i LEE Ft It: "a?n'nnesr avenue - on eases PEOPLE vs. ALLEN LKA tees or on nmGE Rte; asses R, assess REPORTER CARLA-JV DEF. ATTY. WIRE: CHARGES Emits tees-teeter it} i" 3* Pt: CASE NO. It?: GEN :tsooase? DATE Dermat- it 00 AREPT. as 28:13.. 1. $3315. negro WERE. Cit-1T est aerate Git)? as CLERK sate-rem e-e?Wit assess tit HEARING Ptt?t?-Detxt?rt END sent-"estates Dy: AGENCY a STATUS owe-e wit-some TW D-A- Pt .. HIRNEZRCZ APO S?tL?tE?i i=7 DATE. x" HEUEQ 153i NE TAPPEARANCE Defendant Present Not Present ?Atty Present [j Arr'd Adv Ct Arr Way l] Amend Complinfo Arr Plea 13 PTC [t Prob :1 Sent AD PD DO Special App Sworn l] interpreter PC977 Fiied On File Reptr. Adv Wav Bail;i SORP Reot Dr FAth ERC a Ball Apply Balance Exonerated NG Entered by CRT El NGBRI {Adv PSet Prelim El Readiness I MTC Bait Exonerated Forfeited Bond Denies Priors! AllegationsF EnhancementsIRetusal [3 Further 1] Jury [1 GT E1 Poo Def Wav Jury - i] Reassumption Filed [l Forfeiture Set Aside El Bail Rein TNW TW WD TW Sentence Relieved on Motion [j Granted Denied [t Submitted Cal Stip to Comm 1:1 Dre. Appointed Appt?d Jail Prison Term of [1 Reid - Ref i Appt PD 1 ADD I 100 Con Deol 1] Adm APO i Prop 38 1:1 Grim Proo Susp Rain [1 Status Doubt Pursuant PC 1368 Subm on Report [1 Found Max Term Prelim Wav 13 Certi?ed to General Jurisdiction a MBA 1 COM Amended to Amended to [j (M) V012500(a) i Fur VC23103.5 DA Filed PLEA Conditions: j None No State Prison after 1 Yr Prob Includes VOP [j 53 Costs Within 30 Days to Court SORP OR Revoked Reinstated {It May Post 8: Forfeit [1 BW Ordered Stayed El To issue No Cite Releasei?SClT i] No Request Cash Only BW Set Aside Recalled Ci Filed Remain Out NWF Proof 5- .J. a P36 Re-Assrn?t Committed PROP. 47 1] Add to Cal Vacate pending date l] Dismissal Striking Adv Max Pen Parole i Prob lmmig rAppeal Reg H81159 Sub. time of Sent Harvey Stip - 0457.1IP018630 BFSF FlnesiFees m. Wav Right to Counsel Court It Jury Trial Subpoena i? Cottontf Examine Witnesses [l Self-incriminatron Written Weiverfiled Ptea i Absentia filed 11 GOP 1:1 GUILTY NOLO CONTENDERE to charges admits enhancements i allegations! priors Prop 36 Granted} Unamenabie/ Refused r?Term El DEJ Eligibility Filed Waives Referral APO Full CR110 issued Pay to: P017 [1 Arbuckle 1:1 Factual Basis found Findings stated EJ Granted I Rein lTerm Fee . El Guiity Plea Rendered dit Sent Suspended PROBATION .r [j OURT FORMALRBATION GRANTED for Report to APO within votunteer Work as directed PO SAP Perform E1 Not drive wfo valid DJ. 81 ins Adv VC23600 El HTO Re-refer DMOP DBmos [IQmos [1 DL Suspi Restr?dx? Rvk?d for No contact with victim or famin co-deits unless appr by APO P0120205 DVPO issuedi mod Iterm?d Exp No Contact Peaceiui Contact Not own/possess deadly weapons Stay away from Submit Search/Testing ubstance Abuse Theft, Anger Mgmt, [grasses (DNA) P012021 HIV Admits/Denies Viol [3 Court Finds VOP .1 No VOP. Prob Rein Mod Term?d Revoked/ Remains Revoked Extto Original Terms a Conditions Except as Amended herein VOP: Wav And I: PROBATION DENIED we H811350d Execution 13? Imposition ofsentence su5pe dtor probation period . PC2903 DaysSORP .I Terminated Upon Releas DPF PA EMAT [1 in lieu of tine/Jail LAB PA Add'l RF x; Susp?d Enroll within days AEF Original Fine IID Not/Ordered/ Rmv'd Term SEGA/seen em ore seasons ICMF TOTAL DUE 1: Victim Present ICIN Payments Granted I Modified DSA thru APO DOR I CRT Filed AR . Mo beginning I El Destroyireturn weapon SHELTER FINE STAYED .- DV Committed $,_lday 1:1 May Pay Out Educ/Vac Trng/Empl ENC: alcohol drugs or where sold Am DV. Parenting prom Asr$25ioPF$10s Fin {Fees [mowed-Satis?ed DCommuted Hiram ti {Mo [1 Waived OJ $129.75rts25a50 aw? Addt?l Fees Waived SEGA, ICMF, lClN, CJAF. PINVEST, PSUP FEES NOT cone. 0F PROS . . . . Restit Gen 55 'to -t th {Rev .- .. erm'nous with No ?r er ena't'es 'ews WAS determined by e- [JReterred to VWAC ?See Attachm?t Pg collect restit from Data earnings El Blended Sentence County Count F/I'vi Violation I Enhancement Yrs/S Enhancement Prison Term Enhancement] Priors Yrs} DAYS Yrs/S Enhancement Yrer I I Enhancement I Yrs/S Enhancement Total or 4019 gut r] P029331 mt?ETotaI Total term Straight time t] in Camp WP 01209 Fees El. aived [l Court Rec All/ Except I Parole/NP Sent Deemed Srv?d to Parole/Prob w/in Consec Concto Bal CJ Soap 13 All but _tlrs/Days/irlos On Cond Complete Residential Treatment Serve Consec - Pre?process Stay I Surrendte Transport to or Sooner REMANDED-BAIL AS COND OF SDFIP BAIL INCREASED i REDUCED l] REMAIN AS SET NO BAIL COMMITTED RELEASED [3 OR :3 SORP JAC PHONE P36 [3 TO PRG 1A8 REC av .JAC Doc TO ARRANGE TRANSPORT UPON AVAIL BED DISTRIBUTION: PII - non Rt tit: - (?him DI term t: a manna-rm? CONDITIONS OF (SEX OFFENDER) Caseff: ?4924 Name: EVDQK TUVHCF Date: June; 2. 2.0m Ordered if box marked ?a 1?0 l3 10. ?11. 12. 13. ?14. 15. 18. ?17. II ?18. Cities REV 122115 Pursuant to Section of the Penal Code, as a condition of release from Formal Probation, the defendant shall enter1 participate and complete an approved sex offender management pregram, following the standards developed pursuant to Section 9003 of the Penal Code, for a period of not less than one year, up to the entire term of probation, as determined by the certi?ed sex offender management professional in consultation with the Probation Officer and as approved by the Court. The'defendant shall waive any privilege against seif-incrimination and participate in polygraph examinations, which shall be part of the sex offender management program. pursuant to Section of the Penal Code. The defendant shall waive any privilege to enable communication between the I sex offender management professional and the Probation Of?cer, pursuant to Section and Section 290.09 of the Penal'Code. The defendant shall pay all certified sex offender management program participation fees as determined by the Court, pursuant to Section 1203-. 067(6) of the Penal Code. The defendant may not date, socialize or form a romantic relationship with any person who has physical custody of a minor unless approved by the probation officer. . The defendant must notify his/her Probation Officer if he/she has possession of. control of, or access to a storage facility or locker. The defendant shall attend, actively participate in, and successfully complete a treatment program as directed by the Probation Officer. The defendant shall cooperate with and/or treatment. The defendant not be employed by nor do volunteer work in an organization which the defendant knows involves the supervision of children under the age of 18 years. The defendant not reside in a home where children under the age of 18 years reside. The defendant be ordered to register pursuant to Section 290 of the Penal Code and to comply with Section 290.85 of the Penal Code. Mine of $300.00 plus penalty assessment be imposed pursuant to Section 290.3 of the Penal Code. The defendant shall submit to a blood test for evidence of antibodies to the probable causative agent of acquired immune de?ciency (AIDS), pursuant to Section 1202.1 of the Penal Code. The Court issue an order prohibiting visitation between the defendant and the child victim(s) pursuant to Section 1202.05 of the Penal Code. ., The defendant shall be continuously electronically monitored while on probation, pursuant to Section l202.8 of the Penal Code and shall obey all terms and conditions of the continuous electronic monitoring program. The defendanth computer and all other eiectronic devices (including but not limited to cellular telephones, lap?tOp computers or notepads) shall be subject to Forensic Analysis search. The defendant shall provide all passwords to any electronic devices (including but not limited to cellular telephones, computers or notepads) within his or her custody or control and shall submit said devices to search at anytime without a warrant by any peace officer. The defendant shall provide all passwords to any social media sites (including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram and Mocospace) and shall submit said sites to search at anytime without a warrant by any peace 'officer. Page 1 of 2