COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Incmem Repan REST CTE INCIDENY mum Jam>>. Inmden|Repar1 7 7 7 7 7 7 Page 1 4 fir mm: mm 5/14/2014 2030 to 5/15/2014 03 00 5/19/2014 18.41 1 1 7[ imam Egg." L15 mm Drum/andsacumymmun gunsmm mm mm, carrm- Wm 25:" Ar Nm Nag, a: new 7 MW mom :wu Ann/evmquemo 7 Nan-o. unlu'Hma 0255 -- s'zuzmo m: m1 [mumm- 1n 2 Umdmm 3 M7 7 swamvlmi 7 Dw-uzlm 7 Tmnmun aim>> '07 7 mum. rn mm. a cm "can! 5mm :mmon.m cw. u. Ana/up cam mm m1 9 mm Wm. comma 7 arms>>: 7 7 mu: '11. MD Paul "11,111,ansz amp, wc mm a mm, mum Ranns'v Mam-:11 may?" 5mm" Arsm Mm um we mm; Wm m, \jsn mum am": Em. um hurut BALTIMORE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Report RESTV CTE nueewtt 5/19/2014 1am hteetsrt tauts onetthneht atn tenet on 7 gttawr 7 7 tat thttueheeahhts taht ws Dha jta. jet gm hen the _s ttutnt 0n the above date and responded km to reverence to a rape report Upon arrtvat I that aavtseo that she was raped ttmes te pa wa teh transvuncd to 11 to be thtervtowao. Complatnant IWD weeks ago she was home tram Mars on Wtse Avenue when she rsattzea that she was betng renewed by a MN: ham advtsed that ltL' oflL'tL'd to Mr bags and hu| SHE rL-luwd We Sh: me" (chd Item}! and asked. someone tn tone owe outta that that hen. ht her heatetqahh the Hawk Fatwa aha her ht thew her the hat hands He statea that he wa~ stathta ahahttaheo house oh out to owe her as walkm to her house he shah ashht. ha queshohs ttke what her tast hahe was aha the tast hane or her thttas rather she aettsea that she ataht tat aha wet a hause am he teh Comptamanfidvtsed that on or around s/tz/M she ttatt the non pamaW tat a sock th the basement at her haw she Ward a that am mm the basement she thought tt mtoht have lwen a toy so she stayed the balty ounhg she thett went she ohserved the hasenteht other was open one the the muttey was gone. she aattseo that stte dtdn'l raH the because she thought tt mtaht be someone her stster was assottateo "tr: next day her slept on a than on the hack Hm dug startett bathtna tato at mgh' and her tathet otasetvea a whtte mate that was hate and had no through the attet comatatnan that she tan out ot the house a basehatt hat aha mate taehtna to see who was "We she then eattea the ttottae at (71 V9 hn rs a etstne that the mate attemptea to break the house flttuugh the basement door A resutt at the ttwesttaattoh retreated that the attempted burg aw was Al 0154 hours she sated bask to advtse that she knows where the mate hveu she aavtsea a vataht house on tangoort Avenue out omters were unaute to aetemnne house she was ts a rettreo taxt (2b enter and drives rowsbo to up her steD' on 5/14/14 she (swans awe her to the htethaaotte to to her oath hteaeattoh she attest that an WHEN: she "at a . (he mamadnne (hum she went to the [whim ng Wat'Man [0t nu ml uaht home to he lather alkmg a theta hamaa was {he a "my Slonptfi (ht: and to as ou a what the am. hat hut she ttoasht they the oak a showurami tt tett to K1 5 (M'd's father, that arautna tht' sub acts, He tetts cant shah the at am go oaet Whtte at that locattoanava Comotathant \mtey oath tor tawyt-r tee-s. Thev began argumg whtte at the toeatton one to teats she then sans the house an the entt watt to rear at the house tn the attev. Whtte there she observed towards her tn the attey. she atso observed a thtre atoer whtte mate staggertng behmd the two at a dlstancat she stated that wett- (ommi |owards her through the chy and he not resmn xted that she "wasrfl wotF' and he atott't respotto atta aooroaeheo he and asked tor a stbatette ate a Newport etgarette He then stated that he toutu sell her htewoot at ohet that she then began tomato and reae ta her purse atto took her wattet tohtatneo a stun arm :20 she that he BALTIMORE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Report RESTRICTED nowly Sumu' then told her to get up and she because she observed that he had a knle and mace in ms watstband. They served down me alley when he tells her "t1 ou stream, you," complalna lso added mamstated that he knows where she llves beanie he followed her home and klcked her door tn. He then gave llet back a ln lt at that They then walked to a house on Guy Way where she on the lront north goes ol the house and bank ullL she led that ad the phone but belore she could talk took he bought "toke- artd "weed" Whlle on th the phone lrotn her and hung lt up Complalnant at house the older guy walked away on Kavarlagh ert began towards Wlse Avenue then apprpa and asked tor a Clgimttet she stated that she cauldn't at what to say to other would cantanm'md tell she was them. she eontlnued walktn unttl she was at Wlse Avenue and tnvemess Avenue she asked ti she oould take one but she was told no. They walked to Try It llguors where 'staud "be coal, no one hurt you" and "calm down". whtle the store the elerk eommented on hershoes she then went on to tell the she robahly knew her stster. Once the males putehased thelr alcohol and clgars they let the locatlon and walked underneath the wlse Avenue andge. blanket on the gmund and put muslc on a portable radlo she advtsed that the ntales began and she had a tew otthotr . fl that she was cult! and asked to go home and was told no she that the subtoas began smoklng mantuana and th go a that she pretended to smoke the mantuana but never lnhaled lt lnto her lungs belore breathing tt out. Ahor a law hours i tol to go up to the street and keep a lookout. "pulled out a magnum condom and asked Complalnamglo take off her pants but she relused. she stated to "letstust on, Meet about the ey . then ousted her agalnst the ground and started her ants down to her ankles He then removed her shoes and removlng her pants lndudlng her underwear. she advtsed that she stated "no" several tunes. she advtsed that the gravel and roots were her so she tned sroobng away and he pulled her legs mwards hlm. He then began taklng pans but she was unable to because he pulled her back down. he then lnserted pents lnto her vaglna and began havlng tntereourse. lpped her around several tlrnes durrng the and she asked to stop because rt was he then attemitbd to Elam enls a and she moved lorwatd trotn belrtg able m. he then went bask to vagtnal tntercourse complalna tha havlng sex her but she was unsure what he the condom. At no tlme complalnar-adwso that she tned to push, or use any other fora: to -ph 01 her to stop the sexual intercourse he mart snuggled up to her and kept them eovered a hlankeL she asked several to but he let her. she advlsed that she slept only shut and bra no pants or underwear she advtsed that she was unable to get up whtle was sleepln erause he at her she then tell asleep and wake to water to hour the ttde commg ln she advrse at as ed memfiwas and adv that he lon dunno the she then lolwma! she had get to the methadone ror her dally me on. he then a (all to come I2le them up and take them to the . Contolalnant dvtsed that she wanted to nselor about the but there were other people tn the room so she IMrl drove both or them donalds where they up and then went to a llouor store and then to a hotel on Rt 40 cornplalnan ed that she beltevos the hotel was Elnsta Complantarn to reslst. she advlsed that she then had on the bed tn the hotel room. he thert her to take a shower whlle tn the she mot tn her and had her perform oral sex or once they got to the hotel she dedded that she was to do whate was asked not hung out tn the motel room havtng sex tlntos througho tmafia At a they all three went to Gray Manor on Northpolnt Rudd told her Complalna rank wh- at the bar both subjects elosed she alled to hem up and take them back to the hotel. she advlsetl that th the day people would text and call her and ould take me nd respond to them. then lelt the totatton tor a short penod and then tame . then ten the or a rt pet-rod and ayed at . she adwsed that she began to tax hue bathroom but she tell asleep. she woke up In and as bazk no a portal message that so text to Mr. there she advlsed that she deleted lt belore lt tn fear that she ge caught mmhe was then glven and allowed to to the hotel room and that wa down the road to Royal Palms by herself where shei rshasod ttgarettes, oxeednn and two soda-s they were out ortolldt papery she that at first wouldn't let her leave agarn because he thought she be meeung samnu Aher about so mtnutes he allowed her to leave agaln alone to go Upon return to the room she notlted that her son's sthool was she then spoke to the school nurse about her son she was also texu'ng- that at some ourlng the day and her were alone. Ht: walked her rnto the a ext to Grey Manor Inn and had sex her. They both lam naked tn the hold asleep untll lt wa a advtsed that she called to ptek them up and take them back to a dlnerent hotel on kt. 40. She advlsed that she could not remember the name or the hotel but remembers lt was next to the Royal harms whtle at that hotel room -ut porn on the televiswm They began havlng sex agaln. The next momtno p-sked them up and dmpped them or ln Dundalk agalrll she advtsed that they went to a esmetety to attempt to locate hs parents tombsbones but he unable to. she advtsed that he asked her to pednrm oral sex on but she sard no because there were bleyeles ln the area. she stated that she was able to that she would do lt later they eonhrtued to walk around and step tn several dtherent oars untll they ran out at money complatnant dvlsed that 'manmd to go to the bar agaln and they salted plek them up and drop them an tn Dundalkt she advlsed potnt Complatnan'as havlng a very hard we a chain at events. she stated that (ouldn't remember a lot ol the detatls berause rt was so long. she advtsed over past several days she attended rlowards Pub and Gray Manor several was as well as pods Tavern and half way house and they had run out or money she also advtsad that she attended the methadone even/day When asked when she get back home, on 5/18/14 around she advlsed that she mhfimm she had to get home because her had sshool tn the she or that they walked by was a fight so omeers throughout the area. They eventually walked to the Qutek Mart at vuse avenue and road whet gave her BALTIMORE COUNTY POLICE DEPARYMENT NUMIEI \ncment Repon RESTRICTED 7 "09% WW: 5/14/2014 20'30 5/15/2014 03 OD 5/19/201418 41 buy dgarenes he then gave her anmher before lhey separaled at the carmval \ucawd the held at our Lady at Hope church. Camp/3min then when heme. Comp/alnan-dwsed that she didn't 03H the pohce Immedlakelv when she gm home because she was lmve warned about (iklng care of he