Information Systems VL400) 5/05/05 sciplinary Hearing 12:06:04 Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Order Page 1 Name: Courtier, Russell Orlando 12065508 Case#: 0504 M146 M09 Date(s) of Hearing: 04/18/2005 04/22/2005 05-054-A-607 RULES CHARGED AND PLEA: Un Org I Plea DENY Procedural Points Inmate Courtier received a copy of the Misconduct Report, Notice of Hearing, Notice of Inmate Rights in a hearing and Rules of Prohibited Conduct. The inmate acknowledged understanding the misconduct report and inmate rights in a hearing. On April 18, 2005, the hearings officer provided a copy of letter being considered as evidence in this case.r and then postponed the case to allow Inmate Courtier additional time in which to prepare a defense to the charges. On April 25, 2005, this case resumed and concluded. All relevant documentary evidence was disclosed to the inmate. Findings of Fact 1) On April 13, 2005, Officer M. Foley, assigned as a Security Threat Group team member, completed an investigation involving Inmate Courtier. The investigation revealed Inmate Courtier attempted to mail a letter to another inmate at TRCI. However, the letter was intercepted an returned to SRCI for possibly having Security Threat Group related content. Officer Foley reviewed the letter when it was received back at SRCI. Officer Foley noted Inmate Courtier uses terms such as "car" and "chapters" in a context that is frequently utilized by the European Kindred, a Security Threat Group. 2) During his formal hearing, Inmate Courtier admitted to being a member of the European Kindred Security Threat Group. He also admitted to having authored the letter in question. Ultimate Findings of Fact and Conclusions Inmate Courtier created or actively promoted, recruited, or participated in any club, association or organization which is a security threat group, except as specified by OAR 291-145 or by the institution Security Threat Group Manager, thereby violating Rule 4m(A), Unauthorized Organization I. Preliminary Order Inmate has had 17 major rule violations in the past four years? Rule 4MA, Un Org I, is on Level 1 of the Major Violation Grid. MTAZULBK uorrec ons inrormation syscems 5/04/05 POWELLC sciplinary Hearing 9 13:55:56 Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and rder Page 2 Name: Courtier, Russell Orlando 12065508 Case#: 0504 M146 M09 Rule Sanct Description Begin DT End Dt Days Amount Suspended thru 4MA Un Org I Violation DSU Segregation 4/22/2005 8/19/2005 120.00 FINE Fine 100. 00 LOP Loss of Priv 14.00 to be served upon release from DSU. TR Time Retract 46.32 retract 46.32 days of earned time credit, previously awarded to Inmate Hearings Officer: Chris Powell ?3me Date: 5/02/2005 Date Ennctional unit Manager: Final order: L//;pproved Order hearing reopened Amended per below ORQON DEPARTMENT OF commerst MISCONDUCT REPORT CASE it 0504" [4&3 Name: Courtier, Russell SID 12065508 Housing: 2F24A (Last. First, MI) 0000 Facility: can Location oi Violation: Mailmom Date: [15 [15 imam Mo. Day Yr. Chargeis) WHITE THE APPROPRIATE 4M Unauthorized Organization i MAJ Rule it Title oi Flute Flute it Title oi Ftule Maiormtinor Ftule it Title of Flute MaioriMinor Rule it Title oi Flute MatorfMinor Flute it Title oi Flute MaloriMinor Rule it Title of Flute MaiorlMinor Description oi violation (explain how you discovered/learned the facts and who, what, when. where and how. Use continuation sheet if needed): On the above date and time, I was assigned to Complex 2 as a Housing Support Of?cer. I received a letter that was returned from do to a possrbie mart Violation. revrewed the mart and discovered sentences relel' [0 Security EEilUtiteS. C??i ?El, WES . - Disposition of Physical vidence: Staff Witnesses: ?9 c/O int/ebb immediate Action Taken: I . Submitted by: F'olm g) (3642 Timez2 30 am?i Belem Printec?Name and Signatu Title Reviewing Supewisorzm?MLTime/J?E?pm Printed Name and Signature Title As I have reviewed the foregoing Misconduct Fieport and iind that the rule violation(s) islare oi such a serious nature that good order and security of the require immediate removal oi the inmate and placement in segregation status because: Placed in Segregation by: Time: amlpm Printed Name and Signature Title PreHearing Segregation Ordered: Signature Title Date I inmate Copy Deiivered by: 0/0 1193303.; [4-6 5 Printed Name and Signature Title TimeiDate Served