IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TTIB I5TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVIS ION CASENO: JUPITER GOLF CLUB LLC,, a Delaware for prof,rt company authorized to do business in Florida, Plaintiff, vs. GARY R. NIKOLITS , as Property Appraiser of ) Palm Beach County, Florida, ANNE M. GANNON,) as Tax Collector of Palm Beach County, Florida ) and MARSHALL STRANBURG, Executive Director, Statc of Florida, f)epartment of Revenue, COMPLAINI Defendants. PlaintiffJUPITER GOLF'CLUB LLC., a Delaware for prof,rt company authorized to do business in Florida ('J[IPITER"), sues GARY R, NIKOLITS as Property Appraiser of Palm Beach Coutty, Florida (*NIKOLITS'), ANNFI M. GANNON, as Tax Collector of Palm Beach County, Florida (*GANNON"), and MARSHALL STRANBURG, Executive Director, State of Florida, Department of Revenue ('STRANBURG"), and alleges: l. 'l'his is an action brought pursuant to Sections l94.l7l and I94.036(2), Florida Stahfres, to contost the 2014 ad valorem tax assessmenis levied by Def'endant NIKOLITS on the real property owned by JUPITER as of January l,21l4 describcd by Property Control Numbers: #30-4341-19- 09-006-0000,30-43-41-19-09-007-0000,30-43-41-19-14-007-0000, and 30-4341-19-09-007-0010 ("SUBJECT PROPERTY"). 2, Plaintiff JUPITER is a Delaware for profit company authorized to do business in Florida and authorized to bring this action. \\gaserver\law active\Palm Beach l-,awsrrit Jupiter GolfClub\Lawsuits\L{wsuit 2014 tax yr\Complaint . Club vs PA TC DOR.doct 201 4 lu year\Complaint ' Jupilet Oolf Case No. 3. Defendants, NIKOLITS, as Property Appraiscr of Palm Beach County, Florida, GANNON, as '[ax Collector of Palm Beach County, Florida and STRANBURG, as Executive Director, State of Florida, Department 194. I of Revenue, are parties to this suit pursuant to Section 81, Florida Statutes. 4. Jurisdiction zurd vcnuc are placed in this Court by Section 194.171, Florida Statutes, and article V, sections 5 and 20 of the Constitution of the State of Florida. 5. In accordance with Section 194.171(3), Florida Statutes, JUPITER has tendered to the Tax Collector not less than the amount of the tax, which it adrnits in good faith to be owing as a predicate to filing this action. A copy of the Defendant GANNON's website issued receipt s showing payment and no taxes are owed for the 2014 ad valorem tax is atlached as Composite Exhibit "A". 6. 7. This action is brought tinrcly pursuant to Section l94.l7l(2), Florida Satutes. Defendant, NIKOLII-S assessed the SLIBJECT PROPERTY at a total valuation figure of $14,339,616 as of January l, 2014 007-0000-$ I,045,33 6; (30-43-41-19-09-006-0000-$10,471 30-43-41-19-09-007-0010 -$2,339,323; and ,924:; 30-43'41-19-09- 30'43-41-19- 14-007-0000- $483,033). 8. Board JIJPITER timely trled an administrative appeal petition with thc Value Adjustment ("VAB") v,/hich did not reduce the assessments on the SUBJECT PROPERTY to Just Value as required by Florida Statutes. 9. Defendant NIKOLITS should have determined that the ju-st value of the SUBJECT PROPERTY for purposes of the ad valorem tax assessrnent as of January 1,2014 should be no more than S5,000,000. The 2014 ad valorem tax assessment of the SUBJECT PROPERTY as determined by NIKOLITS is illegal and void because the assessrnent exceeds the constitutional and statutory standards forjust valuation adopted by the State ofFlorida. 10. Dcfendant NIKOLI I'S did not observe the essential requirements of law in determining the a.ssessed valuation of the STJBJECT PROPERTY. lq0trWg[ryCuflUf,\Hm fu such, the assessment is in excess Bcrdr Lawsuit Jupitcr Cotf Club\Lrrvsuils\Lawsuit 2014 tax yr\C'omplaint - 2014 ta.r ycar\Comptaint ofjust - Jupitcr Colf Case No. value and cannot be sustained under applicable Florida Statutes (including Section 194.301) Department of Revenue Rules, the Florida Constitution and Florida Court decisions. The reasons include but are not limited to: a. Defbndant NIKOI.ITS' assessment of the SUBJECT PROPERTY failed to properly take into consideration the statutory criteria of Section 193,01l, Florida Statutes, which, in part, provides that in arriving at 'Just valuation", the Property Appraiser is required by Section 4, Art. VII, of the Florida Constitution, to take into consideration: i. ii. The prcsent value of the SUBJECT PROPERTY as of January 1,2014; The highest and best use trr which the SUBJECT PROPER'I'Y could be expected to be put in the immediate future and the present use of the SUBJECT PROPERTY as of January 1,2014; iii. iv, v. ThC IOCAIiON Of thE SUBJECT PROPERTY; 'fhe quantity and size of the SUBIEC'I PROPHRTY; The cost of the SUBJECT PROPERTY and the present replacement value of any improvements thereon as of January l, 2014; vi. The condition of the SUUJFIC' PROPERTY, including its physical condition, as ofJanuary 1,2014; vii, 'fhe income from the SUBJECT PROPERTY viii. The net proceeds of the sale of the SUBJECT PROPERTY, as received by as of January l, 2014; and the seller, after dedrction of all reasonable fees and costs of the sale under the conditions present as ofJanuary 1,2014, b. Defendant NIKOLITS' assessment did not consider, and did not reflect th&t Plaintiff purchased the SUBJECT PROPERTY in an arm's length transaction for $5,000,000 in December,20l2. c. Defendant NIKOLITS' assessment did not consider, and did not reflect the actualmarket based income and expenses of the SUBJECT PROPERTY. LHg.*VX"feBUB$lm Beach Lrlvsuit Jupitcr Oolf Club\Lawsuits\Lawsuit 2014 tax yr\Complaint - 2014 tax Far\Comptaint - JttpiterGolf -3- Case No. d. Defendant NIKOLI S' assessment did not consider, and did not reflect the application of proper appraisal adjustment.s to alleged comparable sales whose purchase prices were based on future speculation as to use and profits rather than based on immediate use as required by Statutes and Florida C,ourts. c. Defendant NIKOLITS' assessment of the SUBJECT PROPERTY failed to properly consider the over'supply of competing golf courses in South F-lorida. f. Defendant NIKOI"ITS' assessment of the SUBJECT PROPEKIY exceeds just value and therefore violates article VII, section 4 of the Florida Constitution. g. Defendant NIKOLITS's assessmont of the SUBJECT PROPERTY violates the equal protection clause of the state and federal constitutions because the assessment of the Suhject property is not equal and uniform compared to the assessments of other properties in the same class within Palm llcach County. h. Defendant NIKOLITS, in violation of the law, arbitrarily assessed the SUBJECT PROPERTY based on appraisal practices different from the appraisal practices generally apptied by NIKOLITS to comparable property within the same class and within 11. entitled Based in part on all ol'the to any presumption of Regardless, as to whether its conectness pursuant burden is not above, DEFENDAN-I NIKOLI'I'S's assessment or not NIKOLITS's correctness, Plaintiff has met PaJm Beach County. to Section 194.301, Florida Statutes. assessment is entitled to a of proof in support of reducing the of presumption a.ssessment on the SURJECT PROPERTY for2014 to no more than $5,000,000. WHEREFOR"E, Plaintiff JUPITER requests that this Coufi grant the following relief: A. B, That this Court take jurisdiction of the subject matter and the parties hereto; -I'hat this Court declare thc ad valorem tax asscssment of the SUBJECT PROPERTY determined by the Defendant NIKOLITS, for the 2014 ad valorem tax year, to be nonsustainable undcr applicable t'lorida Statutes and other laws and is thcrefore, null and void; tttgSriy["fegg1\Prhn Bcrch Lawsuit Jupilcr GolfClub\Larvsuits\Larvsuit -4- 201 4 tax yr\Con)plsinl - 20 I 4 ta,\ ycar\C'omploirl - Jupilcr Golf Case No. C. That this Court establishes thc conect value of the SUBJECT PROPERTY fot 2014 advalorem tax purposes at no more than $5,000,000; D. That this Court order Defendant, GANNON, to refund to the Plaintiff JUPITER the difference between the taxes paid by JUPITER and the amount due under the assessment established by this Court; E. That this Court assess costs in bringing this action pursuant to Section 194.192 Florida Statutcs. F. That this Court grant any such further relief as it deems appropriate. DArEr) I7 'ni" or A uq "rl.*-, 2015. auy LAW OFFICES OF GARY APPEL, P.A. Bay Point Office Tower 4770 Biscayne Blvd., Suite I 100 Miami, FL 33137 305-576-0033 By: GARY A. APPEL Florida Bar No. 919306 tmffifXryftr8hy0,r!,J g.urrl t.awsuir Jupirer Golf Club\l.swsuits\l.amuir 2014 tax yr\Cornplnint'2014 tar vcar\Complaittt - Jupitcr Goll' -5-