89mm Facehem Larry Nasser rm 'u 20M USA Gymnasucs rs my Team and max tnat th be nelpmg Io orgamze In T996 the USAG Board cl Drrectors appomled me as the first NattonaT Team MechaI Cacrdmator has been a vomnteer pesmon mat nave enyeyed over me years Working C'ose'y Debble Van Hum we have camed on me "Edition at bemg an atmete's advocate estamtshed by our mentor Jack RockweH. PT ATC We nave expanded our staw and advanced the care at gymnasts. I have gveafly enjoyed memormg so many medicat staff members over me years As the dynamms at USA have evo'ved owe! me years the need tar my vomnteer pesmon became outdated We avowed mm a MedteaT Task Force 2013 and then as cl August T,2ot4 staned tne Atmete Care Coovdmatcr new para posmon has anowee me [0 move torward my ammy lo rettre tram my posmon as the NattonaT Team Medxcax Coerdmater The hardest thing > 15 best to step down and let tnose that you Medical Coormnamv The hardest mm a mentor to do Is knuw when \s has! n: step down and let muse mat you menloved step toward Smee me 2005 I have been preparlng day and wovkmg hard 3' advancmg our medica' sum and menlurmg |hem1u someday move torwam and lake USA Gymnasucs mlo |he nexx \eve' memca' cave I was gomg name anerme 2012 but Formal gymnast, Dr Dawd Kmse. Wm now be me Care Coommamr amazon have memoreu Dr Kvuse mmughom ms medlca' schoo' resvdency and renowsmp and as he began ms career as a I Vought Ii Sea ope at my mentonng at rt rs our responsm rty to en ance eat ot our gymnasts so tnat tmploved neatth |hey can extend tnerr performance Healtn must come oetore oertorrnanoe For, wrthout good heattn tt ts more to have a good oertormance Gymnasts on our natronat team nave warked so very hard to achteve the aomry to represent tne USA at mtematronat compelmons wnen one at tne gymnasts ts waved at an tnlemattonal event trke the Worto or tl ts so rmoortant to work as nara as oossrote to Keep them and mentaHy prepaved to pertarrn remember tne very few (tmes that a gymnast nao to be reotaceo at one at these events due to Injury and tne memones an tears to my eyes My pamng advtce to those tnat nave menlmed ts to atways be me atntete's advocate wnen they are Injured and are mentafly and onysroasty oown rney are - untmg on you to netp prepare them to be ante [o . moete The gymnast nas pm mm a Worm mass ettort to achteve the to pertorm USA on men teotaro and tt ts vtlett tor you to put tonn a Warm ctass cttorr tno tptan on Staytng a, me USA cm (on) plan on staytng as the USA Gymnaslics Women's Anistrc Natronat Team overseemg the medtcal care at the Women's Program untrt at teast 2016 have been mentonng to move up and take mare Women's Program over the years and when Mana Karotyr steps down hum her pusmon' tt may Just be the pertect trme tor me to step down trorn my rate win the women's program I ert stay engaged or course the program In some manner I started the Women Nattonat Statt 1985 In 2015 be my 30th year the Nattonat Team Agam' the hardest tor a mentor to do ts to know when to tet those you mentor move ahead as you step asrde 50' mm get use to suppumng horn bemnd mstead ot pung up trom the lead Thank you everyone tor am your suppon' The mature posted rs at me on E'alna' of the gymnasts tram the Sovtel Untnn dunng the tees Tou' Chavhe Lakes ts (re gymnasl wamng tn the backgvound to be hetpen next Many many memones over the years char tom