UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION EUR LIVIL mar-mi . I 5- Pg an Rumm i i: SAN 0410:? mum "-320 1,515! (in reply, please refer to case no. 09-16-2314.) ea On 2016, the us. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), received your complaint against La Sierra University (University). Your complaint alleges discrimination on the basis of sex. OCR currently understands your allegations to be: 1. The University failed to provide you (the Student) with a prompt and equitable resolution of her complaint of sexual assault when it failed to provide notice of the outcome of the Student?s sexual assault investigation; 2. The University failed to and equitably respond to sexual violence complaints, reports and/or other incidents of which it has notice; and 3. The University?s failure to provide a prompt and equitable response to notice of sexual violence allows students to be subjected to a hostile environment on the basis of sex. OCR enforces Title lX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulation at 34 CPR. Part 106 which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities operated by recipients of Federal ?nancial assistance. The University receives funds from the Department and is subject to the above laws and their regulations as enforced by OCR. We have determined that the above allegations are appropriate for investigation under the laws enforced by OCR. OCR is now beginning the complaint resolution process. Because OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was filed timely, it is opening these allegations for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to their merits. During the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact-finder, collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant, the recipient. and other sources, as apprOpriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally suf?cient and is Hu' Department ul? lttiumliun's mission-i in In pr-imiitu student and preparation im- gli ulmi 1w rig; ednm titinnl uxt?clieru 'o and mum ri It}: oqunl .u?u?vss. wed. 311 1\ Page 2 (0946-2314) dispositive of the allegations, in accordance with the provisions of Article ill of the Case Processing Manual. We will contact you or your designated representative soon to discuss the allegations and complaint resolution process. OCR may close this complaint prior to making formal findings of compliance or non-compliance. provided that the circumstances or information gathered establishes an administrative or other basis for resolution in accordance with the Case Processing Manual. Federal regulations prohibit the Recipient from retaliating against you or from intimidating, threatening, coercing, or harassing you or anyone else because you filed a complaint with OCR or because you or anyone else take part in the complaint resolution process. Contact OCR if you believe such actions occur. Under the Freedom of information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related records upon request. In the event that OCR receives such a request, it will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released, could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. if you have any questions about this letter, If you have any questions, please contact the office at (415) 486-5555. Program Manager