SECRETIlREL TO USA, 1"(i'O't' Syria Train and Equip (I&E) Report: Department of Defense Assistance to Appropriately Vetted Elements of the Syrian Opposition (U) (U) This report is SlIbmitfed C01lsistent with Sectioll J209(d) a/fhe Carl Levin and Howard P . "Buck" McKeoll National Defense Authori=ation Act for Fiscal Year 2015 (Pubhc Law 113-291) GlId sectioll J49 (d) a/the C01lfinuillg Appropriations Resolution, 2015 (Pubhc Law 113-1 64), which p rovide that 110f later thall 90 days after the Secretary ofDefense submits the report required in sectiolls 1209(b)(J) alld J49(d), and eve,y 90 days thereafter, the Secretary of Defense, il1 coordillatioll wirh the Secretmy a/State, shall submit to the appropriate cOllgressiollal cOlllllliflees alld leadership a/the House 0/ Represe1lfatives and the Senate a progress report. Such progress report shall, based on the most recent quarterly /onl/ation, include - (1) allY updates to or c1wlIges in the plan, strategy, veuillg requirements and p rocess, alld elld-use mOllitorillg mec1wlIisms and p rocedures, as required in section 1209(b)(1); (2) a descriptioll 0/ how the threat 0/ auacks against UlIited States or coalitioll personnel is beillg mitigated, statistics 011 any such auacks, illcludillg greell-oll-blue auacks, alld how such auacks are being mitigated; (3) a descriptioll o/the appropriate~y velfed recipients receivillg assistance authori=ed ullder section 1209(a); (4) the recruitment, throughput, and rete1lfion rates 0/ appropriately veued recipie1lfS alld equipment; (5) any misu .1 or loss o/p rovided trainillg alld equipment alld how such misuse or loss is being mitigated; (6) a description o/the comllwlId alld cOllfrol 0/ appropriately veued recipiellts; (7) GIl assessment o/the operatiollal effectiveness 0/ the appropriate~y veued recipients illmeeting the p urposes sp ecified hi sectioll 1209(a); (8) a descriptioll 0/ sustaillment support provided to appropriate~y velfed recipie1lfS pursuallt to sectioll 1209(a); (9) a list 0/ constructioll projects carried out under authority in section 1209(a); (10) a statement o/the amount o/fim ds expe ded during the period/or which the report is submiued, and ill aggregate sillce Sep .;; ber 19, 2014, to p rovide assistmlce byauthori=ed category pursuallt to sectiolls 1209(a) and 149(d); and (11) all assessme1lf o/the effectivelless 0/ the assistallce authori=ed under subsection (a) as measured against sectiolls 1209(b) alld (c). I. (U) Updates to or Changes i he Plan, Strategy, Vetting, and End-Use Monitoring Mechanisms and P r oced u" s Since Submission of the 1209(b)(1) Report (U) The following 90-Day Re- a rt provides Congress an update on the Syria T&E Program. (bXl)1.4.a. (bXl)Ub 1 SECRETHR£L TO USA, FYEY USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 001 - 04/2612016 SECItET7'tltF:L "fO USA, F rn t (b)( 1) 1 ~a . (b)( I )I_"" (U) Changes. DoD repOits no significant changes in the strategy, vetting requirements and process, or end-use monitoring mechanisms and procedures since its first repOit dated March 3, 2015. Plan development has resulted in the following minor changes: • • (b)(1 )1~ a . (b)( I )I_"" • II. (U) Threat Mitigation (U) To date, DoD repOits no extemal or intemal attacks against u.s. or coalition forces. DoD and coalition paltners mitigate the threat of attacks through additional security measures, force protection enhancements, and extensive screening and vetting of recmits. 2 5ECRETIffi£L TO USA, FYEY USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 002 - 04/261201 6 SECltl!'I' '1'0 USA, FYEY III. (U) Vett -'" Recipie ts of Assistance (bXl )1.4 (U) Recruitment, Througbput, and Retention Rates .. ~..,) (U) Throughput. ClIATF-S divides vetting into three gel1 ! ral phases: pre-screening, screening, and validation. Only after recmits have llldergone pre-screening (which takes place remotely prior to recruit exfiltration from Syria) and screening (which takes place at the MSS postexfiltration), lIlay they COlllmence the training program. The throughput of recmits is as follows: (b)(I )Ha, (b)( I )I _ ~ b (b)( I )1.4<1 (b)( l )1 ~a. (b)( 1)1.4l> 4 SECRETHREL TO USA, USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 F7¢E):' 004 - 04/2612016 SECRETIlREL TO USA, F'iE"l' (b)(I)Ua 000 ,000 Tofa' $3 ,874 pm,nt , To'" I B,dk Stock F, , VITI) 000 >00 , >00 >3,000 $0 ',727 ,362 179 $ 183 $0 $77 ",06 253 $ 1.880 , Toto' , of , Range $4 :00 ro'.' B", Life : $0 $0 LS 7 nlis reflects aggregate obligations since September 19, 20 14. Future reports will include a breakout of expenditures for both the reporting period and illihe aggregate. 10 SECRETililEL TO USA, FYllY USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 010 - 04/2612016 SECRETHR£L TO USA, FYEY XI. (U) Assessment of Effectiveness of Assistance Provided (bX l )1.4 0/ oY;- « ~}V O~ R«? ~ (bXl)Ha (bXl)Ha 11 SECIY!;TIlREL TO USA, FVE'f USCENTCOM FOIA 16-0177 011 - 04/2612016