UNCLASSIFIED CIA Headquarters directed the CIA Stati~think big" about how CIA Headquarters could support Country I's _ . 8 4 3 After the Station initially submitted relatively modest proposals, CIA Headquarters reiterated the directive, adding that the Station sh~"wish list."844~003, the Station proposed a more expansive million in _ subsidies. 845 _ subsidy payments, intended in part as ~tion for support of the CIA detention program, rose as high as million. 846 By _ 2003, after an extension of five months beyond the originally agreed upon timeframe for concluding CIA detention activities in Country both bin al-Shibh and al-Nashiri had been transferred out of Country I to the CIA detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 847 $11 $11 I, 9. U.S. Suprem,e Court Action in the Case of Rasul v. Bush Forces Transfer of CIA Detainees from Guantanamo Bay to Country I ( ) Beginning in September 2003, the CIA held a number of detainees at CIA facilities on the grounds of, but separate from, the U.S. military detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 848 In early January 2004, the CIA and the Department of Justice began discussing the possibility that a pending U.S. Supreme Court case, Rasul v. Bush, might grant habeas corpus rights to the five CIA detainees then being held at a CIA detention facility at _ although CIA Headquarters asked the CIA Station to "advise if additional funds may be needed to keep [the facility] viable over the coming year and beyond." CIA Headquarters added, "we cannot have enough blacksite hosts, and we are loathe to let one we have slip away.~hosted CIA detainees. See • •i f A R ; [REDACTEDj5298 ~ HEADQUAR _ _ 843 ALEC _ 03). In an interview on the CIA program, noted that the program had "more money than we could possibl s end we tho~ht, and it turned out to be accurate." In the same $.,000,000 interview, he stated that "in one case, we ave . M self and Jose [Rodriguez] . We never counted it. I'm not about to count that kind of mon~for a receipt." The boxes contained one hundred dollar bills. _ d i d l'lQLidentify the recipient of the million. See transcript of Oral History Interview, I n t e r v i e w e e _ (RJ) - October 13,2006, Interviewer: [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. 844 ALEC 03 845 ALEC 846 See DTS #2010-2448. 847 [REDACTED] 2498 848 April 2003, Memorandum for Director, Del Counterterrorist Center, from ,Chief Renditions and Detainees Grou ,via , Counterterrorist Center, Chief of Operations, _ ,Subjec~~Value Detainees to an Interim _ , Chief, Detention Facility at Guantanamo. See also DIRECTOR _ _. CIA detainees were held at two facilities at Guantanamo Bay, DETENTION SITE MAROON and DETENTION SITE INDIGO. (See Quarterly Review of Confinement Conditions for CIA Detainees, Covera e Period: .) A third CIA detention facilit • DETENTION SITE RED $. II II, 3445 ; 9754 ; 8405 8408 and September 1, 2006, Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Concerning the Detention by DOD of Certain Terrorists at a Facility at Guantanamo Bay Naval Station. Page 140 of 499 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Guantanamo Bay.849 Shortly after these discussions, CIA officers approached the in Country to deternline if it would again be willing to host these CIA detainees, who would 2004, the remain in CIA custody within an already existing Country facility.8so By January in Country had agreed to this arrangement for a limited period of time. 851 I I I II, ( ) Meanwhile, CIA General Counsel Scott Muller asked the Depaltment of Justice, the National Security Council, and the White House Counsel for advice on whether the five CIA detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay should remain at Guantanamo Bay or be moved pending the Supreme Court's decision. 852 After consultation with the U.S. solicitor general in February 2004, the Department of Justice recommended that the CIA move four detainees out of a CIA detention facility at Guantanamo Bay pending the Supreme Court's resolution of the case. 853 The Department of Justice concluded that a fifth detainee, Ibn Shaykh al-Libi, did not need to be transferred because he had originally been detained under military 2004, all five CIA authority and had been declared to the ICRC. 854 Nonetheless, by April detainees were transferred from Guantanamo Bay to other CIA detention facilities. 855 II, In. ) Shortly after placing CIA detainees within an already eXistini facility for a second time, tensions arose between the CIA and _ Country .856 2004, CIA detainees in a Count facilit· claimed to hear cries of pain from other detainees presumed to be in the facility.857 When the CIA chief of Station approached the 849 Email from: Scott W. Muller; to: , [REDACTED]; cc: [REDACTED]; subject: Detainees in Gitmo; date: January 1,2004. 850 See HEADQUARTERS _ ; [REDACTED] 1845 . The CIA's longterm facility in Country which the CIA Station in C o _ d was a drain on the Station's resources, had not yet been completed. See [REDACTED] 1 7 8 5 _ . 851 [REDACTED] 1679 852 Email from: Scott Muller; to: James Pavitt, ~ge Tenet, John McLaughlin, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], , [REDACTEI)~; subject: CIA Detainees at GITMO; date: February 2004. 853 EmaiJ from: Scott Muller; to: James Pavitt, _ S f : ~'ge Tenet, John McLaughlin, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], , [REDACTED~; subject: CIA Detainees at GITMO; date: February 2004. 854 Email from: Scott Muller; to: James Pavitt, ; cc: George Tenet, John McLaugWin, [REDACTED], [REDACTED], , [REDACTED], ; sub'ect: CIA Detainees at GITMO; date: Februar , 2004. I, I, I, [REDACTED] 1898 See, for example, [REDACTED] 1679 . For additional details of the CIA's interactions with Country see Volume I. 857 Among the detainees making this claim was Ibn Shaykh al-Libi, who had previously been rendered from CIA custody to . A Libyan national, Ibn Shaykh aI-Ubi repOlied while in ~ustody that Iraq was supporting al-Qa'ida and providing assistance with chemical and biological weapons. Some of this information was cited by Secretary Powell in his speech to the United Nations, and was used as a justification for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Ibn Shaykh al-Libi recanted the claim after he was rendered to CIA custody on February 2003, claiming that he had been tortured by the , and only told them what he assessed they wanted to hear. For more details, see Volume III. While in Countr , al-Libi told CIA debriefers that the "sobbing and yelling" he 856 I, I, Page 141 of 499 UNCLASSIFIED