SECRETIIR£L TO USA, FVE¥ Section 1209 Report: Department of Defense Assistance to Appropriately Vetted Elements of the Syrian Opposition (U) (U) fllis report is submitted consistent wUI! Sectioll 1209(d) of the Carl Levitl Gud Howard P. "Buck " McKeoll National Defense Authori=atioll Act for F;scal Year 2015 (Pl/bUe Law 11329 J). alld Sectioll 149(d) of the Continuing Appropriafiolls Resolutioll, 2015 (public Law 113164), wIdell provide that 110f later tban90 days after the Secretmy of Defellse submits the report required ill subsections J209(b)(1) alld 149(b)(J), alld evelY 90 days thereafter, the Secretmy of Defense, ill coordillatioll with the Secretmy a/State, shall submit to the appropriate cOllgressiollal cOlllmittees alld leadership a/the House of Represe1lfatives al/d the Senate a progress report. Such progress report shall, based 011 the most recellf quarter~v ill/o17l1atiol/, iI/elude - (1) any updates to or chal/ges in the plan, strategy, veuing requirements and process, alld end-use mOllitoring mec1wllisms alld procedures, as required ill subsection (p)j1); (2) a descriptioll 0/ how the threat 0/ attacks against U1Iited States or coalitioll personnel is beillg mitigated, statistics 011 any such auacks, illeludillg green-on-blue auac;ks, alld how such auacks are beillg mitigated; (3) a descriptioll o/the appropriate~v velfed rec.pients receiving assistallce authori=ed ullder subsectioll (a); (4) the recruitmellt, throughput, and retentioll rates 0/ appropriate~v veued recipiems alld equipment; (5) allY misll e or loss provided traillillg alld 1 equipmellt alld how such misuse or loss is beillg mitigate , (6 a descriptiol/ o/the cOlllllwlld alld collfrol 0/ appropriate~v veued recipiellts; (7) all assessme1l1 u t •. e operatiollal effectiveness 0/ the appropriately vetted recipients illmeetillg the pUfPoses specified ill subsectioll (a); (8) a descriptioll 0/ sustaillmellf support provided to aPJ?ropriately vetted recipiellts pursuant to subsection (a); (9) a list 0/ C01lstruction projects carried outlllider authority ill sllbsectioll (a); (1 0) a statement o/the amounl o/fimds expendeJ during the period/or which the report is submitted, and ill aggregate since Septembe '19, 2014, to provide assistance by autllOri=ed category pursuallt to subsectioll (a) alld seclioll 149 o/the COlltilluing Appropriatiolls Resolutioll, 2015 (Public Law 11 3-161); an'd (11) all assessment o/the effectivelless o/the assistance authori=ed under subseCtio':,Ja) as measured agaillst subsections (b) alld (c). I. (U) Updates to or C hanges in the Plan, Strategy, Vetting and E nd-Use Monitoring Mechanisms and Procedures Since Submission of the 1209(b)(1) Report. (U) The following 90-Day rep0l1 provides Congress with an update on the Syria Train and Equip (T &E) progralll~n9ng the period of I Jlme 2015 through 31 August 20 15 1 SECRETffREL TO USA, FYEY USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 012 - 04/2612016 SECRET''REL IF TO USA, FVEY [bX l )1.40 SECREP'RE .pi " L 2TO USA, P"f:" USCEN TeOM FOIA 16-0177 013 - 04/26120 16 SECIU;T''REL w TO USA,FY};Y (b)(I)Ua (b)( 1)1 ~a. (b)( 1)1.4l> 3 SECRETiffiEL TO USA , F'iE .....r USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 01 4 - 04/26120 16 SI>GRlHIlREL TO USA, FVE"i (b)( l )1 . ~ 3 . (b)( I )I_"" (U) Key Lessons Lear .ed and Program Adjustments: (b)(I)Ha (b)( I )1.4 b 4 SEGRETIlREL TO USA, FYEY USCENTCO M FOIA 16-0177 015 - 04/2612016 5ECIlETHREL TO USA, F'"E" " j (b)( I )Ua 5 5ECIlETHREL TOU5A,FYEY USCENTeOM FOIA 16-0177 016 - 04/2612016 SECRETHREL TO USA, F'I';" ~i (b)(1)1.4iI SECRET''R£ ~ L 6TO USA, F'f '1';" 1. USCEN TeOM FOIA 16-0177 017 - 04/26120 16 S£CRETHREL TO USA, FY£Y (b)( l )Ua II. (U) Threat Mitigation. (U) To date, there have been no external or internal attacks or threats of attack against u.s. or Coalition forces, although we are closely monitoring the security situation in Turkey in light of recent events. (b)( I )Ua 7 SECRETHREL TO USA, FYE'"£ USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 0 18 - 04/2612016 SECRETHREL TO USA, FVEY III. (U) Vetted Recipients of Assistance. (b)(l Jl.4oI, (b)(l ) 1, ~ b ~ Organizational strucnlfes usually are smaller in size than a similar element in the U.S. military, i.e., an opposition group ·'brigade" may be similar ill size to a U .S. AnllY Company , approximately 120 persollnel . 8 SECRETfffiEL TO USA, FVEY USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 0 19 - 04/2612016 5ECRETffR£L TO USA, F7¢E):' (bX l )1.4lI, (bXl )Hb IV. (U) Recruitment, Throughput, and Retention Rates. (bX l )1.4lI, (bXl )1.4b 9 SECRETh'REL TO USA, F\'E'"£ USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 020 - 04/2612016 w L TO USA, £1'13'" SECRET''RE f .i (1))( 1)1.40, (D)(1 )1.41> 8 USCEN TeOM FOIA 16-0177 10 ECRET''llEL ~ TO USA,FVEY 021 - 04/2612016 SECRETh'R:EL TO USA, FVEY (b)(l )Ua. (b )( l ) l . ~ b V. (U) Misuse or Loss of Provided Training and Equipment. (b)(l )Ua VI. (U) Command and Control of Appropriately Vetted Recipients of Assistance. (b)(l )l .4a (U) COllllllOIl Goals and Objectives. CJIATF-Syria continues to ensure that objectives are mutually agreed to through regular liaison activities by the CJIATF- S Syria Engagement Team, a small group of u.s. Special Operations Forces personnel that liaise directly with Syrian opposition -oups n Turkey and Jordan. As the plan for the employment of the next tranche of trainees develops, CJIATF-Syria is seeking to bring key VSO leaders to Amman in order to synchronize aims and strengthen a working relationship that will deliver advisOlY supp0I1. (b)(l )Ha 11 51<:CRETHREL TO USA, FVEY USCENTCOM FOIA 16--0177 022 - 04/26120 16 5ECRETffR£L TO USA, F7¢E):' (b)( l )1.4<1 VII. (U) Assessment of Operational Effectiveness. (b)( l )1.4a, (b)(l )H b 12 51<:CRETHREL TO USA, FVEY USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 023 - 04/2612016 SECRETh'REL TO USA, FYEY (b)(1 )1 . ~ 3 . (b)(I)I.4l> VIII. (U) Sustainment Support Provided. (b)(1 )1~a. (b)( I )I.4l> 13 SECRETHREL TO USA, FYEY USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 024 - 04/2612016 SECRETHR£L TO USA, FYEY (b)(l )1.4a, (b)( l )1.4b IX. (U) Construction (U) Host nation partners have lmdertaken and f'tmded much of the training and associated facility cOllstmction. DoD-nmded c -,ostruction projects canied out this quarter pm-snant to Section 1209 are described below. • (U) Jordan. ~or improvements to T &E sites in Jordan were identified after the initial occupation projects reported last quarter. Jordan's training site was improved with an additional fence which provided the trainees with a secme circulation area adjacent to their billetin CCOllllllodations. The logistics node improved capacity with the addition of concrete pads lUlder existing warehouse tents. The CJIATF-Syria's subordinate command and cOlltrolnode relocated sites on Prince Hasham Royal Air Base (PHRB) with the constmction project for a new life supp0l1 area and operations center for US and Coalition troops. Total cost for the plans is approximately $900,000, paid for with 1209 nmds. • (U) Turkey. The USAF 39 th Wing based at Incirlik Air Base continues to make improvements to the CJIATF-Syria footprint on the installation with repair projects to facilities for CJIATF-Syria's subordinate command and control, and logistics nodes. Construction for CJIATF-Syria 's own long-tenn subordinate headquarters on 14 SEC&I;TIlREL TO USA, FYEY USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 025 - 04/2612016 SECRETHREL TO USA, FVE¥ Incirlik is almost lmderway and includes projects for the fuhue Combined Joint Operations Center and a Supp0l1 Center. These projects were funded using Air Force 3080 nmds and are expected to cany into next quarter. • (U) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A training facility ndly-nmded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is still in the planning phase. Initial constm ction time line estimates have shifted due to the dmation of negotiations with the Technical Understanding. The facility should be completed by the end of 2015 and some site preparation has already commenced, as well as selection of contractors (Saudi nmded). ClUTently, there are no US-nmded constmction projects on-going or planned at the training site. • (U) Qatar. The Qatar training site remains in the planning phase. Qat r will contract and ndly nmd its construction as a pennanent Qatari facility. The u.s. Anny CO" s of Engineers' design was delivered on 1 May 2015. Cost for the plans was $600,000, paid for with 1209 nmds. CUlTent estimates are that the training site should be complete by early 2017. X. (U) Statement of Expenditure of Funds. (U) Funding made available for the T &E program in FY "01 5 totals $500M reprogrammed from the COlmtel1en orism Partnerships Flmd (CTPF). Onc • eprogrammed for the T&E program, nmds were apportioned to the Anuy, the AIr Force, and USSOCOM for execution. Because achlal execution costs have varied a .. may continue to vary from initial estimates, some re-alignment of funding between the 'lilitary Departments and USSOCOM has been and will be required as program execution p J~ es",es. The fIrst two tables show nmds committed and obligated this qllal1er from 1 Jlm ~5 to 15 Aug 15. The third and fourth tables show nmds committed and obligated since the beginning of the program from 19 Sep 14 to 15 Aug 15. (U) The following tables de ...:tfundir cOlnnutments and obligations by executing organization and assistance categOlY fo. 1 JUll 15-1 5 Aug 15: Syria Train and Equip T" nding Exe-cntion by Antborlze-d Ca tl'gol·Y 1 Jun 15-15 Aug 15 (Dollars in Thollsands) • Apportiolll'd Committl'd Obligatl'd $39,500 $3. $3. $37 ,500 $0 $0 Intra·theater Air Transportation $1,000 $0 $0 Intra·theater G round Transportation $ 1,000 $38 $38 $367,493 $40,189 $133,725 $76,465 $6 11 $11,122 $204,538 $30,789 $46,847 Training Total Strategic LiftJInter-theater Air Transportation Equipml'nt Total Weapons AnmlllIlition 15 SECRETh'REL '1'0 USA, I"-,,'EY USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 026 - 04/2612016 SECRETHREL TO USA, FVEY Miscellaneous Individual and Organiza tional Equipment $86 ,490 $ 8,789 $75,756 $5,000 $358 $526 Consumables $2,000 $374 $ 274 Contracts and Bulk Purchase Agreement Materials $ 1,000 ($27) $241 Stock Fund Materiel Requisitions (Class I through VIID $2,000 $ 11 $ 11 1000 $ 23 $9. $52,160 $0 $5. $47,960 $0 $ 5. $4.200 $0 $0 $34,847 $312 $312 $34,847 $ 312 $3 12 $0 ' $0 $0 $500,000 '540,920 $134,753 SuppUt'S Total Sfipl"nds Total Construction Total COllstmction of Training and Assoc iated Facilities Range ModificatiollS and hnprovements Sustaiomt>nt Total Base Life Support Post-training Support to NSF TOTALS (U) Syria Train and Equip Funding EXl"cution 1 Jun 15-15 Aug 15 (Dollars in Thousands) Apportionl"d CommiUl"d Obligatl"d $78,000 $4,7 11 $ 1,340 Air Force Operations and Maintenance $54,000 $650 $ 727 Special Operations Command Operations and Maintenance ~ $368.000 $35,559 $ 132,686 TOTALS 5500,000 $40,920 S134,753 , AImy OperatiollS and Maintenance (U) The following ta Aes depj ~ ftmding commitments and obligations by executing organization and assistance ca _~ ()ry be" nning 19 Sep 14 to 15 Aug 15: Syria Train an quip Funding EXl"CUtiOll by Authorlzl"d C atl"gol'Y 19 Sl"P 14 - 15 Aug 15 (Dollars in Thollsands) Apportioot>d Training Total Committl"d Obligatl"d 539,500 $13,600 513,600 $37,500 $ 13 ,369 $ 13 ,369 Intra-theater Air Transportation $ 1,000 $116 $ 11 6 Intra-theater Ground Transportation $ 1,000 $115 $ 115 $367,493 $17,958 $ 270,357 $76,46 5 $4,485 $26,91 9 Strategic LiftlInter-theater Air Transportation Equipmt>Dt Total Weapons 16 SECRETHREL TO USA, FYEY USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 027 - 04/2612016 Sf:CItETh'R£L TO USA, FVEY AnlllUuition $204,538 $ 1,597 $ 113,402 $86,490 $11 ,876 $13 0.036 $5,000 $3,119 $ 2,262 Cons umables $2,000 $776 $376 Contracts and Bulk Purchase Agreement Materials $ 1,000 $2,3 19 $1,862 Stock Fund Materiel Requisitions (Class I through VIIn $ 2,000 $24 $24 1000 $102 $102 $52,160 $5" $5" $47.960 $5" $5" $4,200 $0 $0 $34,847 $ U,1)49 $11,049 $34,847 $ 1l ,049 $ 11 ,049 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 $45,884 $ 297,426 Miscellaneous Individual and Organizational Equipment Supplit'S Total Sripf'uds Total Construction Total COlls tmction of Training and Associated Facilities Range Modifications and hnpro\-ements Sustaiumf'nt Total Base Life Support Post-training Support 10 NSF TOTALS - (U) Sy ria Train and Equip Fundiug E _f' urion 19 Sl"p 14-15 Aug 15 (Dollars in Thousands) Apporfiouf'd C ommiffl'd Obligatf'd S78,000 $32,954 S27,688 $54.000 $727 $727 Special Operations Command Operatiol and Maintenance ""II; $368,000 S12 .203 $269.0 11 TOTALS $ 500,000 $45,884 5297,426 Almy Operations and Maintenance Air Force Operations and Maintenance - '" XI. (U) Assessm _nt of Effectiveness of Assistance Provided. (b)(l )1.3. (b)(1)1_.cb 17 Sf:CRETffltEL '1'0 USA, t'vt:?"£ USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 028 - 04/2612016 IF L TO USA, FVE"1, SECru:T''RE (b)( 1)1 ~a. (b)( 1)1.4l> TO US" n:, F"E Y j USCEN TeOM FOIA 16-0177 029 - 04/2612016