CITY CLER~( C OF HONOLULU HONOLUUJ AUTHORITY for RAPID TRANSPOWAS4YTh IN REPLY REFER TO: CMS-APQ0-01762 22 P11 3: b8 Daniel A. Graha,isk s E ECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND CEO BOARD OF DIRECTORS August 16, 2016 Colleen Hanabusa CHAIR Damien T.K. Km VICE CHAIR The Honorable ErnestY. Martin, Chair and Members Honolulu City Council 530 South King Street, Room 202 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Michael D. Formby Or William Hong Colbert M. Matsumoto Dear Chair Martin and Councilmembers: Pursuant to Ordinance 16-1, Section 6-60.2(i), the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) submits its report to the City Council detailing amounts invoiced by and paid to general contractors and amounts subcontractors invoiced to its general contractor (see attached). This report covers the period starting July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2016 (FY 2016). For the purpose of this report, the “general contractor” covers general construction contractors and professional services prime contractors. The report is grouped in alphabetic order by the name of the general contractor with each of its subcontractors listed in subsequent rows in no particular order. All information regarding subcontractors included in this report was provided by the general contractor since this information is not recorded in the City’s accounting system, nor in HART’s contract management system. Construction contracts are paid based on milestones achieved or percent complete and contract terms do not require subcontractor payment amounts to be included with invoices. Professional services agreements with cost reimbursable payment terms require supporting documentation for payment which includes subcontractor invoices. The City’s accounting system records the prime contractor’s invoice number, the prime contractor name, and the amount of the invoice to be paid. Included in the report are the invoice amounts from the general contractor that have been reviewed and approved for payment and processed through the City’s accounting system in FY2016. The amounts being reported as paid are the amounts of the actual check and Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) payments that were made during FY2016. Due to the fixed report dates of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, as called for by the Ordinance, there may be timing differences in the amounts being reported as invoiced amounts versus the amounts paid, (i.e., amounts paid may be greater than the amounts invoiced and vice versa). Examples of such timing differences would be for Ff2015 invoices that were processed in Ff2015 but were paid in Ff2016, and FY2016 invoices that were processed in FY2016 but paid in FY2017. DEPT. COM. CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU, Ali, Place, Suite 1700, 1099 Alakea Sireet, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (8U8)7rl6-6159 rax: (808)768-5110 ~~v.honoluluLransil.oig 583 The Honorable Ernest Y. Martin, Chair and Members of the Honolulu City Council Page 2 August 16, 2016 If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Attachment cc: HART Board of Directors Mr. Roy K. Amemiya, Jr., Managing Director 1dffice of the City Clerk Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1,2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-6O.2Q)(1) Section 6.60.2(0(2) Section 6.60.2(0(3) Section 6.60.201(3) Section 660.2(l)(4) Overall design management, civil design, structural and wet utility design, Aided in the development of the final bid package. Provided design support during construction aswell as design support during bidding, Finalized the Airport design and aided HART in the development of the Airport Guideway Utilities bid package and assisted during the solicitation. ~ Prime Contractor ‘ FD-430 AECOM Design — Airport Guideway and Utilities Contract Subcontractor FD-430 Ron Ho Design - Electrical Subcontractor FD-430 Geolabs Design - Geotechnical Subcontractor FD-43D Shannon & Wilson Design - Geotechnical Geotachnical review. Subcontractor FD-430 TV. Lin Design - Structural Independent design checker for structural items. Fo-530 AECOM Overall design management, civil design, structural and wet utility design. Aided HART in the development of the Design-- City Center Section final bid package. Provided design Guideway and Utilities support during bidding. Subcontractor PD-Sb Ron Ho Design - Electrical Subcontractor FD-530 Geolabs Design - Geotechnical Subcontractor FD-530 Shannon & Wilson Design - Geotechnical Subcontractor FD-530 Berger ADAM Design - Structural Subcontractor P0-530 WCIT Design - Architectural . Prime Contractor $ Finalized the Airport Guideway design and aided Electrical design. Coordination effort in the development ofthe with I-IECD and communication utility Airport Guideway Utilities companies, bid package. Lead geotechnical company responsible Submittal of final for investigation and development of geotechnical reportfor the reports. guideway Review of the various geotechnical reports Finalized the independent design check for the guideway structures Finalized the City Center design and aitled HART in the development of the City Center Statins & Utilities (CCSU) bid package. Finalized the City Center Electrical design. Coordination effort design and aided HART in with HECO and communication utility the development ofthe companies. CCSU bid package. Lead geotechnical company responsible Submittal of final for investigation and development of geotechnical report for the reports. guideway Review of the various Ceotechnical review company. geotechnical reports Finalized the independent Independent design checker for design check for the structural items. guideway structures Finalized design submittal Development of aesthetic design for for inclusion in the bid station piers. package $ 516,882 Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.201(4) Section 660.201(4) $ 2.605,726 - - - $ 206.761 - - S 139,814 - - S 30,000 - - 5 8,524 4,756,436 $ 4,7g7,093 - - - S 1.196,520 - - $ 1,872,245 - - S 105,144 - - 5 53,000 - - S gG.sio Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(0(1) Section 6-60.2(i)(2) Section 6-60.2(0(3) Section 6-60.2(0(3) Section 660.2(0(4) Section 660.2(0(4) - - . Classification Section 6-60.2(0(1) - Subcontractor Prime Contractor ‘ Subcontractor Prime Contractor Subcontractor - . . ‘ Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Prime Contractor Subcontractor - - Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor FD’530 Wilson Okamoto Design - Civil FD-440 AECOM Design Group FD-4-40 Geolabs Design - Geotechnical -- Airport Station Civil and Maintenance of Traffic (MaT) design, Finalized submittais of civil design Overall design management, architectural, civil design, structural and wet utility design. Aided HART in the development of the final bid package, Provided design support during bidding. Lead geotechnical company responsible for investigation and development of reports. Finalized the Airport Station design and aid HART in the development of the ASh bid package. Submittal of final geotechnical report for the guideway MM-921 AEC0M MM’921 Ron Ho Civil Design Review — HOOT Design Review Kamehameha Reviewed and commented on civil Highway Guideway design packages on behalf of HOOT, Electrical Design Review Reviewed Electrical Design To fulifili agreement between HOOT and HART to provide design consultants to review design packages that impact HOOT. Same as above. MM’SZl MM.921 MM.921 MM’921 MM’921 Geotechnical Design Review ConstrucEion Observation landscape Design Review Structural Design Review landscape Design Review Same Same Same Same Same Geolabs Manthos Engineering PBR Hawaii KAI Hawaii Miyabara Landscaping Reviewed Geotechnical Design Construction Observation Reviewed Landscape Design Reviewed Structural Design Reviewed Landscape Design as as as as as MM’920 AECDM MM’920 Ron Ho To fuilfill agreement between HOOT and HART to provide design consultants to review design packsges that impact HDOT. Same as above. MM’920 MM’920 MM’920 MM’920 MM’gZo Geotechnical Design Review Construction Observation Landscape Design Review Structural Design Review Landscape Design Review Same Same Same Same Same Reviewed Geotechnical Design Construction Observation Reviewed Landscape Design Reviewed Structural Design Reviewed Landscape Design 2 as as as as as above. above. above, above. above. - Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(0(4) $ - $ above. above. above. above. above. Civil Design Review-’ HOOT Design Review West Oahu/Farrington Hightway Reviewed and commented on civil Guideway Segment design packages on behalf of HOOT. Electrical Design Review Reviewed Electrical Design Geolabs Manthos Engineering POR Hawaii ((Al Hawaii Miyabara Landscaping $ Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) 83,236 - 990,752 $ ‘ . . - . - . . . . . 603,455 5 3,250 - $ 102,201 5 12,034 5 5 5 5 5 18,156 57,528 1,247 26,754 7,830 $ 12,465 5 5 5 5 5 5,607 213,894 839 4,226 6,637 1,260,345 - $ $ 842,842 . . . . - - . - . - . . Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(0(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6.60.2(0(1) Section 6-60.2(0(2) Section 6-60.2(0(3) Section 6-60.2(ifl3) Section 6’ 60.2(i)(4) Prime Contractor Subconsultant Subconsultant FD-340 FD-34D FD-34D - Subconsuitant Subconsuitant FD-34D FD-340 Ant Verma Associates, Inc. Electech Hawaii Inc. (VA Design Group Mechanical Engineers of Hawaii Corporation PBR Hawaii & Associates, Inc. - Subconsuitant FD-340 SSFM International - - General Contractor Subcontractor DBDM-92 - Subcontractor 080M-92 - Subcontractor DBOM-92 Subcontractor Subcontractor DBDM-92 000M-92 - Mechanical Design Landscape Design Civil & Structural Design Core Systems Design-BuildOperate Maintain Work Design, Manufacturing, and Delivery on Site of Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc. Communications System. Design, Manufacturing, and Delivery on Site of Train Ansaido STS USA, Inc. Control System. Design, Manufacturing, and Delivery on Site ofTraction Draka Cabieteq USA, Inc. Electrification Cables, Design, Manufacturing, and Delivery on Site of UPS DRS Consolidated Controls, Inc. System. Elecom, sri Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Delivery on Site of Fire Detection and Alarm System Johnson Controls, Inc. (FDAS). DBDM-92 Ansaldo Honolulu it’ - - Kamehameha Highway Station Group Final Design, provide bid support and design support during construction Electrical Design Architectural Design - Subcontractor DBDM-92 - Subcontractor DBOM-92 Mass. Electric Construction Co. Installation Work Final Design of three stations and H2R2 ramp, Design 2 stations and 1 ramp Design 1 station Design 2 stations and 1 ramp Design for all works Structural Design for 2 stations and 1 ramp. Civil Design for all works. Required to develop the construction bid package for the stations and ramp. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above, Design, Manufacturing, Delivery on Site, Installation of Core Systems equipments at Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF) and Waipahu site. Manufacturing and delivery on site of Passenger Vehicle #1. Manufacturing of components for Passenger Vehicles Ia 2 Required for passenger &3. O&M Mobilization, service. Final Design ofthe core systems communication system. Same as above. Final Design and Manufacturing and Delivery on Sita of Train Control System components. Same as above, Delivery on Site of Traction Electrification Cables. Final Design. Manufacturing and Delivery on Site of UPS System for MSF. Detail Engineering Worting Plans $ Same as above. Same as above, Same as above, $ 1,250,133 Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(0(4) Section 660.2(0(4) $ 1,250133 86,218 12S,357 5 5 54,ao3 - - S 266,8D6 . - - - - - - 55,465,429 5 - S S - 62,968,471 19.747 - - - 5 1,350,710 . - 5 7,730,058 - - 5 2,510,4DB - - - . 5 5 1,797,390 85,375 Final Design. Manufacturing, and Delivery on Site of FDAS System for MSF. Same as above, - - 5 14,125 installation of Core Systems at MSF. Same as above, - - S 4,998,922 3 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16’l, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FDJ. 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(0(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.20111) Section 6-60.2(i)(2) Section 6-60.2(0(3) Section 6-60.2(i)(3) Section 660.2(0(4) Section 660.2(0(4) - - S 1,302,614 - - 5 1,576,840 - - 5 5,492.729 Subcontractor 080M-92 Modern Track Machinery, Inc. Subcontractor DBOM-92 Siemens Industry, Inc. Subcontractor DB0M-92 Watts Constructors, LLC Prime Contractor Prime Contractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Design, Manufacturing, and Delivery on Site of Delivery on Site and Commissioning of Maintenance and Recovery complete fleet of Maintenance and Vehicles. Recovery Vehicles. Same as above, Manufacturing of East Kapolei and Design, Manufacturing, and Waipahu Traction Power Sub-Stations. Delivery on Site ofTraction Delivery on Site of MSF and Waipahu Electrification System. Traction Power Sub-Stations. Same as above. Construction of Yard Control Bungalow at MSF. Construction and Installation of Core Systems at MSF and Installation Work Waipahu Site. Same as above. Owner Controlled Insurance Obtain OCIP and Builders Risk insurance MM-951 Aon Risk Services Inc of Hawaii Program (OCIP) Broker coverage forthe Project Site, SEC services as required by the contract include Task 01- scheduling and estimating support strvices, Task 02 interface management support services, Task 03- environmental compliance, planning and permitting support services, and Task 04 - design review support services, Cultural and historic resource specialists to provide as need General Engineering technical support to HART’s MM-913 CH2M Hill - SEC lii Consultant (GEC) Services Architectural Historian. MM-913 AMR Estimating MM-913 Bowers+Kubots Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(i114) Provide owner controlled insurance coverage. $ 6,980,710 5 6,980,770 - To provide project-wide, professional design review and design services, planning and environmental support, scheduling and estimatingsupport, and interface support for the Project. $ 10,171,465 5 12,054,610 - Cost Estimating Task 01 — perform cost estimating services for independent cost estimates (ICEs), change order estimates, negotiations, preliminary cost studies, and bid evaluations in support of the Provide cost estimating HART Project Controls department. support. . - 5 591,4S9 Coat Estimating Task 01- perform cost estimating services for independent cost estimates (ICEs), change order estimates, negotiations, preliminary cost studies, and bid evaluations In support of the HART Project Controls department. - - 5 151,856 Core staff assigned to the HART project controls department, performing estimating services as directed by the HART project controls manager. Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1. Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FDI. 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-6Q.2(ifll.) Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.Z(ifll) Section 6-60.2(iflz) Section 6-60.2(ifl3) Section 6-60.2(ifl3) Section 660.2(i)(4) Section 6. 60.2(i)(4) Maintenance of traffic during construction. - - S 202,860 Tasks and deliverables are required by thn Projects Programmatic Agreement, - - 5 404.740 MM-OS Cultural Surveys Hawaii Archaeologists MM-913 Hardy Heck Moore Programmatic Agreement Consulting MM-913 Helbert Hastert Fee Programmatic Agreement Consulting Review and verify details for traffic designs and MDT plans. Supplemnntal archaeological inventory survey for city center, data recovery fieldwork and report for city center, data recovery lab work, Burial Treatment Plan support, Historic Preservation and Cultural Sensitivity Training, city center geotechnical investigation monitoring, curation of data. Preparation of the updates to the Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark nomination and the CINCPAC Hnadquarters NHL nomination; updates to the National Register of Historic Places nominations for Big Makalapa and Little Maksiapa. Preparation ofthe Historic American Landscape Survey reports for Mother Waidron Playground, Dillingham Blvd. Corridor, oigingham Bivd./Kaaahi St. (OR&L), Nimitz - Piers 10-il, Nimita Corridor; and Cultural Landscape Reports for Mother Waidron Playground, Irwin Park, and Walker Park. Design Review Consulting Research and identifyany equipment and/or work practices (nationally and internationally) that will allow for pole maintenance/replacement with less than the 50’ and 40’ space requirements. Research could include inquiries with other utilities, contractors, rail agencies, engineers and equipment providers, MM-913 Cheryl Yoshida, LLC MM-913 High Energy (HEI) Design Review Consulting Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 66o.2r114) Deliverables are required by the Project’s Programmatic Agreement. - - 5 187,780 Deliverables are required by the Project’s Programmatic Agreement. - - 5 125,077 To provide HARTand HECO staff and management with information on national practices and equipment to develop solutions to working clearance issues along the rail corridor and to minimize costs of solutions. - - 5 42,g59 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CDZ, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(iHl) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-6o.2(i)(1) Section 6-60.2(i)(2) Section 6-60.2(i113) Section 6-60.2(iM3) Section 660.2(i)(4) Deliverables are required by the Project’s Programmatic Agreement. - Subcontractor MM-913 Mason Architects Programmatic Agreement Consulting Subcontractor MM-913 MK Engineers Design Review Consulting Subcontractor MM’913 NW Hydraulics Design Review Consulting Preparation of Historic American Building Survey or Historic American Engineering Record documentation for a number of historic resources along the Project corridor and within its Area of Potential Effect. Provide input to resolve utility conflicts. Review utility submittals during construction, Perform hydraulic analyses and prepare floodway permit applications, . Compliance with third party utility requirements. Compliance with hydraulic no-rise requirements. 97,666 - - 5 56,031 - - 5 134,396 1,101,814 . . 5 1,226,764 - . 5 10,138 . - 5 35,560 MM-913 PGH Wong Engineering, Inc. Design Review Consulting; Interface Management Design Review Consulting; Interface Management Manage station final design and construction contracts. Process change orders. Provide interface management provide project support, including maintenance of management and technical interface management documentation, support to HART. Design Review Consulting 5 S Subcontractor MM-913 STy. Inc. - - Design Review Consulting Subcontractor - - MM’913 Park Engineering (ParEn) Arborist 86,127 124,897 Subcontractor MM-913 Steve Nimc & Associates LLC S 5 Design Review Consulting Subcontractor Section 660.2(ifl4) - MM-913 Pacific GeoTech . Section 660.2(i)(4) . Subcontractor MM-913 R. M. Towill Corporation Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Verification of geotechnical design and evaluation of consstruction issues. Compliance with hydraulic no-rise requirements. Provide project management and technical support to HART. Review of geotechnical submiteals during construction. Hydraulic analysis. Review and verify hydraulic design details, Assist in developing HART contract documents and reivew of contractor submittals during construction, Subcontractor Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) The project will result in the displacement of existing trees and HART is required to address the disposition Certified arboriat to conduct site visits ofthese trees. This requires and prepare tree assessment reports for an assessment of the trees the project. by a certified arborist, Corrosion protection of Prepare corrosion control details and HART facilities and third verify field testing procedures. party facilities. Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23(2015), CD2, FDJ. 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-6Q.2(i)(j) Subcontractor ‘ Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.Z(ifll) Section 6-60.2(0(2) Section 6-60.Z(i)(3) Section 6-60.2(0(3) Section 660.2(0(4) Section 660.2(i)(4) - - 5 1,143,153 - 5 37,623 5 71,339 MM-913 The Soils Group Subcontractor MM-913 Tony Mactie Pictures Subcontractor MM’913 Walters Kimura Motoda Subcontractor MM-913 y Ebisu Subcontractor MM-913 Yogi Kwong Subcontractor MM-913 Accutest N California Scheduling and Labor Compliance Task 01 - perform scheduling support services for contractor monthly schedule reviews, future contract schedule development, schedule related analyses, and bid evaluations in support of the HART Project Controls department and the Core Systems Oversight Consultant. Also provide labor compliance / RTSA support services, Core staff assigned to the HART project controls department performing scheduling services as directed by the HART project controls manager. Labor compliance / RTSA services provided to support the overall program. Task 03 - Professional photographic documentation of historic resources for reports, such as National Register of Deliverables are required by Historic Places Nominations, Historic the Projects Programmatic Photography American Building Survey (HABS). Agreement. Task3 - The Tree Disposition Task3 - Provide Landscape Architecture and Relocation work is a design services for the Tree Relocation requirement of the Record Tusk3 - Tree Disposition and work of Decision Relocation Support Task 4- Prepare preliminary median Task4 - Landscaping is Task 4- Design Review landscape designs. Review landscape required by the Projects Consulting submittals during construction. Programatic Agreement. Assist HART in complying with noise requirements as Assist HART in developing noise permit set forth by the State and variance applications, provide Department of Health IHAR recommendations for noise mitigation, 11-46) and noise permits review contractor-developed noise and variances relative to monitoring and mitigation plans, and the construction of the Noise Consultation Expertise collect ambient noise data, as needed. HRTP. Provide directional drilling expertise for Compliance with third party HECO Task Force and review of utility requirements and geotechnical submittals during provide HART with technical Design Review Consulting construction, support. Site and waste characterization to support property assessments, release reporting, and environmental laboratory Laboratory analyses of environmental waste handling in support analyses media and waste of construction Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(0(4) - 7,745 - - - - S 13,719 - - 5 9,778 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2016) Clasaification Section 6.60.2(0(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HARr by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractora (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Section 6-60.2(0(2) Section 6.60.2(0(3) Section 6-60.2(fl(3) Section 660.20(4) Section 660.2(1ft4) - - $ 22,153 - - S 21,603 - - 5 35,101 - - 5 8,272 Subcontractor MM-913 Critigen LLC 615 data management/mapping Subcontractor MM-913 GeoTek Hawaii, Inc. Geophysical survey and drilling Subcontractor Pacific Commercial Services, MM-913 LLC Waste handling Subcontractor MM-913 SOS Accutest Environmental laboratory analyses CH2M Hill - Environmental MM-946 Consulting Hazardous materials consulting Data management evaluation in support of 615 environmental data management, environmental liabilities integration, end mapping and constructionInvestigation/evaluation of potentially-contaminated properties in support of Geophysical survey, utility clearance, environmental site and environmental drilling to collect assessments and site environmental media samples characterization. Watte management, Waste handling, transport, and dIsposal transport, and disposal ofcontaminated soil and groundwater. services. laboratory analysea of environmental Site and waste media and waste for contaminants of characterization in support potential concern, of construction. Pre-construction, construction, and postconstruction hazardous Program-wide end site-specific materials support for environmental planning, reporting, and regulatory coordination, waste characterization, handling, and site characterization, and disposal waste handling. Archaeology Archaeological monitoring of ground disturbing activities and report preparation MM-960 ‘dIWI Cultural Resources LLC Cultural Monitoring To ensure protection, preservation, respect, and culturally appropriate treatment of historic and culturally significant Native Cultural monitoring of ground disturbing Hawaiian resources, activities artifacts, and iwikupuna, N/A Web Development Create a user-centric interface to increase utilization of the web site, Prime Contractor Prime Contractor MM-960 Cultural Surveys Hawaii, Inc. . Subcontractor Prime Contractor Datahouse Consulting Inc. Required for State historic preservation review compliance Facilitate dissemination of information for the Project. Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.20114) $ 1,001,935 5 1,055,720 - $ 967,790 5 967,790 - - $ 5 - 34.125 5 37,392 477,303 - Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fitcal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Prime Contractor Prime Contractor Prime Contractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(ifll) Section 6-60.2(ifl2) Section 6-60.20113) Section 6-60.2(ifl3) Section 660.2(fl(4) Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Subcontractor invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 6. 60.2(~(4) Section 66O.2(i)(4) To obtain owner provided documentation of construction activities at the designated sites- $ 17782 $ 17782 ICED Fundamental & Enhanced Commissioning Services for thn HART Maintenance & Storage Facility Furnish equipment, installation, and servicing for High Definition cameras to capture archival photos/video for HRTP Projects, LtED Kickoff Meeting; Update Plan; Conduct site visits prior to System startups; Prepare reports; Provide Installation Verification Checklists; Provide System Readiness Checklists; Construction Coordination Meeting prior to System Startup/Mtg Minutes; Review Submittals for conformance; Provide Functional Performance Test {FPTI forms; Update and provide Final M&V Plan; Develop, Publish, update Cx Issues List; Witness System Startups, perform issues list backchecks Storage, maintenance and repair of vehicles and house the train control system operations activity, $ 90,725 5 111.900 Design Design of various historic structure in Chinatown Building restoraton, graffiti removal for buildings under the HART funded program $ 153,595 5 153,595 PA’102 Nagamine Okawa Engineers Inc Design Design of various historic structure in Chinatown Building restoraton, graffiti removal for buildings under the HARTfunded program P4-102 Ronald N.S. Ho & Associates, Inc Design Design of various historic structure in Chinatown Building restoraton, graffiti removal for buildings under the HART funded program - PA-lol Wiss,Janney,Elstner Associates, Inc design Design of various historic structure in Chinatown Building restoraton, graffiti removal for buildings under the HART funded program - N/A EarthCam, Inc. MM’975 Enovity, Inc. PA’102 Fung Associates, Inc Archival photo/video 9 - - - $ 9,496 S 10,184 5 8,800 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6’60.2(i)(1) General Contractor Prime Contractor Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-6020111) Section 6-60.2(fl(2) Section G-60.Z(i)(3) Section 6-60.2(0(3) Section 660.2(ifl4) DBB’S2S HOCC / CiA IV MM-91S ICX Transportation Group Construction Professional Engineering ~ Subcontractor MM-91S ATA Professional Engineering Subcontractor MM’ODl Floyd Takeuchi Professional Consultant Services Professional Consultant Services Subcontractor MM’901 Israel Silva Professional Consultant Services Prime Contractor MM-901 InfraConsult SIC To accelerate the schedule for construction of the piers thus avoiding delay by the airport guideway and station contractors. The area at which the piers are Airport Section Guideway Seven (7) Pier located is in the new rental Construction Contract car lot. Design Review of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Traffic Signal, Signing and Pavement Markings, Maintenance ofTraffic plans (MOTs(, site specific traffic control plans (TCPs(, project specific traffic management plans (TMPs) on behalf of HOOT. Provided Inspection services for ITS and Traffic Signal construction. Preparation and attendance at KIWC, HOOT, HART, and DTS meetings. Provide inspection servicns for traffic signal construction. Preparation of KHG medianjustification report. Program management support services to include overall project delivery, design and construction, core systems, procurement and contracts, safety and security, fare collections, project controls, traffic engineering, rail operations and maintenance, training and other services as needed, HART/HOOT Traffic Engineering Agreement HART/HDOTTreffic Engineering Agreement 10 provide program management support services in the areas of elevated guideway engineering, rail station design, construction management, general project management, environmental planning. federal programmatic requirements and other Strategic communications services Same as above. Community outreach to include webaide and social media planning and development Same as above. 10 $ Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(0(4) Section 660.2(i)(4) 231,602 S 231,602 88G,4g9 5 1.070,637 - $ 8,941,018 - S 371,882 - 5 7,372 - 5 54,459 - 5 10,370,294 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), 02, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-6O.2(i)(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Deacription of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractora (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(iftl) Section 6-6o.2(iftz) Section 6-60.2(i)(3) Section 6-60.2(0(3) Section 6~ 60.2(ifl4) Section 660.2(i)(4) - - S 2SS,879 - - 5 186,066 - - Same as above. - - S 113.794 Same as above. - - 5 15,707 Same as above. - - S 147,171 Same as above. - . 5 126,000 Communication Analytics Services. Review and analysis ofdesign-buiid contract changes relating to delays. Same as above. - 5 21,000 Same as above. - S 27,614 ETA advisor and facilitator services. Artworkfor Ho opili Station Same as above. Art in Transit Program - Subcontractor MM-901 Ku iwalu Professional Consultant Services - Subcontractor MM-901 Pat Lee & Associates Professional Consultant Services - Subcontractor MM-901 Gary K. Omori - Subcontractor MM-901 Sean Egdamin dba FONT 19 - Subcontractor MM-901 Joseph Lapillo - Subcontractor MM-901 Matthew Derby - Subcontractor MM-901 The Wuikan Group - Subcontractor MM-901 Aiphavu - Subcontractor MM-901 TM Financial Forensics Subcontractor Prime Contractor - MM-9D1 Richard Doyle Karen Lucas ~2X•’•’ General Contractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-320 DB-320 08-320 DB-32D 08-320 OB-320 Kiewit Infrastructure West Co Actuant Aloha Precast Inc OS Brown Company Dywidaa Systems Ferguson Enterprises Inc Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-320 08-520 Grace Pacific LLC Harrington Plastics - - Professional Consultant Services Professional Consultant Services Professional Consultant Services Professional Consultant Services Professional Consultant Services Professional Consultant Services Professional Consultant Services Professional Consultant Services Artist Design and Build Truss parts Precast elements Furnish bearings Furnish Post Tensioning Furnish pipe Furnish aggregate and install AC paving PVC material Assistance with compliance with Section 106 of the National Historical Preservation Act and State Historic Preservation and burial laws. Same as above. Provides professional community relation services specializing in land use entitlements. He assista on consruction Issues and business assistance efforts. Same as above. Community and government relations including mediation for right ofway, right of entry working and permitting. Same as above. Graphic design services. Facilitation of meetings for the Archeological Inventory Survey, completion of the Burial Treatment Plan and meetings related to the Programmatic Agreement. Public involvement support for the Eastside Segments of the Project. Agency coordination, business assistance suport and industry liaison support Perform final design and construction of the Kamehameha Highway elevated Work is required for guideway segment (KHG) passenger service. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Provide materials. 11 nequired for construction. Required for construction. - Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(i)(4) 207,068 - - 5 - $ 6,200 5 6,200 $ 76,661,192 5 83,191,188 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20,729 - - 5 5 5 5 5 366,944 5 5 572,782 110,308 46,938 143,836 24,632 21,708 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation OrdInance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-6D.2(illl) Section 6-60.2(i)(2) Section 6-60.2(i)(3) Section 6-S0.2(fl(3) Section 660.2(i)(4) Section 660.2(0(4) - - - - - - - - - - Furnish Concret Mix Products Precast elements Rail parts Furnish pipe Epoxy Furnish drains Furnish concrete Furnish expansionjoints Furnish Post Tensioning Furnish shaft casing Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor DB-320 DB-320 - Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-320 08-320 HI Concrete Products Inc Jensen Enterprises Inc LB Foster Pacific Pipe Company Inc Pilgrim Permocoat Plas-Tech Ltd Pohaku Paa LLC Ri Watson Inc Schwager Davis Inc T Bailey Inc Trans Tech of South Carolina Inc Universal Associates Inc - Subcontractor 08-320 West Oahu Aggregate Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-320 08-320 08-320 - subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08.320 08-320 DB-320 DB-320 DB-320 DB-320 DB-320 Du-320 - Subcontractor 08-320 Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-320 08.320 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-320 08-320 08-320 Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-320 DB-320 Applied Foundation Testing Inc Shaft testing Geotherm liSA ttC Concrete thermal analysis HNTB Corp Designer Project Quality Mid Pac Engineering LLC Assurance/Quality Control Moldpro International Ll.C Ground water sampling Oasis Enviromental Group LLC Environmental testing Shannon & Wilson Geotechnical engineering Smith Monroe Gray Misc, Engineering Somerset Engineering Misc. Engineering Stryker Weiner & Yokota Public information American Electric Co LI.C Electrical American Standard Concrete Pumping Concrete pumping Furnish and install CMC Steel Fabricators Inc reinforcing steel CMZ of Hawaii Drilled shafts Concrete waste bins and Concrete Washout disposal Coralco Demolition David’s Fencing Fencing Drilled signal pole Foundation International Inc foundations Frank Coluccio Vacuum truck . - - - - ~ - ‘ - - . - . DB-320 DB-320 DB-flO DB-320 08-320 DB-32o DB.320 DB-320 Furnish spacers Misc Fabrication Aggregate and concrete disposal Provide Provide Provide Provide Provide Provide Provide Provide Provide Provide materials. materials. materials. materials. materials. materials. materials. materials. materials. materials. Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(i)(4) - - - - . - S 5 5 5 S 5 5 S 5 5 234,998 219,342 84,367 61,858 80,590~ 75,757 17,570,843 174,411 2,846,461 900,412 - . - - 5 5 369,717 154,448 Required for construction. - - 5 16,895 Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. - - - - - - 5 S 5 644,548 50.400 3,513,631 Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Perform work. Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required - - - - - - 1.178,662 62,830 383,041 560,750 34959 11,990 169,465 1,705,214 Perform work. Required for construction. Perform work. Perform work. Required for construction. Required for construction. Perform work. Perform work. Perform work. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Perform work. Perform work. Required for construction. Required for construction. Provide materials. Provide materials. Required for construction. Required for construction. Provide materials. 12 for for for for for for for for construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. - - - - - - - - - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - - 5 425,724 - - . - S 5 20,19S,669 200,685 - - - . - - 5 5 5 139,149 14,221 35,935 - - - - 5 5 190,321 27,676 - Honolulu Authority for Rapid transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), 02, F01 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1. 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(0(1) - - . - Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(0(1) Section 6-60.2(0(2) Section 6-6O.2(i)(3) Section 6-60.2(l)(3) Section 660.2(i)(4) Section 6’ 60.2(0(4) Subcontractor 06.320 Green Thumb Inc Subcontractor Subcontractor 06-320 08.320 HealyTibbitts Builders Inc Kanoa, Aivao (SF MASONRY) Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 06-320 06-320 06-320 08-320 LVI Environmental Services nc Mutual Welding Neil Nakal Inc Ohana Concrete Pumping . - - - Subcontractor 06-320 Subcontractor Subcontractor 06-320 06-320 Pacific Commercial Services Pacific Preferred Contractors Corp Penhall Company Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 06-320 06-320 06-320 08-320 DB’320 08-320 08-320 DB-320 6W~W Phoenix Pacific Phoenix Security Unistrut Hawaii a division of YK Drilling tIC Don’s Makiki Elite trucking Island Movers Island Topsoil Pineridge Farms $ 106,902 $ S 648,288 15,475 - S 5 5 5 41,644 202,514 211,062 42,251 . S 310,320 5 5 359,738 397,923 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 658.509 482,315 1,799,392 29,373 504,488 12,842 1,108,183 172,792 2,62S,629 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 532,559 20,896 44,560 82,294 1,632,795 276.704 82,926 297,953 50,663 5 5 5 13.330 295,524 724,560 Required for construction. . - Perform work. Perform work. Required for construction. Required for construction. - - - - Demolition Misc, fabrication Hasmat Concrete pumping Fully operated vacuum truck Perform Perform Perform Perform Required Required Required Required - - - - - . - . Pavement striping Sawcutting and demo Engineering and signal poles and appurtenances Security guards Maintenance of traffic Drilling and soil sampling Trucking services Trucking services Trucking precast segments Trucking services Trucking services Kiewit Infrastructure West Co Actuant DS Brown Company Dywidag Systems East Bay Machine Grace Pacific LLC Hawaiian Cement HI Concrete Products Inc Human Rollers Island Lighting Co Inc Subcontractor Subcontractor subcontractor D8-120 OB-120 06-120 Island Ready-Mix Concrete Inc Furnish concrete Jensen Enterprises Inc Furnish precast elements LB Foster Rail parts - Section 660.2(0(4) Perform work. 08-120 OB’120 08-120 08-120 OB’120 DB-120 DB’120 DB.120 DB-120 08-120 ‘ Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Landscaping Drilled signal pole foundations Concrete fiatwork General Contractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor - Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Design and Build Truss Parts Bearings Furnish post tensioning Furnish access hatches Furnish aggregate and AC Furnish aggregates Furnish CMP Truss Parts Furnish Steel poles work. work. work. work. for for for for construction. construction. construction. construction. Perform work. Required for construction. Perform work. Perform work. Required for construction. Required for construction. Perform work. Perform work. Perform work. Perform work. Provide Transportation Provide Transportation Provide Transportation Provide Transportation Provide Transportation Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Perform final design and construction of the West Oahu/Farrington Highway Work is required for elevated guideway segment (WOFH). passenger service. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Required for construction. Provide materials. Provide materials. Provide materials. 13 Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. $ . . - - . - . - - - - . - . - . - - - - - - 147,695,812 5 173,673,297 . . . . . . - - - - - - - . - . . . . - . . - . Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HARr by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.201(1) Section 6’60.2(i)(2) Section 6-60.2(i)(3) Section 6-60.201(3) Section 660.20114) Section 660.201(4) - - - - - - - . - - . . - Subcontractor 08-120 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor DB-12D 08-120 08-120 - Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 08-120 08-120 08-120 - Subcontractor DB-120 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 08-120 08-120 Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 OB’lZo Subcontractor Subcontractor DB-120 DB.120 - Subcontractor subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 08-120 08-120 - Subcontractor 08-120 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 08-120 08.120 08-120 08-120 08-120 - Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 08-120 - Subcontractor 08.120 - - - - - - . - - - High Density Polethylene Energy Shims Provide materials. Furnish Fiber Reinforced OK Hardware & Construction Plastic Provide materials. Oliver Bucker Acoustical Tiles Provide materials. Orgo Thermit Inc Weld Kits for rail Provide materials. High Density Ppoienthylele Pacific Corrugated Plastic Pipe tnergy Pipe Provide materials. Pacific Pipe Company Inc Furnish Pipe Provide materials. Pilgrim Perocoat Eposry Provide materials. Pias-Tech Ltd Furnish FRP drains Provide materials. Furnish concrete & Pohalcu Pea LLC aggregates Provide materials. Furnish precast elements Ramtek Fabrication Co Inc and K-Rail Provide materials, RJ Watson inc Furnish expansion joints Provide materials. Schwager Davis Inc Furnish posttensioning Provide materials. Mechanicaily Sstablized Tensar International Earth wall Provide materials. Thompson Metal Fab Inc Fabricate truss Provide materials. Trans Tech of South Carolina Inc Furnish spacers Provide materials. US Mix Co. Furnish grout Provide materials. Furnish and disposal of West Oahu Aggregate aggrgates and concrete Provide materials. Williams Scotsman LCC portable buildings Provide materials. American Electric Co ILC Electrical Provide services. American Standard Concrete Pumping Concrete pumping Provide services. Tip Grouting/Shaft Applied Foundation Testing inc lnspections/CSI, testing Provide services. Associated Steel Workers Crane services Provide services. Chemetron Railway Rail welding Provide services. CMC Steel Fabricators Inc Rebar for Precast Segments Provide services. CMZ of Hawaii Drilling Shafts Provide services. Commercial Electric Inc Electrical Provide services. Concrete Washout Systems Concrete storage bins and Hawaii Inc disposal Provide services. Coralco Corp Demo/Hazmat Provide services. 0 & 0 Construction Services LLC Install Guardrails Provide services. Nationwide Plastics 14 Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. . Required Required Required Required for for for for construction. construction. construction. construction. Required for construction, Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required Required Required Required Required Required for for for for for for construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Subcontractor invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(i)(4) $ 183,257 S S 5 13,439 232,834 31,182 - 5 5 5 5 22,929 762,304 153,704 257,071 - - 5 11,186,498 - - - - - - 5 5 5 230,642 123,436 2,213.010 - - - - 5 5 231,042 604,240 - - - - 5 S 297,701 508,552 - - - - - - S 5 5 100,085 1,699,729 134,153 - - $ 890,303 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 S 5 5 5 5 172,354 22,900 116,975 15,102,781 101,384 13,064 - - - - 5 S 135,292 127,072 - - 5 299,4g9 - Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Contract Code Name (see Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6’60.2(i)(1) Section 6-6o.2(i)(2) Section 6’SO.Z(i)(a) Section 6’60.2(i)(3) section 660.2(0(4) Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 D8-120 08-120 08-120 08-120 OB’120 D~420 06.120 Du-120 08-120 08.120 00-120 OB’120 08-120 Davids Fencing Inc Dons Makiki Elite Trucking Foundation International Inc Frank Coluccio GeoTek Hawaii Inc Glads Landscaping Green Thumb Inc Henkels & Mccoy Inc HNTB Corp Honolulu Painting Hydroseed Hawaii Island Movers Island Topsoil Provide servicea. Provide services. Provide services. Provide senlicea. Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Provide servlcea. Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Required for construction. Required for construction, Required for construction. Required for construction, Required for construction, Required for construction. Required for conatruction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for conatruction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Subcontractor Subcontractor 06.120 06-120 Kaikor Construction Kanoa, Aivao (SF MASONRY) Provide services. Provide services. Required for construction. Required for construction. - Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 08-120 DB.120 Kila Construction KSF Inc. LVI Environmental Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. - Subcontractor 08-120 Provide services. 06.120 McNary Bergeron & Associates Engineering Project Quality Mid Pac Engineering Assurance/Quality Control - Subcontractor ‘ Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 D8.i2o DB’lZO 08-120 00-120 08-120 Mutual Welding Neil Nakal Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical Oasis Environmental Omose Utilities Services Inc Pac Electric Co Inc - Subcontractor 08420 . Subcontractor DB-120 Pacific Commercial Services Pacific Preferred Contractors Corp - Subcontractor Subcontractor 00-120 00-120 - Subcontractor 08-120 - ‘ ‘ . . . . - . Fencing Trucking services Trucking services Drilling Jet grout shaft Drilling Landscaping/Irrigation Landscaping/Irrigation HECO Utility Relocation Designer Painting Landscaping/Irrigation Trucking of segments Trucking services Concrete finishes (guideway walkway) Concrete/Curbs Fabricate and paint lifting frames Misc Engineering Demolition Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (see Note 4) Section 660.2(Q(4) Section 660.2(i)(4) - - - - - - - - . ‘ - ‘ - - . . - - . - . . . . . . - . . . . - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S S 300,679 533,902 32,168 13,783 69,554 238,301 38,626 4,573 82,277 4,780.931 347.396 42,314 2,235,664 610.497 5 S 525,263 405,231 90.643 47,578 16,849 . . . - . . 5 5 5 Required for construction. - . 5 17,246 Provide services. Required for construction. . . 5 2,133,118 Misc welding and fabrication Hazrnat Geotechnical engineering Soil Testing & Sampling Engineering Electrical Vacuum Truck’ Fully Operated Provide Provide Provide Provide Provide Provide RequIred Required Required Required Required Required 446.029 65.443 10.605 127,609 46151 4,195,414 Provide services. Road Markings/Striping . . S 5 5 5 5 5 Required for construction. - . S 367.123 Provide services. Required for construction, . . 5 537,203 Paula Electrical Contracting LLC Electrical Provide services. Penhall Company Concrete Coring Provide services, tngineering and signal poles Phoenix Pacific and appurtenances Provide services, Required for construction, Required for construction. . . . . 5 5 1,035,804 653,996 . - 5 695.629 services. services. services. services. services. services, 15 for for for for for for cânstruction, construction, construction. construction. construction. construction. Required for construction. - . . - . . - Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16.1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(i)fl) Section 6-60.2(0(2) Section 6-60.2(i)(3) Section 6-60.2(0(3) Section 660.2(i)(4) Section 660.2(0(4) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 DB-120 08-120 Phoenix Security Pineridge Farms Pural Water Specialty Co Inc - Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-120 DB-120 06-120 08-120 05-120 - Subcontractor 08-120 Quality General Road euilders Corp Sea of Green LLC Shannon & Wilson Smith Monroe Gray Engineers Somerset Construction Engineers Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 05-120 DB’lZO DB-120 DB-120 DB-120 Stryker Weiner & Yokota Unistrut Hawaii a division of Universal Associates Valley Well Drilling LLC YK Drilling LIC . - - - Security guards Trucking services Water sampling Concrete finishes (guideway walkway) Pavement Landscaping/Irrigation Geotechnical engineering Misc Engineering Provide services. Provide services. Provide services. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Provide Provide Provide Provide Provide Required Required Required Required Required Misc Engineering Community outreach and education Maintenance of traffic Fabrication Drilling services Drilling/soil sampling Provide services. Required for construction. Provide Provide Provide Provide Provide Required Required Required Required Required General Contractor Subcontractor 05-200 08-200 Kiewit/Kobayashi, a iv A-i A-Lectrician Design & Construction Construction Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 05-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 Construction Construction Construction Construction Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-200 08-200 08-200 Alakal Mechanical Corporation Swanson Steel Erectors Inc. QualityGeneral Inc South Pacific Steel Island Landscaping and Maintenance, Inc. Otis elnvator LA Painting Ltd. Subcontractor Subcontractor 05-200 DB-200 Group Builders Inc. Flexible Ufeline Systems Construction Construction - - . - - - Subcontractor 08-200 - Subcontractor 08-200 Commercial Shelving, Inc. Commercial Sheetmetai Company, Inc. Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction services. services. services. services. services. services. services. services, services. services, for for for for for for for for for for construction. construction. construction, construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction, construction, Storage, maintenance and repair of vehicles and house Provide final design and construction of the train control system the Maintengnce and Storage Facility operations activity. Eiectrical Required for construction, Mechanical, Plumbing, Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Required for construction, Structural Steel Required for construction. Concrete Unit Masonry, Rip Rap Required for construction. Concrete Reinforcing Required for construction. Landscape Irrigation and Planting Passenger Elevators Painting and Coatings Metal Framing, Gypsum Board, Acoustical Panel Ceilings Fall Protection Equipment Required for construction, Required for construction, Required for construction, Required for construction, Required for construction- Toilet Compartments, Toilet Accessories, Projection Screens, Control Booth, Metal Lockers, Loading Dock Equipment Required for construction, Standing Seam Metal Roofing, Metal Wall Panels, Siwlights Required for construction. 16 $ Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.20114) $ 5 S 224.158 4,218,937 18,612 . 5 5 5 5 S 430,499 4.551,507 12,053 242,608 236,665 - 5 142,875 5 5 5 5 5 137,029 3,494.183 253,979 119,299 111,067 5 8,219.623 S 5 5 5 1,917,817 401,623 349,591 410,826 5 5 5 729,555 92,618 1.926,360 - - - - - - . - - - 64,564.330 5 77,371,161 - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 $ 970,075 103,920 - - 5 325,469 - - S 2,126,768 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1,2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Section 6’60.2(i)(2) Section 6-60.2(0(3) Section 6’BO.Z(i)(a) Section 66O.2(i)~4) Section 66tL2(i)(4) - - - - $ S 1,910,796 1,025,193 - Subcontractor Subcontractor 05.200 05-200 - Subcontractor 06-200 - Subcontractor 06-200 - Subcontractor 06-200 - Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor DB’200 D8-200 08-200 DB-200 - Subcontractor 06-200 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor DB-200 DB-200 DB-200 DB’200 Subcontractor Subcontractor 06-200 05-200 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-200 DB-200 DB-ZOO Subcontractor Subcontractor Subconeraceor Subcontractor DB.200 DB-200 08-200 08-200 Subcontractor Subcontractor 06-200 08-200 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor DB-200 DB-200 08-200 - . - - ‘ . . . - • - - AID Glass and Metal, Inc. Honolulu Fire Protection, LIC American Standard Concrete Pumping A-American Custom Flooring, Inc. Aiii Flooring Inc. CEI, a Division of TDXNet Acutron LLC Window World Inc. Zel-Tec, Inc. dba Zelinsky Company Jayco Hawaii Inc. Pural Water Specialty Company, Inc. Harry Asato Painting LB Foster Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.Z(i)(4) Construction Construction Glazing; Aluminum Entrances, Storefront, Curtain Wail; Mirrors, Canopies Fire Sprinkler System Required for construction. Required for construction. Construction Concrete Pumping Required for construction. - - S 125,999 Construction Tiling Required for construction. - - S 375,544 Roofing, Flashing, Waterproofing Required for construction. - . 5 449,089 Required Required Required Required - - . . . . . . 5 5 5 5 1,490,435 120,243 149,464 617,920 Design Shop Equipment Concrete Placement Access Flooring, Partitions Fences and Gates Design of the HART Maintenance and Storage Facility . - S 439,055 Construction Construction Construction Construction Overhead Coiling Doors Vehicle Lifts and Turntables Demolition Steel Framing Required Required Required Required . . . . 5 5 5 5 79,465 491,938 31,728 15,190 Construction Construction Furniture Concrete rinishing Required for construction. Required for construction. 5 5 576,605 134,299 Construction Construction Construction Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. 5 5 5 111,161 109,524 1,475,972 Construction Construction Construction Construction Joint Sealants Guardrail, Roadway Signage Fiesibie Paving Resilient Flooring and Base, Tile Carpeting Fuel Line Cleaning Firestopping Window Coverings Required Required Required Required 5 5 5 5 318,500 125.961 58,991 47,840 Construction Construction Epoxy Coating Aluminum Railings Required for construction. Required for construction. 5 5 87,731 26,882 Construction Construction Material Supplier Water Utility Chlorination Pavement Markings Rail Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. 5 5 5 24,546 34,773 2,008,427 AIcal Specialty Contracting, Inc. Construction Penn Equipment & Tool Corporation Construction Tuck Inc. Construction Waltz Engineering, Inc. Construction Choice rence Inc. Construction HNTB Corporation Servco Raynor Overhead Doors Inc. Peterson Hydraulics, Inc. Tajiri Demolition and Disposal Ronduen Welding Inc. Contract Furnishers of Hawaii dba Office Pavilion Hawaii Tyson’s Inc. LM Nishida Weatherproofing, inc. GP Roadway Solutions, Inc. Grace Pacific LLC Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) 17 for for for for construction. construction. construction. construction. Required for construction. for for for for construction. construction. construction. construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. . . . . . . - - - - - - - . - . - - . . . . - . - - . . . . . - Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) classification Section 6-60.20)11) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60,2(0(1) Section 6-60.2(i)(2) Section 6-60.20)13) Section 6-60.20)13) Section 660.2(i)(4) - Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor DR-ZOO 08-200 08-200 06-200 Material Material Material Material DB-200 Macton Corporation Ameron Hawaii Pacific Pipe Tensar International Simmons Machine Tool Corporation - Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 06-200 06-200 Omega Hawaiian Cement Material Supplier Material Supplier - SubcDntractor Subcontractor DB-200 06-200 - Subcontractor 06-200 Island Pacific Distributors, Inc. Material Supplier lnterclean Equipment, Inc. Material Supplier Ramtek Fabrications Company, Inc. Material Supplier Subcontractor Subcontractor 06-200 08-200 Division X, Inc. Orgo-Thermit, Inc. Material Supplier Material Supplier Subcontractor Subcontractor DO-ZOO 08-200 Timberland Hawaii H.J. Skelton Canada Ltd Material Supplier Material Supplier Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor DO-ZOO DR-ZOO DR-ZOO DO-ZOO DR-ZOO DO-200 DO-ZOO DO-ZOO 08-200 DR-ZOO 08-200 06-200 06-200 Global Fabricators Neu Inc. Tactile Braille Signs LLC Island Topsoil LI.C Pineridge Farms Inc. Elite Trucking & Services LLC Don’s Makiki Service Inc. Island Hauling Inc. EnviroServices &Tralning Cent. S.S. Dannaway Associates Inc. Hawaiian Cathodic Services Inc. Mid Pac Engineering ILC Maintenance Design Group LLC Material Supplier Material Supplier Material Supplier Trucking/Hauling Trucking/Hauling Trucking/Hauling Trucking/Hauling Trucking/Hauling Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor DR-ZOO DR-ZOO 08-200 Finishline Software LLC Professional Service Smith Monroe Gray Engineers I Professional Service David’s Fencing Inc. Minor Operation Service - - - ‘ - - - Supplier Supplier Supplier Supplier Material Supplier Vehicle Lift, Specialty Lift. Vehicle Turntable Aggregate Water, Sewer, Drain Pipe and Fittings Concrete Segmental Wall System Car Mover, Spray Painting Booth, Wheel Lathes Pedestrian and Roadway At-Grade Croasings Concrete Hollow Metal Doors and Frames, Door Hardware Vehicle Washing Equipment Precast Concrete UtilityStructurea Roof Accessories, Site Furnishings, Visual Display Units, Wall & Door Protection Rail Grinding Interior Architectural Woodwork and Cabinets Friction Buffer Stop Metal Decking, Structural Steel Framing, Metal Fastening Vehicle Sanding System Interior Signage and Directories Trucking/Hauling Trucking/Hauling Trucking/Hauling Trucking/Hauling Trucking/Hauling Environmental Consultant Fire Protection Consulting Services Electrical Testing Quality Control Equipment Design Consultant Required Required Required Required for for for for construction. construction. construction. construction. Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.20)14) Section 660.20)14) - $ $ S S 1,486.542 1.229.090 140,761 (1,785) - - 5 1,221,952 - - - - S S 15,008 1,139,111 - S S 226,813 398,685 - - S io,ioo - - - . 5 5 18,313 48435 - - - - 5 5 128,243 133,558 - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S S 5 5 5 - - 114,948 329,200 35,058 169,822 878,655 56,1S1 19,600 204,058 18,876 7,492 33,090 99,309 5,989 - - - - - - 5 5 5 11,728 5,999 23,885 - - - - - - - Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. - - - Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required for for for for for for for for for for for for for construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. construction. Supply Construction Punchlist Software Required for construction. Consulting Engineer Required for construction. Fencing Required for construction. 18 Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CDZ, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) . - ‘ - - - - - Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Juatification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Section 6-6o.2(i)(2) Section 6-6o.2(i)(3) Section 6-6o.2(i)(3) Section 660.2(Q(4) Section 660.2(i)(4) Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor DB-200 Os-ZOO 08-200 08-200 DB-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 05-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 05-200 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-200 Ou-200 06-200 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor 08-200 08-200 DB’200 Subcontractor Subcontractor DB-200 08-200 Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor DB-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 08-200 Shobu’s Refrigeration & Air Con Minor Operation Service Penhall Company Minor Operation Service Badger Holding LIC, OuA Safwa Minor Operation Servicu National Concrete Sawing Minor Operation Service Phoenix Security Hawaii Minor Operation Service Allied Security Fence Company Minor Operation Service Gapuz, Alrnendras M. dba AMO Minor Operation Service Hawaii ModularSpace Minor Operation Service A& E Equipment Rentals equipment Rental Atlas Sales Co Inc. Equipment Rental Bacon Universal Inc. Equipment Rental Hawthorne Pacific Corp Equipment Rental Hawthorne Rent-It Service Equipment Rental HO Supply White Cap Construction Supply Equipment Rental Hertz Equipment Rental Inc. Equipment Rental 141 Rentals LCC Equipment Rental MK Equipment Corporation Equipment Rental Mr. Sandman Inc. Equipment Rental Safety Systems and Signs Hawaii Equipment Rental Service Rentals & Supplies Inc. Equipment Rental Sunbelt Rentals Inc. Equipment Rental AA Affordable Cleaning Services Inc Minor Operation Service Aerial Photography Hawaii Minor Operation Service Aero Courier Minor Operation Service Associated Steel Workers Limited Minor Operation Service Coffman Engineers Inc. Minor Operation Service Concrete Washout Systems Hawaii Inc. Minor Operation Service Hawaiian Crane & Rigging LTD Minor Operation Service Island Movers Inc. Minor Operation Service Kleen Sweeps Inc. Minor Operation Service FyI Land Co LTD Minor Operation Service Rolloffs Hawaii Inc. Minor Operation Service Sause Bros. Minor Operation Service VIP Sanitation Minor Operation Service West Oahu Aggregate Co. Inc. Minor Operation Service Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Servicing Sawcutting and Coring Scaffolding Sawcutting Jobsite Security Fencing Final Cleaning Services Temporary Office Facilities Equipment Rental Equipment Rental Equipment Rental Equipment Rental Equipment Rental Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. for construction. Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Required Required Required Required Required for for for for for Rental Rental Rental Rental Rental construction. construction. constructionconstructionconstruction. Equipment Rental Equipment Rental Equipment Rental Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Cleanning Services Photography Services Eourier Services Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Equipment Rental Consulting Engineer Required for construction. Required for construction. Concrete Washout Bins Equipment Rental Field Office Relocation Street Sweeping Waste Disposal Waste Disposal Shipping and Storage portable Toilets Aggregate Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction, Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. Required for construction. 19 Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(i)(4) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - S 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5,844 16,218 4,973 24,695 140,860 40.256 113,220 138,B00 2,895 631 20,895 25,371 1,466 5 5 5 S 5 6,094 12,917 27,133 1,259 2,644 5 S 5 13,523 i,iu 1,028 53,265 6,940 10,039 - - - - - - 5 5 5 - - 5 - - 1.500 624 - - - - 5 5 5 5 S S 5 27,096 14,375 21,655 8,568 76,006 21,947 3S7,125 101,808 12,n42 - - - - - - - - - . - - 5 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), 02, rot 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 201S through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(i)(t) Section 6-60.2(i)(2) Section 6-6o.Z(i)(3) Section 6-60.201(3) Section 660.2(i)(4) ~ Prime Contractor Prime Contractor Subcontractor Prime Contractor Subcontractor Subcontractor N/A Kobayashl Sugita & Goda HART Outside Counsel Providing of legal services in the form of advice, counsel, research, preparation of reports, evaluations analyses and/or As needed for consultation legal representation relating to the regarding legal matters HRTP. related to HART. 101,658 $ 1,612,294 S 1,749,752 MM-964 ADS System Safety Consulting Safety Professional consulting services Provides design and construction management oversight for the Core Systems Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (08DM) Contract, Primary services are as follows: Project and construction management; Review and approval ofcontract submittals; Design audit, review and acceptance; Fixed Facilities interface management; Manufacturing oversight and factory inspections; Installation oversight; System acceptance/testing and commissioning; Operations and maintenance services; and Contract close-out, Takes the lead in the oversight of the DBOM Contractor’s design and construction scope of work at the direction of Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) program management. Supports HART on an as needed basis in the management oversight of the DBOM Contractor for system commissioning, passenger service start-up, and pre-revenue operations and maintenance activities. Professional consulting services Document control support services, Provides document control services in accordance with the HART’s approved procedures, - Specialty professional engineering services Conducts a study to evaluate and provides recommendations regarding potential installation locations for the 138kv Hawaiian Electric lines. Assist In locating and resolving conflict between HECO existing poles and HART facilities - MM-962 LTK Engineering Services 20 Section 660.201(4) $ Safety & Security Support MM-962 LKG-CMC, Inc. Section 660.201(4) 37,931 MM-964 Lawson & Associates, Inc. MM-962 Lea+Elliott, Inc. Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) $ Contract compliance oversight of contractors regarding occupational safety and health of workers and the affected general public, including ocip insurance program assistance FTA required safety and security certification of the design, work in place and system Regulatory and insurance safety requirements Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Regulatory and insurance safety requirements - $ 6,590,991 5 1,031.277 - 5 168,823 - 5 11,894 - S - 7,814,124 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Trantportation ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CDZ, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1,2015 through June 30. 2016) Classification Section 6-6O2(1fl1) - Subcontractor Prime Contractor General Contractor - Subcontractor Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section G’60.2(Ifll) Section 6.60.2(0(2) Section 6-60.2(i)(3) Section G’60.2(i)(3) Section 660.2(i)(4) Assists with change and claim management services in accurdance with the HART’s approved procedures. - MM-962 n. M. Towill Corporation MM-950 Marsh USA Inc 066-171 Nan, Inc. Capital Project Managemant DBB-171 Inc Professional consulting services Change management Provide risk assessment, develop specifications and other informatiun to support a Request for Proposal for appropriate brokerage services for the placement of insurance, review and coordinate safety and loss control programs, provide oversight of claims Provide assistance in the Owner Controlled Insurance administration and provide oversight of administration ofthe owner Program (OCIP) Consultant the OCIP program. controlled insurance. Construction Construction of HART West Oahu StatIons Group Project Management Scheduling services Construction of HART West Oahu Stations Group Construction of HART West Oahu Stations Group Review of publnhnd Geotechnlcai Oats Provide foundation design recommendations for temporary structures needed for construction of West Oahu Stations Structural Engineering Civil Engineering Design services Review of caicuations and drawings for falsework and formwork Staging and Stockpile Area for Construction of West Oahu Stations Construction of West Oahu Stations Construction Construction of HART Airport Section Utilites Construction of HART Airport Section litilites . - Subcontractor - Subcontractor - Subcontractor General Contractor DBB-17j Consolidated Engineering Labs Geotechnical Engineering Hida, Okamoto & Asscociates, DBB-171 Inc. ~ ORB-Ill SSFM International, Inc. DOD-SOS Nan, Inc. Design Subcontractor Subcontractor DOD-SOS American Standard Concrete ORB-SOS David’s Fencing, Inc. Pumping Services Fence Contractor Grout pumping of utilities Fencing . Subcontractor Subcontractor Geotechnical Engineering Engineering & Construction - Subcontractor DBB-SOS Masa Fukiolca & Associates ORB-SOS Mitsunaga & Associates, Inc. Paul’s Electrical Contracting ODD-SOS LLC Consulting Services sewer connection Conttruction of HART Airport Section Utilites Subcontractor Subcontractor OBB-SDS Pural Water Specialty Co., Inc DOD-SOS Steve Nima & Associates LLC . . - Construction Potable and Non-Potable Water Systems chorination and testing Consulting Arborist Services Arborist Consultant 21 Construction of HART AirportSection Utilities fencing of project site shoring and soil geotechnical analysis sewer connection Construction of HART Airport Section Utilites Chlorination and backflow prevention testing arborist consulting Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 66o.2(ifl4) Section 660.20114) - - $ 225,469 5 225,469 $ 361,800 5 343,710 $ S 327,900 - 5 4373 . . 5 4,429 . . 5 7,200 - 5 26,714 8,613,345 5 9,939,141 - - - . 5 5 4,364 5,39s - 5 5 ~47 1,500 - - S 5,030,586 - . - - 5 5 28,053 1,728 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FDI. 2016 Fiscal year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractora (See Note 2) ~ Section 6-60.2(fl(1) N/A Section 6-6O.Z(i)(1) Section 6-60.2(0(2) Section 6.60.2(0(3) Section 6.60.2(0(3) Section 660.201(4) Section 660.2(0(4) - - $ 9,221 - - S 17,238 - - 5 1,779 - - 5 2,084 Classification - Subcontractor 088-505 Tapestry Partners, Ltd - Subcontractor 068-505 Underground Services, Inc. Construction Consulting Collection systems maintenance and managemnnt - Subcontractor DBB-S0S Uniteck Insulation, LLC . Subcontractor Prime Contractor Civil Construction consulting civil consulting Abatement Services Sewer line cleaning services demo and abatement of asbestos conduit Sewer line cleaning services demo and abatement of asbestos conduit DoB-sos Walter P. Thompson, Inc. Surveying Surveying Project Controls Verification MM-941 Pacific Legacy, Inc. Section 106 Programmatic Agreement Project Manager for Kako o Required by the Section 106 Programmatic Agreement - Subcontractor MM-935 ACM Consultants, Inc. Review Appraisals Provides real estate acquisition and relocation services, Reviews real property appraisals prepared by others, - Subcontractor MM-93S DM&A FF&E Appraisals Prepares real property appraisals, - Subcontractor MM’935 John Child & Company Appraisals Prepares real property appraisals. - Subcontractor MM-93S Title Guaranty of Hawaii Title Reports Prepares title reports Prime Contractor MM-935 Paragon Partners Ltd. Right-of-Way , - Subcontractor Prime Contractor Prime Contractor Prime Contractor - Subcontractor MM-93S Yamaguchi & Yamaguchi, Inc. Appraisals MM’90S Parsons Brinkerhoff, Inc. SEC II ro.sSo Perkins+Will Architecture MM’290 PGH Wong Engineerieg, Inc. General Construction Engineering & Inspection MM.290 now Construction 3rd Party Coordination; Labor Compliance Prepares real property appraisals, Archnlogical Inventory Survey lnvoicns from prior years. Architectural design forthe Dillingham and Kaka’ako Station Group Design project and Design Build services. Resident Engineering, Office Engineering, Construction Compliance Monitoring, Estimating, and Scheduling Services 3rd Party Coordination, Labor Compliance, and Construction Compliance Monitoring Services 22 Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(0(4) $ 48.136 5 54.468 - $ 1,867,422 5 2,548,215 - To obtain property needed for the guideway. To obtain property needed for the guideway. To obtain property needed for the guideway. To obtain property needed for the guideway. To obtain property needed for the guideway. To obtain property needed for the guideway. Sufficiet documentation to pay invoIce was provided. $ 140.049 5 140,049 - Progress payment and RFCC’s for Ala Moana Transit Center, Column Relocation Kaka’ako Station, Schedule Extension $ 1,208,169 5 1,208,169 - $ 12,964,579 S 15,378,153 - Supporting the Honululu Rail Transit Project on the West Section. Supporting the Honululu Rail Transit Project on the West Section. . - S 92,932 - - 5 37,850 - - 5 135,037 - . S 8,620 - . 5 134,607 - - 5 8,617 Honolulu Authority for Rapid transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1. 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contrector inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(0(1) Section 6-60.2(iflz) Section 6-60.2(i)(3) Section 6-6o.2(ifl3) Section 660.2(i)(4) MM’290 Bowers÷icubota General Construction Engineering & Inspection MM-290 CH2M Hill General Construction Engineering & Inspection MM-290 MM-290 Subcontractor MM-flU Subcontractor MM-290 Subcontractor Prime Contractor MM-290 Resident Engineering, Office Engineering, Construction Compliance Monitoring, Estimatihg, and Scheduling Services Resident Engineering, Office Engineering, Construction Compliance Monitoring, Estimating, and Scheduling Services Quality assurance support services for Materials Sampling & materials sampling and testing on an Construction Engineering Labs. Testing intermittent and suspect basis. Environmental monitoring support in the observation and documentation of the contractors compliance to the Environmental Monitoring; construction documents and Element Environmental Document Control environmental requirements. Provides elevator and escalator design technical support and coordinates with Elevator/Escalator Technical station construction compliance Elevator Consulting Services, In Support monitors for field oversight. Quality assurance support services for surveying on an intermittent and Engineers Surveyors Hawaii, Inc Surveying Oversight suspect basis. Materials Sampling & Quality assurance support services for Testing; General materials sampling and testing on an Construction Engineering & intermittent and suspect basis; Office Inspection; Document Engineering, Construction Compliance PSC Consultants LLC Control Monitoring, and Document Control MM-937 R. M. Towill Corporation Real Estate Mapping and Surveying Services Boundary Property Surveys Right-of-Way Maps Parcel and Easement Mapping Maps and Material for Utility Easements Field Layout of Easements Maps and Material for 3rd Party Agreements Process Subdivision Maps Coordinate with 3rd Parties Review Design Documents Other Maps Meetings 23 paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(0(4) Section 660.2(ig4) Supporting the Honululu Rail Transit Project on the West Section, - Supporting ehe Honululu Rail Transit Project on the West Section. - - S 2,394,132 Supporting the Honululu Rail Transit Project on the West Section, - - 5 9,613 Supporting the Honululu Rail Transit Project on the West Section. - - 5 1,330,777 1,448,590 Supporting the Honululu Rail Transit Project on the West Section. Supporting the Honululu Rail Transit Project on the West Section. - - 5 12.383 - - 5 10,965 Supporting the Honululu Rail Transit Project on the West Section. - 5 1,070,779 Assist HART to obtain the ROW required for the Honolulu Area Rapid Transit System $ S97,414 5 597414 - Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1.2015 through June 30,2016) Classification Section 6-50.z(i)(1) Subcontractor Subcontractor Subcontractor General Contractor Subcontractor Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section G.6o.2(i)(1) Section 6-60.2(iflz) Section 6-60.2(i)(3) Section 6-60.2(i)(3) Section 66O.2(fl(4) Section 660.2(0(4) Boundary Property Surveys Right-of-way Maps Parcel and Easement Mapping Maps and Material for Utility Easements Field Layout of Easements Maps and Material for 3rd Party Agreements Process Subdivision Maps Other Maps Assist HART to obtain the Row required for the Honolulu Area Rapid Transit System - - $ 19,051 Assist HART to obtain the Row required for the Honolulu High Capacity Transit Project - - 5 185,953 Assist HART to obtain the ROW required for the Honolulu High Capacity Transit Project - - $ 5,507 54,466,385,00 5940,835.a7 - - $32,800.00 - - $31,460.00 - - $1,633.00 - - $112,290.88 Austin Tsusaumi &Associates, MM.937 Inc. Real Estate Mapping and Surveying Servièes Legal Services Boundary Property Surveys Right-of-Way Maps Parcel and Easement Mapping Maps and Material for utility Easements Field Layout of Easements Maps and Material for 3rd Party Agreements Process Subdivision Maps Other Maps Preparation and processing of Land Court petition Designation of easements on land owned bythe Ueited States Department ofthe Naw MM-945 Royal Contracting - on-Call i On-Call Construction l.andscape maintenance for roadways and utility improvements MM-945 Amazon Construction Demo and Hauling Demonish buildings and haul off debris Engineers Surveyors Hawaii, MM-937 Inc. SchneiderTanaka Radovich MM-937 Andrew & Tanaka Real Estate Mapping and Surveying Services Subcontractor MM-94S Bauske Enviromental Remediation Removal of hazardous material Subcontractor MM-94S Paradise Landscaping Pruning Trees Trim trees prior to move Consulting Preparation of plans for civic improvements, traffic control and inspection of work Subcontractor MM-94S Parsons Brickerhoff 24 Prepare for right of way for future construction by relocating trees and utilities Clearing site for next phase of work and improved safety and security Protect workers from exposure to hazardous material during demolition Trimmed for aafety prior to move Plans required for improvements and to obtain permits for construction. Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(0(4) - Honolulu Authority for Rapid Trantportation ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(0(1) Section 6-60.2(l)(2) Section 6-60.2(0(3) Section 6-60.20113) Section 660.2(0(4) Section 660.2(0(4) Section 660.2(0(4) Removal of hazardous material to protect workers from exposure substances like asbestos and PCBs. Safety and health requirements - - $10,865.00 54,437,630.87 - Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) — - Subcontractor General Contractor - Subcontractor MM-945 Unitek Insulation MM-947 Royal Contracting — On-Call II Hazardous Material Removal Removal of hazardous material As designated by contract MM-947 Alakai Mechanical Corporation Install smoke detectors Landscape maintenance for roadways and utility improvements Prepare for right of way for future construction by relocating treus and utilities Install fire alarm system To meet safety and fire code - - $8,107.00 Clearing site for next phase of work and improved safety and security - - $867,356.55 To reduce risk death of plant life after move - - $10,665.77 - Subcontractor MM-947 Amazon Construction Demolition/Hauling - Subcontractor MM-947 Carol Kwan Consulting Arborist Consulting Demonish buildings and haul off debris Advisor on the condition of plants and proper process for moving particular plants - Subcontractor Subcontractor MM-947 Ci Peterson MM-947 Pacific Preferred Contractors Paving Painting To minimize inconvenience Repavins of rosds after work completed to community Striping Safety of public - Subcontractor MM-947 Paradise Landscaping Prune Trees ror Transport Trim trees prior to move - . Subcontractor MM-947 Parsons erinkerhoff, Inc. - Subcontractor MM-947 Paul’s Electrical - Subcontractor MM-947 Santos Engineering Consulting - - Subcontractor General Contractor Electrical Installation Construction Plan Development Trimmed for safety prior to move Plans required for Preparation of plans for civic improvements and to improvements, traffic control and obtain permits for inspection of work construction. Prep and installation of conduit, For safety and security of electrical for all aspect of MSF as well as property, equipment and security cameras and alarms staff at locations As required prior to the Draft plans start ofwork. MM-947 unitnk Insulation Hazardous Material Removal Removal of hazardous material Removal of hazardous material to protect workers from exposure substances like Asbesto and PCBs. Safet and health requirements DO 6-3 85 Royal Construction Construction Freeway to guideway access Construct Ramp R2H2 25 $ 319,073 - - - - $234,950.00 $148,019.20 - - $4,766.00 - - $281,923.54 - - $1,137,594.32 - - $6,600.00 - - $288,639.66 $1,244,018.00 $1,184,332.70 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), CD2, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1. 2015 through June 30, 2016) Classification Section 6-60.20)11) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6.60.2(0(1) Section 6-60.2(i)(2) Section 6-60.20)13) Section 6-6020)13) Section 660.2(i)(4) Section 660.20)14) 58,750,00 $8,750.00 — Prime Contractor N/A General Contractor Ml-930 Prime Contractor - Subcontractor Artist -- UK West Oahu Station Design, Furnish, Install and Maintain station elevators Schindler Elevator Corporation and escalators Satoru Abe MM-922 SSFM International, Inc. MM’922 Atkins . - Subcontractor - Subcontractor MM-922 Hirata and Associates Inc. ~ MM-922 InSynargy Engineering Inc. - Subcontractor MM-922 Ki Concepts LLC - Subcontractor MM-922 Ricondo & Associates - Subcontractor MM-922 RMA Architects Inc. ~“ - Subcontractor Prime Contractor MM-922 Manthos Engineering Engineering Consulting Services Engineering Consulting Services Enginnering Consulting Services Engineering Consulting Services Engineering Consulting Services Engineering Consulting Services Engineering Consulting Services Engineering Consulting Services Fencing/grills art inserts Design, Furnish, Install and Maintain station elevators and escalators Contract No. SC-HRT-1200077’ HOOT review for Airport and City Center section HOOT review for Airport and City Center section HDOT review for Airport and City Center section HOOT review for Airport and City Center section HOOT review for Airport and City Center section HOOT review for Airport end City Center section HOOT review for Airport and City Center section HOOT review for Airport and City Center section Construction engineering MM-S96 Stantec Consulting Services Inc. and inspection Provide construction engineering and inspection services for the East Section of the HRTP. ASU change order support, ICE for AGS and CCGS - Subcontractor Lenax Construction Services MM-S96 Inc. cost estimating - Subcontractor MM-S96 LKG-CMC, Inc. Oocumnnt control - Subcontractor MM-S96 SSFM International, Inc Construction engineering and inspection Prime Contractor Trishs K. Watson (Honua MM-941 Consulting) Section 106 Programmatic Agreement Prime Contractor MM-595 URS (AECOM) Construction engineering and inspection Oocumnnt control support Provide construction engineering and inspection services for the East Section of the HRTP. Project Manager for Ksko o II Provide construction engineering end inspection services for the East Section of the HRTP. 26 Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(i)(4) HART Art in Transit Program Design, submittals, interface, permitting & pre construction activities $ 1,646,598 5 1,988,808 - Under direction of HOOT $ 632,130 5 771,264 - Under direction of HOOT - . 5 3,320 Under direction of HOOT - - S 494 Under direction of HOOT - - 5 2,304 Under direction of HOOT - - 5 842 Under direction of HOOT - - 5 945 Under direction of HOOT . - 5 912 Under direction of HOOT - - 5 369 oversight for East Section of the HRTP Cost estimating support for ongoing ASU construction activities, as well as bid support for AGS and CCGS Oocument control support for ASU $ Oversight for East Section of the HRTP 4,917,370 5 4,917,370 - - - 5 1,143,635 - - 5 118,829 - - 5 2,OSI,1S9 Required by the Section 106 Programmatic Agreement $ 25,000 5 25,000 - Oversight for East Section of the HRTP $ 2,324,89S 5 3,607,704 - Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation ordinance 16-1, Bill 23 (2015), C02, FD1 2016 Fiscal Year Annual Invoicing and Payment Report (July 1, 2015 throuph June 30. 2016) Classification Section 6.60.2(i)(1) Contract Code Name (See Note 1) Type of Services Detailed Description of Work Justification for Work Invoiced to HART by General Contractor inclusive of Subcontractors (See Note 2) N/A Section 6-60.2(i)(1) Section 6-60.2(i)(2) Section 6’60.2(i)(3) Section 6.60.2(0(3) Section 660.2(0(4) iRS (AECOM) Design-- West Side Station Group Overall design management and station design. Aided HART in the development of the final bid package. Provided design support during bidding. Finalized the station design and drawings for bidding. Support during the bid process. $ 154,348 $ 283.417 URS (AEC0M) Overall design management, and station design. Aided HART in the development Design-- Farrington Highway of the final bid package. Provided design Station Group support during bidding, Finalized the station design and drawings for bidding. Support during the bid process. $ 30.864 $ 189.594 Williams & Jensen, PLLC Assist with strategic planning and coordination in the development of a comprehensive federal affairs strategy. Research Serve as HARTs liaison in Washington, and prepare testimony and D.C.. with Hawaii’s Congressional written comments on Delegation and appropriate Federal pending federal legislation agencies. Provide coordination, and regulations to be counsel, and information and advise presented on behalf of and represent HART with respect to HART at federal federal transportation policy, legislation, Administrative and Federal Government Laision regulation and federal funding agencies. Congressional hearings. 200,000 $ 200,000 432,224,947 $ 499.796,812 Paid by HART inclusive of Subcontractors (see Note 3) Subcontractor Invoiced to Contractor (See Note 4) Section 660.2(l)(4) Section 660.2(i)(4) — Prime Contractor Prime Contractor FD-140 FD-240 . Prime Contrector N/A $ IReportTotaI Note 1: Soft is in alphabetical order by general or prime contractor, Note 2: Amounts shown are FY2016 invoices that have been approved for payment and processed through CHERPS from 07/01/2015 to 06/30/2016. The amounts do not reflect invoices received after 06/30/2016 for FY2016 that have not been approved and Note 3: Amounts shown are actual cash expenditures that were made during FY2016 from 07/01/ 2015 to 06/30/2016. Cash expenditures may represent payments on contractor Invoices that were accrued for Ff2015, and do not reflect any cash expenditures for FY2o16 contractor Invoices that were paid after 06/30/2016. Note 4: Amounts shown were provided by the general or prime contractor and are not recorded in the city’s accounting system. End of Report 27 5 235,568,219