August 29, 2014 - is 24 years old and undocumented. Her father--is with her. They do not have any other family in the area. She was living with Baldemar Alvarez and he sexually abused her. He lefi her at the clinic in Willits because she did not feel well. They did a pregnancy test and it was positive. She told the person at the clinic what happened to her and that person called law enforcement. She is seven weeks and six days pregnant. She is confused and does not know if she wants to keep the baby or have an abortion. He kept her in the house and would not allow her to leave. he was always watching her and was not allowed to go out by herself. Law enforcement went to the home and arrested him She did not lcnow what was going on. Her mother is in Mexico and has cancer. They are very poor. She has an 8 year old and a 3 year old living with her mother in Mexico- Puerto Vallarta. She knew him through her sister. He told her he would help her find a job so she could work. The first night he took her to a hotel. He said there were no other rooms available so they had to stay in the same room She said he could have the bed and she would sleep on the sofa. He told her he wanted to hug her and then he started kissing her and touching her all over her body. She kept telling him No He told her she had no righm because she was undocumented. She had no money She did not have sex with him that nightyear old sons that live with him. He told her that the sons would abuse her and not to talk to them. He told her she had to pay him with sex because she had not paid him for bringing her and her father. She an-ived on 4/4/14 and then later her father arrived. He put his penis in her mouth She could not defend herself. His sons heard what was going on and they did not do anything His sons are afraid of him. No one was home when he was arrested. Her father does not know anything about what happened to her. He does not know how to read or write. Blademar told her father he would be working at a ranch, but he put him to work for him cultivating marijuana and he was not allowed to leave the place. She has an aunt in Utah. She talked to Baldemar at the jail and the police were watching. he denied everything. He said he loved her and wanted to live with her He threatened to hit her and he abused her. He also has an 11 year old daughter but the mother has custody. She only visits him. He has had sex with six other women and they all have children. She had to cook for everyone at the house, take care of the ll year old when she was there and clean the house. Her father has a friend in the Los Angeles area. She was afraid to leave the home without her father. She made telephone calls to her aunt in Utah and then to a American friend, Mike was in Mexico but lives in Washington I spoke to Mike and with flpennission I gave him some information about what happened to her. ltold him we were trying to figure out who would be able to help them with money He said he was still in Puerto Vallarta and knew the family very well. He lives in a condo in Mexico and goes there otten. He would be back in Washington in two weeks. He said he would call his friends in Washington and let them know that they might go to Washington. He said he had just inherited one million and would help them out. I told him we were going to call her aunt in Utah and see if she would take them in. We called the aunt and she said she would take them in. I called Mike back and told him we were in the process of getting them bus tickets to Utah. On Sunday, August 31, 2014, I checked the bus station in Reno to make sure they arrived. I called my aunt and uncle in Reno that morning to see if their church could help them. My aunt was able to get them $45.00 and she took them the money at the bus station to give. I told them I wanted to see it'they had arrived safely. They thanked us both for everything.