BALTIMORE couNTv POLICE DEPARTMENT mmdenl Repon RESTRICTED" 5131120142030 to 5131120142124 51311201421 50; 1111151111. 0111111501111 M1. 11.1. 15mm. I 11mm: 1 1 1 '3me 111%. 11.1.1." . Damien-1w Dcn111.111.1 [11111 [111111m11m 1.11.1. [31.1 1011.11.11 [31711.0( [15:11.11 mm 3111.1111111111MM 135.111.1111 91111154111111." ECW113111 DA, 115.," Emma1.1111111111111111 5111.191 r1014 s-m NF . . gums 0111111. 0111 11111.1 54.11.411.11 mower 01 PLAIOON 1 111111.11111111u14uc1w 5.1011511111111111." Elm 1210 Em >, 011.11. cm. 1w: mo mamas mm." 011111. cm: v. .. 411.111Mu1wm P1511114. 12.11.11: 12202 cowmzu name auswiss n11. 01.1 111>> M0 1 ?111,111. mmumma 1111101111." in 1111 1211.141" 1-11- 111a.Y 01.1111, 1m 0m 1 M11121 110 an: 1 M141 MD 11.41: a 11mm mousem Rubia-1y Mo um 1 1111111101." 3 WW1 qu'm 01x1p11111 Anun 11m 1141m1.1o11.1,. Mo Cummunu 01m cau- 311,101.13. sex orsmsa 2ND DEGREE 01.1,. v.11. 11.11" m1." 9 0111,1111>>, 12m COMPLETED mums LDY suswiss 1M M!le Mo "11-1 2111 '11. 11.11111 1111.". F1 11 a1 1.11:1 5111:1111 1.11.111. 1111. a my 511111.11 10111411 9011111 MO mm 51111.1,1a 0m 3 Runnmmunu mum-100m 2 11111.11 MD 41.13 BALTIMORE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT moment Reporl REST. CTE A 5/31/2014 20 30 'Awapzn Fueam Begum m" Wm". WM (a 5/31/2014 2124 5/31/2m4 2150 um Wm mo 0W BMW Emma '(knamn mam mm hue mums fl mm mAcx mum mm. uu: Baum]! as Zen cam>> m. sm mm, mm "mmcmm. an 1' BMW AND mus JEANS my mum mun." w; v- .1 mm- mm" hma' 5mm Macaw/"ems mm gm Tecuwud pawsow mm". mm Mm - BALTIMORE couNTv POLICE DEPARTMENT madam Repun REST CTED 1 a, to 5/31/20142124 5/31/20142150 mm "was . cm. Nam: v.1 1 "1 mam W, wrh'n >11 7 my mum mm 111mm mum." mm mm? on ERA om mama 1cAsuAu mowm m" we 1ND mm 52x OFFENSE 1ND DEGREE "mm vemuc Mm wan ha mm Ian! am Dv mm rm m, an'25:;25' 7 7 mm mm chim' Tux; mam PM 3 No a! vahsr D-vme DVESENQ Emma Fum Lucahcn gm." 1mg Rammed 51 m" Karma/y My. Gun anmuvahe mom, "mama; Emma 31:: mm am We 1) WM. Mme WNW ummcz WNW, 1 ram-:1 mm mm, W1 mum onmm A Rxvaan Lfivwe mm." Due mum om>> cm" WW BALTIMORE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT \nc'dent ReDDfl RESTRICTED 5/31/2014'38 30 to 5/31/2014 21'humm- WW On xhe above dam and Mme, I was dispakhed in \he above \ocamn reverean a rape just attuned (slave when hey her .n \he parkmg f0 winch baked on m: swde oi [3 mg next (a heivelude when he began to km harand have sexua' mm Wm (mu danknessomde Ms a began hm" he! and makmq an 1akmg afl Upon arriva', I was me! by Vwcun adwsed once ms vemde they commued \hmr mnversauun Wlule lhe vehldg sexua' ageing! nemnsnes and she pushed nun away Howsv her pants and penenated heranus th ms perv; Due minus inodwlh Spemal um responded-lo lunher Interver Ms-ev Dek -0nver5auon with Ms. as [he madam to be unlouvvded BALTIMORE couNTv POLICE DEPARYMENT Madam Supplement Reparl "may! mcmem supplemem Ream mu My" "5 55"" 5/31/2014 20 30 lo 5/31/20142124 2 .a A mm D-r'av: Manama" Dwummnua gm 1mm" DNA/mamas" mm Emma" gum." - mam Dwaych "mm \mn-m an 5mm Found ma am; A NF NDED m. yum" A \m 54m PRECMEY PLAYDON mm" mamm- omr mum mm 1 5mm, Cnnminaer n: ma M/znu :mnm- Hz 7 7m J. a )wm- re . SERVICES 3W. vapM-fl mum Paw" mm mm 35mm mm." s" am>> FEMALE Ell m; WKWE My," WW (AMER PI-mm mm INVENEWEE 75mm mum" 7 max MALE m5: . E'nmcuy 7 7 max mm. W. pm Ema" mm 3mm, "ms. um namegsc vane a BALTIMORE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT . Inc/denusuwemempon ~w.,my mm 5/31/2014 20 30 to 5/31/2014 2124 5/31/2014 21:50 mm. Momma/1 On May ms area the mm. brake a scene mlama the Re Just acumen o/fim _mved at the pamng Im a! 73 arm-r Schwartz/nan sen/red Ihe park/"g 11>> amazon" yum cnme sane Yap; While mamammg scum nf puss/Me mine gene, Inmmawemna Inmmewemmked the and were smppea by ummr They same they and W1 he was mm them we ey wuvk at approx mno They adv/53d they an work at Sam inwwewees agreed pmwde a stale/neat as to lhe eve/us that ucwrred. Sumner": we rimmed and provided I172 repumng [my BALTIMORE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Supplement Report ilmvorzulmtl a. mm 5/31/2014 20.30 to 5/31/2014 2124 r5/31/2013 21'50 the/answer; Wye/"shimsl new or! trance1:1an en>> .11 risen/hat .rn Dwremrmnana .a jG-ngnelalen Docs/thine: Emmet/m Duxtemire/vase Umtnpe an 'rhnr Mammy Mann: Aru U1nzafl 2 n1 ewu .3 yr: Afisluhmmt masons sat Aston/Went emu ,r'1itfleq I rs imfit uvrnter lrva Umvl [up/1mm Security su 4101i Dye Um it he LjNo Jae Una seen 15 WWstew/teem", All me set was Mural manual meter" Drs'rrnu'eVni Dis/mutate? enthrer gamer" a We" :Yo 10 mm." Wm MW Ya/i 3mm V: realm-Hahn a tent lwi BALTIMORE couurv nous: DEPARTMENT mam/mm incident Supplement Repon mm m. incident Supplement Repon m. mum um. i him an>> in 5/31/2014 20:30 to 5/31/2014 2124 5/31/2014 21 50 panls and began to perform cunnilingus on her Victim tated that she did not like that, and told him to stop, which he did Victim --then stated tha put his penis into her vagina and had vaginal intercourse with her for approximately 10 minutes. Viclim tated that she did not resist however, she told him, and "Stop" numerous times. During this event, victim stated tha--placed his hands around her neck. Victim-ex Iained that is i any pressure to her neck, and she could breathe normally Victim dvise a tol to remove his hands from. around her neck, which he did immediately. Victim penis irorri her vagina and inserted it into her anus. Victim tated that then removed his stated lhat it hurt, so she pushed him off 01 her and sat up in the back seal. Victim taled tha slaled, "I'm sorry, I did nol mean to hurt ou," and continued to kiss her. Victim stated that she told him step. and that she was leavmg Victim hpul on her panls, eXiied the vehicle, and drove home, Victim-adVised that she told a family member, who then contacted police, Detective sked VicllW-O describe the resistance during the alleged sexual assault Victim tate i at she told him and thai she didn'twanl tu have intercourse. Viciim-advlsed that she is not a violent person and she not want to hurt him Detective _asked Victim why she got into the backseat of his car, knowing that he wanted to have intercourse Victim taled that she reit "obli ated." Detective--asked Victi 'slated that she was not threatened, and wh she teii obligated and what that meant. Victim in not have a weapon, victim -stated that she felt obligated to have intercourse with him at ihat time Detective _advised Victim-that based on the information that she provided for this incident. ii did not meet the criteria to be a criminal acl 01 Degree Rape in the state oi Maryland. Based on the inlormation provided, Detective _ietermined this case to be unfounded