3304301 one may re econ. arts my in palm. mt: new>> prom-e new one saw in mine mm EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ORDER (seerevene - use uuMaER, ll PROTECTED ted by [his] arr/13m . z. RESTRAINED PERSON (name); arm "er sex: mm DF rtt- ,5 Eyeoolor, Age: 5; Datenfbirth: a To THE PERSON: 8M a, at You MUST NOT harass, attack, strike, threaten, assault (sexuer or otherwrse). hit, tollow, stalk, molest, destroy any personal properly or, dlstutb the peace or, keep under survertlarrce, or black the movements ofeech person named in item 1. b_ Err/cu Musr NOT canted, either direcrry or indirectly, by any means. ineudrng out not limited to hy telephone, mall, e>>t'rtail or means, any person named in item 1. c. E'Wou MUST stay away at least: it yerds irorn each person named rn item 1. [i stay away at least: yards (address): [3 meve out immediately rrorn d. YOU MUST NOT own, possess, purchase, receive, or attempt to purdrase or receivo any firearm or amrnurrit any nreenns. you must tum them in to a law enrorcement agentzy or sell them to a licensed gun dealer (see page 4_ (Name): is given temporary care and control or . minor children oi the parties (names and ages)' 5, THIS ORDER WILL EXPIRE AT THE CLOSE OF THE COURT BUSINESS DAY ON: 5. TO THE PROTECTED PERSON: it you need protection tor is longer period or time, all must request restraining orders rrorn the court in the oovnty wher your (N'ameendaddressorcom: yen," armour DAVMMENEVER Is r>>,an .rin it you go to mutt to request restraining orders, eke your copy ortrris term with you. lie juvemie pettion ie penoin bus or counrrm on seven-u EARIJER Do nor we omen ts Grunt-En 9, file initial con Reason-eels grounds 1or the issuance ortrrisprder exist, and an emergency protective order isneoessery prevent me occurrenee or recurrence oi domestic violence, u'flld abuse; child abduction; elder crdep'er'rdent adult abuse, of stalking 8. uudroetoltlcermerne): (unit '45 MM grantedthisorderon(data): $5 The events that caused the pwtecled person to tear immediate and present danger oi domestic violence, child an use, child abduction eloerordependent adult abuse (meet solely inencrel abuse], or stalkan ere (give ram and dates; specrry weaponsFirearms was: t] deserved reported El searched tor seixed 11_ The person tobe protected lives with the person to be restrained and requests an order that the restrained pe immedlately from the address in rlern :tc. rson move out 12, The person to be protected hes minor childe in common with the person to be restrained, and a temporary custody order 5 requested because at the tools alleged in item 9. A custody order does . no new we or LAW Emu: we does not exist. Ey; Telephon'e't'fo - ERVICE r1 3L Wt 451,. 14, tpersunally deliverud copies of this Order to the person sawed as inflows: Da| Address: first and AA r't't. a me and 15. At this at sardine, was allaasl18 years ofage and not a party In this cause. Agency? 13. Person served (name): o: WHEN. I am celiiernia law enrcroernentoincer, 15 My heme, address, and telephone number are (this does norhayo to be server: home telephone number or or EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ORDER (CLETS--EPO) 904w (Domestic violence, child Abuse. Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse, or Stalking] Namedwa may coders siru~ezrsr mumosussr EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ORDER q, WARNINGS AND INFORMATION TO THE RESTRAINED PERSON: VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER IS A PUNISHABLE BY A $1,000 FINE, ONE IT MAY BE CHANGED ONLY BY ORDER OF THE COURT (PENAL CODE SECTION 13710(b)). YOU ARE PROHIBITED FROM OWNING, POSSESSING, PURCHASING, RECEIVING, OR ATTEMPTING TO PURCHASE OR RECEIVE A FIREARM 0R AMMUNITION (PENAL CODE SECTIONS 29325(a), 303o5lan. A VIOLATION Is SUBJECT TO A $1,000 FINE AND IMPRISONMENT OR BOTH. YOU MUST TURN IN YOUR FIREARMS TO A LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OR SELL THEM TO A LICENSED GUN DEALER WITHIN 24 HOURS OF RECEIPT OF THIS ORDER. PROOF OF SURRENDER OR SALE MUST BE FILED WITH THE COURT WITHIN 48 HOURS OF RECEIPT OF THIS ORDER. To the restrained person: This order will last until the?date and time in item 5 on the. reVEIse. The protected person may, however, obtain a more permanent restraining order from the court. You may seek the advice of an attorney on any matter connectedlwith this order. The attorney be consulted so that the attorney may assist you in responding to the-order. A la perSOna bajo restricci?n judicial: Esta Orden durara hastala techs hora indicada en el punt?o 5 at dorSo. La persona protegida ?puede, Sin embargo, obtener Una orden de entredicho (restricciOn jUdiCiai) mas'permanente de la Corie. Usted puede consultar a un abogado en conexiOn con cualquier asunto relaci'onado con esta orden. Debe cOnSUltar ai abo'gado inmediatarnente para que at ella le pueda ayudar a responder a la orden. - - To'the protected person: This ordEr will last only until the date and time noted in item 5 On thereyerSe. lfyou Wish to seek Continuing protection, you will have to apply'for an order'trom the court at the address in item B. You may'ap'ply fora protective order free of charge. In the case of an endangered Child, you may also apply for a more permanent order at theaddressiniitem:6, or if there he juvenile dependency action pending, yon may apply for a more permanent order under section 213.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. In the attorney on any matter connected with your application for any future Court Oi?ders. The attorney should beijconsuited so'that the?? attOrney may assist you in making your application. You do not have to have an attorney to get theprOtective order. . - . A la parscna protegida; Esta orden durara?SOio'hasta la techsy"tIO'ra"'indicada redial?punts desegrqne Ila-pretecCiOn To law enforcement: Penal Code section t37l provides that, Ft[u]pon request, law enforcement agendas shall starve the party to be . restrained at the scene of a demestic violence incident or at any time. the party is in Custody.? The Officer. Who request?d the emergency protective Order, while on duty, Shall carry copies of the protective Order Shall be served upon the restrained party by the officer. if the restrained party can reasonably be iodated, and acopy' shall be given-to the protracted __party. copy also shall be filed enforce an emergency protective order issued pursuant to this subdivision: A Of?cer acting pursuant to this subdivision shalt not be held civilly or criminaliy liable if he or she has acted in'good faith 'v'rith regard thereto. it a Child is in danger of being abducted: This order will last only until the dateand time note-d in item 5 on the Reverse. You may apply for a'child custody order from the courtcaso de peligro de secuastro de un ni?o de una ni?a: Esta Order: Sera? validasOlo hasta'la horay fecha indiCada en ell punto 5 al'dcrso. Usted puede solicitar de la corte una orden para la guardajdelni?o de la ni?a (Child Custody/arid VisitatiOnOrder) This emergency protective order is effective When made. This order shall Expire on the date and time specified in item 5 on the reverse. emerqency protective order. [Rev.1ianuary1. 2013]. Page 2 on EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ORDER (Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse, or Stalking)