SUMMARY ZONING REGULATIONS 2016 (ZR 16) Effective September E, 2016 Status: "The Zoning Hegeietions need ZO - revision and reorganization, rsnging?om new ?mg definitions to opdeted design - standards, and even new Regulauons 2016 (ZR 16) - ProcessinitiatedinZUEITinrespo F'Ian - Sinoetnen over 350 publiomeetings, hearingsworksnops, andtaskforoe meetings - November,2013througnJune, EUH?Eoning Commission held?tQ flights ofpuolic hearings ontne draft - Commission neldfournignts ofdelioerationsregardingthe proposedtext - Deoember?t?t,2?14?2oning Commissiontook proposed aotionto approve the most recent draft - - January 14,2U1Ei?Eoning Commissimtook?nalactionto approve - Maren 4,201??FinalDrderpuolished - September?,2??t?? Effective Date for new regulations Proposed Subtitle Format Organization 1955 codeiollows am? Authorityand?ipplicaoility Chapter format De?nitions, Rules of Measurement, and Use Categories . ER 16 code follows General Rules a Subtitle formal Residential House in) Zones Residential Fiat Zones Residential Apartment zones looted-Use Zones Land USE sum't'ES Neighborhood mixed?Use (NC) Zones Downtown (DJ: Zones Production, Distribution, and Repair zones Special Purpose Zones Use Permissions Speci?c Zone Boundaries General Procedures Board of Zoning Adjustment Rules of Practioe and Prooedure Zoning Commission Ftules ofPractice and Procedure 4:345ch 1958 Regulations: If a specific business type isn’t listed in a zone, it’s not permitted. This has created problems in getting new types of businesses established, if they aren’t specifically identified . Example: Until this year, yoga studios weren’t permitted in certain commercial zones, because “yoga studios” weren’t very common in 1958, and no one had thought to add the term to the definitions in the code. In terms of housing, pretty much all of zones will continue to allow or incentivize new housing development – exception is industrial Lowr Density Residential Areas: Development remain unchanged for the Low Density Residential Zones: Minimum Lot Sizefor New Subdivision I: Number of Dwellings per Lot a Lot CiccuoancyIr [courts no longer count towards I: Fennitted Building Height Permitted Number of Stories a Minimum Side?r?ards a Minimum RearYards Intent is to preserve the character of the low density neighborhoods. 2016 Regulations:  Establish front-yard setbacks, which help ensure new development is consistent with existing street character  Eliminate current incentives to “fill in” narrow courts and side yards in rowhouse zones  Development of an existing lot that does not meet current lot size restrictions would be permitted if the building can comply with development standards (lot occupancy, side yards, rear yard, etc).  Eliminate the requirement for one parking space if there is no alley access  The Zoning Commission has revised the measuring point for height of houses (Case 1213); and adopted impervious surface requirements Allowing accessory apartment assists in making home ownership more accessible to more residents, though the provision of accessory unit “mortgage helpers” Much of DC’s existing housing stock was constructed to accommodate larger households than is currently the case – changes would permit more efficient use of existing space, and provide options and alternatives to owners. The 2016 Regulations include a provision to allow for an accessory apartment in an accessory building if the accessory building is located on the same lot as the main house, is accessible through an eight foot side yard or through a 15-foot wide alley and is within 300 feet of a street. Roof decks are not permitted for accessory apartments in an accessory buildings, but balconies and projecting windows are. Under the 1958 Regulations development of an alley lot is very restricted; parking, storage or an artist studio are the primary permitted uses. One dwelling unit is permitted only if there is direct access to a street on an alley of at least 30 feet in width; an alley dwelling not meeting this requires use variance review by the Board of Zoning Adjustment. The 2016 Regulations allow residential uses on alley lots that meet certain access and fire code requirements in the rowhouse, apartment and mixed use zones. There are relatively very few alley lots in resdiential zones in the city and most are in the historic areas of Wards 2 and 6. 2016 Regulations: Corner Stores are permitted in the rowhouse zones subject to conditions: • On a corner lot; or • On a pre-existing interior lot purpose-built for non-residential use. • Only within a single family dwelling. Corner Stores are not permitted: • On an alley lot; • On a lot with an accessory apartment or another corner store; or • In an accessory building. • Within 500 feet of a Mixed Use zones; Othr regualtions include: • Store size limited to 1,200 sf maximum • Hours limited to 7 AM to 9 PM • Off-site beer/wine sales limited to 15% floor area • No sale of beer/wine for on-site consumption • No on-site cooking but re-heating allowed • All storage and trash must be internal to the Corner Store • No on-site use or storage of dry-cleaning chemicals Rowhouse Neighborhoods in 1958 Rggulations: R4 zones {most rowhouse areas): I Permits two independent units a I Permits conversion to apartments 1 I 900 soft. Iot area I: 2016 Regulations: I Retain number of units provisions I Permit the two units to be split between the principal and accessory.?r structure I Create two new ?at zones one which allows 3 units and one which allows 4 units a New provisions in effect under EC 14?11 I Limit height to 35' by right, 40' sp exception requirement ApartmentZones: .1 Most Development Standards unchanged in 2016 Regulations: Floor Area Ratio Permitted Building Height 1: Lot [Circcupancvr a Minimum Side Setback Standardize parking at space:r 3 units over 4 units Standardize PUD height and density?r 1: EC has already adopted changes to encourage 3 Fi? "green" construction and stormwater i_ management through the Green Area Ratio 145 -t Just as with other zones, most Development Standards remain unchanged. MU zones allow, and incentivize, residential use. ZR16 changes include: • Allow non-residential FAR of 2.0 in MU-4 (previously C-2-A) zone on lot of less than 10,000 sq.ft. (an increase to the 1958 standard of 1.5 FAR) • Continue to allow no side setback, but where provided, require a standard 4 feet • Retain but standardize court requirements • Retain overlay provisions, but consolidate existing commercial zone text and overlay text into stand-alone zones in which the uses and area restrictions are tailored to the needs of specific and contiguous geographic areas. 2016 Regulations align the coverage of downtown zoning regulations and permissions with the actual functional downtown, by expanding the areas where the downtown overlay and zoning tools from the 1958 regulations apply to the areas identified for high density in the Comprehensive Plan’s Central Area element and on the Future Land Use Map as appropriate for high density mixed use or high density commercial use. The downtown zone boundaries are shown in the illustration (Proposed Expansion will be effective with the 2016 Regulations). 2016 Regulations • Expand downtown provisions to include the Receiving zones for Transferrable Development Rights (TDR) and High Density Areas on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map • Standardize 2 existing approaches: • Zone-Based Rules, Across Different Locations; • Location-Based Rules, Across Different Zones • Replace TDRs & Combined Lot Developments with simpler Credit System • Leave parking to the market – remove remainder of minimum parking requirement Provide more balance in zoning – less bias towards automobiles, and more support for varied options for all residents, young and old, in all parts of the city, without restricting or removing any parking. Affordability: Not owning a car translates to between $4,000 - $16,000 in savings in transportation costs per year That is money that can be put toward paying down student debt, buying into a higher-housing cost neighborhood. Standardize the parking requirement for multi-family (1 space for every 3 units beyond 4 units) and for office, retail, other uses No parking requirement (although parking could be provided) for: • A single family home or flats with no alley access • A building in the downtown By-right 50% reduction proposed for areas well-served by transit: Easier to share parking between uses or locate off-site Increase landscaping requirements for surface parking lots and establish a maximum by-right size of 100,000 sq. ft. (+/- 350 spaces) Additional parking could be provided – a maximum is NOT proposed.