w- w' tin flaps qemrawenwo nope impadever es'etmpmesZeMsl devTat \stes 19A Epemap Hamwa uecspeMe .u 'u \stud mamaad '5 ma Mal H1215 50! 32 Me's Etempn Mam 1) hora na verdade e|empu Ha Hegado e' momenvo :16 mm as 9' mamemn Detardags [aavdetdagsflopa qlficHo Hope 89 on aka tudeHAkm se or mkaflesltemps encuut \nsnme waded mums Aflev 29 yems on me USA Gmuasucs Women Amsn: Manor's] Team Ska" has cnmehme my me {creme Hhas neon a neweth [we 'orme and apprema'e huN much has enhanced Ms {n1975's'afl2d wovkmg' 'th the Norm Faumnglon Schum .wmen Gymnashcs Team and by1981 had gamed a yars' ummasucs my the work had done mm ms {saw I cm" a; ln 1975 sxaned workmg with \he Norm Schoo' Women's Fm" Wm) Gymnasle Team and by1981 lhad earned a yavsmy \ener women's had dunewuhme'eam My schom years "my 7w": A 3 Wang Voundaflon for the resv of my Me My bromer Mme was an amrenc tramsrand he warned me mm mm \wantedmnm way hke ma at 2" Dunnke' Jumov However my erUVel 53' 077 me and punched the arm and smfled MS my mouth the 'homd a Suck Soume? so became an amleu: tramml He as my fines' mentor Mr Run HoHand LiootbaH and hack coach] and Ms Mary Johnesee women 5 g) "Hashes machy wewe amazmg Iraspecl and aH that they dd {0 adyarce me the atmatvc uammg flew As a smdem .mz the CNV namer the enme school \der not have a cemfied ath'ah: \ramer kl gx \de me Heamec tum In 5th '3 5a Faeehnoh hand Save" I thought the met an make the gymnasts hands teet netted Then there as me 'Ktp Grtp" that was made 5km that woutd adhere td the 5km at the gymnast and act as a barrter between the teathar and the 5km to prevent art the 5km Bath dtthese Crazy tdeas tatted Stnce they eest way tad much" But my prototypes ot my ankte supper! eventuatty earn me a 5 Patent Steve tas one at the best Coaches tn the State at httentgan tn tees and Duh! gymnasts He took Home Art the ctazy tdaas I had and the work gymnasts State was the coach that recommended that tent the nanenat stat't He had rne cat't Detene Darst Detena then had we eat Kathy Kath, Then "natty Kathy had me contact Jack Ruck ett PT ATC and my toutney hegantth the mitotth :earn Jack tn 1997: .or'urtkzered and tas ahte ta hetp at the Pan Anenean Games tn was Jack Rackwett attuned the to at the otmpte tnats tests as an /ear tn my Al the Trats got (0 meet one of my nerns Sands had read as as that had amen and watched VCR tapes at ,n methead ptotectuts hard [u tearn at \d5 50 nenotts then that fit" at the ts an Chartom 1611 en wnnen and watched VCR tapes uv Hm \ecmres an overhead projeclovs I Stud'ed hard to learn 3H cou'd (mm film \was so nervous Nhen \mex Em at [he compemlun am '5 an amazmg man and cannot even begun |o an that have \eamad num mm Thank ynu am an you have done me and the span \n 1958 3'50 gm to meet Dame Van Horn DPT. ATC at the meet Thus began We start of a memes! team that ha: Unm today Dzbme \s amazmg ND one ha: dunc as much memCaHv for ma nahnna' war" as Debme \n 1935 I a'su :(avlsd medma' schom afler owmpm max: and 2'50 stancu \onng mm John German gymr'asucs cm: John and Karmn sudden have been an amazmg miluznce on my Me and have \earned so much from 'ham over the yeavs \carnat thank them enmgn \n1988 la'sa nas asked to be we lramev 1m Um Panasum: :35! \lmtoyy Tour of me USA we USA and USSR loam: and a camp": or me Canadvans Incl The omy promem xxas mau had to mane 11'9de \zdvom 3 weeks beiore the and or nw am semesten had to 5mm on 'm an"! lake 5H |he Vma' exammauons 3 necks can) excapl "3:120 take that nnal exammatmn me day vzmmed > agaw lhe nex| Semeslcv Wen meme nuljufl go u: medical schoo' mum qt: [0 John Gedden g/m evevyda,' mum vu'unlca Ms 70 news a wuek and then meme covemge ex meal: on so we nrne took \neenemm passed flu; we: {est and the hue! exam em the second exam us me Monday mman ailcv Was a\ 'xne Pvzza Uas' gymnawcs event Dave Degmns mm (GTE) and Love no (or we Gaza horn IaHed me c'ass Agam 50 afler 2 semes'ers vneamm schouk Age Kwrked H'emrJ H'ad to go berove 'hws panel (mama and We, exp'av'ec we men my pnenues Mere med up mas spendu'g nnen me me gymnashcs and nm eneugn [Hue sum;an 'nr madma' when cxmamed pass lnooloal school They not agree They passed ludgmem lhal would remaln klcked om ol maolcal school My only ophon lefl was lo have a one on one meehng wl|h lhe Dean ollhe MSU Madloal School and slale my case lo Well he agreed mh lha oeolslon lo flunk me am of school Now lhere wele no olhe. opllons {Of me so created my ohn uptlofi auem lo John Gedoell and Jack Rochoell John mole me a leller slatlng would not be allowed back ms onnl completed nleoloal school and Jack mate a lener slam-lg would oe oonoeo lrom all 'neels l'lmsheu medlcal school presenled mesa lollms lo the Dean The Dean sampled the lcilers and has placed on lhe 5 ,eol plan lo gladllale lnslead 0M a'ch Fa mm voted me asthe199t Regmn 5 Conmbmor my me Year and me 1992 Conmbmorotlhe Year Then my wees my \sst yearm medvcm Schnuk 1 ma somemmg mm was vevy lo do and am no! sure amyone e'se we av gymnashcs has ever done '993 A was lated by the coaches as me Michlgan Conmbutuv uHha Yea! men by Regmn as \he Regmual Conmbutor thE Veax and men a'su renewed my first Umled States [He Coaches Assomahon Nahona' Year award Stale Regwona' and Nahona' loe Yea! We m, muearov mamca' swam vem me madwca' schna' Dean cm: and bvough' we awards and shmed \hem we Dean am sand mm we "on a dc: both and medma' Schoo' Durmg u--um, 61' H1 thud Nalmna' Conmbmor loe Year Award '77 EbVe pvuvlde medlca' cave at me 1995 Vorour Women > do :ranE's (m the Hegmn 5 camps and \snmnu mm decrease ar'd become flu wow what Je men g/nwasucs evems n. r. are; .nn x' rn meetmek Io on me Regmn 5 camps and \ecmres mod to decrease and become lav more selecmve which gymnashcs events I woum auend Havmg a (army and bemg a pan loal (amdy was and rs mo mos| 0an my Me So Ioornorneo my two worm: |oge|her and started the Gymnasncs Doctor Aonsm Foundation and me th la: Aunsm gymnastics evean started \n order Isun need to thank Gavy Wavren rm ms ahd gmdance thal he has gweh me overlhe years especlafly when was more adva Reglon 5 hhen Garywas Queen my Gymnashcs lhzve a grea' dea' a! respem (or huh as a coach and memor '5 sad that \f mu man \s the head 0' a house then [he '5 tha neck and the .vomeh \he Heck Wen my head has bezr' fur years mrc'es as '1 has been comruhad by Kathy Roe Kremzer' Manha Karolh Debbve Van Horn and 0' names my me Sleiamel lhmk! need a good chrropracuc adjustmem" LOU Ka|hy and R02 ream gmded me so much my ,uuhger years and had severa' Kalhv'RDe ta'ks They med ther bes| gwe me snma sense 015 mm had a |Ehdancy '0 speak my and Manna on mm (0 mm ave We husband and Me ~e have ave msagreemems but (may: about we: \s has! coy me :Maren Ves ~e sure mu but '5 hue was mm the LUIS purpose a: hung do hat '5 yes! my me gmmasxs We had dwflewem opwmuus a: 3' Va}: ruma a :91 to on! We came to my one anumm oJer rm: mars a a veahzed mat Ne had the same People have a mu we mme Martha Mm'd come to ME mm a wan ar 31mm loo hard we Mung [Hue mm the mug vwsarahc" m: .as {1qu gal or that lha mum gwmast v'esdet: wq Wow? a \naked hm she \osuon mud' ngon (mm, Sm *c - [hesc \ssues so many nmes :md 35ka 'he gy'wmfl mam do m, We 1' dime? pnsmom 0n: Nahonn' Team Comdmatov Dennm Van Hamw You me nu: rock hva "u HmhiJ' mu mu 3 an>> swgwemus'mmennaw pawn uh g1: mm (mm rm rhumashca Wm! gm muudv ~e behmd m; M'Pnew . 4mg war a "is segumazmq ,cu evanghg,rvmn> [man (up Chane") Fmeny my wwe Sleiame Hoye you new much and appremate an that you have done anew me do an um I have been one u: do spans memome \am lookmg forward havmg mom nme to Share together new am one voeky man t' uh '33 29 Nation am and now ii i down and refire and let Ch." 40m