank you for helping me and again for your kindness to me throughout this year. You have always been nothing but wonderful and a joy to work with. I appreciate your help in this matter. Page 64 of 65 Grace and Peace, Original Message (bra); (mmc) To: own Cc: Sent: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 20:13:52 +0000 Subject: Meeting Yesterday (C) Grace and peace to you this beautiful afternoon! I?m writing to follow up from our brief meeting with you yesterday. At that meeting, you indicated that you believed that, after meeting with Todd today, you will be graduating in December. As indicated yesterday, if you are graduating in December, we need to construct a plan to get your second unit of Field Education completed. Since the second unit needs to be a church placement, the two possibilities before us are: I) enroll you late in a summer placement or 2) place you in an academic year placement next year, acknowledging that you will complete coursework in December and the placement in April 2013. Can you update me on the outcome of your meeting wi so we can make a Field Education plan for you? If it?s simpler, we can setup a time to talk early next week. Have a great weekend! Peace, Page 65 of65 Page 66 of 65 M) m" [5 Wednesday, February 13,1013 10:20:49 AM :1 Subject: Re: Meeting Yesterday Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 5:13:04 PM ET Fm": lb)l7(C) cc: Clinton, J. (WW Thank yo {{Dilfil lb>> I look forward to talking and/or corresponding with Qinthia about the most helpful next stepsl Thanks to all for lime and consideration related to this situation. lhilsi lei On May 15, 2012, at 5:07 PM, ("7'57 wrote: Rhonda and I Just gut off the phone related to concerns about ""57 visited again today and also went lo the Disability Management Systems ottice and raised new allegations against other employees of the lb School-situation seems to be worsening. I've included below lmli lax ecent communication with mile) (a frum this morning/afternoon. I've also copied in lull) lull he has [elated in very helpful ways this yearas our lrar, IS also touching base wit (hi i to keep her apprised uf our concerns. will be in touch with you soon Best to you (bill (nil i Page 51 alas Begin forwarded message: Date: May 15, 20l2 1:17:06 PM EDT To: bx6); exam I Cc: Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Reply-To: I I have already been working to arrange a hospice and the Africa placement with another school in They have been in touch with Hospices in Durham for me. The only way I will get the things necessary for ?iture job placement in my desired ?eld is to do it this way since I was refused the Africa interview for the HIV placement and all of my responsibilites that worked for an entire semester to accomplish were taken away in Jan at my current placement. I was supposed set up care teams for to teach and I was not allowed to do that anymore a?er my interaction W1 the ?eld education regarding the Africa interview as well. It was my understanding that the placements do not begin until June and I have already been through orientation. Thus, orientation shouldn't be a. necessity?? At least it isn't during the school year. I should have my papers completed by Friday, which would be the necessary requirement according to the the deans. However, both the ADA and EOE representative here originally stated that it is against the law at this point to make any demands on those incompletes or place restrictions of a ?eld education placement that would effect my graduation based on the consequences from an employee breaking breaking title 9, ADA and FERPA laws in 13 different places. 1 should have been able to interview for the Africa placement and this would have never been an issue; it is one of two academic reasons I returned to this school. Original Message From: To: Cc: .. Sent: Tue, 15 May 2012 11:19:58 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Page 52 of65 Thanks for the update. The ?eld education placement process and orientation for Summer 2012 placements i5 Ir rtici i in a field tion ment i mme i no a . Let's setup a time to talk in August about what might make the most sense for completing your ?eld education requirement in a way that moves you toward your vocational goals. I will be working on cultivatlng placements this summer, so we should have some new/renewed options to discuss. Peace, Se - 14. 2012 5:25 PM To (bxs): (bxnc) Cc Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday My incompletes will be taken care of by Friday and they are a direct result to my interaction with the ?eld education of?ce. I would appreciate the extra time to be put into ?nding me a ?eld education placement for the summer. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: To: I Sent: Sat, 12 May 2012 21:53:54 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday (OX6): Page 53 of65 I am confirming Todd?s understanding of the FE policy below; in order to be eligible to participate in field education, a student may not have more than 1 incomplete. Resolving 2 of your 3 incompletes prior to the start of the fall semester would make you eligible to participate in field education next academic year. At that time, we will talk about possible field education options for you. Blessings on your summer, From Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 5:12 PM To Cc Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thank you for sending this email. I can confirm that you put courses in y0ur bookbag, but you have not officially registered for the fall. It appears that you have not been cleared for registration by your academic advisor I was copied in a letter you just received from acknowledging your incomplete work. As a next step, I recommend focusing on resolving the incomplete work, and then we can deal with registration. Also, I received your email that you have requested transcripts to be sent to me. I have not received them as of today, and I look forward to getting them. Once I have received them, I will check in with you about next steps. As far as a field ed placement, my understanding of field ed policies is that students who have more than 1 incomplete on their academic record are not eligible for a ?eld ed placement. However, I will let Rev Parker give you a formal word on that. Page 54 of 65 Best, From Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 1:49 PM To: cc: I Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday I an I apologize for just now getting back to you. I had to get some personal things in inorder over the weekend and I was not able to access the intemet. I signed up for the classes we spoke about and two master's level classes as my electives that are going over behavior training, which is relevant to the experiment I designed regarding CPE stuff I got the permission to have experiment implemented across multiple sites now after my initial ?ndings, so I really think that will help to make sure I'm on track. There was only one class that I saw related to end of life care and I read all of those books for my ?eld education experiment. If I missed one, please let me know. I'm unequivocally going to need a ?eld education placement this summer. The only way I will be able to get a job in hospice or in-Aids Care facilities in A?'ica is to have a summer ?eld education placement now That way I can self initate a hospice site for next year and ?nd an A?'ica placement regarding AIDS awareness this coming summer. Whether I ?nish classes in Dec or not. Unfortunately, because of the way my ?eld education has turned out; I don't have a choice anymore. This is the only way 1 will be able to get the experience I need to get a job. I have been talking with catholic seminary about how to get placements in these places here and I think they will be able to ?nd me a Hospice placement here in Durham and most likely in Africa as well, so that should make this a little easier. Grace and Peace, (C) Original Message From: Page 55 of65 To: I Cc: ?ent: Thu, 03 May 2012 13:38:24 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday The next logical step is for you to confirm withoffice what courses might be transferred to count toward you so that we can confirm a projected graduation date for you. That date really drives the timing of your next Field Ed; once that date is in place we can discuss the particulars around an appropriate learning context. Moving forward, (WW office and ours will work closely to ensure things are lined up as you work to complete your degree Consider us a team. Blessings to you this finals week - I hope you are doing well! Blessings, Sent: Sunda A ril 29, 2012 9:09 PM 1'0- Page 56 of 65 I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I came back to this university solely for the opportunity to work with the professors in the end of life institute, gain hospice experience and to to Africa and to work with the AIDS and public health programs under 1 was refused an interview for A?-ica, despite the fact I I turned my application in on time, schedule multiple meetings to rectify the situation, and continued through email to indicate I that I did withdraw application and repeatedly tried to schedule an interview. And in addition since no hOSpice in Chapel Hill or Durham is currently working with the Field Education of?ce, I'm scared I am not gaining any of the necessary experience to answer my call to serve Christ, which is hospice and international mission work. Through my past four years of working in a church I have come to certainty that my primary call is not to work in a church and my current placement will not help me in my future endeavors. What do you suggest is my best course of action to get a job upon my graduation within these two ?elds since my last placement will not help me succeed in this? . Thank you for helping me and again for your kindness to me throughout this year. You have always been nothing but wonderful and a joy to work with. I appreciate your help in this matter. Grace and Peace, Original Message Eumn (meowm) To: I Cc: Sent: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 20:13:52 +0000 Subject: Meeting Yesterday Page 57 of65 Grace and peace to you this beautiful a?emoon! I?m writing to follow up from our brief meeting with you yesterda . At that meeting, you indicated that you believed that, after meeting with today, you will be graduating in December. A indicated yesterday, if you are graduating in December, we need to construct a plan to get your second unit of Field Education completed. Since the second unit needs to be a church placement, the two possibilities before us are: 1) enroll you late in a summer placement or 2) place you in an academic year placement next year, acknowledging that you will complete coursework in December and the placement in April 2013. Can you update me on the outcome of your meeting with so we can make a Field Education plan for you? If it?s simpler, we can setup a time to talk early next week. Have a great weekend! Peace, Page 58 of65 Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:48 AM ET Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 6:32:07 PM ET From; To: CC: Dear Thank you (and Leigh) for the email and invitation to talk. I will plan to phone you just after 10am. Best From: Clinton, J.D. - To Cc Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thank you for forwarding the e-mail and updating Laceye on this situation. (MS): I am not in my of?ce now, but please feel free to telephone me on my cell phone: I have a meeting ?rst thing tomorrow morning, but can be reached in my of?ce after 10:00 am. My direct dial of?ce telephone number is: (DWC) Thanks, From: Se To: Cc: Subject: Re: Meeting Yesterday Thank you, Page 37 of65 I look forward to talking and/or corresponding with about the most helpful next steps. Thanks to all for time and consideration related to this situation. On May 15, 2012, at 5:07 PM, wrote: and Ijust got off the phone related to concerns (DWC) I visited again today and also went to the Disability Management Systems Office and raised new allegations against other employees of th School. (WW situation seems to be worsening. I've included below recent communication with from this morning/afternoon. I?ve also copied i who has related in very helpful ways this year as our Registrar. 03 is also touching base wit (WW3) to keep her apprised of our concerns. will be in touch with you soon. Best to you Begin forwarded message: From; Date: I ay To; Cc: Subm: Meeting Yesterday Reply-To: EDT I have already been workin to arrange a hospice and the Africa placement with another school in They have been in touch with Hospices in Durham for me. The only way I will get the things necessary for futurejob placement in my desired ?eld is to do it this way since I was refused the Africa interview for the HIV placement and all of my responsibilites that worked for an entire semester to accomplish were taken current placement. I was supposed set up care teams for to awa in Jan at my teach and I was not allowed to do that anymore alter my in eraction Wit the ?eld education regarding the A?'ica interview as well. Page 38 of 65 It was my understanding that the placements do not begin until June and 1 have already been through orientation. Thus, orientation shouldn't be a necessity?? At least it isn't during the school year. I should have my papers completed by Friday, which would be the necessary requirement according to the the deans. However, both the ADA and EOE representative here originally stated that it is against the law at this point to make any demands on those incompletes or place restrictions of a ?eld education placement that would effect my graduation based on the consequences from an employee breaking breaking title 9, ADA and FERPA laws in 13 different places. I should have been able to interview for the Africa placement and this would have never been an issue; it is one of two academic reasons I returned to this school. Original Message From: I 0. Cc: Sent: Tue, 15 May 2012 11:19:58 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thanks for the update. The ?eld education placement process and orientation for Summer 2012 placements is elm past, 59 g?igipating in a [igld ?ugagiog Qlaggmegt this summer is not a wiping! at this point . Let's setup a time to talk in August about what might make the most sense for completing your ?eld education requirement in a way that moves you toward your vocational goals. I will be working on cultivating placements this summer, so we should have some new/renewed options to discuss. bur From'wxe); Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 5:25 10 Cc Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Page 39 of 65 My incompletes will be taken care of by Friday and they are a direct result to my interaction with the ?eld education of?ce. I would appreciate the extra time to be put into ?nding me a ?eld education placement for the summer. Grace and Peace, (bx? riginal Message From: I 0: I Sent: Sat, 12 May 2012 21:53:54 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday I am confirming Todd?s understanding of the FE policy below; in order to be eligible to participate in field education, a student may not have more than 1 incomplete. Resolving 2 of your 3 incompletes prior to the start of the fall semester would make you eligible to participate in field education next academic year. At that time, we will talk about possible field education options for you. Blessings on your summer, mm Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 5:12 PM To Cc Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thank you for sending this email. I can confirm that you put courses in your bookbag, but you have not officially registered for the fall. It appears that ou have not been cleared for registration by your academic advisor, I was copied in a letter you just received from acknowledging your Page 40 of 65 incomplete work. As a next step, I recommend focusing on resolving the incomplete work, and then we can deal with registration. Also, I received your email that you have requested transcripts to be sent to me. I have not received them as of today, and I look forward to getting them. Once I have received them, I will check in with you about next steps. As far as a field ed placement, my understanding of field ed policies is that students who have more than 1 incomplete on their ace demig record are not eligible for a ?eld ed placement. However, I will let 521(6); (W7 give you a formal word on that. Best, Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 1:49 PM I Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday I apologize for just now getting back to you. I had to get some perso . u'a gs in inorder over the weekend and was not able to access the internet. I signed up for the classes we spoke about and two master's level classes as my electives that are going over behavior training, which is relevant to the experiment I designed regarding CPE stuff I got the permission to have experiment implemented across multiple sites now after my initial ?ndings, so I really think that will help to make sure I'm on track. There was only one class that I saw related to end of life care and I read all of those books for my ?eld education experiment. If I missed one, please let me know. I'm unequivocally going to need a ?eld education placement this summer. only way I will be able to get a job in hospice or in Aids Care facilities in Africa is to have a summer ?eld education placement now That way I can self initate a hospice site for next year and ?nd an Africa placement regarding AIDS awareness this coming summer. Whether I ?nish classes in Dec or not. Unfortunately, because of the way my ?eld education has turned out; I don't have a choice anymore. This is the only way I will be able to get the experience I need to get a job. I have been talking with catholic seminary about how to get placements in these places here and I think they will be able to ?nd me a Hospice placement here in Durham and most likely in Africa as well, so that should make this a little easier. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: I To: Page 41 of 65 I Ce: "5611:: Thu, 03 May 2012 13:38:24 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday The next logical step is for you to confirm with office what courses might be transferred to count toward your MDiv so that we can confirm a projected graduation date for you. That date really drives the timing of your next Field Ed; once that date is in place we can discuss the particulars around an appropriate learning context. Moving forward, office and ours will work closely to ensure things are lined up as you work to complete your degree Consider us a team. Blessings to you this finals week ?l hope you are doing well! Blessings, From: I Sent: ay, pn 1mm Cc; Subject: Re: Meeting Yesterday (b)(7lC) I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I came back to this university solely for the opportunity to work with the professors in the end of life institute, gain hospice experience and to go to Africa and to work with the AIDS and public health programs under Peter Storey. I was refused an interview for Africa, despite the fact I I turned my application in on time, schedule multiple meetings to rectify the situation, and continued through email to indicate 1 that I did withdraw application and repeatedly tried to schedule an interview. And in addition since no hospice in Chapel Hill or Durham is currently working with the Field Education of?ce, I'm scared I am not gaining any of the necessary experience to answer my call to serve Christ, Page 42 of 65 which is hospice and international mission work. Through my past four years of working in a church I have come to certainty that my primary call is not to work in a church and my current placement will not help me in my future endeavors. What do you suggest is my best course of action to get a job upon my graduation within these two ?elds since my last placement will not help me succeed in this? Thank you for helping me and again for your kindness to me throughout this year. You have always been nothing but wonderful and a joy to work with. I appreciate your help in this matter. Grace and Peace, (C) Original Message From: I To: Cc: Sent: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 20:13:52 +0000 Subject: Meeting Yesterday Grace and peace to you this beautiful afternoon! I?m writing to follow up from our brief meeting with you yesterda . .At that meeting, you indicated that you believed that, after meeting wi _today, you will be graduating in December. As indicated yesterd ay, if you are graduating in December, we need to construct a plan to get your second unit of Field Education completed. Since the second unit needs to be a church placement, the two possibilities before us are: I) enroll you late in a summer placement or 2) place you in an academic year placement next year, acknowledging that you will complete coursework in December and the placement in April 2013. Can you update me on the outcome of your meeting with so we can make a Field Education plan for you? If it?s simpler, we can setup a time to talk early next week. Have a great weekend! Peace, (W Page 43 of 65 Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:48 AM ET Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 5:32:45 PM ET From: Clinton, 1.0. To; CC: Susan: Thank you for fomarding the e-mail and updating on this situation. I am not in my of?ce now, but please feel free to telephone me on my cell phone I have a meeting ?rst thing tomorrow morning, but can be reached in my of?ce after 10:00 am. My direct dial of?ce telephone number is: Thanks, . Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 5:13 PM To: Cc: Subject: Re: Meeting Yesterday Thank you, (b I look forward to talking and/or corresponding with about the most helpful next steps. Thanks to all for time and consideration related to this situation. On May 15, 2012, at 5:07 PM, PM wrote: and i just got off the phone related to concerns I visited again today and also went to the Disability Management Systems Office and raised new allegations against other employees of the Divinity School. situation seems to be worsening. Page 44 of 65 I?ve included below recent communication with Rhonda from this morning/afternoon. I?ve also copied in who has related in very helpful ways this year as our Registrar. is also touching base with to keep her apprised of our concerns. will be in touch with you soon. Best to you (bl(7(C) Begin forwarded message: From Date: May 15, 2012 1:17:06 PM EDT To. (WHO) Cc, Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday (bxnc) I I have already been workin to arrange a hospice and the Africa placement with another school in They have been in touch with Hospices in Durham for me. The only way I will get the things necessary for future job placement in my desired ?eld is to do it this way since I was refused the Africa interview for the HIV placement and all of my responsibilites that worked for an entire semester to accomplish were taken away in Jan at my current placement. I was supposed set up care teams for to teach and I was not allowed to do that anymore after my interaction w1t the ?eld education regarding the Africa interview as well. It was my understanding that the placements do not begin until June and I have already been through orientation. Thus, orientation shouldn't be a necessity?? At least it isn't during the school year. I should have my papers completed by Friday, which would be the necessary requirement according to the the deans. However, both the ADA and EOE representative here originally stated that it is against the law at this point to make any demands on those incompletes or place restrictions of a ?eld education placement that would effect my graduation based on the consequences from an employee breaking breaking title 9, ADA and ERPA laws in 13 different places. I should have been able to interview for the Africa placement and this would have never been an issue; it is one of two academic reasons I returned to this school. Original Message From: Page 45 of 65 no Cc: Sent: Tue, 15 May 2012 11:19:58 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thanks for the update. The ?eld education placement process and orientation for Summer 2912 is alr tin ?el catio eme i summ i not ssibili at I i . Let's setup a time to talk in August about what might make the most sense for completing your ?eld education requirement in a way that moves you toward your vocational goals. I will be working on mltivating placements this summer, so we should have some new/renewed options to discuss. I. (WHO I Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 5:25 PM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday My incompletcs will be taken care of by Friday and they are a direct result to my interaction with the ?eld education of?ce. I would appreciate the extra time to be put into ?nding me a ?eld education placement for the summer. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Cc: I Sent: Sat, 12 May 2012 21:53:54 +0000 Page 46 of 65 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday lam confirmingunderstanding of the FE policy below; in order to be eligible to participate in field education, a student may not have more than 1 incomplete. Resolving 2 of your 3 incompletes prior to the start of the fall semester would make you eligible to participate in field education next academic year. At that time, we will talk about possible field education options for you. Blessings on your summer, From Sent: Thursday, May 1L0, 2012 5:12 PM To- Came). I Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday Thank you for sending this email. I can confirm that you put courses in your bookbag, but you have not officially registered for the fall. It appears that you have not been cleared for registration by your academic advisor, Dr. Lester Ruth. I was copied in a letter you just received from acknowledging your incomplete work. As a next step, I recommend focusing on resolving the incomplete work, and then we can deal with registration. Also, i received your email that you have requested transcripts to be sent to me. I have not received them as of today, and I look forward to getting them. Once I have received them, I will check in with you about next steps. As far as a field ed placement, my understanding of field ed policies is that students who have more than 1 incomplete on their ac demic record are not eligible for a ?eld ed placement. However, I will 1e give you a formal word on that. Best, b6;b7C Page 47 of65 Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 1:49 PM To: Cc: Sub] ing ay I I apologize for just now getting back to you. I had to get some personal things in inorder over the weekendand I was not able to access the intemet. I signed up for the classes we spoke about and two master's level classes as my electives that are going over behavior training, which is relevant to the experiment I designed regarding CPE stuff I got the permission to have experiment implemented across multiple sites now after my initial ?ndings, so 1 really think that will help to make sure I'm on track. There was only one class that I saw related to end of life care and read all of those books for my ?eld education experiment. If I missed one, please let me know I'm unequivocally going to need a ?eld education placement this summer. The only way I will be able to get a job in hospice or in Aids Care facilities in Africa is to have a summer ?eld education placement now That way I can self initate a hospice site for next year and ?nd an Africa placement regarding AIDS awareness this coming summer. Whether] ?nish classes in Dec or not. Unfortunately, because of the way my ?eld education has turned out; I don't have a choice anymore. This is the only way I will be able to get the experience I need to get a job. I have been talking with catholic seminary about how to get placements in these places here and I think they will be able to ?nd me a Hospice placement here in Durham and most likely in Africa as well, so that should make this a little easier. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: I To: Cc: Sent: Thu, 03 May 2012 13:38:24 +0000 Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday The next logical step is for you to confirm with Todd's office what courses might be transferred to count toward your so that we can confirm a projected graduation date for you. That date really drives the timing of your next Field Ed; once that date is in place we can discuss the particulars around an appropriate learning context. Page 48 of 65 Moving forward, (W93 of?ce and ours will work closely to ensure things are lined up as you work to complete your degree Consider us a team. Blessings to you this finals week I hope you are doing well! Blessings, mei(b)(6); Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 9:09 PM 1-0; Cc: Subject: Re: Meeting Yesterday I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I came back to this university solely for the opportunity to work with the professors in the end of life institute, gain hospice experience and to to Africa and to work with the AIDS and public health programs under I was refused an interview for Africa, despite the fact I I turned my application in on time, schedule multiple meetings to rectify the situation, and continued through email to indicate I that I did withdraw application and repeatedly tried to schedule an interview. And in addition since no hospice in Chapel Hill or Durham is currently working with the Field Education office, I'm scared I am not gaining any of the necessary experience to answer my call to serve Christ, which is hospice and international mission work. Through my past four years of working in a church I have come to certainty that my primary call is not to work in a church and my current placement will not help me in my future endeavors. What do you suggest is my best course of action to get a job upon my graduation within these two ?elds since my last placement will not help me succeed in this? Thank you for helping me and again for your kindness to me throughout this year. You have always been nothing but wonderful and a joy to work with. I appreciate your help in this matter. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: Page 49 of 65 I Sent: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 20:13:52 +0000 Subject: Meeting Yesterday Grace and peace to you this beautiful aftemoon! I?m writing to follow up from our brief meeting with you yesterday. At that meeting, you indicated that you believed that, ?er rr eeting with Todd today, you will be graduating in December. A indicated yesterday, if you are graduating in December, we need to construct a plan to get your second unit of Field Education completed. Since the second unit needs to be a church placement, the two possibilities before us are: I) enroll you late in a summer placement or 2) place you in an academic year placement next year, acknowledging that you will complete coursework in December and the placement in April 2013. Can you update me on the outcome of your meeting wi so we can make a Field Education plan for you? If it?s simpler, we can setup a time to talk early next week. Have a great weekend! (bx6; Page 50 of 65 Wednesday, Fe bruary13, 2013 10:20:48 AM ET Subject: FW: Summer Placement Date: Thursday, May 17, 2012 6:22:04 AM ET From: To: I CC: Clinton, J.D. to share the latest email exchange (below) wim you and your of?ce. I hope meeting with was productive. Please let me know if there is anything we need to do from our of?ce. . . Froni(b)(6); I Sent: Wednesda May 16, 2012 4:42 PM To I Subject: RE: Summer Placement Thank you. All future contact will mostly need to be handled through lawyers. But I appreciate the offer. Original Message Enmn 0: Cc: Sent: Wed, [6 May 2012 13:29:00 +0000 Subject: RE: Summer Placement Page 35 of65 I appreciate your concern for our office?s work, however, workload is not a concern. The issue is that you are not eligible to participate in field education for the summer placement period for a variety of reasons, notably: The deadline to apply for a 2012 summer field education placement was Friday, January 27, 2012. You did not apply. Orientation for summer 2012 placements was May 8 for new and returning field education students. This orientation was reguirgd for all students participating in summer 2012 field education placements. Students having more than 1 incomplete are not eligible to participate in field education. You currently have 3 incompletes on your record. As I suggested in earlier emails to you, the best way forward at this point is for you to complete at least two of your courses in which you currently have incompletes and then apply on time for 3 2012-13 academic year placement. The deadline for applications to be hang-delivered to Westbrook 105 for the 2012-13 academic vear placement period is Fridav. Aueust 31 at 3zf? pm. I look forward to meeting with you around that time to discuss how we can work together to meet your vocational goals and the requirements of the rogram. Christ?s eace, ?gmlibxe); (bxnci I Sent: Wednesda May 16, 2012 12:01 AM To: Subject: Summer Placement I heard today that there a student trying to get out of her summer placement here in Durham for personal reasons. She is supposed to email me. If that is the case, would that be an acceptable swap? It would limit the work and strain on ya?ll. Page 36 of 65 Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:48 AM ET Subject: Date: FW: Complaint which will be filled to Federal Government Funding office on Monday Friday, May 18, 2012 11:16:25 AM ET From: To: (tame) Date: Fri, To (mmc) 18 May 2012 11:15:17 -0400 Subject: Due tot Funding om plaint which will be ?lled to Federal Government Funding office on Monday he Fact that nothing has been done about my numerous complaints this will be turned into the federal Office prefix 0 ns List of Complaints to be turned in to the Federal Government Funding Office: 1. I have student loans taken out for I year of school when was not enrolled as a student 2004-2005- Please see the documentation I was removed from the school by a staff member that had no authority to remove me, based on the fact that ?enrolled in another school?; I was not actually enrolled in another school and I had no desire to leave. This effected my Federal Loan Funding my date for pay back on loans as well as the interest Please see the documentation I have now had to have surgery due to acute stress based out of these illegal actions I applied for a work study position, that the Federal Government pays the students- On our written Page 27 of65 10. 11. 12. 13. application it breaks Title 9 laws: it asks our gender, ethnic, spouse?s name and occupation, if we are engaged and the date, if of children and their ages, it states that our position will be effected if we are married and have a family- Please see the following documentation I was denied an interview because followed the instructions posted on online which differed from the office?s verbal instructions and one sentence instruction at the top of the application. Please see the following documentation. Went in for a meeting with the Director of the Department to make sure I got an interview- In which I was asked how many surgeries have had, If I could still have children and what I planned to do about this in the future.- All of these questions are against ADA Laws Complaints to all three Deans of the School and to the EOE office and the ADA of?ce Diagnosed with (DXG): that resulted from the Title 9 and ADA laws being broken Director instructed to limit all contact with me Asked for my records and was forced into a meeting with director, despite the fact I had just told the assistant I did not need to speak with her. I was asked who I giving the records to, and about a conversation with a previous supervisor. ?This is against FERPA Laws More complaints to the EOE office and Deans My last pay check was denied after I made the complaint to the EOE office and I still was never granted an interview for the summerjob placement despite repeated attempts. I even found a student that quit her current placement and asked if I could be put in her place. The complaints started in Nov. and it now May 18, 2012 and nothing has been done, the written application is still the same.- Please see the documentation. Page 28 of65 6' Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:48 AM ET Subject: RE: Complaint which will be filled to Federal Government Funding office on Monday Date: Friday, May 18, 2012 1:07:21 PM ET From: To: Thanks working on it. Don?t respond for now. Se - 18 2012 11:20 AM To: (bxe); (mmc) Sub] omp aIn ?which will be ?lled to Federal Government Funding of?ce on Monday Here is the latestthat we just receivedfro (she hada m. .. email actually receive it). Not sure aswellasOlE. Any ideas Thanks! how/if we ?hguld respond since she has also sen 1 0 several people i -- ?g?ibieizibx?ci . I. i I Date: Friday, May 18, 2012 11:16 AM (mmc) Subject: Fw: Complaint which will be filled to Federal Government Funding of?ce on Monday I I Fri 1 2 Man 7017 11 '19?17 -0400 To I (WW3) I Subject: Complaint which will be filled to Federal Government Funding office on Monday Page 25 of65 Due to the Fact that nothing has been done about my numerous complaints this will be turned into the federal Funding Of?ce pre?x 0 ns comzof?ce20ffice" List of Complaints to be turned in to the Federal Government Funding Office: 1. have student loans taken out for year of school when I was not enrolled as a student 2004-2005- Please see the documentation 2. was removed from the school by a staff member that had no authority to remove me, based on the fact that "enrolled in another school?; I was not actually enrolled in another school and I had no desire to leave. This effected my Federal Loan Funding my date for pay back on loans as well as the interest - Please see the documentation 3. I have now had to have surgery due to acute stress based out of these illegal actions 4. I applied for a work study position, that the Federal Government pays the students On our written application it breaks Title 9 laws: It asks our gender, ethnic, spouse?s name and occupation, if we are engaged and the date, of children and their ages, it states that our position will be effected if we are married and have a family- Please see the following documentation 5. was denied an interview because I followed the instructions posted on online which differed from the office?s verbal instructions and one sentence instruction at the top of the application. Please see the following documentation. 6. Went in for a meeting with the Director of the Department to make sure i got an interview- In which I was asked how many surgeries have had, Ifl could still have children and what I planned to do about this in the future.- All of these questions are against ADA Laws 7. Complaints to all three Deans of the School and to the EOE office and the ADA of?ce 8. Diagnosed with PTSD, that resulted from the Title 9 and ADA laws being broken 9. Director instructed to limit all contact with me 10. Asked for my records and was forced into a meeting with director, despite the fact I had just told the assistant I did not need to speak with her. I was asked who I giving the records to, and about a conversation with a previous supervisor. - This is against FERPA Laws 11. More complaints to the EOE of?ce and Deans 12. My last pay check was denied after I made the complaint to the EOE of?ce and I still was never granted an interview for the summer job placement despite repeated attempts. I even found a student that quit her current placement and asked if I could be put in her place. 13. The complaints started in Nov. and it now May 18, 2012 and nothing has been done, the written application is still the same.- Please see the documentation. Page 26 of 65 Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:47 AM ET Subject: Student Case Date: Friday, May 18, 2012 1:35:24 PM ET . To: Clinton, J.D. I CC: Student (bl(7(C) Student ID (W Just to bring everyone up to speed. 403%); Mm) Program at Duke. referred her it to me as a that she had personal knowledge of a Dean (W6): is a Graduate Student in th potential concerned behavior issue. Initially the report was who has assaulted a number of students. I had bat triage check our systems and we found no history. On I interviewed g6)? (W7 and got her to articulate her concerns and the most she was able to identify was: In she claimed to have been withdrawn from by the department wrongfully. She may or may not have legitimate claim, I was only attempting to ascertain dangerousness and if a crime occurred. She had a meeting with the Dean back speci?cally remember any assaults that occurred. She had numerous medical conditions after being withdrawn from Duke. She?s heard rumors of other assaults; but when pressed for details could state one person, who she would not name, that was touched inappropriately. - She feels she has endured financial hardships as a result of this withdrawal. She was recently denied the ability to go on a study abroad mission to Africa. hen, and has lost memories from that meeting but doesn?t lnitial triage is: There is no crimes that are currently articulated. - There does not appear to be harassment but further investigation may be needed. - This appears to be low level mental health issues with a high maintenance component. I will document and work with the student bat team for further management. or myself have both worked with the student and can be the main contacts. Does anyone have a contact at Divinity that would be appropriate for me to reach out to? Thanks, Page 23 of as Page 24 of 65 Wednesday, Februaryia, 2013 Sublen: . Student Case Dale: Friday, May 13, 1012 1:52:53 PM ET (Dll5l(b)(7(cl Yo: CC: Thanksl've reached out but she has nut yet respunded to my attempts to talk with her. I'll continue 2 arts to do so. I have contacted School to ascertain any ininrmation about the alleged twenty assaults. At this point, none of my contacts with the School has demonstrated evidence of the assaults, as described by However, the difficulty is, of caurse, has nut identified [he person alleged u: have committed them, W. Ciinlon,J Director, Harassment Prom-an Office lur institutional Equllv Duke Health Sysiem 114 S. Buchanan Bivd., Bay 3, BOXSOOJZ Durham, North Carnlinz 17708 nthia Clinton, J.D. will i 0, Subject. Student Case a a a Stud" rti litmc) Studen Just to bring everyone up to speed. is a Graduate Studentin thProgram at Duke eferred her itlo me as a 0 al knowledge of a Dean potential concerned behavior issuea lnitiallyt rep was that she had pe who has assaulted a number of sludenu. i had bat triage check our systems and we found no history. on 05/16/12 I interviewe and got her to articulate her concerns and the mast she was able (0 identify was: - she claimed to have been withdrawn fro (tit (ta by the department wrongfully, She may or mav not have legitimate claim, I was only attempting to ascertain dangerousness and if a crime occurred A She had a meeting with the Dean specifically remember any assaults that occurred, back then, and has lost memories from that meeting but doesn't Pqe 110(65 - She had numerous medical conditions after being withdrawn from Duke. - She's heard rumors of other assaults; but when pressed for details could state one person, who she would not name, that was touched inappropriately. She feels she has endured financial hardships as a result of this withdrawal. She was recently denied the ability to go on a study abroad mission to Africa. Initial triage is: - There is no crimes that are currently articulated. - There does not appear to be harassment but further investigation may be needed. - This appears to be low level mental health issues with a high maintenance component. I will document and work with the student bat team for further management. or myself have both worked with the student and can be the main contacts. Does anyone have a contact at that would be appropriate for me to reach out to? Thanks, Page 22 of 65 Subject: RE: Student Case Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:47 AM ET Date: Friday, May 18, 2012 2:05:10 PM ET From: 6; 7 To: Clinton, CC: Just talked with and got a contact frorrimxs); (bmc) and OIE. Will talk with Depart. And follow-up with you soon. Thx, From: Clinton, J.D. se To Cc Iknown and being managed by HR Subject: RE: Student Case Thank I?ve reached out to but she has not yet responded to my attempts to talk with her. I?ll continue efforts to do so. i have contacted the Divinity School to ascertain any information about the alleged twenty assaults. At this point, none of my contacts with thle6)? School has demonstrated evidence of the assaults, as described by (b However, the difficulty is, of course, has not identified the person alleged to have committed them. W. Clinton, 1.0. Director, Harassment Prevention Office for institutional Equity Duke University/Duke University Health System 114 S. Buchanan Blvd., Bay 8, Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 From We); I Sent: Friday. May 18. 2012 1:35 PM To: (bx6): cc Su ect: Student Case I Clinton, J.D. Page 19 of65 6' 7 Student Student Just to bring everyone up to speed. a Graduate Student in th Program at Duke. referred her it to me as a potential concerned behavior issue. nitia report was that she had personal knowledge of a Dean who has assaulted a number of students. I had bat triage check our systems and we found no history. On (bx?ii I interviewe 53(6): (W7 and got her to articulate her concerns and the most she was able to identify was: - I she claimed to have been withdrawn from by the department wrongfully. She may or may not have legitimate claim, I was only attempting to ascertain dangerousness and if a crime occmred. She had a meeting with the Dean back then, and has lost memories from that meeting but doesn't specifically remember any assaults that occurred. - She had numerous medical conditions after being withdrawn from Duke. She?s heard rumors of other assaults; but when pressed for details could state one person, who she would not name, that was touched inappropriately. - She feels she has endured financial hardships as a result of this withdrawal. - She was recently denied the ability to go on a study abroad mission to Africa. Initial triage is: - There is no crimes that are currently articulated. - There does not appear to be harassment but further investigation may be needed. This appears to be low level mental health issues with a high maintenance component. I will document and work with the student bat team for further management. (WW or myself have both worked with the student and can be the main contacts. Does anyone have a contact a that would be appropriate for me to reach out to? Thanks, Page 20 of65 W6): Wm) Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:48 AM ET Subject: RE: Summer Placement Date: Friday, May 18, 2012 8:17:29 AM ET mm; (bxe); To: Thank yeah just crazy busy and it?s on my list of things to do. - . .. 4. From sen 2012 7:48 AM To: Subject: FW: Summer Placement Em); . Here was the latest email that I received from the Divinity School regardi She apparently sent th . . 4:42 yesterday afternoon (after she left your meeting). I am wondering since she mentions attorneys if I need to advise the school to refer 6 7 Notsureif the matter to Counsel's of?ce? Typically when we hear a student refer to working with a lawyer, we notiny I should advise them to send it on to Counsel. Thanks again for your help! Have a go v' melibxe); (bxnc) Date:Thursda Ma 17 2012 6:22 AM 6; 70 . Cc( Clinton Subject: FW: Summer Placement I ed to share the latest email exchange (below) with you and your office. I hope meeting with (*3le _was productive. Please let me know if there is anything we need to do from our of?ce. -. From: Ser To: Subject: RE: Summer Placement ay 16, 2012 4:42 PVI Page 29 of 65 Thank you. All future contact will mostly need to be handled through lawyers. But I appreciate the offer. Original Message From: I To: Cc: Sent: Wed, [6 May 2012 13:29:00 +0000 Subject: RE: Summer Placement I appreciate your concern for our of?ce?s work, however, workload is not a concern. The issue is that you are not eligible to participate in field education for the summer placement period for a variety of reasons, notably: The deadline to apply for a 2012 summer field education placement was Friday, January 27, 2012. You did not apply. Orientation fer summer 2012 placements was May 8 for new and returning field education students. This orientation was reguired for all students participating in summer 2012 field education placements. Students having more than 1 incomplete are not eligible to participate in field education. You currently have 3 incom pletes on your record. As I suggested in earlier emails to you, the best way forward at this point is for you to complete at least two of your courses in which you currently have incompletes and then apply on time for 3 2012-13 academic year placement. deadline for applications to be hand?delivered to Westbrook 105 for the 2012?13 academic year placement period is Fridav. Aueust 31 at 3:00 pm. I look forward to meeting with you around that time to discuss how we can work together to meet your vocational goals and the requirements of the MDiv program. Christ?s eace, sang? Wednesda May16, 2012 12:01 AM To 5? ummerP'acement Page 30 of65 one mum -- Wednesdavfie 20 RAM ET (171(6/ :y um Ihue . uudmnluying \o gel nulofhcr summer hue mme personal xumns is suiised |n :mall me, [film i' Ihc use. would thal be In swap? l| m'uuld hle work and Slum an ya'll Subject: DDS Student concern Date: Thursday, May 17, 2012 7.18:58 PM ET Fm": l--aflmv--Io Wednesday, February 13,2013 10:20:43 AM 51 (NH Subject: as: summer Placement Dale: Thursday, May 17, 2012 5:4 :57 AM :1 D1161 NHC) (WW Uinmn, J. I left a vaicernan message. Rhonda and 1 have meetings until aaomdan We'll try teach you again then by phone. Many thanks - wa mu me Sent' Thursd Ma 17, 2012 6:25 AM H) (n pd. ummer - acemen Gimme mm, m. a (and an), mm (W 's morning to discuss am meeting Good morning! Would you mind giving m: a call a yesterday. Just want to fill you in on the details and you up to speed. 'l'hauks so much" Havc a goad day! Bcs( (We) Lb) (mm) (mam Sent from my iPhonc I wanted to share the latest email exchange (below) with you and your office. 1 hope- Page 32 ofGS meeting with Dot Mishoe was productive. Please let me know if there is anything we need to do from our of?ce. Peace, From: Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:42 To: Subject: RE: Summer Placement Thank you. All future contact will mostly need to be handled through lawyers. But I appreciate the offer. Original Message 0m: I n. Cc: Sent: Wed, 16 May 2012 13:29:00 +0000 Subject: RE: Summer Placement I appreciate your concern for our office's work, however, workload is not a concern. The issue is that you are not eligible to participate in field education for the summer placement period for a variety of reasons, notably: The deadline to apply for a 2012 summer field education placement was Friday, January 27, 2012. You did not apply. Orientation for summer 2012 placements was May 8 for new and returning field education students. This orientation was reguired for all students participating in summer 2012 field education placements. Page 33 of 65 Students having more than 1 incomplete are not eligible to participate in field education. You currently have 3 incompletes on your record. rlier emails to you, the best way forward at this point is for you to complete you currently have incompletes and then apply on time for The deadline for applications to be hand-delivered to Westbrook 105 for the 2012?13 academic year placement period is Friday. Aueust 31 at 3:09 m. i look forward to meeting with you around that time to discuss how we can work together to meet your vocational goals and the requirements of the MDiv program. As I suggested in ea at least two of your courses in which 3 2012-13 academic year placement. Christ?s peace, Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 12:01 To Subject: Summer Placement I heard today that there a student trying to get out of her summer placement here in Durham for personal reasons. She is supposed to email me. If that is the case, would that be an acceptable swap? It would limit the work and strain on ya?ll. Page 34 of 65 Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:47 AM ET Subject: RE: Complaint which will be ?lled to Federal Government Funding office on Monday Date: Friday, May 18, 2012 2:37:35 PM ET mm: To: (bxs): (mine) I thanks I 2012 1 :31 PM Se . To (taxes); Subject: FW: Complaint which will be ?lled to Federal Govemment Funding of?ce on Monday FromJ(b)(6)I I Date: Friday, May 18, 2012 11:16 AM (WHO Subject: FW: Complaint which will be filled to Federal Government Funding of?ce on Monday 6? 7 ?ew/Jo Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 11:15:17 -0400 (tame) I (WWC) I Subject: Complaint which will be filled to Federal Government Funding of?ce on Monday Page 17 of65 Due to the Fact that nothing has been done about my numerous complaints this will be turned into the federal Funding Office pre?x 0 ns "urn:schemas-microsoft- comzof?cezoffice" List of Complaints to be turned in to the Federal Government Funding Office: 1. have student loans taken out for year of school when I was not enrolled as a student (DWC) Please see the documentation 2. I was removed from the school by a staff member that had no authority to remove me, based on the fact that "enrolled in another school?; I was not actually enrolled in another school and I had no desire to leave. This effected my Federal Loan Funding my date for pay back on loans as well as the interest - Please see the documentation 3. have now had to have surgery due to acute stress based out of these illegal actions 4. I applied for a work study position, that the Federal Government pays the students? On our written application it breaks Title 9 laws: It asks our gender, ethnic, spouse?s name and occupation, if we are engaged and the date, of children and their ages, it states that our position will be effected if we are married and have a family- Please see the following documentation 5. was denied an interview because I followed the instructions posted on online which differed from the office's verbal instructions and one sentence instruction at the top of the application. Please see the following documentation. 6. Went in for a meeting with the Director of the Department to make sure I got an interview- In which I was asked how many surgeries I have had, If I could still have children and what I planned to do about this in the future.- All of these questions are against ADA Laws 7. Complaints to all three Deans of the School and to the EOE of?ce and the ADA of?ce 8. Diagnosed with PTSD, that resulted from the Title 9 and ADA laws being broken 9. Director instructed to limit all contact with me 10. Asked for my records and was forced into a meeting with director, despite the fact I had just told the assistant I did not need to Speak with her. I was asked who I giving the records to, and about a conversation with a previous supervisor. This is against FERPA Laws 11. More complaints to the EOE of?ce and Deans 12. My last pay check was denied after I made the complaint to the EOE office and I still was never granted an interview for the summer job placement despite repeated attempts. I even found a student that quit her current placement and asked if I could be put in her place. 13. The complaints started in Nov. and it now May 18, 2012 and nothing has been done, the written application is still the same.- Please see the documentation. Page 18 of 65 Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:47 AM ET Subjen: RE: Student Case Dala: Tuesday, May 21, 1012 3:32:56 PM ET "am: we) To: . ., lell7l6f Sent: ray, v. - :ova J, 5e lust talked and gota contact lrom known and being managed by HR and OIE. -- will talk with Depart. And followup with you soon. Thx, W. Clinton, J.D. Director, Harassment Prevention Office for Institutional Equity Duke University/Duke University Health System 114 S. Buchanan Blvd., Bay 8, Box 90012 Durham, North Carolina 27708 From:l( Serf: Friday Mav 18- 2012 1:35 PM To Clinton, 1.0. Cc. Subject: Student Case Student Student Just to bring everyone up to speed. a Graduate Student in the mm) Program at Duke referred her it to me as a potential concerned behavior issue. Initially the report was that she hac perso nal knowledge of a Dean who has assaulted a number of students. I had bat triage check our systems and we found no history. On 05/16/12 I interviewed and got her to articulate her concerns and the most she was able to identify was: - I she claimed to have been withdrawn from by the department wrongfully. She may or may not have legitimate claim, I was only attempting to ascertain dangerousness and if a crime occurred. She had a meeting with the Dean back then, and has lost memories from that meeting but doesn?t specifically remember any assaults that occurred. - She had numerous medical conditions after being withdrawn from Duke. She's heard rumors of other assaults; but when pressed for details could state one person, who she would not name, that was touched inappropriately. - She feels she has endured financial hardships as a result of this withdrawal. - She was recently denied the ability to go on a study abroad mission to Africa. Initial triage is: - There is no crimes that are currently articulated. There does not appear to be harassment but further investigation may be needed. This appears to be low level mental health issues with a high maintenance component. I will document and work with the student bat team for further management. or myself have both worked with the student and can be the main contacts. Does anyone have a contact at Divinity that would be appropriate for me to reach out to? Thanks, Page 13 of 65 - Wednesday Februaryi 2013 10 7 AM ET Subjen-Updale Date: Friday, December 21, 2012 8:23:16 AM ET From; (W5) 1b)(7(C) To: Clinton (Maurine Update: This wasth School student who alleged that: professor had assaulted multiple students in the past; but when interviewed she had vague and non-speufic detailst She also has some light mental histoiv and paranoia. she has never threatened but only had blzarre thoughts on past events. has updated methat has lailed all at her classes and they will be that she is ailing out olnuke. Let me any involving Page 11 0165 (blil il( Wednesday, February". 1013 ET Subject: Re Update Date: Frum: 1'0: Friday, December 11, 2012 8:33:44 AM do! no", ihiifii mime>> DawFria Decembeer 2012 (We) (b)i7(Ci (DXE) inimci Subjed'. Fwd: Update To :30 AM Please let me if you hear from iwill need in notify Document any call or email, please. Thanksl Sent him my 'IPhone Begin lorwarded message: (nxsl (aw i Date: Decembel 21 1012, :51 Tu W) WW Clinton Thanks, Page 10 of 65 (bmc) Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:47 AM ET Subject Update Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 1:04:51 PM ET From: Clinton To: CC: Thanks also for the sent an e-mail to Ben on Dec. 24th that he forwarded to me several strange allegations by b) some that she raised earlier with OIE and was told they were outside of our purview. She was scheduled to meet with me on yesterday, but was a "noshow." i also said i could meet with her on tomorrow at 11:00, but not sure if she?ll appear. i=5? (bxs); (bxnc) 2013 12:31 PM To_ (bxs): I Subject: Update Thanks for the update! We will let you know if we hear from her. Have a good day! Sent from my iPhone wrote: On Jan 8, 2013, at 12:29 PM, I just Stood by today whild(b)(6); Itold ?956); that she is being academically dismissed. No addition threat concerns. She just mentioned that she would be contacting her attorney. Please let me know if she keeps contacting different Duke Offices and then I?ll pull her and talk with her and trespass her. Can you call me when you get a moment and I will update. Thanks, Se ber 21, 2012 8:23 AM 1' Clinton Cc: Update pdate: Page 2 of65 School student who alleged that a professor had assaulted multiple students the past; but when interviewed she had vague and non-specific details. she also has some light mental history and paranoia. She has never threatened bul only had bizarre thoughts on past events. has updated me th hasrailed all alher classes and they will be notifying that she IS failing out of Duke. Let me know if any of your departments get any concerning reports involving- Thanks, Pageaofss Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:46 AM ET Subject: FW: Student Disability Office Date: Monday, February 4, 2013 8:48:31 AM ET From: Student Disability Access Office To: Repquoybxe); Date: Sunday, February 3, 2013 4:55 PM To; (WHO) I Subject: Student Disability Of?ce Hello, My name is I came over the summer and requested help with a student disability related request and a a my me - cal records sent over to the center from I also had also my medical records sent to him from Duke Health, that why this could all be handled in one bid swoop. May 1 schedule an appointment with someone in your of?ce tomorrow? Grace and Peace, Page 1 of65 - Wednesday, Februaw13,1013 10 fl 7AM ET sum-emu Update Dale: Fridav,December21,1012 3:42:21 AM ET From: (17X) lull To: cc: MS) Clinton Thanks On Dec 21, 2012, at 8:23 AM. W6) "mm wrote: me) lblUlCl update; This was student who alleged that a professor had assaulted multiple students in the past; hutwhen interviewed she had vague and nonspecific details. she also has same light memal historvand paranoia. She has neverthreatened but only had bizarre thoughts on past events has updated me that-has failed all of her classes and they will be notifying (D) that she is failing out of Duke. Let me know if any of your departments get any concernmg reports inVaMng Thanks, PageSovss l'mllfil ital--INC) Subject: Date: Frlday, December 21, 2012 9:37:39 AM ET me: Clinton To: (mm) CC: Thank Se- 21, 2012 . thia Clinmn su (hill Update: Wednesday, FEhruaryli, 1013 10:20:47 AM EY This was the School student who alleged that a professor had assaulted multiple students in the past; but when interviewed she had vague and non-specific details. she also has some light mental history and paranoia. she has never threatened but only had bizarre thuughts on past events. has updated me that-has ialled all of her classes and they will be notifying out of Duke. Let me know iiany alyaurdepartments get anyconcerning reports lnvo ng Thanks. (the) (nlmc) thatshe Page 7 of 65 (WED Wednesday, February 13 2013 1D 0 1 AM EY Subject: Dame: ljust Stood bytodav while told W5) lb)" that she is belng academically dismissed. Nu addition threat concerns. Shel mentinned that she would be contacting her attorney. Please let me know if she keep; contacting diflerent Duke Offices and then I'll pull her and talk with her and trespass her. Can you call me when you geta moment and I will update. Thanks, (WE) Fm" - ,l ber21,10128113AM (bllfil (male) Update; This was the School student who alleged that a prulessor had assaulted muluple students in the past; butwhen interviewed she had vague and nonspecific details. She also has some light memal history and paranoia. She has never threatened but 0an had bizarre thoughts on past events. m" has updated me that-has ralled all of herclasses and they will be natifyin that she is failing out of Duke. Let me know if any of your departments get any concerning reports Thanks, Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:20:47 AM ET 6 Subject: RE 8:720) Update Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 12:33:34 PM ET From: To: 0k, I will let you know if hear from her and I?ll put this with her "file" (It's in the inquiries). 7012 19-119 DM Subject: [Update See below. Please let me know if we hear from I will contac I on behalf of SDAO if she does contact is. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: FromkaB); (WHO I Date: January 8, 2013, 12:29:20 PM EST To Clinton< hi .clinton du . (bxnc) I Subject: I Update i just Stood by today (W7 ItoldWB)? Ithat she is being academically dismissed. No addition threat concerns. She just mentioned that she would be contacting her attorney. Please let me know if she keeps contacting different Duke Offices and then I?ll pull her and talk with her and trespass her. Can you call me when you get a moment and i will update. Thanks, From: (bx6); (mmc) Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 8:23 AM I Clinton Page 4 of 65 has updated metha (but) Update: This was the heel smdem who alleged that a professor had assaulted mumpre students in epas but when interviewed she had vague and non-specific details. Shealso has some light mental history and pamnoia, She has never threatened but only had bizarre thoughts on past events. has failed all of her classes and they will be notifying atsheisfailmgcuro Duke concerning reports involvi Thanks, A (H Fae 5 0(65 Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent226 Apr 2013 13:55:01 -0500 To:Bhagat, Kay H. Response to OCR Complaint 1 1-13-2066, Email 5 of 6 AttachmentszExhibits I and J.zip Fromzl(b)(6); Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 1:54 PM To: Russo, Martha Subject: Response to OCR Complaint 1 l-l3-2066, Email 5 of6 Dear Ms. Russo. Attached please find the ?fth email relating to Response to OCR Complaint 1 l-l3-2066. Thank vou. Notice: The information contained in this electronic mail message and any attachments, is privileged and con?dential. This e-mail is intended only for the named recipient(s). If you have received this message in error, copying, distributing or using the information is prohibited. and you are requested to please contact the sender immediately by return e?mail and delete all copies of the original message. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege. EXHIBIT I LIST OF STUDENTS ACADEMICALLY DISMISSED FROM DUKE UNIVERSITY b6. b7A: b7C Butte ?nibcrsitg Guam uoam CAROLINA mac-asu- 80150968 LACEYE tianth VILEPHONE (Maison-1m associate 01m ?answer-mite" no Pic-cm: (?smug [9191550495 YNE DMNITI SCHOOL E-MNL quh'tl?blv cute eon December 20. 2007 Dear - In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. The 2007-2008 Divinity School Bulletin describes the continuation requirements for the degree program on p. The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average ot?3.0. A student who falls below this level is terminated." Your semester and cumulative GPA is 2.56. As a result ofyour GPA falling below the minimum requirement to continue in the program, it is the decision of the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. Should you wish to retum to the school at a later date, you will need to reapply for admission. highly recommend you include the following information: a personal assessment of what went wrong while you were here, (2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues, and (3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, 50wa (WW Laccye Warner Associate Dean for Academic Fomiation and Programs Cc; Dean 1.. Gregory Jones Todd Maberry Sheila Williams Dauglas Campbell ?nite ?ttibersilg 0m Noam CMOUNI. 2) 700MB soxsosca uncut manta 60034:! ASSOCBK Gun Leaner?: FOG-unto? am Room rmte r919. coo-3575 IHE 0mm" sumo; E-ruu' LWAWWDUKEFDU December 20. 2007 Dea- [n a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed yOur academic record. Your semester and overall GPA is The 2007-2008 Divinity School Bulletin 122) describes requirements for continuation in the M.Div. program which includes: "The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. I a student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed.? As a result. it is the decision ofthc committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. Should you wish to retum to the school at a later date. you may reapply for admission. 1 recommend including the following information in that application: a personal of what went wrong whilc you were here. (2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues, and (3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, dainty (wax/unex- Laceye Warner Associate Dean for ACademic Formation and Programs Cc: Dean L. Gregory Jones Todd Maherry Sheila Williams Susan Jones ?uke ?iri?eraitg mu 0 NORTH UROLINA 27mm Bonuses [acne win-m (910)660-3031 FWYM mo FWRMIS FACSIWLE (91'16603875 "k SCHOOL DUKE EDD December 20, 2007 Dear - In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Your semester and overall GPA is 0.67. The 2007-2008 Divinity School Bulletin 22) descrich requirements for continuation in the M.Div. program which includes: "The student mus: maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student Falls below this level he or she may be dismissed." As a result, it is the decision of the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. Should you wish to retunr to the school at a later date, you may reapply for admission. I recommend including the following infOnnation in such an application: (1) a personal assessment of what went wrong while you were here, (2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues, and (3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Laceyc Warner Associate Dean for Academic Formation and Programs Cc: Dean L. Gregory Jones Todd Maberry Sheila Williams Susan Jones Quin ?ni?cteitg mam CAROLINA mm Baum ulcer: runner: mm in!) must assoc-r: (9196604516 E-uu. me mam MOMMTY December 17. 2008 In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Your semester and overall GPA is 0.50. The 2008-9 Divinity School Bulletin (p.128) describes the requirements for continuation in the M.Div. program including: ?The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. if a student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed." After prayerful consideration. it is the decision of the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. The committee recognizes your academic abnity. As a result, we will permit you to finish incomplete coursework at the discretion of your professors. Please be in contact with the individual professors ab0ut possible next steps. Should you wish to return to the Divinity School at a later date. you may reapply for admission. i recommend including the following information in your application: 1) a personal assessment of the challenges faced While you were here. 2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues. and 3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. if it would be helpful to talk with someone about this decision. Rev. Tiffney Marley is glad to meet with you. Please do not hesitate to contact her directly. i realize this may be difficult news. Please know you continue in my thoughts and prayers. eugc?L/m Laceye Warner Associate Dean for Academic Formation and Programs Cc: Dean L. Gregory Jones Todd Maberry Sheila \Mlliams Tiffney Marley ?nite ?ni?ersitg mam MOI-NA MIMI mama TEEMNE (919300-th Limit FAME (M9) W5 Em December 17. 2008 Dear- in a recent meeting. the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Your semester and overall GPA is 0.90. The 2008-9 Divinity School Bulletin (p.128) describes requirements for continuation in the M.Div. program including: 'The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed.? Alter prayerful consideration, it is the decision oi the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. Should you wish to rehrm to the school at a later date. you may reapply for admission. i recommend including the following information in such an application: 1) a personal assessment oi the challenges faced while you were here. 2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues. and 3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. If it would be helpful to talk with someone abdut this decision and possible next steps. Dr. Edgardo Colon-Emeric is glad to meet with you. Please do not hesitate to contact him directly. I realize this may be difficult news. Please know you continue in my thoughts and prayers. gm; ceye amer Associate Dean for Academic Formation and Programs Cc: Dean L. Gregory Jones Todd Maberry Sheila Williams Edgardo Colon-Emuic Butte anthersitp WW mums mason sex use mm (010) ?can ?scan! mum mum-mm 5503ulLEi9l?m75 Em Mum mini.) December 16. 2009 vea- in a recent meeting. the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Your semester and overall GPA is 0.0. The 2009-10 Divinity School Bulletin (p.1 14) descnbes the requirements for continuation in the M.Div. program 'ncluding: ?The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. it a student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed.? Alter prayerful consideration. it is the derision of the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. This is not to say the Divinity School does not recognize God's call upon your life. but that there may be additional dimensions yet to be explored. Should you wish to return to the Divinity School at a later date. you may reapply for admission. I recommend including the following information in your application: 1) a personal assessment of the challenges faced while you were here, 2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues. and 3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. if it would be helpful to talk with someone about this decision. Dr. Jay Moore will make herself available to talk by phone in the coming days orweeks. Please do not hesitate to contact her directly at 919- 724-5888 (cell). Please know you continue in my thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, cum, Laceye Wamer Associate Dean for Academic Formation and Programs Cc: Dean L. Gregory Jones Todd Msberry Sheila eriams Joy Moore Butte mutuality Noarumomn mos-om MCEYE WARNER wsocmi magmas scam mus 9010113508 or PRACTICE or ream (OW) mar :vaEusu a uni-roast sruores ?can-.5 me; mu Ewart menenrv omesou 19E MIN 5(2le December 21. 2011 This morning the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Thank you for submitting the letter expressing y0ur thoughts related to continuing in the program. Your semester and overall GPA is 1.3. The 201 1-2012 Divinity School Bulletin l09) describes requirements for continuation in the M.A.C.S. program which include: ?The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed." The short length of the program does not permit adequate time for recovery of such a low GPA to ful?ll the graduation requirements. As a result, it is the decision of the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. We recognize this may be dif?cult news to receive. Please know we support you in your continued ministry and vocational discernment. If a conversation would be helpful, you are welcome to contact me, Rev. Donna Banks, or your instructors. We are all willing to talk with you about this transition. We wish you all the best in your ?rmre endeavors. You continue in our thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, gown. new Laccyc Warner Cc; Dean Richard Hays Todd Maberry Sheila Williams Donna Banks ?rth: QHrtifrcr-sitg MW NORM MUM G. PM mutt DEANOF WW momma BOX m7 RESIMCH mom 0! tie 0? TIE (919) mean E-nul. SPANCUV out: sou December 20, 2012 near? Yesterday, the Academic Policies Committee met and reviewed your academic record. The 20l2- l3 Di- vinity School Bulletin I) describes the requirements for continuation in the MDiv program: "MDiv and MTS students who during the ?rst year of Divinity School maintain less than a (2.0) average. in- cluding failures. ordinarily will be required to withdraw from the school." Your current cumulative GPA is 1.175. We have considered your case very carefully. The length of the program does not permit adequate time for recovery of such a low GPA to ful?ll graduation requirements. As a result, it is the decision of the Academic Policies Committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. We recognize this may be very dif?cult news to receive. Please know that we are here to support you in your continued ministry and vocational discernment. Just because this place might not be the right place for you does not necessarily re?ect upon the truth of your call to ministry. Indeed, we are happy to talk with you about other options to support you on a path of ministerial formation and vocational disccm- meat. It a conversation would be help?Jl, I invite you to contact me or Rev. Sally Bates. We are all will? ing to talk with you about this transition. We wish you the blessings of God's strength and guidance in your future endeavors. Sincerely, A. greed, Associate Dean of Academic Programs Cc: Richard Hays, Laceye Warner, Susan Jones, Kori Robins, Rhonda Parker, Sheila Williams, Sally Bates ?nk: Q?nibersitg ?emu 6 sum PM ASOCIAIE DEAN OF MIC PROGRAMS WI ?7 RESEARCH PROFESSOR or HE Know 0' tavnout mm no? In! Dim? scuonr. (919)?7) 64ml SPMDIVDUKE EW December 20, 2012 Dear- the Academic Policies Committee met and reviewed your academic record. The 2012-13 Di- w'm'ly School Bulletin 1) describes the requirements for continuation in the MDiv program: "MDiv and MTS students who during the ?rst year of Divinity School maintain less than a (2.0) average, in- cluding failures, ordinarily will be required to withdraw from the school.? Your current cumulative GPA is L333. We have considered your case very carefully. The length of the program does not permit adequate time for recovery ofsueh a low GPA to ful?ll graduation requirements. As a result, it is the decision of the Academic Policies Committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. We recognize this may be very dif?cult news to receive. Please know that we are here to support you in your continued ministry and vocational discernment. Just because this place might not be the right place for you does not necessarily re?ect upon the truth of your call to ministry. Indeed. we are happy to talk with you about other Options to support you on a path of ministerial formation and vocational discern- ment. conversation would be helpful. I invite you to contact me or Rev. Keith Daniel. We are all willing to talk with you about this transition. We wish you the blessings of God?s strength and guidance in your future endeavors. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, A. 95461.. Associate Dean of Academic Programs Cc: Richard Hays, Laccyc Warner. Susan Jones, Kori Robins. Rhonda Parker. Sheila Williams, Keith Daniel EXHIBIT REPORT OF STUDENT COURSE WITHDRAWALS Page 0700 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0701 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad EXHIBIT COM TRANSCRIPT Page 0703 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0704 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent226 Apr 2013 13:56:42 -0500 To:Bhagat, Kay H. Response to OCR Complaint 1 1-13?2066, Email 4 of 6 AttachmentszExhibits and M.zip Fronl(b)(6); I Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 1:56 PM To: Russo, Martha Subject: Response to OCR Complaint 1 l-l3-2066, Email 4 of 6 Dear Ms. Russo. Attached please find the sixth and ?nal email relating to Response to OCR Complaint 1 l-13-2066. hank um] Notice: The information contained in this electronic mail message and any attachments, is privileged and con?dential. This c-mail is intended only for the named recipient(s). If you have received this message in error, copying, distributing or using the information is prohibited. and you are requested to please contact the sender immediately by return e?mail and delete all copies of the original message. Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege. EXHIBIT CALENDAR NOTES DIRECTOR OF OIE (M0637 Whig, 26, 2013 10:59 AM Calendar Notes The following notes are from my outlook calendar from the week of May 14. Let me know if you need me to check any other dates. Thanks! in] Contact from the School with DMS--I was II the May 10, 2012 (this was the uri' i i time that the issue t. .. Received an email from School. She asked that I review their Field Education Application to make sure at questlons were not discriminatory. She had been referred to our office by Clinton in 015. Will review the document and Call her back next week. May 14, 2012 Phone Call with Clinton: Student cas Student met wilh her to discuss a possible gender discrimination and disability ion comp amt. thin will refer student to SDAO for disability related requests. Student stated that she was denied placement in an international field education program due to her disability I will tollow up with Rhonda Parker in (I: School to discuss the case. (see note trorn May to regarding review at Field Education application) May 15. 21112 Phone call with School): Icalled . . walked into SDAO and wanted to meet wit he had just met w-i On his Clinton and was re one once again to snao to discuss possible disability accommodations. re explained that during their meeting Mame- tho i had described several issues to possiblc criminal activity 'nvolving the . - . i personne criminal {rand es regarding loans, sexual haramcnt, scxu olestation") on made an appointment (or (DJ 0 i i at 2:00 on Wednesday to meet wt to discuss possible accommodations. (bllfil (m was concerned th may be spiraling downward and that she is making false allegations just to compensate for her incamplet . explained that I would follow-up with her as male details become similablc, May 20m wit came in to meet with per the referral tron. Clinton) to discuss possible accommodations was unclear about what type 0 accommodations that she needed. She was very clear in stating that she felt that should be able to participate in this summer's international field education program and that diScliool was being unfair in not allowing her to panicipate. She like she madc propcr application to a program but they we iug unisir in not assisting her find a placement She brought up allegations of criminal misconduct at the Ems . sible actual assaults, monetary hand, etc.) and said that "people will get fired over this." She state at employees broke )3 diticicntomployment and mm laws with theirapplicarions and that was preps . a go an attorney. She asked for guidance about filing complaints and wc explained that other was the proper ofiice to file a complaint of alleged discrimination and harassment. She asked about making a report to the police and submitting her accumulated documentation of fraud") to a police oificer. i took her email address and said that i would be back in touch about whether she should file "criminal" complaint with 01E or with DUPD. -did submit a request for accommodations form. She indicated that she 1mm (Caused by Duke faculty members). She could not articulate a linlt her runctional limitations and her requested accommodations. Rather, her request seems to be with re aids to academic policy (the deadlines and application process (or the international field study program at She stated that she was going to go to cars and have her treatment provider send over documentation to suppo or request. We explained that accommodations could i not be applied retroactively and that we would be glad to assist her with accommodations for future terms, if she is eligible. I met with (mam about the case (he was down the all in the DUPD Patrol Supervisor's room). l'a'greed to come to SDAO to meet wit $329)? I introduced Ashley and then we erence room so that he could administer the "Victims Rights statemen . stated that they would call me back to the conference room, if necessary. 1 was never called. Ma 18 2012: email: receive an email from (DWC) Ireceived the email address was entered incorrectly) statin that she was planning to ?le a complaint with the federal funding of?ce this afternoon. I forwarded the email to and to (in preparation for my conference call this afternoon). May 18, 2013: Conference Cal] withl(b)(6); Ike: 10 minute phone call to case EXHIBIT DOCUMENTS RELATING TO ENROLLMENT AT OTHER ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS Ogline Attritiongloticc Form gage or 1 I n-?wli Atr'rr cr- Manx This term should be used to authorize a withdrawal/leave from the University. All tields rtiiust be completed, except where indicated with Student EMPLID: (WC) i First Narnia: (C) MiddleN?me/lnitialz' I (Exile) LaS'Namei .1 Career: (3, I Session: (9?1 Regular Program Action: (Muse select one) Discontinuation 6 Dismissal Leave of Absence Suspension 0 Administrative Withdrawal Program Reason: (Reference Values) Effeotive Date: (W51 Wm M- Withdrawal Term: (Example: Spring 2003) Anticipated Return Term: (If not applicable, enter New Graduation Termz' Grades: (Plea-e urectone) W's F's Student alerted us to her desire to 'thd b6;b7c Further Instructions? raw 0 I .. . (bx? . Your E-marl Address: I I .3 ll MAYtake several days to process this request, especially it it requires an adiustrnent ot tuition charges. This request will be routed to both the Ot?oe ol the University Registrar and the Bursar. It will be acted upon imrediately. Contact Words. re: ?nancial aciuatments or P999: Lanklom, re: Student records. It youexperience problems with this term. contact the Qtlige 91 the (684-2813)- 00719004 -. nn?no ante-u In? hfm' bU'io . Pa'gclofl STORM - Academe .History on .MalmMenu ,b . 4 . Name: studanuo; Duke Unlque: USED [EMNamg Ema": mm . thirbm I 5 Active in Proram Term 'm - GrsdusuonT Term ea Term Course Description Instructors Final Credits Grade Grade Basis 1.0 0.0 B- 1.0 3+ 1.0 Term Course Description instructors Final Credits Grade arade Basis 0School - Credit Accumulation Credits taken toward GPA 3.000 Total Gradepoints 9.000 Credits in Progress - Current Semester 4.000 Total Cumulative Credits 3.000 Cumulative GPA 3.000 I 'lnciudss all courses passed at Duke as well as all test and transfer credit. See the appropriate bulletin for the year you matriculated at Duke for the number of credits applicable to your degree. Grade Basis Notes: Pass/Fail Grading Page 0712 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Clinton, J.D. From: Sent: Friday, May 18. 2012 2:47 PM To: Clinton. Subject: Fwd: Academic Affairs memo Attachments: 20120430155558404.pdf Original Message From: I To: (mmc) Cc: Sent: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 16:10:37 -0500 Subject: Academic Affairs memo Dea (bx6): In further review of ?les, the attached memo was found. I believe this is the memo you have been referring to. I hope it is helpful to . We (W6) (W7 the memo in which your classes were all dropped on . Please let us know if you need this memo. Sincerely, af?x Aradam?c Dean A TO: FROM: (b (6): DATE: RE: (bxe); (mm) The Academic A??airs Committee met on Monda (bus); to discuss your ,Ssion to thew Despite your failure to cemplete requested paperwork in a timely manner, the committee voted to allow you to enroll at (WW3) as a Special Student. However, your enrollment is gamingth upon your com . . . . than (WHO) at 5:00 the following items: Admission procedure, including essays and admissions interview with eanng 0 your personal check for $4400 by the Business Of?ce. We requested that you pay your charges with either credit card or money order to avoid this delay. Admission as a Special Student does not guarantee admission into th program, and the decision to allow you to enroll as a Special Student should not be interpre as an endorsement of any future application you may make to a Seminary degree to :11. You must begin that application process separately, and soon, for admission in th term. The committee raised serious concerns about your ability to complete required paperwork and procedures in a timely manner. IhOpc that you will be more conscientious in the future. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or concerns. cc; EXHIBIT LIST OF STUDENTS REQUESTING COURSE WITHDRAWALS Fro =nt: Sundav. February 03, 2 Su?jecf: Regara?Gmmg Imon Please 5 the attached document To Dean In the second letter sent by my grade petition was not addressed: Currently, the grade petition bylaws in the Duke Divinity handbook states that a judicial board will meet to discuss the grade petition. According, to the DDS school bylaws addressed in the bulletin it mandates that a Judicial Board composed of the academic Dean, the Associate Dean, Dean of Student Life, 4 students and 3 faculty members will review the grievance, dismiss it or admit it and decide on any action to be taken in response to it,- moreover, that the subject who is the subject will be given ample opportunity to respond and be heard in Christian Charity. was never aware that I would be reviewed under an academic review committee this semester, or that a judicial committee even convened after my grade petition. I was also unaware of being placed on academic limited program nor was there grounds for this in the bulletin at the date of this petition, nor is there in the 2011-2012 bulletin in which I matriculated under. To be subject to academic review and limited review to following has to be established: had to be notified. I had to have a cumulative GPA a 2.0 and had 3 or more unresolved incom pletes. I had no of these, I was permitted to take 5 courses and a ?eld education unit. Entering in the Fall semester I had a cumulative GPA of a 2.0. I attempted 8 total grade units, received 18 total cumulative GPA hours, to receive a cumulative GPA of a 2.0. The divinity bulletin clearly states if the student's cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 then they would be subject to limited program. The student must demonstrate progress in the program by completing courses. A student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes or a gattern of multiple withdrawals may, at the discretion of the associate dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program. I have only applied for one withdrawal, which was not processed and no unresolved incompletes. Moreover, the Bulletin states nothing about being withdrawn for a pattern of incom pletes, only withdrawals which I did not have. MDiv and MTS students who during the ?rst year of Divinity School maintain less than a (2.0) average, including failures, ordinarily will be required to withdraw from the school or placed on an involuntary leave of absence, depending on the circumstances. I was not in my first year when this occurred, nor was my program limited in anyway with permission to take 6 educational units. Moreover, the Master's of Divinity program does not have a 2.0 continuation reguirement except during the [egg of school. Despite this, I had met this requirement entering in her Fall semester of 2013. Consequently, I would be would be in my final semester after transfer credits are processed. And even if the transfer credits were not processed I would not be in my first year to be subject to this limitation. Furthermore, If no satisfactory resolution is reached, the student may make a formal complaint in writing to the associate dean for academic formation and programs. The associate dean will convene the faculty members appointed to the Judicial Board and the director of Student Life to review the case with the instructor involved. If the majority of those convened agree with the instructor that there are no grounds for which to change the grade, the grade stands as recorded. However, according to page 174- When a judicial board convenes the subject 01g commint or gccusation will be all: informed at his/her rights and the grievances brought against himlher. given amgle oggortunig to resgond and be assured the will be heard tullz in Christian charity. I was never even aware that a Judicial Board met to discuss my grade petition, thus I would like to be heard fully, and fairly under Christian Charity regarding this grade petition by the academic and associate dean for Student services, and Student Life, four students, 3 faculty members as mandated by the Divinity Bulletin under the school Judicial Board procedures. Speci?cally, to address the following issues: Preaching- I secured permission ?om Professor to redo an assignment (letter has already been forwarded from the preceptor, delineating requirements for redoing this assignment). This was not acknowledged in the judicial board because I was not permitted to be heard or informed a judicial board meeting occurred. DDS handbook- Change of Courses or Withdrawal. Students are permitted to change their course registrations, without incurring a penalty, during the prescribed drop/add period at the beginning of each semester. The adding of a course during the second week of drop/add may require the permission of the instructor of that course. Any refund of tuition related to withdrawals will be according to the published schedule. No student will be permitted to withdraw from a course after one-half of the semester without incurring failure, except for causes adjudged by the associate dean for academic formation to be beyond the student?s control. Conditions of genuine emergency and not considerations of convenience will be determinative in considering requests, which must be submitted in writing on academic petition forms. - Grade petition denied regarding Black Church Studies Course despite the fact that a withdraw form was turned before the withdraw date and that it was clearly established that I thought I was withdrawn from the course. And there were no clear rules in Bulletin to indicate that it was necessary that the student secure the signature. Despite this, the grade petition regarding the withdrawal was not addressed by judicial committee Evangelism- Grade petition dismissed and I was unable to be present at a judicial board to present evidence of OIT reports demonstrating email problems which caused the professor to not receive my paper. Professor letters illustrating con?rmation of the problems and his attempt to help to clear up my misunderstanding regarding the papers not being received, and Dr?s note demonstrating my concussion which accounted for unexcused absences. Moreover, I deducted for absences, despite the fact that their faculty handbook delineates in order to deduct for absences the professor must clearly state how much will be deducted on syllabus, which was not done. Thus, 1 would have no clear indication what how my grade was reduced. Adult made an A in this course and I have an email ?om Dr. Pak stating it would count towards my Duke Divinity GPA and this was ignored in the Academic Review Committee. Spring Courses 2012- I had a in my Ethics course going into the ?nal and began getting sick right at the conclusion of the semester because I was forced into a meeting, which I had already made fomial requests not to have to both Deans. Consequently. I began to get to sick and needed extra time. Prior to that I was actively participating and doing well in the course. This would count as signi?cant grounds for a grade appeal that extends past the 30 days. In addition, Blackboard changed over to Sakai and I was unable to access the syllabus to access the assignments. Thus, my last paper for Methodism clearly indicates positive academic writing that just doesn?t follow the exact speci?cations of the assignment as outlined in the syllabus accounting for the lowered grade. It wasn?t that I was incapable or did poorly on the assignment, just simply that I did not do the assignment to the speci?cations demanded because I no longer had access to the syllabus and I thought I knew what the assignment was. Ultimately, I would like the opportunities afford any other student as outlined in the Divinity School Bulletin. Sincerely, Amar, Sebastian FromzAmar, Sebastian Sent227 Mar 2013 19:58:33 -0500 T02Russo, Martha;Bhagat, Kay H. Emails regarding the decision why I'm not allowed to take classes now or during summer school FYI Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 6:25 PM To: Amar, Sebastian; Frazier, Wanda Subject: Emails regarding the decision why I'm not allowed to take classes now or during summer school These emails are the confirmation and justification I received regarding why I am not allowed to take classes during this current semester, finish the field education unit I started last semester, or take classes during the summer. W6): is the past dean that I turned in last May (W land 5335?} i As the past Dean of ?e should have been the person that stopped this from original happening as he was he only person with the authority to remove me as a student back then. I formally protested him being present on the academic judicial board based. inal Messa From; To: I Sent: Fri, Mar 1, 2013 10:51 am Subject: Re: transcripts I would like to formally and offically ask what the grounds were not allowing me to take my last classes during the summer a "fresh start" would be made in courses taken over the summer as well. As they would begin over the summer and would just be starting. Sincerely, From' llb)(6); To-lleG); Kate Hendricks Sent: Fri, Mar 1, 2013 9:56 am Subject: RE: transcripts Dea This decision to allow you to take summer classes was not at all made. You asked for it at the Judicial Board, and I said clearly (two or three times) that I could not promise this. I said I would only consider it. I considered it and decided the best decision was as Dr. Jennings stated clearly hat you have a fresh I - . Thus, the decision is ?nal that you are on a leave of absence until the Fall 2013. ?1 -. I . ?mime: (WHO) I Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 10:31 PM To: Su Jject: Re: transcripts I also wanted to formally petition. since the decision was made to allow me to take classes and continue my studies to finish classes during the Summer of 2013. Sincerel Message-m- Fror To: Cc: (b)(el I Kate Hendricks Sent: Thu, Feb 28, 2013 4:06 pm Subject: RE: transcripts Dear We still expect an official transcript from SMU if you plan to return in the Fall, as it is clearly stipulated in the Feb 18, 2013 letter. I Sent: urs a ruary To; Kate Hendricks; Subject: Re: transcripts (C) My credits from SMU are not going to be able to transfer to this university it I want to get a pastoral care certificate because the same classes can not count for two differrent degrees . Thus, that transcript is not revelant for Duke Divinity. Fro I To: Co: (WW3) Kate Hendricks I?l Sent: Thu, Feb 28, 2013 12:40 pm Subject: RE: transcripts Dear . - . - I believe my email clearly states that the transfer credits from . (as well as Iwill indeed be transferred. That is part of ne reqUIrements rreturn to Duk in From Sent: hursday, February 28, 2013 12:24 PM Tollb)(6); I Cc: Subject: Re: transcripts If these credits will not be transfered into this school, why is it necessary for duke divinity to have a transcript that is irrevelant for my continuation or graduation? Sincerely, Fror To. l?l r?n: . - - WHO) I Kate Hendricks Sent: Thu, Feb 28, 2013 10:12 am Subject: RE: transcripts Dear I am sorry to hear of your hardship. ir r, official transcript from (as well as from mm) as stated in my Feb 18, 2013 letter. To clarify, the rqued submission of these transcripts includes the requirement that all eligible credits will be transferred that have been planned for transfer since you started at Duke Divinity in the Fall 2011. The transfer of these eligible credits is part of the condition of your return in the Fall 2013. Sincerely, From: Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:17 PM To Su eject: transcripts Can an unoffical transcript from work? I found out that I owe the school money and I will not be able to pay it before April 1st because I lost my job through the school and I can't even pay rent now because of all of this. I don't plan on using the credits from the school anymore anyway. Amar, Sebastian FromzAmar, Sebastian Sent227 Mar 2013 19:59:06 -0500 TozRusso, Martha;Bhagat, Kay H. Recent email communication justifying not honoring the May 9th letter b6?b7C From? I Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 4:50 PM To: Amar, Sebastian; Frazier, Wanda Subject: Recent email communication justifying not honoring the May 9th letter Mr. Amar and Mrs. Frazier, This is the most recent correspondence I received from the school regarding why they would not honor the May 9th letter written by Dean Warner giving me an extension date on Sept 1. To summarize, only received an extension for 2 classes not 3 and despite the fact I received a letter from the dean of students dated May 9th after the date of the attached email the stands. Sincerel inal From: WI Cci?mm): Kate Hendricks rce Sent: Wed, Mar 27, 2013 3:42 pm Subject: Re: FW: Grades Please read the letter dated May 9th; It clearly states that I did not complete any of my courses the Spring semester of 2012 and that I now have 3 incompletes and a deadline of Sept 1 to complete them. I also have several emails from you confirming this as well. Sincerel Original Message Ibiza"); I Cc: "Kate Hendricks" Sent: Wed, 27 Mar 201319228z10 +0000 Subject: FW: Grades ou ould have received this email by now in response to your inquiry about a Sept 1 deadline. 1 forward it to you again here. All prior emails about the Sept 1 deadline only applied to the one class with that you took in the Spring 2012. Thanks, From (.7, 2013 10:13 AM Cc (Wm) Kate Hendricks Subject: RE: Grades Dea The Se 1 deadline only applied to the incomplete that you had mm (W7 class, Mission, Practice and Belief." You did not have an incomplete in the Christian Ethics course (and so a new deadline would not apply). For your independent study wit he provided a deadline of July 1, 2012. Please see the attached document. Sincerely, Amar, Sebastian FromzAmar, Sebastian Sent227 Mar 2013 19:58:51 -0500 TozRusso, Martha;Bhagat, Kay H. Email communication regarding the withdrawal form in the class I complained about harassment in I Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 4:56 PM To: Frazier, Wanda; Amar, Sebastian Subject: Email communication regarding the withdrawal form in the class I complained about harassment in This is the most recent communication from the Dean regarding why the withdrawal would not be processed for the course in which I made the complaint in. During the meeting I was told that it would not be processed because it was turned in late. When I demonstrated I actually turned the form in 4 days early this was their response. Sincerel ma essa Fr I Sent: Wed, Mar 27, 2013 4:48 pm Subject: Re: letter I am just trying to make certain I understand. Despite the fact that the Judicial Board made a decision that it would not process the withdrawal form because it was turned in late and both the Duke Divinity Bulletin and the form itself prove that it wasn't. That grade is unequivocally going to stand as an F. Correct? Sincerely, Message-m- Fro i(6l' (bl(7(Cl I 6?b7C Tofll?liuxm lb><6>i Kate Hendricks Sen: ar . pm Subject: RE: letter Dea (taxes); (bx? This is an incorrect understanding of the decision of the Judicial Board. The Judicial Board decided that none of the grades would be overturned. That included the grade for class with The grade stands as reported for that class. That was the decision of the Judicial Board. I-I. I Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 12:55 PM To: I Cc (leC) lKate Hendricks Subjec e: er Also, I was wondering if you had made a decision regarding the withdrawal form. You stated that the judicial board did not process it because it was turned in "late." Specifically, past the "mid-point in the semester", which was prescribed by theBulletin. Now that you have had a chance to review the bulletin and can see that the due date was actually Nov 9th, which was written on page 6 of the buleetin as well as on the form itself. Will that decision be reversed? Sincerel ialnal From TC (WHO) IKate Hendricks Sent: Tue, Mar 26, 2013 5:38 pm Subject: RE: letter Dear It is truet at the original agreement Iwas that ou could transfer in 8 credits (a full year . The change occurred in your cecrsron a a (WW (WW0) course and count it for (b your credits. There was actually no room for you to be taking any additional courses external to the School because of the large amount of transfer credit allowed, so I conferred with mm) and we decided that we would allow the WW0) class to be accepted in lieu of one of the formerly agreed upon transfer credits. Thanks for vour inquiry, From anorexic) 1 Sent: ues a arc To: Subject: letter have been going through your last letter in Feb. lt stated that I would be allowed to transfer in no more than 7 classes into this university. The rescinds the oriinal offer that was iven to me of transferring a full year of academic credit into this university that both (DWC) and confirmed. I would like to know why the original one year transfer credit has now 0 ange. Sincerely, Amar, Sebastian FromzAmar, Sebastian Sentzl Apr 2013 06:47:03 -0500 T0:Russo, Martha;Bhagat, Kay H. OCR- ECR FYI Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 11:14 PM To: Amar, Sebastian; Frazier, Wanda Subject: OCR- ECR Mr. Amar and Mrs. Frazier, I thank you for your attention, to this matter and just wanted to thank you for everything you have done to help me this far. And I truly dont mean to be too pushy; however, since my job was through the school and have had to pay every penny I have in savings to lawyers to try and get someone to help me.l"ve been unemployed since Jan and have now lost my car and I?m in danger of being evicted from my apartment none of which would have happened it was not unjustly removed from school just prior to graduation. If I even genuinely had a GPA below a 2.0; I could even understand this. But in my case this is truly the case was given an extension of Sept for three classes and two Fs were entered prior to he deadline and then the school did the same thing the next semester by refusing to process a withdrawal or grade my final papers in a class. I literally could be homeless next month over this. I really need help! I Amar, Sebastian FromzAmar, Sebastian Sent:1 Apr 2013 06:47:40 -0500 TozRusso, Martha;Bhagat, Kay H. Incompletes from Spring 2012 More from Fromj(b)(6); Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 2:16 AM To: Amar, Sebastian; Frazier, Wanda Subject: Fwd: Incompletes from Spring 2012 Mr. Amar and Mrs. Frazier, This should be the last of everything I think you need. Below are emails from I and her stating that Sept 1st was the deadline set by the University the Bulletin and that they were not aware 0 any revisions to this deadline. Thus, there never should have been F's entered for these classes prior to Sept. ist. These emails were dated Feb. 11th, 2013. Sincerely, Original Message From: To: I CC: Sent: Sat, 30 Mar 2013 01:56:03 -0400 Subject: Fwd: Incompletes from Spring 2012 Original Message From: I To: Cc: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 22:07:33 +0000 Subject: Incompletes In response to your inquiries about the deadlines for your incompletes and your request for emails about those matters, I am attaching severa ocuments: The May 9, 2012 letter from stipulates that you must resolve 2 of your incompletes by Sept 2012 or submit a plan for their resolution by that date. It also informs you that you cannot receive a Field Ed placement without resolving 2 of your incompletes by this date. Emails from that allowed you a final due date of Sept 5, 2012 for the completion of the remaining work in the course (which was an extension from the Sept 1 deadline). Emails from the Field Education office that informs you that another of your incompletes must be resolved by or before Sept 7 in order for you to receive a field education placement. (Namely, you can have only one incomplete on your record in order to receive a field ed placement; two or more would mean you would not be permitted to receive a field ed placement.) Furthermore, the policy about deadlines for incompletes is also clearly stated in the Divinity Bulletin (pp. 111?12), in which the September 1 deadline is clearly set forth. The policy reads: Incompletee. A student may petition the associate dean for academic formation to receive a grade of incomplete in a course. This petition must be filed in writing on the prescribed form with the registry on or before the last official day of classes of the semester in question. Such permission may be granted when a student, through some circumstances beyond control, such as illness, has been hindered from meeting the course requirements. Adjudication of the petition will rest with the associate dean and the instructor concerned. The associate dean will communicate in writing to the student regarding the joint decision and any conditions attached thereto. An Incomplete becomes either an or a permanent Incomplete unless it is removed through completion of assigned work by the following dates: for incompletes incurred in Fall semester courses, February 1; for Incompletes incurred in Spring semester courses, September 1; and for incompletes incurred in Summer semester courses, October 1. The grade of permanent incomplete is reserved for instances in which the student?s work in the course was substantial and of passing quality. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, (tame) I Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 8:34 PM Subject: Re: I did not ever get a form stating these deadlines at the completion of the fall semester. stated there was a form sent. 1 would like a copy of that letter stating the deadlines. Grace and Peace, Original Message From: "La To: I Cc: (WHO I Sent: Sun, 10 Feb 201311:35:10 +0000 Subject: Re: I am not sure what you are asking. i am not aware of any revisions to deadlines for incom aletes. Tl? ese are set by the University and stated in the Bulletin and on the petition forms. I am copying (W7 in case you have further questions. On Feb 10, 2013, at 12:04 AM, I wrote: Can you please forward me the document that was sen_ to me over the summer stating the deadlines for the incompletes taken forl(b)(6)i ?3an I I don't have it in any of my email accounts anc1(b)(5)1 said you sent a letter stating there was different deadlines. I haven't received any of my school records yet and since I'm not showing that it came through here on this email account. I would like a copy of the actual letter. Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent] Apr 2013 09:35:57 ?0500 Ccthagat, Kay H.;Amar, Sebastian Subject:RE: Office for Civil Rights Case No. 11-13?2066 Dr. Brodhead, The complainant in this case has expressed an interest in early complaint resolution (ECR) process, which is similar to mediation. Please let us know if you would like to discuss this process and if the University is also interested in attempting that approach. Thank you, Martha Russo From: Russo, Martha Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 4:03 PM To: 'president@duke.edu' Cc: Bhagat, Kay Amar, Sebastian Subject: Of?ce for Civil Rights Case No. 11-13-2066 Dr. Brodhead, Our office recently received a complaint against Duke University. I have attached a copy of a letter that is being mailed to you today with information regarding the complaint allegations and a request for information. I spoke with your assistant this afternoon and provided the name of the complainant. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you to resolve this complaint. Martha Russo Martha L. Russo Senior Attorney Office for Civil Rights. DC Regional Office US. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue. SW. Washington, DC 20202-1475 (2l4) 661-9622 Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sentzl Apr 2013 15:46:29 -0500 To:Amar, Sebastian;Bhagat, Kay H. SubjectzDuke ROC Kate Hendricks from Duke called. She will be the point person for the University. Her number is 919- 684-3955. The Cp first enrolled in 2004 in thechool and was there for a semester and then left. She then reapplied a couple years ago and reentered in about 2011 or 50. Duke gave her credit for her grades from the previous Duke courses, which was bending the rules a little to give her an advantage. They had some real behavioral issues with her such as taking Is and not following through to finish the courses. It all came to a head in fall 2012 when she failed her classes. Students have to maintain a 2.0 to continue and she was below that. ln light of her academic difficulties, she was dismissed. This was an academic dismissal which is different from involuntary administrative withdrawal. In response to the dismissal she appealed her failing grades. The panel that heard the appeal declared that the grades were correct but recommended that she be allowed to come back under certain conditions. One was that she submit the information for some credits to be transferred from SMU and some other schools (so she could finish the Duke program more quickly). Ever since she came back to Duke she?s been asking about transferring those credits and they?ve always told her they?d consider it if she submitted the info, but she never had. The conditions gave her today (April 1) as the deadline for submitting the info, and she still hasn?t. The other conditions included things like not being able to take more incompletes. The Dean accepted the panel?s recommendations. If the Cp meets the conditions she can come back in the fall. If she doesn?t Duke will likely just hold a final decision in abeyance since it would likely trigger a retaliation claim. In the Cp filed a complaint with the Office of Institutional Equity alleging that the former Dean of Student Affairs had sexually assaulted something like 20 students. It was completely investigated and found to be without merit. She also filed a race complaint about class. That too was investigated. Those complaints had nothing to do with the decisions that were made about dismissing her. In light of the fact that the University already offered the Cp the opportunity to come back, she doesn?t know what more they?d be able to offer in ECR, so they are not interested in that process. She asked for an extension for the DRL until April 26. I agreed to that extension. I said that in light of that extension we will probably want to go ahead and schedule interviews with the decision makers so that we can keep things moving. I suggested perhaps the first full week in May, so that we?d have a chance to look at the University?s data response first. She said that?s probably fine, but may conflict with the School?s graduation. The decision makers would be (WHO and I said that i would confer internally about schedules and then we'd get back to her about scheduling interviews. Bhagat, Kay H. Froszhagat, Kay H. Sent: 10 Apr 2013 13:41:09 -0500 To:Russo, Martha CCIBhagat, Kay H. Subject2ROC with Duke Cp OCR calle back Duke Cp. She said she just received the Duke letter because her apt number was not written on her address. It says to let us know if she has anything additional to let us knowknow a couple days ago. We said that is ?ne to let us know now after the 10 days. She said that part of her complaint was dismissed for not having a 2.0 GPA the complaint didn?t contain the second part they gave her a Sept. 1St extension and when she started the class she was not allowed to ?nish her ?nals. The dean gave her incompletes for three courses and did not give her an extension. The Os were entered into in May 2012. Her other concern is with the paycheck. OCR explained that to be timely, she would have had to ?le within 180 days. She said the grade petition did not go into effect into January for all of this and they denied all of this. It was a grade petition that she ?led and they said they wouldn't touch it that the grades were standing. Do you have a copy of the grade petition? She will send that again she thinks her last e-mail didn?t go through. She took this to a lawyer to look at to see what she did wrong in writing it. OCR said that it is not that she?s doing anything wrong; we just have timeframes for reviewing complaints. What is your apartment number? Ian?s); (Wm) I Regarding the student loans, is there a place that she can turn them in? OCR said that we do not handle any loan issues in OCR. OCR advised her to look Requesting a waiver? She said I think I had. What is the basis for the waiver? She had a group petition regarding all of that in January 2013 and they didn?t touch any of that. She will send us a copy of the grade petition and the pay check stubs. The call ended. Kay Bhagat Attorney US. Department of Education Of?ce for Civil Rights 400 Maryland Ave, \V?ashington, DC 20202 202-453-6598 (0 202-453-6021 ka abha rat (bled. rov Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent: 10 Apr 2013 14:40:54 -0500 Ccthagat, Kay H. Subject20f?ce for Civil Rights We got the message you left for Kay this afternoon. We can?t say definitively whether or not we would investigate an allegation about the sexual assault if you were to recover additional memories. If you do recover the memories and want to file a new complaint then, we could at that time ask our Office Director to consider granting a waiver of our timeframes. Martha Martha L. Russo Senior Attorney Office for Civil Rights, DC Regional Of?ce US. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington. DC 20202-1475 (214) 661-9622 From Sent: 12 Apr 2013 01:16:45 -0400 T0:Amar, Sebastian;Bhagat, Kay H.;Russo, Martha Subject: Attachments:OCR petition.docx Please see the attached information: I really need to be able to finish my field education placement otherwise I will have another full year at this school. And frankly, I really need the money that was making from that job. I haven't worked in 4 months over this and I?m in danger of getting evicted now. I have less than 5 dollars in my bank account now after all this. Is there anyway to get the ECR board down here before graduation? Sincerel (C) Dear Sebastian Amar, Martha Russo, and Kay Bhagat, I am writing to request that 1, 2,6b and 6c be reexamined because they were dismissed for untimeliness 1. 2. The University discriminated against you on the basis of sex when you were sexually by faculty member MW 0 Attached is the report from the ADA office demonstrating that I reported this back in May when I remembered it. The University discriminated against you on the basis of sex when you were sexually harassed during Clinical Pastoral Education in just turned my past supervisor into the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education in Aug of 2012 (the organization responsible for running these classes for Duke Divinity School) APC initiated an investigation in Oct. of 2012, which received notification. Under the bylaws of ACPE, if the employee no longer works for the organization the compliant can be dismissed. Instead of going in front of a judiciary board he resigned. I received notification of this through email in Nov. of 2012. Although this in some ways is a triumph, I did not receive credit for this course because I left a week before completion due to the above complaint. I have requested credit for the course due to this finding. In these cases ACPE awards credit for half of a unit or a full unit. I have yet to hear anything back from the organization to date. Number 3 and 6b are related. Both of these were turned into the Office of Equity back in May of 2012. I received notice in Jan of 2013 that these complaints were not in the purview of the Office of Equity. This delayed my graduation date the first time and is still currently effecting me. They did the same thing again in Jan. when they removed from school. I?m half way through my field education placement and I can?t finish it right now by May. (I desperately need the Office of Education to investigate at least the second half of this ASAP because the placement ends in May and if I can't finish the last 200 hours I can?t graduate, plus I lost the2nd half of my grant and pay which was 4500 this semester. This has put me at risk for eviction this month because I haven?t been working and caused me to be unable to make a car payment and lose my vehicle. I desperately need help on this 6c. was not threatened to be dismissed from th school inl was dismissed from mm! school mm by the man that sexually assaulted me. He had no authority to do this. Then he threatened me about what he did to the past students that fought the dismissal. This complaint is directly related to complaint number 1. I turned this in back in May as well. As a result of his actions I lost my scholarships to the divinity school. The school later took out federal loans in my name to cover the balance that resulted from me losing all of my scholarships. These loans were taken out a year after I left th school. I currently have a balance on these loans and I?m still earning interest on these loans that I never took out, which were a direct result of his actions. 5. In Jan 2013, I filed a grade petition based on retaliation from my complaint made in May of 2012 and it was completely dismissed. I received a Sept 1St extension after being forced into a meeting with in April of 2012 and for problems with email on blackboard. Despite this, I received a 0 on my final in two courses before the Sept deadline. 0 Attached is the grade petition from Jan of 2013. In addition, I just received confirmation from the school?s Office of Technology in March of 2013 that anything final I took in 2012 would never have gone through because the email address in the blackboard system at Duke did not exist. Despite this proof, I still received a 0 on these finals and school refuses to address the issue. First Grade Petition: Sent Jan 9th I would like to formally petition my grades for the following courses: I I made a complaint to the Office of Equity as well as the Academic deans regarding the material taught in the course and petitioned for a pass grade on Oct 12th, 2012. In this complaint I noted that the professor openly stated interracial marriage should not occur, all white women are banker's daughters that pity the black man, our midterm questioned was what is diseased about Christianity and the simplified answer was whiteness and lastly when private met with him to state I was having difficulty with the material taught in the course being reverse racism he remarked that it was a lot better than some that call it 'White"-naity. In addition, I also filled out a withdrawal form. which was not processed. Consequently when I stopped attending the course, I had no idea that I would be receiving an F. Evangelism: I sent emails that were not going through, which made the professors unaware that I sent in my papers or that I had a concussion. I made record of this problem repeatedly and even had my contact information changed in Sakai. The change in Sakai should have indicated that I should be contacted on a different email address; however, this was not noted and was never contacted on that email address making it where was unaware there was a problem in this course. It also made it where was able to address any issues regarding these papers in a timely manner. Preaching: I made a on every assignment, but one. I made attempts to discuss the assignment with the preceptor; however, I was unable to speak with her after I got a concussion. On this assignment I was deducted and had sentences corrected that came directly from the NIB commentary. I still would like a chance to speak with either the preceptor or the professor regarding this particular assignment. For the past semester/ petition: I would like to formally petition to have the grades re-examined because I was given extensions; however, because the Blackboard system dissolved and Sakai came about over the summer I was not able to access the assignments to even accurately preform the desired tasks for the courses. I also had Mrs. Rachel Hitch send a grade petition as well. On Jan 15th. Duke University OIT department has now demonstrated in March of 2013 that the final I took on Blackboard for the Ethics course would never have gone through because the school into their system and my email address for the school i lwas not an active email address until August of 2012. This information was presented to Dr. Pak and it was ignored. In addition on the May 9th letter, I was given an extension of Sept 1st to finish 3 courses and I had an recorded in 2 out of the 3 courses prior to Sept 1St after the investigation was initiated. I have already sent Mr. Amar all of the emails justifying the decision not to honor these extensions. In addition, I also sent him the email from her superior that stated there was no changes to these dues dates for the three courses I took during semester 0 (b)(6li Here was the Grade Petition letter after my grade was recorded and I received an A in the course raising my cumulative GPA to a 1.85. Sent on March 2013 Inthe last letter. Duke Divinity sent to the student it readmitted her to the school with the cumulative GPA of a 1.85, ct attempted to retroactively place her on an involuntary administrative withdrawal until the semester of emails stated this was to give the student a "fresh start", and dismissed any summer courses, which would give her a "fresh start". According to the Duk Bulletin?s procedures on involuntary administrative withdrawals, the school would had have ?mandated tia udent be evaluated by a speci?c health professional within a given time frame, if an evaluation has not already been done" prior to the withdraw. Then, they would have to discuss the issue after a assessment occurred with the student, which never happened. Moreover, the only counselor ever seen at the Duke CAPPS center already suggested in August that there was now a conflict of interest after the EOE complaint. Despite this, . Thus. and the academic committee for emotional and financial strain of both the pa_st and present withdraw. The student was dismissed for grades, not a issue. If the school wanted to invoke the conditions of an involuntary administrative withdrawal it would have to be prior to the dismal, discussed with the student, and then she would have to seek out a off Duke Campus since there is already an admitted con?ict of interest due to the EOE reports. and report back to the associate dean which has never been requested. On Jan 7m the student requested all emails that were both sent and received from the email accounts. On Jan 8'h the student requested that all of her records be sent to Mrs. Hitch and on January l6lh it was requested all graded papers, attendance reports, documents and policies that pertained to the dismal be sent to Mrs. Hitch. The student again requested these documents again through email prior to the judicial committee she pleaded for all of the attendance reports. graded papers, policies which pertained to the dismal be sent, to be able to defend herself which never occurred. This FERPA violation unequivocally affected her ability to defend herself in this judicial committee. Despite the repeated requests. as of March 7, 2013, she has still never received any of these documents. In the Judicial Board Committee, the board refused to change the to a withdrawal for the Black Church Studies. despite that fact that she submitted a harassment complaint on Oct 28th requesting accommodations to Dean Pak and Warner as well as the EOE of?ce. conceded she received the letter through email, yet she did nothing about it, nor did or the EOE office until after the duration of the course as illustrated by the January 20?h letter, which cause to have to turn in the withdrawal on November 5th. has given the following two arguments for not procesing the withdrawal: 1) that she did not meet with the professor to discuss the issues of the withdrawal. and 2) that she turned in the form late because it was ?after the mid-point in the semester.? However. her grade petition written on January 16?" already demonstrated that she turned in the form four days prior to the November 9th due date listed in both the bulletin on page 6 and on the actual form itself. Thus the Judicial Board Committee dismissec this petition by going against the dates mandated in the Bulletin. The email from the professor clearly illustrates that Ashley met with the professor to discuss the A issues of the withdrawal prior to ever turning in the form. Moreover, she not only discussed the issued with the professor. she also notified both deans as well as the Duke campus EOE office as well. The evangelism petition was ignored despite the fact that the OIT reports clearly illustrate multiple service interruptions with the duke email accounts. The verbally cited reason in the meeting was that although they could not prove the second paper was sent on time, they had a verbal con?rmation [that the student was working on the paper after the due date. The student has already petitioned the board to delve farther into this testimon and the student had a discussion that she found out from a retired Duke environmental science rofessor that she had made a mistake on the research. Thus, she corrected the paper and resubmitted it. (WHO) !testimonv likely helps demonstrate not only did the student turned the paper, but that she turned int origlna paper on time. Although the student had permission from the professor in writing that she could resubmit an assignment and the directions on how to submit this assignment. The judicial committee overturned the professor?s prior permission because ?she already had a in the course?. Resubmitting this assignment would likely bring her ?nal average to a B, which despite the two F?s on her transcript still would have brought her GPA to a 2.0. Lastly, her grade petition regarding the classes for the Spring semester of 2012 was never addressed. After a forced encounter with iust prior to ?nals during the Spring of 2012, the student requested an extension, which was equivocally granted. tbxe); (WHO) May 9'h letter illustrates that the student was given a Sept extension on her final papers and (bxs); con?rmed that no early due date was imposed through email. Despite this, the grade of was entered in late May in both the Ethics cours ent study Worship course. She addressed the issue noting she was unaware of an earlier due date wit (mmc) in Sept of 2012, which is well within the prescribed 30 days. Consequently, the student is again requesting that she be allowed to turn in her ?nal papers as she had a in the course prior to finals. mu k2. airlinersin mu car-our>>. aura no ummr May 9, 20 2 Ms. Ashley wtngar 3637 Mumford Dr Durh-m, NC 27707-5164 De" In I: recent Ihu Auudul-nic Pollcies Committee reviewed yo The was concerned lhu you on nol con-plot: any calm-ca scmcalcr and your record currenlly hu unruolved lnculuplolou. 'he 2m uivlrlity School Bullrun (pt I la) raquiken 1 me Mplv. wrogmm: "The student murt rtomonsuate orograss in Ihe b) A aturlaut who has 3 or more unresolved or a Withdrawal: hilly. a! the discretion urth Israelite 6cm fa lulu pruurulus. be than-lam, placed on an lrlvoluutary leu incomplete work is or asked to panicipam in 1 lil In ur [ha-la pullolaa. ll-l ordar for you to oomlnuo onuraawr-rlr for ma 1 Dlv! School. w: would encourage you to resolve ll qul rwo or your Ind/or Iubmlr a 91111 for molt colnplellon lu mo by September I. 2012. Al Mnberry la 2. helpml resource rowan; plans tor resolving lhaau incomph work you on a plan Io oumplotu degree requirements. We also encou official cream eligible fiat tram-tar to bring flurin tu mar. rumulu in lunch Revt Rhonda Pukar regarding a plan to com.>> roquimmenls. We waul [0 encourage you to focus on oomplol lg dew-cc rot. mutants all helping you much "ml goal. Sincumly. 'hnrd Huya Susnn Jonas Todd Mubarry Rhond- P-rkzr report From Sent: 12 Apr 2013 16:09:06 -0400 leb)(6); lAmar, Sebastian;Bhagat, Kay H.;Russo, Martha Subject:Re: l'm walking to my lawyers office to get the paycheck stubs and reports from the ADA office (I don't have a copy anymore); l'm walking because I no longer have a car because of this. But I will have the last of the information to you by the end of the day. However, I reported the sexual harassment to the head of the sexual harassment of DukSchool and asked for help during my grade petition in Feb of 2013. The March 7th grade pe ion letter on the previous attachment was the result of this grade petition. During this grade petition, I reported the sexual harassm - on for the first time to the head or the sexual harassment committee within the Sc This was the first time I have ever reported the event fully. (DWC) and (W6 witnessed this me telling him exactly what happened and asked for help to ensure that I ha no urt er contact with the Duke employee. This would make this claim fall wilh'n uidelines of the 180 days and it should have been the first step I should have taken within the ISchool. . a Moreover, I turned in all of the federal loans taken out in my name during 2005 when was no longer a student at Duke University today to the Office of the General Inspector. It might take a couple days to be processed. l'm currently being assigned an ombudsman to mediate between the school and Sallie Mae loan company. However, if the ECR board finds that my initial removal from school was unjust then it is my understanding that the Office of General Inspector will not have to come down and investigate the fruadulent loan and scholarshis. Right now, Sallie Mae has demonstrated that the only loans taken out through Duke were in Sept 0 and that one was cancelled and the money was returned. The loan company never issued any more funds to the school in March or April 0 for my education. Duke University accounting ledgers demonstrates that they received money from allie Mae and applied the funds to the balance I incurred after loosing my scholarships. Thus, if the Office of Civil Rights investigates and demonstrates that had no authority to remove me from school and went against school policy to do so. The loans would automatically be returned nullifying their investigation. From: To: sebastianamar kay.bhagat martha.russo Sent: Fri. Apr 12, 2013 1:16 am '(bxo; I Please see the attached information: I really need to be able to finish my field education placement otherwise I will have another full year at this school. And frankly, I really need the money that was making from that job. I haven't worked in 4 months over this and l'm in danger of getting evicted now. have less than 5 dollars in my bank account now after all this. is there anyway to get the ECR board down here before graduation? Sincerel Sent215 Apr 2013 12:30:25 -0400 (WAC) IAmar, Sebastian;Bhagat, Kay H.;Russo, Martha SubjectzLast Pay check Information that was delayed Last Pay check Information DUKE SYSTEM BIWEEKLY PAYROLL STATEMENT NAME DUKE UNIQUE I ORG.KEY I PER.END ICHECK DATE VAC HRS ISICK HRS IDDAYS ISTB HRS ILTB HRS ICOB HRS I I I EXEMPTION 0FEDERAL I I II I I FED TAX 0.00 I I I STATE TAX 0.00 I I I MEDICARE 0.00 I I I OASDI 0.00 I I I EIC 0.00 I I ITOTAL 0.TAX DEFERRED DEDS I POST TAX RETIREMENTI I I II I FED TAX 0.00 I I I STATE TAX 0.00 I I I MEDICARE 0.00 I I OASDI 0.00 I I EIC 0.00 I ITOTAL 0.00 GROSS PAY PRETAX TAX DEF TAXABLE GROSS TAXES DEDUCTIONS NET PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 YEAR TO DATE TOTALS CURRENT MISC DATA HOURS HOURS PAID GROSS 3,610.80 IMPUTED INC 0.00 OVERTIME 0.00 PRIMARY 0.00 PRETAX 0.00 SECONDARY 0.00 TAX DEF 0.00 TAX AMOUNTS VACATION 0.00 TAX GROSS 3,610.80 (Incl. in Taxes above) RATES OF PAY SICK 0.00 FED TAX 217.87 FEDERAL PRIMARY 17.00 HOLIDAY 0.00 ST TAX 170.00 STATE EFF DATE 10/10/11 FUNERAL 0.00 MEDICARE 0.00 JURY 0.00 OASDI 0.00 ELECTION 0.00 STB 0.00 LTB 0.00 POSITION COB 0.00 TITLE: POSITION EFF DATE: 09/26/2011 Fro: I To: sebastian.amar kay.bhagat martha.russo Sent: Fri, Apr 12, 2013 1:16 am Please see the attached information: I really need to be able to finish my field education placement otherwise I will have another full year at this school. And frankly, I really need the money that was making from that job. I haven't worked in 4 months over this and I'm in danger of getting evicted now. I have less than 5 dollars in my bank account now after all this. Is there anyway to get the ECR board down here before graduation? Sincerely, Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent: 15 Apr 2013 11:44:34 -0500 Tozmar, Sebastian;Bhagat, Kay H. Subject:RE: Last Pay check Information that was delayed Thank you for sending this in This won't change our prior decision regarding this allegation though, given that we did not have this information earlier and also given that the paycheck was from May 2012 (more than 180 days before you filed your complaint with us). I want to be sure it?s clear that we are moving forward with an investigation of the allegations that the University retaliated against you by involuntarily withdrawing you from the 0? program in January 2013 and by failing to process your withdrawal request from thelleG); course in late fall of 2012. We expect to get information from the University about those issues soon. If you?d like to file an appeal of our dismissals of your other allegations, you may do so. Information about that process is found here: 6 Martha Fr0m1(b)(6); (WHO I Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 11:30 AM Amar, Sebastian; Bhagat, Kay H. Russo, Martha Subject: Last Pay check Information that was delayed Last Pay check Information DUKE SYSTEM BIWEEKLY PAYROLL STATEMENT NAME DUKE UNIQUE I ORG.KEY I PER.END ICHECK DATE VAC HRS ISICK HRS IDDAYS ISTB HRS ILTB HRS ICOB HRS I I I EXEMPTION GROSS PAY I PRETAX DED I TAXES I DEDUCTIONS I I FED TAX 0.00 I I I STATE TAX 0.00 I I MEDICARE 0.00 I OASDI 0.00 I I EIC 0.00 I ITOTAL 0.00 I TAX DEFERRED DEDS I POST TAX --I I II I FED TAX 0.00 I I I STATE TAX 0.00 I I MEDICARE 0.00 I I OASDI 0.00 EIC 0.00 I I I GROSS PAY PRETAX TAX DEF TAXABLE GROSS TAXES DEDUCTIONS NET PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 YEAR TO DATE TOTALS CURRENT MISC DATA HOURS HOURS PAID GROSS 3,610.80 IMPUTED INC 0.00 OVERTIME 0.00 PRIMARY 0.00 PRETAX 0.00 SECONDARY 0.00 TAX DEF 0.00 TAX AMOUNTS VACATION 0.00 TAX GROSS 3,610.80 (Incl. in Taxes above) RATES OF PAY SICK 0.00 FED TAX 217.87 FEDERAL PRIMARY 17.00 HOLIDAY 0.00 ST TAX 170.00 STATE EFF DATE 10/10/11 FUNERAL 0.00 MEDICARE 0.00 JURY 0.00 OASDI 0.00 ELECTION 0.00 STB 0.00 LTB 0.00 POSITION COB 0.00 TITLE: POSITION EFF DATE: 09/26/2011 From To: sebastian.amar kay.bhagat martha.russo Sent: Fri, Apr 12, 2013 1:16 am Please see the attached information: I really need to be able to finish my field education placement otherwise I will have another full year at this school. And frankly, I really need the money that was making from that job. I haven't worked in 4 months over this and I'm in danger of getting evicted now. I have less than 5 dollars in my bank account now after all this. Is there anyway to get the ECR board down here before graduation? Sincerely, Fro Sent: 19 Apr 2013 11:34:38 -0400 T0:Russo, Martha;Amar, Sebastian;Bhagat, Kay H. Subject:Re: Last Pay check Information that was delayed Mrs. Russo, I literally turned this into the school a week after this happened in May and received no response from the school until Jan 30 of 2013. At that point I hired a lawyer to get involved and then sent everything to your department. In her letters it states she stopped me from reporting all of this to the US. Department of Education in hopes for resolution. But the main problem is that when they pulled me out of school in Jan, they also pulled me out of my education education placement. I had already completed 200 out of the 400 hours and was half way through the course. We are paid through an endowment/ work study money. When they pulled me out of this placement in Jan it stopped me from receiving the last half (4500) of the 9000 grant that was being paid out of. In addition, it forces me to have to stay another full year at the university, because the student has to be enrolled full time as a student both semesters to finish this placement. only had 2 classes left that I needed to graduate. previous email states that they school would not let me complete a summer placement either an at ad to finish a field education unit of the full course of a year in order to given me a "fresh start". At this, point because of this not only lost my job l'm in danger of loosing my home in because I was in the middle of a loan modification and I can no longer show proof of income; I won't be able to pay rent here and I've already lost my car because I used all of my savings to pay for lawyers to get me back in school with no sucess. i hope that clears up any misunderstandings. Sincerel From: Russo, Martha lAmar, Sebastian Bhagat, Kay H. Sent: Mon, Apr 15, 2013 12:44 pm Subject: RE: Last Pay check Information that was delayed Thank you for sending this in, This won?t change our prior decision regarding this allegation though, given that we did not have this information earlier and also given that the paycheck was from May 2012 (more than 180 days before you filed your complaint with us). I want to be sure it?s clear that we are moving forward with an investigation of the allegations that the University retaliated against you by involuntarily withdrawing you from th ro ram in January 2013 and by failing to process your withdrawal request from the (KB): course in late fall of 2012. We expect to get information from the Umversr about those issues soon. If you?d like to file an appeal of our dismissals of your other allegations, you may do so. Information about that process is found here: 6 Martha From; 39"? VIonday, April 15, 2013 11:30 AM To: Amar, Sebastian; Bhagat, Kay Russo, Martha Subjec: as ayc ec 'nformation that was delayed Last Pay check Information DUKE SYSTEM BIWEEKLY PAYROLL STATEMENT NAME DUKE UNIQUE I ORG.KEY I PER.END ICHECK DATE VAC HRS ISICK HRS IDDAYS ISTB HRS ILTB HRS ICOB HRS I I EXEMPTION FEDERAL STATE I I I I FED TAX 0.00 I I I STATE TAX 0.00 I MEDICARE 0.00 I I I OASDI 0.00 I I I EIC 0.00 I I ITOTAL 0.TAX DEFERRED DEDS I POST TAX RETIREMENTI I I II I FED TAX 0.00 I I I STATE TAX 0.00 I I MEDICARE 0.00 I I I OASDI 0.00 I I I EIC 0.00 I I ITOTAL 0.00 I II GROSS PAY PRETAX TAX DEF TAXABLE GROSS TAXES DEDUCTIONS NET PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 YEAR TO DATE TOTALS CURRENT MISC DATA HOURS HOURS PAID GROSS 3,610.80 IMPUTED INC 0.00 OVERTIME 0.00 PRIMARY 0.00 PRETAX 0.00 SECONDARY 0.00 TAX DEF 0.00 TAX AMOUNTS VACATION 0.00 TAX GROSS 3,610.80 (Incl. in Taxes above) RATES OF PAY SICK 0.00 FED TAX 217.87 FEDERAL PRIMARY 17.00 HOLIDAY 0.00 ST TAX 170.00 STATE EFF DATE 10/10/11 FUNERAL 0.00 MEDICARE 0.00 JURY 0.00 OASDI 0.00 ELECTION 0.00 STB 0.00 LTB 0.00 POSITION COB 0.00 TITLE: POSITION EFF DATE: 09/26/2011 inal Frori(b)(6); To: sebastlan.amar kay.bhagat martha.russo Sent: Fri, Apr 12, 2013 1:16 am Please see the attached information: I really need to be able to finish my field education placement otherwise I will have another full year at this school. And frankly, I really need the money that was making from that job. I haven't worked in 4 months over this and I'm in danger of getting evicted now. I have less than 5 dollars in my bank account now after all this. Is there anyway to get the ECR board down here before graduation? Duke Data Analysis 1 1-13-2066 Allegation: The Complainant alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily withdrew her from th (W7 program in January 2013; and failed to process her withdrawal request from the (WHO) [course in late (mam 0 Cp engaged in a protected activity 0 4/27/12 Cp alleged to OIE that she was subject to gender discrimination when not admitted to field placement. Narrative. 0 5/5/12, Cp also made complaints of sexual assault to (Duke police) and 01E 0 10/29/12, Cp ?led OIE complaint about <6>i course 0n Ma 15 2012 Complainant sent a bewildering e-mail I (W7 landlu?xs); Iin which she said that she has been (b - arranging for her own summer placement, and that it was ?against the law? fem personnel to ?make any demands on those incompletes or place restrictions 0 a teld education placement that would etfect my graduation based on consequences from an employee breaking title 9. ADA and FERPA laws in l3 different places." She subsequently communicated that all contact between them would need to be handled by lawyers. 0 University knew of {as aware of OIE complaints 0 ?6?me ?was unaware of OIE complaints until l/20l3. Narrative. (yet, he was aware ofher concerns relating to the course content in their 10/12 meeting) 0 University took adverse action against the Cp Univ involuntary withdrew Cp from Program in 1/2013 0 5/9/12 I notified Cp that she had not completed her course work and had 3 Is on her record. Told Cp to submit a plan or complete 2 Is by 9/12. According to narrative, had no knowledge of 4/12 complaint. Letter is also included on page 29/59 of exhibit A. Cp finished her incompletes by 9/12. Narrative. (W7 emailed Cp on 9/ 17/ 12 ?notifying her that her gpa is 2.0 the minimum GPA to continue in the program. Narrative. Page 30/59 exhibit A lwriteallottlustoyou toalertyou policiesofaZDCPAorhihertobv able to receive a Field Education placement. as well as to be able to remain in your studies at Duke School. 50 I want you to be fully informed and aware that if you drop below a 20 GPA, your case will have to be reviewed by our Academic Policies Committee. 0 12/20/12 informed Cp that her GPA was 1.66 and the academic policies committee decided to withdraw her because she did not meet academic requirements. Narrative. Page 38/59 exhibit A Academic regulations (in Bulletin of Duke University 2012-13, chool, p. 119 - make sure we download this) state that students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 to continue in the program. If student falls below, may be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program (no more than 3 courses). Decision is at the discretion of the academic dean for academic formation and programs. Confirm that that is notified the Cp of decision on December 20 and said that the Academic Policies Committee had met and reviewed her record. Who was on that Committee? Why decide on dismissal rather than the other options in the policy? In response to Cp?s grade appeal, Judicial Board decided grades would stand but recommended that Cp be allowed to return in fall 2013 on a probationary status and under certain conditions, including that Cp submit official transcripts from the other institutions she had attended, that she not take any more incompletes, that she abide by deadlines for assignments, and that she achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Univ fail to process Cp?s withdrawal request from the Black Church Students in fall 2012 Cp met with Professor Carter about concerns about the course on 10/23/12 Prof believed that the conversation was positive and Cp agreed to continue in course. Narrative. Cp stopped attending the course and prof emailed her on 12/15/12 to determine why she was not attending. He told her that if he did not hear from her, he would have to give her an F. Cp did not respond, and received an F. Narrative. 0 Email provided on page 37/55 exhibit A- saying that no indication that she dropped the class and has not seen her in class. Asks to hear what is going on in case any extenuating circumstances by 12/ 17 or will give her an F. On 12/22/12 Cp emailed Prof and stated she withdrew from the course. Narrative. 0 Email on page 39/59, exhibit A Cp stated that she thinks there may have been a problem with the withdrawal 2 the registrar transitioned December 23 email to Cp from ?3925) stating she was shown up as still in his class and he is forwarding her email to page 59/59, exhibit A December 22 email from Cp for Pak asking for FERPA request of her withdrawal request. page 40/59, exhibit A Decemver 23 from to CD saying she had no knowledge of the request, but will follow up wit (WW3) page 40/59, exhibit A responded to Complainant that not having heard from her December 17", he had to give her a failing grade. However, he referred her to regarding her statement that she had dropped the class. investigated the matter and determined that Complainant had initiated the process to withdraw from the course but had not followed-through with the necessary requirements. Speci?call Complainant had completed a withdrawal form for the class and submitted it to - However, Complainant had not obtained the signature of the faculty member which is uired and explicin noted on the form. Upon receipt of the form. the returned it to Complainant by placing it in her student mail folder with a note telling her that she needed to obtain the faculty member?s si :4 in order to complete the process. Student mail folders are located at the School and are a standard conununications channel between School and students; students are expected to check their mail folders. 0 1/9/13 Pak notified Cp that he reaf?rmed decision to withdraw Cp and she could reapply in a ear. On appeal, board reaffirmed decision but decided she could reenroll 114$ of on a probationary status. Cp has not provided documents requeste or reenrollment. Narrative. 0 There is a casual connection between and yes, happened close in time The University has a LNR for its AA 0 University relied on policy where student must have above a 2.0 GPA 6. Comlainant was dismissed for failure to meet ?continuation requirements" for the degree and was placed on voluntary leave of absence pursuant to that provrsion. ontinuation Requirements are as follows: Continuatio- Reqaire-eata. The progress of all students is rewewed at the end of every semester by the Academic Policies Committee. The following are the continuation requirements for students ermlled thcdegree program I. The student mun maintain a cumulative grade point avenge of 2 0. If a student falls below formation and programs. be dismised. placed on an involuntary leave of absence. or ?led to participate in a limited program. This means that the student may enroll in no more than thee comses 2. cumulative GPA of 2.0 is dismissed In exceptional cases a student who shows substantial improvement the second semester but does not quite attain a GPA of 2.0 may be given a thud semester to do so. 3. The student must demonstrate progress in the program by completing causes. A snideritwhohu3ormoreunresolved may. at the discretion of the associate dean for academic formation and programs. be dismissed. placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is reached. or asked to participate in a limited - digreemustbecompleted within six mum semesters). Theminimurn timein whichadegtee can completed is three yars (six semesters). To be classi?ed as full time. a student must be walled in three or more causes in a semester Exhibit student?s transcript: Iv UIJIIUIMIJ Nuns avwvaa .- During the course of repeatedly claiming that her grades were unfair. Complaith alleged that her e-mail account had not been working and that she had never gotten the numerous e-mails from faculty members and preceptors. However. her complaints of problems with various email accounts were inconsistent. Furthermore. when offered the opportunity to obtain information from Duke?s O?ice of Information Technology regarding her c-mail account to support her complaints of e-mail problems, Complaith refused to consent to the accessing of such information. 4. The Academic Policies Committee reviews the progress of every student at the end of each semester and makes recommendations to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs. The Academic Policies Committee consists of l2 members, with the Associate Dean otl(b)(6); lserving as chair. mecssorlmxel; WW0) currently holds the position of Associate Dean and made the decision to withdraw Complainant. based on rewew eac?emic Policies Committee. term GPA wasO.333 (believe this GPA was calculated after she made up her I classes- clarify this with the witnesses) 53(6); (W7 ancimxe); (Wm) checked Com lainant?s student mail folder and found i the form still in the folder with note attached along with a stack of returned work from professors; it was evident that Complainant had not checked her student mail folder in some time then e-mailed Complainant and told her that she should check her student mail folder. On December 27, 20 2, rather than admitting that she had not checked her folder, Complainant reported to Dean Pak that she found the form with note not in her folder. but in the folder directly behind hers. repeatedly invited Complainant to meet after the holidays. and Comp ainant ?nally met withon January 8. 2013. provided Complainant with multiple opportunities to admit that she had not ec folder: instead, Complainant continued to insist the form had not been placed in her folder but had been put in the wrong folder. told Complainant that she was sympathetic to the oversight of not checking the folder and was willing to grant the withdrawal for that reason. However. informed Complainant that she could not reward overt dishonesty and for that reason she would not grant the dismissal. The LNR is not pretext for retaliation According to its narrative, the University is not aware of any students who were dismissed who made complaints of discrimination. Exhibit I and provided comparators want additional information about comparators for withdrawal from program (see below). Probably don?t need comparators for withdrawal from course probably want to ask interview questions about whether took any action (such as withdrawal) in other situations based on a student?s dishonesty. Other information needed 0 Whether administrators had made decisions regarding withdrawal from courses based or other types of decisions based on a student?s dishonesty. probably interview questions. 0 Note: no Exhibit should clarify with the University in case they forgot to send it. This is on the Internet. We should download it and save for the ?le 0 No unique identi?ers for Exhibit 1 (comparators for dismissal) would be helpful during interviews would like to know whether any of these individuals received a GPA below 2.0 in earlier semesters and if so, why not dismissed at that time. Perhaps follow up with supplemental DR asking for transcript of recent individuals (under Pak) who were dismissed in Exhibit 1. Maybe also ask for list of all students who had GPA under 2.0 at any time and whether they were not dismissed from program. I think we should definitely ask for this. Other information provided 0 Emails with Warner about how the Cp did not receive emails during the course and that Warner should have contacted her on her aol account. 0 Exhibit financial ?le 0 Exhibit field education file 0 Exhibit OIE file 0 Exhibit E- Disability management ?le 0 Exhibit Duke police file Individuals to Interview Ombudsman Group Privacy Release Statement Third Party Authorization Please ?ll out all pertinent information. Please print clearly: Name: Address; NC Home Phone: I Work Phone: Cell Phone: (area code) (area code) (tame) E-mail: Soc. Sec.#: (Wm) Date of Birth: (bmc) What is the best way to contact you? or email Please brie?y describe your issues: Case number #1 -250-05091Attenion Patrick Stevenson omb0417: Federal Sallie Mae Loans were applied after I was no longer a student at Duke University. The federal loan exceeded the maximum regulated amount for a student that was withdrawn from school. When I asked for a refund and that the Federal Loan be returned I was told by Dean of Students that Duke's Office of Institutional Equity investigation found nothing wrong with the loans and that a refund would not be granted (Sept 17"1 email). The next time I asked for a refund and offered evidence of all of this was in the judicial board meeting and the Dean of Students and the Head of Sexual harassment for the divinity School on Feb 15th 2013 suggested that I seek out counseling for the emotional and ?nancial strain this was placing on me (Feb 18th letter): however did nothing to rectify the situation. Attached: Duke?s Accounting Ledger, Duke?s explanation of their accounting ledger which is in con?ict with the original ledger the bursar?s of?ce gave me, the date of my withdrawal from school. documentation indicating Sallie Mae loan only distributed money to Duke in Sept of and there were no future disbursements on this loan, which differs from the school?s explanation, My signature on this page allows representatives of the United States Department of Education ?s Federal Student Aid Ombudsman Group, to obtain, under the ?Right to Privacy Act of 974, any information requested and to examine and/or copy any records related to my Federal Student Aid. Third (TU-Party Authorization: My signature below also authorizes the third party listed below to contact the Ombudsman Group on my behalf to discuss any and all issues regarding my Federal Student Aid. 4/30/2013 Date Third (3rd) Party Signature Date Party Name:_US Department of Education Of?ce of Civil Rights Representatives Relationship To You:_investigating overlapping complaints 3 "1 Party Address:_400 Maryland A VE. SW Washington. DC 3"?1Party E-mail address and phone number (202 )-453-6023 Kav.Bhagat@ed. qov,( 202 )-453- 6598 and Martha. Russo @ed.gov (2 14)-66l -9622_ Part)? Home Phone: Party ell Phone: Preferred Contact Method: Return this form to: Ombudsman Group, US. Department of Education, Floor, UCP-3, MS: 5144, 830 First Street, NE. Washington, DC 20202-5144. You may fax the completed form to 202/275- 0549. If you have any questions, please call 202/3 7 7-3800. [Type the company name] Information for Complaint number 1-250-05091 Attached Documents: . . . . 1. Documentation demonstratlng student (DWC) Withdrawal on 0 Letter from the Field Education Department 0 Letter from the Registrar 0 Attrition Notice from the Registrar 2. Duke Accounting Ledger . . . . Demonstrates the Loan money was returned on and then reapplied March 30?h and then applie W): (WM 3. Loan Information demonstrating that the only distribution date was i 4. Explanation from Duke after I pointed out original problems with the Duke Accounting Ledger 5. Refund request letter 6. Feb 18?h letter Wednesday. Sept. 22. 2004 I'm sorry I didn't inform you of this on Monday. Guess I had too much on my mind. No excuse. ltinally got up wit on Monday Sept. 20, by telephone i I asked her why she didn't report to her internship on Sept. 12. ?m enrolle i College. I won't be coming to Duke. So I told her to contac 03)? She said. she would be In Friday to talk in registration about this matter. I sent a lorm to Holly Durham to take her 0" of payroll. She was on Duke Endowment $8,600.00, at Evaluation It you need anything else please let me know. DUKE (00% h) September 27, 2004 6; Duke E728 School Dear (C) I have been directed by (mm) to withdraw you from the School as of I(b)(6)i (WW3) [which Is the date you informed the - Education Office at your decision to withdraw. Withdrawal at this time Int (W7 semester results in a 60 percent refund of tuition. I will send a copy of this letter to the University Registrar today. Sincerely, vi. . HammeslAcadonicsai Research WIMM This term should be used to authorize a withdrawal/leave from the University. All ?elds must be completed. except where indicated with Student EMPLID: (bx? First Name: Middle Name/Initial? I Last Name; Career: (6 Divinity Session: 6 Begum Program Action: (Please select one) Discontinuation 6' Dismissal f? Leave of Absence f? Suspension f? Administrative Withdrawal f? Program Reason: IPERS (Refereng Value_s) wn. Effective Date: Withdrawal Term: (Exam: spring 2003) Anticipated Return . Term: not applicable. enter New Graduation Term? Grades: (MadmanStudent alerted us to her desire to withdraw on Further Instructionsz? Your Name: (Wm) Your E-mail Address: WW0) ll MAYtake several ion charges. this request will be mod to both the Cities 01 - ontact nets! Morris. re: unandalaqiisimonuor contactmeolilceoilhe MW (684 as Duke Divinity Bulletin pages 95 and 96 on necessary requirements for withdrawal from the school - Under the Withdrawal section it clearly states the students must file a written statement indicating their desire to withdraw from school, meet with their faculty advisors and the associate dean of academics. None of this never occurred. Change of Courses or Withdrawal. Students are permitted to change their course registrations, without incurring a penalty, during the prescribed drop/ add period at the beginning of each semester. The adding of a course during the second week of drop/ add may require the permission of the instructor of that course. Any refund of tuition related to withdrawals will be according to the published schedule. No student will be permitted to withdraw from a course after one-half of the semester without incurring failure, except for causes adjudged by the senior associate dean for academic programs to be beyond the student's control. Conditions of genuine emergency and not considerations of convenience will be determinative in considering requests, which must be submitted in writing on academic petition forms. Leave of Absence. A student wishing to take a leave of absence for one or two semesters, and intending to return to a degree program in the Divinity School, should so notify the senior associate dean for academic programs in writing in advance. No leave of absence will be granted for more than one full academic year, although an emergency extension may be requested from the senior associate dean for academic programs. Withdrawals from School. Students deciding to withdraw from the Divinity School, for whatever reason, should consult with their faculty advisers and the senior associate dean for academic programs, and must file a written statement of withdrawal Administration of the Curriculum .05 prior to departure. All students who have officially withdrawn or whose leave of absence extends beyond one academic year but who wish later to return to the Divinity School will be required to reapply for admission, and provide whatever documentation is required by the director of admissions. Page 0763 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0764 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0765 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0767 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0768 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0769 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0770 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0967 Date: February 18, 2013 Dear On the afternoon of Friday, February 15, 2013, the Judicial Board convened to examine your petition for a grade review of your final grades land for the semester. It was the judgment of the Judicial Board that each of the final grades assigned for these classes would remain as submitted. With this decision in place, we will entertain no more discussion about final grades from past semesters. As an advisory board to the Associate Dean of Programs, the Judicial Board also recommended that you be allowed to return to your studies in the Fall 2013 on a probationary status and under the requirements set by the Associate Dean of Programs. Following the decision of the Judicial Board concerning the grade review, your cumulative GPA remains at 1.846. The Divinity Bulletin (page 119) states the continuation requirements for the MDiv degree as the following: The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may, at the discretion of the academic dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program. It is within my discretion to stand by the dismissal decision communicated to you in my letter of January 9, 2013. However, I have received and accepted the recommendation of the Judicial Board to allow you to return in the Fall semester of 2013 on a probationary status. In keeping with the Divinity School?s policies, you are now placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the In the event that you choose to return, you shall return to our studies in the Fall 2013 and no later. This return and your continued study at Duke School are contingent on these strict requirements: By 5:2013 ou must submit the sealed and unopened official tran- scripts (WW5) and (bxs); (bxnc) for the transfer credits you have been requesting from my of?ce. Please dellVeI? these in person to the Academics Suite in 108 Gra or send these addressed to me at the follow- ing address: DukeSchool, Durham, NC 27708. If we do not receive these sealed and unopened official transcripts by this day and time, the offer for you to continue your studies at Duke is rescinded. Please note that when you returned to Duke in August 2011, you requested these transfer credits, and my office agreed to consider this request; however, despite numerous requests from my of- fice, you have not provided two of the three official transcripts that would allow us to review the transfer credits. A The following are the conditions for transfer credit: my office will consider up to and no more than seven classes for transfer credit. Only classes with a grade of or higher can be considered for transfer credit (see the Bulletin, p. 119). The transfer credit for eligible classes will be processed when my office has all three official transcripts in hand. 0 With this allowance of up to and no more than seven classes for transfer credits, which is beyond what is normally allowed (see the ?(bx6li Bulletin, p. 119), all remaining coursework must be taken at Duke School. You may not take any incompletes in your remaining coursework at Duklbxe); School without the written consent of both the professor of the course and the Associate Dean of Programs. You will strictly abide by the deadlines for all assignments in the remaining coursework of your tenure at Duke You may not receive extensions for any assignment without the written consent of both the professor of the course and the Associate Dean of Programs. Late assignments will be penalized. 0 You will hand in all assignments for your remaining coursework at Duk 9732(3)); in hard-copy form to the professor. Your continued studies at Duke (W5): will be contingent on your successful perform- ance in the semester in which you return. You will need to achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Furthermore, you are invited to take a Limited Program upon your return to study. Lastly, you are strongly encouraged to seek support for the emotional and financial matters you yourself raised in the conversation with the Judicial Board. Th School is happy to direct you to the avenues of support available on campus, such as Duke?s Counseling and Services (CAPS). In addition, if you wish to explore reasonable accommodations to assist you in meeting the requirements of your educational program, please contact Duke's Student Disabil- ity Access Office. Information about that office and the reasonable accommodation process is available at Senwmmum? -0400 To: M6) (bmc) FSA Ombudsman Of?ce;Bhagat, Kay H.;Amar, Sebastian;Russo, Subject2Re: Case Numer #1-250-05091/omb04l7 and OCR 11-13-2066 Attachmentsteb 18th letter.pdf I apologize. The Feb 18th letter was not attached to this prior email. To: fsaombudsmanoffice kay.bhagat sebastianamar martha.russo amr rce Sent: Fri, May 3, 2013 4:44 pm Subject: Case Numer #1-250-05091/omb0417 and OCR 11-13-2066 I am writing to formally request the early resolution for OCR complaint number 11-13-2066 currently being handled by Mrs. Kay Bhagat, Mrs. Martha Russo and Mr. Sebastian Amar as well early mediation on case number 1 -250-05091 by Mr. Patrick Stevenson. I am waving my right to privacy to enable these two US. Department of Education organizations to speak with one another since these cases will overlap. More specifically, I was hoping that the resolution on both could be done for together. I can not emotionally or financially afford mulitple days of mediation. Attached is a signed waiver requesting this communication between the office of general inspector and the office of civil rights as well as the documents that were already. The sexual assualt and removal from school in 2004 that lead to these loans, my grade petition for the classes of Fall and Srin semester of 2012/2013 were all addressed by Judicial Board on Sincerel Bhagat, Kay H. Froszhagat, Kay H. Sent:8 May 2013 11:57:01 TozRusso, Martha;Amar, Sebastian Ccthagat, Kay H. SubjectzROC with She has a complaint with OCR. She wants to ask a question. She opted for the early resolution so she could graduate this semester and graduation is in 3 or 4 days, so not happen, which means she cannot take the job she wanted, and then opt for the full investigation? OCR explained that ECR is voluntary and that both parties must agree. Because the University is not interested in ECR, we are currently conducting an investigation. She asked if she should file the 60 days. I asked her if she meant the appeal process? She said that lots of the allegations were dismissed for timeliness, but it was brought up in the judicial board meeting. I said that if you want to appeal our dismissal of these allegations, she should file an appeal and she should do so w/in 60 days of the date of the letter dismissal. The call ended. Kay Bhagat Attorney US. Department of Education Of?ce for Civil Rights 400 IVIaryland Ave, \V?ashington, DC 20202 202?453-6598 202?453?6021 ka abha rat filed. Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent28 May 2013 15:09:41 -0500 TozAshwinger Ccthagat, Kay H.;Amar, Sebastian Subject20CR Case No. 11-13-2066 Ashley, We received the voice message that you left for Kay Bhagat earlier this afternoon. I understood you to say that your transcript was sent by the Clearinghouse to the wrong email address, and the School is not permitting you to re-enroll in the fall because it did not receive the transcript in a timely manner. If you believe that theSchool?s decision was somehow discriminatory or retaliatory, then you may file a new complaint with our office explaining what happened and why you think it was discriminatory. I?m afraid that at this point we cannot add that issue into the investigation we are currently investigating. Please let us know if you have other questions. Martha Russo Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent228 May 2013 14:02:35 -0500 TozAmar, Sebastian;Bhagat, Kay H. OCR Complaint 1 l?l3-2066 28 to Martha Russo.pdf, divinity.below2.0gpa.pdf, Duke gig)? School winger.may13letter.pdf, winger.photo.toodmaberry.jpg From: Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 1:31 PM To: Russo, Martha Subject: OCR Complaint 11-13-2066 Good afternoon Ms. Russo, Enclosed please find a letter with four attachments from Kate Hendricks. Thank you, OFFICE OF COUNSEL 310 BLACKWELL STREET. 4TH FLOOR Box 104124 DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA 27710 (919) 684-3955 DUKE UNIVERSITY 684-8725 FAX HEALTH SYSTEM May 28, 2013 BY E-MAIL Ms. Martha Russo Senior Attorney Office for Civil Rights US. Department of Education District of Columbia Of?ce 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC. 0202-1475 RE: OCR Complaint No 11-13-2066 Dear Ms. Russo: I am writing to respond to your additional information requests set forth in your e- mail ofMay 13, 2013: 1. Exhibit I is repeated, with names of each student revealed. In addition, transcripts for each student are attached. 2. A list of all Program students whose cumulative GPA has fallen below 2.0 is attache, and includes the other information requested. The person with authority to take the actions listed is the School?s Associate Dean for (bx7 IPrograms. Prior to July I, 2012 served in that Isucceeded in that role on July I, 2012. To the best of the I School?s knowledge, no individual on the list ever complained of discrimination. In addition, please ?nd attached the following two documents: (I) a letter sent to on May 13, 2013 regarding her status and (2) a photo taken by WHO) withdrawal form when he retrieved it from her student folder or ecembcr 23 or 24, 2012. checked her folder December 22, 2012 response to the December 20, 2012 letter to from the Academic Policies Committee. Please let me know if you have questions or need additional information. Very truly yours, J3 Kate S. Hendricks Page 0779 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption (OX6): of the Freedom of Information and Privacy AC1 Page 0780 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad ignite g?ni?ersitg DIRHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0960 Box 90966 ucevr: TELEPHONE (919i 660-3431 Associan DEAN FOR FORMATION mo PROGRAMS 9) 660-3575 THE DIVINITY SCHOOL EMAIL DUKE EOU December 20, 2007 In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Th program on p. I33: School Bulletin descnbes the continuation requirements for the degree The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of3.0. A student who falls below this level is terminated." Your semester and cumulative GPA is 2.56. As a result of your GPA falling below the minimum requirement to continue in the program, it is the decision ofthe committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. Should you wish to return to the school at a later date, you will need to reapply for admission. I highly recommend you include the following information: l) a personal assessment of what went wrong while y0u were here, (2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues, and (3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Sincerelv Page 0782 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0783 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad EBuke QHni?ersitg DURHAM NORIH CAROLINA 277080968 BOX 90966 LACEYE WARNER IELEPHONE (919) ASSOCIAIE DEAN FOR ACADEMIC FORMATION AND PROGM FACSIMLE (919) 6606575 IHE DMNITY SCHOOL EMAIL: LWANERODN DUKEEDU December 17, 2008 b6;b7C In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Your semester and overall GPA is 0.50. The 2008-9 Divinity School Bulletin (p.128) describes the requirements for continuation in the M.Div. program including: ?The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed." After prayerful consideration, it is the decision of the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. The committee recognizes your academic ability. As a result, we will permit you to finish incomplete coursework at the discretion of your professors. Please be in contact with the individual professors about possible next steps. Should you wish to return to the Divinity School at a later date. you may reapply for admission. I recommend including the following information in your application: 1) a personal assessment of the challenges faced while you were here, 2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues, and 3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. it it would be helpful to talk with someone about this decision, Rev. Tiffney Marley is glad to meet with you. Please do not hesitate to contact her directly. I realize this may be difficult news. Please know you continue in my thoughts and prayers. Page 0785 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0786 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0787 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad QBuke DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 277080967 6. SUJIN PAK DEAN OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS BOX 90%? RESEARCH PROFESSOR THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANTIY TELEPFDNE (9t9) 660-368 THE DMNITY SCHOOL FACSIWLE (919) 6606473 E-mall: SPAKQDIVDUKE EDU December 20, 2012 Dear Yesterday, the Academic Policies Committee met and reviewed your academic record. The 2012-1 3 Di- vinity School Bulletin 1) describes the requirements for continuation in the MDiv program: ?MDiv and MTS students who during the ?rst year of Divinity School maintain less than a (2.0) average, in- cluding failures, ordinarily will be required to withdraw from the school.? Your current cumulative GPA is 1.333. We have considered your case very carefully. The length of the program does not permit adequate time for recovery of such a low GPA to ful?ll graduation requirements. As a result, it is the decision of the Academic Policies Committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. We recognize this may be very dif?cult news to receive. Please know that we are here to support you in your continued ministry and vocational discernment. Just because this place might not be the right place for you does not necessarily re?ect upon the truth of your call to ministry. Indeed, we are happy to talk with you about other options to support you on a path of ministerial formation and vocational discem- ment. If a conversation would be helpful, I invite you to contact me or Rev. Keith Daniel. We are all willing to talk with you about this transition. We wish you the blessings of God?s strength and guidance in your future endeavors. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, A. 95.; G. Sujin Pak Associate Dean of Academic Programs Cc: Richard Hays, Laceye Warner, Susan Jones, Kori Robins, Rhonda Parker, Sheila Williams, Keith Daniel Page 0789 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0790 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad ?uke g?ni?ersiig DURHAM MRTH CAROLINA 27708-0968 WX 90968 WY!me MsoclATl DEM FOR FMTION ND FEW (919) 560-3575 THE DNINITY SCHOOL EMAIL: December 17. 2008 mm Dea In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Your semester and overall GPA is 0.90. The 2008-9 Divinity School Bulletin (p.128) describes requirements for continuation in the MDiv. program including: ?The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed." After prayerful consideration, it is the decision of the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. Should you wish to return to the school at a later date. you may reapply for admission. I recommend including the following information in such an application: 1) a personal assessment of the challenges faced while you were here, 2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues, and 3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. it it would be helpful to talk with someone about this decision and possible next steps. Dr. Edgardo Colon-Emeric is glad to meet with you. Please do not hesitate to contact him directly. realize this may be difficult news. Please know you continue in my thoughts and prayers. grew. ceye garner Associate Dean for Academic Formation and Programs Cc: Dean L. Gregory Jones Todd Maberry Sheila Williams Edgardo Colon-Emeric Page 0792 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0793 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad iBuke anthersity DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA ZWCB-M7 LACEYE WARNER ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR ACADEMIC PROGRAMS BOX 00968 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF THE PRACTICE OF TELEPHONE (919) 660-3431 EVANGELISM 8 METHODIST STUDIES FACSIMILE (919) 660-3475 THE DMNITY SCHOOL E-mail. LWARFERQDIVDUKE EDU December 21, 201 ea This morning the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Thank you for submitting the letter expressing your thoughts related to continuing in the program. Your semester and overall GPA is 1.3. The 2011-2012 Divinity School Bulletin 109) describes requirements for continuation in the M.A.C.S. program which include: ?The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed." The short length of the program does not permit adequate time for recovery of such a low GPA to ful?ll the graduation requirements. As a result, it is the decision of the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. We recognize this may be difficult news to receive. Please know we support you in your continued ministry and vocational discernment. If a conversation would be helpful, you are welcome to contact me, Rev. Donna Banks, or your instructors. We are all willing to talk with you about this transition. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. You continue in our thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, guano MW Laceye Warner Cc: Dean Richard Hays Todd Maberry Sheila Williams Donna Banks Page 0795 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0796 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad (Bake liniberaitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27706-0967 6. SUJIN PAK ASSOCIATE DEAN OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Box 90967 RESEARCH OF THE HISTORY OF TELEPHONE (919) 680-3468 THE DIVINITY SCHOOL FACSIMILE (919) 6603473 Email: SPAKODIV DUKEEDU December 20, 2012 . . Yesterday, the Academic Policies Committee met and reviewed your academic record. The 2012-13 Di- vinity School Bulletin 111) describes the requirements for continuation in the MDiv program: ?MDiv and MTS students who during the ?rst year of Divinity School maintain less than a (2.0) average, in- cluding failures, ordinarily will be required to withdraw from the school.? Your current cumulative GPA is 1.175. We have considered your case very carefully. The length of the program does not permit adequate time for recovery of such a low GPA to ful?ll graduation requirements. As a result, it is the decision of the Academic Policies Committee to withdraw you ?'om the Divinity School. We recognize this may be very dif?cult news to receive. Please know that we are here to support you in your continued ministry and vocational discernment. Just because this place might not be the right place for you does not necessarily re?ect upon the truth of your call to ministry. Indeed, we are happy to talk with you about other options to support you on a path of ministerial formation and vocational discern- ment. If a conversation would be helpful, I invite you to contact me or Rev. Sally Bates. We are all will- ing to talk with you about this transition. We wish you the blessings of God?s strength and guidance in your future endeavors. Sincerely, A. gram. G. Sujin Pak Associate Dean of Academic Programs Cc: Richard Hays, Laceye Warner, Susan Jones, Kori Robins, Rhonda Parker, Sheila Williams, Sally Bates Page 0798 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0799 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad (Bake ?ni?ersitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 277080968 BOX 90968 ucsvs WARNER ILLEPHONE (919) 6603431 Dan FOR Auoswc FORMATION mu PROGRAMS FACSIMILE (919) 660-3515 IHE SCHOOL December 20, 2007 Dear In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies revrewed your academic record. Your semester and overall GPA is 1.25. The 2007-2008 Divinity School Bulletin 122) describes requirements for continuation in the M.Div. program which includes: ?The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Ifa student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed." As a result, it is the decision of the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. Should you wish to return to the school at a later date, you may reapply for admission. I recommend including the following information in that application: (1) a personal assessment of what went wrong while you were here, (2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues, and (3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Page 0801 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0802 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad ?uke Mulbersity DURHAM NORYH CAROLINA 277060868 BOX quz YELEPHODE 8603431 Assocwm DIM rout Aswan: tomnaum Pnoanma FACSIILE l9l9166N575 THE DAMITY SCHOOL E-wuL WON DUKE EDU December 16, 2009 cm In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Your semester and overall GPA is 0.0. The 200940 Divinity School Bulletin (p.114) describes the requirements for continuation in the M.Div. program including: "The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed." After prayerful consideration, it is the decision of the committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. This is not to say the Divinity School does not recognize God's call upon your life, but that there may be additional dimensions yet to be explored. Should you wish to return to the Divinity School at a later date, you may reapply for admission. I recommend including the following information in your application: 1) a personal assessment of the challenges faced while you were here, 2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues, and 3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. If it would be helpful to talk with someone about this decision, Dr. Joy Moore will make herself available to talk by phone in the coming days or weeks. Please do not hesitate to contact her directly at 919- 724-5888 (cell). Please know you continue in my thoughts and prayers. Page 0804 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0805 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad ?11k: Q?ni?ersitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0968 BOX 90%8 LACEYE WARNER (919) sec-M31 ASsocu'e DEAN FOR FORMATION Am PROGRAMS FACSIMILE (919] 660-3575 mt- SCHOOL E-MAIL: December 20, 2007 In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. Your semester and overall GPA is 0.67. The 2007-2008 Divinity School Bulletin l22) describes requirements for continuation in the M.Div. program which includes: ?The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Ifa student falls below this level he or she may be dismissed." As a result, it is the decision ofthe committee to withdraw you from the Divinity School. Should you wish to return to the school at a later date, you may reapply for admission. I recommend including the following information in such an application: (1) a personal assessment of what went wrong while you were here, (2) an outline of what you have done to address the issues, and (3) what concrete structures you have put in place to insure your academic success. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Qim?PrPl Page 0807 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad Page 0808 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Ad ASQOC ASST RESEA Duke Httihcrsitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0907 G. PAK DEAN OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS RCH PROF OF THE HISTORY OF THE. SCHOOL BOX 90967 TELEPHONE (919) 660-3468 (919) 660-3473 E-mail: TO: Date: May 13, 2013 Dear My offi it that we have discussed since you began i that all ce has now received all of the needed transcri ts to grant you the transfer of course cred- As you know, it was specifically stated transcripts were to be sent to me by or before April 1, 2013. Though my office did not actually have your Southern Methodist University transcript in hand until May 1, 2013, we are willing to accept the provided evidence that you requested the transcript to be sent on April 1, 2013 before the 5pm deadline (though you provided an incorrect email address, and hence it was un ment is able to be retrieved by us at that time). Now that this precondition for your fall enroll- ompleted, you may request at any time to return from your leave of absence to begin (C) classes. Please do so by at least August 12, 2013. Your current cumulative GPA is 1.846. Th ulletin (page 119) states the continuation require Hence, remind studies ments for the degree as the following: The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. If a student falls below this level he or she may, at the discretion of the academic dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program. my 2-18-2013 letter placed you on an involuntary leave of absence until this Fa112013. I you (from my prior 2-18-2013 letter to you) that our invitation for you to return to at Duke Divinity in Fall 2013 is contingent on these strict requirements: You may not take any incompletes in your remaining coursework at Duk (W7 School without the written consent of both the professor of the course and the Associate Dean of Academic Programs. You will strictly abide by the deadlines for all assignments in the remaining coursework of your tenure at Duke You may not receive extensions for any assignment without the written consent of both the professor of the course and the Associate Dean of Academic Programs. Late assignments will be penalized. You will hand in all assignments for your remaining coursework at Duke in hard-copy form to the professor. Your continued studies at Duke will be contingent on your successful perfor- mance in the semester in which you return. You will need to achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Furthermore, since your current cumulative GPA stands at 1.846, you are not eligible for a field education placement. The field education handbook ("Policies and Procedures,? page 12) clearly states that a student must have at least a 2.0 GPA in order to receive a field education placement. The Field Education Office accepts your CPE units from Southern Methodist University to satisfy your second field education requirement. Hence, according to our records you have satisfied all field education requirements for graduation. You are also invited to take a Limited Program upon your return to study. In the Limited Pro- gram, you would enroll in only three courses for the coming fall (instead of four). A Limited Program allows a student to enroll in three classes as a full time student, while receiving a tui- tion grant for the tuition expense of approximately one course. Sheila Williams, Director of Fi- nancial Aid, can answer specific questions you may have about how your Limited Program sta- tus impacts your financial aid. If you wish to explore reasonable accommodations to assist you in meeting the requirements of your educational program, please contact Duke's Student Disability Access Office. Information about that office and the reasonable accommodation process is available at http: Please make an appointment with Kori Robins and or me before the start of the Fall 2013 semester to discuss your transfer credits and remaining coursework needed to complete graduation requirements. Qinnorol - -3 :5 K: Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent: 13 Jun 2013 09:04:41 -0500 TozAmar, Sebastian;Bhagat, Kay H. SubjectzDuke ROC OCR staff called the Cp and said that we have interviewed people at th School and have some follow-up questions for her. We asked that she get back in touch with us as soon as possible. Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sent: 17 Jun 2013 07:35:31 -0500 T02Amar, Sebastian;Bhagat, Kay H. OCR Case No. 1 1-13-2066 Froni(b)(6); Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 1:17 AM To: Russo, Martha Subject: Re: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 I'm sorry. I did not see this prior to Thursday. I called Mr. Amar on Friday and left a message. I can schedule another time to talk if you still need to speak with me next week as well. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Sincerel From: Russo, Martha ed.gov> Cc: Amar, Sebastian Bhagat, Kay H. Sent: Mon, Jun 10,2013 4:48 pm Subject: RE: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 We?d like to speak with you about the complaint you filed with our of?ce. Can we call you on Thursday morning at 10 am? if not, is there another time that is convenient for you? Thanks, Martha Russo I Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 3:24 PM To: Russo. Martha Subject: Re: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 Thank you Fr uecn Martha (Martha Ruccn?nd - F: To: Cc: Bhagat, Kay H. Amar, Sebastian Sent: Wed. May 8, 2013 4:20 pm Subject: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 We received the voice message that you left for Kay Bhagat earlier this afternoon. I understood you to sa that your transcript was sent by the Clearinghouse to the wrong email address, and the School is not permitting you to re-enroll in the fall because it did not receive the transcript in a timely manner. If you believe that decision was somehow discriminatory or retaliatory, then you may file a new complaint with our office explaining what happened and why you think it was discriminatory. I?m afraid that at this point we cannot add that issue into the investigation we are currently investigating. Please let us know if you have other questions. Martha Russo 1. Response to Questions: Did you withdraw from any courses before fall 2012? If so, were you aware of the process for withdrawing from courses based on that past experience? Did you get the instructors? signatures when you withdrew from those earlier courses? No, I had never voluntarily withdrawn from any classes at Duke School prior to the (mam Course; consequently, I had never filled out a withdraw form or needed the signature of a professor to withdraw from a course. 2. The Dean told us that she talked with you about the incomplete withdrawal form (for Black Church Studies) being in your mailbox, along with a note from the registrar. Please provide a detailed description of that conversation. 1. The conversation in Jan of 2013 consisted of several points: A. It began with me stating that I did not feel comfortable (WHO) in the room. He was the police officer that reported the past sexual assault and that loans taken out in my name exceeded the maximum allowable under the Higher Education Act and was applied in April of the following year after I was no longer a student. He did nothing, but suggest that I get a lawyer. Consequently, I felt it was incredibly inappropriate to have his presence in a meeting regarding my grades. I asked for any other witness to this conversation other than him. Thus, he left. The conversation continued to discuss the withdrawal form for the (WW3) I presence course. The conversation consisted of the following elements: 0 confirmed tha had received my request for accommodations on Oct She confirmed she did and followed this up with an email stating she received as well. 0 I noted that no faculty or staff member in theor larger University ever stated one word to me about the complaint, which forced me to withdraw from the course on Nov. 5th, 2012. I became aware that the withdraw form was not processed after I received an email frostating the form was in my mailbox in late Dec. 0 Thus on Dec 28th, I retrieved the form which was in the file folder directly behind mine. 0 was completely unaware that the form had not been processed, nor had I seen the form prior to Dec The form had a hot pink post it on it, thus it would have been hard to miss throughout the semester. C. My final two papers in Evangelism had not been graded. informed me that the professor had not received the papers sent through the new Sakai system at Duke. (This was the first semester it was in place). 0 As soon as she informed me of this, I immediately sent additional copies of the two papers and asked why none of the professors ever asked me why I had not turned my last two papers. (This would seem unlikely that I would just not turn in the papers, since I had a in the course leading up to these papers). I also noted the long history of documented problems with the academic server. D. My final papers in both Ethics and Worship were not graded in the semester prior after i made the initial complaint either. More specifically: was given a Sept 1St deadline and it was revoked and my final paper in both of those classes was not graded. 0 She asked why I never said anything. As demonstrated in my appeal, I asked for a judicial committee review and never received it. E. That I was given permission to redo an assignment in Preaching by the professor. asked if this was still an option because it would raise my grade in the class to a B. She overturned his permission. F. The last point of contention in this conversation was that the decision to withdraw me from school was made prior to even receiving all of my grades for the semester. More specifically, my grade from the Adult class had not been recorded prior to sending the initial dismissal letter. Response: informed me that the school would do nothing about any of these issues and stated I could write an appeal. Thus, I asked that all of my school records be sent to Mrs. Rachel Hitch. And I sought out her assistance with the issues at hand. After, I spoke with Mrs. Hitch and described the conversation she summarized all of these issues raised in this meeting with the exception of the Sept 1st extension being revoked in her grade petition and letter of retaliation written on Jan 15th, which is attached as well. January 15, 2013 Ms. Kate S. Hendricks Deputy Counsel Duke University 310 Blackwell Street, 4th Floor Box 104124 Durham, NC 27710 Dear Ms. Hendricks: Our office represent "'7'57 with regard to the recent decision of the Academic Policies Committee mmittee") and Associate Dean for Academic Programs, to involuntarily MI from the Duke School. On January 9, 2013, i eceived a letler from communicating the Committee's deClsion and Wu affinnation of the decision. The lelter indicated that the Committee's dccisicn to the Duke School was due to: (1) "her overall GPA 1.666"; (2) 'concems aut [her] academic per enhance" including the timeliness of work submissions and absences' and (3) "overall failure I rti i ale in lhe larger learning experience of the class." letter references the Sc/mal Bulletin ("Bulletin as the source of authonty for the Committee's decision, Afier searching the Bulletin for any applicable guidelines, we have grave concerns aboul lhe grounds and handling of the Committee and decision to exclude from the Duke Divinity School, (I) Overall GPA January 9' 2013 lelter (see attached) references page 117 of the Bulletin which outlines the "graduation requirements" for the Master of Divinit "MDiv") degree, Unlike the other Masters programs offered at Duk School, Bulletin lists no "continuation requirements" for a grade point average in the MDiv program. Hence, there was no academic requiremenl lhat have a 2.0 GPA lo remain in school for lhia. her lasl semester. 0n the contrary, stuen aml ted to the MDiv program "whose academic work afler admis. on is not satisfactory may be placed on limited program by the Academic Policies Commiltee are required to reduce their course load to make other academic ad'u merits." emphasis added) The Committee to our knowledge did not place on a limited ro am or reuire her to make other academic adjustments. Instead, the Committee initiated Involuntary withdrawal. Thus, the Committee was non-compliant with the Duke School's own established procedures as documented in the Eullelirl and acled outside the scope of its vested authority There is no provision in the 2012-13 for an involuntary withdrawal that is applicable to W61 (W710) Involuntar withdrawal is only listed as a ossible consequence for ?rst year istudents; is in her third year of the program. Once. transfer credits are reviewed by will likely be in her ?nal semester of the MDiv program. Even if the adopted policies of the Duke School allowed for her involuntary withdraw?which they do not?such a decision by the Committee and at the beginning of her final semester would be ill-advised considering the Duke School?s actual knowledge osexual harassment issues with a previous faculty member (and retaliatory actions that followed) that caused her significant distress and contributed to her inability to complete her classwork on time. As previously evidenced, there is no GPA continuation requirement; however, even if there were, the Committee?s decision to involuntarily withdraw and affirmation of the Committee?s decision are unsupported. cumulative GPA was calculated prematurely as the Duke chool?s Acac emic Calendar lists February 1, 2013 as the ?deadline for incompletes in previous Fall Semester 2012? 6). professor, did not impose an earlier deadline for her to complete the wor ass1gned in Adult therefore, her grade should be calculated at the earlier of the completion of her missing work or February 1, 2013. informed Ithat her course in Adult although taught by a department outside the Duke School, would could towards her degree; however, in an email last week, upheld the decision of the Committee to involuntarily withdraw without considering this grade. At the very least, once the grade for this course is added to cumulative GPA, it is likely that her GPA will be significantly higher and place her on a trajectory to meet the 2.0 graduation requirement for th(b)(6)i degree. (2) Academic performance concerns A portion of current academic concern are attributable to Duke School?s handling of [complaint about a course from the (W7 Isemester. On (b11710) emailed the Office of Equity an (7 to notify them of her concerns related to her lclass. This email requested permission to take the class ass/fail or, in the alternative, asked that the ?class be co-taught with another professor.? also notes in her e-mail that a Hispanic study course would be more applicable to her expected future practice. School had the option to assigrlleG); (WW3) to another professor to assis (Wm) in resolving this issue. Although We" (Wm) as an email confirming that(b) received a copy her email and was aware of her request, . received no substantive response from the administration at Duke mSchool. onsequentl on November 5, 2012, within the prescribed timeline to withdraw rom a class during the semester 6, listing November 9, 2012 as the ?last day to withdraw with a from current fall term classes?), 101(6); (DWC) Icompleted the form requesting permission to withdraw from the I class. Although the form indicates that the course professor ultimately must sign the request, there is no indication on the form or in the Bulletin that it is the responsibility of the student to secure the signature prior to the registrar processing the request. Despite this lack of clarity, the registrar?s documented receipt of the form, and the administration's knowledge registered complaint against the professoriinstead of rocessing request--the rcgislmr attempted to returrt the withdrawal request to via the campus mailboxes. According MW WC she first became aware that the request was not processed when she retrieved the returned form on December 28, 2012 from the adjacent mail folder of the udent whose last name precedes hers alphabetically and into whose mall folder it was mi akenl aced believing she had submitted a timely request to withdraw from the . ceased attending class and did not submit the final required coursework. Th the withdrawal form accounts for both failing grade in the sin mm which she assumed she had withdrawn--and also for the "excessive absences" cited in letter. When discovered that her withdrawal request was not processed due to the missing signature requested a review of this and other assigned - ties to avoid the addit' of ermanent failing grades on her transcn'pt. In addition to the b" l" class, ti I rcceivcd a failing grade in Miss nal Church and Ev problem with uploading the assigned papers on Sakai. According to M) is ztlrend in possession of the two papers from which the grade for [his class was baced and LB. ontinues to itwttilvnolificdtimt fro regarding the grades assigned to the papers . ,t her final grade in the class, Thong (nits) tumor has had to re uest rncompletes in one or that wait was accepted and gait-a. ultimately received satisfactory grades "1 asses or which she had originally requested and received an e. To our knowledge conclusions regarding the petition for review or grade ill pending her January 9, 2013 letter only acknowledged receiptortat petition and review of the original Committee decision to involuntarily withdraw '7 (C) a 7 from them") "no programs in addition. as Duke School is well aware, the academic performance concerns outlined in Dr, Pak's January 9, 2013 letter: "freitent absences and a pattern oftakin multile incompletcs are all manifestations of We merited health i . communicated her medical conditions to the Dukschool, both ver a .t in ions of the Duke@ School's as well as the exacerbation of these conditions 3/ administration In addition (mm ("mm notified the Student Disability Access Office and began taking the appropriate steps to secure recognition of these conditions and seek "reasonable accommodations," office had actual notice of these conditions and her efforts to seek academic accommodations to deal with them. in fact her recent letter referenced her knowledge of --diasm>sis of which resulted from her alleged sexultl harassment by previou etnployee of the Duke School, l3) Panici atton tn the lat erlcarniti cx of the class This nebulous statement provides little substance for proof or challenge and appears to reiterate the Academic Policies Committee's raised above. Therefore, we respectfully request clarification on this panicular rationale prior to attempting to address it. As evidenced by this letter. was unaware that she was being considered for involuntary dismissal prior I0 arriving for classes last week Thus, she recently contacted me to review this aspect of her case. I am still in the process of reviewing her many claims. but I see the immediate need to address is --exclusion from school. As classes for this already started an expedient res lution of this issue is beneficial to all parties. respectfully requests that she be allowed to attend class pending a resolution of these concerns. Accor to the Academic Calendar in the 201243 [Julie/in, January 23, 2013 is the final day tha add courses this semester. lr she is unable to take classes this semester, and CI on Is ultimalely made in her favor, her damages will undeniably be much higher. In addition to seeking reconsideration of previous decision, we respectfully ask that review the transfer credits information which. according to is in m- possession. It is quite possible that Ms. Winger has successfu eonrp t:th enough courses to graduate this springiwith the majority of the remaining credits completed off campus. has also contacted the United States Department of Education's Office of Civil Rig ts - bul has yet to file a formal complaint with that office. Given that she may only need one class to graduates we hope this will prove unnecessary We anticipate an OCR investigation would be exten"ve due to the gender, race, and disability issues that has raised with Duke Universin for quite some time. Finallii as the Committee based its decision to involuntarily withdraw lrom {hllfil (Dll't' the Duke chool based on her grades and attendance, we are requesting copies of all academic pol h. guidelines, and requirements that support the Committee's decision to involuntarily withdraw (bltfil (DWC) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, Rachel B. Hitch Enclosures January 15, 2013 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED #7012-3050-0001-7630-8016 President Richard H. Brodhead Duke University 207 Allen Building Box 90001 Durham, NC 27708-0001 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED #7012-3050-0001-7630?8009 Kate S. Hendricks Deputy Counsel Duke University 310 Blackwell Street, 4th Floor Box 104124 Durham, NC 27710 Re: Notice to Preserve Documents for Anticipated Litigation Dear President Brodhead and Deputy Counsel Hendricks: Our office represents (WHO) a student in th4(b)(6); (WHO) I program at the School. We believe that she has claims against the School relating to sexual harassment by a staff member, involuntary Withdrawal from school in violation of policy, and the failure to accommodate cc: (bx6); (tame) Rachel B. Hitch January 15, 2013 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED #7012-3050-0001-7630-8030 President Richard H. Brodhead Duke University 207 Allen Building Box 90001 Durham, NC 27708-0001 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED #7012-3050-0001-7630-8023 Kate S. Hendricks Deputy Counsel Duke University 310 Blackwell Street, 4th Floor Box 104124 Durham, NC 27710 Re: Request for Documents Dear President Hrudhead and Deputy Counsel Hendrick . Our oflice represent Student Identification numb (W ,a student in the (W (Wm) program at the Duke School. We believe that she has claims against Duke University and the Duke School relating to her participation as a student in the program In a separate letter dated January 14, 2013, we have noticed Duke University and the Dukem School of these potential claims and informed Duke University and the Duke Divinity School not to destroy, conceal or alter any documents which are relevant or may reasonably be expected to lead to admissible evidence in litigation of claims. In addition, we notified Duke university and the Duke School not to destroy any tangible or electronic documents, or electronic files and other data generated by or stored on the university's computers and storage media hard disks, floppy disks, hackrup tapes), or any other electronic data such as email or voice mail, relating to perlormance in the program, her sexual harassment complaint against a former staff mem er, or her requests for accommodations. We now request, pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privac Act zo uszg, that Duke University and the Duke School provide to us entire education record. Enclosed is a written release from Ms. Wingergiving her consent for such disclosure. FERPA has defined "educatian record" as "those records, files, documents, and other materials which contain information directly related to a student and are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a person acting for such agency or institution." Therefore, we request, in addition to formal student record, any and all electronic mails, voice mails, memoranda, other correspondence, or any other record, wherever located, relating in addition, a was involuntarily withdrawn from the Duke School due to grade and attendance request a copy of each and every academic policy, guideline, and requirements that supports the Academic Policies Cammiltee's decision to involuntarily withdraw (W5) (DKV --education record can be mailed to our offices at 19 w. Hargett St, Suite moo, Raleigh, NC 27601 or faxed to (919] 821-9015. Sincerely yours, RBan CC wwnmaw) Enclosure Rachel B. Hitch 2. Fro Sent: un I - 8:54:07 -0400 T0:Russo, Martha;Bhagat, Kay H.;Amar, Sebastian Subject:Re: OCR Case No. l-13-2066 Attachments:Ashley.docx Please see the following attachment. Thank you all very much for all that you have done to help with this issue thus far. i appreciate it more than imaginable. Again, I profusely apologize that was unable to speak in person. Please do not hesitate to call if there is confusion with the attachment. Sincerely, Frr?m' Martha (Martha =d_gov> To Cc: Bhagat, Kay H. Amar, Sebastian Sent: Mon, Jun 24, 2013 11:38 am Subject: FW: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 (C) Given the difficulties we've had coordinating a time to talk, we ask that your respond to the following questions by July 8, 2013. Did you withdraw from any courses before fall 2012? If so, were you aware of the process for withdrawing from courses based on that past experience? Did you get the instructors? signatures when you withdrew from those earlier courses? The Dean told us that she talked with you about the incomplete withdrawal form (for being in your mailbox, along with a note from the registrar. Please provide a detailed description of that conversation. Thank you, Martha Russo From1(b)(6); Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 10:32 AM To: Bhagat, Kay H. Subject: Re: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 I?m so sorry the past confusion. I'm available all day today. 9-3 tomorrow. And all day everyday for the rest of the week. I can call and set up an appt. if that would better. Sincerel --?--Original From: Bha at, Kay H. Q?rg? Cc: Amar, Sebastian Russo, Martha Sent: Thu, Jun 20, 2013 8:50 am Subject: RE: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 Please give us times and dates when you are available so that we can schedule a call. Best, Kay From: Sent: To: Bhagat, Kay H. Subject: Re: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 Can we do this tomorrow? I'll call again and leave a message. What is the best number to make sure I get a hold of everyone? I'm not getting through. My number i I've charged my phone and will keep it with me at all times to ensure we speak. I'm so . ave not been able to speak. Anytime before next Tuesday is fine with me. Sincerely, From: Bha at, Ka H. To Cc: Amar, Sebastian Russo, Martha Sent: Mon, Jun 17,2013 4:02 pm Subject: RE: OCR Case No. 11-13?2066 De Are you available for a call on Wednesday (the at 10:00am? Best, Kay Sent: Saturday, June 15,2013 1:17 AM To: Russo, Martha Subject: Re: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 I'm sorry. I did not see this prior to Thursday. I called Mr. Amar on Friday and left a message. I can schedule another time to talk if you still need to speak with me next week as well. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Sincerel --?--Original From: Russo, Martha To Cc: Amar, Sebastian Bhagat, Kay H. Sent: Mon, Jun 10, 2013 4:48 pm Subject: RE: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 We?d like to speak with you about the complaint you ?led with our office. Can we call you on Thursday morning at 10 am? If not, is there another time that is convenient for you? Thanks, Martha Russo Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 3:24 PM To: Russo, Martha Subject: Re: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 Thank you From: Russo, Martha To Cc: Bhagat, Kay H. Amar, Sebastian Sent: Wed, May 8, 2013 4:20 pm Subject: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 We received the voice message that you left for Kay Bhagat earlier this afternoon. I understood you to say that your transcript was sent by the Clearinghouse to the wrong email address, and the Divinity School is not permitting you to re-enrol in the fall because it did not receive the transcript in a timely manner. If you believe that th $95552?? School?s decision was somehow discriminatory or retaliatory, then you may file a new complaint with our office explaining what happened and why you think it was discriminatory. I'm afraid that at this point we cannot add that issue into the investigation we are currently investigating. Please let us know if you have other questions. Martha Russo Sent:2 Jul 2013 12240: 10 ?0400 T0:Russo, Martha;Amar, Sebastian;Bhagat, Kay H. Subject: I apologize that I did not place this information in my earlier response. I limited it to the conversation that occurred on Jan 8th. On the Feb. 15th: stated that the withdrawal form was not processed, because I turned it in past the mid-point in the semester. Please note that the mid-point in the semester was Nov. 9th, (stated on the form itself and on page 6 in the Bulletin) which meant I actually turned the form in 4 days early. When I brought this up to her and showed her the grade petition written on Jan 15th by Mrs. Hitch documenting this, she informed me she had already made her decision. Thus, her reasoning for not processing this went against the policy outlined in the Bulletin. On the Evangelism class when I showed her the OIT reports demonstrating the interruptions in service, was told that although they could not prove I did not send the second paper on time, she heard a hearsay argument that was working on the 3rd paper after the due date, thus they would not grade either paper. And despite the fact that in the appeal according to the Bulletin the authority lies with the professor, she overturned the Preaching professor?s permission given in writing prior to make corrections to an assignment. And lastly, she refused to hear anything about the two F's that were recorded the semester prior because the extension was revoked. This went against the policy mandated on page 111. Despite the fact I request a judicial committee review within the 30 day mandated period back in August to address the problem, which she ignored. Kate Hendricks FromzKate Hendricks Sent: 19 Jul 2013 15:21:46 +0000 TozRusso, Martha Ccthagat, Kay H.;Amar, Sebastian SubjectzRE: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 Martha just to update you - we are collecting the info and are aiming to have it to you by Tuesday or Wednesday of next Kate 5. Hendricks Deputy University Counsel Duke University 310 Blackwell Street, 4th Floor Durham, North Carolina 27701 Mailing Address: Duke University Office of Counsel Box 104124 Durham, North Carolina 27710 Phone: (919)684-3955 Fax: (919)684?8725 From: Russo, Martha Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:26 PM To: Kate Hendricks Cc: Bhagat, Kay H. Amar, Sebastian Subject: RE: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 Thanks, Kate. I appreciate it. From: Kate Hendricks Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 2:24 PM To: Russo, Martha Subject: RE: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 Martha will follow up with Dean Pak and get back to you as soon as Kate S. Hendricks Deputy University Counsel Duke University 310 Blackwell Street, 4th Floor Durham, North Carolina 27701 Mailing Address: Duke University Office of Counsel Box 104124 Durham, North Carolina 27710 Phone: (919)684-3955 Fax: (919)684-8725 From: Russo, Martha Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 12:32 PM To: Kate Hendricks Cc: Bhagat, Kay H. Amar, Sebastian; Stephanie Mazzerina Subject: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 Kate, When we spoke wit (W7 she explained ho WW0) dishonesty about the withdrawal form was a factor in not granting her a withdrawal for the Black Church Studies class. Could you please let us know whether in the past three academic years (2012-2013; 2011-2012; and 2010-2011) any other student in the Divinity program has been sanctioned in any way for dishonesty (including for academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism)? If so, for each such student, please provide a brief explanation of the situation and how the University responded and whether the student raised any complaints of discrimination prior to the sanction. If the student was sent anything in writing about the situation (such as a letter informing him or her of the sanctions), please include a copy of that record (feel free to redact the student?s name). We would appreciate a response as soon as possible. Thank you, Martha Martha L. Russo Senior Attorney Office for Civil Rights. DC Regional Office US. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW. Washington. DC 20202-1475 (214) 661-9622 Russo, Martha FromzRusso, Martha Sentz23 Jul 2013 15:57:56 -0500 Tothagat, Kay H.;Amar, Sebastian Subject:FW: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 Attachments:KH report (July 23, 2013).pdf, KH supporting docs.pdf From: Kate Hendricks Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 3:39 PM To: Russo, Martha Subject: OCR Case No. 11-13-2066 Martha - please find enclosed additional information from Dean Pak in response to your request. Please let me know if you have questions or need additional information. Kate 5. Hendricks Deputy University Counsel Duke University 310 Blackwell Street, 4th Floor Durham, North Carolina 27701 Mailing Address: Duke University Office of Counsel Box 104124 Durham, North Carolina 27710 Phone: (919)684-3955 Fax: (919)684-8725 TO: RE: ASSOCIATE DEAN OF ACADEMIC PROGRAMS ASST RESEARCH PROF OF THE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANTIY Duke Humor-sift), DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0967 G. SUJIN PAK BOX 90967 TELEPHONE (919) 660.3468 FACSIMILE (919) 660-3473 E-mail: THE SCHOOL Kate Hendricks Deputy University Counsel Duke University Requested info from Martha Russo DATE: July 23, 2013 Dear Ms. Hendricks and Ms. Russo, This document is compiled in response to the following request sent from Ms. Russo to Ms. Hendricks in a July 17 email: ?Could you please let us know whether in the past three academic years (2012-2013; 2011-2012; and 2010-201 1) any other student in the Divinity program has been sanctioned in any way for dishonesty (including for academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism)?? have compiled documentation for 7 cases: 3 from the prior tenure of my colleague Dr. Laceye Warner as aca- demic dean and 4 from this past year 2012-13. (I began my tenure as academic dean in July 2012.) In this letter I will provide a brief accounting of each case. SOME CONTEXT: The typical way my office handles plagiarism or other academic misconduct cases is on a case-by-case basis and takes into consideration the egregiousness of the offense. If the plagiarism is found to be a kind of ?soft? plagiarism out of ignorance, cultural differences for international students), the student may be given the chance to rewrite the assignment and pass the course. If the offense is found to be more serious, the student fails the course. A middle option is that the student fails the assignment (and potentially could still pass the course). Decisions for the consequences of academic misconduct are nego? tiated between the professor of the course and the academic dean, with the professor of the course initially stating his/her preference as to how to proceed. Decisions usually follow the preference of the professor. CASES 1?3: I have no knowledge of the exact details or dealings of these cases beyond what is stated in the at- tached letters, as they were handled before I was in office. CASE 1: The student plagiarized the final assignment in the Christian Ethics 33 course (required core course). The consequences were that the student failed both the assignment and the class. The student was warned that another offense of academic misconduct would most likely result in dismissal. CASE 2: The student is found guilty of plagiarism in XTIANTHE 200 (theology elective) and allowed to rewrite the assignment and given the possibility of passing the course. The student is required to visit the Writing Center. CASE 3: The student plagiarized a paper in the OLDTEST 12 course (required core course). The conse- quences were that the student failed the course, had to rewrite the assignment, and must visit the Writing Center. CASE 4: The student plagiarized the final and main assignment in CHURHST 260 (church history elective). The student turned in the assignment in August in the attempt to an incomplete for this Spring course. The consequence was that the student failed the course. I called the student for a meeting in my office on Wed, Aug 22. The professor of the course was not available for the meeting, so I called the student?s fac- ulty advisor in to join us for that meeting. We sat the student down and asked the student about his pro- cess for writing the final paper in this course. We then informed the student of the egregious plagiarism found in the document and asked for an explanation. The student confessed to the act and showed real remorse, grief and embarrassment. I informed the student of the consequences for the offense (as stated above) and warned the student that that another offense of academic misconduct would most likely result in dismissal. CASE 5: The student took pictures of her study notes for her Old Testament ?nal exam and stored them in her phone. The professor of the class caught the student looking at these notes on her phone as she took her final exam. The professor con?scated the phone and brought it directly to me. We found the notes on her phone and kept a copy of the pictures for our records. Because the student showed very sincere contrition, the professor was willing to allow the student to retake the exam. CASE 6: The student was found guilty of plagiarism in his Old Testament paper. The consequence was that the student failed the assignment and in effect failed the course. The failure for the course was not simply based on the plagiarized paper; the student?s work in the course had already been problematic, and the student was already at risk of failure. The student was strongly urged to work on his writing through read- ing some recommended sources and visiting the Writing Center. The professor of the course brought the paper to me with the evidence of plagiarism. I wrote an email inviting the student for a conversation in my office; the professor was also present. We sat the student down and asked the student about his pro- cess for writing papers. We then informed the student of the egregious plagiarism found in his OT paper and asked for an explanation. The student explained that he took notes from the sources and the sources were recalled, and so he wrote his paper directly from his notes without realizing that his notes were taken verbatim (and thus his writing was verbatim from the sources). The student showed real remorse and em- barrassment. I informed the student of the consequences for the offense (as stated above) and warned the student that that another offense of academic misconduct would most likely result in dismissal. CASE 7 [still pending]: One of the TAs for the Christian Ethics required course (Spring 2013) emailed me and the professor of the course alerting us about the problematic behavior of a student in the course. The stu- dent displayed a pattern of emailing the TA claiming to attach the assignment, but in fact it would not be attached. Eventually the student would reply to requests for the assignment and attach it to a later email (usually several days to a week later). It was discovered that the student had been behaving in this manner in several prior classes?in another Spring 2013 course in Methodism, in the Fall 2012 core course in Theology and in my Spring 2012 core course in Church History. The full picture of this was discovered when classes were already out and her grade already submitted for the Spring 2013 Ethics course. By that time students had already left for the summer, so 1 made the decision that I will call this student into my office first thing this Fall 2013 to discuss this matter. Consequences will in some way be decided based upon the student?s reaction, but regardless, I will be requiring the student to hand in all assignments in her courses for the next year (2013-14) by hard copy, and I will be informing her instructors that she must abide by this rule. To my knowledge, no student in any of these cases raised any prior or subsequent complaint about discrimination. 1 am happy to answer any questions that you might have about these cases. I hope this letter and its corresponding attachments satisfy your request for information. Sincerely, A. G. Sujin Pak ca fluke Izltti?eraitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708-0968 BOX 90968 LACEYE WARNER TELEPHONE (919) 660-3431 Assocms DEAN FOR ACADEMIC FORMATION AND PROGRAMS FACSIMILE (919) 660-3575 THE DIVINITY SCHOOL DUKE EDU May 5, 2009 Dear This mornin and I met in Iofl' 'l5am to discuss your ?nal paper assignment in msttan Ethics 33. my assistant, sent email correspondence to several addresses presence. You neither responded to the emails with a reason for your inability to meet. nor did you meet with us this morning. The matter we wished to discuss relating to your ?nal paper assignment is a question of academic integrity within the scope ofthe Divinity School's Conduct Covenant. The evidence demonstrates a signi?cant amount of material in your paper appears--verbatim in most cases and revised in others--in published materials of both hard and electronic versions without appropriate citations. As a result ofyour absence, 1 am left to adjudicate this case based simply on the evidence as a charge ol?plagiarism. The consequence for this infraction of the Conduct Covenant is a failing grade for the assignment as well as the course. lfanother situation ot'similar circumstances emerges of inappropriate use of published materials presented as your own. the consequences would in most cases include your involuntary withdrawal from the .Div. degree program. Since Christian Ethics 33 is a core course in the M.Div. degree program. you are required to complete the course with a passing grade ol?C or higher. though there is a possibility you may complete a similar course for credit at an ATS accredited theological school with a grade of or higher to be transferred to your record at the Divinity School. Please know that I am available to talk with you about these circumstances at your initiative. Dean Wells. Rev. Thompson. and I care about you and want to offer our support as you pursue the call God has placed upon your life. I hope that you will allow us to support you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sincerely. Cc: I Casez j?ukc Iqui?ursitg NORTH CAROLINA 277030968 BOX 90968 LACEYE WARNER TELEPHONE (919) 660-3431 Dem kcaoemc FORMAIICN AND PROGRAMS FACSIMILE (919) 66041575 THE DiViNiTv SCHOOL DUKEEDU April 24, 2008 . You have been found guilty of plagiarism. As we discussed this is a very serious matter. nd I appreciate your responsiveness in meeting with us and identifying this wrong choiceoutlined next steps for you to re-write the assignment. 1) Ioutlined steps for you to re-write the assignment. The assignment should be turned in by Sam Thursday, May 1, 2008. You still have the opportunity to pass 200 contingent upon satisfactory completion of the above. 2) You are required to visit the Writing Center for guidance on this paper in order to devote special attention to citation practices. Sincerely, b6;b7C Case 3 :13qu gdltihm?sitg DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27708 0988 BOX 90968 (919) 660-343? ASSOCIATE Dam For: Fomurion .mo PROGRAMS (919) THE SCHOOL E-MM- DUKE EDD April 28, 2008 Dear (no) As and I discussed with you today, your paper from OLDTEST 12 includes plagiarize materials. A matter which the university and School take with utmost seriousness. As a result, you will receive the grade of? or LDTEST 12. You will also need to retake the class next year in order to graduate. To encourage your responsible use of citations: 1) You are to redo the assignment for no credit. The assignment should be turned in (via email or hard copy) to Dr. Chapman and me by noon on Friday, August 22, 2008. 2) You are required to visit Dan Rhodes in the Writing Center to assist you in preparing the revision in which secondary materials are properly cited. Sincerelv Cc: Case Subject: request Dea There is a matter of importance th needs to discuss with you. 1e reauests that you meet with her this coming Wed, August 22, at 9:30 am in her of?ce. Her of?ce is located in the (C) Please con?rm that you can attend this meeting. Sincerelv. Programs of?ce in DUKE (C624) SCHOOL CHURHST 260 Durham, North Carolina, May 11, 2012. - it.? Com/m .. tun/?314 Md 5 From; Sent: W12 2:24 PM To: Cc: Subject: academic misconduct Dea Thank you for a dif?cult but good talk yesterday. As we discussed, your conduct during the OT exam was truly deplorable, and I have no recourse but to cOnsider your exam a failed one because of your absolutely egregious cheating. This kind of academic misconduct is not only a matter of breaking a rule, it shatters the community of trust and respect that we share with each other. Having said that, I did appreciate the dif?culty of the situation that you described to me and how willing you were to take responsibility for what you did. Shouldering that kind of responsibility is a necessary trait for effective ministry and church leadership. I am hoping that this experience will therefore be a wake-up call to you, that you will realize perhaps more deeply than you have before just how easily sin can take advantage of our weakness, confusion and indecision. You must learn to be more vigilant and ensure that you simply do not do anything like this again--certainly while you are a student at Duke, but also afterwards as you minister and serve the church. So, as we discussed, I am willing to give you a second chance on the exam. Please be in touch with me as soon as you return from winter break, and I will give you a make-up ?nal. The exam will be based on the same study sheet that you have previously received, but the questions will be different from those you saw yesterday. There will also be less choice on the exam. But I will select terms from the same list and provide you with essay questions on the same range of topics. I hope that you will make use of this opportunity gratefully and seriously. There is no guarantee here that you will necessarily pass the course, but if you study hard-~and you should now have the time you need--I think you will have a good chance of making it through successfully. In the meantime, I will submit a grade of "incomplete" for you for now. After you complete the exam--or if you do not complete the exam at the beginning of next semester--I will ask the registrar to change that designation to a letter grade that re?ects the overall quality of your work for the fall semester. Grace and peace, (Ca 9 Sent: Thursdav. December 13 20 2:40 PM To; Cc: Subject: RE: academic misconduct Du 53(6); am sorry to hear of this situation. And am glad to see it reach both a just solution that holds accountabilitv, but also a solution that allows for repentance and redemption. would like to sit down with you, not to put salt in the wound, but to be certain you understand the expectations I have for you from my office. I do not want to interfere with any further exams or papers that you might have at this time. And please be assured that my with you will not be placing upon you any further penalties. But I would like to have a conversation sometime soon. Ideally, l'd like to meet with you either this Fri or this coming {\londay, both of which are quite open my calendar. Please reply to this email and schedule a time with me for about 30 minutes. My office is in the 108 Gray Suite. l'hanks, I Sent: Thursda Dec 012 2:24 PM To Cc Subject: academic misconduct Dee Thank you for a dif?cult but good talk yesterday. As we discussed, your conduct during the OT exam was truly deplorable, and I have no recourse but to consider your exam a failed one because of your absolutely egregious cheating. This kind of academic misconduct is not only a matter of breaking a rule, it shatters the community of trust and respect that we share with each other. Having said that, I did appreciate the difficulty of the situation that you described to me and how willing you were to take responsibility for what you did. Shouldering that kind of responsibility is a necessary trait for effective ministry and church leadership. I am hoping that this experience will therefore be a wake-up call to you, that you will realize perhaps more deeply than you have before just how easily sin can take advantage of our weakness, confusion and indecision. You must learn to be more vigilant and ensure that you simply do not do anything like this again--certainly while you are a student at Duke, but also aftenNards as you minister and serve the church. 50, as we discussed, I am willing to give you a second chance on the exam. Please be in touch with me as soon as you return from winter break, and I will give you a make-up ?nal. The exam will be based on the same study sheet that you have previously received, but the questions will be different from those you saw yesterday. There will also be less choice on the exam. But I will select terms from the same list and provide you with essay questions on the same range of topics. I hope that you will make use of this opportunity gratefully and seriously. There is no guarantee here that you will necessarily pass the course, but if you study hard--and you should now have the time you need--I think you will have a good chance of making it through successfully. Case From: Sent: on av 3 19-48 PM To: Cc: Subject: follow up Deal Thank you for your attendance at our meeting today to discuss your final grade in the Intro OT class, with focus on issues in your final paper. Thank you for your receptiveness of the issues raised, your contrite response, and your intention to seek support in your writin skills. I strongly encou rage vou to Spend the summer reading several of the resources suggested by (Mum and working with (mm (WHO) in the Writing Center. Please be advised that a second violation of plagiarism on your record will be reason for dismissal. Please know that the conversation in my office today is confidential and that upon successful graduation, all of these files will be shredded, and there will be no indication on your permanent record. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything my office might do to support you. Sincerely, To: (Ditfil . Sn w- rlSlan is ina Paper I) hit 1 Please see the below email that 1 just received trom- Though lain glad to have finally received her paper, I am deeply troubled - conduct. in her email. she promises that she finished her papcr on Monday. 4/22. hut il'yoii look at tlte Word Document statistics she did not even begin writing that document until [2:32 PM on the day that it was due. She then spent |007 nlintltes editing the document. which translates to 16.78 hours. Therefore. when she emailed me at 1 1:13 PM on Monday. 4/2 claiming to have attached her paper: it is mathematically impossible that she was done cdlting it. So when she wrote just now promising that she finished her paper last Monday. 4/22. she was almost certainly lying. I wouldn't have checked into this so thoroughly unless had I to expect this pattern of he vior. Although I've already emailed this inrormaiion report it here to you. in order to explain my suspicions. i went no at my emails. and I reali/ed that earlier in also to have attached her working paper for precept on 1/24 in an entailr She nt it in the next day alter I entailed her a reminder. Similarly. she didn't send me her final paper proposal until several days utter it was due. following a few reminder entails from me. At the time, i didn't tllink much ot'either ot'tllose incidents. as she still presented a decent working paperr and the paper proposal wasn't even a graded assignment (just meant to get the writin - process started). However, after looki the statistics from those documents (just as described above), I was able to ascertain tha probably didn't start writing her working paper until after she sent me her email saying that it was attached. (Similarly. thouglt again this is much less serious. she wrote her paper proposal several days alter I originally emailed asking for it). 1 generally try to be an understanding willing to work with students in order to facilitate their success. However. I alu deeply troubled by the idea ot'this kind ot'situation still resulting in a student likely passing their required "introduction to Christian Ethics" course for thcir .tnh degree here at Duke In good conscience. i could not go without emailing you two. l'ni sorry to bother you both yet again at the and ot'the semester. and I hope that I'm not being unreasonable (even am a bit upset by the idea ofa student habitually Iving to me throughout the semester). Please do let me know what you think the best course ot'acnon is, Peace. Its. Also. although it seems rather unfathomable that a graduate student wouldn't check their email {or over it week nround finals. 1 should add that I also textcd-on 4/24 asking for her paper. At the beginning ofthe semester, I asked for all my students to give me their contact info in case a situationjust like this arose. PRIOR EMAILS On May 1. 2013, at 1:17 (Wm) wrote: Dea1E32?? I 1 hope this email ?nds you doing well. I was glad to see you at the ?nal exam yesterday, but I am a bit concerned that you have not returned any ol?the emails I have sent over the past 8 days. I'm emailing now timetable for you turning in the ?nal paper for Christian Ethics that was due on Monday, April 22. I've ce' who has been aware ofthis situation. I spoke with him again yesterday, and he has agreed that 1 can accept a paper tumed in before the end of the semester with only a deduction oftwo letter grades. I've also ee'd because I am growing concerned about your lack of email correspondence over the past 8 days. Your original email on 4/22 claimed that your paper was attached. When I saw that it was not attached. I emailed you on 4/23 requesting that you send it along. assuming that you had just forgotten to attach it. Since you have not responded to that email or any ofmy emails since then, I do not know how to get in touch with you. Perhaps knows ofa way to facilitate communication. I hope that we can resolve this quickly. You did well on your midterm and working paper. and you can still do well in the class if you turn in a good final paper (two letter grade deductions off a a er worth 30% of your ?nal grade only affects your final grade by 6 points). I, along with (DWC) an (mmc) very much want you to succeed. Please be in touch about how we can help make that happen. Peace mm . On 1&3. (My 2, 2013 at 1:35 wrote: Deamc)? I I still haven't heard anything from you. I checked with and and ifl don't receive a paper from you by 1 1:59 PM tomorrow (Friday) evening, then I Will unfortunately have to give you a 0 for that assignment. I will be able to make no exceptions. If you don?t turn in your paper by then. you will unfortunately fail the course. I hope to hear from you soon, and to receive a paper before tomorrow night. Peace. 9' (b11710) From. Subje . Date: To. This is ?iterally the first time I've check my e-mail in over a week! I am very embarrassed that I did not see your e-mails regarding my paper. Here is my paper. I understand its tardiness warrants a grade deduction, and I will be glad to meet with to explain to him what happen. I promise I ?nished my paper last Monday, but ljust int see your e-mails. I really appreciate that you tried to contact me so many times. I just hate that I neglected my e-mail responsibilities in the midst of reading week and ?nals stress. Please let me know if there is anything need to do in regards to meeting witl?bxsli Ior??m II apologize for inconveniencing you with this mess up. Grace and Peace. FOLLOW UP: 6; On May 6. 2013. at 5:16 wrote: 1i, What was verdict on this? I agree that the behavior is problematic and should be addressed. Indeed, I recall that she did the exact thing in my Church I listory class. that time, we did not have quite such substantial proof, but I considered pursuing it. Just let me know it. Dr. Verhey thinks this warrants me calling her in. 'l?hanks, From: Subject: Re: Christian Ethics Final Paper Date: May 6, 2013 5:28:11 PM EDT To: Dea Thank you for following up on this. (DWC) decided to accept the aer with the two-letter grade penalty. which means that she passe course with a (W7 agreed that should lnenlion lhis troubling pallcm ot' behavior in an email to her. which I did (with her ee on). However, I'm troubled lo hear lhal you had Ihis experience with her in vour Church Hislory class. especiall because or Fromybxe); Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 11:12 AM T0%x6x Sub] ns an Ethics Final Paper Thanks for following up on this, I plan to call a meeting with ?rst thing in the Fall. I decided to wait until the Fall, but I do intend to hold her accountable about this. I may ask you to join in that meeting, if you are willing and this seems appropriate. Thanks, Cp: The Complainant alleged that she was retaliated against because she raised complaints of sex and race discrimination when the University involuntarily withdrew her from the Divinity program in January 2013; and failed to process her withdrawal request from (WHO) course in lat of June 4, 2013 OCR: Kay Bhagat and Martha Russo Other individual present: Kate Hendricks OCR explained her rights, and she chose to have Kate present. Dean (bX interview questions 1. Current title [Associate Dean]. How long have you held that position? She is the Associate Dean of (W7 Programs since prior to that, she was the gig); at Duke. 2. When did you first come into contact with the Cp? She believe she wrote we had to make sure she was finishing the incomplete and we had a discussion about the deadline. She believes the first correspondence was about that and she wrote her an e-mail reminding her to get incompletes in. 3. We understand that on the Cp contacted the University?s Office of Institutional Equity to complain that she had been denied a field education placement due to gender discrimination. Were you aware of that complaint? When did you become aware of it? Actually, she doesn?t think she was aware of that until very recently. She was aware if in January 2013 "when all of the rest of the stuff came up.? 4. We also understand that on the Cp reported to the Student Disability Access Office that she and 20 other students had been sexually assaulted by a dean at the School [the Executive Director of Duke?s Disability Management System called a University police captain to talk to the Cp and also reported the allegations to the Office of Institutional Equity]. Were you aware of that complaint? When did you become aware of it? She was only aware of that when she met with her in person she thinks sometimes in theof 5 he mentioned this off-hand in their conversation with the incomplete. The was sympathetic, but said she didn?t know anything about that. Did she mention that she reported to the School? She may have, but she didn?t understand it fully. She knew that she had a complaint, that she told the field head office that was uncomfortable and didn?t want to interact with She doesn?t think she understood at that time that there was a formal complaint filed with OIE about these issues. When did you learn of the formal complaint? She doesn?t know if she that at any point until today she knew a formal complaint with OIE about the black church studies class - because she copied her on an e?mail on October She knew she had a complaint, but not realize that formal complaint filed she has had a number of complaints; this is within a larger spectrum of a number of complaints that she had. The only one she knew of was She knew that was formal in the sense that she copied her on an email to Clinton. 5. The Cp also filed a complaint with OIE on October 29, 2012, alleging thatlwxeli I class is racially discriminatory. Were you aware of that complaint? When did you become aware of it? See above. 6. We saw the academic regulations (in Bulletin of Duke University 2012-13, School, p. 119) that students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 to continue in the program. How long has that policy been in place? "Oh Dear," I don?t know that I do. She thinks it has been in place for at least a decade as long as she has been involved in Duke. 7. The Bulletin indicates that if a student falls below a 2.0, he may be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence, or asked to participate in a limited program (no more than 3 courses). Dismissal means you cant come back unless you reapply have to go through formal application process to come back. A LOA is designed because they take into consideration the larger circumstances at play. For example, if someone had other extenuating circumstances, they will give them some grace, benefit of the doubt and give them another chance and they usually have them write her a letter to explain what they are doing to make them prepared and then let them come back. They don?t have to reapply, they can come back and study. Difference between dismissal and academic withdrawal? Not really the dismissal can be for any reason - such as an administrative withdrawal not based on academic reason (such as grievance other than academic reason severe case of ethical misconduct), but academic withdrawal isjust based on academic. a. What is the process when a student falls below a 2.0? Within the first semester, they have an academic policy committee - committee of a number of administrators who review student records and if students have lots of incompletes on records, they review each of these cases individually and try to have people there who know the student so they are not just looking at the criteria but seeing what the student is struggling with. They review each case individually and decide on the best solution answer for each situation. The factors about why something might lead to a dismissal salvageable it is sometimes ethical judgment not want a student in a program that s/he is not going to succeed with. If there is a pattern of not performing wlel and a pattern of incompletes and withdrawals - which is what the Cp falls into. Depending on the larger picture, how low the GPA is someone might be dismissed or given probation where they have 1 semester to pull their GPA up to 2.0. even if it is below 2.0, but a significant improvement, they might give them another chance, but might continue on academic probation. They usually do pull up the GPA until they are enough above the 2.0 to continue. They have a flat tuition rate -so that will take 3 instead of 4 classes on probation -so invite them on a limited program to set them up for success to give them a better ability to pull up their classes and get a better GPA and give them a tuition discount to remedy the lost cost of the classes. Is there a particular level of GPA that is too low? 0 Depends on how many years of the program left. The Cp is a difficult, complex case because waiting for transcript in. w/o the transcript, had a year and 1/2 left and with transcript, had a year. With a first year student, 1.33, they consider that way too low to be salvageable, but it is a judgment call. If not able to do that well, they had to be getting As and 85 to pull that up sufficiently ?which is unreasonable to ask a student doing a 1.333 or below. Are there other factors beyond the ones we discussed above? 0 Not usually but really making decisions based on academics. If there are larger behavioral issues, that falls under a different category a different kind of dismissal - which falls under a separate process. The attitude is to try to create a space where they are successful. The only way that is different is that 2 of the people dismissed I l-they were 2d career students in which there were other programs better suited for their situation; they don?t formally say, look at these programs, but in a conversation she may say that another program would be better viewed. Tried to keep it focus on academic problems. ls program and limited program option the same thing? 0 It can be. Anyone who is below 2.00 - they are on academic probation. The question is whether their larger circumstances deem the need for limited program. It is never that clean. Academic behavior can be influenced by larger, emotional issues. They have those things that can come up. They are often tied together don?t have to be together. 8. We saw that you notified the Cp on December 20 that her GPA was 1.66 and the Academic Policies Committee had met and reviewed her record. Who was on that Committee? The typical committee is the core professors. Usually a dismissal happens w/in the first year. If you look at her GPA if not count 04 classes, she would have been under the 2.0 GPA. She has been floating because of these 2004 GPA classes. Usually about 3 professors, herself, her registrar, director of admissions fin aid field education black church office. It is made up of the key administrators of the divinity schools and 4 faculty who are very much in touch with first year students because it is usually first year students. About 2/3 into the semester, her office sends out an email to core courses professors to ID any struggling students to have on their radar and they find out the students at risk of failure or doing poorly and that is at least a month at the end of the semester to give them some support. They try to be proactive to make sure they will make it as much as possible. Was someone on the Cp?s committee familiar with her? The said she is very familiar with her at that point - met with her. The registrar has worked very closely with her (W7 and he was working with her from day 1 at least those two. Also, the Cp requested Rhonda, who is very fair. She felt that the academic and field issues were clearly covered. Did her complaints of discrimination come up? No, we discussed those not at all. We talked about her academic record; her pattern of withdrawals and every semester taking incompletes and that her GPA was below 2.0 from the begnnign except for 2004 and by December 2012, she was at a 1.66 because at that time the course was another incomplete. From their perspective, pattern of GPA, incompletes, and withdrawals was a serious indication. The only reason she wasn?t up from the 2 years was the 2004. It was all simply about GPAs, withdrawals, and incompletes - she can say "with certainty? we did not discuss anything about complaints. The committee was not aware of any of that. It is GPA number 1 plulse the larger pattern. 9. We reviewed a list of students in the program whose GPAs had fallen below 2.0 at any time between fall 2010 and spring 2013. Before you became the associate dean in July 2012, were you involved in decisions about how to handle those students? Yes, she had been on the academic policies committee meeting for at least 2 years prior to becoming associate dean. 10_ we saw tha warning. Why was that? had a 1.67 cumulative GPA in Fall 2012 but was only issued a She is first year it complicated as deciding whether the CP had 1 or 1 V2 years left. had 2 years left to pull up her GPA and she had large personal issues. She was going to put her on a LOA, but she chose to place herself the year. That is why they said okay ?we understand you are struggling you?ve got 2 more years, we?ll put you on a probation. With her not pulling it up, she herself requested to put herself on a LOA. They said okay. if a student recognizes their problems and needs, they will work with them and try to give as much sympathy and grace as possible. If she hadn?t said that herself, they might have dismissed her. But, she said let me have some discernment time and decide whether they can come back. They prefer to operate when students decide for themselves they should have some discernment time. Back in the fall, that was due to her having 2 more years and personal issues? Yes, it is mostly because she had 2 more years to pull it up. 1.6 is really borderline. The Cp really had 1 year because they had promised that they would give her the transfer credits and were waiting for the transcripts so they were working on their promise. She might have had even less than a year?s courses only 6 more courses to take and to pull this off? not even 8. 11. Similarly had a 1.67 cumulative GPA in Fall 2012 and also was issued only a warning. Why? 12. (WHO) - 1.866 GPA and just a warning. They were both in their first eyar of the program. The decision to put them on warning was that it was their very first semester and both barely pulled up to a 2.0 this spring, so they are in good shape. 13. (W7 No GPA and just a warning. He is certified with the disability office, has accommodations, he has bipolar and had some severe problems. When someone has registered problems, we are much more flexible to give them time. He chose to withdraw from fall, which is why he has no GPA his medications were all off. They gave him a semester to home the meds get back on track and let him go and try this spring. This is a situation where he chose to get himself on LOA - he went into a very depressive state and realized he wasn?t ready to be in school he chose to put him on a LOA. She would have put him on a LOA, but he chose to do that. 14. - 0.0 GPA (incompletes) and just a warning. She is a soldier who is struggling with major PTSD and had a fall semester where she couldn?t finish any of her classes similar She has 3 children and her husband left her for a time. She had a lot of things going on and wasn?t doing well - so they gave her another semester to try to make it work. In the spring, she was about to put her on a LOA because it looked like she would take incompletes, but she pulled it out and finished 2/3 courses at a good level; so they left her on probation and gave her another semester to see how she was doing. She ha, struggling with her marriage, not seeing her counselors; and money problems. She said okay, I will not put her on LOA if you finish these classes and agree to see your counselors as you are doing well when you see your counselors. 15. Why, in contrast, wer(b)(6)l (blmc) (1.33 GPA) and (WHO) (1.175) given administrative withdrawals? They didn't think their GPAS were saivageable 7 her supervisor Dean Warner said we never kept anyone in the program whose GPAs were as low as these ethey dldn't think they could salvage that~ it was a judgment call --that is usually their :ut-atfin terms oi whether to give a dismissal. 1.3 is usually cutoii-- then 1.5 and L6 7 it is trickiere look at patterns, disability issues, etc. 15. Looking at earlier one-had 1.76 was placed on leave. Why was that? That wasn't heicase ethat was back she knew he was back in a class having problems. He had larger issues oi iinishing the work~she'd have to look ethere were some behavioral issues~ not know tor certain some She doesn't know exactly his case either -- she thinks she was in the committee meeting -- there was some larger issues to address to show that he was read 7 he was actually struggling with depression too. Who Is the final decislonmaker the or you? . The committee as a whole makes the decision, buttechnically it is advisoryto her --the committee as a whole makes a decision -- usually ifa change is made, it is a change to be more lenient. For--the committee decided to place her on LOA. But, she was doing much better andiust in talking with her, she realized she was on an upward swing and it would be wrong oi me to slam on her an involuntary leave oi ahsence when she was making progress. The decision is not made singleahandedly by her but in consultation with larger committee, but in the end, the ultimate decision is her and in making the change, she has powerto do that. what about the Cp? 0 The Committee's decisian was to dismiss her in December 2012, but then the CP wanted [a dispute the grade and she consulted with the committee and decided to place her on 17. Eefare the decisions regarding their SPAS, had any otthe students on the list raised any tormal or informal complaints oidiscrimination in the University (such as race, gender, disahility, or age None to her knowledge -- either lormal or informal. 13. what was your role with regard to the Cp's attempt to drop her ibilfii mime 7 CP copied her on an email to Clinton -- it was addressed to Clinton with hercopied -- her supervisor said the dldn't have to respond and Just hear more from Clinton. She didn't act dlrectly on that because not written directly to her. That is the extent to her knowledge priorto the No. Prior to that, on December she notified the CP of the decision of the committee to dismiss her, she wrote back and said she withdrew and the said I had no knowledge of you withdrawing. said I bet it?s still in her folder. He checked it on a Friday night and told her the following Monday that it was still in her folder and there with a pile of returned work that she hadn?t checked in a few months. She never saw the folder. 20. Could you have approved the Cp?s withdrawal request as late as December 2012/January 2013 once the issue with the form was discovered? If so, why did you not approve it? Technically, she could. Her initial sense was okay - she is willing to consider granting the withdrawal, but when saw this mess up of this technicality of not receiving the prof?s signature. However, within larger pattern of behavior, she does not follow the details. It was stated all over that she needs ot obtain the prof?s signature. Technically, she certainly was open to saying it is a technicality, I?ll let you withdraw. The decision to not grant it ultimately there is the factor that you are talking about early November more than 2/3 in the course and the bulletin states that no one can withdraw from a course w/o incurring failing past the point. They have discrepancy in their policies, because the books have the university?s withdrawal deadline which is 2/3, but their bulletin says not past 1/2 point. The first week of November is past the half way. They now have a new policy that is past the half way to be consistent. She is inclined ot grant a withdrawal because of the technicality, the problem was that she came in and she lied to her face. She tried to give her plenty of opportunities to take back that lie as she said why don't you just admit you didn?t check her folder. They have a conduct convenient that you commit to not lie and lying has consequences. Her decision was based upon the lie. 21. Was the Cp?s dishonesty regarding the location of the form a factor in your decision? If so, why was that significant to you? See above. 22. Have you had any other situations in which you denied a student?s request for some action because of the student?s dishonesty? She has only been there for less than a year ?not that she knows of. She hasn?t had an outright situation of lying. Other ones are more clear cut, like plagiarism or academic cheating where lying and dishonesty are involved and there are procedures for that. The interview ended. June 4, 2013 OCR: Kay Bhagat and Martha Russo OCR explained the allegation and explained his rights, he chose to have no one present. 1. When were you the registrar at Duke? August of 2007. He was there through November 2012 for th school. He stopped going to the office regularly in November, but agreed to stay on for end of the year. 2. When did you first come into contact with the Cp? He was a student prior to being a registrar and they were colleagues in the same program when he started in fall 2003. 3. We understand that on April 27, 2012, the Cp contacted the University?s Office of Institutional Equity to complain that she had been denied a field education placement due to gender discrimination. Were you aware of that complaint? When did you become aware of it? He was aware of that complaint marginally he didn?t know the full details - he heard his coworkers talking about this. He does not remember when - but it would have been in th (me) 4. We also understand that on the Cp reported to the Student Disability Access Office that she and 20 other students had been sexually assaulted by a dean at the School [th of Duke?s Disability Management System called a University police captain to talk to the Cp and also reported the allegations to the Office of Institutional Equity]. Were you aware of that complaint? When did you become aware of it? The Cp was in his office on a couple of occasions and had made that claim, but unaware of the OIE complaint. That would have been some point in the Spring 2012 when she made the claim in his office. S. The Cp also filed a complaint with OIE on W, alleging thatl(b)(6)? WW0) I class is racially discriminatory. Were you aware of that complaint? When did you become aware of it? He became aware within the last near the end of the semester after that point. In the last few weeks, when it all came up. 6. What is Duke?s process for students to request course withdrawals? Students could add and drop classes on their own through their electronic system without any penalty up to the first 2 weeks of classes. After the first two weeks, they could still withdraw, but received no credits, no tuition reimbursement, and remains as a on their grade - they can do that up to 2 weeks before semester ends. 7. How are students informed that it is a student?s responsibility to obtain the instructor?s signature on the withdrawal form? That is the main requirement there is a very simple form the office requires this the professor has to be approved. 9/10 the student can finish eh class after talking with the instructor that is the reason for this requirement. Students are informed about this requirement within the form itself. OCR: the form has a space for the instructor signature but not state student has to get the signature. W: he believes it is within their bulletin. His office also communicates this with them as well students are given communication explaining the process for requesting an incomplete or withdrawal and in that he explains that students are responsible for getting a signature he sends this in an email. He doesn?t have access to Duke email anymore. 8. When did you receive the Cp?s withdrawal request for Black Church Studies? He does not recall, but it was before the deadline to submit the form. 9. How did you handle the request? He received the form from her and it just had her name and the class on it. This was not her first time withdrawing from a class ?she had multiple withdrawals she was aware she needed the prof?s signature. That same date, he wrote a note on the form and put it in the back of the student folder that same day. Student folders are the physical folders like mailboxes. That is where professors and other students communicate. 10. Is it typical for you to correspond with students through their mail folders? Yes. 11. Do you typically correspond with students exclusively through their mail folders or do you also use other means such as e-mail or telephone? He uses email and telephone as well. 12. Did you consider sending an email to the Cp or attempting to contact her in some other way? He considered it in hindsight, he wishes he would have done that. Did you notice, you didn?t get the form? He didn?t he has an assistant who processes the forms - so she could have given the signed form to his assistant, and he wouldn?t have seen it. 13. Could you have approved the Cp?s withdrawal request as late as December 2012/January 2013 once the issue with the form was discovered? If so, why did you not approve it? He stopped going to the office regularly in November, but agreed to stay on for end of the year. said that the Cp said that she never got the form back. He remembers doing it and happened to be at Duke?s school when he heard that there was a church service on Xmas eve - so he was going there and went to the school and looked in her folder, and ?sure enough it was in there.? He even had his phone and took a picture. It is also his understanding tha had contacted the Cp on multiple occasions saying what is going on you're in the class. Were you copied on those emails? No, he later heard about that. At that point, could you have approved the request? No, the semester had already passed at that point that was Dec 24. Does have authority to approve late requests? Yes, but the grade had already been submitted to the class and this was 3 weeks later. 14. While you were at Duke, did you have any similar experiences with students attempting to withdraw from a course but somehow bungling the process? No, never. When a student tends to withdraw like that he will keep an on the record and wait for the to go through. 15. Were you in any way influenced by her complaints in how you handled her request for a withdrawal? No, I would have done that for any student. 16. Are you aware of the Divinity school?s conduct code with honesty? Yes. The conduct code is kind of like a way of being together we are all mixed together to never lie, cheat, or steal. That is a way to pin them together - - honesty is more plagiarism. 17. Aware of any situations where action was taken when a student lied? There are stories students who faked cancer and he was withdrawn. He doesn?t remember when that was it. He cant remember any other stories. 18. Did you receive any other withdrawal requests where not get professor signature? No, never. The interview ended. Amar, Sebastian FromzAmar, Sebastian Sent: 13 Jun 2013 08:44:12 -0500 T0:Rhines, Dale CC2Russo, Martha;Bhagat, Kay H. Subject2FW: Attachments:2013_06_l 1_17_57_09.pdf Hi Dale, Attached is an appeal from our Duke Divinity school complainant. Thanks, Sebastian Fromlwxe); Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 6:03 PM To: Amar, Sebastian Subject: Please see the attched documents for clarification. These are submitted 60 days from the Aril 12th US Department of Education letter. Please contact me if there is a problem opening this. Sincerely, Appeal: OCR 11-13-2066 The following appeal is not meant to offer any new allegations. It is simply written to shed light on the information already provided and to further describe the incidents in question in a clear, organized manner, which the original Complaint did not. The issues in my original Complaint were as follows: 1: sexual harassment by a staff member and my subsequent involuntary withdrawal initiated by that staff member, without property authority i 2. A second involuntarily withdrawal initiatedi 3. Attempt to withdraw from a class in an apparent retaliatory action. 4. The Judicial Committee Review meeting on Feb 15, 2013 failed to properly follow school administrative procedure and failed to comply with the disability accommodations mutually agreed to. A. In I provided the Duke Student Disability Representative with a formal letter from a Duke doctor and ask nded tlme writing papers due to a disability. This was granted and signed off by all Deans in the chool. B. requested a second accommodation while attending Duke from I requested that I have no contact with either 0 formally made this request in writing to Student Disability RepresentativelWl failed to comply with this disability related request and forced me to attend a meeting with her. This violation was immediately reported to the Student Disability RepresentativeNice Dean of Academics and he sent me the following email stating I should request a judicial board committee review under the Code of Conduct Section of the Bulletin and report it to the Office of Equity. C. After reporting this violation wit I was granted an extension to complete my papers in the three courses I took that semester based on disabilities and the school's failure to accommodate my disabilities. The extension was granted and then in May of 2012 improperly revoked this extension without notice. Thus, two F's were recorded prior to the Sept 1" 2012 formal deadline. In addition. my ability to participate in a necessary summer field education placement was revoked based on the accommodations I sought out for a disability. Thus, I lost the $9000 educational grant for my tuition associated with the mandatory field education placement. I again requested a Judicial Board Committee review to address the continuing failure to accommodate my disabilities in August of 2012. I never received it and the F's stayed as recorded. D. On Feb 15'"2013. I was finally granted a Judicial Board Committee review. The committee refused to address the rades from the prior semester and refused to address the withdrawal as well. Later. through email alleged I never requested a formal judicial board committee review within thirty days of the Sept 2012 deadline. Attached is my email, to the Student Disability Representative Ilee): (WW3) I. in which I formally timely request aJudicial Board Committee review regarding the failure to accommodate my disability. Inspite a timely formal request for Committee review. made it clear that no further discussion of that semester?s grades would be discussed and refused to grant me a later review after new evidence regarding the issue was presented as the bulletin mandates. If these issues had been properly addressed in Sept of 2012 as requested the school would have never even had the opportunity to invoke any form of punishment whether an involuntary withdraw or an involuntary leave of absence. have a 1.85 GPA currently; thus. had any of these three issues been addressed my GPA would never have fallen below a 2.0. leave of absence. The Divinity School bulletin clearly states, an students who during the first year of maintain less than a 2.0 average, inc uding failures, ordinary will be required to with raw rom the school or placed on an involuntary leave of absence, depending on the circumstances?. This procedure only occurs after the student is on a limited program. I am a third yegr student and I was never placmited program prior to invoking an involuntary withdrawal E. There is no policy in which the school could - olunta withdrawal or an involuntary or an involuntary leave of absence. The School Bulletin continues to state that the school will grant two semesters of a limited program ore withdrawing a student or placing a student on an involuntary leave of absence. The option of taking summer school was rejected and the attached emailstating that (the past dean I turned in last May for failing to act i and that protested being in that meeting) believed I needed ?a fresh start? was the only academic justification given for the eight month involuntary leave of absence without first being placed on a limited program. Moreover still continues to refuse to address the F's recorded prior to the Set 11" deadline despite th - 'v - request within 30 days and the email attached from her superior stating there was no revisions to the Sept 1m deadline. Conclusion: To summarize, the school acted against school policy when invoking the initial involuntarily withdraw and subsequent involuntary leave of absence for a student in their third year of studies without first placing them on a limited program. This violation of school policy has had severe detrimental effects on my life, including, without limitation, the loss of my job in which the remainder of the $4,500 grant was to be disbursed; the refusal of my final summer field education placement in which I was to receive a $9,000 Duke endowment grant; my home loan modification being compromised; my car being repossessed; and my entire savings account being depleted on lawyers' fees to address these issues with the school. Since this was done twice in violation of school policy, It is my contention that the actions of the Judicial Committee Review Board were retaliatory. Essentially, in this appeal I'm hoping to illustrate that the Judicial Board Committee that addressed the problems of issues 6d and 6e has not resolved the problem. Subject ?12? ?89 Start Wed 5/16/2012 2:00 PM End: Wed 5/16/2012 2:30 PM Recurrence: (none) Organizer: EEA ?98 Wants to meet to discuss incompletes and summer placements. She is having a problem with Divinity School. She has VAVA (C) Page 0863 of 1246 Withheld pursuant to exemption of the Freedom of Information and Privacy AC1 - Ina?0? entn . (mmc) Do please take the exam on Wed. Dec.14, if at all possible. And arrange w'th your preceptor how best to get your essay to him for grading after the holidays, so that we can include all ltems in cal 'ulating your final grade for the course. Geoffrey Wainivright Yes, you may The an incomplete for pm; we: Sent: 1' ?me: (WHO) Su Hello, I am sorry to be writing this in an email; however, talking about it seems to bring on stress related illnesses right now. I tried to meet wi to talk to him about it and I couldn?t stop throwing up to even get to the meeting. And when I talked with I shook the entire time I seem to be afraid/ stressed out by theologians these days. Thus, I decided to just send an email. I was student here durin however, I had a truamatic event with a past divinity staff member caused me to transfer schools. However, this is the only school that has the end of life institute and all I want to do is Hospice, so I decided to ?nish at least one of my master's degrdes here. Over this semester, I had to tell what happened for the first time and small unrelated events caused me to relive and remember everything that happened before. The doctor said this i which elevates (WW3) In my case, the increased cortisol has done two things: I. I get - where my eyes mov back and orth quickly. That causes me to I These have resulted in surgeries, wh'f?h have lessened my ability to have children. It was linked this semester that acute stress from reliving/reme bering this causes is resulting in these health problems. Thus, I have been really working on trying to ?x it and stop any stress because I really want a chance at having children someiday. Currently, every time I sit down to write papers right now, my anger and stress is coming out in my writing. My papers read like rants and they cause me to remember everything making it impossible to do anything else. Thus, it was suggested that I focus on my exams and then slowly write the papers over Christmas break under less stressful conditions as I continue to ?nd better ways to not be afraid of the divinity staff. I presented medical documentation and Todd is aware of the full situation; He approved an extension with my profelssors approval. Consequently, I was hoping I could take an Incomplete in my classes and turn in the last of my? apers over the holidays. If this is a problem, please let me know. I have an exam on Monday and Wedn and then I will begin working on this last of my papers with your approval. I promise I will get them in before the start of the next semester. Grace and Fe 2 cc, . . Do please take the exam on Wed. Dec.14, if at all possible. And arrange with your preceptor how best to get your essay to him for grading after the holidays, so that we can include all items in cal ulating your final grade for the course. Geoffrey Wain. right Yes, you may Tke an incomplete for CT 32. I - 10 2011 9?35 PM (bxnc) Su . Hello, I am sorry to be writing this in an email; however, talking about it seems to bring on stress related illnesses right now. I tried to meet witlilbxs); mm) Ito talk to him about it and I couldn't stop throwing up to even get to the meeting. And when I talked with Todd I shook the entire time I seem to be afraid/ stressed out theologians these days. Thus, I decided to 'ust send an email. I was student here durinowever, I had a truamatic event with a pas (Wall staff member caused me to transfer schools. However, this is the only school that has the end of li institute and all I want to do is Hospice, so I decided to ?nish at least one of my master's degrees here. Over this semester, I had to tell what happened for the ?rst time and small unrelated events caused me to relive and remember everything that happened before. The doctor said this is ich elevates your cortisol levels. In my case, the increased cortisol has done two things: 1. I get am where (was); mm) A I These have resulted in surgeries, have lessened my ability to have children. It was linked this semester that acute stress from reliving/reme bering this causes is resulting in these health problems. Thus, I have been really working on trying to ?x it and stop any stress because I really want a chance at having children someiday. Currently, every time I sit down to write papers right now, my anger and stress is coming out in my writing. My papers read like rants and they cause me to remember everything making it impossible to do anything else. Thus, it was suggested that I focus on my exams and then slowly write the papers over Christmas break under less stressful conditions as I continue to ?nd better ways to not be afraid of the divinity staff. I presented medical documentation and Todd is aware of the full situation; He approved an extension with my professors approval. Consequently, I was hoping I could take an Incomplete in my classes and turn in the last of my' apers over the holidays. If this is a problem, please let me know. I have an exam on Monday and Wednesd and then I will begin working on this last of my papers with your approval. I promise I will get them in before the start of the next semester. 7 .i if! ($32322? Peacearmrr: all t/ I 31 oi- Zora (mmc) I TolleS); (mom (WHO) DateFri. 27 Apr 2012 18:14:36 +0000 SubjectRE: Records Thanks for meeting with me earlier today. As promised, attached are two documents that are scanned versions of everything in your student ?le. Please let me know if you are not able to open the attachments. During our time together?we discussed a plan for you to ?nish th - he degree. A critical piece in ful?lling that plan is to send me of?cial transcripts from your work a an . Please provide me with an of?cialcopy of these transcripts and then can continue to move orward with the planYou also shared With me concerns related to interactions With current and prevrous employees of Duke (W6): 'School. For concems regarding current members of Duke (gage) School, I encourage you refer to the Conduct Covenant, found in our bulletin here: For those who are no longer members of the Divinity community, you would need to go beyond the School to the Of?ce of Institutional Equity. Should you submit a formal complaint, it would be helpful to simultaneously submit a copy to the Dean and Academic Dean of theSchool. This will help in expediting the progess as it will provide more time for a response. I have copie (bmc) into my response to you below. As we discussed, lam going to let her respond to your request below for written documentation of your complaint against the ?eld ed of?ce. I will note that she is currently out of the of?ce and will not be back until next week. Best, Zillde (if/H0 alla?llj r6 [CW/ed Owns ,0 L, . l_ A 0 agnoyrr,? in: 10 Oil/mi ZBuhc UHntnersity CAROL NA 2/708 0963 Box 90968 TELEPHONE (919)5eoe431 FACSLMILE (919) cecasrs ECU May 9, 2012 In a recent meeting, the Academic Policies Committee reviewed your academic record. The committee was concerned that you did not complete any courses during the spring 2012 semester and that your record currently has three unresolved incompletes. The 201 1-2012 School Bulletin 1 14) describes requirements for continuation in tha program: ?The student must demonstrate progress in the program by completing courses. A student who has 3 or more unresolved incompletes or a pattern of multiple withdrawals may, at the discretion of the associate dean for academic formation and programs, be dismissed, placed on an involuntary leave of absence until the incomplete work is resolved, or asked to participate in a limited program.? In light of these policies, in order for you to continue coursework for the fall 2012 semester at the School, we would encourage you to resolve at least two of your incompl ete rades an or submit a plan for their completion to me by September I, 2012. As always is a helpful resource regarding plans for resolving these incomplete grades an ac work with you on a plan to complete degree requirements. We also encourage you to submit of?cial transcripts with credits eliible for transfer to bring clarity to that plan. Additionally, please remain in touch with regarding a plan to complete ?eld education requirements. We want to encourage you to focus on completing degree requirements and are committed to helping you reach this goal. Sincerely, I . Directory information includes name, addresses, email addresses, telephone listing, photograph, major ?eld of study. participation in of?cially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and most recent previous educational institution attended. This information may be released to appear in public documents and may otherwise be disclosed without student consent unless a written request not to release this information is ?led in the Office of the University Registrar. Grading System. The Divinity School employs the grading scale with the letters, A, B, C, D, that have been de?ned as follows: A, excellent; B, good; C, satisfactory; D, passing; F. failure; W, withdrew, discretion of the dean; l, incomplete; P, passed; NC, noncredit; Z, year course. For the MDiv, and MTS degrees, individuals or classes may in certain instances and at the discretion of the instructor, be graded simply as pass or fail. Such grades shall be limited to no more than 25 percent of a student?s total curriculum at Duke and will not be ?gured in the grade point average. The pass/fail grading basis must be elected before the end of drop/add for any enrollment period. The denotations are de?ned as follows according to quality points: A. 4; A- 3.7; 3.3; B, 3.0; 8-, 2.7; 2.3; C. 2.0; 0.1.7; 1.3; D, 1.0. in the core or foundational courses for the MACS, MDiv, and MTS degrees, the grading is as follows: A, B, C, and F. The grade of does not exist in core or foundational courses. Students are required to obtain the grade of C- or better in order to pass a core or foundational course. Students earning a grade lower than a C- in a core or foundational course shall be obliged to retake the course for credit and pass the course with a grade of C- or better. [See the relevant pages in the Bulletin of Duke University: The Divinity School for speci?ed core or foundational courses] Advanced Placement. MDiv and MTS students may. on the basis of undergraduate courses. a religion major, or other substantial preparation, be given advanced placement in one or more of the nine required subjects. Such placement normally presumes at least two college courses in a given area Old Testament) with a satisfactory grade average and permits the student to ful?ll the requirement by electing an advanced course in the same area an advanced Old Testament course in place of Old Testament 752). Advance placement must be granted by the division chair and cannot occur until after a student matriculates in a Divinity School degree program. Courses taken for advanced placement cannot simultaneously count as a limited elective. Limited Program. MDiv and MTS students whose academic work after admission is not satisfactory may be placed on limited program by the Academic Policies Committee and are required to reduce their course load or to make other academic adjustments. The Academic Policies Committee may also place students on limited program due to circumstances stemming from medical conditions or bereavement. MDiv and MTS students who during the ?rst year of Divinity School maintain less than a (2.0) average, including failures. ordinarily will be required to withdraw from the school or placed on an involuntary leave of absence. depending on the circumstances. lncompletes. A student may petition the associate dean for academic formation to receive a grade of incomplete in a course. This petition must be ?led in writing on the prescribed form with the registry on or before the last of?cial day of classes of the semester in question. Such permission may be granted when a student. through some circumstances beyond control, such as illness, has been hindered from meeting the course requirements. Adjudication of the petition will rest with the associate dean and the instructor concerned. The associate dean will communicate in writing to the student regarding the joint decision and any conditions attached thereto. An incomplete becomes either an or a permanent incomplete unless it is removed through completion of assigned work by the following dates: for incompletes incurred in Fall semester courses, Curriculum 1 I I I am not sure what you are asking. i am not aware of any revisions to dea incompletes. These are set by the University and stated in the Bulletin ar forms. I am copyin $5956) (W7 in case you have further questions. LCW On Feb 10, 2013, at 12:04 AM, wro Can you please forward me the document that was sent to me over the summer stating the deadlines for the incompletes taken for spring 2012. I don't have it in any of my email accounts and Todd said you sent a letter stating there was different deadlines. I haven't received any of my school records yet and since I'm not showing that it came through here on this email account. I would like a copy of the actual letter. I Sent: Tuesda August 07, 2012 11:46 AM To (womb) (0) CC 7777* Subject: RE: Meeting Yesterday I just got this email. I'm actually just seein email for the first time. I've have had a lot of trouble with my email here because there was two accounts set up in my name and the email was never getting to me. I'll call again to make sure the transcripts are sent over. Both schools assured me they we sent before. I think they might have gotten mixed up in the admissions stuff for applying students. I will have everything sent off to the professors by the end of this week. would like to know who I need to talk with about getting the student loans taken out in my name when I wasn't a student here taken off. In addition. I would like to know who I need to place the request with to have the semester of school that was taken out refunded as well as my medical bills for the past and for last semester. They were quite costly. and I?m incredibly poor. I'm also letting th School know that actions are currently underway to have a restraining order placed against prior to the school semester starting. I was genuinely scared to the point I was trembling and getting sick because of him. I came back because I thought he no longer worked here. I don't know if this needs to be on record with the school. I'm hoping that you can place me in the classes I previously registered for and the remaining two I can take through independent study back home. Please let me know if I need to schedule an appointment to talk with about the loans and refunds from the prior semesters with the fruad (b (C) I also made formal complaints about the actions of the ?eld education office. I was told that a formal judical procedure needed to occur. I was never happened before I left. I would like to make sure this accomplished before I leave this year. You should already have all of the necessary documentation to start this: however. ifl need to provide more to get this undenNay please let me know. Grace and Peace. (bit); 7\ feqiicst {by 60v malt brow Vegardmg actions fixed Med and Sui/rounded JILL it was - ("i/Camcle told ?05 by. PaL/?qug (Md Haj- loc W?c??sm L't?couusc Yaquc?cd a 'cormcd pvott?riuic. 5/31/13 RE: Grade Reu?ew From. (bxnc) (bxe); Subject: RE: Grade Review Date: Fri. Mar 1, 2013 12:44 pm Bea a, A formal grade review process was not initiated by inquiring wi The proper steps of a formal grade I Kate Hendricks .. 08< - I ?32. (bxs); :90 ?by ad *xxL kw review are outlined in the Bulletin. These steps did not happen at that time. The time is now far past. My of?ce does not rovide of?cial copies of your Dukellb)(6)i transcript You may request the transcript from your studies at Dukby submitting an online form accessi via the DU Registrar website (see address below) and the transcript may - - mailed or picked up. Finally, Duk School requires that you submit an of?cial transcript from b0th (b) andl(b)(6); (WHO) Sincerely, From: Sent: Thursda February 28, 2013 9:33 PM To; (bxa); Subject: Re: Grade Review Dr. I by 5pm on April 1, 2013. If we do not receive these, you will be immediately dismissed. ljust saw this email and I wanted to oint out that initated a problem with my grades Spring of 2012 and scheduled a meeting and talked with within the 30 day period because I began getting sick right after my meeting with Rev. Jones. This contact was 2 days after the meeting which clearly falls in the 30 day period. I was instructed to go to the EOE o?ice and that I had the option for a judicial board committee regarding the event that made me sick. but the appeal and asking for help was de?nitely made within the 30 day period. As per instructions in the Bulletin that you referenced below. I have instructions in writing regarding the steps to take. The computer system shows that the past loans remain uke computer system under 1688200 Thus, the school still has these documents on ?le. In addition, since I will no longer be allowed to use the credits from SMU university to transfer to Duke University because it would be unethical. I would like to schedule a meeting with you and get the transcripts to this university that I planned to originally transfer toor their pastoral care certi?cate. I want to make sure I'm doing everything on the up and up because classes will be crossing over between different schools. Would that be okay? ?Original Message? From To: 66); Cc: Sent: Tue, Feb 12, 2013 3:58 pm Subject: RE: Grade Review Dear nail 1 e.aspx (WHO Kate Hendricks 1/2 5/31/13 RE: transcripts From: I To: I cc Subject: RE: transcripts Date: Fri, Mar 1,2013 9:56 am Dear This decision to allow you to take summer classes was not at all made. You asked for it at the Judicial Board, and I said clearly (two or three times) that I could not promise this. I said I would only consider it. I considered it and decided the best decision was as stated clearly "mat you have a fresh start in me Fal Thus, the decision is ?nal that you are on a leave of absence un?l the Fall 2013. 4% luv- m?r wit/whim) . Sent: Thursday, February 28,2013 10:31 PM in lay To: I Subject: Re: transcripts (C) I also wanted to formally petition, since the decision was made to allow me to take classes and continue my studies to ?nish classes during the Summer of 2013. Sincerel ?ngrna essage? From I To Cc; Kate Hendricks I Sent: Thu, Feb 28, 2013 4:06 pm Subject: RE: transcripts Dea We still expect an of?cial transcript fromif you plan to return in the Fall, as it is clearly stipulated in the Feb 18, 2013 letter. Hammer); 1 Sent: urs ay, ruary 28, 2013 2:28 PM To: cc ate Hendricks; Subject: Re: transcripts My credits from are not going to be able to transfer to this university ifl want to get a pastoral care certi?cate because the same classes can not count for two di??errent degrees . Thus, that transcript is not revelant for Duke Sincerely, 1/3 35mm pap?r dowmm?ncg 5 Me 60% DOWN ?0&5 (Av mm 6/5/13 Students ?ounder at The Chronicle reams 0F g?choo\ sun/cu Students ?ounder at Divinity School 330? 3 ?i Sh?dalls 0k? bu?t? Ehe Chronicle By Lauren Carroll Dccenbcr 9. 20l I At the Divinity SchooL some Students are having trouble balancing "entditio ct religio.? The pillars of the University?s motto?knowledge and faith?arc currently at odds within the Divinity SchooL as academic stress and a lack of school community have made it dif?cult to rmintain spiritual health. students said. Master of divinity candidates. rmny of whom become pastors. said their spiritual development '5 being neglected, though the Divinity School administration has said it '3 working to accommodate the needs of all of its students. Although the academic stress err by other pre-professional students at Duke is sim?ar, the master of divinity candidates said that those studying to be min'sters have an added burden of grappling with their faith on a daily basis. ?We are here because we want academic rigor, and that's something Duke provides," said Lisa Talbott, a second-year master ofdivinity candidate. ?But I didn?t expect my strong academic background to come at the expense of my spiritual life.? Master of divinity candidates account more hall'of the Divinity School?s student body. Duke School graduates go on to be great min'sters, but their personal lives are unhealthy because ol'dan'aging habits learned while in school, said Tyler Mahoney, a third-year rmster of divinity candidate. "l'hey?re creating a culture ol'workaholics, which w?l result in pastoral burnout," Mahoney said. Mahoney and several other students conducted an inliirrml survey regarding student life at the 0mm which garnered around 80 respondents. Although several responses to the question??What changes would most improve the Divinity School?"??indieated that students were pleased with the school overall. about 40 students said there were several ways the conumnity could Students mentioned a need for more interaction between different age groups and degree program, admin'strator and faculty visbrlity. clubs. soc'nl space and a stronger support system Some respondents in the anonymous survey noted that preparation for leading a parish is being corrpromised by academic excellence. ?It?s not enough to quietly mention [Courseling and Services] at the beginning of the year and hope people w?l go," wrote one respondent in the survey. ?We need legitimate resources coping with this new In tact, make a pastoral care counseling course a rmndatory part of our paradigm It?s an area that's some lacking at Duke." Adrian Mack, a master of Christian theory candidate. said he icels a close connection with his classmates and h's professors due to his sn'aller seminar courses?a coursebad that contrasts most ofdivinity courses that are in a large, lecture-style setting Mack, who '3 studying not to be a pastor but to be a professor, said. however. that his workload has similarly challenged h's faith, "Tim?s one of the things I ?nd myself talking to my peers about outside the classroom,? Mack said. Scott Himel. a third-year n?aster in divinity candidate and co-prcsident of the Divinity Student Council. said he has leamed to rmmge academic stress. but noted that it required coming to terms with his personal spiritual fonnation ?What you?re studying is always intennixed with yom' own life and your own soul.? Himel said. "Those by their very nature are very concerning tasks that can tear you apart. ?ankly. . .. It?s hard when you come home liorn the Div[inity] School to set those aside. and when you wake up in the morning. they?re still fonning you." A need for connection Divinity School Dean Richard Hays said there are many opportunities for students to reach out to laculty and administrators. through the school's programning. chaplains and spiritual advisers. ?I?ve been involved in theological education for 35 years.? Hays said. "This is a pretty commn reliain that students hope for divinity school to be their church and almost their 1/2 6/5/13 Students ?ounder at The Chronicle The Divinity School has weekly spiritual fomntion groups led by certi?ed spiritual guides?required for ?rst years and recomnended for others?but Talbott believes the is not enough She said her wele adm'n'strators are not enough of a presence on cams. Her professors. many of whom are ordained, act as pastors once a student reaches a time of crisis in their academic. spiritual or personal lives. but rmny faculty menbers are not part of students' lives until they reach that breaking point. In the survey, maidens indicated that they ?:lt supported by fellow students but not by the staff or the admin'stration. Many also said they have to a signi?cant effort in order to develop a relatiomhip with their professors. ?lfl had a better relationsh'p with my professors, I wouldn't break down,? Talbott said. ?Unlrke other subjects that challenge you academically. [theology] challenges you spiritually, as You start to get on shaky and there?s no guidance on how to navigate through those waters." Talbott noted that professors need to abo act as pastors in order for students to be successful in their careers. Talbott said that by hiding in their of?ces. being absent from worship services and not actively seeking to be part of students? lives. her pro?tssors are not setting a good example. Ellen Davis. Arms Ragan Kearm d?stingu'shed professor of biblical and practical theology. said it '5 normal for theology professors not to be involved with students in small group setting, especially at an imtitution l?ce Duke where faculty menbers are alien research-oriented. Dav's previously taught at a snail residential seminary where small groups of students and professors o?en gathered for meals and prayers. Even though the does not take place as o?cn at Duke. she believes students have plenty of outlets to explore their lirith with others. ?Ninety percent of the outreach I offer to students '5 in the classroom?l don't apologize that," Davis said, adding that her of?ce hours are almost always ?tll. though it '5 rare that students come to her with personal problens. She noted that ?eld education opportunities give students a chance to practice ministry ?rsthand. It is inpossible for any school to ?rlly prepare someone for this profession because the spiritual tension students are feeling now will continue throughout their careers. she added. Moving forward This problem of conmunity spirit has been prevalent for several years. Mahoney said. Some of his peers have expressed their cements to administrators in the past but have not seen signi?cant action in response. ?Youcan lave all good people and still have a toxic work when sullems aren?t abk: to connur'cate and interact it cil?ctive ways,? Mahoney said. Even among students, it is dif?cult to build signi?cant relationships when there is not a residential Mahoney noted. The Divinity School?s student seating area?a lounge of pews and couches in the Gray Building establ'shcd two years ago?is a step in the right direction. though students still partly led that e?brt. Recently. many students on their own initiative have come together to bu?d up their now with administrative support. The Divinity Student Council has dra?ed a series of initiatives to irrprovc the school?s enviromnent and reduce students? stress. including a mentoring program a notes-sharing system. rriinistry workshops and commnity dinners?the second of which took phce Tuesday. ?The adm'nistratbn is aware of th's probbm?it is not going over their heads." Himcl said. "These dinners have no other ptn?pose other than to allow students to come together and break bread and create new ??iendships.? Director of Student Life Donna Banks. ?06. said her of?ce '5 actively working with students to combat the rmlti?tceted stress that comes along with a theological education She added that the of?ce encourages students to attend worship services on a regular basis and observe the Sabbath in order to n'ainuiin their well-being ?We are conpassionate to students that are dealing with these concems,? Banks said. ?It's not just about schooL it's about God." 2/2 Bhagat, Kay H. Froszhagat, Kay H. Sent223 Oct 2013 11:43:13 -0500 T0:Rhines, Dale CczAmar, Sebastian;Russo, Martha Subject2FW: Appeal FYI received from the Duke Cp. Hope you?re having fun on vacation! From: Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 8:13 AM To: Bhagat, Kay H. Subject: Appeal Mrs. Bhagat, I know that the US Department of Education was shut down because of the government shutdown; however, I was wondering if my appeal have been looked at yet. I have requested an Code of Conduct procedure to address the issue of lying that was listed as the reason for not processing the withdraw over 20 times now and despite the fact the Duke Bulletin mandates that I receive it. The school refuses to give it to me or process my stude loan~ until I transfer in 7 courses because of what it written in the findings report. But I don't have 7 classes to transfer even if I wanted them to and because of this I still don?t have money for my cost of living. Consequently, I was hoping that my appeals could be addressed at your earliest conveyance. Sincerely OCR 11-13-2066 doed user Fromzdoed user Sent223 Dec 2013 12:25:38 -0600 Tothines, Dale Subjectthis is a scanned doc Attachments:Document.pdf Please open the attached document. This document was digitally sent to you using an HP Digital Sending device. . Re: OCR Complaint No. 11-13-2066 To the Attention of the Executive Director: This appeal is sent to appeal the OCR Findings of July 26'h for case number 11-13-2066 I am kindly asking to expedite this request due to the fact that the school is requiring me (1) to sign a contract that regulates my financial aid based on these results, and (2) refusing to allow me to participate in a mandatory ?eld education placement based on these results. The OCR Findings published on July 26"1 were made prior to actually speaking with me. I was only sent an email asking me two questions. Please call me (W6) (ch) to clear up any discrepancies. have taken a lie detector test to clear up any problems. This appeal goes through the actual letter and marks the inaccuracies listed. However to summarize the primary points of contention: 1) The analysis is made based on the GPA 1.66. My GPA was a 1.846. No student has ever received more than a warning with this GPA. 2) The withdraw form was not processed due to alleged lying and violation of the Code of Conduct: attached evidence on both sides of the argument belt a tic Acct!) prawn? 3) Dean states the Academic Committee made the decision to dismiss me as a student based on [did ?0 the information that only have 6 courses left to graduate. The committee made the decision to revoke my admission with the information that I had a year and half left of school. My transfer classes have still not been fully processed, thus, neither the school nor I know how many classes I have left to graduate. (Currently, this school is invoking punishment to ensure I transfer 7 courses to validate the statements given to the US Department, which was not a prior requirement. Please see the terms and conditions for my transfer credits listed in Exhibit 7 and now the current changes under Exhibit 16- if I do not transfer over the 7 courses then, can complete all of the requirements for the degree; however, I will not get the ?conferral of the completed degree") Moreover, this contract is stating that my ?nancial aid will not be processed unless I sign this stating I agree to ?nish school under these terms and conditions, They have also added courses on'my transcript under 2011 (Exhibit- 6) to justify this; however, those classes were not applied in Dec as illustrated by (Exhibit- 10). 4) The school used the 2004 withdraw courses as part of their decision to dismiss me from school in 2012, which would have been in the protected activity. Thank you for your quick time and attention to this material. Sincerely, Rhines, Dale From: Bhagat, Kay H. Sent: Monday. September 16, 2013 9:10 AM To: Rhines. Dale Cc: Amar, Sebastian; Russo, Martha Subject: FW: Dale, Below is communication from the Duke Complainant about her request for an appeal. Kay From: Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2013 8:10 AM To: Amar, Sebastian; Bhagat, Kay Russo, Martha Subject: OCR-11-13-2006 I have sent you the appeal with the corrected facts. GPA. time left on my degree when duke made the decision, evidence on the code of conduct violation. I took a lie detector test, that is currently used by homeland security, and law enforcement agencies and has a 98% accuracy rating. I did not lie, and the school never had any evidence to the contrary. I'm begging this to be I attached this information to my appeal, which will be arriving via fed ex Monday. Dr.Pak has refused to allow the bursar to grocess in! ?nancial aid unless I sign a contract which states one condition that I get all the regulrements for the degree; howeverl the school will not give me the conferral of the degree. Please call me and actually speak to before making a decision this time!! Appeal: OCR 1 1-13-2066 The following appeal is not meant to offer any new allegations. It is simply written to shed light on the information already provided and to further describe the incidents in question in a clear. organized manner. which the original Complaint did not. The issues in my original Complaint were as follows: 1: sexual harassment by a staff member and my subsequent involuntary withdrawal initiated by that staff member. without property authority in 2004 2. A second involuntarily withdrawal initiatedin January 2013. 3. Attempt to withdraw from a class in an apparent retaliatory action. 4. The Judicial Committee Review meeting on Feb 15, 2013 failed to properly follow school administrative procedure and failed to comply with the disability accommodations mutually agreed to. A. In Dec 2011, I provided the Duke Student Disability Representative with a formal letter from a Duke doctor and asked for extended time writing papers due to a disability. This was granted and signed off by all Deans in th school. B. in January 2012, I requested a second accommoda i rhile attending nge from requested that have no contact with either (W7 or (WW3) ?orma made I - In writing to Student Disability Representative failed to comply with this disability related request and forced . tion was immediately reported to the Student Disability Representative/Vice Dean of Academics and he sent me the following email stating I should request a judicial board committee review under the Code of Conduct Section of the Bulletin and report it to the Office of Equity. C. After reporting this violation mm i was granted an extension to complete my papers in the three courses i took that semester based on disabilities and the school's failure to accommodate my disabilities. The extension was granted and then in May of 2012 improperly revoked this extension without notice. Thus, two F's were recorded prior to the Sept 1" 2012 formal deadline. in addition. my ability to participate in a necessary summer field education placement was revoked based on the accommodations I sought out for a disability. Thus, I lost the $9000 educational grant for my tuition associated with the mandatory field education placement. I again requested a Judicial Board Committee review to address the continuing failure to accommodate my disabilities in August of 2012. I never received it and the F's stayed as recorded. D. On Feb 15'"2013. was finally granted a Judicial Board Committee review. The committee refused to address the rades from the prior semester and refused to address the withdrawal as well. Later. through emailalleged I never requested a formal judicial board committee review within thirty da of the Se at 2012 deadline. Attached is my email. to the Student Disability Representative in which i formally dig timely request aJudicial Board Committee review regarding the failure to accommodate my disability. Inspite a timely formal request for Committee review. made it clear that no further discussion of that semester?s grades would be discussed and refused to grant me a later review after new evidence regarding the issue was presented as the bulletin mandates. if these issues had been properly addressed in Sept of 2012 as requested the school would have never even had the opportunity to invoke any form of punishment whether an involuntary withdraw or an involuntary leave of absence. have a 1.85 GPA currently; thus. had any of these three issues been addressed my GPA would never have fallen below a 2.0. E. There is no .- which the school could invok olunta withdrawal or an involuntary leave of absence. Th School bulletin clearly states. (anc?b) students who during the 11m; of the 00 maintain less than a 2.0 average. inc uding allures, ordinary will be required to with - raw rom the school or placed on an involuntary leave of absence, depending on the circumstances?. This procedure only occurs after the student is on a limited program. I am a MW student and was never placed on 'mited program prior to invoking an involuntary withdrawal or an involuntary leave of absence. The School Bulletin continues to state that the school will grant two semesters of a limited program before withdrawing a student or placing a student on an involuntary leav - 2 The option of taking summer school was rejected and the attached emailstating thale??; (WHO) (the past dean I turned in last May for failing to act in 2004 and that I protested being a mee ing) believed I needed ?a fresh start' was the only academic justification given for the :o ht involuntary leave of absence without first being placed on a limited program. Moreo still continues to refuse to address the P3 recorded prior to the - despite the wntten request within 30 days and the email attached from her superio there was no revisions to the Sept 1" deadline. Conclusion: To summarize. the school acted against school policy when invoking the initial involuntarily withdraw and subsequent involuntary leave of absence for a student in their third year of studies without first placing them on a limited program. This violation of school policy has had severe detrimental effects on my life. including, without limitation, the loss of my job in which the remainder of the $4,500 grant was to be disbursed; the refusal of my final summer field education placement in which I was to receive a $9.000 Duke endowment grant; my home loan modification being compromised; my car being repossessed; and my entire savings account being depleted on lawyers' fees to address these issues with the school. Since this was done twice in violation of school policy. It is my contention that the actions of the Judicial Committee Review Board were retaliatory. Essentially, in this appeal l'm hoping to illustrate that the Judicial Board Committee that addressed the problems of issues 6d and 6e has not resolved the problem.