25 AUS 2009 AFFIDAVIT IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOC IALI ST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA In the matter of on application under Article 126 read with Articles 17, 3, 4, Chapters Ill and VI o f the Cons titution o f th e Democratic Socialist Republic o f Sri Lanka Nihal Sri Amarasekera 167 /4, Vipulaseno Mawatha Colombo 10 Case No. SC [F R] 404/2009 Petitioner -Vsl. Ceylon Petroleum Corpora l ion 109, Rofundo Tower Galle Road Colombo 3 2. Sumith Abeysing he Secretary to the Treasury The Secretariat Colom bo l 3. Standard Chartered Bonk Sri Lanka Branch 37, York Street Colombo 1 Head Office a t l , Basingh o ll Avenue, London EC2V 500, U.K . 4. Citibank Sri Lanka Branch 65C, Dharmapala Mowotha Colombo 7 Head Office at Citigroup Center, 153, East 53rd Stree t, 16/F, Zone 19, New York, NY 10022, U.S. A. 5. Deutsc he Bank AG Sri Lanka Branch 86, Galle Rood, Colombo 3 Head Office at Th eodorHeuss-Allee 70, 60486, Frankfurt, Germany 6. · Commercial Bank of Ceylo n PLC Commercial House 21, Bris'tol Street, Colombo 1 7. People's Bank 75, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 2 8. Mr. E A Hettiarachc hi Contro ll er of Exchange Exchange Con trol Department Cen tra l Bonk of Sri La nka 71h Floor, 30, Janadhipathi Mawatha, Colombo 1 9. Hon. Atto rn ey Genera l Attorney general's Department Colombo 12 Respondents TO: HIS LORDSHIP THE C HIEF JUSTICE AND THE OTHER HONOURABLE JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DEMOCTRATIC SOC IALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA I, Ashanth a L F de Mel of 1/9, Parakumba Place, Colombo 6 being a Christian do hereby make oa th and state as follows : 1. I am the Deponent abovenamed and depose to the matters herein contained from my own personal knowledge. I make this affida vit in compliance with the Order of the Honourable Supreme Court dated l 41h July 2009 and Notice dated 20 1h July 2009 received by me from the Supreme Court. 2. I state that the Petitioner is seeking to con tend [as per the averments in th e Petition] , inter olio, that (a) th e relevant hedging transactions were "deals in th e nature of 'speculating' and/or 'gambling' and/or 'betting' and/or 'wagering' " and are th erefor e unlawful and illegal activities; (b) th e 1st Resp onde nt was not au th orised o r e mpowered to enter into such arrangements; 2 '• (c) 3. 4. 5. the 3rd Respondent has induced and/or enticed and/or comprom ised public officers into entering into 'questionable dea ls', thereby perpetrated a fraud on the l st Respondent - it is implicit from the averments in the Petitioner that I am one of the public officers [as the then Chairman of the i st Respondent] who was allegedly indu ced/en ticed/ compromised. I state further that it is implicit from the averments in the Petition that the Petitioner is seeking to make out, inter alio, that (a) I did not have th e proper authority to enter into the relevant transa c tions on behalf o f the l st Respondent; (b) that I accepted inducement/enticement from the Banks to enter into the relevant transactions on beha lf of the l st Respondent, thereby implying that I accepted bribes and/or otherwise implicating me in acts of bribery and corrupti o n. I state at the onset in this connection that (a) I acted at all times material within the confines of the authority vested in me as Chairman of the l st Respondent; (b) I acted a t a ll tim es material in accordance and comp liance w ith the approvals granted by the Cabinet of M inisters and the Board of Directors of the l st Respondent Corporation ; (c) at a ll tim es material the Board of Directors of the ] st Respondent, the Central Bank [through its observer on the board of the l st Respondent], and the Strategic Enterprise Management Agency [through its observer on th e board of the i st Respondent] were kept inform ed o f details pertaining to th e relevant hedging transactions; (d) I acted at all tim es material in the best interests of the Corporation and th e Country; (e) I never accepted any inducement and/or en ticement and/or other form of g ratification from th e banks concerned or from a ny other person/organisation; (f) I have not contravened any provision of law in respect of th e transactions entered into by th e ] st Respondent under my Chairmanship; (g) I vehemently deny any involvement in any act or acts o f bribery, corruption or ot her illegal activity. Responden t Without prejudice to the foregoing, I shall hereinafter proceed to provide information rela tin g to the hedging arrangements within my personal knowledge as directed by Your Lordships' Court. . 3 '• i st .. Background to the hedging arrangements 6. As for boc k os July 2006, th e form er Cha irma n o f th e i st Responde nt hod been reques te d by Dr. The nuw oro , Direc tor o f Eco nomic Researc h of the Centra l Bonk, to partic ipa te a t a p resen ta tion by Deutsche Bonk on Cru de Oil Hedging m echa nisms . A tru e copy o f a letter in this co nnec tio n d a ted 3 1st July 2006 is p rod uced herewith marked os Xl . 7. This w as followed by a furth er le tter to the th e n c ha irma n o f the l st Responden t [following a discussion betwee n the Chairman and the G overnor o f the Central Bo nk] .co nfirming tha t it would be use ful if a m echanism was to b e develope d to hedge against high o il prices. A paper develop e d by th e Central Bo nk was also a ttached to this letter, toge ther w ith a specim e n letter c o lling for quotatio ns for d iffere nt hedge instrumen ts. Tru e copies of the said lett er doted 30th August 2006 together with the onn exures thereto ore p roduced herewith m arked as X2, X2(a) and X2(b) . 8. The said paper developed by the Cen tra l Bonk [m arked as X2(o)] d iscusses the b asic he d ging mecha nisms ava ilable for co nsidera tion . The paper refers to 3 fre quently used alt ernati ves [th e examp les g iven below ore inc luded for th e b enefit o f Yo ur Lordshi ps ' Court] . (i) Crude Oil Swap - under this mecha nism , a fixed p rice w ill be ag reed upon [between th e CPC a nd the releva nt fin a nc ia l institution] . If th e m arket price goes ab ove th e fixe d price, the b a nk will p a y CPC th e difference, w hile if th e market price fe ll below th e fixed price, C PC would ha ve to pay th e difference to th e bank. Th e instrum ent req uired th e paym ent of a premium by CPC [similar to on insuran ce premium] . (ii) Crude Oil Cap - Und er thi s m echa nism a 'strike' p rice or 'c op' is agreed upon. If th e marke t price rises above th e c op, th e bank would p ay th e differe nce to C PC. However, if th e market price fall s b elow th e cop, CPC c on opt to p urc hase fro m th e marke t at th e market price w ithout paying th e d ifference to th e b a nk. Th e m ec ha nism howev er re quires th e payment o f a premiu m for every barrel under the arrang e men t . (iii) Zero-Cost Collar - Unde r this mecha nism a maximum strike price a nd a minimum fl oor pri ce ore a g reed upo n. No premium is payabl e [he nce th e term 'zero-cost] . If th e marke t price ris es above th e strike price, th e bank p a ys the d ifference to C PC. If the marke t p rice hovers b e twee n th e strike p rice and th e fl oor pri ce, neither party m akes an y p aymen t to th e o th er. If th e market price fa lls b elow th e floor pri ce, C PC hos to pay th e diffe re nce to th e ban k. 4 '• 9. In X2(a ), th e Centra l Bank had analysed potential gains to CPC und er th e above alternative mechanisms based on past and forecast ed o il prices, and concluded that the best op tion for CPC wou ld be th e Ze ro-Cos t Collar option. In fact at paragraph 6.2 [under the heading 'Deciding on suitable hedging instrument'] it has been stated as follows: "The main objective of Sri Lanka entering the derivative market is to avoid potential price instability arising from high volatility in inte'rnational oil prices. The ZC collar will provide protection from rise in oil price beyond the agreed maximum strike price without payment of premia. There will be losses only if price falls below the minimum floor price. Therefore the best option for Sri Lanka at the initial stage will be ZC collar hedging . ... " [emphasis added] l 0. Consequently, the Governor of the Central Bonk, Mr. Ajith Nivard Cobrool, mode a presentation to the Cabinet of Ministers on the 61h of September 2006 on hedging under the topic 'Ma intaining Stability in o Volatile G lobal Oil Market', which was followed by o discussion. Consequently the Cabinet decided that o study group should be formed consisting, inter olio, of officials from the Cen tral Bonk, Ministry of Finance and Planning and Ministry of Petroleum and Petroleum Resources Development to study th e subject further and report to the Cabinet so that a decision could be taken . A true copy of a document in this co nnection confirming the said Cabinet Decision is produced herewith marked as X3. I also p rod uce herewith a true copy of o letter doted 20 1h Sept ember 2006 addressed to th e Secretary o f the Ministry of Petroleum and Petroleum Resources Development by th e Secre tary to th e Treasury, marked as X4. 11 . Consequently, a study group was appointed as directed by th e Cabin et to study the subject and report back to th e Cabinet . A tru e copy o f a le tt er dated l 91h October in this con nection addressed t o me mbers of the study group by th e Secretary to th e Treasury is produced herewith marked as XS . 12. Thereafter the Study G roup appoin ted as aforesaid submitted th eir report to the Secre tary of th e Treasury on or about the l 6'h o f November 2006. True cop ies of th e cove ring letter in this connec ti on doted l 61h November 2006 and the said report are produced herewith marked as X6 and X7 respec tive ly. 13. Accordin g to the Report o f th e Study Group, th e following recommendations were ma de: (i) (ii) (iii) CPC to hedge purchase o f petroleum products, both c ru de oil and refined p roduc t, in the international market. Use Zero-cost Co ll ar as th e hedging ins trument with th e upper bound based on market developmen ts. Commence hedging w ith sma ller quan titi es for a shorter period and gradually in crease th e qua ntity and dura ti on . 5 '• (iv) (v) 14. Grant authority to CPC to ca ll for quotations for oil hedging, decide on future prices and purchase hedging instruments from reputed banks. Grant authority to CPC to change the instrument based on the developments in the market. Consequently, th e 1st Respondent called for quotations from several banks based on the zero-cost col lar mechanism for hedging its oil purchpses. I produce herewith in this co nnection true copies of letters calling fro quotes from banks, marked as X8(a) , X8(b), X8(c), XB(d) and X8(e). A tru e copy of a letter dated 11th December 2006 addressed by me to the Secretary to the Treasury notifying the quotations received, is annexed hereto marked as X9 . 15. Thereafter, in or around January 2007, I suggested to the Hon. Minister of Petroleum and Petroleum Resources Development that an expert in the oil hedging field be hired since the hedging mechanism required expertise and hands-on experience. A tru e copy of a letter dated 91h January 2007 addressed in this con nection by me to the Hon. Minister is produced herewith marked os Xl 0. 16. I state that since there was some delay in obtaining the necessary approvals and proceeding with the recommended hedging arrangements, th e Governor of the Central Bonk and I exchanged a series of correspondence, wherein the Governor impressed upon me the need to urgently enter into suitable hedging arrangements. True copies of letters dated l 0 1h January 2007 addressed by the Governor of the Central Bank to me, 11th January 2007 addressed to the Governor by me, 16 1h January 2007 addressed by the Governor to me and 23rd January 2007 addressed by the Centra l Bonk to me in this connection are produced herewith marked as Xll(a), Xll(b), Xll(c) and Xll(d) respectively. 17. Consequently the Hon . Minister of Petroleum and Petrol eum Resources Development submitted a Memorandum to the Cabinet dated l 31h January 2007 seeking the approval of the Cabinet to implement the above recommendations o f the Study Group. A true copy of the said Cabinet Memorandum is produced herewith marked os Xl2. I also produce herewith a true copy of a document dated 3 1st January 2007 issued by Hon . Mahinda Rajapakse, in his capacity os the Minister of Finance and Planning stating that he has no objection to the above proposal, marked as Xl3. 18. I state the Cabinet o f Ministers consequently, on or about th e 171h o f January 2007, approved the proposals and directed that the same be implemented without delay. 6 '• .. - --- A tru e copy of th e Cabine t Approva l in this connec ti on is produce herewith marked as Xl 4. 19. Thus and otherwise I state that the Cabinet of Ministers, based on the recommendations of the study group, unambiguously granted approval for the CPC to, . (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) I hedge purchase o f pe troleum products. both crude oil and refined product, in th e international market; use Zero-cost Collar as the hedging instrument with the upper bound based on market developments; commence hedging w ith sma ller quantities for a shorter period and g radually increase th e quantity and duration; to call for quotations for o il hedging , decide on future prices and purchase hedging instrum ents from reputed banks; change th e instrument based on the developments in the market; 0 20. It is th·erefore manifestly c lear that the decision to enter into hedging arrangements based on the zero-cost collar mechanism was a decision of the Cabinet of Ministers based on recommendations of the Central Bank and a specially appointed study group. What must also be noted is that at the time the primary conce rn was th e in creasing oil prices, hence the recommendation and direction that the hedging instrument be upper bounded based on market developments. 21. I state that co nseque ntly, th e board of directors of th e l st Respondent d iscussed th e proposed arrangements at length and approved the l st Respondent entering into hedging arrangements with Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank, Deutsche Bank, Peoples Bonk and Commercia l Bank. In this connec ti on I state as follows: (a) All master hedging agreements [ISDA agreements] entered into w ith banks were cleared with M/s Nithya Partners, a leading firm of commerc ial lawyers, prior to execution. Tru e cop ies o f co rrespondence in this connection exchanged be tween the l st Respondent, M/s Nithya Partners and the relevant banks is produce herewith compend iously marked as Xl 5. (b) A representative from the Centra l Bank sot in on a ll board meetings and was kept abreast of a ll developments pertaining to the hedging arrangements. (c ) Mr. P L K Karunaratne, DGM-Finonce o f th e Jst Respondent, was th e pt Respondent's expert on financial matte rs, and all hedging arrangements were first c leared wi th him. In fact , I placed my signature on the agreements on ly af ter th e said DGM-Finance had first cleared the documen t and signed same. (d) The board of direc tors o f th e l st Respondent authorised me and the said DGM-Finonce to sign all documents on behalf of the 2nd Respondent. 7 '• I produce herewith in this con nection true copies of minutes of th e meetings of the board of directors of th e ]st Respondent he ld during February and March 2007 marked as Xl 6 a nd Xl 7. I also produce herewith true copies of certified extracts of board resolutions authorising the 1st Respondent to enter into the relevant hedging agreements and for me and th e said Mr. K,:arunaratne to sign the agreements on behalf of the 1st Respondent, marked as Xl 8, Xl 9 and X20. 22. Thus and otherwise I sta te that a t a ll tim es material I acted within the scope of the authority granted to me, with the approval and sanction o f th e board o f directors and in the best interests of th e Jst Respondent. Furthermore, all hedging transactions e ntered into by the 1st Respondent were within th e scope o f the approval granted by the Cabinet o f Ministers referred to herein above. 23. I state although much has been said about the losses being suffered on the hedging transa c tions, what must be borne in m ind is that the sa id transactions had been in operation for over 18 months. Until August/ September 2008 the 1st Respondent was gaining on the hedging transactions due to the high world oil prices . 24. Hedging transactions were entered in to to protect against a steep rise in oil prices. It could not have been anticipated at the time that the prices of oil wou ld cras h so drastically. In this connect ion I state that even finan cia l ana lys ts th e Goldman Sachs Group, the foremost authority on oil price forecasts, in both August and September 2008 maintained that according to their forecasts the price of oil would be USD 149 per barrel by year end 2008 . I produce herewith the said forecasts o f the Goldman Sachs Group for Augus t and September 2008, marked as X21 and X22 respectively. 25. I sta te that even in November 2008, when the Cabinet was considering th e unexpected and una ntic ipated situation that had arise n with re gard to th e hedging arrangements pursuant to a c rash in global oil prices, I was appointed to the 'Hedging Risk Management Committee'. Th e terms of reference for th e said committee were, inter olio , to negotiate w ith hedge providers to restructure th e hedge positions and eva luate th e risk o f active hedge con tra c ts in re lation to price forecasts. I produce herewith true cop ies of draft cabinet decisio ns in this regard marked as X23( a) and X23(b) respectively together w ith Cabine t Memorandum dated 1 7th November 2008 and the terms of refere nce for th e Hedging Risk M a na gement Commit tee marked as X24(a) and X24(b). 26. I state in hindsight, th e zero-cost coll ar option may not hove been t he bes t option g iven the presen t scenario. While the 'crude oil cap' option , where for the payment of a premium no losses would be in curred on the downside may hove served the 1st Respondent b e tter given the present situation, such option was cons idered to be no t viable given th e 1st Respondent 's cash flow situation (the premium was payable upfront]. It was in this background that the Central Bank and the study group .recommended the zero-cost collar option . 8 '• 27. I sta te that even Lanka IOC, th e o th er p layer in the marke t entered into similar if not identical hedging agreements with hedge providers . Therefore Lanka IOC, which is on independent private entity, also took similar commercial decisions to hedge the risk of high oil prices . This dem o nstra tes tha t the decisions taken by the 1st Respo ndent in respec t o f th e hedging agreements were commercia lly re aso na ble give n th e th en marke t forecasts for oil. I prod uce herewi th in this connec tio n a true copy of a document dated 101h July 2008 issue d by Citiba nk to La nka IOC PLC, marked as X25 . 28. I sta te that th e Centra l Ba nk in its An nual Reports for 2006 and 2007 has expressly no ted the ac hievements of the 1st Respondent including th e enteri ng into of the hedging agreements . In the said report the Central Bank has clearly re ferred to the number of agreements entered into and the risk mitigating income earned by th e 1st Respondent from such agreem en ts during the year. I p~oduce herewith true copies of the re levant pages from the Central Bank Annua l Reports for 2006 a nd 2007, marked as X26(a) and X26(b) . 29 . I sta te t ha t as per the averments in the Petition, the allegations of inducement/enticemen t aga inst me are based on the contention that the banks, more parti c ularly the Jrd Respondent Sta ndard C hartered Bo nk, paid m y air travel cos ts [paragrap h 10 o f the Petitio n] . In th is co nnec tion I sta te as fol lows: (a ) In order for us to d e termin e w hat hed g ing options were a p p ro p ria te for th e 1st Responde nt, it was necessary for us to obta in a . proper un dersta nd ing o f th e na ture o f d e ri vatives a nd how hed g ing tra nsactions operated in th e in te rn a tio na l marke t. (b ) Fo r this purpose, it b ecam e necess ary for us to participa te in tra ining /fa miliarisa tio n programm es arra nged by the releva nt b a nks an d a lso to m eet w ith th e releva nt officia ls of the b a nks at th eir o ffices . (c ) I state in this connectio n tha t in my c apacity as c ha irma n of the Responden t, I was sen t overseas as per th e details g iven below: (i ) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Two trips to Singa p ore a nd once to Dubai - arranged by Sta ndard C hartered Bank to m ee t with its offi c ia ls at its reg ional o ffices. O ne trip to Lo nd o n arrang e d by Citiba nk for a tra ining progra mme o n deri vatives and an informati ve visit to th e Lo ndon Inte rnationa l Commodities Exc ha nge O ne trip to New York and Housto n arranged by Citiba nk for a fam iliarisa tion visit to a n oil rig [in Housto n] an d a visit to th e New York Mercan tile Exc ha nge ______________________________________________ O ne tri p to Singapore arranged by Deutsche Ban k to its regiona l ______________________________________ offices to familiarise myself w ith the deri va tives p roduct One tri p to Singapore arranged by People's Bank to meet with o ffic ia ls of Goldman Sachs. 9 ·. ] st (d) The banks concerned sponsored only my airfare and hotel accommodation in connection with th e above trips and a ll trips were of short duration - most only lasting one or two days. (e) All the aforesaid foreign trips were on offic ial busin ess in con nec tion with my duties as c hairman of the ] st Respondent. (f) In addition to the above mentioned trips, the Indian Regional Office of Standard Chartered Bank extended an invitation to me to participate at a CEO's conference held in Goa, India. This was a client event named "Incredib le India 60". Participants' families were also hosted by the Indian regional office of the Bank and conseq uently my wife and daughter a lso accompanied m e . We trave ll ed o n eco nomy class to Goa and back. Over l 00 other CEOs from th e regio n togeth er w ith th eir famili es also partic ipated at the even t. 30. In all of th e circumstances I deny that I was part o f any 'unp ro fessional ' indu ceme nt a nd /or e nticement as hos been alleged by the Petitioner. At no stage have I accepted any gratification , inducement, entice m ent or bribe in th e performan ce o f my public duties, neither has any allegation or stricture been cast against m e in that regard. 31. I state that at various times insinuations hove been made to the effec t that I personally gained from the hedging transactions. Aspersions were also cas t upon my daughter. I state that my daughter, Stephanie de Mel followed an internship programme with Standard Charters Bank for just over one and a half months Lo January/February 2008 [i.e. well after the hedging contracts were entered into] as part of her University requirement. Th ere was nothing irregular or underhand about such internship, and such internships are offered by most banks and companies to University students. I produce herewith in this connection two letters issued by Standard Chartered Bank to my daughter, marked as X27(a) and X27(b) respectively. 32. In all of the circumstances I state that (a) I acted at all times with th e approval o f the Cabinet of Ministers and the Board of Directors of the l st Respondent; (b) I consulted and obtained the advise of experts and those experie nced in the subject when taking a ll decisions; (c) I kept the board o f directors of the ] st Respondent informed at al l times of the position in respect of the hedging agreements; (d) I acted at all tim es in the best interests of the (e) I acted at all times in accordance w ith good business practice, took all precautions and followed a ll requisite protocols in relation to th e hedging agreements en tered into by th e Js 1 Respondent. 10 '• ] st Respondent Corporation; 33. I reserve the right with the permission of Your Lordships' Court to te nder such furth er affidavits/information if so required. The contents of th e foregoing affidavit having been read and und ers tood by th e deponent abovenamed sworn to and signed at Colombo on this'Z./Sbay of August 2009 ~I Before me 0 e of the Peace vi·..,. . J.AYJ.c rlllf L r\.J ('-. \/.!I l>l;;nC) ~" fd No . 03 / l I/ WP/ . .· Atfft7.' I IS hi.ii f•sdoiv Streq; COb.OMBO-l3 TRlJE COPY /vf tlft~ ~c--vfd,,.' ••••o UU • • U ••••• • • • • •••• ••••• Q... •U• • • •• ••oo ooo o o Attm · :~~y :; - ;d - L'.!w fo1· W:!:imitf l . .·.;;~r'Ondtut Ili?~a .. L.u t I 2i:Htkru..?l I 11 ·. /Jr~ o u' c_}-. o ••ou