From. nanniek Suh|ecL ne On neadI oornrnemon addiuonai rapeauegaiions paie. duIy i5, zuis an 47 PM To. Sydney arownsione sydneyennesirangeraom I'll hue-hwine inese Savvy me deIay warned in be eona'se TnIs snII nas been like an albalmss and nappyio oIearine aIr here I Haley Elm Ieaoned io me and sad inai you nad sex wIin neI wnIIe sne was unoonsoious or drunk io eonseni In 0eiobeI 2qu sne says inai you nad io waIk neI nome aner sne saw ner inends iIIm ai ine oapIIoI Ineaier bui Insiead you weni io your own apanmeni She says inai sne was dIunk inai you Insisied sne come up io your apanmeni and nave a drink sne says sne IememoeIs dnnkIng and iaIkIng io you noinIng inai sne says sne woke up dIsorIenied In your room wIinoui neI oIoines on She says sne weni nome and nad a searIng pain In ner vaglna because Ii vas iorn sne says inai wnen sne ooniIonied you you sad you nad used 273 condoms and had sex wim her more iImes inai She says "One oi ine inIngs ne saId io me vas you were dIunk bui you reaIIy enoned yourseii Ii vas oonsensuaI I made sure oi inai I had Iusi broken up win my and I was oummed so me was a good way io oneeI me up 'And I asked nIm II he had used condoms and ne saId 'Yes uniII Iran I So I asked nIm now many iImes and ne said I nad inIee condoms and inen Ii was iwo oI inIee iImes aneI inai I So he raped me ai Ieasi ine iImes In one nigni wnIIe Iwas dIunk io 515an up or waIk nome io my nouse wnIen was ine bIooks away And ne saId inai ne nad been waIiIng ior an opponunIiy io iInIer wnai we nad sianed a year ago So ne waIied He was Iusi waioning and or a year So ai inai poini I scveamed ai nIm oyer agaIn mu raped me you raped me you Iaped me you wonn Iess pIeoe oi snIi IioId nIm I dIdni wani io go io ine unIess I nad io And he was goIng io make my reaIIy easy irom here on Ii I ever saw nIm irom here on ne was going io And Ii ne dIdni I wouId siand up on me nearesi iapie and scream ai ine iop oi my Iungs and everyone wnai nappened I-ieI emponeI eoniIIms inai sne mIssed onk and Ieponed ine aIIeged Iape io neI Eyvd's iIIend wno was ineIe inai nIgni coniirms Haley's yeIsIon oi eyenis Any commem on wneirIeI inese aIIegaiIons are flue7 sne oenaIniy didn" seem 'belligevenlly dmnk", we were iaIking aboui and smii, sne seemed IIne I made ner a sngIe drInk and one myseII 7 sne asked Ior one and I knew he. enougn io know mai sne an nandIe ner booze Everyining seemed iine Aiier a on oi Iiining sne came and sai on my Iap and we sianed making nut Tnings weni asiney do iromiirai poim on Ioneoked severai bmes in make sure sne was ok 7 Ave you good win this? Van wanna do 7 me answer was away: yes Aiier aiew mInuIes, inougn, sne saId someining weird 7 lcan" remember wnaiexadIy 7 mai made me vealile sne wasn'i aiiogeiner 'meve" so I siopped Iasked ner Ii sne was ok and sne ioId me sne was IIne, buiI dIdn1 go any fullhev I ioId ner sne snouId geI sorne sIeep and know that's wnai one is supposed in do In a shaman IIke inai I'm oi me op Inn ma: doing someining smpid Is being iaken advaniage oi sne was as muon an amive panioIpam as I was Nobody was ng iaken aduamage oi and, irom wnai I could ieII, everyin was as oonsensuaI as iI oouId be wnen I vealiled sne wasn1 in me rigid nead spaoe men I sropped rIgni were we were Ieani imagine anyming eiseI oouId have done man would be beiiec ngniinen and mere I dun" know wnai she'slalkirg abam in regards io ine munpie condoms and sun 7 even baor men In my I sadIy I n'i nave inai kind oi sIarnina Tnai sIuIi didni nappen In me momIng wnen Iwoke up sne was gone Theve was no yeIIing oI anymIng IIke ma: Am I have no idea wnai she's talking aboui In regards io iusi breaking up win. a giriinend, as I didni nave one around inen sne may be ooniusing ma: wiIn someone else How does one ii sumeane'smu dmnkio know my manner doingw Omsde oi asking questions oi inem 7 again, is exaaiy wnaiI dId 7 now can you be sung? Tnere's no my oi knowng sure Ii's a judgememcafl Did I rnayoe bIow suen call? sure am Iudgemem Isn1 a film 2 says inai you nad sex wim neI wnIIe sne was dIunk io oonseni on io 2013 She says "Thai day I nad a I as onaiiIng wim nIm howl IIke crap and ne was IIke nave you eyer had a noi ioddy inai wouId neIp you He saId come over Dung oyer and Iemon and wnIskey I was IIke okay wnaieveI We nung ior a wnIIe and nad noi ioddIes And ne was IIngi Ii dId make me beneI severaI oi inose anng wIin ine coId medIcIne I goi oIackoui dIunk The nexi moInIng I woke up naked and anne In my bed Inere was a condom wrapper on ine iIoor I dIdn i reaIIy know wnai buiI assumed I dIdni nave any abrasIons I knew wnai had happened I was home ine nexi day aIso sIok iIom work And I siayed In oed and crIed day and 3 JasleJackson sn 12w: aresa ar'H veneer ck mm. . sre :c emax 1:!ng mnner From amhsrohe 5.:re4" es Sydney Re aner 1 The Suan er a 205 323 71o1ex1 301g Sydney uneHThe Slvan e! 2063237101exx ems ?.dre. xres1z'vqe'co'n @syd vawnslane